
StormStrikesanyone on here familiar with libre office calc print ranges?00:38
GridCubeStormStrikes, you should ask #libreoffice00:57
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
* phillip is trying to connect a hp RJ316AA bluetooth pc card mouse on ubuntustudio 11.10 running xfce. any help?01:39
GridCubephillip, are you using blueman?01:43
phillipoh i see it01:52
phillipone sec01:53
* phillip wonders is the pass key 0000 (yes im using blueman)01:55
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visitor1i can manage to disable "change attributes for files with mv cp" in krusader, anybody has a clue?03:05
visitor1i cant manage to disable "change attributes for files with mv cp" in krusader, anybody has a clue?03:06
kennehoHi all, does anyone here know how I can disable wifi roaming in Xubuntu 11.10?06:15
shevankenneho, I see how you could disable it for exact wireless network. You need just disable that checkbox it in network manager connections.06:51
kennehoshevan: Thanks for replying. I can't seem to find a roaming checkbox in network manager.. Can you point me to where it's at?07:02
shevanWell, click on nm applet on the panel. The last entry of menu is something like 'Edit'. There you click on 'wireless' tab (or named smth like that) and edit connection in it. the checkbox is under the connection name07:05
shevanthe last menu entry is 'edit connetctions', as google says07:07
kennehoshevan: Thanks, I've found edit connections, and the wireless tab. But as far as I can see there is no roaming checkbox anywhere.07:10
shevankenneho, well, i ment 'Connect automatically' checkbox. I thought that's the thing you're looking for http://dakotux.files.wordpress.com/2010/07/screenshot-editing-auto-2wire583.png07:13
_Pete_is it possible to configure how much parole movie player goes forward/backward from the buttons/keyboard ?08:01
kennehoshevan: Ah I see, you ment I should just uncheck "connect automatically" and leave only one access point left to connect automatically to? I will try that.08:40
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dirtycookiehello people, i have the newest version of xubuntu and wanted to use youtube-dl to extract audio from youtube. but i get the warning message that ffmpeg doesnt wanna convert to mp312:24
dirtycookiecan someone hlep12:24
Sysidirtycookie: try some firefox addon, I liked downloadhelper13:38
Sysiyou need to have ffmpeg installed and possibly some plugins for it13:38
Sysiis nautilus really included in default installation because of file-roller?13:38
dirtycookieSysi: i agree but my eeepc hast little recources to do that so i need a little more efficient method13:39
Sysithat should be nothing like cpu-intensive.. unlike converting with ffmpeg anyway is13:40
Sysiah, after removing globalmenu-stuff I could remove nautilus13:40
dirtycookieSysi: well i have a 8 inch screen and every additional window open is horrible, you dont have another solution to my problem13:41
Sysiyou can switch windows with alt+tab13:43
dusfdo i need to install something to use bluetooth with xubuntu 11.04?13:59
ablomendusf, i use blueman for bluetooth, you can find it in the ubuntu software center14:08
dusfablomen: trying to install it now14:24
dusfablomen: it's installed now, shouldn't it be in main menu > syster?14:29
ablomenit should be in your tray14:30
ablomenthere should be a bluetooth icon there14:30
dusfablomen: there's not14:30
ablomenthen try running blueman-manager in your terminal and see if you have errors14:31
ablomenit might not start automaticly when you install btw14:31
ablomenit should at boot though14:31
ablomenor login actually14:31
GridCubeit should if he plugs/unplugs bluetooth receptor14:31
dusfputting blueman-manager into term installed something and brought up the manager14:33
ablomenok in the future it should run on startup, or maybe when you plug in the bluetooth thingy (if applicable)14:35
ablomenoh and if it still did not show up you can press alt+f2 and enter "blueman-applet &" for now14:37
dusfablomen, GridCube: thanks guys, so far this is working way better than bluetooth used to on 10.10/10.0414:39
dusfGridCube: hmm, where's it saving the files to? not in my ~ or /downloads14:44
dusfno option in preferences14:44
Sysiablomen: & isn't really needed when using xfrun414:45
GridCubedusf, sorry i don't know what you are talking abou14:45
GridCubedusf, anyway you should check your ~/ directory14:45
ablomenSysi, yeah i guess so, since STDOUT go's nowhere anyway14:46
GridCubepress ctrl-h and look if one of the hidden folder is named like .bluetooth?14:46
dusffound i can manually browse the phone and copy what i need14:46
doubletwistAnyone having issues with the screensaver crashing? I keep coming back to work to see my desktop sitting there, not locked. :(15:01
Arpad2any ideas for this problem? https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+question/18001617:35
TheSheeplooks like you pulled in some incompatible packages from some ppas17:38
Arpad2TheSheep: i cant add or remove any software17:39
Arpad2however I think this error happened while updating in installing upgrades a harware failure happened17:41
YeahRight_i installed the latest xubuntu updates but now after reboot my display settings dont show all resolutions i had before...i would like to enable a higher resolution than i can select right now, one that worked fine before the latest updates..how can i fix this?17:46
jana46I've 2 ext. usb disk who seemed to be locked? Anyone knows waht this means?17:49
TVasEyesYeahRight_: I had to set up own xorg.conf file with 'Section Screen' and relevant Subsections to get resolutions I wanted.17:49
YeahRight_TVasEyes : thanks for replying..where exactly would i do that?17:50
TVasEyesYeahRight_: see man 5 xorg.conf17:51
TVasEyesYeahRight_: you can run (from memory) Xorg :1 -configure to get a basic one generated (the :1 may come after -configure, check manual)17:52
YeahRight_i cant probe my graphic card somehow?17:52
TVasEyesYeahRight_: Xorg server will do it for you17:52
YeahRight_can i do this in a xterm?17:53
YeahRight_or how can i shutdown the xserver itself again..it has been a while :P17:53
TVasEyesYeahRight_: not sure, if you do make sure you don't use the :0 serever whiuch is running17:54
TVasEyesYeahRight_: you can switch to console while server keeps running, Ctrl-Alt-F1, then log in as root17:55
TVasEyesYeahRight_: return to X with Alt-F717:55
YeahRight_TVasEyes No command 'xorg' found, did you mean:18:16
TVasEyesYeahRight_: is Xorg, uppercase X.18:17
TVasEyesYeahRight_: also, you should find additional info on current session in /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:18
* TVasEyes is away: gone for coffee..18:23
YeahRight_ok thx again18:24
YeahRight_TVasEyes : i get a segmentation fault now :-(18:52
* TVasEyes is back (gone 00:30:00)18:53
TVasEyesYeahRight_: and you did what?18:53
well_laid_lawn!away | TVasEyes18:54
ubottuTVasEyes: Please do not use noisy away messages and nicks in Ubuntu channels. It is annoying and unnecessary. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently. See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»18:54
YeahRight_TVasEyes run xorg -configure18:54
YeahRight_i stopped lightdm before18:55
TVasEyesYeahRight_: you've one server running (:0), when you do the -configure to get xorg.conf generated use Xorg :1 -configure to avoid conflict18:56
YeahRight_i dont think thats the problem..i already killed the server :018:56
TVasEyesYeahRight_: right, any relevant info in dmesg or Xorg.0.log?18:57
YeahRight_i prob should have mentioned xubuntu is running under vmware workstation btw18:58
YeahRight_i'll try to put the log online18:59
TVasEyesYeahRight_: no idea whether that makes a difference, you have guest stuff installed?18:59
YeahRight_and it shouldt make a difference i suppose since it worked fine before the latest updates18:59
TVasEyesYeahRight_: ok, paste link and I'll have a look.19:00
YeahRight_i mean i should be able to generate my supported resolutions i suppose19:00
YeahRight_will do..thanks for the support TVasEyes19:00
YeahRight_rebooting now..need x for easy copy and paste of log :P19:01
TVasEyesYeahRight_: use Xorg.0.log.old19:01
TVasEyesubutto: ok, undid the away msg in settings.19:02
GridCube!guidelines | TVasEyes19:10
ubottuTVasEyes: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines19:10
TVasEyesubottu, GridCube: thanks, me newbie19:10
ubottuTVasEyes: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:10
YeahRight_TVasEyes : Xorg.0.log.old is no longer the original log somehow..however i tried with :1 too and that obisoul caused the same error and Xorg.1.log is still there19:12
YeahRight_TVasEyes : http://pastebin.com/QM6hK67h for Xorg.0.log.old and http://pastebin.com/7dggTQNh for Xorg.1.log19:14
TVasEyesYeahRight_: ok, you'll upload that?  Xorg.0.log becomes Xorg.0.log.old on every restart19:14
TVasEyesYeahRight_: ok19:14
YeahRight_yeah but i only restarted once and still the crash Xorg.0.log didnt become Xorg.0.log.old  somehow..19:15
YeahRight_any clue TVasEyes ?19:34
kora-chanHey, I'm using oneiric and have sort of a strange problem. I downloaded the iconset Neu from here http://www.silvestre.com.ar/?p=56. These were the icons I used basically in all previous versions of xfce. Installed the icons in /usr/share/icons and chose them in settings. However thunar only displays the desktop icon correctly, all the others are some grey fallback-icons. Nautilus however displays all icons correct, 19:43
TVasEyesYeahRight_: sticking my neck out, seems in the log with segfault problem occured when there was no framebuffer at the time when vesa driver tried loading19:46
TVasEyesYeahRight_: did that happen after you 'killed' the Xserver?19:46
TVasEyesYeahRight_: what happen if you do Xorg :1 -configure while :0 still runs? (ought to work)19:48
projekt26why is xubuntu so awesome!20:05
CiPiXfce is. :)20:07
Wolfsherzwhat is the advantage of xfce over unity?20:12
Sysiit doesn't require 3D, it's simple and has nice windowmanager setup20:14
Sysilots of options for customizing20:14
GridCubewe like it more20:15
Wolfsherzgranted, unity is awful, or at l east i can not get used to it. but why is xfce the window manager to go for?20:18
beardygnomeWolfsherz: what are you looking for in a desktop?20:19
Sysiit's the 90s style you like and nicer configs than lxde20:19
Wolfsherzbeardygnome: i really wish they sticked with gnome220:20
Wolfsherzbut with unity i need an alternative now20:20
beardygnomeWolfsherz: xfce is quite similar to gnome220:20
projekt26 I installed xubuntu a few days ago and it was the first time a default install desktop didn't annoy the shit out of me.. all I had to do was turn off window shadows20:20
beardygnomeboth have the panel layouts20:20
beardygnomeboth are gtk based20:21
Wolfsherzon a screenshot i saw a macintosh-like bottom-bar, how can that be enabled?20:21
projekt26oh yeah that mac style panel was the other thing I disabled20:21
Wolfsherzits not enabled by default, isnt it?20:21
projekt26it is20:21
beardygnomeWolfsherz: the bottom panel is there by default20:22
Wolfsherzuh, it doesnt show up on my laptop20:22
GridCubejust move your mouse to the bottom of the screen20:22
GridCubeit autohides20:22
Wolfsherznope, does not show up20:23
beardygnomedo you have the top panel?20:23
beardygnomedo you have a bottom panel at all?20:23
Wolfsherzno, there is just blank space20:24
Sysiadd panel and add launchers to that, expanding separators to both sides or not full-width panel20:24
Sysiset alpha to be like 30%20:24
beardygnomego to settings -> settings manager -> panel20:24
Wolfsherzlaptop is restarting20:25
kora-chanhm just popped to my mind, when hearing the unity/xfce discussion,... overall i like xfce more, it just feels more responsive. i recently added indicator-appmenu to my xfce panel since i have a small screnn and dont want to waste the menu bar pixels ;). is there anything like in unity that removes the titlebar from maximized windows and pust the clso/minimize buttons in the panel?20:26
Wolfsherzyeah, maybe it will be back then =)20:26
m1chaeli'm new here.. i just want to start by saying that xubuntu is pretty nice.. i used it over the weekend and used it as a live cd to recover data from over 30 computers.. i didn't have 1 problem with it at all20:26
TVasEyesYeahRight_: did you reinstall vmware-tools after upgrade?20:30
Wolfsherzanother question, can i change the login screen to something that resembles ubuntu?20:35
Wolfsherzok the bottom bar is there, now when i touch the bottom with the mouse the bar shows up20:36
beardygnomeboth of them use lightdm for the login screen, so you should be able to get hold of the ubuntu lightdm theme20:40
beardygnomei'm not sure where from, but you could try asking in an ubuntu channel20:41
Wolfsherzthanks beardygnome20:42
Wolfsherzcan someone tell me the standard clock options format line?20:43
beardygnomemine is HH:MM20:44
beardygnomei think that's the standard20:44
GridCubeWolfsherz, %a %d %b %R ?20:45
GridCube%a, %d %b  %H:%M  ?20:45
Wolfsherzexactly GridCube ,thank you!20:46
knome%a %b %c %e %e %sound_of_music20:46
projekt26is there a command to bring up the 'are you sure you want to reboot' dialog? I would like to bind it to ctrl-alt-del20:55
TheSheepprojekt26: there is xfce4-session20:56
projekt26thank you20:56
TheSheepit's not exactly a confirmation though20:57
TheSheepbut you could display your own confirmation and use that to logout if it is confirmed20:58
projekt26I kind of like it this way :)20:59
vitor_Good evening. I was wandering if somebody would be willing to help me solve a small Xubuntu problem, please.21:38
vitor_I have a fresh xubuntu 11.10 installation, and Firefox hangs on startup about half of the times I launch it.21:39
vitor_Looking at the task manager, I see that there are actually two firefox processes in memory when I launch it21:42
vitor_And if I kill one of them, firefox un-hangs21:43
vitor_Does anyone have any clue as to why this may be happening?21:44
projekt26do you have a lot of addons installed in firefox?21:47
vitor_No, it's a fresh install.21:49
vitor_This happens even if I launch from the terminal21:49
projekt26even on first launch?21:50
projekt26otherwise you might find some info here: http://kb.mozillazine.org/Firefox_hangs#Hang_at_exit and here http://kb.mozillazine.org/Profile_in_use21:51
vitor_Yes, even on first launch.21:54
_superVillainterminator is magical i tell you, just thought i would put my 2 cents in :)21:54
vitor_I have no firefox processes, then I launch it, and suddenly there are two of them.21:55
vitor_Well, I'll post on the forums for help.21:55
vitor_Thanks anyway. :)21:55
projekt26yea sorry I have no idea what could cause this21:56
RandomTomteI need help.23:14
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