
* MrChrisDruif is off to bed00:27
=== rsalveti` is now known as rsalveti
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/unitytelly/Will%20Moorhead/ yay, someone used the template08:03
MrChrisDruifGood morning everyone10:40
MrChrisDruifI'll try to contact Ben or Joey from OMG to update the post about Ubuntu TV, seeing everyone thinks we want to create something new. It's very tiresome to tell every single commenter that we probably be using something existing...11:03
AlanBelldon't worry about it11:07
AlanBellthe commenters don't read the article anyway11:07
AlanBellthey just read the headline, look at the picture and vent their anger in the comments11:07
AlanBell"This is purely business from canonicals side. They want to sell movies and music from ubuntu one. That is ok, but don't use the community for such commercial projects. "11:10
AlanBelldo you feel used?11:10
* AlanBell suspects the person who left that comment wasn't going to contribute anything of value anyway11:11
MrChrisDruifAlanBell; that latest link doesn't work11:11
AlanBellwhat link?11:11
MrChrisDruifFor Will Moorhead's storyboard11:12
AlanBellwhere is the link that doesn't work?11:12
MrChrisDruifAhh wait, it's just me =)11:13
MrChrisDruifI clicked the link in the mail11:13
MrChrisDruifTry added _ or %20 in links so they are continuous11:13
AlanBellwhat mail?11:17
AlanBelloooh, you subscribed to the wiki page11:17
AlanBellright, the link on the wiki page is fine, but your mail client linkifying it might get confused11:17
MrChrisDruifYeah, it did. I changed them by adding a space before the | otherwise the |sometext also gets added to the link, braking it again =)11:20
MrChrisDruifCould we have some kind of comment area on the storyboard pages? Then I could write down my thoughts about design decisions on the relevant page =)11:21
MrChrisDruifWould be awesome =)11:23
MrChrisDruifOr at least very handy11:24
nanderssonHi, Is this Ubuntu Tv a Canonical sponsored/driven project or is it mainly driven  of non-Canonical developers?11:25
AlanBellnandersson: bit of a mix11:26
nanderssonIm going to write a thing about it on swedish TechWorld, nothing big, just a small article11:27
nanderssonDoes the idea originate from Canonical?11:27
AlanBellnandersson: from Mark Shuttleworth at UDS11:28
MrChrisDruifMark himself told about it in his keynote speech, last UDS11:28
nanderssonOk, that is cool. Then it is anchored with Canonical. I read his recent blog post about it.11:28
nandersson"his" as in Mark Shuttleworth11:29
nanderssonI saw that Mark referred to your designs AlanBell11:30
AlanBellyeah, which was funny11:30
MrChrisDruifYeah, AlanBell is our main designer ;-) JK11:31
MrChrisDruifNo, but seriously, he just put up a few design template were the rest of us can play with =)11:31
nanderssonyeah, I understand that11:32
AlanBellnandersson: what I was actually doing was developing a framework for doing storyboarding, so making a template on which people could draw designs11:32
nanderssonbtw. Are you going to write this stuff with Qt? Unity is based on gtk+ today right?11:32
nanderssonI read the thing about QML11:32
AlanBellI flung a few simple sketches on it to explain how to use the storyboarding framework, I didn't expect anyone to pay any attention to them as designs :)11:32
nanderssonAlanBell, well you have to start somewhere :)11:33
AlanBellUnity is based on Compiz and the Nux framework which is GTKish and there is also the unity2d implementation which is based on Qt11:33
AlanBellI am not quite sure how Qt and QML relate11:33
MrChrisDruifBut we are only in the conceptual fase at the moment11:33
MrChrisDruifThinking about HOW it should LOOK/FEEL, not going into the technical bit of it11:34
nanderssonAh, so Unity2d is based on Qt. I didn't knew that. That is cool.11:34
MrChrisDruifWe haven't decided what software we could build our solution on11:34
AlanBellit could be implemented as a Qt thing, or as an xbmc theme, or as an HTML5 page or something completely different11:34
nanderssonQML is a Javascript markup language for writing GUI quick and easy.11:35
nandersson...with bindings to Qt as I've understood it.11:35
MrChrisDruifAlright, great I guess =)11:36
* AlanBell has a thought on how to add comments to the designs11:41
AlanBelllink in a pad.ubuntu.com page for each one in an iframe11:45
MrChrisDruifAhh, great =)11:46
nanderssonAre there any plans to cooperate with existing channels? Like these guys do for example. http://www.livestation.com/11:53
AlanBellno plans11:53
AlanBellwhich doesn't mean there are plans not to do so, it means there are no plans11:53
AlanBellthat we know about11:53
nanderssonso the TV in Ubuntu TV is more like a media center than a set top box for Television?11:54
AlanBellI think set top box, or OEM integrated into a TV are possible scenarios11:55
MrChrisDruifIndeed, but we shouldn't rule out media center pc's as well11:58
AlanBellwhat is the difference between a media centre and a set top box?11:58
MrChrisDruifWell, a set top box uses hardware mostly not found in standard computer, where a media center is a dedicated computer but with standard computer hardware11:59
nanderssonwell, a set top box you can connect to your cable tv network.12:08
nanderssonthere are Linux-projects targeting that as well. V4L (Video 4 Linux) is (was?) one.12:09
nanderssonYou have (had?) devices you could connect to USB to get your computer to work as a tv, with all your channels. Hauppage was one hw-supplier.12:09
AlanBellV4L is a fairly low level spec for video devices12:14
AlanBellI don't think there will be much difference between a media centre and what is in a TV by 14.0412:15
MrChrisDruifLet's hope so =)12:16
MrChrisDruifBut I think TV's will sooner go with ARM then with x86/x86_64 processors12:16
* MrChrisDruif is listening to Karl Jenkins - Hymn Before Action [The Armed Man - A Mass For Peace] (1:30/2:39)12:17
MrChrisDruifI think they are already using ARM12:20
AlanBellsure, and I think that will be the chip that you would put in a media centre too12:23
nanderssonIs there a link to the project? Do you host it on Launchpad?12:23
nanderssonI see it in the IRC-channel :)12:24
MrChrisDruifIn the topic, yes =)12:27
willcookeHi guys, AlanBell you're famous! XD13:10
=== willcooke is now known as willcooke|lunch
MrChrisDruifHaha, he was already =)13:19
=== willcooke|lunch is now known as willcooke
* popey tickles ogra_ 13:41
ogra_geez, without sabdfls blogpost i wouldnt have known about this channel13:41
ogra_we need to make more noise about this !13:42
AlanBellhe has his uses :)13:42
ogra_(and hi popey :) )13:42
ogra_at times, yep :)13:42
* MrChrisDruif will be back in a bit *groceries*13:44
willcookehey ogra_14:14
ogra_hey willcooke :)14:14
willcookeGood to see more people finding their way here.  ogra_ you're right though, we should make a bit more noise about this - and I'm hatching a plan right now.14:16
willcookeJust waiting for DNS to update ;)14:16
seifhey guys14:16
ogra_good plan14:16
willcookehi seif14:16
seifdid u have a look at http://media-explorer.org/14:17
AlanBellwillcooke: see there are two storyboards now https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Designs14:17
willcookeAlanBell, oh wow!14:31
AlanBellthe second one was from someone via the OMGUbuntu article14:32
AlanBellhe emailed me the .ep file last night and I put it up14:32
* willcooke check omg14:43
MrChrisDruifwillcooke; http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/ubuntu-smart-tv-discussions-begin-to-warm-up/15:08
MrChrisDruifAloha ogra_ , so you found us through Mark?15:25
MrChrisDruifwillcooke; what is your plan?15:25
willcookeotp - brb15:30
ogra_MrChrisDruif, yeah :)15:31
ogra_and finding the ML wasnt trvial either ... someone should post some additional stuff on the canonical blog or so15:32
MrChrisDruifWe've got a canonical blog? =P15:33
MrChrisDruifI practically only use omgubuntu as a source of information15:34
MrChrisDruifThey do the scouring(?) for me =)15:35
popeythats where it was originally announced.15:39
AlanBellplus the keynote at UDS15:39
HydrarDoes anyone know what hardware is in current TV's with build-in DVR's though?(I came here from phoronix via Mark's blog)15:40
ogra_Hydrar, usually MIPS based platforms, but i heard that sony also did some arm based ones15:41
MrChrisDruifAloha Hydrar15:41
HydrarHey MrChrisDruif15:41
MrChrisDruifHow's it going?15:42
HydrarAnd ogra_: Intersting15:42
HydrarJust came in here to check on if anyone actually *tried* modding in some ubuntu in TV's yet, or if it was just a development for shipping with new ones15:42
ogra_http://www.fxitech.com/products/ might be very intresting as a developer platform15:42
ogra_but its still in pre-production15:42
ogra_(they support ubuntu they claim)15:43
MrChrisDruifI think those manufacturers start to realize that using normal computer/tablet hardware in tv might not be stupid15:43
MrChrisDruifSeeing that developers don't want to learn something new again, and again...15:43
ogra_well, you dont want a fan in your tv15:43
ogra_which rules out most intels15:44
* AlanBell runs atoms fanless15:45
HydrarARM is the way to go for TV's really15:45
MrChrisDruifogra_; arm doesn't require fans to run afaik15:45
AlanBellbut yeah, ARM is more likely15:45
ogra_MrChrisDruif, yep15:45
MrChrisDruifNot on my smartphone at least =P15:45
dmj726not to discourage ARM, since I think it's a good choice, but TVs do produce considerable heat.15:46
HydrarOnly downside I see with ARM is the lack of proper open source drivers for driving display15:46
dmj726so simple power requirements aren't 100% indicative of non-usability of Intel hardware15:47
ogra_well, an intel would add more heat15:47
HydrarWhat ogra said15:47
dmj726That said, ARM would definitely have huge advantage in standby mode15:47
HydrarPower usage is one of the selling points of TV's these days it seems15:48
ogra_that and it also has a very good linux standing15:48
ogra_if you look at MIPS, you have some embedded distros, debian and no ubuntu support at all yet ... bringing up a full arch port isnt trivial and costly15:49
ogra_so for ubuntu there is only PPC, ARM and x8615:49
dmj726ARM will also be improving significantly performancewise per core per clock over the next couple years.15:49
ogra_it already copes fine with atom15:50
* ogra_ is currently typing this on an arm netbook15:50
dmj726The only cause for concern with ARM *at the present moment* would be for encoding HD content as it's broadcast, which I'm not sure either it or atom can do yet.15:52
HydrarWhy encode HD content?15:52
dmj726PVR capability15:52
ogra_you just compress and store it15:52
HydrarOh yeah, I mixed it up with old DTV15:52
ogra_or do you expect us to broadcast from the PVR15:52
dmj726Lots of people like to time shift their TV watching15:53
HydrarHDMI input would be raw, so the ARM would need to recompress it again15:53
dmj726ogra_: encoding is the compression process, no?15:53
ogra_oh, i forgot about timeshift15:53
Hydrar"Traditional" DTV that's builtin to TV's actually gets fed with a precompressed mpeg2 stream, which it can just dump to disk15:53
HydrarAt least, the one I have does15:53
dmj726Hydrar: That might be okay for broadcast15:53
AlanBellmuch more sensible to store the stream15:54
dmj726would be awesome if one could record HDMI input though15:54
dmj726would be great for doing with my DSLR15:54
HydrarStill, ARM is a pretty powerful platform as far as I know, doesn't it do more per clock than x86_64 in general anyway?15:55
MrChrisDruifDon't forget, the expected time of distribution for this will be around 14.04...TWO years time ;-)16:02
ogra_yep, and i know the arm roadmap :)16:03
MrChrisDruifI haven't memorized it ;-)16:03
dmj726The ARM roadmap is pretty agressive16:10
tgm4883MrChrisDruif, by 14.0416:12
tgm4883which probably means 18-24 months from now16:12
dmj726Of course for actual devices on the market shave a year off that for processor availability.16:13
MrChrisDruif24 is how many years?16:13
dmj72624 months is 2 years16:13
tgm4883sorry I wasn't actually disagreeing with you16:13
MrChrisDruifHaha =D16:14
tgm4883It was more of a clarification/added data16:14
MrChrisDruifFor later reading: http://princessleia.com/images/journalpics/012011/samsung_tv_osl.jpg18:29
* MrChrisDruif is back20:05
MrChrisDruifAlanBell; did you get back to the latest mail on the ubuntu-tv mailing-list?20:13
AlanBellhave now20:18
MrChrisDruifGreat =)20:19
tgm4883I am not a fan of the latest idea email20:21
MrChrisDruiftgm4883; you too? =)20:35
MrChrisDruifMaking things hard when they should be simple?20:35
tgm4883MrChrisDruif, exactly20:35
tgm4883overengineering things20:35
tgm4883actually, i'm not even sure that is considered overengineering something. That is just not in the scope20:36
MrChrisDruifWell....yes and no. I haven't read it precisely (haha, funny seeing coming release) but it has to do with TV and controlling etc...20:37
MrChrisDruifBtw, 2) twice ^_^20:39
AlanBellI don't think we should be making decisions yet, just capturing ideas21:04
MrChrisDruifYeah, but still we can "discuss" these ideas ;-)21:06
AlanBellyes, certainly21:08
Guus-AlanBell: i have this cool idea for ubuntu-tv, take nokia n9 meego UI and make the middle screen regular television, one remote button pops up the applications21:09
AlanBellawesome, sketch it up for us!21:11
* AlanBell has no idea what a nokia n9 meego UI looks like21:11
AlanBelland how to get pencil all set up for sketching your plans https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuTV/Designs/Pencil21:12
AlanBellhttp://www.theregister.co.uk/2011/11/28/ubuntu_tv/ !!!!21:22
MrChrisDruifNice =)21:33
MrChrisDruifAnd again our grant-designer AlanBell in full coverage =P21:34
MrChrisDruifA lot of positive feedback news about our little team it seems =)21:37
AlanBellscary stuff21:37
AlanBelljust been leaving a couple of comments on the article21:38
MrChrisDruifSeeing we only have been going at it for 2 weeks or something?21:38
AlanBell"10 inch" user interface isn't quite right21:38
MrChrisDruifHaha, 10 feet21:38
AlanBellit is a 3m user interface!!21:38
AlanBellsilly mericans21:38
MrChrisDruifWe used the right notation afaik with 10' not 10"21:39
AlanBellyeah, that is just almost unknown in the UK21:41
MrChrisDruifEven worse in Holland ;-)21:41
AlanBellonly old people and people who work with Americans know about ' and "21:42
AlanBelland I only get them the right way round based on context21:42
MrChrisDruifAre you calling me old? =P I'm only 24 =D21:44
MrChrisDruifAlright, mailing-list already starts to explode =)21:51
imnicholI did my part to spam you all21:58
imnicholAlthough we should all remember to be polite22:01
MrChrisDruifHaha, I also do my best to be a catalyst (freenode one)22:02
imnicholWow it's really taking off22:07
MrChrisDruifHaha, yes22:07
MrChrisDruifI'll have a read again tomorrow afternoon22:07
MrChrisDruifI should finish what I'm doing and go to bed22:08
MrChrisDruifAlright, off to bed22:30
imnicholSo, wow, that's a lot of words on the listserv23:50
dmj726wrt that Register Article, Linux actually powers dozens of Sony TVs.  The source code for said is published in a corner of their website per GPL requirements.23:54
dmj726imnichol: that is a lot23:59

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