
=== tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter
vilahi all !07:34
* fullermd waves at vila.07:48
mgzmorning all09:07
vilamgz: morning09:08
mgzvila: what are you up to today?09:25
vilaudd stuff mainly09:25
vilaon a related note I'm also up to 48 ;)09:26
mgzsurely not!09:27
vilasince 17 minutes to be precise09:28
vilaclocks are conspiring to make me tyop now ?09:28
vilaI'll probably lose my internet access today, hopefully no longer than 1/2 hour, I may even be able to warn here first09:33
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vilamgz: ha, *asking* if there was a problem was needed to trigger the reconnect :)11:18
mgzonly 15 minutes downtime though :)11:19
vilayeah, no I need to restore wireless and phone though11:28
vilahmm, got the phone but still no wifi, lunch break, will obviously work better after that ;)11:53
fullermdHm, I've got no wifi either.  Maybe that means I should eat..11:56
chromaticwtWhat advantages does bzr have over git?12:48
smoserhey all. i'm wondering if i could get a little help doing a merge.14:25
smoseri'm trying to 'bzr merge-upstream' with lp:ubuntu/python-boto14:25
vilasmoser: hi, you're welcome14:25
smoserpython-boto exhibits bug 88320714:25
ubot5Launchpad bug 883207 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr reports huge differences compared to 'diff'" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88320714:25
smoserand the merge reports a bunch of conflicts that are just silly.14:26
smoservila, thank you ;)14:26
vilaha, hmm, sounds like a parallel import again, right ?14:26
vilacan you pastebin the output of 'bzr conflicts' ?14:27
smoseri'm perfectly willing to just say "bzr merge-upstream" and take upstreams' version of any file.14:27
vilain this case, 'bzr resolve --take-other' should get you pretty close to what you're after14:28
smoservila, i can... but you can very easily see the same thing as me. (bzr branch lp:ubuntu/python-boto && cd python-boto && bzr merge-upstream )14:28
Wellarkhmm.. am I doing something wrong or is this a real bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bzr/+bug/89817914:28
ubot5Error: ubuntu bug 898179 not found14:28
Wellarkargh.. it's private atm..14:28
vilasmoser: branching...14:29
Wellarkok, public now14:29
ubot5Ubuntu bug 898179 in bzr (Ubuntu) "bzr crashed with UnicodeDecodeError when using dailydeb command" [Undecided,New]14:30
vilasmoser: merge-upstream'ed, looking14:30
smoserso --take-other is probably pretty close to what i want. i can go forward with that.14:31
smoserhowever, it has the issue on some files as reported in 883207.  it thinks some files have been deleted and replaced with the same content.14:32
smoserand i would really like to fix this branch so it doesn't do that any more.14:32
jelmerWellark: I think that's a dupe of a bug mgz fixed earlier14:32
smoseras its really annoying.14:32
jelmerWellark: what version of bzr-builder are you running?14:32
vilasmoser: so, the root issue is that to track renames, bzr assign a file-id when a file is first added14:33
vilasmoser: when it happens for the same file in two separate branches, we call it a 'parallel import'14:33
smoseryeah, i'm not sure what got it into this situation, and quite likely the source of the problem is typing this sentance.14:33
vilasmoser: when these two branches are merged, bzr (so far) fail to realize that these two files are really the same14:34
smoserbut i'd like to get it fixed, and am willing to do some hacks now to get there.14:34
vila'bzr resolve --take-other' removes the file-id present in the branch and takes the other one14:34
vilaso if you keep merging from the same branch, you shouldn't encounter the same issue14:35
smoserwell that is good enough for me.14:36
vilathe long term fix is to allow both file histories to be merged14:36
vilasmoser: let me know how it goes for the *next* merge-upstream14:37
vilasmoser: and if you're subscribed to the udd mailing list, there is a thread about collecting such issues/recipes14:37
vilasmoser: called 'UDD: categorising and working around common issues'14:38
smoservila, thanks.14:38
smoserone other thing as punishment for your helpfulness14:38
smoseri just did merge-upstream... resolve --take-other...14:38
smoserthen 'bzr commit'14:38
smoserand it did not ask me to add a message14:39
smoserit did the same thing as debcommit would have14:39
smoserwhich is not what i wanted (non-interactively taking the debian changelog entry)14:39
vilajelmer: is that ^ Riddell patch striking ?14:39
jelmervila, smoser: yes, that's fixed in bzr-builddeb trunk14:40
jelmerin other words, trunk now has it disabled by default and you have to explicitly enable it14:40
vilapfew, lucky me ;)14:40
jelmerin older versions of bzr-builddeb the option defaults to True, but you can disable it14:40
smoserjelmer, ok. i'm bzr-builddeb 2.7.9ubuntu114:41
smoserbut, thanks.14:41
smoseris there a way to explicitly request edit ?14:41
smoseri guess i can just type a message and use --file14:41
jelmersmoser: set "commit-message-from-changelog = False" in bzr-builddeb's config, e.g. ~/.bazaar/builddeb.conf14:41
smoserthanks to everyone.  i have to say, that i find #bzr to be probably the most immediately helpful channel that i frequent, followed closely by #launchpad.14:42
Wellarkjelmer: the one which comes from oneiri repositories14:47
Wellarkjelmer: 0.7.1-0ubuntu114:48
jelmerWellark: It's fixed in 0.7.2, which is in oneiric. I've just marked your bug as a dupe.14:48
mgzhm, bzr-builder doesn't have an exposted version number?14:49
jelmermgz: it does in 0.7.2 :-)14:49
mgzand hey, you're talking about exactly the same bug I was just reading mail on14:49
Wellark0.7.2 is probably still in proposed14:50
mgzbug 837741 is the one.14:50
ubot5Launchpad bug 837741 in bzr-builder (Ubuntu) "bzr-builder has to call .decode on get_maintainer() output" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83774114:50
WellarkI'll grap it there14:50
Wellarkjelmer: I see 0.7.2 for precise, but not for oneiric14:54
jelmerWellark: sorry, my bad. I meant to say precise14:55
WellarkI'll just grab the trunk directly14:55
jelmerWellark: 0.7.2 is indeed not in oneiric. You should be able to grab it from the bzr daily build PPA or install it in ~/.bazaar/plugins manually.14:55
Wellarkyeah, I go manual14:56
Wellarkor not.. apparently I have to upgrade bzrlib, too14:59
Wellarkdaily PPA, here I come :)14:59
jelmerWellark: it's ppa:bzr/daily15:00
jelmerWellark: I'm surprised you would need a newer bzrlib though, did you get an error of sorts?15:00
mgzhey, on the ubuntu bugs index page for a package it tells you what versions are in what series, hadn't noticed that before15:03
smoservila, i just realized that 'take-other' didn't get me my bin.moved directory15:10
smoserso i'm missing a bunch of bin/ files.15:10
smosersuggestions on thta ?15:10
vilabin.moved was put out of the way and 'bzr rm'ed' , so either you move the files you want back into your branch and add them again (suboptimal)15:12
vilaor you come back to the state after 'bzr resolve' to cancel the removal of the files you want to keep15:13
vilaghaa, this sounds horribly complicated :-/15:13
vilasmoser: did the above make sense or should I explain more ?15:15
smoseri can easily reproduce the prior-to-resolve state.15:15
jelmervila: yeah, we really should address parallel imports at some point..15:15
smoserso how would i 'cancel the removal' ?15:15
vilasmoser: justasec, trying locally15:16
vilaso, you 'bzr mv bin.moved/* bin' to say : I want to keep those15:20
smoseri didn't do that, but i can.15:20
vilait will fail for s3put, leave it for now, do 'bzr mv bin.moved/*admin bin' to get the missing ones15:20
smoserand there was one file i think that existed in both.15:20
vila*now*, if you do 'bzr resolve --take-other' you'll notice that it says: deleted bin.moved/s3put (and deleted bin.moved)15:21
vilaso the original bin and bin/s3put are the only ones deleted15:21
vilayou may want to do the same for ec2/*.moved/*15:22
smoserok.. so what do i do about the conflicts ?15:23
smoserwhat i've done before, which probably got us into this situation was 'bzr rm, bzr add'15:23
vilaEEEEEERK !15:24
vilanever ever do that :)15:24
smoserwell bzr rm seemed like the only way to get the original outof the way.15:24
vilaThat's exactly the cause indeed, not a parallel import but a remove/add pair breaking the rename tracking :)15:24
smoseras 'bzr mv --force' isnt a thing.15:24
vilawhen do you need to get the original out of the way ?15:25
smoserbecause its different than the right version15:25
smoserand 'bzr mv' wouldn't do it.15:25
vilathe content ?15:25
vilaso you got .THIS .OTHER .BASE ?15:26
vilaand conflict markers in the file /15:26
smoserbzr diff ./boto/ec2/autoscale.moved/group.py ./boto/ec2/autoscale/group.py15:26
smoseras an example.15:26
vilaif .moved appears somewhere, there was a conflict on the name (abusively called content conflict)15:27
vilaresolve --take-other should do the right thing15:27
vilaresolve --take-other  boto/ec2/autoscale/group.py15:27
vilain this case15:27
vilaeither path can be used, which one you use doesn't change the result15:28
smoseri understand the 'rm and add' are bad, but from other rcs (ie git) the result is still sane.15:30
vilabecause renames are not tracked15:31
vilait's the other side of the same coin15:31
vilaand breaks badly for bzr which is why we need to address it15:32
smoservila, so does this seem sane:15:34
smoser$ for d in $(find . -name "*.moved"); do for e in "$d/"* ; do o=${e//.moved/}; if [ -e "$o" ]; then echo bzr resolve --take-other $o; else echo bzr mv $e ${e//.moved/} ; fi; done; done15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./bin/s3put15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/autoscale/group.py15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/autoscale/__init__.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/autoscale.moved/instance.py ./boto/ec2/autoscale/instance.py15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/autoscale/launchconfig.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/autoscale.moved/policy.py ./boto/ec2/autoscale/policy.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/autoscale.moved/request.py ./boto/ec2/autoscale/request.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/autoscale.moved/scheduled.py ./boto/ec2/autoscale/scheduled.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/healthcheck.py ./boto/ec2/elb/healthcheck.py15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/elb/__init__.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/instancestate.py ./boto/ec2/elb/instancestate.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/listelement.py ./boto/ec2/elb/listelement.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/listener.py ./boto/ec2/elb/listener.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/loadbalancer.py ./boto/ec2/elb/loadbalancer.py15:34
vila!pastebin :)15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/policies.py ./boto/ec2/elb/policies.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/elb.moved/securitygroup.py ./boto/ec2/elb/securitygroup.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch.moved/alarm.py ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch/alarm.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch.moved/datapoint.py ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch/datapoint.py15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch/__init__.py15:34
smoserbzr mv ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch.moved/listelement.py ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch/listelement.py15:34
smoserbzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/cloudwatch/metric.py15:34
smoserthats what i meant to paste.15:35
vilalol, nw15:35
vilayup, looks sane, does the resulting diff looks sane ?15:36
smoservila, boto/ec2/elb/__init__.py is not conflicted15:41
vilasmoser: no, you did: 'bzr resolve --take-other ./boto/ec2/elb/__init__.py'15:42
vilaso you took the other content15:42
smoserok. so that output was expected, and did what i wanted. thats fine.15:42
smosernow do a blanket resolve ?15:43
vilawhat does 'bzr conflicts' says ?15:43
vilatesting locally, there is a problem15:44
vilamy 'either path can be used' was misleading, it applies only when .moved is the only difference between the two paths15:45
smoserconflicts still lists all the original conflicts.15:46
vilaright, 'bzr st' is clearer here (and also list the conflicts)15:47
vilais the 'tests' hierarchy deletion deliberate ?15:47
smoserit moved. i think. have to check, though15:53
smoserno. tests removal was not deliberate. upstream has it.15:54
smoseroh wait. it *was* deliberate :-(15:55
smoserthe upstream tarball apparently does not have tests/ in it although revision control does.15:55
vilatesting locally, 'bzr resolve --take-other' output seems fine15:55
smoserso that sucks for a different reason.15:55
vila'bzr revert tests' will restore it15:56
smoseryeah, but dont you think its probably best to leave it gone ?15:57
vilaI have no idea15:57
smoseryea.. i was hoping you'd have a better feel for that.15:57
vilaOnly a personal preference for not deleting tests (especially all of them ;)15:57
smoserit does suck that upstream's tarball and revision control tag aren't equal.15:57
smoserwell, the only issue is that my tests/ directory would then be that of 2.0.2, not 2.1.1 and potentially not even work, *and* its different than upstream tests/15:58
smoseri'll mail upstream about lack of that in tarball as a long term fix.15:58
vilayeah, exploring with 'bzr qlog', 'tests' was added in 2.0.0-ubuntu1 which get them from upstream-2.016:01
vilawhich ironically outlines why getting the parallel import fixed is important as here if upstream add the tests again, we really want to reconcile the histories16:02
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Wellarkjelmer: running bzr daily ppa version of dailydeb fixed the problem as you guessed16:38
Wellarknow. Is there a way to trigger rebuild on dailyppa after uploading new branches?16:39
Wellarkis there any way to see what is the current rebuild period?16:40
jelmerWellark: there is a "Build now" link that is shown whenever one of the branches has unbuilt revisions16:41
Wellarklet's see16:41
jelmerotherwise the branches with changes get rebuilt within a 24-hour window16:41
jelmerthere is no ETA on when in the 24-hour window that is (but an open lp bug about showing that)16:41
Wellarkhmm.. odd.. I can't find the recipe on any of the branches16:43
Wellarkthere has to be one as the daily ppa sends me build error emails16:44
Wellarkthe build uses these branches: https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-network-developers/ofono/trunk, https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-network-developers/ofono/trunk.packaging16:44
Wellarkbut both of those branches say: No recipes using this branch.16:45
WellarkI'm a bit puzzled now16:47
jelmerWellark: how did you create the recipe?16:48
Wellarkno, somebody created it before16:48
Wellarknow, I'm suppose to continue development and maintenance of those packages and I'm trying to figure out all the pieces of the puzzle16:49
Wellarks/no/no, I didn't create it my self/16:49
Wellarkjelmer: do you have some powertool to list the recipes which land stuff to this PPA: https://launchpad.net/~indicator-network-developers/+archive/daily-ppa ?16:50
jelmerWellark: usually I just look for recipes owned by the same user that owns the PPA16:54
jelmerWellark: based on the versions of the packages in that PPA, it seems like those packages weren't created by a recipe16:55
jelmerWellark: it's probably just somebody (a bot?) doing daily source package uploads16:55
vilajelmer, mgz: I'm looking at some import failure and I encounter a weird case you may help me to understand, get the branches for debootstrap -rtag:1.0.36 for oneiric, sid and wheezy, launch qlog on them  and tell me it's not as bad as I fear :-/16:57
jelmervila: hmm, it seems like the debian and ubuntu branches have parallel imports?17:00
jelmervila: seems like it was caused by the fact that ubuntu diverged for a bit, then discarded its changes17:01
jelmervila: it diverged in 1.0.29ubuntu1, and then discarded that17:01
vilabut the tags '1.0.xx' should be for upstream no ?17:01
vilathey seem to exist with different revids in debian and ubuntu17:02
jelmervila: there is no upstream in this case17:02
jelmervila: it is a native package17:02
vilasurely the same tag can't be used for different revs ?17:02
vilaeven for native packages17:03
vilaand the picture is even more fun when you add the precise branch :-/17:03
jelmervila: different branches can have different tags17:05
vilaright, that's the theory, but does it make sense here ?17:05
jelmervila: in this case bzr-builddeb doesn't pull from the Debian branch anymore because it sees the Ubuntu and the Debian branch have diverged17:05
vilaprecise merged them17:06
mgzthis branch is a little large for my connection, it's not finished yet.17:07
mgzthere we go.17:07
vilamgz: oh, sorry :-( ~133MB17:07
jelmervila: please file a bug against bzr-builddeb17:09
vilajelmer: so, debian and ubuntu, for native packages, having the same tag used for different versions is expected ?17:09
vilajelmer: I'm trying to understand first, I'm not sure builddeb is at fault here, the failure is udd so far and it seems it assumes a tag cannot point to different revs there17:10
vilas/udd/in udd/17:10
vilajelmer: so, debian and ubuntu, for native packages, having the same tag used for different versions is expected ?17:10
jelmervila: no, that's not expected17:11
vilawhat tags should they use then ?17:11
vilax.y.zdebianN and x.y.z.ubuntuN ?17:12
mgzokay, I see the pretty picture.17:12
jelmervila: the tag names aren't the issue17:12
jelmervila: it's the fact that bzr-builddeb doesn't pull from the debian branch to import those revisions, and then reimports them itself.17:13
jelmervila: and when it reimports htem itself, they end up with new revision ids and tags17:13
vilaso the ubuntu ones are wrong is what you're saying ?17:14
jelmervila: when 1.0.30 was synced from debian to ubuntu, that discarded 1.0.29ubuntu117:14
jelmervila: yes17:15
jelmerit would be interesting to see if you can reproduce this issue by taking the ubuntu branch at 1.0.29ubuntu1 and then trying to import the 1.0.30 package17:15
vilabut the parents of the ubuntu 1.0.30 are 1.0.29ubuntu1 *and* debian 1.0.3017:15
jelmervila: the parents of ubuntu 1.0.30 should be 1.0.29 only17:16
jelmervila: it should be the same revision as debian 1.0.3017:16
jelmervila: what happened is basically the equivalent of "bzr push --overwrite"17:17
vilameh, 1.0.29ubuntu1 cannot be part of debian right ? Oh, you mean 1.0.29ubuntu1 shouldn't be there *at all* anymore ?17:17
jelmervila: right, it shouldn't be there anymore at all17:18
jelmervila: if you look at the current changelog.gz, you'll also see it's not there17:18
vilawhich the 1.0.30 merge shows in its associated diff yes17:19
vilaI suspect the package importer have no idea this can occur17:20
vilaso both may need to be fixed (importer and buildeb)17:20
vilano, wait, something is wrong here17:22
vilasay 1.0.29 was for lucid and then 1.0.30 for maverick, I still want 1.0.29 to be there so I can make other dot releases for lucid, as long as the content for 1.0.30, the prior history shouldn't need to be altered17:24
vilas/as the content/& is correct/17:24
jelmervila: I'm not sure I follow?17:25
vilayou said 'right, it shouldn't be there anymore at all' , that sounds excessive17:25
jelmerin the revision graph for the oneiric branch, 1.0.29ubuntu1 shouldn't be present at all17:26
vilathe tags was a red herring as you explain, knowing they are legit, the branches don't look that weird now17:27
jelmer1.0.29, 1.0.30, etc should be present in the oneiric branch17:27
vila1.0.29ubuntu1 commit says: 'Cherry-pick from trunk:' so it has been released right  (in natty) ?17:28
vilawhy should it disappear from the history in this case ?17:28
vilait seem the branches converge again at 1.0.30 if they can have different revs for the same tag, what's the issue ?17:29
jelmervila: it's like bzr release series17:29
vilaendless superfluous merges ?17:29
jelmervila: it's possible to cherry-pick a change from trunk onto 2.1 but it will become a different revision, and that different revision isn't in lp:bzr17:30
vilaright, but it's still part of the 2.1 history and becomes part of bzr.dev history when merged up17:30
jelmervila: there was no up-merging from ubuntu into debian here though17:31
jelmervila: which is why that revision shouldn't be part of the oneiric history17:31
vilaright and they will never be because ubuntu is downstream and has a larger history17:31
jelmervila: ubuntu oneiric has the exact same history as debian sid at the moment17:32
jelmervila: they're both shipping 1.0.3817:32
vilabut their branches are different, same content because ubuntu merges debian but still different histories17:32
jelmervila: the ubuntu natty branch *should* have 1.0.29ubuntu117:32
jelmervila: their branches should be the same, like for any package where ubuntu doesn't have a delta17:33
vilawe seem to agree about the branch content but disagree about the branch history17:33
jelmervila: about what should be in the branch history you mean?17:34
vilathe oneiric history should be a subset of the natty history so 1.0.29ubuntu1 should also be part of oneiric17:34
vilas/subset/superset/ of course17:35
vilaor not ?17:35
jelmervila: I don't think it should be a superset, it doesn't reflect what has actually happened17:35
vilaare you saying the history can somehow be restarted when a new ubuntu release is started ?17:36
vilaso the natty branch and the oneiric one can really diverge and never be reconciled ?17:36
vilamy understanding was that launchpad was always creating the new release branches from the previous release...17:38
jelmervila: sure - the same thing happens e.g. with SRUs17:38
jelmerjames_w: around?17:39
vilaright, but SRU happen *after* the branches have been bootstrapped17:39
vilamiss an s, here are some ssss17:39
jelmervila: the bootstrapping and old branches don't really matter I think17:40
jelmervila: the point is that when ubuntu discards its changes for a package, we should reflect that in the history17:41
* vila blinks17:41
vilaby removing a revision ?17:41
jelmervila: effectively, what ubuntu is doing is:17:41
jelmertaking a debian, making some local changes to it17:42
jelmertaking a debian package (1.0.29), making some local changes to it and uploading that (1.0.29ubuntu1)17:42
vilarecording that in the branh history17:42
jelmerthen later, when e.g. the fixes in 1.0.29ubuntu1 have been applied upstream too, they discard their version of it17:42
jelmer"bzr pull --overwrite debianlp:debootstrap"17:42
jelmerso they again have the same history as debian17:43
vilaand no trace that 1.0.29ubuntu1 ever existed ?17:43
jelmerright - see debian/changelog in e.g. 1.0.37, no sign that 1.0.29ubuntu1 was ever there17:44
vilahehe, touche17:44
vilaright, so I see your point17:44
vilaI don't think it is what is implemented yet though,17:44
vilabut I can imagine that the failures are related17:45
vilaI'll big further tomorrow, thanks for the explanations and the discussion17:45
vilas/big.... ???/dig/17:46
jelmer:) see you tomorrow17:47
vilahmm, and the tag should be deleted too, everywhere :) ...17:48
jelmervila: not everywhere, just those ubuntu releases that no longer have the version..17:49
vilaha ! Who is making things harder now ! :0D17:49
jelmervila: I don't think that's making things harder - it's just one of the things we should do when we do the "bzr pull --overwrite" from debian17:50
vilayeah, was mostly kidding.17:53
vila--overwrite may have a lot of unforeseen fallouts is what I meant, people having mirrors and so on17:54
vilaor pending proposals17:54
Wellarkhmm.. I'm trying to write a recipe17:55
Wellarkmy .recipe file contains:17:55
jelmervila: I don't think we necessarily handle that very well at the moment, as we record the parent but don't actually have the changes from 1.0.29ubuntu117:55
vilaanyway, food for thougt, first of all, fixing the imports ;) EOD, have fun !17:55
Wellark# bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version {debupstream}-0ubuntu1+bzr{revno}+bzr{revno:packaging}17:55
jelmervila: g'night & g'appetite :)17:56
Wellarkbut running $bzr dailydeb gives me an error17:56
Wellarkbzr: ERROR: Invalid deb-version: {debupstream}-0ubuntu1+bzr5947+bzr2792: Invalid version string '{debupstream}-0ubuntu1+bzr5947+bzr2792'17:56
Wellarkso it seems that {depupstream} doesn't get substituted17:56
jelmerWellark: what's the full recipe?17:57
Wellarkjelmer: $ cat ofono.recipe17:58
Wellark# bzr-builder format 0.4 deb-version {debupstream}-0ubuntu1+bzr{revno}+bzr{revno:packaging}17:58
Wellarkjelmer: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/755157/17:58
jelmerWellark: does ofono.trunk have a debian/ directory? If not, you probably want {debupstream:packaging}17:59
Wellarkah, ok17:59
Wellarkjelmer: ok, now it works!18:01
Wellarkjelmer: then there's a documentation bug18:01
Wellarkbzr help dailydeb says18:02
Wellark"{debupstream} will be replaced by the upstream portion of the version number taken from debian/changelog in the final tree."18:02
Wellarkbzr help builder, I mean18:02
jelmerWellark: "bzr help dailydeb" doesn18:02
jelmert mention {debupstream} here18:02
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jelmerWellark: never mind, found it in "bzr help builder"18:06
Wellarkjelmer: 20:00:11 < Wellark> bzr help builder, I mean18:06
Wellarkjelmer: do you want a bug report or will you handle this on your own?18:08
jelmerWellark: submitting a fix now18:13
jelmerWellark: thanks for reporting that, btw18:16
Wellarkjelmer: no problem18:18
Wellarkthank you for fixing it so quickly! :)18:18
smoservila, i can't seem to get rid of all the add/remove pairs18:48
mgzjelmer: reviewed bzr-builddeb mp18:52
jelmermgz: merci19:02
jelmermgz: updated19:27
smoservila, i'm sure you're sleeping or afk, but it seems to me that this ended up doing what i wanted19:34
smoseri would appreciate your input (or others) as to if this will then get me into a sane state for merges from debian and/or upstream in the future.19:34
mgzah, so I don't get bzr-builddeb bug mail...19:38
jelmersmoser: I'm not entirely sure if that revert command will do the right thing. I would personally use "bzr resolve --take-other $d"19:38
mgzI probably need to join bzr-builddeb-hackers19:40
jelmermgz: you should be able to be subscribed without being in the team that owns bzr-builddeb19:43
jelmermgz: that said, you probably should join bzr-builddeb-hackers >-)19:44
jelmersmoser: the diff output seems reasonable enough though19:44
mgzhey, that's a fun regression20:49
mgztoo many yaks, too many yaks20:49
jelmermgz: hmm?20:51
pooliehi all20:55
mgzsomething in 2.5 broke the error you get when trying to commit an unversioned file, with non-ascii filenames20:55
mgzit was kinda bust before but now it's good ol' "Unprintable exception"20:56
mgzwhich... as I was trying to test a different fix against that was very confusing20:56
pooliemgz, i would like to change the tests from using hardcoded file names to getting the names from some kind of factory object21:05
mgzpicking well known problem values isn't bad.21:11
poolieso that more of them can be unicode21:11
poolieright they could just start with a list like that21:11
pooliewe may need to adjust it for non unicode filesystems21:11
pooliethough, actually, there really are none of them21:11
poolieso perhaps we just need to make sure the tests always run with the right fsenc21:12
mgzthere is a problem at the moment where testing of filenames is ad hoc where people have reported bugs rather than systematic21:16
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james_wjelmer, I am now22:04
jelmerhi james_w22:05
james_whow are you?22:05
jelmerI'm well, how are you ?22:05
jelmerjames_w: vila and I were looking at an interesting importer issue this afternoon22:06
jelmerjames_w: basically, the importer wasn't dealing well with revisions with ubuntu-specific changes that were discarded22:06
jelmerjames_w: shouldn't those just be discarded from the branch history in Ubuntu as well so that the ubuntu branch has the same contents as the debian branch ?22:07
james_wjelmer, IIRC it should make the trees the same, but leave the revisions in place22:09
jelmerjames_w: and then do a merge for every subsequent revision?22:09
jelmerjames_w: IOW, once there has been a ubuntu-specific revision, the revision graphs will never ever converge again?22:10
james_wjelmer, yeah22:12
james_wthat seemed to more accurately reflect the upload history to Ubuntu22:12
jelmerjames_w: ah, so it's about the upload history rather than the actual package history I guess22:14
jelmervila: ^22:15
mgzbisected regression... comes out at r6124 ;_;23:08
mgzguess it's a gettext change then.23:10
* mgz does the hidden 16 former mainline revs as well23:10
mgz6123.1.10 indeed.23:11

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