
* ajmitch looks for someone to blame00:02
* Laney wonders when ajmitch is going to sort out the udd mirror :P00:03
ajmitchLaney: that's what I was trying to do this morning, 3GB wasn't enough for postgres00:03
ashamsHey guys, I'm new and want to get the vlc source code for lucid through bzr, but I can see 4 branches on lp for it, which one should I pull?https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/vlc00:12
RAOFashams: bzr branch ubuntu:lucid/vlc should get what's in the lucid archive, IIRC.00:17
ashamsRAOF, I tested it but it doesn't give me anything00:17
ashamsbzr: ERROR: Not a branch: "/home/ashams/ubuntu:lucid/vlc/".00:18
ashamsmy bad00:18
ashamsStevenK, it worked , thanks00:19
ashamsThanks RAOF00:19
brodererr, that would be the one that was released with lucid00:21
broderthere have been SRUs and security updates since then00:21
broderso you'd actually want lp:ubuntu/lucid-updates/vlc00:21
ashamsbroder, I see00:24
ashamsok, I'll get it instead00:24
ockham_hi, i've just uploaded unity-lens-bliss to REVU. anyone feel like reviewing it?01:58
brodertumbleweed: do you think requestbackport is stable enough that we could backport it to oneiric?06:17
ajmitchbroder: I've imported the udd data now on qa.uw.org thanks to wgrant sorting out some more diskspace06:25
* ajmitch still has to sort out what postgres permissions go where, but at least the data's in & there's ~20GB of free space in the VM if you want to run some stuff06:34
tumbleweedbroder: after the next udt upload06:37
dholbachgood morning08:08
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l3onbroder, hi! :)10:40
l3onI see your comment here: bug 89690210:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 896902 in gtk-led-askpass (Ubuntu) "Please merge gtk-led-askpass 0.11-1 (universe) from Debian unstable " [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89690210:41
l3onsould I patch source to handle return value???10:41
tumbleweed...and actually do something sane with it (I've seen far too many patches for that kind of issue that catch the return value and proceed to do nothing)10:44
tumbleweedyes, patches like that are useful, and should be submitted upstream too10:44
l3onwell.. tumbleweed where's upstream? :D10:45
tumbleweedit's a program handling passwords, so it would be nice if it was doing a good job10:45
l3onthere's nothing in debian/control handling homepage10:45
tumbleweedhttps://launchpad.net/gtk-led-askpass by the look of it10:46
tumbleweederr, no, no code there10:46
tumbleweedbut the copyright file indicates that the DD who packaged it in Debain, wrote it10:47
tumbleweedah, it started out as a native package10:47
tumbleweedLaney: imported that test set again11:39
tumbleweedI'm giving it a once-over11:39
tumbleweedLaney: we still have N/A signed-bys. I'm guessing they are syncs11:47
tumbleweedI can add signed-by, but I don't know how useful that'll be11:58
Laneyblank would be a good way of detecting autosyncs11:59
tumbleweedautosyncs are easy to detect from changed_by_email=katie11:59
capetaI'm trying to create my own .deb package of nginx using checkinstall but it don't work, I'm using the sources of 'apt-get source nginx' and downloading the two new modules manually. It configure, using the ./configure with the same parameters of the official package plus new modules, compile (make) but the .deb generated (by the checkinstall) don't work. Anyone knows what I'm doing wrong?12:00
tumbleweedcapeta: we don't build debs with checkinstall12:01
Laneychanged_by_name = "Ubuntu Archive Auto-sync"12:02
capetaand where my .deb package came from?12:02
tumbleweedLaney: what I'm asking is, for consistency, should I add: if not signer: signer=changedby12:04
Laneywhat's the invariant?12:04
Laneysigner should be the person who did the upload12:04
tumbleweedand should it be katie for autosyncs? I'm happy with N/A there, but if we want N/A we have to special-case it12:05
Laneyjust though12:05
Laneywe should make sure that all the fields come out right when sync sponsoring is worked out12:05
Laneyi.e. clarify it in the bug12:06
Laneylet's go for having signed_by in all cases12:07
tumbleweedsure, although that's for the mailing list12:07
* tumbleweed has a separate bug for -changes mail being a bit crazy for syncs12:07
Laneyfor syncs, we have creator = requestor, changed = original uploader in Debian12:08
Laneywe should make sure that they set signed = sponsor when this bug is fixed12:08
Laneyactually that's not right, weird12:18
tumbleweedI've just pushed my proposed change. Will run again...12:18
Laneypackage_creator, package_maintainer = Debian /Maintainer/ (i.e. pkg-haskell-maintainers in this case)12:18
tumbleweedoh, great, looks like some dapper-era syncs had the demian uploader as Changed-By12:22
tumbleweedso, one should detect autosyncs by looking for signed_by = katie12:22
Laneynewer ones are archive@ubuntu.com afaik12:23
tumbleweedwe need a 20 page guide on using this data without killing yourself12:23
Laneyyou need to look for changed_by_name12:23
Laneyerr, signed_by_name12:23
tumbleweedyes :)12:23
Laneyhttp://paste.debian.net/147425/ ?12:23
tumbleweedLaney: ok12:25
Laneyhistory is fun12:27
tumbleweedturns out it's present, too12:27
tumbleweedI'm wondering if we should make our Changed-By only refer to the ubuntu developer whe requested the sync, but I don't know if we have the data for that12:27
Laneyfor which syncs?12:31
tumbleweedwell, ideally it'd be all or nothing12:32
LaneyI am under the impression that most manual syncs have that12:33
tumbleweednative syncs definitly have enough information12:34
Laneythat's an old manual sync12:38
Laneylooks ok12:38
Laneywe should bug elmo for the ancient data too :-)12:41
tumbleweedLaney: hrm, that does look right12:43
tumbleweedbut I grepped for Changed-By:.*alioth and found quite a bit12:43
ockham_hi, i've uploaded unity-lens-bliss to REVU. anyone feel like reviewing it?12:59
wzssyqaany idea about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tclcl/+bug/897158?13:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 897158 in tclcl (Ubuntu) "Please sync tclcl (1.20-4) from Debian Sid (main) to Ubuntu (universe)" [Wishlist,New]13:52
tumbleweedwzssyqa: re: They seem being same. I have no idea why this happens13:55
geserwzssyqa: the "problem" is that those symbols are missing (in the test build; therefore the prepending #MISSING: lines you see in the diff)13:56
tumbleweedwhat geser said13:56
geserwzssyqa: compare your test-build log with the build from Debian and check if you see any differences (e.g. from configure or similar)13:57
* tumbleweed is guessing compiler differences here13:58
wzssyqageser: all of these lines are in my symbol file13:58
tumbleweedoh, maybe not13:59
wzssyqatumbleweed: geser will it happen if buildflags are not the same ?14:11
tumbleweedvery likely14:12
tumbleweedbasically, the problem here is that the shared library doesn' thave symbols that are expected (and, I haven't checkde a full build log, so I don't know if it has unexpected symbols)14:12
wzssyqatumbleweed: y, after change buildflags, it fails on Sid now14:17
tumbleweedwzssyqa: what was the difference?14:19
wzssyqatumbleweed: dpkg-buildflags vs nothing14:21
tumbleweedwzssyqa: interestingly, it's the -O214:30
tumbleweedI suggest you file a bug in Debian, requesting that the maintainer use dpkg-buildflags :)14:30
wzssyqatumbleweed: if compat is 7, then without -O2, if compat is 8 or 9, it will use -O214:31
tumbleweedwzssyqa: yes, that's because dh exports buildflags at compat level 9 (at 8, really?)14:32
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tumbleweedLaney: hrm, still seem to have some Signed-By: N/As21:36
tumbleweed(mostly kernel uploads)21:36
Laneyprobably some weird ppa business21:37
Laneyif it's not many i wouldn't worry21:37
* tumbleweed tries to figure out why21:38
LaneyI thought you added if not signedby: signedby = changedby21:42
tumbleweedit looks like a bug in person_to_name_email because sconklin doesn't have a public e-mail address21:44
* tumbleweed contemplates caching all the e-mail addresses we've read from changes files. But that's evil :P21:44
Laneyline 58 doesn't work?21:46
tumbleweedLaney: it returns N/A rather than Name <N/A>21:48
Laneyoh, because you get ValueError21:49
awsoonnHi all, I'm trying my luck at debugging a kernel oops that has been runing my day for about a week now....21:51
awsoonnwhere is some good documentation to start chewing on? bug 89788321:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 897883 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel Oops" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89788321:51
awsoonni am assuming I will need to build my own kernel with debugging symbols in order to make any headway? tips and guidance greatly appreacated.21:52
Laneyawsoonn: I don't know if anyone in here knows much about the kernel; #ubuntu-kernel might be a better place to look21:58
awsoonnLaney: wonderful sugestion, onward down teh rabbit hole I go~21:58
tumbleweedLaney: were there other situations that gave ValueError? (I mean I'm not going to get that from display_name, right?)22:00
Laneydon't think so22:00
tumbleweedhrm, why are we catching both HTTPError and ValueError22:01
tumbleweedthey both date back to the beginning22:02
Laneypossibly got 40322:04
Laneyfrom katie?22:04
Laneycogs... turning...22:04
Laneywhack a debug in there and see22:05
tumbleweedgives a41022:08
tumbleweedseeing as katie is special-cased in LP, I'm tempted to do that here22:09
Laneyseems needlessly ungeneral22:10
Laneyi'd just log it22:10
Laneyback soon (maybe)22:13
l3onDktrKranz, ma come si avvia debomatic ?22:23
l3onmi riferisco al demone...22:23
DktrKranzl3on: -ECHAN ;)22:23
broderhmm...debian bug #633273 would be an NMU candidate because it's a release goal, wouldn't it? :)23:30
ubottuDebian bug 633273 in python-visual "python-visual: Getting rid of unneeded *.la / emptying dependency_libs" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63327323:30
broderoh, also because the maintainer is listed on LowThresholdNMUs :)23:31
tumbleweedbroder: sounds good to me, but I'm off to bed23:34
tumbleweedrelease goals aren't release critical23:35
tumbleweedbut this is blocking somebody else, pretty save, and lowthreshold...23:35
broderi thought release goal -> bug was Important; bug was Important -> it's NMU'able23:38
tumbleweeddon' think there's a hard line on what's NMU'able23:41
broderfair enough23:42
Laneythe severity changes the notice one is supposed to give23:42
Laneybut you can always NMU if you make enough noise before uploading23:42
micahgfor reference: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/developers-reference/pkgs.html#nmu23:42

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