
* phillip is trying to connect my hp RJ316AA to ubuntu_studio 11.10 running xfce any help?01:21
phillipbluetooth pc card mouse01:21
GridCubephillip, that sounds more like a support question than a devel one :) might i suggest you ask on #xubuntu ?01:22
Unit193That sounds more like a UbuntuStudio question...01:29
phillipok ty01:37
ediihey, i just got an initial release for the menu manager up03:28
ediiand i put it on a ppa: https://launchpad.net/~edii/+archive/xubuntu-menu-manager03:29
ediinot sure if it's packaged correctly and all :D03:29
ediianyhow, if someone could take a look at it and report back to me :) (if it even works.. only tested on my own workstation and a clean xubuntu install on vbox)03:30
pleia2ochosi: apologies, was out of town this weekend (no updates anyway, all is on list)05:32
ochosipleia2: no problem, i just started pinging everyone to get at least some updates for the informal meeting :)09:26
ochosiedii: k, i'm taking a look now09:26
ochosiknome: btw, testing stuff like the xubuntu-menu-manager or greybird-git or the patched datetime plugin really call for reviving the xubuntu-dev ppa. having those things in a single place would make life for testers easier i guess09:28
Unit193Datetime seems to match with greybird, but I don't know hwat it looked like in the older version09:33
ochosiUnit193: this is how it's supposed to look with greybird from git: http://www.zimagez.com/zimage/screenshot-11282011-103801am.php09:38
Unit193Danit, that blackbird looks so much better :P09:39
Unit193Guess I'll have to install that to do actual test09:39
ochosithat's still greybird :)09:39
ochosiit's just that the package in the ppa isn't new enough09:40
ochosiblackbird is still very unfinished, it'd take quite a bit of time that i don't have atm09:40
Unit193Oh, I was making a joke, didn't know there was a Blackbird09:41
ochosithere is09:41
ochosibut it's mainly greybird with a different color-set09:41
ochosiand it'd need tweaking in quite a few places before i'd call it usable09:41
Unit193So greybird got darker? Or personal edit?09:43
ochosiedii: you menu manager seems to work. but it adds four items by default (term,mail,browse,filem), which might be annoying. also: it adds xfrun which it seems i can't remove anymore. (i guess you know all that anyway ;) ). it also added additional separators to the menu that don't go away if i remove the bookmarks09:44
ochosiUnit193: there was a demand for a really dark theme, not albatross-like or ambiance (which are mixed) , but really darker like NOX. if i have time i'll try to do that09:45
ochosiedii: i also have a few remarks about the interface. the frames are a bit too much imo, simple headers (e.g. just make them bold) would work better. it also seems that the list of apps doesn't reflect the currently selected icon-theme (it uses tango or gnome i think) which could cause confusion09:47
Unit193Oh, looks like you just made the panel dark :P  I'd wait and take a good long look at "Blackbird" actually...09:52
ochosii'm currently using a semi-transparent panel with greybird, #000 as solid bg-color and 70% alpha09:53
ochosiyou can try that with a few clicks of the mouse if you like (panel preferences)09:53
Unit193I'd have to switch back to greybird again (And I'm trying to get to sleepmode, 04:54)09:54
ochosiright, what are you using atm?09:54
Unit193One I found on xfce-look. That didn't seem to change all the panel "sections"09:56
ochosimhm, many gtk-themes aren't xfce complete unfortunately09:57
Unit193No, I switched to Greybird09:57
ochosigood choice ;)09:58
Unit193For testing this*09:59
knomeochosi, hehe yeah yeah, i didn't say we shouldn't use it :)11:03
knomemadnick, ?11:11
mm1ndis there any Icelandic translation for xubbuntu?15:46
ochosino clue tbh :)15:56
genii-aroundhttps://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-l10n-is seems to indicate there is16:12
mr_pouitrather, https://translations.xfce.org/projects/p/xfce/team/is/16:17
mr_pouitlast commit 1y ago16:17
mr_pouit(and anyway, mm1nd already left...)16:18
genii-aroundInteresting, they use different translation teams16:20
madnickknome: ?16:21
GridCubeprobably the first presice test20:36
Unit193Maybe for Xubuntu, but not overall20:41
GridCubeyeah i meant xubuntu20:41
GridCubewell theres only two tests on the tracker :P20:42
knomeany way to make silverlight work in oneiric?22:25
madnickknome: moonlight22:25
micahgmoonlight was dropped from the archive :)22:26
knomemadnick, won't work with ff822:26
madnickno idea then :P22:26
knomemicahg, fix it??22:26
knomemicahg, i need a relatively new version too...22:26
micahgknome: no, it's gone :) Microsoft dropped it also :)22:30
micahgknome: the version in natty-propsoed might work22:31
knomem$ dropped silverlight?22:34
madnickMetro ;P22:35
knomeany possibilities getting silverlight working with wine? :PP22:36
holsteinits dead right?22:37
GridCubeknome, what do you want silverlight for? if i can ask23:14
GridCubecan someone please explain me how to sign the launchpad code of conduct?23:44
madnickGridCube: you need to generate a key23:45
GridCubeok ill melt some bronze23:46
madnickIf you click on that place23:46
madnickThere is a step by step tutorial23:46
GridCubeits for ubuntu pre unity23:46
madnickpre unity?23:46
GridCubenot even for current ubuntu23:46
madnickGridCube: tbh i just used seahorse23:47
GridCubedont even know what that is23:47
madnickits in the repo23:48

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