
Nivex64MAA922V: say wha?03:09
=== jack is now known as Guest64347
=== Guest64347 is now known as jack^_
Nivexso I've been using XFCE as my primary desktop for a few days now, and I only have a few niggling complaints:19:57
Nivexmulti-monitor support needs the ability to handle monitor layout, not just mirroring19:57
Nivexand the keyboard dialog needs the ability to set the compose key19:58
Nivexother than those two, I've figured out the XFCE way of doing most everything else19:58
holsteinNivex: i am using arandr for mirroring20:02
holsteinand i am suggesting that for ubuntustudio be default20:02
Nivexholstein: does that persist settings across sessions?20:03
Nivexa quick google search came up with grandr, which let us figure out which monitor was which20:04
Nivexthen I just stuck an xrandr command in her session Autostart20:04
holsteinNivex: would you mind to confirm that it does?20:05
holsteinit has for me20:05
holsteinand im trying to get testers actually20:06
holsteinNivex: you have nvidia by chance?20:06
Nivexthe machine we were working with on Saturday: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV610 [Radeon HD 2400 XT]20:07
NivexI have nvidia at home, but nothing with dual monitors connected20:07
holsteinNivex: still... that would be a good test20:07
holsteinto see if it saves and all20:07
NivexI had some fun output stuff on my media pc with nvidia, but that was all done with nvidia-settings20:07
jack^_Nivex: you shoudl tell ofourdan20:30
jack^_i'm pretty sure he's the upstream maintainer.20:30

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