
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest51552
=== Zerxes is now known as zkriesse
=== zkriesse is now known as Guest60090
AlanBellthat is the output from orca when doing an install22:36
=== Zerxes is now known as zkriesse
Fudgehi does anyone know how I can configure the workspace switching for oneiric so apps only appear on the workspaces they are on?23:51
Fudgegood idea  AlanBell  capturing the output23:53
AlanBellFudge: there is an option in the ccsm preferences for unity to favour apps on the current workspace23:53
Fudgeok ill find it23:54
FudgeAlanBell  how can i get to the options?23:56
Fudgedo not see it in system23:56
AlanBellum, one sec23:57
AlanBellok, do you have compizconfig-settings-manager?23:58
AlanBellccsm is the executable23:58
AlanBellin there are settings for various compiz plugins, one is the ubuntu unity plugin23:59
Fudgeonly in /usr/share/csm and it does not seem to be installed23:59

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