
Blazeixheh, anyone gone to wikipedia lately? they're trying something new with the donation messages.00:53
rick_h_no, heard a few things00:53
rick_h_but I actually don't use it much, I'm strange00:53
snap-lrick_h_: Really?00:54
snap-lMaybe that's my problem. :)00:55
rick_h_snap-l: yea, I maybe hit wikipedia a couple times a month00:56
rick_h_if that00:56
rick_h_one link in my history going back to the start of Nov00:57
snap-lgreg-g: Congrats on becoming the head of the loco council01:05
snap-ler, just the loco council. Not just the head.01:05
greg-gthere is no head01:06
snap-lYeah, as soon as I typed that, I thought "That doesn't make sense"01:10
greg-gsnap-l: but thanks!01:13
brouschWe got not a flake of snow here. Not even any frost.12:33
snap-lReminder: Detroit-ish Ubuntu Hour / Coffee House Coders is TONIGHT, and it's at 7PM. More info: http://ur1.ca/68laz !ubuntumi12:37
rick_h_woot! chc time12:48
brouschrick_h_: you gonna skype in for the meeting?12:48
rick_h_brousch: I think I might be at the muppets if all goes wlel13:01
rick_h_well that is13:01
brouschReview from my 4 year old: "That was a great movie!"13:04
rick_h_lol, should help kill a night and I don't have to embarass the family :)13:06
rick_h_the boy is a bit too young still13:06
brousch4 seemed right13:06
brouschhe didn't talk much, sat through the whole thing with no potty breaks13:06
rick_h_that's cool13:07
Wolfgerbrousch: any review from the older "I grew up with the muppets" crowd?13:30
brouschi laughed13:32
rick_h_Wolfger: I've heard good things13:32
brouschnot enough gonzo13:32
rick_h_heh, I'll like it then13:33
Wolfgerrick_h_: I had my first true vim moment yesterday... I went to edit a text file in my go-to Windows editor (ConText) and thought to myself "it would be so much easier to just cw this than highlight the word and change it"13:33
brouschrick_h_: you prefer the more intellectual muppets like fozzie?13:33
Wolfgerso I opened vim and made the change there13:33
rick_h_Wolfger: awesome!13:33
rick_h_brousch: come on, more beaker!13:34
rick_h_he's got such emotional range13:34
brouschbeaker and bunsen were basically not in it at all13:34
Wolfgermore Swedish chef and Animal!13:34
brouschvery sad13:34
brouschanimal was prominent13:34
rick_h_oh come on...now I don't want to go13:35
brouschi hadn't seen any other muppet movies, so i think i missed some references13:35
brouschmy wife and son are the muppetheads13:35
rick_h_there were a few on netflix13:35
rick_h_I watched the gonzo movie a little bit ago there13:36
rick_h_and muppets take manhatten I think13:36
brouschthere's a gonzo movie?13:36
* Wolfger makes a note to check Netflix tonight for the Gonzo movie13:37
brouschthe most annoying thing was the voices being wrong13:37
rick_h_yea, he gets his own. It's muppets from space or something13:37
WolfgerBest movie ever was Muppet Treasure Island13:37
brouschgonzo, piggy, and kermit were all off13:38
WolfgerI used to know most of the words to every song in that movie13:38
Wolfgerbrousch: that sucks13:38
brouschok, a google search for "gonzo movie" with safesearch off has produced some interesting results13:38
rick_h_brousch: muppets from space13:39
rick_h_that's what you want to look for I think13:39
brouschdarn, no streaming13:42
brouschadded muppet treasure island too. boy loves pirates13:43
rick_h_no? they move around13:43
rick_h_I started watching one muppets movie13:43
rick_h_and a couple of weeks later went to finish, but it was off streaming13:43
rick_h_cranky rick_h_13:43
brouschCome on, mating handicap? You're rich, good looking, and have been to frickin space. I don't think a little facial hair is going to be a problem13:45
brouschoh, and a nice accent13:47
rick_h_heh, someone sounds jealous :P13:55
brouschif you meet him i need you to save some epithelial cells so i can clone him14:00
rick_h_heh, I'll keep that in mind14:03
Wolfgerchuckle of the day: http://programmers.stackexchange.com/questions/122505/why-c-cant-be-made-as-python-in-terms-of-convenience15:21
Wolfgerman, jcastro is all up in everybody's shit on AskUbuntu, editing everything. :-)16:06
brouschhe is crazy on there16:07
jcastroI AM BECOME DEATH16:15
krondorI think he has an army of ghostwriters doing it for him, or a really awesome script.16:15
ColonelPanic001jcastro is the fifth rider of the apocolypse. I knew it all along16:17
ColonelPanic001but he brings Ubuntu goodies sometimes, so I don't mind.16:17
Wolfgerkrondor: there's a "powered by Perl" tattoo at the base of his neck...16:24
krondorlol, so a script forged in the fires of mount doom it is.16:25
snap-ljcastro is a one man editing machine on askubuntu17:06
snap-lThere should be a meme: WWJCA - What would Jorge Casto Ask?17:07
snap-lConcise, clear, credible17:07
krondorI'm not sure why askubuntu allows people to ask questions.  It should just pump all queries to the castro moderation engine for review ala slashdot.17:08
snap-lBecause jcastro would slit his writsts?17:09
jcastroI'm not a top answerer17:09
jcastroI just organize alot17:09
snap-lYou're the top "fix-your-shit" er17:10
snap-lyou take "UNity is crapppppp", and turn it into "I do believe, good sirs, tht my video card is lacking to display your fine Unity Product in significant detail, and I need assistance on how to have my machine adequately display Unity 2D. Good show, pip pip cheerio".17:11
snap-l(note: I have not heard jcastro use "pip pip cheerio" nearly enough)17:16
Wolfgernot sure about pips, but could use more Cheerios...18:33
greg-gmmmmm, cherios18:39
Milyardohmmm, quite indubitably19:57
brouschsnap-l: y u brake jamendo?20:53
snap-lworks for me20:53
brouschit says under maintenance20:53
snap-lgive it a sec and try again20:54
snap-lThat's not maint, that's Jamendo's servers hiccuping.20:54
brouschJamendo is currently under maintainance, sad isn't it ? Nevertheless, you can still listen to a whole bunch of wonderfull music (just here on the right) waiting for it to come back again20:55
brouschah, it is fixed20:57
brouschthank you20:57
snap-lYou're welcome20:58
* snap-l hides the magic switch20:58
rick_h_ugh, head hurts now23:21

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