
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».00:00
Guest2919reisio: dd-ing ur script returns 'unrecognised operand dvdimage.dd00:01
Guest2919btw, lindvdcss2, libdvdread and libdvdnav4 are already installed00:02
reisioGuest2919: sounds like you got the syntax wrong00:02
reisioGuest2919: try: dd if=/dev/dvd of=path/to/dvd.img00:02
kcw45Guest2919, if your region is set wrong, chances are libdvdcss2 is not going to decrypt your disc00:03
reisiolibdvdcss shouldn't care00:03
reisioit's an issue of his hardware player playing it00:03
escottreisio, but is the hardware going to be willing to send the data to the os?00:03
reisioescott: easy way to find out00:04
kcw45reisio, gotcha.  i had problem with a spanish disc recently.  i didn't want to regionset my player, so i just used slysoft in a vm (ashamed) =(00:04
reisiokcw45: heh00:04
Guest2919reisio, ok. the new script returns 'opening 'path/to/dvd.img': no such file or directory'00:04
reisioI rather thought most modern computer systems didn't bother with region enforcement00:04
reisioGuest2919: that's a placeholder00:05
reisioGuest2919: if=/dev/dvd is finite, it says where your dvd device is, presumably at /dev/dvd00:05
reisioGuest2919: of (for output file) is where you want to save the copy00:05
Guest2919i see. let me check00:05
reisioGuest2919: so dd if=/dev/dvd of=/home/somedude/copy.img00:05
escott!dvd | Guest2919 start by making sure that the css library is installed as described here. if that doesn't work its not likely anything will work00:05
ubottuGuest2919 start by making sure that the css library is installed as described here. if that doesn't work its not likely anything will work: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/com00:05
reisiothe filename doesn't matter, just make it unique and easy to identify00:05
Bullworthi am trying to set the resulution of my ubuntu server box , and i just entered 'sudo vi /etc/default/grub' and im in a grub file00:08
Bullworthhow can i exit this00:08
Bullworthimmidiatly without saving00:08
kcw45Bullworth, :q!00:08
Guest2919escott, the css library is installed00:09
Bullworth:q!   ????00:09
Bullworthwhat you mean by that00:09
kcw45Bullworth, you might have to hit escape before typing that00:09
reisioBullworth: hit ESC a couple times, then type ':q!', then hit ENTER00:09
reisioBullworth: use nano -w next time if you're not familiar with vi/m00:09
Bullworthah yeah it helped00:10
Bullworthso im out of it again00:10
Bullworthteh thing is00:10
Bullworthim running the server on vbox on a windows machine00:10
escottGuest2919, and you manually ran the script in /var/lib?00:10
Bullworthand the box is still in 640x480 mode00:10
Bullworthwhat is the best way to change the resolution of the box to 1024x76800:11
JadedJacobhi, i'm trying to reach the recovery console in ubuntu, but when i choose 'recovery console' from the grub menu. it starts loading and then my monitor goes into standby :(00:11
reisioBullworth: you installed a DE?00:11
JadedJacobubuntu standard loads fine.00:11
escottBullworth, thats the standard minimal vesa mode. you can change the default framebuffer setting by modifying grub as you suggested. by why not just install openssh and use putty?00:11
Bullworthim such a rookie omg , whats a DE00:11
JadedJacob(I'm trying to recover my password)00:11
reisioBullworth: like GNOME00:11
Guest2919escott, sorry im not that aware of cli. whhich script do i run in /var/lib?00:11
reisioBullworth: a graphical _D_esktop _E_nvironment00:11
escottGuest2919, did you read this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#Installing_libdvdcss00:12
reisioJadedJacob: read this? https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/ubuntu-help/user-forgottenpassword.html00:12
Bullworthyeah well i just started the journy of linux so im a real nub in this so many ways todo one thing00:12
Bullwortha frickin wood of info comin at me lol00:12
careyhi can anyone help me with mdadm?00:13
careyhappy to buy someone a beer...00:13
escott!anyone | carey00:13
ubottucarey: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.00:13
reisioBullworth: most Linux servers are managed from commands only, so the resolution is irrelevant00:13
reisioBullworth: if you want to give yourself a GUI you can, by installing ubuntu-desktop00:13
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careyI need to mount a RAID10 mdadm array in a live CD so I can access my files. But I can't work out how to do it00:14
reisioBullworth: after that you'd want to install virtualbox guest additions00:14
escottBullworth, and if you dont want the gui just install openssh-server and use putty (a windows program) to shell into your server00:14
Bullworthreiso i understand that , but the resolution is a bit small , even normal info will break on to the next line00:14
reisioBullworth: well if you ssh in there will be no such restriction00:14
Bullworthi think changing it to even 800x600 make the info bit more readable00:14
kcw45Bullworth, as stated previously, "nano -w <filename>" is easier... i love it =)  also, if you are using virtualbox with a graphical DE, then you may want to install the virtualbox extensions on the guest machine.  this might help out with resolutions00:15
careyIt's something like mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 --level=raid10 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd100:15
careybut i worry that if I run the command it might wipe my array, just wanting someone to confirm it if possible :)00:15
orlokcarey: do the drives all show up in dmesg?00:15
careyyeah they do00:16
Bullworthso how would i install the guest additions on a linux ubuntu box00:16
reisioBullworth: you'd want to sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop first00:16
Bullworthnormally with a windows box its eazy00:16
careywhen I run mdadm --assemble --scan it misses out one drive (/dev/sdb1)00:16
careybut the drive is fine, shows up with fdisk fine00:16
orlokcarey: yeah, iirc its mdadm --manage, i think --assemble may assume --manage00:16
Bullworthisnt the ubuntu desktop app like gnome ?00:17
reisioBullworth: yes00:17
Bullworthwhat is it exaclty what does it00:17
careyso i think maybe the manual command (with the list of drives) is what I want instead of the auto scan (from --scan)00:17
reisioBullworth: it gives you more than a commandline environment00:17
Bullworthdoes it make my server look like the desktop version suddenly00:17
reisioBullworth: yup00:17
kcw45Bullworth, if you are using virtualbox, use the 'Devices' menu and select 'Install Guest Addiitons'... and yes, make sure you have a graphical DE first using reisio's suggestions00:17
Bullworthhmm i read about that somewhere in a forum and it needed some extra config to make the gnome desktop start up auto insteadt of ending up in te comand lne again00:18
careywell I think I'm going to try this command: "mdadm --assemble /dev/md0 --level=raid10 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1".... hopefully nothing goes wrong )00:18
reisioBullworth: probably sudo update-rc.d gdm defaults00:19
IHateHavingToRegi want to test my mail server is working properly, how do i send something to my gmail that just says "test" ?00:19
careythey are the right drives and partitions, right raid level (10) and the right number of devices (4). Just not sure on the --assemble bit as to what it means :)00:19
Bullworthwhat is the update-rc.d gdm ?00:19
escottcarey, assemble just assembles an existing array from the different components. if the components didn't match up it would complain00:19
Bullworthmust stand for somthing00:20
jribBullworth: what is your question?00:20
Bullworthwhat does the abbreviation stand for00:20
jribBullworth: what abbreviation?00:20
Bullworthor better sayd what am i exactly doing when i put that command i teh console00:20
orlokcarey: --assemble is the one you want00:21
jribBullworth: what command...?00:21
escottBullworth, rc is for system V system runlevels. it means add gdm to the normal list of programs to start at boot00:21
reisioBullworth: it means update the rc daemons system to add gdm00:21
Bullworthah gdm is gnome desktop manager ?00:21
Bullworthright .. ?00:21
jribBullworth: yes (which isn't the default anymore)00:21
reisioBullworth: it's the login manager for GNOME00:21
escottBullworth, display manager but yes00:21
reisiooh yeahhhhhh00:21
reisioI guess you'd want lightdm00:21
reisiodepending on the version of Ubuntu you're using00:21
Bullworthalso posisble :P00:21
Bullworthmine is latest00:22
itguy51_does 11.10 have the GDM rc script?00:22
reisiosudo update-rc.d lightdm defaults, if it doesn't do it by default, then00:22
reisiothen sudo apt-get install build-essential module-assistant && sudo m-a prepare00:23
Bullworthi realy wouldnt know if 11.10 has the gdm rc script lol00:23
cablop¬¬ i hate ubuntu now00:23
reisiothen click vbox's install guest additiosn to mount its image00:23
reisiothen run the appropriate shell script to install it00:23
kcw45itguy51_, i am not sure it does.  i installed it manually, and used dpkg-reconfigure on it to set it as default00:23
reisiocablop: good times00:23
careyescott, ok thank you. actually I was having a problem with /dev/sdb1 not appearing in raid array. I can see why now, because /proc/mdstat has /dev/dsb1 as inactive listed as /dev/md_d0 (it must have been auto detected, because I have not instructed mdadm.conf to do anything with my raid drives). I have just run mdadm --stop /dev/md_d0 and it stopped it. Now I'm going to try the assemble command.00:24
cablopi opened a remote session of it using nx, when it asked me for the kind of session i want i selected GNOME, but it opened me Unity instead!!! are the ubuntu guys even overtaking the name of gnome???00:24
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cablophow can i remove unity so i can just have gnome, gnome-shell, not unity?00:24
itguy51_Yeah, I was trying to configure CUDA, and it was telling me to restart GDM, and, running the standard "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop" ended with a "File not found"00:25
itguy51_so, I was thinking 11.10 dropped it.00:25
Guest2919reisio, hi. finally figured out the dd command. it returns input/output error;  6160+0 records in;  6160+0 records out;  3153920 bytes (3.2 MB) copied, 2.24785 s, 1.4 MB/s00:25
careythe assemble command returned "mdadm:option --level not valid in assemble mode"00:25
reisioGuest2919: okay, you can try ddrescue if you want00:26
escottitguy51_, lightdm is the default dm in 11.1000:26
reisioGuest2919: dd if=foo of=bar becomes ddrescue foo bar00:26
Bullworthso what is the best way now00:26
careyI'm pretty sure I used --create in the past to access my mdadm RAID10 in a livecd before, it just sounds bad because in the manpage it says "creates a NEW array"...00:26
Bullworthinstall the gdm first then vbox additions00:27
reisioBullworth: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:27
Bullworthor other way around or doesnt matter00:27
genoobiehey I am trying to map a network drive and I am kind of stuck00:27
reisioBullworth: reboot, if it doesn't start the DE automatically, run sudo update-rc.d lightdm defaults00:27
Guest2919reisio, ok. trying it out now00:27
reisioBullworth: then give a yell00:27
escottcarey, the array should have information in it about what level it is and the uuids of the other disks so the level is superfluous00:28
careyIs "sudo mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=raid10 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1 /dev/sdc1 /dev/sdd1" safe to run on an existing array? I think it might work but not sure if safe to my data...00:28
Bullworthok ima try that but since u want me to install the gnome desktop now isnt it best just to get things dont with the desktop version then anyway since evrything is in place there alrdy00:28
careyescott I'll try omitting the level thanks00:28
sparksshmmmm why now when I just upgraded to 11.10 does my system boot into Busybox ?00:28
sparkssI want it to fully boot regardless of what it thinks my raid array is doing00:28
reisioBullworth: you don't need the desktop for your server to function, but it sounded a lot like you personally wanted it00:28
cablophow can i remove Unity?00:28
escott!nounity | cablop00:28
ubottucablop: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic00:28
itguy51_Unity question00:29
Bullworthno lol i just want my server resoltion changed to 800x600 or more to make it more readble00:29
cablopi want for GNOME to mean GNOME!!! not Unity, if i want to launch GNOME , why ubuntu is giving me unity instead!!!!00:29
Bullworthand to learn do basic stuff00:29
careyescott, I omitted the options and it worked, but I still have the same problem. "mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 3 drives (out of 4). "00:29
itguy51_Is there any way to make the menu items at the top stay put00:29
reisiocablop: log out, click the cog next to the login box00:29
itguy51_and not hide when I mouse off of them?00:29
escottcarey, it may be rejecting the drive for some reason (stale timestamp or hardware failure)00:29
reisioBullworth: start VirtualBox headlessly and remote into your box with ssh00:29
cablopescott: yes, i did that, but i am opening it via a remote tool, i select the kind of shell we want to use, i selected GNOME, and it launched Unity!!00:30
samseokan hier jemand deutsch ? und kann mir dabei helfen in ubuntu ein cd/dvd lauferk einzubinden00:30
reisiosamseo: #ubuntu-de00:30
sparksswhy can I never get help in here... lol00:30
cablopreisio: no loginbox i am login remotely, so i expected for gnome to call gnome, not unity, :S00:30
careyescott, yes it must be. For some reason /dev/sdb1 is listed separately in /proc/mdstat. It has "md0 : active raid10 sda1[0] sdd1[3] sdc1[2] "   and "md_d0 : inactive sdb1[1](S)"00:31
reisiosamseo: /join #ubuntu-de00:31
cablopi think i am going to end installing KDE for remote usage :S00:31
careyso /dev/md0 is all good with the 3 drives. But sdb1 says inactive, on a different device (md_d0), and it has an (S) after it - not sure what that means.00:31
samseothx :-900:31
reisiocablop: up to you00:31
careyMaybe I should try some verbose options00:31
Guest2919reisio, the output for ddrescue is: ddrescue: error in logfile /home/blah/blah, line 1;  ddrescue: Are you using a logfile from ddrescue 1.5 or older?00:31
sparkssjust re add it to your array.... if it is in fact raid 1000:31
cablopyep :(00:31
careyit is00:32
careyHow do I re-add it?00:32
Bullworthok i understand ur idea reiso but im running the box alrdy in a screen , i dont see a reason to startup a linux box headless and then use a program and use extra system resources then just run the vbox directly from the vbox with screen itself00:32
careyIt is absolutely raid10 and the drive shows up with correct partitions with fdisk00:32
Bullworthu know what i mean00:32
cablopreisio, but what made me sad is that gnome is not gnome in ubuntu, the command that will call gnome is calling unity instead, then.... what is calling gnome??? this makes me believe gnome 3 is not a real gnome on ubuntu... :S00:32
reisioBullworth: I do, but it doesn't make sense00:32
sparksssomething like mdadm --add /dev/md0 /dev/sd*00:32
sparkssit will rebuild from there00:32
careyHmm yes I think maybe: mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb100:33
careyI'll give it a go00:33
reisioBullworth: you can try this, though00:33
sparkssi dont think u need the --manage flag with new mdadm's00:33
careyoh ok00:33
itguy51_what is the default compositor for 11.10?00:33
careythis is 10.04 LTS though00:33
sparkssthats fine00:33
luigi69Hi i have a problem ;/ i don't know Unix well, and i wanna have a subdomain under ip like so: project.xxx.xxx.xx.xx, a run apache for the web server, how can i do that?00:33
reisioBullworth: sudo apt-get install build-essential module-assistant && sudo m-a prepare00:33
reisioBullworth: then hit install guest additions in the vbox menu at the top of the window00:33
sparksscan someone tell me why after i upgraded to 11.10 my system boots with this initramfs00:33
reisioBullworth: then cd /media/VBOS-something-here/ and rune sudo sh VBoxLinuxArchWhatever.run00:34
reisioBullworth: and run*00:34
careyIT WORKED00:34
reisioBullworth: they might have something in there for consoles, but I wouldn't hold my breath00:34
Bullworthhmm tnx00:34
luigi69I've tried this00:35
luigi69but it really doesnt' work for me ;/00:35
itguy51_Luigi69: is it actually possible to subdomain an IP?00:35
careysparkss THANK YOU00:35
careyescott THANK YUO00:35
sparkssyour welcome00:35
itguy51_I know that you can route a host entry and trick it00:35
Bullworthill try this00:36
careyI ran "sudo mdadm --manage /dev/md0 --add /dev/sdb1" and it returned "mdadm: re-added /dev/sdb1". Woo-hoo. (I had to run: "mdadm --stop /dev/sdb1" first to get rid of the inactive /dev/md_d0 though, and presto!) :)00:36
itguy51_Luigi69: If I read your original question correctly, you would want something like blah. or the likes, correct?00:37
luigi69itguy51_ yeah00:37
luigi69but with public ip00:37
sparkssCan someone tell me why after upgrading through package manager to 11.10 my system boots into BusyBox and initramfs? How can I start normally?!00:37
luigi69i have a server, i can access websites there, but i need a subdomain00:38
Hilikus is there a way to merge snapshots in virtualbox using another disk as temporary storage? i don't have enough space in that drive to merge them there00:38
itguy51_Luigi69: I don't think that's possible, I know that you could technically do it, but you would need to modify /etc/hosts00:38
itguy51_and point it to that IP address00:39
luigi69itguy51_ should i just write there like blah.myip myip ?00:39
lynx7os5how do you change ubuntu gdm theme?00:39
itguy51_either that, or you could take an unregisterable domain like blah.myser.ver00:40
reisiolynx7os5: pgrep -l dm00:40
itguy51_Luigi69: That's what I do quite a bit.00:40
escottHilikus, dont know anything about what you are doing but you can always attach a disk to wherever you want on the filesystem. so if vbox uses a particular directory to complete the merge attach your new disk there00:40
=== Tacho is now known as Santiago74
lynx7os52297 gdm-binary00:41
lynx7os52298 gdm-simple-slav00:41
lynx7os52333 gdm-simple-gree00:41
lynx7os52336 gdm-session-wor00:41
FloodBot1lynx7os5: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:41
Santiago74hola, i need help00:41
escottsparkss, have you fscked your filesystems? is your root mountable? is the correct root being passed to the kernel as an argument?00:42
sparkssmy operating system isn't even on a mdadm raid array...00:42
sparkssits just a single disk, the raid's are just file storage seperate from my o/s00:42
sparkssbut in any case it keeps dropping me to a shell busybox / initramfs00:43
sparkssand im not sure how to ignore it and start x00:43
luigi69join #ubuntu-pl00:43
escottsparkss, if you are still in the initramfs it means that the root partition has not been mounted for some reason. you can't just ignore that. you need to figure out why it stopped00:44
genoobiehey all00:44
genoobiehey all I am trying to access an SMB share on my network00:44
genoobiebut I keep running into trouble00:45
genoobiesmbmount is a good command00:45
genoobieand mount.cifs exists00:45
sparksshmmm escott, all I did was run the update package manager and updated from 11.04 to 11.1000:45
Santiago74login problem, with pma00:46
escottsparkss, which replaces virtually every single piece of software on the entire system00:46
sparksshmmm ok...00:47
sparkssim not sure how to move forward hehe00:47
scorinitronIs it possible to get areo snap on xfce?00:47
escottsparkss, so check the output of `mount` is your root partition mounted? can you fsck your root partition?00:47
sparkssok one moment00:48
CharminTheMooseMy system is using a horrendous amount of cache. What can I do to clear a bit of it?00:48
xanguascorinitron: is that the drag and full screen feature¿00:48
scorinitronXangua: nah it's the side by side feature00:48
reisioscorinitron: drag to side, right?00:49
xanguascorinitron: if you install compiz and configure it, maybe00:49
scorinitronIt's a shame cause unity has it...00:49
xanguaubuntu already is configured that way00:49
reisioah, the complete lack of answer00:49
observationAre the restricted media codecs that can be installed on Ubuntu restricted because they're illegal to install?00:50
orlokCharminTheMoose: what sort of cache? the OS caching data is normal and desirable00:50
devkorcvinceobservation: depends on the country you are in00:50
observationHow can I find out?00:50
scorinitroni'm using xfce...the only thing I get is the drag to fullscreen but I wanted the ability to drag a window to a corner (either left or right) and it will fill up half of the screen00:50
scorinitronxubuntu btw00:51
reisioobservation: it's more that Canonical doesn't want to deal with any potential legal issues00:51
observationreisio: neither do I :P00:51
reisioobservation: don't waste your time00:51
orlokobservation: restricted usually means "non-free" as in, non open source, "legal" or not will depend on your location00:51
reisiothe only people at risk are entities _with money_ that are redistributing it00:52
sparksshmmm this is all so confusing to me.. I don't get it00:52
reisioand the original software programmers themselves00:52
orlokobservation: graphiocs card drivers are also listed as restricted, nothing to do with legality, its all about freedom00:52
devkorcvinceobservation: read your country legal rights in copyrights00:52
sparkssI see rootfs on / type rootfs00:52
sparksswhen issuing the mount command in initramfs00:52
CharminTheMooseorlok, I'm not too sure which exact cache, but free -m might make it more clear: http://pastebin.com/FwxjfGq500:53
scorinitronwhy won't xubuntu read my  usb drives?00:53
escottsparkss, so the output of mount is a series of lines like /dev/something on /mountpoint type filesystem type (options go here) you want /dev/sdX# on / type ext4 if you dont have that then your root is probably not mounted00:53
orlokCharminTheMoose: Dont worry.00:53
observationI understood that the restrictions on my graphics card drivers were merely that they were not open-source, but did not cost anything to use.00:53
escottsparkss, do you know what /dev/sdX# your root filesystem is on?00:53
orlokCharminTheMoose: the kernel knows how to manage its memory better than you do00:53
delinquentmeubuntu 10.04 runs debian right?00:53
reisioscorinitron: pretty sure they'll have that in Xfce coming to theaters near you00:53
reisioscorinitron: window snapping stuff00:53
sparksswell not typically because I have 20 hard disks in this system00:53
reisiodelinquentme: it's sourced from Debian00:53
sparkssand sometimes the drive letters change around00:54
scorinitronreisio, lol cool XD00:54
sparkssand I do not see it mounted :/00:54
reisiodelinquentme: as all other versions of Ubuntu are00:54
reisioscorinitron: meanwhile if you don't rely on anything Xfwm specific, you could use compiz I think as whatshisname suggested00:54
alketIm using Ubuntu 11.10 and I was using USB mouse on my lap top, when I removed the usb mouse the "builtin" mouse stopped working, even after reboot , Who do I fix it ? Thank you.00:54
escottobservation, like reisio said restricted means non-free or worse. in the US many media things are also illegal (although I've never heard of anyone even charged before)00:54
Bullworthreiso i tried what you sayd to me00:54
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:54
Bullworthi did that command and it worked perfectly00:54
Bullworthbut how everi try to mount that guest additions iso from vbox menu00:55
scorinitronso sudo apt-get install compiz?00:55
Bullworthit doesnt mount it00:55
delinquentmereisio, so then when given these options for an apache install debian RHEL/Centos  Fedora Arch Linux SUSE Linux  <<<00:55
delinquentmedebian would be the optimal choice00:55
observationYes but for someone who is not technically literate free software can be a nightmare as much as propreitary software?00:55
CharminTheMooseorlok, well the cache is quite filled now and when I load up something like firefox with java and flash, the cache itself (not used ram) will fill to 1.9 gigs and then start having its way with not drawing the xchat window properly.. like as if it's an OOM situation.00:55
Bullworthif i check ls /media it only says cdrom00:55
reisioBullworth: how do you know it doesn't mount00:55
reisiodelinquentme: yes00:55
sparksslet me try booting up in a different kern00:56
MrCollinsis there any howto sites or can someone help point me in the right direction? my wifes flash drive arbitrarily lost all of its data, it is a corsair 16 GB fat32 drive... any hope of undeleting the data to retrieve? it is school related... just need a hand if possible.... please help if you can00:56
reisioobservation: well with free software people can easily setup autoconfiguration stuff for you00:56
sparkssnope same thing... ugh00:56
alketIm using Ubuntu 11.10 and I was using USB mouse on my lap top, when I removed the usb mouse the "builtin" mouse stopped working, even after reboot , Who do I fix it ? Thank you.00:56
WanderingEnderWhat is "dhclient3" and is it part of the dhcp-server3 server package, or what?00:56
escottsparkss, right drive letters are not guaranteed to be consistent. there should be a uuid passed which will identify the root device. check /proc/cmdline (if it exists) and blkid if it exists00:56
reisioMrCollins: is it giving i/o errors, or what?00:56
observationreisio: sorry I'm not even debating free vs. nonfree software, I was hoping to find out if installing gstreamer is illegal for me to do or not.00:57
orlokCharminTheMoose: Do you have swap space? And the OS will free up memory if required, long before any OOM issues00:57
reisioWanderingEnder: dpkg -L dhcp-server3 | grep -i dhclient300:57
xanguaalket: by built in, you mean trackpad'¿00:57
orlokobservation: ask a lawyer where you are.00:57
reisioWanderingEnder: or sudo apt-get install apt-file, then search for it00:57
observationorlok, will do.00:57
alketxangua, I gues so00:57
digdeepHi, my laptop is very hot, after installing kernel 3.0.0-13. Has anyone tried to install this kernel fix --> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/PowerManagement00:57
reisioobservation: what I'm saying is even if it is illegal wherever you are00:57
sparkssescott I found the drive letter00:57
reisioobservation: you will not ever get into trouble for installing it00:57
xanguaalket: then try your function keys to enabl/disable trackpad00:58
scorinitronif you don't mind me asking...now that I have installed compiz how would I get it running? is their a compiz manager? Or does it install itself in the settings menu?00:58
Bullworthreiso: this website gave me sortlike explaination as you gave me: http://virtualboxes.org/doc/installing-guest-additions-on-ubuntu/00:58
reisioobservation: as I said before, in such situations the only entities at risk are redistributors (not you) that have lots of money (not you), and the original software authors (not you)00:58
WanderingEnderthanks, reisio.00:58
Bullworthand it doesnt mount it :S what am i doing wrong here00:58
alketxangua, thank you man, you saved , I didn;t know it00:58
reisioscorinitron: probably compiz --replace, and then log out and see if the session saves it00:58
escottsparkss, when you determine what the root device is you need to fsck /dev/sdX#00:58
MrCollinsreisio: actually it is not giving errors at all... it was deleted when it was plugged into a win7 pc... im in linux now in hopes that there is some 'linux hack' that could be of some use....00:58
observationreisio: alright, I appreciate it :)00:59
szaldigdeep: that bug is supposed to be fixed w/ kernel 3.0.0-13, it was officially present in the preceding 3.0.0-12 though00:59
WanderingEnderFor wahtever reason, dhcp3-client was asking for a DHCP address on the static DHCP server interface.00:59
scorinitronreisio, so enter  compiz --replace in the terminal?00:59
reisioBullworth: you could just wget/scp/transfer the iso into your install and mount it00:59
reisioscorinitron: ALT+F2 would be a little kinder00:59
scorinitronreisio, lol nothing happened?01:00
observationThanks a lot guys!!! :)01:00
reisioscorinitron: pgrep -l xfwm; pgrep -l compiz01:00
CharminTheMooseorlok, heh, good point.. guess in my over zealousness to reduce writes to the disk on this laptop I did put /proc/sys/vm/swappiness to 0.. should probably increase that a few notches.01:00
digdeep@szal, so the bug is not fixed in 3.0.0-13?01:00
itguy51_Question. Is Ubuntu 11.10 using compiz for compositing still?01:01
orlokCharminTheMoose: got noatime?01:01
orlokCharminTheMoose: SSD i guess?01:01
CharminTheMooseorlok, am using relatime.01:01
szaldigdeep: I don't know really, I don't use powersaving for lack of a mobile device01:01
scorinitronreisio,2890 xfwm401:01
sparkssescott, i cant run fsck from initramfs ..01:02
reisioitguy51_: I believe so, yes01:02
CharminTheMooseorlok, well not an SSD, I just want to let the disk spin down, like. :)01:02
reisioscorinitron: did you actually install compiz yet?01:02
scorinitronreisio, Processing triggers for libc-bin ...01:02
scorinitronldconfig deferred processing now taking place01:02
CharminTheMoose(absolute nightmare to do with firefox! had to relocate my profile to RAM)01:02
scorinitronit's been stuck their in another terminal window so I assumed it installed...01:02
CrustyBarnaclesparkss: can you boot to a LiveCD and run 'fsck' from there?01:03
sparkssguess ill have to download a live cd..01:03
reisioscorinitron: it what01:05
sparkssthis is just silly though01:05
reisiohi Peti401:05
itguy51_Reisio: Thanks. I kept trying to restart a different compositor that the docs said was used.01:05
Roasteddoes rhythmbox have its own irc channel?01:06
reisioRoasted: probably on irc.gnome.org01:06
Peti4anyone can help me in openvpn server?01:06
sparkssescott what doesnt make sense is i can browse to /etc/mdadm which is on my root drive and it shows my mdadm.conf01:06
reisioRoasted: yes01:06
sparkssso my root partition has to be mounted...01:06
sparkssalthough i cant cd into /home01:06
escottsparkss, not necessarily some stuff gets copied into the initramfs as needed. if fsck is not in the initramfs what you need to do is either (boot a livecd) or mount the root partition in ro mode to some location, and then you can chroot into that01:07
scorinitronreisio, srry let me rephrase that...I think compiz finished installing. In the terminal Window the last line that shows up is this [ldconfig deferred processing now taking place] I think all I need to do is restart...01:07
sparkssill boot via livecd01:08
CrustyBarnaclesparkss: what is the output of 'mount | grep home' ?01:08
escottsparkss, mount -o ro /dev/sdX# /mnt; chroot /mnt /bin/bash01:08
scorinitronreisio, I was wondering if their's some kind of manager for compiz so I can change/add themes01:08
iuriguilhermesparkss: i haven't read your whole problem, but have you checked if the permissions are properly set?01:08
* MrCollins clears throat ;)01:08
Peti4i need client-to-client connect in openvpn server and i don't know why doesn't work01:08
iuriguilhermesparkss: i mean the permissions of the directories01:09
Peti4sorry for my english01:09
sparksspermissions on what?01:09
reisioscorinitron: yes there is, search with your package manager01:09
sparkssI just upgraded from 11.04 to 11.10 and now its dumping me to initramfs01:09
sparkssand actually I must have guessed the wrong drive.. ugh there must be a easier way to find out which is my boot drive letter01:10
sparkssmy livecd is almost ready on USB though01:11
sparkssor maybe it isnt01:11
escottsparkss, the way to determine that is with blkid and looking at /proc/cmdline01:12
sparkssCrustyBarnacle no output01:12
sparkssok I cat proc/cmdline and it shows me root=UUID etc01:12
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
scorinitronThanks reisio I just installed it01:12
escottsparkss, and now you need to find that in the output of blkid01:12
sparkssok found it01:13
sparkssi ran your cmd escott mount -o ro /dev/sdX# /mnt; chroot /mnt /bin/bash01:14
sparkssbut it said01:14
escottsparkss, so now you need to mount -o ro /dev/sdX# /mnt (replacing sdX# with the device you found)01:14
sparkss/bin/sh: bin/bash: not found01:14
CrustyBarnaclesparkss: can you read /etc/fstab? It contains the UUID of all your partitions.01:14
scorinitronHow can I add more effects to compiz?01:14
escottCrustyBarnacle, he is in an initrd01:14
escott!ccsm | scorinitron01:14
ubottuscorinitron: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz01:14
sparkssescott when trying to mount to /mnt it saiys it failed : no such file or directory01:15
CrustyBarnacleescott: nothing mounted then... :-/01:15
escottsparkss, you have to replace sdX# with whatever you determined from blkid01:15
etteyafedSo I could use some help real quick if possible. Someone was attemtping (according to logs) to gain ssh access to my server(s) and then stopped suddenly but now seems to be hitting my DNS servers like crazy from all kinds of (spoofed) addresses. I think the hits are attack related since there are so many from the same IPs at once. So question is what now?01:15
sparkssI did escott01:15
sparkssim not that newbish..01:15
sparkssI did mount -o ro /dev/sdt1 /mnt01:16
reisioetteyafed: pat yourself on the back for having good passwords, install fail2ban01:16
sparkssmount: mounting /dev/sdt1 on /mnt failed: no such file or directory01:16
JoshuaPHey, I'm having trouble here. When I open a eb browser, it freezes up and shuts out. Can I get help with this?01:16
escottsparkss, its possible /mnt doesnt exist. create it if it doesnt01:16
reisioJoshuaP: which web browser01:16
sparkssthere we go01:16
sparkssits mounted, escott, where to go from here?01:16
Aginoretteyafed, have you heard of the ssh worms that try to bruteforce passwords?01:16
escottsparkss, now you can chroot /mnt /bin/bash01:17
JoshuaPreisio, any of them. Chrome, Chromium, Empathy, lynx, firefox, etc.01:17
sparkssescott now run fsck /dev/sdt101:17
escottsparkss, yes01:17
reisioJoshuaP: lynx? :p01:17
Captain_Crowis ubuntu as good as windows if i use wine?01:17
reisioJoshuaP: perhaps you have filled up all your disks01:17
JoshuaPreisio, yes. It's a cmd-based browser.01:18
sparkssescott, no such file or directory while trying to open /dev/sdt1 possibly non-existent device?01:18
Hilikushow do i create a desktop icon?01:18
reisioCaptain_Crow: Ubuntu can run many apps built only for win32 if you use Wine01:18
JoshuaPAnd no because Theres like 200gb left open.01:18
etteyafedreisio: I actually am using key only auth for ssh so im not very concerned with that. I really would like to prevent my DNS from being DDOSed from random machines01:18
xanguaCaptain_Crow: good for catching virus¿ :D sorr no :(01:18
escottsparkss, i thought you just said it was mounted?01:18
sparkssit is mounted01:18
reisioetteyafed: that's a difficult problem, you can really only deny based on frequency and origin01:19
sparkssand i can see the whole file system now in a ls -al01:19
Captain_Crowwould wine run battlefield 3?01:19
sparkssafter changing my bin/bash01:19
xangua!appdb | Captain_Crow01:19
ubottuCaptain_Crow: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help01:19
etteyafedAginor: Yeah the attempts were definately scripted but I also see evidence of a more targeted attack. Like DDOS activity01:19
reisioCaptain_Crow: no: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=application&iId=1362601:19
Aginoretteyafed, http://isc.sans.edu/port.html?port=2201:20
reisioCaptain_Crow: a fair number of gamers who also like Linux dual boot, keeping Windows just for their games01:20
escottsparkss, how can it be mounted and fsck say the device doesnt exist?01:20
Peti4openvpn server anyone?01:20
sparkssdon't ask me..01:20
reisioPeti4: what about it01:20
sparkssIm serious that it mounted01:20
sparkssim gonna boot into a live cd01:20
sparksswhat should I do once im booted up? run a fsck, and then what?01:20
reisioJoshuaP: check df -h and df -i01:20
Aginoretteyafed, unless you're very special, your address probably just got targeted by a biggish botnet01:20
Peti4the client-to-client doesn't working01:20
Peti4and i don't know whats the problame01:21
Aginoretteyafed, make sure to secure your sshd, possibly firewall off parts of the world that should never connect to it anyway, only allow ssh v2, only allow keys, not passwords01:21
JoshuaPreisio, /dev/sda1            15007744  317367 14690377    3% /01:22
escottsparkss, depends on what the results of the fsck are01:22
Aginoretteyafed, and if they aren't already, secure your other daemons while you're at it01:22
sparkssescott, im gonna assume fsck is fine.. as the hard disk has been fine for ever now hehe01:22
reisioJoshuaP: too bad, that would've been a convenient explanation01:23
escottsparkss, then you need to check your dmesg output01:23
etteyafedAginor: The attackers are certianly not after anything in particular but I would none the less like to protect myself ;) My sshd is pretty good although i could tighten up the fw a bit.01:23
reisioJoshuaP: there's little short of your whole system being totally insane that would make all of those programs fail01:23
reisioPeti4: what do you need help with01:23
sparkssescott what would have changed though.. all I did was upgrade lol01:23
sparkssthats what doesn't make sense01:23
JoshuaPreisi, and how would I fix that?01:23
Aginoretteyafed, there's unfortunately not much to do about the worms apart from trying to mitigate their impact01:24
escottsparkss, well considering that the upgrade changes every piece of software on the system what could change would be everything01:24
JoshuaPreisio, and how would I fix that?01:24
Peti4i test all config what i found but don't work01:24
etteyafedreisio: I would like to be able to block IPs that make alot of requests in a short period of time but only for a short time so that IPs dont get blocked perminantly01:24
reisioJoshuaP: run one from a terminal and read its output01:25
sparkssoh wow 11.10 looks completely different..01:25
sparkssnow to find a terminal window...01:25
JoshuaPreisio, they all say Bus Error01:25
escottetteyafed, http://www.the-art-of-web.com/system/fail2ban/01:25
reisioJoshuaP: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Segmentation_fault#Bus_error01:25
Aginoretteyafed, do you really need to allow known bots to connect to your server though? :D01:25
joeyeyejust upgraded to 11.10 and wireless is not working, please help !01:26
Aginoretteyafed, there's many scripts, escott's suggestion is one of many01:26
sparkssescott do you know where the terminal window is in 11.10?01:26
JoshuaPreisio, I can't open that because the browsers don't work remember?01:26
reisioJoshuaP: heh01:26
xanguasparkss: control+alt+t01:26
sparkssso now I need to mount this again01:26
sparkssalthough I can't even fdisk -l ....01:27
escottsparkss, you have to use blkid to determine what the device is and then fsck it01:27
sparkssescott, nothing is showing up in blkid or fdisk -l01:27
sparksson this live cd...01:27
escottsparkss, you need to run sudo blkid as you arent root01:28
sparkssahh thx01:28
sparkssfok ran it01:28
rokr1etteyafed for what services you are thinking to block IP01:28
sparkssescott, it came back as clean01:28
sparkssvery very fast01:29
reisioJoshuaP: this persists over reboots?01:29
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JoshuaPreisio, yes it does.01:29
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reisioJoshuaP: does it happen from a liveCD?01:30
etteyafedAginor: No I dont want to allow bots access, but I do not want to either have an unnessarily long fw ruleset nor a list of (old) IPs that gets stale and forgotten.01:30
escottsparkss, then you probably need to check the dmesg output during the failed boot and see if you can determine a cause01:30
sparkssescott I think I found out the issue.. I made a /temp dir on the live cd and then i cd'd into it and nano /etc/fstab, ntohing is coming up on fstab01:30
rokr1Ubuntu 11.10 with sluggish wayland GUI01:30
etteyafedrokr1: I am mostly concerned with DNS HTTP and IMAP+SMTP01:30
Santiago74have problem with pam and login01:30
reisioPeti4: yes I can01:30
sparkssoh wait nvm01:31
sparkssescott i checked the wrong fstab lol01:31
JoshuaPreisio, no. Well I don't know I don't have one.01:31
reisioJoshuaP: what if you tell lynx to open a .html file on your hard disk01:31
sparkssescott im in the correct fstab now and I do not see my auto mount for my fily system?01:31
reisioPeti4: I don't know what you want01:31
sparkssoh nvm I do01:32
sparkssI keep getting ahead of myself..01:32
JoshuaPreisio, they won't start up. None of them. Not even lynx.01:32
usr13JoshuaP: df -i01:32
JoshuaPusr13, /dev/sda1            15007744  317367 14690377    3% /01:32
rokr1etteyafed, attacks are common, best way is to run DNS in chroot01:32
usr13JoshuaP: Is that from   df -i   ?01:33
JoshuaPusr13, yes.01:33
rokr1use modsecurity on HTTP websites01:33
etteyafedrokr1: Aginor: It looks like I could prob write something that would do what fail2ban does for auth for DNS based on dnstop01:33
usr13JoshuaP: Ok, just checcking.01:33
sparkssescott, the only errors I see in dmsg is end_request: I/O error, dev fd0 logical block 001:33
usr13JoshuaP: What does   df   say?01:33
sparkssIt spammed that a few times, passed it and went to eth1 link's etc01:33
escottsparkss, dmesg in the livecd?01:33
JoshuaPFilesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on01:34
JoshuaP/dev/sda1            236238592  14586580 209651708   7% /01:34
JoshuaPudev                   2054364         4   2054360   1% /dev01:34
JoshuaPtmpfs                   824488      1216    823272   1% /run01:34
JoshuaPnone                      5120         4      5116   1% /run/lock01:34
FloodBot1JoshuaP: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:34
JoshuaPnone                   2061212       748   2060464   1% /run/shm01:34
sparkssthis is the dmesg on my mounted partition01:34
sparkssfrom my actual o/s01:34
sparksswait a sec01:34
reisioJoshuaP: I s'pose you could try reinstalling zlib and openssl01:34
usr13JoshuaP: Use pastebin  i.e.  df -i  | pastebinit    and   df | pastebinit01:34
sparkssthe only thing I see odd in my dmesg is ext3_orphan_cleanup: deleting unreferenced inode01:35
sparksssee that quite a few times01:35
escottsparkss, so thats an fsck failure message01:35
escottsparkss, probably coming from a journal replay01:36
JoshuaPusr13, http://paste.ubuntu.com/752097/01:36
sparkssescott, right after that it says 583 orphan inodes deleted01:36
sparkssext3-fs recovery complete01:36
sparkssext3-fs mounted filesystem with ordered data mode01:36
joeyeyehow do I witch from using wicd to networkmanager ?01:36
sparkssso is that whats causing my issue u think escott?01:37
Aginoretteyafed, someone's probably done it already if you google around a bit01:37
escottsparkss, it could be01:37
xanguainstall network-manager and network-manager-gnome from the ubuntu cd01:37
Aginoretteyafed, I have managed to stop doing sysadmin myself so I am quite happily unaware of what's considered the best one at the moment01:37
sparkssescott, what would you suggest moving forward frfom here?01:37
joeyeyeyes, xangua ?01:38
phong_hi guys, why i can't install ubuntu with wubi01:38
phong_it said:  There is no disk in the drive .   Please insert a disk into  drive01:38
escottsparkss, has everything been fscked? did you get a clean shutdown?01:38
phong_is help on the way?01:38
Santiago74how to uninstall libpam?01:38
phong_the pyrun.exe error01:39
phong_pyrun.exe - No Disk01:39
aeon-ltdSantiago74: does 'sudo apt-get remove libpam' not work?01:39
sparkssIt just showed01:39
sparkss/dev/sdt1: clean, xxx/xxx files, xxx/xxx blocks01:39
sparkssreplace xxx with actual numbers01:39
sparkssthen put me back in the ssh prompt and thats it01:40
Santiago74I can not log in as root because it takes the pam01:40
escottSantiago74, without libpam not much will work01:41
genoobieescott any tips on mounting an SMB share?01:42
etteyafedAginor: I think chroot will have to be good enough for now because I dont currently have time to play with dnstop source. I don't think anyone has anything like what i have in mind that is freely available because its kindof an odd idea. I was thinking that I could use the dns accounting code in dnstop to write a little program that would block IPs in the fw conf and unblock after some time passes.01:42
joeyeyeIjust upgraded from 10.10 to 11.10 and wireless is not working. How do I switch from using wicd to networkmanager ?01:42
Santiago74install it in half01:42
escottgenoobie, no01:42
etteyafedreisio: (or anyone) Is LXC now an accaptable substitute for chroot in 11.10?01:43
Santiago74when I start not let me enter the password01:43
sparkssguess ill give up for tonight hehe01:43
xanguajoeyeye: (19:37:39) xangua: install network-manager and network-manager-gnome from the ubuntu cd01:43
escottsparkss, you might want to save your dmesg output to a drive and then you can !paste it here so others can view it01:44
CrustyBarnaclesparkss: http://paste.ubuntu.com/01:45
joeyeyexangua, how do I do that ? I have a netbook (no CD)01:45
xanguayou can get the packages from01:46
Santiago74I have the user, but the log says "failed to authentication"01:46
Santiago74and I want to disable pam01:46
Santiago74that problem,,, :(01:47
etteyafedreisio: I was thinking that LXC would be better than chroot since it allows a more robust container but I wasnt sure if there were overhead or security issues that I hadn't heard about.01:48
JoshuaPreisio, reinstalling...01:49
zykotick9Santiago74, are you trying to log into GDM as root?01:49
symptomwhich flash plugin should I be using for firefox?01:49
sparkssescott isnt there a o/s repair or recovery mode that I can do?01:50
xanguasymptom: wich one¿ the one you want, but just one ;)01:50
Santiago74entered the recovery mode, but do not take me let me log in as root01:50
JoshuaPreisio, reinstalled.01:51
zykotick9!noroot | Santiago7401:51
ubottuSantiago74: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.01:51
Santiago74ok ubottu01:52
c3ll_hey whats up01:53
MK`I keep getting an error: after I download a file in firefox/chromium, if I try to open it from inside the Download window, it says "location is not a folder" and doesn't let me open it. I need to manually navigate to the containing folder to open the file. Any ideas why? It is the same for every file type01:53
sparksshow do I dump this dmesg or copy all of it from the log file?01:54
usr13MK`: What window manager are you using?01:55
almoxarifeMK`: where do the files wind up? specific01:55
EredienHi there. Is this a good channel to ask about a grub rescue prompt at startup?01:56
sparkssI got it01:56
aeon-ltdEredien: using ubuntu? then here's fine01:56
aeon-ltdEredien: or #grub01:56
EredienYup, ubuntu01:57
usr13MK`:  Are they going to ~/Downloads ?01:57
sparkssescott, paste.ubuntu.com/75211401:57
MK`usr13: Nautilus, and no, a different folder I specify01:57
sparkssI do have 3 mdadm raid array's but like i said, none are on the file system escott01:58
usr13MK`: So whitch folder are you specifying ?01:58
MK`almoxarife: It's always a different folder of course, I don't like letting things pile up in ~/Downloads.01:58
almoxarifeMK`: this folder you specify is outside your home folder?01:58
usr13MK`: What version of FF?01:58
MK`almoxarife: No, it's in my home directory. usr13: The most current versions of firefox and chromium in the repositories01:59
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ShadesEdgeHello, when I install Ubuntu 11.10 with the minimal CD, it freezes when downloading packages. Any ideas? My internet is fully working01:59
JoshuaPusr13, [3:3:4463465118:ERROR:nss_util.cc(397)] Error initializing NSS without a persistent database: libsoftokn3.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission Denied01:59
usr13MK`: Well, I don't think any of us are familiar with an issue like this.01:59
axtaI missed up with compiz-config and now ubuntu fails on login with any user but root. any help please ?01:59
JoshuaPusr13, what do you suppose I do with that?01:59
MK`user13: For example I just saved Google's logo, and get this error: "Could not display "/home/name/Downloads/ssl_logo.png" The location is not a folder.".02:00
Jordan_Uaxta: You should never log in as root.02:00
axtaJordan_U I know, but it fails to login any other user, even a Fresh one.02:00
axtaany idea how can I help this ?02:00
axtathe ./.Xauth... didn't work for me.02:01
Jordan_Uaxta: Have you tried loading a failsafe GNOME session from the sessions drop down in the login screen?02:01
usr13JoshuaP: sudo find / -name libsoftokn3.so -type f02:01
Santiago74bye :)02:01
ShadesEdgeHello, when I install Ubuntu 11.10 with the minimal CD, it freezes when downloading packages. Any ideas? My internet is fully working02:01
jribShadesEdge: checksum the cd02:02
sparkssescott, paste.ubuntu.com/752114 when you get a chance :/02:02
usr13JoshuaP: sudo find / -name libsoftokn3.so -type f |pastebinit   #And send resulting URL to us here02:02
JoshuaPusr13, 3 results.02:02
iuriguilhermeMK`: you are trying to open the file from the firefox download window?02:02
EredienI'm running an eee 900A; when I turn it on instead of getting an ubuntu logon screen, I get the following error: error: bad filename. grub rescue>02:02
MK`iuriguilherme: Yes, or Chromium's little 'download complete' bar.02:03
Jordan_U!bootinfo | Eredien02:03
ubottuEredien: Boot info script is a usefull script for diagnosing boot problems. Run the script following the directions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1291280 and then look at RESULTS.txt (or !pastebin it for others to look at).02:03
EredienThanks Jordan_u and ubotto, will try and report back02:03
iuriguilhermeMK`: well you have to make sure if the command the browsers are using is set properly02:03
iuriguilhermeMK`: maybe they are not02:03
almoxarifeMK`: did you install 'exo' ?02:03
almoxarife!info exo02:03
ubottuPackage exo does not exist in oneiric02:04
c3ll_win 202:04
MK`How do I check which packages I have installed again?02:04
JoshuaPusr13,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/752116/02:05
EredienJordan_U, Ubotto: that won't work for me, as I can't boot into my install. I have a usb stick with ubuntu on it (eee netbooks don't have CD drives so can't do a live cd) but can't figure out how to boot from the usb stick02:05
iuriguilhermeMK`: you may configure that in the applications preferences of the browser... or not02:05
almoxarife!info exo-utils02:06
milamberEredien: try hitting escape when it boots02:06
ubottuexo-utils (source: exo): Utility files for libexo. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.2-2ubuntu0.1 (oneiric), package size 56 kB, installed size 216 kB (Only available for any all)02:06
MK`I do have exo-utils, yes.02:06
milamberEredien: assuming you have made the appropriate changes in the bios02:06
usr13JoshuaP: And  you are in fact using firefox-8.0 ?02:06
JoshuaPusr13, I got the error trying to startup chromium-browser.02:07
iuriguilhermeMK`: for example, you could change the nautilus default command to nautilus --browser for example02:07
clone1018good god anyone know how to push a currently running command into a screen session?02:07
MK`How do I do that then iuriguilherme ?02:07
iuriguilhermeMK`: for example, if you are trying to open a png file you should be using something like eye of the gnome instead of nautilus02:08
usr13JoshuaP: Does Firefox run?02:08
almoxarifeMK`: try un-installing exo-utils, if it tells you the system will also be uninstalled then nevermind don't do it02:08
iuriguilhermeMK`: you can't open a google logo as a directory02:08
JoshuaPusr13, no. It fails to respond.02:08
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usr13JoshuaP: Same error?02:08
MK`the little popup error window had Nautilus's icon02:08
iuriguilhermeMK`: there must be a preference in firefox or chromium for that02:08
usr13JoshuaP: sudo find / -name nss -type d |pastebinit  #And send resulting URL02:09
EredienOkay, now I can boot into the usb stick and reinstall ubuntu, thanks all02:10
JoshuaPusr13,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/752120/02:10
MK`Ah, so it is exo-utils causing the problem. Probably because I have xfce installed02:11
almoxarifeMK`: yeap02:11
MK`in addition to gnome, I mean.02:11
almoxarifeMK`: yeap02:11
almoxarifeMK`: thank the arch-linux people, they figured it out02:12
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cntrationalwhen I unplug my headphones, I don't get sound unless I go to the sound settings and change the output to speakers, and vice versa when I plug the headphones in. How do I fix this?02:12
reisioJoshuaP: so the error changed?02:12
MK`Heh. Seems I need to remove half of xfce! Good thing I don't use it :p02:12
reisioetteyafed: #lxcontainers02:12
JoshuaPreisio, idk it doesn't show me upon pastebinit02:13
reisioJoshuaP: hrmm?02:13
reisioJoshuaP: it they're still closing instantly or they aren't, which is it02:14
JoshuaPreisio, it does shut out instantly.02:14
reisioso no change02:15
ayrton_can someone help me compile mesa please!!!02:15
JoshuaPreisi, no.02:15
tripelbhello. I am in webchat now. I have only used 10.04 not 11.04 and I want to go to Places, Computer. How do I do that?... ok home network. Is that the same?02:15
ayrton_i downloaded it , cd into the fine ./configure give me no command and make gives me do ./configure first02:15
MK`Haha, It's like, "I need to remove thunar and xfce4-utils etc" and I said yes, and it removes pretty much everything in xubuntu-desktop that isn't also installed with ubuntu-desktop02:15
MK`Now it all works fine. thanks guys02:16
MK`And now the lingering "opening" dialog in the taskbar bug I've had for months is gone!02:17
ayrton_i need help, i downloaded mesa 7.11 now i need to compile it how do i?02:17
Jedi_048Hello, good day to all02:18
tripelbwhat can I do to get a sudo level access IN GUI to the external hard drive to read and write on it?02:18
ayrton_can someone help me compile mesa please02:19
Jedi_048can anyone help me how to install guest operating system in ubuntu server 10.10?02:19
iuriguilhermetripelb: that's not the best way to do it, but if you want to do it anyways you can type sudo nautilus in the terminal02:19
tripelbwhat can I do to get a sudo level access IN GUI to the external hard drive to read and write on it? I know gkedit but I dont know what to do for a web browser. I want to move files.02:19
King_JohnWhat is the best way to run a command as a service?02:19
tripelbluriguilherme OK tell me a better way to do it. (comment just above too)02:19
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iuriguilhermetripelb: well you could mount the hard drive as a regular user and do file operations without sudo access02:20
almoxarifeiuriguilherme: gksu nautilus <-- better choice02:20
ayrton_can someone tell me how to compile mesa02:20
usr13JoshuaP: firefox 2> error.txt |pastebinit error.txt02:21
iuriguilhermealmoxarife: well it depends but i forgot that this was the ubuntu channel02:21
reisioKing_John: make an init script for it02:21
Hilikushow do i change my screensaver? i don't see a setting for it02:21
almoxarifeayrton_: why are you compiling rather than installing the package?02:21
iuriguilhermealmoxarife: that better for his case indeed02:21
ayrton_i cant find a package for 7.11 if u do please do tell02:21
usr13JoshuaP: and send us URL02:21
almoxarifeiuriguilherme: I have never seen the worse case scenario of not using gksu, I assume there is one02:22
JoshuaPusr13, You are trying to send an empty document, exiting.02:22
JoshuaPusr13, and firefx tries to start.02:22
almoxarifeayrton_: why are you compiling rather than installing the package?02:22
usr13JoshuaP: It tries?02:22
iuriguilhermealmoxarife: the case that sudo is better is wheen you don't have enough gtk stuff installed, but it is not his case02:22
ayrton_almoxarife i just said i cant find the package02:22
EredienWhen installing ubuntu off the usb stick, network autoconfiguration fails, claiming the network doesn't use the DHCP protocol, but I'm copnnected right now via wireless using DHCP, can I figure out what my eee's ip address is if I have the ip address of the computer I'm currently on?02:22
=== tripelbb is now known as tripelb
usr13JoshuaP: Run ff or what ever from a terminal and paste for us the errors you get from terminal.02:23
iuriguilhermeEredien: if your wireless connection is under ubuntu you can do ifconfig -a02:23
tripelbhi lu.....hermes  I got bumped from the webchat. Maybe my hand touched the touchpad.02:24
JoshuaPusr13, nothing happened.\02:24
usr13JoshuaP: firefox 2> error.txt ; pastebinit error.txt02:24
tripelbThis was about how do I sign in as a regular user on the external USB drive with my account on it.02:24
almoxarifeayrton_: what can't you find?02:25
usr13JoshuaP: lynx 2> error.txt ; pastebinit error.txt02:25
usr13Show us02:25
ayrton_almoxarife i cant find the mesa 7.11 package like .deb02:26
JoshuaPusr13, nothing happens..02:26
ayrton_only thing i can find is one that has to be compiled02:26
GlifdoroQuick question - I'm running apache on Ubuntu and I have a Wordpress directory with some PHP files. When I go to configure my Wordpress blog, I get the PHP in plaintext from the server rather than the results of the PHP file. Any idea what could be wrong? I tried to use the ExecCGI (or whatever it is) in the sites-enabled/ but that didn't seem to solve it. Permissions are OK.02:26
Jedi_0481hello to all02:26
reisioGlifdoro: did you install mod_php ?02:27
usr13JoshuaP: Well, so far, I found this:   http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=9196202:27
tripelbI have a hard drive I want to write on. I'm on a computer on a liveCD and I want to back it up onto the ubuntu drive. I dont see the Mac drive. What do I do?02:27
usr13JoshuaP: and  http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=9602602:27
reisioGlifdoro: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP#Installing_PHP_502:27
Glifdororeisio: how can i tell? i tried apt-get install mod_php but it couldn't find the package.02:28
reisiotripelb: might be missing HFS/+ support in your kernel02:28
Glifdororeisio thanks i'll check it out now02:28
Eredienusb stick install is asking me for a hostname, but honestly we don02:28
almoxarifeayrton_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+package/libegl1-mesa <-- this help?02:28
Eredien't don't have one, AFAIK02:28
machiolateanyone happen to know how to adjust CPU fan speed via the terminal/command line?02:28
usr13JoshuaP: and  http://askubuntu.com/questions/75807/chromium-webbrowser-freezes-when-start-errornss-util-cc39702:29
Glifdororeisio: yeah it says "Module php5 already enabled" when I sudo a2enmod php502:29
usr13Eredien: make one up.02:29
iuriguilhermeEredien: you don't need this02:29
iuriguilhermeEredien: if you don't know what is this you may leave it blank02:29
usr13Eredien: Asking for a hostname for what?02:30
ayrton_what package do i pick almoxarife i have ubuntu 11.04 64bit intel02:30
iuriguilhermeEredien: unless you have to configure a network02:30
Eredieniuriguilherme: left it blank but usb stick install said it was't a valid hostname.02:30
EredienI do have to configure a network, to get to the mirror02:30
Eredienusr13: I think it means a LAN but we don't have one, just a cable wireless connection like normal02:30
iuriguilhermeEredien: it is not related to external network02:30
almoxarifeEredien: hostname is the name of the machine, creat one!02:30
usr13Eredien: If it is asking for a hostname to set for the system, just make one up, like maybe the name of the computer. i.e  dell-desktop  or...02:30
usr13Eredien: You have a LAN02:31
usr13Eredien: The wireless network is a LAN02:31
Eredienusr13: ie wireless LAN02:31
tripelbOK I found the source disk and the terminal disk. I want to make a directory on the terminal disk or whatever it's called. It's an Ubuntu partition. So how do I get permission to write on the drive in GUI? Is there a way I can login on that drive?02:31
usr13Eredien: LAN just means Local Area Network02:31
reisiotripelb: actually sorry if you don't see the drive you're missing the controller, not the FS support02:31
iuriguilhermeOh well, i thought Ubuntu did set the hostname to 'ubuntu' by default02:32
JoshuaPusr13, ykw I'll just go home and reload Ubuntu..02:32
usr13Eredien: So just make up a name.  A name you want this computer to be identified as.02:32
tripelbcan I see this Empathy thing NOT with little iphone type bubbles but more like a normal IRC client?02:32
iuriguilhermeif it doesn't well then you have to make one up02:32
JoshuaPThis is too complicated and I can't open any links..02:32
ayrton_do i pick i386 for a 64bit system?02:32
usr13JoshuaP: How about lynx ?02:32
usr13JoshuaP: lynx av.com02:32
almoxarifeayrton_: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/natty/+package/libegl1-mesa02:32
Jedi_048Guys I need to install guest operating system in ubuntu server 10.10....02:33
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Eredienusr13: then I have no idea why manual network configuration here isn't working, as I've typed in the IP address, the subnet mask, the gateway, and then used ubuntu as the hostname...but then it asks for a doman name...i guess I will just try to make something up there too.02:33
Jedi_048can anyone help me?02:33
almoxarifeayrton_: no, you would pick a amd6402:33
reisiotripelb: yes but I don't know the specifics of that configuration02:33
Hyp3ri0nhi everyone02:33
reisiotripelb: what're you trying to do with your disks, again?02:33
Guest85160is there a terminal command to reset gnome3, or can i just rename the gnome3 profile folder an restart?02:33
iuriguilhermeJedi_048: what do you need02:33
tripelbjust NAME your computer "RandomSelection"02:33
ayrton_k thank your02:33
reisioGuest85160: probably work02:33
usr13JoshuaP: Put in the CD and do install as you normally would.  (You have vbox installed, right?)02:33
ayrton_btw almoxarife theres no 7.11 in that link ^.^02:33
Guest85160raname the gnome3 profile folder?02:34
iuriguilhermeEredien: domain name you really don't need02:34
Eredienok, it says you can just make something up02:34
iuriguilhermeEredien: yes but this one you may leave blank02:34
tripelb reisio it would really help if I could get lines on irc and not these bubbles like chat,02:34
* reisio headdesks02:34
almoxarifeayrton_: alrighty then, compile away02:35
reisiotripelb: close it, sudo apt-get install irssi and use that from a terminal02:35
reisiotripelb: /connect irc.freenode.net02:35
reisiotripelb: /join #ubuntu02:35
* iuriguilherme agrees with reisio02:35
observationHow do I determine my IP address in Ubuntu?02:35
reisioobservation: ifconfig02:35
iuriguilhermeobservation: /etc/network/interfaces02:35
iuriguilhermeboth ways do work02:35
reisioor curl -s tnx.nl/ip for external02:35
observationthanks again reisio :)02:35
blindHi, my monitor goes to 1280x1024 when using Windows, but Ubuntu only goes up to 1024x768 - how can I remedy this?02:36
nevyniuriguilherme: no they don't.02:36
reisioblind: what's your graphics device?02:36
observationthanks iuriguilherme02:36
iuriguilhermenevyn: what does not work?02:36
nevyniuriguilherme: if your ip address is set by dhcp you won't find any sign of it in /etc/network/interfaces02:36
tripelbreisio, I am on a macbook with liveCD (finally works this time) and I have an Ubuntu partition on a SATA drive (USB connected).  The mac is sweet, only 72GB in the HD and the external one is 1T. My aim is to back up the Macbook. "almost" everything is on the desktop. I just want to make a folder on the HD=USB and then drag the Mac desktop onto it.02:36
blindintel 945GM02:36
usr13Jedi_048: !virtualbox02:37
usr13Jedi_048: Put in the CD and do install as you normally would.  (You have vbox installed, right?)02:37
iuriguilhermenevyn: if your ip is set by dhcp it is because /etc/network/interfaces is telling the network card to set it by dhcp02:37
reisiotripelb: please don't do that :p02:37
usr13 !virtualbox | Jedi_04802:37
ubottuJedi_048: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox02:37
reisiotripelb: use rsync -av /mnt/path/to/mac/ /mnt/path/to/usb/optionaldir02:37
iuriguilhermenevyn: unless you are not in Ubuntu02:37
Hyp3ri0nthe power of vb is extremely impressive02:38
usr13JoshuaP: What does   lynx av.com    do?02:38
reisiousr13: that looks outdated, FYI02:38
nevyniuriguilherme: that's also incorrect as ubuntu uses network manager so all sorts of things could be going on.02:38
usr13reisio: What is outdated?02:38
Jedi_048Guys I need to install a guest operating system on ubuntu server 10.10, can anyone help me?02:38
nevynthe two ways to find out your current ip address are ifconfig as suggested by reisio or ip addr02:39
reisiousr13: they changed from non-free and -ose to all ose with optional non-free extensions02:39
usr13reisio: Oh, I see..02:39
blindreisio, It's an integrated card - intel 945GM02:39
reisiousr13: just saying, if you know how to alter the bot factoids, I do not02:39
iuriguilhermenevyn: if your ip is set by dhcp in Ubuntu there is a 99% chance of you having 'auto eth0; iface eth0 inet dhcp' in your /etc/network/interfaces file02:39
usr13reisio: I don't wither02:39
nevynor you could click on the network icon and view settings... somewhere in nm-applet but that's more challenging to describe.02:39
iuriguilhermeor something similar02:39
nevyniuriguilherme: the question was not how do I find out if I' m using dhcp02:40
nevynthe question was how do I find my ip address.02:40
iuriguilhermenevyn: but it does involve that, because if i is set automatically then you must switch to manual mode02:40
iuriguilhermenevyn: for example you could change inet dhcp to inet static in that file02:41
iuriguilhermenevyn: and then set the address manually02:41
ruseri require help getting my windows to boot.  I have an ubuntu laptop whcih used to be dual boot win xp and ubuntu, i borked the paritions, now i recovered it but i can't seem to boot into windows. grub is giving me invalid device requested.  what do i need to do to the partition to make it boot windows?02:41
iuriguilhermeor by typing it in some gui app in the panel02:41
iuriguilhermeor using ifconfig02:41
usr13reisio: Actually, I think it's probably best to just get it from virtualbox.org02:41
iuriguilhermeboth ways do work02:41
ksx4systemany ideas how hard it'll be to boot from an ISO file using GRUB included with Ubuntu?02:41
reisiousr13: ew02:42
reisiousr13: going to random websites to fetch software, it's so... Windowsy and needless02:42
ksx4systemI need to add two different LiveCDs as my boot options (and no, I can't use bare CDs since it's a netbook and I don't have USB CD/DVD drive)02:42
reisioksx4system: I know you can do it02:43
ayrton_almoxarife i got the .deb package from your link and when i try to install it wont let me press the install butten in the software center02:43
reisioksx4system: I assume there are decent howtos02:43
ruserksx4system: mount the isos?02:43
iuriguilhermeksx4system: well you may use usb drives instead of cds02:43
iuriguilhermeksx4system: but making grub booting isos is easier if you extract the files02:44
almoxarifeayrton_: got the deb? you did what? dowload?02:44
usr13reisio: Not really.  https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads02:44
iuriguilhermeksx4system: there may be good tips at pendrivelinux.com02:44
reisiousr13: not really what?02:45
reisiosudo apt-get install virtualbox, done02:45
ksx4systemreisio: erm... one more time 'cause you've missed the point02:45
almoxarifeayrton_: I don't use software center, so I am useless as to why it would or would not allow something to happen, you might want to install gdebi, simpler and no overhead for local installs02:45
ksx4systemI need to boot the *hardware* (yes, netbook itself - not a VM) from the iso using GRUB02:46
reisioksx4system: vm stuff wasn't to you, did you see your name? :p02:46
ksx4systemreisio: omg fail... :D02:46
* ksx4system should get some sleep or something02:47
ubuntunewbiehello all. crazy question: it is possible/wise to be running in LiveCD mode (on usb drive) to build *another* LiveCD on a 2nd usb drive?02:47
reisioksx4system: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22grub2%22%20%22boot%20iso%22 go forth02:47
usr13reisio: Well, yea, your right.02:47
ruseri require help getting my windows to boot.  I have an ubuntu laptop whcih used to be dual boot win xp and ubuntu, i borked the paritions, now i recovered it but i can't seem to boot into windows. grub is giving me invalid device requested.  what do i need to do to the partition to make it boot windows?02:47
reisioubuntunewbie: if you've got the space, I don't see a problem02:47
PacketPenguinI have the most current ipod touch with the firmware it 5. ssomething.  Is there any program that will write to it like itunes, I know that older ipods work w/ rythmnbox and amorok, but have heard current firmware prevent not using itunes. Is this true or does someone out there do already what I am asking and if so, what program?02:47
usr13ruser: Which partition is it?02:48
ubuntunewbiereisio: 4GB thumbdrive is the active LiveCD image. enough space to write to 2nd 4gb drive?02:48
usr13ruser: /dev/???02:48
ksx4systemreisio: not funny, I should write a script which sends pm "stfu right now!" to people tellin' me to google something02:48
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reisioubuntunewbie: just depends on what you're doing, it might be02:48
reisioksx4system: but I didn't tell you to google something02:48
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reisioin fact I all but wiped your butt for you :D02:49
reisioyou are welcome02:49
ubuntunewbiereisio: fair enough. I found what looks to be a good walkthru online for building a custom live CD. I'll give it a whirl. figured I'd ask the chatroom first to make sure no one tells me to back slowly away from the keyboard02:49
ruserusr13: NTFS? /dev/sda7 iirc02:49
Guest85160theres a way to fix this E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the download directory02:49
usr13ruser: So your MS Windows install is on /dev/sda7 ?02:50
ayrton_almoxarife i get Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libegl1-mesa (= 7.11-0ubuntu3) when trying to install the package with gdebi02:50
reisioubuntunewbie: it's possible the howto assumes you are using an installed environtment, that could get you into trouble02:50
usr13ruser: Is that correct?02:50
reisioubuntunewbie: possibly not, however02:50
ksx4systemreisio: oh, really? go and read your last message including link to something in google.com domain :P02:50
somsipGuest85160: run the same command with 'sudo' at the start02:50
reisioksx4system: I don't see me saying for you to google anything in that message02:50
ubuntunewbiereisio: by reading the walkthru, it implicitly assumes you're running an installed environment. not sure if anyone has written a walkthru for LiveCD-to-LiveCD02:51
usr13ruser: What does  "iirc"  mean?02:51
ruserusr13:  if i recall correctly02:51
ruserusr13:  i'm validating this right now02:51
almoxarifeayrton_: I remember you telling me there was no 7.11 for natty, yet there you are with a 7.11, which came from? oneric?02:51
reisioubuntunewbie: not sure why someone would :)02:51
usr13reisio:  sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit   #And send resulting URL02:51
reisioruser: ^02:52
ubuntunewbiereisio: it's a long story. trying to rescue parent's computer. I had an old live cd (8.04) that I used to build a 10.04 live USB02:52
usr13ruser: sudo fdisk -l |pastebinit   #And send resulting URL02:52
ruserusr13: it's on sda602:52
blindHi, my monitor goes to 1280x1024 when using Windows, but Ubuntu only goes up to 1024x768 - how can I remedy this? using an integrated intel 945GM02:52
reisioubuntunewbie: you can't just image a new one?02:52
ruserusr13: i was just booting into laptop to validate02:52
ayrton_ah ok i see it its no for 11.0402:53
ubuntunewbiereisio: now I'm running from the live USB and trying to build them a "long-term" liveUSB to run. their Win machine is hosed, but I can't wipe the hard drive02:53
PacketPenguincurrent ipod writable in 11.10 people?02:53
KM0201ubuntulog: so partition the drive and dual boot it?02:53
Jedi_0481Guys can you help me to install guest operating system in ubuntu server 10.10?02:54
ayrton_back to compiling i guess almoxarife02:54
reisioubuntunewbie: ah02:54
ubuntunewbiereisio: in a perfect world, I'll end up with a custom live USB they can run. I'm running the factory live USB that wants to try/install & doesn't have flash yadda yadda02:54
reisioubuntunewbie: can't you just get a new hard drive?02:54
KM0201Jedi_0481: what do you mean "a guest operating system in ubuntu server"02:54
c3lljedi what kind of server are you trying to install?02:54
c3llwoops, totally misread that02:54
ruserusr13: http://nopaste.info/6daa9fd36b.html02:55
ayrton_and back to figure out how to compile it !!! grr02:55
ubuntunewbiereisio: I may end up doing that & putting the old one in an external bay .I want them using ubuntu to read into the old drive and get what they need. can't just wipe it, but Win7 is h.o.s.e.d on that drive02:55
ruserusr13: as i was saying sda602:55
reisioubuntunewbie: right02:56
ubuntunewbiereisio: they insist on long-term read only access to the old drive. so a wipe isn't an option, but I don't want any windows system ever touching it again b/c it is crawling w/ something nasty02:56
reisioubuntunewbie: can't help but think your time would be better spent getting another hard drive, for the interim or not02:56
reisioso don't hook it up to a windows system02:56
ubuntunewbiereisio: arg. I suspected as much. I'm not a command line guru at all. i have my naive faith in ubuntu, but have never really looked under the hood or hacked around. I guess I was hoping for "liveUSB to liveUSB... just download the savetheday package and it does it for you"   :)02:57
usr13ruser: So, how did it get on sda6 ?02:57
Jedi_0481please add me as a buddy, I am now ready to install guest operating...but I don't know how to do it...02:58
usr13ruser: Looks to me like you've saddled a dead horse.02:58
ruserusr13: i intalled it there 3 years ago?  extended partitions02:58
usr13ruser: I do not think you will be able to boot MS Windows from /dev/sda6  (needs to be /dev/sda1)02:59
ruserusr13: lol, it worked fine for last 3 years02:59
ruserusr13: till i borked the partitioning03:00
usr13Does anyone else have any advise for  ruser   ?03:00
amirwebdev2where i can add a startup script to my boot before its asks for the session manager?03:01
reisioubuntunewbie: mmmmmm.....03:01
reisioubuntunewbie: you can create a persistent storage space with unetbootin and the like03:01
usr13ruser: You've saddled a dead horse. <AFIK>03:01
reisioubuntunewbie: but if you're going to go and get a hard drive tomorrow, you're wasting your time tonight03:01
ubuntunewbiereisio: yeah. I think I'm going to call this one a non-starter. I very much appreciate the advice03:02
reisioruser: did you paste your grub config?03:02
reisioubuntunewbie: np03:02
Jordan_Uruser: What is the output of "sudo os-prober"?03:03
ruserusr13: as i said it worked just fine before, here is my output of fdisk 3 years ago http://nopaste.info/15d3aba04d.html03:03
ruserJordan_U: nothing03:03
Jedi_048Guys can you help me to install guest operating system in ubuntu server 10.10?03:03
KM0201Jedi_048: i have asked you 3x to elaborate on what you want to do, because that question makes no sense.03:03
reisioJedi_048: we can, if you explain03:04
Jordan_Uruser: Then your Windows install is likely still broken. Once it's fixed "sudo update-grub" should add an entry for it automatically.03:04
nevynJedi_048: which virtualisation stack do you want to use?03:04
ruserJordan_U: i would disagree. it doesn't list linux either03:04
nevynJedi_048: and what guest os do you want to install?03:05
Jordan_Uruser: os-prober only lists operating systems other than the one the command is being run from.03:05
Jedi_048Sorry guys, I just kept on disconnecting...03:07
Jedi_048I got ubuntu server 10.10 installed as a Virtual Machine Host...03:07
Jedi_048now I need to install Guest OS on it....03:08
Jedi_048how am I gonna do it?03:08
ruserokay, i guess i'm going to have to poke around the paritioning again03:08
Jedi_048@ nevyn: still got no idea about ubuntu virtual machine host...03:08
Jedi_048but I did installed it as virtual machine host using the ubuntu server 10.10 installer...03:09
Jedi_048@nevyn:  I want to install windows server 2003 as guest OS if possible...03:09
Hilikusis it possible to integrate the unity dash home to search for music in an MPD server? there's a section for music, but it looks like it searches locally only03:10
reisioHilikus: course03:10
EredienI am using UNetBootin and the process keeps failing when it goes to configure the network--skipping doesn't help since then it obviously can't download the ubuntu files from the mirror. First it asks for my IP for the netbook, which I don't know how to access since my os won't boot--I think that's where it's failing. I have the IP addy for the machine I'm currently on, but don't know how to get it for the one I'm trying to fix since I03:10
marcelofroeshi guys. i am trying to get a shellscript running. but looks like i am having the most simplest of prblems when running.03:11
marcelofroesmayve pipe03:11
marcelofroeshere is the script03:11
Hilikusreisio: course what?03:11
marcelofroesthe script just runs a `ls -la | grep a`03:11
PiciJedi_048: You may want to take a look at the following, I've followed it successfully in the past: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KVM03:12
PiciJedi_048: the virt-host task that you installed during the installation contains the kvm stack which is used there.03:12
reisioHilikus: (of) course it is possible to integrate the unity dash home to search for music in an MPD server03:13
Jimmy_Kash hey how can you skip a checkdisk.  If i ctrl+c it just asks for admin pass and then reboots automatically and does the same thing03:13
Hilikusreisio: how?03:13
qinmarcelofroes: xxx=$(ls -la | grep D); echo $xxx03:13
reisioJimmy_Kash: you shouldn't, really03:13
reisioHilikus: no idea03:13
reisioHilikus: couldn't be that hard03:14
Hilikusreisio: ok03:14
EredienCan anyone help me find the IP address for my computer when I can03:14
reisioHilikus: might want to ask the mpd guys about it03:14
Eredien't can't get to terminal and am using unetbootin?03:14
reisioHilikus: they embrace so many frontends already03:14
chaospsychexthumbs up if ya use 10.10!!!03:15
marcelofroesqin, it gives me an error like that  `REV_CMD_LINE=(ls -la | grep a);'03:15
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qinmarcelofroes: typo, missing $, foo=$(bar)03:16
ruserokay,  here is more complex question.  I've done a full disk dump (dd) of my harddrive before i started mucking about with my paritions and such.  how can i recover a section of that said file?03:16
scottjif there's no /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there another place where Ubuntu might have one or does xorg just detect stuff when it loads?03:17
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marcelofroesqin, but that would execute the command and insert inside the variable the result, correct ? i would like to put the String there, and then, execute the command insithe the string03:19
Jedi_048guys, there it is...03:19
Jedi_048need more info on what am I gonna do?03:19
qinmarcelofroes: Maybe /join #bash, since you may need more detailed help.03:20
phrostbiteIt's been a while since I have used ubuntu and I forget what that package is called to play mp3s and flash and stuff03:20
marcelofroesexample.... the script does a tree, then depending on input, concats, grep a, then grep b, etc.  and on the end would execute it03:20
usr13ruser: what is the file name?03:21
Chat9832Hi everyone anyone wanna chat to Aussie guy03:21
qinChat9832: /j #ubuntu-offtopic03:21
ruserusr13:  i want to recover my ntfs partition from a full disk dump LAPTOP.img  (it conains full image)03:21
usr13ruser: I thought you said that the computer will boot to Ubuntu.  Right?03:22
pconwelldoes anyone know how I can connect to a remote server in 11.04? in 10.04, you could just click "connect to remote computer" then click ssh in a dropdown and then get a nautilus view of the remote files03:22
Jedi_048@ Pici: thank you, gonna look at it now...03:23
Jedi_048thank you guys...03:23
usr13ruser: You can mount the LAPTOP.img file and do as you please with it, (as in copying My Documents to another directory).03:23
Jedi_048and sorry for the late replies cause I got some problem in my internet...03:23
Jedi_048thank you...03:23
ruserusr13:  the partitinig table is broked, plus it's a full snapshot as opposed to individual  partition03:24
ruserusr13: so i cna't just mount it as a loopback. or as ntfs because it's in hibernate stage03:24
usr13ruser: Yea03:24
Jordan_Uruser: Is the partition table in the image broken?03:24
ruserJordan_U: correct. that's prior me tryign to recover it, sadly due do some circumstances i don't have a different backup.  (my backup hdd died 10 days ago)03:25
usr13ruser: mkdir old-files/  ; mount -t iso9660 -o loop,ro LAPTOP.img old-files/03:25
Jedi_048Pici: ever tried to install GUI based guest OS on it? (let's say for example: Windows server 2003?)03:26
awesomeashellmy launcher disapeared after i used ubuntu 2d and now i cant get it up and everything in the top right corner is gome all i have is the icons i hade on my desktop and file edit view go bookmarks and help can someone please help me03:26
dr_willistheres some offset option if its a full hd image with partitions.03:26
ruserusr13:  it does not contain valid parition table03:26
Jordan_Uusr13: That command won't work for many reasons. Among them that it's not an iso9660 filesystem and you need to mount an individual partition from the image.03:26
ruserdr_willis: you wouldn't happen to know the options :)03:26
Jordan_Uruser: sudo kpartx -a /path/to/image03:27
awesomeashellif your talking to me about my launcher problome please put awesomeashell befor you say anything03:27
dr_willisruser: ive seen guides on it.03:27
pconwellnevermind, found it03:27
PiciJedi_048: I installed XP.  It doesn't require a GUI on the server, but another computer from which you can use the remote tools will be quite helpful.03:27
dr_willisi always  gotta google them03:27
usr13Jordan_U: I suppose he could plug in a usb drive and dd it over to the usb drive and read it from there.03:28
brianherman i messed up my xorg.conf03:28
ruserJordan_U: hold on, rebooting the machine again.03:28
brianhermani took out a video card03:28
Jordan_Uruser: That will create devices in /dev/mapper for each partition. But what do you intend to do to try to "recover" it? Recovering files will be easy, getting back a bootable Windows install will be less so (but still possible).03:28
brianhermani tried dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server03:28
brianhermanthat didnt work03:28
Jordan_Uusr13: See my answer to ruser about kpartx.03:28
HulkHogansmash pc03:28
awesomeashellcan someone please help me with my launcher problome03:29
usr13Jordan_U: Yea, I saw that.  I'm not familiar with kpartx03:29
ruserJordan_U: tehre is no valid partition markup.  I want to  take the part of the snapshot that corresponds to my NTFS parition and  overwrtie my current laptop NTFS partition thus bringing it back to original stage03:29
ruserJordan_U:  will it auto-detect patitions?  witohut the valid markup?03:29
Jordan_Uruser: I thought you said that the image had a perfectly good partition table. Does it?03:30
ruserJordan_U: negative, it does not03:30
Jordan_Uruser: Then the command I gave will not work.03:30
ruserJordan_U: gpart can however restore the table03:30
tmaxI am having a really bad time. can anyone tell me how to reconfigure everything to fresh install wihtout lossing data w/o installed software03:31
tmaxCurrently I can't login with any user but root. not even with a Freshly created user.03:32
rusertmax: you can backup /home  and that should be sufficient to safe the user files03:32
rusertmax: what error do you get?03:32
usr13tmax: What did you do to it?03:32
awesomeashellmy launcher disapeeared after i used ubuntu 2d and now i cant get it up and everythiing in the top right corner is gone all i have is the icons on my desktop and file edit view go bookmarks and help can someone please help me if you a responding to my problome please put awesomeashell infront of your response03:33
tmaxruser: sad thing, I don't get an error, when I login it just falls back to login page.03:33
tmaxusr13: compiz config and then removed the compiz-1 and some other config files.03:33
rusertmax: have you tried logging in on console?  ctrl+alt+f1?03:33
tmaxrsuer: that works just fine.03:33
rusertmax: so only your gui is borked?03:33
Jordan_Uruser: Can you go over what exactly you have done to this hard drive since things were last working properly?03:34
tmaxruser, yup I think so. I instaleed KDE and GNOME but it was the same just like unity.03:34
awesomeashellif you are responding to my launcher problome please put awesomeashell infront of your response03:34
scottjwhat commnad lists installed packages matching a string?03:35
ruserJordan_U: i was trying to fix usb key which wasn't getting recognized, i made a typo and broke my partition table, and rebooted since than.  after that i took live cd for knoppix that i had lying around since 200803:35
rusertmax: so what do you want to install kde gnome or unity?03:35
Jordan_Uruser: What typo did you make?03:36
tmaxruser: unity FTW>03:36
ruserJordan_U: i dd'ed the full hard drive (100G) over to external HDD via usb1.  run gpart to recover my parition table, and than while tryign to fix my windows startup i owerwrote sectio nof the ntfs parition03:36
ruserJordan_U: i scrapped the full table and allocated 125M on what i thought was usb key, but in fact was my hdd03:37
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ruserJordan_U:  i think i typed sdb instead of sda, and didn't look at the table03:38
tmaxruser: I want to get unity working can you help me with that ?03:38
usr13Jordan_U: I think he (ruser) said that this is what he has now, http://nopaste.info/6daa9fd36b.html  and this is what he had before, http://nopaste.info/15d3aba04d.html03:38
usr13ruser: Is that correct?03:39
ruserusr13: yeah, i scapped the dell recovery partiton.  the before was with fdisk 3 or 4 years ago03:39
rusertmax: sorry, i'm not good with unity.  but there should be a way to dpkg-reconfigure unity or something03:40
rusertmax:  you should also check the lgo files for errors03:40
ruserusr13: on top of it is now, i overwrote section of the NTFS parition while trying to install mbr beacuse of my own stupidity03:41
Jordan_Uruser: First, do you have all important documents and other files backed up?03:41
ruserJordan_U: as previoulsy described my backup HDD crapped out on me 10 days ago and hasn't been replaced yet03:41
ruserJordan_U: i am in funcional linux instal from that hdd and can get all my files except NTFS03:42
Jordan_Uruser: Do you have any files on the ntfs partition which you can't afford to lose? Do you have any files on the linux partition which you can't afford to lose?03:43
ruserJordan_U: i have a full backup now for hte linux, but there are files that i want to recover from NTFS and rather not loose them03:43
ruserso, is it recoverable?  i think yes,  i recover linux no problem, but screwed up my NTFS, so i suppose i can go thorugh whole procedure and recover NTFS again. seems like my only option unless i find a way to restore part of the image onto hdd03:46
Jordan_Uruser: I would not recommend trying to restore part of an image. It's possible, but there are too many ways that it could go wrong (some which you might not notice until some time down the road).03:47
ruserJordan_U: fair enough.  partition table is stored separate from the file allocation so i should have no problem getting everything back to original state, as long as i can boot into win03:48
tripelbSuccess report: directory transferred. I could not make a directory on the target drive.03:48
skyballIn transmission where are the settings for queue?03:48
ruserso, i guess it's another 14 hours of waiting or so :/03:49
phrostbiteI am trying to set up my vpn and it keeps saying invalid vpn secrets. I have no idea what that means. Any suggestions?03:49
jordanskyball: edit > preferences > downloading, and also grep "queue" in the settings.json config file03:50
Jordan_Uruser: The surest way to fix this would seem to be by dding the entire contents of the drive image back to the drive, then using gpart or testdisk to fix the partition table. It does however mean that you'll need to depend on your backups in case anything goes wrong.03:50
Jordan_Uruser: Also, if you've been at this a long time I would recommend that you stop for now and wait until tomorrow when your head is more clear.03:50
ruserJordan_U:  yeah, fair enough.  spend ful lday today on this.  but dding it back will take ~14 hours so i will want to run it overnight03:51
ruseri'll make another backup of the img03:51
gotgnuif i install gnome-shell is that gnome-3.2?03:52
KM0201i think so.03:52
ubottuGNOME 3 is the desktop environment on which Unity is based.  To use GNOME Shell instead of Unity, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool". GNOME 3 is not supported under Natty/11.04, and may break your system if installed from alternate sources.03:52
gotgnuno help there03:53
Jordan_Ugotgnu: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3.0, not 3.2.03:53
gotgnuis there a ppa for 3.2?03:54
ruserJordan_U: thanks for your help thought.  what's that other utility you mentioned03:54
ruserJordan_U: other tha gpart03:54
Jordan_Uruser: testdisk.03:54
ruserJordan_U: thanks03:55
Jordan_Uruser: You're welcome.03:55
ruserusr13: thanks to you too :)03:55
i3luefire<i3luefire> ok. i am having issues getting the transmission-daemon to keep its edited json settings file after a restart. i followed to seperate guides to set it up(http://1000umbrellas.com/2010/10/04/updated-transmission-installationconfiguration-on-ubuntu-server)and(https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles) neither worked03:56
i3luefire<i3luefire> i am running ubuntu-server 11.1003:56
ruser!root | Nostoc03:56
ubottuNostoc: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:56
ruseroh crap, factgoids have changed03:56
ruserNostoc: i wanted to say don't use root user :)03:57
Nostochow can I PM you ruser?03:57
Nostocis that possible in xchat?03:57
hopp3rHI THERE, WHAT IS ubuntu?03:58
jordani3luefire: one common gotcha is that transmission allows users to change its settings remotely, so its in-memory config gets dumped to disk in settings.json when it exits. If you're editing settings.json by hand and then stopping->restarting transmission, it's probably overwriting your changes03:58
Jordan_Uhopp3r: Please don't use all caps.03:58
naptasticWhy would Ubuntu be ignoring the directives I put in /etc/network/interfaces?03:58
hopp3rJordan_U: sorry, caps stuck, and I didnt wanna type it all again03:58
ubottuUbuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com03:58
jordani3luefire: one way to avoid this problem is to exit transmission-daemon, then edit the file, and then restart transmission daemon. Another way is to force it to reload settings.json after you edit it by sending it a SIGHUP03:58
hopp3rtottiq: and can I move all the crap I have on this operating system to ubuntu?03:58
da_Tashdoes the installer automatically detect a windows 7 installation or a post installation tweak is needed?03:59
hopp3rtottiq: also, how would I do it03:59
i3luefirejordan: each of the guides says that and says to reload the daemon first before restarting03:59
tottiqhopp3r, indeed, you can do whatever you want03:59
reisiohopp3r: yes, though certain programs you move might not function03:59
Jordan_Uda_Tash: Ubuntu's installer automatically detects Windows 7 and allows you to setup a dual boot (if you choose to).03:59
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hopp3rreisio: like what programs?03:59
i3luefirejordan: yes i did the SIGHUP thing04:00
i3luefirei3luefire@ubuntu-server:/etc/transmission-daemon$ sudo pkill -HUP transmission-da04:00
reisiohopp3r: programs you install for Windows are designed to run only on Windows, Linux (Ubuntu) uses an entirely different API04:00
reisiohopp3r: many programs can still be run via a win32 api reimplementation called Wine04:00
reisiohopp3r: many will not run, however04:00
hopp3rreisio: what operating system do I have now?04:00
reisiohopp3r: for those you'd want to find a native API equivalent/replacement04:00
reisiohopp3r: no idea04:01
reisioprobably Windows04:01
hopp3rreisio: I am using chrome operating system, will that work with ubuntu?04:01
reisiohopp3r: Chrome is Linux04:01
reisiohopp3r: virtually anything you use in Chrome will be available from Ubuntu as well04:01
jiohdichrome works well with both debian and ubuntu04:01
Jordan_Uhopp3r: ChromeOS is based on Ubuntu.04:01
reisioJordan_U: it is?04:02
Jordan_Ureisio: If I recall correctly.04:02
hopp3rreisio: ok, and will I have my favorites from my chome operating system put into ubuntu too?04:02
jiohdithe chrome sync requires chromium to work in debian squeeze, the chrome does not have something set right04:02
reisioJordan_U: ah, apparently they used the Ubuntu kernel as a starting point04:02
reisioJordan_U: different04:02
scottjhow to have ubuntu recalibrate/detect video and audio hardware w/o reinstalling? I took a hdd from machine a to b and video and audio on b aren't behaving the same as when I install same ubuntu version from scratch on b.04:02
reisiohopp3r: you can if you like04:02
phrostbiteI am trying to set up my vpn and it keeps saying invalid vpn secrets. I have no idea what that means. Any suggestions?04:03
reisiohopp3r: they should be available in the filesystem somewhere04:03
reisiohopp3r: it might be simpler to export them from ChromeOS before the move04:03
reisiohopp3r: you can also likely run your ChromeOS in a VM from within Ubuntu as needed04:03
jiohdiif you set up chrome sync, everything moves with you no matter what machine you use04:03
hopp3rreisio: and will I have the chrome operating system on my desktop in ubuntu too?04:03
jiohdiyour themes, passwords, book marks etc04:03
reisiohopp3r: you can, but I suggested it mostly as a stepping stone approach04:03
hopp3rreisio: oh,actually I just noticed I switch off chrome operating system a while ago, I am now using firefox operating system x.x fail04:04
reisiouhuh :p04:04
Jordan_Uhopp3r: Did you buy a Chromebook?04:04
hopp3rJordan_U: what is chromebook?04:04
hopp3rreisio: ohsorry, firefox is not my operating system. I feel so stupid now. I am using dell operating system (fail)04:05
ruserusr13:  i just looked up the date on my post at it's june 2006.  the before state, lol04:05
reisiothat'd be Windows04:05
hopp3rno, it sais dell on it04:05
reisioyou are a funny man :p04:05
hopp3rand I also have opera operating system on my dell operating system04:05
* hopp3r tickles reisio 04:05
hopp3ryou wanna be friends, then you can help me with my firefox operating system?04:06
Jordan_Uhopp3r: This channel is for Ubuntu support questions. Please stop the offtopic sillyness.04:06
hopp3rreisio: heh, fail when I told you that chrome was my operating system, I didnt realize it was an actual OS04:06
i3luefirejordan: http://pastebin.com/SaZvGHYW                                      http://pastebin.com/UafzH6j204:07
reisiohopp3r: next time :p04:07
hopp3rreisio: heh, lemme know when you go offline to troll some other loser :p04:07
Summ1anyone feel like helping a semi-newb with some basic linux questions?04:08
i3luefireanyone have any ideas04:08
ruserSumm1: !ask04:08
ruser!ask | Summ104:09
ubottuSumm1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience04:09
tripelbsumm1 shoot04:09
Summ1say for example i want to download a torrent through firefox and when i click on the torrent link a option windows appears... do i want to save the file or open with.... so if i click on open with it brings up a file browser window....where are the linux program files located?  in the bin folder?  what is the equal to .exe in windows?04:11
naptasticSumm1, The most direct answer to your question is to install Transmission through Ubuntu Software center.04:11
dr_willisi allways just save the .torrent files04:12
naptasticSumm1, Once you've done that, when you click a torrent link in Firefox, it will offer to open it with Transmission, which is a good default.04:12
Summ1that's what i did04:12
Summ1but for future reference, if it's not a torrent but something else04:12
ruserSumm1: once you install a client it should associate your client with the file04:12
i3luefire ok. i am having issues getting the transmission-daemon to keep its edited json settings file after a restart. i followed to seperate guides to set it up(http://1000umbrellas.com/2010/10/04/updated-transmission-installationconfiguration-on-ubuntu-server)and(https://trac.transmissionbt.com/wiki/EditConfigFiles) neither worked04:12
i3luefire<i3luefire> <i3luefire> i am running ubuntu-server 11.10 i did the SIGHUP thing http://pastebin.com/SaZvGHYW                                      http://pastebin.com/UafzH6j2   anyone have any ideas04:12
dr_willisthen double click them to get them going04:12
naptasticSumm1, I'm afraid I don't understand. What exactly are you downloading? Is it the .torrent file?04:13
tripelbsumm1 wanna follow up the torrent thread, to the end then do another situation?04:14
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i3luefirethat was a consolodation of my previous multi-line question so as to comply with !ask | i3luefire04:14
jordani3luefire: could you be more specific about what error you're encountering?04:14
Summ1i got the .torrent to work.  i guess my question is if i am presented with the "open with" option, i click on it, get the file browser window, where would i look to select an appropriate program04:14
jordani3luefire: when you say "neither worked" -- what was the behavior that you saw?04:14
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dr_willisSumm1:  execnutables can be most anywhere linux searches the system PATH varable to find them nirmally04:15
zachspcmodsgo to www.zachspcmods.com04:15
Resistancezachspcmods, advertising isnt exactly permitted in here04:15
zachspcmodsi dont care04:16
Summ1in linux, are they still called executables...ending in .exe or something else04:16
tripelblet me just explain Summ1. you download a torrent file by doubleclicking the download torrent link on a webpage that you are viewing in Firfox. That opens a Firefox dialog box which asks you how you want to handle that file. If you have installed the torrent program Transmission on your computer (maybe it comes with it?) then it will ask you Open in Transmission for instance.04:16
dr_willisSumm1:  no. exe extenstins04:16
ruserSumm1:  yes, they are also called binaries.  but in linux most "executable" type of files don't have an extension04:16
i3luefirejordan: it kept overwriting the files. but now i have tried your solution of stopping editing then starting the deamon and i posted the pastebin of my terminal window with the commands i entered and the error i got and another pastebin of my config file04:16
tripelbSumm1 the exicutible status is set as a flag in the system which you have control over. There is no cute ending in linux fore executibles.04:16
dr_willisSumm1: they just have the executable bit set04:16
tripelbSummi a web page, html is executible.04:17
Summ1ok, so generally if i choose the "open with" option; a good place to start looking would be in the bin folder?04:17
Guest28669Just installed Ubuntu 11.10 on Compaq Evo N620c Laptop... How do I install the driver for the graphics card?04:17
ruserSumm1:  when you do ls -l  in console on file, you can see the permissions bits which are set, one of them is an exectuable bit04:17
dr_willisSumm1: look in /bin and /usr/bin  fir example04:17
reisioGuest28669: nvidia?04:17
Guest28669Yes sir04:17
jordani3luefire: ah ok, I didn't see the second pastbin, only the first one04:18
reisioGuest28669: sure?04:18
* jordan reads04:18
tripelbSumm1 if you want to see the flag or as dr_willis puts it the executible bit, I know how to do it in terminal04:18
Summ1i do read a lot of how to's just so you know04:18
reisioGuest28669: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/Nvidia for nvidia04:18
Guest28669Woops hang on let me check for 100% sure04:18
Summ1in fact i am reading them now so i could learn how to use pidgin04:18
tripelbsumm1 console i terminal  the bits are r for read w for write and x for executible04:18
reisiohttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI for ati04:18
jordani3luefire: the json parser is erroring out because you omitted the comma at the end of line 62, the utp-enabled line04:18
Ralliaswhats the lightest weight graphical windowing system in the repositories?04:19
reisioRallias: that you'd want to use, lubuntu-desktop04:19
i3luefirejordan:   "utp-enabled": true             line04:20
Summ1tripleb ok so how do you do it in terminal04:20
reisioRallias: the actual lightest is probably dwm04:20
jordani3luefire: right04:20
tripelbsumm1 heres an example from ls -al  --->next line   drwxr-xr-x     2 taylorqu  taylorqu     68 Nov 27 19:17 untitled folder04:20
tripelbdrwx------   113 taylorqu  taylorqu   3842 Nov 19 17:43 xchatlogs, thru nov 2704:20
KM0201!info pastebinit04:20
jordanneeds a comma at the end, like the other lines have04:20
Ralliasreisio: does dwm have any known issues with minecraft?04:20
jordanin order to be valid json04:20
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (oneiric), package size 30 kB, installed size 480 kB04:20
reisioRallias: oh, just use openbox for that04:20
KM0201!info pastebinit maverick04:21
i3luefirejordan: thank you04:21
Summ1tripleb:  do i need to cd to file directory or give a file path first when using ls option04:21
ubottupastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.1-2 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 404 kB04:21
jordani3luefire: you're welcome04:21
tripelbsumm1 pidgin, I never actually learned it, I just used it.04:21
Summ1good point04:21
reisioRallias: and if that doesn't work: http://linux.about.com/od/gmr_howto/a/hwtgmr05t01.htm04:21
tripelbSumm1, re pidgin, there is no uparrow-history to get the last commmand. I miss that so I use xchat.04:21
reisioRallias: you can start a second X with startx -- :1 -br04:22
reisioRallias: and switch between with CTRL+ALT+F8/F704:22
Summ1i installed that too, heard it was good, but i haven't tested it yet04:22
tripelbsumm1 yes you need to cd to the directory or use a relative path from where you are or use an absolute path. Those start with slash.04:22
Summ1tripleb: so say i find the exe bit, how would i then execute a program from there04:23
Ralliasreisio so what would the equivelant be for lightdm?04:24
reisioRallias: xdm04:25
tripelbsumm1 pidgin has some gizmo by which somone becomes your friend and you then get notified when he coomes on the network you are logged into. -- Pidgin has OTR a very secure feature. Somehow you need an AOL AIM passaword for that. I always stumble thru the process. Those are good points to pidgin. It also does more than just IRC while xchat is a narrow project.04:25
reisioRallias: or not using a DM at all04:25
reisionot particularly required for single user boxes, for starters04:25
Guest28669Nothing is found when searching under additional drivers...04:26
Summ1tripleB: sorry if you don't want to automatically become my friend  :P04:26
tripelbSumm1, you are off base. what you to to execute a program which probably already has the bit set so dont worry about it is to click on it, or invoke it with it's name in a terminal. It's a bit like being a wizard. It's the same story about the path, BUT the system will look for the name thru a certain set of directories that usually works so I havent had to worry.04:27
Summ1ok makes sense04:27
phrostbiteHow do you know what your system keychain password is? Is it the password that you use for the terminal and every other change you make?04:27
Summ1i know u can hit alt + f2 and type in the name of a program  (usually)04:28
tripelbSumm1, who said I didnt want to be your friend? I'm using xchat so I cant even see a request in pidgin. xchat doesnt do it. Its between "bird fans" heh04:28
tripelbphrostbite, I have never ever needed to know my system password04:28
Summ1also, all my installed programs are listed in the menu, but i installed ubuntu to try and get used to command line function04:28
tripelbsumm1 yes that's an single line terminal04:28
reisioGuest28669: what does lspci | grep -i vga say?04:29
tripelbsumm1 then I'll help you the best that I can.04:29
phrostbiteWell I am trying to set up my vpn and after I enter all the info it brings up a window that says enter password to authorize the con to connect  and it's not my vpn password04:29
KaleidoscopeWhat's the commands to compile a program from source?04:29
usr13 phrostbite tripelb By default, it will probably be your user's password.  If not, it will more-than-likely be impossible to find it.04:29
tripelbSumm1, I have a favorite study / refernce site. Would you like to know it? Tell me yours.04:29
Guest28669WoW how do i do that?04:30
reisioKaleidoscope: http://tldp.org/LDP/LG/current/smith.html04:30
reisioKaleidoscope: but you should look for a .deb first04:30
usr13Kaleidoscope:  configure make make install04:30
reisioKaleidoscope: also use checkinstall04:30
Guest28669Sorry for being a NOOB04:30
tripelbSumm1, http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/04:30
Kaleidoscopeusr13, all in one line?04:30
phrostbiteusr13, I am trying to set my vpn up and it keeps saying invalid vpn secrets. All the pages I have found on google i tried the steps and they don't work04:30
tripelbNOOB info site: starting at the beginning http://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/04:30
usr13Kaleidoscope: As the others have said, it is best to use the package manager.04:30
Summ1oh i've actually come across this b404:30
Summ1bookmarked now04:30
usr13Kaleidoscope: No, they are 3 separate commands04:31
KaleidoscopeI there is no deb file, I've checked04:31
reisioKaleidoscope: for what?04:31
usr13Kaleidoscope: What application is it?04:31
Kaleidoscopeusr13, k thanks04:31
Summ1i have a LPI Linux Certification book, but it's sooooo heavy.  Not something to start learning from04:31
Summ1Good reference though04:31
reisioadditionally, a lot of source code comes with a README or INSTALL file that explains similarly04:31
=== textcash is now known as pierre_
PacketPenguinCan someone tell me if its possible to write to a new Ipod Touch in 11.10?04:32
usr13Kaleidoscope: ./configure   make     make install04:32
* pierre_ This program is free --> http://pierregogni.textcashnetwork.com04:32
tripelbSumm1, I've been busy backing up this mac's tiny HD onto an external Ubuntu drive off a liveCD on the Mac which wouldnt work right, then it did. I had to keep booting back to the mac so I could ask here.04:32
usr13PacketPenguin: Should be able to.04:33
reisiointeresting spam lately04:33
Summ1are you saying you need to ask some questions of your own?04:33
tripelbPacketPenguin, this will be my exact situation, but I have to upgrade from Tiger to Snow Leopard first. Right now I am using hte liveCD to transfer files to an external USB drive formatted Ubuntu.  I think though come to think of it that it's gonna be only Itunes.04:34
Justin1I am looking for better practice with chmod. I have been running chmod 777 and am told its insecure. Should i run chmod 774 and set my self to the directory groups or is there better practice? The goal is so I can run my services as non root users.04:34
Tomfoolery123my computer won't let me download anything04:34
Tomfoolery123why would it do that?04:34
PacketPenguinusr13, ok I heard the was issues with the new generation of ipods, thanks for clairifying the issue, I give it a go04:34
ruserJustin1: look into umask04:35
usr13Justin1: What service?04:35
reisioTomfoolery123: meanness04:35
tripelbJustin1 it seems if you are protecting your computer from the outside than 777 or open access is fine. People get nuts.04:35
Justin1several services04:35
Tomfoolery123reisio, for reals i'm panicking here04:35
reisioTomfoolery123: the computer you're using with IRC right now?04:35
PacketPenguintripelb, I have an old g4 run jag I could use it for itues only but the drive is so small and only usb 104:35
Justin1i was told that there can be loopholes in certain scripts with 77704:36
Tomfoolery123reisio - yes04:36
Summ1tripleb: anyway, thnx for your help.  good luck with your current project04:36
KaleidoscopeOk so, I did make, it ran fine, Now I try make install, says "no rule to make target "install""04:36
reisioTomfoolery123: what exactly can't you download?04:36
Justin1I will research umask04:36
usr13Kaleidoscope: What is it?04:36
Tomfoolery123reisio http://isohunt.com/torrent_details/357630037/misfits?tab=summary this04:36
KaleidoscopeJohn the Ripper04:37
Tomfoolery123reisio, http://thepiratebay.org/torrent/6848760/Misfits_S03E05_HDTV_XviD-TLA_[eztv] this04:37
Tomfoolery123reisio - http://www.mediafire.com/?yzl2hznyylm this04:37
usr13Kaleidoscope: See my pm.04:37
tripelbusr13, I just got an ipod and I cant even set it up because this mac wont use the newer itunes. I hope it will work with ubuntu because my data is all on ubuntu drive.04:37
Tomfoolery123I'm testing it on loads of things and it won't let me down load squat04:37
chromaticwtok, how do I do normal alt-tab behavior with unity?04:38
reisioTomfoolery123: http://reisio.com/temp/gazingus/gazingus-expandable3.tar.7z04:38
chromaticwtI want alt tab to switch between every window instead of groups of windows.04:38
usr13Kaleidoscope: What are you installing?04:38
usr13Kaleidoscope: See my pm.04:38
KaleidoscopeI'm on command line IRC and forgot how to switch windows on it...04:38
Tomfoolery123reisio - nothing04:38
tripelbTomfoolery123, I couldnt find your original question but I can always set torrents into transmission. Once in a while I've gotten torrents, but even several in one day, that get into troansmission  but nothing ever happens. Try a torrent you know is ok and see if it gets any action.04:39
giikerDO I need to enter static routes in my ethernet config, even though my router has them, I can't connect to my other daysychained router04:39
Tomfoolery123tripelb - Tried a bunch of different things not just torrents. They're just not downloading04:40
happygoluckychromaticwt: inside a program you can switch with ctrl+tab or the other direction ctrl+shift+tab04:40
tripelbKaleidoscope, I've been there. I never got it straight. -- Hey someone tell us both.04:40
reisioTomfoolery123: maybe your ISP cut you off04:40
tripelbTomfoolery123, are you using transmission?04:40
reisioTomfoolery123: or maybe your ISP just sucks04:40
Tomfoolery123why would my isp cut me off?04:40
ResistanceTomfoolery123, or the torrents arent being seeded, therefore there's no way to get them?04:40
Justin1chromaticwt You can change the way the Alt + Tab switcher works. There is a setting in CompizConfig Settings manager (CCSM) that lets you create a bias Alt + Tab switcher that prefers windows from the current active desktop. sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager or from the software center.04:41
reisioall sorts of reasons04:41
reisiothey aren't necessarily obliged to inform you, either04:41
Guest28669Well i'm guessing i'm sticking with the open source driver for my ATI graphics card then04:41
tripelbTomfoolery123, is there a check that the port is open thing there?  Sometimes I make like windows and reboot. But do try stopping and starting transmission. -- resistance, I suggested that but he says nothing works.04:41
Guest28669Sorry for bugging you all04:41
reisioGuest28669: you ever get that lspci output?04:41
Tomfoolery123tripelb, it's not just torrents dude! now I can't boot up firefox04:41
Resistancetripelb, ah.  (btw, you might have just split that into another message... i initially thought you mishighlighted ;P)04:42
tripelbGuest28669, no one is bugged. we are happy to hel if we can. Best of luck.04:42
tripelbTomfoolery123, Personally I'd reboot.04:42
dr_willisive seen torrent client bugs where they always get to 99% then stop04:42
Guest28669I'm unaware on how to do it. Do i open a terminal window and type that in?04:42
ResistanceTomfoolery123, i'd just restart your system first off04:42
Tomfoolery123ok. Restarting.04:42
naptasticI have network interfaces defined in /etc/network/interfaces, but they're not being used. Why might that be?04:43
tripelbGuest28669, I have something to teach you. Use the nick of who you are talking to in the line of text. .. or more than one if you are talking to more than one person04:43
giikerDo I need to enter static routes in my ethernet config, even though my router has them, I can't connect to my other daysychained router04:44
tripelbGuest28669, this highlights the line. That allows one to skip everything that isnt highlisted. If you dont do it the person youare talking to may miss what you said.  Dig?04:44
Guest28669tripelb, O ok thanks04:44
tripelbGuest28669,  cool04:45
usr13naptastic: Maybe because they are not plugged into anything?04:46
tripelbResistance, I split it up because I couldnt see it all and I got confused after I started fixing the middle of the line and lost context.04:46
naptasticusr13, they are plugged in :-D04:46
JadedJacobI'm a bit confused how ubuntu deals with bad sectors on hard drives, In windows XP, if I'm not sure of the state of the drive, I'll do a full format (rather than a quick format) on the partition I'm installing to do, which checks each sector before installing, but how does ubuntu deal with bad sectors?04:46
usr13naptastic: ifconfig04:46
usr13JadedJacob: Bridges over them just as MS Windows does.04:47
usr13JadedJacob: But you can just do quick format04:48
JadedJacobok, but why does the windows format take hours, and the ubuntu drive format is almost instant.04:48
usr13JadedJacob: Because it's a different filesystem for one thing.04:48
usr13JadedJacob: It's not THAT quick.04:49
Justin1JadedJacob if you suspect your disk has bad sectors its time for a backup / replace04:49
usr13JadedJacob: And it depends on the size of the partition04:49
usr13Justin1: All hard drives have bad sectors04:49
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Guest28669reisio, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility M7 LW [Radeon Mobility 7500]04:51
usr13naptastic: What does ifconfig say about your network interface cards?04:51
Tomfoolery123it's sorted! woop woop04:51
Tomfoolery123thanks guys04:51
Guest28669reisio, looks like its installed Right?04:52
reisioGuest28669: that just means the system can see it04:54
Guest28669reisio, whats my next step?04:54
reisioGuest28669: I think that's only supported by the open source driver04:55
gast2rootwhere can i find xvidcap config file?04:55
usr13gast2root: Probably in /etc/someplace04:55
gast2rootusr13: lemme take a look04:55
aeon-ltdgast2root: or in a .folder in your home dir04:55
Guest28669reisio, OK I was just trying to get the TV Out to work on it04:55
harsh343I am not able to open my file, i am trying this command on remote server  sudo gedit /etc/my.cnf  ???04:56
usr13gast2root: What IS xvidcap04:56
mysticeteanyone know how to get an imac audio out port to work correctly?04:56
usr13What IS xvidcap?04:57
gast2rootusr13: its the best screen recorder ever04:57
Guest28669reisio, The laptop has a S-Video output that functioned under windows04:57
gast2rootusr13: makes me able to record specific area to mpeg04:57
reisioGuest28669: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI is the howto if it is supported04:57
gast2rootusr13: but recently crashed on me, cant record video no more...04:58
usr13gast2root: Thanks for the info. But it crashed?04:58
evanescentthe installation of a package (psensors) in software center seems to be sitting at 50 % done indefinitely. it says "applying changes". any ideas?04:59
Guest28669reisio, thanks for your help. Looks a lil too technical to pull off for me05:00
Resistanceevanescent, how long has it sat there?05:00
evanescentdunno, 40 minutes maybe05:00
evanescentrough estimate05:00
gast2rootusr13:video image freezes after recording05:01
gast2rootusr13: video recording gives me freezed image05:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312563 in xvidcap (Ubuntu) "xvidcap: xtoffmpeg.c guess_input_pix_fmt(): image depth 32 not supported ... aborting" [Medium,New]05:02
hotkeysI am warned running a dist upgrade over SSH  is not recommended, would you do it ?05:02
gast2rootseems like an old bug05:02
evanescentis there any way I can at least get more details about what the software center is doing05:03
evanescentand/or cancel this install gracefully so I can try again with apt05:03
usr13gast2root: Are you 10.04?05:03
reisiohotkeys: don't know how people upgrade their servers otherwise05:03
gast2rootusr13: no ocelot05:03
reisiohotkeys: of course smart people use Debian stable for that05:03
usr13ok, well, just noticing it says it's still present in 10.0405:04
Resistanceevanescent, iirc, using apt to install it, or apt-get, will yeild the same "applying changes" thing.05:05
Resistanceusr13, you mean bug #312563?05:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 312563 in xvidcap (Ubuntu) "xvidcap: xtoffmpeg.c guess_input_pix_fmt(): image depth 32 not supported ... aborting" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31256305:05
usr13Resistance: Thanks05:05
usr13couldn't remember how to do that05:05
reisioI think recordmydesktop (and its frontends) are what the cool kids use nowadays05:05
usr13reisio: Yea, it's what I use05:06
gast2rootreisio: ive tested that package, its super laggy and cant record in mpeg05:06
BesogonHey!! G morning.05:06
reisioxvidcap went too GNOMEy for me05:06
reisiogast2root: MPEG? ew05:06
gast2rootanyway cheers for help usr1305:06
gast2rootgotta run05:06
BesogonI've installed Cario dock panel along with Gnome 3. And Cario hides gnome-panel. How to enable it?05:07
mysticetemy headphone jack (audio out port) doesn't function, although my internal speakers do.  Is the problem in the ALSA configuration?05:09
evanescentResistance, i could at least see what is going on05:09
reisiomysticete: possibly05:09
Resistanceevanescent, not necessarily05:09
Resistanceevanescent, i've seen Applying changes... messages before with no output05:10
Mitsukarumysticete: try running the command "alsamixer" in terminal05:10
Resistanceevanescent, also, i dont really use software center... i'm oldschool and prefer synaptic, aptitude, and apt-get ;P05:10
evanescenti just want to stop this thing gracefully05:10
reisiomysticete: check for muted channels (MM) and those with volume at 0, hit tab for more05:11
reisiomysticete: if that doesn't help, checkout https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto if you're using intel hda05:11
Resistanceevanescent, afaik, there's no "graceful" way to stop a package configuration or installation05:11
Resistancebut i might be wrong05:11
mysticetethanks, guys.  there's a channel labelled 'headphone'05:12
mysticetedoesn't seem to be any way to affect it, however.05:12
mysticeteplus, plugging in the headphones does not mute the internal speakers05:13
BesogonHere is a list of shells in lightdm but how-to see boot options??? Where are they saved?05:14
Don_Radhi all, im using ubuntu 11.10, how can i change the default file browser from nautilus to marlin05:15
BesogonI'd like to have Cario as App launcher only but not as system panel :(((( Don't know what to do05:15
SquarismDoes anyone know why my swap doesnt work after seeing this?05:19
reisioso it was working before I saw that? :p05:20
Mitsukaruhuh... i have a question, but it's pretty deep... what exactly determines what a user can or can not do?05:21
Squarismno... i installed 11.10 last week05:21
reisioSquarism: you know your swap line in fstab is commented out?05:21
Mitsukaruhow come regular users can write to devices like the sound device, without privegele escalation, for example?05:22
Mitsukaruwhat allows regular users to do that?05:22
Squarismreisio, so uncomment it could fix it?05:23
reisioSquarism: it should not be commented if you want to use it05:24
jaddisonJust installed a Ubuntu server 11.10 and am running into Wifi issues relating to my RT2860 chip.  I tried the 11.04 workaround of blacklisting the 5 rt2800 modules, but it didn't fix it in 11.10.  Any thoughts here?05:24
shaiguitarHow would I go about using nginx with apt-get/aptitude/deb whatever, but passing a compile custom flag of some sort?05:25
Mitsukaruhuh, ubuntu uses UUID-based fstab?05:25
shaiguitarit seems that nginx ubuntu doesn't come with FLV support05:25
reisioshifuimam: really, that'd be odd05:25
shaiguitarand I want to get that compiled in, but rather not do it from soruce, rather use some supported way...05:26
jaddisonshaiguitar: if you want to compile in support, you'll need to download the source.05:26
shaiguitaror at least a way that is maintainable05:26
reisiofor serious05:26
Squarismreisio, ok.. so i uncommented it... and then run "sudo swapon -a"05:26
jaddison.deb files are precompiled.05:26
Mitsukarui guess that makes sense05:26
Squarismswapon: cannot find the device for UUID=f29fad6a-2128-4007-abae-edb80bf9702605:26
Squarismswapon: /dev/mapper/cryptswap1: stat failed: No such file or directory05:26
shaiguitarthen the ubuntu apt stuff won't be "updated" no?05:26
Squarism...reisio <-- and got the above05:26
jaddisonTrue.  You maintain it separately from apt packages, shaiguitar.05:27
shaiguitarwell could I at least make my own deb file I guess? or register it with aptitude or what not?05:27
shaiguitarjaddison: that's sort of lame?05:27
jaddisonshaiguitar: Of that, I'm not sure.  Perhaps you could.05:27
jaddisonPersonally, I wouldn't bother.05:27
shaiguitarI don't see why there shouldn't be some way05:27
shaiguitarwhy not?05:27
jaddisonBut that's just me.05:27
Squarismreisio, do i need to reboot?05:27
jaddisonI couldn't be bothered.  ;)05:27
Mitsukaruubuntu has encrypted swap now?05:27
jaddisonSo, has anyone else run into Wifi issues with 11.10 and a RT2860 chipset?  I'd love to move ahead with my server installation.05:28
reisioSquarism: dunno, it's strange blkid doesn't show it05:28
reisioSquarism: if you're sure it's sda5, try sudo mkswap /dev/sda5 && sudo swapon /dev/sda505:29
reisioor you could try a reboot I s'pose05:30
Squarismok.. ill try a reboot05:31
BesogonOMG!!!! I've found where the session list is saved !! Ha ha ha.. Now I'm gonna change it05:32
Besogonmay be05:32
=== phrosty_ is now known as phrostbite
phrostbiteIs there another way of managing a vpn other than using network manager?05:34
Squarismreisio, reboot didnt give any swap05:34
Squarismhow can one list all physical partitions a harddisk has?05:35
reisiofdisk -l05:36
reisioif blkid isn't seeing it, I'd venture to say that means the system doesn't recognize it as anything05:36
reisiowhich suggests it was never mkswap'd05:37
reisiocould be wrong, though05:37
Squarismin fstab, the line above the swapstuff says  "# swap was on /dev/sdb5 during installation"05:37
reisioin any even you can sudo mkswap /dev/sda5 && sudo swapon /dev/sda5, and use /dev/sda5 in /etc/fstab instead of that UUID and it _should_ work05:37
reisioSquarism: right that's just FYI, since Ubuntu uses UUIDs05:38
infocushow can I not confuse the printing side when I print first odd pages, then turn the paper to print even pages at the back? It seems that the order in which the pages come out is reversed, first page last, last page first05:39
Squarismreisio, hey05:40
Squarismi got swap!05:40
Squarismthanx man05:40
reisionp homie05:40
winchendonspringCan someone tell me what repo the Firefox 8 update came from? I haven't seen it yet05:40
adnapi've installed xmonad and am trying to creating an xession which integrates gnome and xmonad. i've created an xmonad-gnome.desktop file in /usr/share/xsessions which references my xmonad.session file in /usr/share/gnome-session/sessions. however, when i tried to run this xsession, lightdm complains that it can't find the session "xmonad"05:41
ubottufirefox is the default web browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion | To install plugins: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins05:42
xanguawinchendonspring: if you don't use oneiric use fx ppa05:43
ubottuFirefox 6 has been released as a security update for 11.04. For 10.04 and 10.10, you can use the unofficial and unsupported PPA at https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable05:43
winchendonspringxangua: I use oneiric05:44
hilarieDoes anyone know how to use a BNC server for Xchat?05:45
n2diyOk, I've been using linux for ten years, and it just occurred to me, that I don't know how to write a simple "Hello World" program!? In the old days I'd use Qbasic, but what do I use now, Bash?05:45
hilarien2diy Python!05:46
hilariepython type it in terminal, then type print "hello world, Hilarie rocks"05:46
n2diyhilarie, is that part of the base install?05:46
XaeroX252Okay, I'm hoping to turn some heads here, but I'm working on getting Netflix support working on Ubuntu. I've made progress (I've managed to get a loading bar on the Instant watch screen, but it errors out) Enabling logging through chromium, I see this error directly related, and am asking here for ideas on how to correct it:05:46
xanguawinchendonspring: then run the update manager and you will see fx805:46
hilarien2diy yep05:47
xanguaor you already are using it05:47
n2diyhilarie, is it in the app. menus, or do I need to start it in the terminal?05:47
XaeroX252pepper_plugin_registry.cc(135) Unable to load plugin /opt/google/chrome/pepper/netflixplugin.so libssl.so.0.9.8: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory05:48
hilarien2diy its a terminal thing, just type in python05:48
dr_willisXaeroX252:  native netflix support is comming sometime  'soon' i hear.05:48
Resistancen2diy, you need to open a terminal window and then type in "python" and hit enter05:48
AmdpcHi ....How to shange Network name ???05:48
XaeroX252@drwillis: This is via the native netflix plugin from chromium, which shouldn't be much different from what we will be receiving.05:49
ubottuUse hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.05:49
n2diyhilarie, Resistance, cool, thanks.05:49
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.05:49
XaeroX252@drwillis: or rather, from chromeOS05:49
ResistanceXaeroX252, to highlight someone, don't include the @05:49
ResistanceXaeroX252, this is IRC, not StackOverflow chat ;P05:50
XaeroX252Resistance, sorry force of habit.05:50
KM0201i always thought @ in front of the name would work also.05:50
ResistanceXaeroX252, i hear ya ;P05:50
ResistanceKM0201, it sometimes works, but some clients dont read it as such05:50
dr_willisif he got the nick right...05:50
KM0201i see.05:50
winchendonspringxangua: I do not see firefox 805:50
XaeroX252dr_willis true, would help if I just used autolinking for nicks.05:50
xangua!info firefox oneiric | winchendonspring05:52
ubottuwinchendonspring: firefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 8.0+build1-0ubuntu0.11.10.3 (oneiric), package size 16526 kB, installed size 35656 kB05:52
winchendonspringxangua: hmm05:53
XaeroX252Oh wow, I can't believe I forgot about LDD, LDD netflixplugin.so reveals all of the missing dependencies, which are (on this current installation) a few open source utilities for video, and one driver that is clearly proprietary.. looks like I need to get in touch of a Chromebook owner to finish this one off.05:54
XaeroX252I almost can't believe that netflixplugin.so from a chromebook is a proper elf file.05:55
Mitsukarui like elves.05:55
mysticeteJust wanted to thank the guys that pointed me in the right direction for the ALSA config question.05:56
mysticeteso thanks.  and later.05:56
adnapanyone know the answer to my problem of lightdm not loading .session files?05:56
shoolemWhat is the file that starts the screensaver daemon? I want to disable gnome-screensaver and enable xscreensaver05:57
Mitsukaruafaik gnome doesnt have screensavers anymore05:58
Mitsukaruso you can just install xscreensaver05:58
sandman__Hi, I get errors trying to use Gedit/Kate to open any file even under su http://pastebin.com/7PsNQuW205:59
shoolemit does and I can't get rid of them.  installing xscreensaver does just that, but gnome SS is still installed and activated.05:59
Mitsukaruwhat happens when you just try to remove the package for gnome-screensaver?06:00
shoolemnot sure I want to. my guess is there will be no ss active.  I've found sites that tell what the name of the startup file is, but they're not correct on my system06:01
sandman__Can someone help me? http://pastebin.com/7PsNQuW206:02
dr_willissandman__:  use gksudo for gui apps as root06:03
sandman__dr_willis: i tried same problem06:03
dr_williserror messages?06:03
sandman__GLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./gio/gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)06:03
gioeashello, i mtrying to install ubuntu on a new internal hard drive which i just installed right now...and ubuntu is not detecting my new scorpio blue wd hard drive06:03
gioeascan someone help?06:03
KM0201not detecting it?06:04
KM0201is it sata?06:04
gioeasyes it is06:04
KM0201does windows detect it?06:04
gioeasi have not tried yet06:04
gioeasim trying to install ubuntu06:04
KM0201well, that would be the first thig i'd try (assuming you have windows)06:04
dr_willisdoes bios see it06:05
sandman__dr_willis: any idea what the error is?06:05
KM0201that to....06:05
gioeasdr willis: when i go to flash utility (bios)06:05
gioeaswhere do i see the hard drive?06:05
* i7 pets new laptop06:05
dr_willisgioeas: nope06:05
KM0201gioeas: thats different on every BIOS, but just look through it , and you should find it.06:06
gioeasbut basically where is it usually?06:06
sandman__The first command line press enter06:06
gioeasand thanks for being so cooperative06:06
dr_willisgioeas: in the hd setttings area. bioss vary06:06
KM0201gioeas: thats the problem, there is no "usual" place that it is, every BIOS is different, just start looking...06:06
sandman__Anyone help me gksudo gives me error GLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./gio/gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)06:07
emiruhow the hell do I put music on my iPod I dont get it06:08
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod06:09
emiruthanks ubottu06:09
heeeegua__hi all....when i upgraded the ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04,,the issue occurs...........it always reboot agian and agian,,,someone know why?06:10
heeeegua__hoping Warm-hearted man can help me06:11
SmashingXhello guys, does annybody know how can I set a path for a executable file, I mean every time I want to execute a file I don't have to go to the path and type the name of the file, just type it anywhere and it will execute?06:11
dr_willisSmashingX:  put it in your /home/username/bin06:12
rumpe1SmashingX, either add its directory to your $PATH-variable or link/copy/move it to a folder in your $PATH06:13
dr_willisa ln -s   link will work there06:13
SmashingXhow can I add its directory to my path-variable?06:13
heeeegua__hi all....when i upgraded the ubuntu from 9.10 to 10.04,,the issue occurs...........it always reboot agian and agian,,,someone know why?06:13
sandman__Anyone help me gksudo/gedit/kate give me error GLib-GIO:ERROR:/build/buildd/glib2.0-2.28.6/./gio/gdbusconnection.c:2279:initable_init: assertion failed: (connection->initialization_error == NULL)06:14
dr_willisSmashingX:  linking it to bin/bunaryname is one way. or edit the .profile or .bashrc files06:15
meadhikariAny command line torrent client that i can compile the source code, please help06:15
dr_willismeadhikari: several. try rtottent06:15
Mitsukarumeadhikari: you want an open-source command-line torrent client?06:15
meadhikariMitsukaru, yes and the source06:16
meadhikariwhere can i find the source code for rtorrent06:16
dr_willistransmission has a cli mode i thought06:16
gr0uch`can someone tell me... if you use an aircard does your ip show the original state you got the card in?? i know someone that claims to have an aircard in ca and hes in NV but the ip is CA..????06:16
jordantransmission has a cli mode (and a curses-based remote control)06:16
jordanyou can get the source code for transmission from http://transmissionbt.com/download/06:17
Mitsukarurtorrent is a curses interface for libtorrent06:17
gr0uch`anyone know ?? can the range be that far that they are in another state showing an ip or somewhere else without a bouncer?06:17
Jordan_Uheeeegua__: What do you see before it reboots?06:18
jordanrtorrent's at http://libtorrent.rakshasa.no/wiki/Download06:18
dr_williswhats an 'aircard'06:18
gr0uch`person claims there ip is from an aircard purchased in another state. just wondering if this is possible06:19
gr0uch`ive heard they use cell phone towers06:19
Mitsukarugr0uch`: what are you, um, talking about?06:19
gr0uch`never heard of an aircard?06:20
sharpKwhat's the easiest way to get full mouse functionality in 11.10?06:21
sharpKie rest of the buttons06:21
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dr_willisgr0uch`:  if the thing uses a static ip bases on its mac. it could get assugned the same ip06:22
gr0uch`the ip is dynamic, not a proxy06:22
dr_willisit could still get the ip based on mac untill the lease expires06:25
pppurpleis there any one that would be will to help answer some basic questions for a begginer getting into ubuntu?06:26
hilariepppurple ask away06:26
dr_willispppurple: just ask and see06:26
pppurplewhats the best way to install it and also have windows installed as a back up?06:27
pawan_tejwaniubuntu not booting after installation06:27
KM0201pppurple: set up a dual boot system06:27
xangua!dualboot | pppurple06:28
ubottupppurple: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DualBoot/Windows - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot06:28
pppurpleand you just choose your OS when you start your comp with a dual boot correct? i havent played with Dual boot stuff so im just trying to iron out my knowldege before i do something dumb06:28
pawan_tejwanido we have to make any changes in the BIOS to make ubuntu boot from separate HDD other than selecting the drive on which ubuntu has to be installed seperately as first boot drive06:29
KM0201pppurple: you will have to partition your drive though06:29
pppurplecan you turn the notification off in IRC that tells who is joining and disconnecting? really kind annoying06:29
=== reo_ is now known as Guest31920
KM0201pppurple: probably, but that depends on your client06:30
pppurplehmmm k06:30
Guest31920What would be the best way to back up my files/programs if I were to do a clean install of an updated image?06:30
Guest31920would dd be ok for it?06:30
pppurpleso i have a windows c: drive and a d: drive could i use the D drive for Ubuntu?06:30
=== Guest31920 is now known as reokie
KM0201pppurple: you would just have to "manually" install in order to do that.. but.. it's not hard.06:32
pppurplei feel dumb using IRC and getting ready to install a linux OS. how can i copy paste off this chat to open that like someone posted of how to Dual boot?06:33
KM0201pppurple: can i send you a private message?06:33
Jordan_Upppurple: Do you have multiple physical drives or multiple partitions on a single drive? (What Windows calls "drives" are actually partitions, which can be confusing).06:33
pppurplehmmm i understand the partition but im not sure if its 2 drives or a partition06:34
KM0201pppurple: look for a tab or something with my name on it, i just sent you a message.06:34
jaddisonFYI, if anyone has trouble getting their RT2860 wifi chipset to work with Ubuntu 11.10 (server version for me) after a fresh install, disable IPv6 in /etc/network/interfaces.  Worked for me.06:35
jaddisonNight all.06:35
sharpKwhat's the easiest way to get full mouse functionality in 11.10?06:35
aruncn1how can i change ubuntuone folder to different location ?06:37
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makaka
gnuskoolAny recommended sbs based on server ubuntu?06:41
aruncn1any ideas?06:43
sharpKdoes anyone have their mouse buttons working in 11.10?06:44
aruncn1how can i change ubuntuone folder to different location ?06:44
andynsharpK: yes, and they work very well indeed. mine has only two plus a clickable wheel, though.06:44
sharpKtwo as in left and right click?06:45
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Guest14097i was needing some help with a sound problem on Ubuntu 11.10 who wants to help?06:51
abhinav_singhhow do make cron job run for every 15 days ... is it okay 0 0 15 * *  command06:55
=== l is now known as tero
Huhabhinav_singh: hi deer07:01
Huhne1 can help07:01
somsip!anyone | Huh07:01
ubottuHuh: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.07:01
=== paulmarquis_ is now known as paulmarquis
meadhikariis there any command line torrent client except rtorrent and transmission, very small client07:06
somsipmeadhikari: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_BitTorrent_clients07:07
zykotick9!info bittornado | meadhikari07:07
ubottumeadhikari: bittornado (source: bittornado): bittorrent client (and tracker) with console and curses interfaces. In component main, is optional. Version 0.3.18-10ubuntu2 (oneiric), package size 153 kB, installed size 952 kB07:07
meadhikariubottu, zykotick9 somsip  thanks for the info :)07:09
ubottumeadhikari: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)07:09
zykotick9!ubuntuone | aruncn107:12
ubottuaruncn1: Ubuntu One is a service where you can back up, store, sync and share your data with other Ubuntu One users - For more see https://one.ubuntu.com/ support and help available at #ubuntuone07:12
aruncn1ubottu: ty07:12
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)07:12
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!07:13
BluebirdShaowhich software can view 'dwg' files for free?07:27
tonyyarussoBluebirdShao: Honestly, probably nothing.07:29
SnicksieBluebirdShao, it seems this program can do the job for you: http://lx-viewer.sourceforge.net/07:29
Snicksiebut im not sure, i've never tried...07:29
BluebirdShaoSnicksie: Thank you all the same.07:30
BluebirdShaoSnicksie: I will take a try.07:30
Snicksieseems here's a list of autocad-like programs, some of them might support dwg files too: http://www.tech-edv.co.at/05_LUnIx/80_CAD~2f3d/10_CAD~20Links/index.php @ BluebirdShao07:32
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BluebirdShaoSnicksie: wonderful07:40
zeroflyHi guys.07:41
zeroflyWhat tool do you use for python on Ubuntu?07:41
kcm1700I use vim & python07:41
zeroflykcm1700, you use vim coding with python?07:42
killownI constantly get system panics - the scroll lock and caps lock keyboard lights flash and so I need reset the system in the case, do anyone have any idea how can I discover where is this error is from? I looked for dmesg and system logs and I can't find something useful07:42
Math^Hello, I've very very low sound when recording with recordmydesktop, tho all my sliders in the mixer are 100%, and a Skype testcall works good too... how can I fix this?07:43
zeroflyOkey, kcm1700. Thanks!07:44
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=== LameRock is now known as Guest79997
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LigHWhere can I find information about probably compatible models to not exactly supported printers?08:01
tonyyarussoLigH: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport is one place to look08:02
LigHtonyyarusso: Thanks, seems to be a bit more complex via Cupswrapper...08:08
Captain_Crowis it possible to get a virus on ubuntu or wine?08:16
auronandace!virus | Captain_Crow08:16
ubottuCaptain_Crow: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus08:16
Captain_Crowthat sounds confusing...08:19
=== wake is now known as Senix
MrWGWhey there; I accidentally deleted my /etc/fstab on an ubuntu 10.04 box which is currently running at a remote site; I do not have remote access to it08:24
MrWGWcan I recover by replacing it with a copy of /etc/mtab?08:24
MrWGWto be precise I accidentally overwrote /etc/fstab with an incorrect one08:25
MrWGWdeployment script accident...08:25
dr_willisMrWGW: check mount command output also08:25
dr_willisand mtab, and try to remake fstab.08:26
icerootCaptain_Crow: on both it is technical possible08:27
dr_willismake the script make backups in the future.08:27
icerootCaptain_Crow: but there is no need to worry on GNU/Linux about that topic. On wine it is possible, some viruses for windows also working there but normally not doing anything bad08:27
Math^Please, annoying can help me with Recordmydesktop? :)08:28
Math^I tried everything, but it's recording very very low sound08:29
harsh343how to delete particular folder on remote site through terminal08:30
harsh343path is on remote site /var/www/Dashboard_check08:31
harsh343deej1976, there ?08:31
eHAPPYis there any reason to not use x64 even though i only have 1GB of RAM?08:31
gnome-xchathi harsh34308:31
gnome-xchatim new to ubuntu08:31
MrWGWdr_willis: the output of mount matches /etc/mtab08:32
icerooteHAPPY: no08:33
MrWGWdr_willis: yeah this box isn't in production yet; I just inadvertantly hosed it as i was being incautious08:33
icerooteHAPPY: if the cpu supports amd64, always use amd6408:33
MrWGWworst case scenario; I'll have to go out there08:33
eHAPPYthats what i figured :)08:33
nhochthow to learn Python?08:33
harsh343I want to delete my  Dashboard_check folder from remote site path is :-    /var/www/Dashboard_check08:34
icerootnhocht: #python08:34
harsh343how it is possible through terminal I am using ubuntu 11.1008:34
icerootharsh343: rm08:34
dr_willisnhocht:  read some books on it.08:34
dr_willisharsh343:  sudo rm /foo/bar08:35
gnome-xchatdr_willis, recommend any book?08:35
dr_willis!bash | harsh34308:35
ubottuharsh343: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal08:35
dr_willisgnome-xchat: anything by ireilly. and without dummies or idiot in the title08:36
MrWGWis it possible to view the UUID of a moutned partition by the way?08:36
ubottuTo see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)08:37
MrWGWthat said dr_willis I would assume that there's no problem if I use /dev/sd* in the /etc/fstab?   I have done this many times on other distros08:37
MrWGWthe only problem would be of course if something occurred which changed the /dev/sd* address, like if sda became sdb08:38
MrWGWI would think, right?08:38
soreauMrWGW: It should still work by addressing it directly, yes08:38
technokidanyone knows alternative to wicd and gnome network manager08:38
MrWGWthanks soreau08:39
harsh343dr_willis, live:~# sudo rm /var/www/Dashboard_check08:40
harsh343rm: cannot remove `/var/www/Dashboard_check': Is a directory08:40
soreautechnokid: iwconfig, wpa_supplicant, dhclient08:40
harsh343I want to remove only this folder Dashboard_check08:41
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nhochthow to learn programming on ubuntu11.10?08:41
technokidthanks soreau i am having problems with ppp and i am using wvdial but network manager doesnt detect it08:41
=== JimmyJ_ is now known as JimmyJ
dr_willisharsh343:  use rmdir fir a directory. and you should spwnd 30 min reading some bash tutorials08:41
soreau! ppp | technokid08:42
ubottutechnokid: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up08:42
harsh343dr_willis, rmdir: failed to remove `/var/www/Dashboard_check': Directory not empty08:42
dr_willisnhocht:  books in the bookstore barginbins. :-)08:42
technokid(usb 3g modems)and wicd has problem with connecting to wifi.08:42
dr_willisharsh343: nan rmdir  yse the recursive option08:43
dr_willisman rmdir08:43
scarleoHi, I suddenly have a problem with Firefox not wanting to open but download .aspx generated HTML Text. If I choose to open with Firefox as default it creates a new tab in an endless loop 'til FF crashes08:43
scarleoThe link works fine on another Ubuntu 11.10 PC with firefox08:43
mohanr2222_1hey guys.. i have a weird problem... I hav 2 computers.. One with wifi (and internet) and one without.. If both are connected through ethernet cable, is is it possible to get internet on the comp without wifi? if yes, how?08:44
iceroot!ics | mohanr2222_108:44
ubottumohanr2222_1: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing08:44
technokidthanks ubottu08:44
soreaumohanr2222_1: You need a crossover cable in most cases and you would have to setup connection sharing08:45
dr_willismohanr2222_1: a cheap router is handy also08:45
mohanr2222_1the one without wifi is a very old one..08:46
=== avernos_ is now known as avernos
soreaudr_willis: also convenient to have some cat5/6, some RJ-45s, a crimper and a switch but not everyone has everything ;)08:47
mohanr2222_1i am trying to run xampp in it and use it as a local webserver08:47
harsh343dr_willis, sudo rmdir -R /var/www/Dashboard_check is this ok ?08:48
mohanr2222_1brb, my mouse froze again08:48
Coreydr_willis: That'll only blow out empty directories.08:48
LigHGreetings again.08:49
harsh343dr_willis, rm -rf /var/www/Dashboard_check ???08:50
dr_willisi always cd to the dir. and do rm -rf foo08:51
dr_willisa typo with sudo rm -rf can be bad08:51
dr_willisvery bad08:52
harsh343dr_willis, which one i am using ?08:52
LigHMy Update manager lists updateable Seamonkey packages, but they appear disabled, can't be checked. May I have to update manually?08:52
dr_willisif you do  / var/foi    see the space? it will delete your is08:52
dr_williscd to the dir and dont use tge full path08:53
dr_williscd foo08:54
dr_willisrm -rf bar08:54
harsh343dr_willis, can You please give me the command I do not want to take risk because (remove command can remove all data)08:55
dr_willisreplace foo and bar above as needed08:55
=== Amr0d_ is now known as Amr0d
dr_willisyou could just move or rename the dir if you are worried about it08:57
harsh343dr_willis, live:/var/www#08:57
harsh343live:/var/www# sudo rm -rf Dashboard_check this is ok ?08:57
dr_willisif you made no typos ut looks oj08:58
dr_willisseriousseriously spend some time with a few bash tutorials.08:59
harsh343dr_willis, ok08:59
dr_willisits taken you 20 min for a 20 sec command09:00
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau
=== Administrator is now known as Guest32621
soreauharsh343: Usually, I use ls /path/to/file_name to make sure its what I want before running any commands to change the file09:02
harsh343soreau, ok thats really Good09:03
=== corsair is now known as Guest70939
dr_willisecho *.txt   or other regrexps to test pattern/wildcards also09:06
harsh343dr_willis, yes my command works09:06
Captain_CrowI downloaded "wubi" and tried to install it and im getting a "no disk" error and a new error pops up every time i click cancle09:07
soreauCaptain_Crow: I would have to suggest trying a live session instead of wubi09:07
soreaubut if you must..09:08
soreau! wubi09:08
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe09:08
harsh343soreau, I want to copy a folder from my sytem to remote server I know cp -r command is used for that but hows from my local system to remote server09:11
Captain_Crowubuntu looks confusing09:11
soreauharsh343: scp09:11
llutz_harsh343: scp -r09:11
Captain_Crowwhy are there different installation sizes?09:11
soreau! scp | harsh34309:12
ubottuharsh343: scp is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/09:12
soreauCaptain_Crow: What do you mean?09:12
harsh343soreau, why scp ?09:12
Captain_Crowfor installing it asks for installation size 5GB-30GB09:12
soreauharsh343: Because you want to copy a file to another machine, presumably over a network09:13
harsh343is this ok ? scp -r /var/www/Dashboard_check /var/www/Dashboard_check09:13
soreauCaptain_Crow: You can tell it how much to use09:13
soreauharsh343: no, that isnt specifying the destination target09:13
harsh343so hows ?09:14
llutz_harsh343: see ubottu and "man scp"09:14
azatoth_workDunno if it's a problem or not, bug when I'm trying to update the kernel atm, it's been stuck on "run-parts: executing /etc/kernel/postinst.d/dkms 3.0.0-14-generic /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-14-generic" for minutes now; the process "/sbin/depmod -a 3.0.0-14-generic -F /boot/System.map-3.0.0-14-generic" is constantly eating 50% of one core.09:14
soreauharsh343: For example, scp /path/to/file_name user@
Captain_Crowsoreau what is the advantage of installing the 30GB version of the 5GB version?09:15
Captain_Crow over* the 5GB version09:15
soreauCaptain_Crow: Its not different versions, its just telling how much hard drive space to allocate09:15
azatoth_workcan I kill the process, or will my system go totally broken then?09:15
Captain_Crowthat sounds confusing09:16
soreauCaptain_Crow: The default install is well under 5GB, 15GB should be enough to try it, 30GB should last for plenty of time if you arent populating the drive with exceedingly large files09:16
azatoth_workcore == CPU core09:16
Captain_Crowi need to have a second harddrive?09:17
soreauCaptain_Crow: no09:17
soreauazatoth_work: If you have given it a considerable amount of time and it really us stuck, you can kill it and try running it again..09:18
dr_willisa hard drive can be partitioned Captain_Crow09:18
Captain_Crowso installing it partitions the drive?09:18
azatoth_worksoreau, I'll try09:18
azatoth_work(it's still stuck)09:18
dr_willisCaptain_Crow:  a normal install. yes.. wubi. no09:19
soreauCaptain_Crow: Partitioning is a way to separate a hard drive into parts, for installing multiple different operating systems for example09:19
soreauCaptain_Crow: wubi does some magic that basically puts the install on your windows ntfs file system. This is slower and can suffer from a variety of other issues09:19
llutz_Captain_Crow: wubi will create one big file on your windows-fs as an container for the linux-installation09:19
dr_willisCaptain_Crow: you could try it out in virtualbox to learn about ut09:19
Captain_Crowi just want to sample ubuntu to see how it works, i thought wubi made ubuntu run in a window like a program?09:19
faLUCEhi, Is there an easy way to change the name of a user and therefore his home directory ?09:20
soreauCaptain_Crow: No, for that you want virtual box09:20
dr_willisCaptain_Crow:  not IN a window09:20
dr_willisvbox does that :-)09:20
harsh343soreau, but it also takes alots of time to copy09:20
soreauharsh343: Is that a random comment or are you making some statement leading to a point?09:21
harsh343is is only a comment like filezilla09:21
harsh343it also take time to copy09:22
rohitmobmehii!!! how can i 'mv' files created today to a different directory ..( any single line command for the same)09:22
Captain_Crowwhat is the difference between ubuntu, kubuntu, xubuntu, and mythbuntu?09:22
llutz_rohitmobme: find path/ -mtime -1d -exec mv .....09:22
icerootCaptain_Crow: the preinstalled desktop-packages09:22
icerootCaptain_Crow: kubuntu = kde4, xubuntu = xfce4, ubuntu = gnome3/unity, mythbuntu = mythtv + gnome09:23
soreauharsh343: It takes time to do anything which is the very basis of how the world works09:23
Captain_Crowi dont know what those are09:23
harsh343soreau, ok09:23
rohitmobmellutz_ thanks09:24
Captain_Crowdoes it make the desktop look different or something?09:24
llutz_rohitmobme: "man find" for correct options09:24
dr_willistime to research a bit.. or just use ubuntu09:24
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.09:24
soreaullutz: nice09:24
Captain_Crowwhich version is the best?09:25
soreauCaptain_Crow: Yes, the desktop environment is a set of programs that work together09:25
soreau! best09:25
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.09:25
Captain_CrowI just don't know which one to install :/09:26
soreauCaptain_Crow: virtualbox is probably the easiest way to try ubuntu in a window.. on windows. Search youtube to see the different desktop environments in action09:26
rohitmobmellutz_ : yeah.... i m looking out for it...hope i can find smthing to 'mv' all the files created on a specified date09:26
Captain_Crowi dont know what they are for though09:27
llutz_rohitmobme:   like :  find path/ -type f -mtime -1 -exec mv "{}" target/ \;09:27
soreauCaptain_Crow: For example, kde is a bit heavier (uses more cpu and takes more hard drive space) but could be considered prettier and more user friendly while xfce is lighter (uses less cpu and hard drive space) but could be considered more rudimentary and basic09:28
StryKaizerI'm looking for a crossplatform password manager.  Using keepassx atm, but investing if there's a more powerfull option09:28
hda1Hi, can i create new user without login? Something like as adduser bla -s /bin/nologin09:28
soreauCaptain_Crow: gnome typically is a happy medium and is the default for the official ubuntu distribution of linux09:28
faLUCEhi, Is there an easy way to change the name of a user and therefore his home directory ?09:29
llutz_hda1: using "useradd" you can09:29
llutz_hda1 adduser also has --shell  option09:30
Captain_Crowi'll just install it and see what happens i guess09:30
soreauCaptain_Crow: Good idea. Also you can search youtube for videos09:31
soreaufaLUCE: It might be easiest to create a new user and copy the contents of $HOME before deleting the old user09:32
faLUCEsoreau: I see but what about hidden files? can I copy them too?09:32
soreaufaLUCE: yes, you could do something like this while logged in as the new user: cp -r /home/old_user $HOME && chown -R $USER $HOME09:33
llutz_faLUCE: cp -ax old new/          make sure new user is member of the same groups as the old one09:33
soreaufaLUCE: yea -a might be better since it copies ALL09:34
Yanch0guys im having problems on a newly installed mythubuntu - should i ask a question about video problems here on on mythv?09:34
llutz_-a = archive, not all09:34
soreauoh woops..09:34
faLUCEllutz_: and -ax ?09:34
* soreau goes to bang his head against a man page09:35
llutz_soreau: and btw, newuser cannot chown, only owner+root can09:35
soreaullutz: yea, I figured he would figure that out eventually09:35
llutz_faLUCE: copies only one filesystem if you have different fs mounted in your home09:35
andrew_46Yanch0: what sort of video problems?09:36
Yanch0 on first boot (in live cd it was ok) just after posting, i get a lot of green bars and funny stuff on the monitor for a couple of seconds (Say 30) then the screen goes black- hard disk seems to be still active for another minute or so. any ideas what to look at pls ?09:36
hda1Hi, can i create new user without login in ubuntu? Somethin like adduser bla -s /bin/nologin09:37
soreaufaLUCE: cp --help09:37
llutz_hda1 adduser  has --shell  option09:37
soreauYanch0: sounds like possible missing firmware. Anything in dmesg?09:38
hda1llutz Yes, i know, but i cannot find nologin09:38
llutz_hda1: "which nologin"09:38
llutz_hda1: its a command, not a question09:39
Yanch0soreau, can't even do ctrl + alt + f109:39
soreauYanch0: Try booting with nomodeset. What gpu is it?09:39
llutz_hda1: /usr/sbin/nologin here on 10.1009:39
phlak_userhda1, also on 11.1009:40
hda1llutz yes. 10x to u. Super.09:41
Yanch0soreau, good thing is that ssh works09:41
moose-machinehi. i have been struggling with this for a while. does anyone know how to change the dvd region code of the computer once all the user-initiated change options are exhausted through ubuntu?09:41
Yanch0http://pastebin.com/ZPFCzHep no errors here09:41
soreauYanch0: Right, so ssh in and review dmesg09:42
dr_willismoose-machine:  i thought it was the dvd drive that had regions.09:42
soreauYanch0: What gpu (lspci|grep VGA) and what version of ubuntu?09:43
moose-machinedr_willis: yes that is right.09:43
moose-machinedr_willis: any clue if it can be reset via ubuntu?09:43
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dr_willismoose-machine:  you are allowed so many changes then it locks i recall09:43
moose-machinedr_willis: ouch09:44
dr_willismoose-machine:  i just image my dvds and never need to change the drives region09:44
moose-machinedr_willis: so the only option is to take it to a technician?09:44
dr_willissome apps may ignore the region.09:44
moose-machinedr_willis: i see. i am trying to help a friend out. i thought that installing ubuntu in his laptop would circumvent the problem09:45
dr_willishe changed his region a lot?09:45
llutz_moose-machine: you also want to google for alternative firmwares (regionfree) for that drive09:45
moose-machinedr_willis: i think he bought a second hand one, so the previous owner may have done his bit09:45
moose-machinellutz: thanks. but i am sorry i didn't understand the meaning of 'alternative firmware'.09:46
dr_willisvlc i think can bypass it09:46
moose-machinedr_willis: that is the first one i tried but it doesn't play. however it does play dvds from the currently set region09:47
stixHi guys. I can set a title on my Terminal tabs/windows with this command: export PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;"TITLE"\007"' - but everytime I put the command into a script, it doesn't work. Why's that?09:47
tsdeadi have problem with skype and sound09:48
andynwell, i guess that no prompt gets drawn inside a script.09:48
moose-machinei installed regionset; however it tells me that there are 4 vendor resets available; but 0 user controlled changes available on this dvd drive09:49
dr_willisstix:  export the variable and source the script. dont run it09:51
dr_willisstix:   source setmyprompt.sh09:51
stixdr_willis: can I do it within a script?09:52
dr_willissee bash prompt howto09:52
Yanch0soreau,  01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV31 [GeForce FX 5600] (rev a1) || Ubuntu 11.10 (GNU/Linux 3.0.0-12-generic i686)09:53
dr_willisa child process does not change the parrent thatway09:53
dr_willisbut the stuff in your.   .bashrc :-)09:53
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Yanch0soreau, : http://pastebin.com/iVpX7wxt all my dmesg - i even did upgrade all m packages in the false hope it works10:04
freakynlhi, having an issue with 11.04 live. On most computers it runs just fine, but now I have one where I see a gdm logon prompt (it should automatically log on) with an automatic login thingy, but clicking that immediately returns me to the logon prompt again10:08
freakynlany way to bypass it? Just need to secure some files on the computer before reinstalling it10:08
linuxuz3ris it gdm or plymouth10:09
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freakynlI don't know, looks like gdm, dunno plymouth tho'10:09
linuxuz3rfreakynl: try deleting your stuff in the home directory10:09
linuxuz3rits a settings problem most likely10:09
freakynlno it's gdm10:10
freakynlit works fine on other computers, kinda hard throwing stuff away since I can't get it, doesn't appear to have consoles either (ctrl+alt+F[1-6] don't show logon prompts)10:10
terowhat filesystem should i use on a external usb hdd that i can read and write in ubuntu, windows and osx? i have a lot of large video files10:10
freakynls/get it/get in/10:11
llutz_tero: ntfs (not sure about os x)10:11
freakynltero: you're screwed10:11
freakynlosx has no ntfs afaik10:11
freakynlhas a 4G file limit10:11
llutz_fat32 has 4gb filesize limit10:11
harsh343soreau, there ?10:11
soreauharsh343: nope10:12
harsh343soreau, ok10:12
Anomie211Being trying to fix this problem for days, anyone want to have a bash? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1149528010:13
harsh343soreau, here is my problem http://pastebin.com/SqcDrHec10:13
scarleoHi, I suddenly have a problem with Firefox not wanting to open but download .aspx generated HTML Text. If I choose to open with Firefox as default it creates a new tab in an endless loop 'til FF crashes10:13
scarleoHow can I fix it?10:13
llutz_tero: freakynl snowleopard can read ntfs and has a hidden write-function for ntfs, so it should be the fs to go10:15
terohidden write-function...10:15
freakynlsorry dunno iphone (and hate apple, they're worse than ms). My android can just turn into a wireless access point to share the internet, seems much easier to me... not sure if there are iphone thingies to do the same (doubt it since apple is a serious dictator when it comes to this kind of access)10:15
teroi don't like the sound of that10:15
llutz_tero: not officially supported10:15
harsh343soreau, I think i have to change the permissions10:15
soreauharsh343: I have no idea10:16
freakynltero: it's your only option then... unless you wanna go ext2 or something and install really old ext2 drivers on your windows pc's10:16
llutz_tero: http://goo.gl/rGYA10:16
harsh343soreau, are you angree with me ?10:17
soreauharsh343: I'm telling you I have no idea what you have wrong there10:17
soreauharsh343: I don't even really know what you're trying to do exactly10:17
harsh343soreau, i just copy and paste all my data folder in to remote site or nothing else10:18
harsh343in my localhost it works fine10:18
vagothcpphey, I just install xubuntu to my old laptop using a USB as my hdd (no harddrive in laptop), now in firefox I was unable to open an xhtml/xml website, is there something I need to install?10:19
harsh343vagothcpp, try on chrome10:20
vagothcppharsh343, I would like to be using firefox10:20
vagothcppso is it possibly a missing library or firefox as a cause?10:22
harsh343soreau, see in line no 14 permissions to www-data but in line no. 12 only for root permissions how can i give the same permissions10:22
Timewarperi try to run a program from console as another user and i get this error: su - normal -c xchat10:22
TimewarperNo protocol specified10:22
Timewarper(xchat:3823): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.010:22
harsh343vagothcpp, update firefox10:23
Yanch0soreau, any other idea please?10:23
vagothcppim install chrome to see if it is firefox and my firefox is up-to-date10:23
freakynlis it xhtml or xml... firefox does not seem to give any error whatsoever if the xslt conversion from xml to xhmtl/html has issues (does not validate) and just shows a blank page then10:24
WanguardHow to tether a feature phone in natty10:24
freakynlalso, if it's an external site, can you give the url? Then we can see if it loads here10:24
harsh343vagothcpp, ask on #firefox10:25
harsh343soreau, how can i change the permissions10:26
n4dspSometimes when I send an email my Evolution crashes. This is happening twice per day. It has worked well for months but now I have this problem. Anyone know what could be causing?10:26
vagothcppI know little about chrome but would it perform better on a low ram old laptop running from a usb disk better than firefox?10:27
harsh343dr_willis, there ?10:27
harsh343deej1976, Hello10:28
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deej1976harsh343: I'm here, but I can't help with your problem.10:33
harsh343deej1976, hi here is my question http://pastebin.com/0Ha4b5ru10:34
freakynlvagothcpp: it might, firefox is becoming bloated in rapid pace10:34
Anomie211Does anyone know a way to install build-essentials or linux-source without an direct internet connection? (I can still download via this PC and move via USB)10:34
freakynlAnomie211: yea download the files and run dpkg -i <filename>10:34
deej1976chown -R www-data:root Dashboard_check10:35
deej1976harsh343: chown -R www-data:root Dashboard_check10:35
Anomie211freakynl: I can't find the files anywhere and when I was in here the other day most people reckoned they wouldnt be available online.10:35
Anomie211freaknyl: All that I could find were 'meta-packages' apparently, which just gave instructions on where to download from...10:36
freakynlAnomie211: read them then, not that familiar with ubuntu, I use the live version quite often but run gentoo myself10:37
almoxarifeis it possible to sync google calendar to evolutions calendar?10:37
Anomie211freakynl: Wha? read what?10:37
freakynlor browse this: ftp://ftp.snt.utwente.nl/pub/os/linux/ubuntu/pool/10:37
freakynlAnomie211: the meta files, if they contain links, get the links from em :)10:38
Anomie211freakynl: I think you've misunderstood 'instructions'10:38
freakynlAnomie211: I think you're missing the fact I don't get paid for this10:38
Anomie211freakynl: no wonder, you arent very good.10:39
freakynlAnomie211: welcome to ignore list10:39
inashdeenhi is there a good gui for ffmpeg to record esktop10:39
acibademli_74is there any application for linux which can make a burn(write) operation to the cd(or dvd) which is even rurned CD-R (or DVD-R) (even to damage the datas)?10:39
oCean!offline | Anomie21110:39
ubottuAnomie211: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD10:39
harsh343deej1976, I am able to change the permissions but my problem not solved http://pastebin.com/6UKdV1hT10:40
Anomie211Thank you oCean10:40
harsh343it works fine on my localhost10:40
Anomie211I just found a post online saying that build-essentials is on the install CD and that you can install it from there. This is from 2008 though does it still hold true? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/build-essential/+question/4969010:41
geirhaAnomie211: It doesn't look like the 11.10 desktop iso has it10:43
Anomie211geirha: Ah, ok thanks10:43
geirhaAnomie211: The live session may have it installed though. I didn't check for that.10:44
acibademli_74is there any application for linux which can make a burn(write) operation to the cd(or dvd) which is even rurned CD-R (or DVD-R) (even to damage the datas)?10:45
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Anomie211Am I doing this correct? It's returning no search results... http://i.imgur.com/zhxRI.png10:46
geirhaacibademli_74: huh?10:46
geirhaAnomie211: Without the plural s iirc10:46
acibademli_74geirha: as you heard. to do not look if exist a data on CD (or DVD).10:47
Anomie211geirha: thanks!10:47
phlak_user!info build-essential | geirha10:47
ubottugeirha: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB10:47
skilzkHow do I permanently disable caps lock and num lock?10:48
Anomie211It spat out this URL http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/b/build-essential/build-essential_11.5ubuntu1_i386.deb   -- but it's only 5Kb? does that seem right?10:48
geirhaacibademli_74: I don't know. A CD-R disc is only designed to be burned once. I don't know of any application that would allow you to burn the same part of the CD-R again.10:48
andynskilz: by .Xmodmapping. at least it works for caps lock. lemme show you.10:48
phlak_userAnomie211, thats cos its a meta package; it will download a whole bunch of other packages10:48
joseph_hi guys10:48
Anomie211phlak_user: But I don't have internet :( I need the full package10:49
acibademli_74geirha: OK. thanks anyway.10:49
freakynlacibademli_74: if you want to make the data inaccessible just bend the cd a couple of times and it will shatter into thousands of pieces10:49
phlak_userAnomie211, if its in the component main, it should be on the DVD?10:49
andynskilz: gedit ~/.Xmodmap and paste in this http://pastie.org/293257510:49
andynskilz: it gets loaded when you login; alternatively you can run xmodmap ~/.Xmodmap10:50
joseph_I would like to get  some informations on how to monitor samba on my linux box10:50
Anomie211phlak_user: The DVD? You mean the install CD? Someone just said in here that it wasnt included on that..10:50
geirhaAnomie211: DVD != CD10:50
joseph_I would like to meseare the traffic and data volume passed over a week on my box10:50
phlak_userAnomie211, you should search for it on the DVD10:50
acibademli_74 freakynl: i need to damage cd without a physical damages when you look it from outside ( with your eyes ).10:50
Anomie211What DVD?10:51
geirhaAnomie211: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/alternative-download#dvd10:52
Anomie211geirha: ty10:52
phlak_useracibademli_74, scratch with a pin/needle10:52
Anomie211This the correct one?  ubuntu-11.10-preinstalled-desktop-armel+omap4.img.gz10:53
acibademli_74 phlak_user: the person which looks the CD (or DVD) from outside (with his eyes) must not understand if i damage the CD (or DVD). if i scratch the other people can understand if i damage the CD (or DVD).10:56
skilzOkay that disabled caps lock now what about num lock?10:56
bsec_how to install Chinese fonts?10:57
phlak_useracibademli_74, is this an academic question?10:57
phlak_userAnomie211, that is an image for OMAP boards10:57
Anomie211Ah, I think I've got the right one now [ubuntu-11.10-dvd-i386.iso    ]10:58
acibademli_74 phlak_user: yes. we have all documants about out discuss. we need to make sure also if we can do this operation with an application (i think it must as root or something).11:01
phlak_userAnomie211, also look at this -> http://keryxproject.org/11:01
soreau! who | skilz11:01
ubottuskilz: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:01
Captain_Crowso if i burn ubuntu onto a cd i can boot from the disk w/o installing it or something?11:01
phlak_useracibademli_74, whats the Ubuntu support question here? you want to physically deface a CD11:02
soreauCaptain_Crow: Yes, it runs in memory without modifying your system. Its called a live session11:02
andynskilz: yes?11:02
skilzOkay that disabled caps lock now what about num lock?11:02
acibademli_74phlak_user: i did not ask this. i ask how to do with an application or it is possible to do with applcation? so someone(user here) write me do this. i told him that not with phisical damage! what the problem here...11:03
soreauskilz: Better to do nickname: message here, so they get highlighted11:03
andynskilz: http://superuser.com/questions/71630/numlock-is-completely-useless-and-i-want-to-disable-it-completely-on-linux11:03
acibademli_74phlak_user: ı ask ubuntu supoort if there is program which works ass root to do this operation. android as root supports officially many bad thinks. what is the problem...11:03
deej1976harsh343: Have you tried placing simple test.html files in the directory structure to see where the problem starts this could indicate the directory that needs fixing.11:03
engammalskoHow do I install the classic gnome shell in 11.10?11:05
engammalskoLike the one in 10.1011:05
Anomie211phlak_user: woo, looks promising.11:05
pangolin!notunity | engammalsko11:06
ubottuengammalsko: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:06
Captain_Crowi installed isorecorder so i can burn ubuntu, but i dont see any icons to open isorecorder11:06
engammalskoSo I shall install gnome-shell, gnome-tweak-tool and gnome-panel?11:07
ne2khow can I set a USB audio device as the default pulseaudio output device? every time I hibernate and wake up, it reverts to the onboard one11:07
freakynlCaptain_Crow: you might want to have a look at brasero11:08
freakynlCaptain_Crow: or k3b if ubuntu has it11:09
Anomie211phlak_user: maybe not, lol ; http://i.imgur.com/anF5X.png11:09
unomiHiyas - I am seeing somewhat poor performance copying files between 2 11.04 computers I was getting ~600kbs11:09
rumpe1unomi, which kind of connection? from which filesystem to which filesystem?11:10
unomiafter setting netbios name and ensuring that they are mounted via 'cifs' I am now seeing ~1.2 mb/s which is still alot slower than I think it should be11:11
unomirumpe1: at these speeds the filesystem doesn't matter, the connection is wifi though11:11
ne2kunomi: adhoc or infrastructure?11:12
unomithere is an infrastructure router between them11:12
ne2kunomi: btw, kbs is not a measure of transfer rate11:12
UnrealPancakeHello. I Have a 64 bit computer with Windows 7 and Ubuntu Dual Booted. Would It be a bad Idea to add Kubuntu as well?11:12
unomine2k: sure.11:12
ne2kunomi: access point in between? or is it really going through a router?11:12
unomine2k: I couldn't tell you tbh, they are close enough that they could talk directly - but they are both being served by a wifi router that gives them their IP11:14
hitttIs there any good program for real time beat detection?11:14
phlak_userAnomie211, shows up properly in my browser11:14
ne2kunomi: what is the wifi data rate reported by each?11:14
ne2kunomi: they can't talk directly if it's infrastructure; but obviously they share a channel so only one can talk at once11:14
phlak_userunomi, youll get better performance with 802.11n on router, and both laptops (around 150 Mb/s)11:15
unomi1. Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power=20 dBm  Link Quality=42/70  Signal level=-68 dBm11:15
ne2kcan people please stop calling access points "routers"?11:15
unomi2. Bit Rate=54 Mb/s   Tx-Power:24 dBm  Link Quality=5/5  Signal level=-45 dBm  Noise level=-96 dBm11:15
Anomie211phlak_user: I dont think the program works in 11.1011:16
phlak_userAnomie211, which one?11:16
andynsince most of them feature SNAT, i think calling them routers is appropriate.11:16
unomine2k: waiting for a transfer to finish up, then I'll try to look at rates for other transports11:17
deej1976UnrealPancake: Just install the kubuntu-desktop and select session when logging.11:17
phlak_userAnomie211, oh yes, its been tested on 10.04 and 10.10 as per the website11:17
UnrealPancakedeej1976: But will Ubuntu, Kubuntu, or Windows 7 interfere with each other?11:17
Anomie211phlak_user: yeah but I'm on 11.10, not 10.1011:17
sattu94UnrealPancake: no.11:18
Anomie211There's a work-around to get it working on 11.04, but nothing for 11.1011:18
UnrealPancakeso its completely safe to dual boot all three OS's? sattu9411:18
ne2kunomi: with 54Mb/s, you can expect to get about 15Mb/s of real throughput. this is obviously shared between them, though, as they are on the same channel, so 7.5Mb/s would be a maximum for end-to-end11:18
phlak_userne2k, if you buy a router and use it as an AP it still is a router; also most home users buy wifi routers not APs (which enterprises do)11:18
sattu94UnrealPancake: yes, actually i would suggest using ubuntu-desktop and kubuntu-desktop on the same base ubuntu, and another win7.11:19
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic11:19
ne2kunomi: a general rule of thumb is that with TCP transfer, on a 10Mb/s link you get about 1MB/s of throughput. so on your 7.5Mb/s link, I would expect about 750kB/s of actual data transfer11:19
deej1976UnrealPancake: You would only need to dual boot two, as kubuntu-desktop would be installed on the same ubuntu install. just select the KDE version you want when logging in.11:19
phlak_userunomi, best way to check is by running iperf between the two laptops11:20
phlak_user!info iperf | unomi11:20
ubottuunomi: iperf (source: iperf): Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.5-2 (oneiric), package size 53 kB, installed size 192 kB11:20
UnrealPancakesattu94: deej1976: so I should just install Kubuntu how?11:21
phlak_userUnrealPancake, can you not just install the kde-desktop on your existing ubuntu installation?11:21
deej1976Yes, in a terminal type: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop11:21
paxI installed kernel 3.2.* and now I can't remove it, its not listed in dpkg but comes up in grub and I can load ubuntu just fine except that lots of my hardware doesn't work.11:21
ne2kphlak_user: no, incorrect. a "wifi router" as you put it is a Wi-Fi access point and a router in the same box. two stations connected to the access point and transferring data between themselves are not "going through the router", they are going through the access point11:21
paxis it fine to just remove the kernal image from /boot/ and update grub ?11:21
phlak_userne2k, and it might not happen if you enable client isolation :)11:22
UnrealPancakephlak_user: to be completely honest, Im not all that familliar with Linux.11:22
ne2kphlak_user: enable client isolation, or disable "forwarding", or whatever a given manufacturer calls it, yes11:22
phlak_userUnrealPancake, oh ok, just do what deej1976 told you11:22
UnrealPancakeMy friend uses my ubuntu dual boot and I use my Win7. he suggested I try Kubuntu11:22
UnrealPancakephlak_user: deej1976: Could you try and walk me through it?11:23
sattu94UnrealPancake: Ubuntu is a Base, ubuntu,kubuntu,xubuntu all run on base ubuntu with different GUI, so u can have all 3 on the same base ubuntu installation, you can select between them while logging in.11:23
phlak_userUnrealPancake, kubuntu has a different window manager called KDE as against GNOME used by standard Ubuntu; and they can both live in the same distribution11:23
ne2kandyn: my issue was never with calling the router bit a router -- of course it's a router. my issue is with not distinguishing between the router and the AP11:24
* Captain_Crow thinks there are too many different ubuntu types11:24
* sattu94 laughs...11:24
ne2kthe thing that most people in the UK have in their house is an ADSL modem/router/access point11:24
UnrealPancakesattu94: is that why when I start my computer I get the purpleish screen with different choices to boot to?11:24
sattu94UnrealPancake: no. that allows you to select between Operating systems.11:25
ne2ksometimes with a switch thrown in for good measure too11:25
sattu94UnrealPancake: that is, win7 or ubuntu,11:25
deej1976Captain_Crow: I want to see an O'buntu ( best on openbox :D ), e17buntu ( best on guess what e17 :D ) choice is good11:25
sattu94UnrealPancake: and it's called Grub.11:25
UnrealPancakeoh alright11:25
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ActionParsnipdeej1976: you can make it using remastersys11:25
phlak_userUnrealPancake, in other words, a Boot Loader11:25
deej1976UnrealPancake: From the start open an terminal in ubuntu11:26
unomiphlak_user:  0.0-10.2 sec  10.1 MBytes  8.35 Mbits/sec - so it looks like cifs is hitting that pretty well11:26
Captain_CrowI still think its confusing...11:26
UnrealPancakeIm boted as Win7 ATM11:26
deej1976ActionParsnip: I know11:26
phlak_userunomi, so thats good, you have established that the wifi medium is not the bottleneck11:26
sattu94UnrealPancake: after you select ubuntu from grub menu, you will get a login screen from which you can select between ubuntu(unity),ubuntu-classic(gnome3) etc.. if u install Kubuntu-desktop, here you can also get option for selecting kubuntu desktop..11:27
UnrealPancakereally? I never knew that.11:27
unomiphlak_user: hmm? isn't iperf showing the same throughput as Samba? ~ 1 mb/s11:27
UnrealPancakeso r u saying that I already have Kubuntu installed?11:27
sattu94UnrealPancake: Effectively you dont need to restart ubuntu as a whole to switch between unity,gnome,kde,xfce,lxde...et al..11:28
ne2kunomi: 8.35Mb/s is comparable to the 7.5Mb/s I suggested you would get11:28
sattu94UnrealPancake: If you have it installed.11:28
phlak_userunomi, nope; iperf just shows you raw throughput without application overhead11:28
Captain_Crowcan ubuntu run dx11 games?11:28
ne2kunomi: you really have to use m, M, b and B correctly when talking about this stuff11:28
unomine2k: sure, are you?11:28
UnrealPancakesattu94: I only (as far as I know) have Ubuntu installed. do I need to download Kubuntu, install it and then I can choose between the 2 distributions anytime I want?11:29
ne2kunomi: errm, yes11:29
phlak_userne2k, he is reporting exactly what iperf gave11:29
* Captain_Crow wants to play battlefield3 on ubuntu11:29
ne2kphlak_user: I'm not talking about that. I'm talking about his "600 kbs" and his "1 mb/s"11:29
Yanch0 on first boot (in live cd it was ok) just after posting, i get a lot of green bars and funny stuff on the monitor for a couple of seconds (Say 30) then the screen goes black- hard disk seems to be still active for another minute or so. any ideas what to look at pls ? this is my dmsg : http://pastebin.com/iVpX7wxt11:29
* UnrealPancake likes Battlefield 3 on Xbox 36011:30
phlak_userne2k, oh yes, 1mb/s is the same as 1Mb/s (theres no mega and Mega)11:30
ne2kphlak_user: m is milli11:30
sattu94UnrealPancake: No all you need to do is download the Kubuntu desktop graphical environment, not the base OS, which you already have installed. To just get kubuntu desktop environment, do "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop", that will download and install kubuntu for you.11:30
phlak_userne2k, not in bitrate world11:30
unomine2k: anyway - iperf is telling me ~8 MBits which I interpret as ~1 MByte/s no?11:30
NeoTriXneed help11:30
phlak_userunomi, yes11:30
vagothcppWhat is the latest stable release of the ubuntu kernel11:30
UnrealPancakesattu94: by any chance do you have a link for me?11:31
phlak_user!ask | Neo_Kipling11:31
ubottuNeo_Kipling: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:31
phlak_user!ask | NeoTriX11:31
ubottuNeoTriX: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience11:31
sattu94UnrealPancake: Trust me, the command will be easier.11:31
ne2kunomi: yes -- but you didn't say that, you said 1 mb/s. sorry for being pedantic but it's actually really important in a discussion like this11:31
unomine2k: only if context escapes you11:31
ne2kunomi: errm, well, how should I know what the program you're using to transfer files reports?11:32
unomithat said - I should work on being more precise11:32
UnrealPancakesattu94: by any chance do you have a link for me?11:32
sattu94UnrealPancake: why do u want a link?11:32
UnrealPancakeoops sorry bout that11:32
phlak_userunomi, just to compare; you could try an scp copy between the laptops11:32
NeoTriXi have server ircs à can't install anope   seee  this message /services/services': Permission non accordée11:32
NeoTriXmake[1]: *** [install] Erreur 111:32
NeoTriXmake[1]: quittant le répertoire « /var/www/vhosts/kifchat.com/httpdocs/irc/anope-1.8.0/src »11:32
NeoTriXmake: *** [install] Erreur 211:32
sattu94UnrealPancake: just run the command.11:32
phlak_userNeoTriX, did you do sudo make install ?11:33
ne2kunomi: anyway, 8Mb/s of iperf throughput means you will generally get something like 0.8MB/s of real data throughput once you've got TCP and other protocol overheads11:33
UnrealPancakesattu94: you lost me at "do sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"11:33
UnrealPancakewhere do I do that?11:33
* sattu94 Loves Package Manangement..11:34
ne2kunomi: so your 0.6MB/s that you initially reported is a little low, but not massively11:34
sattu94UnrealPancake: Open a !terminal.11:34
sattu94!terminal > UnrealPancake11:34
ubottuUnrealPancake, please see my private message11:34
NeoTriXsee this  kifchat is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.11:34
brianhermanhello i am having trouble with my xorg.conf11:34
sattu94!terminal > sattu9411:35
ubottusattu94, please see my private message11:35
brianhermani removed my video card11:35
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brianhermanand i need to  use the one that is on the motherboard11:35
brianhermani tried using dpkg-reconfigure xorg-server11:35
brianhermanand that didnt work11:35
NeoTriXphlak_user see this  kifchat is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported.11:35
UnrealPancakesattu94: im currently using Win7 for IRC. Im guessing I have to boot into Ubuntu to do what you told me.?11:36
deej1976UnrealPancake: yes11:36
sattu94UnrealPancake: oh yes i forgot you were in win7. How will you access IRC from ubuntu though ?11:36
phlak_userNeoTriX, thats pretty clear; that user is not allowed to act as admin; add him to the admin group11:36
UnrealPancakesattu94: I can try connecting through my phone.11:36
NeoTriXhave you commande to add it11:36
UnrealPancakeI have AndroIRC11:37
sattu94UnrealPancake: just open Firefox in ubuntu, then go to webchat.freenode.net11:37
sattu94UnrealPancake: from there connect to #ubuntu.11:37
UnrealPancakei am on my phone11:37
phlak_userNeoTriX, usermod -G admin username-to-be-modified11:37
UnrealPancakeits connecting my hostname11:37
sattu94UnrealPancake: Fine, if that suits you.11:38
UnrealPancakeim entering the cat as PancakeMan11:38
sattu94UnrealPancake: boot to ubuntu. -_-11:38
phlak_userNeoTriX, but you need to login as the admin user first otherwise this will not work too11:38
UnrealPancakesattu94: k11:38
phlak_userNeoTriX, are you on Ubuntu?11:38
phlak_userNeoTriX, server or desktop?11:39
NeoTriXnow im in admin11:39
phlak_userNeoTriX, ok run that usermod command11:39
unomiphlak_user: yup.. scp is showing the same basic pattern - starts off at ~ 2.5MB/s ends up at 995KB/s11:39
UnrealPancakeOn my phone11:40
NeoTriXokey  now its work with sudo su11:40
phlak_userunomi, how many users off that router/ap?11:40
phlak_userNeoTriX, yw11:40
ActionParsnipNeoTriX: I suggest you use: sudo -i11:41
Captain_Crowdoes the fancy 3d desktop effects and physics come standard on ubuntu or do i have to download something specific to make that stuff work?11:41
ActionParsnipphlak_user: not: sudo -a -G admin username    ?11:41
UnrealPancakephlak_user what do i do now?11:41
ActionParsnipCaptain_Crow: compiz and unity are in a default install11:42
gappiehi. how do you enable auto login in ubuntu server?11:42
unomiphlak_user: just these 2 boxes, but I should say that they are both engaging in internet traffic through it ~ 200 KiB/s in total11:42
sattu94UnrealPancake: good, you in Ubuntu?11:42
sattu94UnrealPancake: Do you have a terminal open?11:42
UnrealPancakeHow do i do that11:42
ActionParsnipgappie: not very secure, why do you need to autologin?11:42
gappiespecific project11:43
ActionParsnipgappie: usually the server sits on the login prompt and the background services run11:43
gappieActionParsnip : how do i do it11:43
ActionParsnipgappie: http://www.lalitkapoor.com/blog/2008/06/30/ubuntu-server-desktop-autologin/    may say11:43
sattu94UnrealPancake: You know how to open Ubuntu Software Centre?11:43
deej1976UnrealPancake: Click the clog in the top left corner11:44
sattu94UnrealPancake: You have the Bar on the left side?11:44
deej1976UnrealPancake: In the search box type terminal and hit return11:44
sattu94deej1976: i was preferring to go through the software centre. ?11:45
deej1976sattu94: Sorry, old time cli user11:45
sattu94UnrealPancake: In terminal type "sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop"..11:45
sattu94deej1976: me too ^-^..11:46
phlak_userunomi, you can also use something like wondershaper to prioritize traffic from your laptop and test11:46
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deej1976sattu94: Get things done so much faster :D11:46
sattu94deej1976: yes!11:46
phlak_user!info wondershaper | unomi11:48
ubottuunomi: wondershaper (source: wondershaper): Easy to use traffic shaping script. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.1a-6 (oneiric), package size 14 kB, installed size 76 kB11:48
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UnrealPancakesattu94 ok thank you11:49
unomiphlak_user: thanks, it looks interesting, my upload speed is already reined in for the other traffic, but I'll give it a go11:50
sattu94UnrealPancake: Once the installation finishes, log off, select Kubuntu from the session menu at the bottom, then log in.11:50
UnrealPancakeOk ty11:50
sattu94UnrealPancake: no need to restart anything..etc..11:50
gappiehow do you change the network settings in ubuntu server?11:50
sattu94gappie: /etc/network/interfaces11:50
MonkeyDustgappie  /etc/resolvconf/11:51
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=== rachel is now known as rachelCoding
gappiewhich one?11:51
MonkeyDustgappie  /etc/resolv.conf11:51
MonkeyDustgappie  why do want a server if you don't know the basics of networking?11:51
ActionParsnipgappie: you can use wicd-curses if you want a GUI11:52
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meadhikariHow would I create a symbolic link for a python script, please help11:52
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: there is a difference between understanding network config and how to set network addresses and such in a new OS11:52
ActionParsnipmeadhikari: same as any other file11:53
ActionParsnipmeadhikari: ln -s source dest11:53
meadhikariI just mean how11:53
meadhikarii made ln -s a.py /home/b11:53
meadhikarinow i can not run python b11:53
meadhikarior am i missing something11:53
ActionParsnipmeadhikari: try: ln -s ./a.py /home/b/a.py11:55
sattu94MonkeyDust: yes, one may understand how everything works, but may not know how to do that in a new OS, it's akin to asking _where_ to change the network preferences using a GUI...11:55
ActionParsnipmeadhikari: I assume a.py is in PWD11:55
MonkeyDustfair enough11:55
gappieon a standard ubuntu server install, would the network be automatically configured to use dhcp?11:57
gappieor do i  need to setup networking11:57
phlak_usergappie, when you did the install it wouldve asked you exactly this11:58
ActionParsnipgappie: by default, yes11:58
ActionParsnipgappie: you can manually specify addesses and DNS servers if you desire but the default is DHCP for all interfaces (except lo)11:58
gappieacmeinc so where do I see the dhcp settings11:59
Captain_Crowis there a version of ubuntu with wine integrated where windows apps just work, or does wine have to be manually installed and fiddled with on each version?11:59
photonhi. now, for the second time today, my computer just hangs for about half an hour doing heavy hard disk work. I don't know why, and System Monitor doesn't show the culprit. However, I got a glimpse of an error message in my console saying something like "/etc/update-motd/98-fsck-at-reboot failed" ... Is it possible that Ubuntu is fsck'ing my hard drives w/o my consent causing my computer to freeze for so long? is there any other explanation? what can12:01
photonI do if it happens again?12:01
photonBtw, I did NOT reboot at that time.12:01
photonsyslog doesn't show anything related, either.12:01
=== om26er__ is now known as om26er
gappieActionParsnip so where do I see the dhcp settings12:02
phlak_userphoton, do you have any indexing tool installed like google desktop or beagle?12:02
photonphlak_user: no.12:03
ActionParsnipgappie: you can see the interface addresses by running:  ifconfig; cat /etc/resolv.conf12:03
photonthe weird thing is, I often do work that involves a lot of writes/reads to/from my hard drive, but never does it freeze up like that.12:03
phlak_userphoton, any NFS read-writes?12:04
photonphlak_user: no.12:04
gappieI had to run "sudo dhclient" on startup before I could get my networking going on ubuntu server. Why is this?12:05
gappieI need it working without sending commands12:06
phlak_usergappie, edit /etc/network/interfaces and set it up12:06
ActionParsnipgappie: in /etc/rc.local    above the exit 0  line, add the command you run and it will run as root at startup12:07
gappieActionParsnip is it normal to do that?12:07
phlak_usergappie, like this line ->  iface eth0 inet dhcp12:07
phlak_usergappie, "man interfaces"  should give you the various examples12:08
gappiephlak_user : i have the iface eth0 inet dhcp line in /etc/network/interfaces12:08
gappiebut still it does not work on startup12:09
TotalNonsenseHey, so how does this Pangolin of #ubuntu-offtopic accuse me of being someone who was in that channel last week?12:09
pangolinwrong channel12:09
TotalNonsense#freenode asked me to ask here12:09
pangolinwhy not just ask me in the offtopic channel12:09
TotalNonsenseI already tried; no one gave anything constructive.12:10
TotalNonsenseNo evidence, no log, nothing but hearsay12:10
pangolinok, well this is still not the right place12:10
ActionParsnipgappie: it can be with some hardware configs, I've seen it needed.12:11
Anomie211Got the 11.10 dvd downloaded now, can I check if build-essentials can be installed from it by extracting it or do I need to mount/burn it?12:11
ActionParsnip!logs | TotalNonsense12:11
ubottuTotalNonsense: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/12:11
phlak_usergappie, do you also have an auto eth0 before that?12:11
gappiephlak_user : yes12:12
ActionParsnipTotalNonsense: the link has the logs of the chanels, so you can see what is what12:12
breakdownHi,i may play GTA San Andreas MultiPlayer on Ubuntu?12:12
phlak_usergappie, does doing ifdown eth0 and then ifup eth0 bring up the interface and assign a dhcp address automatically?12:12
gappiephlak_user : when i run ifconfig I see eth1 and not eth012:12
gappiewhynot use eth0?12:13
TotalNonsenseActionParsnip: Sorry, nothing about -offtopic12:13
phlak_usergappie, ah, so you need to change that eth0 to eth112:13
TotalNonsenseIs there a search-all feature?12:13
phlak_usergappie, dunno if you have two interfaces, maybe you connected to the one called eth112:13
pangolinthere are no logs for -offtopic.12:13
hotkeysi have been installing a distro upgrade over SSH and it keeps giving me set: unable to open display i keep hitting enter and it resumes. am I doing something wrong?12:13
ActionParsnipTotalNonsense: is offtopic not logged12:14
gappiephlak_user : i installed the system on a drive connected to aother system than the one now12:14
phlak_userhotkeys, have you forwarded X? or only a text-only upgrade12:14
phlak_usergappie, so that mustve screwed up the interface numbering12:14
ActionParsnipgappie: the change I suggested is a little easier than playing with the interfaces file, although it is a good thing to learn12:15
hotkeysphlak_user I have not forwarded X i would be interested in knowing how12:16
dr_willishotkeys:  ssh -x  server       or was it -X12:16
dr_willishotkeys:  i set my ssh to do it by default12:17
hotkeysThank you12:17
dr_willisupper case X12:17
ActionParsnipalso add -C too, enables compression12:17
dr_willishotkeys:  if you are on an os with an x server  :-)12:18
hotkeysdr_willis I am on ubuntu desktop. I use SSH to manage my ubuntu server edition. I dont think I understand your question/comment.12:19
dr_willisalso when updateing over ssh. you may want to be using screen12:19
hotkeysyes I do run my do-release with screen -S name12:19
dr_willishotkeys:  so use   ssh -X server12:19
dr_willisor -XC :-)12:20
hotkeysdr_willis I will research, thank you12:20
ucenik02ima nekoj >>>>12:21
ucenik02mk nekoj ?12:21
ActionParsnipdr_willis: angry ssh :)12:22
hotkeysActionParsnip I may try that one first12:22
gappiemy /etc/apt/sources.list is emty. is this normal for a fresh install?12:25
rumpe1gappie, choose a server in package management and check again12:26
pangolingappie: how are you checking?12:26
gappiehow do this in console mode?12:26
gappiesudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list12:26
pangolingappie: you sure you typed in the correct path?12:27
gappiemissed the s12:27
=== breakdown is now known as breakdownlol
ActionParsnipgappie: use TAB to complete files and folder names, fewer mistakes12:29
GereCan you tell me flv to mp3 converter pls without  winff in ubutnu?12:32
ActionParsnipGere: did you download the flv from youtube?12:32
Timewarper whats the best data recovery software (undelete) for linux?12:33
Gereyas I have download it12:33
ActionParsnipGere: http://www.youtube-mp3.org/   use that instead, easier12:33
ActionParsnipGere: no need to download the video first12:33
ActionParsnipTimewarper: there is no single best app for any problem in any OS12:33
ActionParsnip!datarecovery | Timewarper12:34
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:34
ActionParsnipTimewarper: the most reliable will be to use your backups12:34
sharpKanyone know where to find the specific driver files for a printer installed in windows (I need to put the files on the ubuntu home server so that people can use the printer and install it from the server)12:34
luca_biHow can I start mysql on ubuntu 11.10??12:35
ActionParsnipsharpK: I'd ask in ##windows12:35
ActionParsnipluca_bi: sudo service mysql start12:35
LilleCarlluca_bi apt-get install mysql-server12:35
ActionParsnipluca_bi: use tab to complete the mysql word12:35
ActionParsnipLilleCarl: start, not install ;)12:35
LilleCarla /etc/init.d/mysql start i think12:36
MonkeyDust must be confusing for luca_bi ;)12:36
luca_biluca@luca-Satellite-A200:~$ sudo service mysql start12:37
luca_bistart: Job is already running: mysql12:37
luca_biIs it open?12:37
gappieafter adding "deb http://ubuntu.mirror.cambrium.nl/ubuntu/ lucid main universe" to sources.list I still cannot run "sudo apt-get bluez-hcidump"12:37
Geretnx again12:38
ActionParsnipluca_bi: then it's running and good to go12:38
gappie"invalid operation bluez-hcidump"12:38
MonkeyDustgappie  you forgot 'install'12:38
luca_biActionParsnip: I've create a document but when i run it on localhost  I have: Unable to connect!12:39
ActionParsnipgappie: and run:  sudo apt-get update    first12:39
ActionParsnipluca_bi: I know very little of SQL12:39
gappieok thanks12:39
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:39
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deej1976luca_bi: is apache and mysql on the same server?12:46
luca_bideej1976: yes12:46
deej1976luca_bi: If you start a terminal, and run: mysql -h localhost -u test -p testdb, enter password test when prompted12:50
harsh343deej1976, how are you ?12:52
deej1976!ot : harsh343:12:52
ubottudeej1976: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:52
StavaHow do I clear all formatting of a document in open/libre -office?12:53
deej1976!ask | harsh34312:53
ubottuharsh343: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:53
harsh343deej1976, I have no question right now12:54
luca_bideej1976: now I have mysql>12:55
deej1976luca_bi: Now try: "SELECT * FROM symbols;"12:55
harsh343luca_bi, type show databases;12:56
deej1976harsh343: Database has already been selected.12:56
luca_bimysql> SELECT * FROM symbols12:57
luca_bi    ->12:57
deej1976luca_bi:  -> ; <- Important12:57
harsh343ok then show tables and use table12:57
luca_biERROR 1046 (3D000): No database selected12:58
harsh343and then Query12:58
deej1976luca_bi: use testdb;12:58
harsh343deej1976, no database selected12:58
gappiewhen I insert usb flash drive into pc in ubuntu server it says: something sdb assuming drive cache: write through. howdo I mount the drive then?12:58
dr_willisgappie:  mount command as needed.12:59
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount12:59
gappieit doesnot return me to the command prompt12:59
dr_willisgappie:  what dosent?12:59
gappiesomething sdb assuming drive cache: write through.12:59
gappienot "user:"12:59
dr_willisgappie:  what command are you using exactly?13:00
gappiehappening auto when insert usb13:00
deej1976luca_bi: What came back from "use testdb;"13:00
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dr_willisgappie:  hit enter? its just a mesage showing on the terminal13:00
jwtiyari have .zip files of an program how i can install it?13:00
dr_willisjwtiyar:  extract it. and read its install docs.. odd that a linux app would come in a .zip13:00
luca_biERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'testdb13:00
luca_biuse testdb' at line 113:00
jwtiyardr_willis, there is no install doc on it13:01
dr_willisjwtiyar:  and what is this thing?13:01
deej1976luca_bi: type exactly this with out quotas "use testdb;"13:01
jwtiyardr_willis, this http://egymasters.hishambakr.com/download/AIORemote1.4_Linux.zip , see it13:01
harsh343luca_bi,      firstly check the database whether it is exist or not type show databases; if testdb present then simply type use testdb;13:02
luca_bideej1976: ->13:02
jwtiyardr_willis, thanks i got it there .jar file on it13:02
gappiemount: filesystem type to use?13:02
luca_bi"show databases"13:03
dr_willisgappie:  yes.. what filesystem is the flash using?13:03
dr_willis -t auto should work13:03
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents13:03
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE13:03
gappiesudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt should change to what?13:04
dr_willisYou may want to read that mount factoid  a bit.13:04
dr_willisgappie:  add -t vfat   or -t auto13:04
dr_willisgappie:  and most likely its sdb1 not sdb13:04
dr_willismount -t auto /dev/sdb1  /mnt13:05
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ubottuUbuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) is the current release of Ubuntu | Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/11.10/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/111013:06
user1does hiberante work with oneric for netbooks? is it fixed13:07
dr_willisit may depend on the specific netbook user113:07
zagibuhibernation is very hardware-dependant, so no general answer is possible13:07
user1dr_wiilis: oh so there is still problem.  i have asus 1215B13:08
dr_willisuser1:  i never said there was or was not.. it depends on your specific netbook13:08
user1zagibu: come on . dont blame hardware and when windows is/are/whatever doing it fine13:08
zagibui don't blame anyone13:09
gappiehow do you go one folderdeeper in console?13:09
gappiecd wants fll patch13:09
john_ramboI am getting segmentation fault while trying to add the deluge ppa ..How to solve this ?13:09
dr_willisuser1:  the hw makers are the ones not releaseing specs. or not following the specs that do exist.13:09
gappiecd, dir?13:09
dr_williswindows is doing it 'fine' because they specifically make drivers/test them to work with windows.13:10
user1dr_wiilis: i cant understand when version prior to 11.04 can hibernate why cant these?13:10
zagibuuser1: are you still in the "linux is a free windows" phase?13:10
dr_willisuser1:  new kernel version most likely13:10
* dr_willis wonders why his laptop crashes in windows when it hibernates.. but not in linux...13:10
user1zagibu: i am in "linux is windows is not needed " phase13:11
zagibuwhatever that means13:11
truefxi cant play movies in fullscreen +gnome mplayer plz help13:11
user1yeah nowadays ubuntu has lot of "whatever" guys. they have become kind of lethargic13:11
dr_willisid have to suggest checking the forums and askubuntu.com for your specific laptop.13:11
* deej1976 Wonders why windows won't boot, then remember he wiped 5 minutes after open the box :D13:12
zagibuuser1: yeah, you seem to be one of them...why not write some code and fix your hibernation problem yourself instead of waiting for "them" to fix it?13:12
user1zagibu : :-) yes i am the most lethargic. just kindling there13:13
truefxdr_willis, i cant play movies in fullscreen +gnome mplayer +in linux. But not in windows13:13
user1zagibu: lots of porn you know. no time.13:13
zagibudon't worry, it will get better with age13:14
zagibuwell, it won't, your time will be eaten away by other things13:15
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dr_willistruefx:  and your video card is? and what drivers are you using..13:16
dr_willistruefx:  and your ubuntu version is?13:16
user1zagibu: its also because females getting into that we getting into coding. its becoming complementing each other with most coders into that13:17
dr_willisand excatly what does happwn when you try to play a movie......13:17
truefxdr_willis, VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon RV100 QY [Radeon 7000/VE]13:17
truefxSubsystem: C.P. Technology Co. Ltd Device 204913:17
truefxFlags: bus master, stepping, medium devsel, latency 32, IRQ 1913:17
truefxMemory at f0000000 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=128M]13:17
truefxI/O ports at a000 [size=256]13:17
truefxMemory at fb000000 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=64K]13:17
truefx[virtual] Expansion ROM at fa000000 [disabled] [size=128K]13:17
truefxCapabilities: <access denied>13:17
truefxKernel driver in use: radeon13:17
truefxKernel modules: radeonfb, radeon13:17
zagibuuser1: not sure I want to understand what you're talking about, but it sounds kinky13:17
deej1976!pastebin | truefx13:17
ubottutruefx: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:17
dr_willisso you have an ATI RV100 and using the Radeon drivers.. its possible the fglrx drivers may work better for you. Or may not. I dont use ati.13:18
user1zagibu: i can see your browser cache. hmmm quite kinky you as well ;)13:18
dr_willistruefx:  you ran the 'addational-drivers' tool and looked to see if it could install the fglrx drivers? (run jockey-gtk from terminal if you cant find it in the menus)13:18
truefxdr_willis, ubuntu 10.04 i can decrease size properly but i cant increase or play in fullscreen, Size remains original13:18
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zagibuuser1: so jenkins build logs turn you on? to each his own, I guess13:19
dr_willistruefx:  you mean it has a large black border around the video?13:19
dr_willistry some of the differnt 'video output' optins in your video player. or try the fglrx drivers.13:20
user1zagibu: so you mean you are clean as crystal13:20
zagibuuser1: i'm on a business computer, and I actually don't want to lose my job, it pays quite well13:20
zagibuuser1: btw, this is quite offtopic...I suggest personal messages if you want to continue13:21
truefxdr_willis, no prop,, drivers. and i cant push enable button as root13:22
dr_willistruefx:  i dont use ati. its piossible that card does not use fglrx any more. so you shoudl try a differnt player like vlc, and/or the differnt video out options for the  players13:23
user1zagibu: nothing personal unless you want to continue. just want to know if i can just upgrade only my kernel. it takes 1.04 GB to dist upgrade11 is that really required?13:23
truefxi can play it in vls but it s slow and vlc consumes too much cpu, i have an old system13:24
luca_biUnable to connect:Access denied for user 'www-data'@'localhost' (using password: NO)13:24
luca_biwhich is the problem?13:24
truefxdr_willis, i can play it in vls but it s slow and vlc consumes too much cpu, i have an old system13:24
dr_willistruefx:  so that leaves you with 'trying the differnt video out options in the player'13:25
icerootluca_bi: there is no mysql-user called "www-data"13:25
truefxdr_willis, like what ?13:25
dr_willistruefx:  also in the monitors/displays tools there Might be a 'use hardware scaleing' option13:25
dr_willisvlc has perhaps a dozen differnt 'video out' drivers. i havent used mplayer in ages.. but it has several also. check your settings for your player13:26
singkongcan ubuntu use dial up connection bloototh ?13:27
luca_biiceroot: Why www-data?13:28
john_ramboopening deluge gives segmentation fault13:29
zagibuuser1: if you don't have the desired kernel in your packages, you either have to adjust the package sources, or get and install it manually13:29
user1i dont understand why i need 1 GB for just a image.13:30
asif_hi..I have installed ubuntu 11.10 there is no panel in the bottom so what i minimize just disappears  how to add a panel13:32
dr_willisshould be a panel at the left asif_13:32
MonkeyDustnounity| asif_13:32
dr_willismouse over to the side and see...13:32
skilzasif_, sudo apt-get install cairo-dock13:32
MonkeyDust!nounity| asif_13:32
ubottuasif_: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic13:32
asif_there is no pannel by default , what i minimize goes to launcher...??13:33
dr_williswhat you minimize goes to the left side panel and the icon changes to get an arrow by it.13:34
dr_willisI reall need to find some good unity 'guides' :)13:34
LilleCarlI think unity is stupid, Gnome ATW13:34
asif_ok got it . I am loving this learning curve13:35
dr_williswhats to learn. :)13:35
dr_willisclick to launch.. click to bring back..13:35
asif_one more question how can i reduce icon size of the launcher13:36
MonkeyDustyes, but you cannot click in the launchbar to minimize13:36
MonkeyDustasif_  it's in ccsm13:36
asif_mongy, CCSM..?13:37
MonkeyDustcompiz configuration13:37
icerootluca_bi: because you defined that user13:37
dr_willisno real need to i guess.. never noticed.13:37
icerootluca_bi: and if you dont put a user for the mysql-command the user which is calling the mysql client will be used13:37
dr_willisstart up about 4 terminal windows and click on the terminal icon in the panel..13:37
ReikokuHow do I change my MSN display name in empathy?13:37
asif_thank you guyz , I am feeling excitement as i felt when i used computer 1st time13:38
luca_biiceroot: http://ideone.com/NhhBE13:38
icerootluca_bi: what?13:39
luca_biiceroot: I defined root as username13:39
icerootluca_bi: you looked at that code?13:39
luca_biYes it's my code13:39
icerootluca_bi: you defined $user but using $root13:39
icerootluca_bi: and $root is empty so the user which is calling it will be used13:40
franksouza1831franksouza1831: hello13:40
luca_biiceroot: Yes I use root as username13:40
icerootluca_bi: you are using php complety wrong13:40
dr_willisroot as a users name? Hmmm...13:40
icerootdr_willis: for mysql13:40
icerootdr_willis: which is the default13:40
icerootluca_bi: $connection = mysql_connect($server, $root, $filiberto) or die ("Unable to connect:".mysql_error());13:40
luca_biiceroot: Which username should I use?13:40
ReikokuI'm clearly not the only person here using Empathy (the built in messenger) -- how do I change my MSN display name which other contacts see?13:40
icerootluca_bi: why $server and $root?13:40
* dr_willis recalls an old installer bug in ubuntu where you could add a user named 'root' as your initial user....13:41
icerootluca_bi: that variables are not defined13:41
luca_biiceroot: should I use $localhost instead of $server?13:41
icerootluca_bi: $host = "localhost";13:42
icerootluca_bi: of course you have to use "$host"13:42
icerootluca_bi: also please join #php13:42
oCeanluca_bi: this is really not a php or html support channel. Try ##php13:42
gappiehow can i check if ssh is installed?13:43
icerootgappie: dpkg -l openssh-server13:43
luca_biit doesn't work13:43
MonkeyDustgappie  apt-cache policy ssh13:43
icerootluca_bi: /join ##php13:43
icerootgappie: ii means installed13:43
verdocdid apt-get drop the --nodeps option?13:44
icerootverdoc: man apt-get13:44
verdociceroot, right, it's not in there and I don't see a replacement13:44
john21has anybody tried unity-2d from daily builds?13:45
icerootjohn21: #ubuntu+113:45
agen-mwhat is unity-2d?13:46
verdociceroot, so what's the equivalent?13:46
Dante_john21 , yes i have tried unity-2d13:46
icerootverdoc: looking at it at the moment but cant find an alternate that fast13:47
vagothcppis GRUB still the bootloader for Ubuntu/Xubuntu?13:47
dr_willisvagothcpp:  grub2 is the standard these days. yes.13:47
vagothcppdr_willis, thank you13:47
icerootverdoc: sorry13:48
verdociceroot, it's just gone?13:48
sipiorverdoc: i have an apt-get that's currently three years old, and it doesn13:49
sipiorverdoc: it doesn't have the option either.13:49
sipior(bloody touchtyping not going so well)13:49
NertskullIs there a way to install imagemagick with the latest version with the package manager?  Or if I want the latest version will I have to install from source?13:50
Razechi ALL13:50
sipiorverdoc: might you be thinking of rpm instead?13:50
gappiehow do you logout from a ssh session?13:51
vagothcppOn the ubuntu help page the kernel compile guide is a little bit old, so would the latest published kernel guide on the site still be relevant?13:51
dr_willisNertskull:  there might be a PPA for it.13:51
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa13:51
dr_willisgappie:  'exit' command or 'logout'13:51
gappiedr_willis thnks13:51
dr_willisgappie:  you can also hit ctrl-d a few times i recall. :)13:52
verdocsipior, I found a post referencing, I guess the end result is just wanna ignore deps13:53
=== Adys_ is now known as Adys
auvajsbeginner question: how to encrypt in openssl from a command line with a password?13:54
Nertskulldr_willis: Yeah I couldn't find a newer ppa, thanks though13:55
auvajsopenssl enc -d -aes-256-cbc -in file.pack -out file.out -pass pass:password gives me an error13:55
tomasz_hpi have unity , and have question13:55
tomasz_hphow add icon to activity shortcut?13:55
tomasz_hpi have ' ? ' only13:56
dusfdo i need to install something to use bluetooth with xubuntu 11.04?13:59
mobalsomeone can help me? pls check me, i'm looking for intel hd 3000 framebuffer resolution list14:00
gappiehowdo I see system load in console?14:00
Gentoo64gappie, top14:01
siavoshkcpress esc14:01
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup14:01
fhussaincan I run some startup script when I login to a session with LightDM?14:01
anAngelHello. My ubuntu 11.10 router is resetting randomly. How can i troubleshoot it or locate the problem?14:02
Gentoo64anAngel, what do you mean ubuntu router?14:02
fhussainWith upstart, what's the best way to switch to a console login instead of X? Earlier it used to be /etc/inittab.14:03
Gentoo64are you using a comp as a router?14:03
dusfthat bluetooth guide is out of date and the commands do not work14:03
dusfdusf@banshee:/usr/share/doc/bluez/examples$ sudo ./simple-agent hci0 00:11:67:00:00:0014:03
dusfsudo: ./simple-agent: command not found14:03
anAngelGentoo64: ubuntu 11.10 server installation configured as NAT router14:03
Gentoo64anAngel, resetting as in rebooting?14:04
Gentoo64or settings14:04
mfilipewhat is the channel to support ubuntu-one?14:04
xiwenbin2010tall somtthing14:04
anAngelGentoo64: rebooting14:04
harsh343copy from one folder to another in remote server14:05
Gentoo64anAngel, maybe its the psu?14:05
harsh343all folder14:05
Phoenix87i have an ati radeon x1600 pro card and foobillard doesn't look too good. I'm not using proprietary driver and I was wondering if maybe I should14:05
dusfdoes ubuntu not support bluetooth?14:05
RonaldJWitch package do I need for client gssapiauthentication support?14:06
dusfjesus, bluetooth is something so basic and should be plug and play14:06
dusfit's easier to just log onto windows for a few minutes14:07
RonaldJWhen I connect to ssh it waits a while before the password prompt. I found that this is a GSS problem.14:07
harsh343how to copy folder dashboard_check in the same place but different name dashboard_check2 in remote server14:08
madm1kehi, i have a widescreen (1366x768) intel gpu notebook and can't get plymouth to work nicely. on shutdown i get the correct theme and on bootup it falls back to text mode. does anyone know how to debug this or repair this?14:08
harsh343using ubuntu terminal14:08
skilzharsh343, cp dashboard_check dashboard_check214:08
harsh343skilz, and also the path required14:09
JoshuaP /srv/http14:10
[Entens]<RonaldJ>: that the same problem.What is GSS?14:10
harsh343skilz, live:~# /var/www cp dashboard_check dashboard_check214:10
harsh343 is this ok ?14:10
dr_willishmm.. poor dusf.. bluetooth is plug and play ehre on my linux box.. under windows - i have to fight with it.14:11
skilzwhere is the file located? in /var/www?14:11
skilzIf so cd /var/www/14:11
harsh343skilz, live:/var/www/Dashboard_check14:11
dr_willisharsh343:  you might want to install 'mc' and learn to use it.. it is a console based file manager using F keys to do all sorts of things...14:11
dr_willisor spend some time reasing some bash guides. :)14:11
skilzthats right then14:11
skilzharsh343, man bash14:12
txomonHi, I remember there was a distribution that was made up for hacking linux, not for getting into other systems, to learn about security. I think it was sth like ubuntu... anyonw knows?14:13
ravenssmtp hangs up without message, without ctrl-c option and does not send any mails - config file written and confirmed - any ideas?14:13
Phoenix87i have an ati radeon x1600 pro card and foobillard doesn't look too good. I'm not using proprietary driver and I was wondering if maybe I should14:13
txomonPhoenix87, you should14:13
Phoenix87txomon, can't I just boost the non proprietary drivers via xorg.conf?14:14
martianSince I upgraded my server to 11.10, I have been getting messages from apt saying that nfs-common has been held back from upgrade. Why would that be?14:14
txomonPhoenix87, you can use the default drivers, but usually, X guys don't develop as good as the builder drivers for those cards14:15
ravenssmtp hangs up without message, without ctrl-c option and does not send any mails - config file written and confirmed - any ideas?14:15
sipiorraven: is it not just waiting on standard input? does ctrl-D help?14:16
txomonraven, man ssmtp14:16
txomonPhoenix87, if you want to use only opensource programs, you will have to accept that they are in develop14:17
Phoenix87ok txomon i'll give ati drivers a try thanks :D14:17
harsh343skilz, http://pastebin.com/6eri9mPe14:18
RonaldJhow do I install gssapiauthentication support for ssh-client?14:20
ssbplshei,man,could anyone recommend some books about gtk programming?14:21
gappiewhat is the best for running shell script at startup: using cron jobs or using /etc/rc.local ?14:21
ravensipior oh yes that is this mode but ssmtp -vvv user@account.tld should do anything right?14:21
me-1hi..how can i install google chrome in ubuntu 11.1014:21
Phoenix87txomon, what if my card is no longer officially supported?14:22
useronewhen i insert a usb i want ubuntu to 'do nothing' (except mount the usb). i dont want nautilus to start up. how can i change this?14:22
deej1976me-1: http://www.google.com/chrome/eula.html in firefox and download deb file14:23
sipiorraven: if i read the man page correctly, that command will expect mail on standard input.14:23
txomonPhoenix87, no idea, never had that problem...14:23
txomonPhoenix87, and I think they never get "unsupported"14:23
skilzharsh343, Is it a directory or a file?14:23
gappiewhat is the best for running shell script at startup: using cron jobs or using /etc/rc.local ?14:23
txomononly distros get unsupported14:23
me-1deej1976,  is it not in repos..?14:24
ravensipior, it should send to that address!!??14:24
txomon(not pretty sure about that)14:24
sipiorraven: send what, exactly?14:24
deej1976me-1: Nope14:24
sipiorraven: (hint, hint)14:24
me-1deej1976, thank you14:24
harsh343skilz, it is a folder contain many files14:24
ravensipior, an empty mail to user@accound.tld using the config file14:24
skilzharsh343, In that case cp -rf is what you are after.14:24
RonaldJhow do I install gssapiauthentication support for ssh-client?14:25
deej1976me-1: It will install a repositry and keep upto date, through the normal update-manager.14:25
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sipiorraven: well, it's possible the man page i'm consulting is out of date, but how about just giving it a real message on stdin?14:25
skilzRoasted, apt-cache search ssh14:25
me-1deej1976,  downloading right now thanx14:25
ravensipior, i never did anything with stdin/out - how to do that?14:26
sipiorraven: "ssmtp foo@example.com < message.txt"14:27
sipiorraven: or just invoke "ssmtp foo@example.com", and then type a message, ending with ctrl-D.14:27
skilzRonaldJ, apt-cache search ssh14:27
me-1what is difference between apt-get update and apt-get upgrade..?14:28
RonaldJskilz it is not that simple14:29
martianme-1: the first one just updates apt's list of available software14:29
harsh343skilz, ok thanks14:29
oCeanme-1: update refreshes the local cache/softwarelist14:29
skilzme-1, update syncs the repos and upgrade upgrades your software.14:29
deej1976me-1: update updates the repositry information, upgrade installs new packages14:29
ravensipior, yes then i get a line with status 220 but no mail14:29
=== robins is now known as robinsmidsrod
me-1deej1976, I have just installed ubuntu 11.10 should i ubdate or upgrade or both..?14:30
sipiorraven: you've specified the smart relay host correctly?14:30
skilzme-1, both14:30
deej1976me-1: Run sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade14:30
Wiz_KeeDhow do i unzip a file from one to location to another location?14:30
ravensipior, i think so14:30
skilzme-1, It's a good idea to do both at least once a week for security updates and such.14:30
deej1976me-1: This will update your system, i.e. firefox 7 upto 814:31
skilzWiz_KeeD, Depends on the zip format.14:31
sipiorraven: might take a few minutes for the message to show up, at any rate.14:31
Wiz_KeeDidk...just zip14:31
Wiz_KeeDworks with unzip14:31
Wiz_KeeDi just want to place it in the same folder as the original zip14:31
ravensipior, did it like the gmx example for arcor (me) on that page http://linuxundich.de/de/software/system-mails-ohne-einen-mail-server-mit-ssmtp-verschicken/#more-1588914:31
skilzi.e; unzip foo.zip /home/foo/bar/14:32
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
ssbplsany help for me?14:32
Wiz_KeeDskilz, i did that14:33
Wiz_KeeDdidn't work14:33
skilzDid the command return any errors?14:33
Wiz_KeeDfilename not matched:14:33
usl12how do I switch to a console login?14:33
ReikokuAnyone using Unity-2D, how do I make the alt-f2 quick launch screen automatically appear maximised? There is a maximise button in the bottom right so I'm assuming it can be on by default.14:34
skilzWiz_KeeD, unzip file.zip /path/to/dir/*14:34
Wiz_KeeDuse wildcard at the end?14:34
skilzusl12, ctrl+alt+F214:34
e01someone with ubuntu 11.10 and gnome-shell?14:35
usl12unable to change default runlevel using /etc/inittab or  from /etc/init/rc-sysinit.conf (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpstartHowto). any other way?14:35
ReikokuAnyone using Unity-2D, how do I make the alt-f2 quick launch screen automatically appear maximised like in Unity-3D? There is a maximise button in the bottom right so I'm assuming it can be on by default.14:35
Wiz_KeeDdidn't work either :(14:36
ravensipior ?14:37
e01in ubuntu11.10 skype doesn't follow desktop theme, is this wide problem or just in my case, anybody?14:37
ravene01, in ubuntu 11.10 i wish i had only a design problem ^^14:38
xanguae01: on skype preferences set it to emulate GTK14:38
Gentoo64e01: i think skype uses qt14:38
sipiorraven: are you quite sure the message was not delivered? smtp 220 means "service ready".14:39
Baccariyes, it's qt14:39
e01xangua, i was try but it won't work14:39
ravensipior, yes its not there14:40
e01raven, well, we have to start from somewhere14:40
sipiorraven: look through your logs, or contact support at GMX.14:40
ravensipior, which log for example?14:40
skilzraven, /var/log/skype*14:41
EisNerdcould someone tell what I have to do besaide configuring ldap stuff, to allow users to login in lightdm on 11.10?14:41
sipiorraven: hey, you *did* format the message correctly, right? with a "To:" and "From:", &cet.?14:41
sipiorraven: have a look here: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2008/10/21/sending-email-from-your-system-with-ssmtp/14:42
ravensipior, i thought that all would be not necessary because of sending an empty mail as it is performed in this tutorial...14:43
ravensipior, ok14:43
bageroany one here from egy14:43
moDuLeSsHi! I've got a couple of webbooks. One of them has fedora preinstalled by my company. I've installed ubuntu in the other one, but I'm unable to detect wireless networks. Although the fedora one detects them. How could I extract the module that uses fedora in order to use it in ubuntu??14:44
ph8is there any way i can get a taskbar back in oneiric?14:45
ph8I can deal with the menu and everything but task switching by just using alt+tab all the time is killing me!14:46
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e01ph8, the big buttons in the left seems to be a pale copy of the futuristic taskbar, but for now it's just a junk14:48
usl12skilz, thanks. I want to login to console, no X.14:49
usl12I'm trying with modifying grub to use "text"14:49
ph8with the buttons on the left...14:49
ph8how do i start something more than once?14:49
iceroot!nox | usl1214:49
ubottuusl12: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:49
ph8if i want more than one nautilus window for example, is there some trick?14:49
me-1I cant install anything ...http://paste.ubuntu.com/752534/14:50
icerootph8: start it two times14:50
ph8i'm also on a three screen setup so going all the way to the left to get to the 'futuristic' task bar is a pain14:50
e01ph8, middle click14:50
john21has legacy systray of unity-2d been fixed in daily builds ppa?14:50
ph8and if i don't have a middle mouse button?14:50
ph8(i actually don't)14:50
e01right click and new window14:50
ph8if i right click i don't see a new window option14:50
icerootme-1: output of "cat /etc/issue" and "cat /etc/apt/sources.list" please14:50
iceroot!paste | me-114:50
ubottume-1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:50
Gentoo64ph8: you might need alt-right click or something like that14:51
ph8oh you mean from nautilus itself?14:51
Gentoo64ph8: whatever way its a pita14:51
ph8i want to do it from the task bar though14:51
e01if you want to switch between grouped application you have to click twice on the button (wich is totally insane)14:51
ph8this just feels really untested right?14:51
ph8like it's gone through no UAT whatsoever?14:51
Gentoo64yeah everyone hates it14:51
ph8it's not just me?14:51
e01ph8, no from the unity launcher, there is "New window" option14:51
me-1iceroot, Ubuntu 11.10 \n \l14:51
ph8so if i open the launcher, hover over the folder that opens 'home folder' (i.e. the quickest way to nautilus)14:51
ph8and i right click, i don't see a new window option14:51
e01ph8, just try the classic ubuntu or go to kde14:52
ph8but i can't go back to classic from oneiric without downgrading? or has that changed?14:52
icerootph8: gnome-panel is like gnome214:52
iceroot!nounity | ph814:52
ubottuph8: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic14:52
icerootph8: but the real classic gnome2 is not available in 11.1014:52
ph8thanks :/14:52
ph8:/ for the complexity14:53
ph8thanks for the help14:53
me-1iceroot, http://paste.ubuntu.com/752537/14:53
dr_willisYou click once on the button to show the groups.. then you can select specifkc windows and move them to other desktops - i think is the reason for the 2nd click being needed14:53
Gentoo64One day, Gnome has got to sort out a different fallback mode, one thats exactly like Gnome214:53
Gentoo64otherwise no ones gona use it14:53
icerootme-1: also please "apt-cache policy gimp"14:53
icerootGentoo64: like kde4? now everyone is using kde4 and not kde3 or any fallbacks to kde314:54
icerootGentoo64: just a matter of time until gnome2 will be forgotten14:54
Gentoo64iceroot: kde hasnt changed drastically though14:54
icerootGentoo64: of course it has14:54
Gentoo64its always had the panel etc14:54
icerootGentoo64: from bad to very very bad14:54
me-1iceroot,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/752538/14:55
Gentoo64but the layout is still predictable14:55
icerootme-1: sudo apt-get install -f14:55
gappieI added /home/itsblue1/Desktop/blue.sh to rc.local before the "exit 0". When i run rc.local the shell script executes, but on system startup it does not. Any ideas?14:55
Gentoo64i mean its stupid that people actually have to ask how to open a new program window14:55
dr_willisI think they should totally get rid of the fallback stuff. :) make people change!14:55
me-1iceroot,  the problem started when chrom .deb faild to install14:55
dr_willisgappie:  whats the exact line you have in  rc.local ?14:56
InumediaFor some reason the effects I enabled with CompizConfig doesn't seem to actually be enabled.  I've tried rebooting multiple times.14:56
gappiedr_willis : /home/itsblue1/Desktop/blue.sh14:56
InumediaI've got the proprietary driver for ATI installed and working properly, could that still be the issue?14:56
dr_willisgappie:  and what does blue.sh do?14:56
gappieshell script14:56
gappieruns in continues loop14:57
Gentoo64Inumedia: no, youll need it for effects afaik14:57
gappiebluetooth functions14:57
dr_willisgappie:    and do you need it to run as root?14:57
InumediaWhat would cause the effects to just not work?14:57
lucidguyIs it extremely NOT recommended to attach a single server physically to multiple networks.  Example. WebServer with 3nics .. 1nic in DMZ public access and remaining 2 to two different local vlans?  Is that some sort of naughty bad best practice?14:57
gappieroot access is in shell script14:57
dr_willisgappie:  you may want to be starging it with a & at the end.14:57
dr_willisgappie:  what do you mean root access is in shell script?14:57
Yanch0 on first boot (in live cd it was ok) just after posting, i get a lot of green bars and funny stuff on the monitor for a couple of seconds (Say 30) then the screen goes black- hard disk seems to be still active for another minute or so. any ideas what to look at pls ? this is my dmesg : http://pastebin.com/iVpX7wxt14:57
Picilucidguy: Thats not really in-scope for this channel. ##networking may be a better place to ask14:58
gappiedr_willis : the sudo passwordis included in the shell script14:58
me-1iceroot,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/752540/  is it fine now14:58
dr_willisgappie:  err.. anything ran by rc.local is allready running as root.14:58
lucidguyPici: gotcha .. it is an Ubuntu server.14:58
dr_willisgappie:  no need for  sudo14:58
Picilucidguy: Still.14:58
gappiedr_willis : ok so what does the & do?14:58
Wiz_KeeDso how do i unzeip from /path/to/zip.zip and put it in /path/to/unzipped/location ?14:58
dr_willisspawns it to the background so it dosent hang rc.local14:58
gappieso i wont see the echo commands?14:59
dr_willisrunning from rc.local you most likely wont see any commands anyway.14:59
dr_willisyou are not starting any X apps/gui stuff from that script are you?14:59
gappiedr_willis : is it /home/itsblue1/Desktop/blue.sh & or no space "...blue.sh&"14:59
gappieno gui15:00
dr_willisbash 101.. no space. :)15:00
gappiewill try it thanks15:00
Picigappie: doesn't matter.15:00
dr_williscant say ive really noticed.. :) i tend to  just do it from habbit.15:00
InumediaCould it be that I just don't have something enabled?  I know that I disabled something in CompizConfig and everything just turned off and I had to re-enable everything manually.15:01
dr_willisi guess with a space is eaier to read15:01
me-1iceroot,  the problem is fixed thank you15:01
dr_willisgappie:  you most likely shold be putting that script in a better location. and if it still has issues. you may want to pastebin that script15:01
gappiedr_willis : where is a better location?15:01
dr_willisgappie:  anywhere other then your users desktop.. :)15:02
gappieoh you mean folder15:02
dr_willisgappie:  'directory' :P15:02
BluesKajHey all15:02
gappiedr_willis : so where then?15:02
dr_willis /home/username/bin/  or /root/bin   or /opt/bin    somewhere where you wont accidnetlyd elete it.. and see it all the time..15:03
gappieit is a server system15:03
gappieso no desktop15:03
dr_willisgappie:   you can have desktops on server systems..15:03
dr_willisput it in your bin dir.. thats where scripts should go.15:03
gappiestill not woring15:04
dr_willisa neat and tidy system is a happy system...15:04
dr_willispastebin the script perhaps..15:04
=== sysadamin is now known as sysadamin|away
skilzgappie, I have a server with no monitor which I vnc into and use the desktop on my laptop15:05
dr_willisthe 'server/desktop' defintion is a bit blury at times. :)15:05
gappiedr_willis : the script works. runs without problems. just not on startup15:06
dr_willismy 'desktop' machine is now a headless server.15:06
dr_willisgappie:  so its somthing the script is doing i imagine.. try a simpiler test script...15:06
Gentoo64dr_willis: whats tghe use of that?> lol15:06
dr_willisGentoo64:  i needed the monitor for a differnt machine. :)15:06
=== sysadamin|away is now known as sysadamin
gappiein ubuntu desktop i could get it running on system startup15:07
dr_willisGentoo64:  so that desktop box got moved to the  basement. :) its my znc server for now.15:07
gappieok have to go home15:07
gappiework day over15:07
gappiethanks anyway15:07
nitin_hi...i m new at linux....can i have help over dat15:08
Gentoo64nitin_: whats the problem15:08
SpiderFredhi i need some lightweight vpn client program I prefer programs with command line interface, any ideas?15:09
chriswkSpiderFred: have a look at openvpn15:10
Wiz_KeeDso how do i unzeip from /path/to/zip.zip and put it in /path/to/unzipped/location ?15:14
geirhaWiz_KeeD: (cd /path/to/unzipped && unzip /path/to/zip.zip)15:15
martianWiz_KeeD: from a terminal? Try running 'man unzip' and take a look at the -d option15:15
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BluesKajWiz_KeeD, cd to the location , unzip the file , then move the new unzipped folder to your desired path15:16
maherwhere do i find the packages for pre-hardy releases?15:17
ubottuUbuntu 8.04 LTS (Hardy Heron) was the eighth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on May 12 2011, Server support continues until 2013. See !upgrade, !lts and !eol for more details.15:17
Picimaher: old-releases.ubuntu.com, but you should highly consider upgrading.15:18
biopytehi, i have problems a website not working with microsoft silverlight. i installed the moonlight packages ... still not working. any idea?15:18
Timewarperdoes hard disk performance decrease when its loaded with more data/15:20
thisistheaussietDoes anyone have this problem in Ubuntu? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OcI-OfPQ3aU15:20
auronandacebiopyte: convince them to stop using silverlight15:20
richthegeekhi - i want to swap the _ and - keys and can't figure out the xmodmap format for doing that. Anyone know how to do it properly?15:20
Gentoo64Timewarper: shouldnt do15:20
maherPici: thanks15:20
Gentoo64Timewarper: i think ssds performance goes down the more its full though15:21
LukeDoes anyone know what the new gear/on-off indicator menu is called on the top right of the screen?15:21
maherTimewarper: usually slightly15:21
biopyteauronandace: you are right, usually i wouldnt give a damn, but this particular website i would like running ... whatever i give up ... i dont see a chance to work that out15:21
auronandacebiopyte: could use a vm15:22
tjingboemwhere is the file for the autostart applications?15:23
auronandacebiopyte: a vm would be a bit overkill just for silverlight though15:23
* teddie runs a vm for shockwave15:23
recon69_laphi all, anyone got information on when network manager will not connect to wireless ap without a reboot15:24
biopytecorrect, i better forget it15:24
recon69_lapgetting sick of rebooting ubuntu repeatedly , starting to make me think of trying out windows again, 2 reboots today already15:25
TebyghenyaHi! I have an offline Ubuntu 11.10. I want to make it read .mp3/.avi files. Do you know how? Google/Yahoo don't give me answers.15:27
auronandace!aptoncd | Tebyghenya15:27
ubottuTebyghenya: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline15:27
TebyghenyaOk, can I get it from synapticon?15:27
TebyghenyaYes I can. Let's install it.15:28
serealhas anyone had any luck getting dual monitors working with a ati 6950?15:30
serealI'm doing a dist upgrade to ubuntu 11.10 right now see if that makes any difference15:31
apoli'd like to try unity2d on my netbook. what do I have to download? the desktop version?15:31
TebyghenyaJust installed aptoncd. Let's see it.15:31
Tebyghenyaapol: yes, the normal version from ubuntu.org15:31
Tebyghenyaapol: the version 11.1015:31
apolok, thank you Tebyghenya :)15:32
serealapol, do you have ubuntu already installed?15:32
NixGeekI'm trying to remove sun-java6-jre from my server, but it wants to install openjdk6 automatically.  How can I stop it from installing and remove the old java?15:32
TebyghenyaIf I know how to make aptoncd it will be fantastic! I just read the description of the program15:33
apolsereal: i want to nuke what i have, so it's ok15:33
Tebyghenya*how to make aptoncd run15:33
Tebyghenyaapol: XD15:33
apolbtw, is it possible to create a usb stick without this gui app?15:34
apoli don't have an ubuntu system to do so15:34
serealwhy do you want to get rid of what you have?15:34
NixGeekapol: I don't think so on windows15:34
apolsereal: it's a broken opensuse install where I was playing with plasma active beta versions15:34
Tebyghenyaapol: yes you can.15:34
Tebyghenyaapol: what OS do you have?15:34
apolTebyghenya: an opensuse and an archlinux15:35
Tebyghenyaapol: at least you don't have windows XD15:35
NixGeekTebyghenya: a-man15:35
apol¬¬ what do you mean by "at least"15:35
Tebyghenyaapol: I don't know what you might have understand. ENglish is not my mother tonge.15:36
Tebyghenyaapol: I wasn't insulting you btw.15:36
apol:p i know15:36
apolnone taken :)15:36
orkestercan anyone help? I'm trying to compile my first C program, and I'm getting an error code15:36
Tebyghenyaorkester: you should ask in a C room then.15:37
apolTebyghenya: can you tell me how? will just a regular dd work?15:37
Gentoo64orkester, why not as in c15:37
Tebyghenyaapol: yeah, yeah, I am in.15:37
apolok sorry :)15:37
dr_willisapol:  you can use dd for the 11.10  cd iso files15:37
spoq -_-15:37
orkestersorry, new to IRC too15:37
dr_willisapol:  but that wont work with older releases15:37
dr_willisapol:  theres also tools at the pendrivelinux web site (and guides) on making bootable flash drives15:39
truefxhow can i assign run commant to windows+R keys instead of Alt+F2 ?15:39
ecu_buenas tardes, tengo un problemilla con el grub, sin cambiar nada de la noche a la mañana a dejado de hacer la cuenta atras y arrancar automaticamente porque puede ser? he realizado un update-grub sin mucho resultado15:39
ecu_good afternoon, I have a little problem with grub, without changing anything about overnight has left to do the countdown and boot automatically because it can be? I did a update-grub without much result15:40
apoldr_willis: i'm fine with using the console15:40
truefxdr_willis, how can i assign run commant to windows+R keys instead of Alt+F2 ?15:40
Tebyghenyaapol: it is hard to find a program.15:40
Tebyghenyaapol: I think that you could install WIne and try this program15:41
apoluh oh15:41
apolI think you're workarounding a lot xD15:41
Gentoo64apol, arch has unetbootinm15:41
Tebyghenyaapol: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/universal-usb-installer-easy-as-1-2-315:42
Tebyghenyaapol: yeah XD15:42
gingerboy92#ubuntu-my user ?15:42
ReikokuOK, going to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...15:44
dr_willistruefx:  no idea. I rarely use the gui15:45
binnihow do I know which device in /dev/ is my microphone, the microphone is in my webcam and the camera on my webcam is /dev/video015:46
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do15:46
pauluntuI installed sun java and removed openjdk now Pogo runs games but I have no audio on the games any idea on how to fix this15:46
ReikokuOK, going to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...15:46
Yanch0how to remove nvidia-current from your machine and install legacy drivers pls? its oneirc15:47
Gentoo64Yanch0, go into the additional driver bit15:48
Gentoo64same way you installed them15:48
Gentoo64should be in the system settings, if not try jockey-gtk in terminal (might need sudo)15:48
binniaudio recording works yet I can't find the device in /dev/, neither dsp* or audio* is in there, where is it?15:49
Yanch0Gentoo64, can't get more than console. modprobe nvidia is showing: FATAL: Error inserting nvidia_current_updates (/lib/modules/3.0.0-13-generic/updates/dkms/nvidia_current_updates.ko): No such device and  The NVIDIA GeForce FX 5600 GPU installed in this system is supported through the NVIDIA 173.14.xx Legacy drivers. Please15:49
serealYanch0, your first mistake was using a nvidia card15:49
pauluntufunny i switched to nvidia cause everyone complained about ati now i am on nvidia and everyone complaining about that15:50
biopytei know there is a download in the background writing to a file on my hdd, but i dont know which one? how can i find out where the download is written to?15:50
Gentoo64Yanch0, no idea if apt-get remove nvidia-current works15:50
Gentoo64pauluntu, nvidia is good15:51
Gentoo64its the best15:51
Yanch0pauluntu, make that +115:52
Gentoo64well nvidia has the best drivers, and cuda and vdpau15:52
ecu_someone could helpme with a Grup problem?15:53
ReikokuOK, going to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...15:54
pauluntuweird firefox opens pogo games but no audio chromium doesn't open them at all :-( lord its either play with no audio or dont play at all15:54
dr_willispauluntu:  try Opera :)15:55
richthegeekhi - i want to swap the _ and - keys and can't figure out the xmodmap format for doing that. Anyone know how to do it properly?15:55
pauluntuanyone here use Mint?  I wonder if pogo will work with it or not, weird how it doesn't work with ubuntu i mean its just a java applet15:58
MonkeyDustpauluntu  yes, but this is not the right place15:58
Reikokupauluntu: Which JRE are you using?15:58
auronandace!mint | pauluntu15:58
ubottupauluntu: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org15:58
ReikokuOK, going to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...15:58
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pauluntuReikoku, Sun Java 615:59
jribrichthegeek: i guess you would change keycode N = minus underscore_   to keycode N = underscore minus   where N corresponds to the appropriate key (hint: xmodmap -pke)16:00
Reikokupauluntu: Using Ubuntu 11.10, Firefox 10 and icedtea, I can play Poppit with audio on pogo.com16:01
Reikokupauluntu: Which games dont work?16:02
pauluntuReikoku, Hog Heaven16:03
pauluntuReikoku, I'm a sucker for slot machines :P16:03
ReikokuAny free games I can try? :P16:03
pauluntuReikoku, ali baba slots is free with no sound16:05
Reikokupauluntu: Hog Heaven crashed my Firefox outright :P16:06
ravenhow to write date and times to files in format yyyy-mm-dd--hh.mm.ss?16:06
fhussainI get no sound on login. WHat should I check. I'm using startx with .xinitrc. It has pulseaudio --daemonize and start-pulseaudio-x1116:06
ReikokuGoing to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...16:07
Reikokupauluntu: Yeah these are straight up crashing my Firefox :S16:07
sharpKdoes anyone know of a program to display dd-wrt stats (bandwidth monitor, etc) on the desktop?16:07
sharpKand possibly log those stats?16:08
pauluntuReikoku, yeah openjdk does that, thats why i had to install the real java :P16:08
Gentoo64sharpK, can you not view them in the router? Tomato has a bandwidth monitor16:08
apoldr_willis: dd worked great16:08
sharpKGentoo64, I can view them in the browser with DD-wrt, but I was wondering if there is an app that can acutally show this (all the status tabs) on the desktop, and be able to log this kind of activity for extended periods...16:09
Gentoo64sharpK, not as far as i know. i think youd need a comp to act as the router to log it all that way. i could be wrong though16:10
sharpKGentoo64 Thanks anywhoos16:10
Gentoo64but the only app would be the browser afaik16:10
Gentoo64you should be able to choose a log destination to a comp from ddwrt16:11
Gentoo64i think16:11
sharpKill look into it thanks16:12
pauluntuReikoku, I fixed it :P it required doing some editing to the java.bin file16:13
=== Guest64347 is now known as jack^_
pauluntulast problem on my list :P skype.  The camera works but when skype loads the audio is really staticy anyone know how to fix this bug16:15
Kyle__How do you get real cdrecord & it's associated tools in 10.04?16:18
dr_willis!info cdrecord16:21
ubottuPackage cdrecord does not exist in oneiric16:21
dr_willislook for a ppa or use source I am guessing16:21
Baewyn_Celara_!info kino16:22
ubottukino (source: kino): Non-linear editor for Digital Video data. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.3.4-1.2ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 3931 kB, installed size 9280 kB16:22
Kyle__dr_willis: I found ppas, but they don't go past hardy.16:22
Kyle__I've never had anything but dissapointment with wodim & it's tools (especially it's mkisofs!).16:22
dr_willisi thought cdrecord was a dead project.. ive never had any issues with wodim16:22
Reikokupauluntu: Works with 64-bit Oracle java 7 plugin with no messing16:23
Kyle__dr_willis: No, not at all dead.  What happened was some zealots didn't like schilly's build tools, forked an _old_ cdrecord, called it wodim, and broke several things, before fixing or updating anything.16:24
pauluntuReikoku, yeah I got it working :P I'm gonna wait on java 7 till oracle releases it since it is still in development16:24
Kyle__dr_willis: Mostly it was polittical.16:24
ReikokuGoing to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...16:24
AFDany idea how I can add the novacut ppa? I get command not found when I try sudo add-apt-repository ppa:novacut/stable16:24
Reikokupauluntu: Yeah, I'm a bleeding edge kinda guy, using Firefox Aurora channel :P16:24
ravenhow to do timelapse webcam like recordings with (c)vlc16:25
Baewyn_Celara_Hi I need a little help to get a MiniDV Camcorder working with Ubuntu 11.04 (Natty).16:25
Reikokupauluntu: I've asked so many questions in this channel and got little help with them :/ ended up solving most of mine myself as well16:26
pauluntuReikoku, now i just need to get skype working.  The camera works but when skype starts up the audio is all staticy can't figure that one out16:26
dsfUbu11hello people16:26
Reikokupauluntu: No idea, sorry, my Skype seems fine out of the box except that I can't get rid of that vile green icon on unity-2d16:26
genii-aroundAFD: python-software-properties is the package which contains the program add-apt-repository16:26
AFDpauluntu: if you go to the full sound options from the speaker icon on the dock can you see the mic settings?16:26
AFDgenii-around: thanks - I'll make sure that's installed first16:27
pauluntuAFD, no16:27
AFDpauluntu: there's no mic in the settings? is it gnome you're using?16:28
dsfUbu11i have problems with my session on enter Xorg, anybody can heklp me?16:28
MonkeyDust!ask| Baewyn_Celara_ dsfUbu1116:28
ubottuBaewyn_Celara_ dsfUbu11: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:28
pauluntuAFD, I mis understood you earlier yeah in sound I have my input device which is the webcam16:28
AFDgenii-around: I still get command not found after installing python-software-properties16:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:29
dsfUbu11The server X11 restart again when i enter on my session16:29
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:29
AFDpauluntu: and it's turned up, unmuted etc? You might have to tick a box in the skype options that is "let skype manage mic"16:29
jellyIppatsuMan: tell aptitude you Reject removal of ffmpeg, for example.  "r 2"16:30
genii-aroundAFD: If you do: sudo ls       does it say same thing? eg: is sudo itself installed?16:30
pauluntuAFD, the mic isn't my problem its the audio is staticy.  If i make a test call and the operator is talking its all static sounding any sound output from skype is static16:30
jellyIppatsuMan: then tell it to find a different solution based on your hint: "n"16:30
AFDpauluntu: what sound driver are you using?16:31
jellyIppatsuMan: this way you can iteratively tune aptitude's solution finder16:31
AFDI think pulseaudio is better than ALSA - I can't remmeber16:31
dsfUbu11where i find information for this problem?16:32
pauluntuAFD, i have no idea but since i'm hooked up via hdmi on an nvidia card I guess its their driver.  Skype is the only application with audio problems though pandora plays fine16:32
dsfUbu11i have problems with my session on enter Xorg, anybody can heklp me?16:32
dsfUbu11where i find information for this problem?16:32
dsfUbu11where i find information for this problem?16:32
FloodBot1dsfUbu11: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
AFDtry getting the info for the audio driver and ask one of the gurus here if it's best to use ALSA or pulseaudio over what you have now16:33
dsfUbu11The server X11 restart again when i enter on my session16:33
ReikokudsfUbu11: If my experience here so far is anything to go by, you could be waiting a LOOOONG time ^^16:33
AFDskype can be picky about drivers I think16:33
sipiordsfUbu11: you'll find that providing more details will improve the likelihood of a repsonse.16:33
jellyIppatsuMan: can you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy libavutil-extra-51 libavutil51"16:34
pauluntuAFD, I know i can't change any audio on skype since its pulseaudio16:34
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Baewyn_Celara_Would asking questions about IEEE 1394 support be more productive on the UbuntuStudio channel even if I'm not using Studio?16:34
AFDpauluntu: then maybe it's ALSA you want to try16:34
ReikokuGoing to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d...16:35
IppatsuManjelly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/752631/ . The output of aptitude after using "r <id>" is like: "Remove the following packages: 1)   R   audacity 2)       ffmpeg" and stays pretty much similar even if I add al the packages using "r <id>"16:35
rildo_rashi people16:36
ThePendulumI was wondering, is there a way to get a Gnome 2 experience in Ubuntu 11.10? I really dislike the new interface both Gnome 3 and Unity have, and I did try it for a few months. However, I don't like running an outdated OS either.16:36
rildo_raswhat the name of forensic channel ?16:36
jellyIppatsuMan: yes, that's just the refresh for you to see what you chose.  Next you tell it "n" to try harder16:36
oCean!alis | rildo_ras16:37
ubotturildo_ras: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:37
Baewyn_Celara_Is there a Ubuntu Classic login option on 11.10?16:37
Baewyn_Celara_That might help ThePendulum.16:37
dr_willisi tweak  unity to what i like :)16:38
ThePendulumBaewyn_Celara_: There isn't, the default fallback for 11.10 is just Gnome 3 without '3D'16:38
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic16:38
jellyIppatsuMan: there is also a syntax to tell aptitude to install a package and remove another one in the command line.16:38
ThePendulumdr_willis: The issue is, I don't like the entire idea behind the new interface both Unity and Gnome 3 have :P16:38
IppatsuManjelly: pressing "n" just gives me the same list, with more "R"s16:38
ubottuUbuntu 6.06 LTS (Dapper Drake) was the fourth release of Ubuntu. Desktop support ended on July 14th 2009, Server support ended on June 1st 2011. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.16:38
dr_willisthe fallback mode is sorta like g216:38
ThePendulumTo me it just looks the same tbh...16:38
jellyIppatsuMan: can you pastebin that output?16:38
deej1976ThePendulum: Install xubuntu-desktop16:38
dr_willisThePendulum:  lubuntu, or xubuntu16:38
pauluntuAFD, well weird I installed pavcontroler and static sound is gone once i open pavcontroler and close it.   The static noise comes back though upon reboot unless i open that pulse audio controler at least once16:39
=== Zach__ is now known as Zerxes
dr_willisfor old skool desktops16:39
IppatsuManjelly: http://paste.ubuntu.com/752636/ (just a sample, it does not change much)16:39
dr_willisi imageine someday someone will make gnome-shell look/act more like the old gnome.. but  no one wants to :) yet.16:40
jellyIppatsuMan: ah, end of the line: *** No more solutions available ***16:40
ThePendulumdr_willis: That would be MATE, but that's still quite unstable16:40
dr_willisThePendulum:  no.. mate is not the same as what i am talking about.16:41
ThePendulumdr_willis: I guess you mean no one wants to make one yet? Because I can give you a list of a few hundred names who share my opinion about the new enviroments :P16:41
cityfountaincan somebody help me batch rename file names? i want to change all the 64s to 32s in a folder, and i cant figure out regular expressions16:41
dr_willisGnome-shell is very scriptable.. but very new.. so  theres not a lot of work done into it yet.16:41
IppatsuManjelly: I don't want to waste your time, I was just curious because I thought aptitude was the smart one. I'll look for a way to tell it to remove a package and substitute with another one16:41
jellyIppatsuMan: it's smart with well made packages16:42
dr_willisThePendulum:  tell them to get scripting in gnome-shell then i guess.16:42
jellyIppatsuMan: these two... are not well made.16:42
ThePendulumdr_willis: The thing I really hate is that I can't customize it like I could with Gnome 2. I liked the way I could just drag and drop, and configure things by right-clicking on them, the way it should work16:42
dr_willisThePendulum:  i imagine theres peoplke doing it allready. but ive not paid attention to the gnome-shell stuff lately16:42
jellyIppatsuMan: there is also a syntax to tell aptitude to install a package and remove another one in the command line, what happens with: aptitude install libavutil51 libavutil-extra-51-16:43
ThePendulumI don't see why you would make things harder16:43
dr_willisgnome2 was lacking in a lot of ways in teh customizeablity area.. but its dead so not worth harpingon.  :)16:43
jellyIppatsuMan: note the tailing -16:43
ThePendulumdr_willis: Did Gnome 3 add more customizeability then? :P16:43
dr_willisgnome shell and unity are works in progress..  and advanceing with every releae16:43
dr_willisThePendulum:  it  is written mainly in javascript.. so yes it has.16:44
dr_willisit just dosent have nice user-friendly tools yet.16:44
ThePendulumThe fact that the Gnome 3 sidepanel takes up half my screen is frustrating me in the first place16:44
IppatsuManjelly: bingo. It works. I have to use "aptitude -s install libavutil51 libavcodec53 libavutil-extra-51- libavcodec-extra-53-" due to extra dependencies, but it works16:44
jellyIppatsuMan: you may or may not notify the "medibuntu" people their package dependencies need improvement16:45
IppatsuManjelly: however, I don't know how I would make it work if dependencies were more complicated than that16:46
ExxonGentoo64 are you there16:46
jellyIppatsuMan: a dirtier workaround is to first dpkg --remove --force-depends the current package, and then let "apt-get -f install" or "aptitude -f install" autofix the dependencies16:46
jellythis would need to be done carefully16:47
IppatsuManjelly: however, is not a problem of medibuntu packages. It is broken with ubuntu official repositories too16:47
Exxonhi, too you all :))16:47
IppatsuMan(I knew about dpkg, but I didn't want to mess up my system)16:48
jellyIppatsuMan: it's not, because libavutil-extra-51 doesn't seem to exist in oneiric AT ALL16:48
jellybased on your policy paste16:48
jellyI didn't check the actual repos16:48
Kenjirogood afternoon16:48
llutz!info libavutil-extra-5116:48
ubottulibavutil-extra-51 (source: libav-extra): Libav utility library. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 4: (oneiric), package size 126 kB, installed size 352 kB16:48
ExxonKenjiro, night in other places..welcome16:49
CadetXdoes anyone know what 0xFF and 0x00 represent?16:50
ReikokuGoing to ask another awkward question which seems to have no documentation anywhere: how do I remove indicators from the unity-2d panel? It appears that the whitelist method to remove Skype from the panel only worked in 3d... *sigh*16:50
mufazahi. I am trying to forward to a webserver behind VPN.   UBUNTU SERVER (eth0 (tun0 VPN SERER  <->  UBNUTN SERVER 2 VPN webserver on port 8016:50
mufazaso packers destand for UBUNTU SERVER (eth0 need to go to  UBNUTN SERVER 2 VPN
mufazaiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j DNAT --to-destination
mufazaiptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -i tun0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 80 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 8016:50
FloodBot1mufaza: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
KenjiroExxon: indeed hehehhe16:50
gulzarhow to make gtk apps like vlc,systemmonitor, tansmission look GOOD in openbox? The apps look like win9816:50
mufazai cant get it to work. do I need to add a route?16:50
jellyIppatsuMan: arlight then, I'll take your work for it being broken in ubuntu as well. :-)16:51
mufazaFloodBot1 sorry about thatm it looked much smaller in my notepad :)16:51
jrib gulzar try running gnome-settings-daemon16:51
* mufaza is talking to a bot again16:51
jaequeryhey guys, anyone know of a tutorial to install ssl to apache with ubuntu 10.04+ ?16:51
auronandacegulzar: vlc uses qt not gtk16:51
jellyubottu: what are you16:51
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:51
Exxonmufaza, please don't do that again we can read someone familiar with your question will answer16:51
jellyubottu: who owns you16:52
ubottujelly: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:52
PwrSurgeI just upgraded to 11.10 but I don't get any video now with my ATI graphics card16:52
gulzarauronandace: ya but there are others also16:52
PwrSurgeX does not fully load16:52
gulzarauronandace: how to make them look good16:52
CadetXdoes anyone know what 0xFF and 0x00 represent?16:52
phunyguy_work!botabuse | jelly16:52
ubottujelly: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".16:52
jribgulzar: did you try what I said?16:52
PwrSurgeany ideas on what to try?16:52
PwrSurgeI even tried the latest ati driver from the amd site16:52
gulzarjrib: I was going to ask that.. what to do with settings daemon?16:52
jribgulzar: run it16:52
PwrSurgestill does not work16:52
llutzCadetX: in what context?16:53
jellyphunyguy_work: thanks16:53
nicofsHello! I have issues with my network connection, can someone help? It is somewhat unstable and according to ping i have about 10% packet loss. My phone and my other PCs don't have that issue but use the same network... any ideas where to start?16:53
PwrSurgeStarting LightDM Display Manager [fail]16:53
llutzCadetX: hexadecimal ff=256, 00=016:53
mufazajaequery    http://pastebin.com/mY54qskT16:53
PwrSurgeit stops here16:53
ExxonPwrSurge, i would suggest with default vesa drivers as ati don't support any more16:53
gulzarjrib: but I am on openbox . No gnome here16:53
PwrSurgewhat is LightDM?16:53
llutzCadetX: err, ff=25516:54
jribgulzar: yes, so?16:54
auronandacePwrSurge: login manager16:54
CadetXllutz, its supposed to be 0xFF = 116:54
=== as456fgt is now known as dury
CadetXits supposed to write all 1 on the drive16:54
ReikokuAre there no unity-2d developers in here? I'm really surprised that nobody can tell me how to remove an indicator from the panel...16:54
CadetXusing my wipe utility16:54
gulzarjrib: so I have only things ralated with openbox not with gnome.. I will install it and try16:55
llutzCadetX: so its not numbers, hence i asked. no idea what your utility is/does16:55
jribgulzar: there may be a better way, but I don't know it16:55
llutzCadetX: 0xff 0 binary "1111 1111"  maybe thats meant with ff=116:56
CadetXyes it said to fill the disk with 1111116:56
CadetXand 0x00 with 0000016:57
llutzCadetX: since 0x00 = 0000 000016:57
CadetXsmart then16:57
pconwellhow can I disable eth1 persistantly? I know I can do ifdown eth1, but that doesn't persist across reboots.16:57
akaluptoskamia ellinida?16:57
ReikokuAre there no unity-2d developers in here? I'm really surprised that nobody can tell me how to remove an indicator from the panel... that Skype icon looks horrible. Also, how to maximise the dash by default in 11.10... (counting on you, #ubuntu)16:57
oCean!gr | akaluptos16:58
ubottuakaluptos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes16:58
javier__i want to know which program uses canonical to make the "Take a tour" in the web16:58
javier__anyone knows?16:58
Exxonpconwell, if you have external usb simplliy make it up ignore eth1 then16:59
pconwellExxon: I don't understand17:00
javier__anybody knows which program uses canonical to make the "Take a tour" in the web? It's open source?17:00
oCeanjavier__: Not sure, but I expect it to be custom made17:01
Exxonpconwell, why you are trying to do so17:01
riffautaepatience | javier__17:01
ChesterXgood evening, can i use gparted to resize (make it smaller) my active ubuntu partition? (I don't have any other os installed for the moment)17:01
riffautae!patience | javier__17:01
ubottujavier__: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/17:01
ThinkT510ChesterX: you'll need to do that from a livecd17:01
pconwellexxon, I have eth0 and eht1. At one point, I enabled eth1, but now I don't need it and services keep running on eth117:01
pconwellExxon: so I want to disable it so everything will run on eth017:02
jribgulzar: ok, I have another way for you... you can put settings in ~/.config/gtk-3.0/settings.ini .  For example, use this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/752664/ and make sure you have gnome-themes-standard installed17:02
ChesterXThinkT510, why do I need to do it from a livecd?17:02
jribbut he left of course...17:02
ThinkT510ChesterX: you can't resize a partition that is already mounted17:02
Exxonpconwell, if you are wired with eth0 then there no need for eth1 by the command you give is totally down..let the light blink ..17:03
Marine15.1 working in all desktop apps but in open browser only 2 front and rear working need help solving this puzzle17:03
pconwellExxon: I found what I needed /etc/network/interfaces17:03
pconwellI just commented out the eth1 lines17:03
ChesterXThinkT510, ok. Will I need to restore the bootloader or fix the ubuntu partition?17:03
ThinkT510ChesterX: no17:04
pconwellExxon: I don't think you unerstand what I am saying17:04
ThinkT510ChesterX: i've never had to17:04
pconwellExxon: but I got it fixed, so everything is fine17:04
Exxonpconwell, well be it that way..sry17:04
ChesterXThinkT510, thank you. Last question: Any suggestion regarding which livecd I should use?17:04
ThinkT510ChesterX: i like partedmagic17:05
MonkeyDustChesterX  any live cd you are familiar with17:05
Marine15.1 working in all desktop apps but in open browser only 2 front and rear working need help solving this puzzle17:06
jaequerymufaza: thx17:06
MonkeyDustMarine1  what's 5.1 ?17:06
dr_willisMarine1:  and how are you testing that in the browser?17:06
Exxonpconwell, well how do you do it ..can you share it with us17:06
ChesterXMonkeyDust, the only live cd I used until now were Ubuntu and BT. Am I able to use the Ubuntu one to do this?17:06
riffautaeMarine1: what particular web sites are you testing this with?17:07
MonkeyDustChesterX  ubuntu has gparted, so yes17:07
ThinkT510ChesterX: if it has gparted then yes17:07
Marine1basicxally youtube and ohter channels17:07
milen8204Hello guys, I have a little problem, I cant move my windows whit the mouse, what should  I do?17:07
ChesterXI am using the basic ubuntu 11.04 edition (liveusb)17:07
Marine1riffautae: should i make pulseaudio default17:08
milen8204I am sind Ubuntu 11.10 whit gnome-shell 317:08
Exxonmilen8204, restart windows17:08
riffautaeMarine1: so adobe flash content? right click a flash app and go properties to see if there is a setting in there that is relevent17:08
milen8204Exxon, what do you mean ?17:08
Marine1dr_willis: noyt testing browser just going to different sites and playing videos17:09
riffautaemilen8204: your window manager crashed or something like virtual box is stealing focus, restart teh system or xorg17:09
dr_willisMarine1:  so.. you are playing flash videos?17:10
milen8204riffautae, can you tell me how to do that ?17:10
jaequerymufaza, but what is the purpose of installing libapache2-mod-auth-mysql ?17:10
MonkeyDustmilen8204  if you're using vbox, press right ctrl17:10
milen8204MonkeyDust, no I do not use V-box17:11
Blazentohi i'm having trouble downloading with apt-get on my server... i tried apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev and now im getting a string of messages such as Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ natty-updates/main libgssrpc4 amd64 1.8.3+dfsg-5ubuntu2.117:11
Blazento  404  Not Found [IP: 80]17:11
Marine1dr_willis: yes but can't hear all 6 speakers basically but in all other apps like vlc, movie player all work just fine17:11
milen8204I can`t move the app`s windows like this one , I can just maximize, minimize, and close them17:12
ThinkT510Blazento: have you done sudo apt-get update first?17:12
riffautaeBlazento: do other websites work? eg can you ping google.com17:12
dr_willisMarine1:  if the site is only supplying 2.1 or 3.1 sound.. you are expecting  your system to just clone the output to the rear?17:12
Blazentoahh sudo apt-get update did the trick thanks!17:12
ThinkT510Blazento: no worries :)17:13
Marine1dr_willis: good point but I had pulse audio as my default sound device before and I didn't have this problem17:13
dr_willischeck the pavcontrol settings and tools i guess Marine117:14
lcbhi. looks like " linux-backports-modules-alsa*" doesn't exist anymore on Oneiric...  From where could I install it, since i need some drivers for alsa (audio device not detected -> Intel Corporation N10/ICH 7 Family High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02))17:14
Marine1dr_willis: now my default card is hda nvidia17:14
jaequerywhat is the cheapest SSL you can buy these days?17:14
dr_willisMarine1:  you using the hdmi cable to a monitor? it may be defaulting to that.17:15
oCeanjaequery: ?17:15
jaequerya ca root certificate17:15
sheepherdso ive seen a video on youtube but it has been deleted. didnt quit firefox yet, so is it possible to get is back outta the cache? right now im manually searching for it in ~/.mozilla/firefox/x.default/Cache/.F17:15
oCeanjaequery: how is that an #ubuntu issue?17:15
jaequerybecause im installing SSL on ubuntu17:15
ergj-im having problems setting up a linksys 2500 usb wireless using wpa-personal using ubuntu17:16
ergj-im also using ndiswrapper17:17
oCeanjaequery: that still does not make your current question an #ubuntu issue. There is #cacert channel, or maybe other more appropriate channels17:17
Marine1dr_willis: yes but like I said the desktop apps work fine not the open browser videos17:17
Exxonjaequery, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSSL17:17
Yanch0 on first boot (in live cd it was ok) just after posting, i get a lot of green bars and funny stuff on the monitor for a couple of seconds (Say 30) then the screen goes black- hard disk seems to be still active for another minute or so. any ideas what to look at pls ? this is my logs:  http://pastebin.com/e5sZt8C4 <- asking again maybe someone can enlightin me pls17:18
ThePendulumSo I just upgraded to Ubuntu 11.10. Where can I edit some JavaScript? :p17:19
milen8204Is there any compiz settings for windows?17:19
ThinkT510ThePendulum: on the internet... have fun17:19
ThePendulumThinkT510: I mean for Gnome 3, of course17:19
ThePendulumBtw, is there a way to move items within the launcher?17:19
phrostyWHat is the name of the application to put an iso on a flash drive to be able to boot into it to install17:20
Marine1dr_willis: i just check all pusleaudio volume settings seems fine17:20
atlefphrosty, unetbootin17:20
Baccariphrosty, universal-usb-installer17:20
Marine1dr_willis: pavcontrols17:21
serealHi, i'm having some problems with the mouse in gnome windows. Basically in unity or what ever the default is now, I can't left click on certain things. (i had to power cycle to log out :/ ) Openbox works, so this is clearly not a issue with my mouse, but gnome windows, like the gnome control panel left click doesn't work. Is there a solution to this or should I just stop using ubuntu now?17:21
Marine1dr_willis: all is fine there17:22
sereal(i'm running ubuntu 11.10, just did a dist upgrade from 11.04 and I hadn't noticed this was the problem, but I had not used that system much17:22
Marine1dr_willis: do you have any suggestions in how i can get all 6 speakers working in open browser17:23
luca_biDear friends, mysql folder is in var/lib/mysql but I cannot open it how can i opne it?? I see an x on the folder17:23
awozniaksudo apt-get --reinstall install libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 fails with an error: E: Internal Error, No file name for libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0   Got any clues for me?17:23
ThinkT510Marine1: it sounds more like a flash issue rather than a browser issue17:23
MonkeyDustawozniak  first type apt-cache search libgkd|less to look for the exact name17:24
Baccariluca_bi, check access control flags from within a terminal17:24
shaneo_hi guys what are the resolution requirements for ubuntu server the only reason i ask is because im trying to run it on am older pc and it all installs fine and everything but wont show the terminal are there any settings i can change in the install to fix this17:24
awozniakMonkeyDust: libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0 - GDK Pixbuf library17:25
luca_biBaccari how can I open it from terminal?17:25
shaneo_old hp pc connected to a sony vaio LCD17:25
serealHi, i'm having some problems with the mouse in gnome windows. Basically in unity or what ever the default is now, I can't left click on certain things. (i had to power cycle to log out :/ ) Openbox works, so this is clearly not a issue with my mouse, but gnome windows, like the gnome control panel left click doesn't work. Is there a solution to this?17:25
sstashaneo_: there aren't any for server...17:25
delinquentmelogging in via console ... as another user17:25
dr_willissereal:  clean install? Upgrade? Tried making a new user?17:25
shaneo_ssta so are there any settings i can change17:25
Baccariluca_bi, open a terminal, go the the parent folder, then "ls -l"17:25
shaneo_during install17:25
shaneo_the change reoslution maybe17:26
serealMaking a new user isn't going to help. That seems like a silly solution to me.17:26
dspstvhow, here can i see the table of IP leases when i share my wired connection?17:26
dr_willis!nomodeset | shaneo_17:26
ubottushaneo_: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter17:26
serealI just did a dist upgrade17:26
sstashaneo_: not that I know of.  There's probably a way to turn off the vga console17:26
conntrackpelvic thrust failed?17:26
dr_willissereal:  try making a new user. see if they have the same issue.. if they DONT have a problem. that would point to a user setting conflict17:26
shaneo_thanks ubottu and ssta17:26
luca_biBaccari drwx------  6 mysql         mysql          4096 2011-11-28 16:30 mysql17:26
Exxon!xorg | shaneo_17:26
ubottushaneo_: The X Window system is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart X, type 'sudo /etc/init.d/lightdm' on an ubuntu system. replace with kdm on Kubuntu. To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution . Also see !xorgconf17:26
dspstvexcuse, where can i see the table of IP leases when i share my wired connection?17:27
Baccariluca_bi, the owner of this folder is the user "mysql"17:27
sstashaneo_: you have server, so xorg isn't relevant17:27
Baccariluca_bi, you can change it by :"sudo chown $USER"17:28
llutzBaccari: luca_bi STOP17:29
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llutzluca_bi: don't chown mysql-dir, it'll break mysql17:29
lcbI appreciate any help on this, since my system is not detecting the audio device. - pastebin -> http://pastebin.com/nmX8UxGV17:29
phrostyHow do you format a flash drive on ubuntu?17:29
lcbphrosty: any partition utility17:30
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ThinkT510phrosty: gparted to the rescue!17:31
phrostyOk I just saw that via a google search :)17:31
lcbphrosty: be careful not partitioning drive: google17:32
MonkeyDustlcb  in Terminal, use mkfs17:32
llutzluca_bi: if you really need to list contents of that dir, use "sudo ls -l /var/lib/mysql"17:32
MonkeyDustphrosty   in Terminal, use mkfs17:32
sstaphrosty: disk manager (in 10.10 and 11.04 anyway, not sure in 11.10)17:32
lcbMonkeyDust: i will, tks :p17:33
Exxonlcb, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto17:33
lcbExxon: :) thanks17:34
serealdr_willis, yeah this is a problem with ubuntu being broken. I guess i'm done with ubuntu. Maybe i'll do a server install and just grab what I want, but this is pretty stupid. It seems like ubuntu has gotten more and more broken with each new release and it's sad because it was really nice till 11 came along17:34
lcbExxon: didn't find that one, before17:34
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MonkeyDustsereal  others do like the change17:35
Exxonlcb, no need to mention try it ..17:35
PwrSurgefor some reason my display switches in and out of graphics mode when starting X17:35
ThePendulumIs there a way to prevent that launcher panel from hiding automatically in Ubuntu 11.10?17:35
lcbExxon: tks a lot17:35
benbloomis there any reason not to install 64b ubuntu on a 64b machine?17:35
askhaderbenbloom: Not anymore.17:35
serealMonkeyDust, I have no problem with unity, or the defaults. I typically just install openbox or fluxbox and never touch gnome other than gnome applications, but this is the last straw for me. Things are seriously broken when my mouse doesn't even work in gnome windows.17:36
PwrSurgeI see 720x400 and 1920x1080 flashing back and forth17:36
sstabenbloom: not often...unless you need some ISV apps that are 32bit only17:36
isoman2kxdoes ubuntu have a software that lets you listen to radio stations & podcasts... as well as download them?17:37
MonkeyDustisoman2kx  rhythmbox (with plugins)17:37
serealMore and more things have broke for me since 11 and I have heard numerous complaints about the gui installer freezing (never happened on me) but I mean these are things that used to work and no don't. Come on, ubuntu is suppost to be geared towards new users, and a some what experienced user can't make it work?17:37
sstasereal: not that I mind, but this sort of rant belongs on #ubuntu-offtopic (where I will happily agree with you)17:38
benbloomI do occasionally use ISV apps ssta. are the advantages of 64b architecture that noticable?17:38
serealssta, sorry you are correct.17:38
MonkeyDustalways a gentleman17:38
ThinkT510benbloom: more ram baby yeah!17:39
Exxonbenbloom, it depends.17:39
PineappleClockI'm trying to create a public share space for everyone in my network on a Ubuntu server- How do I make a folder where everyone that has access to it always creates files and folders with 0777 permissions?17:39
sstabenbloom: depends on whose benchmarks you read.  Most of them these days are better on 64bit.  As long as your ISV supports 64bit then it's fine17:39
ThinkT510PineappleClock: that will attract spam17:40
PineappleClockok but how to do it?17:40
ExxonPineappleClock, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:41
llutzPineappleClock: setup your directory and create an POSIX acl (man setfacl, getfacl) for it17:42
jana46is this an English spoken chat?17:42
PineappleClockmy Samba share is set to create mask = 0777 and directory mask = 0777 but for some reason some mac clients are writing files that aren't17:42
Myrttijana46: yes17:42
ThinkT510jana46: indeed it is17:42
jana46is this although about Xubuntu?17:43
Myrtti!xubuntu | jana4617:43
ubottujana46: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels17:43
ThinkT510jana46: you can ask here or at #xubuntu17:43
jana46I still have two external usb disks who seemed to be locked. what means this actually17:45
delinquentmeworking through an install of postgreSQL ... I'd like to give my new user "postgres" access over all things within his home dir of home/postgres ... this is a chmod operation?17:47
bugbrainsany bitbucket users17:48
bugbrainshow to add a profile photo in bitbucket?????17:49
Exxonbugbrains, i don't use it see if the link help http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Using+SSH+to+Access+your+Bitbucket+Repository17:51
bugbrainsExxon: thanks17:51
sskalnikAnyone knowledgeable about splitting source packages into multiple binary packages?17:51
sskalnikI've gone through the Packaging Guide to the letter, but am getting this error:17:52
sskalnikdh_install: foo-package-2 missing files (/lib/*), aborting17:52
sskalnikIn the foo-package-2.install file, I have patterns like "/lib/*" so that everything installed in that directory by the source would end up in that deb17:53
sskalnikThis is what the official guide said to do17:53
sskalnikObviously not working though.17:53
sskalnikAny ideas?17:53
jribsskalnik: #ubuntu-packaging17:54
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alienmindtrickHow do I find out which updates were done to my machine, this morning? I manually authorized them, but don't recall what they were.17:54
sskalnikjrib, currently chilling in there, but no response; figured I would ask in here. Is this an improper venue?17:55
ravenhow to get date to produce the actual time? its only writing files to the first time it was opened fswebcam -d /dev/video0 -l 2 video0--`date +%F--%H.%M.%S`.jpg17:55
jribsskalnik: it's ok to ask here17:55
sskalnikjrib: Cool, thanks17:55
Exxonalienmindtrick, apt-cache policy [package-name]17:56
alienmindtrick@Exxon: how will i know the package name?17:57
EuroNerdI've got a problem:  I've uninstalled Gwibber, and yet Gwibber updates keep popping up in the Update Manager.17:57
grendal-primesoooo is there anyway to get the little icons back in gnome 3?  like the ones next to aplications and places?17:58
ravenhow to get date to produce the actual time? its only writing files to the first time it was opened fswebcam -d /dev/video0 -l 2 video0--`date +%F--%H.%M.%S`.jpg17:58
PwrSurgeanyone here have an ATI graphics card running on 11.10?17:58
grendal-primePwrSurge, sure dont17:59
Exxon/var/log/apt contains a history of package installations17:59
PwrSurgewith fglrx18:00
PwrSurgejust get a black screen18:00
alienmindtrickExxon: i run that from a terminal window, or is it in the file system?18:00
PwrSurgewas working fine before I upgradd18:00
sskalnikEuroNerd, can you do dpkg --get-selections and confirm that Gwibber is uninstalled?18:00
jazzanovadid karmic apt.sources list change recently ? I can't update18:00
Exxonalienmindtrick, gksudo natilus18:01
ThinkT510jazzanova: karmic is no longer supported18:01
jazzanovaisn't there an archive deb ?18:01
ThinkT510why do people insist on using old versions?18:02
sstabecause they're not broke?18:02
jazzanovai tried upgrading once, it didn't work on my laptop18:02
jazzanovai had to revert18:02
sskalnikThinkT510, wasn't that "old version" very stable and proven?18:02
sskalnikI used it for a long while18:02
grendal-primessta, thanks..i was trying to think of something to anser that with but was experiencing anger gridlock18:02
jazzanovai get misses for karmic_updates18:03
ExxonPwrSurge, check the vedor do they have ati drivers18:03
EuroNerdsskalnik, is there a way to page this list?  cuz it's so long, it fitted only from m to z in the terminal ;)18:03
ThinkT510sskalnik: thats what lts versions are for18:03
sskalnikThinkT510, indeed18:03
ThinkT510jazzanova: i always fresh install, never trusted the upgrade process18:03
grendal-primedo that when you have 70 servers18:04
sskalnikEuroNerd, no idea on the paging. I am lazy and use Xchat18:04
grendal-primeyou can start over again in 3 years..18:04
sskalnikgrendal-prime, I know that feel18:04
sstathat's pretty much what I do18:04
EuroNerdsskalnik, nevermind, just adding g* at the end of your command did the job ;)18:04
jazzanovafound it, it moved to old-releases18:04
sskalnikEuroNerd, you could pipe it to less18:05
grendal-primeive had one dist-upgrade go bad. it was using debian proper and it was 7 years ago.18:05
alienmindtrickExxon: i ran that in a terminal (gksudo natilus), got a dialog to authorize it, nothing else happened18:05
PwrSurgetried that, appears the latest version is causing issues18:05
sskalnikdpkg --get-selections | less18:05
DeePbest video editor for ubuntu18:06
EuroNerdsskalnik, and now I can tell you that dpkg shows "install" next to the four gwibber-service variants, so I assume it's not installed.18:06
Yanch0guys can anyone please help me fix a problem with the gpu? http://pastebin.com/3XQ1HQur - after first boot i never managed to get the login screen, get some garbled lines, then screen goes off18:06
sskalnikEuroNerd, "install" means it's installed18:06
sskalnikEuroNerd, weird, I know18:06
Exxonsorry i don't do spoon feeding18:06
PwrSurgescreen keeps switching from 720x400 to 1920x108018:07
PwrSurgeback and forth18:07
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EuroNerdsskalnik, ok, so how do I get rid of this thing?  I'm pretty sure I even did a "purge" version of uninstall18:07
storrgieI'm installing ubuntu server 11.10 here, I have / on a md volume. When I get to the grub portion of the install I see 'executing grub-install /dev/sda failed this is a fatal error' and I really cant work beyond this18:07
Yanch0http://pastebin.com/pbtHijVK all the debugging i could think of18:07
sskalnikEuroNerd, weird, purge should nuke it all from orbit18:07
EuroNerdsskalnik, oh wait, maybe I removed the app, but not the services (daemons or sth) ?18:07
PwrSurge(EE) open /dev/fb0: No such file or directory18:08
sskalnikEuroNerd, try "apt-get uninstall" + paste those gwibber packages18:08
EuroNerdroger that18:08
sskalnikEuroNerd, you can select each one and middle-click to paste them quickly.\18:08
sskalnikEuroNerd, you probably already know that though. XD18:08
sskalnikEuroNerd, every time I boot into Windows I middle-click all over the place and go "Why can't I paste anything?"18:09
alienmindtrickMy machine keeps crashing since this morning's update. How can I find which updates were done, in what package, etc? Realize, please, that I am a relative novice, but have exercised due diligence in trying to find the answer before coming here.18:09
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, Did you reboot?18:10
EuroNerdsskalnik, r u sure that's the right syntax?  he tells me "invalid operation uninstall".18:10
hwildesskalnik, EuroNerd,  google "true x-mouse gizmo"  if you want middle mouse paste in windoz18:10
alienmindtrickSidewinder: yes, more than once.18:10
sskalnikEuroNerd, my bad, "apt-get remove" or "apt-get purge"18:11
EuroNerdok ;)18:11
sskalnikhwilde, Thanks!18:11
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, When you say "crashing", what exactly happens? Any error messages?18:11
ranamaloanyone know how to get the start sequence of an init script?18:12
Sidewinder1Oh, my goodness, the floodbots are acting up, again.. :-(18:12
ExxonYanch0, i am not familiar with myth tv ask if some one is using it..18:12
alienmindtrickSidewinder1: perhaps 'locks up' would be more accurate. the cursor freezes and i can't get it to respond.18:12
hwilderanamalo, it's just a text file18:12
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, Your ubuntu version?18:12
Yanch0Exxon, mythtv shouldnt be a problem here ... seems to be an x problem i guess18:12
alienmindtrickSidewinder1: 11.10, updated daily18:13
ranamalohwilde: i know they are just bash scripts, but I'm looking for a way to get the start sequence number you set with update-rc.d18:13
EuroNerdsskalnik, I did apt-get remove gwibber-service*  and it killed this sucker! :)  Thanks a lot for your help.18:14
sskalnikEuroNerd, glad to hear it worked!18:14
storrgiewith 11.10 server can you install to a software raid1?18:14
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, Dag-nab-it, I'm on 10.04, so I can't really diagnose, sorry.. Perhaps someone else can... But I hope you're not pressin' the power button; better the REISUB, method..18:14
sskalnikstorrgie, Yes18:14
sskalnikstorrgie, Just did that a few times last week in fact18:15
PwrSurgewas ATI even tested before releasing 11.10?18:15
hwilderanamalo, do u mean the runlevel ?18:15
Sidewinder1!REISUB | alienmindtrick18:15
ubottualienmindtrick: In an emergency, you may be able to shutdown cleanly and reboot by holding down Alt+PrintScreen and typing, in succession, R, E, I, S, U and B. For an explanation, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magic_SysRq_key18:15
sskalnikstorrgie, You should be able to make a softraid or lvm during install.18:15
sskalnikPwrSurge, ATi just doesn't play as well with Linux as nVidia. :C18:16
rbb2can anyone tell me how to make chromium icon appear in docky and panel18:16
ExxonYanch0, mythtv is live cd/dvd please let me know18:16
storrgiesskalnik, im in 11.10 and grub fails when i try my install18:17
Yanch0Exxon, yes comes as stripped down ubuntu18:17
storrgiesskalnik, would you mind being patient and helping me through this?18:17
sskalnikstorrgie, Certainly; hope I can help18:17
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sskalnikstorrgie, did you set up the RAID during the install?18:18
storrgiesskalnik, I have two 256G SSD that I want to install to, I want a 12G swap on each and the rest to be a mdadm RAID1 where I mount /18:18
storrgiesskalnik, yes I did18:18
Sidewinder1alienmindtrick, You may wish to restate your question/problem, stating as much info., as you can.. Perhaps someone else will pick up the ball, so to speak..18:18
ExxonYanch0, yes it can be included from ubuntu itself..but if that is you should not have a problem with the xorg18:18
storrgiesskalnik, however, when I get to the stage of the installer where grub is installed it fails18:18
pauluntuquestion guys nautilus doesn't have any icons anymore when file browsing i have no idea why they disappeared anyone have a clue how to fix it, restarting didn't work18:18
Yanch0Exxon, i installed mytubuntu - prepackaged ubuntu with mytv18:18
storrgiesskalnik, did you put your boot on a seperate partition?18:19
sskalnikstorrgie, Nope18:19
storrgiesskalnik, you're sure you did 11.10 server?18:19
rbb2i nstalled nvidia xorg 96 grapics driver buteverytime i open up the  nvidia x server seetings  i got a prompt saying ive to  edit x config file as root ,can anyone here tell me how to do it please18:19
storrgiesskalnik, I'm at the partitioning menu right now18:19
sskalnikstorrgie, Let me look at my config. I did it manually at first, then switched to using a preseed18:19
ExxonYanch0, i am checking the package if ubuntu repos..have such package18:20
sskalnikstorrgie, Yeah, 11.10, got one of these servers right here.18:20
storrgiesskalnik, sure, im very interested in how you got this working18:20
sskalnikstorrgie, Ooooone moment18:20
lord-ivan_  hi18:20
ExxonYanch0, none18:20
lord-ivan_any c programmers in here18:21
storrgiesskalnik, thanks again for helping me out18:21
sskalnikstorrgie, which filesystem did you use, and where did you put the / partition?18:21
ubottuMythbuntu is an Ubuntu derivative centered upon setting up a standalone MythTV system. See: http://www.mythbuntu.org for more information18:21
sskalnikstorrgie, Don't thank me unless it works! ;)18:21
storrgiei tried btrfs first, then ext418:21
storrgiei put / on the md device18:22
Exxonlord-ivan_, wait for a bit later session i don't want to give you names :))18:22
LeftTrouserGNOME Mplayer seems to lock up my computer completely after playing a videos . Is this a common problem ?18:22
storrgiesskalnik, I created a partition with the leftover space on each of the SSDs, made that partition a RAID18:22
sskalnikstorrgie, Did you put / on the first md device, i.e., on the first partition?18:22
storrgiethen created a md0 out of those, raid118:22
storrgieand put / on it18:22
storrgieI think the first partition is the swap18:22
sskalnikstorrgie, That is probably why.18:23
luca_bidear friends could you tell me the difference between bin/mysqldump -u root -p agenda > agenda_backup.txt18:23
luca_biand mysql -u root -p nuova_agenda < agenda_backup.txt18:23
Exxonhwilde, http://www.mythbuntu.org/18:23
storrgiesskalnik, should I make the first partition a physical volume for raid?18:24
kierkkadonwhat is the ubuntu (specifically GNOME 3) equivalent of dxdiag?18:24
sskalnikstorrgie, I would put the boot partition (/ or /boot) on the first partition18:24
sskalnikstorrgie, Yes18:24
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llutzluca_bi: first command exports your db"agenda" into a file, 2nd command restores it from a file into a db18:24
oCeanluca_bi: also, please note there is a specific #mysql channel18:24
storrgiesskalnik, tryting that now18:25
storrgiesskalnik, so now I made the first partition a Physical volume for raid on both devices18:25
sskalnikstorrgie, Cool.18:25
Sidewinder1oCean, Is it my imagination or are the floodbots 'acting-up', again?18:25
storrgiesskalnik, now making that md device my /18:25
storrgiesskalnik, doing ext418:25
hwilde!enter | storrgie18:26
Exxonkierkkadon, please elobrate your question18:26
ubottustorrgie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:26
sskalnikstorrgie, Yeah, that is exactly what I did.18:26
PwrSurgehopefully the open source driver actually works18:26
storrgiesskalnik, ok, letting the rest of the installer run18:26
kierkkadonExxon, well, when I need to find info on my computer on windows I use dxdiag; is there some sort of equivalent in ubuntu?18:26
storrgiehwilde, sorry18:26
oCeanSidewinder1: hmm, seems so.18:26
kierkkadonI'm trying to figure out a bit of basic info about my machine18:26
storrgiesskalnik, it may take a couple of minutes for the rest of the installer to run, im doing it from CD18:27
sskalnikstorrgie, Side note; are you doing one big partition, or separate ones for /home, /var, /tmp, etc.?18:27
* Sidewinder1 Sighs..18:27
storrgiesskalnik, i think you can only do a single big partition once you make an md device18:27
Exxonkierkkadon, simply install xorg according to you vendor that it..there is not directx like windows here18:28
sskalnikstorrgie, Yeah, but you can put several md devices on a physical drive.18:28
storrgiesskalnik, so yes im doing something like this {Disk1: 240G RAID, 16.4G Swap} {Disk2: 240G RAID, 16.4G Swap} {RAID1: 240G / ext4}18:28
sskalnikstorrgie, Yeah that looks good18:28
luca_billutz: thanks very much another question18:29
storrgiesskalnik, its pulling updates and configuring apt18:29
sskalnikstorrgie, Man you must have a ton of RAM18:29
storrgiesskalnik, should be to the grub installer soon18:29
storrgiesskalnik, I have 16G right now, but I'll likely bump to 32 sometime soon18:29
storrgiesskalnik, I'm using this system to test out zfs, its my home server. I typically do mdadm and ext418:29
luca_biwhy if I write bin/... it doesn't export my database and if I write without bin/ it exports??18:29
sskalnikstorrgie, Haha, if you ever need ot use that swap space I will be amazed18:29
storrgiesskalnik, yeah i just remember someone saying swap needs to be 1.5 size the memory18:30
sstayou can do a root zfs?18:30
sskalnikstorrgie, Never used zfs, but I know people who really like it.18:30
sskalnikstorrgie, Yes that is a good rule of thumb18:30
storrgiessta, you should check out the mailing lists for zfs I wouldnt ask that here, also go to #zfs18:30
luca_biwhat is the meaning of bin/ in a comand from shell??18:30
KindariWhats the package name for git on 11.04? just tried apt-get install git and then git-core and neither worked. Fresh install of 11.0418:31
storrgiessta, yes, you can. I see many people have been doing it. I am going to keep my / ext4 for now. I would do btrfs if it had a fsck releasted18:31
jribluca_bi: what exactly are you writing in your shell (in full)?18:31
storrgiesskalnik, its installing openssh then i think grub is next18:31
storrgieKindari, probably git-common18:31
luca_bijrib: bin/mysqldump -u root -p agenda > agenda_backup.txt18:31
sskalnikKindari, apt-cache search git18:31
storrgieKindari, sudo apt-cache search git18:31
luca_biwith this comand it doesn't export my database18:31
llutzluca_bi: don't use the "bin/" or use the correct path.18:31
ldurosHello, anybody knows if Ubuntu works well with all the components of the new dell XPS 14z laptop: http://www.dell.com/us/p/xps-l412z/pd?~ck=mn -- it has an NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M with Optimus -- is this something that would work with nvidia drivers in ubuntu?18:32
jribluca_bi: when you write "bin/mysqldump" you are telling your shell to look for a "bin" folder IN YOUR CURRENT DIRECTORY, go into it, and then run the "mysqldump" file inside18:32
ldurosconsidering buying it, that's why i'm asking :-)18:32
luca_billutz: Yes if I don't use bin/ it works18:32
sskalniklduros, Most likely. Never seen an nvidia card that Linux didn't like18:32
llutzluca_bi: those commands are in /usr/bin/   so bin/mysql only would work if you are in /usr18:32
storrgielduros, there are some projects to do optimus out there, search for them. You're in need of a lot of reading. I do think you're in luck though because the projects have been around for a couple months18:32
storrgiesskalnik, I'm still getting that fatal error18:33
sstalduros: unless you need to drive multiple nvidia cards18:33
Exxonstorrgie, swap have a size cylinder of 1024kb so really don't require that18:33
sskalnikstorrgie, send me that error?18:33
Exxonstorrgie, swap have a size cylinder of 1024mb so really don't require that18:33
storrgie"executing 'grub-install /dev/sda' failed. This is a fatal error"18:33
PwrSurgewhat a POS18:33
ldurossskalnik: storrgie: ssta: I don't understand what Optimus is so much though, I found this thread and that's why I was asking about it here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/46065/problems-with-nvidia-drivers-on-dell-xps18:33
llutzluca_bi: you want to read some basics about pathes and how to call binaries etc.18:33
PwrSurgeany driver I try does not work18:34
storrgielduros, its two graphics chips on the same machine, in windows they dynamically switch between the two chips. in linux you have to manually do it18:34
sskalnikstorrgie, Is there a more informative log file?18:34
PwrSurgescreen flashes instead of loading X18:34
storrgiesskalnik, .... im not so good when im in this mode, how could i get a log?18:34
ldurosstorrgie: ok, i see18:34
storrgiesskalnik, keep in mind this is the installer from CD18:34
storrgiesskalnik, should I try the alt installer?18:34
storrgielduros, yeah so you would run your main environment on the intel card, because intel works really nice for unity and gnome-shell. then you could use the cli to launch certain apps and tell them to use your nvidia card18:35
sskalnikstorrgie, drop to another tty (Alt-F2 or something) and look at /var/log/whatever18:35
storrgielduros, from what I gather18:35
ldurosstorrgie: hmm ok18:35
ExxonPwrSurge, sorry to tell you ati have stopped the support for ati drivers so work with vesa18:35
ldurosstorrgie: so really the nvidia card wouldn't be used that much18:35
storrgiesskalnik, syslog?18:35
sskalnikstorrgie, Sorry I can't remember the exact names of the logs, but there should be a grub log or a syslog18:35
sskalnikstorrgie, Yeah check that18:35
storrgiesskalnik, ok its coming across the screen, one tick18:36
sskalnikstorrgie, It might take a while; did for me.18:36
luca_billutz: Ok I know folder /usr/bin but if I don't put bin/ the comand works18:36
storrgiesskalnik, This GPT partition lavel has no bios boot partition, embedding wont be possible18:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:36
llutzluca_bi: you want to read some basics about pathes and how to call binaries etc.   don't use prefix bin/   to call those commands!18:36
luca_billutz: In bin I have a lot of files executable18:36
storrgiesskalnik, you're using MBR right? I think my disks were GPT to start with18:36
sskalnikstorrgie, Ahhhh yes18:36
storrgiesskalnik, I think I need to make a 1 or 2 Meg BIOS boot partition18:37
storrgieon each disk18:37
SephoHi guys!18:37
llutzluca_bi: check "echo $PATH"  you don't need to give pathes to binaries in all these listed directories18:37
storrgielduros, yeah it wouldnt be, some bios let you force intel OR nvidia18:37
sskalnikstorrgie, That would be outside my knowhow; only used GPT on a Mac and that was a while ago18:37
storrgielduros, you could choose18:37
ExxonPwrSurge, every things will work fine, only compiz will not work..i really don't care about the look ..( looks can always decieve) :))18:37
luca_billutz: Yes I want to read something more about pathes18:37
storrgiesskalnik, so I should probably just do MBR18:37
SephoI've installed Ubuntu 11.04 and I want to install Gnome3 to use gnome-shell but I can't find gnome-shell in synaptic... any idea?18:37
storrgiesskalnik, could you confirm your disks are MBR?18:38
sskalnikstorrgie, Definitely MBR18:38
sskalnikluca_bi, http://www.funtoo.org/wiki/Linux_Fundamentals,_Part_118:38
ldurosstorrgie: I see18:38
storrgielduros, I plan to buy one someone soon. I'll probably just use intel all the time, its less power hungry and it has very good driver support18:38
luca_billutz: /usr/lib/lightdm/lightdm:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games18:38
ldurosstorrgie: you were planning on buying the xps 14z?18:38
storrgielduros, I prefer Fedora for my desktop/laptop because I like gnome-shell. however I still use ubuntu on my servers18:39
sskalnikluca_bi, That will answer a lot of questions about things like bin vs /bin vs /usr/bin18:39
PwrSurgeExxon, : i'm not even getting X period18:39
ldurosstorrgie: ok, couldn't you use gnome-shell in ubuntu or debian though?18:39
storrgielduros, im not sure, I kind of want one of the newer ultrabooks... i just figure they will all come with Intel/Nvidia optimus crap18:39
PwrSurgescreen keeps flashing and X does not load18:39
PwrSurgeshould have never upgraded18:40
storrgielduros, i think so, however ubuntu keeps changing so many things each release without documenting why... mainly the things that are not integrating with upstream.. that I just choose fedora18:40
ldurosstorrgie: yeh, the newer ultrabooks are too thin for me though, they'd fly away on my lap in my backyard :-P18:40
storrgielduros, i'm probably speaking blasphemy here18:40
hkmhi, some help pls18:40
PwrSurgetoo bad I can't downgrade18:40
jussistorrgie: lduros best to keep the chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic and this place for direct support ;)18:40
PwrSurgebasically have to reformat and start again18:40
ldurosstorrgie: what's the advantage of fedora? :-P I'd miss the "Debian" way of organizing things a bit, especially after taking great pains learning it18:40
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ExxonPwrSurge, rember always backup the xorg while  to try installing alien drivers =experiment it..rather playing.18:41
PwrSurgeit's not a new driver18:41
PwrSurgewas working fine when I was running 10.1018:41
storrgielduros, I would just check it out, fedora is a very nice system if you know linux. It's not as ready for non-linux people as ubuntu is. but it is quite nice18:41
PwrSurgethen I upgraded to 11.1118:41
PwrSurge11.10 rather18:41
ldurosstorrgie: ok, thanks :-)18:41
storrgielduros, if you want, msg me in private and I will give you my email. I can help you settle into fedora from that18:41
jussistorrgie: really - please use #ubuntu-offtopic for this kind of chatter.18:42
ldurosthanks :-P I'll msg you if I have issues installing it ;-)18:42
storrgiejussi, yeah i figured its not welcome to do that here, apologies18:42
ExxonPwrSurge, you have to know about the hardware that you use we else will18:42
jussistorrgie: thanks18:42
luca_billutz: If you have a file in these directories you don't need to write path?18:42
llutzluca_bi: correct18:43
YuukonI need a little help, my school has a wifi network secured with an username-password method, and I can't get my netbook running Ubuntu 11.10 32bit to connect to it, can anybody help me??18:43
PwrSurgeATI radeon hd 365018:43
hkmhttp://img10.imageshack.us/img10/7169/pantallazodel2011112813.png some solution?18:43
sskalnikYuukon, sure18:43
YuukonGreat, sskalnik18:43
sskalnikYuukon, Do you have the pass and username?18:43
storrgiehkm, dont repeatedly ask.... also why dont you explain what is going on instead of just spamming a link to a screen shot.18:43
ExxonPwrSurge, i am using ati..18:43
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ExxonPwrSurge, lspci -v | VGA18:44
YuukonYes, sskalnik , but the network isn't in range right now as I am home18:44
storrgiesskalnik, im trying to do the same install with MBR right now, ill let you know if it sticks this time18:44
hkmis about grapich distorsion, u can see on guake terminal a example18:44
Gl3ndiffichBonjour a tous est ce que quelqu'un peut me rappeler quel est le champ d'entraide !!??18:44
oCean!fr | Gl3ndiffich18:45
ubottuGl3ndiffich: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.18:45
sskalnikYuukon, Alright. When you try to connect to the network, what happens?18:45
sskalnikstorrgie, OK.18:45
YuukonIt's trying to connect for ages, then prompts me with an login screen again, sskalnik18:45
hwildeYuukon, are you putting in your domain with your username18:45
sskalnikYuukon, can you confirm that you're using the exact correct password? It sounds like the authentication is being rejected.18:46
hwildesskalnik, probably needs domain name.18:46
sskalnikhwilde, Indeed18:46
YuukonYes, sskalnik , these are the same things as I use in Windows, and it works fine there.18:46
hwildetry yuukon@yourdomain.com   or   yourdomain\yuukon18:46
sskalnikhwilde, Yuukon, At any rate, sounds like the authentication - either username or pass -  is wrong.18:46
YuukonThere isn't a domain to put in, hwilde18:47
hwildesure there is18:47
Yuukonsskalnik, it works in windows perfectly fine with the same username password combination.18:47
hwildein windows it is probably put in for you since you are on the domain....18:47
Yuukonsskalnik, Ubuntu however does ask for a certifacate.18:47
sskalnikYuukon, set wireless security to None or Off18:49
PwrSurgeit works if I go in safemode and i do startx18:49
YuukonI can't try it right now, sskalnik , but I will try it out tomorrow.18:49
sskalnikYuukon, That sounds like your school is using one of those wonky Cisco security systems18:49
YuukonYeah, I think it is, sskalnik , there are more people having trouble connecting.18:49
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boxbeatsyhi, i'm starting to do some research into choosing a new laptop to buy.  does anyone have any recommendations on a good laptop that can be used to run ubuntu for general programming tasks/browsing, and a dual boot of windows to play games?18:50
Sidewinder1Yuukon, If you/they can't connect, they're certainly secure.. ;-)18:51
YuukonLol indeed Sidewinder118:51
PwrSurgeand that's using the radeon driver, not vesa18:51
sskalnikYuukon, It is probably Clean Access by Cisco. What is happening is that it's asking for CA certificates that aren't in Ubuntu be default. I would talk to the local sysadmin about what certs you need.18:52
PwrSurgewhat is going on18:52
Sidewinder1Yuukon, Sorry, I couldn't resist. :D18:52
KM0201boxbeatsy: main thing, is don't get a laptop w/ those dual GPU's, they seem to cause a ton of problems18:52
ExxonPwrSurge, there is a way to test compiz if it work without installing it. i will give you a link18:52
Yuukonsskalnik, it indeed asks for CA certificates, I couldn't get to it for a minute. I've been googling my butt off already but anything I try isn't really helping, but thank you for trying, will contact local sysadmin :)18:52
YuukonWell it is true Sidewinder1 :P18:53
sskalnikboxbeatsy, Anything specific you plan to do with the laptop? What is your price range, and how much does battery life and size and weight matter?18:53
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sskalnikYuukon, You are welcome; good luck!18:53
YuukonThank you!18:53
Sidewinder1Yuukon, Yes, good luck!18:54
sskalnikHeh, I log in to get my issue fixed; end up helping people with their issues instead.18:54
ExxonPwrSurge, you will now it exactly follow the link it will not harm the system http://www.ubuntugeek.com/check-compiz-will-run-on-your-ubuntu-desktop-or-not.html18:54
sskalnikDay is still productive!18:54
boxbeatsysskalnik: battery life/size/weight isn't a concern (will be plugged in most of the time).  price range <$800.  i'm planning on doing some general programming on ubuntu and dualbooting into windows for gaming18:54
sskalnikboxbeatsy, How hardcore are you about the gaming?18:55
hwildeboxbeatsy, http://www.ubuntu.com/dell18:55
boxbeatsysskalnik: not especially, but i'd like to be able to run the latest games on lowest settings18:55
ExxonPwrSurge, its like dxdiag in windows to know18:55
sharpKis there any way to view folders (in a home folder) in a different way? like a detailed list (as in windows)?18:55
boxbeatsyhwilde: i was looking at that, but it looks like dell discontinud support.  at least when oyu click on said USA link, it leads to a page with no options18:56
hwildeboxbeatsy, oh I guess I am obsolete.18:56
axl_hey guys... I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS. I did some googling on this but did not find the information. any ides how i upgrade OpenSSH ?18:57
ypahnuhello guys! the new ubuntu it's wierd, I miss the top menu that side bars it's terrible18:58
hwildeypahnu, change to gnome then18:58
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
PwrSurgeExxon, : 40418:59
PwrSurgehttp://blogage.de/files/3448/download?compiz-check_0.1-1_all.deb is 404 not found18:59
Sidewinder1ypahnu, You might, then wish to return to 10.04; that's what I'm using and it'll be supported for a couple of years more.. :-)19:00
sskalnikboxbeatsy, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683423007719:00
ExxonPwrSurge, are you using proxy19:00
PwrSurgecheck it out for yourself19:00
Jordan_Ustorrgie: Rather than switching away from GPT, why not just create a BIOS Boot Partition?19:01
sskalnikHD screen, BLuRay, good video card, good specs all around.19:01
=== Guest15630 is now known as babilen
PwrSurgethe article loads ok but compiz-check it wants to use is 404 not found19:01
sharpKWhat's the best anti-virus for ubuntu?19:01
sskalnikboxbeatsy, ASUS tends to have very high build quality and performance, relatively speaking.19:01
sharpKand possibly free, less there is a huge difference19:01
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux. except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus19:02
ExxonPwrSurge, link works fine19:02
sskalniksharpK, Welcome to a wor;d without the need for a virus scanner19:02
PwrSurgemy system is basically unusable now19:02
boxbeatsysskalnik: cool, thanks! this looks good19:02
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sharpKubottu, that's exactly the case, I am using an Ubuntu desktop 11.10 on a server box, which will have torrents downlaoded to it, and the windows users would access19:02
ubottusharpK: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:02
sskalnikboxbeatsy, I think you will like it. I've gotten nearly everyone I know into the ASUS camp19:02
KindariI thought on 11.04 byobu was the default terminal? It is not even installed. After installing it, how can I make it the default terminal for all users?19:02
PwrSurgeok, i see it now19:03
sharpKsskalnik, yeah, but as a server, windows users would use it, I just want to be able to scan torrent files and all that stuff on a regular basis from the server box rather than use up my computer19:03
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PwrSurgethe wget url in the article is dead19:03
sskalniksharpK, Ah, so you want to make sure the files are virus free?19:03
sharpKyeah, before they make their way over to a windows computer in the network19:04
sskalniksharpK, Gotcha.19:04
ExxonPwrSurge, i did not tell you wget did i or i could have given it to you19:04
sharpKfigured it's be easier and a better use of resources to have the server check the files itself19:04
sskalniksharpK, This server would be used for totally legal downloads of a legitimate nature that wouldn't normally contain viruses right?19:04
sharpKNaturally ;)19:05
sskalniksharpK, I thought so. XD19:05
Kindarisskalnik, of course, just there *may* be infected ubuntu ISOs.. better safe then sorry :)19:05
* Kindari whistles19:05
sskalniksharpK, your best bet is probably NOD32 is you want to take zero chances19:06
sskalniksharpK, If you want free, there is ClamAV19:06
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sharpKthanks for the info19:06
sskalniksharpK, No prob; you might try to demo NOD32 on the Windows boxen as well....19:07
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papskyanti-virus is for the fearful19:07
PwrSurgethe real page for compiz-check is actually http://forlong.blogage.de/entries/pages/Compiz-Check19:07
thisistheaussietI've found a bug with nVidia and the Grid Feature (Snap).. Should I file it somewhere?19:07
papskyjump in19:07
battlepotcthe rt2800_pci is already solved?19:07
sskalniksharpK, It's effective enough for me to download viruses just for giggles.19:07
ExxonPwrSurge, i know that so what the outcome19:08
sharpKsskalnik, those are some construcive hobbies you've got there19:08
sskalniksharpK, The best way to make sure something works is to try to prove it doesn't. ;)19:08
battlepotcis there a kernel for dev?19:08
battlepotca channel19:08
storrgiesskalnik, do you have any experience using 'disk utility'?19:09
storrgiesskalnik, i would like to now use it to connect to my server19:09
sskalnikstorrgie, Yeah19:09
storrgiesskalnik, mbr fixed my problems19:09
sskalnikstorrgie, Sweet19:09
sharpKsskalnik the linuxian method....19:09
battlepotccan someone please help me?19:09
storrgiesskalnik, i get errors when i try to connect to my server with disk utility, have you ever tried to see your system remotely?19:10
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do19:10
ypahnuso I will stay on U10.04 ,, thanks alot19:10
storrgieI get this error: ssh_askpass: exec(/usr/libexec/openssh/ssh-askpass): No such file or directoryHost key19:10
sskalnikstorrgie, Nope, not via disk utility. I can try though19:10
lucidguybash tip??  Need to run the following command 6 times " cpufreq-selector -c 0 -g performance "    yet I want the 0 to increment each time -c 0, 1, 2, 3 .. etc.  Any quick tip?19:11
sskalnikstorrgie, What is disk utility's real name? I'm on Xubuntu, so there's no "disk utility"19:11
storrgiegeesh i dont know19:12
Exxonlucidguy, you require a script19:12
Pici!details  | battlepotc19:12
ubottubattlepotc: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:13
battlepotcPici, I have an kernel panic when using wireless with rt61 driver19:13
battlepotcand wpa_supplicant19:13
battlepotcand the lastest version of ubuntu19:13
Exxonbattlepotc, ubuntu don't use wpa_supplicant ..click is enough here19:14
battlepotcExxon, yes but i still have the kernel panic using the rt61 driver19:14
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sskalnikstorrgie, Installing disk utility19:15
Exxonbattlepotc, modprobe the drivers19:15
spoqis there any drivers for Tubuntu?19:16
battlepotcExxon, has i said rt61 driver19:16
lucidguygot it ...    for i in {0..5}; do cpufreq-selector -c "$i" -g performance; done19:16
Exxonmodprobe rt6119:16
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battlepotcExxon, the module is already loaded19:17
Exxonbattlepotc, dmesg | grep rt6119:17
battlepotcthe problem is that the driver has some kind of bug19:17
hwildebattlepotc, to remove it:   modprobe -r       then blacklist it19:17
ubottuTo blacklist a module, edit /etc/modprobe.d/my_blacklist.conf and add « blacklist <modulename> » to the end of that list - To explicitly load modules in a specific order, list them in /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and type « sudo update-initramfs -u »19:17
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=== Noobuntu is now known as spoq
Exxonbattlepotc, dis-connect and re-connect nothing will panic19:18
battlepotchwilde, yeh but i need the driver for wireless19:18
user031i need to copy files from a boot partition that had arch linux installed on it19:18
user031i can access it using the ubuntu disk19:18
user031but i cant access the /home directory19:18
hwildebattlepotc, rip it out and install a better wireless.19:18
jribuser031: why not?19:18
battlepotchwilde, yeh that is a usefull solution19:18
BarkingFishbattlepotc: sorry to make you go over stuff, what wireless are you having grief with and what is the problem?19:19
user031i dont know jrib19:19
user031should i be using something like chroot19:19
jribuser031: what happens when you try to access them?19:19
user031i get an error19:19
jribuser031: what error?19:19
user031i cant recall19:19
battlepotcBarkingFish, i use the rt61 driver and  i have some kernel panics that doesnt let me shutdown my machine19:19
user031something to do with permissions19:19
jribuser031: that would be helpful.19:19
BarkingFishbattlepotc: is it an internal or external wireless?19:20
jribuser031: run « gksudo nautilus » when you're on the live cd again19:20
battlepotcBarkingFish, external19:20
storrgiesskalnik, did some poking around, your hosts will have to have udisks installed19:20
hwildebug #20014219:20
user031i will give that a try19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 200142 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.24 (Ubuntu) "hardy alpha 6 rt61 wireless kernel panic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20014219:20
storrgiewhich is an available package19:20
PwrSurgeExxon: unable to open display19:20
BarkingFishright. Have you tried running the device using ndiswrapper. battlepotc?19:20
sskalnikstorrgie, I was just about to say!19:20
PwrSurgeit says I have a Radeon HD 3600 series19:20
battlepotcBarkingFish, no19:20
battlepotcbut i dont think i need it19:20
spoq"kernel panic" sounds like it was having a very heavy burtation19:21
battlepotcthe linux has the driver19:21
user031gona give ubuntu a try for a few months19:21
BarkingFishbattlepotc: it's an alternative way of getting round if the inbuilt driver causes kernel panic19:21
spoq"kernel panic" sounds like it was having a very heavy burtation19:21
user031but i'll be missing openbox im sure19:21
battlepotcBarkingFish, i dont know how to use it19:21
ExxonPwrSurge, vesa drivers are not for compiz don't don't have ati drivers and work along..forget compiz it really don't matter if really want to work than fancy stuff19:21
BarkingFishi can teach you if you wish, it's not difficult19:21
user031can i be using some kind of tray while using unity jrib?19:21
user031for the open apps?19:21
jribuser031: I don't know19:21
user031i dont like that tray on the left19:22
schultzawhat happened to /etc/inittab ?19:22
battlepotcBarkingFish, i prefer some tutorial. can you recommend me one? :)19:22
user031would be nice to use it only for shortcuts19:22
BarkingFishbattlepotc: not really, i don't know of any tutorials for it.19:22
BarkingFishI know how to use it, and regularly teach others on irc how to use it too19:22
battlepotcso can you give me the steps? i19:22
BarkingFishsure battlepotc - rather than clog the channel, I'll do it in PM with you if that's ok19:23
BarkingFishone moment, i'll be right with you19:23
hwildebattlepotc, seriously, rip out your wifi card, throw it in the garbage, and buy a supported one19:23
hwildedo it now before you waste hours of your life with ndiswrapper19:23
BarkingFishhwilde: that's not a particularly fair assessment. I set up ndiswrapper in a quarter hour and I've been using it issue free for 4 years.19:24
battlepotchwilde, can you sent me the money to a new one?19:24
BarkingFishif your answer is "buy something better", kindly fund it :)19:25
jrib!inittab | schultza19:26
ubottuschultza: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/19:26
rkhshmI recently upgraded to 11.10 from 11.04(wish i had not)19:28
rkhshmmy realtek wireless does not work anymore19:28
rkhshmany fixes or should i rollback?19:28
rkhshmif its possbile19:28
nick_hhey guys. got a quick off-topic question for you19:29
nick_hare the dates in the left or right image easier to read?:  http://deadorange.com/temp/blue-compare.jpg19:29
Exxonrkhshm, what the module for realtek wireless19:29
Picinick_h: Try #ubuntu-offtopic19:29
rkhshmExxon: www.pastie.org/293490019:30
PwrSurgeplease work19:31
PwrSurgeplease work19:31
hwildenick_h, they are both horrible.  you're fired.19:31
PwrSurgefailed again19:31
PwrSurgestupid ATI19:31
Exxonrkhshm, modprobe RTL8191SEvB19:31
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Jinxed-how do you add a route19:32
rkhshmExxon: FATAL: Module RTL8191SEvB not found19:32
Jinxed-to the /etc/network/interfaces file19:32
ExxonPwrSurge, did you backput xorg before trying ..19:33
PwrSurgenothing to do with xorg19:33
PwrSurgeit works when I boot failsafe then type startx at the terminal19:34
Exxonrkhshm, modprobe rtl8191se19:34
Jinxed-I currently have up route add -net dev eth019:34
Jinxed-but that doesn't seem to work19:34
PwrSurgebut same xorg.conf does not work when booting normally19:34
rkhshmExxon: the same error19:35
ExxonPwrSurge, must always make copy or backup of the xorg before editing or installing experimenting drivers19:35
snikkerhi, i've installed grub2 (with kubuntu 10.11) and now i'm unable to run windows recovery partition <F9> key at boot, can you help me?19:35
wyukain which channel can i get hold of the wubi developers?19:35
hwildeJinxed-,   under the iface eth0 block add a line that says      up route add -net dev eth019:36
hwildeJinxed-, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-add-permanent-static-routes-in-ubuntu.html19:36
Exxonrkhshm, sudo modprobe rtl8192se19:36
hwilderkhshm, Exxon,   lsmod | grep rt                  to find the module name.19:36
Exxonhwilde, that ok19:37
rkhshmExxon: http://www.pastie.org/293490019:38
balachmarHi would someone help me out with troubleshooting my pc? All usb devices have stopped working and lsusb only shows linux foundation 2.0 root hub x 3 and 6 x 1.119:38
hwildebalachmar, sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart19:38
rkhshmExxon: do i need this http://www.wireless-driver.com/realtek-rtl8191se-rtl8192se-wireless-drivers-utility/19:38
Jinxed-hwilde, does the file need special permissions19:39
Jinxed-because it doesn't seem to work for me19:39
hwildeJinxed-, look at the example in the link I sent you19:39
Exxonrkhshm, that is it wlan0..wlan1 etc.19:40
hwildeJinxed-,  look at the examples in  /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz19:40
rkhshmExxon: what?19:41
PwrSurgewhy would X work in safe mode only?19:41
Exxonrkhshm, ifconfig wlan0 up19:41
histo1PwrSurge: driver issue19:41
Exxonrkhshm, iwlist wlan0 scan19:42
PwrSurgeunity-greeter[2606]: segfault at 0 ip 003d9cbb sp bffdab80 error 4 in libgio-2.0.so.0.3000.0[341000+14200019:42
raheelis there any way to not set every single file chmod in appache server?19:42
PwrSurgethis is in dmesg19:42
histo1raheel: -R19:42
rkhshmExxon: what do you want from that?19:42
rkhshmthe whole output19:42
raheelhistol how?19:42
balachmarhwilde: command not found (I guess hal is not present in 11.10 anymore). Also plugged in a usb stick, wasn't even recognized in the bios...19:42
NeedSomeHelpHello, anyone know a little gimp?19:43
histo1raheel: chmod -R /path/to/folder      -R will change recursively19:43
nick_hPici: thanks19:43
rkhshmbecuase I can notice that wifi is up and its tying to acquire connectiong..19:43
rkhshmbut fails19:43
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nick_hhwilde: hah, true19:43
histo1NeedSomeHelp: that's not nice. Midgets or dwarf would be more appropriate. Or vertically challenged19:43
Exxonrkhshm, simpoy use root priv.. (already kernel module are loaded just want to pin them)19:43
hwildenick_h,  you and #518fe6 anyways, this site will be your friend:   http://www.color-hex.com/color/e6529019:44
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».19:44
NeedSomeHelphisto1: think you are mixing me with someone else19:44
CloudQcIt seems impossible to move the sidebar in Ubuntu to either the right or bottom - the problem is each time I go to select a file in eclipse, it comes over it, is there a way to keep it always opened and have the fullscreen stop at the border between that bar and the program?19:46
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Exxonrkhshm, i would rather not suggest for compiling  kernel 2.6.X19:46
histo1NeedSomeHelp: No I was making a joke19:47
histo1!ask | NeedSomeHelp19:47
ubottuNeedSomeHelp: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:47
histo1!anyone | NeedSomeHelp19:47
ubottuNeedSomeHelp: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.19:47
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/19:47
haideri have installed ubuntu 11.10 using windows installer and it seems that, the wrong version got installed. pls help.. how can i verify this?19:47
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hwildehaider, type   cat /etc/lsb-release    what does it say19:48
Norwackhelp me19:48
hwilde!ask | Norwack19:49
ubottuNorwack: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:49
haiderhwilde, where to type?19:49
hwildehaider, in a terminal19:49
=== fisted is now known as fisted_
hasufellhow can I maximize/minimize a window via dbus?19:50
Norwackim using wubi and it have beeing show installing ubuntu 11.10 for over an hour, over the progess bar it says: expanding and the progress bar have been going from left to the right multiply times, is it installed? or have it some kind of froze? any help would be appriciated :-)19:50
haidersorry i m new in linux, how to access terminal?19:50
histohaider: why do you thik the wrong version got installed?19:50
histohaider: press alt+f2 and type in gnome-terminal and hit enter19:51
lucidguyAnyone ever hear of an issue where Ubuntu/linux will only utilize 10%-20% CPU usage on certain apps?19:51
haiderk wil try it19:51
bfreisDoes someone here know any tool to backup my system to a S3 bucket on Amazon Web Services?19:51
haiderhisto, now what?19:52
hasufellbfreis: rsync19:52
PwrSurgeit was not even a graphics driver issue19:52
raheelthanks histol thanks a lot19:53
NorwackNo one answered my question :-(19:53
hasufellNorwack: well, mine neither, lol19:53
balachmarAnybody else got any idea? USB stopped working, usb stick not recognized in bios. lsusb also shows up only root devices... Is my usb on the motherboard dead?19:53
naftilos76hi can anybody suggest a peer-to-peer app for ubuntu? MP3s, videos etc...19:53
hasufellbalachmar: try with usb-controller19:53
bfreishasufell: yeah, I know I can write something by myself using rsync. I just don't want to manually rsync my files. I want a tool that would allow me to define backup profiles (incremental daily backups, full weekly backups, specify folders, etc)19:54
Norwackhasufell: I Know, wonder why no body is using askubuntu.com19:54
Kamiccolonaftilos76, in what network are You interested in?19:54
Norwackim using wubi and it have beeing show installing ubuntu 11.10 for over an hour, over the progess bar it says: expanding and the progress bar have been going from left to the right multiply times, is it installed? or have it some kind of froze? any help would be appriciated :-) IMAGE: http://morsomt.net/e/1322510487.png19:54
balachmarhasufell, what should I try? With a seperate usb controller on a pci card? I don't have one...19:54
ratcheerbfreis: Take a look at Deja Dup19:54
hasufellbfreis: Grsync is a ui for rsync19:54
bfreishasufell: ok, thanks. I know about rsync AND grsync. Seems like you don't understand what I want. Forget it.19:55
bfreisI want something like "Syncback" (for windows) from 2brightsparks19:55
hasufellbalachmar: well, hard to tell. you can at least try the stick on another pc, but that wont tell you whats the problem on your mainboard19:55
bfreisratcheer: I will take a look, thanks!19:55
bfreis"Déjà Dup is a simple backup tool. It hides the complexity of backing up the Right Way (encrypted, off-site, and regular) and uses duplicity as the backend"19:56
bfreisseems like what I'm looking for!19:56
hasufellbfreis: i dont see the problem, you can control rsync with simple scripts you can add it as a cronjob and so on19:56
balachmarhasufell, the devices themselves work fine19:56
NorwackOMG, Is no one going to help me?????19:56
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bfreishasufell: the problem is exactly what you described: I don't want to write "simple scripts" and control anything with cron. Ideally, I'd want to apt-get install something, launch a software once, input my S3 key and it should do its job automatically. If you insist that I should write a bunch of scripts, thanks, but you aren't helping here.19:57
hasufellbfreis: i backup my root-fs with a double klick to a remote system19:57
balachmarNorwack: It is probably just installing still, maybe it is expanding some disk image?19:57
ratcheerbfreis: You're welcome. Deja Dup is what I use, and I've used pro backup tools on large systems for many years.19:57
PiciNorwack: If no one knows the answer, no one is going to be able to provide help.  You're free to search on our forums or on askubuntu.com while you wait.  I'd like to add that many people feel that wubi is not worth the troubles that go along with it.19:57
bfreisratcheer: great! thanks for the tip!19:57
Norwackwubi have worked great before, a couple days ago it worked19:58
elb0wSo i just installed ubuntu on one of our servers and all I have are random specs of colors19:59
elb0wwhen it boots19:59
elb0wany idea?19:59
hasufellelb0w: does not happen with the livecd i guess?20:00
elb0whasufell: installed it straight20:00
elb0wdidnt go to live cd20:00
bfreisholy crap, is there any big web host down today? Launchpad is horribly slow, so is stackoverflow and many other sites!20:00
hasufellelb0w: try livecd...20:01
elb0whasufell: why20:01
OerHekselb0w, sounds like bad videocard, or bad cooling20:01
elb0wit has nvidia cards in it20:01
hasufellelb0w: if its not even working there, then its about the installation/setup itself20:01
hasufellof ubuntu i mean20:01
elb0wgrub works20:02
hasufellelb0w: try with knoppix as well. if it does not work in knoppix, it wont work anywhere20:02
elb0wive used this cd on 5 other machines20:02
elb0wno issue20:02
teddiebfreis, it's probably the cold winter weather causing more ice to block the tubes?20:02
haiderhwilde, i mean amd64 version got installed instead of intel 32 bit coz it has been showing amd64 everywhere.20:02
hasufellelb0w: thats a rescue livecd it has the best hardware detection i know of20:02
boxbeatsyhi, im going to buy a new laptop today, and i'm looking at this one (http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834214506).  i'm going ot be using it for general programming on ubuntu and dual booting into windows for gaming (low graphics settings fine as long as recent games run).  can anyone take a look and confirm that i'm not overlooking anything.  it seems too cheap.20:02
NeedSomeHelpHello, anyone know a little gimp?20:02
hasufellelb0w: if knoppix does not work properly for you its definitley a hardware issue...20:03
bfreisteddie: maybe! though where I live it is 32 C (90 F) right now!20:03
boxbeatsyi looked up how the CPU/video card benchmark and they both seem on the high end20:03
teddiebfreis, I mean in the countries where they are hosted :P they are usually hosted in cool locations to keep cooling costs low20:03
teddieso naturally ice will form in the intertubes in winter20:03
CloudQcboxbeatsy - you wont be running many games with that (unless you mean chess or some other 2d games)20:04
boxbeatsyCloudQc: i was looking up video card benchmarks and it seems to score pretty well (http://www.videocardbenchmark.net/video_lookup.php?gpu=Radeon+HD+6520G).  do you think i will be able to run starcraft2 on it?20:05
fornixcan i install ubuntu on a dynamic disk?20:05
haiderhelp me, amd64 version got installed instead of intel 32 bit20:07
haiderhelp me, it seems amd64 version got installed instead of intel 32 bit20:07
elb0whasufell: nomodeset worked fine20:07
Jezzzhello all20:07
=== Mud is now known as Guest6393
Jezzzis there a way to a 'flushdns' in ubuntu?20:07
Jezzz<- dirty windows user20:07
fornixhaider: whats wrong with and64?20:07
ratcheerhaider: If you need 32-bit, then you just need to reinstall from scratch.20:08
fornixhaider: dont get confused by the "amd" word in amd64. Intel 64 bit processors like core2duo or i3, etc should use amd64 if you want 64 bit os20:08
PacketPenguinipod touch latest generation work in 11.10 using banshee?20:09
bfreisratcheer: hey, about deja-dup, I've seen some printscreens showing "S3" as an option for the backup location, however it doesn't show up here in my installation! Any ideas?20:10
haiderfornix: whats the difference b/w 32bit and 64?20:10
Jezzz'/etc/init.d/nscd restart' says no such file20:10
bfreisratcheer: oh, never mind... I've just found it...20:10
ratcheerbfreis: I've never used it. I think it is a cloud service you have to subscribe to.20:11
bfreisratcheer: the GUI looks a bit buggy, since I'm on kde and it seems like a gtk interface20:11
fornixJezzz: u need to install nscd20:12
rewb0rnhi, i am running a remote ubuntu server. i started a java programm that is listening on ports 9933 and 80, but i can only connect to port 9933. netstat -nlp tells me that my app is listening to both ports. what am i missing?20:12
haideralso when i use synaptic package manager and install any package it says size mismatch?20:12
haiderpls help?20:13
Jezzzfornix:  ok.  in the absence of nscd, what handles dns caching?20:13
aniaif you want to see different between 32 bit and 64 bit ....write it in googler20:13
elb0whow do you find the fastest apt server from shell?20:13
CloudQcboxbeatsy: I cant say for sure, but I wouldnt even try with that card, it might run, but not very well20:13
vtohi, anyone with a 8800gts 320 (g80) beinf able to platback videos without tearing in twinview ?20:13
CloudQcfixed all my ubuntu problems by installing gnome desktop!20:14
CloudQc<-- is happy20:14
fornixJezzz: I personally never had to use flushdns on linux machine. its smarter20:14
Jezzzfornix:  hmm..well, i just added a host and it's showing on my windows box, but not my linux one20:14
captain_hookif my machine reboots at home is it possible to log back into the newly started gnome session trough ssh ? (the vnc server staring after the login screen)20:14
fornixhaider: not much difference in 64 bit and 32 bit systems if you dont have a system with lots of RAM. > 4 GB or so.20:15
sandstromHow can I hide processes such as "    2 root      20   0     0    0    0 S  0.0  0.0   0:00.01 kthreadd" from top?20:15
fornixJezzz: when you say u added a host, what do you exactly mean? you connect a pc on ur network?20:15
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:15
Jezzzfornix:  added an A record in zone file20:15
rafal_hi all20:16
LilleCarlsandstrom ive tries to achieve the same20:16
boxbeatsyCloudQc: gotcha, thanks20:16
balachmarmmm, no usb devices are detected, but they are powered, because the usb hard disk is spinning...20:16
raveni have following "ACPI Error: A valid RSDP was not found (20090903/tbxfroot-219)" - what is that and how to solve that?20:17
fornixJezzz: are you adding hostnames to /etc/hosts file? its equivalent to ur hosts file in windows/system32/drivers/etc/hosts20:17
Jezzzfornix:  do a domain's dns records20:18
Jezzzfornix:  -do +to20:18
spoqare you a Deejay?20:18
fornixJezzz: your /etc/resolv.conf has ur dns server ip correctly?20:19
Jezzzfornix:  no idea what that is, but if I ping the host I created, it's not found20:19
fornixJezzz: check with $ sudo cat /etc/etc/resolv.conf20:19
fornixJezzz: drop one /etc20:19
Jezzzfornix:  yep, that looks fine20:20
fornixJezzz: do you find a line called nameserver x.x.x.x where x.x.x.x is ur dns server ip20:20
Jezzzfornix:  yes20:20
fornixJezzz: when u ping, does it resolve the ip address correctly?20:21
Jezzzfornix:  when I ping the new host?20:21
fornixJezzz: yes.20:21
raveni have following "ACPI Error: A valid RSDP was not found (20090903/tbxfroot-219)" - what is that and how to solve that?20:21
Jezzzfornix:  no, says unknown host - that's why I'm trying to refresh my dns cache20:21
fornixJezzz: your dns ip has a valid route right? maybe the sytem is not able to reach the dns server. try pinging dns server ip20:22
PwrSurgethanks ubuntu for wasting my entire day20:22
Jezzzfornix:  I can ping the dns server.  i can ping other sites fine, and browse the web fine.20:23
Jezzzfornix:  if my system couldn't reach the dns server, I wouldn't be able to connect to freenode.net ;)20:23
fornixJezzz: oh u r talkin about a dns server on the internet :P I thought it was some internal network.20:24
Schmuckyes i agree good sir20:24
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Jezzzfornix:  yes :)20:25
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=== Packi is now known as PackiScmusk
fornixJezzz: nscd restarting seems to be the solution. dont know other way to flush the dns cache. are you sure the dns server has picked up the new host20:25
PackiScmuskwhere are we?20:25
PackiScmuskis this the internets20:25
Jezzzfornix:  i suppose that could be the issue, i'm not sure if this particular dns server has it or not20:25
fornixJezzz: whats the host. let me try if i can ping it20:26
Exxonfornix, what you want thei ip of his dns :((20:28
fornixExxon: Just the new host which he is trying to ping using his DNS20:29
Exxonfornix, he can resolve it by himself as his hosting his own web server20:29
JezzzExxon:  trying to find out why I can't ping the new host from my local ubuntu box, not resolve the ip from hostname20:31
Sazpaimonso I'm in a liveCD install to clone my drive (/dev/sdc) to a fresh new drive (/dev/sda)20:31
SazpaimonI accidently dd'd sda to sdc initially, and realized my mistake a few seconds later20:31
ExxonJezzz, you are inside the dmz, you have got to work it alone we can ask you many think that can danger your server itself20:32
Sazpaimonhowever, the partition table is now wiped out20:32
Sazpaimonwhat can I do?20:32
dweezmaybe the new host is blocking ICMP20:33
sysdocSazpaimon, testdisk\20:33
Sazpaimontestdisk can retore a missing partition table?20:34
Sazpaimonor will it just let me get the files off it?20:34
Sazpaimonokay thank goodness20:34
Sazpaimonhopefully I didn't zero out any actual data20:34
Sazpaimonprobably just the windows recovery partition20:34
sysdocSazpaimon,  http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/TestDisk20:34
sharpKdoes anyone here have experience sharing a wireless printer through samba (with ubuntu as a server) to windows computers on the network?20:35
mutanteis it like a default that these are dropped in ufw firewall?  chain  "ufw-user-input":  tcp dpt:afs3-vlserver   tcp dpt:5786820:36
gasullI can't open an iso in usb-creator-gtk.  I don't get an error or anything.20:41
gasullI see. I think it's only for Ubuntu .iso's.20:42
haiderwhat does size mismatch means when i try to install any package from synaptic package manager??20:42
gasullhaider: try sudo apt-get update20:42
Wolfsherzcan someone tell me where to get the ubuntu lightdm theme?20:42
gasullhaider: I think it means the file it's trying to install doesn't much the size it's supposed to have.20:43
haidergasull: so whats the remedy?20:44
SomelauwWhat is the opensource alternative to solidworks?20:44
guntbertSomelauw: what is solidworks?20:45
sskalnikAnyone knowledgeable about packaging? The official channel for that is unresponsive.20:45
gasullIf I have an .iso image, that isn't a Ubuntu distro, how do I copy it to a usb that will autorun?20:45
gasullhaider: sudo apt-get update20:45
andynuse unetbootin20:45
Somelauwguntbert: It is a program to draw 3d shapes of objects that can move.20:45
sskalnikgasull, so you mean you want to boot a nonUbuntu iso from a CD?20:45
andynit can write linux .isos on usb sticks.20:45
_Neytiri_I am having a problem installing ubuntu 11.10 on my system it failed on the bootloader install20:45
sskalnikTry unetbootin20:45
mario_heelo therekernel: [5992365.461631] hub 1-3:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -110)20:45
mario_I'm having thousands of lines like20:46
mario_kernel: [5992365.461631] hub 1-3:1.0: hub_port_status failed (err = -110)20:46
ania_Neytiri_: what it says20:46
sskalnik_Neytiri_, normal install, or custom setup on the partitions?20:46
guntbertSomelauw: as you may have guessed already, I have no idea, sorry20:46
mario_is there any way to stop the usb subsystem?20:46
trismWolfsherz: the default greeter is unity-greeter https://launchpad.net/unity-greeter combined with the Ambiance theme20:46
sskalnik_Neytiri_, what is your partition layout on the disc(s)20:47
Wolfsherzany way to get that installed on xubuntu trism?20:47
WanderingEnderIs there a TERM setting I need to send in PuTTY to get screen to display characters right?20:47
aniawhen choose custom instal....when asking about bootloader location set ....disc name np sd ....not sda1!! for example20:48
trismWolfsherz: sudo apt-get install unity-greeter; and change: greeter-session=unity-greeter in /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:48
figure002hello! can anyone tell me if it's possible to install Debian next to Ubuntu without overwriting the GRUB (like it's possible with Ubuntu Alternate CD)?20:48
Wolfsherzthank you trism20:48
=== max is now known as Guest70370
_Neytiri_sskalnik, on the first disk partition1 is /       partition 2 is swap partition 3 is /boot                      on the second disk parition 1 is /home    partition 2 is /home/user/bleh20:49
Picifigure002: That would be a better question for #debian20:49
sskalnik_Neytiri_, the bootloader likes to be on an ext3/4 filesystem at the start of the drive20:49
figure002Pici: true, will try there, thanks20:49
sskalnik_Neytiri_, put /boot as the first partition on one of the drives20:50
_Neytiri_never had that issue on other distro's20:50
sskalnik_Neytiri_, which distros?20:51
_Neytiri_ubuntu 10.4, 10.1020:51
sskalnik_Neytiri_, Also, are you installing GRUB to the MBR, or some other configuration?20:52
gasullandyn: thanks.20:52
_Neytiri_last i checked it was grub20:52
snikkerhi, i've installed grub2 (with oneiric) and now i'm unable to run windows recovery partition <F9> key at boot, can you help me?20:54
grendal-primeanyone installed ubuntu on a dell inspiron 152520:54
Kovicahi all.20:55
KovicaI have a questoin about creating an CD/DVD for an unattended installation of ubuntu/xubuntu/... that would also install one of my application which unfortunatelly is not a deb package20:56
Wolfsherztrism, did what you said, but it does not work. the screen flashes in textmode now20:56
sskalnik_Neytiri_, where is GRUB being installed?20:56
sskalnikIn the MBR of the first or second drive?20:57
mario_does any one know how to stop the usb subsystem?20:57
trismWolfsherz: can you pastebin /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf20:57
KovicaIs it possible to change the default installation process?20:57
sskalnik_Neytiri_, is this a new install with a blank pair of drives?20:58
sskalnikKovica, Yes20:58
Kovicasskalnik: Can it be changed so that I can add additional steps?20:58
Wolfsherztrism: http://pastebin.com/g6YWjJ7D20:58
sskalnik_Neytiri_, any specific need for /boot to be on /sda3?20:58
_Neytiri_no not really i changed it and took it out and just have 2 partitions20:59
sskalnik_Neytiri_, I would try it with /boot on /sda120:59
sskalnik_Neytiri_, OK, give that a shot20:59
sysdocKovica, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/UnattendedCD20:59
sskalnikKovica, what would you like to add?20:59
trismWolfsherz: looks right to me, take a look at the logs in /var/log/lightdm and see if there are any strange errors21:00
sskalnikKovica, you can add a post/pre-install script21:00
usr13sskalnik: Why would it matter whether /boot is on the first or third partition?21:00
Kovicasskalnik,: Id for example add installation of DB2. I'd get the tar.gz from Internet, create users that DB2 needs, ...21:00
_Neytiri_grrrrrrrrrr buggy software from hell21:01
sskalnikKovica, Yes that should be possible with a preseed and/or post-install script.21:01
_Neytiri_i love it when software crashes on me21:01
usr13_Neytiri_: What crashed?21:01
_Neytiri_the 11.10 installer21:01
Kovicasysdoc: I've tried that, but didn't get an unattended install. I got a normal install. :(21:02
Kovicasskalnik: And how would I do that?21:02
axl_hey guys, i am trying to upgrade apache2 from version 2.2.14 to 2.2.21. i did a sudo apt-get install apache2 which did not end up upgrading to that version. what is the most convenient way to do it ?21:02
trismWolfsherz: ahh, check this out: http://askubuntu.com/questions/68234/is-it-possible-to-use-the-unity-greeter-for-lightdm-on-xubuntu-11-10 seems you need to install gnome-settings-daemon too (it is required by unity-greeter but appears not to be a dep)21:02
Kovicasskalnik: How can I then do an ISO image of the installation process?21:02
Wolfsherztrism thank you! and found a message in the log too about it21:03
mikegso how do I make alt-tab or an equivalent respect workspaces?21:03
sskalnik_Neytiri_, have you checked the disc for defects?21:03
sskalnik_Neytiri_, if it crashes and fails to install the bootloader, it could be a bad disc21:04
usr13axl_: What version of Ubuntu do you have installed?21:04
_Neytiri_it crashed at a differetn point21:05
_Neytiri_coppying files21:05
axl_usr13: I am using I am using Ubuntu 10.04 LTS21:05
Sazpaimonokay so looking at the data, it looks like the first 373 megabytes of the drive have been zeroed out21:05
Sazpaimonhopefully testdisk can restore some type of partition layout :/21:06
sskalnikKovica, you would either remaster the CD with the preseed and postinstall script added, or just make a bootable USB installer and toss in the preseed and postinstall script.21:06
usr13axl_: I think you are already at the newest version for 10.0421:06
underclockhow do I make font larger on my firefox21:06
axl_usr13: apparently the newest version is 2.2.21 and I have 2.2.14 installed21:07
Kovicasskalnik: Is sounds good, but how can I do the whole thing?21:07
usr13axl_: sudo apt-get upgrade apache221:07
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axl_usr13: tried that. can't specify a software after upgrade21:07
sskalnikKovica, that would be mostly for you to determine21:07
axl_usr13: it ends up upgrading all packages21:07
axl_not sure I wan to do that21:08
hilariehow to restore my system tray? I killed my clock and off button and stuff21:08
Kovicasskalnik: I don't mean how to install DB2, I just mean how to write those preseed files, where to put them, ...?21:09
sskalnikKovica, Basically, if you know the commands to install and set up DB2, you can toss those in the post-install script, create a preseed file that executes that post-install script after the main install of Ubuntu is done, then tell the installer to use that preseed instead of the normal install21:09
sskalnikKovica, The preseed file goes in the /preseed folder of the ISO/USB21:09
sskalnikKovica, the script can go anywhere. I put it in the root of the ISO or USB21:10
Kovicasskalnik: Ok, sound like a plan. would those preseed files be automatically "executed" by the installer?21:10
usr13axl_: is there something in 2.2.21 that you really need?21:11
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mikegso in 11.10 with unity, how do I make alt-tab or an equivalent respect workspaces like it used to. I want to have more than one "set" of applications open at a time?21:11
Utopiahhi #ubuntu21:11
axl_usr13: apparently 2.2.14 has some vulnerabilities21:11
axl_usr13: I want to avoid them'21:11
sskalnikKovica, Yes, if you do this sort of thing: edit the syslinux or isolinux .cfg to have a DEFAULT of whateveryouwant, then LABEL whateveryouwant, then this:21:12
sskalnikDEFAULT microserver21:12
sskalnikLABEL microserver21:12
sskalnik  menu label ^microserver21:12
sskalnik  kernel /install/vmlinuz21:12
sskalnik  append  preseed/file=/cdrom/preseed/microserver.seed debian-installer/locale=en_US console-setup/layoutcode=us localechooser/translation/warn-light=true localechooser/translation/warn-severe=true initrd=/install/initrd.gz priority=critical ramdisk_size=16384 root=/dev/ram rw quiet --21:12
FloodBot1sskalnik: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:12
usr13mikeg: What do you mean?  (Alt-Tab switches windows not work-spaces)21:12
mikegusr13: it used to switch between windows in a workspace, now it switches between windows in all workspaces.21:12
usr13mikeg: Far as I know, it always did that.21:13
mikegusr13: I like my workspaces segregated because I'll have say eclipse and ff open in 3 different workspaces but one is for web dev, one for c++, and one for reading the nets21:13
mikegusr13: nope.21:13
Kovicasskalnik: OK, then in that preseed file I can run a plain bash script to untar gz files, create users, ....?21:13
sskalnikKovica, here's an example preseed directive in the syslinux / isolinux cfg file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/752983/21:13
mikegusr13: I've got 11.04 running classic desktop on my desktop and it behaves as I said, my laptop has 11.10 and it has the current behavior (which sucks for me)21:14
GRMrGeckoWould this work with scalpel for extracting mysql dumps? http://p.webra.in/r21:14
Kovicasskalnik: great, thanks. Do you also have an example of preseed file?21:14
sskalnikKovica, in that preseed file, do something like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/752985/21:14
usr13mikeg: I see that you are correct.  In gnome2 Alt-Tab would only switch between windows in one workspace.21:15
sskalnikThat will copy the script from the CD or USB, then set it executable, then run it21:15
Kovicasskalnik: I understand... Are this scripts run as root?21:15
usr13mikeg: I guess that's not the way it works in Unity.21:15
sskalnikKovica, you can do more cool stuff with a preseed, but I'll let you look all that up in the Ubuntu docs.21:15
mikegusr13: so is there a good way to re-enable that. I like the search overlay of unity like win 7, but I don't want to shut down all non-task related firefoxes21:16
sskalnikKovica, the script is run as root21:16
Kovicasskalnik: so this preeseed file is unintended install, right?21:17
sskalnikKovica, Yes, it's for unattended install.21:17
bekksKovica: unattended. not unintended ;)21:17
RaweedUbuntu keeps crashing whenever i lock my laptops mouspad thing, has anyone else encountered this problem?21:17
Kovicabekks: ups, you a right :)21:17
sskalnikKovica, however, it only automates what you tell it to. Thus, if you only tell it to run the post-install script, it will prompt you for everything as usual and ONLY automatically run that script.21:18
usr13mikeg: I'm not sure.  Maybe someone else knows how it can be done.21:18
mario_so USB subsystem cannot be shutdown or nobody here know is this is doable?21:18
storrgiein ubuntu 11.10 server is there newer kernels available than the 3.0.0-13 ?21:18
mikegusr13: guess I'll ask again then21:19
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sskalnikKovica, you can also use preseed to automate everything though. I use it so that I can plug in a USB drive, reboot, and come back in ten minutes and just remove the drive and hit "OK, reboot into my fresh install" :D21:19
Kovicasskalnik: aha. So If I tell it to use slovene keyboard layout, create tux user and run post-install script, then the installer will still ask me about the partition I want ubuntu to install insto, right?21:19
sskalnikKovica, You got it!21:20
mario_storrgie: the only package I see is
Kovicasskalnik: hehe.. fast learner :) I'll see tomorrow :)21:20
mikegso in 11.10 with unity, how do I make alt-tab or an equivalent respect workspaces like it used to in 11.04 classic and regular before. I often have different workspaces for different tasks, eg Java development, general browsing, C++ development. In these workspaces I have Eclipse, Terminal, and Firefox usually. I used to be able to alt-tab just between the apps in the workspace, now it goes through ALL of the apps in ALL workspaces. How can I change it21:21
mikeg back? It seems workspaces are pretty much useless at the moment on a laptop doing everything full screen.21:21
sskalnikKovica, check out the Ubuntu docs for preseed. There are also preseed example files that you might find useful as a template21:21
usr13mikeg: Here is a discussion about the use of Alt-Tab in Unity: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=172099821:21
Kovicasskalnik: I've found susestudio.com where you create your installation of SUSE. It is simple to use, but I'd like to use ubuntu instead since I'd been a ubuntu user for couple of years..21:22
TeamFDcoAdminHello. I recently upgraded Ubuntu 10.04 to 10.10. Now i have a lot of boot enteries in the grub2 boot loader and when i boit some kernels the PC freezes after some minutes.. can i remove the old kernels? If yes, how. Thanx.21:23
Kovicasskalnik: it uses KIWI behind it. The page says that KIWI is distribution-agnostic, but there are no docs about other distributions beind used instead SUSE.21:23
sskalnikKovica, yeah, preseed is very much a manual thing, but it is worth it. Hit me up on the forums as djsephiroth if you need any preseed help.21:23
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: use your favourite software manager to remove them21:24
mikegusr13: yeah, I tried that. didn't work that well. I'll try again but it still seems pretty broken. Why are workspaces even there if this is how it's going to work?21:24
sskalnikKovica, sounds like it should be agnostic in theory, but you know what they say about theory and practice21:24
Kovicasskalnik: yes. :)21:24
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, Can I use synaptic package manager? Can it damage my system...?21:24
Kovicasskalnik: Ok, thanks for now. Let me try a few things and I'll find you somewhere if I need some more help. Thanks a lot.21:25
usr13mikeg: Was just checking and xfce confines Alt-Tab to windows in current workspace too.21:25
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: yes you can use synaptic, and no it will not damage your system, if you only remove old kernels21:25
craigbass1976Perhaps a dumb question, but is there a way to send faxes without a modem?21:25
AndroidLoverInSFis there a way to trigger the unity menu via remote vnc client? when i move mouse to left it doesn't trigger. i can only use mouse to right click and open terminal windows21:26
usr13craigbass1976: faxfree21:26
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, Oh okay thanks for yer help.21:26
sskalnikKovica, you are welcome!21:26
GRMrGeckoIf anyone can respond to me about this http://p.webra.in/r that'll be good21:26
usr13craigbass1976: Typo, it's faxzero   faxzero.com21:26
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: in synaptic do a "quicksearch" for linux-image, then remove the oldest entries21:26
mikegusr13: urg, that's great and all but I actually like a lot of what unity does like the search to launch. it saves a lot of space. Why can't it just allow easy return to the previous behavior?21:27
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, it also created a second entery for windows 7 how can i remove this one?21:27
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: not sure here, sorry21:28
usr13mikeg: What is "search to launch"?21:28
trismmikeg: this will apparently be the behavior in precise, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/863399 (according to the comments at the end)21:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 863399 in Ayatana Design "Unity needs a way to switch (tab) between windows on current workspace" [High,Triaged]21:28
mikegusr13: super key, type fire, enter21:28
n2diyOk, I've been using linux for ten years, and it just occurred to me, that I don't know how to write a simple "Hello World" program!? In the old days I'd use Qbasic, but what do I use now, Bash?21:28
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, okay i think ill manage to edit the grub config file but thank you for your help with the kernels.21:28
jribn2diy: use whatever you want :)21:29
usr13mikeg: I think that is just a hot-key assignment. Right?21:29
billybob3@n2diy: python21:29
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: you're welcome :-) do you have grub1 or grub2?21:29
dr3mrohello , I use ubuntu 11.10 with unity .. every thing is gr8 but i need to lock my screen when i am away .. i don't know how .. and my screen settings lock are greyed out can any one help me http://img585.imageshack.us/img585/2243/screenshotat20111128232.jpg21:29
usr13mikeg: .... same as Alt-F2  ?21:29
craigbass1976usr13, ahh.  I was thinking something I could install.  Nothing?  I don't see anything in the repos yet21:29
mikegusr13: not sure. reading21:29
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, grub221:29
n2diybillybob3, ok, thanks.21:30
usr13craigbass1976: You could install a modem.21:30
mikegusr13: yeah alt-f2 is search to me :)21:30
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, Oh nevermind about the Windows 7 thing i found this app called Grub customizer to edit the enteries of grub2 or BURG... i think that worked.21:30
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: then editing /boot/grub/grub.conf  is not really adviseable; changes are made to /etc/default/grub21:31
SnorlaxI'm having some serious software center problems, am I in the right channel for some help?21:31
usr13craigbass1976: Why not just use a modem?21:31
craigbass1976usr13, I'm not running a phone line out here.21:31
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, Yep. That solved my problem...21:31
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, Thanks anyway.21:32
usr13craigbass1976: Ok, well there are some VOIP solutions that support fax.21:32
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: :)21:32
guntbertSnorlax: yes, just ask your real question please21:32
craigbass1976usr13, We have a brother mfc-7840W, but it doesn't support faxing via the network in Linux.  I could quietly take a hammer to this one...  Then I've just got to research linux friendly all-in-one rigs21:33
SnorlaxI'm getting the error "The package libbonobo2-common needs to be reinstalled" Whenever I try installing anything through Terminal. Software center is broken for me and won't launch after many restarts21:33
usr13craigbass1976: A fax machine without a phone line is not useful.21:34
guntbertSnorlax: begin with sudo apt-get update21:34
usr13craigbass1976: But you can just scan your document, convert to .pdf and use faxzero.21:35
craigbass1976usr13, the fax machine is plugged into a phone line, it's just in another room.21:35
tommylommykinsWhat's the proper way to make a change to my path variable permanent?21:35
usr13craigbass1976: you can't move it?21:35
Snorlaxguntbert: Will do and report back, thanks!21:35
guntbertSnorlax: no problem :)   -- I am off though - Good luck :-)21:36
tommylommykinsWhat's the proper way to make a change to my path variable permanent?21:37
usr13tommylommykins: PATH=$PATH\:/dir/path ; export PATH21:37
tommylommykinsWHich one?21:37
Kovicasskalnik: It is me again. :) I'm looking at the ISO file ob ubuntu 11.10 desktop. You've said I should edit isolinux/isolinux.cfg to add the DEFAULT ... LABEL... menu... lines. I've similar lines in isolinux/txt.cfg. Is this the file I should change?21:38
teddietommylommykins, put usr13's commands into .bashrc21:39
sskalnikKovica, you want to edit the isolinux.cfg file21:39
* tommylommykins grumbles21:40
tommylommykinsI did not get an answer21:40
oneironauthi, can anybody help me with my fail2ban config?21:40
tommylommykinsIs there one canonical way to export the path variable21:40
Kovicasskalnik: and add those lines?21:41
BarkingFishtommylommykins: follow what usr13 posted above, that will do it for you.21:41
tommylommykinsThanks :)21:42
sskalnikKovica, yes, except you may want to change the name of the preseed file to something else. Also, you may want to alter the other settings passed to the kernel if you want another keyboard layout, for example21:42
BarkingFishany changes you make to the path are usually permanent anyhow21:42
oneironautI've added this http://pastebin.com/UKLj6rSg to my jail.local and created this (http://pastebin.com/qTdgkqhL) get-http-dos.conf in /etc/fail2ban/filter.d/ but my get-http-dos is not working21:42
oneironautcan anyone help me pleeeese?  ;)21:43
sskalnikKovica, my example uses standard US keyboard and so on21:43
usr13tommylommykins: You can add a stansa to .profile21:43
kierkkadonHow do I ssh tunnel in ubuntu?21:43
gskellignot sure where to ask this, I'm trying to ssh to an ubuntu server but the public wifi I'm on is blocking it21:43
Kovicasskalnik, yes I understand that, I just find isolinux.cfg a bit strange, but you are the expert :)21:43
gskelligkierkkadon: "ssh <ip address>"21:43
gskelligor "ssh user@domain/ip.com"21:43
Benkinoobyhi, why do i need sodu rights for iwlist [interface] scanning? what harm can be done with allwoing ot for normal users?21:44
Kovicasskalnik, since my isolinux.cfg looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/753009/21:44
sskalnikKovica, I'm kind of a noob, but thanks!21:44
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jrib!away > sysadamin|away21:45
ubottusysadamin|away, please see my private message21:45
kierkkadonHow can I find out the IP address of a website?21:45
Kovicasskalnik, and txt.cfg looks like http://paste.ubuntu.com/753013/21:45
sskalnikKovica, yeah, that is what mine originally looked like21:46
Gentoo64kierkkadon: ping it21:46
bekkskierkkadon: Why do you need it? :)21:46
jribkierkkadon: host21:46
Kovicasskalnik, so you are saying I should delete everything that is in isolinux.cfg and past your lines in?21:46
honschuIs this correct enlish?  "For XX=123 its function bla() needs correct count and type of arguments" oder do I have to write "types"?21:46
kierkkadonbekks, A site isn't working on my network; I know the site is fine because I can access it on cell phone 3g21:46
jrib!ot | honschu21:47
ubottuhonschu: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:47
Gentoo64kierkkadon: theres lots of ways.. but if you ping the address itll show the ip21:47
sskalnikKovica, this is what mine now looks like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753017/21:47
Kovicasskalnik, aha...21:48
zulunite /quit21:48
sskalnikKovica: All you really need to change is the default, and then add a label with the same name. This will make "Your Custom Install Option" the default instead of "Install Ubuntu"21:48
snikkerhi, i've installed grub2 (with oneiric) and now i'm unable to run windows recovery partition <F9> key at boot, can you help me?21:49
Kovicasskalnik, yes, I figured that part out. :21:49
Kovicasskalnik, yes, I figured that part out. :)21:49
sskalnikKovica, of course. ;)21:49
sskalnikKovica, you might look at the other preseed files in that preseed directory to see what they do21:49
sskalnikKovica, But yeah, pasting in my lines over the defaults will get you what you want21:50
Kovicasskalnik, now for anouther problem... "kernel /install/vmlinuz".. there is no /install/vmlinux in my ISO21:50
sskalnikKovica, Unless you want, say, a Slovak keyboard or something21:50
Kovicasskalnik, but there is /casper/vmlinuz21:50
usr13!es | SPELINAX21:51
ubottuSPELINAX: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.21:51
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sskalnikKovica, Sorry, I pasted that from a USB installer.21:51
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sskalnikKovica, some details may be different. I was using a USB installer for Server 10.0421:52
Gentoo64snikker: try pressing f9 instantly after pressing enter when choosing windows in grub21:52
Kovicasskalnik, ok.. :) I'll try to modified it.. I just need to do a POC and then I'll be ok..21:52
Kovicasskalnik, can yor bear with me for a coupl of minutes more?21:53
truefxhow to change emblem size in ubuntu ?21:53
truefxthey are gigantic in compact view21:53
snikkerGentoo64: in this way i've got only windows 7 menu entry... no recovery21:54
Gentoo64snikker: im not sure21:54
skiskiokay so my friend pointed me to this chat thing ...what is it?21:54
sskalnikKovica, Certainly21:54
Gentoo64snikker: sorry21:54
sskalnikskiski, It's your source for Ubuntu wisdom -w-21:55
snikkerGentoo64: i've got windwos 7 entry, and "windows memory diagnostic" (but doesn't work, it hang the pc)21:55
Gentoo64snikker: im really not sure about the recovery partition21:56
Gentoo64or ahetevr it is21:56
skiskithis is actually my first week using this system * sskalnik*21:56
snikkerGentoo64: ok, thanks21:56
Gentoo64snikker: maybe people in ##windows might know more21:56
Gentoo64or maybe you need to add it to grub, but i dont know anything about it21:57
snikkerGentoo64: ok, thansk i'll ask there21:57
skiski*sskalnik* so whats so amazing about this system?21:57
sskalnikskiski, It's the first Linux/GNU distro to gain mainstream traction and be useable by normal folk.21:59
sskalnikskiski, IMHO and all that21:59
Kovicasskalnik, now I have an ISO changed like you said. I guess the ds.sh is the last thig that will get executed during installation, right?21:59
kierkkadonIf I want to ssh tunnel, do I need a server that I can access, or can I use ssh to directly access websites?21:59
Kovicasskalnik, is it also possible to ask for some input from the user during installation?21:59
jribkierkkadon: what do you want to accomplish?22:00
sskalnikKovica, Yes. You can name it whatever you like, of course. "ds" originally stood for something, but I shortened it since the late-install command can only be so long22:00
skiskiahh going from windows to this is confusing a bit22:01
kierkkadonjrib, A website doesn't work on the semi-public network I'm on. I suspect it's some kind of firewall; I would just like to privately access the website22:01
sskalnikKovica, that may be difficult during the installation. afaik, you'd need to modify the debian installer to make it ask new questions.22:01
jribkierkkadon: sure just ssh to a computer outside your network.  If you connect like this: ssh -D 1080 ssh.server.com, then you will have a socks proxy at port 1080 that you can point your firefox to22:02
sskalnikKovica, a workaround would be to have the late-command script add a cron job or something to prompt the user at first login and continue setting things up.22:02
Kovicasskalnik, is changing debin installed hard?22:03
RaskHey everyone... I've got a machine running Ubuntu Server, and I want to use its sound card to play audio, but I'm having some trouble getting ALSA to work.  `cat /proc/asound/cards` seems to suggest a driver is there, but `aplay -l` says no sound cards found.  Anyone have any ideas what I'm missing? :)22:03
sskalnikskiski, Yes it is very different. It's cool if you are the sort of person who likes to take apart things to figure out how they work. Otherwise it can be a bit hard to get used to, but it is worth it if you plan on doing any serious computer-y business.22:03
Kovicasskalnik, I didn't know you can add a cron job that would get executed only at first login.22:03
sskalnikKovica, "or something" ;)22:04
CharminTheMooseHow can I set up another X server on a local machine without it complaining about my current X session? Want to test a few window managers22:04
sskalnikKovica, I've never taken that step, but I have heard of people doing it.22:04
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do22:05
Kovicasskalnik, hmm.. the iso did boot, but I got busybox console, not the installation22:05
jribCharminTheMoose: startx -- :1    (you probably want to read man page to see how you can pass custom xinitrc file location)22:05
jribCharminTheMoose: you could also be interested in xnest22:06
skiskii still have windows on my laptop, im actually a client (on boyfriends desktop) trying to get me to switch22:06
Raskgack, nevermind.22:06
Raskthanks anyway22:07
CharminTheMoosejrib, ah yes, I see what you mean.22:07
sskalnikKovica, for scripts at login, check https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBootupHowto22:07
CharminTheMooseHmm yeah, I might give xnest a shot..22:07
* CharminTheMoose gets a searchin'22:07
sskalnikKovica, what do you see on the screen?22:07
RidDribhow can create a daemon linux?22:07
fekfhweghhi, what's up with opera/flash? I want to install opera and I need to uninstall flash according to software center...22:08
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Kovicasskalnik, a bunch of boot messages, then "Busybox v1.18.4 (Ubutn u1:1.18.4-2ubuntu2) built-in shell (ash)"22:08
sskalnikKovica, you may need to alter some of the isolinux.cfg file22:08
Kovicasskalnik, "Enter 'help' for a list of built-in commands"22:09
celordhello all I'am having problems installing the nvidia drivers on my ubuntu 11.10 with a Quadro 1000M could this affect ubuntu also ? https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=3933022:09
ubottuFreedesktop bug 39330 in Driver/nouveau "nVidia GF108 [Quadro 1000M] gives: "PGRAPH: unsupported chipset, please report!"" [Normal,New: ]22:09
sskalnikKovica, what I pasted is from a 10.04 USB installer, so you may need to use different parameters (check the other preseeds that came with the CD)22:09
TimewarperHow can i install virtualbox (the closed source version) in ubuntu?22:12
ralpieboywhats a good channel for hippie stuff?22:13
trismTimewarper: https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads22:13
=== derp is now known as lulz
OneByte OneByte22:15
hasufellany1 tried latest gtk-gui for virtualbox?22:16
fekfhweghTimewarper: just add the virtualbox repository, instructions are on their website, trism has linked it22:16
Timewarperfekfhwegh, if i just get the ubuntu 10.10 deb22:17
Timewarperwont that be enough?22:17
Gentoo64Timewarper: ubuntu has vbox in the repos22:17
fekfhweghIt will if you are using 10.1022:17
=== werbderper is now known as werbderver
TimewarperGentoo64, that is the opensource version22:17
Gentoo64Timewarper: i use both the open and closed source on different comps, theyre the same to me :s22:18
fekfhweghDoes anyone know why the Opera package causes flash to uninstall22:18
Gentoo64i think the open source you have to install extensions manually22:18
yeatsTimewarper: it's easier to just add the repo so you get updates (IMHO)22:18
fekfhweghI agree with yeats22:19
Xelmepi need help about Counter strike 1.2 server on Ubuntu 10.04 server Please ???22:19
skiskiis there any easy way to find specific topics in channel list?22:19
hasufellGentoo64: u are not even in the #gentoo channel^^22:19
Timewarperyeats, does the repo offer the closed source version?22:19
Timewarperif i add it22:19
Gentoo64hasufell: ?22:19
Gentoo64i know :)22:19
yeatsTimewarper: yes22:19
Timewarperyeats, K THX BYE!22:19
Xelmep      kkjkljklkj    a22:20
yeats!alis | skiski22:20
ubottuskiski: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*22:20
Kovicasskalnik, what šprogram did you use to put those seed files, isolinux.cfg, .. into the image?22:20
Kovicasskalnik, I'm using isomaster.. Could that be the problem22:20
hasufellGentoo64: shame on ya! are you Ole?22:21
Gentoo64hasufell: what do you mean?22:21
Gentoo64whats 0le?22:21
skiskithanks , but where do i find alis?22:21
thomasghi. how can I kill kdm/gdm on an upstart based ubuntu system?22:21
thomasgor better: kill X completely22:22
hasufellthomasg: stop the service22:22
hasufell"killall X"22:22
XelmepAWAYi need help about Counter strike 1.2 server on Ubuntu 10.04 server Please ???22:22
yeatsthomasg: 'sudo service kdm restart' (for example)22:22
thomasgdoess killall X work? usually kdm keeps the display alive22:22
hasufell/etc/init.d/kdm stop22:22
thomasgyeats: service kdm stop should kill it, right?22:22
yeatsthomasg: yes22:22
thomasgok, thanks22:22
yeatsthomasg: sorry - wasn't reading closely - 'kill' not 'restart'22:23
XelmepAWAYi need help about Counter strike 1.2 server on Ubuntu 10.04 server Please ???22:24
=== XelmepAWAY is now known as Xelmep
gskelliganybody how to ssh when public wifi has disabled it?22:25
yeatsXelmep: that's not really an #ubuntu issue (even if the platform is Ubuntu server)22:25
steve84hi i am having a problem with my update manager22:25
Xelmepok yeats: then can you help me to install any VPN server ?22:25
yeatsXelmep: just ask your question to the full channel - someone may be able to help22:26
Xelmepyeats: i`m new in ubuntu server and not understand very much22:26
Xelmepi need any tutorial about installing best VPN server22:26
yeats!vpn | Xelmep22:27
ubottuXelmep: For more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN22:27
Advocatedhi there, using wine ive installed dreamweaver which works, but when i try and open files in /var/www it says path not found.Any idea how I can allow the path of /var/www?22:28
Xelmep!vpn | Xelmep22:28
ubottuXelmep, please see my private message22:28
steve84hi can any1 help me with an issue that i am having with update manager???22:28
yeats!details | steve8422:28
ubottusteve84: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."22:28
NightwalkerkgHi,where can i find and download comics for Comix?22:29
hasufellAdvocated: "not found" does mean its not there i think22:30
* skiski is away: ill be back real soon22:30
steve84ubottu: im running ubuntu 11.10 onmy lg laptop and when i try to run update manager it just loops i click "install updates" it waits and then it stops but deosnt update anything and i have to click "install updates again" but doesnt work22:31
ubottusteve84: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:31
=== lulz is now known as Zalgo
squaregoldfishTrying to upgrade from natty to oneiric via Update Manager. It's got stuck at setting up friendly-recovery. What should I do?22:31
mtkoancan someone please tell me why fonts on ubuntu (UI *and* in browser) look so much better then other distros?22:32
mtkoanits driving me crazy,I must know your secret22:32
=== cantonic_ is now known as cantonic
Advocatedhasufell, ive had this problem years ago and cant remember how i fixed it22:33
sparkssHi guys, is there a system information live monitor like what was prebuilt in all ubuntu's prior to 11.10?22:33
sparksswhere it shows ur live ram usage, your live bandwidth22:33
sparkssyour disk usage etc22:33
yeatssparkss: you could add it to the gnome panel, yes22:34
mtkoancome on, someone must know the secrets of font rednering22:34
sparkssit was like system information gui22:34
yeats!fonts | mtkoan22:34
ubottumtkoan: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/22:34
hasufellAdvocated: try "sudo mkdir /var/www && sudo chmod 777 /var/www"22:34
mtkoanhmm I'll look into it22:34
Advocatedhasufell, fixxed, i did winecfg  added a drive (f) and set that to /var/www job done :)22:34
Advocatedhasufell, thanks for the help though22:34
sparkssim not sure we are talking about the same tool22:35
yeatssparkss: in pre 11.10, you could right click on the panel and add a system monitor applet - is that what you mean?22:35
sparkssyeats, no sorry. it was like right click and system information.. the first link would have your system info.. the second link would be bandwidth /cpus /swap /ram22:36
sparksslike a live gui22:36
yeats!info gnome-system-monitor22:36
ubottugnome-system-monitor (source: gnome-system-monitor): Process viewer and system resource monitor for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 3.2.1-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 373 kB, installed size 1216 kB22:36
sparkssyea I think thats it22:36
sparksskinda like task manager in windows22:36
yeatsthat's still in 11.1022:36
sparksswhere can I find it?22:37
yeatssearch "system monitor" in the unity bar22:37
vkandyguys can you recommend a tool to create user manuals etc.?22:37
sparkssmay I add I just installed this last night22:38
nojeb0012hey mates22:38
sparkssupgraded from 11.0422:38
FloodBot1sparkss: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:38
elmeromerodetodoyeats: a wiki?22:38
sburwood1tell me why, while update-manager seems to update the lists that it tells me that the last update was 4 days ago22:38
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.1922:38
DartmanXif I have an intel core2 laptop, is the amd64 iso the correct image to install from?22:38
DartmanX(core2 is 64bit compatible)22:38
nojeb0012Anyone who can help?22:39
squaregoldfishTrying to upgrade from natty to oneiric via Update Manager. It's got stuck at setting up friendly-recovery. What should I do?22:39
sburwood1I wish Iknew22:39
DartmanXn/m, I found the answer22:39
yeatssquaregoldfish: check /var/log/syslog or /var/log/dpkg for errors?22:40
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.10, anyone who can assist?22:40
causativeman thunderbird is NOT GOOD about correctly labeling its updates as "security updates"22:42
Benkinoobyhi, why do i need sodu rights for iwlist [interface] scanning? what harm can be done with allwoing it for normal users?22:42
squaregoldfishyeats: Nothing in syslog. Last entry in dpkg.log is "half-configure friendly-recovery 0.2.18" - timed 30 minutes ago.22:42
causativeit has like 80 updates all labeled essential security updates, just today22:42
causativethat's not good22:42
causativethey don't look like security updates22:42
causativethey are mislabeled22:42
yeatssquaregoldfish: have you backed up your data?22:43
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.10, anyone who can assist? Used to work great on 11.04.22:43
squaregoldfishyeats: Of course ;)22:43
sparkssI cant seem to figure this out22:43
sskalnikKovica, sorry I was away22:44
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.10, anyone who can assist? Used to work great on 11.04.22:44
sskalnikI recommend using a USB drive over the ISO, as it is faster to install and easier to mess with.22:45
yeatssquaregoldfish: thought so ;-)... in that case, you could try to exit the upgrade process and begin the (possibly messy) process of manually running 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade'22:45
sskalnikKovica, That said, what you can do is mount the original ISO, copy everything to a directory, add files to the directory, and then re-make an ISO from the directory.22:46
squaregoldfishyeats: OK, I'll give it a go. If that fails, I'll be back....22:46
yeatssquaregoldfish: you might have to manually remove the apt and dpkg lock files22:46
squaregoldfishyeats: Thanks22:46
sparkssyeats, I cannot seem to find it?22:46
yeatssquaregoldfish: good luck22:46
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.10, anyone who can assist? Used to work great on 11.04.22:46
yeatssparkss: type 'gnome-system-monitor' at the terminal?22:46
* yeats goes away22:46
sparkssim a dummy22:47
sskalnikKovica, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization22:47
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.10, anyone who can assist? Used to work great on 11.04.22:48
madm1ke_is there a recommended way of autoremoving old kernel packages?22:49
freak0adamhey. i have a problem. i installed ubuntu on my hard drive instead of windows and when it restarted after instalation it doesnt turn on. i mean i have only that black screen with blinking _ . does anyone know what could be wrong?22:49
aeon-ltdmadm1ke_: i doubt it, they are there in case the newest one fails; most people just use apt or syynaptics to remove them22:50
nojeb0012I need some help with getting my AO531h WiFi running on 11.10, anyone who can assist? Used to work great on 11.04.22:50
Benkinoobynojeb0012, did you try jockey?22:51
JSysTeMhello all22:51
nojeb0012benkinooby: What is Jockey? I'm new to Ubuntu, and I assume I know ... nothing?22:51
madm1ke_aeon-ltd: well there is no reason to stack 5 to 10 kernels. but okay i'll see if i can create something myself22:52
freak0adamhey. i have a problem. i installed ubuntu on my hard drive instead of windows and when it restarted after instalation it doesnt turn on. i mean i have only that black screen with blinking _ . does anyone know what could be wrong?22:52
aeon-ltdnojeb0012: tried this yet https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne/531h22:52
madm1ke_freak0adam: you said that 3min ago22:52
JSysTeMi have 10.10 cd gnome ubuntu but im trying to remove all graphical software like netinstall just need base system how to do that via console and thanks22:52
nojeb0012aeon-ltd: There is nothing to try?22:53
aeon-ltdnojeb0012: scroll down22:53
Benkinoobynojeb0012, jockey is a tool that will search closed-source drivers for you. closed-source is not deliverd with ubuntu for certain reasons, but most closed-source drivers do better work than the open source one... try to find a program/menu entry that got to do with drivers, or invoke "jockey-gtk" from a command line... maybe you have to use sudo22:53
nojeb0012aeon-ltd: I tried to "borrow" information from other, similar netbook models22:54
nojeb0012aeon-ltd: Didn't work :(22:54
nojeb0012benkinooby: I'll try it now, let me have a second.22:55
=== saabu is now known as uabn93
nojeb0012benkinooby: No luck, it searches, but it can't find.22:56
mkanyicynojeb0012, what are you trying to do?22:56
uabn93hi, im stuck in grub. can anyone help?22:56
madm1ke_JSysTeM: one possibility is "sudo aptitude" - get familiar with this interface and then hit "-" (remove) or "_" (purge) on categories like gnome etc..22:57
mkanyicy!grub | uabn9322:57
ubottuuabn93: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)22:57
nojeb0012I'm trying to find some way to connect to my wifi, but my Wireless NIC isn't visible with 11.1022:57
madm1ke_nojeb0012: what device? (lspci)22:57
nojeb0012Should I copy it here?22:58
uabn93i deleted old kernels and the new ones dont show up in grub. what can i do? please help22:58
mkanyicynojeb0012, pastebin22:58
madm1ke_only the line that contains your wifi device22:58
mkanyicynojeb0012, lspci|pastebinit22:59
madm1ke_uabn93: edit the entry and change the kernel name/version . then fix grub22:59
nojeb0012mkanyicy: Atheros Communications Inc. AR242x / AR542x Wireless Network Adapter22:59
uabn93how do you update grub from within grub??23:00
uabn93does anyone know?23:00
thingfishuabn93: what do you mean?23:00
nojeb0012mkanyicy: Which worked just fine and dandy in 11.0423:00
madm1ke_uabn93: you don't. just edit the line and boot with an existing kernel. then fix grub23:00
Phoenix87uabn93, use a live version of something23:00
Phoenix87mount your ubuntu partition somewhere23:00
Phoenix87and execute update-grup23:00
uabn93madm1ke_: i deleted an old kernel, forgot to update the list, rebooted, and now only the old kernel versions show up in grub.23:02
madm1ke_nojeb0012: okay, do sudo modprobe -r ath5k and then sudo modprobe ath5k - then type "dmesg" to see if the kernel complains about something when loading the wifi driver23:02
uabn93the newest kernels arent on the list. i never deleted tose23:02
mkanyicyuabn93, then your problem is not as hard as i thought23:02
Benkinoobynojeb0012, so jockey didn't find anything?23:02
nojeb0012benkinooby: No luck, it searches, but it can't find anything.23:02
madm1ke_uabn93: then you can just edit the grub entry (i think by hitting "e" - but there is some info in grub to how to get in edit mode) and change the version number23:03
uabn93mkanyicy: how do i fix it?23:03
mkanyicyuabn93, try to select recovery mode first and see if you can find a working one23:03
Benkinoobynojeb0012, oh, i see ther are allready some ppl helping you... good luck23:03
mkanyicyuabn93, if you can't then try to edit one of the menu's to point to the latest kernel23:03
madm1ke_uabn93: grub even has tab-completion in shell mode - just play a little with it :)23:03
nojeb0012mkanyicy: FATAL, no file or directory.23:04
nojeb0012benkinooby: Thanks, mate. And thanks for the effort.23:04
madm1ke_nojeb0012: a little more. can you pastebin the last 20 lines of dmesg?23:05
mkanyicyuabn93, u there?23:05
uabn93okay, im in edit mode. i dont know what to do next23:05
madm1ke_uabn93: spot the line that includes your kernel version number23:06
uabn93how do i point it to the newest kernel23:06
nojeb0012mkanyicy: There isn't even 20 lines O.o23:06
madm1ke_nojeb0012: the output from dmesg has definitely more than 1 line23:06
madm1ke_uabn93: use the cursor keys to go to the kernel/linux line23:06
uabn93on the grub list, version 38-10 shows up. none of the newer ones (38-11 or 38-12) show up23:07
nojeb0012mkanyicy: FATAL: Could not load mesg/lib/modules/3.0.0-13-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory23:07
mkanyicynojeb0012, im not sure of that error23:07
nojeb0012madm1ke_: FATAL: Could not load mesg/lib/modules/3.0.0-13-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory23:07
mkanyicynojeb0012, i dont have a clue23:07
madm1ke_nojeb0012: type "sudo depmod -a" have you reboot since your last kernel upgrade?23:08
mkanyicyuabn93, replace something like: /boot/vmlinuz-3.0.0-13-generic with just /vmlinuz23:08
nojeb0012This is driving me crazy, I need this netbook for school >.<23:08
JSysTeMwhen i burn the min.iso into dvd it doesnt run is there a way to support that23:08
mkanyicyuabn93, and something like /boot/initrd.img-3.0.0-13-generic with /initrd.img23:08
nojeb0012madm1ke_: I did.23:09
zacariasany idea of a program tha can open Omnioutliner's oo3 format?23:09
mkanyicyuabn93, those are symlinks to your latest kernel23:09
nojeb0012hangs at depmod -a23:09
madm1ke_hangs or takes some seconds?23:09
mkanyicyuabn93,  then try to boot23:09
nojeb0012It just cleared.23:09
madm1ke_try "modprobe ath5k" again23:10
nojeb0012that was a bit more. So how do I pastebin it?23:10
mkanyicyJSysTeM, what is min.iso?23:11
nojeb0012madm1ke_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753102/23:11
JSysTeMmkanyicy: minimal install for ubuntu23:12
madm1ke_"sudo modprobe ath5k" you need to be root to insert kernel modules. sorry about that :)23:12
mkanyicynojeb0012, sudo23:12
tobehi guys. pleas help me. My computer's keyboard and mouse freeze frequently. the keyboard caps lock and scroll lock lights blink but i cannot do anything. (unplug doesnt work) i'm sifting through the forums right now, but if someone could help me i would appreciate it!!!23:12
Emiruis Vim easy to use or is a full tutorial needed ?23:13
nojeb0012madm1ke_: My bad. And then? No errors occur.23:13
madm1ke_tobe: that is called a kernel panic :)23:13
mcphailEmiru: the latter23:13
Emirumcphail: Thats what I thought, thanks ! :)23:13
aeon-ltdEmiru: vim is easy to use, but there are so many features to learn them all would need several tuts23:13
tobemadm1ke_:  what do i do??? panic too?23:13
madm1ke_nojeb0012: "dmesg" and read/paste the last 10 lines concerning the ath5k module23:13
mcphailEmiru: worth it though. The best editor imho23:14
Kovicasskalnik, the problem was with the entry in isolinux.cfg23:14
BarkingFishtobe: basically, your kernel is crashing - sometimes you see a Backtrace pop up on your screen, other times, your desktop freezes and your keyboard lights flash on and off.23:14
EmiruIll stick to gedit for now, im reading a full tutorial on linux23:14
madm1ke_tobe: are you up to date with your system?23:14
Emiruim not at the Vim part yet but its ok23:14
tobemadm1ke_: i always update when it says too23:15
aeon-ltdheh full tutorial on linux23:15
Kovicasskalnik, I've added that entry to txt.cfg an now I've installed ubutnu in virtualbox.. Let me now see if the ds.sh got executed23:15
tobeBarkingFish: what can i do?23:15
aeon-ltdit will never end23:15
BarkingFishthe only way to get out of that situation, tobe, is to force shutdown by holding the power switch on the front of your PC for about 5 seconds or so23:15
mkanyicyuabn93, how did it go?23:15
RandomTomteHello, i need help with my xubuntu. Where do i turn off "Mirror displays"?23:15
BarkingFishtobe: it's possibly one of the modules in your kernel which could be faulty.  Could you go into a terminal, and install pastebinit please?23:15
Emiruaeon-ltd: well, how to use it properly not just say hey im on linux look at me :P23:15
tobeBarkingFish: i know that much, but what about fixing it? new install????23:16
madm1ke_RandomTomte: xfce settings should include a "display" or "screen" section23:16
BarkingFishtobe: not necessarily23:16
tobeBarkingFish:  pastebinit is a program?23:16
uabn93mkanyicy: i did what u said. it told me 'ctrl-x to boot' and nothing...23:16
nojeb0012madm1ke_: so ; "sudo modprobe ath5k -dmesg" ??23:16
RandomTomtemadm1ke, where do i find that?23:16
aeon-ltdtobe: yoou could just use the site23:16
BarkingFishit allows you to paste to paste.ubuntu.com from a terminal, tobe23:16
BarkingFishso you could call up a command, and have the output sent straight to the pastebin23:17
madm1ke_nojeb0012: "sudo dmesg" that is a single command which will show the last kernel messages23:17
tobeBarkingFish: ok now what23:17
mkanyicyuabn93, then an alternative method that is more likely to work is to use the live cd23:17
mkanyicyuabn93, and then recover grub from it23:17
BarkingFishright, can you do the command:  sudo lsmod | pastebinit  please, tobe - and when you get the url back, post it here please :)23:18
uabn93like a sudo update grub from the command line?23:18
sskalnikKovica, how goes it?23:18
Kovicasskalnik, it did not get executed... :(((23:18
mkanyicyuabn93, grub-install23:18
RandomTomteWHERE DO I FIND Xcfe settings for my display?!23:18
Kovicasskalnik, d-i preseed/late_command string \23:19
Kovicacp /cdrom/ds.sh /; \23:19
Kovicachmod +x ./ds.sh; \23:19
aeon-ltdRandomTomte: a menu....23:19
nojeb0012madm1ke_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753111/23:19
uabn93mkanyicy: thanks for everything. you were really helpful23:19
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Sorry about my beginner-ness to Ubuntu >.<23:19
RandomTomteaeon-ltd, cool a meny. thanks for the help! -.-23:19
tobeBarkingFish: http://pastebin.com/F2vzSv4k23:19
BarkingFishthanks tobe :)23:19
aeon-ltdRandomTomte: in your panel. everything goes from there23:19
BarkingFishgive me a moment please23:19
mkanyicyuabn93, no prob, good luck23:19
zacariasany idea of a program that can open 003 files (Omnioutliner files)23:20
RandomTomteaeon-ltd,  i dont find that23:20
madm1ke_nojeb0012: okay there was no immediate error .. now do "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up"23:20
mkanyicyzacarias, what is omni-outliner?23:20
aeon-ltdRandomTomte: show me a screenshot of you panels23:21
BarkingFishtobe - How long has this been going on? And more to the point, did you add any new hardware before this started happening?23:21
sskalnikKovica, what does the log say about the script?23:21
nojeb0012madm1ke_: And then? No errors.23:21
zacariasmkanyici: it'is a MacOS outliner23:21
Kovicasskalnik, where is the log23:21
madm1ke_tobe: is your system up to date?23:21
madm1ke_nojeb0012: is it working already? :)23:21
sskalnikKovica, go to another terminal (Alt + F2) and check /var/log/syslog23:22
squaregoldfishUpgrading from natty to oneiric. Any package that does something in /boot (linux-image, memtest, grub etc.) simply hangs. All other packages install fine. Any ideas?23:22
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Noo. I can press Enable Wireless, but nothing actually happens :(23:22
hiho77Hey guys! I read a bit about the ubuntu service/daemon called zeitgeist. It is installed to gather information and to make dayly work more easy/comfortable... On the other hand i dont need an OS that gathers infor of my userbehavior. Does s.o. know how deeply it gathers info an if anyone does spy my computer?23:22
tobeBarkingFish: its been going on for about a week23:22
madm1ke_nojeb0012: okay, paste "sudo dmesg"23:22
tobemaybe 2 or 3 days23:23
JSysTeMwhen i burn the min.iso into dvd it doesnt run is there a way to support that,23:23
BarkingFishtobe: ok, and did you add anything new recently?23:23
Kovicasskalnik, sorry, I already restarted23:23
tobeBarkingFish: the last thing i did what a fresh install and then install the nvidia drivers (possible cause) but  i dont know what that could have done.23:23
nojeb0012madm1ke_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753117/23:24
sskalnikKovica, I must head out for the day, but feel free to message me on ubuntuforums.com; I am user djsephiroth23:24
mkanyicyhiho77, rather worry about the spy than about zeitgeist23:24
Kovicasskalnik, thanks.. have a good day..23:24
tobeBarkingFish: nothing that didnt work in 11.10 (i downgraded since 11.10 was pretty buggy) usb webcam, wine ,23:24
sskalnikKovica, you are most welcome; hope it works for you soon23:24
BarkingFishtobe: the nvidia drivers can sometimes be a little... odd, shall we say.  What nvidia card do you have?23:24
mkanyicyJSysTeM, have you verified your DVD if its burned correctly?23:25
matthieu637vous avez un logiciel simple pour ajouter du texte sur une vidéo ( pour un tuto ) ?23:25
madm1ke_nojeb0012: try to scan for wireless networks "sudo iw dev wlan0 scan"23:25
JSysTeMmkanyicy: when i put it over windows it runs normaly but seems the bootsec is currupted somehow23:25
BarkingFish!fr | matthieu63723:25
ubottumatthieu637: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:25
matthieu637wrong chan sry23:25
BarkingFishnp :)23:25
tobei have a geforce 8400, but this worked in 10.10 (then in 11.10) now it wont work when i went back to 10.04. maybe its because i didnt install the right one???23:26
sharpKdoes anyone here have experience sharing a wireless printer through samba (with ubuntu as a server) to windows computers on the network?23:26
madm1ke_tobe: how did you install the driver?23:26
tobeBarkingFish: i have a geforce 8400, but this worked in 10.10 (then in 11.10) now it wont work when i went back to 10.04. maybe its because i didnt install the right one???23:26
nojeb0012madm1ke_: iw not found?23:26
tobemadm1ke_: through software center23:26
squaregoldfishyeats: Ping (more in hope than expectation)23:26
BarkingFishit's possible, tobe - if you have everything backed up, and you know it worked in 10.10 (Lucid LTS), maybe try to go back to 10.10?23:26
hiho77mkanyicy: how do you mean? As i read about this service, zeitgeist IS the spy ^^23:27
nojeb0012madm1ke_: iw command** not found?23:27
madm1ke_nojeb0012: then try "sudo iwlist wlan0 scan" .. but you should install the package "iw"23:27
BarkingFishi got rid of my nvidia card sometime ago, I had lots of driver issues, so I swapped out to a PCIE ATI Radeon SE23:27
madm1ke_nojeb0012: relax...23:27
tobeBarkingFish:  i dont have that cd anymore and the site shows 10.04 lts and 11.10 only23:28
BarkingFishi beg your pardon, 10.04 was the LTS version. Sorry about that.23:28
nojeb0012madm1ke_: wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down23:28
BarkingFishI'm kind of lost as to what could be doing this then, let me look at that paste again23:29
madm1ke_nojeb0012: "sudo ifconfig wlan0 up ; sudo iwlist wlan0 scan"23:29
ScuniziSomething will not allow Synaptic Package manager to run.. I get the authentication window, plug in my password and then nothing... any ideas?23:29
BarkingFishthe lsmod actually shows that nothing is using your nvidia module, tobe...23:29
nojeb0012madm1ke_: SIOCSIFFLAGS: Operation not possible due to RF-kill23:29
nojeb0012wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down23:29
mkanyicyhiho77, if you are paranoid, then remove it23:29
gajbooksWhat would happen if I dd'd a Ubuntu iso to a HD?23:30
madm1ke_nojeb0012: do you have  hardware switch for your wireless card?23:30
BarkingFishother things are reliant on it though....23:30
ScuniziI can run Synaptic from a terminal.. just not from the launcher23:30
tobeBarkingFish: ... then idont know what is going on...  so maybe i should do another fresh install???23:30
BarkingFishI'm lost on this one I'm afraid, tobe, maybe someone here has got a better answer for you23:30
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Yes, and I've tried switching it on and off, same result - no wifi23:30
madm1ke_nojeb0012: and install the package "rfkill" and then post the output of "rfkill list"23:30
BarkingFishI wouldn't reinstall yet, someone here may have the skill to fix this, but it's not me. Sorry :(23:31
madm1ke_nojeb0012: did you try turning it off and on again just now, too?23:31
tobeBarkingFish: thanks for taking the time, ill keep searching and if all else fails ill do a fresh install23:31
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nojeb0012madm1ke_: Yes, and it doesn't work :(23:32
madm1ke_nojeb0012: then post the "rfkill list" output23:32
matthieu637i'm looking for a software to put some text on my video ( it's a tutorial ), do u have any idea?23:32
gajbooksIs is possible to dd a Ubuntu iso to an HD and install it from there?23:32
sliptteeshi guys, please help my SD multicard won't work23:32
sliptteesBus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. USB 2.0 multicard reader23:32
BarkingFishtobe, you're welcome. I'm just sorry I couldn't sort out a fix for you, but I've not had an nvidia card for sometime.23:32
nojeb0012madm1ke_: 0: acer-wireless: Wireless LAN23:32
nojeb0012Soft blocked: yes23:32
nojeb0012Hard blocked: no23:32
nojeb00121: phy0: Wireless LAN23:32
nojeb0012Soft blocked: no23:32
nojeb0012Hard blocked: yes23:33
FloodBot1nojeb0012: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:33
madm1ke_nojeb0012: please use the paste-service..23:33
nojeb0012Sorry o.o23:33
sliptteesmaybe somewhere can help me?23:33
cedriczgHi there23:33
hiho77mkanyicy: thought about to remove it, but i als read that if i remove it from 11.10, i might have hard problems to find anything with standard "search". Do you know if i can remove it without having other problems?23:33
sliptteeshi guys, please help my SD multicard won't work23:34
nojeb0012madm1ke_:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/753128/23:34
madm1ke_nojeb0012: "sudo rfkill unblock all" might help23:34
sliptteesBus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. USB 2.0 multicard reader23:34
mkanyicyhiho77, in my opinion, you are giving yourself unnecessary headache23:34
cedriczgAny QUANTA user here that found Quanta is no more supported under ubuntu oneiric?23:34
cedriczgI would like to find a substitute but could not yet23:34
cedriczgbluefish has no intelligent files upload as Quanta has...23:35
nojeb0012madm1ke_:  No, that doesn't work either.23:35
mkanyicycedriczg, there is no quanta user here23:35
mkanyicycedriczg, as you can see23:36
madm1ke_nojeb0012: according to rfkill your phy0 (wireless device) is hard blocked23:36
sikilpaakehow can i tell if a package is from a ppa i added or from the original repository?23:36
madm1ke_nojeb0012: that means a hardware switch is set to off - what netbook do you have?23:36
steve84hi i am having some issues with my webcam can someone help me out please23:36
madm1ke_sikilpaake: "apt-cache policy package-name" in terminal23:37
mcphailsikilpaake: apt-cache policy packagename23:37
nojeb0012madm1ke_:  There's no way to tell since the LEDs don't light up23:37
sliptteeshi guys, please help my SD multicard won't work23:37
sliptteesBus 001 Device 003: ID 0bda:0158 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. USB 2.0 multicard reader23:37
cedriczgmkanyicy, I see. Do you know under which channel should I look for?23:37
ubottuslipttees,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/23:37
sliptteesplug SD noting happenin23:37
mkanyicycedriczg, look no further23:38
hiho77mkanyicy: Ya, maybe. I was just surprised which and how much information that service gaters. So i got kind of worried... normally i´ve seen this kind of acquisitiveness only at google ^^23:38
hugli/join #irssi23:38
nojeb0012madm1ke_:  There's no way to tell since the LEDs don't light up23:38
steve84hi i am having some issues with my webcam can someone help me out please23:39
hiho77mkanyicy: but maybe im just too paranoid, yes.23:39
madm1ke_nojeb0012: my question was "what netbook do you have"23:39
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Acer Aspire One 531h ZG823:39
madm1ke_nojeb0012: and i can read just fine23:39
matthieu637i'm looking for a software to put some text on my video ( it's a tutorial ), do u have any idea?23:39
Scunizisteve84: you have to be more specific.. have you loaded and tried "cheese" as a test?23:39
madm1ke_nojeb0012: does the output of "rfkill list" change when you hit the wireless switch?23:39
mkanyicyhiho77, if you are to paranoid, then clear the zeitgeist cache all the time23:39
nojeb0012madm1ke_: I just tried hitting the switch, wait a couple of seconds, then rfkill list - but nothing changes23:40
steve84Scunizi:  yes i tried using cheese but it doesnt show the webcam and yesterday it worked23:40
mkanyicysteve84, install cheese and then ALT+F2 and type cheese and then look at the camera and say cheese until a webcam app shows up23:41
Scunizimatthieu637: try openshot .. it's in the package manager.23:41
JSysTeMmkanyicy: when i put it over windows it runs normaly but seems the bootsec is currupted somehow any idea23:41
steve84Scunizi:  maybe it is having issues i did an update today23:41
madm1ke_nojeb0012: does "lsmod | grep acer-wmi" list anything?23:41
mkanyicyJSysTeM, no idea23:41
Scunizisteve84: we've had a couple updates in the last week or so.. after any of those did  you reboot?23:41
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Nope.23:41
steve84yes i reboot after every update23:42
madm1ke_nojeb0012: "sudo modprobe acer-wmi"23:42
sikilpaakemcphail: apt-cache policy packagename ? ALLRIGHT! thanks!23:42
madm1ke_nojeb0012: that is "Acer Laptop WMI Extras Driver" - maybe that will change something23:42
sikilpaakemcphail: thanks again :)23:42
nojeb0012madm1ke_: rfkill list, nothing changed after last command23:43
steve84Scunizi:  and skype doesnt even want to recognize my webcam23:43
mcphailsikilpaake: my pleasure23:44
Scunizisteve84: rebooting is only necessary if you get a new kernel.. check Http://ubuntuforums.org for your make and model of web cam.. sorry I'm no expert with then.23:44
LivTylersteve84: is it working with cheese?23:44
steve84Scunizi: no prob thanks for the help though23:44
madm1ke_nojeb0012: post the last lines of "sudo dmesg" again and try if "sudo rfkill unblock all" works23:44
MonkeyDustwhat does rfkill do?23:45
sikilpaakemcphail: i just installed this ppa, https://launchpad.net/~brightbox/+archive/ruby-ng how can i get ubuntu to download *this* ruby1.9.1 and not the one from its original repository?23:45
madm1ke_MonkeyDust: stops/starts all kind of radio interfaces23:46
steve84LivTyler: its not working with cheese or skype23:46
LivTylerMonkeyDust: it shuts down/starts all your Wifi cards23:46
nojeb0012madm1ke_: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753145/23:46
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras23:46
mcphailsikilpaake: "sudo aptitude install packagename=packageversion" - just be aware that ppa's can be dangerous23:47
Scunizisikilpaake: have you refreshed the cache for the package manager?  sudo apt-get update && apt-cache search ruby-ng23:47
LivTylersteve84: is your cam on the Hardware Compatibility List ?23:48
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
yeatssquaregoldfish: back23:48
steve84my webcam is built in to my LG R380 laptop23:48
steve84i dont know the model23:48
madm1ke_nojeb0012: well that sucks23:49
mcphailsikilpaake: the other trrick is "sudo aptitude install packagename/archivename"23:49
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Out of ideas? :/23:49
Rxuserno config file to edit for unity?23:50
nojeb0012madm1ke_: I'll be rolling back to 11.04 instead, wait for better times. Maybe 12.04 makes it work again.23:50
GskelligIs there any KDE software that WON'T work in gnome?23:50
Rxuserthis left tray/launcher is disturbing23:50
Rxuserneed to be at the bottom with smaller icons :P23:51
Xelmepi need help about connection to pptp server on ubuntu 10.0423:51
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Thanks a lot for your help, appreciate it.23:51
Rxuseror perhaps just have it removed and let tint2 get the job done23:51
madm1ke_nojeb0012: do you have dual boot on the machine?23:52
madm1ke_nojeb0012: aka is there still a windows present?23:52
nojeb0012madm1ke_: Yes, there is. Windows 7 Starter23:52
TimStarlingdoes anyone triage ubuntu bugs anymore?23:53
madm1ke_nojeb0012: it might be worth a shot to boot windows, enable wifi (with the switch) and reboot to ubuntu23:53
madm1ke_nojeb0012: and while you reboot check if your bios has some wireless options23:53
TimStarlingthe last 3 bugs I reported, all I got was tumbleweeds23:53
nojeb0012madm1ke_: It's always on in Windows - and i'm about to run out of time. So, if not today, i'll be here some other day.23:54
Xelmepi need help about connection to pptp server on ubuntu 10.04. I cant connect23:54
TimStarlingfor one of them, I installed a debian chroot and filed a debian bug instead23:54
TimStarlingit was fixed straight away23:54
nojeb0012Thanks mate23:55
mcphailTimStarling: there are far fewer developers than bug reports. Sometimes upstrream bugs are better reported upstream23:55
TimStarlingupstream as in debian?23:55
TimStarlingdebian is cool but their bug tracker is kind of arcane23:55
mcphailTimStarling: if that is appropriate in the context then yes.23:55
XelmepHELP About PPTP Server on Ubuntu !!!23:56
TimStarlingI haven't bothered trying to report an actual upstream bug to ubuntu for a while23:56
LivTylerstevecam: are you steve84?23:56
TimStarlingbut I figured that maybe for packaging errors I would get some response23:56
TimStarlingbut it seems like even there, just tumbleweeds23:56
TimStarlingsome day I'm going to report a bug which is actually ubuntu's fault, not debian's or upstream's23:57
TimStarlingis there some keyword I should use to get people to actually look at it?23:57
LivTylerXelmep: try #ubuntu-server chan23:58
Xelmep ok23:58
Xelmepi will try23:58
TimStarlingsee, I'm pretty sure that nobody even reads my bugs23:59
mcphailTimStarling: read some online tutorials about preparing a good bug report, phrase it well, add appropriate documentation and direct it to the correct person. There is an art to it. Badly formed or misdirected bug reports are a waste of everyone's time.23:59
TimStarlingbecause if someone went to the trouble of working out whether a bug is ubuntu's fault or debian's fault, they would probably say so in a comment23:59
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.23:59
TimStarlingsure, but there's no point in writing a good bug report if nobody is going to read it23:59
TimStarlingI can just email the maintainer directly I guess23:59

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