
akgranerI've moved all the completed summaries to the wiki02:26
akgranerso what's left on the googledoc is all that is left - also can someone proof the wiki and add the `` to the hotlinks02:27
akgranerThere are  8 links that need summarizing02:28
akgranerI'm working on the podcast section now02:28
pleia2I'll take a look in an hour or so02:38
akgranerpleia2, ok - I need to step away fromthe computer for a few but there is only 7 summaries left...02:50
akgranerI'll check back in about 30-45 minutes and if they still need summarizing I'll do those right quick if you can proof the wiki?02:51
* greg-g just did another03:15
zkriessehallo people03:16
* greg-g did another03:17
greg-gand another03:21
pleia2akgraner: can you grab the dev team meetings?03:26
zkriesseallo pleia2 how are you as of late?03:27
pleia2zkriesse: busy as usual :) you?03:28
zkriessepleia2: About the same... Looking for work, the usual03:28
pleia2I can finish up the last two and then move everything over and proof the wiki03:59
pleia2akgraner: if you can get dev team meetings I can handle release03:59
pleia2ok, all moved over, proof done, and In This Issue complete, just waiting on dev meetings04:25
pleia2I'll check in later, if we can't get a final review and meetings added I can release tomorrow at 5PM my time05:06
dholbachgood morning08:08
bkerensadholbach: Good Morning09:39
dholbachhey bkerensa09:39
bkerensadholbach: would you like me to add some info about the Ubuntu/Debian combined bug/dev event were having?09:39
dholbachsure sure - I add the link to it already :)09:40
bkerensaoh ok well thats all that is needed I guess09:40
bkerensaa handful of debian/ubuntu devs will be at the event though :D hoping to learn packaging and some other stuff :D09:40
dholbachbkerensa, probably just a few words around it09:50
dholbachmaybe we can link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Jams too and encourage people to set one up themselves?09:55
dholbachawesome :)10:16
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
pleia2akgraner: do you need me to pull in the dev team meetings? I don't have URLs from the list you have in the google doc so it'll take some time and needs to wait until tonight17:58
pleia2and anyone else want to editorial review? https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue24317:58
akgranerpleia2, they are all being redone17:58
pleia2akgraner: so do we skip them, or...?17:58
akgranerI need to find them all - we can hold off if that's ok17:58
MrChrisDruifDid everything go well with the UWN yesterday?17:58
akgraneryep I deleted them from the wiki - or at least I thought I did17:58
pleia2(we skipped them last week, I didn't even realize it until after publishing)17:58
akgranerI'll sit down tonight and find all the links17:59
MrChrisDruifIs there a reason why the UWN start AFTER the contents pane?18:00
akgranerOnce they're  in the googledoc it will be easy to update each week...18:00
akgranerMrChrisDruif, once the work in progress is removed it will look right18:00
pleia2going to publish20:21
pleia2The new edition of the Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter is now available here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuWeeklyNewsletter/Issue24320:26
akgranerpleia2, thanks! Pete was on a call and I ended up having to sang the kids...20:35
pleia2erk, formatting looks bad these past couple weeks21:17
akgraneris it due to the change (update) with the wiki's21:17
akgraneror something else21:18
pleia2I assumed it was due to the wiki, but now I'm not so sure21:19
pleia2https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news/2011-October/000317.html has the problem too, but not https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-news/2011-November/000318.html21:19
akgranerhmm - I usually manually fix the spaces21:38
pleia2I think it's gmail stupidity21:38
akgranerbut that happened to me on another email21:39
akgranerthe one to the LC and loco-contacts21:39
akgranerit scrunched it all up  - it being gmail21:39

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