
* akgraner waves o/01:12
bkerensaHi akgraner :D01:12
akgranerjust poking my head in for a moment01:13
mhall119howdy akgraner01:34
akgranermhall119, hey!01:36
akgranerjcastro are there weekly juju meetings?02:49
cjohnstonthere had better be weekly good juju02:50
akgraneralso is there a meeting wiki for - Ubuntu Cloud Community and Q+A Meeting02:50
akgranerOk so I've been out of the loop it seems - I know jono's team is having IRC meetings but is there a wiki with the agenda and logs for the meetings somewhere - if there is I missed it and can't seem to find a wiki page :-/02:56
akgranerI'm working on the newsletter and making sure I get the engineering team meetings in there... in case these questions seem weird :-)02:57
bkerensaakgraner: Great Success http://i.imgur.com/bFDQX.png03:03
akgranercprofitt, howdy!03:17
cprofittnot sure if you have space... http://ftbeowulf.wordpress.com/2011/11/30/ubuntu-user-i-have-a-problem/03:17
cprofittwould love to get some eyes on that to review that diagram03:17
* akgraner looks03:17
akgranercprofitt, cool  - nice post!03:18
akgraneryou're blog is on the planet yes?03:19
akgranerI haven't gone through my RSS feed yet - which is why I'm asking...03:19
* akgraner adds to UWN - thanks03:19
cprofittyes, it is03:20
cprofittI just blogged that so I was concerned you might have gone through planet already03:20
akgranercprofitt, added to UWN :-) thanks for the heads up03:21
cprofittthanks akgraner03:22
akgranermore laters - you all have a great night :-)03:22
cprofittyou too03:23
cprofittnight all04:01
bkerensaakgraner: Feel free to add the announcement about the Debian/Ubuntu jam were having :)04:36
pleia2bkerensa: it'll be over by the time the next issue goes out05:07
pleia2we release on monday, your event is on sunday :\05:07
bkerensaahh yeah06:52
bkerensapleia2: My bad :) I forget all the dates :P06:52
nigelbMorning dpm :)07:51
dpmhey nigelb07:51
* dholbach → dentist08:03
nigelbOuch, that sounds painful :)08:05
bkerensaanyone know why this is occuring:08:12
bkerensaCouldn't communicate with server 'keyserver.ubuntu.com:11371': Internal Server Error08:12
bkerensatrying to sync some keys08:12
nigelbis the keyserver up?08:13
MooDoomorning all08:58
MooDoohows it's going czajkowski09:12
czajkowskinot too bad09:15
czajkowskiheading to Ireland tonight till saturday09:15
bkerensaczajkowski: Lucky you.... I dream of seeing Ireland in my lifetime LD09:26
MooDooczajkowski: ooo fabbo :)09:54
czajkowskiyes so we should start taking bets on my flight delays09:55
MooDooczajkowski: 2.5 hours for a starter09:56
czajkowskiflying London Gatwick -> DUB so hopefully no issues09:57
czajkowskihanging out with my sister till Saturday09:57
MooDoosounds awesome :)09:59
czajkowskiaye should be fun10:00
MooDooczajkowski: lots planned or just a chill weekend?10:00
czajkowskihaving a dry run of St. Stephens day10:00
czajkowskibreakie in town on friday followed by some shopping, dinner then drinks10:01
czajkowskisaturday shopping then flight home10:01
MooDooperfect, nice break away from the pooter10:01
MooDoost stephens, 26th or 27th?10:01
czajkowskiboxing day for ye10:02
MooDooi'm working that day.....booooooo10:03
czajkowskiwe fly back on the 27th10:04
MooDooluckily boxing day is the only day i'm working then it's not back till the 2nd10:05
MooDoopenty of time to relax and code lol10:13
MooDoocjohnston: good morning12:05
MooDoohow are you this fine day12:15
duanedesignmorning cjohnston12:25
cjohnstonbusy spamming people.. yippie12:26
nigelbwait, you're spamming as well?12:26
nigelbI just gave 18 to 20 emails to Chris and Mike and probably Jorge and Daviey as well ;)12:26
MooDoospamming?  grrrr ;)12:26
cjohnstoni think i got 2112:27
cjohnstonnigelb: how many did i send out?12:27
nigelbcjohnston: almost as many as me. Thankfully, on the same bugs, so gmail makes it one thread.12:27
nigelbwhen we all caps pings, we'll know someone else got them :P12:28
=== ashams_ is now known as ashams
mhall119emails? what emails13:29
=== daker_ is now known as daker
scott-workgood morning15:14
czajkowskijussi: ping15:25
dholbachhuats, I manually triaged the list of people who got their first upload in and added them to the spreadsheet15:50
czajkowskidholbach: paultag created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams/LoCoLint so we didnt have to do things by hand, as far as I know it can be tweaked to do other things and searches if that helps in the future15:55
dholbachczajkowski, getting the data about first time contributors unfortunately isn't that easy - I automated it to some part, but it still needs some manual steps15:59
dholbach(it involves downloading mbox files for the <release>-changes mailing lists and the like)15:59
czajkowskifun times dholbach15:59
dholbachas fun as going to the dentist16:00
dholbachalthough he was quite funny today :)16:00
jcastroHAY GUYS16:30
jcastrowho likes controlling their own data?16:31
jcastroand loves free software?16:31
jcastrogreg-g: raise your hand please16:31
czajkowskidholbach: you lie the dentist is never funny16:31
jcastrogreg-g: http://cloud.ubuntu.com/2011/12/deploying-status-net-quickly-with-juju/16:32
dholbachczajkowski, he actually is a nice guy16:33
czajkowskiI've bitten 2 dentist fingers16:34
czajkowskiI've had to find new ones throughout the years16:34
czajkowskilast one used to put ear phones on me and a eye track so I watched movies16:35
czajkowskithat was good16:35
mhall119jcastro: that would be awesome if I still used identica16:43
jcastromhall119: think more for "my company wants all the benefits of twitter but for work."16:44
jcastronot identica, that's just an instance16:45
jcastropleia2: around?16:46
AlanBelldoes status.net have a streaming api yet?16:46
pleia2jcastro: yeah, but at work so a bit laggy16:47
jcastrocool, I can ping you later if you'd like16:47
jcastroI was wondering if I coulld register the SCALE charm school as a loco event so people know it's happening in California?16:47
pleia2jcastro: sure16:49
akgranerCharm School at SCALE - woot woot - reason # 854 million why I <3 SCALE!16:51
jcastroI can only add events to my locos16:51
jcastroclever clever loco directory16:52
jcastrowith your proper ACLs16:52
jcastropleia2: can you add it whenevs, info is here, no rush: https://juju.ubuntu.com/CharmSchool/Scale10x16:52
pleia2jcastro: if you give me the info I can make it16:52
mhall119jcastro: internal microblogging?16:53
jcastromhall119: pretend you're a medium to large company16:55
jcastroand you like the speed and quickness that microblogging gives you16:55
jcastro"hey @hr how do I do foo?"16:55
jcastro"anyone know someone at sales who deals with baz?"16:55
greg-gjcastro: o/16:55
mhall119so like email?16:55
jcastrobut you're a company, so you want to control that data16:56
jcastromhall119: less formal, like more watercooler16:56
greg-gwe use status.net at CC for internal updates that don't warrant an email16:56
jcastromhall119: there's a market out there believe it or not16:56
mhall119jcastro: so like email with reply-all?16:56
jcastrobut less formal16:57
jcastrolike twitter dude16:57
jcastrobut for your work16:57
mhall119every place I've worked (besides canonical) is only going to hear "employees paying attention to something that's not what I'm paying them to do"16:57
AlanBellmhall119: nah, they have IM servers and stuff16:58
jcastrowell, I don't care. The demand is there for sure, and we make it easy for them to run it on ubuntu16:58
mhall119yeah, but IM isn't for random information consumption16:58
AlanBelllike sametime or whatever Microsoft have, livechat  or something16:58
mhall119if someone doesn't IM you, you're not paying attention to their conversation16:58
jcastrowether the service is useful to someone or not is not my concern, my concern is can we make it easy for people to deploy free software that does something useful16:59
AlanBellsame sort of thing though, there is a market for it inside the firewall16:59
jcastrowithout saying "oh well,  let's just buy one Windows Live Messenger for the Enterprise BING! Edition"16:59
mhall119jcastro: does status.net integrate with company directory servers like AD and LDAP?16:59
AlanBellit is a good integration point as well for other stuff16:59
jcastrowhen they can do statusnet, diaspora, owncloud, etc. etc.16:59
AlanBelldoes juju do ldap magic?17:00
jcastrothat's a tough one17:00
nigelbAlanBell: does meetingology have an lp project?17:00
mhall119AlanBell: if your ldap server is charmed, I don't see why it couldn17:00
AlanBellnigelb: ubuntu-bots17:00
jcastro<--- lunching17:00
nigelbAlanBell: thanks17:00
AlanBelltag bugs meetingology17:01
jcastrogreg-g: ockerproject + thinkup will be amazing17:01
greg-gjcastro: I don't know ockerproject...17:01
AlanBellhttp://status.net/wiki/LdapAuthenticationPlugin jcastro mhall11917:41
dholbachAlanBell, hum, so I had a quick look at the spreadsheet - I'm not quite sure what needs to be done there17:51
dholbachAlanBell, wouldn't it better to have a   blog: person   mapping?17:51
dholbachAlanBell, because we have a number of folks who have more than one blog on planet.u.c17:51
AlanBellthat is fine17:51
AlanBellok, so what I did was rather simplistic, I grepped for the nick lines in the config file17:52
dholbachAlanBell, so I'm wondering what still needs to be done17:52
AlanBellI guess I need to go back to the config file and haul out the URLs17:52
dholbachah ok17:52
AlanBellthere are about 134 nicks that don't appear to be nicks of ubuntu members17:53
* dholbach nods17:53
dholbachdo you want me to reply to the thread with this conversation?17:53
dholbach(as a FIY)17:53
AlanBellhowever, there are people in the file with a nick like "jcastro" who I happen to know has an lp name of "jorge"17:53
AlanBellalso jono vs jonobacon17:53
AlanBellthere are bound to be others that I won't be able to reconcile but others can17:54
dholbachin that case we need to explain better what "nick" means and which implication it's going to have17:54
AlanBellso if you could read down column C and tell me if you spot anyone there who you happen to know is a member who I didn't tie up17:55
AlanBellyes, I want to get the config file to a state where every nick is an LP nick17:55
dholbachok, I'll reply to it tomorrow17:57
dholbachthat'll take a bit more work17:57
dholbacherr time17:57
dholbachie. ~adiroiban expired from ~ubuntumembers17:57
AlanBellthose are the feeds we want to remove17:58
dholbachalucardni seems to be ~josernestodavila17:58
AlanBellcolumn A is the lp nick of every member17:58
dholbachAdi Roiban is still quite active and must have missed the email17:59
dholbachbut yeah17:59
dholbachI'll have a closer look at column C tomorrow17:59
AlanBell"alucardni seems to be ~josernestodavila" <- exactly the sort of thing I wouldn't know17:59
dholbachI just searched on launchpad.net :)17:59
dholbachand it showed me that there was a guy with the IRC nick of alucardni who was an Ubuntu member :)17:59
dholbachalright... more on the topic tomorrow :)18:00
* dholbach needs to call it a day18:00
dholbachhave a great rest of your day everyone!18:00
jcastrogreg-g: sorry I mistyped: http://lockerproject.org/18:09
jcastrothis is what mdz is working on these days18:09
greg-gjcastro: oh, right, duh ;)18:10
* greg-g was slow this morning18:10
greg-gjcastro: btw, we're like 3 days and counting!18:10
jcastrountil ?18:10
jcastrooh no18:10
jcastrochild process?18:10
greg-gjcastro: a new fork/derivative/whatever geeky analogy you want to make, yeah :)18:30
jcastrogreg-g: better catch up on sleep now!18:37
jcastrogreg-g: Are you guys going to do it in a tent at Occupy Ann Arbor?18:38
jcastrothat would seem like the right place18:38
pleia2jcastro: which day is the charm school on?18:42
jcastrothe Marina Room18:42
jcastrohmm, did I not put that on the wiki page?18:42
pleia2just the day was missing18:42
technovikingjcastro: coming to Scale?18:43
pleia2unfortunately conflict with Ubucon though18:43
jcastropleia2: yeah but it was only slot available.18:44
greg-gjcastro: :P at #OccupySF, of course18:44
pleia2jcastro: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-california/1451/detail/18:45
cprofitthey hggdh19:17
pleia2cprofitt: any way you can drop non-commercial from your bug diagram license? :)19:25
pleia2(it's a non-free license and greatly reduces what can be done with it)19:26
hggdhcprofitt: here19:34
cprofittdid you see the diagram19:39
hggdhcprofitt: quick look, finishing with the A1 work, then I will stop and *really* look at it19:40
cprofittcool thanks... really looking forward to seeing how it embraced the idea you put forward at UDS19:45
technovikingjcastro: it the top bar still call a panel bar?20:57
jcastro"panel" or "unity panel" is fine20:58
technovikingjcastro: thanks20:58
technovikingstill trying to figure out if you can remove it from a second monitor20:59
jcastronot afaik20:59
AlanBelltechnoviking: but then you end up having to go miles away to find the application menu20:59
AlanBellglobal menus are bad enough on one screen!21:00
technovikingI run a Windows in a VM on the other monitor , hardly need a menu21:01
jcastrocan you fullscreen the VM?21:01
jcastrothat should get you what you want21:01
technovikingjcastro: true, but I start getting nvidia weirdness21:03
technovikingneed to doc the process and while a bug I think21:03
* jcastro nods21:04
jcastrojono: heya21:10
jcastrojono: I have a due out for the cloud talks for the year + summit stuff if you want to bust out a quick call21:10
technovikingjcastro: what is the terminal divider program you are using?21:28
jcastroin what?21:28
technovikingheard you talking about a terminator like program you like21:29
technovikingor I could be gone senile :)21:29
czajkowskitechnoviking: i sent mail to the forums council has it been moderated21:31
technovikingczajkowski: think it was always moderated, I just approved thing quickly, but all @ubuntu.com should be auto aprroved21:32
czajkowskitechnoviking: ah ok I didnt send it from that21:33
czajkowskigod to know for the future though thanks21:33
technovikingczajkowski: if Joeb454 is around, he can help21:34
technovikingczajkowski: let know if I can help, in non-FC way21:41
jonojcastro, hey, let's do it soon, will ping21:48
jonojust wrapping some things up now21:48
* jcastro nods21:48
* popey tickles technoviking 21:55
jonopopey, you running precise on hardware or VM?21:58
jonoand everything working fine/21:59
popeyI am outraged that the login screen still says 11.1021:59
popeyOther than that, fine.21:59
jonook, here I go then21:59
popeyI'm on an Intel Core2Duo with nVidia gfx and SSD btw21:59
jonoI should be fine...all Intel here22:01
jonomind you, I thought that with Jaunty ;-)22:01
* popey twitches22:02
technovikingprecise was no joy in a VirtualBox VM, may need to try the Alt installer22:11
jcastroakgraner: about how many people attended SELF?22:12
AlanBelltechnoviking: works for me, I installed in a virtualbox vm earlier today22:13
AlanBellno, yesterday, just before alpha122:13
AlanBellhttp://people.ubuntu.com/~alanbell/orca.out here is what it said22:14
technovikingAlanBell: getting further with an alt CD, so far22:15
AlanBellbet you are using eyes though22:15
jcastrojono: ready yet? sorry to rush you but we gotta get this outta the way before I EOD.22:23
jonosorry, been on a call, yeah give me one sec22:24
jcastrono worries22:24
mhall119my son is selling me on the benefits of the new Nook Tablet22:24
jcastroI got the transformer22:24
jcastrothe non prime22:24
mhall119I have a Nook Touch already22:24
mhall119I'm just amused that he's trying to convince me to upgrade22:24
jonoget an iPad22:24
jonoall other tablets suck22:24
* mhall119 starts a rumor about baby-bacons22:25
jonoI know it is, but seriously, the iPad nails Android as a Tablet22:25
jonomhall119, LOL22:25
jcastrojono: how's that built in map navigation on it?22:25
jonoI might be in hot water over that22:25
jcastrooh wait.22:25
jonojcastro, why do I need map nav, I have a phone for that22:25
jonoI am going to carry a tablet with me driving22:25
mhall119jono: you have very specific, forward-looking plans in that regard22:25
jcastroI dunno, you didn't ask me for my use case22:25
jcastroI'm car mounting mine for nav + ubuntu one music22:26
akgranerjcastro, about 1500 but growing22:26
jonomhall119, well, Erica is probably pre-disposed to twins based on the family tree22:26
jcastro= replacement for car stereo22:26
mhall119jono: so was I, but they came one at a time anyway22:26
jonojcastro, look dude...just accept it...I am always right...22:26
jcastroakgraner: wow, so bigger than OLF?22:26
jonoaccept it and your life will be easier22:26
jonomhall119, :-)22:26
jcastrojono: you like Dragonforce, you're not right about alot of things22:26
* jcastro is fired.22:26
jonojcastro, whoa whoa whoa! I do NOT like Dragonforce22:26
jonodon't spread those rumors22:26
* mhall119 google dragonforce22:27
jcastrothe transformer is exactly $200 worse than an ipad, which is what I paid for it.22:27
jonoI knew those guys, didnt mean I liked them22:27
akgranerjcastro yeah - it's the only thing in this are - no ALF and no FL show now22:27
akgranerso people come from all over this area22:27
jonojcastro, lets do phone22:27
jcastrobut yeah, honeycomb is a steaming pile, ICS should run nice on it.22:27
jcastrojono: okey22:27
jonoI cant sit with this damn headset on any longer22:27
mhall119we need a good community show in florida22:27
akgranerjono said damn - insert beavis laugh here22:27
akgranerjcastro SELF is a cool show - ask jono he's been22:28
mhall119it is a cool show22:28
* mhall119 has been22:28
akgranerjcastro, you going - how about a charm school at SELF - can I pitch it?22:29
akgranerjuju magic at SELF as well - that would rock22:29
akgranermhall119, I miss working with the SELF guys - need to figure out what's happening these days..22:38
technovikingmy music collection finally gotten too big for Bansgee22:47
bkerensaanyone remember the command to upgrade to an alpha release?23:04
popeybkerensa: sudo update-manager -d23:14
popeybkerensa: sudo do-release-upgrade -d23:14
JanCbkerensa: in addition to what popey said, you can also just s/oneiric/precise/g in your APT sources list(s), and then upgrade carefully...  ;)23:50
JanCtechnoviking: my music collection has been too big for banshee since forever  ;)23:51
JanCBTW: I think there should be an U1MS client that is independent from any music player...23:52
JanCeither a web interface or a separate GUI client would do, I guess...23:53
JanCoh, and finally fix the payment options  ;)23:55
greg-gJanC: gmusicbrowser or what's your preferred music client then?23:58
JanCI use quod libet mostly23:59
* greg-g used gmusicbrowser back when his library was huge, but now with the SSD laptop harddrive....23:59
JanCbut gmusicbrowser seemed okay when i tried it23:59

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