
stochasticScottL, I know you're probably sleeping now, but can you take a look at this group in launchpad https://launchpad.net/ubuntustudio-resources  Should it be tidied up and removed or should more be added to it?11:55
scott-workabogani: did you see my email about the rtirq status?14:30
aboganiscott-work: No.14:31
scott-workit's on the -devel mailing list14:31
scott-worki wonder if ailo_ can do the same ;)14:32
ailo_scott-work, I already posted mine here14:40
ailo_len probably hadn't installed rtirq-init14:40
scott-workailo_: oh, i didn't see you posting it here, sorry14:57
holsteinabogani: i have one of those as well15:17
holsteinailo did it15:17
aboganiscott-work, ailo_, holstein: Thanks15:19
aboganiholstein: Your is buggy15:19
holsteinabogani: ?15:25
aboganiholstein: 703 FF      85   - 125  0.0 S    irq/17-radeon15:26
holsteinabogani: i did not install the proprietary driver15:26
aboganiholstein: No matters. rtirq fails in your case.15:27
holsteincool... let me know abogani 15:28
holsteini can try some other/better hardware easy enough15:28
aboganiscott-work: So rtirq isn't perfect (1 fail over 3 report).15:49
aboganiscott-work: I hope to have an -realtime kernel for next week.15:56
scott-workabogani: oh, that will be interesting then16:02
scott-worki need to get back in touch with steve (from the kernel group) and see what he wants us to do next for testing16:02
scott-worki don't know if what we gave him was enough already or he needs further information from us16:03
scott-workor if he wants to do a larger and more public series of testing because he feels good about what we have done already16:03
shnatselScottL: I'm afraid thorwil is not going to help you20:36
shnatselScottL: but doctormon seems to be interested. He suggests writing the exact requirements (what do you need to be done by a designer) to a blueprint or something like that.20:43
shnatselScottL: exact definition needed20:43
scott-workshnatsel: i was expecting thorwil to decline, not that i blame him21:38
scott-workshnatsel: but thank you for asking21:38
shnatselscott-work: there are other interested people out there21:39
scott-workshnatsel: besides doctormo ?21:39
shnatselscott-work: yeah, I'm pretty sure there will be21:39
scott-workdick macinnis is interested as well21:40
shnatselscott-work: draft the requirements for a start21:40
scott-workshnatsel: i will do that this weekend then21:40
shnatsel<doctormon> shnatsel: So 1 wallpaper and 1 plymouth? Do you have a link to the briefs for each of those?21:40
shnatsel<shnatsel> doctormon: for Plymouth - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Documentation/Plymouth21:40
shnatsel<shnatsel> doctormon: and examples at http://brej.org/blog/?p=23821:40
shnatsel<shnatsel> doctormon: and LightDM is expected to look similar to GDM, but nobody really knows that yet :(21:40
shnatsel* thorwil ушел (Quit: Leaving)21:40
shnatsel<shnatsel> doctormon: like this: http://iloveubuntu.net/pictures_me/lightDM%200.9.2%20Oneiric.png21:40
shnatselScottL: <doctormon> shnatsel: That sounds great, make sure he'll be specifying tone, logos and a list of don'ts.21:48
scott-workthanks again, shnatsel 21:52
scott-worki like the part where thorwil (Quit: Leaving), somehow that was poignant :P21:53

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