
exutuxhi all00:55
exutuxhow can I see wich mirror does apt uses?00:55
patdk-lapit gives you the ip when it runs00:56
exutuxpatdk-lap: uhm well but if I want to change it?00:57
patdk-lapthan change it00:59
exutuxpatdk-lap: where?00:59
exutuxif I want to use main mirror or other on APT where I can change it?01:03
exutuxthere is an easy way or I need to change repos on sources.list?01:10
PerfMI love ubuntu channels01:32
lunaphyte_hi.  i'm having some trouble installing bind9 via apt-get.  http://dpaste.com/662518/02:18
lunaphyte_as you can see in the pastebin, it complains that the post-installation script exited with status 1, but when i run the script manually, it exits with status 0.  how can i further troubleshoot?02:19
twblunaphyte_: dpkg --configure?  Why are you doing that?02:25
lunaphyte_because it broke during the initial install process.  it's half installed.02:25
lunaphyte_apt-get install bind9 does effectively the same thing.02:25
twbPurge and reinstall it02:26
lunaphyte_i've done that, but i'll try again02:26
twbIf you're running /var/lib/dpkg/info/foo.postinst by hand, you should analyse it and probably pass some args02:26
lunaphyte_twb: for reference: http://dpaste.com/662521/02:30
lunaphyte_twb: yes, i'm trying to figure out which argument i might pass to it.02:30
lunaphyte_ah, 'configure', perhaps02:30
twbIt's something like "configure 1.9 2.0"02:31
lunaphyte_aha, yes02:31
twbthe debian policy has exact details02:31
lunaphyte_ok, thanks.  this should get me a bit further.02:31
twbIf you get to the point where you are looking in /var/lib/dpkg/info to fix a problem, you are into Deep Magic02:34
twbIf you were a newbie I'd say "forget it, just reinstall from scratch"02:34
patdk-lapheh, so far my issues have been easy to fix for that02:37
patdk-lapnormally conflicting file, or just manually stopping a service, cause auto stop failed02:37
patdk-lapwonder if that might be a dash vs bind issue02:38
twbIf bind is assuming /bin/sh is bash it needs to be shit-canned02:43
twbI would be surprised if that's the case, though.  Maybe in 2007 that might've happened, not today02:43
patdk-lapya, it hsouldn't not in a package like that02:44
patdk-lapbut from that error, first thing that comes to mind02:44
patdk-lapbut then, I haven't used bind since pre-200502:44
patdk-lapor maybe longer02:45
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lunaphyte_aha.  it's rndc-confgen03:28
lunaphyte_which is actually an openssl error03:33
lunaphyte_there's the deep magic :)03:37
lunaphyte_so the post install shell script for bind9 runs rndc-confgen, which of course uses openssl, since it does some cryptographic hash stuff.03:38
twb+1 for nsd303:41
lunaphyte_when making changes to openssl.cnf, i'd overlooked a particular setting, leaving an invalid reference to a nonexistent file.  this caused the openssl engine to choke [which was what the actual message was referring to], and so rndc-confgen choked.03:41
twblunaphyte_: good to know that you fixed it, tho03:42
lunaphyte_a little bit of a goose chase, but that's always the case with openssl, it seems.03:42
lunaphyte_i should have know better.  i've seen those sort of message types enough to know it was openssl.  at least it was my fault though.03:43
twbSo how is that migration to pki going? ;-P03:43
lunaphyte_migration to pki?03:43
twbThat new ssl implementation that isn't openssl nor gnutls03:43
twbmoco and gnome stuff already use it03:43
lunaphyte_oh.  that's a new one to me.03:44
lunaphyte_do you have an url to share?  my googling isn't returning many clues03:45
twbit's libnspr or libnss or somethign stupid like that03:46
lunaphyte_oh - nss?03:46
twbNot nss as in nsswitch tho03:46
lunaphyte_yeah, there are a few folks out there jumping on that bandwagon03:46
lunaphyte_i'm not super thrilled about it, to be honest.03:46
twbAFAICT gnutls doesn't work and openssl can't be used by binary distros for licensing reasons.03:47
twbIf nss can be both legal and reliable, then IMO it wins03:47
lunaphyte_i'd prefer to have a larger group be able to get along and all contribute to existing projects, rather than these seemingly non stop iterations of yet another choice.03:47
twbAssuming it doesn't add in e.g. "insecure" or "unproven" into the mix ;-)03:48
twblunaphyte_: nss has been around for a while; didn't it come out of netscrape?03:48
lunaphyte_funny thing about gnutls, there are lots of people who have "lots of problems" with it, but when you really start digging into things, you find out that the vast majority of the problems are the user's fault.03:48
twbI'll tell you what my problem is03:49
twbUsing openldap on both ends only TLS port (not 389), and slapo-ppolicy, it completely fails to work until I relink it against openssl.03:50
lunaphyte_in fact, a lot of the time, the problems that people have are because gnutls is much more strict about security in certain contexts then openssl03:50
lunaphyte_oh - that's where i recognize the nick from :)03:50
twbAnd I complained to the openldap people about this and they basically said "fuck you.  PS: it is TOTALLY legal to link against OpenSSL, Debian are retards"03:50
lunaphyte_yeah, i know the openldap folks don't like gnutls.03:50
twbI grant you this is not necessarily gnutls' fault03:50
lunaphyte_i use openldap with gnutls, and have no issues.03:51
twbYou probably are using starttls03:51
twbOr not using ppolicy03:51
twbOr you're using a non-LTS release so the whatever bug has been fixed :-)03:51
lunaphyte_there were some hurdles to overcome, but not insurmountable.  i use starttls, ldaps, and ppolicy.03:51
lunaphyte_although i which i didn't have to use ldaps.03:52
twbOh and #openldap also wanted me to use something other than padl on the client side03:52
lunaphyte_yeah, that's was probably me bitching about that03:52
lunaphyte_padl stuff sucks.03:52
twbNo it was hyc03:52
twbHe wanted me to buy a support contract from him or something03:52
lunaphyte_oh, heh.  yeah, i think we both fels the same way.03:52
lunaphyte_oh, hmm.03:52
twbI'm not keen on pulling third-party libraries in when it comes to security03:54
lunaphyte_he's not always real interested in spending time supporting things he doesn't like03:54
twbYeah I understand that03:54
twbFrustrating for me as a user03:54
i3luefire<i3luefire> ok. i am having issues getting the transmission-daemon to keep its edited json settings file after a restart. i followed to seperate guides to set it up(http://1000umbrellas.com/2010/10/04/updated-transmission-installationconfiguration-on-ubuntu-server)and(https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles) neither worked03:57
i3luefire<i3luefire> i am running ubuntu-server 11.1003:57
lunaphyte_but that's probably where the support stuff came in.  symas pays the bills mostly with the support stuff, as far as i know.03:57
i3luefirehttp://pastebin.com/SaZvGHYW                                      http://pastebin.com/UafzH6j204:08
lunaphyte_twb, patdk-lap: thanks for the help.04:09
lunaphyte_time to run.  long drive tomorrow.  have a good night.04:09
pppurpleis there any one that would be able to answer a few questions about ubuntu/linux before i try switching to that OS blind?06:11
Resistancepppurple, for server or desktop use?06:13
pppurplehmmm guess not06:19
SpamapSpppurple: somebody responded06:19
SpamapS22:13 < Resistance> pppurple, for server or desktop use?06:19
pppurplesorry i guesss i didnt see it. i got d/c06:19
SpamapS#ubuntu is a better place to ask about Ubuntu desktop06:19
pppurpleaww yeah, i guess this is the server channel06:19
SpamapStho many of us are users of it06:19
pawan_tejwaniI am not able to boot into ubuntu server after it has been installed on the system06:35
pawan_tejwaniI guess there is some problem with the hardware BIOS, can anybody help me with hardware BIOS configuration ?06:35
twbSpamapS: haha, I thought pppurple was some obscene XMPP-over-dialup thing until I saw the nick in scrollbacl06:49
mtaylorDaviey: you awake yet?06:55
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mtaylorSpamapS: how about you?06:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #894279 in cloud-init (main) "cloud-init fails to fetch metadata with OpenStack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89427906:59
SpamapSmtaylor: yeah I'm up fixing libmysqlclient B.S. still :)07:04
mtaylorSpamapS: wow. lovely07:04
SpamapSmtaylor: down to about 25 problem children from 111 on Thursday07:04
lifelessSpamapS: thats quite some familty07:11
lifelessSpamapS: hey, do you know of an existing API service (self hostable :P) similar to what I just described on the lp dev list ?07:11
SpamapSYeah, and I thought Octomom with her 14 kids was bad enough07:11
lifelessmtaylor: ^07:11
mtaylorlifeless: um. I may not be following the lp dev list at the moment- archive link? (or summary)07:12
SpamapSlifeless: reading07:13
mtaylorlifeless: still reading - but just as a thought completely out of left-field ... have you considered co-opting diaspora?07:16
SpamapSlifeless: my mind jumps to graph databases.. really isn't that whats needed.. "is this person in the interest graph of that event?"07:18
lifelessSpamapS: perhaps07:18
lifelessSpamapS: for a foaf traversal query, much more so07:18
lifelessSpamapS: but this isn't really a graph heavy problem07:18
mtaylorlifeless: other than diaspora (which is much larger than what you're looking for, although ultimately also what you're looking for)07:21
mtaylorlifeless: I do not know of an existing API service like that07:21
lifelessI struggle to think of diaspora as a service TBH :)07:23
mtaylorlifeless: well sure.07:39
mtaylorlifeless: but a diaspora server by its nature considers timelines, events, and event subscriptions07:40
mtaylorlifeless: so the probably not correct thought here is merely that, if the overall design of the thing you're talking about looks a lot like a social network ...07:40
mtaylorlifeless: then perhaps using a server written to be a node in a distributed social network wouldn't be ridiculous (with specific data sources implemented as 'apps' or whatnot)07:41
SpamapSand it quacks like a social network..07:41
mtaylorSpamapS: quack quack07:41
SpamapSok.. enough fighting autoconf07:43
lifelessmtaylor: perhaps :P07:43
mtaylorSpamapS: bwahahaha07:43
lifelessmtaylor: OTOH I suspect we're still at least 1 may be 2 OOM's higher volume than diaspora07:43
mtaylorlifeless: entirely probable07:44
SpamapSI don't know diaspora's underlying design, but just the fact that its made to be sharded makes me think it should scale incrementally..07:44
mtaylorlifeless: although that's diaspora the services vs. diaspora the server07:45
lifelessmtaylor: you can't know that one scales will till the other has scaled successfully07:45
mtaylorlifeless: ++07:45
lifelessI have a deep and abiding trust that folk I've never heard of can write a highly scalable efficient and robust service...07:46
lifelesse.g. not something I'll take on faith :)07:46
mtaylorI did consider replacing my blog with a diaspora server07:46
mtaylorI could do that and then post a few more inflamatory blog posts and we could test scaling :)07:47
SpamapSmtaylor: we're all still rubbing salve on the burns from your heinous crime of asking to have the gnome 2 clock brought back. ;)07:48
SpamapSok, autoconf vanquished.. time to slep07:48
SpamapSsleep too07:48
mtaylorperhaps I could do one pointing out the differences between text fonts and display fonts07:49
mtaylorand why you don't want a the characteristics of a display font in a text font07:50
mtaylorI'm sure that would stomp on the last remaining shred of goodwill anyone has for me :)07:50
jamespagemorning all07:55
mtaylormorning jamespage07:58
jamespagehey mtaylor - hows things?07:58
mtaylorjamespage: good! I'm causing trouble as usual07:59
mtaylorjamespage: you?07:59
jamespagemtaylor, so I see :-)07:59
jamespagemtaylor: all good my end!07:59
koolhead11hi all08:24
lynxmanmorning o/09:24
uvirtbotNew bug: #897120 in apache2 (main) "apache2-suexec-custom changes permissions on suexec binary" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89712009:26
Davieymtaylor: i'm always awake09:44
koolhead11hey lynxman Daviey :)09:57
Davieyhey koolhead1110:06
koolhead11Daviey: making list title whats new in "12.04" for discussion. I am following this http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/group/topic-precise-servercloud-workloads.html10:07
koolhead11along with ubuntu cloud blog fridge10:07
koolhead11is there any other place i can look for same10:08
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koolhead11thanks Daviey10:20
DavieyAnyone seen Arnaud on irc?10:20
Davieykoolhead11: np10:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #897161 in apache2 (main) "Apache2 incorrectly sends HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT to many requests" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89716110:58
koolhead11spice spice11:01
koolhead11Daviey: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/servercloud-p-glusterfs-mir  let me know if i can help with this :)11:19
* koolhead11 has some good friend over there :D11:20
Davieykoolhead11: If you want to help with that, i'd be most pleased :)11:24
koolhead11Daviey: tell me how can i11:24
Davieykoolhead11: check the package works, and see what depends it has for us to consider putting it in main.11:24
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tefxat the risk of lookign and sounding like a noob its bveen years since i did it last nbtu how the hell do you set up private ns servers and then bind the domain usign bind lols12:00
tefxcos i spent the last 16 hours on it and my head about to explode if i dotn get somewere with it12:00
koolhead11jcastro: around13:06
Davieysmoser: are you alive yet?13:24
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stgraberhallyn: good morning. Just wondering why ubuntu-sponsors is subscribed to bug 869590 as you apparently have upload rights for libvirt in lucid14:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 869590 in libvirt "KVM migration fails when tunnelled due to parsing error in qemu monitor" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86959014:27
hallynstgraber: i think that got auto-subscribed.  What I was actually waiting on is bug 869553 to get fix released, as without that this fix is not sufficient.14:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 869553 in libvirt "Apparmor prevents KVM tunnelled migration" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/86955314:35
stgraberhallyn: ok, sounds good. Should I unsubscribe sponsors then?14:35
hallynand that one is waiting on jdstrand to have some time to verify if the fix is ok, or if we somehow need to be more specific.14:35
hallynstgraber: yes, thanks.14:36
robohello: i need to install a php pecl extension and found a RedHat RPM for it. What's the cleanest way to install this pecl extension? Use alient and convert the RPM or just use PECL to install it?14:36
* jdstrand is trying to catch up... deluge of irc backlog and email is crazy :)14:36
hallynstgraber: yeah comment #5 is where it happened.14:36
hallynjdstrand: i understand, this isn't by any means urgent i don't think, not many ppl using tunneled migration, else they'd be yelling :)14:37
stgraberhallyn: argh, that's bdmurray's bug bot, again :) though I think it now adds some logic to detect upload rights and not subscribe sponsors/reviewers for no reason :)14:37
hallynstgraber: maybe there's some way we can tag a patch to have the bot ignore it?14:38
stgraberhallyn: yeah, I remember us discussing a magic tag, something along the lines of leave-this-bug-alone, mostly for the kernel bugs though (where the bug bot comments every time a new kernel is uploaded)14:39
robon/m. dh-make-pecl seems to be the proper way to install pecl packages :-)14:40
RoyKwhich pecl extension is this?14:43
RoyKpecl == pear?14:44
roboRoyK, it's mongo14:45
roboand pecl != pear14:45
robopecl is written in C, pear is written in php14:46
roboso a rule of thumb is use the pecl package. If it doesn't exist then use pear14:46
robobut the tricky part is getting pecl to work with the package manager14:46
robothat's where dh-make-pecl comes in14:46
RoyKsame applie to pear or mixing any other package managers like perl CPAN etc14:47
lynxmanjamespage: ping15:14
jamespagelynxman: pong15:15
lynxmanjamespage: got the latest debdiff for you, before I created it just wanted to check that the changelog looks good :)15:16
lynxmanjamespage: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/752558/15:16
jamespage1.2.1-0ubuntu3 -> 1.2.1-0ubuntu2.1 (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Update_the_packaging)15:18
jamespagelynxman: ^^15:18
lynxmanjamespage: aah cool15:18
lynxmanjamespage: does the rest look sane?15:20
jamespagelynxman: I think so15:21
jamespagelynxman: stick it on the bug and I'll take another look15:21
lynxmanjamespage: cool, ty!15:22
remix_tjsono gay15:24
remix_tjfucked remote assistence with assholes friends -_-15:25
Tm_Tremix_tj: ...15:25
lynxmanjamespage: it's in the bug now, #88490815:35
jamespagebug 88490815:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 884908 in mcollective "Package dependencies need work" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88490815:36
raubvogelLet's say I create a iptable rule in my firewall (ubuntu 11.04) to forward traffic from anywhere port 5432 to port 2215:50
jamespagelynxman, uploaded :-)15:50
raubvogeliptables -L -t nat shows me the rule15:50
lynxmanjamespage: \o/15:51
lynxmanjamespage: thank you sir *bows*15:51
raubvogelShould I also see it in, say netstat -apn | grep ?15:51
SpamapSraubvogel: no15:53
SpamapSraubvogel: netstat is at a layer below iptables15:53
raubvogelSpamapS: Aha. Any suggestions for finding out why it is not working?15:53
SpamapSraubvogel: or, actually.. above it.. depending on how you look at it. Either way, iptables gets in front of netstat15:53
SpamapSraubvogel: /proc/net/ip_conntrack might prove helpful15:54
SpamapSraubvogel: iptables -L -t nat --verbose  might also prove useful15:55
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raubvogelSpamapS: /proc/net/ip_conntrack should provide connections that are alive/taking place, right?16:06
hallynstgraber: am i supposed to have upload rights to libcgroup?16:06
stgraberhallyn: in precise, yes, are you trying to upload to something else?16:08
RoyKraubvogel: iirc, yes16:08
hallynstgraber: yeah, oneiric-proposed16:08
stgraberhallyn: ok, let me change oneiric too then (I need to run the command once per release ...)16:08
hallynstgraber: thanks!16:08
stgraberhallyn: should work now16:09
hallyni'd  consider applying for coredev to stop this sillyness, but last few days have proven i have some things to learn yet.16:09
hallynthanks, i'll repush :)16:09
stgraberhaving packagesets be per release is useful sometimes but also a pain in cases like this :) In most cases if someone can upload to the current release, I'm also fine with them uploading an SRU (as SRU need additional review anyway)...16:10
hallynyeah that was my thought - sru has extra approvals anyway16:11
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hallynppetraki: could you take a look at the dmesg output in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/893450/comments/5 and tell me if it looks kosher?16:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893450 in udev "KVM guest fails to autostart sometimes with virSecurityDACRestoreSecurityFileLabel error" [Undecided,New]16:33
ppetrakihallyn, sure16:34
hallynppetraki: thanks!16:34
raubvogelSpamapS: No seeing anything there. And in /var/log/messages.log I see Nov 28 11:11:36 vpn kernel: [2166490.865348] IN=eth0 OUT=eth1.64 SRC= DST= LEN=60 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=63 ID=6960 DF PROTO=TCP SPT=55688 DPT=22 WINDOW=14600 RES=0x00 SYN URGP=016:59
SpamapSraubvogel: you also need to allow those natted packets in your FORWARD rules17:03
raubvogelSpamapS: this is how it looks like : http://pastebin.com/PB4TzQEM17:11
SpamapSraubvogel: iptables -L FORWARD -v17:11
ppetrakihallyn, so that snippet looks fine. With regards to configuration, scanning the sd devices in LVM would be unnecessary, though it should't cause any harm either. To checkout the disks you can use the smartutils, run short and extended tests.17:12
SpamapSraubvogel: FORWARD is not in the nat table17:12
ppetrakihallyn, using smart tools: http://askubuntu.com/questions/78600/disk-utility-reports-slower-initial-spinup-time-via-s-m-a-r-t/81369#8136917:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #897303 in bacula (main) "bacula-common-mysql uninstallable due to conflicting files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89730317:16
raubvogelSpamapS: I forgot the prerouting entry, http://pastebin.com/hcV0djZv17:17
hallynppetraki: thanks.  too bad :)  it sure seems slow coming up17:19
ppetrakihallyn, well, SATA is slow (14-20 sec spinup), and the block devices are stacked. Could be a UDEV problem or storage stack advertising that it's ready before it really is. I'd need to see the logs from the actual failure to comment intelligently.17:22
hallynppetraki: here https://launchpadlibrarian.net/85667014/syslog.txt   is the actual error that i'm trying to figure out  (i.e. '/devices/virtual/block/dm-2')17:24
ppetrakihallyn, hmm, would need udev verbose logging and a better understanding of how many LVs the system actually has17:28
ppetrakihallyn, that includes snapshots17:28
ppetrakihallyn, if it is a scan issue, than making the rootdelay really big would help, like 3-4 mins17:30
ppetrakihallyn,*updated title*17:33
hallynppetraki: ok, so i need to go back and find the recommended way to ask users for udev logs17:38
hallynverbose ones, that is :)17:38
ppetrakiwe have a troubleshooting section on UDEV, but that involves killing it and starting it in the foreground with super logging iirc17:39
hallynmaybe https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingLvm17:40
hallyni'd better try that out in a kvm first17:41
smoseradam_g, is there some document that discusses '<type>_orchestra_provisioning_server._tcp</type>' in avahi ?17:43
ppetrakihallyn, wish we had a ramdisk switch for that17:43
adam_gsmoser: what do you mean?17:44
smoseris there somthing that discusses the naming convention ?17:44
hallynwell it's out of date for certain.  /scripts/init-premount should be scripts/init-top17:45
smoserie, why the _17:45
ppetrakihallyn, changing /etc/udev.conf to udev_log="debug" and then rebuilding the initrd might also work17:45
smoseryou had "_orchestra_cobbler._tcp"17:45
hallynppetraki lemme try17:45
ppetrakihallyn, cool17:46
smoseradam_g, following your lead i'd pick "_orchestra_provisioning_server._tcp", but i dont really know why17:47
adam_gsmoser: looking now17:47
smoserhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cobbler/+bug/893189 comment 117:47
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893189 in orchestra "avahi advertisement support disabled" [High,Confirmed]17:47
adam_gsmoser: for something specific, all man pages and other uses use that convention so...17:47
hallynppetraki: well that sends the debug output to /var/log/boot.log, but not from initramfs' udev.  not sure if that's needed for this bug.17:50
hallynbut i think we can just have him update /usr/share/initramfs-tools/scripts/init-top/udev and then update-initramfs...17:57
adam_gsmoser: i believe the convention is part of the dns-sd specs http://www.dns-sd.org/ and, looking at it, arbitrary service types might be abusive. perhaps keeping the type _http._tcp and filtering by the service name may be better? i'll take a look how other services use it17:57
hallynthink i'll update https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUdev17:57
smoseradam_g, squid-deb-proxy uses: http://paste.ubuntu.com/17:58
smoserso we're no worse.17:58
adam_gsmoser: yeah, ive got a few services insatlled here that are using "non-standard" service type17:59
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storrgieI'm installing ubuntu server 11.10 here, I have / on a md volume. When I get to the grub portion of the install I see 'executing grub-install /dev/sda failed this is a fatal error' and I really cant work beyond this18:07
SpamapSsmoser: I take issue with s-d-p since it can't use PPA's or external sources18:07
smoserunrelated, SpamapS18:07
SpamapSsmoser: I guess my point is that it advertises something it cannot doe18:08
SpamapSdo even18:08
SpamapSsmoser: if all we're doing is logging into cobbler, why are we advertising orchestra and not cobbler?18:11
smosercobbler explicitly disabled their avahi advertising. it wouldn't make much sense imho to advertise a servie that is not something we control and the upstream explicitly *stopped* advertising.18:13
storrgiewith 11.10 can you install to a software raid1?18:14
smoserand it seems to me to make more sense to me as an orchestra thing, as the one thing we're expecting right now to use it for is registration, which is not a cobbler (specific) thing.18:14
smoserSpamapS, ^18:18
smoseradam_g, i realized my pastebin fail above.18:20
smoserit seems pastebinit is broken18:21
smoserit seems pastebin.ubuntu.com doesn't like stuff that starts with '<?xml"18:22
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/752758/ is better.18:22
adam_gsmoser: thats cool, was looking at squid-deb-proxy.service when you pasted18:22
smoseri just blindly run pastebinit and copy and paste the output.18:23
SpamapSsmoser: meh, did upstream give a reason for disabling their avahi?18:23
smoserbug 893189 has a link to the commit.18:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 893189 in orchestra "avahi advertisement support disabled" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89318918:24
smoseri dont really care either way, and we can put it in cobbler, but the one thing we're going to use this for is not cobbler.18:24
SpamapSsmoser: oh? We're not doing direct cobbler xml-rpc anymore?18:26
smoserwell, we are. but the cobbler-enlist stuff isn't from cobbler.18:26
smoserso i dont' know.18:27
SpamapS... maybe it should be. ;)18:27
smoseri dont feel strongly, but i personally feel "orchestra" is a better place for that.18:27
SpamapSfor enlist, it makes sense that it would be its own thing.. thats why we have the API. But for avahi.. just finding "the cobbler server" .. seems like that would be advertising *cobbler*. :P18:28
smoserit would look to me jus from that diff and nothing eles, that cobbler probably advertises '_http._tcp'18:28
smoserwhich is clearly not sufficient.18:28
SpamapSyeah, we don't want _http .. we want _cobbler_on_http .. :)18:29
SpamapSAnyway, I prefer loose coupling during heavy innovation, so this probably makese sense to have outside cobbler until we know it works.18:29
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I agree with you, a better place might be orchestra itself18:32
smoserRoAkSoAx, so how would you think i should land this.18:32
smoserdo you want an upstream release for it ?18:32
smoseror commit to upstream18:33
smoserand then release a new ubuntu with a patches patch18:33
smoserRoAkSoAx, ^18:39
smoserand https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/orchestra/add-avahi/+merge/8366418:39
adam_gRoAkSoAx: ping18:46
RoAkSoAxsmoser: this should probably be upstream orchestra18:48
RoAkSoAxadam_g: pong18:48
smoserbut to get a fix in today18:48
smoserdo you want re-release an upstream orchestra18:49
smoserversus just an ubuntu18:49
smoserthe merge proposal above is against upstream.18:49
RoAkSoAxsmoser: i can release upstream orchestra18:49
Davieyhey o/18:49
smoserRoAkSoAx, ok then, you want to just pull that change and release ?18:50
adam_gRoAkSoAx: nvm..  orchestra-import-isos now requires an argument to do the imports where it did them by default previously. ill fix and push to you soon18:50
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yp will od18:50
Davieysmoser: if this is in the cobbler package, advertise it as cobbler - if it is in the orchestra package, orchestra-cobbler IMO18:50
RoAkSoAxadam_g: `yeah it does, check that it wont break the update-settings nor the check for correct commands and so on18:51
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i think this should be orchestra side18:51
RoAkSoAxDaviey: as this are features for orchestra rather than features we would upstream cobbler18:51
smoserDaviey, yes. its going into orchestra package at the moment.18:51
adam_gRoAkSoAx: huh? the cronjob that gets installed doesn't do anything now.18:52
smoserand advertised as orchestra.18:52
Davieyokay, great18:52
RoAkSoAxadam_g: err cause of the no argument I pressume18:53
RoAkSoAxerr i mean cause of the argument we need now18:53
smoserRoAkSoAx, i've verified that adding that file to /etc/avahi/services/ results in 'avahi-browser --all' listing18:57
smoser eth0 IPv4 Orchestra Provisioning Server on brickies     _orchestra_provisioning_server._tcp local18:57
smoserso if you could get a new package out sooner than later, that would be very nice.18:57
DavieyShould we look to rename cobbler-enlist to orchestra-client-enlist ?18:59
Davieysmoser: Does it expose ipv6 out of interest?18:59
smoseri did not.18:59
smoserbut i can make it19:01
smoserDaviey, do you want it to ?19:01
DavieyI think we should..19:02
SpamapSSeems like it should stay named cobbler-enlist19:02
smoserRoAkSoAx, if you're that merge proposal, please re-pull it. i just added ipv619:02
SpamapSUnless there is a plan to have it enlist in some super-service?19:02
SpamapS(which is why I also am puzzled why we aren't just advertising cobbler on avahi)19:03
dknanyone catch that mad sale on the intel 320 SSD's? $1/GB!19:05
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok, will take care of it in a bit19:05
RoAkSoAxadam_g: is yout fix gonna be ready anytime soon?19:20
adam_gRoAkSoAx: i will19:21
RoAkSoAxadam_g: so that I just release once19:21
adam_gRoAkSoAx: yeah, wait on me. ill let you know when its good to go19:22
RoAkSoAxadam_g: cool thanks19:22
RoAkSoAxsmoser: merged. will be released once adam_g sends his fix over19:24
RoAkSoAxsmoser: do you want a new binary package for it? or should it be shipped with the provisioning server?19:25
smoserthe merge proposal shipped it with the provisioning server19:26
smoserdid you not see that ?19:26
smoseror did i not do it right19:26
RoAkSoAxsmoser: no it is fine, i was just double checking19:26
RoAkSoAxwhether you want it where it is, or a new -publish package19:26
RoAkSoAxDaviey: here's what koan --replace-self does: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/752851/19:26
smoseri think it makes most sense to be in provisioning-server19:27
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok19:27
DavieyRoAkSoAx: is that what we want?19:27
RoAkSoAxDaviey: if we easily want to re-install a system i think it would be desirable19:30
DavieyRoAkSoAx: right, but if we can work out a sane way to hard code a url to ipxe.. (other than embdedding a script), that seems to have a cleaner solution19:35
DavieyIe, every reboot will recided to reinstall or boot local19:35
Davieyregardless of firmware pxe.19:36
Davieyand dhcp next-server.19:36
RoAkSoAxDaviey: basically, it just downloads the initrd,linux palces it /boot, updates grub, and when it restarts, it does the installation19:36
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yeah its 2 different approaches19:36
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i'll look into ipxe now19:36
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Do you think koan is superior?19:36
RoAkSoAxDaviey: idk if superior, but koan definitely been made to be a helper tool for cobbler19:37
RoAkSoAxDaviey: I'm gonna look into ipxe-grub19:37
RoAkSoAxDaviey: cause, you wanna use ipxe-grub *after* the system has been registered, but not installed right?19:38
RoAkSoAxDaviey: while koan, is for when the system has already been installed19:38
DavieyRoAkSoAx: no, this satisfies the reinstal scenario, where we don't have dhcpd access.19:49
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ok, so why use ipxe when koan is already in place then19:49
RoAkSoAxDaviey: i mean, we already have the way of doing so19:49
DavieyRoAkSoAx: Using koan you need to access the client machine, right?19:50
RoAkSoAxDaviey: we can either use koan an adapt it to automatically look for the orchestra server19:50
RoAkSoAxDaviey: yes you do19:50
Davieyif we can do this via pxe, we don't need to access the machine19:50
Davieyjust tell cobbler to reinstall, and powercycle using power control19:50
RoAkSoAxDaviey: so you mean a "remote" command?19:51
RoAkSoAxDaviey: right, we can tell the machjine that the remote command is koan19:51
RoAkSoAxDaviey: or ipxe already supports something similar19:51
RoAkSoAxDaviey: IIRC, cobbler had a feature on which would allow remote control for reinstallas and stuff but was removed19:51
DavieyRoAkSoAx: right, but if we can use ipxe scripting - we get this for free..19:52
DavieyThe same model works if it is hardware pxe boot, or ipxe then19:53
RoAkSoAxDaviey: ok let me look into ipxe first19:53
RoAkSoAxand then I'll be able to give a better opinion19:53
uvirtbotNew bug: #897373 in samba (main) "package samba 2:3.5.8~dfsg-1ubuntu2.3 failed to install/upgrade: ErrorMessage: package samba is not ready for configuration  cannot configure (current status `half-installed')" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89737319:56
adam_gRoAkSoAx: expected behavior if i  run  'orchestra-import-isos -u -i' ?20:49
=== Guest913 is now known as medberry
RoAkSoAxadam_g: show show error, either one of them should work21:00
RoAkSoAxor usage21:01
vasosanitarioalguem me passa lista de regras de iptables21:11
kirklandcould someone nudge Bug #887344 along?21:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 887344 in tmux "[MIR] tmux" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88734421:23
adam_gRoAkSoAx: conflicts with which? lp:orchestra ?21:59
RoAkSoAxadam_g: yes22:01
adam_gRoAkSoAx: oh jeez, i was based on the ubuntu branch. one min22:01
RoAkSoAxadam_g: lol no worries, gonna go for lunch will merge when I get back22:01
elz89I am having problems when setting up slapd. I would like to know how to remove it properly, plus all configuration, so that I can start over?22:08
Davieyhallyn: Soft-freeze for a1 is now live... Makes sense to wait until end of week to remove etherboot?22:12
DavieyDoesn't seem to be something we need to acquire a freeze request for, right?22:13
adam_gRoAkSoAx: rebased on trunk, sent another proposal22:18
RoAkSoAxadam_g: cool will merge it in a few22:39
elz89sudo apt-get purge slapd doesn't seem to remove everything?22:53
SpamapSelz89: what did it leave behind?22:56
jdstrandhallyn: I seem to be having a problem with qemu and -usb. see http://paste.ubuntu.com/753100/23:11
jdstrandhallyn: basically, on oneiric if I specify -usb, I get a UHCI Host Controller without having to do anything else. on precise, I do not23:11
jdstrandhallyn: this might be a 0.14.1 vs 0.15 thing, but http://wiki.qemu.org/ChangeLog/0.15 wasn't enlightening. have you seen this? am I doing something wrong?23:12
jdstrandhallyn: hello btw :)23:13
jdstrandI'm going to file a bug23:14
jdstrandhallyn: fyi, bug #89746623:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 897466 in qemu-kvm "UHCI Host Controller no longer present with -usb" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89746623:20
RoAkSoAxsmoser: orchestra released23:23
kirklandlooks like you guys are kicking butt on Orchestra today :-)23:31
RoAkSoAxkirkland: hehe :)23:31
hallynjdstrand ok thx will look tonight23:41
XelmepHELP About PPTP Server on Ubuntu 10.04 !!!23:58
XelmepHELP About PPTP Server on Ubuntu 10.04 !!!23:59

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