
=== bladernr_ is now known as bladernr_afk
brendandjibel - i think you should update the topic with the link to the current iso tracker09:19
jibelbrendand, you're right, will do when I fixed other morning issues. Thanks09:19
brendandjibel - i'm mainly saying that because i can't find the link myself now :)09:20
brendandjibel - found it in the backscroll09:21
jibelbrendand, the link on the front page of the old tracker
brendandjibel - oh yeah, i missed that09:23
jibelmvo, I need your help to build the main-all-amd64 image, it failed but can't find any obvious reason, disk full maybe but can't find an error message09:42
jibelmvo, it just stops after downloading the packages with 'Error installing packages'09:42
jibelmvo, also, results for the failed main-all upgrade on i386 are here: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade/PROFILE=main-all,label=upgrade-test/58/09:44
mvojibel: looks like some issue around tdsobdc, libiodbc2, I need to check the package relationship to get a good idea what is going on there09:45
mvojibel: as for the main-all, happy to help, lets move to /msg so that you can tell me where I can find the current image09:46
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jibelDaviey, how are you in this fine day ?15:33
jibelDaviey, anyone to test raid and iscsi ?15:34
jibelstgraber, did you test ltsp ?15:34
stgraberjibel: I tested it on Edubuntu a few minutes ago, didn't test it on alternate though, want me to test it?15:35
jibelstgraber, as you want. if you do it I'll try wubi instead.15:35
stgraberjibel: I'm finishing edubuntu amd64 now, will do edubuntu i386 next and then I should have some time for alternates, so I'd expect results in 3-4 hours15:36
jibelstgraber, ok, I'll start wubi then ltsp if you don't beat me to it.15:37
Davieyjibel: don't we have auotmated testing of that now?15:41
Davieyjamespage: ^^ ?15:41
jamespageDaviey: no15:41
Davieygah, for some reason i thought we did15:42
jamespageDaviey: only vanilla ubuntu15:42
jamespagealternate, desktop and server15:42
Davieyjibel: I think it's unlikely iscsi will be tested in time for A1.15:43
DavieyRAID-1 i think will be achieved.15:44
stgraberyeah, I sadly no longer have a working iscsi test setup, should have one again soon as I have the iscsi merge somewhere on my list of stuff to look at15:47
jamespageDaviey: I can take a poke at iSCSI - have a setup on my laptop using tgt15:58
Davieyjamespage: awesome!16:02
jibelDaviey, jamespage are you testing ec2 for a1. it's not showing on the tracker.17:48
jamespagejibel: trying to sort out executing the tests ATM17:49
jibeljamespage, should we add the tests to the tracker anyway ?17:50
jamespagejibel: yes17:53
Davieyjibel: blocked on an RT17:54
jibelDaviey, ok, for the records, I'll add the tests to the tracker and keep them untested.17:56
cSquallMan this channel is quiet!18:13
stgraberjibel: finished Edubuntu, starting Alternate now18:48
stgrabernew Ubuntu alternates (i386 and amd64) are ready for testing20:33
skaetjibel,  ^^20:34
skaetwhat stgraber said20:34
stgraberskaet: hmm, actually, we probably should have waited for the new LTSP to publish :)20:35
stgraber.list still shows -0ubuntu1020:36
stgraberargh, I mean -0ubuntu920:36
* skaet *shakes* head, so excited by playing with new publishing tools.20:36
stgraberwell, you'll get to play with them again :)20:36
skaetok,   marking them for rebuilding again.20:36
stgraberaccording to LP, ltsp is built and published, quickly making sure it's not lying20:37
stgraberskaet: it published on i386 and amd64 but not on armel, armhf and powerpc, so we'll need to wait a bit for that last one20:39
skaetstgraber,  okie20:40
skaetjibel, new Ubuntu alternates (i386 and amd64) are ready for testing.22:06
skaetstgraber, ^^22:06
charlie-tcabladernr_: Many thanks for your help getting Xubuntu tested!22:29
bladernr_charlie-tca:  no problem :) I thought it could use some love23:04
stgraberdone with LTSP on amd64, doing i386 now23:26

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