
Letalisis there a program that will allow you to start and stop system services in kde without having to actually manually do it in rc.d?00:10
sluckxzservice monitor widget looks pretty slick00:15
sluckxzhttp://imgur.com/yK1Fc  screenshot of one page of widget settings00:17
Letalisi may check that out00:17
sluckxzyea i just tested cron with it.  seems pretty slick.  pops up the kdesudo thingy for a password to stop cron.00:19
Letalissounds good thanks for the suggestion00:20
ashley_hi, having problems with adept package manager. can someone help?00:26
ScuniziHi all.. I'm trying to report a bug in the Calculator Widget that you can put on the desktop.. I'm having an issue finding the package name. Any suggestions?00:36
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ScuniziNVM.. filed a bug without attaching it to a package.00:45
amasonlinxuser: unfortunately the psycic module hasn't been installed on this server02:20
amasonso you might have to provide more details on your problem if you wish for anyone to help02:21
[_MIkE_]i was upgrading my Kubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, but i had a loss of power... now i cannot start my distro.03:08
[_MIkE_]how can i reapir it without losing my personal files?03:08
[_MIkE_]i was upgrading my Kubuntu 10.10 to 11.04, but i had a loss of power... now i cannot start my distro.03:17
[_MIkE_]how can i reapir it without losing my personal files?03:17
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nightshadowjoin #android04:54
nightshadowcrumbs, ignore me04:54
almoxarifeI am a hybrid user of ubuntu/kubuntu, kubuntu itself confuses me, too many options and ubuntu/gnome3 don't have enough, so I use some of both, I get errors with some kubuntu apps that make me think I don't have enough of the backbone installed, so, which app would provide me with the most of the backbone without a full blown kubuntu install??04:59
CorigoSo, again, I setup a software RAID, set a file system mount point in /dev/ then a week later I ran the suggested updates, and after the reboot my moint point was missing. Any idea why this would happen?05:10
LINKSWORD2!kubuntu 12.04 beta05:15
LINKSWORD2... Fail. lol05:16
LINKSWORD2Hey guys, I'm looking for info on Kubuntu 12. Is there any testing beta out?05:16
Unit1931. Bot isn't here 2. Not a factoid :P05:16
LINKSWORD2lol Did somebody kill the bot?05:16
Unit193http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/20111129.1/ or you can wait for Alpha1 (should be about tomorrow?) to test it out, but it's not really ready for everyday use05:20
LINKSWORD2Have you had any graphical or theme-related problems with 11.10?05:21
amasonLINKSWORD2: it's not been long ago since it was synced, i would doubt a beta would be out yet05:24
amasonit's still under heavy development05:24
LINKSWORD2OK, thanks. Next question... Are there any known issues for GUI, graphical, or theme-related problems... Possibly not displaying properly?05:25
LINKSWORD2I'm running 11.04 and the fact that I've had previous problems with upgrading to 11.10 is the only reason I don't do it again.05:27
CorigoBest way to set root password?05:28
DarthFrogCorigo: Is not to do it.  Use "sudo" instead.05:29
LINKSWORD2At least you didn't say "Use Google instead"05:30
DaskreechSearching for Office suite on Bing turns up Openoffice before Microsoft office05:31
DaskreechCorigo: depends on what you updated05:32
DaskreechRIght .>_<05:32
Unit193Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no  root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password.  Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo05:33
amasonLINKSWORD2: pretty generic question.....the answer i guess is that it depends on your setup...if you are using stock standard theme on well supported hardware you should be fine05:33
amasonmy upgrade worked fine...that isn't to say yours will05:34
Corigolooking at the list linux-headers seems the most likely culprit, but why would anything reset my filesystem mount points/05:34
amasonmost people don't have issues05:34
amasonCorigo: what are you trying to achieve ?05:34
amasonn/m i see your previous post05:35
CorigoI had a lovely fstab mapping setup, I did the basic "recommended" updates and now I'm being forced to remap my mount point... just seems ultra wonky05:35
LINKSWORD2Every time I upgrade, the window-bar at the top of a window will not show the -/+/x buttons.05:36
LINKSWORD2They're still there, and the system reacts to them, but they're not in the right positions, and they're not visible.05:36
LINKSWORD2lol @ Corigo "wonky"05:36
Corigois there a way to analyze the contents/mapping of an existing filesystem mount point?05:38
DarthFrogWhat do you mean by analyze?  "mount' by itself will show you the mountings.05:40
Corigofor example how can I determine what /dev/md0 is mapping to?05:40
DarthFrogcat /proc/mdstat05:41
Corigobizarre. So when I created the raid array it wouldn't let me set md0 as my point, now (after the update) it reset my previous md127 to md0 ... ultra wonky indeed05:42
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faLUCEhi. I can't set 1920x1080 resolution on "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)" (I'm using ubuntu). In addition, I had to add " i915.modeset=0 " to grub file (otherwise I saw a black screen). How can I solve?07:42
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faLUCEhi. I can't use resolutions higher than 1280x1024 with "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)". In addition, I had to boot with "nomodeset" (otherwise I saw only a black screen)08:10
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Joit_faluce i only can guess because i am new at kubuntu too but look at settings and install a graphic driver?08:18
Joit_i got a similar problem, that it did not install a driver at the install, i had to add it later08:19
Joit_same for me, it only worked with the option nomodeset08:19
Joit_then i did install a nvidia driver over  hardware08:19
danieldoes someone know how to enable hardware acceleration on kubuntu 11.10 i have ati mobility radeon hd 4300/450009:05
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danielsomeone? :/09:07
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toumbohow to quicly accosiate amarok with all audio files?09:20
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
faLUCEhi, I'm using the integrated graphic cardo of a i5 2400 cpu (ubuntu 11.10, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic). Unfortunately, I have to use "nomodeset" (otherwise I have blank screen after boot) and can't use high resolution. How can I solve?09:30
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Intel sandy bridge GPU chipset?09:33
faLUCEGirlyGirl: it seems so...09:33
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: You will need these two ppa https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa  https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa09:34
GirlyGirlthen update the system09:34
faLUCEGirlyGirl: should I remove nomodeset from grub?09:34
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: after updating09:35
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: If it doesn't work use ppa-purge to remove packages and re add "nomodeset"09:35
faLUCEGirlyGirl: this is too aleatory09:37
GirlyGirlIts worth a try09:38
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Generally Sandy Bridge works out of the bot on 11.10 are you sure this computer doesn't have Nividia Optimus09:39
faLUCEGirlyGirl: I already tried that http://askubuntu.com/questions/65637/ubuntu-failed-to-detect-monitor-and-very-low-resolution but with no luck09:40
faLUCEGirlyGirl: I don't know what nvidia optimus is09:41
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: That won't work especially on 11.1009:41
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Paste the output of "lspci" on paste.ubuntu.com09:41
faLUCEGirlyGirl: http://pastebin.com/f20Sdgj109:42
tonymci have a problem with libreoffice - it won't start09:42
faLUCEGirlyGirl: what won't work?09:42
tonymcto be more precise, doesn't get past the splash screen09:42
tonymci run oneiric with latest updates and some ppa's09:42
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: The askubuntu.com thing09:42
tonymcno ppa for libreoffice but i tried with that also09:43
faLUCEGirlyGirl: why?09:43
tonymcrunning libreoffice from console doesn't give any error messages or anything09:43
tonymci tried removing .libreoffice, tried purging and reinstalling09:43
tonymcany ideas?09:44
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Its basically the same default driver09:45
faLUCEGirlyGirl: which is the command for adding the two ppas?09:45
GirlyGirltonymc: delete ".libreoffice " in your home folder09:45
tonymctried that09:45
tonymcdidn't work09:45
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: "sudo apt apt-add-repository ppa:sarvatt/intel-sna" and "sudo apt apt-add-repository ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa"09:46
faLUCEGirlyGirl: let's try09:47
faLUCEGirlyGirl: then update and upgrade, right?09:47
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: 1 momment09:47
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: remove the glassen ppa the update09:47
faLUCEGirlyGirl: I can't find the glassen ppa in /etc/apt/sources.list09:49
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: that file is no longer used for ppa's for a very long time09:50
faLUCEGirlyGirl: so it doesn't matter?09:50
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: You can use the "settings" , configure software sources in muon09:50
GirlyGirlor do "sudo apt-get install ppa-purge" then "sudo ppa-purge ppa:glasen/intel-driver"09:51
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: ppa's are now stored in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ for a very long time09:52
faLUCEGirlyGirl: "Warning:  Could not find package list for PPA: glasen intel-driver"09:52
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: You use Kubuntu 11.10?09:53
faLUCEanyway, GirlyGirl, if I do apt-get update with your two repos, I obtain errors09:53
faLUCEGirlyGirl: yes, lubuntu 11.1009:53
faLUCElubuntu, not kubuntu09:53
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Then what on earth are you doing in #kubuntu!09:54
faLUCEGirlyGirl: because the problem is ubuntu generic09:54
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Maybe #ubuntu would have been better then09:55
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Anyways lubuntu has synaptic?09:55
faLUCEGirlyGirl: yes09:55
faLUCEI can add these repos, but it gives me errors when updating09:55
faLUCEI can add these ppas, but it gives me errors when updating09:55
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Press "alt + f2" and tpye "gksu software-properties-gtk"09:56
faLUCEGirlyGirl: ok, then?09:56
GirlyGirlfaLUCE:  one moment09:57
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: in this section http://www.picamatic.com/show/2011/12/01/12/58/8055021_1024x600.jpeg09:58
GirlyGirlremove the glassen ppa and add the two I told you .. use the "add" and "remove" button09:58
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Ok?09:58
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: After doing that update and upgrade09:59
faLUCEGirlyGirl: you are very kind, but as said before, I don't have a glassen entry in this panel10:00
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Then just add the two I told you10:00
GirlyGirlppa:sarvatt/intel-sna and ppa:xorg-edgers/ppa10:00
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Done?10:02
faLUCEGirlyGirl: i updated . now, should I upgrade?10:03
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Just out of curriousity why would you use Lubuntu on a core i5 system?10:03
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Yes then reboot10:03
faLUCEGirlyGirl: I have to remove nomodeset from grub, before reboot?10:04
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Yes10:04
faLUCEGirlyGirl: lxde is much better thank kde and gnome. and I'm making my own distro bootable on different cpus10:04
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: remove it and do "sudo update-grup"10:05
GirlyGirlsorry grub10:05
faLUCEGirlyGirl: lxde is faster.10:05
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: On older hardware sure, but I'm currently using KDE on an Intel Atom 1.6 Ghz with only 2Gb ram and KDE 4.7 is fast for me10:06
faLUCEGirlyGirl: it's not enough fast for my projects...10:06
faLUCEGirlyGirl: I have to optimize a lot of stuff10:07
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: What projects?10:07
faLUCEGirlyGirl: I build Audio video boxes on poor cpus10:07
faLUCEGirlyGirl: ok, I reboot, I'll be back soon10:08
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faLUCEGirlyGirl: no luck10:16
GirlyGirlfaLUCE: Maybe the #ubuntu channel can help you then ... I still find it strange that you would come to #kubuntu10:17
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Aprendiz_anybody have had problems upgrading today?11:18
Aprendiz_I have one package kept11:18
sercanubuntu vmware instal??11:29
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ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox11:31
sercanvirtualbox error11:32
DaemonFCVirtualBox is probably the second largest source of kernel panics after nonfree video drivers12:04
RoadsterGThow can i deactivate and blacklist the OSS module?12:07
Peace-RoadsterGT: locate blacklist12:07
DaemonFCrecent Ubuntu kernels provide no OSS emulation at all12:07
DaemonFCeven worse, they preclaim those resources so you can't even install OSS 412:08
Peace-DaemonFC: oss4?12:08
DaemonFCUbuntu declared war on OSS starting sometime around 10,1012:08
RoadsterGTPeace-, there are many entries12:09
Peace-RoadsterGT: locate blacklist | grep etc12:09
Peace-RoadsterGT: /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:10
Peace-RoadsterGT: should be that12:10
DaemonFCare you using 10.04 or something?12:10
RoadsterGTyes i user 10.04 lts12:10
Peace-RoadsterGT: yes it is /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf12:10
RoadsterGTPeace-, should i add the line:12:11
RoadsterGTblacklist oss12:11
RoadsterGTor something else?12:11
Peace-RoadsterGT: lsmod | grep oss12:11
DaemonFCseeing as how there is no OSS system even on kernels that support the OSS 3 API, I don't know how you could blacklist it12:12
DaemonFCit's built into ALSA12:12
Peace-if thre is not a module for oss you can't12:12
DaemonFCit's not a module, it's part of ALSA12:12
Peace-DaemonFC: mmm not the emulation i mean12:13
Peace-alsa can emulate oss12:13
Peace-oss4 i gues i a different beast12:13
DaemonFCwhich could be built as a module, but nobody does that I'm aware of and it would require blacklisting ALSA even if that were the case ;)12:13
RoadsterGTPeace-, http://pastebin.com/zu1s9Lpi12:13
DaemonFCOSS 4 is very different12:13
Peace-RoadsterGT: what did you installed?12:14
RoadsterGTPeace-, the defaults mostly12:14
Peace-RoadsterGT: the default what does it mean?12:14
DaemonFCyes, the ALSA OSS 3 emulation is only meant to provide the OSS 3 API that was supported in old Linux kernels12:14
RoadsterGTPeace-, what came with 10.0412:14
RoadsterGTand this12:14
RoadsterGTapt-get install alsa-oss alsaplayer mpg321 alsaplayer-alsa alsa-base12:14
DaemonFCit has nothing to do with OSS 4 at all and it is not OSS12:14
Peace-RoadsterGT:  see what you have installed on oss12:15
RoadsterGThow can i do that?12:15
Peace-RoadsterGT: open kpackagekit and search for oss12:15
DaemonFCnot OSS version anything, period, it just implements some APIs in a way that applications use ALSA without even knowing it (ideally anyway)12:15
Peace-RoadsterGT: select what is installed and mark them to remove12:15
DaemonFCI don't understand why the Ubuntu kernel team decided OSS emulation should be scrapped12:16
RoadsterGTPeace-, i got only alsa-oss12:16
DaemonFCwhen they kept old ALSA API from like 9 years ago12:16
Peace-RoadsterGT: so remove it12:16
DaemonFCbut oh well12:16
sercansudo sh VMware-Workstation-Full-7.1.4-385536.i386.bundle12:16
sercanvmware-installer.py:6503): Gtk-WARNING **: Tema aygıtı module_path "pixmap" içinde bulunamadı,12:16
DaemonFCvmware? really?12:17
* DaemonFC head desks12:17
DaemonFCI don't know why people are ever surprised when they try to run some random installer script for proprietary software and it fails12:18
sercanyes vmware installation error12:18
sercanvmware-installer.py: 6503): Gtk-WARNING **: Theme device module_path "pixmap" found in the12:19
Peace-DaemonFC: btw vmware is supported12:19
DaemonFCif they're supported, where's the DEB?12:19
DaemonFC.sh installers from anyone make me instantly start wondering how many hours it will take me to figure out why it won't install12:20
DaemonFCor if it does somehow, why it won't start12:20
Peace-DaemonFC: you don't need deb for a linux system12:20
sercansudo sh /home/sercan/İndirilenler/setup.x86_64.bundle12:20
DaemonFCyeah, pass12:21
Peace-DaemonFC: infact you can compile  what you want12:21
DaemonFCyou can't compile vmware12:21
DaemonFCthere's no source :)12:21
Peace-if you know-how12:21
Peace-compile install12:21
Peace-is supported.12:21
DaemonFCgoing outside the package manager is almost always a bad idea12:21
Peace-three is a native bin for linux12:21
Peace-DaemonFC: that is for noobs12:22
DaemonFCbut if you like cleaning up messes, then you'll love script installers12:22
DaemonFCno, I just mean they tend to spew crap everywhere12:22
DaemonFCand overwrite system files12:22
DaemonFCAMD and Nvidia love that12:22
sercanHow to install ubuntu or12:22
Peace-admin is not a noob ,, if he is ... well it's his problem12:22
DaemonFCbut the spewing crap any and everywhere part is common with most "generic Linux" installer scripts from anyone12:23
Peace-DaemonFC: ok so go in windows for a virtualmachine?12:23
Peace-just because you don't know how to fix a linux system?12:23
DaemonFCI don't know what VMWare is doing12:23
DaemonFCI don't use proprietary software12:23
sercanmware-installer.py:6503): Gtk-WARNING ** module_path "pixmap"12:23
DaemonFCand I sure as heck won't use proprietary software without a proper installer12:23
Peace-i use what i need with linux because i know12:24
Peace-how to fix my system always12:24
DaemonFC"It's not a good idea to put forks in the microwave, but don't let me stop you!" ;)12:25
sercanvirtualbox how to resolve the unreachable error12:25
Peace-linux is not a microwave12:25
sercanhow to recover12:26
sercanI do not know English12:27
sercantranslation using the12:27
DaemonFCVirtualBox taints your kernel12:27
DaemonFCso does VMWare12:27
DaemonFCjust so you know why I used that analogy12:27
Peace-sercan: 64bit cpu?12:28
sercanI could not find information on how to patch12:28
Peace-sercan: omg...12:28
Peace-sercan: http://www.vmware.com/support/player40/doc/releasenotes_player40.html#Installation_Requirements12:29
sercanvirtualbox machine can not be reached12:30
DaemonFCPeace-: They claim to support it12:30
DaemonFChave you asked them why it doesn't work? :)12:30
Peace-sercan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=1144065712:30
Peace-DaemonFC: there is always a workaraound !  dont came here just to say i don't use proprietary software12:30
Peace-DaemonFC: if you want help people ok , if not shut up12:31
DaemonFCif you want to know why someone's nonfree software won't work, ask them12:31
DaemonFCthey wrote it, only they know why it's not working12:31
Peace-!chat | DaemonFC12:32
ubottuDaemonFC: Instant Messenger Client Kopete (http://kopete.kde.org) supports MSN, Jabber, AIM, YIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ and, in KDE 3, IRC. See also !Pidgin12:32
Peace-!offtopic | DaemonFC12:32
ubottuDaemonFC: #kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!12:32
* DaemonFC didn't realize he was in #vmware-crap12:32
DaemonFCpardon me :)12:32
DaemonFCI'll take this off topic discussion about Kubuntu elsewhere because clearly the subject is vmware and that's why the room is called kubuntu12:33
Peace-DaemonFC: you are not helping people you are just in offtopic12:34
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
Peace-BluesKaj: hi12:35
BluesKajhey Peace-12:35
DaemonFCyou can get help from VMWare there, if they ever decide to reply12:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:38
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do12:47
eristikophileshey if muon is crashing, how would i best clean by pkdb?13:01
eristikophilesugh. clean *my*13:02
eristikophilesnot so awake yet today13:02
BluesKajeristikophiles, sudo apt-get autoclean13:07
BluesKajor autoremove13:08
BluesKajI usually do both13:08
eristikophilesah ok13:09
eristikophilesheh. it says it can't lock the downloads dir13:10
BluesKajeristikophiles, permissions maybe , but any left over unneeded depends are usually in usr/bin or usr/lib , not the downloads ,.unless of course you compliled some apps from source13:23
eristikophilesit says these 2 lines:13:30
eristikophilesE: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)13:30
eristikophilesE: Unable to lock the download directory13:30
szalsounds like not being privileged13:30
BluesKajeristikophiles, sudo dpkg --configure -a13:32
eristikophileshuh. that gave no output and isn't running in the background13:35
eristikophilesi guess there are no unconfig'd packages13:36
BluesKajeristikophiles, it'ws not supposed to give any output , it just closes any packages that are on hold for installation or removal13:39
eristikophilesah i see13:39
eristikophilesthe manpage didn't make it sound that way lol13:39
BluesKajeristikophiles, you may have another package manager open13:40
eristikophilesit doesn't give the error that that usually would cause13:40
eristikophiles..it seems to stall when i try to retrieve update packages13:40
eristikophilesi also noticed earlier today that i can't reach sourceforge13:41
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eristikophilesi suspect that is peerguardian's fault13:41
eristikophilessome of the lists are ridiculously restrictive. but i could get on there before13:42
BluesKajeristikophiles, run this , to clear any packages in limbo , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a13:43
eristikophilesno that's not it .. at least for muon. it still doesn't work when pg is off13:43
BluesKajerik peerguardian?13:52
BluesKajeristikophiles, ^13:52
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
faLUCEHi. I can boot with my distro (a lubuntu 11.10 based distro, created by me with remastersys utility) only if I set nomodeset. Otherwise I see a black screen after booting. Unfortunately, with nomodeset I can only see low resolution for the screen. How can I solve that? I tried the lubuntu 11.10 live cd and it sees high resolutions too. How can I correct this error in my custom distro?13:55
szalfaLUCE: wrong channel13:56
faLUCEszal: why?13:57
szalfaLUCE: (1) Lubuntu != Kubuntu (under the hood yes, but we support solely Kubuntu); (2) "custom distro" = not supported13:57
faLUCEszal: the problem is common to all ubuntu based distros13:58
szalfaLUCE: other than that, don't crosspost to multiple channels13:59
faLUCEszal: please, don't say stupid things.13:59
szal!guidelines | faLUCE13:59
ubottufaLUCE: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:59
faLUCEszal: if you want to waste your time, I'll simply ignore you13:59
eristikophilesBluesKaj- i turned off peerguardian and tried it again.. didn't help. i don't think pg is blocking the source archives14:04
BluesKajeristikophiles, what is perrguardian anyway?14:05
BluesKajfaLUCE, try this , and then stop crossposting http://fossplanet.com/f12/setting-screen-resolution-grub2-107813/14:06
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BluesKajok , eristikophiles , peerguardian..IP/port blocker etc ...I just use the router for that14:17
eristikophilesyeah, i'm used to having to put up with shitty routers14:18
eristikophileshave a better one lately but still, i don't like to rely on router firewalls14:19
eristikophilesbesides which i like having blacklists to draw from14:19
eristikophilesi can't possibly keep track of all the IPs i connect to14:19
BluesKajeristikophiles, the router port and IP settings ...the fw is default , it uses the negative option ..blocks all portd unless opened for particular apps14:20
BluesKajjust a small LAN here so no admin required14:21
TImewarperhow can i add myself to the vboxusers group?14:24
BluesKajTImewarper, ask in vbox14:27
PiciTImewarper: sudo adduser yourusername vboxusers14:28
TImewarperPici, can i use usermod or something?14:29
PiciTImewarper: Is there a problem using adduser?14:30
TImewarperk thx bye14:30
Picier, okay14:30
faLUCEhere's the pastebin of xorg log. I have troubles in setting high resolution for my monitor.  http://pastebin.com/yg4323st    where can be the problem?14:34
eristikophilesBluesKaj- yeah i dislike messing with router settings overmuch. i prefer to just DMZ and use a software firewall on the box itself14:42
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BluesKajeristikophiles, yeah that works too14:42
eristikophilesit's sort of annoying that pg blocks sourceforge.net14:44
eristikophilesi can't think of why except it's a site for hacker tools according to squares and cops14:44
eristikophilesaw crap, now i'm getting totally unrelated errors working with /var subdirs15:01
eristikophilesi think i need a reboot15:01
akisgrhi. is there any way in kmail to send a message later specifying the time? i am searching kmail but i didn't find anything.15:29
akisgrIs there a way to schedule when a particular email is sent when using Kmail?15:38
akisgrI know there is the "send later" option. What I a looking for is a way to15:38
akisgrsend a message at a particular time such as setting it to be sent at 4:3015:38
akisgrthis afternoon or  9:00 tomorrow morning or such.15:38
WindPowerI don't think there is such a thing, akisgr15:40
BluesKajisn't here a time setting in the send later option akisgr , I haven't used kmail in ages so I can't help much more than that15:40
akisgri have the same opinion because i googled already and i didn't find anything and that is the reason i asked for your assistance.15:41
fullstopI took the plunge and updated from 10.10 -> 11.04 -> 11.10.15:51
fullstop4.7.2 is far better, and faster, than 4.5.x15:51
fullstopI'm not sure how much of the speed is better Xorg drivers and how much is kde/qt though.15:52
TImewarperdoes ubiquity work if i run ubuntu from within virtualbox? (as a live system)16:03
TImewarperBluesKaj, sucks dicks16:05
TImewarpertrue story16:05
BluesKajthanks Pici16:19
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phoenix_firebrdneed help with using vaapi16:58
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kmmndrHi all :-)17:02
kmmndrdoes anyone experienced mouse freeze during light load (for example : plug an usb device in, open dolphin, ...) ?17:02
Peace-kmmndr: no17:10
Peace-kmmndr: looks like your mouse is not correctly recognized17:10
Peace-or there is a bug in the kernel17:10
Peace-kmmndr: so see the log17:11
Peace-and see what it says17:11
phoenix_firebrdcan some one help me to setup vaapi hardware acceleration?17:23
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do17:23
excognacDoes orca work under kde PROPERLY?17:29
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BluesKajBBL, stuff to do18:03
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wabashhey there. I've been a loyal Ubunu user for a long  long time. But Unity pisses me off. So I'm looking to do something different. I'm upgrading from 10.10. I'm looking at Fedora 16, Kubuntu, Mint, and just Ubuntu but replacing the windowing environ.18:11
wabashSo for Kubuntu, can I expect that all the software I've come to use with Ubuntu is available here too?18:12
wabashAre the repos the same?18:12
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Peace-wabash: of course18:21
Peace-wabash: kubuntu is ubuntu +kde18:21
DarthFrogwabash: Yes, for the most part.  And yes, all Ubuntu software works ferpectly under Kubuntu.18:21
tchabhi, i just tried to install kubuntu 11.10 but the installer crashes because of ubiquity... i did not found an fix for that, is there one?18:32
wabashPeace-: DarthFrog: thank you both. So, it's going to also use sudo, etc. etc.?18:38
DarthFrogwabash: Yes.18:39
wabashAnd, can you recommend 32 bit vs. 64 bit? Will 32 -bit flash player work under 64 bit environment?18:39
DarthFrogwabash: The only thing that changes is that you'll be using KDE as your desktop.18:39
DarthFrogwabash: Yes it will.18:39
wabashDarthFrog: Ok, great to know. What's your take on 64 vs. 32 for OS?18:39
DarthFrogMe?  I paid for a 64 bit CPU, I want to use all 64 bits. :-)18:40
tchabif you can take 64 take it ;-)18:40
tchabwell, i dont want to be annoying, but: [19:32] <tchab> hi, i just tried to install kubuntu 11.10 but the installer crashes because of ubiquity... i did not found an fix for that, is there one?18:41
tchabany ideas?18:41
wabashDarthFrog: tchab: My sentiments.... sure. Are there any drawbacks to using 64 bit os? I know that references in Java will take up more space. Anything else?18:41
DarthFrogHowever, unless you're doing something CPU intensive (email, IRC and web browsing aren't), there's no real advantage to 64 bits.18:41
wabashAnd would a 32 bit JVM work fine with 64bit os?18:41
wabashDarthFrog: Well, I'll plan to use BLAS actually.... so it may prove worthwhile..18:42
wabashIs this correcT?18:42
DarthFrogwabash: I've found no drawbacks whatsoever to using a 64 bit OS.18:42
wabashIs it a correct assumtion that BLAS and ATLAS would run quite a bit faster on 64bit ?18:42
DarthFrogSince I have no idea what they are, I have no idea. :-)18:43
sluckxzhow to use apt or dpkg whatever to discard a full install of kde and go minimal desktop?18:43
ubottuIf you want to remove all !Kubuntu packages or !Xubuntu packages and have a default !Ubuntu system, follow the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureGnome18:43
sluckxzcan i just apt-get insall kde-minimal?18:43
sluckxzthanks i'll look18:44
tchabsluckxz: thats really minimal http://i3wm.org/ :-)18:44
caesar_how do i get desktop icons to show?18:45
sluckxzyea headless type id imagine.  havent looked at it yet.  i would like kde minimal and skip a core only cause i guess id have to re download kde.18:45
tchabstill no ideas about the ubiquity-bug of the installer?18:46
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CassioHi, how can I  format pen-drive on KDE user interface18:47
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mr-richGuest81344: Pen drives are usually pre-formatted to FAT32 ... what do you want to format it too?18:56
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Guest81344it possible to package the Quick USB Formatter kubuntu by default?19:36
ahoxHi, is there some way to use the cisco ssl vpn with networkmanager?20:26
Piciahox: network-manager-vpnc might do the trick.20:30
ahoxPici: Thats the old cisco client, isn't it? From what I understood, this one is incompatible with the new one20:30
Piciahox: is openconnect the new one? network-manager-openconnect20:31
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ahoxPici: Yes, thats it. Thanks!20:39
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mithrophi here22:31
benbloomack! think i broke X! can someone help me out? when i'm booting, the screen freezes before the login prompt. system totally locks up, I can't even get to a tty. I was trying to add a second moniter to my setup when this happen. think it's something with x.org? PLEASE HELP!22:57
mithropbenbloom: try to start in rescue mode with the grub to get a shell or a tty22:58
benbloomyeah. i'm in that mode...22:59
benbloomrcu_sched_state detected stall on CPU 122:59
benbloomalso there's a PCI hardware error. :'-(23:00
mithropI don't really know this kind of error... :/ I was thinking that your xorg.conf is the problem, but I am not really sure now... We can try to put it back in a normal state anyway ;)23:01
benbloomsame thoughts here. there is no file in /etc/X11/ xorg.conf23:02
mithrop" sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg "23:02
mithroptry it and tell me23:03
benbloomcool. that's what i was looking for! thanks23:03
benbloomdont think it worked23:10
benbloomi did put a new ram chip in yesterday... but everything's been working fine23:10
benbloomwhat happenend was i put a new video card in, booted with one video attatched to DVI and it went fine, recognized the card and possible outputs. I selected DVI as primary out, then rebooted with a second moniter plugged into VGA hoping it would recognize and configre it at boot.23:12
benbloomthat was the last time i was able to boot in normally (did make it through recovery into kdm once, but havent' been able to replicate that23:12
benbloomso removing the new RAM seems to have made a dif. PCI hardware error was the clue there23:17
mithropbenbloom: it's strange to destroy a RAM when plugging a screen on your video card ^^23:18
benbloomyeah. at least i'm running ok though. i'll do a memtest and see what's going on with the card23:19
mithropbenbloom: good luck ;)23:20
benbloomty. problems are not over i fear. now it's taking too long to shut down! at least the animated logout dots are moving23:21
benbloomthanks for the help mithrop. i'll write down/memorize that dpkg-configure -phigh xserver-xorg trick23:22
Belial`benbloom: what's the problem? i tried to scroll, but i'm connected to a bnc and i don't have a back log set for this channel.23:22
Belial`the memory problem.23:22
mithropbenbloom: you're welcome :) I found it on the french documentation of Ubuntu... it seems to be a very good version ;)23:23
benbloomis it possible that my using a keyboard/mouse relay switch could have something to do with this?23:24
vladajust install kubuntu, im very confused :D23:24
benbloomstill logging out btw.23:24
benbloom:D vlada. first time using KDE?23:24
benbloomwhat OS are you coming from??23:25
vladaWindows 723:25
vladawhere are you from? im in czech republic23:25
benbloomk. KDE has a lot in common with win7 in terms of layout. what's your  confusion23:26
vladait is a little different than win 723:27
vladaim problem with amarok, does not work mp323:27
benbloomyeah it's different! but it's very configurable.23:27
benbloommp3s are non-free so you need to install special libraries to work with ubuntu. there was an option at installation for this, but if you missed it, it's not too late23:29
vladawhat name the libraries? where download it?23:29
benbloomu want kubuntu-restricted-drivers23:31
benbloomsorry kubuntu-restricted-extras23:33
mithropI have to go. Good bye all :)23:33
vladacan be download in kubuntu or i must download from internet?23:33
benbloomyou can install from kubuntu23:33
benbloomcya mithrop23:33
benbloomclick on the K in the bottom left23:34
mithropvlada : try to be friendly with "apt-get" command ;) maybe try to find a "Getting started" guide somewhere on the Internet to find a LOT of clues to understand how Ubuntu works ;)23:34
benbloomyes. i can tell you either way23:34
vladaok, i click on the K and than?23:34
benbloomtype software and you'll see Muon software center23:35
vladaok, i start Muon and than?23:36
benbloomfirst you need to allow multiverse sources23:36
benbloomunder settings configure software sources23:36
benbloomi'd check all internet sources23:37
vladabenbloom: internet sources is ok23:38
benbloomthen close and search muon for kubuntu-restricted-extras23:38
benbloomyes. you will need to dl the package from the internet23:38
benbloomthey're trusted sources... just not "free" in cannonical terms23:39
vladaok, its good, i install mp3 thanks :)23:41
benbloomthe software center should be your primary source for installing SW vlada23:42
vladayes, i download Synaptic, its better, but i cant not find in system23:43
vladaits in kubuntu switching on english or czech keybord? in windows alt+shift23:48
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benbloomsynaptic is for gnome. if you're going to use kubuntu u should try to use kde apps instead of gnome ones23:49
benbloommuon is the kde version of synaptic23:50
vladaok, i didnt know :)23:50
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benbloomhow could you!? that's why the IRC is here.23:52
benbloomnot sure about switching keyboards. but i'd start by looking in system settings23:52

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