
=== amstan is now known as amstan_
=== amstan_ is now known as amstan
qmr_from now on I'm justing using macs00:02
qmr_this is bs00:02
ActionParsnipqmr_: nobody cares00:03
qmr_ActionParsnip: I hope you get aids00:03
ActionParsnipqmr_: it may happen, who knows00:04
qmr_it seems like turning off wifi "fixes" my problem00:04
qmr_if wifi driver is going to cause this bullshit, it should be blacklisted00:04
qmr_hey, fuck you buddy00:04
ActionParsnipwasnt me00:04
reisiomaybe if he comes back in the future he can get banned by another version? :p00:05
qmrFUCK YOU00:05
qmrfucking cunts00:05
qmrCOME ON00:05
ActionParsnipcharming child00:05
qmrBRING IT00:05
apwbdjp:) Lovely.00:05
FoxhoundzIs there any reason why Ubuntu (and its derivatives) download/install language packs for no reason00:06
Foxhoundzwhat are these language packs for?00:06
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: install localepurge and you can get rid00:06
dpb_people that don't speak english natively. :)00:06
Foxhoundzdpb_: Well, why is it doing it without user permission00:06
Foxhoundzor choice for that matter00:07
dpb_Foxhoundz: it's a pretty common practice with operating systems.  Mac os x, windows, etc.  Because a lot of people don't speak english, and you want to make it easy for them to use the O/S00:07
Foxhoundzdpb_: Agreed. However, couldn't the install process simply ask the user to pick and choose which language pack to download in the first place?00:08
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: I believe it's somehow set when you install00:08
Foxhoundzinstead of downloading everything00:08
is_nullhi all, in the keyboard shortcuts window, i've selected a shortcut to edit and i hold ctrl a for a while but it doesn't change anything: the shortcut is still reported as "disabled". Any idea ?00:09
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: Its to make the system easier for non-techies00:09
FoxhoundzActionParsnip: That doesn't make sense00:09
FoxhoundzYou could just have a screen or a drop down control where you simply prompt the user for their specific language00:09
FoxhoundzI don't see how that would be too difficult for the average joe to figure out00:09
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: yep, many other distros do have that, but the audience of ubuntu are non-technical users, so the installer is as simple as possible00:10
dpb_Foxhoundz: sorry... can't help you on the why questions. beyond what I've already said. :)00:10
FoxhoundzThe developers are out of touch with the community.00:10
FoxhoundzAnyway, back to installing Linux Mint00:11
ActionParsnipMint'scommunity is tiny compared to Ubunus00:11
FoxhoundzWell Mint is somewhat of a fork of Ubuntu00:11
dpb_Yes, I for one am very happy about multilingual support in ubuntu, opens it up to more users, which is very cool.00:12
Foxhoundzthe packages are compatable with Ubuntu00:12
ActionParsnipyes, and its not supported in the Ubuntu channels00:12
FoxhoundzThe install process is identical to Ubutnu00:12
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: still, its offtopic here00:12
FoxhoundzI'm quite sure it is. That's why my question concerned Ubuntu00:13
FoxhoundzWhich secretly addressed a Mint issue ;-)00:13
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: its not00:13
FoxhoundzYes, it is.00:13
FoxhoundzUbuntu DOES install language packs without permission00:13
Foxhoundzwhich is carried over to mint00:13
ActionParsnipits not supported here, it has its own channel00:13
apwbdjpActionParsnip, ubottu's still not back :'(00:14
RothamActionParsnip:  I'm logged in as root, and I have tried making the folder both within $HOME and outside00:14
FoxhoundzActionParsnip: Again, this is why my question concerned Ubuntu.00:14
ActionParsnipFoxhoundz: is your question actually for mint?00:14
dpb_ActionParsnip: stop feeding him. :)00:14
FoxhoundzActionParsnip: As far as you're concerned, no.00:15
ActionParsnipRotham: strange, is the partition healthy00:15
FoxhoundzTo quote myself: (6:06:18 PM) Foxhoundz: Is there any reason why Ubuntu (and its derivatives) download/install language packs for no reason00:15
dpb_speaking of, dinner time for me.00:15
ActionParsnip!ops | Foxhoundz wants support for mint and won't listen00:15
FoxhoundzMy question stated Ubuntu as the issue00:15
RothamActionParsnip:  It should be, but how can I tell?00:15
chrislabeardcan anyone link to me to a good tutorial for rsync and ssh. I'm able to login to ssh without using a password with my pub key but I'm unable to use rsync and ssh00:15
reisioFoxhoundz: because people invariably want to change their languages with a single click00:15
ActionParsnipRotham: boot to liveCD and fsck00:15
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Rothamits a vps00:15
reisioFoxhoundz: the pricier versions of Windows also come with unnecessary language packs preinstalled00:15
Rothamdont think i can boot to liveCD00:16
pangolinFoxhoundz: Please stop. Mint is not supported here. go ask in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.net00:16
FoxhoundzFor the 4th time (+) , my question concerned Ubiquity + Ubuntu00:16
FoxhoundzI only mentioned Mint because it was based on Ubuntu00:16
Foxhoundzlet's not get carried away people00:16
mbeierlFoxhoundz: either way, I don't think you'd be able to get an answer as to why Ubuntu installs language packs for no reason.  Typically devs who make such decisions aren't in this channel...00:17
Foxhoundzmbeierl: Thank you for your answer00:17
FoxhoundzThat actually helped.00:17
mbeierlFoxhoundz: for what it was worth, you are welcome ;)00:18
FoxhoundzIt would be nice if someone close to the devs could drop a suggestion to change this behavior00:18
FoxhoundzIts not pretty when you're on a metered bandwith00:18
pangolinFoxhoundz: file a bug on launchpad.net00:18
reisioFoxhoundz: how big are they altogether?00:18
mbeierlFoxhoundz: that would actually be a bug report, or a suggestion in ... what's it called... brainstorm?00:18
reisiobrainstorm, is that short for wasting your time?00:19
pangolina bug report would be better00:19
Foxhoundzreisio: I have no idea. I'm not sure where it saves the packs00:19
reisioFoxhoundz: it's probably negligible00:20
reisiotext doesn't take up much space00:20
mbeierlpangolin: for this, I can see it being worthy of a bug, but in general, "I would prefer" type of things usually start here: http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/00:20
Foxhoundzis there a specific package for the language packs?00:20
reisiodpkg -l | egrep -i 'lang|ling|i18n|l10n' might tell you00:21
mbeierlFoxhoundz: indeed... I did a quick review of my installed languages and there are very few.  Perhaps you could simple deselect those that you don't want.  Or is this during the install process that it is doing a download that you do not want00:22
mbeierlFoxhoundz: if so, something like an alternate install cd might be a better way to go.  I did not have this issue when installing Natty, at least.00:22
Foxhoundzmbeierl: This occurs when you're first installing Ubuntu with a network connection00:23
Foxhoundzor else it just skips it00:23
mbeierlFoxhoundz: I should clarify my earlier statement: I see literally tens of languages, but about 4 that are actually installed.00:23
mbeierlFoxhoundz: I used a live usb for the install and was network connected and do not recall this happening to me.  I too have limited bandwidth (not a bw cap, but just really slow)00:24
mbeierlFoxhoundz: 11.11 or what version?00:24
apwbdjpFoxhoundz, I've installed many times with an alternate cd, with a shared gprs connexion, it didn't download any extra language pack00:25
drulichello, how can i access a server using ssh and using a key? i always used putty on windows but i dunno how to do it here00:25
Foxhoundzmbeierl: 11.1000:25
mbeierlFoxhoundz: that's what i meant ;)  Just fat fingers.  Ok, so I have not tried that one, and if that's the case, then it is a bug worthy of launchpad indeed.00:26
ActionParsnipdrulic: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys00:26
luis_hey, if anyone can help me, i need indications about how to troubleshoot a faulty hibernation in Oneiric Ocelot00:29
drulicActionParsnip: i was following that tutorial but i am not sure of how to proceed. I created my key and uploaded it to the server, but now what shall i do to connect?00:29
ActionParsnipthats all i know00:30
reisioluis_: so would anyone who could help you... what are the indications00:30
seekwillDoes anyone have a recommendation on a USB wifi card with great reception and works out of the box?00:31
mbeierldrulic: from the command line, you specify the key to use with the -i flag like so: ssh -i key.pem user@server00:31
usacomputertec_Can someone tell me how to edit the gdm config files?00:31
usacomputertec_I need to remove "Ubuntu" = Unity as an option.00:31
luis_reisio whenever I click on hibernate or issue the hibernate command or the s2disk command, the screen goes black and then comes back to the normal screen again00:31
mbeierldrulic: you can also use the ssh-agent to store the key and present it with subsequent connections, but if the -i works for you, it's easiest00:32
drulicmbeierl: thanks i am gonna try it00:32
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: which release?00:32
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip I'm using xubuntu 11.10 and I'm removing everything xubuntu and installing gnome and gdm00:33
mbeierldrulic: you're welcome.  I've actually done quite a lot using ssh keys, so ask again if you hit a wall...00:33
usacomputertec_in hopes to avoid the Ubuntu bloat00:33
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: nice move00:33
reisioluis_: s2disk doesn't give any errors?00:33
ScuniziHow do you find the package name of a widgit in kubuntu?  It's the calculator widgit you can put on the screen.00:33
usacomputertec_the problem is Ubuntu's gdm package is configured to log into Unity by default, and I don't even want it in there. ActionParsnip00:33
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: look in /etc/gdm   maybe00:34
reisioluis_: maybe you should try using tuxonice instead of uswsusp00:34
luis_i'll give it a try reisio, any particular advice?00:35
drulicmbeierl: might be a stupid question but... where should i save my .pem key? i guess the desktop is not a save place :P00:35
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip it doesn't appear to contain any config files. Only bianary files.00:35
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: or try /etc/init/gdm.conf00:35
seekwilldrulic: ~/.porn/00:35
mbeierldrulic: the usual spot is in your home directory, under the ".ssh" directory (hidden in the Nautlus explorer by default)00:35
reisioluis_: that was my advice :D00:36
usacomputertec_awesome lets try it00:36
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mbeierldrulic: and it's also customary to set the permissions to "600", or owner read/write, everyone else access denied00:36
mbeierldrulic: from a terminal "chmod 600 .ssh/key.pem"00:36
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drulicmbeierl: thanks again00:38
mbeierldrulic: also, I should mention in case you were not aware: on the server, the .ssh/authorized_keys file must be set to 600 or it will not be acceptable to the ssh server and it won't work00:38
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip no Gnome / unity stuff in there.00:38
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: does it have about autologin and such?00:39
mbeierldrulic: or ... wait, that side was already set up, if i understood you correctly.  you used it from putty before, just never linux.00:39
seekwillmbeierl: I make those files 40000:39
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip what are you talking about?00:39
mbeierlseekwill: even better.  I know that 600 is the bare minimum that ssh will accept00:40
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: the file I mentioned00:40
AzymuthHi all00:40
seekwillmbeierl: I don't need to write to them very often, and I worry about some cases where some rogue app can write to it but not able to chmod it00:40
usacomputertec_I'll look at it again00:40
mbeierlseekwill: it's a good practise00:40
mbeierlpractice? (spelling is overrated...)00:40
amstanwhere are the kernel modules(.ko files) stored?00:41
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip it talks about auto-login in the instructions00:41
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip Wow it still uses xorg.conf00:42
usacomputertec_this might be stable00:42
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: some systems need it00:42
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip it's running /etc/environment00:43
ActionParsnipamstan: /lib/modules/`uname -r`/kernel00:44
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: that is a place to put global settings for bash ect00:44
amstanActionParsnip: yeah, i got there, but i have this issue now: FATAL: Error inserting cdc_acm (/lib/modules/3.0.0-14-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.ko): Invalid module format00:44
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip I opened the /etc/enviornment and it looks strange. Ya nothing to do with gdm conf00:44
CoJaBoThe system is repeatedly detecting a nonexistent drive /dev/sdf and assuming cache: write-thru- How do I disable this message so I can accessuse the system?00:45
ActionParsnipamstan: I have it here in Precise00:46
amstanActionParsnip: have what?00:46
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ActionParsnipamstan: /lib/modules/3.2.0-2-generic/kernel/drivers/usb/class/cdc-acm.ko00:47
amstanActionParsnip: i need it changed actually, trying to fix an issue00:47
amstanthat's why i'm recompiling00:47
amstanbut apparently i got the wrong version/arch00:47
amstani have 3.0.0-14-generic00:47
amstani did git checkout v3.0 to get the git source to be used in compiling my module00:47
drulicmbeierl: yes u are right, i could access it using putty00:48
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip wouldn't you know it? I can't find any thing on Google that talks about this.00:48
tucemiux_mobabout time xchat was installed by default on ubuntu!00:48
mbeierldrulic: then the simple -i should work for now.  if you want to be lazy and not have to type it, there are ways...00:49
ActionParsniptucemiux_mob: empathy is tough00:49
* tucemiux_mob hates empathy00:49
* mbeierl finds it tough to empathize indeed00:49
tucemiux_mobanyone else having a great experience with ubuntu?  **everything** actually works now!00:50
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutoLogin#Enabling_AutoLogin_from_command_line00:50
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip and anyone else, here is another question. How do you install gnome-desktop without installing empathy and other stupid dependancies.00:50
drulicmbeierl: right now im trying to log in using putty again on another computer...i forgot which was the actual key... got some .pem and some .ppk :P00:50
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luis_reisio tried to install tuxonice but i got  this:http://paste.ubuntu.com/755552/00:52
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tucemiux_mobwhats the package name for software center???00:52
ActionParsniptucemiux_mob: software-center   (american (incorrect) spelling)00:52
Emiruis there page files on ubuntu like on windows ?00:53
ActionParsnipEmiru: its your swap partition00:53
reisioActionParsnip: yeah but realy it's the French's fault, for pronouncing it wrong00:53
tucemiux_mobwhats the package name for software center?00:53
reisiotucemiux_mob: you've been told...00:53
ActionParsnipreisio: they made it first so I'd stand with them :)00:53
tucemiux_mobreisi, sorry i keep getting disconnected :-(00:54
ActionParsniptucemiux_mob: i told you already00:54
tucemiux_mobActionParsnip, I missed your post!00:54
ActionParsnip(00:52:57) ActionParsnip: tucemiux_mob: software-center00:54
ActionParsnipmy bad00:54
reisioluis_: sounds like you have a dodgy mirror00:54
reisioActionParsnip: but they didn't :D00:54
luis_it could be that00:54
reisiothey mispronounce both the beginning and end, heh00:55
reisiothat's why French is so fun to speak00:55
luis_it's not the first time i have that problem00:55
reisioluis_: 'fraid I don't use Debian enough to know what to do about that, but someone else in the channel probably knows00:55
ActionParsnipreisio: its a great language to learn00:55
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip I have to create a program, just to make Gnome normal enough again so I can fix things.00:55
luis_ok thanks reisio! anyone can help me on troubleshoot an hibernating issue?00:56
lordjjHey, trying to install Cinepaint but can't get it to compile (cmake works, then make gives errors). Here's the error I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/755555/ . Can anyone check it out? You can also download tarball here: www.cinepaint.org00:56
reisiolordjj: compile?00:56
TechnicusHello . . . can someone direct me to a resource/tutorial for setting up my own video conferencing server and client(s)?00:56
EmiruActionParsnip: Oh ok, thanks !00:56
lordjjreisio it's a tarball00:57
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip there is no System menu in Gnome, that's why I have to fix it :(00:57
reisiolordjj: there's probably a deb somewhere00:57
EmiruAlso, ubuntu says I have 4 cores 2.4ghz, while I have 2 ? Windows use to show that too, I have a i5 2430M00:57
lucaDear friends, someone of you knows PDO pho data objects?00:57
ActionParsniplordjj: which release are you using?00:57
lordjjapparently not -not the latest version at least00:57
lucacould you advice to me some simple guides?00:58
lordjj& cinepaint 1.000:58
somsipluca: join ##php00:58
reisioEmiru: there's real cores and fake cores :)00:58
ActionParsnipEmiru: its the HT thing, you have 4 fake cores00:58
EmiruActionParsnip: Im guessing I have the performances of 2 anyway ?00:59
reisiothere's some debate as to whether you do yourself a favor by using the fake cores, but you can find that on your own :p00:59
Emirureisio: thanks for the link, I'll check it out00:59
ActionParsnipEmiru: you have the performance of 4 afaik01:00
lucaI cannot join to php01:00
EmiruActionParsnip: Oh I didnt know that, thanks !01:00
reisioluca: /msg nickserv help register01:00
reisioluca: /msg nickserv help identify01:00
usacomputertec_ActionParsnip no gdmsetup is installed, how do I get that?01:00
ActionParsnipusacomputertec_: according to packages.ubuntu.com its not in oneiric but is in natty http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?suite=natty&arch=any&searchon=contents&keywords=gdmsetup01:05
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WeemsHow can I get the system and preferences menus back if using Gnome Classic on a recent upgrade to 11.10?01:06
arvut!info sdl01:07
arvutwhat version of sdl is installed in 11.10รค01:08
lordjjHey, trying to install Cinepaint but can't get it to compile (cmake works, then make gives errors). Here's the error I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/755555/ . I tried ./configure + make too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/755562/ . Can anyone check it out? You can also download tarball here: www.cinepaint.org01:08
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WeemsHow can I get the system and preferences menus back if using Gnome Classic on a recent upgrade to 11.10?01:11
rhizmoeWeems: i don't think they exist there01:12
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rhizmoei suppose it might matter which system and pref menus you're looking for, though.01:13
usacomputertec_Does anyone know where I can get gdmsetup?01:15
Weemsrhizmoe: like was in 11.1001:15
Emiruhow do you check computer specs?01:15
Weemswhere I could go to screen resolution, etc01:16
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WeemsI dont know why they are trying to make linux like windows, bloated and of no use to anyone01:16
reisioEmiru: what are you looking for?01:16
Emirureisio: If my network card supports 5Ghz01:16
Emirunot sure which I have01:17
reisiolspci | grep -i net01:17
luis_reisio, i've used the main  mirror, and made some advances... the hibernate dry run stops at "Executing LockFilePut..." and then nothing happens01:17
Emirureisio: Thanks a lot ! :)01:17
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luis_i'll leave it for some other day01:21
EmiruIs there a channel for hardware ?01:23
reisioEmiru: yes01:24
reisioguess what its name is01:24
Emiruoh easy one :P im switching to comp science and im not sure if my network card is good for it :301:25
reisioEmiru: ffr (for less obviously-named channels) /msg alis list *foo*bar*01:25
Emirureisio: Thanks Ill take that in note !01:26
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mbeierl?  Where's ubottu?  Has she gone belly up?01:27
usalabsI'm confused, if Lucid LTS means Long Term Support, then how come all other distros have mono to >=2.10, and Lucid is still 2.401:27
Picimbeierl: ubottu.com is having issues. thus no ubottu, and why the floodbots are flopping around01:28
mbeierlPici: i was wondering about the floodbots...01:28
nd456Can anyone help me get my Rosewell gigabite card working?01:28
psusiusalabs, support means critical bugs ( security ) are fixed, not every new update01:28
Piciusalabs: because LTS means gauranteed security updates, not feature updates.01:28
usalabsahhh ok01:29
reisiond456: lspci | grep -i net01:29
usalabssooo, to get new feature updates, I would have to completely upgrade to the next version right?01:30
nd456<reisio> http://paste.ubuntu.com/755578/01:30
reisiousalabs: not necessarily01:31
reisiousalabs: but that might take the least amount of effort01:31
reisiond456: ...didn't want to include the | grep -i net part?01:31
nd456reisio> sorry01:31
* reisio shrugs01:32
seekwillusalabs: The idea about LTS is having a stable platform. Introducing new features introduces new variables that need to be tested.01:32
reisiond456: sudo modprobe r816901:32
nd456reisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/755582/01:32
reisiond456: and add it to your /etc/modules list01:33
nd456Reisio: I was helped from you before... i do i need sudo for that edit?01:33
SoWhatgood evening! can you tell me, how to adjust screen brightness on Ubuntu?\01:34
nd456<reisio> what do i add?01:34
SoWhatI have HP 4530d and none of my Fn key combinations work01:34
EmiruCan I create a partition with for example 100gb, leave it empty and install windows on it from restore CDs ?01:35
reisiond456: r816901:35
reisioEmiru: yes01:36
reisioEmiru: if you want to install Windows after installing Ubuntu, you will need this later on: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows01:36
Emirureisio: great ! Im not a guru(yet) with computers buts thats the best idea I came up with01:36
Emirureisio thanks for the link !01:36
NfisherHi all! i just wanted to play a Youtube video via totem; but it gives me an Error: "GStreamer encountered a general supporting library error.".. whats wrong here?01:37
nd456<reisio> gonna reboot and see what happens...01:38
nd456<reisio> Ill let you know what happenes in 10 minutes01:38
reisiook :)01:38
SoWhatdamn, my ctrl and fn keys are swaped01:39
n00b_i am new to linux and i was wondering if someone could explain to me what "file system overhead" is01:44
n00b_i've been googling and can't come up with a good explanation01:44
nd456<reisio> no improvment...01:45
scorinitronhow do I change my nickname?01:45
pythonirc101does anyone know how to get mysqli to work with php5?01:45
seekwillpythonirc101: What's the problem? did you install php-mysql package?01:46
soreauNfisher: Which version of ubuntu?01:46
Nfishersoreau, Lucid01:46
pythonirc101seekwill: I'm trying to install moodle and its complaining : Warning: mysqli::mysqli(): (28000/1045): Access denied for user  'paul'@'localhost' (using password: YES) in  /var/www/moodle/lib/dml/mysqli_native_moodle_database.php on line 7501:46
seekwillpythonirc101: How are you trying to install that? What command gives that error?01:47
soreauNfisher: There's plenty of other ways to play youtube videos.. there are dedicated youtube players in the repos or you can download the video and play it in mplayer01:47
pythonirc101seekwill: moodle has a web interface that's giving me that error (install.php)01:47
Nfishersoreau, minitube doesnt work for me either..01:48
seekwillpythonirc101: The module is installed, but it looks like you didn't configure moodle correctly. MySQL is telling you access denied for paul01:48
xanguaNfisher: because you use outdated software01:48
Nfisherxangua, i hate Unity..01:48
Nfisherxangua, and Lucid is LTS btw..01:49
xanguathere is a minitube ppa that gives you the latest stable version and there is also gstreamer ppa, it may work for totem Nfisher01:49
xanguaNfisher: LTS doesn't mean edge software updates, it means Security updates ;)01:49
rigelso my enterprise has a public wifi and a private hidden one, and they overlap about 100%. how can i get nm to connect to the hidden one when it sees the public one01:50
Nfisherxangua, right but its not outdated01:50
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koofnewbie, 11.10 in Unity: How does one approach accessing the shared files on a Mac?01:53
Buster_Sonic7986How do I regestier a nick again?01:54
reisioBuster_Sonic7986: /msg nickserv help register01:55
reisioBuster_Sonic7986: /msg nickserv help identify01:55
soreauBuster_Sonic7986: /j #freenode01:55
reisioBuster_Sonic7986: in the freenode config for XChat, put the password in both the nickserv and server password input fields01:55
soreaureisi: You don't have to put it in the server password field01:55
soreauThat's for.. a server password01:56
blawizis there a "testing" option in ubuntu to get newer packages?01:56
zHammeRzI wish01:56
usalabsblawiz in the package manager, there is a package called 'Test drive an Ubuntu ISO'01:57
zHammeRzI'm not sure what he meant but I meant a way to test the auto updates and if it doesn't work just roll it back...the latest updates broke audacity, IE: I can't install it now01:58
reisiosoreau: no you don't have to, if you're happy to join freenode without your hostmask applied01:58
blawizusalabs, i want newer versions of apps, some anyways01:58
soreaureisi: It shows my 'hotmask'?01:58
reisiosoreau: it might show your IP01:59
usalabsblawiz some of the newer apps for versions high than Lucid maynot work, because of newer dependencies01:59
reisiofreenode-applied hostmasks require identification01:59
soreaureisi: Did it just then?01:59
reisiosoreau: nope01:59
reisioand it might not for hundreds of logins02:00
reisiountil it does :P02:00
soreaugreat, cloke and sasl still works ;)02:00
reisiooh well if you're using sasl :p02:00
nd456<reisio> It didn't work...02:00
Trfsrfrso how is the new 11.10 version? I havent upgraded yet?02:00
reisiond456: your network device?02:00
reisioTrfsrfr: haven't upgraded from what02:01
nd456<reisio> yeah... what kills me is its supposed to be linux supported02:01
Trfsrfrreisio - from the previous version02:01
ThomasWaldmannmoin :) just found that while googling: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/moinmoin?action=AttachFile02:01
reisiond456: it is AFAIK02:02
ThomasWaldmanncould someone with an account there please remove all the spam attachments?02:02
reisiond456: lsmod | grep -i r81 ?02:02
nd456reisio: r8169                  47200  002:03
rigelso is there any way to make networkmanager connect to an alternative network when it sees a particular one in the list, or do i need to get networkmanagerdispatcher to disconnect and then reconnect to the alternate one02:03
Buster_Sonic7986What's the register command?02:04
reisiond456: you can't ping out?02:05
reisioBuster_Sonic7986: /msg nickserv help register02:05
nd456<reisio> it dosent show in the network manager...02:05
a1hi! there is someone who can help me? i have  a problem and i need some answers02:07
nd456al just ask...02:08
Buster_Sonic7986it keeps saying  No channel joined. Try /join #<channel>02:08
a1i have samsung I5700 spica  with android 2.102:08
reisiond456: not sure that necessarily means it isn't working02:08
a1and i want to update it to 2.202:09
reisioa1: talk to #android02:09
nd456<reisio> uhh... well in my book it isn't working unless it shows in the gui lol02:09
reisiond456: it's just a separate issue, if it's actually working02:09
nd456<reisio> ok, any idea's then?02:10
reisiosorry never used networkmanager02:10
nd456<reisio> Ok, thanks for the help...02:11
CrazyThinkerI'm using 2 monitors with ubuntu, can I display unity launcher in both of these02:12
encRypt0Has anyone any info on an error that says cant update .ICEauthority?02:12
CrazyThinkerCurrently, its shown only on my primary monitor02:12
reisioyou _can_02:12
nd456Crazy Thinker: you can in seprate x mode02:12
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encRypt0ive tried chown -R gdm: /var/lib/gdm02:13
CrazyThinkernd456, but can I drag windows to different screen in seperate x mode?02:13
dr_willisCrazyThinker:  no you can not.02:13
nd456<CrazyThinker> No, thats why i dont use it02:13
BugsCrashAnyone  install  ubuntu on asus g74sx?02:13
encRypt0and chown user:user /hom/user02:13
nd456<CrazyThinker> its only really usefull for gaming02:13
CrazyThinkerwhat? multiple monitor?02:13
R3db3ardwhat file do i edit to turn off the timer for the grub menu?02:13
encRypt0update .ICEauthority anyone02:13
dr_willisR3db3ard:  /etc/default/grub02:14
R3db3ardthanks doc02:14
dr_willis!grub2 | R3db3ard02:14
encRypt0Has anyone any info on an error that says cant update .ICEauthority?02:14
CrazyThinkerdr_willis, there should be a work-around. Its linux!!02:14
JontaHow can I find the DisplayPort's resolution of my T420 in GNU/Linux? I've searched the outputs of lshw, hdparm and dmidecode, but to no avail.02:14
JontaI can't test it atm.02:14
encRypt0Has anyone any info on an error that says cant update .ICEauthority?02:14
dr_willisCrazyThinker:  unity has not been fully tweaked to work well with extra monitors.02:14
lightwisehello, i have a quick question, something i havent noticed before with any distro. when i do a uptime in bash it says 0 users, is this normal?02:14
encRypt0Has anyone any info on an error that says cant update .ICEauthority?02:15
CrazyThinkernd456, which is your graphics card?02:15
argos20hey all wsup02:15
CrazyThinkerHello argos2002:15
dr_willisc$ uptime02:15
dr_willis 16:15:17 up 16:25,  3 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.03, 0.0502:15
encRypt0ive tried chown -R gdm: /var/lib/gdm02:15
dr_willislightwise:  i got 3 users. :)02:15
argos20just installed ubuntu think its great02:15
encRypt0and chown user:user /hom/user02:15
nd456<CrazyThinker> i have a gt980002:15
lightwise21:15:37 up 7 days, 20:23,  0 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.04, 0.0502:15
somsiplightwise: 0 here too02:15
lightwiseya i never noticed this, cept im running lubuntu now02:16
CrazyThinkernd456, Does unity 3D work on ATI drivers too?02:16
a1problem with irc02:16
encRypt0Has anyone any info on an error that says cant update .ICEauthority?02:16
CrazyThinkerargos20, Do you like unity?02:16
nd456<CrazyThinker> uhh... honestly ATI is a bitch for drivers... Its spotty... what card do you have?02:16
a1when i tke web/chanels after few seconds everything hung what is going on?02:17
lightwisesomsip: are you running straight up ubuntu?02:17
JontaencRypt0: Quite obviously; no. Tried askubuntu.SE?02:17
argos20how do i monitor my gpu temperature in ubuntu 1102:17
nd456<CrazyThinker> did you install the propriotary?02:17
encRypt0Jonta, ive googled and tried alot but ill check that sight thanks02:18
a1anyone please?02:18
krabadorhi people, when i'm in disk geometry menu on Testdisk, if i change parameters i'll change permanently on the device, or it's only a testdisk change for scanning?02:18
R3db3ardi have grub hidden timeout set to true and it still shows ever time i restart02:18
Jontaenchilado: Should be noted that SE stands for "Stackexchange.com" (:02:18
sharpK'Ello folks, this is a weird question, but is there a network/monitor tool for linux that can actually access a router (wrt54g for example) and get the necesary data off it?02:18
reisioR3db3ard: set where02:18
reisiokrabador: don't cross post :/02:19
R3db3ardi dont' want it to show at all... i want to explode the grub and never ever see it again02:19
balistic22Hello, I have a question, i installed a partition on my macbook pro in hopes to install linux. I've deleted the partition but now it will not let me resize my primary *mac partition* so now i have 50 GB in limbo how can i fix this02:20
reisioR3db3ard: there's a command you have to run after modifying that file02:20
reisioR3db3ard: update-grub, I think02:20
R3db3ardok i'll try02:20
krabadorreisio, excuse me, the first in the main is in the wrong place, i see later this channel in the list02:20
reisiokrabador: just saying :p02:21
Jontabalistic22: Gparted?02:21
a1can someone can help me with irc problem?02:21
reisioa1: ?02:21
balistic22Jonta, how can i use gparted02:21
Jontabalistic22: Googled it first? (:02:21
balistic22Jonta, I'm currently on lion, you see i was attempting to install linux. I've used google, no luck lol02:21
a1when i take from menu web/ chanells its start for few second i see chanels but then all system is stop and i need to off irc ap02:22
R3db3ardbalistic22, yeah i'd definitely read A LOT about it before you go tooling around in gparted02:22
balistic22Jonta, all the solutions have failed im not too familiar with Terminal Terminology (no pun intended)02:22
Jontabalistic22: Really? I googled how to use it just a couple of days ago, and came up with nice results02:22
balistic22Jonta, it told me to download an app called ipartition02:22
balistic22and i think i just screwed my self even more02:22
argos20how do i monitor my gpu temperature in ubuntu 1102:22
Jontabalistic22: You can run GParted from a CD02:23
balistic22you see my goal was to triple boot my computer and for some reason I have failed even through all the tutorials02:23
R3db3ardbalistic22, www.dedoimedo.com/computers/gparted.html02:23
reisioa1: your IRC client freezes your system?02:23
reisiowell then your system is buggy02:24
Jontaargos20: Googled "monitor gpu temp ubuntu" and came up with promising results02:24
reisioit could be the IRC client or it could be one of its deps02:24
reisioor it could be a hardware issue02:24
a1o, we misunderstand, only irc client is stop, system works fine02:24
R3db3arda1 what irc client?02:25
a1irc xchat gnome02:25
balistic22ok i am going to downlaod and install gparted02:26
R3db3ardhmmm what version of linux?02:26
balistic22it's a 110 MB!!! thats crazy02:26
R3db3arda1 have you considered irssi?02:26
balistic22do you guys know the best way to triple boot a macbook pro02:27
balistic22i have windows and lion installed via bootcamp but i can't seem to install the linux partition02:28
reisiobalistic22: is there a best way to do something so silly?02:28
reisioI would probably use GRUB2 for booting them all02:28
R3db3ardbalistic22, pm me02:28
R3db3ardi've done it b402:28
reisioif I were silly enough to try it02:28
a1good idea, but i use irc only when i can't google anythin, and now i have problem with android update under ubuntu. i want go to #android, but i can't02:28
nd456reisio: haha!02:28
reisiond456: figure it out?02:29
Guest81986anyone help with uninstalling this operating system02:29
lalaland1125I am running ubuntu on an old system with low ram(1 Gigabyte). Any suggestions or articles to lower ram usage?02:29
CarlFKlalaland1125: 1g is plenty02:29
nd456reisio: ehh not yet... its on the mighty "ubuntu forms"02:29
nd456resisio: my haha was for your reply to the triple boot02:30
lalaland1125Well cpu usage in general as well. Htop shows the CPU frequently maxing out.02:30
Jontaenchilado: Ah, seems askubuntu.com is also an option (:02:30
balistic22reisio, no need to be cynical im just trying to learn02:30
reisiolearn what02:31
sharpKany recommendations on a book/resource for a first time linux user (coming from years of windows)?02:31
nd456not to use mac02:31
enchiladoJonta: uhm?02:31
Jontaenchilado: The link I gave you02:32
JontaHow can I find the DisplayPort's resolution of my Lenovo Thinkpad T420? It didn't say in the specs, I've searched the outputs of lshw, hdparm and dmidecode to no avail, and I can't test it atm.02:33
JontaUbu 11.10.02:33
quixotedonsharpK: go to http://ubuntu-manual.org/02:33
quixotedonsharpK: it contains 10.10 manual but still is useful for a new user.. welcome to ubuntu!!02:34
nd456Jonta: what screen size?02:34
leo-unglaubhi friends, how can i put the programm menu back to the program where it's belong? i am going nuts with the menu bar in the top02:34
Jontand456: 14.0", 1600*900. That's the laptop.02:34
enchiladoJonta: โ€ฆ what link? O_o02:35
Jontaenchilado: Err.. didn't I refer you to askubuntu.SE?02:35
reisioJonta: might ask ##ibmthinkpad02:35
Jontareisio: Did.02:35
enchiladoJonta: why would you refer me thereโ€ฆ? I havenโ€™t even spoken in this channel todayโ€ฆ02:35
Jontaenchilado: My bad. nvm. (:02:36
kookykookie_question: if a site list source(tar) and packages(zip) for download, is there a difference between them02:37
lalaland1125Does anyone know a good git gui for gnome? I want something like TortiseSvn, with explorer integration etc.02:37
leo-unglaublalaland1125: http://www.rabbitvcs.org/02:38
quixotedonleo-unglaub: would you specify more about your problems?02:38
leo-unglaubquixotedon: well, you know the menu bar with every programm has...i need i back by the programm and not in the left corner disapering all the time02:39
somsiplalaland1125: git-gui, but I did see a webpage a few days ago that compared 4 or 5 and can't find it now...02:39
leo-unglaubi have two 26 monitors, i am going nuts here driving every time with the mouse up in the corner just to see the menu02:39
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somsiplalaland1125: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2011/11/26/graphical-git-clients-for-ubuntu/02:39
quixotedonleo-unglaub: why not typing 'alt' button??02:40
quixotedonleo-unglaub: latest ubuntu version comes with this feature, otherwise you might want to try unity-2D02:40
quixotedonleo-unglaub: or gnomeshell02:40
xangualeo-unglaub: sudo apt-get remove appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-gtk appmenu-qt02:40
xanguafrom the webupd8 oneiric tweak post02:40
xanguaYou can also disable the global menu without removing any package. See  http://is.gd/z9fQgh02:41
lalaland1125Thank you for the links02:41
maestrojedI am still trying to figure out some of the fine points of linux/ubuntu. I am supposed to put applications in /usr/bin, correct? But that is owned/grouped by root. And it seems if I create an Ubuntu Desktop Launcher that executes the command to run the file I get an error which I don't get when I use CLI and run the command under sudo.02:41
quixotedonxangua: thanks!! you rock!! :)02:41
leo-unglaubquixotedon: the gnomeshell sucks....i am working on my computer, not looking an cool desktop effects.... i am a linux oldscool user02:42
leo-unglaubxangua: thanks, you saved my day02:42
quixotedonleo-unglaub: xangua helps a lot02:43
leo-unglaubhe is a gread gui :)02:44
leo-unglaubi we met sometimes, i buy you a beer02:44
leo-unglaubif we met02:44
JontaBeer license woo!02:44
leo-unglaubalter GLP the best license ever :)02:45
leo-unglaubdamn typos :)02:45
Emiruto install windows on a given partition, how do I create that partition ?02:46
JontaEmiru: GParted?02:46
maestrojedI guess this "application" is not what ubuntu would consider an application. its minecraft server which is a java file. Maybe my home directory is a better spot for it?02:47
EmiruJonta: oh right ! I never did this before, is it intuitive or do I really need a tutorial ?02:47
JontaEmiru: Meh, tutorial isn't really that complex. Have a look, and then a try (:02:48
EmiruJonta: All right thanks ! :) I need windows back for Comp science :P02:48
Jontamaestrojed: Are you trying to install it, or trying to find it?02:48
maestrojedJonta trying to figure out the best practices of where to put files like this. I initially was going to put it in /usr/bin but then I need to run it as root. Now I am thinking ~ but I would like to know where you or others would put it02:49
JontaHm, standard is iirc 4 different places for bins02:50
lalaland1125maestrojed: Personal programs should be places in /usr/local. There is a bin directory, lib directory, include directory etc02:50
maestrojedJonta lalaland1125 ok, but even /usr/local/bin is owned/group by root02:51
psychx-Sorry for this question, but I'm using Lubuntu; and I'm trying to figure out how to find my network information (ip, gateway, etc.) Can someone please enlighten me?02:51
lalaland1125maestrojed: Use sudo and install.02:51
maestrojedJonta lalaland1125 and it seems if I create a destop launcher for it that it won't work. Because I have not used sudo.02:51
xanguapsychx-: clic on the network indicator and select Details02:52
sharpKwhat is "/." btw?02:52
maestrojedlalaland1125 yeah, I know, I can run the server. I have been. I just feel like I have it in the wrong spot or don't get something because I can't create a launcher, etc.02:52
sharpKI mean "./"...?02:52
lalaland1125./ is the current directory.02:53
JontaAka .02:53
psychx-xangua: I don't see any details option on the network indicator. It shows: Wired Connection 2, Disconnect, and VPN Connections. When I click on Wired Connection 2, it just refreshes (seems like its reconnecting to this connection)02:53
maestrojedlalaland1125 and this is specific. But I generally feel like I put stuff in the wrong place. I was putting stuff in /usr/bin, I will start using /usr/local/bin02:53
lalaland1125maestrojed: Yeah, that would be the right place.02:53
psychx-xangua: NVM, I figured it out. Thanks :)02:53
maestrojedlalaland1125 thx02:53
lalaland1125maestrojed: YOu might also want to look into checkinstall to make a package from a regular 'make install'02:54
xanguapsychx-: then try ifconfig on terminal02:54
maestrojedlalaland1125 I will look that up, thx02:54
CarlFKmaestrojed: what is the name of the .jar?02:55
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psychx-xangua: I'm setting a static IP address. How do I know what "net mask" to use? I tabbed out of it and it defaulted to "24".02:57
psychx-xangua: I already set my IP, Gateway, and DNS settings.02:57
CarlFKpsychx-: if you don't know, 24 is good.02:58
psychx-CarlFK: Ok, thank you!02:58
CarlFKpsychx-: you would want a smaller number if there were 100's of machines on your lan02:58
psychx-CarlFK: Oh, ok. I have probably about 9 or so devices using my lan.02:59
Oleg_what do you think about the Unity DE? Is it good or bad?02:59
reisioit is02:59
tensorpuddingunity discussion should go elsewhere02:59
tensorpuddingunless you're asking for help with it03:00
CarlFKpsychx-:  all the machines on your lan will be in the same IP range, the netmask defines that range.  2 boxes in the same range can send packets to each other, outside the range and they get sent to the gateway IP (router)03:01
Braden`I created a package with alien.  It only got through halfway installing03:01
Braden`How do I remove it?03:01
Braden`I tried purge from aptitude but it errors out03:01
psychx-CarlFK: Ah, ok. Great to know. I have been experimenting with my network and have added a 2nd wireless router in the opposite side of my home so that I have great signal everywhere. But regardless, thanks for the info!03:02
maestrojedCarlFK minecraft_server.jar :)03:02
sharpKhow do I exectue an executable? The GUI says there is no application installed for executable file?03:04
sharpKmust I terminal?03:04
JontasharpK: Depends on wm03:04
a1heh, anyone can help me? i have problem with android update under ubuntu, #android is locked ( i canot join)03:05
CarlFKmaestrojed: http://www.minecraftwiki.net/wiki/Tutorials/Setting_up_a_server#Ubuntu03:05
JontasharpK: In GNOME you can probably Alt+F2 it03:05
reisioa1: /msg nickserv help register03:05
reisioa1: /msg nickserv help identify03:05
Braden`I created a package with alien.  It only got through halfway installing.  How do I remove it?  I tried purge from aptitude but it errors out03:06
psychx-a1: If you do what reisio said you will be creating and logging into an account on this server, and will be able to join that channel.03:06
aking1012so has anyone else played with ubuntu on the beagleboard?03:06
maestrojedCarlFK yeah man, Thank you. I was just trying to figure out how files are organized in ubuntu. I gotta a better understanding now03:07
sharpKhmm, saying permissiion denied when I just enter it into terminal and press enter03:07
CarlFKmaestrojed: yeah, I thought there was a ppa that had the jar already packaged.. but maybe not.03:07
sharpKeven with chmod 54403:07
luc_andreHas anyone replaced Empathy with Pidgin and gotten Pidgin integrated in Unity?03:07
Emiruanyone has a link on how to install (safely) win7 from a 100% ubuntu hard drive ?03:08
aking1012pidgin is the default in xubuntu03:08
reisioEmiru: as in Ubuntu takes up the entire hard disk?03:08
Emirureisio: yes ubuntu is the only os I have03:08
maestrojedCarlFK yeah, I was just trying to make a launcher for it, now I just wanna play so I stopped fudging with it and loaded it with good ole CLI :)03:09
reisioEmiru: you'd need to resize your Ubuntu partitions with something like gparted03:09
aking1012Emiru: http://www.howtoforge.com/linux_resizing_ext3_partitions first03:09
reisioEmiru: which is fairly safe, but not 100% the safest thing ever03:09
lalaland1125maestrojed: This is the general filesystem idea: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard03:09
aking1012then install windows normally...then re-install grub03:09
reisioEmiru: to make some disk space to install Window to, at least 20GB03:10
reisioreinstalling grub: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows03:10
Emirureisio: Im going to put it on 100gb aking1012: thanks for the link !03:10
reisioEmiru: ah, then you won't even need to resize03:10
reisioEmiru: just install and reinstall grub03:10
reisioEmiru: oh wait did you mean 100gb _partition_? :p03:10
reisioyes then resizing :p03:10
Emirureisio: yeah :P03:11
maestrojedlalaland1125 nice, I always wondered why /etc was called /etc :)03:11
Braden`How do you force remove a package?03:11
Emirubut to reinstall grub im required to boot form boot-repair and on the link you sent me it said boot on a live CD03:11
reisiomaestrojed: because et_cetera is too long03:12
reisioEmiru: your Ubuntu install CD03:12
aking1012Emiru: yes just boot live/or whatever....then select rescue console and chroot during install process03:12
maestrojedreisio :)03:12
bc81hello. what's the terminal command to "safely remove" a USB drive, so that it is removed from nautilus' side pane?  sudo umount /media/usbdrive unmounts, but it still remains in the side pane..03:12
aking1012it doesn't matter if it's in the side pane...03:13
aking1012'sync && umount /dev/whatever'03:13
AurigaQuestion, I'm using a netbook with Gnome3 on it. The screen is too small for some windows, right now an install screen has the bottons obscured by the screen being small & I can't hit the next button... Any ideas on what to do?03:13
aking1012use xfce instead of gnome03:13
reisiobc81: why not right click its entry in Nautilus?03:13
Emiruaking1012 reisio: All good ! thanks guys ill do this now03:13
almoxarifebc81: showing as 'unmounted' or as mounted?03:13
aking1012it just didn't refresh03:14
aking1012df will show you if it's mounted03:14
bc81reisio, i'd like to incorperate this "safely remove" functionality into a script (for automation)03:14
aking1012sync will force it to flush writes03:14
Braden`Does anyone know the answer to my query?03:14
reisioBraden`: the answer is: what is your query03:15
CarlFKbc81: eject03:15
aking1012he wants to 'safely' force remove a package03:15
bc81almoxarife: it's unmounted just fine...but with the "safely remove" function (nautils's side pane > right click device > safely remove) it disappears.03:15
Braden`I dunno about safely03:16
Braden`I just want it off the list03:16
Braden`So it stops alerting me that a package failed to install everytime I run apt03:16
bc81CarlFK: eject does the same thing as umount, in that the device remains in nautilus' side pane (which i'd like to avoid for the purposes of the script03:16
trismAuriga: generally you can alt+left-click the window and drag it around03:22
tabunetHi good evening from Spain, sorry for my little english!03:23
amikropHello, I have audacious playing music, but when I switch to a tty it stops. How can I keep it playing?03:24
tabunetAny know how to activate the active corners on ubuntu 11.10 withouth ubuntu tweak, only with compiz options? Thanks03:24
x_why does conky show a see through of my log in screen underneath it ....03:29
godofmischiefhow can i exit the xserver to do a video driver update manually? and when i get out and run the driver installer, it pops up with this blue window with the ok option, ive done this int he past but can't remember what key i have to use to select ok with03:29
godofmischiefany help would be much appreciated03:29
x_godofmischief, tab?03:29
godofmischiefx_ tried that, didn't seem to work maybe that is it tho idk.03:29
godofmischiefx_: i had a problem either way cause the xserver was running when i did it, so that might work with the xserver shutdown03:30
Gunz4MiPPlegodofmischief: you mean, how to get to a virtual terminal and stop/start x?03:30
godofmischiefi can run a virtual terminal with ctrl atl f2 and ctrl f7 switches back to my xserver session, so yes, once ive dropped down to a terminal mode how do i kill the running xserver03:31
reisiogodofmischief: tab, left/right arrow keys, or space03:31
reisiogodofmischief: either sudo service lightdm stop or s/lightdm/gdm/03:31
godofmischiefother then ps -A then kill ID03:32
aking1012sudo init 3 should get you to not a gui....pretty sure ubuntu still launches X there though03:32
godofmischiefthanks all of u, im about to drop back out and try that03:32
x_why does conky show a see through of my log in screen underneath it ....03:34
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Emiruin GParted, the "Resize-Move" option is darkened ?03:44
Emiruoh wait, nvm03:48
Aurigatrism, not enough room for that... I have found a fix though...03:50
x_why does conky show a see through of my log in screen underneath it ....03:51
w30Wow! there's lots of KDE stuff. Qhat do I need to install for a KDE Desktop, basic stuff to get going?03:52
jjjrmyHelp please03:54
naryfawhat's up03:54
jjjrmynaryfa: Well can you help with Ubuntu Server?03:54
naryfanope, nothing about servers03:54
somsip!ask |jjjrmy03:55
jjjrmyI don't have a gui or anything.03:55
somsipjjjrmy: what is the specific problem03:55
PeablogHow can I install Make 3.82 on Ubuntu 9.10?03:55
jjjrmysomsip: I have no GUI and I need to put some php files on here and import a database.03:56
jjjrmyBut I don't know how.03:56
somsipjjjrmy: what access do you have to the machine?03:56
jjjrmysomsip: sudo03:56
tensorpuddingPeablog, why03:56
jjjrmysomsip: I just installed Ubuntu Server.03:56
somsipjjjrmy: do you have pysical access to it or is it a remote server?03:57
tensorpudding3.82 is really new03:57
jjjrmysomsip: it's in my lap right now03:57
jjjrmysomsip: Can we talk in PM?03:57
tensorpuddingis it not03:57
somsipjjjrmy: and where are the PHP files03:57
jjjrmyon my FTP/Webserver03:57
jjjrmyI need a offline server so I can show it at a presentation without wifi.03:57
tensorpuddingoh wait, it isn't, meh03:58
tensorpuddingfrom july03:58
somsipjjjrmy: have you setup the webserver software (usually Apache, PHP and MySQL)?03:58
tensorpuddingbut it hasn't been put in debian sid yet03:58
jjjrmysomsip: I just click LAMP.03:58
PeablogTo install a testing "The Mana World server", so I can contribute.03:58
somsipjjjrmy:  and are they setup?03:58
jjjrmysomsip: I don't know!03:59
tensorpuddingPeablog, why do you need make 3.82 for that03:59
tensorpuddingit's almost surely the case that 3.81 will be sufficient to build it03:59
somsipjjjrmy: do you have a text-based browser installed? links, lynx or others03:59
jjjrmysomsip: Keeps saying "Couldn't find package links" when I try to install anything04:00
tensorpuddingit's inconceivable that the makefile will use features that are not included in 3.81 given that 3.82 released less than half a year ago, and 3.81 was the stable version for nearly five years04:00
somsipjjjrmy: so what stage are you actually at with this? It seems like you're well before the stage of being ready to copy PHP files over04:01
jjjrmysomsip: The install said it's done. I'm on a black screen and logged into sudo.04:01
somsipjjjrmy: so what did you mean when you said04:01
somsipjjjrmy: ...Couldn't find package links?04:02
jjjrmyI type in "sudo apt-get install cowsay" and it says "E: Couldn't find package cowsay04:02
somsipjjjrmy: and what is package cowsay?04:03
reisioits' for what apt-get moo04:03
jjjrmyno packages work04:03
somsipjjjrmy: do you have internet connection?04:04
PeablogWhen I get to the step "make" using these instructions: http://wiki.themanaworld.org/index.php/How_to_Develop it fails with make 3.81-604:04
jjjrmysomsip: I have wifi, yeah04:04
somsipjjjrmy: so all you have done is a virgin install of ubuntu server and that's as far as you've got?04:04
lenswipeanyone around04:05
jjjrmysomsip: yeah04:05
* imnichol is away: Away04:05
tensorpuddingPeablog, what's the error04:05
somsipjjjrmy: sudo apt-get update, what's the response?04:05
tensorpuddingdid you run the step that it says to do if you have an older version of make04:06
jjjrmysomsip: "Some index files failed to download..."04:06
somsipjjjrmy: can you connect to the internet?04:07
jjjrmysomsip: I don't know how.04:08
somsipjjjrmy: ping www.google.com04:08
jjjrmysomsip: "unkown host google.com"04:08
somsipjjjrmy: ifconfig04:08
somsipjjjrmy: sorry, iwconfig for wifi I think04:08
jjjrmywhat am I looking for?04:09
somsipjjjrmy: a response that tells us something04:09
jjjrmyAccess Point: Not-Associated04:09
Peablogtensorpudding:I am in process of redoing to get the error again.......04:09
somsipjjjrmy: ok - looks like you have an isue with the wifi connection which I know nothing about. i'm going to have to leave it to someone else04:10
rigelso is there any way to make networkmanager connect to an alternative network when it sees a particular one in the list, or do i need to get networkmanagerdispatcher to disconnect and then reconnect to the alternate one04:10
somsipjjjrmy: or does it have a wired network socket you can use?04:10
jjjrmysomsip: no04:11
rigelsorry, let me try and be more clear. can i make network manager connect to HiddenNetwork whenever it sees PublicGuestNetwork04:11
somsipjjjrmy: I'm guessing that ubuntu-server has different support for wireless compared to desktop edition. No idea. I know nothing wireless. So you'll need to get someone else on this for you04:12
ranjanhi all, how can i make ubuntu authenticate to an LDAP Server(389 DS)04:12
reisiorigel: terms you'd want are wardriving and piggybacking, AIUI04:12
rigeli am going to be using networkmanagerdispatcher anyhow to automatically set up my tunnels, but i cant figure out how to do that04:12
rigelreisio: wat?04:12
rigeli am not wardriving04:12
reisiorigel: sounded like you wanted to be04:12
rigeli simply cant get networkmanager to automatically connect to my work's hidden network04:13
x_how can I have a terminal as a desktop background im on xfce.04:13
rigelso i want to tell it that whenever it sees GuestNetwork, it should instead connect to HiddenNetwork04:13
rigelbecause the guest wifi is public04:13
rigelalso slow as balls04:13
reisiox_: your nick is unhelpfully short :p04:14
rigeland has a javascript TOU page04:14
ranjanhi all, how can i make ubuntu authenticate to an LDAP Server(389 DS)04:14
reisiox_: you'd probably have to stop xfdesktop from running04:14
rigelsorry, let me try and be more clear. can i make network manager connect to HiddenNetwork whenever it sees PublicGuestNetwork04:14
x_reisio, is that a good idea?04:15
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reisiox_: if you don't use xfdesktop04:15
reisiocan't imagine you would if you want to cover the desktop in a terminal04:15
reisioall it does is manages the wallpaper, icons, right-click menu04:15
reisiostuff you probably wouldn't be using04:15
reisiox_: Settings > Session and Startup > Session (tab) > xfdesktop - Restart Style: Never04:16
PeablogAm I suposed to do this all at once useing all the characters including the {} ?  mkdir -p obj/{common,login,char,map,ladmin,tool}04:17
reisioPeablog: probably04:17
reisioPeablog: no doubt tells it to make each of those dirs04:18
reisioprobably a Bash thing04:18
somsipreisio: zactly04:18
x_reisio, http://imageshack.us/f/717/screenshot1130201111170.png/ is what I wan't it to look like. but with the left being part of the desktop, but I can just use it this way with a terminal resized if it's alot easier. what will killing xfdesktop do exactly ?04:18
reisiosomsip: knower of things!04:18
coolstarIs it possible to use C imports (gtk 3) in C++?04:18
reisiox_: cute04:18
somsipreisio: misplaced flattery... :)04:18
coolstarI'm using the G++ compiler04:18
cipherboyQuestion all about gnome-classic (using fluxbox now, won't be able to test): I have multiple workspaces set up (from 11.04 when I upgraded to 11.10, thinking it was a bad idea now.. >.>), but when I try and move a window to a different workspace (either by dragging or ctrl+alt+shift+arrow), it goes over, the screen flickers, then I see the empty workspace and switching back to the other one shows that my window is still over there04:18
x_reisio, sort of... do you notice how on my conky the login screen of all things is bleeding through ?04:19
reisiox_: as I said, it will keep Xfce from managing the desktop for wallpapers, icons, and its right-click menu (on the desktop)04:19
reisiox_: things you probably won't want04:19
reisiocan't make it out on that shrunken image04:19
coolstarIs it possible to use C imports (gtk, webkit) in C++ using the g++ compiler?04:19
reisioI think imageshack resizes uploads by default now, you have to uncheck the box04:19
aking1012reisio: have you had an issue with binary drivers crashing on pre-alpha?04:20
cipherboyAnyone have ideas?04:20
x_reisio, it's like the dots from the login screen.. if I had it on the left. it would show ubuntu 11.10 like the login screen is under my desktop but conky shows it....04:20
reisioaking1012: don't use Ubuntu much, ask the channel, or better yet explain what problem YOU have had04:20
arooni-mobilei have 11.10; i'm plugged in via ethernet.  how do i create a wireless network that allows other devices to connect (and share) my connection?04:21
detrix42hi, I thought I would try openbox desktop.  The file manager Thunar, has no Icons. How do I fix that?04:21
reisioarooni-mobile: sure your hardware does that?04:21
aking1012er...on pre-alpha AMD/ATI drivers don't properly save settings if you EVER log in to the gnome3 desktop...works fine as long as you don't touch ubuntu's custom er...stuff(and that's a kinder word than i would like to use)04:21
reisiodetrix42: openbox is just a window manager04:22
reisiodetrix42: Thunar is Xfce's file manager, Xfce gets its desktop icons from xfdesktop04:22
cipherboydetrix42: you might need gnome2 components for icons.04:22
reisiodetrix42: you might want to use something lighter04:22
reisiolike um...04:22
cipherboydetrix42: nvmind, listen to someone else. :P04:22
arooni-mobilereisio, dont know;  have Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 and gigabit ethernet04:22
xakaif i have dbg version of library, how i can tell to executable use it instead of non-dbg?04:23
cipherboyxaka: you compiling said executable yourself, or not?04:23
xakacipherboy: not, it's provided by ubuntu repos04:24
cipherboyxaka: not sure then.04:24
xakai remember there was something like LD_xxx=xxx, but i forgot04:24
x_reisio, any idea what would cause a program to show parts of the login screen though?04:25
reisiothe lightdm login screen?04:25
cipherboyx_: slowness? can get windows to show previous windows (different workspaces) when computer is running slowly04:26
reisiorobinsch: hi04:26
cipherboyrobinsch: hello04:26
x_cipherboy, what do you mean slowness?04:26
cipherboyx_ most people probably don't have slow computers. >.> Sorry, have to drop04:26
x_cipherboy, but it's running fine! just conky shows parts of the login screen.04:26
cipherboyx_: need to set up conky again.04:27
cipherboyhave to drop04:27
arooni-mobilei have 11.10; i'm plugged in via ethernet.  how do i create a wireless network that allows other devices to connect (and share) my connection?   i have a thinkpad t420; with a Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 wireless card;04:27
aking1012xaka: I think you're talking about LD_PRELOAD04:27
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argos20hey all wsup04:28
dr_willis!ics | arooni-mobile04:28
argos20how do i change the boot screen i have windows 7 and ubuntu installed can i customize that04:28
robinschI am trying to install CDEmu on Lucid 10.04 LTS with this ppa: https://launchpad.net/~cdemu/+archive/ppa but they don't have support for Lucid, I then compiled and installed cdemu (with all the various utilities on cdemu website) but cdemu-deamon service is not in /etc/init.d I don't know how to start it04:28
reisioargos20: yup04:29
* imnichol is back (gone 00:24:23)04:29
Guest85262hello everyone04:29
argos20and how do i customize it...04:30
x_yea it was in my conky config, changed something and fixed it.04:30
niftylettuceDifficult problem maybe an expert in here could solve... I've got my graphics all working with i915 and a few kernel options e.g. i915.semaphores=1 amongst others for power management.  Now my only issue with graphics is that I can't seem to get WebGL working properly.  I've attached output from `$ sudo lspci -k` here (https://gist.github.com/b8c83d2ee0ed841b79af) and I've already followed instruc04:31
niftylettucetions for enabling WebGL using Chrome's `about:flags` section (e.g. enable webgl on unsupported graphics cards).04:31
kcm1700I need help configuring my ld.so.conf. I get "/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crt1.o: No such file or directory" message. When I set LIBRARY_PATH to /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu, it works fine.04:33
robinschI had no errors during cdemu install04:33
almoxarifecan someone explain to me what a 'backport' is?04:34
kcm1700Since I don't want to set environment variables liek LIBRARY_PATH or somethng,04:34
kcm1700please tell me how to make /bin/ld recognize the path of crt1.o using ld.so.conf04:35
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reisioalmoxarife: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Backporting04:35
reisiorobinsch: I am a one04:36
robinschreisio: yes yoda04:36
dr_willisafter addig a path to ld.so.conf you need to run some command to update the ld path/cache i recall04:36
robinschshould I rephrase my question04:37
Corigo... So I ran some updates last Friday, and after reboot my block device in ./dev/ was removed thus destroying my FStab mapping. Any idea why my dev mapping would be removed during a simple software update?04:38
dr_willisCorigo:  what exactly got removed04:39
argos20how do i change my boot screen i have windows 7 and ubuntu 11..04:40
dr_willis!plymouth | argos2004:40
aking1012plymouth and grub can both be customized04:41
dr_willisis the bot gone or lagged?04:41
aking1012btw...i got my issue sorted by permanently saving my xfce session and not letting ubuntu pooch it on every reboot04:41
dr_willisor called in for a snow day...04:41
robinschok i removed my installation of cdemu, I am going to try and install about04:42
dr_willis!info cdemu04:42
* dr_willis looks for the bot under the couch04:43
arooni-mobilei have 11.10; i'm plugged in via ethernet.  how do i create a wireless network that allows other devices to connect (and share) my connection?   i have a thinkpad t420; with a Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 wireless card;   i have already tried 2-3 guides04:44
dr_willisarooni-mobile:  the ubuntu help wiki page have a guide on setting up 'internet connection shareing'04:45
fructoseAnyone know how to get Banshee to play songs off Last.fm? I've logged in, but don't see a way to actually tell it to play04:45
dr_willisif i recall. not all wireless cards/drivers can do the ad-hoc network featurs. that mey be the issue04:46
aking1012arooni: it's simple...you just need ipv4_forward = 1 and dhcpd04:46
aking1012oh and softAP04:46
Emirugosh I hate windows so much04:48
Emirureisio: I have to re-install windows fully and then install ubnutu again04:48
EmiruRecovery DVDs dont allow you to choose partition04:48
robinschfound a working guide on fendora forums for cdemu04:50
reisioEmiru: why do you need to do that?04:50
niftylettuceI narrowed down my problem, DRI is not properly installed - now how do I install it?04:50
Emirureisio: I need it for computer science in school, they want windows 704:51
niftylettucehere is output where I found DRI wasn't installed https://gist.github.com/3043fb57efbc68e2ceea04:51
esy86ubuntu installed. but ubuntu is good?04:51
reisioEmiru: did they say why?04:51
reisioEmiru: you can probably just ignore them04:51
reisioEmiru: or install it in a VM04:51
niftylettuceany change someone could lend a hand... :)?04:51
Braden`I deleted all the files caused by a faulty package install.  apt still reports that its partially installed (which is incorrect).  How do I remove it from apt?04:52
esy86yes VM04:52
reisioEmiru: or both04:52
Emirureisio: I think I will for now, classes begins in a month :P04:52
reisioEmiru: they said they wanted 7 specifically? :p04:52
Emiruyeah Vbox is an option too04:52
Corigodrwillis: the filesystem mount point04:52
fructoseAnyone know how to get Banshee to play songs off Last.fm? I've logged in, but don't see a way to actually tell it to play04:52
reisioyeah unless you're doing real low level stuff, a VM should be fine04:52
Emirureisio: well, they sell their on computer so they try to make you buy it (which I never will D:)04:52
Emiruand that computer has win7 so they want win7 for the rest too04:53
reisioEmiru: remember it needs 20GB to install (though it doesn't actually take up that much space)04:53
reisioEmiru: rofl, of course04:53
reisiofullscreen VirtualBox looks the same as installed to metal :p04:53
reisioEmiru: course if you're doing compilation it'll take longer virtualized04:53
Emirureisio: Yeah im going to put enough space for it, but Im not sure if all the softwares Ill need will be available on ubuntu04:54
reisioEmiru: equivalents will be, but they'll probably make you use awful things04:54
Emirureisio: I think we start with Java, C#, web dev and thats about it04:54
reisioEmiru: well Ubuntu has those04:55
reisioEmiru: but they might make you learn proprietary nonsense04:55
niftylettucereisio: any change u could take a peak at my earlier msg?04:55
Emirureisio: they use MS Visual Studio 2010 for C#, C++, ASP.NET and VB.NET04:55
Emiruwell, they want to do so04:55
Emiruwant us *04:56
reisioyeah :p04:56
reisioEmiru: when they aren't watching you can use Ubuntu's tools and get more work done :p04:56
reisioJava is cross platform, gcc is a great C++ compiler, and mono does the rest04:56
gast2rootwhere can i find xvidcap config file?04:56
Emirureisio: What has to world become, we have to hide to be better :P04:56
Braden`I deleted all the files caused by a faulty package install.  apt still reports that its partially installed (which is incorrect).  How do I remove it from apt?04:57
reisiogast2root: ls -a ~/04:57
reisioEmiru: you probably don't04:57
reisioEmiru: I doubt anyone is going to check what OS you're using, or software04:57
reisioEmiru: it's possible however there will be an assignment to utilize some proprietary API or library04:57
reisioEmiru: which _could_ be problematic with just Ubuntu04:57
reisiocan probably play it by ear04:57
Emirureisio: Yeah me too, most people there dont know much about computers04:57
gast2rootreisio: does not show04:58
EmiruIll borrow my brother's computer then :P04:58
reisiogast2root: maybe you don't have a user specific one, then04:58
reisiogast2root: dpkg -L xvidcap | grep etc04:58
n2diyDo Ubuntu FIrefox version numbers correspond with Firefox's version numbers? I'm running version 3.6.24 here on Xubuntu 10.10, and a webmaster is telling me the latest version is 8.x04:58
OerHeksi thought xvidcap is a commandline utility, no config ?04:59
gast2rootOerheks: its gui from software centre04:59
gast2rootreisio: cant find the file, tried /etc too..ยต05:00
almoxarifeI am a hybrid user of ubuntu/kubuntu, kubuntu itself confuses me, too many options and ubuntu/gnome3 don't have enough, so I use some of both, I get errors with some kubuntu apps that make me think I don't have enough of the backbone installed, so, which app would provide me with the most of the backbone without a full blown kubuntu install??05:00
coolstarwhat can i di05:01
aking1012n2diy: the joys of being on LTS05:02
aking1012you're actually running an old version with some backported security fixes05:02
Braden`I deleted all the files caused by a faulty package install.  apt still reports that its partially installed (which is incorrect).  How do I remove it from apt?05:03
aking1012hi amit.05:03
CorigoSo, again, I setup a software RAID, set a file system mount point in /dev/ then a week later I ran the suggested updates, and after the reboot my moint point was missing. Any idea why this would happen?05:04
aking1012apt-get had a -f or -F option once05:04
almoxarifeBraden`: what did you initially install?05:04
amithow can I permanently install windows xp using virtualbox in ubuntu oneiric?? I installed it but when i opened and closed virtualbox I had to reinstall it05:04
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genoobienite all05:05
=== cutMeOwnThroatDi is now known as cmotDibbler
OerHeksgast2root $HOME/.xvidcap.scf05:08
dr_willisamit:  you may wnat to check the vbox manual. you must be doing something  wrong.05:09
aking1012lolz @ 'you're doin it wrong'05:10
amitdr_willis, I dont know// maybe I have to save the state??05:10
OerHeksi guess you have to unmount the installation media, else setup will start05:11
dr_willisamit:  ive never had to do anything  special to get it working05:11
dr_willisyea. do eject the iso after install. :-)05:12
almoxarifeamit: assuming you installed anything thru virtualbox, it created a vdi partion. that vdi won't disappear unless you delete it specifically05:12
amitdr_willis, I did install and yeah I left the iso there05:12
amitmaybe that was the problem05:12
dr_willisyou can find vbox xp images online.  but thats nit really legal. :-)05:14
dr_willisbut some have some handy tweaks and setups. not needed  one in years.05:15
x_cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep "model name" | cut -d ":" -f2      how do I cut that output down to 1 line please :-)05:16
niftylettuce hmm DRI is looking for i965.so but I am using i915 drivers... should I just make a symlink from i965.so to i915.so?05:16
x_the output of that I mean.05:16
PentiumIIIHello, I'm having trouble dealing with my docking station 10.1005:18
niftylettuceits trying to use DRI driver i965 instead of i915, is there a simple command to change this?05:18
makei mount ipod on ubuntu.but file system only read? how to write?05:19
=== Maro|Away is now known as Maro__
PentiumIII  make:  is your iPod mac or windows formatted?05:19
makePentiumIII: is windows fat3205:20
PentiumIIImake: filesystem is  read only, or you just can't put songs on it?05:20
makePentiumIII:o.tk y05:22
PentiumIIImake: ?05:22
PentiumIIIHello, I'm having trouble with my docking station Ubuntu 10.10, Dell Latitude CPx with C/Port II05:23
makePentiumIII:thank you.05:23
PentiumIIImake: Your welcome.05:24
makePentiumIII:i am not familiar with xchat05:25
LittleLostI'm having trouble with DC60 EASYCAP Video frame grabber after ubuntu 10.04 upgrade to 2.6.32-35-generic-pae05:25
PentiumIIImake: Ahh,  I'm  using irssi myself, its all terminal  driven, you can get it by typing sudo apt-get irssi05:26
makePentiumIII: i try.thank05:27
PentiumIIImake: you then just run irssi in terminal05:27
makePentiumIII:ok.now download05:28
Corigobest way to set root password?05:28
somsip!noroot | Corigo05:28
makeCorigo: sudo passwd root05:28
pp7i got told off earlier today for suggesting that :P05:29
somsipCorigo: it is not a recommended approach.05:29
FlannelCorigo: there's really no need to set a root password.05:29
Flannelmake: and I agree, if you're going to tell that to someone, be sure to fully explain its reprocussions.05:29
Corigowell aware05:30
pp7and what are the repercussions of sudo passwd root?05:30
makeFilannel:I know the rules. Later with the05:31
seanzysince i updated to 11.10 my maudio ozone sound card stopped working. can anyone help?05:31
pp7seanzy: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=ubuntu+maudio+ozone+sound+card05:32
PentiumIIIHello, I'm having trouble with my docking station Ubuntu 10.10, Dell Latitude CPx with C/Port II05:33
dr_willisseanzy:  does it work from the live cd?05:34
moyoy1seanzy, try here: http://dharmendralinuxdiary.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-sound-problem.html05:34
anykeylimited user dreams to be root, root dreams to be Chuck Norris.05:34
moyoy1All that does is makes sure your system is up to date, and then reinstalls a bunch of sound stuff05:34
PentiumIIIanykey: I like it!!05:35
rigelso nm calls wpa_supplicant or something to scan?05:39
rigelim trying to figure out what the process is for nm deciding to connect to a particular network05:40
Peablogtensorpudding: seems like I did not need most resent "make" but most resent "git".  Looks like server installed.05:40
Hephaestus|WinsAlright. I am not entirely sure how to approach asking for assistance with this very troubling issue.05:44
reisiothat's a start05:44
Hephaestus|WinsI am booting up the Live AMD64 CD image (from USB, but same thing happens from DVD-ROM, so its not a medium error).05:45
Hephaestus|WinsImmediately upon pushing enter, once the kernel and initial ramdisk areloaded, I get a blackscreen, and the system proceeds to boot.05:46
Hephaestus|WinsI can even hear it log itself into the desktop.05:46
Hephaestus|WinsI tried forcing the framebuffer to turn off with fb=false, as well as forcing VGA mode boot with vga=normal, to no avail.05:46
Braden`I deleted all the files caused by a faulty package install.  apt still reports that its partially installed (which is incorrect).  How do I remove it from apt?05:47
Hephaestus|WinsI have Slackware, Debian, SuSE, Fedora, and a few others installed, NONE of them exhibit this behavior.05:47
rumpe1Hephaestus|Wins, try deactivating acpi with "noacpi"05:47
Hephaestus|WinsDid it. No effect.05:47
posheif I'm using ubuntu, am I supposed to download generic or debian software?05:47
sn00pHello, I am having problems with ubuntu the latest release     with my external monitor it keeps blanking on me its not turning off it just blanks like a black screen I have to replug it in in order to get it back and I have all the screen savers dim off and power management off anybody have any ideas?05:48
Hephaestus|Winsi believe it to be an issue with kernel-mode DRM05:48
Hephaestus|Winsas Knoppix exhibits this behavior unless i specify nodrm on the kernel commandline.05:48
hacker888Enter text here...05:49
Hephaestus|WinsQuestion is: How do I forcibly turn off DRM? I can see no boot options in the documentation that disable kernel mode DRM05:49
Hephaestus|Winsand possibly kernel modesetting.05:49
posheis ubuntu generic or debian?05:49
hacker888what is this place???????????????//05:50
administartorI run Linux Debian on VirtualBox :)05:50
Braden`I deleted all the files caused by a faulty package install.  apt still reports that its partially installed (which is incorrect).  How do I remove it from apt?05:50
zomgattaxthis is irc hell05:50
zomgattaxirc distracts me from so much actual work05:50
hacker888Cambodia chat using Mibbit is much better05:51
administartorplease give me any link with tutorial for linux DOS :)05:51
zomgattaxi'm using x-chat now on ubuntu05:51
Hephaestus|Winslinuxdos? lol.05:51
administartorlinux commands...05:52
somsipadministartor: it's BASH05:53
administartorbash? not batch?05:53
sn00pHello, I am having problems with ubuntu the latest release     with my external monitor it keeps blanking on me its not turning off it just blanks like a black screen I have to replug it in in order to get it back and I have all the screen savers dim off and power management off anybody have any ideas?05:55
Hephaestus|Winsubuntu's wiki is worthless lol05:55
Hephaestus|Winshas 0 information.05:55
Hephaestus|Winsjust a bunch of press bs05:55
sinisterstuftried the archwiki?05:56
zomgattaxi'm using the external monitor now on 11.1005:56
Hephaestus|Winshow is one supposed to find information if there exists no central place for ubuntu info? o.O05:56
zomgattaxhaven't had any problems in about 4 hours05:56
sn00pzomgattax, what did you do to fix it?05:56
zomgattaxlet me rephrase05:56
Braden`I deleted all the files caused by a faulty package install.  apt still reports that its partially installed (which is incorrect).  How do I remove it from apt?05:57
administartorsorry this is Bash :)05:57
zomgattaxi haven't had any problems at all05:57
sn00pmy external monitor is blanking for some reason05:57
sn00pi've tried google05:57
zomgattaxdid you try a new monitor cable?05:57
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sn00pno the one I have works fine05:57
Effexsn00p: how do you mean replug? The power cable or the display cable?05:57
sn00pEffex, display cable05:57
zomgattaxsomething doesn't work right lol, start with cables05:58
zomgattaxthen blame software05:58
EffexDoes the monitor work with any other PC you have around?05:58
zomgattaxare you using thirdparty graphics drivers?05:58
sn00pEffex, yep05:58
chambakkatell me how to configure the openvpn,I have already installed network-manager openvpn05:58
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EffexThen it could be a drivers issue, are your drivers up to date?05:59
zomgattaxnvidia or pile or shit ati?05:59
zomgattax*of sh*t05:59
VPhow to remove a package that has been incompletely installed?06:00
zomgattaxsystem cleaner?06:00
Hephaestus|Winsonly an uninformed twat would still spread the FUD that AMD's driver platform on Linux is somehow inferior to that of NVIDIA.06:00
chambakkathe thing I dont know that how to unzip the openvpn configuration file to the configuration folder06:00
zomgattaxHephaestus|Wins, just a common opinion in one of my regular channels :p06:01
VPhow to remove a package that has been incompletely installed?:)06:01
ImTheDudei cant get my ipod to upload its music to rhythbox music player?06:02
=== zomgattax is now known as BrennanHitchcock
kcm1700"/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory" while compiling gcc, Linux kcm1700-VirtualBox 3.0.0-13-generic #22-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 2 13:27:26 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:02
seanzyafter upgrading to 11.10 my maudio ozone (usb sound device) is not outputting any sound.  i tried googling and following a sound guide to no avail06:03
chambakkavp: type this in terminal  sudo dpkg --configure -a06:03
kcm1700I can't get gcc compiled on Ubuntu.06:04
ImTheDudeignasb who are you talking to?06:04
dr_willisseanzy:  may be easiest to just do a clean install06:04
VPchambakka: Dear friend, thank you very much!06:05
seanzydr_willis: that's so annoying, i'd rather now06:05
VPchambakka: but that didnt solve it06:05
chambakkavp: do u remember the package06:05
dr_willisseanzy:  you may spend another 12+ hrs trying to fund a fix......06:05
seanzythe device shows up in sound preferences but doesn't output06:05
VPchambakka: Package KPPP is incompletely installed06:06
chambakkavp: if u remember it then run it again06:06
dr_willisseanzy:  or it may be somthing trivial.06:06
seanzyit worked before the updrage, so it was probably one of the packages it deleted06:06
dr_willisseanzy:  does a live cd work06:06
ImTheDudei select scane removable media and my ipod makes a noise but nothing06:06
chambakkavp: try this too in terminal apt-get install -f06:07
seanzyi don't have a live cd06:07
dr_willisseanzy:  that would be a good test.06:07
ImTheDudecan anyone help me configure my ipod to my rhythmbox music player06:07
seanzydr_willis: if it works on live cd, what does that indicate?06:08
chambakkadr_willis, do u know hw to unzipp the configuration file to openvpn configuration folder06:09
dr_willisseanzy: that its not a kernel change issue06:09
dr_willischambakka:  use the unzip command. or unp comand perhaps06:10
seanzyok i'll try a live cd06:10
chambakkadr_willis, but i dont know where the openvpn folder is situated06:10
dr_willisseanzy:  if it works. check the midules loaded. and sound settings also.06:11
dr_willischambakka:  neither do i..06:11
VPchambakka: tried all but the package can not be resumed because the Ubuntu Software Center says it is already installed06:12
chambakkavp: try in askubuntu.com06:12
Resistancenobody here has ever heard of the locate command have they >.>06:13
Resistancewhoops wrong channel06:13
ResistanceVP, did you try `sudo apt-get remove <package>`?06:14
Resistancein terminal06:14
Resistanceis it remove or uninstall06:14
VPResistance: just doing that06:15
Resistancewell... its one of those :P06:15
* dr_willis uses locate quite often06:15
somsipchambakka: /etc/openvpn06:15
* Resistance has a very overly-modified aptitude he uses to run installations06:15
Resistancedr_willis, yeah?06:16
Resistancedr_willis, its got to be one of the best programs for *finding stuff* on the hard drive06:16
Resistanceat least, imo06:16
VPPackage kppp is not installed, so not removed06:16
ResistanceVP, how did you initially install it?06:17
Resistancea local .deb not necessarily in the repos?06:17
kyewdoes --reinstall not work?06:19
Resistancei think they tried that06:19
ResistanceVP, can you possibly try this: sudo dpkg --remove <package>06:21
Resistancei hate using dpkg directly, but sometimes it workds06:22
Braden`In vim, how would I get it to delete a whole line if it finds a pattern?06:22
Braden`:%s/pattern/ ? /g06:22
VPdpkg: warning: ignoring request to remove kppp which isn't installed.06:23
somsipBraden: have you tried pattern//g ?06:23
Braden`somsip:  It only replaces the pattern, not the line06:23
somsipBraden`: ah, no. You want the whole line to be deleted if a sub=pattern is found..06:23
somsipBraden`: yup - ic06:24
ResistanceVP, ouch you're kind of screwed then06:24
ResistanceVP, what ubuntu?06:24
somsipBraden`: http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Delete_all_lines_containing_a_pattern06:24
VPchambakka: Resistance: kppp being installed thru Synaptic Package Installer06:25
sebastianWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why is that?06:25
dissipate_does anyone have a link to a tutorial on how to set up a process to run as a service? i googled and didn't find much. :(06:25
Resistancethat wasnt my question VP06:25
JeffMHow can I find out what version of Totem was included in past versions of Ubuntu?06:25
* Resistance is aware of SYnaptic. But Synaptic is not the Ubuntu Software Center06:25
ResistanceVP, you're free to answer my question, please.06:25
ResistanceVP, which Ubuntu?  11.04? 11.10? 10.04?  *older*?06:26
Braden`somsip:  Thank you!06:26
sebastianWhat about my question?06:26
VPYes dear friend, Its 10.1006:26
VPResistance: Ubuntu 10.1006:26
Resistance*checks something*06:26
pangolin!info totem maverick06:27
ubottutotem (source: totem): A simple media player for the GNOME desktop based on GStreamer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.32.0-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 526 kB, installed size 1504 kB06:27
somsipBraden`: np06:27
sebastianhelp me?06:27
somsip!ask | sebastian06:27
ubottusebastian: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience06:27
sebastianWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:28
ResistanceVP, (1) you know that's a KDE program right?  (2) Is there any reason you need a dial-up modem dialer?06:29
pp7anyone know a way around this glitch bug?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPqpxXldLlA06:29
sebastian!ask Whenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why is that?06:29
ubottusebastian: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:29
sebastian<sebastian> Whenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:30
harsh343how to install titanium studio on ubuntu 11.04??06:31
harsh343through command line06:31
=== sebastian is now known as NMi
harsh343hello all06:31
somsipharsh343: what's the finle name06:31
=== NMi is now known as pleasehelpmeouth
VPResistance: to run a dial up connection!06:31
pleasehelpmeouthWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:31
somsip!patience| pleasehelpmeouth06:32
ubottupleasehelpmeouth: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/06:32
VPThank you all!06:32
pleasehelpmeouthWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:33
harsh343somsip, finle name ??????06:34
pleasehelpmeouthWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:34
pleasehelpmeouthWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:34
pleasehelpmeouthWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:34
pleasehelpmeouthWhenever I try to compile something it says the directory doesn't exist. Why?06:34
FloodBot1pleasehelpmeouth: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:34
somsipharsh343: filename06:34
Resistancepleasehelpmeouth, i'd stop repeating yourself.06:35
dissipate_wow, what a spammer06:35
=== himcesjf1 is now known as himcesjf
dissipate_bad behavior06:35
harsh343somsip, I donn't no the file name06:35
harsh343just i want to install titanium06:36
somsipharsh343: from memory, you download a file, it ends in .sh, you chmod +x on it, and sh {filename}.sh. But I've not done it for a while so I could be wrong06:36
pleasehelpmeouthwtf why does nobody help me I fucking hate linux06:36
marcusdavidushow to watch embeded divx movies in chromium ?06:38
marcusdavidusof course no help f standart .06:41
reisiomarcusdavidus: heh, it's the middle of the night06:42
reisiomarcusdavidus: you need ffmpeg I'm sure06:42
dirtycookieis there a pastebin for screenshots?06:43
phpmvci have to launch a python script when the system starts up, what's the best way to do that? update-rc.d + init.d script?06:45
detrix42Hi. Since the upgrade to Oneiric, I have been unable to get handbrake. The have not yet updated their repository. How does one get an older version through synaptic or the software center?06:45
dirtycookiehi, i installed gedit onto my xubuntu OS and wanted to know how to change the font of my embedded terminal. Here is a pix of what I mean. http://picpaste.com/-0DE32bmV.png06:46
reisiodirtycookie: might ask on irc.gnome.org06:48
reisiodetrix42: maybe try WinFF instead?06:49
reisioor ffmpeg directly06:49
reisiophpmvc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto06:50
dirtycookiereisio: ill do that06:53
detrix42reisio: thanks, will try WinFF06:53
dr_williswiff is handy. it can even show the ffmpeg commands its using06:54
dr_willisarista is also a handy alternative to winff06:54
=== barna is now known as bipul
dr_willisid still like to find an easy way to apply audacity's  background noise removal to a video file.  i got like 200 home movies to clean up.06:56
nvzI need to backup temporarily about 60gb or so of data from one ubuntu machine to another sitting right next to one another.. is there anything that may be faster than rsync?06:57
nvzI suppose I could do this real fast if I took both machines apart and put both drives in the same machine but I know from experience my netbook has to be totally disassembled to get to the HDD and thats just a lot of work06:57
pangolindr_willis: someone in #ubuntustudio can probably help you with that.06:58
dr_willisa netbooks hd is also normally of the slower type also. so it may not be that much faster06:58
nvzthough now that I think about it I may just do that anyhow so I can do all the repartitioning and crap in one fail swoop06:58
dr_willispangolin:  yea. its going tobe my holiday project it seems. ;)06:58
pangolincool, make sure to write up some easy to follow instructions for me :)06:59
dr_willisi was suprised how well audacity cleaned up the audio.06:59
nvzI'm not sure how well this will turn out as the attempt to repartition to install ubuntu failed twice.. the drive may have some physical damage06:59
nvzhence why I am trying to offload the data and wipe it entirely06:59
nvzI'm just in the mess of currently having ubuntu on a 5gb partition that was the restore partition.. and thats just a mess07:00
nvzmakes life real difficult.. my next best idea was to link/bind most of the stuff to the larger partition I had debian on07:01
dr_willisnvz:  my main ubuntu install is on a 32gb flash drive ;)07:01
nvzyeah well, until I make enough money to get new hardware I just want to use ubuntu on there and have access to my whole drive without constantly running out of space07:01
nvzthinking of buying something from avadirect.. not sure what yet.. and so far have no budget for it07:02
dr_williswaiting to get a ssd for xmas. wonder if i can then dd this flash to the ssd.  never had a ssd befor07:02
nvzI'm obviously too tired/lazy to do anything right now so I think I'll just handle this task tomorrow and take the hdd out and put it into the desktop.. and hope for the best07:03
nvzI know there is a possibility all the reformatting and crap will toast the drive if it is in fact failing due to physical damage07:03
dr_willisput it out of its misery.07:04
nvzI was going to go with installing to an SD card since the netbook is getting old and falling apart.. but its a hardware hotplug pcie card reader that isnt supported by the bios07:04
nvzits the only machine I own right now and have no money.. so I gotta deal with it until I make the money to buy something new and actually decide on something new07:05
nvzall I know so far is that I want nvidia graphics, don't want to pay for windows because I dont intend to ever use it, and would like the ability to charge stuff via USB without the machine on07:05
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nvzkinda torn on how much I wanna spend upfront.. cause most the machines on avadirect are easily upgradable.. and I wanna try keep the budget low at first and upgrade as needed07:06
jitahow can i access dot files/folders in unity using nautilus ?07:07
nvzjita: select show hidden files from the view/edit menu wherever that is07:08
nvzI think ctrl+h is a shortcut for that07:08
pookyjita ctrl-h I think07:08
jitathanks pooky, nvz07:09
dr_willisi can charge my usb stuff from my desk clock. ;) it has 2 usb ports07:10
dr_willislaptop has oe of those usb charge ports.. took me a while to figure out how my mouse light was on with the laptop off...07:11
nvzyeah well thats what I want as in the past couple years this netbook has slowly become an over priced battery charger for devices I use more often07:12
nvzand it kills the battery too fast having the machine running when all I use it for is a backup battery for other devices07:12
nvzits usually not an advertised feature though which is annoying07:13
nvzI'm fairly certain the macbook air does it which is what I was thinking of getting for my next machine07:13
nvzbut thats when the air still had nvidia.. and I wrote off paying for OSX as I am not very familiar with it and could stand to learn it just in case..07:13
nvzbut truth is I really dont want OSX either, nor do I want ATI graphics07:14
nvzand the damn air is like 1100 or more, and for that price I can get way more hardware from somewhere like avadirect07:14
nvzthey have laptops that support like 3 sata drives in RAID 5, with 12gb of ram or more for that price.. heh07:15
dr_willismy big laptop with 2 sata and a 18.4 lcd is nice... and heavy..  nasty heavy07:17
FreeWillyhey can someone show me how to access ubuntu pastbin history07:17
FreeWillyyesterday pasted some stuff which i want to look at again07:17
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dr_willisFreeWilly:  try the history command? but that wont show the url.07:18
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/07:18
dr_willischennel logs may help07:18
dr_willisbrowser history feature may help also07:19
eHAPPYWhenever I mount a NFS share on the client the UID shows up as a bunch of random numbers; is this normal?07:20
FreeWillydr_willis: thanks, but sjoe how do i know which one under yesterdays date is #ubuntu's history??07:20
reisiodr_willis: sox?07:21
dr_willisreisio:  sox? ;)  i got some nice wool sox on..07:21
dr_willisFreeWilly:  no idea. i raly look at the channel logs07:22
reisiodr_willis: for noise removal07:22
reisiodr_willis: probably have to separate audio & video first, then smash back together afterwards07:23
reisiowith ffmpeg/mencoder/mplayer07:23
dr_willisreisio:  i saw mention of that. wondered if it does as good a job as audacity does07:23
reisioI think you are the man to test it!07:23
dr_willisitem # 204 on my todo list07:24
FreeWillyanyone else maybe know if ubuntu pastebin keeps history?07:24
reisio$ wc -l lists/todo \n667 lists/todo07:24
reisioand I believe that is only since this new computer07:24
reisioFreeWilly: it'd probably be easier to find it via the three methods people already mentioned07:25
nvzeHAPPY: certainly doesnt sound normal to me, but I've only dabbled, I dont use nfs on a regular basis07:25
reisiothe 'history' command, your browser's history, and the IRC channel logs07:25
reisioalthough unless you made these pastebins fairly recently, they might be gone07:25
raj-darkmysterypostfix virtual host pam(user@domain): pam_authenticate() failed: User not known to the underlying authentication module07:26
FreeWillyfound it reisio07:27
eHAPPYanyone know NFS well?07:28
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dr_willisall i know on nfs i learned from !nfs07:29
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.07:30
eHAPPYah yes that guide; it sadly is lacking07:30
nvzall I learned about anything is fairly useless when I'm in chronic pain and my brain is foggy.. heh07:30
* Bubba likes need for speed07:30
dr_willislast i used nfs. my gid/gid was the same on the nfs shares07:30
nvzyes it always agreed for me as well07:31
nvzcertainly sounds off07:31
eHAPPYyeh i tried uid/gid but there is a pretty bad bug if you overlap it seem07:31
eHAPPYessentially if i have ehappy:root and root:ehappy you can get root:root07:31
reisioypsjd: hi07:35
ypsjdๆœ‰ไบบๅœจubuntu10.04้‡Œ้ขๅฎ‰่ฃ…ไบ†ibm lotus notesๅ—07:35
faLUCEhi. I can't set 1920x1080 resolution on "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)" (I'm using ubuntu). In addition, I had to add " i915.modeset=0 " to grub file (otherwise I saw a black screen). How can I solve?07:35
ypsjduse GPL driver?07:36
faLUCEypsjd: where can I get it?07:36
faLUCE(I'm not using proprietary drivers)07:37
nvzI wasnt aware there was such a thing as a proprietary driver for intel07:37
auronandacethere isn't07:37
reisioypsjd: /join #ubuntu-cn07:38
reisioypsjd: ffr: /msg alis list *ubun*cn07:38
raj-darkmysterypostfix virtual host pam(user@domain): pam_authenticate() failed: User not known to the underlying authentication module need help :-/07:39
reisioypsjd: ไฝ ้ƒฝ้žๅธธๆญก่ฟŽ07:39
* WebGoddess008 waves07:42
WebGoddess008i'm gnu to ubuntu, just got up and running with 1110 :)07:42
auronandace!yay | WebGoddess00807:43
ubottuWebGoddess008: Glad you made it! :-)07:43
WebGoddess008was trying to find out how to configure the dashbar on the left to perhaps be half the width so i can put like double the icons on it instead of having to scroll up and down ;-)07:43
ubottuWow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!07:44
reisioubottu: cookie07:44
reisioWebGoddess008: you are picky07:44
WebGoddess008and i haven't been able to figure out how to set up the keyboard shortcut so that my m$ keyboard can do copy with the "New" key and paste with the "Open" key since a single-button copy-n-paste makes me tons more efficient :P07:44
WebGoddess008lol yah i'm picky ;)07:45
* WebGoddess008 kinda a control freak or something07:45
WebGoddess008but i'm super happy w/Ubuntu, really great O/S07:45
reisioyou don't know where the keyboard shortcut prefs are07:45
WebGoddess008i launched the keyboard shortcut prefs07:46
dr_willisnever seen a new or open key on a keybord. ;)07:46
reisioWebGoddess008: it doesn't detect those keys?07:46
WebGoddess008it does, just when i add the "Copy" and "Paste" under custom shortcuts07:46
WebGoddess008then it doesn't seem to work correctly07:47
dr_willisyou have noticed you can normally select, and middle click to copy/paste  ;)07:47
reisioWebGoddess008: in that nothing happens?07:47
WebGoddess008ahh okay07:47
WebGoddess008well i set Copy to "New" and "Paste" to "SunOpen" in the shortcuts07:48
auronandaceWebGoddess008: keyboard shortcuts are usually combinations (more than 1 key); you'd otherwise want to alter the keymap07:48
reisiostill, it should allow it07:48
reisioauronandace: are you saying it doesn't?07:48
WebGoddess008yah just not wanting to spend tons of time on it lol07:48
WebGoddess008got work to do and all that jazz lol07:48
WebGoddess008i suppose i can just use the mouse for now ;)07:48
WebGoddess0081110 is quite nice though...good job to all of ya'll who worked on it <307:49
auronandacereisio: i'm guessing, i've never come across a shortcut that simply changed the function of an already existing single key07:49
WebGoddess008well m$ keyboard has the "help" "undo" "redo" "new" "open" etc keys07:49
reisioauronandace: so no07:50
WebGoddess008so on windoze i can use intellitype to remap "new" to copy and "open" to paste07:50
reisioWebGoddess008: find the Compiz Config Settings Manager07:50
WebGoddess008not trying to be nitpicky just efficient ;)07:50
reisioWebGoddess008: look for the Unity tab07:50
reisiodpkg -L compizconfig-settings-manager | grep bin07:51
WebGoddess008oh okay thanks reisio07:51
reisionot sure what width options are available07:51
reisioas yet07:51
reisioI'm sure in the future, blah blah07:51
WebGoddess008awesome :)07:53
lovelphow do you think the linux mint07:53
WebGoddess008set it to 32 vs 48 now i can add more silly-icons lol07:53
reisioWebGoddess008: the go side by side?07:53
reisiolovelp: it's a green themed Ubuntu (which is a brown/purple/orange themed Debian)07:53
WebGoddess008how stable is compiz?  it said online there were "bugs"...trying to avoid "bugs" lol07:54
reisiowell it's a fairly old package07:54
reisioand fairly enduring07:54
reisioI was just reading that the settings manager isn't particularly stable :p07:55
reisiowhich is fairly typical (helper apps being less stable)07:55
WebGoddess008cool, so if i tweak stuff on here i'm not gonna end up with a borked unity dashbar? ;)07:55
dr_willisdont go crazy with the plugins. ;) or in ccsm07:55
reisioif you do you'd probably only have to move ~/.config/ or the like07:55
reisioto get back to defaults07:55
WebGoddess008i'll just stick to the basics, i'm cool w/the dashbar icons @32px and the auto-hide07:55
dr_willisyou can reset unity and compiz  via simple command line commands07:56
WebGoddess008ok cool07:56
will_I'm using a trackpad on 11.10, but it doesn't feel as "forgiving" as on OSX. For example, I would go to click on Firefox to change focus then move the cursor down to click a link. The system though I wanted to select the whole page. How can I fix this?07:56
sportohow do i claim a wireless driver? hardware driver says activated but not in use07:56
WebGoddess008i've been using debian for a long time but haven't used ubuntu in several years07:56
reisiowill_: sorry rephrase?07:56
reisiosporto: you want to put a flag in it, or do something else?07:56
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WebGoddess008yah im interested in OSX lion just no $ atm to try it out...my apple equip is old lol07:57
will_reisi: On my trackpad, I'm looking to disable the "tap to click" feature.07:57
WebGoddess008if i can get everything i need working on ubuntu then i'll use it as my desktop07:58
sportoreisio: flag? i wanna use it lol, i tried to "touch" it and restart but no change, wireless doesn't show up in nm-applet either07:58
reisiowill_: don't know much about that, but it seems to come up a lot: http://www.google.com/search?q=%22tap%20to%20click%22%20site%3Aubuntuforums.org07:58
will_reisi: hehe, thanks. I was actually just Googling that once I put it into clearer, more Google-able words :)07:59
reisiosporto: is it a module?07:59
reisiowill_: that's what they all say...08:00
reisiowill_: ...right before doing so!08:00
will_reisi: hah! But you made me rethink how to phrase it :) Anyways. Looks like my system doesn't think it's a touchpad...08:00
reisioah, that'd be confusing08:00
sportoreisio: i think so, i had to and a funky ppa to get the driver via synaptic08:01
fesafderhow do i configure my old monitor resolution in 11.10 is there a xorg.conf for monitor ?08:01
reisiooh, good fun08:01
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fesafderor does ubuntu works with a resgistry ?08:02
Koketso_Mabusefesafder I do not think so08:02
Koketso_Mabusefesafder what I think though is that get all the updates for Ubuntu, then do a hardware scan and your config for the monitor will go easily08:03
fesafderthe monitor has 25 years now08:03
fesafderi know the refresh rates08:04
Koketso_Mabusefesafder: App/ System/ hardware drivers08:04
Koketso_MabuseTry that08:04
fesafderder: App/ System/ hardware drivers is that a path in /08:05
shomonhi, I still have mplayer playing videos super fast and with no sound :(08:05
shomonany idea what I could do to fix this?08:05
shomonalso with flash videos08:05
fesafderi only have a console for now08:06
reisioshomon: grep 'ao=' /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf08:06
Koketso_MabuseOh Sorry I have a MAC4Lin, System, Adminstration then Hardware Drivers08:06
sportoi have source i can compile but the readme say define gcc and ld, what is ld?08:06
Koketso_MabuseThat is the route to get to Hardware Drives08:07
ikoniasporto: linker08:07
fesafderi am looking for conf files to edit08:07
ikoniasporto: what are you trying to build ?08:07
shomonreisio, should I switch it to alsa somehow?08:07
reisioshomon: I would suspect your pulse config, yeah08:08
sportoralink wireless driver in lucid08:08
shomonhmm, can I reset it to zero somehow?08:08
shomonlike back to factory config?08:08
shomonif that applies with ubuntu08:08
sportoikonia: my wireless driver is "unclaimed"08:09
faLUCE(ubuntu 11.10) hi. I can't use resolutions higher than 1280x1024 with "00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)". In addition, I had to boot with "nomodeset" (otherwise I saw only a black screen)08:10
shomonany suggestions for fixing my pulse config reisio ?08:10
reisiosorry don't know anything about pulse08:11
reisioexcept that I've never needed it08:11
shomonso... how do I get rid of it? Do you recommend that, or do you just never watch videos?08:11
reisioplenty of tuts for getting rid of it08:12
shomonok will look that up08:12
fesafderi get ubuntu 10.11 is a misterious a W....... no more editable config file08:12
Koketso_MabuseDisplay matters08:12
fesafderthx for xandr but i  see less &less difference with windows now08:16
fesafderi guess matter of time will should we can have the source.08:17
fesafderanyway thx bye08:18
marcusdavidusreiso is fuckjing mourning08:21
will_Over what?08:21
reisiowill_: trying to understand that msg :p08:22
marcusdavidusnot my foult that INTERNATIONAL ubuntu channel is in fact USA only channel where only help u ever get is a : how to use apt  or something other like that witch is basic any harder stuff i never get any help here or on forums08:22
marcusdavidusso dont tell me is midle of the night08:23
marcusdavidus cuz is not08:23
reisioit is for most useful English speakers08:23
* reisio is just the messenger08:23
marcusdavidusso ocne mroe how to make divxplayer in chrome08:23
reisiomarcusdavidus: do you have ffmpeg?08:23
marcusdavidusi dont ask how to play divx in pc08:23
marcusdavidusi can play it in firefox with mozilla plugion08:23
reisiommhmmm, I know08:23
marcusdavidusi need play it in chrome08:24
reisiobut Chrome uses ffmpeg08:24
marcusdavidusi got all codecs08:24
reisiowho asked08:24
Tm_T!language | marcusdavidus08:24
ubottumarcusdavidus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.08:24
marcusdavidusany plug to chromeor so google show nothing08:24
marcusdavidusyeeyy imba admins always watching maybe u give me answer on my question mr admin will ya ?08:24
reisiomarcusdavidus: try this one: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=11486419&postcount=208:25
AscavasaionMorning.  Can someone recommend me a lightweight music programme like Rhythmbox for my old AMD Duron machine?08:25
marcusdavidusgr8 help08:25
marcusdavidus ill try08:25
reisioAscavasaion: rhythmbox08:26
marcusdavidusbut its instaling me chromium :P08:26
marcusdavidushmm do u got alot of music?08:26
reisiocompared to most08:26
marcusdavidusif yes gmusicbrowser is yoru chice than08:27
AscavasaionThank you marcusdavidus and reisio08:30
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Pathello, do you speek french?08:32
somsip!fr | Pat08:32
ubottuPat: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franรงais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.08:32
marcusdavidushmm now i got sound in divx  in chrome .. but no video ahahah08:33
marcusdavidusw8 i got video08:33
marcusdavidus ty mate that helped08:33
arikelyo goddard , so how do you like Unity?08:34
goddardnot using it at the moment08:34
arikelheh, who does? :)08:35
arvutfor some fkd up reason my login screen on a fresh 11.10 install has changed my keyboard layout from Swedish dvorak to english qwerty.. so now I can't type my password which consists of various unicode characters.. in earlier ubuntu versions I could select the layout before logging in (at login screen).. is this still possible or is this install fubard?08:35
[dlp]Hi guys.08:35
goddardarvut: i tried it at the start but to many driver issues08:36
somsiparvut: login to command prompt, then change your password to something that only contains qwerty characters?08:36
[dlp]I'm having a bit of an issue with my apt database,.. there appear to be two of each package as seen within aptitude.08:36
goddardarikel: ^08:36
somsip!text ! arvut08:36
ubottusomsip: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:36
somsip!text | arvut08:36
ubottuarvut: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode08:36
[dlp]And it's causing conflicts and breakages.08:36
[dlp]I don't see any duplicate entries in sources.list08:37
will_I just wanted to say, I bought a Netgear USB wifi adapter (WNA1100) and it was plug and play :)08:37
bullgard6In Ubuntu  10.04.3 the X server crashed. May be there crashed more yet. I obtained the error message: "init: plymouth-stop prestart process (1362) terminated with status 1". How to proceed to save a maximum of the data of the programs open heretofore?08:38
[dlp]I'm on 11.10 upgraded from 11.04 (64-bit).08:39
[dlp]Also, there's nothing in sources.list.d08:39
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[dlp]And I've deleted the contents of /var/lib/apt/lists and rebuilt them.08:40
[dlp]I don't know the workings of apt that well, so if anyone has any ideas, I'd love to hear them.08:41
=== joo is now known as Guest14094
arvutare you saying ubuntu is too stupid to load the correct drivers for swe dvorak keyboard layout? I had no issues logging in last time, I did update the OS tho and then rebooted. seriously this is a situation no regular user would want to be in. I'm glad I know how to manually change pw, but others might not be as fortunate.. what if a user has รถ, รค, รฅ (or any other language-specific character) in their pw that they can normally type with their keyboard, a08:43
bullgard6!enter  | [dlp]08:44
ubottu[dlp]: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!08:44
reisioEletels: hi08:45
[dlp]I can see why, especially in a noisy channel.08:45
EletelsWhats up08:45
somsiparvut: I'm giving you a solution. I'm not concerned about the other issues, personally08:45
somsiparvut: though there may be some benefit in rasing a bug08:47
arvutsomsip: its a solution for a rather experienced linux user, yes. but this is a serious issue. I'm not filing a bugreport on it as I'll go back to gentoo and fedora instead. done with ubuntu.08:47
bullgard6[dlp]: It appears that you are not an advanced Ubuntu user. My advice: Backup your /home directory's content and re-install Ubuntu 11.1008:47
arvutand I ty, but its not enough.08:47
[dlp]bullguard6: Not an option.08:47
SoWhathello! does anybody can tell me how to run CheckGmail with patch described here https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/checkgmail/+bug/851553 or maybe there is some good alternative for CheckGmail?08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 851553 in checkgmail (Ubuntu) "checkgmail does not login: Unable to find gmail_ik" [Undecided,Confirmed]08:47
VictorCLwhat could be that I have no syslog on /var/log/syslog08:49
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arvutanother solution: login as guest session, switch user to sudoers account and you will have the layout back to normal. this is still a serious issue though08:49
[dlp]bullgard6: And you are making this assumption only on the basis that I don't know the package management system too well, which seems somewhat presumptuous, don't you think?08:50
ikonia[dlp]: that bug is a known issue08:50
ikonia[dlp]: it has been reported a few times,08:51
ikonia[dlp]: it seems more common with apptitude08:51
ikonia[dlp]: it is actually not a problem though and will not stop any functionality, just a visual thing08:52
[dlp]ikonia: I did my best to search for known issues, but didn't find anything relevant. Is there a solution?08:52
[dlp]ikonia: I see.08:52
ikonia[dlp]: (or at least shouldn't cause you a problem)08:52
ikonia[dlp]: I'm not aware of a solution as of yet, but it has been reported quite a few times08:52
Efrit999Anyone knows a little bit exciting rooms...08:54
SoWhatmaybe somebody can tell how to install this package http://packages.debian.org/unstable/mail/checkgmail ? or Ubuntu doesnt support debian pkg?08:54
ikoniaEfrit999: this channel is only for ubuntu support discussion please.08:54
ikoniaSoWhat: don't install debian packages on ubuntu08:54
Benkinoobyis there a way to decide, what network traffic should go through a vpn connection and what traffic should use the normal network connection?08:54
SoWhatikonia: okay, tnx08:55
[dlp]ikonia: In that case, I might be looking at another problem as well. For example, there are two versions of libasound2 that appear to be the same version, but some packages depend on one and some the other, but they conflict.08:55
ikoniaBenkinooby: you'll need a reasonable routing table08:55
ikonia[dlp]: sorry, could you explain a bit clearer08:55
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Benkinoobyikonia, so it will be difficult to make das decision on a application layer... like running firefox over normal internet and thunderbird over vpn... or even one ff-window over vpn and the other over normal connection08:56
ikoniaBenkinooby: that would be exceptionally complex08:56
ikoniaBenkinooby: you couldn't even do that with a routing table, you'd have to try to use something such as iptables08:56
Randolphhi all08:57
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Benkinoobyikonia, i guess i am not the first one with that kind of interest... if some1 is connected to his company via vpn i'm sure not all information should run over the companys network...08:58
ikoniavpn is normally a secure connection, so once you connect, you are locked out of your other connection08:58
[dlp]Ok... in this case, I'm trying to install skype. When I mark it for installation aptitude reports 59 breaks, the only available solution being to keep all 59 packages (including Skype itself) at current version (UNINST). But when I inspect to see why these packages have to remain uninstalled, I find it's because a conflicting version of the same package is installed.08:59
reisioof skype?08:59
ikonia[dlp]: could you please do "sudo apt-get update" and pastebin the output09:00
SoWhatcan somebody tell me how to add programs to menu in left?09:01
Benkinoobyikonia, looking at my routes (didn't mod then) i have routes for eth0 and tun0...09:02
ikoniaBenkinooby: yes you will have09:02
zabomberis there theme's in ubuntu 11.10 unity?09:02
ikoniaBenkinooby: that is correct09:02
[dlp]ikonia: http://pastebin.com/EKesJ9Dc09:02
zabomberi know somethings changed that makes 11.04 backwards incompatible with 11.10?09:02
ikoniazabomber: what ?09:02
zabomberikonia: im running unity... what theme'ing engine/theme sets/repo's can i use to change the themes?09:04
ikonia[dlp]: do you have backports enabled09:04
Benkinoobyikonia, hm... using wireshark i only see ESP traffic... so no normal lan traffic09:04
zabombernone of the 11.04 and old works...09:04
zabomberBenkinoob: tried tcpdump?09:04
zabomberwith grep09:04
[dlp]ikonia: Yes.09:05
Benkinoobyzabomber, wireshark does the same job as tcpdump09:05
ikonia[dlp]: you may actually have conflicting packages then09:05
[dlp]ikonia: Aha, now we're getting somewhere. Let me remove backports and update...09:06
ikonia[dlp]: it may be (hopefully not) too late if any of the backport packages have been installed and a conflict created09:09
OinsHi. How can I import a CA File into Pidgin?09:11
[dlp]ikonia: No, there are still problems, by the looks of things.09:11
ikonia[dlp]: I'm not massivly shocked by that09:12
[dlp]ikonia: In that case, I'll have to decide which is the lesser of two evils in terms of either reinstalling the system or learning about the package management system in enough detail to fix the problems.09:14
ikonia[dlp]: well it depends on the conflict09:14
SoWhathow to set which aplication opens which files by default?09:16
[dlp]ikonia: The main problem is that I've got a fair bit of technically unsupported software "installed" outside package management. I had to make a lot of tweaks to get these working, hence the reason I'm reluctant to reinstall. I'd have to go through the whole process again.09:17
s3r3n1t7Good morning all. I'm working on getting samba4 working with named which is workign thus far except that bind doesn't seem to have a driver. I'm trying to load the samba dns configuration with an include file, which does point to the right file and its getting loaded, but i get an error: "unsupported DLZ database driver 'dlopen'. " any clues?09:22
ypsjd /msg NickServ identify shijida09:24
ypsjdjoin #ubuntu-cn09:24
s3r3n1t7ypsjd, wrong channel. Might want to change that pass as well now.09:24
pratzhey guys i have ubuntu 10.04 and  I installed "pdftk" version 1.41 ,but there is a know bug in this and that's why i downloaded pdftk version 1.44.deb , when i try to install this deb package i get the error Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libgcj11 (>= 4.4)09:26
pratzAny idea what i should do now ?\09:26
s3r3n1t7pratz, that file needs a dependency which isn't yet in the ubuntu repo's. You'll have to find it manually09:27
pratzs3r3n1t7: but if that has another dependency and if the dependencies goes recursive , should i manually install all that stuff ?09:27
s3r3n1t7pratz, it's the only way to get that newer version you want installed09:28
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pratzs3r3n1t7: but  libgcj11 depends on 11 other dependencies, then even i need to install them too (manually )09:29
pratzs3r3n1t7: correct ?09:29
s3r3n1t7pratz, correct. If you want a newer program to be installed, which depends on newer versions of dependencies also not  in the ubuntu repo, then you'll be in for one hell of a ride as it's gonna take you loads of time09:30
GirlyGirlpratz: Which program are you looking for09:30
faLUCEhi, I'm using the integrated graphic cardo of a i5 2400 cpu (ubuntu 11.10, kernel 3.0.0-12-generic). Unfortunately, I have to use "nomodeset" (otherwise I have blank screen after boot) and can't use high resolution. How can I solve?09:30
pratzGirlyGirl: i have ubuntu 10.04 and  I installed "pdftk" version 1.41 ,but there is a know bug in this and that's09:30
pratz               why i downloaded pdftk version 1.44.deb , when i try to install this deb package i get the error Error:09:30
pratz               Dependency is not satisfiable: libgcj11 (>= 4.4)09:30
theadminfaLUCE: You have to install your graphic drivers.09:31
faLUCEtheadmin: how?09:32
GirlyGirlpratz: Gernerally the LTS versions no longer get new software after the next version has been released. They get security updates for the old versions and critical bug fixes backported (similar to debian stable). SO if you want new software with newer libraries etc upgrade to 11.1009:32
theadminfaLUCE: Normally you can use the built-in "Hardware Drivers" tool.09:32
theadminGirlyGirl: Hey, long time no see :D09:32
faLUCEtheadmin: It doesn't find anything09:33
theadminfaLUCE: Then check the gpu's manufacturer site09:33
eO1hello, i am using ubuntu with gnomeshell, the problem is that sometimes apps disapearing from traybar but still working, is it possible to call their windows?09:36
jitaAnybody installed solr-jetty? It gives me 404 error on / reason: Not Found09:37
* airtonix hates solr09:39
airtonixjita: we use solr-tomcat so i'm of no use to you09:40
arlohello, anyone can help me with ip problem09:41
Amdpc!ask | arlo09:42
ubottuarlo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience09:42
arlomy problem is i installed a webserver, but i dont comming on my ip09:42
arloand my domain09:42
arloindex.html not comming on my domain09:43
arlo but i can ssh from another network09:44
jessepaptitude isn't working for me right now (karmic). getting 404s for the resources from sources.list and karmic isn't here: http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/ do the repositories stop working at some point? do i have to update my sources file? ideas?09:44
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades09:45
deej1976!karmic | jessep09:45
atifhi every one may i know when exact ally is 12.04 alpha  is being released ??09:45
ubottujessep: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.09:45
deej1976atif: April 201209:46
jessepk, thanks thanks deej197609:46
arloAnyone som can help me with teameiwer?09:46
jessepand ubottu09:46
atifnah i am talking about 1st alpha of 12.0409:46
atifit was supposed to released today right?09:47
theadminatif: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule09:47
jessepi figured something like that was happening. kinda nervous about upgrading our production machine.09:47
deej1976atif: or ask in #ubuntu+109:47
airtonixarlo: did you look at what /var/log/apache2/error.log contains ?09:48
arlo2 sek i check09:48
LantiziaOK so I'm on 11.10 for the first time... on the "Additional Drivers" it shows that "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)" is already installed... why?  And whats more if it _was_ installed where is nvidia-settings?  The silly ubuntu "displays" gui doesn't think I have two monitors when I do.09:49
airtonixarlo: you should also run: sudo apache2ctl configtest09:49
arlose this09:50
=== joUNIX is now known as Guest69188
arloapache2: Could not reliably determine the server's fully qualified domain name, using for ServerName09:50
arloi think i change my ip from 127 to ip?09:51
airtonixarlo: ok the error log looks free of problems that would relate to your question, however i did ask you to look at that file on the assumption that you haven't modified the config or are not using any newly created virtualhosts09:51
arloairtonix no09:52
arloim installed php09:52
arlobut not anything09:52
airtonixarlo: is your webserver in a production and therefore sensitve? or is it merely a test server?09:52
arlohmm is production09:52
arlobut to small sites09:52
arlohome pc09:52
airtonixarlo: ok, so did 'sudo apache2ctl configtest' return a result?09:53
airtonixarlo: i'd also ask you to pastebin your /etc/apache2/sites-available/default09:54
arloyes return a results09:55
arlo2 sek is insert this09:55
airtonixarlo: positive? ambigious? negative?09:55
afidegnumhello good mornign, pls while using vmware, and in terminal, is there any shortcut to copy nd past command / text into the shell like how we do Ctrl + X and C in windows ?09:56
theadminafidegnum: Use the mouse.09:56
airtonixarlo: another thing you need to "tick off" on your trouble shooting list is to run : 'curl http://localhost' on the same machine that you have the webserver running on09:56
afidegnumI have been clicking there and nothing hapens09:57
arloyes my server running on localhost09:57
airtonixarlo: and you need to check that ufw has port 80 opened09:57
afidegnumright click or left ?09:57
arlobut not on my ip09:57
arloand not on my domain09:57
theadminafidegnum: You need to select the text and then right click and choose copy...09:57
arloyou mean router?09:57
arloport 80 is open09:57
arloi  can ssh09:57
arloand port 2209:57
Amdpc!enter | arlo09:57
ubottuarlo: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:57
airtonixarlo: ok if you can access the page at http://localhost, then check that port 80 is open. then you need to make sure your modem/router/adsl/internet thing is forwarding port 80 to your webserver machine09:58
afidegnumok, thanks09:58
arlomy port is open09:58
arloairtonix can you connect to me with teameiwer?09:58
airtonixarlo: i don't have it installed09:59
theadminarlo: I can try, pm me with the ID/password09:59
arloyou can download it but open this09:59
arlois very eazy09:59
afidegnumwhen I type nautilus, it opens the file browser, is there a way to type nautilus + desire to be opened location in terminal so nautilus can open to that place automatically instead of manually browsing to the desired location ?09:59
theadminafidegnum: nautilus /path/to/folder/09:59
arlothanks guys, im a new user from windows :-)09:59
airtonixafidegnum: xdgopen or gvfs-open i think10:00
arlotheadmin i send you in post10:00
theadminairtonix: That's for files, you don't need that to just open a folder with nautilus10:00
airtonixtheadmin: it does however open the home folder if i use xdg-open ~/10:00
theadminairtonix: It does but it's not necessary, besides...10:01
airtonixtheadmin: well it's the desktop agnostic way10:01
atifmay i know the command to show my graphic card details ????10:02
almoxarifeafidegnum: I usually 'bookmark' those folders I find myself always needing to open10:03
atifmay i know the command to show my graphic card details ????10:04
afidegnumhmm, that's long way, I am doing lots of development work where i have to open folders here,and there, using terminal to do almost everything. and at a time I need to open a folder on the fly, some folders might not need to be opened aagain .10:05
airtonixatif: there's a few and they show somewhat different aspects10:06
airtonixafidegnum: since i'm a heavy user of synapse i simply press the hotkey for that and type the path then hit enter10:06
afidegnumeuh, i am also looking for hotkey feature,10:07
atifcan u write down few ?10:07
afidegnumairtonix: can u brief me abt it pls ?10:08
airtonixafidegnum: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/11/synapse-gnome-do-launcher-app-review-ubuntu/10:08
mrgottyhey guys10:09
mrgottyi need some serious help10:09
airtonixafidegnum: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H6QhXBRmQ4o10:09
mrgottyI just bought a new laptop and dual booted ubuntu along side windows 710:09
incorrectcan i no longer configure sessions properties with vinagre?10:10
KrisDouglasatif, "lspci | grep nVidia(Or ATI)"10:10
mrgottynow i deleted the partition with ubuntu on as i did not like ubuntu10:10
mrgottyand now want to stick with windows 710:10
mrgottynow i restarted my pc10:10
mrgottyand now i cant get it to boot up10:10
KrisDouglas!enter | mrgotty10:10
mrgottyit just says error: no such partition10:10
ubottumrgotty: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!10:10
mrgottygrub rescue>10:10
airtonixafidegnum: there's a few videos giving you a demo of it10:10
GirlyGirlmrgotty: Go to #windows10:10
mrgottybut its not a windows situation10:10
mrgottygrub is part of ubuntu10:11
afidegnumairtonix: ok, thanks10:11
KrisDouglasmrgotty, http://godbyte.com/blog/2010/windows-7-wont-boot-after-removing-ubuntu10:11
GirlyGirlmrgotty: Also before giving up, please give kubuntu and xubuntu a shot too10:11
afidegnummrgotty: why don't u like ubuntu ?10:11
mrgottywell I do like it10:11
KrisDouglasmrgotty, By "dropping to the command line" he means recovery console.10:11
afidegnumnext time, install vmware and ubuntu, it's very juicy and yummy10:11
GirlyGirlmrgotty> now i deleted the partition with ubuntu on as i did not like ubuntu10:11
bpsboot from your windows disk and do a repair10:11
mrgottyi dont have a windows disc i bought it second hand :/10:12
KrisDouglasmrgotty, you can download recovery disks10:12
KrisDouglasmrgotty, have a look for FalconFour's ultimate boot CD, that has a windows 7 recovery kit on it.10:12
afidegnummrgotty: no, what you need to do is to install vmware in windows, you don't need to run a dual boot10:12
afidegnumyou open windows and lauch ubuntu inside your windows pc10:12
a433bi want to install ubunut10:13
mrgottydo you have to pay for recovery disks10:13
a433bwithout reinstalling windwos 710:13
afidegnuma433b: install it :)10:13
KrisDouglasmrgotty, see my message.10:13
afidegnummrgotty: you want me to pay for the recorvery disc?10:13
a433bafidegnum: will resizing partitions10:13
a433bcorrupt ?10:13
KrisDouglasmrgotty, free: http://falconfour.wordpress.com/2011/03/12/falconfours-ultimate-boot-cdusb-4-5/10:13
GirlyGirlmrgotty: Or boot an ubuntu livecd and change the active boot partition10:13
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arlotheadmin i have see it, but his say dunno10:13
arloairtonix are you there?10:14
incorrectis it me or does vinagrea have a lot of features missing?10:14
theadminarlo: It seems like a problem with the router, but I have no idea why, it seems to be configured properly10:15
arlotheadmin is a mac adress?10:15
arloin roujter?10:15
mrgottythis has had me panicking haha10:16
mrgottythanks for help guys10:16
mrgottydownloading it with torrent hopefully it works10:17
mrgottyanyone got a better way of using ubuntu just incase i decide to use it again10:18
mrgottydidnt really like ubuntu because i found it easier to program in lua, on Windows10:18
dr_willisnot sure what you mean mrgotty10:18
mrgottylike in a sandbox or something10:18
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox10:18
mrgottythanks lol10:19
dr_willisno idea why lus would be easier on windows10:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:19
mrgottyis it actually better to program in Ubuntu or is it optional10:20
dubeyi have dell inspiron 5050 and installed ubuntu 10.04, but my resolution is not set properly10:20
dr_willismrgotty: im not clear on what you are progrmming for.10:20
mrgottyim a lua scripter10:21
dubeymy laptop supports 1366x768 and current is 1024x76810:21
dubeyhow can i increase it ?10:21
dr_willismrgotty:  and whats running the scripts10:21
mrgotty:S what Im asking is, for programmers, is ubuntu better or is it just optional10:22
dr_willismrgotty:  linux is to commonplsce and usefull to ignore10:22
mrgottyblaah im not sure, I think im just scared to use a new OS10:23
mrgottyiv always used windows10:23
mrgottyand iv only just started programming10:23
dr_willisget over it i guess.. ;)10:23
arlosomeone can help me with af problem10:24
dr_willislinux is just so usefull i so many ways for me10:24
mushyhello i am in netbuntu trying to format my windows hdd, but I am having problems mounting it fdisk -l lists only the flash drive /dev/sda110:24
arloi have a webserver but is not comming on my ip10:24
Amdpc<mrgotty> To become used to with Ubuntu It takes some time...Once you get used to it...You will forget Windows.10:24
mrgottyjust dont want my new laptop to break aswel haha, seems to be running between 60 - 75 degrees temperature10:24
mrgottywhich is weird10:24
mushyhow can i mount the hdd which I dont think has anything in it10:25
mushyso I can format it proper10:25
theadminmushy: No partitions?10:25
arlosomeone can help me with a teameiwer?10:25
GirlyGirlmrgotty: If you are new try a live cd of Ubuntu, and varriants like Kubuntu and see which one you like best. Kubuntu (by default) feels a bit like Windows10:25
theadminmushy: You have to format it first before mounting10:25
dr_willismrgotty:  theres some powersaving bugs  that may cause them to run warm10:25
mushyhow do I format it10:25
mushyI cannot find it10:25
mushywin7 cannot format it10:25
theadminmushy: It's under /dev and normally has a name of /dev/sdXY where X is a letter and Y is a number.10:25
Amdpc<mrgotty> Try Zorin OS...10:26
dr_willismushy:  does the bios show it?10:26
mushybecause my copy is not legit and its all together fail10:26
mushyso i went to my old copy that i know works10:26
mushybut the unlegit copy screwed something up10:26
mrgottyi used speedfan for windows to check it dr_willis10:26
hackbert130mushy try 'sudo gparted' on ubuntu live10:26
llutzarlo: check /etc/apache2/ports.conf  (Listen xxxx)  what does "sudo netstat -tulpen |grep :80" say10:26
almoxarifearlo: what is the issue?10:26
mushygparted only shows the flash drive10:27
hackbert130then u got a hardware issue10:27
hackbert130or the mbr got screwed10:27
hackbert130hard to recover10:27
dr_willisor some odd sata controller10:28
theadminAmdpc: "Once you get used to it...You will forget Windows.", and once you'll get used to other Linux distros you'll forget Ubuntu xD </offtopic>10:28
dr_willismushy:  windows sees the disk?10:28
mrgottyKrisDouglas: so how do I put this on USB and make sure it boots from USB?10:28
mushyi think i may try going back into the windows setup thing i might of had something not deleted, or deleted and not created im going to try that and back to linux to fdisk10:29
KrisDouglasmrgotty, It's a bit tricky to boot it from USB10:29
dr_willismrgotty:  theres a dozen tools at the pendrivelinux site to put the iso file on a usb10:29
yawhy is it that after i run 'sudo apt-get --purge remove librasqal210:29
yathen dpkg -l |grep rasqal still outputs  librasqal2 ?10:29
mrgottyits only way i can do it10:29
Amdpctheadmin : For example.. ?10:29
theadminAmdpc: May I pm you?10:29
KrisDouglasmrgotty, the windows recovery system isn't compatible with what dr_willis said.10:29
mushyyes but i am getting write errors now, from a legit copy, where ive been messing with an unlegit copy all day which i think messed up the mbr10:29
mushyor something10:30
Amdpctheadmin : Sure...10:30
truongapif i install ubuntu by wubi, will my computer be cooler?10:30
mrgottybut it says FalconFours ultimate boot, is usable with cd and USB10:30
KrisDouglasdr_willis, there is a readme file in the archive for once it's downloaded.10:30
dr_willis'write errors' could be the hd is failing also10:30
mrgottythe dvd drive on this laptop is not working so i have to use USB10:30
KrisDouglassorry, mrgotty, not dr_willis10:30
yawhy is it that after i run 'sudo apt-get --purge remove librasqal2 then dpkg -l |grep rasqal still outputs  librasqal2 ??10:30
KrisDouglasmrgotty, there is a readme file in the archive for once it's downloaded.10:30
mushyshould i buy a new hdd10:33
mushywould it save my receding hairline10:33
mushythat fking with this anymore10:33
KrisDouglasmushy, buying a new hard drive is expensive at the moment. They are all running at triple the price.10:33
KrisDouglasmushy, floods have damaged factories.10:34
mushyoh crap10:34
GirlyGirl!ot | KrisDouglas10:34
ubottuKrisDouglas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!10:34
mushymaybe if i got a tiny one, i could atleast get in and fix the one i got10:35
dr_willisssd drives and ubuntu = happy user10:35
salihlast week I went to check for a new HDD and the prises doubled !10:35
DarsVaedahi if a window got out of the screen with its menu bar, how do I get it back in screen?10:35
salihpres super + s10:35
salihgrab it10:36
mushythat is horrible i had no idea about the hdd price jump10:36
salihand moove to a screen10:36
dr_willisDarsVaeda:  you can see part of the window but not its titlebar?10:36
DarsVaedasalih: ah thanks10:36
salihno problem, it alwas hapens to Unity10:36
dr_willisDarsVaeda:  alt-click  also moves  if you see part of it10:36
mrgottyil let you know how i get on guys cya later10:36
mushyso no hdd brands are made outside japan or wherever the flood was10:37
mushyor does it not matter10:37
DarsVaedadr_willis: that is even better :)10:37
salihloosing focus + and moving windows far from edge are some of the remaining issues that should be fixed until 12.0410:37
oCeanmushy: this channel is for ubuntu support only. Please don't continue the hdd pricing issue here10:37
dr_willisDarsVaeda:  i got a tool that puts that feature in windows ;)10:38
DarsVaedadr_willis: windows what? :D10:38
salih<dr_willis> 'alt click' === Super !!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:38
dr_willisDarsVaeda:  its called 'kde sizer' for windows i recall10:39
dr_willisalt click been around for years..10:39
DarsVaedapreviously I simply clicked in the taskbar and selected move10:39
DarsVaedabut as the taskbar is gone ;)10:39
salihdr_willis: never knew :P10:39
dr_willisworks with every wm ive ever used. womder if its actually a x featre10:40
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vultrazhow can you backup/clone a another partition from ubuntu?10:40
scarleoHi, could someone help me paste their working /usr/share/applications/gufw.desktop (icon showing and app will actually launch) ? Thanks10:40
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LantiziaOK so I'm on 11.10 for the first time... on the "Additional Drivers" it shows that "NVIDIA accelerated graphics driver (version 173)" is already installed... why?  And whats more if it _was_ installed where is nvidia-settings?  The silly ubuntu "displays" gui doesn't think I have two monitors when I do.10:41
harsh343how to format the pendrive10:42
harsh343in ubuntu maharaj10:42
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dr_willisLantizia:  run nvidia-settings from a terminal?10:42
harsh343Hello all Friends10:42
zagabarI am programming an application that sends udp data over a specific port. I want to monitor this to make sure it is really sent. Is there a nice way I can monitor the eth0 for udp packages over a certain port?10:42
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DarsVaedathanks ppl :)10:43
Lantiziadr_willis, yeah that works but the tab on the nvidia-settings program for changing resolutions and screen layout doen't work... "Unable to load X Server Display Configuration page: Failed to query NoScanout for screen 0."10:43
NousrHi all. Can you help me with my English test?10:43
llutzzagabar: tcpdump (also catches udp)10:44
oCeanNousr: wrong channel10:44
harsh343How do I format a USB pen drive under Ubuntu10:44
llutzharsh343: sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdXY10:44
salihpress Dash10:44
salihtype disk10:44
salihyou will see disk utility10:45
zagabarllutz: Hmm tried that one. But didn't get any traffic. "tcpdump 'udp port 9999'" Would be correct? In that case I guess my application fails.10:45
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harsh343/dev/sdXY: No such file or directory10:45
harsh343 llutz10:45
salihuse the disk utility10:45
KrisDouglasLantizia, that happens to me too, I had to configure my settings manually, there is a guide for it on the ubuntu forums if you search for that error message10:45
salihdont use commands10:45
KrisDouglasharsh343, use the "Disk Utility" it's really handy10:45
harsh343KrisDouglas, how10:46
KrisDouglasare you suing unity?10:46
llutzharsh343: sdXY is your flashdrive, replace with actual device10:46
llutzzagabar: check your app then10:47
harsh343KrisDouglas, when i del through error occur device busy10:48
harsh343disk utility10:49
dr_willisharsh343:  unmount it first10:49
KrisDouglasclick "unmount volume"10:50
harsh343KrisDouglas, same error again after unmount10:50
KrisDouglascould the device be faulty?10:51
deej1976harsh343: pastebin cat /proc/partitions10:52
dr_willisor hes on the wrong disk..10:53
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/abjVUw8h hello10:53
harsh343KrisDouglas, i don't no10:54
harsh343dr_willis, i am on the right disk10:54
deej1976harsh343: 8Gb usb stick?10:54
harsh343deej1976, yes10:54
dr_willisyou dont have any terminals or file managees open that are accessing the disk? close them all out10:55
deej1976harsh343: disk parition /dev/sdb110:55
deej1976harsh343: sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdb110:55
harsh343deej1976, now ?10:56
harsh343deej1976, I run this command twice first time nothing happens second time mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system.10:58
Malamenwould anyone explian this situation to me?10:58
Malamenroot@crm:/opt# du -sm * | sort -n10:58
Malamen1       copia.sh10:58
FloodBot1Malamen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:58
mushyokay i got gparted to find to hdd surely if i install linux onto it, that will fix the mbr problems10:58
mushyand when i go to install the windows next time10:58
mushyit will work?10:59
dr_willismushy:  unless its actually a drive failing problem...10:59
deej1976harsh343: sudo umount /dev/sda110:59
mushybut it will fail with linux right10:59
Malamenroot@crm:/opt# du -sm * | sort -n10:59
Malamen1       copia.sh10:59
Malamen1       lost+found10:59
Malamen3       AcertaTelefones.jar10:59
Malamen85      teamviewer10:59
FloodBot1Malamen: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:59
Malamen90      postgresql-8.1.410:59
Malamen109     datastudio10:59
KrisDouglasmushy, if the disk is actually functioning correctly.10:59
mushyi will know that now though right10:59
mushywith linux10:59
harsh343deej1976, umount: /dev/sda1: not mounted10:59
deej1976!pastebin | Malamen11:00
ubottuMalamen: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:00
NorthwoodsIs there any GUI tool for images to swf11:00
dr_willismushy:  if part of the hd is failig that you are not useing. it might not.. untill the hd gets filled to that spot11:00
NorthwoodsImages to swf11:00
MalamenPlease someone help me with this problem11:00
dr_willisMalamen:  what is the actual problem?11:00
KrisDouglaswhat is the problem Malamen11:00
deej1976harsh343: does df show it mounted ? if not try the mkfs command from above11:01
NorthwoodsIs there any GUI tool for images to swf ?11:01
Malamenthe problem is a diference of about 50G11:01
fuzzybunny69yhey guys you know when you have files and you are changing  permissions what and they can be like 777 and stuff like that well what does it mean when it is 100644?11:01
mushyokay trying to install linux i got this error moving forward from live cd -   error fsyncing/closing /dev/sda:input/output error11:01
Malamenthe problem is a diference of about 50GBs between the du results in the same folder11:01
mushydoes that sound like the drive is failing11:01
dr_willisNorthwoods:  perhaps ffmpeg or mencoder11:01
KrisDouglas!repeat | northwoods11:01
ubottunorthwoods: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:01
coz_Northwoods,  I believe it is jpeg2swf s however I is not a gui tool11:01
dr_willismushy:  sounds possible11:01
harsh343deej1976, I am trying but not able to format \11:02
coz_Northwoods,  there is also png2swf11:02
mushyif i ignore each time it goes further but it keeps popping up11:02
coz_Northwoods,  also search for  swftools  in general11:02
mushyi thought my windows had a virus but its just been the drive failingthe whole time i am guessing11:02
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/Z6bek5MU11:03
dr_willismushy:  as a dirty work around you could make different partitions and perhaps just not use the partition that has the failing sectors...11:03
deej1976harsh343: Can you pastebin : the output of df, and the complete mkfs command and output11:03
harsh343deej1976, output of df already paste11:03
mushydr_willis, how would i zero in on that11:03
deej1976harsh343: It's mounted /media/HARSH11:04
mushythats a lot of ground to cover11:04
skypentHello, firefox is giving me a "already running" pop-up.  Wondering if there is a terminal command to close firefox11:04
MonkeyDustskypent  pkill firefox11:04
deej1976harsh343: you need to umount it first "sudo umount /media/HARSH"11:04
skypentMonkeyDust: Thanks11:04
KrisDouglasMalamen, so what was the problem?11:04
dr_willismushy:  check dmesg command for some block/cylider info. if you are lucky you could partion the drives into quarters and tey the 2,3,4th partitions. ;)11:04
tawtawafter i login to X my keyboard starts acting up, it keeps switching numlock on and off so i cannot type without getting numbers etc in my text11:04
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/NLh667fg11:05
dr_willismushy:  i would not trust that drive with imporntant data11:05
MalamenKris - take a look ok the past link  http://paste.ubuntu.com/755888/11:06
Malamenthe show the diferrence bettween the result of 2 commands "du" atรฉ same folder11:06
mushydr_willis, dmesg gave 1000s of lines of IO error11:06
Malamenwhere is a difference of 50GigaBytes bettween them11:06
harsh343deej1976, not able to format the pendrive11:07
harsh343my data remains same in pendrive11:07
tawtawso strange11:07
dr_willismushy:  not a good sig. notice any cylider/block/ info?11:07
harsh343tawtaw, yes really11:07
deej1976harsh343: Can you umount the drive?11:08
harsh343deej1976, yes sudo umount /media/HARSH11:08
harsh343I umount the drive11:08
deej1976harsh343: and df shows that it is umounted?11:08
mushydr_willis, is that sector?11:09
harsh343deej1976, df show mounted on /dev/sda6             81638100    140736  81497364   1% /media/New Volume11:09
MalamenKrisDouglas: u there ?11:09
mushydr_willis what portion of the error is the cylinder/block listed11:09
deej1976harsh343: you only need to umount and check that /dev/sdb1 is umounted11:10
mushyya know... nevermind i am going to bite the bullet and buy a new hdd11:10
mushythanks for the help11:11
dr_willisbye all.. bbl11:11
oCeanMalamen: what might have happened that a (huge) file is deleted while something was still writing to it? Is /opt size still growing?11:11
MalamenAnybody there would help me with my problem discribed at http://paste.ubuntu.com/755888/ ?11:11
Anomie21Is there an easy way to move the unity launcher to the bottom? It keeps popping up when I'm hitting the back button (in chrome)11:12
sferauQuick question - I am getting the error "Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: libusb-1.0-0 (>= 2:1.0.8)" - does this mean I need version 1.0 of libusb, or one greater than the one in brackets?11:12
deej1976Malamen: Does ls -lart show hidden files ?11:12
oCeanMalamen: I just answered11:12
MalamenoCean: hi]11:12
MalamenoCean: Ok i already fifured that, but how to fix it?11:12
MalamenoCean: Ok i already figured that. but how to fix it?11:12
oCeanMalamen: use  lsof -n | grep deleted11:13
kesI'm having a small problem with upstart and was wondering if this was the right place to ask or if there is a more specific place to go?11:13
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/SbbPrQjp11:13
dotriversomebody know ubuntu-tweak ?11:13
MonkeyDustdotriver  yes11:13
oCeanMalamen: if a file is still being accessed ^that command should show the open (but deleted) file11:13
MalamenoCean: hummm interesting11:13
dotriverMonkeyDust, do you know if it works with kde (trinity) ?11:13
deej1976harsh343: Now try the mkfs command from above11:14
beluga_I'm wondering why my system has 24-bit color depth by default. When I changed it to 32 in xorg.conf in Linux Mint 12, my system was unable to boot up at all. Will it fail in Ubuntu 11.10 in the same way?11:14
MonkeyDustdotriver  can't say, i know it works with both ubuntu and linuxmint, that's all11:14
MalamenoCean: The command showed me some deleted files. But none of those are in the /opt folder11:15
harsh343deej1976, i try this again11:15
harsh343sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sdb1 but not formated11:16
dotriverMonkeyDust, do you know who can have some informations about tweak and kde ?11:16
deej1976harsh343: Can you pastebin the complete output11:16
oCeanMalamen: hm, in that case the process that (might have been) writing to a file has ended11:16
Pumpkin-Malamen: does "sync" help. Doubt it, but worth a shot.11:16
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/gaaaPChq11:16
oCeanMalamen: and now I don't have an idea how to reclaim that space.11:16
AscavasaionHOw do I check how much RAM my computer has from the commandline?11:17
MonkeyDustdotriver  unfortunately not, maybe someone else can help11:17
coz_Ascavasaion,  try   free -m11:18
keswhen I make a job in upstart, it does not actually start. what appears to happen when starting it manually is that the output of the service includes the text "name: :0". now when starting it through upstart and logging what happens my output halts on "name: " and 5 seconds later upstarts terminates the job... how can this be solved?11:18
MonkeyDustdotriver  why not try it yourself, it makes you the expert11:18
deej1976harsh34: pastebin : mount | grep /dev/sdb111:18
bobweaverHello there everytime that i try to install ubuntu grub wont install onto the /dev/sdX is there a way arounf this ?11:18
Ascavasaioncoz_: Thank you, that worked perfectly :)11:18
deej1976harsh34: I think it's been format and automatically mount again11:18
coz_Ascavasaion,  excellent :)11:18
bobweaverit installes just not grub11:18
MyrttiAscavasaion: just as a followup: http://www.linuxatemyram.com/11:18
AscavasaionTa Myrtti11:19
bobweaverso I booted live cd and re-installed grub and still nothing on boot but grub comand line11:20
coz_bobweaver,  did you do   sudo update grub11:21
bobweaverthis is ubuntu 11.10 that I am talking about cd is from canonical11:21
bobweavercoz_:  no I can not get in11:21
coz_bobweaver,  I meant after reinstalling grub11:22
bobweavercoz I chroot the sdaX and to try to but still nothing11:22
harsh343deej1976, there ?11:22
coz_bobweaver,   ah ok,,, I am still up in the air with grub2  in terms of understanding all of it,, if no one here has a solution you could also try #grub channel11:22
bobweavercoz after I re-install grub I still can not boot to either sda1 or sda711:22
deej1976harsh343: yes11:23
AscavasaionI have an old AMD Duron 1300MHz PC with 384Mb RAM.  I might be able to get my hands on 3 x 256 = 768Mb RAM.  I presume the old thing will run reasonably better with the jump from 384Mb to 768Mb RAM?11:23
harsh343deej1976, what i can do now ?11:23
coz_bobweaver,  but just after reinstalling it and before restarting did you do the command   sudo update-grub??..yes?11:23
deej1976harsh343: Is the drive empty?11:23
bobweavercoz yes sir11:23
harsh343deej1976, no there is some data11:23
hasufellcoz_: grub2 is not that difficult to understand. you just dont configure it via the grub.cfg itself, but via /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d files11:23
bobweaverI got nothing back11:23
harsh343small size of data11:24
coz_bobweaver,  ok then  try #grub  channel  if no one here has a solution at the moment11:24
MalamenoCean, oh man I'm screwd11:24
harsh343deej1976, I think this may be protected11:24
deej1976harsh34: pastebin : mount | grep /dev/sdb111:24
MalamenAnybody else please help me with this problem >>> http://paste.ubuntu.com/755888/11:26
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/tQ7NC2TP11:27
deej1976Malamen: cd /opt ; ls -lart | pastebinit11:28
JunkyMonkeyhey guys how can i add  a route for certain traffic. i want to only route ICMP traffic to a certain adaptor11:28
deej1976harsh343: It's mount read/write and is formatted vfat (fat32)11:29
deej1976harsh343: What more do you want?11:29
cofeineSunshineJunkyMonkey: mark packets with iptables and -j DNAT them11:29
harsh343deej1976, how can i format11:29
JunkyMonkeycofeineSunshine: thanks11:29
deej1976harsh343: ls -lart /media/HARSH | pastebinit11:30
MonkeyDustdeej1976  type that in a terminal, you'll get u url, paste that here11:31
harsh343deej1976, `http://pastebin.com/kJcwFNLh11:31
deej1976MonkeyDust: It's an instruction to harsh34311:31
deej1976MonkeyDust: I've become and old hand at requesting information from users :D11:32
luisthey im trying to mirror a 10.04 repoโ€ฆ can anyone help me with these GPG errors? http://pastie.org/294897911:33
harsh343MonkeyDust, Hello happy Christmas in Advance11:34
LEEFhi there11:35
LEEFcan someone help me with freeradius on ubuntu11:35
LEEFI'm looking for the directory raddb in ubuntu.. for config the ca.cnf server.cnf files11:35
hiwkhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 with the default unity interface. how can I alllow my mobile phone to send a file via bluetooth to my computer? I have paired the devices (initiated from the phone), but file send fails11:35
deej1976harsh343: In the terminal run: sudo palimpsest11:35
harsh343deej1976, diskutility open11:36
Malamendeej1976: http://pastebin.com/cXiVrUAC11:36
deej1976harsh343: Can you see your USB pendrive?11:37
harsh343deej1976, now ?11:37
deej1976harsh343: Click it, and click option Unmount Volume11:37
LEEFcan someone help me, i'm looking for the directory raddb (freeradius) in ubuntu.. for config the ca.cnf server.cnf files11:37
harsh343LEEF, patience11:38
deej1976Malamen: sudo du -sm .Trash-100011:39
deej1976harsh343: "Format volume"11:39
harsh343deej1976, I try this at the starting but not able to format my pendrive11:40
Polwar|mobileAnyone here?11:40
harsh343by going throug dash11:41
luisthey im trying to mirror a 10.04 repoโ€ฆ can anyone help me with these GPG errors? http://pastie.org/294897911:41
proxxbtw does anyone know how to flush the static ip settings from ifconfig ???11:41
Polwar|mobileCan someone help me out please?11:41
proxxPolwar|mobile; just ask11:41
harsh343deej1976, Error creating file system: helper exited with exit code 1: Error calling fsync(2) on /dev/sdb1: Input/output error11:41
Polwar|mobileIt's not ubuntu related though11:41
deej1976!ot | Polwar|mobile11:41
ubottuPolwar|mobile: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:42
Polwar|mobileAn android question11:42
harsh343Polwar|mobile, all are here11:42
harsh343Polwar|mobile, #android11:42
Cindy1Hi, Is HP Pavilion Notebook pc with intel pentium M cpu 1.6ghz, 768mb ram, 60gb hdd be able to dual boot windows XP & Ubuntu 11.10?11:42
JunkyMonkeycofeineSunshine: could you tell me what is wrong with this command "iptables -p icmp -j ACCEPT --out-interface tun0"11:42
JunkyMonkeycofeineSunshine: i am trying to forward ICMP traffic through the device tun011:43
proxxCindy1; yes11:43
dubeyhow to change screen resolution in ubuntu 10.04 ?11:43
Polwar|mobileIs it still possible to find a pre ginderbread version of clockworkmod recovery?11:43
deej1976harsh343: This should work, your Pendrive could be breaking, can you try another one?11:43
coz_Cindy1,  there should be no real issues in terms of installation and booting,,, which video card is onboard?11:43
harsh343deej1976, no11:43
dubeyi tried it using desktop option but i found that my current resolution is 1024x768, But my laptop supports 1366x76811:44
dubeyhow can change it ?11:44
oCeanPolwar|mobile: we told you not to ask android questions here11:44
harsh343deej1976, may be i think so11:44
harsh343deej1976, thanks again for coperate me11:45
proxxJunkyMonkey; must it not be " --in-interface ""??11:45
akemdoes anyone know if LSM is compiled into the default kernel for Ubuntu? ENABLE DIFFERENT SECURITY MODELS and SOCKET AND NETWORKING SECURITY HOOKS ?11:45
JunkyMonkeyproxx: i thought in-interface is the interface the traffic come in on, i want to send ICMP traffic from my computer and force it through tun011:46
Cindy1coz: the last time i tried Ubuntu 11.04 live cd... it didnt boot properly. I got blank screen.11:46
dubeyanyone ?11:47
proxxJunkyMonkey; im to unsure to give you anything real , sorry, been too long11:48
JunkyMonkeyproxx: thanks anyway11:48
coz_Cindy1,  oh!  mm did you try 11.04?11:48
coz_Cindy1,  sorry didnt read that correctly11:48
Polwar|mobileCan someone tell me the command for forgot password then so I can identify please?11:48
JunkyMonkeyif i want to use iptables to forward ICMP trafffic to my tun0 network device what would the command be11:48
oCeanPolwar|mobile: /join #freenode channel for that please11:48
JunkyMonkeythis command seem to fail: iptables -p icmp -j ACCEPT --out-interface tun011:49
coz_Cindy1,  do you know which video card is onboard?  which operating system is on the computer right now?11:49
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Polwar|mobileK sorry everyone just my normal channel everyone is out I didn't mean to perturb anyone11:49
=== Dawny is now known as Dawn262
Cindy1coz_: windows xp. I have no idea what video card is onboard.11:50
proxxCindy1; is there an ati or nvidia sticker on ur machine ?11:51
coz_Cindy1,  got to system information  , as I recall it is under accessories sytem infor11:51
proxxJunkyMonkey; there must be a networking channel around here maybe there are ppl there ....11:52
Cindy1proxx: no. only sticker of Windows XP & Intel Centrino11:52
coz_Cindy1,  I have xp onboard here,,, let me log in to that and I will come back with location of the video card hold on11:53
proxxcindy1 whats the model of ur machine ?11:54
Dawn262I had terrible trouble when I tried to load 11.04 onto my Dell.   It was the video.  It is important that you get the right drivers for yours right off.  I don't remember how I got it, but did.11:54
Cindy1proxx: HP Pavilion DV1005ap11:54
proxx Intel Extreme Graphics 2, 14.011:55
bobweaverCindy1: have you checked the md5sum of the cd/whatever? also have you looked at lubuntu ?11:55
proxxaccording to some website, intel graphics often work just fine11:56
proxxgo ahead an install it :)11:56
proxxCindy1; btw maybe unity it a bit heavy on this machine , and i would suggest, using ubuntu 11.0411:57
Cindy1bobweaver: yes. idi check md5sum. Anyway i'll try lubuntu if ubuntu 11.10 doesn't work.11:57
coz_Cindy1,  did you find it? if not go to start menu...control panel...click system... then the hardware tab  and expand the "Display adaptor"11:58
Cindy1proxx: Ubuntu 11.04 didn't work on my computer.11:58
proxxCindy1; why was that, just curious ?11:59
LEEFCindy, try linux mint....its very nice ubuntu based distr12:00
coz_there is also elementary Jupiter   but this is offtopic :)12:00
coz_hey back12:02
proxxthats all nice, but if ubuntu didnt work for a particular reason ....12:02
Cindy1coz_: Intel(R) 82852 / 82855 GM/GME Graphic Controller12:02
niftylettuceMajor bug for i915 graphic drivers (Intel i3 2nd Generation namely)...12:02
mrgottyKrisDouglas: how do i use that boot prog as a recovery disk?12:02
niftylettuceit is trying to use i965 DRI versus i915 DRI, and a Symbolic Link breaks it12:03
coz_Cindy1,   ok the intel video chip may be the reason,, i am not up on intel chip numbers but it is likely that was the issue with 11.0412:03
coz_Cindy1,  did the live cd run ok?12:03
niftylettuceI'm unsure if I should just symbolic link12:04
Cindy1coz_ : the live cd didn't boot properly.12:04
puppyciao ho un problema con xampp (lampp)12:05
coz_Cindy1,  ok. did you check the md5sum of the iso image before burning it to cd?12:05
Cindy1coz_: yes.12:05
Cindy1coz_: what's the recomended system requirement (not the min requirement) for Ubuntu 11.10?12:06
coz_Cindy1,  mm.. there is an alternative  and that would be the minimal install cd which is 19 megs.. it installs via the internet,, so little chance of burn errors,, however I am still guessing it may be the  intel video chip,,, you probably should try the minimal just to test,, or as suggested, there are other ubunt derivitives12:07
RoadsterGThow can i deactivate and blacklist the OSS module?12:07
Malamendeej1976: Thanks12:07
coz_Cindy1,   your system is fine interms of requirements,, it's that darn intel video chip that I am questioning12:07
deej1976Malamen: Did you find the missing Gb's12:07
coz_Cindy1,   elementary  Jupiter is a minimal ubuntu derivitive,, it may work12:08
Cindy1coz_: Ok. Thanks12:08
coz_Cindy1,  i would experiment with the minimal install cd first12:08
Malamendeej1976: Thanks. I havent paid atention on "du -sm" was not counting hidden items12:08
coz_Cindy1,  if that does not boot,, you could change the boot sequence  by adding   nomodeset  to it12:09
Malamendeej1976: realy thanks12:09
coz_!nomodeset | Cindy112:09
ubottuCindy1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter12:09
Cindy1coz_ : thanks for the info.12:09
coz_Cindy1,  if ubuntu is already installed , try the nomodeset first12:09
coz_ankur,  hey12:09
Cindy1ubottu: I got blank screen,  even after waiting for 10 minutes. Thanks for the tips.12:11
ubottuCindy1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:11
ankurhey coz_, guys, I have a simple query. how do I let my windows see my /home folder. i have enabled sharing in folders of home yet I dont see them .12:11
ankurI have followed this guide http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-ubuntu-shared-folders-windows-712:12
ankuryet I dont see ubuntu folders in windows ?12:13
bobweaver\o/ got grub back !12:13
Cindy1coz_ : i didn't install 11.04, just tried the live cd. Is Ubuntu 11.10 more stable than 11.04 or should I istall 10.04LTS insted of the 11.10minimal isntall?12:15
hayloxhey i like that 11.04 alright12:15
coz_Cindy1,  to be safe,, LTS is always the way to go..12:16
ankuranyone knows about sharing files in ubuntu with windows 7 ??12:16
coz_Cindy1,   I am on 11.04  at the moment12:16
coz_Cindy1,  and 11.04 is also LTS12:16
dlitvakankur:  use Samba fileserver... or a shared partition on NTFS12:18
ankurI am using samaba only , and followed this guide, http://www.7tutorials.com/how-access-ubuntu-shared-folders-windows-7 , but it doesnt help12:19
=== Esquire is now known as Esquire2
Cindy1coz_ : 11.04 didn't work for me. Between 10.04LTS and 11.10, which one would you suggest i try?12:19
coz_Cindy1,  10.0412:19
_jasonCindy1: use latest stable unless you have a reason to use LTS12:19
coz_Cindy1, ` I believe it may be out of support however12:19
szalwhat's the fastest way to find out the device node of a newly attached USB storage device?12:20
_jasonszal: dmesg I guess12:20
Cindy1_jason: what's the recommended system requirement (not the min requirement)  for the latest stable?12:21
_jasonCindy1: I don't know12:22
appi_uppiis it known issues12:22
harsh343deej1976, when i copy some data in my pendrive error message happens input output error12:22
ubottuHardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu12:22
deej1976harsh343: Sounds like your Pendrive is failing12:22
_jasonCindy1: those are the *recommended* minimum system requirements on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements12:23
harsh343deej1976, but it works fine in the afternoon12:23
harsh343may be damage but i check more than 2-3 sytems in my office12:23
Cindy1ubottu : Which of the 2 would you suggest? Xubuntu or Lubuntu?12:24
ubottuCindy1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:24
dr_willisCindy1:  depends on your systemspecs.12:25
proxxcindy1 lxde will have the most natural feel , when compared to gnome/kde12:25
proxxspecs are fine12:25
deej1976harsh343: sudo tail -f /var/log/kern.log12:25
dr_willisCindy1:  Lubuntu is the most light on resoruces. its also not as 'fancy'12:25
_jasonCindy1: how much ram do you have?12:25
dr_willisbut its simpiler...12:25
deej1976harsh343: Then plug in your pendrive and try to write to it.12:25
Cindy1_jason : 768mb RAM12:25
_jasonCindy1: try both (and maybe even regular ubuntu too) and see what you like.  You can install one version, then install the others using the package manager (sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop for example).  By the way, ram is relatively cheap nowadays if you want to speed up your computer a bit12:27
Cindy1dr_willis: HP Pavillion Notebook PC, CPU 1.6 Ghz Pentium M, 768mb RAM12:27
dr_willisCindy1:  id go for lubunt12:27
proxxive ran ubuntu on a machine like that, little more ram though, works oke, not brilliant, but oke, with LXDE or XFCE it flies :)12:28
MonkeyDusti can't find a lubuntu download site12:28
_jasonCindy1: what's the model number for your laptop?12:29
Cindy1_jason: HP Pavilion  DV1005ap12:29
MonkeyDust!lubuntu > MonkeyDust12:29
ubottuMonkeyDust, please see my private message12:29
dr_willisis lubuntu actually 'officially' a variant now? :) its sort of a grey area last i looked...12:30
kesblatant advertising of own help forum post: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889361 have a problem starting service with upstart12:30
Cindy1proxx: Is Lubuntu  LXDE?12:30
dr_willisCindy1:  yes.12:30
dr_williskes:  you may want to check askubuntu.com also12:31
pkugHi there, I need to create Ubuntu USB stick but I haven't any compatible OS at the moment (only NetBSD and OpenBSD), is it possible to just download an .img file and simply dd it (copy) to USB stick device ?12:31
keson my way willis :)12:31
_jasonCindy1: 1gb of ram for your laptop is about 30 bucks12:31
dr_willispkug:  for 11.10 you can use 'dd' to image the iso file to the flash. no special tools needed12:31
dr_willispkug:  that only works with 11.10 - not the earlier ubuntu releases12:32
proxxpkug; sure that  is possible, or check out if there is a unetbootin port12:32
Cindy1dr_willis: between Ubuntu 10.04LTS and Lubuntu 11.10, which would you suggest?12:32
pkugdr_willis, great! didn't know that, thanks.12:32
dr_willisCindy1:  go with the latest lubuntu ytou can do.12:32
szalCindy1: that entirely depends on your needs12:32
MonkeyDusttesting lubuntu in vbox12:33
proxxCindy1; id say not 10.10 coz unity might be to much on ur machine, unless, you try an other desktop, i would say gnomeclassis on 11.0412:33
_jasonCindy1: it's not unreasonable to just try them and use what you like, it's entirely subjective as to which one you will prefer12:33
dr_willisdepends on what you are going to do with the machine also12:33
szalproxx: afaics, 10.10 and 11.04 were out of the question ;)12:34
proxxyeah because of the graphics, but if u use the right boot parameters thing will be different12:35
BluesKajHiyas all12:35
Cindy1dr_willis: I had problem running Ubuntu 11.04 so i'll try Lubuntu now. Thanks12:37
gulzar anybody can translate this page.. or give me the torrent file. http://nnm-club.ru/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41680712:37
dr_willisgulzar:  google has a translation feature12:37
gulzardr_willis: umm OK12:38
Cindy1Thank you for all the answers. Appreciate all your help. Got to go now.12:38
harsh343deej1976, new error destination is read only12:39
abdo84Hello All.12:41
abdo84I have an array of disks with the same manufacturer. one of them has been failed.12:42
abdo84Now I want to disconnect it without physical disconnection12:42
proxxwhen i have static ips configured with ifconfig ... how do i flush those out ???12:43
abdo84I tried 'hdparm' commands12:43
deej1976harsh343: I can't help any more with this, I've gone through two methods of formatting it with you unsuccessfully. If you have access to a windows machine in the office try formatting it there.12:43
abdo84can anyone advise me to  a proper solution? thanks in advance .12:43
dr_willisabdo84:  it may help if you tell the channel how they are 'array'ed together.12:44
a904ciao a tutti12:45
BluesKajproxx, pls explain flush those out12:45
abdo84dr_willis: it just a naming of my disks. you can simulate it as sda sdb sdc and sdd with the same hardware and manufacturer.12:45
a904hello to everybody12:45
a904somebody can help me?12:46
a904I need to find excercise of c12:46
a904with array12:46
a904and function12:46
abdo84dr_willis: sdb has been failed. now I want tot disconnect it using a linux command.12:46
MonkeyDusta904  ask in #c++12:47
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do12:47
abdo84a904: http://www.google.com.eg/#hl=en&cp=26&gs_id=22&xhr=t&q=array+programs+in+c+examples&pq=c+array+programs+examples&pf=p&sclient=psy-ab&source=hp&pbx=1&oq=c+array+programs+examples+&aq=0b&aqi=g-b1&aql=&gs_sm=&gs_upl=&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.,cf.osb&fp=72459621fd04eff6&biw=1920&bih=101812:48
deej1976a904: Try googling c array tutorial12:48
niftylettuceciao a904, io ho bisogno andare a dormire12:48
dr_willisabdo84:  just dont mount it then?  im not sure of a way to turn 'off' an attatched hard drive. cant say ive ever tried.12:49
szal!cn | ypsjd12:51
ubottuypsjd: ๅฆ‚ๆฌฒ็ฒๅพ—ไธญๆ–‡็š„ๅ”ๅŠฉ๏ผŒ่ซ‹่ผธๅ…ฅ /join #ubuntu-cn ๆˆ– /join #ubuntu-tw12:51
pookeyhi all - if ufw is saying 'ERROR: Could not get listening status (are you root?)', whne I do a 'show listening', but I am root.. how might I go about debugging this?12:52
=== ilia_ is now known as iformalsky
harsh343deej1976, I also try from windows but error is permission denied I think my pendrive is corrupted12:53
harsh343Wel thanks for the help tk cr12:53
=== babilen_ is now known as babilen
dr_willispookey:  whats the exact command you are using?12:59
pookeyufw show listening12:59
dr_willis'sudo ufw show listening' ?12:59
MonkeyDustpookey type sudo afw status12:59
MonkeyDustpookey type sudo ufw status*12:59
pookeyththat works12:59
pookeydr_willis: I'm root13:00
dr_willispookey:  try it with sudo anyway as your admin user.13:00
pookeydr_willis:  it makes no difference, why would it? :)13:01
dr_willispookey:  to PROVE it...13:01
pookeyok :)13:01
dr_willisstart fresh from a new terminal. that way anything else you mayve have done wont be messing things up.13:02
kesso long kids13:02
dr_willis'sudo ufw show listening'  definatly is working here.13:02
pookeynope, same as13:02
pookeydr_willis: I know it works, it worked on this machine before hand, but.. it's stopped13:03
dr_willisand the status output shows?13:03
dr_williswhat output.....13:03
dr_willisand...    sudo service ufw status13:03
Dj_FlyBy[ms]hmmm, that is interesting... My Ubuntu 10.04 was in screensaver mode and when I plugged in my iPhone to charge it the desktop came up automagically thus bypassing my screensaver's password lock. I've never seen this happen before...13:05
pookeydr_willis: it shows my rules as expected, and the service is running as expected13:05
mushyHello, how do I configure it so ubuntu's update manager when I select upgrade (to 11.10)  how do I make it keep my current data intact and just upgrade the system13:06
mushyI do not want it to lose my data13:06
sergoEst Ruski ?13:06
szal!ru | sergo13:07
ubottusergo: ะŸะพะถะฐะปัƒะนัั‚ะฐ ะฝะฐะฑะตั€ะธั‚ะต /join #ubuntu-ru ะดะปั ะฟะพะปัƒั‡ะตะฝะธั ะฟะพะผะพั‰ะธ ะฝะฐ ั€ัƒััะบะพะผ ัะทั‹ะบะต. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:07
inad922_Where is the default shell defined in ubuntu?13:07
dr_willisproof that iphones are evil? :)13:07
inad922_as I read gnome terminal looks for that when starting and I wold like to set it to bash instead of tcsh13:07
dr_willismushy:  what 'data' are you refering to?13:07
Dj_FlyBy[ms]dr_willis: one might have to agree. That could be a potential security risk I assume13:07
inad922_iphones are good. I just curse myself I didn't buy one..13:07
dr_willismushy:  data worth keeping is data worth backing up.13:08
inad922_ow and don't buy lg optimus 2x13:08
mushythe files on my desktop and the user files in their folders13:08
inad922_it's crappy13:08
dr_willisinad922_:  the chsh command i belive.13:08
inad922_thanks dr_willis13:08
=== Spacewalker_ is now known as Spacewalker
Dj_FlyBy[ms]inad922_: you can buy mine, lol I have never been so unsatisfied with a smartphone in my life until I bought this iPhone413:08
dr_willisinad922_:  you could set gnome-terminal with differnt priofiles to launch differnt shells.13:08
mushydr_willis, i know, but I dont want it to delete it13:09
dr_willismushy:  a upgrade shouldent touch the users files in their home dir.13:09
mushyit has every time I have used it13:09
inad922_dr_willis: I don't have sudo for that here(workplace..) Is there any other way to do that?13:09
dr_willismushy:  i think you are wrong.. theres nothign the uprades do to alter files in /home/*13:09
inad922_Dj_FlyBy[ms]: You don't like it?13:10
dr_willisinad922_:  a user can set their own shell as far as i know.13:10
Dj_FlyBy[ms]inad922_: not at all... I miss the days when Treo was the king!13:10
mushydr_willis, well I will back it up, when i come back and its gone can I tell you you were wrong13:10
inad922_Dj_FlyBy[ms]: lol I used cheap nokia phones before. I was more satisfied with them too.13:10
dr_willismushy:  i imagine theres 100;s of people in here that have done upgrades.. and nothing in their home was touched.13:10
YaUbuis it possible to get gthumb to zoom with the mouse wheel?13:10
Dj_FlyBy[ms]mushy: I'm not entirely sure how you are going about it, but I updated mine last week and all my $HOME files were still there13:11
ishwonhello guys, a friend of mine got a pretty weird problem. he can't type character 'e' in terminal.13:11
ishwonany ideas?13:11
dr_willismushy:  what exactly did it 'touch' in your home?13:11
inad922_dr_willis: Yeah but how can you do that. I can only issue a limited set of commands with sudo and chsh is not among them.13:11
dr_willisinad922_:  then they got you locked down it seems.13:11
MonkeyDustmushy  if your /home is on a separate partition, you can safely upgrade, but dont format /home, of course13:11
pookeydr_willis: think I've tracked it down - bug in ufw13:11
mushyokay I am going to make a new backup but i have done it twice before and it it was like a fresh install13:11
dr_willisinad922_:  try running just 'bash' ?13:11
inad922_dr_willis: Yeah I can do that but I want to make gnome-terminal to start bash when I open it or open a new tab13:12
inad922_Dj_FlyBy[ms]: Palm is totally dead btw?13:12
deej1976mushy: I 2nd dr_willis, have upgrade several machine with no effect to /home, but as said if it's important to you back it up.13:12
Dj_FlyBy[ms]mushy: first rule of thumb regardless of any situation is to : backup backup backup13:12
dr_willisinad922_:  gnome-terminal has specific profiles you can use.13:12
elkngis the "ubuntu" distro the only canonical's product or are there things it involved into ?13:12
elkngare there othere things it involved to ?13:13
dr_williselkng:  they sell 'support' :)  and theres their music store.13:13
mushyhey whats the gnome gui partition thing13:13
Dj_FlyBy[ms]inad922_: might as well be dead.... they screwed themselves with the release of the last treo; it was a horrible piece of junk compared to all their previous smartphones13:13
mushyi just used it an hour ago13:13
pookeydr_willis: if you run nfs, it breaks that output13:14
elkngso main function of canonical is to polish/improve *buntu ?13:14
inad922_Dj_FlyBy[ms]: Why what did they mess up? I haven't really used any Palm products so I can't really compare.13:14
inad922_dr_willis: Yeah but I can't really set the shell to use in the profile settings13:14
inad922_dr_willis: Or maybe I'm just too stupid to do that.13:14
Dj_FlyBy[ms]inad922_: everything, lol... it was such a total letdown that I moved to the iPhone.... should've went to a BB though13:14
Ehsan26Hi can I share my DVD RW ? I dont want others to be able to burn just read disks13:15
jonteHey, is there any way I can get the "Super+num-key" window placement features of "3d unity" w/ 2d unity (w/o compiz) ?13:15
inad922_Dj_FlyBy[ms]: Yeah BB seems to be a good choice. Android is flawed too btw. At least for me it just doesn't cut it.13:15
Dj_FlyBy[ms]inad922_ give androids a few years; they are still premature and wet behind the ears...13:16
skypentGetting weird warning on startup.  Something about not being able to find /tmp drive or does not exist.  Retry, skip, ignore are my options.  Everything freezes my system except for ignore.  Anyone know of this?13:16
mushywait besides my swap i have one big partition which is mounted how would i go about resizing that?13:17
dr_willisinad922_:  'command to run.... 'bash' '13:17
mushysays its in use and such13:17
inad922_Dj_FlyBy[ms]: Yeah maybe it's true. But somehow they just need to tame the background processes or let the user somehow renice them or something because they are making it slow a lot of times. On other news Intents is a big invention. It's better than dbus imho.13:18
Mcl0vinis there any way i can use tabs with xterm13:18
inad922_dr_willis: ow that might be a good solution.13:18
dr_willisinad922_:  :) set one up to run 'mc' also. thats what i always do.13:19
Mcl0vini am using GNS3 and would love to use tabs instead of opening terminal for every router especially some times i have 10 routers13:19
deej1976Mcl0vin: gnome-terminal supports tabs, or look into screen13:19
MonkeyDustor byobu13:19
mushyusing gparton besides my swap i have one big partition which is mounted how would i go about resizing that?13:21
mushyi cannot unmount it when i am on the computer am i?13:21
Dj_FlyBy[ms]mushy: you have to do that outside of the environment, best option I say would be to use a Live CD13:21
Mcl0vinhow can i open gnome termail please13:21
theadminMcl0vin: Which Ubuntu version?13:22
xanguaMcl0vin: control+alt+t13:22
mushyoh okay thanks Dj_FlyBy[ms] luckily i got that available [=13:22
theadminMcl0vin: alt+f2, type gnome-terminal, press enter13:22
niftylettuceIf anyone could take a look into i915 DRI how-to enable/install that would be great.13:22
niftylettuceRunning kernel 1ZA50W29031935275113:22
mushyis xfce widely supported?13:24
mushyits community seems small13:24
szalniftylettuce: that is not a supported *buntu kernel13:24
=== inad922_ is now known as inad922
niftylettuceszal: what is the latest?13:25
theadminmushy: It is very supported, and works great. It feels a lot like gnome2, by the way.13:25
szalniftylettuce: 3.0.0-13 (Oneiric)13:28
JudgeHi everyone. We are using NFS with "_netdev,auto" - flags in fstab and Ubuntu doen't succeed to automount the shares an boot. What do I do wrong?13:28
BluesKajJudge, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo13:30
baabahello, i'd like to get autofs to consider a /home/$USER/.smb/$key.cred file for credentials with smb/cifs; something to the tune of: https://gist.github.com/1416730 (sample /etc/auto.smb that i would like to work)13:30
a904somebody here?13:30
baabahowever, the $USER variable is not passed to that script, and a four-year-old discussion i found at http://www.mail-archive.com/autofs@linux.kernel.org/msg06365.html does not cast things in a very promising light13:31
baabais autofs really fundamentally insecure by design like this?13:31
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JudgeBluesKaj: Thank you, but this doesn't answer my question. We use static mounts : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo#Static_Mounts and it just doesn't work like it is described there.13:32
theadminbaaba: lol at your way to determine where smbclient is13:33
theadminbaaba: SMBCLIENT=$(which smbclient)13:33
baabatheadmin: that's all from the default ubuntu script13:33
theadminbaaba: Ah, okay.13:33
baabathat is, the file that comes with the ubuntu autofs package13:33
baabai only added the parts related to $credfile13:34
a904hey baaba13:34
a904can you help me?13:34
Pici!ask | a90413:34
ubottua904: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:34
cipherboyBut do go ahead a90413:34
a904!ask somebody knows some excercise in c with array function pointer etc?13:35
ubottua904: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:35
PeeOnYouare you intelligent?13:35
a904somebody knows some excercise in c with array function pointer etc?13:35
Picia904: Thats not really on-topic for this channel. ##c would be more appropriate.13:36
BluesKajJudge, did the auto in fstab work before , I don't see an auto option for staic mounts in that tutorial13:37
BluesKajerr static13:37
JudgeBluesKaj: No, it never worked. "auto" isn't a NFS specific option, it's a general mount option. And it isn't mounted automatically without "auto", either. When the system boots, I get an error related to "not route found" or such; it's too quick out of view and not logged anywhere.13:39
JudgeBluesKaj: You can find "auto" under "Troubleshooting" - "Mounting NFS shares in encrypted home won't work on boot" in that guide.13:40
cipherboyJudge: you sure you have internet on boot?13:40
BluesKajJudge, what about your export file is it showing rw permissions13:41
cipherboyJudge: if you don,t have networking fully set up when it tries to mount NFS shares, might give you that error. Can you mount it later (after logging in for example)?13:41
Mcl0vintheadmin: is there a way i can open tabs from the shell please13:42
Judgecipherboy: Not at all: We use Cisco components. These devices are known to take their time while initializing a switchport; often it takes 20 seconds or more until the first packet can pass the device. But there are two nfs - options which seem to not working also (see man nfs): bg and retry=X13:42
cipherboyMcl0vin tabs? Like do you mean screen?13:42
Judgecipherboy: And yes, a few seconds after boot, "mount -a" succeeds.13:43
deej1976!info screen | Mcl0vin:13:43
Judgecipherboy: So it seems as if the Ubuntu NFS mechanism lacks these retry - patterns.13:43
ubottuMcl0vin:: screen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu8 (oneiric), package size 582 kB, installed size 1044 kB13:43
cipherboyJudge: oh, that is what I was missing -- fstab options. Yes, it is possible that certain Ubuntu versions lack these features.13:44
Judgecipherboy: Any ideas how to prevent these issues properly?13:44
cipherboy Judge: bg would hide the error messages and retry=X would allow you to reconnect until you succeed?13:45
llutz_cipherboy: if they lack those features, they had changed nfs-packages. in that case they have to document that somewhere. they didn't ->bugreport13:45
cipherboyllutz_ good point13:45
pmszHello. does anybody know how to prevent root from removing the immutable flag from a file? the cap-bound file under /proc has been removed in newer kernels?13:46
cipherboySorry, haven't looked at  NFS since I compiled it in gentoo.13:46
Judgecipherboy: That's what I understand when reading the manpage. But it doesn't work.13:46
Judgecipherboy: *gg* In Gentoo we have no issues .. ;D13:47
cipherboyWould it be an issue with the kernel?13:47
cipherboyJudge In gentoo did you build it in or as a module?13:47
cipherboypmsz not familiar with what you are trying to do, but isn't that the point of root? You could try mounting it ro...13:48
Judgecipherboy: Works with both.13:48
blacksofthow to penetration with blackbuntu13:49
pmszthere used to be a flag CAP_LINUX_IMMUTABLE among the kernel capabilities which was possible to be set system-wide13:49
pmszthere were also other capabilities like one for disabling LKM at runtime and so on13:49
pmszit could be set via /proc but now... there doesn't seem to be an equivalent to the cap-bound file13:50
cipherboyJudge only thing I can think of is network drivers are loading after nfs module13:50
blacksofthow to update kernel ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 ? how can it?13:50
hiwkhi, I'm using ubuntu 11.10 with the default unity interface. how can I alllow my mobile phone to send a file via bluetooth to my computer? I have paired the devices (initiated from the phone), but file sending fails13:50
cipherboyPmsz sorry, can't help.13:50
blacksoftsorry, can't help13:51
cipherboyAll, switching computers13:51
blacksofthi guy's, how to kill server in lan network13:52
Judgecipherboy: OK, lets assume this is the reason for the issue: I do not see a init script for NFS client mount in Ubuntu. Do you know how to have these started/mounted later?13:52
blacksoftplease right click, and then click mounted13:53
cipherboyJudge, any change?13:53
cipherboyJudge: btw, this server or desktop?13:53
froeshi guys.... do anyone knows a webUI to manage NAS ?13:53
cipherboyfroes: tried freenas?13:54
deej1976Judge: your on the client, and the nfs entries is in /etc/fstab ?13:54
cipherboyfroes: or is that not what you are looking for?13:54
Judgecipherboy: Lucid Server13:54
Judgedeej1976: Right.13:54
deej1976The mounting would be handles by autofs13:54
cipherboyJudge: you get the error on the client, saying no route to host?13:55
cipherboyWhat is the error?13:55
froescipherboy, it would be, if i could have squid, jetty, mysql, etc...13:55
froescipherboy, and as it replaces all confs at boot time. makes a little bit hard. i would have to "rebuilt" the whole distro13:55
faLUCEHi. I can boot with my distro (a lubuntu 11.10 based distro, created by me with remastersys utility) only if I set nomodeset. Otherwise I see a black screen after booting. Unfortunately, with nomodeset I can only see low resolution for the screen. How can I solve that? I tried the lubuntu 11.10 live cd and it sees high resolutions too. How can I correct this error in my custom distro?13:55
cipherboyfaLUCE: Install graphics drivers.13:56
cipherboyfroes: ah, didn't know that.13:56
deej1976Judge: The problem might be the network (dhcp) starting but not completing before and IP address is assigned. ( I've got this problem with nfs/nis homearea )13:56
faLUCEcipherboy: they must be already installed13:57
Judgecipherboy: When I reboot, the switch, the server is connected to, need to initialize the Port several seconds. When Ubuntu has switched it's eth's to "up" , it takes another ... 5 or 10 seconds before the port is up. This interferes with the NFS mount, since it really "has no route to host". It has automatically a few seconds later.13:57
froescipherboy, exactlly... if i has an arm board with a CF card of 1 GB. just to do NAS would be perfect13:57
cipherboyfaLUCE: meaning?13:57
cipherboyJudge: So couldn't you create an init script which just runs mount -a after a delay of 10 seconds or something?13:58
cipherboyfroes: seems to me there was another similar project, forgot what it was called though.13:58
llutz_Judge: dirty workaround: set a sleep=xx at /etc/init/mountall-net.conf (or whatever the  script mounting nfs is called)13:59
Judgecipherboy: That's one solution, but it's quite ugly :P13:59
deej1976Judge: I've got a script that waits until the network is up then restart autofs13:59
faLUCEcipherboy: ??13:59
Judgecipherboy: I'd prefer a "clean" one.13:59
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cipherboyfaLUCE: Precisely what I asked you. What does it must be installed already mean?14:00
faLUCEcipherboy: the must be already in the kernel14:00
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cipherboyJudge: good point. Does retry=X work on other FS types?14:01
cipherboyfaLUCE: Meaning? I am not understanding you.14:01
Judgeretry=X is a nfs specific option14:01
cipherboyfaLUCE: you can add new drivers all the time if you want.14:01
Judgecipherboy: I think so ...14:01
llutz_Judge: if "retry" really fails, file a bugreport14:02
faLUCEcipherboy: the kernel already has drivers for the graphic card. therefore, I don't have to install anything.14:02
Judgellutz_: OK, thank you.14:02
faLUCEcipherboy: this is not the right solution14:02
Judgecipherboy: I think I'll solve it close to your suggestion. Thank you for your help!14:03
cipherboyJudge: how long does it take for a retry? Does it wait inbetween? Could it be it schedules a retry, but the autofs proc ends or something of the sort? (sorry, not familiar with fs mounting)14:03
cipherboyfaLUCE: what ever, have someone else help you.14:03
G4rb4does anyone know how to generate Vala bindings from a C header file. All I need are the defined constants and struct definitions.14:06
Judgecipherboy: retry= seems to not have any effect. I set it to "2" (minutes) and even after 10 minutes the fs isn't mounted. When I enter "mount -a" ist's immediately available.14:07
cipherboyJudge: sorry, have to afk.14:07
=== cipherboy is now known as cipherboy|afk
hiwkwhat do I need to do to recieve files over bluetooth?14:07
MonkeyDusthiwk  blueman14:07
AscavasaionCan someone here tell me how to install codecs through Synaptic so I can play MP3s?14:09
MonkeyDustAscavasaion  try medibuntu14:09
deej1976!info ubuntu-restricted-extras14:10
ubottuubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 56 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB14:10
deej1976!info ubuntu-restricted-addons14:10
ubottuubuntu-restricted-addons (source: ubuntu-restricted-addons): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 8 (oneiric), package size 2 kB, installed size 36 kB14:10
cari_veri_udHello there, after upgraeds from originally ubuntu 10.04 to finally 11.10 the boot splash is still from 10.04. why is that or how to change?14:11
MonkeyDustcari_veri_ud  it's a gdm issue14:12
=== RaNdY is now known as Guest71297
h2010n1Hi All,How  can i install pidgin?14:13
hiwkMonkeyDust: I installed it, and now it seems to work. but where does the file end up_14:13
deej1976h2010n1: sudo apt-get install pidgin14:13
xanguasudo apt-get install pidgin h2010n114:13
hiwkh2010n1: sudo apt-get install pidgin14:13
MonkeyDusthiwk  /usr/bin/ or /usr/sbin/14:13
hiwkMonkeyDust: no, the recived file14:14
MonkeyDusthiwk  no, in ~/Public14:14
hiwkMonkeyDust: ah, thanks!14:14
MonkeyDusthiwk  if you put files in ~/Public and you connect bluetooth, it will be transferred to your device automatically14:15
MonkeyDustit = the files14:15
dr3mroMonkeyDust, I didn't know that is even possible :)14:15
Judgecipherboy|afk: No Problem! I will file a bug and use your "Quick&Dirty" Workarround :) Thank you a lot!14:15
faLUCEHi. I can boot with my distro (a lubuntu 11.10 based distro, created by me with remastersys utility) only if I set nomodeset. Otherwise I see a black screen after booting. Unfortunately, with nomodeset I can only see low resolution for the screen. How can I solve that? I tried the lubuntu 11.10 live cd and it sees high resolutions too. How can I correct this error in my custom distro?14:15
MonkeyDustdr3mro  we're here to learn :)14:15
faLUCEotherwise: how can I reconfigure xorg ? I tried sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it did not do anything14:16
cari_veri_udMonkeyDust: I thought 11.10 uses lightDM instead of gdm ? so what can I do?14:16
MonkeyDustcari_veri_ud  correct, i'm mistaking (i use a different fork)14:17
ubottumol is MacOnLinux. For a complete howto, visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacOnLinuxHowto - No longer available in 11.10 or higher, see http://bugs.debian.org/59203414:17
hiwkMonkeyDust: interesting. where can I change such settings?14:18
Picicari_veri_ud: it does, but your current login manager will not be replaced if this is an upgrade. Use sudo dpkg-reconfigure lightdm to choose a different login manager14:18
MonkeyDusthiwk  pair your device with your pc14:20
MonkeyDustin blueman14:20
aidanHow do I download the root certificates for curl ?14:21
cari_veri_udPici: MonkeyDust, I jsut found the lightdm.conf and it says user-session=xubuntu which could be part of the problem.14:21
KeySatara_vaya tela14:21
BluesKajfaLUCE, try this , and then stop crossposting http://fossplanet.com/f12/setting-screen-resolution-grub2-107813/14:22
MonkeyDustcari_veri_ud  i installed xfce and it ruined my system14:22
Picicari_veri_ud: IF you are talking about your plymouth boot splash you can change it by using the following:  ยซ sudo update-alternatives --config14:23
Picicari_veri_ud: er.. that got cutoff14:23
Pici!plymouth | cari_veri_ud14:23
ubottucari_veri_ud: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use ยซ sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u ยป14:23
MrGottyhey all14:23
MrGottycan someone link me the sandbox program again?14:24
deej1976!ubuntu | kjjjjjggy:14:24
ubottukjjjjjggy:: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com14:24
faLUCEBluesKaj: I don't see anything to try in your link14:25
BluesKajfaLUCE, /etc/default/grub accpts resolution settings if you read the post14:26
faLUCEBluesKaj: and then? I don't need that. I need that xrandr sees proper resolutions14:27
pmszsince the /proc/../cap-found system-wide capabilities file disappeared, is it still possible to easily prevent root from removing the immutable flag (+i)?14:28
BluesKajfaLUCE, are you sure you know what you need , if so then why not reaearch it yourself14:28
faLUCEBluesKaj: stop saying stupid things.14:29
cari_veri_udubottu: can you tell me again. what was this command to change plymouth screen ?14:29
ubottucari_veri_ud: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:29
cari_veri_udwho told me about plymouth alternatives ?14:30
Pici!plymouth | cari_veri_ud14:31
ubottucari_veri_ud: Plymouth manages the Ubuntu boot process (before the root filesystem is mounted) and also provides a graphical boot animation.  To change your Plymouth theme use ยซ sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth && sudo update-initramfs -u ยป14:31
cari_veri_udah yea. nice bot functionality.14:31
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cristipiticul_is anybody here?14:33
cari_veri_udthanks Pici & MonkeyDust I'll try and come again after reboot :)14:33
somsip !anyone | cristipiticul_14:34
ubottucristipiticul_: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.14:34
faLUCEhere's the pastebin of xorg log. I have troubles in setting high resolution for my monitor.  http://pastebin.com/yg4323st    where can be the problem?14:34
cristipiticul_ok, here it is: I am using ubuntu 9.10 and sudo apt-get install seems not to find any package14:34
cipherboycristipiticul_: Isn't 9.10 deprecated?14:35
somsip!9.10 | cristipiticul_14:35
MonkeyDustcristipiticul_  i guess 9.10 is no longer supported14:35
ubottucristipiticul_: Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) was the eleventh release of Ubuntu. !End-Of-Life on April 29th 2011, see http://goo.gl/UUTAB for details.14:35
cristipiticul_I am not going to install Ubuntu 11.10 because I had some troubles with it... some of you might have seen me yesterday14:35
cipherboycristipiticul_: then use 10.0414:35
cipherboycristipiticul_: It is the next LTS, still has GNOME2, no unity, etc.14:36
cristipiticul_so I am asking... Could this be because the place where it tries to find the packages is old?14:36
MonkeyDustcristipiticul_  try a release prior to 11.10, but newer than 9.1014:36
cristipiticul_I love this one, and I have some work to do fast14:36
cipherboycristipiticul_: upgrade to 10.0414:36
cristipiticul_ok, any other options?14:36
cristipiticul_change the default search place to : ... ?14:37
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cipherboycristipiticul_: No, they shut down the package repositories for 9.10.14:37
cristipiticul_can't I use the ones for 11.10?14:37
MonkeyDust11.10 did not exist in 2009, so no14:37
cipherboyYes and no. You can in theory, it is just a whole bunch of dependencies, etc, etc, Especially to note is that you have gnome3 dependencies in 11.10 rather than gnome2 dependencies in 9.10, so no.14:38
administartorwho can help me with Bash? :)14:39
llutz_administartor: #bash14:39
llutz_administartor: /j #bash              that is the bash-channel on freenode14:40
camperadvanced bash shell programming14:40
cristipiticul_... google might help me... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu14:40
cristipiticul_thank you for saying the word Repository14:40
administartoroh thanks :)14:40
Picicristipiticul_: Take a look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades please14:41
administartorllutz i'm new in Linux :)14:41
llutz_administartor: 1st thing to learn: do not end every line with a pointless smiley :)14:42
administartorbut why no ? :)14:42
llutz_administartor: that basically means: "look, i'm a poor stupid troll, ignore me"14:43
administartorok i understand14:43
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craigbass1976is it possible to have two instances of Thunderbird open somehow that are using two different profiles?14:48
cipherboyTell me if i should ask this on #ubuntu-defocus, but how do I get a project cloak for ubunut?14:49
serega_by1hi all. How i can make unmount of disk using gnome-terminal ?14:51
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cipherboyserega_by1: umount /mount/path14:51
Picicipherboy:  If you're an Ubuntu Member you are eligible for an Ubuntu cloak  (and its #ubuntu-offtopic)14:51
Pici!member | cipherboy14:51
ubottucipherboy: Ubuntu Membership means recognition of a significant and sustained contribution to Ubuntu and the Ubuntu community.  For more info see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership14:51
cipherboyserega_by1: odds are you need sudo first14:51
cipherboyPici: thank you.14:52
serega_by1it does not work, because i get follow message "sudo: unmount: command not found14:52
ThinkT510serega_by1: its sudo umount not unmount14:53
MonkeyDustserega_by1  umount, not unmount14:53
MonkeyDustThinkT510  was faster ;)14:53
serega_by1thank you14:53
cipherboyserega_by1: whoops, my bad.14:53
AdhamSabryhow can I access nomodeset from ubuntu live usb?14:55
arseniusHello there14:57
AdhamSabryhow can I access nomodeset from ubuntu live usb?14:57
arseniusI have problems with system updates14:57
private_metatelnet miku.acm.uiuc.edu14:59
AdhamSabryhow can I access nomodeset from ubuntu live usb????????????///14:59
arseniusUpdate manager report me that failed to download package files (404 error - not found)14:59
ThinkT510!nomodeset | AdhamSabry15:00
ubottuAdhamSabry: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter15:00
pertutatishi, anyone  know how to manage mp4 player Samsung YP-Z3 on ubuntu?15:00
arsenius what I need to do?15:01
a904you fuck15:01
pangolin!language | a90415:02
ubottua904: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.15:02
BaNzounetHi, May someone explain me how to use git? I've installed git and cgit(web interface) and i wanna add a folder to cgit15:02
BaNzouneti've no clue how i can do that :/15:03
BaNzouneti try git add etc15:03
theadminBaNzounet: You need to create a git repo, move the folder to it and git add it, then git commit15:03
BaNzounettried* / but my cgit i still empty15:03
BaNzounettheadmin if i did that and nothing appear in cgit it's mean i miss configure cgit right?15:03
theadminBaNzounet: Not sure... I have no idea how cgit is15:04
arseniusUpdate manager report me that failed to download package files (404 error - not found) What I need to do to fix it?15:05
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llutz_arsenius: what does "lsb_release -sc" say?15:06
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arsenius<llutz_> it say "oneiric"15:10
arsenius<llutz_> it say "oneiric"15:10
auronandacearsenius: installed any ppas?15:11
BaNzounettheadmin: It was my fault i forgot to edit a cgitrc :) seems to be working now :)15:11
arsenius<auronandace>what is ppas?15:12
auronandace!ppa | arsenius15:12
ubottuarsenius: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa15:12
techfreakplease help is there anyway Gnome 3.2 to work on Nvidia15:12
techfreakplease help is there anyway Gnome 3.2 to work on Nvidia15:13
arsenius<auronandace> and <ubottu>How to use PPA?15:14
auronandacearsenius: i'm not recomending it, i'm asking if you have any installed15:15
BluesKajtechfreak, open admin , additional drivers , choose the recommended driver and install (and activate if necessary)15:15
AdhamSabryHi, I by mistake erased a 1 tera hard disk that has almost all my data15:15
AdhamSabryit was the hard disk that contains my back up and there is no back-up for it15:15
AdhamSabryI wanna recover the data15:15
AdhamSabryis there a way?15:16
AdhamSabryplease this is urgent15:16
FloodBot1AdhamSabry: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:16
AdhamSabrythis usb hard disk has all my data, work, projects, everything15:16
llutz_AdhamSabry: look at extundelete, foremost, photorec15:16
AdhamSabrywhich one is the best llutz?15:16
theadminAdhamSabry: You can try testdisk/photorec and tools llutz_ suggested. Photorec works the best for me, but filenames end up a complete mess.15:16
arsenius<auronandace> I don't know, how to check which PPA installed?15:17
techfreakBluesKaj: I did that but then gnome desktop changes to normal ubuntu desktop like previous version15:17
AdhamSabryhow can I install photorec/15:17
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gmzljtheadmin: thats because filenames can't be recovered15:17
BluesKajtechfreak, desktop or resolution ?15:17
auronandacearsenius: are you translating what i say to you? what language do you speak?15:17
theadminAdhamSabry: sudo apt-get install testdisk && sudo photorec15:17
AdhamSabrydoes it only recover pictures only? I have files that are projects, c++, php, c#, programming projects15:17
llutz_AdhamSabry: can't say, i personally never had to use one of these.15:17
theadminAdhamSabry: And don't worry, it recovers almost any file type15:18
gmzljAdhamSabry: its just a name15:18
techfreakdesktop itself changes all the theme15:18
llutz_!caps | HATER15:18
ubottuHATER: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.15:18
theadminAdhamSabry: The name comes from the original use, it used to recover only photos15:18
AdhamSabryi'm installing testdisk now15:18
AdhamSabrycan I please pm you theadmin?15:18
theadminAdhamSabry: Go right ahead.15:18
HATERShit...came in on the wrong nick15:18
techfreakBluesKaj: The theme changes to previous version of ubuntu15:19
BluesKajtechfreak, desktop options doesn't hae anything to do with your nvidia graphics , it's the choice you make in the menu at login that's changing your desktop15:19
techfreaki am login with gnome15:19
RyccardoTried to install 10.[4,10] on school computers, but the cheap LCD monitors we have don't support the resolution used by default in GRUB. We've figured out the menu options going blind, but is it possible to change the display mode? Firmware, Win7 & X work, loader and splash don't15:20
techfreakBluesKaj: Let me try that again15:20
* conntrack drinks ovaltine 15:20
arsenius<auronandace>I speak Russian but I understand what you saying to me, I just have no idea what is PPA and what you asking me about any installed?15:20
milen8204I can`t edit my gnome 3.2.1 panel whit Alt+rightclick, any ideas why can that be ?15:20
gmzljRyccardo: GRUB_GFXMODE in /etc/default/grub (iirc)15:20
gmzljRyccardo: then regernerate the grub config15:21
Ryccardogmzlj: Thank you, will try tomorrow -- it's `grub-install`, right?15:21
BluesKaj!ppa | arsenius15:21
ubottuarsenius: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa15:21
auronandacearsenius: sorry, you just seem to take a while to reply, have you asked in #ubuntu-ru ?15:22
auronandace!ru | arsenius15:22
ubottuarsenius: ะŸะพะถะฐะปัƒะนัั‚ะฐ ะฝะฐะฑะตั€ะธั‚ะต /join #ubuntu-ru ะดะปั ะฟะพะปัƒั‡ะตะฝะธั ะฟะพะผะพั‰ะธ ะฝะฐ ั€ัƒััะบะพะผ ัะทั‹ะบะต. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.15:22
JackOfHeartshello my mice dont works .15:22
JackOfHeartsin windows its works15:22
JackOfHeartsalsa sow itsd turn on15:22
FloodBot1JackOfHearts: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:22
llutz_Ryccardo: sudo update-grub15:22
JackOfHeartsit not woring15:22
JackOfHeartshmm mic not mice15:22
JackOfHearts ups15:23
JackOfHearts my bad15:23
gmzljRyccardo: no15:23
MonkeyDustJackOfHearts  in terminal, type alsamixer, see if it is of any help15:23
JackOfHeartsmixxer shows its on15:23
JackOfHearts :P15:23
JackOfHearts im not noob man i try everthng15:23
arsenius<auronandace>Thanks! No I didn't try to ask there15:23
gmzljRyccardo: update-grub15:24
JackOfHearts kinda dont use mic from  11.0415:24
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JackOfHearts to 11.1015:24
Pici!enter | JackOfHearts15:24
ubottuJackOfHearts: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:24
pangolin!enter | JackOfHearts15:24
JackOfHeartsokii oki15:24
pangolinlast warning.15:24
pmszhello. does anybody know how to prevent root from removing the immutable flag from a file? the /proc/.../cap-bound file has been removed and generally the system-wide capabilities15:24
auronandacearsenius: your welcome, i thought it might be faster for you in your mother tongue15:25
JackOfHeartsso any one can tell me ho to fix that ?15:25
ghufranhi. is it possible to install ubuntu using usb disk only?15:26
DJonesghufran: yES15:26
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:26
ghufrani am reading this: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/installation-guide/i386/boot-usb-files.html and it says i need ubuntu first :S15:26
Ryccardoghufran: yes, if the target computer supports booting from USB15:27
conntrackAll your ovaltine belongs to us15:27
administartor_Linux Ubuntu - 1 GB15:27
Ryccardoghufran: this should help you -- http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/15:27
ghufranDJones: whats the difference between persistent and non persistent :S15:27
gmzljghufran: wether if you write to the filesystem your changes are saved or not15:28
gmzlji.e. persist or not15:28
DJonesghufran: Persistant means an install on a usb stick that saves setting or changes you make15:28
auronandaceghufran: persistant is like harddrive storage (it stays there), non-persistant is like ram (gone when powered off)15:28
gmzljghufran: live cd's can't persist, for example15:28
cristipiticulhello, again. I have a question: can I install Ubuntu 10.4 to my current Ubuntu 9.10 partition without making a live CD?15:28
gmzljbecause its read only15:28
ghufranDJones: gmzlj its too complicated for me. i just want to install ubuntu on my laptop permanently using a usb disk15:29
JackOfHeartspangolin:  <<<  can u tell me mr god how to fix this problem i got? or u only know how o push the +b butoon in your xchat ? or sumthing  u lubudubuimbaadmins us cuz for sure not thingssss like irssssiiieeee daaamnn this things come from debian o015:29
zoskyhi yall. NetworkManager keeps clearing my nameServes from /etc/resolv.conf ? how to make it stop ?15:29
JackOfHearts soi can u pls tell me how to fix my problem ?15:29
ubottucristipiticul: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:29
JackOfHearts cuz ur admin her and imnot retard and impro user15:29
gmzljghufran: then it doesn't matter15:29
JackOfHeartswith  seek for pro help15:30
pangolinJackOfHearts: Can you say that in English please?15:30
MonkeyDustghufran  create a bootable usb stick, boot from that stick and then install it15:30
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llutz_zosky: edit your connection in networkmanager and set dns there. /etc/resolv.conf is not to be changed manually15:30
JackOfHeartsoh rly?15:30
ghufranMonkeyDust: i won't have internet access on the laptop. so i should have the iso on the usb?15:30
DJonesghufran: If you have Windows now, if you download the desktop install .iso and download unetbootin from the sourceforge website, install unetbootin on windows and then use that to create a bootable usb stick in windows which you can then use to install ubuntu15:30
zoskythanks llutz, ill try that15:31
JackOfHeartsi wrote tht espocially for u an u stil dont undstood . yes i dont spak eng so pro but i knwo my os and i cannot solve mi problem ih is mysterious15:31
auronandaceJackOfHearts: what is your problem?15:31
MonkeyDustghufran  yes, but not just cp, you need something like unetbootin to install it on usb stick15:31
MonkeyDustghufran  and then, from usb, install it on the pc15:31
BluesKajJackOfHearts, only if you don't use network manager , it will overwrite any settings you put in resolv.conf15:32
cristipiticulis there any other way to install Ubuntu without making a live CD?15:32
auronandace!usb | cristipiticul15:32
ubottucristipiticul: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:32
MonkeyDustcristipiticul  live usb stick15:32
cristipiticulwithout stick15:33
ghufranDJones: MonkeyDust : okay. i have winodows on my laptop but not on the one i am trying to install on. but i think i get what you mean. thanks15:33
cristipiticulfrom PC?15:33
llutz_cristipiticul: debootstrap, mount iso from grub215:33
cristipiticulllutz_: how?15:34
llutz_!debootstrap | cristipiticul15:34
ubottucristipiticul: debootstrap is used to create a !Debian or Ubuntu base system from scratch, without requiring the availability of !dpkg or !APT. It does this by downloading !.deb files from a mirror site, and carefully unpacking them into a directory you can eventually !chroot into.  See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot for more information15:34
atlasairI've just installed awesome, how do connect to the net?15:34
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BluesKajcipherboy, ^15:34
cristipiticulllutz_: thank you15:34
llutz_cristipiticul: check forums also for grub2 starting iso. maybe theres a howto15:35
m477why libreoffice became  displayed by KDE? if I use gnome15:35
randomguy333[A script can be made to ignore all signals.] True OR False?15:36
a_p3rson i need some help, pysdm seems to have messed up my fstab.15:36
llutz_randomguy333: this is not #domyhomework15:36
ghufranDJones: MonkeyDust : okay so i verified that USB booting is an option in BIOS. but i'm trying to make the USB bootable and installed unetbootin. but it has like 10 options for 11.10 .. which one do i choose?15:37
MonkeyDustghufran  what options are they?15:38
ghufranMonkeyDust: NetInstall, HDMedia, Live all three for 32/64 bit versions15:38
a_p3rsonI dont think unetbootin can do full installs15:39
a_p3rsoni think you will need to make the usb bootable, boot to a live cd and install from there15:39
MonkeyDustghufran  do you have 64 bit machine? use Live15:39
m477why libreoffice became  displayed by KDE? if I use gnome and this havent happen before15:40
ghufranMonkeyDust: i have 32 bit ubuntu so i'll choose one of the 32 bit ones. but i don't know which one to choose between hdmedia, live and netinstall15:40
MonkeyDustghufran  choose live15:41
ghufranMonkeyDust: okay. thanks15:41
auronandacem477: have you got libreoffice-gnome or libreoffice-gtk installed?15:42
randomguy333how can i write irc message reffering to someone, or to someone like you guys do, first time i'm in an irc channel15:42
Pici!tab | randomguy33315:42
ubotturandomguy333: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.15:42
ghufranMonkeyDust: there is also the option "Space used to preserve files across reboots (Ubuntu only) : current selection 0MB15:42
craigbass1976randomguy333, type their name15:43
MonkeyDustghufran  can't say15:43
randomguy333craigbass1976: wow, that's great thanks ;)15:43
m477auronandace: i dont know but until now it looked like gnome theme15:43
auronandacem477: have you changed the theme?15:44
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m477auronandace: of course  i havent15:44
Rothamhow can I get firefox running on an ubuntu server?15:45
m477auronandace: I want to add I use fluxbox now15:45
Gentoo64just install it15:45
Gentoo64as long as you have gui15:45
RothamI dont have a gui15:45
Gentoo64it wont work then15:45
Rothamthats the part I need to figure out15:45
overdubi thought the server version runs headless?15:45
Rothamis there a server version?15:46
m477auronandace: and I have this one LibO_3.4.3rc2_Linux_x86_install-deb_en-US15:46
auronandacem477: cool, i prefer xfce so libreoffice-gtk is the one i use15:46
Gentoo64Rotham, you need X for gui apps15:46
auronandacem477: why haven't you installed via package manager?15:46
Gentoo64there are cli browsers, links, w3m, lynx etc but there no where near the same15:46
llutz_Rotham: install it, install xorg-common and run it via ssh -X on remote host15:46
m477auronandace: I use lucid15:46
m477auronandace: there isnt LiberOffice15:46
m477in repo15:47
auronandacem477: i can't  help you then, i stick to the repos15:47
Rothamcool thanks guys.. that should give me enough of a headstart to get it working.15:47
cu-pet-tongm477: i think, openoffice on lucid repo15:47
systemadminhello there15:47
m477cu-pet-tong: indeed15:47
systemadmini need help in secure my xampp sever please help15:48
ThinkT510!xampp | systemadmin15:48
ubottusystemadmin: We do not support XAMPP installs here. Please use the LAMP stack that is in our repositories; see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP for more information.15:48
cu-pet-tongm477: i think you can search for ppa archive if you want libre on lucid15:49
systemadminokay let me check15:49
m477cu-pet-tong: i have15:49
cu-pet-tongm477: okey, what the problem ?15:50
arzaelthere is french ?15:50
afeijohow can I create an user named adm when the system already has a group with that name? :)15:50
gmzljlucid predates libre office, iirc15:50
ThinkT510!fr | arzael15:50
ubottuarzael: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en franรงais, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:50
gmzljm477: lucid predates libre office, iirc15:50
m477cu-pet-tong: it started to be KDE theme15:50
gmzljm477: by  a year15:51
gmzljits not going to be there15:51
m477gmzlj: lol15:51
MonkeyDustm477  libre office did not yet exist in the Lucid days15:51
m477MonkeyDust: i know15:52
Gentoo64why dont ubuntu just add it to the repo?15:52
m477but you download it15:52
m477you can*15:52
m477you can download it15:52
cu-pet-tongm477: that was right15:53
m477so I did it15:53
mfilipeis there any way to debug dhcp in ubuntu?15:54
cu-pet-tongmfilipe: look at dhcp.conf manual.. i think on log_facilities option15:56
cu-pet-tongmfilipe: you mean log ?15:57
KrisDouglasHello, how would I go about changing the user that lighttpd runs as?16:00
TImewarperdoes ubiquity work if i run ubuntu from within virtualbox? (as a live system)16:01
mfilipecu-pet-tong, yes16:02
TImewarperdoes ubiquity work if i run ubuntu from within virtualbox? (as a live system)16:02
ThinkT510TImewarper: ubiquity is the ubuntu installer, it works in virtualbox yes16:03
MonkeyDust!patience| TImewarper16:03
ubottuTImewarper: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/16:03
soreau! patience | TImewarper16:03
mfilipecu-pet-tong, I find for "log" in "man dhclient.conf" and I don't found nothing16:03
emreshow to register  nick on freenode?16:03
TImewarperThinkT510, also does it work only for live systems? if i am in livecd or live from vbox? If i have installed already can i run ubiquity to install at a hdd?16:03
ThinkT510!register | emres16:04
ubottuemres: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type ยซ /nick <nickname> ยป to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode16:04
soreauTImewarper: Depends on what you mean by work. It probably wont be able to partition the real hard drive for example16:04
MonkeyDustTImewarper  you can install it in vbox16:04
MonkeyDusti did16:04
Benkinoobyhi, i am about to set up an ibm t43 laptop (pentium M 1.86 GHz) for a friend who is changing over from mac. should i install ubuntu or kubuntu? are there signifacnt performance differences unity vs. kde4 ? anyone has some experience?16:05
tensorpuddingt43, that's old in the tooth nowadays16:05
tensorpuddingerr, long/16:05
SwedeMikeBenkinooby: I've run basic ubuntu on a t40 and it worked fine.16:05
afeijohow can I create an user named adm when the system already has a group with that name? :)16:06
ThinkT510Benkinooby: i'd recomend xfce (but that is my taste, i've never liked gnome/unity)16:06
tensorpuddingyou should install kubuntu if you think this friend would hate unity16:06
tensorpuddingsome people do16:06
tensorpuddingbut they might hate kde too16:06
cu-pet-tongmfilipe: sory, i mean look at dhcpd.conf16:06
SwedeMikeBenkinooby: I'd say other things will use more resources, like the browser. Modern browsing seem to use a lot of memory and this is going to be your problem.16:06
TImewarperafeijo, what does the  group have to do with it?16:06
TImewarperuseradd adm16:06
llutz_afeijo: you shouldn't. if you insist, create the user with a different group (man adduser)16:06
afeijoTImewarper, because adm is a existing group, useradd adm returns that error16:07
BenkinoobySwedeMike, hm, that's a point...16:07
llutz_afeijo: because USERGROUPS=yes in adduser.conf16:07
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TImewarperor if it stops you for some reason (delgroup adm, adduser adm, addgroup adm)16:07
ThinkT510Benkinooby: my t40 runs a browser just fine (1.5 gb of ram)16:08
ThinkT510Benkinooby: flash hurts the cpu somewhat awful though16:08
BenkinoobySwedeMike, ThinkT510 ok, thank you --- flash is a pain, mo matter what OS ;)16:09
ThinkT510Benkinooby: moreso on single processor systems16:10
BenkinoobyThinkT510, SwedeMike i jsut saw there is a macbuntu or mac-remix... any experience with that?16:10
ThinkT510Benkinooby: nope, i don't do macs16:10
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ThinkT510Benkinooby: also if you use that you can't get help here16:10
BenkinoobyThinkT510, i am deciding whether to try to make it as much mac-like as possible to make him (the user) to feel at home or to confront him with kde/gnome/xfce or even lxde16:11
edbianBenkinooby: I think it'll just confuse him if you try to say 'look it's the same!' cause really it's not.16:12
ThinkT510Benkinooby: default xfce theme is suprisingly maclike (with the popup panel at the bottom too)16:12
Benkinoobyedbian, yes... i also thought that ...16:12
edbianBenkinooby: but, on the other hand, if it's similar to Mac he'll probably like it more than something that was randomly selected.16:13
Benkinoobyedbian, by askeing here i try to reduce the randomnes :P16:13
edbianBenkinooby: haha :)16:13
Aricis this the best place to ask about general questions on whether 1 VPS with 512mb ram would be better or 2 VPS's with 256 each would be superior for a LAMP based webapp?16:14
theadminAric: How do you suppose to run it on both of them at the same time anyway? And no, this isn't really the place.16:15
Benkinoobyedbian, ThinkT510 SwedeMike thank you all for your input... i'll head for xfce... i think that will be the least confusing for him16:15
Arictheadmin: sugegstion on channel?16:16
edbianBenkinooby: sure :)16:16
theadminAric: Probably, hm... I dunno if there's a channel dedicated to VPS', but maybe ##hardware...16:16
ThinkT510!xubuntu | Benkinooby16:16
ubottuBenkinooby: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: ยซ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ยป - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels16:16
BenkinoobyThinkT510, i know but i only have the ubuntu and kubuntu CDs at hand and i'm too lazy to download and prepare stuff... afaik there is the xubuntu-desktop packages that will have the same effekt as downloading xubuntu16:17
ThinkT510Benkinooby: and without the cruft and extra apps of other desktops16:18
BenkinoobyThinkT510, ?16:18
afeijollutz, thanks, the adduser.conf tip solved my issue :)16:18
ThinkT510Benkinooby: if you install kubuntu then xubuntu-desktop it will still have all of kde installed16:19
ThinkT510Benkinooby: you don't want to confuse him>16:19
llutz_afeijo: you just could have use useradd -g group16:19
BenkinoobyThinkT510, that's why i'll start from ubuntu... they share more software16:19
ThinkT510Benkinooby: up to you, i just don't see the point of wasting space on a desktop you know he wont boot into16:21
BenkinoobyThinkT510, i think xubuntu-desktop install will remove the ubuntu-dektop meta package.. but you're right16:23
ThinkT510Benkinooby: it doesn't remove anything16:24
BenkinoobyThinkT510, oh.. well then...16:24
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TImewarpercan i run ubiquity after i have installed ubuntu (so not live system anymore) to install ubuntu on a usb?16:25
ThinkT510TImewarper: install it via apt-get16:25
ThinkT510!find ubiquity | TImewarper16:26
ubottuTImewarper: Found: ubiquity, ubiquity-frontend-debconf, ubiquity-frontend-gtk, ubiquity-frontend-kde, ubiquity-slideshow-kubuntu, ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu, ubiquity-ubuntu-artwork, mythbuntu-live-autostart, ubiquity-slideshow-edubuntu, ubiquity-slideshow-lubuntu (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubiquity&searchon=names&suite=oneiric&section=all16:26
ThinkT510!info ubiquity | TImewarper16:26
ubottuTImewarper: ubiquity (source: ubiquity): Ubuntu live CD installer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.8.7 (oneiric), package size 3820 kB, installed size 14776 kB16:26
TImewarperThinkT510, i mean can i run ubiquity in a non live system, to install on a usb16:26
mmanwhat r u guys talking about16:26
oCeanmman: this is the ubuntu support channel16:26
xust-Question: How can I change the theme and certain aspects of it on 11.10 with GNOME classic?16:26
theadminmman: This is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu support questions. For offtopic, please use #ubuntu-offtopic .16:27
alazare619so i totally didnt know that you can /quit <username> and it will kick them from the channel16:27
mmanhow do you get flash player16:27
ThinkT510TImewarper: i've never done it but i don't see why not16:27
Myrttialazare619: lame joke16:27
llutz_alazare619: stop that nonsense16:27
oCeanalazare619: don't do that here16:27
aking1012mman: apt-get install ubuntu-restricted16:28
ThinkT510!flash | mman16:28
ubottumman: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash16:28
alazare619killall Myrtti llutz_ oCean16:28
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mushyi made a new partition called backup, only root can access it i tried chmod, i tried sharing options what do i have to do so i can read and write to this partition16:30
xust-Is there some sort of theme manager for classic GNOME?16:30
MonkeyDustmushy  chown16:30
mushyMonkeyDust, how do I chown exactly? the man only list examples of root16:32
mushyi want to keep root but i want to add me16:32
ThinkT510mushy: chown means change owner, if you want more than one owner then chown i likely not what you are looking for16:33
ThinkT510!acl | mushy16:34
MonkeyDustmushy  try chown mushy:root [folder]16:34
ThinkT510mushy: access control lists16:34
dddbmtI just installed nodes.js with apt-get under ubuntu 11.10. Now I find out about "npm", is that used for installing nodes.js itself, or only for libraries? - If it is used for installing, should I uninstall and reinstall with npm?16:34
llutz_MonkeyDust: that removes root as owner16:34
ThinkT510mushy: sorry, i thought there was a ubottu command16:34
MonkeyDustllutz_  yes16:35
leo145i'm using intel HD graphic.i changed my graphic setting to ATI and enbaled some effects like woobly windows in ccsm.then i know that i can;t use ATI in linux. and changed back too intel.before all of this i could run unity 3d.but now unity is just running in 2d mode16:35
mushywill it add mushy as user though16:35
mushyat this point i dont care16:35
llutz_MonkeyDust: 17:32 < mushy> i want to keep root16:35
mushyi just want the damn backup put in the partition16:35
leo145please help me16:35
mushyi have somehwere to be16:35
mushyMonkeyDust, this doesnt work while it looks like it does it gives error:  error creating directory details permission denied16:37
mushysomeone help please i have to leave i am going nuts16:38
ThinkT510!backup | mushy16:38
ubottumushy: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning16:38
BluesKajleo145, which graphics card exactly , open a terminal , lspci | grep VGA16:38
llutz_mushy: where is it mounted? is it empty right now?16:39
leo145BluesKaj: an intel and an ATI16:39
mushyits not about backing up i want to know how to read and write on a partition i made16:39
BluesKajleo145, yes but which ones16:39
mushyand there was a lost+found file in there16:39
leo145now i'm using intel16:39
ThinkT510!fstab | mushy16:39
ubottumushy: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions16:39
BluesKajleo145, just the command I gave you pls16:40
llutz_mushy: sudo chown -R mushy:mushy /media/backup && sudo chmod -R 755 /media/backup    will make it writable for you. if you need other users to write on it, you have to set different group and/or use acls16:40
llutz_!permission | mushy some basics about (limited) unix permissions16:41
ubottumushy some basics about (limited) unix permissions: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions16:41
leo145BluesKaj: http://paste.org/4169216:42
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dr_willismushy:  depending on the filesystem you may need to chown and chmod the mountmoint16:43
mushythat worked thankyou llutz16:43
MonkeyDustchown, as I said16:44
mushynow i will upgrade my system16:44
BaNzounetSomeone know how to add GeSHi to cgit?16:45
leo145 BluesKaj: so, what can i do now?16:45
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ThinkT510BaNzounet: that doesn't really have much to do with ubuntu16:46
and471Hi I am on oneiric and not using Unity, however suddenly Metacity is hiding the title bar of the window when I maximise the window16:46
and471is there anyway to undo this behaviour?16:46
meskaruneand471: I would suggest not using metacity. :)16:47
MonkeyDusti prefer metacity over compiz16:47
and471meskarune, any other suggestions :P16:47
theadminand471: what about xfwm?16:47
theadminand471: Or openbox?16:48
and471thign is I like metacity16:48
theadminand471: Or i3?16:48
and471and it has been working fine16:48
and471just a few days ago it statrted doing this16:48
and471and it doesn't happen if I create a new account16:48
and471(i.e. blank settings)16:48
and471so I guess I just need a way to reset it16:48
meskarunehave you tried changing themes and checkign to see if its the theme you are using?16:49
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meskarunealso if you open a window in the terminal, do you get any errors?16:49
xust-How do you close an unresponsive application in Ubuntu??16:49
ThinkT510xust-: ps aux, then kill <pid>16:50
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MonkeyDustxust-  alt-f2 xkill16:50
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theadminThinkT510: What's that for? "pkill firefox"16:50
AUbuntu1110Usercan you help16:50
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meskarunesuper easy way to kill a program: type "xkill" without quotes, then click on the program you want to kill16:51
ThinkT510meskarune: MonkeyDust beat you to it16:52
dfilintoBoa tarde alguรฉm do Brasil??16:52
AUbuntu1110Userwhen i boot ubuntu 11.10 it boots fine i sekect to boot normally on the grub menu the it displayes a blank purple screen16:52
MonkeyDust!br| dfilinto16:52
ubottudfilinto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em portuguรชs. Para entrar no canal por favor faรงa "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguรชsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.16:52
and471meskarune, I have tried changing theme but the same still16:53
xust-well that's pretty sweet!16:53
and471meskarune, and no errors in the terminal16:53
BaNzounetThinkT510: i know but when i've question like that i never know where i can ask my question :/16:53
AUbuntu1110Userit's worked last night fine16:54
AUbuntu1110Userit worked fine yesterday16:56
AUbuntu1110Userit's a wubi instalation16:56
AUbuntu1110User 16:56
AUbuntu1110User 16:56
FloodBot1AUbuntu1110User: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:56
ThinkT510!alis | BaNzounet16:58
ubottuBaNzounet: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*16:58
AUbuntu1110User ok sorry16:58
luis_hello! i need help with this bug that i have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/89861516:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898615 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Presario C500] Hibernate command fails and returns to userspace" [Medium,Confirmed]16:59
Menthanemarketshare.hitslink.com states that at June 2011 the Linux OS market share was at 1.00% and through out the months has risen to 1.31% in this November. Dare I say Linux is on the rise?17:00
LaykeAre their any free screen captures that work on ubuntu?17:00
MonkeyDustLayke  byzanz, recordmydesktop17:00
AUbuntu1110Userso how can i fix ubuntu?17:01
ShooterMGanybody ever get "out of range" error from their monitor? i have the latest ubuntu server, and when I boot, I can see the BIOS image, but then when it goes away it gives me an "out of range" error17:01
ShooterMGthe monitor, that is17:01
ThinkT510!wubi | AUbuntu1110User17:02
ubottuAUbuntu1110User: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe17:02
logahow to install java in ubuntu17:02
ThinkT510!java | loga17:02
ubottuloga: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.17:02
logashould java install via synaptic package manager ?17:03
lightawhy not loga ?17:03
jonathan1hey guys, I was wondering if someone could answer a quck q I have about the output I'm seeing from fdisk....after the blocksize for one of my partitions I'm seeing a + symbol.....what does this mean?17:03
icerootloga: only openjdk not the one from oracle/sun17:03
ThinkT510loga: yes17:03
AldusHi. What is your CVS client of choice for Ubuntu ?17:04
tashif you set chmod 444 on a directory, does that mean any file copied to that dir or created in that dir will likewise have 444?17:04
icerootAldus: why cvs? no chance to use something better?17:05
llutz_tash no17:05
fanboyHello all,is there a way to open port 5432 to outside connection?17:05
llutz_tash: that basically means nobody will be able to enter that dir at all17:05
Dice-Manhow to know the mac adress of my network card and NOT the mac address of my router17:05
llutz_!permissions  | tash17:05
ubottutash: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions17:05
icerootfanboy: by default its not blocked17:05
ThinkT510Dice-Man: ifconfig17:06
icerootDice-Man: ifconfig17:06
Aldusiceroot, if it was about me, I would use GIT.  But I need to use CVS for my client's need (a large team using it)17:06
fanboyon its okay ,i allow 5432 using ufw but see it opens 5432 on localhost.localdomain but not on the server ip17:06
Dice-Maniceroot: any details ?17:06
Dice-Maniceroot: mine is HWaddr ?17:07
ThinkT510Dice-Man: type it an see17:07
icerootDice-Man: yes17:07
icerootAldus: ah ok, sorry dont know a good client, long time not used17:07
Dice-Maniceroot: another people tell me it's the router's one17:07
icerootDice-Man: no17:07
icerootDice-Man: its the one from your NIC17:07
tashllutz: thanks ... guess I should have known that17:08
Dice-Maniceroot: how to know the rouer's one ?17:08
logawhen i try to install any package  via synaptic it shows warning message "you are about to install software that can't be authenticated! Doing this could allow a malicious individual to damage or take control of your system". so what should i do install package ?17:08
Aldusiceroot, my client are actually the United Nations :)17:08
icerootDice-Man: arping router, nmap router, arp17:08
icerootAldus: :)17:08
tashjust want to cp production files to an archive folder and set them to read only when they are copied ... is there something that can ensure that happens or will I have to write a script that chmod's after the copy?17:08
fanboy@iceroot http://serverfault.com/questions/107716/port-open-to-localhost-but-not-actual-ip17:08
CannedCornhey guys i'm having trouble starting a service17:09
CannedCorni do sudo start service and it never starts, nothing in the logs17:09
llutz_tash: maybe you could use POSIX acl for that17:09
Dice-Maniceroot: hum really mysterious really i suspect to be victim of arp poisoning17:09
CannedCornsays it has a pid x but then when i do stop it says unknown instance17:10
logawhats command for shutdown system ?17:10
Aldusdownloading some "Cervisia" stuff, what a weird name17:10
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Ryccardologa: "init 0" or "shutdown -s now"17:10
theadminRyccardo: You're messing Linux with Windows (-s is the way it's done in Windows)17:11
luis_hello! i need help with this bug that i have https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/89861517:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898615 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Presario C500] Hibernate command fails and returns to userspace" [Medium,Confirmed]17:11
theadminRyccardo: It's "shutdown -h now"17:11
jonathan1does anyone know what the + symbol means when referring to a partitions block size in fdisk?17:11
theadminloga: The simpliest way to remember is "poweroff"17:11
Ryccardothank you for the correction, I always use init 0 as it's shorter :)17:11
rymate1234I'm having a problem with using multiple moniters17:11
theadminRyccardo: Why not "halt" xD17:11
logahow to change root password ?17:12
ThinkT510loga: you don't17:12
dr_willisloga:  there is no root user password.17:12
dr_willisloga:  use sudo as needed.17:12
ThinkT510!noroot | loga17:12
ubottuloga: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.17:12
rymate1234I am trying to setup a second moniter17:12
rymate1234but I get an error17:12
fanboyHow can i open port 5432 to remote connections?17:13
llutz_fanboy: you are behind a router?17:13
dr_willisfanboy:  if you run a service that uses it.. then it should be open. unless you set up some firewall rules.17:13
rymate1234I get this error17:13
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/17:13
rymate1234requested position/size for CRTC 148 is outside the allowed limit: position=(1366, 28), size=(1024, 768), maximum=(1600, 1600)#17:13
fanboyllutz: no17:13
fanboydr_willis: its a vps17:14
rymate1234oh nvm got it working17:14
llutz_fanboy: check your iptables rules17:14
CannedCorncan anyone help me out with this17:14
CannedCornso odd17:14
logafriends , is any screencasting software for ubuntu ?17:14
fanboyi have tried everything that postgres advices but it wont connect.17:14
rymate1234this is weird xD17:14
arooni-mobilei have 11.10; i'm plugged in via ethernet.  how do i create a wireless network that allows other devices to connect (and share) my connection?   i have a thinkpad t420; with a Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 wireless card;   i have already tried 2-3 guides17:14
llutz_fanboy: "sudo lsof -i :5432"17:15
SadlyMistakenI just relaize that there is an application USB server (with PHP, Mysql, Apache, Myphpadmin) to Windows, but not to UBUNTU, somebody knows?17:15
fanboyllutz: Let me ssh that17:15
dr_willisSadlyMistaken:  not sure what you mean by 'appication usb server'17:15
nimbioticsHello evry1. I have a mkv movie with multiuple subtitles. I am only interested in one of the subtitle option. I've tried to create a DVD using devede, but when I select the mkv file, none of the  subtitle options show up. What can I do? Is there a way to convert mkv files so I get the subtitles in different files? I've got handbrake & mkvmerge but neither seems to give the optionof spliting...17:16
nimbiotics...subs. TIA!17:16
SadlyMistakendr_willis something like a WEB SERVER but it is into an usb.17:16
dr_willisnimbiotics:  ffmpeg, or mencoder could remove, or split out the subtitles.17:16
cari_veri_udHi there :) "FATAL: Error inserting vesafb (/lib/modules/3.0.0" on boot results in bad grafics performance. how do I solve?17:16
CannedCornif a process just crashes when issuing sudo  start service_x how can i get information on how it is failing17:16
SadlyMistakendr_willis: something like a WEB SERVER but it is into an usb.17:17
dr_willisLNCL500:  start by turning off the caps lock.17:17
Jordan_USadlyMistaken: Ubuntu server can be installed to a USB drive without any special modifications.17:17
nimbioticsdr_willis: thx17:17
LNCL500Sorry about that17:17
dr_willisJordan_U:  i think he means somthing like the 'portable apps' tools for windows..17:17
SadlyMistakenJordan_U no no, i don't want to install Ubuntu Server. I want to install a WEB server application into a USB (php,mysql,apache,etc..)17:18
LNCL500So, can anyone sort of fill me in on what exactly goes on in here?17:18
dr_willisLNCL500:  ubuntu support.17:18
dr_willislike the topic says. :)17:18
fanboyllutz_: executed the command.Should i restart anything or should i go ahead and telnet 1xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx 543217:19
LNCL500How do I use this client for other IM use such as with Yahoo?17:19
llutz_fanboy: you just should give the line it gave back. that command didn't change anything17:19
SadlyMistakenthen. nobody knows?17:19
ThinkT510LNCL500: you don't, this is irc not im17:20
LNCL500Got it17:20
BenkinoobyLNCL500, but i think some im software like pdigin support irc too17:20
fanboyllutz_:postgres 14145 postgres    3u  IPv6 2964199899      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresq                   l (LISTEN)17:20
dr_willis!im | LNCL50017:20
ubottuLNCL500: The Empathy Instant Messenger is installed by default and supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and  variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete and !pidgin17:20
fanboyand postgres 14145 postgres    6u  IPv4 2964199900      0t0  TCP localhost:postgresq                   l (LISTEN)17:21
PiciLNCL500: Are you using empathy?17:21
llutz_fanboy: check postgres config, you bound it to localhost only, you have to make it listen on all devices if you want to access from internet17:21
LNCL500Ok, what are the most popular channels that is utilized with this client.  I also have Empathy but thought trying something different.17:21
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fanboyllutz_:how do i do that,editing postgres.conf or what?17:22
dr_willisLNCL500:  theres 1000's of channels.. and hundered of irc servers each with their own channels...17:22
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llutz_fanboy: check "listen_adresses= "   seem to be set to "localhost", hast to be ='*'17:23
ThinkT510!alis | LNCL50017:23
ubottuLNCL500: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*17:23
jlebarI started a program (firefox nightly build) from the command line.  I'd like it to stay in the Unity launcher.  But when I right-click on the icon, I don't get an option for "keep in launcher".  How do I make a permanent icon to this program?17:23
fanboyllutz: Beleiev it or not,its set to *17:23
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do17:23
LNCL500Throught it's site17:24
llutz_fanboy: then either its the wrong config or you didn't restart postgre after changing that file17:24
CannedCornanyone here really good at upstart17:24
fanboyllutz_:Its gotta be another thing since i have tried everything i have on the installation of postgres on ubuntu.17:25
fanboyllutz_:what if i switch off the firewall,can i force open port 5432 ?17:25
incorrectcan someone tell me how to configure vinagre so rdp is in different resolutions?17:26
llutz_fanboy: it is NOT listening on external iface, you cannot "open something"17:26
llutz_fanboy: you might read a little bit about ports and services, tcp and all that stuff and how it basically works before trying to offer public services17:27
fanboyllutz_:Okay,have you ever adminsistered a vps and setup postgres on it?.17:27
llutz_fanboy: yes, no(i prefer mysql)17:27
xust-I'm installing kubuntu-desktop on Ubuntu 11.10 right now...which display manager would you recommend?17:27
fanboyllutz_: "Offer public services"?.Explain17:27
llutz_fanboy:  running services being accessible from internet17:28
xust-KDM or lightdm?17:28
LNCL500You still here ubutto17:28
MonkeyDustxust-  it makes you choose between gnome or kde login17:28
soreauxust-: For kubuntu the default is kdm though you can use which ever you prefer17:28
ThinkT510LNCL500: yes, ubottu is the bot17:28
ThinkT510!bot | LNCL50017:28
ubottuLNCL500: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots17:28
CannedCornanyone here that might be able to help me with an upstart issue17:29
CannedCornor help me diagnose one?17:29
LNCL500What exactly is a bot?  Sorry for the ignorant questions17:29
xust-so if I pick lightdm, it'd login normally, but i'd get the option at the login screen to choose KDE?17:29
ThinkT510xust-: just pick the session from the session box during login17:30
fanboyllutz_ oh.I don't get it,i did everything the article said17:30
jiffe98any idea why after upgrading to ubuntu 11.10, when I try to compile things from source it fails with "gcc: error: unrecognized option '-R'" ?17:30
llutz_fanboy: then check logs WHY postgres refuses to bind to external adresses17:30
xust-so it doesn't really  matter which one I pick?17:30
ThinkT510LNCL500: do you need help with something ubuntu related?17:30
jiffe98that is during the configure17:30
MonkeyDustLNCL500  a bot is 'robot', a program that gives automatic messages17:31
fanboyllutz_:Good idea and thanks.17:31
LNCL500This is pretty cool but am definitely unfamiliar with this program17:31
LNCL500Thanks MonkeyDust.17:31
llutz_fanboy: checking logs is the first thing to do on errors17:31
fanboyllutz_:Okay,where are the postgres logs: /etc/postgres/data/main17:32
TimewarperMy wifi adapter keeps flashing (it has a light that flashes when there is network traffic) without doing anything when i connect to my router. This doesnt happen under windows.  Is there a tool to check if this box has been infected by a trojan, backdoor or something?17:32
ThinkT510fanboy: likely in /var/logs/ where most logs are usually kept17:33
llutz_fanboy: /var/log/postgres* i'd guess, try setting ip explicit: "listen_adresses='localhost, <your.vps.ip.adr>'17:33
Jordan_UTimewarper: Regular bugs or misconfiguration is *much* more likely as an explanation that a trojan or similar.17:33
fanboyOkay.Thanks all i gotta leave now and wait on a ticket i opened no the problem.17:33
TimewarperJordan_U, it happens now only, didnt happen before 1 hour17:34
phoenix_firebrdhow to enable vaapi for hardware accelerated video playback?17:34
Timewarperalso when i reboot it persists17:34
LNCL500ThinkT510:  Ah, well, I just done the Windows to Linux switch and watched the Linux Action Show.  Lol.  They mentioned this IRC to use for whatever support.17:34
MonkeyDustTimewarper  is it broadcom 43** adapter?17:34
Jordan_UTimewarper: Ahh, I misunderstood your statement. I thought you were worried about the light at first not realizing you were worried about the traffic it implied, sorry.17:34
TimewarperMonkeyDust, its intel something17:35
AlexLovehi 2 all need help... (17:35
AlexLovemkisofs -D -r -V ยซ$IMAGE_NAMEยป -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../myubuntu-10.04.iso             <-I correctly entered? or bug17:35
ThinkT510LNCL500: this channel is usually rather busy and is support oriented, you may want to /join #freenode if you want to learn some irc basics17:36
LNCL500ThinkT510:  Ok, sounds good.  Thanks.17:36
luis__hi there! i'm needing help regarding how to install the newest kernel in order to solve this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/89861517:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 898615 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Presario C500] Hibernate command fails and returns to userspace" [Medium,Confirmed]17:36
ThinkT510LNCL500: no worries :)17:37
melki How to disable AMD Athlon Processor TF-20 steping. It runs in two modes (.8ghz and 1.6ghz). How do i set it to run only at 1.6ghz?17:42
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )17:42
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps ShapeShifter49917:42
hololightA quick question (maybe)... on my laptop my mouse (trackpad or usb mouse) is very laggy on 11.10 (11.04 also). This was nto the case with 10.04 and still works fine in windows. Any thoughts.17:43
ThinkT510hololight: sounds like a compiz or graphics card issue17:44
AlexLovehelp me please, where the error in command17:44
hololightI thought that also.... but has driver changed since 10.04?17:44
AlexLovemkisofs -D -r -V ยซ$IMAGE_NAMEยป -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../myubuntu-10.04.iso17:44
llutz_AlexLove: literally -V ยซ$IMAGE_NAMEยป ?17:45
ThinkT510hololight: 10.04 uses gnome2 and metacity, since 11.04 unity/gnome has used compiz by default17:45
ThinkT510hololight: drivers also get updated between releases17:45
chuck[screen]is there a bug with compiz? it won't listen to my prefs re:window shadows17:45
AlexLoveaaam... that there should be ...?17:45
llutz_AlexLove: put it in quotes17:45
MaoZedongsCan someone help me get my computer to recognize my digital camera? Using 10.10. Connected via USB. It is not mounting, or even recognizing it as plugged in. My other laptop running BackTrack recognized it instantly.17:46
llutz_AlexLove: thats the label your cd/dvd will get17:46
plasanteI've installed 11.10 on my amd64 and it freezes all the time17:46
plasanteit was working fine with 10.1017:46
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AlexLove<llutz_> oh... thanks iam try17:47
hololightThinkT510: I am fairly sure I was using compiz before... ( haven't touched this laptop in some time), but since I dont have much else to try at the moment, I will go p0lay with the driver.17:47
melkiHi, How to disable AMD Athlon Processor TF-20 steping. It runs in two modes (.8ghz and 1.6ghz). I am using an acer emachine e625, ubuntu 11.10 with gnome shell. How do i set it to run only at 1.6ghz?17:48
BluesKajplasante, have you installed the recommended drivers in admin>additional drivers ?17:48
plasanteI tried but it freezes before it finish the installation17:49
cipherboyKamilnadeen hello17:49
plasante11.10 is working on my laptop17:49
kamilnadeem12.04 aplha iso is out so I am thinking of installing it on the same HD on which UBuntu 11.10 is installed while using the 11.10's home partition as common , is it feasible ?17:49
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: HI17:50
=== BluesKaj is now known as which
rmxzHow can I delete some large (million file) directories with minimal impact on a production system.    "rm -r" uses 100% of the I/O of the 8-disk internal raid array; and makes all the production services very slow stuck in I/O wait states; even if I ionice the rm.     I see blogs on how to delete large directories faster.  Any advice how to delete one more slowly?17:50
whichplasante, which driver is it?17:50
ThinkT510!12.04 | kamilnadeem17:50
ubottukamilnadeem: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:50
whichhi kamilnadeem17:50
Tekk_were windows to be overtaken by osx, would bug 1 be closed or just updated to reflect that apple has majority market share?17:51
kamilnadeemwhich: Hey 12.04 alpha has come so quick and the changes seems nice , want to dive into it :)17:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1 in Ubuntu "Microsoft has a majority market share" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/117:51
plasanteCan I just skip that driver installation?17:51
go^Hello! I've tryied tu install ubuntu 11.10 32 bit on my netbook (I used unetbootin to transfer iso on my usb pendrive) but when I boot installation from my pendrive it starts a console "BusyBox" built-in shell o_O can anyone help me?17:51
plasanteAs long as my internet connection is working it's fine with me17:51
leelahello, i've got a problem, my laptop is broke, so i took the hdd out and put it another laptop. The problem now is my old laptop had an nvidia card, the one im using right now has an ati card and if i try to start up after the ubuntu loading screen it only shows funny colors. im using the newest kubuntu version and  i got a shell. nay ideas? xD17:51
Tekk_leela: installing ati drivers. apt-cache search ati | less will let you look through them17:52
MaoZedongsCan someone help me get my computer to recognize my digital camera? Using 10.10. Connected via USB. It is not mounting, or even recognizing it as plugged in. My other laptop running BackTrack recognized it instantly.17:52
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nprezidentwhat's up people ? if i use the dd command and wipe my computer can i restore all of my settings and programs and files using the if of dd command ?17:52
leelatekk, so how do i install ati drivers from shell?17:52
gunfire007i have arch linux and ubuntu installed, the entery of Ubuntu is first, how can i make the entry of the arch linux first and ubuntu second ?17:53
whichplasante, switch to a tty (ctrl-alt-f1), log in, then type "jockey-text -a" and press enter , then sudo nvidia-xconfig , and sudo service start lightdm or gdm17:53
plasanteok thanks I will try it17:53
gunfire007go^: what's the exact error you are getting ?17:53
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go^gunfire007, i have no error.. :(17:54
go^gunfire007, must I try dmesg | tail ?17:55
gunfire007go^: pastebin it..17:55
gunfire007or try burning that image again..17:55
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kamilnadeemwhich: SO what is your Idea about using the same home partition for two distros , in my case Ubunutu 11.10 and Ubuntu 12.04 alpha ?17:56
gunfire007MaoZedongs: chk which packages are being used in backtrack when you are using your digital camera, chk whether same packages are there or not in ubuntu, some of the packages have been upgraded so that might be causing probs..17:56
go^gunfire007, i have no error in dmesg | tail too :/17:57
grozavpaulwhy can't i connect to the internet using a PPPoE connection from ubuntu 11.10 ?17:57
gunfire007go^: try burning the image again ?17:57
MaoZedongsgunfire007: My desktop went down, and I am using an old laptop. I removed backtrack and installed ubuntu because backtrack sucks.17:57
go^gunfire007, mm ok :)17:57
BluesKaj!/home | kamilnadeem17:57
ubottukamilnadeem: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Partitioning/Home/Moving17:57
gunfire007grozavpaul: give errors17:57
MaoZedongsgunfire007, Now I cant get into my camera.17:57
gunfire007go^: :)17:58
gunfire007best of luck :) go^17:58
melki How to disable AMD Athlon 64 Processor steping. It runs in two modes (.8ghz and 1.6ghz). How do i set it to run only at 1.6ghz?17:58
gunfire007MaoZedongs: have you tried updating your system ?17:58
go^gunfire007, thank you eheh strange thing o.O my debian linux installation worked o.o17:58
grozavpaulgunfire007: it doesn't say anything ... i click the network icon near the clock and select my DSL connection and it tries to connect but it fails ..17:58
gunfire007go^: np17:58
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Thanks , were you able to check my blog?17:59
gunfire007grozavpaul: from terminal execute sudo pppoeconf17:59
BluesKajkamilnadeem, I've heard of ppl using one/home dir for 2 different distros , but whether it's such a good idea is debatebale , I've both pros and cons ...never tried it myaself17:59
MaoZedongsgunfire007: Actually, I was downloading updates. Says I need a restart. :) Lemme give it a go.17:59
* MaoZedongs facepalms.17:59
gunfire007and tell what is happening ?17:59
gunfire007MaoZedongs: i think now you might have solved your prob :)17:59
grozavpaulok, ill be back17:59
AlexLove<llutz_>: hi you here?18:00
phaidrosheya, with pae kernel I only get 3gb of RAM, BIOS sees 4GB .. any ideas?18:00
llutz_AlexLove: ?18:00
Gentoo64phaidros, why dont you use 64 bit18:00
nettoxicphaidros, 64bit18:00
leela@tekk i cant find any ati18:00
BluesKajkamilnadeem, nice blog , a bit much for newns tho :)18:01
AlexLove<llutz_>: dont work please help... T___T18:01
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: I am already running the root of Ubuntu 11.10 on 20gb extended  part , with home being on primary . might as well create a 30 gb root and install 12.04 alpha , what say?18:01
AlexLove<llutz_>: mkisofs -D -r -V myubuntuoffice -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../myubuntu-10.10.iso18:01
llutz_!work | AlexLove18:02
ubottuAlexLove: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.18:02
leelais there a way to reset all drivers? so ubuntu will search new drivers for every component?18:02
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Thanks , yeah it is much Info but I made it with the thought of being the one stop sollution for a new user, no more searching around for things :)18:02
BluesKajkamilnadeem, it's supposed to work...anyone else have comments ?18:02
Gentoo64leela, its not like windows18:02
Gentoo64leela, the drivers are all built into the kernel18:02
zeynep_erlHow can i remove the links here : http://i.stack.imgur.com/HdmlJ.png on Ubuntu 11.10 ? ฤฑ don't know if it is safe to remove lines from here :ย ~/.config/user-dirs.dir. Can someone please help me? Thank you!18:03
BluesKajBBL, stuff to do18:03
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: Tc18:03
sstazeynep_erl: don't.  Why would you want to?18:04
leelagentoo64 so is there a way or not?18:04
kamilnadeemBluesKaj: will go forward with that :)18:04
kamilnadeemPeace Be With You All18:04
Gentoo64leela, what are you trting to do?18:04
MaoZedongsgunfire007, Didnt fix my problem. All updates are installed.18:04
zeynep_erlssta: i don't use many fo them. And i always mount about 10 devices. SO i need free space there.18:04
leelagentoo64, i put my hdd in another laptop since my old laptop is broke18:05
Gentoo64the drivers, by default, arent "installed"18:05
phaidrosGentoo64: nettoxic well. it is a 32bit machine of course ;)18:05
Gentoo64theyre just used18:05
AlexLove<ubottu> <llutz_> sorry me... problem of not understanding the problem, why can not begin to create the ISO image of Ubuntu18:05
sstazeynep_erl: umm, they're probably referenced by the bootloader configuration.  And generally devices are mounted in /media or /mnt, no?18:05
zeynep_erl ssta: thanks for your interest. sorry but i am not happy because everoyne here on this community ask "why you want that" question.18:05
phaidrosand my questiuon was about PAE and only 3gb RAM, not about 64bit ;)18:05
osvaldohola, soy osvaldo y necesito ayuda en espaรฑol, por favor18:06
Gentoo64phaidros, ok i didnt know, some people use pae on 64 bit comps thats all18:06
leelagentoo64, the question is how to bring my linux to use otherx xD18:06
phaidrosany hints on PAE kernel showing only 3GB RAM, with BIOS showing 4GB, on a 32bit machine (imho PAE should work up to 64GB RAM, right) ?18:06
phaidrosGentoo64: ah, ok18:06
sstazeynep_erl: if you delete them then it will probably cause you problems18:06
zeynep_erl ssta: yes. they are mounting /mnt or /media directory. but i use nautilus left panel to go quickly to mounted medias. so i need free space on this panel. that is the reason i want to remoe some of these links.18:06
Gentoo64leela, it should work..18:06
Gentoo64leela, dont it boot then?18:07
OerHeksphaidros, does the GPU use system memory ? that could explain the diff18:07
zeynep_erlssta: i think so... :(18:07
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sstaoh, I see, ity's not links you want to remove, it's stuff displayed in the nautilus quicklist...18:07
MaoZedongsCan someone help me get 10.10 to recognize my digital camera via USB? It is not mounting, or even recognizing it as plugged in. The computer will recognize and mount other media. My backtrack4 box recognized and mounted it right away.18:07
leela@gentoo it boots when i use the recovery option, by networking doesnt work and if i use normal boot i just get fancy colors on my screen18:08
Gentoo64MaoZedongs, you probbaly need the driver then18:08
sstazeynep_erl: "links" implied (to me) that you meant the symlinks to initrd.gz and vmlinuz.18:08
Gentoo64if the kernel dotn have it in ubuntu18:08
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go^gunfire007, i tryed to burn the image again and I got an error when i try to install ubuntu from my USB pendrive --> SYSLINUX - No DEFAULT or UI configuration directive found!18:08
Gentoo64dont see why backtrack would have a digital cam driver built in its kernel and not ubuntu though18:08
sipiorphaidros: could you paste the output of "uname -a" for us?18:09
zeynep_erlssta: what you mean ?! :-/18:09
gunfire007go^: did you format the pendrive before you were burning the image again ?18:09
go^gunfire007, yes :| with gparted in fat3218:09
phaidrosOerHeks: how to determine if gpu uses system memory?18:10
phaidrossipior: Linux artisan 2.6.38-13-generic-pae #52-Ubuntu SMP Tue Nov 8 17:50:45 UTC 2011 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux18:11
sstazeynep_erl: remove the lines you don't want from ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs and they'll disappear from the nautilus sidebar18:11
sipiorphaidros: is there a bios entry for enabling memory remapping? is it set?18:11
juboubuntuhiya. I have some things like no irc client with working audible alerts in my Xubuntu, someone told me to get Kubuntu with it's larger user base to have less buggy / more working OS. Dunno what to do, input appreciated18:11
MaoZedongsGentoo64, I found a driver on SourceForge, but it says it is already included in the linux kernel 2.6.28. I have
gunfire007go^: than there might be some prob with the iso file that you are using..18:11
zeynep_erlssta: you write me it will may couse som problems..18:11
zeynep_erlssta:  ? it is %100 safe ?18:11
go^gunfire007, i've got an idea...i'll check md518:11
MaoZedongsGentoo64, so I should assume I have a driver.18:11
phaidrossipior: I havent seen any memory specific setting in the BIOS. the BIOS shows 4096MB RAM. memtest doesnt.18:12
gunfire007go^: ya18:12
OerHeksphaidros, the specs of the GPU and chipset could tell18:12
sipiorphaidros: keep looking.18:12
MaoZedongsGentoo64, I just want to mount it as a drive and get photos off. Not use it as a webcam.18:12
phaidrossipior: lol, thanx ;)18:12
leela@gentoo64 it boots when i use the recovery option, by networking doesnt work and if i use normal boot i just get fancy colors on my screen18:12
sstazeynep_erl: yes.  I thought you wanted to remove the /initrd.gz and /vmlinuz symlinks, which WOULD probably cause problems.  Removing lines from user-dirs.dirs might make it hard for some apps to find your music folder say, but it won't break your system18:12
go^gunfire007, md5sum is correct :(18:13
gunfire007MaoZedongs: i don't know why it's not showing up...18:13
phaidrosOerHeks: it is a thinkpad x60s. specs here: http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/Category:X60s18:13
zeynep_erlssta: hmm ok. thank you!.18:13
zeynep_erlssta: also can i ask you something else ?18:13
phaidrosOerHeks: intel 945GM afaics18:13
MaoZedongsIs there some way I can manually make the OS search for new hardware?18:14
juboubuntuRedundancy !18:14
sstazeynep_erl: sure, I don't promise to know the answers18:14
zeynep_erlssta: i installed ubuntu to my virtualbox . i installled 20-30 apps. now it use about 170 mb of RAM. this is very low. it is normal ?18:14
phaidrosMaoZedongs: you should see new hardware with dmesg. lsusb and lspci might help, too18:14
gunfire007go^:  there are only 3 possiblities for such kind of probs, 1. prob with pendrive, (which i think is not there) 2. improper image 3.Problem in burning the image.18:15
zeynep_erlssta: it is because the desktop manager opened on fallback mode ?18:15
gunfire007so you have to check it..18:15
phaidrosOerHeks: do you have any idea about that hardware?18:15
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go^gunfire007, with debian iso worked (same pendrive, same unetbootin pc, same installation pc) O_o18:15
gunfire007try isntalling it with the newer verison of unetbootin18:15
juboubuntuanyways... I'm looking for a linux with some sort of centralized bubble / sound signal user notification system. What flavour do you recommend? I cannot get Compiz to work on Xubuntu and no audible (*g*) alarms in irc clients18:15
gunfire007go^: sometimes such wiered stuff's happens..18:15
leela@gentoo64 i was using the proprietary nvidia driver before though maybe that causes trouble18:16
sstazeynep_erl: I dunno...not quite sure what you're asking18:16
sipiorphaidros: interesting. this thread implies that there is no remapping option; i.e., you're stuck for the moment: http://forum.tabletpcreview.com/lenovo-ibm/6809-4gb-ram-installed-3gb-only-visible-x60t-bandwidth-issues.html18:16
gunfire007juboubuntu: use arch linux everything customized according to your needs18:16
MaoZedongsphaidros, lsusb doesnt show it as plugged in. The others dont show anything, either.18:16
zeynep_erl ssta: now my ubuntu 11.10 use 170 mb RAM. thi is normal ?18:16
go^gunfire007, nice :P18:16
sstazeynep_erl: your first question BTW...ould it not be easier to display the nautilus sidebar as a tree?  Then all those folders close up into "home"#18:16
HaffeHello people. I have an old computer lying around and a spare wlan card. How good of an idea is it to use the computer as a temporary wlanAP?18:17
FunnyLookinHatSo - who here has gotten ZSNES ( or any other SNES emulator ) to install w/o removing a bunch of required packages for gstreamer and whatnot ?18:17
gunfire007go^: nice ?18:17
sstazeynep_erl: seems pretty low to me...but I guess it's possible18:17
* juboubuntu considers Tin Foil Linux18:17
zeynep_erlssta: ok. thank you!18:17
MaoZedongsAlthough lspci does show that it sees my SD card reader. Im gonna try it and see what happens.18:18
phaidrosMaoZedongs: as root (sudo) as well ?18:18
malayonputos de mierda!!!18:18
phaidrossipior: pity, darn i945 chipset :/18:19
gunfire007MaoZedongs: you have to manually mount it..18:20
gunfire007mount that drive if it sees it..18:20
MaoZedongsHow do I do that?18:20
bcuraboyhow can i restore my grub without the grub -cd?18:21
grozavpaulhow can i install a program from Ubuntu software center? because Use this source is disabled ...18:21
teratomahow do i stop CarrierIQ from running?18:21
grozavpauli am using ubuntu 11.1018:21
zatanHi, how can I set my that my default sound card to be USB ?18:22
MaoZedongsHow do I manually mount the SD drive?18:22
ThinkT510!mount | MaoZedongs18:22
ubottuMaoZedongs: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:22
grozavpaulhow can i install a program from Ubuntu software center? because Use this source is disabled ...18:23
robertfwI made a mistake that's ended up locking me out of my computer. I made an edit to my ~/.profile to call a python script, and on the subsequent login i get booted back to the login prompt. i've launched into recovery mode, selected remount at the first menu, and want to then select "drop into root terminal" after that, at which point i'm going to decrypt ~/ so i can remove the offending line from ~/.profile. However, after i hit "rem18:24
robertfwand then a blank prompt18:24
robertfwthis is on ocelot running on virtualbox18:24
robertfwi had originally tried dropping into root terminal from the first menu, but that leaves the filesystem read only18:24
MonkeyDustdon't try to be root18:28
robertfwi guess the question is really, how can i get access to ~/.profile so i can edit it18:29
BadLarryrobertfw: vi .profile in your home directory18:29
robertfwi tried logging in as guest and sudoing, but guest doesn't have access to that18:29
grozavpaulwhat happened to ubuntu? why does it look like this (ubuntu 11.10)? can i come back to the old look and feel?18:30
robertfwBadLarry: i know how to edit it, i can't login to edit it18:30
leela@gentoo64 got it, i just had to change the xorg.conf18:30
gunfire007robertfw: sudo nano ~/.profile18:30
Gentoo64leela, ok18:30
robertfwBadLarry, gunfire007: i know how to do the edit. i need to get to a terminal that has access to the file18:30
robertfwif i try to login via the graphical login screen, i get dumped back into it18:31
Gentoo64robertfw, from livecd18:31
Gentoo64dno what the problem is though18:31
gunfire007robertfw: what's the exact prob, getting confused..18:31
robertfwgunfire007: i buggered up ~/.profile that is preventing me from logging in to fix it18:32
BadLarryrobertfw: pm18:32
threexkhello.  Has anyone else gotten an error about "packages not from authenticated sources" for libgdata-common and libgdata13?18:33
threexkI was just doing a routine package update on Ubuntu 11.10 and got those errors...18:33
grozavpaulwhat happened to ubuntu? why does it look like this (ubuntu 11.10)? can i come back to the old look and feel?18:34
threexkgrozavpaul: yes, but unfortunately it takes some effort.  Look into Gnome 3 Fallback mode18:35
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Gentoo64grozavpaul, fallback is a little bit like gnome 2 but not really the same, the common answer you'll get is use something else18:36
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Gentoo64or "use xfce" lol18:36
grozavpaulok, but then why can not i install new programs trough the software center?18:37
AlexLoveiam like xfce18:37
grozavpaulthe install button is not there18:37
grozavpauland use this source is disabled18:37
Gentoo64grozavpaul, what happens18:37
Jinxed-by default my monitor resolution is limited in the gui... is there a way to increase the resolution18:37
Jinxed-I have a widescreen monitor and it is set at something like 1024x76818:37
Gentoo64Jinxed-, have you looked under monitor, in the system settings?18:38
soreauJinxed-: What graphics driver?18:38
Jinxed-Gentoo64, that is where I was trying to change it and it was limited18:39
Jinxed-soreau, how would I find out?18:39
soreauJinxed-: Well what graphics card as per lspci|grep VGA ?18:39
grozavpauli just select the VLC player and the install button is disabled18:39
milen8204I can`t edit my gnome 3.2.1 panel whit Alt+rightclick, any ideas ?18:40
Jinxed-acording to lshw I have Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller18:41
soreauJinxed-: I said lspci|grep VGA18:41
soreauJinxed-: Sounds like intel18:41
Gentoo64milen8204, have you tried ctrl or shift + right click?18:42
Jinxed-Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset18:42
soreauJinxed-: You might have to manually add a mode http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR1218:42
grozavpaulwhy is my install button disabled in ubuntu software center?18:45
milen8204Gentoo64, yes i had tried18:45
Gentoo64grozavpaul, no idea :s18:45
Gentoo64tried rebooting?18:46
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dennda__I like that new ubuntu tour18:52
osvaldosomebody help me please19:02
ShooterMGanybody have issues with file downloads and product kits? I can't seem to download any files in purchased product kits19:04
Nightyyyyhow do i flush dns at ubuntu 10.10 ?19:04
ShooterMGwoops, wrong room19:05
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osvaldowhen I minimizer, the window dissapear, what I can do?19:06
Nightyyyyhow do i flush dns at ubuntu 10.10 ?19:06
notimikhi, when I try to open an site in firefox that uses aspx it try to open it in monodevelop isntead of showing it.. is there a way to fix this without deinstalling monodevelop?19:08
osvaldowhere are the answer?19:10
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jclbrtanyone know what happened to the compiz_fusion effects in 11.10?19:13
jclbrtthe older version of ubuntu (like a long time ago) use to have a place where you could set window effects and what not19:13
theadminjclbrt: GNOME no longer uses Compiz. So, well, they're not there.19:13
jclbrtoh noes19:13
theadminjclbrt: You have to install it separately.19:13
jclbrti loved that19:13
jclbrtso just install compiz?19:13
theadminjclbrt: sudo apt-get install compiz compizconfig-settings-manager19:14
jclbrtthanks :-)19:14
EmiruCan I use clonezilla debian based if it's for ubuntu ?19:14
jclbrthavent used the desktop version of ubuntu in a LONG time19:14
jclbrtbeen using the server version19:14
theadminjclbrt: lol yep, it's changed.19:14
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jclbrtyea it sure has19:15
theadminjclbrt: If you want to look at what a standard gnome feels like, install the "gnome-shell" package, log out, click the little gear thing and choose GNOME.19:16
jclbrthopefully it works in virtual box19:16
theadminjclbrt: It changed a lot too19:16
ETronikhey all, is anyone experiencing on 11.10 that transmission is getting stuck , blocked and the process  cannot even be easily "killed"19:16
ETronikoh not mentioning using 100% of the CPU...19:16
jclbrtthe compiz that is... i hope that works in Virtual Box19:16
theadminETronik: That happened to me on Windows... Consider another bittorrent client.19:16
theadminjclbrt: Install the guest additions for it to work19:16
jordanETronik: does it happen when you first start downloading & it begins writing the contents to disk?19:17
jclbrtyep i just did...19:17
jclbrtwe'll see what happens19:17
soreaujclbrt: Yes, youll need guest additions and working 3D19:17
jordanETronik: and if so, what filesystem are you saving to?19:17
jclbrti dedicated 4 CPUs to ubuntu and 8GB of ram to the guest19:17
ETronikjordan: maybe I really can't tell, most torrent are at near zero save for one19:17
jclbrti think that should be FAST enough ;-)19:17
ETronikjordan how do I find my filesystem type ?19:17
theadminETronik: You may want to try qbittorrent, it's great really, has a classic utorrent-style UI and a ton of functions19:18
jordanETronik: one place is to look in /etc/fstab19:18
cari__veriHello, my ati grafics card runs with ubuntu kernel 2.6 jsut fine, but not with kernel 3.0.x it boots but is soo very slow. what can I do?19:19
ETronikjordan ext419:19
jordanhmm, is it an encrypted partition by any chance?19:19
ETronikjordan yeah I think so19:20
jordanp2p is hell on encrypted partitions because of all the near-random disk IO19:20
ETronikjordan shouldn't that be transparent to the applications ?19:20
jordanETronik: I'd recommend you use an unencrypted partition for your p2p, and then when it's done downloading/seeding you move it across to the encrypted partition19:21
jordanETronik: "transparent to the applications" -- I don't understand your question19:21
rypervencheETronik: I have an encrypted partition and I can run Transmission fine.19:21
ETronikjordan ok, hmm can I download directly to an SMB location ? using transmission ?19:21
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ETronikrypervenche: so. what might be causing this major instability ?19:22
jordanETronik: you could if the SMB location is mapped to a normal directory, but then you're going to have the SMB overhead too19:22
ETronikjordan I don't mind the overhead...19:22
jordanETronik: ideally you would be using a locally mounted, unencrypted drive with a decent filesystem (ext4 is fine)19:23
jclbrthmmm... no effects are working19:23
jclbrtor at least it doesnt seem to be applied19:23
jordanETronik: but, as you like it :)19:23
ETronikjordan but why does it need such high performance ? I don't get it...19:23
rypervencheETronik: You could try starting Transmission from the command line and see if it shows any errors.19:23
jordanAs you download and seed, you're encrypting and decrypting random sections of the file(s) as Transmission writes them to disk or reads them for seeding19:24
=== richard is now known as Guest1965
jclbrti hate transmission19:24
jordanI haven't experienced this firsthand, but I've seen many people complaining about torrent performance on encrypted drives -- transmission, deluge, ktorrent, w/e19:24
jclbrti even like utorrent more than transmission19:24
jordanjclbrt: what's wrong with transmission? :)19:24
ETronikjordan ok, so? I have fast laptop... or decent enough...19:24
jclbrtjust never had good experience with it19:25
theadminjclbrt: Like utorrent? Try qbittorrent :)19:25
jclbrtit always seemed to run slow19:25
jclbrtnot nearly s slow Azureus19:25
jclbrterr not nearly as slow as azureus19:25
Guest1965i installed ubuntu 10.04 as a second os on my win xp computer, i've installed the proprietary graphics driver, but scrolling web pages with alot of graphics is noticeable choppier/laggier than in xp, is there anything to do about this?19:25
ETronikso I still don't know, is it a system thing causing this ? or an application thing ?19:26
rypervencheGuest1965: What graphics card do you have and where did you download the proprietary driver from?19:26
GalvatronGuest1965: What graphics card is it?19:26
jordanETronik: well, okay. I'm just going from what you said, that the CPU is going at 100%, and that you're using an encrypted partition. If you want to put it to the test, try downloading to an unencrypted partition and compare the results19:26
rypervencheETronik: Try what I said and see if it gives any errors. Also try running it using the verbose option as well.19:26
Guest1965it's a geforce 7600 gs19:26
jordanencryption ain't free19:26
Guest1965and i installed it from the proprietary drivers menu in ubuntu19:27
ETronikrypervenche: how do I start transmission fom command line ?19:27
rypervencheGuest1965: Did you restart afterward?19:27
Guest1965rypervenche, yes19:27
GalvatronGuest1965: Then you have some pretty old drivers19:27
rypervencheETronik: Just type "transmission" in a terminal19:28
Guest1965Galvatron, i installed the driver listed as current19:28
GalvatronGuest1965: Try the very latest 290.10 from nVidia's website19:28
Guest1965Galvatron, ok19:28
Guest1965Galvatron, ok19:28
ETronikjordan sure I know what you mean, but by that argument one could not use database or anything that uses quite a bit of HD... I've used encrypted partitoins with no side-effects since the days of OS/2 (quite a few years back) and never had a problem19:29
ETronikI mean using a 386 as the processor...19:29
jclbrtbleh... where the heck can i change the theme in gnome now?19:29
rypervencheETronik: I'm using an EeePC with LVM on LUKS to do it and I have no problems. :P19:29
ETronikrypervenche: do how do I call transmission from command line ?19:30
froxhi, why doesn't Ubuntu has any trademark conflict that prevents the use of Firefox, as Debian does?19:30
rypervencheETronik: Scroll up. Just type "transmission".19:30
theadminfrox: Because Ubuntu doesn't modify Firefox's code.19:30
ETronikrypervenche: oops, :-) ok tks19:31
maestrojedI had a MySQL server on my Ubuntu box. The box has crashed and burned. Nothing will run but I can access the HD. Since I can't run mysqld I can't make a dump of the data. Can I back these databases up by strictly using the filesystem?19:31
rypervenchefrox: Because Ubuntu isn't as into Free software as Debian is. Yay Debian!19:31
jordanyep, I knew I'd seen this before19:31
jordanETronik: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ecryptfs/+bug/43197519:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431975 in eCryptfs "downloading a torrent to an encrypted home partition hangs and uses 100% CPU" [Wishlist,Triaged]19:31
theadminfrox: You may not use the Firefox trademark if you modify the code, but if you don't, you're fine19:31
jordan"Karmic with all updates. Home is encrypted with ecryptfs. I have tried downloading several torrents with thansmission and rtorrent. When downloading to the encrypted home, both programs hang, use 100% CPU and I can't kill them. Downloading to /tmp, which is not encrypted works."19:31
GalvatronGuest1965: Also the browsers might be at fault. I have Ubu 11.04 + 7300GT + 290.10 and Opera 11.52 is the only one scrolling 100% smoothly19:32
jcolbert__prob due to the encryption cuz it has to encrypt the data when it downloads it19:32
GalvatronIt's my primary browser anyways, so no problem here.19:32
jordanETronik: ^ that sounds almost exactly like what you were describing19:32
jcolbert__oh nvm thats what u r saying hehe19:33
jcolbert__missed it completely19:33
diverdud`Hello. In my /etc/exports i have the following: /home/mythtv/media,fsid=0,no_subtree_check    what does the /24 mean? And why am I able to access even though my ip is not ?19:33
jcolbert__i'm trying to get the compiz effects to take... might have to reboot the machine and see if that helps19:33
Galvatronjordan: Karmic is pretty old. It would be best to try with Natty19:33
squidlyhow do I fully reinstll my kernel and modules?19:34
theadminjcolbert__: Run ccsm and configure it the way you wish19:34
ETronikjordan yes it does look exactly what I have...19:34
theadminjcolbert__: Also, you might want to add "compiz --replace" to your start up apps so it starts up with compiz and not mutter19:34
ETroniknow... how can I kill the bugger without having to reboot ?19:34
theadminETronik: Could you killall -9 transmission?19:35
diverdud`Hello. In my /etc/exports i have the following: /home/mythtv/media,fsid=0,no_subtree_check    what does the /24 mean? And why am I able to access even though my ip is not ?19:35
froxok, thanks everybody. What kind of change does Debian do to Firefox that Ubuntu doesn't?19:35
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jcolbert__theadmin yea i did the first part19:35
jcolbert__didnt do the second part19:35
jordanGalvatron: I'm running 11.10 here... that Natty mention was a quote from the ticket that matches what ETronik is seeing19:35
theadminfrox: A few security patches from what I'm aware.19:35
theadminfrox: And something... uh... not sure actually.19:35
jordanGalvatron: thanks though :)19:35
theadminfrox: Wikipedia may tell you.19:35
squidlydiverdud`: the /24 means that anything in the can access that share19:35
jclbrtoh crap i just realized i had two connections to this irc server with my client19:35
jclbrtmy bad19:35
cristipiticulI just wanted to thank you for your support19:36
froxtheadmin: thank you very much19:36
cristipiticulI've just updated to 10.419:36
Guest67345Brasero complains "Couldn't find package toc2cue", apt complains "Couldn't find package toc2cue".19:36
cristipiticulhave a nice day/night19:36
ETroniktheadmin: slowtossingmotion19:36
diverdud`squidly: ohhh okay. IS it possible to set it up so that a specific outside ip can access the share also?19:36
Pingelinghi everybody. i set up a ubuntu server with the mini.iso with nothing but the standard installed. i want to install nvidia-glx-185 but that is not in the repository. can anyone tell me where i can find this or what i have to do?19:36
marshallhey ubuntu19:36
ETroniktheadmin: no process found on the killall -919:37
Guest67345Any way to resolve this?19:37
jclbrttheadmin shouldnt the effects be immediate as i configre them in ccsm19:37
Emiruto burn an ISO do you select burn file or burn content ?19:37
jordanETronik: is there still a transmission process running?19:37
theadminjclbrt: You kinda have to run compiz too...19:37
squidlydiverdud`: yes.. just setup a new share with the specific ip19:37
squidlythe /24 is a Class-C range.19:37
wubwabwhen installing the nvidia driver that i've downloaded, do i just double-click the file and the driver installs automatically?19:37
diverdud`squidly: how do i do that?19:37
squidlyman exports.conf19:37
ETronikjordan  theadmin  thransmission-gtk process in Zombie state19:37
froxrypervenche: you mean Ubuntu doesn't follow strictly the Debian Free Software Guidelines, do you?19:38
theadminEmiru: Burn... uh... burn image is normally how it's called19:38
theadminETronik: Oh, then killall -9 transmission-gtk19:38
ETroniktheadmin: yes, thats what I did19:38
theadminfrox: We don't follow that indeed.19:38
diverdud`squidly: Would this be ok?   /home/mythtv/media,fsid=0,no_subtree_check)19:38
jclbrttheadmin i think i know why19:38
squidlyyea that should work IIRC19:38
jclbrti forgot to enable 3D for the VM19:38
Emirutheadmin: I had to choose between content or file :P I selected content, I'll see if it boots19:38
squidlyI dont have an example right in front of me to be sure.19:39
theadminEmiru: I suppose that's the right way19:39
jclbrtgotta shut down the guest and go to the settings and enable it... hopefully my machine can handle it19:39
marshallI'm trying to make a debian package, but it looks like something inside the package is changing during dh_make and it complains "dpkg-source: error: unrepresentable changes to source". I'm only trying to package some source I downloaded someplace else, what should I do about this?19:39
jordanETronik: try "pkill -9 transmission"19:39
jclbrtdont exactly have the greatest GPU in the world19:39
Guest67345Bug #57078719:39
diverdud`squidly: ?19:39
squidlydiverdud`: BUT you also have to make sure the remote client can get to all the local ports need19:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 529696 in brasero (Ubuntu Natty) "duplicate for #570787 [SRU] brasero can't copy audio cd (useless error message)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52969619:39
diverdud`squidly: yes, you mean port forwarding right?19:40
squidlydiverdud`: that should work.19:40
ETronikjordan same result  window still thee, system monitor still lists the process as zombie19:40
GalvatronPingeling: You mean, you want nVidia's proprietary drivers?19:40
froxtheadmin: ok, I had a misconceived notion that as a derivative you would follow the guidelines19:40
diverdud`squidly: port 22 should be enough to forward to mount drives with ftab right?19:40
squidlydiverdud`: yea.. and also not forget that NFS is clear text.. so you will be sharing that to the world19:40
theadminfrox: Nah.19:40
squidlydiverdud`: if you do an ssh tunnel.. but I dont know if an SSH tunnel can work with NFS. I have never done that.. never wanted to. I only share NFS with my trusted hosts19:41
diverdud`squidly: what is NFS?19:41
PingelingGalvatron: Yes that's what i want. if i set up a machine with a desktop image it tells me that there are some updates. bytheway i have a netbook with nvidia ion chipset. does this matter?19:41
jordanETronik: hurm. you were just running transmission-gtk, rather than something complicated like transmission-daemon running as a service that you don't have user permissions to kill directly?19:41
diverdud`squidly: Network File Share = NFS?19:41
jordanETronik: if you can't kill it, and you have permissions to, the /simplest/ next advice is to reboot ;)19:42
squidlyNFS == Network File System19:42
squidly(what you are trying to do)19:42
froxtheadmin: :-) ok, thanks19:42
squidlyif you need to share it out over the web.. I would recomend you look at something like sshfs19:42
diverdud`squidly: but if i set up in /etc/exports that only a specific ip can access then im not sharing with the world right?19:42
diverdud`squidly: then only this ip can access19:43
diverdud`squidly: right?19:43
theadminfrox: For instance, no Arch derivatives I know really follow the Arch way.19:43
Emirutheadmin: did not boot :P19:43
squidlydiverdud`: in theory.. but NFS is easy to crack19:43
bsmith093SMART saya my disk has " a few bad sectors" should i be worried?19:43
squidlybsmith093: how many bad sectors and how old is your drive?19:43
diverdud`squidly: hmm yes ok....what is a better alternative?19:43
squidlydiverdud`: I said up above ;P19:43
ETronikjordan yeah... rebooting...19:44
Benkinoobywhat's the difference between the xubuntu session and the xfce session?19:44
bsmith093squidly: how do i check how many, and about 2 years old, but i was doing a hell of a lot of disk activity over he past week or so19:44
ETronikjordan btw where did you find that reference to the problem by someone else ?19:44
m477how from console level I can make my screen darker19:44
GalvatronPingeling: Have you installed this Server mini.so on this netbook?19:44
PingelingGalvatron: jep19:45
diverdud`squidly: o set up ssh and then NFS over ssh19:45
jclbrttheadmin it seems i've lost my panel on the left hand side19:45
Guest67345Why is the manfile for mkisofs not present?19:45
PingelingGalvatron: writing right now in irssi on this machine19:45
theadminGuest67345: I thought ubuntu uses genisoimage19:45
szalbsmith093: sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdX <- replace X with the letter corresponding to the HDD; look at things like 'Raw Read Error Rate', 'Reallocated Sector Count', 'Seek Error Rate' and the likes19:45
jordanETronik: I remembered seeing the ticket before and googled for it w/site:launchpad.net19:46
squidlydiverdud`: http://lmgt4u.com/?q=sshfs+faq+and+tutorial19:46
theadminjclbrt: I see, huh, guess Unity isn't compatible with compiz... Sorry about that19:46
jclbrtcompiz is working now tho...19:46
squidlybsmith093: smartctl --health $device | grep `test result`19:46
diverdud`squidly: what port doespure  NFS run on?19:46
Resistancetheadmin, Guest67345:  genisoimage replaced mkisofs19:46
squidlydiverdud`: a number of them actually19:46
jclbrtis there a way to get the classic panel back?  or at least other ways to access the settings etc19:47
theadminjclbrt: The classical panel? Sure, sudo apt-get install gnome-panel19:47
theadminjclbrt: HOWEVER I want to note that you no longer can add or remove widgets.19:47
jclbrtnever used them anyways :-P19:47
shomonhi, I've been trying to get sound to work on my laptop running lubuntu 10.10 + ubuntu desktop...19:47
diverdud`squidly: which?19:47
theadminjclbrt: I suggest you switch over to XFCE... It's much more functional and feels like gnome219:47
theadminjclbrt: And works with other window managers without trouble :D19:48
theadminjclbrt: I managed to run XFCE with i3. Weird combo huh?19:48
bsmith093squidly: szal, it says 10 bad sectors19:48
shomonfirst it was playing double speed, then I reinstalled flash and it became normal speed, but still with no sound. ActionParsnip told me to switch to alsa and lose pulse which I did, and now... I don't know what to do...19:48
squidlybsmith093: then dont worry about it19:48
GalvatronPingeling: Forget the 185.xx and get the very latest 290.10 from nVidia's website.19:48
bsmith093how much actual data is that?19:48
squidlydiverdud`: http://lmgt4u.com/?q=What+ports+does+NFS+run+on19:49
PingelingGalvatron: ok thx, i will try that19:49
shomonalsamixer shows it is all at the right levels...19:49
szalbsmith093: 20 KiB at worst19:49
Timewarpermy wifi adapter light blinks continuously (this happens normal when there is network traffic) when i am just idle and connect to my router. Is this a bug?19:50
bsmith093szal:  oh thank moore, i thought it was something serious :)19:50
diverdud`Squidy: i can also google19:50
bsmith093szal: how do i get them remapped19:50
squidlyszal: actually none.. most modern drives have a couple thousand spare sectors to remap badones too.19:50
szalbsmith093: it becomes serious if you get messages of the file system being corrupted19:50
ubottuXubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: ยซ sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop ยป - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:50
szalsquidly: sure that19:50
squidlydiverdud`: good..19:50
giannin #ubuntu-it-chat19:50
szalbsmith093: they should be remapped automatically19:50
=== gianni is now known as Guest51596
squidlybsmith093: the bad sectors are just marked bad by the drive/SMART and remapped to some spair ones.. I would not worry until it's a couple thousand19:51
nessitahello all! is there any guide about how to persistently mount as /home an existent partition (with homes directories in it) into an already installed Ubuntu?19:51
dob1hi, i updated to 11.10, why they are ruining the distribution?    unity is bad,  no good point on it,  gnome-shell wtf is ?  they are unusable,   gnome-session-fallback is a joke,   it only remains xfce.. but really they are making the distribution bad every release19:51
jclbrttheadmin... is there a way to get to the terminal now that i cant access the unity panel :-(19:52
ActionParsnipdob1: you dont have to use unity19:52
bsmith093squidly: well, i did get fsck errors when i biooted up, where is that log stored, so i can pastebinit?19:52
theadminjclbrt: Try ctrl-alt-t19:52
ActionParsnipdob1: you don't even have to use gnome19:52
jclbrtah... good job joe19:52
GalvatronPingeling: Donload them to your home folder, get to tty1 (Alt + F1) and use a command: sudo service gdm (or lighdm, kdm etc.) stop && sudo sh ./NVIDIA-Linux-x86/x86_64-290.10.run && sudo service gdm start. At first, it wil just disable Nouveau, but when you repeat the procedure after reboot, it will install the drivers.19:52
ActionParsnipdob1: using xfce is no bad thing, xfce is the default DE in xubuntu19:52
squidlybsmith093: check /var/log/boot.19:52
yaccTimewarper, probably not, WLAN especially is a shared medium, so if any other connected device broadcasts something you've got traffic. Plus modern OS tend to fetch stuff in the background all the time.19:52
theadminjclbrt: I'm not Joe...19:52
squidlywhat file system and why did you need to reboot?19:52
jclbrtyes i know19:53
jclbrtit's a quote19:53
jclbrtfrom a  movie i cant remember19:53
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bsmith093squidly:  my laptop and because it was off :)19:53
dob1ActionParsnip, this is not the point,  xfce remains the only usable de... the other options are bad,  who can find usable unity or gnome-shell? really.... it's better windows 98 thank gnome-shell or unity19:53
squidlybsmith093: ahh okies.. though this was a desktop19:53
ntr0pyHow can i get the configure flags which were used for my installed xserver-xorg-core ?19:53
Timewarperyacc, i thought i have a trojan in my system19:54
squidlydid your FS run fine? were you able to run it manually?19:54
ActionParsnipPingeling: you can get the 285 driver from the xorg edgers update ppa (not the edgers ppa itself)19:54
GalvatronPingeling: To update the drivers, download new ones fron nvidia and repeat the whole procedure (tty --> installation). After kernel update, do the same, just add "-K" flag, to compile the module only. To uninstall do the same, just use the "--uninstall flag".19:54
resushi i have a question about recordfail in grub, my server sometimes hang at the menu how do i make sure this doesn't happen? i have a recordfail entry in my grub.cfg (it's just recordfail not recordfail=1) if i comment that out will update-grub overwrite the settings? thanks!19:54
ActionParsnipdob1: in your opinion, yes. Others like it. I don't mind unity at all but only really use LXDE and Unity ocassionally19:54
dob1ActionParsnip, who like it?19:55
ActionParsnipdob1: the fact is, the desktop is changable, in Windows you have zero choice, you only have the given desktop, in Linux you can change it19:55
ActionParsnipdob1: I like it19:55
Jordan_Uresus: Yes, update-grub always overwrites the grub.cfg. Easiest solution is to add "timeout=5" to /boot/grub/custom.cfg (creating the file if it doesn't already exist).19:55
dob1ActionParsnip, have you seen other option from other os ?   windows 7, osx,   do you think that unity or gnome-shell are near to them?.... really... gnome2 was good why change it?19:56
The_BROSWhat is better 11.04 with Gnome Classic + Cairo Dock or 11.10 with Gnome Classic + Cairo Dock?19:56
ActionParsnipdob1: you'll have to ask the gnome team19:56
ActionParsnipdob1: gnome2 is a dead project now19:56
dob1it was a good base, they are ruining all of it19:57
ActionParsnipdob1: also there  was a survey omgubuntu and Unity was the preferred desktop setting for most people19:57
ActionParsnipdob1: as I said, you can change the DE to whatever you like19:57
pwnguinis there a desktop environment in 11.10 that's okay with xinerama?19:58
bsmith093where does fsck keep its logs for a boot time automatic scan?19:58
bsmith093i need to pasebin it and cant find them?19:59
oratedI want to shutdown system at a particular time. I'm using the command - sudo shutdown -P 0630 - to shutdown the system at 6.30 am and now the time is around 1am here. Is the command right?19:59
ActionParsnipbsmith093: anything in /var/log19:59
bsmith093ActionParsnip: can u be slight more soecific?19:59
BinaryDragonorated, how yop for 1.05 and try it out :)u set it u19:59
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ActionParsnipbsmith093: sorry, I can't19:59
ActionParsnipbsmith093: let me search19:59
BinaryDragonhow about you set it for 1.05 and try it out :)20:00
oratedOh ok.20:00
ActionParsnipbsmith093: look in /var/log/fsck/20:00
oratedBinaryDragon: I could have tested before asking:) brb20:00
bsmith093ActionParsnip:  2 files in there, both say "(Nothing has been logged yet)"20:01
ActionParsnipbsmith093: i see20:01
basdhi, what is the best graphic-environment for debian/ubuntu? and which handle down-stripe with icon choice?20:02
bsmith093ActionParsnip: it just occurred to me, this might be a stupid question, but are these logs overwritten after every reboot?20:02
bsmith093casue this was 2 boots ago20:02
ActionParsnipbsmith093: depends how your /var is stored20:02
afeijoguys, how can I clear one user all email msgs? I just noticed that www-data has over 90k emails lol20:03
ApplesouceI have a question with my Ubuntu20:03
ApplesouceI had Ubuntu, Windows and BackTrack installed, I formatted and deleted the two partitions of BackTrack, but it's still shown in Bootup, how can I delete that?20:04
diverdud`squidly: thx20:04
MonkeyDustApplesouce  repair grub?20:04
Applesoucerepair grub?20:04
BinaryDragonApple, change the grub menu20:04
ActionParsnipApplesouce: run:  sudo update-grub20:04
ActionParsnipApplesouce: in a terminal20:05
MonkeyDustupdate, not repair20:05
EmiruIf I selected "Always do this" how do I undo this for ubuntu to ask me what to do every time I put a DVD in ?20:05
BinaryDragonApplesouce,  go to boot/grub/menu.lst20:06
oratedBinaryDragon: Thanks. The command with time as hhmm will make it shutdown after hhmm minutes but if its used as hh:mm it shuts down at that particular time. But I was not able to find a way to change the command to shutdown on particular day20:06
Emiruorated: maybe check out man shutdown20:06
BinaryDragonApplesouce, try to delete the entry in boot/grub/menu.lst20:06
ApplesouceTHanks I've used update-grub but now my mouse doesnt work anymore xD20:06
oratedEmiru: Did that20:06
BinaryDragonorated, a simple solution would be to do the math20:07
Emiruorated: oh, then if I was you I'd put the number of hours like 72 or soemthing :P20:07
oratedBinaryDragon: Yeah for minutes, I know but I guess for date ...20:07
ApplesouceOk I connected a mouse and everything works fine20:07
ApplesouceNow second question20:07
GalvatronApplesouce: sudo update-grub20:07
bsmith093where is the log of disk errors stored?, becasue fsck, several reboots ago, ran automatically, like it does every so often, and spit back errors20:07
oratedEmiru: Ok20:08
BinaryDragon2 days = 48 hr and so on20:08
aeon-ltdbsmith093: /var/log somewhere?20:08
SoWhathello! is there a few click solution for installing PHP+MySQL+Apache on ubuntu?20:08
ApplesouceCan I add that "missing" space to my other harddrives20:08
oratedBinaryDragon: Duh.. ok20:08
BinaryDragontill you get to the date requested20:08
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ActionParsnipApplesouce: if you boot to liveCD you can resize into the free space20:08
BinaryDragonSoWhat, is call lamp20:08
BinaryDragonSoWhat, run tasksel20:08
Mr_EE1can anyone help me with compiz how to install it, please its my first time in ubuntu and compiz20:08
bsmith093var/log/boot is nearly empty except for two files that each have inside them, "nothing has been logged yet"20:08
ApplesouceOk thanks20:08
murphsIn recovery mode, when i hit 'drop to root shell prompt' it asks me for root's password.. what do i do?20:08
ActionParsnipApplesouce: its expanded into your other partitions, not drives20:08
bsmith093murphs: enter your sudo password20:09
aeon-ltdbsmith093: try searching the individual application folders in there e.g fsck20:09
ActionParsnipmurphs: did you set a root password?20:09
EmiruHow do you completely erase a DVD content ?20:09
ApplesouceDoes somebody know the format of Macintosh?20:09
EmiruHTF+ ?20:09
ApplesouceNTFS ... ext4 ...20:09
bsmith093aeon-ltd: i did fsck displayed the last boot messages not the full log of all of them, from all reboots, just the most recent one?!20:10
Emiruor hts+ cant remember20:10
bsmith093Emiru: hfs20:10
bsmith093or hfs+20:10
Applesoucethanks :D20:10
Applesoucegparted doesnt support that format -,-20:10
ActionParsnipEmiru: sudo cdrecord dev=/dev/dvdrw blank=fast20:10
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE20:10
SoWhatBinaryDragon: To install LAMP I need tasksel ?20:10
Emirubsmith093: yeah ! :P couldnt remember it20:11
ApplesouceHow can I format a HDD with Ubuntu in HFS+ ?20:11
EmiruActionParsnip: Thanks ill try !20:11
BinaryDragonSoWhat, is a program that can transform your ubuntu machine to whatever you need it to do...for example a LAMP server20:11
BinaryDragonSoWhat, Linux Apache Mysql Php20:11
BinaryDragonthat is what LAMP stands for20:12
SoWhatBinaryDragon: i just need to develop some php scripts, not to host a server :)20:12
BinaryDragonsudo apt-get install tasksel20:12
Mr_EE1guys please help me with compiz how to install it20:12
BinaryDragonSoWhat, yea but you need the server to test your scripts20:12
bsmith093how do i open a root shell20:12
afeijoI noticed that www-data has 90k emails! I'm using postfix, how can I clear that box??20:13
GalvatronApplesouce: Best use Gparted (NOT the version included in Ubuntu installer, which has a terrible interface)20:13
bsmith093fsck is telling me it needs a shell for interactive repairs and cannot continue even with sudo20:13
SoWhatBinaryDragon: Will my ubuntu still be usable as desktop after installing LAMP server? :)20:13
bsmith093root shel how?20:13
shomonhi, I've been trying to get sound to work on my laptop running lubuntu 10.10 + ubuntu desktop...I just switched to alsa and checked levels, but no sound plays..20:13
shomonfrom flash20:13
BinaryDragonyea, just make sure u do not unselect what ever is selecte in tasksel, just select LAMP and install it20:14
is_nullhi all, i added my keyboard layout in symbols/us, i can load it fine with setxkbmap us dvorak-jpic, but i can't find it in gnome-keyboard-properties. What can i do ?20:14
ApplesouceLol after I updated "Grub" it shows "Privious Ubuntu-Versions" how can I delete that :/20:14
shomonand mplayer20:14
bsmith093shomon: flash is tricky on linux systems in general, its much better than it was , but still a pain20:14
BinaryDragonbsmith093, you really need to use google, question like this you can get and answer in a min with google20:14
Galvatronshomon: No offence, but have you chceck the soun applet in tray (like something is muted, or else)20:14
shomonyes, and in alsamixer20:14
shomonI've been turning it on and off and running different programs20:15
shomonbut it's been like this for a while.20:15
shomonI just got rid of pulseaudio thinking it was that20:15
nvzI just copied 60gb or so worth of data off my HDD and there were a few failures anyone have a quick suggestion on how to figure out which files didn't copy. Simple filename comparison of two dirs?20:16
Emirusudo cdrecord dev=/dev/dvdrw blank=fast isnt working, it says try wodim blank=all20:16
Emirunot working either20:16
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...20:16
ActionParsnipnvz: md5 test the folders, if they are different then something is different20:16
guest1registration | ubottu20:16
Resistanceguest1, can we help you?20:17
nvzActionParsnip: that was my first idea but someone in another channel suggested rsync which was a no brainer20:17
ActionParsnipnvz: I guess, it would recopy the files which are different20:17
guest1Resistance: how to send NICK in command `/msg nicksrv register password e-mail`?20:17
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type ยซ /nick <nickname> ยป to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode20:18
Resistanceguest1, you dont.  it'll attempt to register whatever nick you're on20:18
Resistanceguest1, however, if you want to register a different nick, /nick to it: /nick newnickhere20:18
nvzActionParsnip: not if they exist already, but it'd try to20:18
guest1Resistance: I  Do. But nothing brings back. Maybe Pidgin.20:19
nvzActionParsnip: only one actual file failed.. the rest were sockets20:19
Resistanceguest1, /query nickserv20:19
Resistanceguest1, and then try20:19
=== basti is now known as Pingeling
ApplesouceI'm on the Live CD of Ubuntu, how can I format in HFS+20:19
ApplesouceGparted doesnt support that20:19
SoWhatBinaryDragon: thanks!20:20
ActionParsnipApplesouce: may help: http://ubuntuse.wordpress.com/2010/07/25/how-to-format-with-hfs-file-system/    remember HFS+ is proprietary to Apple and is not an open standard20:20
ZekeSdont you need to use mac-fdisk from a shell for that?20:20
BinaryDragonSoWhat, it worked?20:20
SoWhatI found a good manual http://www.linuxcandy.com/2011/11/how-to-install-lamp-in-ubuntu-1110.html20:21
ZekeSor that lol20:21
ApplesouceYes I will put Macintosh on there so...20:21
ApplesouceI need HFS+20:21
ActionParsnipApplesouce: the installer can surely format its own partitions...?20:21
PiciSoWhat: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP may be more accurate.20:21
shomonif I run a video, mplayer seems to still expect pulse... do I need to switch a setting somehow?20:21
shomonit says: Failed to initialize audio driver 'pulse'20:22
guest1SoWhat: look at YTube , there a lot of good manual to configure LAMP20:22
SoWhatokay, thank you all!20:22
ActionParsnipshomon: check the audio output method in the settings20:22
is_nullhi all, i added my keyboard layout to /usr/share/X11/symbols/us, i can load it with setxkbmap us dvorak-jpic ... but dvorak-jpic is not available in the keyboard layout selection dialog20:24
shomonmy mplayer just comes up with the film... it doesn't have an interface?20:24
nvzcan I somehow run the ubuntu installer off an installed ubuntu machine like I can from a live version?20:25
shomonah I got out gnome mplayer now... :)20:25
=== [1]a904 is now known as a904
msr_Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family20:26
msr_ู‡ ุตุดู‰ู ูุงู‡ุณ ูŠู‚ู‡ุฑุซู‚20:26
ActionParsnipnvz: if you want, not sure what it will do but you can install ubiquity20:26
msr_i want this driver20:26
msr_Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family20:26
ActionParsnipmsr_: is it for video?20:26
tcarpenti'm on ubuntu 10.04 and i would like to use the 3.1 kernel, what repo can i add to apt to do this?20:27
nvzActionParsnip: not seeing that in my software center is it new in the latest release?20:27
ActionParsnipnvz: its the app you used when you installed the OS20:28
msr_i use ubuntu 11.10 64bit20:28
ActionParsniptcarpent: you can but its not advisedor supported20:28
benbloomIf I do a fresh install of 64b ubuntu 11.10 over my 32b 11.10 build but dont format my /home partition will there be ANY potential conflicts?20:29
tcarpentActionParsnip: that's okay; i *need* it20:29
tcarpentActionParsnip: what repo would I add?20:29
glebihanbenbloom, no it'll be ok20:29
Galvatrontcarpent: A difference between the 3.x.x and the rest of Ubu 10.04 might be too big and so it might not work properly, if at all.20:29
ActionParsniptcarpent: there is a PPA, your OS will cease to be supported here if you use it. I suggest you installl the release with the kernel so that you are supported20:29
ActionParsnipmsr_: the driver is in a default install20:30
tcarpentActionParsnip: what is the PPA?20:30
msr_any one answer me ?20:30
Galvatrontcarpent: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/20:30
nvzActionParsnip: right but I dont have that now.. heh.. I am on a running ubuntu 11.04 system I used to backup my /home from my netbook harddrive and repartition. I'd like to reinstall and put the data back on before I take the hdd out of this machine20:30
GalvatronIt contains the very latest builds from git20:30
msr_no it is not installed20:30
tcarpentActionParsnip: essentially, I've noticed that that when using kernel < 3.1 my NIC doesn't seem to work as intended; connection is usually dropped every x minutes and it is slow20:30
ActionParsniptcarpent: its not official and not supported here, you have been warned20:30
benbloomso /home partition in 64b and 32b are identical? the differences are all lower level than that glebihan?20:30
msr_i send you photo > mom20:31
nvzActionParsnip: if thats not an option I can setup this machine to be a netboot installer, but my /home data back now, then reinstall via PXE on the netbook20:31
ActionParsniptcarpent: http://www.howopensource.com/2011/08/how-to-install-linux-kernel-3-1-rc2-oneiric-in-ubuntu-11-04-10-10-and-10-04/   there are TONNES of guides for this20:31
glebihanbenbloom, the differences are in the binaries, so nothing that goes in the home folder (there are only configuration there, which are text)20:31
Galvatrontcarpent: Of course you must install this stuff manually.20:31
ActionParsniptcarpent: http://www.google.co.uk/search?gcx=w&sourceid=chrome&client=ubuntu&channel=cs&ie=UTF-8&q=ubuntu+kernel+3.120:31
nvzActionParsnip: only downside to that is, I will have all my 60gb worth of /home data sitting at the beginning of the drive which may not be a problem20:32
benbloomgreat. that's exactly what i wanted to hear. thanks glebihan20:32
glebihanbenbloom, you're welcome20:32
tcarpentActionParsnip: if you can think of a way (preferably without recompiling the kernel) to fix my NIC drivers without updating to unstable kernel, please advise20:32
lucidguyTrying to find all .jpgs within directory and copy to another yet get error ...  what am I missing here .   find . -name "*.jpg*" -exec cp {} ../security_imagesFound/20:32
benbloomI <3 linux20:32
tcarpentdisabling and recabling the network manager seems to do the trick for a few minutes20:33
ActionParsniptcarpent: try disabling ipv6 is one good thing to do20:33
trismlucidguy: you nee to end the find command with either \; or + (depending on if you want to execute the command repeatedly or ones with all the arguments on the same line)20:33
Galvatrontcarpent: Well, kernel 3.1.x is actually the stable branch, but I would also try Ubuntu 11.0420:33
nvzactually thats too much like work I may have a drive around here I can setup as an installer via USB for the time being20:33
FloodBot1angel_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:34
lucidguytrism: thanks .. that did the trick20:34
=== Resistance is now known as EvilResistance
ActionParsnipmsr_: can you give a PASTEBIN of the output of:  sudo lshw -C display; lsb_release -a; uname -a20:37
ActionParsnipmsr_: use:  http://pastie.org20:40
msr_ok . thanx20:40
ActionParsnipmsr_: looks fine, is your res too low?20:44
RoadsterGThow can i check which proccesses use the internet? (have network traffic)20:44
aeon-ltdntop? iirc20:45
ActionParsnipRoadsterGT: ntop maybe20:45
RoadsterGTActionParsnip, trying it brb20:45
=== [AFK] is now known as [AFK|OO]
=== [AFK|OO] is now known as [AFK|OOO]
ActionParsnip!away > [AFK|OOO]20:46
ubottu[AFK|OOO], please see my private message20:46
ActionParsnipmsr_: is it usually higher?20:46
repozitorhow to config sendmail in ubuntu?20:47
ActionParsnipmsr_: you may need an xorg.conf file if your display is not reporting the display correctly20:47
ActionParsnipmsr_: does the system have a make and model?20:47
[AFK|OOO]ActionParsnip: I usually don't, except in the event I'll be out a long time, in this case, four days.20:48
ActionParsnip[AFK|OOO]: just go, you don't have to change anything20:48
zatanHi, how can I set my default sound card ?20:49
[AFK|OOO]ActionParsnip: That's my choice if I want to change anything or not, either way, It's done now.20:49
repozitorhow to configure sendmail in ubuntu? :-S20:49
ActionParsnip[AFK|OOO]: it spams the channel and is against policy, hence me telling ubottu to tell you20:49
=== moonunitzappa is now known as moon
=== moon is now known as mooon
=== mooon is now known as moonunit
moonunitim new to programing for the most part and have a simple questoin20:51
moonunitwhere are the libs stored for ruby?20:51
fission6i am trying ot capture the actual url request being made in apython script on my ubuntu server, how can i capture the web api request from a script i run?20:51
moonunitin linux?20:51
msr_Why write in Termanal ุŸ20:51
aeon-ltdmoonunit: this channel isn't really for programming20:51
moonunitah snap sorry thought i was in #ruby20:51
moonunitmy bad20:51
msr_any one speak arabic ??20:51
aeon-ltd!arabic | msr_20:51
ubottumsr_: For Arabic language support, please : /join #ubuntu-arabic : ู„ู„ุญุตูˆู„ ุนู„ู‰ ุงู„ุฏุนู… ุจุงู„ู„ุบุฉ ุงู„ุนุฑุจูŠุฉ20:51
fission6any ideas?20:52
chalcedonyin the 11.04 live cd how do i find a terminal ?20:52
aeon-ltdchalcedony: the menus? unity dock?20:52
fission6justniffer any good?20:52
JokesOnYou77chalcedony: If you're using GNOME, press Ctrl+Alt+T20:53
chalcedonyfission6 umm explain slowly?20:53
Galvatronchalcedony: Application --> Accessories20:53
chalcedonyGalvatron sure it is, in ubutu classic - but the live cd is doing that new thing i dn't like20:54
chalcedonyis there an irc client in the live cd?20:54
Galvatronchalcedony: The live version gas Unity?20:55
aeon-ltdchalcedony: xchat20:55
chalcedonyGalvatron it seems to20:55
Galvatronchalcedony: Quassel and XChat20:55
chalcedonyaeon-ltd oh cool20:55
ActionParsnipchalcedony: you can install apps in the liveCD environment you know20:56
chalcedonyActionParsnip *hugs* good to see you - yes it seems to want me to install it20:56
ActionParsnipchalcedony: it can be done :)20:57
chalcedonyenable universe and install it20:57
technovikingis it possible to remove the panel bar from a second monitor in Unity Ubuntu 11.10?20:57
tcarpenthow does one change the boot order in grub while still using update-grub?20:59
fission6sudo gdebi justniffer_0.5.8_amd64.deb20:59
ActionParsniptcarpent: do you want windows to be the top option?20:59
tcarpentActionParsnip: I do indeed20:59
moonunithow can i open something from term. but beable to  use term after?  when i close term gedit closes aswell21:01
ActionParsniptcarpent: then say that, its a clearer question21:01
ActionParsniptcarpent: sudo mv /etc/grub.d/30_os-prober /etc/grub.d/06_os-prober; sudo update-grub21:01
RoadsterGTMy wifi adapter light blinks even though i am not accessing the internet. Is there a way to find what processes send/receive data?21:01
tcarpentActionParsnip: thanks21:01
JokesOnYou77moonunit: Are you backgrounding gedit? As in: gedit&21:02
moonunitis that what i should do?21:02
moonunitthat was simple TY JokesOnYou77 , dont know how i never used that command    pretty new to linux though21:03
JokesOnYou77moonunit: Yes.  So long as the terminal window stays open you can start new tasks and automatically set them to operate in the background by adding "&" (no quotes) after the command21:03
tcarpentmoonunit: gedit & > /dev/null 2>&121:03
bsmith093when i rebooted, fsck told me i have errors, theres the boot.log http://pastebin.com/8YdGfW00 how screwed am I?21:04
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JokesOnYou77or what this^ which is over my head :P21:04
moonunitgedit should run normaly in Bg mode right?    just cant close term?21:04
JokesOnYou77moonunit: yep21:04
moonunitawesome ty21:04
MonkeyDustmoonunit  type gedit&21:04
moonunityea i got it.21:05
ActionParsnipbsmith093: not very as you can restore important data from backup21:05
MonkeyDustah tcarpent said the same thing21:05
JokesOnYou77moonunit: yw.  Ask questions any time. I love learning about the terminal21:05
bsmith093ActionParsnip: yes but hs that been taken care of for me, with the bad secto0rs?21:05
platzhirschI just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and falsely entered my full name as user name, now I want to change it using only my surname. Can this be done? I am not talking about the user id which is just correct21:05
tcarpentmoonuit: what i typed quiets the binary that you launched so you can use the terminal without being bugged by random messages21:05
platzhirschI am concerned with the name display at login21:06
gedOHello Open People21:06
platzhirsch<this>@<machine_name> <- this is ok21:06
JokesOnYou77tcarpent: could you axplain the second part of your gedit command?  Are you sending the output to a file somewhere?21:06
gedOI'm want to ask you if there any other Linux stores, where I can buy linux things???21:06
gedOMugs and other stuff21:06
Yahosainhi I want to mount /dev/sr1 on somewhere with this option: type iso9660 (ro)21:07
bsmith093ActionParsnip:  dmesg http://pastebin.com/zW7PAR2x and dmesg.0 http://pastebin.com/qCVSuv4B21:07
tcarpentJokesOnYou77: > /dev/null sends standard output to the bit bucket (/dev/null is a logical device that doesn't do anything with the data sent to it). 2>&1 just says send the standard error stream to the same place you sent the standard output stream21:07
oCeangedO: this channel is for ubuntu tech support only. Maybe try #ubuntu-offtopic channel21:07
nikolamnewest wine stopped starting StarCraft game for me. I am using 10.04 LTS 64bit21:07
oCeannikolam: maybe try wine support? For example #winehq channel21:08
nikolamoCean, great idea.21:08
JokesOnYou77tcarpent: Thanks. how does that differ from using nohup?21:08
chalcedony i do not think this live cd installation can see the lan ?21:08
nikolamoCean, but since Ubuntu updates are known for changing bunch of things, might be interested for host system, too.21:09
oCeannikolam: we don't support programs running-or-not on wine. This channel is more about does-wine-run-on-ubuntu21:10
=== Mud is now known as Guest31579
chalcedonyoCean nicely put21:11
Wolfsherzin oneiric, where can i set font size, screen timeout, and such "should be there"-settings...21:11
nikolamyes, of course.21:11
chalcedonyis there a trick to getting live cd to see the network?21:11
=== Marty_ is now known as Guest28318
zetsubouAfter installing xubuntu-desktop in a standard ubuntu 11.10, notifications have stopped appearing in unity. any ideas on how to restore them?21:12
Galvatronchalcedony: For a wired one, it should be seen by default. As for the Wi-Fi, sometimes you have to give the WPA/WEP key21:12
zetsubounevermind, i'm an idiot. they're on my other monitor21:13
tcarpentJokesOnYou77: might be the exact same, i never use nohup21:14
nikolamchalcedny, if its newer livecd and network card is supported, then yes. Use lspci to see info on pci cards/network ID and see what hardware you have. Otherwise livecd behaves exactly like installed system, just it is Live. (you can add drivers, PPA repositories etc)21:14
=== rymate1234|away is now known as rymate1234
tashis there something I can set, so that any time a file is created in a certain folder or copied to this certain folder, that the file(s) gets set with 777?21:15
oCean!afk > rymate123421:16
ubotturymate1234, please see my private message21:16
IppoHi I am Ippo.21:16
rymate1234hi oCean21:17
oCeanIppo: hello, do you have a ubuntu support question?21:17
rymate1234plz excuse my znc21:17
IppoNot at all.21:17
rymate1234it thought i was afk21:17
area51pilotI started my system after it powered off due to batt....now uon boot it indicates"grub>" ...is it bootable21:17
IppoI don't fuckin' know how to install linux & shit.21:17
oCeanrymate1234: ah, please try to make it less noisy21:17
oCeanIppo: control your language here, please21:17
rymate1234ocean - ask bt to make my connection stable xD21:18
Galvatronarea51pilot: You need to recover GRUB21:18
MonkeyDustIppo  what distro do you prefer?21:18
guntberttash: don't set files 777 unless you have a *very good reason*  because in most cases it it a bad ideaโ„ข21:19
IppoI told you I don't know anything about it.21:19
oCeanIppo: ok, be aware that this channel is for tech ubuntu support only, not social chat21:19
MonkeyDustIppo  then first make up your mind and come back for questions21:19
IppoYou guys are so serious.21:20
area51pilotI started my system after it powered off due to batt....now upon boot it indicates"grub>" ... how do I recover GRUB21:20
MonkeyDustIppo  if you want light social chat, youv've come to the wrong place21:20
IppoOh I forgot. Guys who use Linux and all that crap don't have any social life.21:20
Galvatronarea51pilot: http://odzangba.wordpress.com/2011/05/14/455/21:21
TeamFDcoAdminwtg who kicked me21:21
ActionParsniparea51pilot: boot to liveCD then fsck the partition and/or reinstate grub to the mbr21:21
cari__verihello, hardwired internet connection fails in ubuntu. what can I do ?21:21
rymate1234i think lppo is tro21:21
JokesOnYou77tcarpent: cool, thanks man21:21
oCeanTeamFDcoAdmin: no one kicked you, you had a client quit21:21
ActionParsnipcari__veri: can you ping ?21:21
cari__veriActionParsnip: network unreachable21:22
ActionParsnipcari__veri: then run:  sudo lshw -C network       use the product line to find guides online21:23
maxflaxAny network guru's here?21:24
mgearyso, i'm trying to install php5-gd on Karmic, and i'm getting 404 errors from archive.ubuntu.com.21:24
oCeanmaxflax: just go ahead and ask your actual question in the channel21:24
mgearybut in checking, i see that Hardy Heron is still up there, so i'm wondering why Karmic is gone. Can i get those packages elsewhere?21:24
=== pokey is now known as Guest81519
MonkeyDustis Karmic still supported?21:24
maxflaxHi, I am getting really slow transfer rates from my nas with samba - I wonder how to tweak it for best performance21:24
oCeanMonkeyDust: no, EOL last april21:25
booohcan someone kick oCean? he/she's very annoying21:25
maxflaxTried the transfer with no diskwriting and get speed 942Mbit/s NIC 2 NIC but when using samba Im only in the speed 256Mbit/s21:25
MonkeyDustmaxflax  Karmic is no longer supported21:25
area51pilot_ActionParsnip / Galvatron: does it matter that it is a WUBI installed sys?21:25
oCeanboooh: stop that21:25
TeamFDcoAdminHey. I have a question. I once tried to install Ubuntu 11.10, but at install i got a kernel panic each time. Live interface runs. Now im running Ubunti 10.10 and im wondering if i could upgade to 11.10 without having my system all messed up...21:25
maxflaxMonkeyDust: Im not using Karmic21:26
ActionParsniparea51pilot_: doesn't matter, the OS is just stored differently. Its the same OS21:26
conntrackcare = no21:26
booohcan someone kick oCean? he/she's very annoying21:26
MonkeyDustmaxflax  wrong nick, sorry, i was addressing mgeary21:26
ActionParsnipmaxflax: set different TCP_SOCKET options in /etc/samba/smb.conf21:26
tashguntbert: I know. Guess they don't need 77721:26
conntrackNothing better to do eh?21:26
MonkeyDustmgeary  Karmic is no longer supported21:26
mgearyMonkeyDust: wait, so 8.x is supported, but 9.x isn't??21:26
area51pilot_actionparsnip: thx I have the live CD up now21:26
tashbut I want any files copied or created to a folder to at least by 766 ... or even 66621:27
tashI need them to be readable and writeable21:27
maxflaxActionParsnip: Explain a little closer what u mean..  what diffrent should I set and how does it affect speed?21:27
ActionParsniparea51pilot_: you have a LOT of messing around to do as you used wubi, a normal install is a tonne easier21:27
MonkeyDustmgeary  8.04 is an LTS, i think21:27
mgearywell, so those packages are just gone? surely i can point apt-get to somewhere else and still get them?21:28
ActionParsnipmaxflax: there are a tonne of options you can add, there are sampls online, you change them on the server side, you'll need to restart the smbd service to apply the settings'21:28
ActionParsnipmgeary: 8.04 is only supported on the server21:28
huhI seem to have alsa pick wrong. /proc/asound/cards says 0 Generic and 1 SB ; /proc/asound/modules  both say snd_hda_indel. So how do I force it to the SB?21:28
TeamFDcoAdminAny suggestions?21:29
ActionParsnipmgeary: none of the 8.04 desktop, 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10 are dead and gone21:29
ActionParsnipTeamFDcoAdmin: I'd go for a clean install of oneiric21:30
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: the way will be 10.10->11.04->11.1021:30
MonkeyDustor a fresh install21:30
RoadsterGThow can i connect to an unencrypted wpa router from terminal?21:31
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, yes, i know but could it harm my system i i upgrade?21:31
MonkeyDustRoadsterGT  there's iwlist and iwconfig21:31
nikolamas I understand, you update 8.04 to 10.04 directly, since it is next and current LTS release21:31
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: in my experience not, but you see opinions differ - in any case you should back up your data first21:31
RoadsterGTMonkeyDust, i know the SSID what is the command to use?21:31
TeamFDcoAdminguntbert, okay im gonna upgrade as soon as i backed up my data thanks for your answer21:32
MonkeyDustRoadsterGT  try iwlist ap (stands for acces point)21:32
ActionParsnipRoadsterGT: iwconfig  can do it, or if you use wicd, it has wicd-curses :)21:32
guntbertTeamFDcoAdmin: Good luck :-)21:32
RoadsterGTActionParsnip, i dont want to use wicd-curses21:33
feydrjust upgraded && sound keeps muting/unmuting very fast producing a clipping noise -- you can pop into alsamixer && see the channels muting/unmuting -- ideas?21:34
SoWhatis there a way to see all opened windows like in MacOS?21:34
andynSoWhat: in unity? press win+w21:34
SoWhatandyn: thanks!21:35
huhany suggestions on how to set the default sound card? I can't force the index in alsa-base since they use the same module apparently21:35
SoWhathow about seeing all windows from currently opened app?21:35
ActionParsnipRoadsterGT: then iwconfig  willdo it21:35
AricStarting a VPS, which OS should I use?21:36
huhAric: debian21:36
AricDebian 6, instead of Ubuntu Server 10.04?21:37
twisted`yo this is driving me nuts, I have a SMB share on my Mac which mounts fine on a Windows PC but my Ubuntu machine refuses21:37
guntbertAric: this channel is for ubuntu technical support21:37
ActionParsniphuh: debian isn't supported here21:37
twisted`all I get is: [  555.591631]  CIFS VFS: cifs_mount failed w/return code = -2221:37
twisted`username is correct, password is correct, workgroup is correct...21:37
qmanjr5What is the process command iphone-set-info doing under root? And why is it taking so much of my CPU?21:38
huhActionParsnip: I know21:38
ActionParsniphuh: then why ask?21:38
huhActionParsnip: I didn't. I asked about setting default sound card in oneric21:39
andynSoWhat: i'm not sure about that. maybe someone more experienced with compiz can help.21:39
ActionParsniphuh: ah misread, my bad.21:39
ActionParsniphuh: you can set it in Sound icon in dash under the hardware tab21:40
AricQuestion :: Is there any reason to use Ubuntu Server 11.04 vs 10.04 as I have both options on Rackspace?21:40
cari__verihow to set compiz back to the very standard settings ?21:40
huhActionParsnip: in the os, I dont have windowmanagers21:40
andyni tried setting a key for "initiate window picker for window group" in ccsm but it did nothing on chrome with multiple windows, though.21:41
ActionParsniphuh: so what is drawing your app windows?21:41
huhActionParsnip: I don't have any,21:41
ActionParsniphuh: I see, server install?21:42
guntbertAric: 10.04 is LTS, supported until 201521:42
Aricbut any packages that wont work or anything like that?21:42
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huhActionParsnip: no, I'll be running an X app in  x-server directly. but that seems irrelevant to my sound. :)21:42
Aricanything 11.04 does that 10.04 doesnt as i prefer lts21:43
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ActionParsnipAric: newer kernel, newer drivers, Unity is in 1.04 too but has gnome classic21:43
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
AricServer doesn't care about Unity21:44
huhAric: check that it's LTS you prabably want an LTS release21:44
ActionParsniphuh: http://askubuntu.com/questions/14077/how-can-i-change-the-default-audio-device-from-command-line21:45
acuhey guys - I want to WRITE on the Desktop - any application for it ?21:45
ActionParsnipAric: if you are installing server then go for LTS21:45
=== jupiter is now known as Guest45110
ActionParsnipacu: there is a compiz plugin for fire21:45
warfarenacu you can draw on the desktop with compiz21:45
warfarenactually theres one to draw red paint too21:46
ActionParsnipAric: you _could_ use precise which is the next lts but is only in alpha 121:46
huhActionParsnip: seems to assume pulseaudio21:46
AricLast Question :: Ubuntu is based on Debian, so what advantages would Ubuntu Server 10.04 have over Debian 6 - or differences that I would care about for a server?21:46
acuthanks guys - I wanted something without the need of 3d driver21:46
platzhirschWhat's the name of the Main Menu Editor in Ubuntu, it seems to be not implemented21:46
SoWhatandyn: It looks like there isnt such keyboard shortcut :(21:46
MonkeyDustplatzhirsch  try alacarte21:47
ActionParsniphuh: I believe its default across the board21:48
platzhirschMonkeyDust: interesting, alacarte tells me the program is in the main menu, but using the dash screen, it does not appear, hard to add it to the jumper menu21:49
platzhirschMonkeyDust: restart ftw21:50
qmanjr5Can someone help me with nTop? I keep getting the following output when running the command ntop: http://pastebin.com/VTd7kFv021:51
BetaArkHi! Can someone help me with the following error: cannot read the Linux reader.21:51
hackurxwhat read the Linux reader?21:53
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=== Obsidian is now known as Nach0z
zerriberthey guys for some reason i cant change chmod options on any files. if i try via console (as root even) it doesnt have any effect. also if i try using the UI and hitting the checkbox "allow this file to run as program" the checkbox unchecks itself after 1 second... wtf is this21:54
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qmanjr5Can someone help me with nTop? I keep getting the following output when running the command ntop: http://pastebin.com/VTd7kFv021:54
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ActionParsnipqmanjr5: what version of ntop?21:55
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ActionParsnipqmanjr5: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/mandriva-30/ntop-howto-289985/21:56
* lillo Dati Utente: jjman6 - [ ~quassel@0026f2feb5ab.click-network.com ]21:56
* lillo Dati Utente: BlaDe^ - [ ~Martin@027833e6.bb.sky.com ]21:56
* lillo Dati Utente: Psychobudgie - [ ~klaatu@027d630f.bb.sky.com ]21:56
* lillo Dati Utente: jareth_ - [ ~X@095-097-053-050.static.chello.nl ]21:56
* lillo Dati Utente: Tyroler - [ ~tyroler@0x4dd51611.adsl.cybercity.dk ]21:56
FloodBot1lillo: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:56
* lillo Dati Utente: martinjlowm - [ ~martinjlo@0x5da164b1.hinqu1.dynamic.dsl.tele.dk ]21:56
arandzerribert: What filessystem?21:56
Emiruwhats the command to see the channel list again ?21:57
BlaDe^Emiru: /list21:57
EmiruBlaDe: thanks :)21:57
leo-unglaubhi, is btrfs ready for the use on my desktop client?22:00
MonkeyDustqmanjr5  try ntop -P ~22:00
twisted`ok I've found out the problem lies here:22:02
twisted`Server requested LANMAN password (share-level security) but 'client lanman auth' is disabled22:02
Galvatronleo-unglaub: As far as I know it's still not as fast as ext4, but the work on it keeps goiing22:02
twisted`but I cannot 'change my smb.conf' cause it's OSX where the share is coming from22:02
twisted`so how do I explain to ubuntu that it should be not caring or enable it?22:02
leo-unglaubGalvatron: okay, thx for the status update22:03
GalvatronBu I'm not sure if my info is fully up to date22:05
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* johnp_80[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away after 30 minutes22:07
oCean!afk > johnp_80[A]22:07
ubottujohnp_80[A], please see my private message22:07
bytesaber_workis this currently "the way" to install java for my browser in 10.04 ?22:12
main-userhello everybody22:12
bytesaber_work!install jaba22:12
main-userubuntu hackers22:12
bytesaber_work!install java22:12
bytesaber_work!bot tell me about java22:13
ubottubytesaber_work, please see my private message22:13
ThinkT510!java | bytesaber_work22:13
ubottubytesaber_work: To just use java you need a "Java Runtime Environment" (JRE) and/or a browser plugin. If that is not sufficient you will need a "Java Development Kit" (JDK) aka "Software  Development Kit" (SDK).  Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java about how to install one of three current implementations.22:13
bytesaber_workawesome thank you22:13
main-userim sorry people but the unity isnt the best choice for ubuntu22:13
bytesaber_workmain-user, it's "the future"  we know this because conanical said so22:14
Myrttimain-user: you're welcome to discuss that in #ubuntu-offtopic22:14
Myrttithis channel is for support only22:14
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic22:14
main-useri didnt know that22:14
bytesaber_workGnome3 doesn't work with Compiz.  another fail22:15
main-useryes that's true22:15
qmanjr5MonkeyDust, that worked, but then I got http://pastebin.com/dxK760JA after entering the password22:15
bytesaber_workmain-user, to be honest, i said screw it and went back to 10.0422:15
main-useror the latest 11.0422:16
bytesaber_workmain-user, then downlaoded fire fox 8 and i just run it from my own dir22:16
bytesaber_workmain-user, 11.04 isn't long term and uses unity22:16
main-userits one option yes22:16
main-userlook but there is a way22:16
bytesaber_workmain-user, it might use gnome2 tho.  not sure if you're forced to use gnome3 in 11.0422:16
main-usermaking the fallback22:16
bytesaber_workmain-user, all my stuff, like adobe AIR, gnome2, compiz, etc all work in 10.0422:17
main-useryes but the support is reaching to the end22:17
bytesaber_workmain-user, and i'm just gambling or buying time that ubuntu / gnome3 will get fixed or give me the time to figure out where to go next22:17
bytesaber_workmain-user, 10.04 goes into 201322:17
main-useryes there is always other options22:18
oCeanmain-user: bytesaber_work, please don't continue the general discussion here22:18
main-userthe 11.04, can be putted to work with gnome 222:18
bytesaber_workoCean, why?  we're talking about ubuntu support22:19
qmanjr5can someone help me setup SSH?22:19
main-userand the portuguese magic box 16 (caixa mรกgica 16) works with the gnome 2, .... look the people need help for their problems in linux ...thanks BYTESABER im in stand by...22:21
bytesaber_workmain-user, pm me if you want to discuss more.  *shrug*22:22
oCeanbytesaber_work: Yes, that's debatable, but please use #ubuntu-offtopic for general discussion, to keep this channel strictly for actual support issues.22:23
PeeOnYouis there a way to shut off the disk utility for good?22:23
PeeOnYougoddamn thing pops 20 messages up every 10 minutes saying i have a hard disk error22:23
oCeanPeeOnYou: control your language here, please.22:23
szalis that nick ok w/ the CoC/guidelines?22:24
PeeOnYouit's weird because i've used other distros and none of them bother me about my disk22:24
PeeOnYoubut ubuntu has a heart attack about it22:25
twocarlosome minors were also here22:25
bytesaber_workoCean, all good22:25
airtonixin previous versions of ubuntu, zenity was installed by default. Is there a comparable program installed by default from 11.10 and onwards?22:26
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denndaCan a non-root user set a cronjob for himself?22:28
TImewarperi am running chkrootkit and it says package not installed, when it is installed. what can i do?22:29
denndaHow would I do that from the commandline?22:29
warfarenhm. maybe edit the crontab?22:29
reisioTImewarper: dpkg -L chkrootkit | grep bin22:29
warfarenor you can use the at command?22:29
robin0800bytesaber_work: compiz does work with gnome classic but it needs a hack to work22:29
TImewarperreisio, i get no results22:30
kesihi all, I'm trying to install on a new laptop using usb and when I boot to the usb drive (followed directions on site) I just get a blinking cursor.  I've gone through the process a few times and reformatted the usb drive a few times and nothing has made a difference22:30
reisioTImewarper: then it's not there22:30
reisioTImewarper: okay actually you can dig a little more with just dpkg -L chkrootkit22:30
ari_i am having problems installing the alpha ver,everything goes smooth after all is done i click on restart and all i get is a black screen22:31
ari_any clues?22:32
auronandace!12.04 Z ari_22:32
ubottuauronandace: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:32
auronandace!12.04 | ari_22:32
ubottuari_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:32
ari_i am having problems installing the alpha ver,everything goes smooth after all is done i click on restart and all i get is a black screen?22:34
oCeanari_: support for alpha is in #ubuntu+1 channel, not here22:35
yeats!12.04 | auronandace22:35
ubottuauronandace: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:35
yeatsauronandace: sorry - meant for ari_ (now gone apparently)22:35
windparadisehello, I m in a hot water, please help me, while on a folder, /var/www  I run this command  mv /* /home/afidegnum/Documents     next  ican't see anything in my root folder again, and nothing seems to work, what do i do ?22:37
kesi hi all, I'm trying to install on a new laptop using usb and when I boot to the usb drive (followed directions on site) I just get a blinking cursor.  I've gone through the process a few times and reformatted the usb drive a few times and nothing has made a difference. Suggestions?22:37
warfarenwell that's it, if you write mv /* you move everything away from root.. not good22:38
yeatswindparadise: go to /home/afidegnum/Documents and move everything back to / ?22:38
warfarendoesn't matter what folder you're in. if you meant to move everything from the folder you were in you should've typed mv ./* ...22:38
windparadisethere is no folder there,22:38
JokesOnYou77kesi: How long have you waited with the blinking prompt?22:38
windparadiseand commans are not responding any more22:38
yeatswindparadise: you may need to reinstall :-/22:39
warfarenthat's becaues you moved the mv binary, so it cant find it22:39
kesiJokesOnYou77, at least 15 minutes a few times22:39
kesiJokesOnYou77, maybe even longer22:39
ari_no luck 4 me installing the alpha version that came out 2day22:39
warfarenbest thing you could do imo is boot a live cd and mount your partition and sort everything out22:39
atruswindparadise: booting a recovery cd should let you mount the filesystem and move stuff back22:39
yeats!12.04 | ari_22:39
ubottuari_: Ubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) will be the sixteenth release of Ubuntu. Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/784 | Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:39
=== azhang is now known as bugfree
windparadisehmm, I am currently running on vmware22:40
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windparadisehow do i do that?22:40
ari_actually i can do it to an intel desktop no prob but my amd no go22:40
ari_any help guys22:40
yeatswindparadise: put an ISO image in the virtual CD drive and boot from there22:41
reisiowindparadise: please don't cross post22:41
windparadisehmm, ok, try8ing22:41
warfarenwell, boot the virtual machine with your ubuntu install iso and boot from CD-rom22:41
pp7anyone know a way around this glitch bug?: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPqpxXldLlA22:41
=== brennan is now known as eternalulz
reisiopp7: what's your graphics device?22:42
pp7reisio: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT216 [GeForce GT 330M] (rev a2)22:43
reisiopp7: and which driver are you using22:43
boxbeatsyhi, i just bought a new laptop. what's the easiest way for me to duplicate my current ubuntu system onto the new laptop?22:43
boxbeatsylooking to move software, packages, and files22:43
ari_is any one having problems installing 12.04 in an AMD machine with Nvidia Graphics?22:43
pp7reisio: Nvidia 280.1322:43
reisioari_: ...you, maybe?22:43
JokesOnYou77kesi: what kind of computer is it?22:44
pp7reisio: came preinstalled with 11.1022:44
reisioI think not22:44
pp7reisio: ok will installed automatically22:44
reisioah okay22:44
reisiopp7: and lspci -k | less says that's what's being used?22:44
reisiomaybe you should try nouveau :D22:45
reisiopp7: you could try a different version of the nvidia driver, as well22:45
reisiopp7: as well as different combinations of the nvidia driver version and kernel version22:46
reisiosometimes there are incompatibilities between the two22:46
reisiofor ati as well22:46
pp7reisio: so u think its driver related22:46
reisioand probably even the open source ones22:46
reisiopp7: my first guess22:46
reisiopp7: was it always like that?22:46
benbloomack! think i broke X! can someone help me out?22:46
reisiobenbloom: you don't know?22:46
pp7reisio: only happens if i use panel transparency22:46
benbloomwhen i'm booting screen freezes before the login prompt22:47
pp7resio: from the unity, experimental tab in ccsm22:47
benbloomsystem totally locks, can't even get to a tty22:48
reisiopp7: ...22:50
Jikanhi, I've a server which had an iptables configuration script who crashed, seems to have crashed juste after setting all traffic to DROP and of course just before allowing at least SSH. I'm now on rescue mode but I can't find ANY script restoring iptables at startup22:50
Jikan(the server had no firewall before that)22:50
Phr3d13Having a problem getting my Ubuntu to boot, tried nomodeset noquiet nosplash text,  but it still puts up the splash screen and still locks up before I can hit the key combo for terminal22:50
pp7reisio: ... ??22:51
reisioyou might have mentioned that upfront22:51
reisioor not mentioned it at all, knowing how to avoid it22:51
Jikanso, where can I find this ***** script restoring these bad rules at stratup ?22:51
reisioJikan: you know how to chroot?22:52
reisiooh you're in rescue mode, sorry though liveCD for some reason22:52
reisioJikan: services --status-all ?22:52
benbloomack! think i broke X! can someone help me out? when i'm booting, the screen freezes before the login prompt. system totally locks up, I can't even get to a tty. I was trying to add a second moniter to my setup when this happen. think it's something with x.org? PLEASE HELP!22:53
Jikanhmm, rescue mode is actually another ubuntu running and letting me access my server's hdd22:53
PeeOnYouso.. anyone know how to stop disk utility's 5 bagillion annoying popups about my disk possibly failing?22:53
PeeOnYouone notification is more than enough22:54
PeeOnYourepeated notifications are just tedious22:54
Jikanlike, I've my / mounted on /mnt/sda522:54
warfarenhow about getting a new hdd? :D22:55
PeeOnYouwell yes22:55
PeeOnYouideally i will22:55
PeeOnYoubut not right now22:55
PeeOnYoubesides the error it's freaking out about isn't that major22:55
warfarenyeah, just kidding. sorry couldn't resist. well look in your process list and maybe you'll find which one spawns them22:55
PeeOnYouthe drive isn't dying, it just went over a tolerance22:55
PeeOnYoui tried.. i have no idea22:56
boxbeatsyhi, after doing some quick research, i'm preparing to move my ubuntu system to a new computer.  my plan is to make a backup of pckgs using dpkg, rsync my home directory, and then install the pkglist.  am i missing anything?  in particular, will this miss package configurations (like apache configs)23:01
reisioboxbeatsy: might want to backup /etc/ too23:02
reisio!clone > boxbeatsy23:02
ubottuboxbeatsy, please see my private message23:02
reisioboxbeatsy: you can rsync the entire thing if you want23:02
reisioboxbeatsy: but you might have to debug a few missing drivers23:02
boxbeatsyah i see, the hardware is definitely different.  is there an easy way to fix the mismatched drivers?23:03
reisioboxbeatsy: yeah23:03
reisioboxbeatsy: if you boot up a livecd on the new system, run lspci -n and plop it into the box at http://kmuto.jp/debian/hcl/23:04
reisioboxbeatsy: for non-essential things you can temporarily add them as modules to /etc/modules23:04
reisioboxbeatsy: for things like HD controllers you'll have to get it into the initrd or kernel23:04
eternalulzn3bur, this is nsfw23:04
eternalulzbut its rule 3423:04
eternalulzand i was appaled23:04
eternalulzandyou must watch23:05
boxbeatsyreisio: cool, thanks a bunch!23:05
FloodBot1eternalulz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:05
Gentoo64reisio: i thought ubuntu had everything enabled as modules23:05
eternalulzi got in trouble :(23:05
reisioboxbeatsy: something else you could do is a fresh install, so all the drivers are auto-config'd23:05
reisioboxbeatsy: then rsync /etc/ :p23:05
reisioGentoo64: right, but critical drivers have to be loaded before the module system, by being built-in to the kernel or inside the initrd23:05
boxbeatsyreisio: hmm, yea that might be easier i think23:05
reisiolike the driver for using the hard disk23:06
boxbeatsyreisio: do you think i should rsync besides my home directory and /etc23:06
reisioboxbeatsy: you've got the old system, so you can't really go wrong, you can always copy more over23:06
reisioboxbeatsy: honestly, you could just do your home directory, and copy more from /etc/ _as needed_23:06
reisiolike, as in if you miss something23:06
reisioyou may well not23:06
bkerensawhat is the command to upgrade 11.10 to 12.04 alpha without doing it via dailybuild iso?23:06
Gentoo64/etc/should onyl be a few mv23:06
Gentoo64put it on a usb stick :)23:07
boxbeatsyreisio: gotcha23:07
chalcedonycan someone help me get the live cd to see my lan?23:08
rchilso1if i upgrade from 11.04 to 11.10 will openoffice still be installed and usable or will i have to use liberation office?23:09
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Gentoo64rchilso1: it shouldnt remove it, its libre office :)23:09
reisiochalcedony: lspci | grep -i net23:10
icerootrchilso1: it will remove openoffice and install libreoffice23:10
reisiorchilso1: they're barely different at this point, and you'll want LibreOffice eventually regardless23:10
icerootrchilso1: libreoffice is a fork of openoffice and everything which worked with openoffice should also work with libreoffice23:10
reisiothe openoffice you've used wasn't even vanilla openoffice, it was something called go-oo, which is now part of LibreOffice23:10
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rchilso1kk i have all my templates and defaults set and didnt want to have to set it all up again so will the setting transfer?23:11
icerootrchilso1: first of all, why you need 11.10?23:13
icerootrchilso1: never touch a running system23:13
sardiorok, can anyone tell me how to get to the printer server administration tools? (been trying to get my printers working now for 2 weeks.)23:13
icerootsardior: http://localhost:63123:13
reisiorchilso1: that's probably stored in your home directory, which is never altered23:13
reisiorchilso1: ls -a ~/ | grep -i office23:13
reisiorchilso1: it could also be in ~/.config/ I don't know23:13
rchilso1i'm setting up a new network for my church and wanted to migrate my current install to it.23:13
Phoenix87yesterday i have installed ubuntu on my brand new toshiba L755-1c1 laptop. I resized the windows partition with gparted during ubuntu installation. After that i kwen that windows would've been messed up and as expected win7 propted me the repair stuff. After an apparently successful repair windows started completely freezing during execution (frozen curson and keybord useless). I then tried ubuntu and I have experie23:14
Phoenix87nced the same issue with some disbelief. This just happend once on ubuntu, while it keeps happening on windows. I've run a complete cycle of memtest and ram seems to be ok. I have checked the hd with smart and hd seems to be ok. I have tried to fix the ntfs partition with ntfsprogs and they seems to be ok too. What could be causing this strange behaviour?23:14
sardiorthank you iceroot23:14
FloodBot1Phoenix87: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:14
Phoenix87erm i didn't paste23:14
Phoenix87i had do explain everything23:14
PeeOnYou13 lines on my screen...23:15
reisioPhoenix87: it's really best to defrag Windows before resizing23:15
icerootPhoenix87: to much text to read23:15
Phoenix87reisio, i did that23:15
reisioPhoenix87: it's a bot, you don't have to talk to it23:15
reisioPhoenix87: oh, downer23:15
Gentoo64reisio: gparted will move any data23:15
rchilso1Thx iceroot and reisio23:15
reisioGentoo64: move, yes23:15
Phoenix87reisio, i was apologizing with everyone in here23:15
ReikokuIs anyone having new issues with Empathy and MSN? Since this morning I haven't been able to reconnect my MSN account.23:15
* reisio shrugs23:15
Gentoo64reisio: same as defrag :)23:15
reisioGentoo64: nope23:15
ReikokuIs anyone having new issues with Empathy and MSN? Since this morning I haven't been able to reconnect my MSN account. AIM works fine, as does Windows Live on Windows.23:16
ReikokuSorry for double post, accidentally hit enter23:16
Gentoo64reisio: how?23:16
Phoenix87anyway i did defrag twice before resizing the partition23:16
reisioGentoo64: how what23:16
Gentoo64reisio: if it detects any data on the partition itll move it23:16
Gentoo64so it dont get cut off23:16
reisioPhoenix87: have you run a chkdsk?23:16
reisioGentoo64: I already agreed it will move data23:16
Phoenix87i scheduled one at startup23:16
Phoenix87a full one23:16
reisioPhoenix87: you could try a "repair" install from a Windows disc23:17
Gentoo64reisio: so no different to defragging, moving data to the start of the disk23:17
Phoenix87i even used those ntfsprogs tools from linux23:17
reisioPhoenix87: it might delink your installed apps, I forget how that works23:17
Phoenix87reisio, unfortunately toshiba doesn't ship dvd23:17
reisioGentoo64: defragging is more than just moving data to the beginning of the disk23:17
Phoenix87i have a partition for repair23:17
Phoenix87but i don't know how to use it23:17
reisioPhoenix87: mmm23:17
Gentoo64reisio: i know, im saying in this case it isnt different23:17
reisioPhoenix87: assuming it isn't automated, if you boot it up, it might offer you a repair option23:18
reisioPhoenix87: some of them only offer restoring the original installed system (covering the whole hard disk)23:18
reisioGentoo64: I know you are, but it is23:18
Phoenix87i see23:18
Phoenix87reisio, i've read something about the usual f8 at boot23:18
reisio##windows might have more ideas23:18
Phoenix87and that the repair stuff could cause a factory reset of the machine23:18
Gentoo64reisio: how so?23:19
reisioPhoenix87: it could indeed23:19
Gentoo64just wana know thats all23:19
Phoenix87i guess i shall give it a try23:19
Phoenix87thanks reisio23:19
reisiodefragging organizes files and keeps their separate bits together23:19
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Gentoo64yeah, but how is that different to gparted moving data that would be in use?23:20
Gentoo64in terms of data loss23:20
reisioPhoenix87: I have encountered issues where laptops used some kind of enhanced sata mode set in the bios23:20
reisioPhoenix87: for pretending two hard disks are one, say23:20
reisioPhoenix87: which is fraught with problems23:21
rchilso1i need a link for advanced unity users please.23:21
Phoenix87reisio, hmm23:21
ntr0pyDoes someone know why chromium-daily/beta is not showing in synaptic?23:21
reisioGentoo64: it's aaaaaabbbbbb vs abababababababa23:21
Phoenix87reisio, i think that my laptop has just one hd23:21
Gentoo64reisio: still dont understand lol23:21
reisioPhoenix87: might still check BIOS options, though if it _is_ something like that the damage may already be done23:21
reisioGentoo64: there are things I don't understand23:22
Gentoo64reisio: having gparted move data wont defrag it ofc, but imo theres still no need for defragging before partitioning23:22
twocarlowhy is it only one hardisk by the way23:22
Gentoo64as used data is moved anyway23:22
Phoenix87reisio, i think i'll do that too thanks :D23:22
reisioPhoenix87: also http://linux-laptop.net/ and if you do a search for the model at ubuntuforums.org, you might encounter a known issue23:23
reisioGentoo64: ideally there isn't23:23
reisiobut Windows and NTFS are far from ideal23:23
Phoenix87oh reisio, nice. I didn't know about that site :D23:24
Gentoo64yeah, they spew data23:24
Gentoo64all over the place23:24
XenethGentoo64, they are not throwing it all over.  It's systematicly placed so that you will need to upgrade to the next version.  ;)23:26
Aricwhen i installed mysql-server why did apt get install mysql 5.1 not 5.5?23:28
zillyHow do you stop Ubuntu from starting all programs that were running the last time Ubuntu was shut down?23:29
XenethSince it's so quite...  I have a paper I am writing on Linux for my final.  I pretty much have it complete, looking for some good points that can help fill it out.23:29
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Xenethzilly, There should be an option for a safe mode that will keep program scripts from running.23:30
zillyXeneth, is there any other way?  I don't really want to boot into a safe mode.23:31
reisioXeneth: hahah23:32
rchilso1zilly go to preferences in the main menu and check the options tab and tell it not to rember running apps at startup23:32
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rchilso1start up option23:33
vockI'm just wondering, if I accidentally deleted a shortcut, how  can I find out the command to run a game I have?23:33
vockThe game is aquaria23:33
Phoenix87which aquaria?23:34
ActionParsnipvock: is it a linux game or a wine game?23:34
Phoenix87locate aquaria | grep usr23:34
reisioit's linux native23:34
reisiofrom the humble bundles23:34
vockActionParsnip: linux23:34
reisiovock: dpkg -L aquaria should still know where it is23:34
reisiodpkg -L aquaria | grep bin23:34
reisioyou could probably even reinstall to get the shortcut back, simply23:35
vockit's all in /opt/Aquaria/ nothing in /usr23:35
reisioyour saves or whatever are probably all in ~/23:35
ActionParsnipvock: then run:   sudo find / | grep aqua       will find the file more than likely23:35
vockI was trying to avoid that and hope there was a smart way to do it23:35
reisiovock: right, but you installed it with dpkg, no?23:35
vockreisio: yup23:35
reisiothen dpkg should know about it, I would think23:35
reisiovock: mine is at /top/aquaria/aquaria23:36
reisiovock: mine is at /opt/aquaria/aquaria even23:36
ActionParsnipvock: if you run:  ln -s /opt/aquaria/aquaria /usr/bin/aquaria        then create a launcher to run: aquaria23:36
tamirhi all23:36
tamirmay i install mac's dpkg.zip in ubuntu ?23:37
reisioassuming /opt/ isn't already in your path23:37
vockActionParsnip, reisio: so is mine apparently, thanks for those commands, learned something new which is what i was hoping for23:37
reisiotamir: Ubuntu already has dpkg23:37
reisiovock: echo $PATH23:37
tamirhow i install?23:37
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reisiotamir: it's already installed, it's an integral part of Ubuntu23:38
vockreisio: /opt/ isn't in my path, which explains why it wasn't working23:38
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ActionParsnipvock: every day is a school day :)23:38
reisioespecially M-F if you're in school23:39
mwinterHello. Since today my Wlan does connect but theres no route to the router/internet. Another Wlan works tough (Android-Thetering) and other Computers can connect to the internet using the Wlan router. Any suggestions?23:41
x_Im on xfce but I want to try evilwm, how do I stop X ?23:42
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reisiox_: you could log out and see if your DM can find it23:43
reisiootherwise, sudo service lightdm stop, probably23:43
x_reisio, yea, it doesn't/23:43
reisioprobably needs help23:44
trismx_: you could always create a .desktop file for it in /usr/share/xsessions23:44
benbloomwhat dm are you using x_?23:45
x_trism, what needs to be in this file?23:45
x_benbloom, whatever comes with xubuntu23:45
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benbloomfrom a tty try sudo stop gdm23:46
trismx_: generally just copy one of the other files there and edit the name and exec lines (at minimum you could just Exec=evilwm)23:47
x_trism, sweet thx23:47
benbloomunless i'm misunderstanding your question. youaasked how to stop x right?23:47
Phr3d13Trying to boot into Ubuntu.  Computer locks up after grub. Can't get to tty, can someone help?23:47
x_benbloom, yea, that just reloads x for me23:47
Ray24What's up ubuntu23:48
Ray24It's been a while23:48
reisiowhat is up, Ray2423:48
ActionParsnipPhr3d13: which GPU do you use?23:49
mwinterUps my wlan works suddenly again. Thanks!23:49
kesPhr3d13 if you can get to tty you know how to fix it? ... you can try and get there by using recovery mode and then mounting fs from the read only console?23:50
ActionParsnipPhr3d13: add the boot option:  nouveau.blacklist=123:50
NcogNeatoAnyone else getting a bunch of bad md5sum's from apt-get/wget against ubuntu repo's today?23:50
Phr3d13Grub doesn't seem to accept any edits I make23:51
reisioPhr3d13: to /etc/default/grub ?23:51
ActionParsnip!bootoptions | Phr3d1323:51
Phr3d13In grub23:51
ubottuPhr3d13: For a list and explanation on some of the boot options, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions See also !nomodeset.23:51
reisioPhr3d13: the grub menu at bootup?23:52
reisioPhr3d13: you're using CTRL+x?23:52
reisioand what're you expecting it to do?23:53
yaaaseHey #ubuntu.  I am running ubuntu 11.04 with Xmonad on a new HP Pavilion g4 laptop.  I was previously running the identical setup on an old Acer laptop (both AMD 64 procs; the current one is dual-core)... old box never crashed the whole time I had it.  This one will lock up (screen goes black, only responds to hard reboot) randomly.  CPU/RAM load is never high.23:53
yaaaseJust wondering if anyone had thoughts on 1) how I can trace the problem and 2) if anyone else experienced similar things on HP laptops23:54
ActionParsnipyaaase: did you test your memory using memtest in grub23:54
reisioyaaase: identical as in identical?  You copied it over?23:54
Phr3d13I tried nomodeset nosplash text, and I still get splash screen23:55
yaaasereisio: no, but I fresh installed ubuntu 11.04 from the same disk, and installed xmonad identically23:55
yaaaseActionParsnip: I did not test with memtest, will look that up now, ty23:55
reisioPhr3d13: where'd you put it?23:55
Phr3d13The line with Linux /boot/vmlinuz...23:56
kesI'm trying to run a daemon through upstart, triggered by the 'input-device-added' event. however, the daemon does not start correctly and seemingly gets killed by Upstart when it outputs the line 'Device name: :0' any ideas on trying to launch at the right time without using Upstart or on how to improve my Upstart script?23:57
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kesshameless advertise of forum post; http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889361 for a little more detail23:58

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