
smoserskaet, updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/TechnicalOverview00:31
skaetThanks smoser!  :)00:31
smoserwe are generally a go with cloud images 20111130.00:31
smoserwe've not recorded those test results in the iso tracker, bu tthey're there, and only 2 minior issues. one of which i've fixed.00:31
* skaet nods00:32
stgraberskaet: we're back to i386 and amd64 ubuntu alternate fully tested01:04
skaetstgraber,  excellent!!!  :)  thank you01:04
charlie-tcaskaet: all of xubuntu passed on hardware except wubi. I can not do wubi tests here.01:10
skaetcharlie-tca,   thank you.01:10
skaetwubi tests won't work without the images being respun (see comments)01:11
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skaetpitti,  Technical overview has updates from the ISO tracker and some of the bugs from the Oneiric Release Notes that still seem to be present and folks might stumble into.    Its missing a few edits from the teams still.04:02
skaetpitti,  If you start publishing images before I am online again,   given there hasn't been much testing there's some I don't think we should release.   amd64+mac, powerpc ones are lacking significant testing in Ubuntu.   Also,  there's been no definitive statement or evidence of much testing from the Kubuntu images by this point (other than the work Gruemaster did on the arm ones) so unless the picture drastically04:07
skaetchanges in the next few hours,   I recommend that Kubuntu not be released as part of alpha 1.04:07
skaetpitti,  word from smoser and utlemming is that the cloud images are good, so even though they're not on the tracker, they should be good to publish.04:09
* skaet --> zzz04:19
pittiGood morning05:03
pittiskaet, jibel: for wubi we'd only need to respin the CDs, not the live images (so archive skew doesn't matter), but still, +1 from me for release-noting05:05
pittiskaet: ok, I'll disable powerpc, but the diff of amd64+mac is tiny, I think we should releasea them05:07
pittiskaet: kubuntu desktops got some testing; we could skip kubuntu alternates, as they weren't tested at all05:08
pittiskaet: thanks for the summary05:09
pittistgraber, cjwatson: committed publish-image-set.py port to isotracker_xmlprc, thanks stgraber for adding the API!07:02
pittiyay no more screenscraping07:02
jibelpitti, while waiting for wubi, I can test kubuntu alternate.08:24
pittiah, I already pinged apachelogger08:24
infinitypitti: What's the story with A1?12:28
pittiinfinity: I think we are as ready as we can be12:28
pittiwe'll skip kubuntu alternates, no testers (pinged apachelogger, no response)12:28
infinitypitti: Oh good, so that klibc upload I just did can be considered post-freeze. ;)12:28
pittiinfinity: I was just about to lift the freeze12:28
infinity(itchy trigger finger)12:29
pittiinfinity: see #u-devel :)12:30
ogra_infinity, whats that bash ftbfs ?12:30
ogra_do we have a fix for that ?12:31
* pitti publishes the images12:31
infinityogra_: I think we do.  Lemme refresh my memory.12:32
* ogra_ thought he heard doko say something 12:33
infinityYeah, I thought so too.12:34
pittismoser, Daviey: can you please publish the alpha-1 cloud images?12:59
pitti(they'll need some time to mirror, I figure)12:59
pittiI am currently publishing the a1 images13:00
smoserpitti, they're all "pre-published", so 10 minutes it will be public. i will do that now.13:19
smoserpitti, https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/server/releases/precise/alpha-1/ is public.13:44
ogra_pitti, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/precise/alpha-1/ misses the actual arm images (still mirroring ? or is that an oversight)13:46
ogra_oh, mirroring delay13:46
ogra_ignore me13:46
pittismoser: ah, I didn't know you do pre-publishing for alphas (ubuntu isos don't)14:02
pittiogra_: yes, mirroring14:03
stgraberpitti: cool!14:11
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smoserpitti, basically after we test something we go through the entire publish process other than the ec2 equivalent of "chmod g+r".  that is what I call "pre-publish". it takes like an hour now so we do it ahead of time.14:13
pittiskaet: mirroring of published images completed; release away :)14:16
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stgraberskaet, pitti: Just updated the TechnicalOverview for Edubuntu, sorry for not doing that earlier14:18
pittistgraber: cheers14:19
nessitaskaet: hey there! I was wondering if you had any news regarding what mdeslaur asked you yesterday re: licenses for the qt4reactor packaging14:28
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skaetpitti,   good day14:53
* skaet catching up on the backscrolll14:53
skaetnessita,  yup gots some input from folks, but need to get release sorted out first,  I'll ping you and mdeslaur later in the day after that's sorted.14:54
mdeslaurskaet: cool, thanks!14:55
nessitaskaet: thanks!14:55
pittihey skaet14:55
skaetpitti,  I've just gone and looked at the iso tracker,  only 1/7 of the mandatory tests have been run on the desktops,  and no one from Kubuntu has bother to update the Techncial overview.   That's not good enough for release.14:56
pittiskaet: ok, fair enough; I can reasily remove them from /relelases/ again14:57
pittiskaet: what about lubuntu?14:57
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* skaet looking14:58
skaetpitti,  lubuntu's been well tested, and documented in the release notes - is there some issue I'm not catching?15:00
pittiskaet: it wasn't in your release announcement that you sent to me15:01
pittiskaet: I published it15:01
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skaetpitti,  it was an oversite in my announce - thanks for catching.  :)15:03
skaetand publishing15:03
pittiskaet: I replied to your mail, could be that there was something else, too15:03
pittibut I think it was just that15:03
skaetyup,  just scanned it now.   Will add in the changes.15:03
pittiskaet: please let me know when you are done with wiki editing; I want to add that the i386 ubuntu desktop is oversized (or you do it while you are at it, I don't mind)15:07
skaetpitti,  done.   There's already a statement in it at the top, but repeating won't hurt15:09
skaetThis release is for developers only. Most of these images are oversize; you can use either a DVD or USB for installation instead of a CD.15:09
skaetpitti,  would appreciate you taking another pass at it,  and seeing if anything else needs to be tweaked.15:10
pittiskaet: "most of" is really an exaggeration :) ok, fixing15:10
skaet:) even15:10
pittiupdated for oversized; doing another pass (had one this morning, but we got updates since then)15:11
brendandskaet - i'll try and run a bunch of the kubuntu tests, can't do anything about the technical overview though15:19
skaetbrendand,  its too late now.15:20
brendandskaet - ah, have we released?15:20
skaetbrendand,  on the last stages now.15:20
pittiskaet: FYI, removing the two crash reports from known issues; we have client-side apport dup checking now15:21
skaetbrendand,  all the other images are tested and have been documented.   I don't want to keep the web-team and pitti around after their normal EOD at this stage.15:23
pittiskaet: fixed a couple of "oneiric"s and typos, done now15:24
skaetpitti,  thanks for catching those.  ;)15:24
skaetbrendand,  thank you for offering though,  and any testing you do do,  I expect the Kubuntu developers would appreciate getting feedback on the images and if there are other bugs that should be caught.15:25
jibel_skaet, we should add to the release notes that Ubuntu can't currently be upgraded from Lucid ?15:32
pittiskaet: FTR, cdimage cronjobs re-enabled15:32
skaetjibel_, yes,  that one should be mentioned.    Please add.15:32
pittijibel_: oh, we can't? sounds like something the stable+1 team (*cough*) ought to fix ASAP15:33
pittijibel_: do we have an auto-tester for this?15:33
* skaet didn't know about it either.... good catch15:33
jibel_pitti, yes I added it this week.15:33
pittijibel_: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade/lastFailedBuild/PROFILE=main-all,label=upgrade-test/ is for oneiric->precise, though, right?15:34
jibel_pitti, there are resolving issues with the X stack, some ABI breakage I think, but didn't go into details15:34
cjwatsonbug 89848215:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 898482 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "Lucid to Precise upgrade fails: release upgrader fails to start (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89848215:34
pittistill trying to find my way there15:34
jibel_cjwatson, that's another one, even with this one fixed, it won't upgrade15:35
mvo"can't load DistUpgradeViewGtk (Unknown internal child: selection)15:35
mvo" is fixed in bzr15:35
jibel_I'll finish server profiles and will publish the results15:35
cjwatsonah yes, bug 89855115:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 898551 in update-manager (Ubuntu Precise) (and 1 other project) "lucid desktop i386 -> precise upgrade failed: Resolver failed to calculate the upgrade (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89855115:36
jibel_and with server upgrades, I can't connect with ssh after upgrade15:36
pittiskaet: do you still need me for anythign? if not, I'd call it a day (you can SMS/call me if you need, of course)15:41
* skaet goes and looks at the process list.... 15:42
skaetpitti,  was the upgradetestingprocess completed?15:43
pittiskaet: https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-upgrade/lastFailedBuild/15:43
pittiskaet: i. e. there's a corner case with full multi-arch and full main: which is failing (investigating), but the others are green15:44
skaetwhen you switched cron back on,  has the default_milestone been changed to Daily, or is that still pending?15:45
pittiskaet: oh, for ISO tracker, right15:46
* pitti tries to figure this out15:47
pittistgraber, jibel_: is that the "Daily CDs" milestone in (currently "archived"), or should I create a new "Precise Daily" one? I'm not sure how it was disabled15:48
stgraberstgraber: there's a "Precise Daily" milestone somewhere on there15:48
stgraberdoh :)15:48
stgraberpitti: ^15:48
pittistgraber, jibel_: nevermind, found "precise daily"15:48
pittistgraber: so I flip alpha-1 to "released" and precise daily to "testing"?15:49
stgraberpitti: yep15:49
pittidone, and updated the notice15:50
pittihttp:// cross-check?15:50
stgraberlooks good15:50
cjwatsonremember to change ~cdimage/.isotracker.conf in sync too15:50
* pitti documents on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MilestoneProcess15:51
pitti+ 1. Update the ISO tracker to set the milestone to "released", re-enable the "daily", and update the notice.15:52
pittiskaet: all set15:52
pitti(MilestoneProcess already documented .conf)15:52
skaetpitti,  Thanks for all your help today!   Have a good evening. :)15:52
mvore the upgrade failure lucid->precise, it appears that with the backported apt this works actually, the packages are currently in ppa:mvo/lucid-precise-upgrades but should move to lucid-backports eventually15:53
mvoor lucid-proposed maybe, not entirely sure yet15:53
pittiso, good night!15:53
* skaet waves to pitti15:53
skaetmvo,  thanks - definitely want to make sure those get added in to lucid and well tested before 10.04.415:54
stgrabercjwatson: so skaet and I were wondering yesterday if we now have something in place to avoid images that were published on the tracker from being removed from cdimage15:56
stgraberand if not, what would help to make that happen, I introduced builds.get_list yesterday but it only lists active builds, not superseded ones (that we usually like to keep too)15:57
stgraberthe new tracker also knows the path on cdimage for most/all of the builds, I could export that through the API too if that'd help15:57
cjwatsonwell, we can't keep all superseded builds16:04
stgrabernot enough space?16:04
cjwatsonperhaps anything that was pushed for a milestone16:04
cjwatsonwe only keep about two or three days of dailies normally16:05
stgraberright, by superseded builds I meant anything that was posted on the tracker for a given milestone16:05
cjwatsonall superseded builds would be all dailies ever :)16:05
cjwatsonthat would be OK16:05
stgraberso whatever does the cleanup would look for builds associated with the milestone definied in ~/.isotracker.conf on the tracker (if the current milestone isn't a daily milestone) and never remove one of these16:06
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stgraberthen when the milestone is no longer marked as testing, these will get cleaned up as usual16:06
stgraberthat'll avoid situations where we want to keep an image as a fallback and it ends up being removed from cdimage16:07
cjwatsoncdimage already knows how to map from its own idea of the world to the iso tracker, so probably no need to duplicate that16:07
cjwatsongive me a method to get all builds and I'll see what I can do :)16:07
stgrabercjwatson: ok, code updated to support doing that, you'll need this applied to ubuntu-archive-tools: http://paste.ubuntu.com/756098/16:11
stgraberdefault behaviour for get_builds remains that same, but you can now give a list of status that you want to list16:12
stgraberif you want everything, you'll need to use [0,1,2,3] (0 = current, 1 = rebuilding, 2 = removed, 3 = superseded)16:13
cjwatsoncommitted that16:15
ogasawaraskaet: I'd noticed pitti mentioned that archive is unfrozen now in #ubuntu-devel.  I just wanted clarification as I was under the assumption we're still frozen until you send the official announcement out?16:15
skaetogasawara,  yes, its a little out of order, but we'll not be respinning at this stage, so is ok.16:17
ogasawaraskaet: but just for future reference I assume I should wait for the announcement16:17
skaetogaswara,  yes please16:18
ogasawaraskaet: ack, thanks.16:18
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=== skaet changed the topic of #ubuntu-release to: Alpha 1 released. Archive: open | http://pad.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-release | Precise Pangolin Release Coordination. Please don't upload things during freezes where you shouldn't, or be prepared to apologise to the release team | we accept payment in cash, check or chocolate covered ants | melior malum quod cognoscis
skaetAlpha 1 is release!17:09
Laneynice quote!17:15
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skaetLaney aka HOHOHaney  thanks!  :)17:16
* HOHOHaney jingles some bells17:18
skaetmdeslaur, nessita - from the results of my pinging, there doesn't seem to be a lot of precedent discussed on this so far based on the folks I've talked to.  Standard disclaimers apply - I'm not a lawyer.    Feeling is since the MIT licensed code is dynamically loading the GPL/LGPL/other bits as it needs them,  the MIT code shouldn't be derived work, so things should be ok,  based on what I was reading in the channe17:43
skaetl.   I haven't gone through and read the code though - so if I've gotten something wrong about the dynamic that's happening - please point me at the code bits inquestion.17:43
nessitaskaet: the piece of code that does the lib loading is this https://github.com/ghtdak/qtreactor/blob/master/qt4reactor.py#L4417:44
nessitaskaet: is a  python import inside a try-except block, and if the GPL lib (pyqt4) is not installed, it will try with pyside, which is a LGPL lib17:44
* skaet looking17:45
nessitaskaet: did you ask the legal guys? (I'm asking so I don't go a ping them again about the same :-))17:47
skaetnessita,  yup thats who I was looking for input from yesterday.17:49
skaetnessita,  it was informal discussion with a couple of lawyer friends though,   so if you have concerns and want to follow up,  no problems.17:54
nessitaskaet: ok, I will do that, thanks17:54
cjwatsonI think it's reasonably standard to say that if a piece of code can get by with any of multiple implementations under various licences, then your code isn't a derived work of any particular one of those implementations18:02
* skaet nods18:03
cjwatsonworst case the work as a whole is GPL; that does not affect the licensing of the MIT portion of the code18:03
cjwatson(I'm coming into this conversation half-way)18:03
cjwatsonis this MIT code used by GPL-incompatible things?18:03
cjwatsonnessita: ^-18:06
nessitacjwatson: hello there!18:06
nessitacjwatson: so far no, we use it inside the Ubuntu One QT desktop apps which all are GPL v318:07
mdeslaurcjwatson: it's twisted (MIT) that uses qt4reactor (MIT) that uses pyqt (GPL)18:07
cjwatsonthen there is unambiguously no problem18:07
cjwatsonthe people who talk about the GPL being viral and forcing you to write GPL code as well are lying18:07
cjwatsonall you need is for it to be possible to distribute the work as a whole under the terms of the GPL18:08
nessitamdeslaur: actually twisted does not use qt4reactor, but is a tiny detail. Our Ubuntu One apps use the qt4reactor (MIT) which uses twisted (MIT) and pyqt4 (GPL)18:08
mdeslaurcjwatson: so stuff in the archive can possibly be GPL incompatible and still use twisted?18:08
cjwatsonthat's more questionable18:09
cjwatsonit depends on whether you think that we're distributing a work as a whole by distributing it such that it uses pyqt by default18:09
cjwatsonperhaps we might need to arrange that there's never a situation where GPL-incompatible code that uses twisted ends up using pyqt, for example; that's probably a check-with-a-lawyer situation18:10
cjwatsonbut it's absolutely fine for MIT code to use GPL code, it just means that you need to comply with the union of all the applicable licence terms when modifying/distributing the whole thing18:11
cjwatsonthere is a wrinkle in that the debian/copyright file for python-qt4 is a bit confusing18:12
cjwatsonit says:18:12
nessitacjwatson: what about when packaging the MIT code that list as requires the GPL code?18:12
cjwatson  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify18:12
cjwatson  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by18:12
cjwatson  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License.18:12
cjwatsonhowever http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/software/pyqt/intro says "GPL (v2 and v3)"18:12
cjwatson(GPLv2-only software isn't compatible with GPLv3 so that was worth checking)18:12
cjwatsonnessita: nothing wrong with that.  The GPL doesn't compel the twisted developers to licence their code differently; it merely means that you must comply with the GPL when doing things with the GPL part18:13
cjwatsonnessita: but since you can comply with the MIT licence and the GPL at the same time, that's OK18:13
* skaet nods18:15
mdeslaurso, looks like it's fine then18:15
cjwatsonin any case, pyqt comes with a GPL exception that specifically says it's OK to use pyqt with a bunch of other licences18:16
cjwatsonGPL_EXCEPTION.TXT in the source package18:16
cjwatsonthis specifically lists the MIT licence, so even if there were any doubt (which I don't think there is), that would cover it18:16
mdeslaurah! nice18:16
scott-workcjwatson:  is this a convenient time for a brief discussion on a "libavcodec-extra-53 conflicts with libavcodec53" problem with ubuntu studio?18:18
cjwatsonscott-work: the precedent there is that ubuntustudio should be using libavcodec-extra-53 consistently throughout18:18
cjwatsonthe point of the ffmpeg-common seed was to force that18:19
scott-worki remember we made a change during natty and i reviewed the precise seeds and it appears to be inline for precise (hence my searching for you)18:19
scott-worki reviewed http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntu-seeds/ubuntustudio.precise/files against the changes for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ffmpeg-extra/+bug/68504918:20
ubot4Launchpad bug 685049 in ffmpeg-extra (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "libavutil-extra-50 & libavcodec-extra-52 conflicts cause ubuntustudio natty alpha1 iso install to fail (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]18:20
scott-workaw, jeez, i think i see the problem...missing destkop-common18:21
cjwatsonare you sure that bug isn't simply closable?18:22
mdeslaurcjwatson: thanks for the details on the licensing issue18:22
cjwatsonlibavcodec isn't in the dependency-expansion of ubuntustudio.precise/desktop-common18:22
cjwatsonah, it shows up in graphics, I see18:23
scott-workcjwatson: yes, the old bug is probably closable, but the the precise dailies and alpha1 (apparently) have been reporting ""libavcodec-extra-53 conflicts with libavcodec53""18:23
cjwatsonscott-work: right, I have a fix - is there a bug number?18:24
scott-workcjwatson: there is not at this point but i am happy to make one18:24
scott-workshall i make one?18:24
scott-workand can you explain the problem?18:25
* scott-work thinks he understands the problem in natty with forcing to choose the -extra packages based on desktop-common and ffmpeg-common18:25
cjwatsonno need to file one18:25
cjwatsonwhen germinate processes the graphics seed, it encounters something that depends on libavcodec53.  given the context it's operating in, it doesn't realise that it's supposed to choose libavcodec-extra53 for compatibility with other ubuntustudio bits.18:27
scott-worki am hoping to better understand the problem because i speculate that i could have prepared fix to be checked and pushed to repos rather than bothering you for this18:27
cjwatsonthe fix is to tell it that the graphics seed (and audio-plugins, for good measure) inherits from ffmpeg-common, whose purpose is to force the -extra variants to be selected18:27
cjwatsonI've committed a seed change for that18:27
cjwatsondon't feel too bad about not getting this, since to some extent it is dark wizardry18:28
scott-workhehe, i can see that ;)18:28
cjwatsonnot that that should prevent you from trying to understand it, just that it's not something widely understood right now18:29
scott-workso you just added ffmpeg-common or desktop-common to the other seeds (graphics and audio-pluins) for this fix18:29
cjwatsonffmpeg-common, not desktop-common (which wouldn't have helped)18:29
cjwatsonthat should sort things out, but let me know if it doesn't18:29
scott-worki presume this resulted in further changes in the seeds during precise, which explain why the fix during natty worked and oneiric but now yields a problem18:29
scott-workthnak you very much cjwatson :)18:30
* cjwatson looks into the cause18:30
cjwatsonit happened because https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gimp-gap/2.6.0+dfsg-2 changed gimp-gap to start recommending mplayer rather than merely suggesting it18:31
cjwatsonwhich caused mplayer (which depends: libavcodec53 | libavcodec-extra-53) to be pulled into the dependency-expansion of the ubuntustudio graphics seed18:31
scott-workit's a complicated web18:32
scott-workthank you again18:32
ogasawaraskaet: just want to confirm that we still email out our weekly team status, but there won't be an actual meeting tomorrow?18:56
skaetogasawara, yes.  I'll send out a note to ubuntu-release to make it explicit and remove the meeting from the calendar.18:57
DavieyThat works well, as i wasn't sure i could attend. :)18:58
DavieyShould we be sending status updates to the list for this week, still?18:58
scott-workdoh, and i was being all super aggressvie getting my email sent out on time :P19:03
skaetDaviey,  scott-work,  yes please send status out to the list,   if there's anything critical showing up,  adhoc meeting will be called on monday,.  :)19:12
* skaet adding her bits to the agenda page, so status for overall release is captured there right now19:12
jdstrandskaet: where is the raw data for http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/ stored? eg, where is the data for http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-security.html?19:14
skaetjdstrand,  I'm not sure which server the raw data is residing on these days,  I know we had some problems with it in oneiric.  pitti or cjohnston will know.   If you want to tweak the tend baseline, or something similar it can be done through a change to http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~wi-tracker-configurators/launchpad-work-items-tracker/ubuntu-config/view/head:/config/ubuntu-precise.cfg19:37
jdstrandskaet: I'm curious in the data, for my own reporting needs. pitti ^19:37
skaetjdstrand,  data's on cranberry these days (just heard back from cjohnston)19:44
jdstrandskaet: thanks!20:16
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