
sagacihmmm, the translation stats have partially updated but most are still showing up as untranslated08:44
sagaciHi, I'd like some help with updating language packs, the base pack, dated 26th Oct is a bit over a month old and for en_AU that's seen a lot of changes... I'm guessing you just download the latest "delta" package from here -- https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+language-packs  and then just somehow merge them, or have I got it wrong12:22
sagacimerge them with the older base pack*12:23
andrejzhello dpm!13:21
andrejzcan you take a look at templates priority, when you have time? https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0Ak3RvMevQNNMdFV6eDV1U29Ea3JpUUQ2SkNKTUNYZHc&hl=en_US#gid=113:21
sagaciah I get it, you download the base pack and the latest delta pack, then you just cp the files into the base pack dir and then you get the most up-to-date version of each package13:22
dpmandrejz, sure, but not today, I'll try to go through them by the end of the week13:25
andrejzok, cool13:25
sagaciI'm just cruising away grepping at strings from this updated base pack, looking for strings of "color" and there's a template in the base pack in umbrello.po which doesn't look to be a template on the ubuntu main template pages... any ideas?13:55
sagacialso plasma_applet_binaryclock missing from templates14:02

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