
Laneyjust realised that backports build depends bug is going to prevent me from doing agda backports00:32
Laneyhow frustrating00:32
broderas i seem to recall, you were planning to learn more about how soyuz works :)00:32
Laneyit's alright, it got escalated ^o)00:33
broderyes, but there are 300 critical bugs00:35
ajmitchthat reminds me, I was going to ask someone clueful about backports whether arb packages could depend on backported packages00:38
micahgajmitch: in theory with backports on by default, there shouldn't be a reason not to00:39
ajmitchmicahg: that's what I'd thought00:39
micahgajmitch: but you'll want to make that clear in whatever describes extras00:39
broderajmitch: i assume that's a technical question and not a policy one, right? as long as the dependencies are versioned to pull in the backports, i think it would work00:39
ajmitchbroder: that's what I was checking00:39
micahgajmitch: I think it's worthwhile to pass it by the TB though just to be sure00:40
broderwait, no that will hit the backports-can't-depend-on-backports bug00:40
ajmitchpolicy can be changed, I was checking whether it's technically possible00:40
broder(because lp's sbuild has a dumb build-dep resolver)00:40
ajmitchyay for lp00:40
broderbug #888665, in case you haven't seen it before00:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 888665 in Launchpad itself "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866500:40
micahgbroder: well, once that's fixed it would work :)00:40
micahgalso, if it's a run time, not build time, it would work now00:41
broderyeah, that's true00:41
ajmitchok, I hadn't seen that bug, it probably answers a few of my questions about it :)00:41
ajmitchmicahg: the use case is arb apps depending on libraries that weren't shipped in a stable version00:41
micahgalso, PPAs might behave differently than the backports pocket00:41
ajmitchbecause bundling them is evil & wrong00:41
micahgajmitch: we usually don't backport libraries :)00:42
brodermicahg: eh, that's not true00:42
broderespecially new libraries00:42
micahgbroder: depends on the # of rdepeds00:42
ajmitchmicahg: usually not, but I'm thinking more of new libraries, rather than new versions of existing libraries00:42
micahgajmitch: ah, that's a fine use case then00:42
ajmitchthough I can imagine the sheer fun & excitement of trying to backport a new version of Qt00:43
broderajmitch: short version of the bug: sbuild parses the build-deps without versions, passes just the package names to apt-get, cries when apt pulls from the default pocket instead of the lower-pinned one00:43
* micahg is going to have enough fun backporting webkit 1.6 to lucid-oneiric00:44
ajmitchbroder: right, because apt needs the version information to choose which package is appropriate00:44
ajmitchat least launchpad-buildd is split out as a separate project now00:44
broderajmitch: right. newer versions of sbuild create a dummy metapackage (with the actual depends list) and tell apt to install that instead00:44
ajmitchso http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~canonical-launchpad-branches/launchpad-buildd/trunk/files has its own copy of sbuild00:45
* broder squints00:46
broderthat looks like either a re-implementation or a *very* old version of sbuild00:46
ajmitchprobably the latter00:46
broderas in, pre-dates the first time i looked at the sbuild source00:46
broderbut i guess 2004-era fork would fulfil that requirement00:46
ajmitchthis is why we can't have nice things...00:47
* ajmitch wonders just how much they've diverged over time00:50
broderi mean, the organization of current sbuild is totally different from that00:51
brodermost of the code lives in the Sbuild perl module00:51
ajmitchit could make trying to fix that sbuild a bit of a challenge00:51
ajmitchbroder: reading that bug, I see that wgrant has made some progress on getting sbuild to a more sane state01:03
ajmitchso maybe it's not quite as bad as I thought :)01:04
wgrantajmitch, broder: LP sbuild is a fork of Ubuntu's buildd sbuild from 2004, which is itself a fork of DSA sbuild from early 2004.01:04
wgrantWhich is a fork of Debian sbuild from earlier than that.01:04
broder...oh. oh, dear01:05
wgrantThe main thing keeping us on the fork is ddebs.01:05
wgrantI have branches to port LP to almost-stock Ubuntu sbuild from ~a year ago.01:05
wgrantI may just bite the bullet and reimplement the ddeb hack.01:05
ajmitchyou would get much love if you get that in & make backports easier to deal with01:06
wgrantMight even take a stab at that today.01:06
wgrantBecause it's been 7.5 years since we merged upstream :)01:06
broderone thing that may cause deployment headaches: current sbuild (which i suppose is probably newer than what lp-buildd would be using) requires manually generating a gpg keypair in advance to sign the temporary apt repo it sets up with the dummy build-deps package01:08
broder(see sbuild-update(1) and sbuild-update --keygen)01:08
ajmitchcan apt not be made to use unauthenticated sources at that point?01:09
broderi was just thinking about that01:09
broderthere may be an option to not sign the tmp repo and have apt not chcek signatures01:09
broderwhich would probably be ok since this runs in DC01:10
wgrantWe already disable signature verification most of the time, but I don't really like that much.01:10
broderthere is an $apt_allow_unauthenticated sbuild.conf variable01:11
broder...but i can't find a way to disable the signing01:13
ajmitchsbuild-update manpage seems to say that the keys must be there, but they could be copied in or just live in the chroot01:15
kaushalcan partner repos be integrated with Ubuntu local deb mirror ?01:49
kaushalchecking in again for the query ?02:03
kaushalcan someone please comment ?02:22
broder!patience | kaushal02:23
ubottukaushal: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:23
broderbut i think you might have better luck in either #ubuntu-mirror or #ubuntu-mirrors - i forget which02:23
kaushalbroder: i did that already02:23
wgrantbroder: Sadly precise's sbuild needs libdpkg-perl, which is new in maverick. And new dpkgs don't obviously backport to hardy, which is what most of the buildds run :/02:37
broderisn't libdpkg-perl more or less standalone from dpkg core?02:38
micahgwgrant: oneiric's seems good though02:38
micahgoh, now it doesn't02:38
wgrantmicahg: It hasn't changed since oneiric.02:38
wgrantThe last one I tried was Lucid's, which seems to work OK.02:39
wgrant(we're stuck on hardy for a couple of reasons: dropped archs like hppa, ia64, and sparc; and the fact that some packages in old series don't like building on overly recent kernels.02:40
micahgwgrant: maverick's sbuild is the last without libdpkg-perl02:41
micahgbut that needs a newer schroot02:42
micahgeh, so does the version in lucid02:42
wgrantBackporting schroot is doable. Brand new dpkgs aren't.02:43
* ajmitch hands wgrant some more chewing gum to hold LP together02:45
wgrantHey, it's not part of LP any more. It's a separate project :)02:45
* wgrant disclaims all responsibility.02:45
ajmitchas of about a week ago, you mean :P02:46
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broderany DD's around and interested in NMU'ing python-virtual for me? (maintainer is low-threshold, and this is a prereq for potentially multiarch-ifying the gtkmm stack)04:17
brodererr, python-visual04:24
StevenKActually doing the NMU, or sponsoring a NMU?04:25
brodersponsoring :)04:25
ajmitchfixing http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=633273 ?04:25
ubottuDebian bug 633273 in python-visual "python-visual: Getting rid of unneeded *.la / emptying dependency_libs" [Normal,Open]04:25
broderdebdiff is attached to the bug04:25
ajmitchpackage hasn't had a maintainer upload for >2 years now04:27
broderi'm sure the maintainer ran away screaming from the tangle of cdbs in that package04:28
* ajmitch should let StevenK deal with it then :)04:28
StevenKSure, let me convert it to yada. Can't be much worse04:28
broderi was going to try and convert it to dh_python2, but i honestly have no idea how to do that with the way that package is set up04:30
ajmitchStevenK: you're in ~ubuntu-archive, why is yada still in the archive?04:30
StevenKReverse deps04:30
ajmitchburn them04:31
ajmitchthere aren't many of them left, but they don't die off quickly enough04:32
ScottKbroder: Convert it to debhelper at the same time.04:33
broderScottK: seems like a *slight* subversion of the NMU rules :-P04:33
broderand no, i'm *not* interested in taking over the package, before anybody says it04:33
ScottKAh, I thought it was orphaned.04:34
ajmitchlast time I looked at that package, I ended up patching boost04:34
ajmitchyay, oneiric fails to suspend *again*04:34
micahgStevenK: all 3 in Debian haven't been touched in Debian for quite a while, there are 2 we can drop in Ubuntu since Debian dropped them04:36
StevenKThere's only 3 revdeps?04:36
micahg5 total04:36
StevenKThere was like 20 last I looked04:36
* ScottK watches StevenK salivate.04:36
StevenKssh -v cocoplum04:37
broderssh -v cocoplum remove-everything.py04:37
StevenKI still have the scars from libapache2-mod-auth-pam04:37
ScottKIt's got an RC bug against it that (I gather) requires it to be migrated away from yada to fix.04:39
ScottKbroder: Do that one.04:39
broderapache, pam, and yada in the same package? that triggers my "run away screaming" response04:40
ScottKRight, but your job is removing the yada, so it should be easy.04:41
ScottKDo it now while you're still young and invincible.04:42
ScottKOnce you're old like StevenK you won't dare.04:42
* StevenK beats ScottK with his walking frame.04:43
* ScottK parries with his cane.04:43
StevenKLike you're that limber.04:43
ajmitchgreat, the elderly are fighting again04:43
ScottKI have an 8 year old child.  I need to be able to move fast.04:44
* micahg adds yada to his list of things to kill04:46
awsoonnquicky, What package contains the bluetooth app-indicator?04:47
ajmitchgnome-bluetooth afaik04:49
awsoonnajmitch: I've installed it but don't see it in my indicator area, I'll give my sys another rebooth for good measure..04:51
brodermorbid curiosity is a $%^%$#, but it doesn't actually look like this package is...impossible to convert to modern packaging05:01
broderi think the most annoying part is the lack of a functional install target05:03
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broderok, i'm upgrading the install target for libapache2-mod-auth-pam to "Tricky"06:20
broderStevenK: http://paste.ubuntu.com/754525/06:29
broderit seems to generate .debs with *virtually* identical contents (mod-auth-sys-group used to ship a README.Debian.libapache2-mod-auth-sys-group; it now just ships a README.Debian)06:34
broderbut i haven't double-checked extensively06:34
StevenKbroder: Drop yada from the Build-Depends?06:37
broderoh, hah06:37
broderoh, actually one sec...that may not be the latest debdiff06:38
broderthere, that's more like it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/754530/06:40
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broderoh, #$%07:45
broderfor once i actually *did* do dput ubuntu instead of dput ppa:07:45
broderfortunately it was a package in main07:46
dholbachgood morning08:01
ajmitchmorning dholbach08:06
dholbachhey ajmitch08:07
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tumbleweedbroder: so we must remember not to give you core-dev? :)09:28
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Laneyeveryone's done it once :P09:55
Laneyneeds moar dcut09:55
* tumbleweed actually hasn't - don't play with main stuff much in my PPAs09:56
tumbleweedI do worry about accidentally uploading to the wrongi distribution, but source vs binary uploads helps protect a bit there09:57
Laneyi only did it once: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/ghc6/6.10.1+dfsg1-13~karmic1~ppa109:59
* tumbleweed wonders if the archive should catch ~ppa\d+$10:00
tumbleweedbut it's not a big problem10:00
Laneydput could10:00
* tumbleweed really wants the archive to catch epoch bumps10:00
geserI once managed to upload a PPA package to the main repository (universe) through uploading to ppa.launchpad.net10:09
tumbleweedgeser: how?10:10
tumbleweedLaney: grumble, still getting some Signed-By: N/A10:10
nigelbgeser: That sounds like you hit some bug. Or you did some /etc/hosts hacking ;)10:11
Laneystill kernel?10:11
geserI was uploading through SFTP (it was pretty new at that time) and forgot to specify my PPA in the dput call so it got uploaded to a different upload directory (or something like that)10:12
* tumbleweed is still waiting for SFTP support in debian...10:12
geserI was surprised of the result myself (don't remember the details why it worked)10:13
tumbleweedbeing suprised sounds totally reasonable :)10:13
Laneynested_email_re is nice10:15
geserfound it in my IRC logs: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/07/11/%23launchpad.html#t20:4810:15
dholbachnot too many followed up on the packaging guide rename thread - are there generally any objections or further thoughts?10:17
tumbleweeddholbach: my first thought was "urgh, *platform* guide?"10:17
LaneyI still don't like the platform characterisation10:17
tumbleweedbut you are right that it's bigger than packaging and packaging might send the wrong message10:17
LaneyI would go with Ubuntu Develop{ment,ers} Guide10:18
tumbleweedin my mind platform sends the wrong message too10:18
dholbachcan you try to explain?10:18
nigelbBecause there's nothing about writing code for Ubuntu platform itself in the packaging guide?10:18
nigelbtumbleweed: ^10:18
tumbleweednigelb: yeah, partly that. And platform just sounds big and horrible10:19
dholbachnigelb, well, as soon as you make changes to any Ubuntu changes you are changing/writing code for the Ubuntu platform, no? :)10:19
* tumbleweed can't quite articulate it10:19
geserapropos renaming: wasn't it planed to rename UUC to something more clear?10:19
Laneybecause it's part of this platform / app separation10:19
Laneymaking Ubuntu into this base layer on which you run your app store10:19
dholbachLaney, could you imagine that it's confusing to people who want to write applications for Ubuntu?10:20
nigelbdholbach: Yeah, my point is what Laney articulated better.10:20
Laneywe are Ubuntu Developers10:20
Laneyso using that in the name would be right.10:20
dholbachare people who develop an application for Ubuntu "Ubuntu developers" too? :)10:21
nigelbThat's the confusing there :)10:21
Laneyare they in or seeking to be in ~ubuntu-dev?10:21
dholbachthat looks like a clear separation for somebody who is in the inner circles of Ubuntu10:22
dholbachbut I'm not sure it's a good way of explaining to somebody who is new to all of this10:22
dholbachthat's why I personally felt it'd make sense to bring a bit more clarity into the nomenclature10:23
LaneyI don't think renaming us to Ubuntu Platform Developers is the right solution10:23
geserisn't there also a platform team at canonical?10:23
Laneyjust noticed that the wiki page is still the top google hit for me10:23
tumbleweedthe things that are in the guide are how we do our development, not how people should write applications for Ubuntu10:23
Laneyhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide ← should probably say something10:24
Laneyabout the new location10:24
tumbleweedLaney: yeah, we gave an action item for that at UDS10:24
dholbachI didn't suggest renaming the ~ubuntu-dev team - what I had in mind was to explain that you can develop applications for Ubuntu, but that you can also get involved in improving the platform10:24
dholbachwhich is likely going to be news to new demographics of users/developers10:25
Laneywe should explains what Ubuntu Developers do and that this is a guide to their work10:25
* Laney stabs facebook chat10:25
dholbachok, I'm not sold to the name of platform guide yet, but what I'm trying to do is be clearer and more inviting10:25
nigelbUbuntu Developers and Ubuntu App Developers seems like a good separation.10:26
nigelbAs long as we explain it well.10:26
Laneypackaging guide is clearly not right, because that is not what it is10:26
tumbleweeddholbach: to some degree, I agree with the crazy teenagers (excuse the charictarisation) who wanted a "call for action"10:26
tumbleweedI find "ubuntu platform" makes it even worse10:26
LaneyUbuntu Boring Stuff Guide10:26
tumbleweedit makes it sound big and boring, yeah10:26
nigelbUbuntu Red Tape Guide ;)10:27
dholbachmaybe we can try to revive the discussion on the list a bit?10:28
tumbleweedyes, we should, I hadn't collected enough thoughts for a reply until now :)10:28
dholbachI think it's worth taking into account that at some stage we might have more developers who are interested in bringing their application to Ubuntu and that they are not yet aware of the possibility to change the platform bits (or distro bits)10:29
dholbachI consider this a huge selling point10:29
dholbachand I don't want us to miss the opportunity to get them involved10:30
Laneyis developer.u.c going to talk about ubuntu development?10:30
dholbachit certainly is a different demographic of people, but sentiments of "us vs. them" (although none of you alluded to any of that) won't help10:30
dholbachLaney, the current packaging guide lives there and there's a platform page which talks about Ubuntu the platform - I want us to be more present there :)10:31
LaneyI think it would be good for the site to get a page explaining what Ubuntu Developers are10:32
tumbleweedLaney: oh, grumble, I think I had forgotten to clear the mboxes first10:33
* tumbleweed runs it *again*10:33
Laneyold data?10:33
dholbachthanks a lot for your thoughts10:33
Laneycould we run a couple of releases at a time, in parallel?10:33
tumbleweedLaney: yes, did that before, but I still want to know that I'm fixing all the issues I've seen before I start from scratch10:34
tumbleweeddholbach: I'll post a follow-up now10:34
dholbachthanks :)10:34
LaneyI added something to /PackagingGuide10:35
tumbleweedmicahg: aw, are we not ubuntu-desktop members any more? :)10:35
LaneyI used to use that to push to Tomboy's bzr branches :P (since I have upload access through ubuntu-cli-mono-dev)10:36
Laneytumbleweed: what does UCT mean?11:52
Laneyoh, university of capetown?11:53
tumbleweedeep, that extension changed11:57
Laneythe only calls i have ever had on the university phone have been wrong numbers11:57
tumbleweedmost of my friends in other departments have graduated (not fair), but there are still a few people on the other side of campus who I regularly need to phone11:58
tumbleweedin the renovations earlier this year I lost the phone on my desk. It's a pain12:00
nigelbtumbleweed: what do you do? research?12:03
tumbleweedfor some reason, when dealing with university bureaucracy, phoning them makes things much more efficient. People generally assume you are staff, rather than undergrad. Of course my generally-scruffy appearance can't help much either :P12:03
tumbleweednigelb: yeah, I'm a MSc student12:03
tumbleweeddear kernel. Please stop panicing. Everything's OK, I promise12:26
tumbleweed(had one this morning too)12:26
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Laneytumbleweed: can reverse-depends src:foo (get an option to) exclude binary packages built by foo?13:40
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tumbleweedLaney: sounds like it should ignore them unless we are looking at build-dependencies14:10
tumbleweedLaney: many of the remaining Signed-By: N/A are backports14:41
tumbleweedbut not all...14:42
Laneydoubt we have enough data to do anything sane with backports14:42
Laneybut why are you getting N/A? Aren't you setting it to changedby in those cases? Or do you just mean that is when this happens?14:43
dholbachLaney, tumbleweed: where are you collecting the data? I assume you're parsing -changes lists(?)14:44
tumbleweeddholbach: LP14:44
tumbleweedLaney: yes, I thought so too :P14:44
dholbachdo you have a bit more info on what you're doing there? because I had a look at uploads before and was struggling with similar bits :)14:45
tumbleweeddholbach: extracting LP upload history for the Debian UDD14:46
Laneywe're using getPublishedSources in Launchpad's API to get all uploads and then cleaning up the data in various nasty ways14:46
Laneybefore putting it in a sensible format which is then imported into UDD14:46
dholbachahhhh ok14:46
dholbachthat sounds great14:46
* dholbach has a look14:47
Laneytumbleweed should put himself in copyright too14:47
dholbachbut doesn't getPublishedSources over all uploads take ages?14:47
tumbleweedLaney: so, I was only setting Signed-By = Changed-By for things without changes files (native syncs, presumably)14:48
dholbachthought so :)14:48
Laneyluckily you only have to do that once14:48
Laneyafter that you can just keep up to date14:48
tumbleweeddholbach: yeah, if I thought ubuntu-sponsornig was painful to debug...14:48
tumbleweedthis takes a week for a full import14:48
Laneyi'll do some in parallel if you want14:49
dholbachthat's why I tried to read -changes mboxes, but it's even more painful, as formats changed, when trying to get LPIDs for email addresses you get uploaders like katie, or <person>-merged14:50
Laneyi had a script for that (it's in the git repository)14:50
Laneyworked ~well, but didn't catch everything (notably syncs)14:51
* dholbach nods14:51
tumbleweedLaney: ok, from a quick squiz at this, I think it's safe to do Signed-By = Changed-By everywhere14:51
dholbachit's a world kept together by exceptions :)14:51
Laneytumbleweed: yeah, i thought thats what it was anyway so fine by me14:52
tumbleweedLaney: for some reason at the timee I thought there were reasons not to...14:52
tumbleweedgaah, every clone I have of this is set up differently14:53
tumbleweedsometimes your branch is origin, sometimes mine14:53
Laneyyou could argue that we should only use signed_by when we know that it's right14:54
tumbleweedwith syncs that jsut gets messy. Signed-By is overloaded...14:55
Laneyi don't mind it14:57
Laneybeing always set14:57
tumbleweeddholbach: I quickly ran that naming discussion past some non-ubuntu-dev friends (they may be silghtly biased by being my friends... :P )15:27
tumbleweed17:16 <&Taejo> that is an idiotic name15:27
tumbleweed17:17 <&Taejo> I would have no idea what that was about, whereas the current name actually tells you15:27
dholbachwell, ubuntu packaging guide tells you that it's about packaging15:30
dholbachanyway, maybe we should just pick a name for the project, move on and think about what kind of additional content we need to make it all clear15:31
nigelbwhat color should the bikeshed be? :)15:31
tumbleweed+1 for moving on (that's another reason why I didn't reply on that thread until today)15:31
dholbachthis is not a religious question to me15:31
nigelbdholbach: I was told a long while back, "Don15:31
nigelbdholbach: "Don't wwait for majority, if something makes sense, do it unless someone brings a majority to oppose"15:32
nigelbOr something to that effect :)15:33
nigelbOf course, it doesn't apply for everything, but it was in the context of making a change to something and inactive discussion around it.15:33
l3onhey.. someone could help me ?... I'm some problem understanding the doko message in bug 89673015:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 896730 in policycoreutils (Ubuntu) "Please merge policycoreutils 2.1.0-3 (universe) from Debian unstable " [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89673015:34
tumbleweedl3on: the patch is incomplete15:36
tumbleweedl3on: it ends with a hunk header15:36
l3onwth... why gmail does this to me!!!15:36
nigelbattaching it directly on lp should work :)15:37
* tumbleweed makes the smug doesn't-use-gmail smile15:37
l3onok, done... some sponsor here? :)15:39
Laneyqueue is fine15:39
l3onlol ok :)15:39
l3onwell, is it a known problem?15:40
l3onI mean... everyone using gmail has the last '\n' trunked and replaced by blank space ?15:41
tumbleweedl3on: that wasn't what happened here15:41
tumbleweedoh, it was15:42
tumbleweedjust remove that hunk, it's not useful :(15:42
l3onops... maybe next time I'll do..15:43
l3onbut, really, do you use your mail to upload patch ?15:43
* tumbleweed normally uses lp web interface for things like that15:44
tumbleweedI use e-mail when replying to comments often, if I want to quote without hassle (and writing in a real editor is easier than a web form)15:44
verwilsti want to add libdrizzle_CFLAGS="-I/usr/include/libdrizzle-1.0/libdrizzle" to my debian/rules15:45
verwilstbut just exporting them before dh_auto_configure -- --disable-rpath doesnt seem to work15:46
verwilstany ideas?15:46
verwilstah, just needed to install pkg-config?15:49
tumbleweedyes, you probably want to detect things like that with pkg-config rather than hard-coded paths15:52
l3onwell it's a launchpad problem 'cause if I send an email to myself, attachment is correct15:54
micahgtumbleweed: nope, so no uploading random desktop components for fun :)15:58
tumbleweedyay for more tidying up (damn, I never got to abuse that)15:59
l3ontumbleweed, bug 898227 ... we'll see :)16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898227 in Launchpad itself "Email attachments are corrupted when last line is '\n'." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89822716:25
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Resistancebroder, did that bug which blocked the natty backport of znc ever get resolved or is it still just sitting there without a resolution?19:05
tumbleweedResistance: not yet (why don't you subscribe to it?)19:06
Resistancetumbleweed, because i cant find said bug19:06
* Resistance doesnt have a link to it19:06
Resistanceif you can provide me with said link i'll subscribe19:06
tumbleweedit's bug 88866519:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 888665 in Launchpad itself "Backports can't build-depend on other backports" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88866519:07
broderResistance: Ubuntu has "escalated" the bug (indicated to the LP devs that we consider it to be a serious issue)19:07
tumbleweedwgrant said something about working on it, today, though19:07
tumbleweedbroder: did you find an NMU sponsor?19:08
brodertumbleweed: i don't think so19:08
broderi think everybody got distracted by purging yada from this earth with fire :)19:08
tumbleweedsounds sensible19:08
Resistancepurging with fire19:09
Resistancesounds like something i'd do19:09
* Resistance tends to purge evil things with the equivalent of a computer technician's nuclear device rather than a smaller, specialized tool19:09
tumbleweedLaney: I started the mass import19:10
Laneyall looking good?19:10
tumbleweed(doing two batches of 7 releases in parallel)19:10
tumbleweederr two parallel, each with 7 series19:11
tumbleweeddon't want to kill all the lp frontends19:11
Resistanceand there we go, i've subscribed to that bug now19:11
brodertumbleweed: anyway, debdiff is attached to debian bug #63327319:11
ubottuDebian bug 633273 in python-visual "python-visual: Getting rid of unneeded *.la / emptying dependency_libs" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/63327319:11
broderbut i have to run at this very moment19:11
tumbleweedLaney: too early to tell, but there are a good few DEBUG notices...19:11
* tumbleweed spots something I should have NMUed19:15
tumbleweedwe should have a bot that finds patches you posted on the Debian BTS more than a month ago that haven't been applied to VCS19:15
Majostah, the hilton -- cool19:18
micahgtumbleweed: any idea when the ubuntu-dev alioth sponsor checker will show sponsors again?19:23
tumbleweedmicahg: ~ 3 days?19:24
tumbleweedLaney: do you still have old data lying around?19:24
micahg:(, ok19:25
tumbleweedmicahg: I can ask LP if I can go faster... /me sticks his head in19:25
micahgtumbleweed: it's ok I guess, I think I found most of my sponsors19:26
tumbleweedmicahg: I can give you my old-school list-archive-scraping script for that if you want19:26
tumbleweedah, it's posted here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/extra-scripts/view/head:/list-sponsorships19:27
ajmitchmicahg: are you trying to look up people you've sponsored?19:29
micahgwhat python module provides Logger?19:29
tumbleweedmicahg: devscripts.logger19:29
micahgoh, do I have to run this from somewhere specific?19:30
tumbleweedyeah, that was also designed for endorsements, you'll need to make minor modifications19:30
tumbleweedyou can run it anywhere, it'll cache the mboxes in ~/.cache/ubuntu-dev-tools/changelists/19:31
micahgis python list-sponsorships not sufficient to run it?19:31
tumbleweedshould be19:32
tumbleweederr, it takes arguments :)19:32
tumbleweedyou probably want -n '.*'19:32
tumbleweedand a few -r s19:34
tumbleweederr and you will want to modify it to state the sponsors19:34
RainCTAny idea why "override_dh_auto_install: dh_auto_install; echo 'foo'" says "foo" first and runs dh_install/etc afterwards?19:38
tumbleweedRainCT: dh_auto_install != dh_install19:39
RainCTtumbleweed: uhm, so I need override_dh_install. ok, thanks19:42
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tumbleweedbroder: you'd think jonas would know how to use CDBS...20:12
tumbleweedthere are a bunch of other important bugs, but I don't care about them enough to roll them in20:12
tumbleweedthere's a suprising amount of VCS activity for a package with non maintainer uploads in 2 years20:12
Laneytumbleweed: yeah, in ~laney on samosa20:48
tumbleweedmicahg: ^ that's plan-b20:49
Laneyalso pre-reimport is in ~laney/ubuntu-udd/ubuntu-changes.backup/20:51
brodertumbleweed: ah, that's why i recognized that guy's name :)20:58
tumbleweedlintian was not impressed, either :P21:00
tumbleweedLaney: just committed r29 to https://code.launchpad.net/~stefanor/+junk/reverse-deps and deployed it. Doing what you expect?23:35
LaneyI asked for reverse deps of src:audacious and got all of the inter deps23:35
Laneyif they're not there then yeah23:35
tumbleweedwell, I think so :)23:36
Laneylooks better indeed23:36
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