
bschaeferthumper: hey, did you get a chance to take a look at the manual test I pushed on my branch?00:58
thumperbschaefer: not yet, can you paste the link for me?00:58
thumperbschaefer: I had another thought about this bug01:14
thumperbschaefer: your change looks good01:14
thumperbschaefer: however it got me thinking about the root cause01:14
thumperwhich was nux said something had focus when it clearly didn't01:14
thumperwe should perhaps have a nux branch too01:14
thumperso when you say "set keyboard focus", it doesn't remember the area* if it couldn't find it01:15
thumperwhat do you think?01:15
bschaeferthumper: hmm that could work. I hope something else doesn't depend on that though01:15
bschaeferit gets called a lot01:15
bschaeferso it would slow it down I would think01:16
thumperthis is why we want unit tests :)01:16
thumperwhy would it slow down?01:16
bschaeferif it gets called a lot it would do more then a simple check and return. It would go through an emit BeginKeyFocus and set the path again01:16
thumperbschaefer: can you point me at the nux bits again?01:17
bschaeferthumper: yeah one sec.01:18
thumperfound it01:18
bschaeferIn KeyboardEventCycle01:19
bschaeferis where the NULL and the check for area is01:19
bschaeferthe NULL gets sent for SetKeyFocusArea01:19
bschaeferwhen it is called the first time it still find everything, the second time it just thinks it is already focused01:20
bschaeferso it just returns01:20
thumperperhaps we should bug jay some more about it all01:21
thumperI approved the review01:22
thumperwe are waiting on make check-headless to work for merging stuff.01:22
bschaeferhaha, he would know more about how to work around it.01:22
bschaeferthumper: alright sounds good, but at the work around we have now is good but I would also like to fix the root not fix the symptoms01:23
DebolazIf I volunteer to write support for auto-maximizing windows in Unity-2D, whats the chance that patch will be included in the official release?02:12
thumperDebolaz: if it gets merged into trunk, then yes, it'll be in the official release02:22
thumperDebolaz: is there a bug for it?02:22
Debolazthumper: Well, it's the "if it gets merged into trunk" part I was curious about.02:23
DebolazIf such a change will actually be included.02:23
thumperDebolaz: is there a bug?02:24
thumperwhat problem are you trying to solve?02:24
DebolazI don't think there is, I'm looking at it now. The problem I'm trying to solve is that many windows will not automatically maximize when opened in Unity-2D (This behavior is possible to enable in normal Unity), which can be quite annoying. For instance, text editors or terminals are examples of applications that will usually open non-maximized, but must be maximized on a netbook to really be usable.02:25
thumperif the behaviour is already in 3d and not 2d, file a bug and there is a very good chance it'll be included02:26
DebolazIt's not default behavior in 3d, but it can be enabled.02:27
DebolazThe default behavior is to maximize the window if it fills at least 75% of the screen.02:27
DebolazWhich happens in both 2d and 3d.02:27
DebolazBut only 3d will allow you to maximize all windows as a configuration option.02:28
thumperDebolaz: then it is worth filing a bug against unity-2d for this behaviour02:31
DebolazWill do when I get around to creating an account on launchpad.02:31
thumperDebolaz: as long as you add the configuration option, and honour the existing behaviour as the default02:31
thumperthen you should be good02:31
SpmPheyall, got a question about a custom unity launcher that doesn't seem to be answered in any of the stuff google throws at me. It is this: I have a media player (banshee) running via xpra, and a custom launcher that connects/disconnects to the xpra process on the app server. What I want is that when the banshee window appears locally that the icon/launcher thing for banshee not to become a separate item on the launcher window, rather that the02:38
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kenvandinehey ivanka!14:24
ivankahey kenvandine!14:24
ivankakenvandine: do you know why openshot won't open on 11.10? My husband is about to kill me :-)14:25
kenvandineno... i haven't used it14:25
ivankakenvandine: how are you?14:25
kenvandinei guess you have some videos from the trip?14:25
kenvandinegood... having fun?14:25
Cimiciao ivanka ! :-)14:25
ivankakenvandine: sure do http://www.bootsboatsandbikes.co.uk14:25
ivankaciao cimi!14:25
Cimiivanka, missing your smile in the office :-(14:26
* Cimi in Millbank14:26
ivankaCimi: :(14:26
ivankaCimi here is one for now :D14:26
Cimithanks :-)14:26
ivankakenvandine: Cimi: who do I bug about openshot? or, actually, why would an app just not start? no error, no nothing, just won't run?14:27
kenvandineivanka, try running it from a terminal and see if it spits out any errors14:27
Cimikenvandine, I guess she should try running gdb --arg openshot then :-\14:28
kenvandinei am installing it here in precise to see if i can reproduce14:28
ivankakenvandine: I have opened the terminal. Now what? :-)14:28
kenvandinetype "openshot"14:28
Cimithen press enter ;-D14:28
ivankaooo - something about mlt14:28
Cimiivanka, pastebin.ubuntu.com14:29
kenvandineworks for me on precise14:29
kenvandineso lets see your error14:29
Cimiworks here on oneiric, just installed14:29
ivankawas working here. Nick was working on a video all night, in the morning it wouldn't start14:30
Cimiivanka, rebooted?14:30
ivankaat the time, we had no internet so no updates or anything could have broken it14:30
ivankacimi: yup14:31
kenvandinepython -c "import mlt; mlt.Factory().init();"14:31
kenvandineivanka, run that... what does it say?14:31
Cimiivanka, http://askubuntu.com/questions/64686/openshot-doesnt-launch-with-failed-to-import-message14:31
Cimimv ~/.openshot ~/.openshot_backup && openshot14:32
ivankakenvandine: ran it, doesn't say anything14:32
Cimithis is what they suggest here14:32
kenvandineah... so something is hosed in it's local state14:32
* kenvandine hugs askubuntu.com :)14:32
ivankakenvandine: shall I just run that thing then?14:33
kenvandineclearly openshot has bugs :)14:33
Cimikenvandine, hi 5!14:33
* ivanka hopes it hasn't lost nicks video...14:33
* kenvandine hi fives Cimi back14:33
Cimiivanka, you have a backup14:33
ivankakenvandine: cimi: hooray for you saying hello!14:34
Cimiivanka, in ~/.openshot_backup14:34
Cimijust in case14:34
kenvandineivanka, never hesitate to ask for help :)14:34
ivankathanks kenvandine :-)14:34
kenvandineso where are you now?14:35
ivankait may be buggy but it is a helluva lot better than pitivi14:35
ivankain Cartagena14:35
kenvandinehaving a blast?14:35
ivankawent to a museum yesterday and saw some paintings by Alejandra's grandfather - which was cool14:35
ivankahaving a great time14:35
kenvandinesounds like an awesome trip :)14:35
ivankaNick is now becoming a master of openshot so watch out for more videos14:36
ivankait is an awesome trip14:36
ivankareally having an amazing time14:36
* ivanka is allowed breakfast now that openshot is working14:38
davidcallemhr3, hey15:11
mhr3davidcalle, hola15:15
davidcallemhr3, I'd like to notify the Dash that a search is in progress even if a no query has been typed. (Because I have a scope that has default results for an empty search and it has some latency, I'd like the search hint icon to spin)15:16
davidcalleeven if no*15:18
mhr3davidcalle, i think that's a bug in unity, it just doesn't display the spinner for empty searches15:18
davidcallemhr3, oh ok, good then :)15:18
davidcallemhr3, how are you?15:18
mhr3davidcalle, trying to write tests for communication between lenses and scopes15:19
mhr3it's really hard-to-automatically test :(15:19
davidcallemhr3, have you tried with a room full of monkeys typing in the Dash?15:20
mhr3davidcalle, that's the thing, my monkeys revolted that i dont pay them enough for typing randomly15:20
davidcallemhr3, too bad. Good luck ;-)15:21
mhr3davidcalle, thx :)15:22
davidcallemhr3,  to cheer you up http://ubuntuone.com/3XMemmoHQ9ecbl6eOmuszO15:24
mhr3davidcalle, "proxy error" does not cheer me up :/15:25
davidcallemhr3, lol15:25
davidcallemhr3, http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=18635415:27
mhr3hmm, launcher on the bottom, looks sort of odd :)15:28
davidcalleheh, I'm trying :)15:28
mhr3hmm where's neil?15:28
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