
micahgtumbleweed: from http://people.ubuntu.com/~stefanor/upload_activity/: The last timestamp in the dataset was at Sun, 18 Dec 2011 22:00:00 GMT (so presumably that's how up to date this page is).01:00
tumbleweedmicahg: :)01:01
tumbleweedthat should improve slightly with the next batch of UDD data01:01
tumbleweedwe are ignore dates more than 2 weeks  away from SPPH record creation01:01
ajmitchtumbleweed: you need to me reimport stuff already? :)01:04
ajmitchs/to me/me to/01:04
tumbleweedajmitch: not quite yet. In a few days01:19
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bkerensaslangasek: You around to mentor a mentee? :P09:21
bkerensaI'm trying to make a package for desura but I'm getting stuck here http://paste.ubuntu.com/755811/09:23
geseris the CMakeLists.txt perhaps in a different subdirectory?09:28
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bkerensageser: One does not exist in the tarball from upstream09:30
geserare there any instructions how to build it?09:33
bkerensageser: It appears it was my own error the tarball they provided does not seem to contain any source anyways =/09:40
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ockham_hi, i'm looking for reviewers for http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/unity-lens-bliss11:37
rankohi everyone12:13
rankoi need a bit of advice with creating an ubuntu package and putting it up on a ppa on launchpad12:14
geserfeel free to ask12:14
rankoi have two libraries that are not present in the ubuntu repositories but need to be distributed with the game i want to package12:14
rankoi want to statically link them to my game12:15
rankoshould i put them in the source package along with the game?12:15
geserwhy statically linking?12:15
rankook, i suppose static linking isn't really neccessary here12:16
rankobut i need to bundle the libraries with the game somehow12:16
geserstatically linking is frowned upon12:16
rankook, noted :-)12:16
geserpackage the libraries seperately  (in your PPA), and let your game depend on them (build-depend on the -dev packages for linking)12:17
rankoi hadn't thought of that12:17
rankoi have a related question then12:17
rankono, actually i don't12:18
rankothat makes perfect sense12:18
rankobtw, can i depend on a package in another ppa?12:18
geseryes, if you specify that your PPA depends on that other PPA (works also for build-dependencies)12:19
rankothanks a lot!12:19
rankoi suppose the questions weren't really motu-related12:19
rankobut this seemed like a good place to ask12:20
nigelb#ubuntu-packaging is a good place to ask something if its not motu related but packaging :)12:20
rankodidn't know about that channel12:20
nigelbnp, have fun! :)12:20
bkerensaany devs around to answer a few questions on building?12:42
nigelbJust ask, someone will answer if they know.12:43
bkerensaOk so the problem I keep running into is when I grab source of a app that needs to be packaged and I do cmake I get a error about cmakelists.txt not being found12:44
geserdoes the package use cmake? (not every package uses cmake)12:45
bkerensaWell a example is I tried building the Unity Lens Bliss source that someone has finished ^12:46
bkerensaand yeah no luck12:46
* bkerensa is just going based on the guide here http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html12:46
bkerensaHow would I determine which I should use?12:47
gesercheck what files are in the source tarball12:52
geserCMakeLists.txt -> cmake12:52
geserconfigure, Makefile.am -> configure and then make (the package uses the autotools)12:53
geserjust a Makefile -> make (the package probably uses a hand crafted Makefile)12:53
Laneywhy does that talk about REVU!12:54
ockham_bkerensa: why would you try to build unity-lens-bliss manually? just run debuild.12:55
geserLaney: ah, you ment the link, not my simple classification12:55
geserbkerensa: that tutorial mentions cmake because this packages uses cmake for building12:56
bkerensageser: I see ;)12:56
Laneyyes :P12:56
bkerensasorry for being a total greenhand at this ;) I have only had to compile something a few times from source :P12:56
bkerensaockham_: When I'm building a new package and I use debuild and it asks for a changelog where do I go from there?13:00
ockham_bkerensa: so your goal is to create a new package based on some existing source?13:01
bkerensaockham_: My goal is to learn how to package in general that way I can contribute by packaging stuff that needs packaging13:03
ockham_bkerensa: cool. well, have you found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/HandsOn ?13:03
ockham_bkerensa: the unity-lens-bliss package which I uploaded should be ready for just building, so you don't really have to anything else than just run debuild in order to get a binary package.13:05
bkerensaockham_ Nope ;) thanks.... For some reason MOTU was suggesting http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/ instead of the ones you referenced which seem way more through13:05
ockham_bkerensa: everything needed for packaging goes to the debian/ dir, so you should look at that directory if you want to see how it's done13:07
bkerensaockham_: kk :D thanks btw13:07
ockham_and if you want to start a new package, the PackagingGuides I referenced will tell you to use dh_make on the source for initializing things13:08
ockham_ockham_: np. though i'm afraid i have to leave kinda now... maybe someone else can help you as you go...13:08
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slangasekbkerensa: hmm? :)15:26
dholbachslangasek, do you already know what you all will focus your efforts on during the BSP?15:27
slangasekdholbach: yes, multiarch ;)  (and some other stuff)15:28
dholbachwe'll mention it in the dev update today15:29
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* HOHOHaney Claus17:16
jgneffIs this where I can get advice on submitting my first bug fix patch?17:27
iulianjgneff: Indeed it is.17:31
jgneffGreat. I found this <http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/fixing-a-bug.html>, which helps a lot, but do I create the patch against oneiric or the very latest precise?17:31
iulianjgneff: Precise.17:32
jgneffAnd is there an easy way to go through the code, test, debug cycle than doing the whole (slow) pbuilder-dist thing and installing the package? I'm used to the much quicker "make; make install" into /usr/local for testing.17:34
jgneffI'll test the final built package on a pristine development ISO at the end, but I don't want to do that for every little change. Am I missing something?17:36
slangasekbkerensa: oh, so you were up in the middle of the night making a new package, I see.  http://wiki.debian.org/IntroDebianPackaging :)19:08
marshallhey masters of the univers19:39
marshallis this a good place to ask my question about making a deb from some downloaded source?19:40
Resistancemarshall, -packaging might be better, but that and here sometimes overlap a tad19:48
marshallResistance: ok, thanks19:51
TaiChiMustDoWould this be the correct place to address an issue with Ubuntu repo management?19:52
micahgTaiChiMustDo: that depends on your question, so if you ask, we can probably redirect to the proper place19:52
TaiChiMustDoI would like to address version updates of packages that are not contained in the Ubuntu repo when they are contained in others, ie, KDE apps, etc.19:53
Resistancethe way i understand it, an application doesnt get updated in the repos unless (a) its a new backport, in which case its in the backports repo, or (b) its been confirmed necessary and stable by the people who check stability before release of packages19:54
Resistancebut that's just my understanding, micahg is more likely to know better19:54
micahgTaiChiMustDo: stable releases usually don't get updates unless there's a stable release update exception or it's a backport19:55
Resistancemicahg, update exceptions, such as major security fixes?19:55
micahgResistance: bug and security fixes are usually cherry picked19:56
micahgupdate exceptions like this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates/MicroReleaseExceptions19:56
TaiChiMustDoFor the purpose of this discussion, I'll address something more simple. There are a few plasmoids that are contained in the Ubuntu repos that are behind two or more versions while listed on KDE-*.org ashaving been updated plus to other repos19:57
micahgTaiChiMustDo: are they behind in the devel release as well?19:57
micahgTaiChiMustDo: are they part of KDE itself?19:58
Resistance<micahg> TaiChiMustDo: are they part of KDE itself?  <-- as in part of the kde core, or a direct dependency of kde core?19:58
micahgKDE has a micro release exception, but only for core components AIUI19:59
Resistancethat's what i thought19:59
TaiChiMustDoNo, they are not core but I have confirmation the developer has upstreamed the new versions as he finishes them. Here is an example, http://goo.gl/bxJZj20:00
TaiChiMustDoIn the above example, the plasmoid is at v1.0.96 while in the Ubuntu repo it's
Resistancemicahg, if its not core, it doesnt get updated, right?20:00
micahgTaiChiMustDo: so, unless the version in the archive is broken to the point where it doesn't work at all, you'd most likely be looking at requesting a backport20:00
micahgResistance: whatever that wiki page says, I haven't reviewed it20:02
TaiChiMustDoThe reason why I am inquiring about it is I am a person with a disability. Any automation is especially appreciated. If I install something using a package manager but then have to wait months to be able to update it also using the package manager that defeats a huge purpose whom have difficulties manually compiling.20:02
micahgTaiChiMustDo: we have a new requestbackport script in ubuntu-dev-tools in precise which should make requesting these updates easier.  In general, the stable release is stable w/out new versions except for what has exceptions (Firefox, Thunderbird, ClamAV, KDE point releases, Banshee point releases, GNOME point releases)20:04
micahganything else that you want a new version for that's not entirely broke in the stable release, should probably be a backport (if that's allowed for the package)20:05
TaiChiMustDoOkay, I will check the backports but I do have them active in my repo sources20:05
ResistanceTaiChiMustDo, if i may ask you... what's the package name that you're trying to get updated?  and does it exist in Precise yet as updated?20:05
ResistanceTaiChiMustDo, backports need requested by users.  and tests to prove it wont break things20:06
* Resistance has backported a couple of packages before, so... :P20:06
TaiChiMustDoIt's called Fancy Tasks http://goo.gl/bxJZj The developer also posted this: "Warning!20:07
TaiChiMustDoStarting with version 1.0.95 applet requires KDE 4.7." Which for most of us who are using Kubuntu or KDE are already there.20:07
Resistancei asked for the package name20:07
Resistancenot the plasmoid's name20:08
TaiChiMustDoI understand. One moment pls20:08
Resistanceah cool20:09
Resistance*scans the Precise repos*20:09
TaiChiMustDoYes, thank you.20:09
micahgTaiChiMustDo: precise needs to be updated first, then you can request a backport20:09
TaiChiMustDoAh, okay, I didn't see that when looking at the info of the package in Synaptic20:09
Resistancenot to mention .96 isnt even *in* precise20:09
TaiChiMustDoHmmm...The developer told me it is.20:10
Resistanceif it were, it'd *possibly* be backportable ;P20:10
Resistancewell then precise hasnt been updated yet20:10
micahgyou can use rmadison from devscripts to check versions in all releases20:10
TaiChiMustDoI'll inquire with him again.20:10
TaiChiMustDoOkay, very good, thank you.20:10
micahgTaiChiMustDo: you can file a bug request for an update and tag upgrade-software-version20:10
Resistancemicahg, in precise?20:11
micahgResistance: hopefully, if there's time, someone will update it in precise20:11
Resistancei also just checked debian's sid repos20:11
Resistance.96 of this person's requested package doesnt exist there either20:12
Resistance(although note this system is evil-ish so... it might be wrong)20:12
micahgsince it's not something we inherit from Debian, updates depend mainly on Ubuntu developer availability, you might ask if anyone in #kubuntu-devel has any interest in updating the package as well20:12
TaiChiMustDoBy activating Precise's repo, will that cause a dist-upgrade for my current 11.10 instance?20:12
micahgTaiChiMustDo: no, after it's in precise, you'd have to request a backport20:13
ResistanceTaiChiMustDo, if you'd like, lemme know when its in precise, i'll help you with the backport request process...20:13
Resistanceor the motus can help here too20:13
TaiChiMustDoThanks, micahg, That is an excellent suggestion to check with the kubuntu-devel20:13
* Resistance does, however, test-backport within a PPA before actually submitting backport requests ;P20:13
TaiChiMustDoOkay, very good. You've been a great help and very knowledgeable. Most appreciated on behalf of the disability community.20:15
TaiChiMustDoNow, if we can get voice recognition to work well under Linux. Been tough ride.20:15
* Resistance chuckles20:16
Resistanceyeah, that'll be a toughie ;P20:16
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ashamsHi, I fixed a typo in psmisc package(it's my first:), the last changelog entry is "psmisc (22.14-1) unstable; urgency=low"  so should my entry be "psmisc (22.14-1ubuntu1) unstable; urgency=low" (adding 'ubuntu1' to the version) ?21:26
micahgashams: you want to target precise in the debdiff, or UNRELEASED in bzr21:27
ashamsmicahg, sorry, I don't know what you mean!21:28
micahgashams: instead of unstable21:28
ashamsso I add UNRELEASED instead of unstable, that's it?21:29
micahgashams: depends if it's bzr or for a debdiff21:29
ashamsI'm using bzr21:29
micahgyeah, so target UNRELEASED in a merge, or you can do this when creating the changelog by using: dch -i -DUNRELEASED21:30
jtaylorashams: is it worth to do an ubuntu revision for a typo fix?21:32
ashamsmicahg, don't know, at all21:33
ashamsjtaylor, what you think?21:33
micahgthat's a good point, probably just worth forwarding to Debian unless it's going to impair usage21:33
ashamsso, I'll just attach the patch?21:34
micahgashams: reportbug -B debian -A /path/to/patch psmisc21:35
ashamsmicahg, ah, thank you21:37
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