
jrwrenwhere are you?00:00
rick_h_at some Auburn U hotel that's fancy as all get out00:00
jrwrenoh, Auburn.00:00
rick_h_kind of crazy, never flown into one state to arrive at another (ATL->Auburn)00:00
jrwrenha! that is different.00:02
jrwrencab from ATL to Auburn?00:02
jrwrenhow long of a drive?00:02
rick_h_rental car, here all week about 1:4000:02
jrwrenwhat ya doing there?00:02
rick_h_supposed to have an intro sprint with the new boss00:03
rick_h_but his mother died this weekend, so now working on my own for a couple of days and then sprint with him rest of week after that I think00:03
jrwrendamn, sucks about his mom.00:03
rick_h_yea, definitely00:03
rick_h_guess she's been sick a while and he's been in/out for months.00:04
rick_h_but yea,I feel kind of rotten coming down and all00:04
snap-lrick_h_: Oh man, sorry to hear that re: your boss' mom02:05
rick_h_snap-l: yea, bad stuff02:38
rick_h_snap-l: yea, bad stuff02:54
rick_h_gah, bad network connection here02:55
jrwrenhow was the pizza?03:03
snap-lGood morning12:42
snap-lApparently Apress' $15 sale is crushing the site12:49
brouschi saw 60% off the readable code book12:53
brouschand designing mobile interfaces12:54
WolfgerJavascript: The Definitive Guide, or Javascript: The Good Parts? Not sure which sounds better...13:03
WolfgerArt of Readable Code sounds like a winner.13:03
snap-lWell, The Good Parts is a great way to learn best practices about Java13:03
snap-lnot sure why I hit return too early. :)13:03
snap-lDefinitive Guide is a great reference manual13:04
rick_h_cranky is coming to down...13:05
brouschrick_h_'s wallet is probably aching already13:05
rick_h_nope, staying away13:05
brouschcranky the crane?13:05
rick_h_something like that13:05
Wolfgercranky the shaft?13:05
rick_h_stupid meeting room isn't ready until 8, asked if they coule move it up to 7am all week, confused the heck out of the poor girl13:05
brouschmr. crankypants?13:06
rick_h_yea, well I kind of think understanding engligh is a requirement for hotel front desk work13:07
snap-lThat's you're problem right there.13:07
snap-lAlabammers speak southern, not Englush. P)13:07
brouschtry saying it again, but with a mouth harp13:08
rick_h_no, she wasn't from around here13:08
rick_h_but thanks for the help13:08
rick_h_I'm going to be quiet before I set of alarm bells13:08
snap-lThe rayen in spayen flaws rawtly awn the playen13:08
snap-lGot the nook last night13:14
snap-lJoDee got it for me for Christmas, but couldn't wait to give it to me.13:15
brouschroot that sexy beast yet?13:15
snap-lNo, I have to be gentle with it. :)13:15
WolfgerHow do you like it so far? Killed lots of pigs yet? ;-)13:16
brouschsure, sure, break it in gently for a while, then root the heck out of it13:16
snap-lWolfger: Funny enough, I haven't installed Angry Birds on it yet.13:16
snap-lThe reader portion is very good13:17
snap-llots better than what was on the color13:17
snap-lthey finally got it right.13:17
brouschthe reader was good on the color13:17
snap-lIt's much improved on the Tablet13:17
brouschjust not good enough to keep me from all of the CM goodness13:17
snap-lI hope they give you an upgrade13:17
brouschpretty pointless since i don't use it13:18
brouschi just use the Nook App from the android market13:18
brouschadobe reader works well for pdf13:19
snap-lbrb for kernel upgrade13:28
brouschsomeone buy this for me for xmas please http://dvice.com/archives/2011/11/asus-quad-core.php14:38
brouschi don't even have a quad core computer and now tablets have it?14:40
snap-lbrousch: Pretty soon you'll be able to compile C programs in no time on your tablet14:47
snap-lof course, your battery life will be around 15 seconds, so it better be "Hello World"14:48
Wolfgerooh, that's a pretty tablet15:05
Wolfgerwith optional keyboard15:05
snap-lrick_h_: ^^ ;)15:09
rick_h_snap-l: yea, saw that one this weekend15:09
WolfgerSo I see Google updated its names policy to allow for Mononyms, if you use a "." for your last name and include a photo ID. :-p15:09
snap-lrick_h_: I'm slow. :)15:09
rick_h_gave it a scan, it's a few points, but I don't think it's greatly written15:09
rick_h_but at least I don't feel alone out there :P15:09
Wolfgerand so I changed my last name to "." as they tell me to, and the auto-response is that this doesn't adhere to the names policy.15:09
snap-lYOU ARE NOT ALONE15:10
snap-lWolfger: Great. :(15:10
WolfgerI'm still waiting for them to not require real names as they announced they would well over a month ago :-(15:11
snap-lWEll, at lease they have some semblance of backtracking15:11
snap-lI'm sure Cher, Shakira, and Madonna are pleased as munch15:12
snap-lpunch, even.15:12
Wolfgeror, barring that, for them to disable my G+ as I told them to even longer ago...15:12
WolfgerThe funniest thing is that when I go to my profile page, there is a banner that says "Wolfger - is using Google+. Join Google+ to connect with the people who matter most."15:13
Wolfgerhttp://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/122068/what-do-neglected-oreilly-book-topics-tell-us-about-that-topic bwahahahah15:19
snap-lAre you fucking kidding me?15:20
snap-lI added a comment.15:23
WolfgerOf course, I also ++'d the conspiracy comment15:24
snap-lYeah, me too15:24
Wolfgerp.se... Your daily dose of humor that wasn't intended to be humor.15:24
rick_h_so anyone know how I can get the full command being run I see in ps?15:25
rick_h_it's too long and gets truncated15:25
brouschps -aux | cat15:27
rick_h_brousch: doh, pipe ftw15:27
* snap-l gets ready to burn karma. ;)15:27
rick_h_stand up!15:27
rick_h_<3 my stand up desk15:28
rick_h_and you're not getting it for $20015:28
rick_h_try 4x that15:28
snap-lrick_h_: No kidding. :)15:28
brousch$800 for a desk?15:29
snap-lbrousch: $800 for a desk that goes up and down15:29
Wolfgerrick_h_: what a racket.... no-chair costs more than chair?15:29
snap-lhah, got closed.15:34
Wolfgerdecisions, decisions... my membership in Bug Squad is about to expire.15:34
rick_h_no, $800 for a chair15:34
rick_h_the desk is half that, which is why i went desk vs chair15:34
rick_h_well, a little over half that I guess once I put a top on it and shipped it15:35
Wolfger$800 is way too much for a chair15:35
rick_h_yea, well I spent $400 ona chair and still not happy with it15:36
WolfgerI got chairs in the $100-200 range at staples, with optional 3-year warranty.15:36
WolfgerCasters broke, called in the warranty, they didn't even bother trying to fix, just sent me a staples gift card for the replacement cost on the chair.15:37
rick_h_yea, they suck, sorry. I've gone through a half dozen chairs over the last 10 years15:37
rick_h_this last one finally lastd a few years, but still not comfy enough for full work day15:37
Wolfgerwhich I used to buy new casters that I installed myself, and I don't remember what else. But it was nice :-)15:37
rick_h_it's less about what will hold your butt, and more about a chair that's ergo correct so you can keep typing into your 60s15:38
rick_h_while walking in an upright position15:38
brouschwe bought refurbs for $150/ea15:38
Wolfgermeh. Walking upright is over-rated :-)15:38
brouschthey've been nice for 5 years15:38
WolfgerI was actually quite happy with my cheap Staples chair, until the arm cushion got ripped.15:39
WolfgerIt was a far better chair than what I'm forced to deal with at work every damned day15:39
rick_h_snap-l: http://www.amazon.com/Office-Star-Ergonomically-Designed-Mahogany/dp/B002L15NS0/ref=sr_1_23?s=office-products&ie=UTF8&qid=1322494815&sr=1-23 are pretty cool15:40
rick_h_should try that for a bit15:40
Wolfgerthe problem with those chairs is the same problem I have with standing desks...15:42
rick_h_http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B000ONBT4O/ref=wms_ohs_product?ie=UTF8&redirect=true is what I got back in 200715:42
WolfgerNo place to recline :-)15:42
rick_h_it's been nice for that long, but needs replacing bad now15:43
brouschyeah, i love my recline15:43
rick_h_recline isn't for coding15:43
rick_h_go to your living room then :P15:43
Wolfgerrecline is for when you're *not* busy, granted, but it's nice to be able to do when you have time to relax.15:44
WolfgerI also like to recline while talking to somebody who's bugging me at my desk15:44
brouschyeah, i don't code for 9 hours then go home15:46
rick_h_ouch, snap-l is shut down in a hurry15:50
snap-lrick_h_: Yeah, I suck. :)15:51
snap-lIt was mostly a joke posting15:52
snap-lWHat the fuck?15:53
snap-lJust got a dump of buzz traffic in my mail15:53
brouschsnap-l: me too15:53
brouschold stuff15:53
snap-lYeah, really old stuff15:54
brouschhm, i think wolfger commented in each one of them15:56
brouschprobably his fault15:56
snap-lYeah, I wonder if there was a wolfgerjam15:56
Wolfgercould be15:57
Wolfgermaybe my G+ got reinstated?15:58
brouschbut this was buzz stuff15:58
WolfgerI actually quit using Buzz some time ago when suddenly the only person I was following was gamerchick15:58
Wolfgerbrousch: I lost the ability to comment on Buzz posts due to G+15:59
Wolfgerand the profile fiasco15:59
Wolfgersweet! I can comment in Buzz again!16:01
Wolfgerand I'm back to "following 53 people"16:01
snap-lWolfger: Are things getting sorted out in the Google front?16:04
WolfgerWoot. I publicly +1'd something in Reader and didn't get an error!16:05
snap-lrick_h_: Did a console.log on 'this" under Node. Now I understand why you slapped my hand for using it in that script I was writing for Fudge dice.16:05
snap-lDefinitely not the same as Python's "this"16:06
rick_h_snap-l: oh heh16:06
Wolfgerof course, the Plus site itself is still blocked by Chrysler...16:06
rick_h_well all depends on what "this" is16:06
rick_h_this is all a matter of scope in JS16:06
snap-lJust a bad habit to get into16:07
rick_h_well console.log is all good16:08
rick_h_I don't recall what the issue I "slapped" your hand about tbh16:08
rick_h_but cool if it makes sense :)16:08
snap-lI used this.variable to house my variables16:09
snap-lyou changed it to var that = {}; that.value = 0;16:09
rick_h_ah ok16:09
snap-lunder a function literal.16:10
rick_h_yea, big win if they can get a decent experience17:07
n0prick_h_: you work at launchpad now?17:17
rick_h_n0p: yea17:17
n0pwow, cool, congrats!17:17
rick_h_down in AL to meet my boss and try to get bootstrapped on some of this crazy stuff17:17
n0pah, cool when did you start?17:18
rick_h_couple of weeks ago17:18
n0pi wanted to ask you about phantomjs, you still playing with it?17:18
rick_h_yea, fun stuff, lots to get my head around17:18
rick_h_n0p: little bit, I use it for bookie js testing17:18
n0pwe are looking to replace selenium17:18
rick_h_meh, since it doesn't launch browsers, it's not a great replacement17:19
rick_h_it's good for an automated test "does it obviously fail"17:19
rick_h_but not great for real browser testing17:19
rick_h_I use it for testing my bookis.api.js against a server to make sure my api code works17:19
rick_h_but I wouldn't use it for interface testing17:19
n0pah, ic17:20
rick_h_the new selenium webdriver stuff not making you guys happy?17:20
n0pbut it does do UI testing?17:20
n0pyeah, its not supported in phpunit17:20
rick_h_so really, all it does is run JS17:20
rick_h_so if your JS tests the UI then you can do it17:20
rick_h_but it's really just a dump headless browser17:20
rick_h_so to get it to test my JS, I load a .html page that has qunit JS tests on it17:21
rick_h_and then parse the output of the html for success/fail17:21
rick_h_so you can load up your page using phantomjs and get the page content and then walk through the html if you want I guess17:22
* n0p reading17:23
rick_h_so that article is doing like what you want I think17:23
rick_h_but even they kind of ack that it's a bit fundamentally different17:23
rick_h_I think phantomjs makes a great "runner" for a test framework17:25
rick_h_you could build a test framework around phantomjs, but it's not one itself17:26
rick_h_I think that better says what I've been trying to explain17:26
n0pyeah, still trying to read it, a few conversations floating around here17:27
n0pheh, good ol mechanize17:28
rick_h_off to find local food, let me know if you've got any other ? n0p17:29
n0pthanks, and congrats again17:29
WolfgerHere is a staffer who should get a stern reprimand, if not lose his job... If he just lets this slide, probably nobody notices. Now it's national news and this girl is gaining all sorts of popularity. http://www.cnn.com/2011/11/28/us/kansas-high-schooler-tweet/index.html18:09
brouschhas anyone heard of this before? it looks like tons of open source programs (i.e. vim)  on android http://nookdevs.com/Optware_for_Android18:20
greg-gbrousch: whoa, you can run irssi on your nook! :)18:23
brouschyeah, that is targetted at nook color, but i think you can do it on mosy anything18:25
Wolfger"What are you playing, Angry Birds?"  "No. Nethack."18:33
WolfgerApache seems like overkill...18:34
Wolfger"What are you reading?"  "Server logs. People from 13 different countries have visited my Nook."18:35
brouschperl 5.10.0-618:36
brouschalot of useless stuff like that18:36
rick_h_your own wordpress?18:37
rick_h_or launchpad instance! :P18:37
brouschpostgresql 8.2.13-218:37
greg-grick_h_: har har! doesn't LP take 3 servers to setup correctly to just test it? :P18:38
Wolfgerthere you go, rick_h_. A business case for Canonical to buy you a Nook tablet :-)18:38
rick_h_greg-g: only 3? :P18:38
greg-gI figured they were making improvements on community involvement, I guess not ;)18:38
brouschpython 2.5 2.6 and 2.718:39
greg-gseriously though rick_h_, do you have something like a Canonical-paid aws account for testing LP?18:39
rick_h_greg-g: no, we run out test suite on AWS and I'm supposed to be able to expense the ec2 time on there18:39
brouschzsh 4.3.10-118:40
rick_h_but nothing from them to rnu on. I run on my laptop tbh18:40
greg-grick_h_: ah, ok18:40
greg-gby "I'm supposed to be able to expense the ec2 time" you mean you have to have a good reason why you used 20 minutes to do X?18:40
brouschzsh+git+python rick_h_ could live on this18:40
rick_h_greg-g: well I guess I need to expense it via paper that says "I spent 40hrs of ec2 running LP tests so please write me a check"18:41
rick_h_I've not been there a month yet to find out18:41
greg-gah, gotcha18:41
rick_h_but there's a built in test runner (tests take 3-4hrs to run)18:41
* greg-g nods18:41
rick_h_that starts up an ec2 instance and rnus all tests, reports to the rest of the infrastructure18:41
jjesserick_h_,  you need a credit card that gives you mileage or points18:43
jjesseto use as your work expenses :)18:43
rick_h_jjesse: got it18:43
jjesseso check = miles :)18:43
rick_h_and yes, will be using that for stuff. Still working on getting it used18:43
jjessewhat happened to your laptop bag?  i think you posted TSA complained about it?18:44
rick_h_jjesse: oh just that everyone's cranking through and my bag gets scanned back/forth 20 times18:44
rick_h_and they bring over a guy who says "he just wants me to check out all this electronic gear18:44
rick_h_so he tears it apart, unpacks it all into 4 more bins, and then I have to wait in line while they rescan it all18:45
rick_h_no one else called out anywhere, so of course I've got enough silicon in my laptop bag to set off alarms above anyone else on a holiday rush travel day18:45
greg-grick_h_: hahaha, the rick_h_ I know and love18:46
rick_h_hey, not my fault I'm bringing a second usb monitor, a pico projector, along with the crap to run this stuff18:46
_stink_"what is this?" "it's zsh" "stay here sir while i call my supervisor."18:46
rick_h__stink_: yea, if they ever want me to power on my stuff I'm going to be missing that flight18:46
brouschgithub? what's that, some association for perverted jerks?18:47
snap-lrick_h_: I'm pretty sure your awesome setup is a threat to national security.18:47
jjessejust build a 2nd partition of windows that you would boot to :)18:47
rick_h_jjesse: hey, this ssd disk space is previous, I'm not bothering to install windows :P18:48
jjesseyeah i know18:48
jjessei'm now on a SSD as well18:48
brouschset up a boot option that just loads a windows desktop png18:48
greg-gbrousch: hah, there ya go, genius18:49
rick_h_"please open word sir"18:49
rick_h_oh 23@#$#@$#@18:50
greg-g"how's LibreOffice?" "libre-what? that's a french word! KILL HIM!"18:50
greg-gok, I think I went too fast with that joke to the killing18:50
* greg-g looks around18:51
_stink_sorry on the phone with the Feds turning you in.18:51
brouschyeah, they would just probe him18:51
greg-g_stink_: well played18:51
_stink_i guess they're busy, might be a few days.18:51
jjessethey are busy building the new tunnel under the white house front lawn :)18:52
jjesseyou didn't see the article about all the work being done in the front lawn of the white house?18:54
greg-gme? news?18:55
greg-gwait, no pics?18:55
brouschit's a secret compound. who would have pix?18:56
jjesseyeah i was disappointed as well18:56
greg-gat least of the above ground commotion18:56
* snap-l loves this photo: http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9058804/Kenny_G_Miles_Davis.jpg20:17
snap-lMiles' expression on his face says it all.20:17
brouschsigh, i have failed to install optware for android21:07
Blazeixcool article about python: http://mirnazim.org/writings/python-ecosystem-introduction/23:41
Blazeixit hits pyflakes/pip/virtualenv/etc. i imagine it almost gets the rick_h_ stamp of approval, but then it includes django.23:42
Blazeixoh, fabric, too.23:43
rick_h_well I do like to keep my stamp ready23:55

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