
MrChrisDruifHi everyone =)01:00
MrChrisDruifDid you all know that we've got a youtube channel apparently? http://www.youtube.com/user/ubuntuweeklynews01:00
akgranerSomeone mentioned it beofre01:12
akgranerThe site isn't branded correctly01:14
bkerensawho is the guy doing the news on that youtube channel01:15
akgranerI think it's great01:15
bkerensaand whatever he is using to do desktop and his webcam is pretty cool01:16
akgranerI've wanted to one for a while  - but it's very time consuming - so more power to them01:16
akgranerDang it I can't freakin' type tonight01:18
bkerensaI guess one could just use a desktop recording app and then record webcam and put the webcam as a overlay in openshot and then render... using ffmpeg would be difficult01:18
akgranerthe problem I had was it's hard not to continually look down at the paper and to stay focused and not ad lib much... - then the rendering takes forever if you do the *whole* newsletter01:20
akgranerI think perfection for me was getting the way of good enough...01:20
bkerensawell you could use one of those little paper stand things01:22
bkerensathat sit on your desk next to your laptop and hold a paper for typing01:23
bkerensathen it would be easy to look at the cam and read like a reporter per se01:23
akgraneryeah it's a dream - one that has to wait for another day :-(01:26
akgranerat least for me to do - life has gotten very busy these day :-) (But that's a good thing)01:27
bkerensaYeah I have a domain and site me and a few friends purchased to do a podcast and weekly video show on FOSS but were all epic busy so its on hold01:36
akgranerunderstand that...01:55
MrChrisDruifBut are we gonna let it slip or should we contact him?01:57
akgranerMrChrisDruif, what slip? the branding - I can have someone contact him but as far as doing the news - I'm glad he's doing it - we can invite them to be part of the team :-)02:15
MrChrisDruifWell, I just wanted to let you know about it. So indeed inviting him to join the team might be a (very) good decision. Gives us another point on which we get acknowledge - Ubuntu News way*02:17
MrChrisDruif*insert correct word here, can't think of it atm, very late here02:17
MrChrisDruifwise I think should be the right one, instead of way02:20
akgranerWe have a team meeting tomorrow at 2300 UTC - I'll email the list a reminder as well...03:14
bkerensadholbach: Sure I can try and find a subject in the LP team to talk too :D04:37
dholbachbkerensa, did you get the hangout invite?07:05
bkerensadholbach: Yeah I will be on in one sec installing plugin and had to ask my fiancee to ignore me talking (she is sleeping)07:06
MrChrisDruifI stop working @ 23:00 UTC =/11:46
akgraneryou mean you're supposed to stop - that's a concept I need to learn ;-P11:48
MrChrisDruifNo, I work today from 14:00 till 23:00 UTC, a hour earlier in my TZ so that would be from 3 till midnight11:55
MrChrisDruifMy timezone is CET11:56
MrChrisDruifOops, correct that 16:00 till 00:00 local time =)11:58
* dholbach dives into writing today's dev update15:12
dholbachI'm so glad we have 3 more people getting involved in writing these15:13
akgranerdholbach, yay \o/15:30
dholbachbkerensa, I'll move the customisable bug listings to the top of the report if you don't mind15:48
dholbachas today's spotlight I'll focus on reviewing the updates from all teams in the release meeting15:48
pleia2forgot to mention I started on the alpha1 release on fridge, I'll finish after CC meeting17:13
akgranerthanks pleia2 !17:20
dholbachbkerensa, I got most of the update done, but I won't finish it today17:23
dholbachbkerensa, if you want to go in there and fix/improve/add things: knock yourself out :)17:23
MrChrisDruifMeeting is here?23:35
pleia2oh, hrm, we should probably remove that from the calendar23:40
pleia2sorry about that23:41

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