
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
MiChael420whats up how do i get compiz to work correctly00:50
MiChael420last time i tried it ook my menu bar and everything away and i had to reformat00:50
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Guest10838I would like to single-click desktop icons to open them.02:09
angelorosafolks, how many RAM memory xubuntu need to work fine?02:19
xubuntu413whatmeens logged?02:52
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gharzGuys, if i download the xubuntu fr the ubuntu site, does the xubuntu comes with wubi? This is why i love ubuntu coz of wubi.03:23
holsteingharz: im nost sure if xubuntu has wubi or not, but you can download normal ubuntu *with* wubi, install, and then convert to xubuntu easily :)03:25
gharzholstein, i can complete remove the gnome files and it can be purely xfce system?03:26
holsteinyou can do whatever you like03:26
holsteinwont be much gnome in there AFAIK03:26
gharzholstein, AFAIK.03:27
holsteinas far as i know03:27
gharzOk thanks03:27
holsteinthe normal ubuntu doens use gnome, so i doubt its there03:27
holsteinbut, try the xubuntu live CD anyways... if it doesnt have wubi, you got options03:27
gharzOk thanks holstein03:28
holsteini seem to remember just getting the wubi.exe once and using the iso i wanted03:28
holsteinthat would have been in the 8.x or 9.x's though03:28
gharzReally? I can just use wubi... I will check the wubi site and check how to do it if in case xubuntu doesnt come with wubi. Huge thanks!!!!!03:29
sparkle33Hi, I'm trying to install Xubuntu but I get an error, ubi-partman failed exit code 141. I googled a solution and it says the bug was fixed, but I'm still getting it. Help?03:51
holsteinsparkle33: i would probably just try the other installer... the alternate03:53
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asterismoi have a question about XFCE menu07:14
asterismothere is an icon missing07:14
asterismothe education menu icon07:14
asterismoany ideas how to fix it? i found that is a known bug and i07:14
asterismotry to fix it but with no luck07:14
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zoghomeI have installed Xubuntu on an older laptop where the onboard wifi only supports WEP.. I have a USB wifi adapter that supports better crypto, how do I force it to use the USB wifi and not the onboard one?12:00
zoghome(11.04 here)12:00
zoghome.. i think I've found it, force by mac address in nm-applet12:08
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Error404NotFoundHow do i change font sizes and types? also did anyone else notice the ugliness of skype on xubuntu? (first time xubuntu user here, shifted from ubuntu)13:54
TheSheepError404NotFound: you can make skype use your system theme by providing a command line option to it14:08
TheSheepError404NotFound: try skype --help for details14:08
Error404NotFoundTheSheep: in skype's settings under Theme i have set 'Desktop Settings' that sure didn't work.14:09
TheSheepError404NotFound: what fonts do you want to change?14:09
Error404NotFoundTheSheep: fixed, Found the in settings though its irritating how some of the apps on xubuntu won't follow system fonts but would have their own 'sans 16' set.14:09
TheSheepyeah, that is annoying, feel free to report bugs to their authors14:10
Error404NotFoundTheSheep: Skype v2.2.0.35, no commandline option to set theme though...14:10
Error404NotFoundTheSheep: More annoying if its in default app :P14:10
Error404NotFoundI am used to using multiple tabs in nautilus. Thunar, though awesome else, doesn't support tabs yet. Any recommendations? any pre-release ppa versions with tabs support? Or should i get nautilus installed?14:12
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Error404NotFoundreverted to pcmanfm14:20
Error404NotFoundthat seems better14:20
KrissinnDoes someone in here know why I cant connect too irc.freenode.net on my XCHAT irc client? Have too use browser client14:40
PiciKrissinn: Are you getting an error?14:40
Krissinn Tcl plugin for XChat - Version 1.64   Copyright 2002-2005 Daniel P. Stasinski  http://www.scriptkitties.com/tclplugin/  Tcl interface loaded  Perl interface loaded  Python interface loaded * Looking up irc.freenode.org * Connecting to irc.freenode.org ( port 6667... * Connection failed. Error: Connection refused14:41
KrissinnI just get this every time i try it14:41
PiciKrissinn: does the following command produce any output: dig irc.freenode.net | grep
KrissinnShould i put this in terminal or in xchat?14:45
PiciKrissinn: in a terminal14:47
Krissinnand the ip got a red background14:49
PiciKrissinn: Can please you pastebin the results of:  dig irc.freenode.net14:50
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:50
PiciKrissinn: Did you just start getting this problem?14:56
PiciKrissinn: I ask because it looks like your DNS has not updated, and I no longer see that server ip as listed in the A records for chat.freenode.net on either my computer, or at an external dns thingy.14:59
KrissinnWell, there has been this problem with the internet, as soon as my Dad puts a passcode on the wireless network I drop out. So we tried this Mac Address method, so we have to log in too the administrator account for our internet and write my Mac address there. Since this Mac thingy began I havent gotten on the server.14:59
PiciKrissinn: I suspect that either your router is not functioning properly as a DNS relay or your ISP has cached those records for longer than they should have.  You should be able to remedy this by using an external DNS server, like openDNS or google's DNS servers.15:01
KrissinnAlright, I will give that a try, thank you very much.15:02
Error404NotFoundAfter enabling compiz by 'compiz --replace' windows title bars disappear, how can i fix this?15:13
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holsteinError404NotFound: AFAIK, you need a decorator15:29
holsteini grabbed emerald, though there is a newer, more preffered option i saw mentioned15:30
Error404NotFoundholstein: fell back tp xfw4, was trying to make xubuntu as similar to ubuntu gnome2 setups that i had but these kinds of bells and whistles can wait :)15:31
holsteinright, and i have that15:32
holsteinwith compiz and emerald15:32
holsteinand i changed notifications15:32
holstein^^ thats a lot like what i did15:34
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz15:39
FerchoLPI know that this discussion is very old, but how come that the default behavior on closing the laptop lid is "do nothing"?15:40
FerchoLPthis is the second time I almost melt my laptop after a fresh install  closing the lid and putting it on a bag :/15:40
holsteinFerchoLP: its got to default to something :)15:40
FerchoLPyes, I've always expect it to go to suspension mode15:41
holsteinexpect/assume nothing15:41
FerchoLPI should see what other linux distributions do by default15:41
TheSheepFerchoLP: it's better than closing your lid for a moment and discovering all your downloads and compiles broken15:42
FerchoLPI know that's the main argument to the "do nothing" default15:42
holsteineach time i close the lid i look for the lights to start flashing... im used to suspend half-way working from in the past15:42
FerchoLPBUT i think it's better to lost some downloads and compiles ONE time and not melt your laptop ONE time15:42
holsteinFerchoLP: its a easy setting.. theres a GUI15:42
TheSheepyou *can* set it to suspend on closed lid15:42
holsteinyou literally cant please everyone15:43
genii-aroundYou could always make directory /etc/acpi/local , file in there of lid.sh which has something like shutdown -h now15:43
FerchoLPI know you can, I'm saying it should be default15:43
holsteinFerchoLP: right, and others would say it *should* be the other way... so... ?15:43
FerchoLPyes, but I think the consequences are different in case of mistake15:44
holsteinyou could write a question that is a promt at install time, but i personally find those annoying15:44
holsteinFerchoLP: ?15:44
holsteinthats one of the first things i tesr, from the live CD15:44
holsteindoes the laptop sleep and wake up... do i get wifi after sleeping... etc15:45
holsteinFerchoLP: feel free and file a bug report though15:45
holsteinthat would be 'wish-list'15:45
FerchoLPI found an old discussion in http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/item/22505/15:45
FerchoLPgood arguments for both sides15:46
holsteinsure... and right now, i have mine set to sleep when i close the lid15:47
FerchoLPapparently default behavior was different a few years ago15:47
holsteinas long as theres a simple way to configure, im comfortable with whatever defaults15:48
puffSometimes when I restart firefox, all of the windows are off in some phantom zone background;  they show up on alt-tab as grayed out, if I alt-tab to one of them and then move it to another virtual desktop, I'm back to looking at the desktop background.  Is there some way to bring all of these windows to the foreground?15:49
holsteinpuff: thats odd... i might try letting ~/.firefox or whatever its called there to 'respawn'15:50
holsteinyou could test by making another user account as well15:51
GridCube!info ubuntu-system-service15:53
ubottuubuntu-system-service (source: ubuntu-system-service): Dbus service to set various system-wide configurations. In component main, is optional. Version 0.1.26 (oneiric), package size 9 kB, installed size 148 kB15:53
rdesfomy terminal doesn't recognize the lower case "a" but when I su into a different account it works fine.  Does any one have an idea how to resolve this?16:29
GridCuberdesfo, you use an english kb?16:29
GridCubethen on a terminal launch >setxkbd en16:30
GridCubeand try the key16:30
GridCubethen on a terminal launch >setxkbmap en16:30
rdesfo$ setxkbd en16:31
rdesfosetxkbd: command not found16:31
GridCubesetxkbmap en16:31
GridCubeor maybe       setxkmap us16:33
rdesfoI have to run it in "run program" so I don't get any of the output16:34
rdesfoFailed to execute child process "setxkmap" (No such file or directory).16:35
GridCubethats weird16:35
rdesfoI ran the command under a different user and here's the output16:36
rdesfoNo command 'setxkmap' found, did you mean:16:36
rdesfo Command 'setxkbmap' from package 'x11-xkb-utils' (main)16:36
rdesfois 'setxkbmap us' what you where thinking of?16:37
GridCubesorry that was a typo16:39
rdesfoNo protocol specified16:42
rdesfoCannot open display ":0.0"16:42
GridCubeare you not on X?16:43
rdesfoI would assume I am.  isn't the default for xfce?16:44
GridCubeit sure is16:45
GridCubeyou should just open a terminal, alt-f2 > xfce4-terminal16:45
GridCubeand run16:45
GridCubexkbmap us16:45
GridCubesetxkbmap us16:46
rdesfoxkbmap: command not found16:49
GridCubeyes, yes, typo16:49
GridCubethink for a moment about what we have been doing16:50
rdesfois there a x window status command I can run?16:50
GridCubedont know16:51
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rdesfoyep I'm running x17:08
rdesfoRunning X session wrapper17:08
rdesfoLoading profile from /etc/profile17:08
Arpad2Upgrade Manager gives this http://paste.ubuntu.com/753811/, and no program can be installed or be removed17:21
CiPiWhy you don`t use terminal? It`s seems is much better...17:22
CiPiUpgrade and update from terminal.17:22
baizonArpad2: sudo apt-get install -f17:24
baizontry this17:24
Arpad2baizon gives this http://paste.ubuntu.com/753862/17:25
baizonArpad2: so type it17:26
baizonand upgrade your 112 packages =)17:26
Arpad2apt-get update ?17:26
baizonsudo apt-get upgrade17:28
Arpad2gives this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753865/17:29
baizonand if you try to remove the package?17:34
baizontry to remove libgnome-control-center117:35
Arpad2like sudo rm FILE ?17:36
baizonsudo apt-get remove libgnome-control-center117:37
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baizonand if that works again sudo apt-get upgrade17:38
Arpad2it seeme it doesn't work17:39
Arpad2is it possible to reinstall the complete system without loosing data?17:39
genii-aroundAlternately you might want to copy the contents of this page http://piki.org/patrick/projects/dpkg-rebuild to a file named dpkg-rebuild, and run it to reconstruct. Documentation is inside the comments17:39
baizonor try sudo dpkg --configure -a17:40
Arpad2genii-around exactly this happened here: crash during maintanance due to hardware malfunction17:41
Arpad2baizon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753879/17:43
baizonnow again sudo apt-get upgrade ?17:43
baizonsame error?17:44
Arpad2yes; same or similar17:44
genii-aroundArpad2: That perl file will build you a new /var/lib/dpkg/status file17:45
genii-aroundThe documentation within it is farly self-explanatory17:46
Arpad2so I have to write a perl file, which will create a new status file17:47
genii-aroundYes. But that url is the perl file itself. You just copy the text within, save to filename dpkg-rebuild, make sure it is executable. As it says, saves the new status file to /tmp/status  .. from there, copy it to /var/lib/dpkg/17:49
Arpad2genii-around: ok, I think I have done what I should, but I still get error message while updating18:41
try_outHello... Were am I?18:41
try_outWell. Where can I find the Russian channel?18:42
Arpad2genii-around: http://paste.ubuntu.com/753960/18:44
try_outDo u help me? Have installing Xubuntu, but haven't hear any sound.18:44
try_outO, thanks18:44
try_outIt's for me?18:44
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.18:44
try_outКлассно, то что надо. Ещё раз спасибо18:46
davekalguien que hable español?18:49
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #xubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #xubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. Si nadie responde allí puedes intentar preguntando en #ubuntu-es.18:49
davekok, muchas gracias. es mi primera vez...18:50
Arpad2genii-around: status file is empty18:52
genii-aroundArpad2: Apologies on lag, work required me. When you ran the script it produces a /tmp/status file with no content?19:08
Arpad2genii-around: yes19:09
genii-aroundArpad2: This would indicate that the files where it is pulling the info from also have some issue. Is /var/lib/dpkg/available also zero length?19:10
Arpad2although terminal's output looks like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/753977/19:10
genii-aroundHm, you are logged on as root19:11
Arpad2I opened available with gedit and it is empty too19:11
genii-aroundYes, so there is the problem as far as dpkg-rebuild. It creates a file with no content because the "available" file is also screwed19:12
Arpad2so it meand kind of that the problem is somewhere 'deeper' ?19:13
genii-aroundArpad2: I would suggest: dpkg --clear-avail      then: apt-get update      then try to re-run the perl script, see if it makes another empty file this time19:15
Arpad2all right19:15
genii-aroundArpad2: Work needs me for 5-7 minutes but I'm around19:16
Arpad2thx for help, ok19:16
Arpad2same result19:18
genii-aroundArpad2: Does ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/status-old show it to be there and larger than zero?19:27
Arpad2a kukában van eg ystatus ami nem nulla19:33
Arpad2I have one status file in the Trash, which isnt empty19:34
genii-aroundArpad2: Is it somewhere around 3 Mb?19:41
genii-aroundArpad2: I suggest then to restore it /var/lib/dpkg/     and then see if apt-get update can complete19:59
VShellHi, I'm trying to install Xubuntu to a USB drive and it appears to be stuck. Is there a log of what's going on that I can tail?20:04
Zer0day /var/log/syslog or sth..21:06

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