
=== vednis is now known as mar
=== mar is now known as mars
BluesKajHi all15:07
genii-aroundMan. The elevator pit keeps filling back up with water as fast as I bail it out of there. Can't get the level down far enough to access the broken pump at the bottom.15:18
genii-aroundYeah, and it's supposed to rain for like 36-40 hours15:33
genii-aroundI guess worst-case get emergency cash and buy a second pump, throw it in there to bring the level down for the next day or so15:34
BluesKajwow , that's a problem alright , any idea where the leak is ?15:48
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do15:50
genii-aroundBluesKaj: It's not really a leak as such. The elevator pit is lowest spot, when the drains start pushing water for a long time, whatever doesn't make it to the city drain ends up  there15:51
genii-around( it's about 16 feet below grade )15:51
BluesKajok genii-around , didn't realize it's so deep , that expalins a lot16:13
BluesKajI'll ask this question again genii-around . I have a corrupted /0-.pulse file in my trash , but it won't delete because it's still linked to ~/.pulse . The file has been replaced in ~/hiddenfiles after I reinstalled pulse.16:17
BluesKajany ideas?16:17
genii-aroundI imagine it won't let you delete because it's in use.... if you unload whatever's using it should be able to do something with it16:19
BluesKajI don't dare restore the file because it contains a command somewhere to kill the pulse daemon at startup16:19
genii-aroundIf you boot into recovery, the sound server won't be using it and you could more than likely wipe it out or move it somewhere else for study16:21
BluesKajI had a helluva time getting pulse restored after some tutorial on using pure alsa ..well it turns out that tutorial did nothing to get alsa to play webaudio16:21
BluesKajok recovery it is16:23
BluesKajthanks genii-around16:23
genii-aroundBluesKaj: Lemme know how it goes16:24
BluesKajgenii-around, rm in the recovery mode wouldn't remove the file in trash , I had to go to  ~/.local/share/Trash/files to delete it (shift+delete).Previously when I was trying to delete it from trash i didn't notice the actual path was the /.local/share16:51
genii-aroundFinally got it though?16:51
willwhdscassel: byobu :O18:02
willwhI didn't know about it18:02
willwhtesting now to see if it'll do the job ;]18:02
dscasselwillwh: Yeah, it's what I use now. It's mostly just pre-configured screen, but that works for me.19:40
willwhI just wonder if it'll stop the logging crapping out19:40
willwhif not19:40
willwhwe should file something @ launchpad19:40
willwhI have done a bunch of googling19:40
dscasselI was hoping for something a bit more impressive: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/11/ubuntu-adds-special-glow-to-nokias-lumia-800-event-in-london/20:30
BluesKajthe ubuntu video wouldn't play on my pc21:03
dscasselBluesKaj: orly?21:08
dscasselI'ts Youtube.  You could try html5...21:09
dscasselGo here and "join the trial": http://www.youtube.com/html521:10
dscasselThen try http://youtu.be/ZKBpYwuk1Uw21:10
BluesKajdscassel, html5 works fine as does flash on my setup , that video may have been pulled21:11
dscasselWorks for me, and I just refreshed...21:13
dscasselYou're nto missing too much, though.  It's kind of lame.21:14
dscasselThe payoff at the end is some dude saying "It was a cool [Nokia] lightshow, but what was with those [Canonical orange] lights?"21:15
dscasselTo which I'm thinking they want us to punch the air or something. I'm left thinking "Really? that's the best you can do?"21:16
willwhme too21:16
* genii-around screams at non-functional youtubes21:18
genii-aroundThe boss has that and facebook blocked21:18
BluesKajwould it be this one http://www.youtube.com/user/celebrateubuntu ?21:20
BluesKajdscassel, which browser ?21:26
dscasselBluesKaj: I'm using Firefox.21:31
BluesKajok , lame is right...watched it on FF ...hmm chromium must be missing a plugin21:32
dscasselgenii-around: Bah. That's what SSH tunnels are for.21:32
genii-aroundYeah I could get all tricky. But I hardly ever watch youtube, even at home, and don't do facebook21:35
BluesKajdscassel, do you use chromium or is FF exclusive on yor pcc...wonder which plugin is missing21:42
BluesKajahh, found it the chromoium plugin extras package added the right html5 codecs for that video21:52
BluesKajffmpeg extras that is21:54
dscasselBluesKaj: Yeah, I'm pretty much exclusively firefox. I have chromium installed if I need to try a different browser...22:04
genii-aroundDillo can be good for some things22:05
BluesKajhard to configure the fonts on dillo when they're too snmall to read from this distance22:17

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