
kyleNev, hi. what kernel arg or preseed to I need to defined the root file system in a casper env? ubiquity fails part way through. I get "No root file system defined" yet df in tty6 has / mounted as device /cow17:57
evkyleN: that's a misconfiguration in your preseeding of partman-auto17:58
evit means you haven't specified a partition for /17:58
evwhich will always fail17:58
kyleNev: which debconf token should I preseed with to get a partitoin for /?17:59
evkyleN: see this section of the install guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/11.10/installation-guide/i386/preseed-contents.html#preseed-partman18:01
kyleNev thx18:01
evsure thing18:01
jibelev, where can I find Precise build of wubi.exe ?18:02
evjibel: I haven't made one yet18:02
evwill do tomorrow18:02
jibelev, ok thanks. that will save me some testing tonight. Good night then o/18:04
evgood night to you as well18:04

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