
snap-lEvening again.00:21
snap-lBah, I wish these articles didn't peter out before actually showing something useful02:16
snap-lHeading to reddit != useful02:16
Blazeixthis one isn't bad: http://orestis.gr/blog/2008/08/10/scripting-vim-with-python/02:17
Blazeixthough it looks pretty hard to do simple things02:17
rick_h_there's a book in progress, let me find it03:16
Blazeixyeah, I was commenting on my dislike of vimscript, when widox and snap-l mentioned pythoning it up.03:26
Blazeixwhenever i modify an existing vim plugin, I can never tell if my lack of vimscript knowledge is holding me back, or if the original author wrote terrible code.03:28
rick_h_heh, both03:29
rick_h_ugh, rotten wireless here03:42
rick_h_how was CHC?03:42
Blazeixpretty good. just snap-l, widox and me, and I was about an hour late.03:42
Blazeixgot to see snap-l's new tablet03:43
rick_h_oh yea? shiny?03:46
snap-lYeah, it's purdy.04:05
derekvwhat is it the happen?04:18
snap-lderekv: Pardon?04:26
derekvcute way of asking whats up.04:27
greg-gqué paso?04:30
rick_h_morning party people13:37
jjessemorning rick_h_13:37
brouschin the place to be13:39
mydogsnameisrudyMorning from the U.P. ahe13:56
brouschhow much snow you have?13:59
mydogsnameisrudyjust a trace this morning14:06
mydogsnameisrudya bit of ice on the pond tho14:06
brouschis that what you call lake superior?14:06
mydogsnameisrudywell its lake huron on my side ..14:22
snap-lGood morning14:34
snap-lSounds like a 1970s folk song: Lake Huron By My Side.14:34
brouschgoogle reader has a slightly different look. now each post is more seperated14:47
brouschan improvement!14:47
rick_h_Blazeix: widox https://github.com/mozilla/doctorjs15:20
rick_h_kind of cool, works a little better15:20
rick_h_but still not 100%15:20
snap-lrick_h_: Do you use CTRL_X CTRL-O?15:25
rick_h_snap-l: it's just ctags15:29
rick_h_oh sorry, you mean omni-completion? yea some15:29
snap-lhttp://youtu.be/U13xOvDa19U <- provided without comment16:09
* rick_h_ is scared16:09
rick_h_ok, that is scary16:10
snap-lAnd it works16:10
brouschyou want crazy? i'm in kde right now16:15
snap-lbrousch: That's not crazy. that's punishment.16:16
snap-land waiting to be in KDE is masochistic.16:16
brouschit's fugly, but its behavior is more gnome2-like than unity or gnome316:16
snap-lMore human than human. :)16:16
rick_h_the quest for gnome2 continues?16:17
brouschgnome shell quirks have annoyed me the last 2 days16:17
brouschand unity quirks are still annoying16:17
rick_h_lol, so much for he great gnome shell16:18
brouschwell, it's still less annoying than unity16:18
* snap-l doesn't have as much trouble with Unity.16:18
brouschi don't like how it dynamically adds desktops16:19
brouschand the notification thing is buggy16:19
* snap-l is still on 11.04 on his desktop, though16:19
snap-lThe laptop is running 11.1016:19
brouschgnome shell gives you 1 desktop more than what you're using, so if the only program on desktop 2 crashes, desktop 3 becomes desktop 216:20
snap-lOh, that's Gnome Shell16:20
snap-lWell, of course it is, because it's Gnome Shell16:20
snap-lit knows better than you what you want to do16:20
brouschsince i always have the same thing on desktop 1,2,3 i have to rejigger my programs whenever one closes16:20
brouschand i can't park banshee on desktop 1016:21
snap-lWhy the fuck would you have 10 desktops?16:21
* snap-l can barely manage two16:21
brouschi always have 416:21
snap-lOh, right, because gnome shell did away with Minimize, didn't it?16:21
snap-lbecause nobody ever shuffles things off their desk, ever.16:22
brousch#1 work web browser with email, calendar, etc; #2 personal web browser with email calendar, etc; #3 pidgin; #4-9 actual work; #10 music16:22
snap-lThat's your problem right there16:22
snap-lexpecting to do actual work.16:22
Blazeixwhen i was playing with gnome shell i had stationary things like email and music on #1 and #216:22
Blazeixthat way I was fine with the dynamic workspaces being appended on the end16:23
brouschBlazeix: right, but if you close your email program, everything moves up and you have to rejigger your programs to get it right again16:23
Blazeixclose your email program?16:23
brouschor it crashes16:23
rick_h_mutt doesn't crash, what's the matter with you :P16:23
Blazeixah, yeah, I could see that being annoying if it crashed. I don't think that ever really happened to me though16:24
Blazeixthe dynamic workspace thing was annoying, but I could see getting use to it eventually16:24
brouschwell with firefox on #1 and chrome on #2, i have crashes once a week probably16:24
brouschthe other big annoyance is the notifffication thing in the lower right. it just doesn't work right16:25
Blazeixyeah, that's why I didn't have temporary things like browsers on #1 and #2, it definitely required me changing my patterns16:26
brouschi've had trouble with it in dropbox and banshee16:26
snap-lI want to smack my library sometimes.16:26
Blazeixthe notification thing was glitchy for me to16:26
snap-lThey literally send out an image filled with text in an e-mail16:26
brouschand it slides up just far enough to be annoying if i have chrome downloads16:26
Blazeixit like to jump up and down and play tag with my cursor16:26
brouschsnap-l: hah, that's how my doctor friend had his web site until i beat him about the head for a month16:27
brouschanyways, i am disgruntled16:28
brouschso now my eyes hurt from kde's theme16:28
brouschbut i have 10 desktops and stuff is not moving around, and notification area looks good and works, and my menus are where they're supposed to be16:30
brouschdoes http://opendesktop.org work for anyone else?16:32
snap-lAppears to work over here.16:33
rick_h_works here on this sucky hotel wifi16:34
Blazeixit's detecting you're running KDE, so it knows you don't care about how your desktop looks16:36
brouschi wonder how irritated i would have to become to want to try one of your goofball tiling window managers16:38
rick_h_lol, come to the dark side16:39
rick_h_I wonder if greg-g is still experimenting or gave up16:39
Blazeixif you're like me, not very irritated. I was in fluxbox land, and a friend said, "switch to Awesome," so I did.16:39
rick_h_ok, fubar this. mifi time. Now if only I was in a 4g area ugh16:43
snap-lBlazeix: If someone told you to jump off a bridge, would you?16:46
snap-lbecause I'm totally there. :)16:46
Blazeixidk, that same friend has since switched to wmii, and I'm resisting that.16:46
Blazeixmaybe if you told me to jump off a bridge while switching to Awesome.16:47
snap-lThere you go. :)16:47
brouschah, found a nice dark theme. apparently kde doesn't have to be painfully ugly, it just is by default16:50
snap-lbrousch: ++16:50
brouschwhoa: "Warning: Something's Not Right Here! mail.google.com contains content from www.teefury.com, a site known to distribute malware. Your computer might catch a virus if you visit this site."16:51
greg-grick_h_: I'm... uh....... using Unity right now.... :(16:55
snap-lUh oh, the cult of awesome is shrinking.16:56
greg-gbut, if it makes anyone feel any better: I sure do hate Unity16:57
greg-git just handled IM's better (as in, if I'm away from my desk when I get one, I'll know about it via that meMenu or whatever its called)16:58
greg-gbetter than gnome-shell16:58
snap-lYeah, the me menu is pretty nice16:58
greg-gwhy do I hate: alt tab behavior is a major one16:58
snap-lhas saved my bacon16:58
brouschgreg-g: ug, yes, alt-tab16:59
brouschand middle-click for new window. i don't have middle click!17:00
snap-lWho's fault is that? :)17:00
greg-gbut seriously, why the fuck did they fuck with alt-tab? I haven't seen ANY reasoning that this is in any way better17:00
rick_h_yea, get a real machine :P (thinkpad ftw)17:00
brouschsteve jobs the genius says i need 1 button. unity says i need 317:01
greg-gwait, brousch , middle click for new window? where?17:05
rick_h_middle click on the icon in the sidebar thingy right?17:05
brouschfor a new window of a program already running17:06
greg-gctrl+n not good enough for ya?17:06
rick_h_nothing is good enough for brousch, can't you tell?17:06
rick_h_ :P17:06
brouschthen i have to move the window where i want it17:06
rick_h_but middle click has magical mind reading location properties?17:07
brouschyes, because i go to the desktop i want it on, then make a new window17:07
brouschotherwise i have to fgo to the desktop where the program is running, make a new window, then move it to the desktop i want it on17:07
rick_h_if you used awesome you'd just move it to the right desktop with a quick shortcut like win-shift-417:09
rick_h_is there nothing like that in unity?17:09
brouschany shortcut where i have to click more than <mod>+<key> is very annoying17:09
rick_h_yea, I've got a couple that use shift I've trained myself for.17:10
rick_h_rather that than getting arrow keys or fn keys and other out of reach keys17:10
brouschso in my gnome2 workflow, i switch to desktop 4 with alt+4 then click the icon of firefox/gedit/terminal/whatever and blammo i have a new window where i want it17:11
rick_h_so for me that's "meta-4" "ctrl-space" "fire<enter>"17:13
brouschright, i'm not as keyboardy as you17:14
brouschmuch of the time i keep my left hand on the keyboard and right on the mouse17:15
brouschor touchpad or whatever17:15
snap-lYou can right-click on the titlebar to move it to a window17:21
snap-lWorks under Gnome 2 or Unity17:21
snap-lI wish that multi-monitor worke that way.17:22
* snap-l did not know about the middle mouse button trick, though17:23
snap-lThough I just found that by holding shift along with the meta key, it'll open a new window.17:24
snap-lThat's handy.17:24
brouschah, got KDE panels set up just like good old gnome219:29
snap-lscreenshot, or it didn't happen19:29
brouschand an inoffensive color scheme19:29
snap-lWhat's the bottom bar for?19:32
brouschdoh, forgot19:33
jjessebrousch,  nice shiny kde :)19:35
brouschhere we go, fixed the task manager position and added system monitor. oh how i missed system monitor in my panel http://dl.dropbox.com/u/101667/snapshot3.png19:40
snap-lI never got into the system monitors on the top bar19:44
brouschi love them19:45
brouschnow i need to figure out these floating desktop thingies19:46
brouschand wtf an activity is19:47
jjesseno one knows what an activity is :)19:47
jjesseyou can multiple desktops and multiple activities19:47
jjessefrom my understanding :)19:48
krondorjjesse:  activity == workspace but with per workspace settings19:49
krondoryou can have multiple desktops with multiple activities per use yes19:49
jjessei find them a bit silly?19:50
krondorI only use like 2 or 3 activities.  Dev, Browsing, and Social.19:50
krondorit's more for people that are hardcore workflow types, they need per desktop tuning for their day or something.19:51
krondorvery power desktop user settings19:51
brouschso instead of crippling virtual desktops kde gives you even more flexible ones?19:52
snap-lSounds like something that demos well, and is never used again.19:52
snap-llike desktop cubes19:53
brouschi hate that cube19:55
jjessemy son just told me "daddy i want you to stop saying words to me"19:58
jjessei laughed19:58
krondorsnap-l:  yeah it's nifty, but I'm just not into tuned desktops to that level.20:01
_stink_jjesse: hah awesome20:02
_stink_ours tells my wife and i to stop talking sometimes.20:02
krondorspeaking of Compiz, I absolutely love the app switcher in Unity.20:02
brouschjjesse: that's how you know your lecture has been effective20:06
brouschi've never gotten to that point20:06
brouschapp switcher?20:06
jjessebrousch,  hopefully it was :)20:06
brouschkubuntu has kind of a cool one20:07
brouschhey, dolphin's not bad20:21
brouschi don;t think this existed last time i really used kde (2007,2008)20:22
krondorbrousch:  yeah dolphin finally feels like it can replace konq as of like 4.6 or 4.7.20:22
brouschso how many people in here are using kde?20:23
* jjesse raises hand20:23
brouschthere may be more using kde than unity20:24
krondorI alternate between kde and unity now.  I need to play with gnome3/shell though.20:24
brouschwhat's this window floating on my desktop called?20:25
brouschdesktop folder20:26
krondorfolder view widget20:26
jjessethat's an applet or widget20:26
jjessethe desktop folder20:26
jjesseyou can select which folder to display20:26
jjesseand interact w/ files right there (if you want)20:26
jjessei like to change mine to my home directory20:26
brouschobviously i need to read jjesse's book20:27
jjesseit actually go too light on KDE/Kubuntu there was so much to cover and i had so little space20:28
krondorbrousch lol you should have made the hike to lugwash I just showed them kde a few weeks back20:28
krondorI am obviously doing something wrong here.. rsyslog will not send logs to my remote syslogd :|20:29
brouschonly 3 clock widgets? what is kde coming to?20:31
krondorah nevermind I'm an idiot, tcpdump port s/524/514/ and I see the traffic lol.20:33
brouschrick_h_: Are you a manly muppet or a muppet of a man?23:38

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