
=== JG84|Away is now known as JG|HW
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BobJonkmanHi all:  It seems the URL for the LoCo Events iCal feed has changed...  I find that today none of my calendar feeds are working correctly (ubuntu-ca iCal on Google, Lightning).  Substituting the link currently on the LoCo page does work.  Is this intentional?  Will the new url be stable?04:30
mhall119cjohnston: ^^ did we change ical urls in LTP?12:56
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cjohnstonmhall119:  not that I'm aware of16:15
mhall119I wonder if it was a team name change16:16
cjohnstonme too16:32
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
svwilliamscjohnston, ping23:09
svwilliamshey, any news on lp:70713123:10
svwilliamsthe display log urls23:11
cjohnstonbug 70713123:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 707131 in loco-team-portal "No link is displayed for agenda item logs (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70713123:11
svwilliamsthank you :-)23:11
svwilliamsdidn't know how to trigger the bot23:12
cjohnstonim still not sure23:12
svwilliamsno worries23:12
cjohnstonhere is my fear23:12
cjohnstonif you go to the team page23:12
cjohnstonthere are ~4 icons23:12
svwilliamsI'm still working on the kinks in bug 70674223:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 706742 in loco-team-portal "Allow custom meeting log urls (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/70674223:12
cjohnstonwe have a bug filed against that because htere is no text to go with it23:12
svwilliamsyeah thats where I took the icon from23:12
cjohnstonso i am not sure about doing another one23:13
svwilliamsthe irc icon (shrunk it down to fit the line)23:13
cjohnstonotoh, i know what it is, and it has an alt and a rollover23:13
cjohnston706742 you need to add the migration script to the brnahc23:13
cjohnstonhere is my suggestion23:15
cjohnstonleave the logs field as it was..23:15
cjohnstonadd an override_log field23:15
svwilliamsoh I have it mostly working23:16
svwilliamsas is without a new field23:16
svwilliamsI have a check for the generated URL23:16
svwilliamsand if it was generated I have it ... you know what thats bad23:16
svwilliamswhat if the manually entered url meets the criteria23:16
svwilliamsok so back to your suggestion23:16
svwilliamsadd an override_log field23:17
cjohnstonadd override_log to pretty much match what is on that line ^23:18
cjohnstonthen add override_log in form.py23:18
cjohnstonthen on the template:23:18
cjohnstonif override_log23:19
cjohnstondisplay override_log23:19
cjohnstondisplay logs23:19
svwilliamsok, I'll try that this week ... came down with bronchitis this weekend so I haven't been doing as much23:20
cjohnstonI've been trying to do summit stuff plus some other stuff i took on23:21
svwilliamsdo you need a hand with the summit stuff23:21
svwilliamsshould I start looking into bugs there next?23:21
svwilliamsI know you mentioned that summit had alot going on this cycle?23:21
cjohnstonya... if you want.. the summit stuff may be mostly advanced type stuff23:22
cjohnstonbut help is always welcome23:22
svwilliamsWhat IDE do you use for developing with django and python?23:24
svwilliamsI've been trying out Geany I think mhall119 mentioned it once to someone23:25
cjohnstoni use geany or nano23:25
svwilliamsok, I'm used to eclipse with projects at work in php and java23:25
svwilliamsso I'm still getting used to geany23:26
cjohnstoni used to use notepad++ in the day, so geany was an easy step23:26

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