
aruncn1how can i change ubuntuone folder to different location ?06:43
ryehm, maybe we need to add "honk" message back into the subject?07:17
faganrye: who needs honk when you can just add a highlight to messages that contain ? or for people that say hi since no one says hi unless they are asking a question most people say morning or afternoon :)08:51
* fagan sweeping generalisations as usual08:51
faganmorning btw rye08:52
ryefagan, morning, "?" has a lot of false positives too. Especitally when m@ndel and gat0x and nessita discussing things :)08:52
faganrye: true but I suppose you can use a different colour or have some sort of condition on it like if any of the u1 people say ? ignore it but anyone else highlight it08:54
faganAt least I think irssi can do that08:54
ryefagan, in xchat the highlighting is global, not yet switching to irssi (though after gnome-terminal became fast with nouveau drivers I may re-consider this)08:56
faganrye: I never had any issues with gnome-terminal on the non free drivers that sounds pretty weird08:57
ryefagan, my intel atom netbook with intel graphics was faster to draw everything than my laptop with discrete nvidia graphics with proprietary drivers.09:00
ryefagan, and don't get me started on the parts of the screen that were simply failing to redraw. Especially annotying in terminals, where you expect things to appear when you do actions :)09:00
faganrye: ah ok I have an atom netbook too but its using the intel graphics09:01
faganworks pretty nicely except when im on it I miss my desktop09:01
JamesTaitHappy Monday, everyone!09:47
mandelmorning all!10:02
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MarkusHhey guys, it's me again ^^10:39
MarkusHwhen I try to access this page https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/files/store_files/cloud/#get_apifile_storagev1volumes I get a 404 HTTP Error10:41
mandelrye, ^10:43
mandelMarkusH, I think rye  can help you with that, he has all the tools to know what is going on10:43
MarkusHmandel: thx :)10:43
ryeMarkusH, hi, do you mean the /developer/ page is 404ng or the API location?10:43
MarkusHthe API localion10:43
ryeMarkusH, what's the location you are trying to hit?10:44
MarkusHAuthRequest(GET, https://one.ubuntu.com/api/file_storage/v1/volumes/)10:44
ryeMarkusH, the API example is using an example path under ~/Ubuntu One/Photos/...10:44
ryeMarkusH, let me refresh it10:45
ryeMarkusH, i mean refresh my knowledge, not the page content :)10:45
ryeMarkusH, is /api/account working fine for you?10:45
MarkusHlet me check10:45
MarkusHOAuthRequest(GET, https://one.ubuntu.com/api/file_storage/v1/account/) doesn't work either10:47
ryeMarkusH, no, https://one.ubuntu.com/api/account/ ?10:48
ryeaquarius, ping10:49
aquariusrye, pong10:49
MarkusHrye: works10:49
ryeaquarius,  https://one.ubuntu.com/developer/files/store_files/cloud/#get_apifile_storagev1volume lists https://one.ubuntu.com/api/file_storage/v1/volumes/ - should be without trailing slash10:49
ryeMarkusH, remove the trailing slash from /volumes/ URL10:50
aquariusrye, good catch. jamesh, ping10:50
ryeMarkusH, thank you for notifying us! I haven't used the /volumes/ entry yet in my applications10:51
jameshaquarius: pong10:51
aquariusjamesh, can you correct the docs from the above discussion?10:52
jameshaquarius: That is fixed in the sphinx based docs.10:52
jameshso the fix should be ready soon.10:53
aquariusjamesh, aha, good man, you've already done it :)10:53
MarkusHrye: thanks, it's working now10:53
aquariusjamesh, also, I meant to check: the URLs are all still the same in the newer version, yes?10:53
MarkusHBut I would recommend to unify the trailing slash in the URL10:53
ryejamesh, by the way, what is a convention for the trailing slash vs no trailing slash?10:53
jameshaquarius: they aren't at the moment.  I can get some redirects hooked up though.10:54
aquariusjamesh, can they be the same? The current URLs were fairly carefully designed so they made it clear where you were and were hackable10:54
jameshrye: most of the Django docs recommend always having a trailing slash (and redirect if it is missing), but that is mainly for the benefit of user facing content and making sure relative links inside the content do the right thing10:56
jameshaquarius: I'll see what I can do.  I guess I didn't keep things as deep because there didn't seem to be much content between the toplevel and the leaf pages.10:57
MarkusHjamesh: yes, Django recommends to use a trailing slash always10:58
ryejamesh, ATM when you hit the version with trailing slash, full HTML output is sent to the client along with 40410:59
aquariusjamesh, yeah, but I'm anticipating content appearing in those pages later10:59
MarkusHAnd that fitts the HTTP standards as well, since every URL that does not directly link to a file should end with a slash10:59
jameshaquarius: fair enough.10:59
jameshrye: probably because there is no view registered with the trailing slash11:00
MarkusHjamesh: yes11:00
jameshrye: one of the things Django's CommonMiddleware does is look for requests to URLs without a slash that would 404, and redirect them to versions with the slash (if there is a view registered there)11:01
ryejamesh, redirect as in 302?11:02
jameshrye: for a REST API though, you probably just want clients making requests to the right URL, since they are unlikely to handle redirect responses11:02
ryejamesh, in case that's PUT request or POST we will need clients to implement redirect with POST...11:03
rye*with content11:03
jameshrye: yep.  Search for APPEND_SLASH in lib/django/middleware/common.py11:03
jameshrye: actually, it looks like the code will just fail with a RuntimeError if it is a POST11:03
ryejamesh, i will now write oops-generator for RuntimeErrors... so again, there is some new api being in the works at tht moment?11:06
jameshrye: I don'11:09
jamesht know.  The RuntimeError there is probably more appropriate in human facing sites, since that error would indicate an error on the part of the site creator11:10
jameshfor APIs, this case is similar severity to a 404 error (and a 404 would probably be more useful for someone writing an app.11:10
* jamesh heads off for a bit11:11
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gatoxmandel, are you free for a review?12:24
mandelgatox, yes, but aren't you on holidays?12:26
mandelgatox, or is it just Buenos Aires?12:27
gatoxmandel, tomorrow.... i asked for a swap to do some bank errands tomorrow12:27
gatoxmandel, also...... drag&drop is working.... i just need to modify something a little to allow recursive copy if the user move a folder12:28
mandelgatox, superb!12:29
mandelgatox, pass me the review and I'll get it done12:29
gatoxmandel, also.... i have been reading the api on how to implement the search and the image gallery with thumbnails, etc..... so if you don't mind i will add that in the client12:31
mandelgatox, sure, I have no problems what so ever :)12:31
gatoxmandel, great!12:32
gatoxmandel, reviews: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/not-validated-account  -    https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/explore-button   -   https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/not-validated-account12:32
mandelgatox, any experience with squid?12:42
gatoxmandel, none12:43
mandelgatox, que pena :(12:43
gatoxmandel, are you stuck with something?12:43
mandelgatox,  a little, I don't know well how to set up the acls of squid to just require proxy auth for a single port12:44
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mandelI managed to get squid working as I wanted, hurray \o/13:40
gatoxmandel, congrats!!!!!!!13:41
mandelgatox, I hate config files :)13:42
gatoxme too13:42
mandelgatox, I'm off to lunch and will do your reviews once I'm back :)13:42
gatoxmandel, ok, great!13:42
mandelgatox, FYI I have your laptop, took it out of the huge box it came, we need to talk about how to transport it13:43
gatoxmandel, too big?13:43
gatoxthe laptop or the box is big?? if only the box..... drop the box13:43
mandelgatox, I'm droping the box, that is for sure, is huge!13:44
mandellets talk later :)13:44
* mandel lunch13:44
gatoxjeje ok13:44
* mandel back14:39
mandelgatox, dobey ping14:58
gatoxmandel, pong14:58
dobeymandel: ?14:58
mandelgatox, dobey shall we skip the standup today, or do you want to do it? Is just the 3 of us14:59
gatoxi know dobey answer14:59
dobeywhere's ralsina?14:59
gatoxdobey, in argentina everyone is on holiday14:59
dobeyah, right14:59
dobeygatox: so why are you here? :)14:59
gatoxdobey, i swap for tomorrow15:00
mandelso as the both of you want, I have no preference :)15:00
gatoxlet's do it15:00
gatoxit's just a second15:00
dobeyboo, no :)15:00
gatoxdobey, jejee i know you will say that15:01
mandelI agree with dobey  ;)15:01
gatoxmandel, jejee so why you ask?? jejee15:01
mandelI just don't have the balls to be the first one saying it hehe15:01
dobey2/3 majority wins!15:01
gatoxok then15:01
mandeldemocrazy is great!15:01
dobeyah blah; i need to do expenses too15:05
gatoxmandel, http://ubuntuone.com/3DjEC5pEl9T3lTSyOHIWFW15:08
gatoxanother one: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-control-panel/misaligned-icons/+merge/8362015:08
mandelgatox, ok, doing all of them now...15:09
mandelgatox, in https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/not-validated-account/+merge/83055 I think you should add a test asserting that when the erro is a diff one we call the general error dialog15:13
* gatox looking....15:14
mandelgatox, I would also add UserNotValidated as a constant, so that you use the same one in the tests15:14
gatoxmandel, true..... ok, doing that15:15
karniAnyone here with /mnt/sdcard/external_sd or /mnt/sdcard-ext on their Android device?15:18
karniAndroids o/ ↑15:19
gatoxok..... lunch..... brb15:39
mandelgatox, ok, let me know when I can re-review15:40
gatoxmandel, about that15:40
gatoxmandel, is there any place in particular where the "UserNotValidated" string should be placed?? because all that kind of error message are using the strings all over the code15:40
gatoxi mean.... all the dicts generated with error type... use just a string15:41
gatoxso, it should be all refactored15:41
joshuahooverrye: any news on testing bug #874501 so we can get the sru in for oneiric?15:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 874501 in gnome-keyring (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "couldn't prepare to write out keyring (affects: 8) (dups: 1) (heat: 40)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87450115:42
mandelgatox, yeah, I suppose thatw would be the best approach, I mean, is cleaner to use constants that use them everywhere, which is error prone, right?15:42
mandeljoshuahoover, ping15:42
joshuahoovermandel: pong15:42
gatoxmandel, yes, i agree.... but we should do that for every string in error type.. not just UserNotValidated case........15:43
gatoxso.... it's going to take a while :P15:43
mandeljoshuahoover, during the weekend one of our users could not get ubuntuone to work on a x64 machine, and I think that is something fairly common, do we have any reports about that?15:43
mandelgatox, and other way to do it is to answer me in the bug that is a big change and that you have created a bug about that ;)15:43
mandelthen we can fix the issue in a branch just for that :)15:44
gatoxmandel, ahhhh ok..... that wwould be better...... doing that15:44
joshuahoovermandel: not that i'm aware of15:44
* gatox lunch15:44
mandeljoshuahoover, hm.. I have a x64 machine and will try during the bug fixing days and will let you know.. but we might need to make a x64 pacakge and an x32 if we cannot get it to work well :(15:45
joshuahoovermandel: ok, let me know what you find15:45
mandeljoshuahoover, sure, if you get any persom complaining about the installation in a machine, pelase do ask about the arch if you have the opportunity15:47
joshuahoovermandel: will do15:47
ryejoshuahoover, i think that while we can't reproduce this (i have asked lots of people around) we may drop the other patch for now. I don't know whether any people are dependent on getting old entries from keyring but so far I haven't seen problems with that - apps usually drop and create new entry instead (probably due to this bug)15:50
joshuahooverrye: can you get with kenvandine on it so we can figure out a way to get the sru released? :)15:51
dobeyrye: i think you are concentrating on the wrong thing15:52
ryedobey, more info, please?15:52
dobeyrye: your proposal isn't blocked on being reproducible afaict?15:53
ryedobey, the random generator fix is what we need15:53
ryedobey, the other patch which was proposed is not relevant for now, do you mean that?15:53
dobeyrye: the problem is that ken proposed a newer version that has other changes as well15:53
dobeyrye: i mean the random generator issue on its own is an obvious fix and i don't think it has any contention15:54
ryedobey, true, i have already understood my mistake about that15:54
dobeyrye: devising a testcase around a random number generator is going to be hard, regardless :)15:55
ryejoshuahoover, in #ubuntu-devel, stalking ken15:55
dobeyi think spamaps is who you really need to bug15:56
joshuahooverrye: thanks15:56
ryedobey, random generator is random15:57
dobeyyes it is15:57
dobeylunch, bbiab16:24
ryedobey, thanks!16:25
* jdobrien wonders how many people are experiencing slow syncdaemon16:43
zacktuBefore I installed ubuntu 11.10 I backed up my home directory.  After finishing the installation I copied home directory files onto the computer and made changes to some of them during setup.  Ubuntu One isn't syncing directories that it used to sync.  Moreover, it appears to want to "restore" my files as they were before the installation rather than syncing files by date.  What to do?16:45
gatoxmandel, you can re-review my branch..... i've created another issue for the string refactoring.... and about testing when the error is another one instead UserNotValidated...... that was being tested in the other tests that exist previous this branch16:46
mandelgatox, ok16:52
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dobeyrye, duanedesign: ^^ can you help zacktu please?17:15
duanedesignhello zacktu17:17
duanedesignzacktu: if you have to reinstall Ubuntu and you are using Ubuntu One you want to make sure on the new installation you do not copy over .local/share/ubuntuone/ from a backup of the old install17:19
duanedesignafter a fresh install when you add your computer to your account it will treat it as a new device to your account and sync the files from your cloud space to your computer17:20
dobeymandel: haha; but that tinyurl link is broken :(17:32
mandeldobey, is it.. lame :(17:34
mandeldobey, the stupid songs are driving me crazy  :P17:35
dobeyit's the robot bar fight17:35
dobeyman, what's with these early deliveries from amazon lately17:39
dobeyalso, this "use 2xAA batteries" bs needs to stop. give me Li-Ion and a micro-usb port.18:14
zacktuduanedesign: the only files that i copied from a backup were my own files -- the file ~/.local/share/ubuntuone should have been generated at startup   --18:20
zacktuduanedesign: but I have made some changes to my own files, so I don't want to have ubuntuone write over them --- it appears i've made a strategic mistake18:20
dobeyzacktu: did you only back up/restore specific files/folders in your $HOME, rather than all of $HOME?18:26
dobeymeh, alpha1 is thursday18:47
gatoxmandel, dobey well..... EOD for me...... see you guys on wednesday!20:05
dobeycheers gatox20:07
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dobeylater all22:49
nhainesdobey: \o_22:49
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