
Kilosmorning superfly and others06:21
Kilosnuvolari, is jy ok?06:22
KilosMaaz, coffee on06:25
* Maaz starts grinding coffee06:25
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!06:29
KilosMaaz, ty06:30
MaazEnjoy Kilos06:30
Kiloshiya maiatoday 06:30
LangjanHi kilos06:37
Kiloshi Langjan 06:38
LangjanHoe gaan dit vanoggend?06:38
Kilosgoed dankie en self06:38
LangjanOok so dankie06:38
Kilosyou didnt read your mail yet?06:38
Kiloshet jy darem gewen met 11.0406:39
LangjanJa dankie. What can you tell me about the pros and cons of Thunderbird and Evolution, especially re my mail and adress book transfer problems?06:40
Kilosi havent used thunderbird but others say it is easier to set up06:40
LangjanUnfortunately I have to go, will chat later.06:40
Kilosok cheers06:41
Kilosgo well06:41
LangjanYou to thanks. 06:41
superflymorning Kilos06:47
Kilosyo Vince-0 07:07
Vince-0back online I see07:08
Vince-0*peon voice: work work07:08
Kilosyeah but not all day07:08
KilosVince-0, how old are you07:09
Kilosor how young?07:10
Vince-0ha! 26 this December07:10
Kilosah then only 35 years of work to go07:10
Vince-0yar tell me about it, the daily grind is getting to me07:11
Kilosthe trick is to enjoy your work, then its much easier07:11
Vince-0ya! that's the idea but the joy is no more. Thinking about jumping ship and being a fisherman on a remote island somwheres07:12
Kilosha ha ha07:12
Kilosyou will be lost without an internet connection07:12
Vince-0probably, can get almost anywhere these days07:13
nuvolario/ mornings 07:35
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 07:36
nuvolariek is okei ja dankie :P was net 'n woeste paar dae07:36
inetprogood morning kbmonkey and others08:35
inetproKerbero: your updates working now?08:35
inetproI can connect from the office08:36
Kerberoi'm forcing my system to use the tenet mirrors08:37
Kerberoby using ubuntu.mirror.ac.za as the address08:37
Kerberoi think if you use za.archive.ubuntu.com it might work now08:37
inetproI use za.archive.ubuntu.com and it works08:37
Kerberoas they might have change the cname to point to another mirror08:37
inetproKerbero: yes I noticed the message from pjdelport08:38
inetprobut as you mentioned one needs a login to see that08:39
Kerberothat message was just a request to change the cname08:39
Kerberoto another mirror08:39
Kerberoso i guess that was done08:39
inetproyou have a login for that?08:40
Kerberolaunchpad logi worked08:40
Kerberojust use that ubuntu sso08:40
inetproKerbero: great, that should hopefully nudge them to fix things08:49
inetproBTW, I have not had any feedback from the NOC at Tenet08:54
Kerberook sent a mail to rennews09:47
Kerberohopefully a reply there09:47
KerberoHi JP10:30
KerberoWe are investigating the problem.   10:30
KerberoShukri Wiener10:30
KerberoOn 28 Nov 2011, at 11:57 AM, JP Meijers wrote:10:30
Kerbero> The mirror.ac.za server seems to be down since Friday or Saturday. What 10:30
Kerbero> is the current status of this server?10:30
Kerbero> Regards10:30
Kerbero> JP Meijers10:30
Kerbero> Stellenbosch University10:30
Kerbero> Linux User Group10:30
Kerbero> _______________________________________________10:30
Kerbero> REN-news mailing list10:30
Kerbero> REN-news@lists.tenet.ac.za10:30
Kerbero> http://lists.tenet.ac.za/mailman/listinfo/ren-news10:30
nuvolariKerbero: please use pastebin for so many lines of text10:53
nuvolarior at least paste the useful lines :P10:54
Kerberoi was just happy that we actually got a reply10:54
drubinKerbero: Doesn't mean they will fix it11:43
inetproKerbero: I got feedback from TENET, "There was a general issue with the mirror server.  This has been resolved..." http://pastebin.com/s7zR4vN914:46
inetprocan somebody check and verify whether za.archive.ubuntu.com is pointing back to TENET14:50
inetproas far as I can see it's still pointing to the same as archive.ubuntu.com14:52
Kilossee you tonight14:57
tumbleweedinetpro: just poked #ubuntu-mirrors about that14:57
inetprotumbleweed: thanks14:57
tumbleweedinetpro: done15:13
inetprotumbleweed: ahh, great 15:14
inetpronow pointing to
inetprothat was quick15:14
bmg505telcrap is evil15:25
bmg505was adsl-less from 16th to no fault of nature or myself, all a tellcrap techy the fooked up15:25
bmg505only in za land15:25
inetprotumbleweed: can I download a .iso with all the latest updates?15:42
tumbleweedinetpro: only for LTSs15:43
inetprohmm... 15:43
* inetpro wants to download a fresh ubuntu-11.10-desktop-i386.iso 15:43
inetproor rather I have one right here at the office and have just zsynced it15:44
inetprobut there are a lot of updates 15:44
* inetpro needs to go slow with bandwidth at home15:45
inetprohmmm... 15:47
inetproperhaps I should just install it here on a VM and get all the updates like that15:47
Kerberocan't you make a startup disk on a flash drive with a persistence file15:49
Kerberoand update it while live booting15:50
Kerberoor will those updates not be used when you install from it then15:50
Kerberowhat we normally do is create a mirror of the repo on an external hdd with apt-mirror15:51
Kerberobut it is about 30GB iirc15:51
inetproKerbero: that's to much for me 15:53
Kerberoyes that is a lot15:55
Kerberobut if one have a 100mbps LAN connection to a repo it's not :P15:55
inetprowhat's this package called where you can take the .deb files offline?15:56
inetproI think kilos was using it15:57
Kerberoi don't understand what you mean15:58
inetprothere is a package which you can install and use to sync all .deb files with a system that is not connected to the web15:59
* inetpro forgot what is was called16:00
Kerberoalmost sounds like apt-mirror16:00
Kerberoor deb-mirror16:00
superflyinetpro: aptoncd16:01
inetproahh... thats the one, thanks superfly16:01
tumbleweedit's also built-into synaptic16:32
tumbleweedand there's apt-offline16:32
inetprotumbleweed: built-into synaptic? That is very interesting16:51
inetpromy updates are almost done16:51
inetprowill check it out16:52
inetprotumbleweed: does that mean I don't have to install aptoncd at all?16:57
inetprohmm... does oneiric even have synaptic?17:03
* superfly doesn't know17:08
inetprowe'll see now17:11
inetprobusy rebooting the vm after updates17:11
inetprohmm... if it there I don't know how to use it17:16
* inetpro busy installing quassel-client before installing and running aptoncd17:16
inetproUbuntu Software Centre is nice but I still prefer aptitude17:17
superflyinetpro: yeah, same thing here17:18
inetprosuperfly: so far I'm very impressed with the latest version of ubuntu17:18
inetproreally looks very polished17:19
inetproeish, but I just hate working in a VM17:20
* inetpro should probably get a hardware and memory upgrade 17:21
superflyinetpro: 4 gigs of RAM work wonders when you're dealing with VMs :-)17:24
drubinsuperfly: 4gigs..... you can't run vm's with 4gigs17:41
superflydrubin: as long as I'm not running more than 4 at a time, it's fine. I use them for testing, so I don't run them all the time17:42
drubinsuperfly: I suppose I normally have netbeans and eclipse open and firefox so that means I am already using like 3gigs of ram :)17:43
superflydrubin: uh, yeah, that would consume a lot of RAM17:49
drubinsuperfly: also windows vm (blush)17:50
drubinyou can't give those things less thne 2gigs of ram17:51
superflydrubin: well, I have an XP vm, though I hardly ever use it, and that doesn't use much RAM17:56
Kilosevening guys18:39
Kilosand a gal18:39
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:41
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:41
KilosMaaz, hurry18:41
MaazHey! Kilos Patience is a virtue, 18:41
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:45
KilosMaaz, ty18:45
MaazEnjoy Kilos18:45
Kilosinetpro, verdict?18:46
Kilosoh my. he really struggling with unity19:11
Kiloszeref_, whats with the tail19:11
Kiloshiya Langjan 19:24
LangjanHowzit Kilos?19:25
Kilosgood ty and there?19:25
LangjanFine thanks, all praise to the Lord! Which worldly problems are you solving tonight? 19:27
Kiloslol boredom19:27
Kiloshave you got everything working19:28
LangjanWow! How do you manage to get there? Wish I had time for boredom...lol19:28
Kilosha ha19:28
LangjanI have reverted to Thunderbird but still have to get to my old e-mails to find the guy who had ideas about transferring e-mails...19:30
Kiloshave you found them then19:31
superflyhey Langjan19:33
LangjanBattling to find the right registry files...19:34
LangjanDo you know if there are guidelines to speed up Libre Office writer? 19:34
LangjanFound as site with some hints, will try it now19:36
superflyLangjan: did I tell you about OpenLP?19:37
Kilosgoogle how to speed up libreoffice writer19:37
KilosMaaz, google how to speed up libreoffice writer19:37
MaazKilos: "LibreOffice - ArchWiki" https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/LibreOffice :: "10 essential LibreOffice Writer tricks | TechRepublic" http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/10things/10-essential-libreoffice-writer-tricks/2852 :: "Five power tips for LibreOffice users | TechRepublic" http://www.techrepublic.com/blog/five-apps/five-power-tips-for-libreoffice-users/593 :: "Speeding up LibreOffice and OpenOffice.org" http://www.pclinuxos.com/fo19:37
inetproKilos: to many other interruptions in life19:40
* inetpro is about to try it out again... hang on19:41
LangjanWow! Speedy Gonzales, thanks!19:42
LangjanJust one little thing, enable quickstarter...19:43
Kiloslol whats that19:43
LangjanLibre Office, tools, options, memory, enable systray quickstarter19:45
Kiloshopefully someone else here uses libreoffice and knows19:47
Kilosor we can ask maaz19:47
KilosMaaz, google how to enable libre office quickstarter19:47
MaazKilos: "11.04 - How do I enable the libreoffice quickstarter in unity? - Ask ..." http://askubuntu.com/questions/34796/how-do-i-enable-the-libreoffice-quickstarter-in-unity :: "Common/Memory - LibreOffice Help" http://help.libreoffice.org/Common/Memory :: "Installation of LibreOffice 3.3 on Linux ยป LibreOffice" http://www.libreoffice.org/get-help/installation/linux/ :: "libreoffice -quickstart by default in LibreOffice ..." http://en.libre19:47
Kilostop one Langjan 19:48
LangjanKilos I keep on getting into another chat when I connect xchat on my new system, perhaps 'cause I took the wrong turn in the beginning, how do I fix that?19:48
Kiloswhen you open it do you first get a small window that tells you connect\19:48
Kilosin  that small window you set up what channel you want to go to19:49
LangjanYes then it takes me to a room full of strangers... scary lol19:49
Kilosno man19:49
Langjanlet me try again19:50
Kilosopen again now but dont say connect19:50
Kilosoh my19:50
tumbleweedinetpro: aptitude is unusable with multi-arch19:50
tumbleweedinetpro: hopefully that'll be sorted out soon...19:50
tumbleweedbut for now, apt-get...19:50
Kiloswait now Langjan 19:55
Kilosstop right here19:55
Kilosyou have to set it up in that small window first before you say connect19:58
Kilosscroll through networks till you get to freenode19:59
Kilostick freenode19:59
Kilosthen tick edit on the right19:59
LangjanIt connects automatically, before I have a say!20:00
Kilosin favourite channels type in #ubuntu-za20:00
inetproLooking good so far 20:00
Kiloseish you ticked the connect automatically block hey20:00
inetproInstaller not crashed.. Ek busy restarting after install.... And oops 20:02
inetproForgot to do nomodeset 20:02
Kilosha ha20:02
LangjanKilos, it connects me before I can select anything, but to the wrong channel...20:03
Kiloshow come it doesnt install without that nomodeset20:03
Kilosyes jan20:03
Kilosyou need to get in that small window20:03
Kiloswait lets see how we find it20:04
Kiloswhile you are on this channel now what happens if you try open xchat again20:04
inetproDoing the aptoncd thing before connecting online 20:06
inetproHmm. Why can't do that? 20:10
Kilosbecause its not same release20:11
inetproRunning apt-get update and then gonna install aptoncd 20:12
Kilosoh not installed yet20:12
inetproKilos: is the same release 20:12
inetproYikes 20:13
Kilosah i thought you brought it from maverick20:13
Kiloswhat Yikes20:13
inetproTo many sources enabled by default 20:13
inetproKilos no20:14
inetproI installed a vm with Oneiric at the office this afternoon / evening 20:15
KilosLangjan, whats happening20:20
Kilosim sure he has ticked the skip network list on startup20:22
Kilosdunno how to get back to the connect window now20:22
Kilosunless maybe purging xchat will help20:22
LangjanKilos, tell you what, it's a mess trying to connect to this thing now!20:25
inetproEish! 20:26
KilosLangjan, stop now20:26
Kiloslets try20:26
Langjanok, what do I have to do?20:26
Kilosyou mustnt tick the skip network list on startup20:26
inetproThey changed the easy to use aptoncd 20:26
Kilosthats why it is going right online20:26
LangjanI don't even know where that is...20:27
Kiloswhen you tick xchat to open it20:27
inetproHow to add the cd repo? 20:27
Kilosyou get a small window that lets you choose your channels20:27
LangjanNo, when I click to open, it opens up by itself into an unknown environment 20:28
Kilosthats where you must choose freenode and type in #ubuntu-za in favourite channels20:28
Langjantheres no such option20:29
Kilosok so i hope getting rid of xchat and installing it agin might help20:29
LangjanI did, same again20:29
Kiloson your maverick xchat as well??20:30
LangjanWhat's Maverick - 10.10? No20:30
LangjanHavent been there20:30
Kilosya 10.1020:30
Kiloshow did we used to chat20:31
LangjanNo should be fine there20:31
Kilosyou must have seen the small window on startup20:31
Kiloson 10.1020:31
Kilosanyway lets try purging it20:32
LangjanYes but it does not work here20:32
Kilosyou must write down these commands20:32
Kilossudo aptitude purge xchat20:32
Kilosthat should clean everything out20:32
Kilosthen sudo aptitude install xchat20:33
Langjanok is that all?20:33
Kilosthen when you try open it it should show the small window where you choose what channel you want and where you enter your nickname etc20:34
Langjanok will try20:34
Kilosif you get that small window20:34
Kilosfirst you scroll to freenode20:34
Kilostick freenode once20:34
Kilosthen tick edit on the right20:34
Kilostype in #ubuntu-za in favourite channels20:35
Kilosdelete any others there if there are any20:35
Langjanok will do20:35
Kilosok i wait for you20:36
superflyLangjan: there's a connections menu option somewhere which brings up that dialog again20:36
Langjanif i'm not back by 23:00, will try again tomorrow20:36
LangjanThanks Superfly 20:37
Kilosi found it20:38
Kilosi forgot how to do it20:39
Kilosnow i found it20:39
Kilosty for the reminder superfly 20:40
Kilosits so so simple20:40
* Kilos bows my head in shame20:40
Kilosits easy20:43
KilosLangjan, 20:43
LangjanHi Kilos,  after doing all that, I still get into the wrong channel again then have to redo the settings20:44
Kilostick xchat in top left corner20:44
Kilosthen network list20:44
Kilosyou set it up there20:44
Kilossorry for giving you a run around20:44
Kilosthis way we can remove everything you dont want20:45
LangjanEverythings right in there but it still takes me to the wrong channel20:45
Kilosdoes it not leave the little window open20:46
Kilosdont tick connect20:46
Kilosand untick skip network list20:47
Kilosthats what makes it go straight online20:47
LangjanIt was not selected20:47
Kilosdoes that little window not stay open20:48
LangjanProblem persists20:49
Kilosif you tick xchat and network list does it not stay open20:50
LangjanIs the server irc.freenode.net/8001 correct?20:51
LangjanYes it stays open20:51
Kilosright slow down20:51
Kilosyou see freenode20:52
Kilosscroll networks20:52
Kilosthen tick edit20:52
Kilostick freenode once then tick edit20:52
Kiloswhat you see20:53
Kilosare you in the edit mode of freenode now20:53
LangjanFavourite  channels #ubuntu-za 20:54
Kilosis that all thats there20:54
LangjanAuto connect20:54
Kiloslets make sure its right first20:54
Langjanwhat else should be there?20:54
Kilosonly that block that says global info must be ticked20:56
Kilosare you registered with irc20:56
LangjanOK I had global user clicked, have unticked that and it then asked my nickname, inserted, should be ok now. 20:57
LangjanWhat is irc? 20:57
Kilosinternet relay channel20:57
Kilosyes  it should work20:58
Kilosirc is whewre you register the nick langjan20:58
Langjanok ek gaan nou slaap moet more 5 uur opstaan, sal weer gesels, dankie virrie moeite.20:58
Kilosotherwise ones nickname gets stolen at times20:58
Kilosjys welkom20:59
Kilosit should work now20:59
Kilossee ya tomorrow20:59
Kiloslekker slaap20:59
LangjanMooi loop en slaap met jou oogies toe!20:59
Kilostell it connect before you close down20:59
Kilosoh my21:01
Kiloswen jy inetpro 21:02
inetproI 21:02
inetproUpdates vat lank 21:03
Kilosdis laat jy moet gaan slaap21:04
inetproAmper daar 21:06
inetproBesig om nou quassel te instal21:06
Kilosek wou did hier install maar dis baie megs21:08
Kilosal die kubuntu goed21:08
Kilos58 meg21:09
inetproKilos: hier's ek nou21:11
Kilosok nou kan ons gaan slaap ne21:11
inetpromaar is gou besig om die NVidia drivers te installeer21:11
Kilosjy nie bang nie21:11
inetprotumbleweed: at least I got this green icon + lock at the top for foreign drivers21:12
inetprobig thing is that I need to start up with nomodeset until I've installed the drivers21:13
inetproKilos: hoekom moet ek bang wees?21:13
Kilosnet nou crash jy weer21:13
tumbleweedinetpro: that sounds like something you should talk to the ubuntu-x people about. Machines that require kernel options are *bad* for end-users21:14
Kilosdoesnt it work wit nouveau 21:14
inetproKilos: nope21:14
inetproat least not by default21:14
Kiloshow do you see to install then21:14
Kiloswithout your mods does it boot to black screen ?21:16
inetprotumbleweed: that's what it looks like when I boot up with a live disk21:17
inetprowithout setting nomodeset21:17
Kilosi cant go there man21:17
Kilosyou must tell me here21:17
tumbleweedinetpro: that's entirely non-optimal :P21:17
tumbleweedplease file a bug against the linux package21:18
inetprowill do so as soon as I have some more time21:18
Kiloshehe ok guys, sleep tight21:18
inetproand as soon as I know that I got everything working on a fresh install21:18
Kilossee ya tomorrow21:18
inetprotumbleweed: should install the post-release update of the NVIDIA driver ?21:20
inetproor just the recommended (current version)21:21
tumbleweedinetpro: what do you mean by post-release update?21:21
inetproor both?21:21
inetprogot this screen for installing Proprietary drivers21:21
inetprowith both options21:22
tumbleweedhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nvidia-graphics-drivers doesn't mention any post-release updates for oneiric21:22
tumbleweedinetpro: screenshot please?21:22
inetprotumbleweed: ^^21:26
inetprook I'm just leaving it as is now with just the recommended...21:27
inetprogonna reboot quickly and see what gives21:27
tumbleweedinetpro: right, that's a separate package21:30
tumbleweedI guess if you need it, you use it21:30
inetprook, all seems working perfectly now21:31
inetprolemme quickly log a bug21:32
inetprotumbleweed: where do I start and what do I put in there?21:32
tumbleweedinetpro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs21:32
tumbleweedubuntu-bug linux, and describe the problem (and be prepared to test on daily CDs every now and then)21:33
tumbleweeddon't you like giving back? :)21:35
inetprosure, don't worry I'll do it :-)21:35
tumbleweedthere's an alpha coming out this week, it'd be awesome if you could test on it21:36
inetprohmm... I just need sleep urgently21:37
inetprowhere do I log bugs for X?21:37
tumbleweeddepends on where the bug is21:37
tumbleweedthe intel driver is in its own package21:37
tumbleweedas is the proprietory nvidia driver21:38
inetproeish... launcpad timing out for me21:38
tumbleweednouveau: xserver-xorg-video-nouveau21:38
tumbleweedwhat operation is timing out?21:39
inetprowas doing a bug search21:39
inetpromy connection is very bad today21:39
inetproPlease describe the bug in a few words, for example, "weather applet crashes on logout": 21:47
inetprotumbleweed: what you think I should write?21:47
tumbleweedinetpro: Screen corrupted without nomodeset on *insert-model-here*21:48
inetproScreen corrupted without nomodeset on nVidia Corporation GT215 [GeForce GTS 360M] 21:49
tumbleweedwith a little more explanation in the body. State what works, what doesn't and which CDs you saw it on21:49
tumbleweedattach a screenshot21:50
inetprodo I attach a screenshot afterwards?21:55
inetproextra options21:56
inetprotumbleweed: ok that took way to long22:00
tumbleweedinetpro: you get better at it with practice :)22:00
inetprothanks again for the help22:00
tumbleweedinetpro: if nobody replies within a week or two, please remind me, and I'll poke people :)22:01
inetprook cool, thanks22:02
inetprogood night eveyone22:06

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