
ScottLastraljava, sorry, was in a five hour meeting this morning and then the rest of the day was a disturbingly busy blur01:19
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scott-workgood morning15:14
fr-zgood morning :) here is after lunch ^^15:40
scott-worki plan to start the -default-settings and -artwork packages today to begin the transition phase for moving to xfce19:42
scott-workwill be basing on xubuntu's work19:42
scott-workxubuntu-devs, we <3 you guys :)19:43
shnatselscott-work: I'm hacking elementary's defaults right now. You're so lucky you don't have to mess with gnome-session!20:21
ailoscott-work, I told you give me a month to decide whether I will participate in US development this cycle. I can only promise to help testing the -lowlatency kernel pretty much.20:37
scott-workailo:  no problem, do what you can where/when you can :)20:37

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