
charlie-tcaRunning the last test now for alpha1. Wubi is unavailable for this alpha1; should be in release notes.00:33
j1mcthank you, charlie-tca  :)00:35
micahgthanks charlie-tca00:35
charlie-tcahttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/894768 is pretty serious for those installing in a VM00:35
micahgand hi j1mc00:35
j1mchey micahg 00:36
charlie-tcaYou are both welcome00:36
charlie-tcaIt is intermittent, but pretty regular on virtual machines.00:36
Unit193Launchpad bug 894768 in linux (Ubuntu Precise) "Installation randomly fails with: File "/usr/lib/ubiquity/ubiquity/install_misc.py", line 621, in copy_file targetfh.write(buf) IOError: [Errno 22] Invalid argument " [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89476800:37
GridCubecharlie-tca, it hasnt happenend to me on the 3 installs i've done this days00:38
GridCubebut they where all alternate00:38
charlie-tcaI haven't seen it either, but it still seems to hit a lot of VM's00:38
charlie-tcaOnly seems to be one case on hardware, though00:38
charlie-tcaFor those seeing it, it does block the install00:39
GridCubemmkay will have an eye open for it00:39
charlie-tcaNo tests tomorrow, since3 it is alpha1 release day. Daily testing starts Friday00:40
GridCubeso did you talk to stgraber, charlie-tca ?, its just a wrong name on the qa?00:50
charlie-tcaI have done the milestone testing that is priority. I don't care about daily results today.00:51
charlie-tcaIf you don't get the milestones tested, you do NOT release. It doesn't matter how much daily teting you do.00:51
GridCubebut we where worried about the dailiestoday00:52
charlie-tcaNo, I wasn't. 00:52
charlie-tcaI was very concerned with getting the alpha1 tests done today.00:53
GridCubethey where done00:53
charlie-tcaYeah, I am getting the last one done now00:54
charlie-tcaI will look at daily logging Friday00:54
GridCubei know that the update manager is global for ubuntu00:54
GridCubebut i get 90% of updates for unity00:54
charlie-tcaUpdates to what is in Main is always priority00:55
GridCubeyes i figure that much00:55
GridCubejust saying00:55
charlie-tcaUniverse doesn't see much until after alpha100:55
charlie-tcaBut as a rule, main is going to see more updates, most of the time00:56
GridCubei was talking about oneiric btw00:56
charlie-tcaapparently, most of our stuff doesn't to keep being updated. Unity does.00:56
charlie-tcasorry, thought you meant Precise00:57
charlie-tcagood night. Tests are good for release.01:11
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skaetknome,  charlie-tca, madnick - Xubuntu's released.   :)17:07
knomethanks skaet 17:08
pleia2knome: do we have a release announcement for the site?17:16
pleia2oh, you fell off after I asked a question17:35
pleia2knome: do we have a release announcement for the site?17:35
pleia2or do we want to write one?17:36
pleia2where "we" is not "me" because I am at wrk :)17:36
pleia2work too17:36
madnickknome, ochosi: i need to talk to you about finializing the features of the ldm theme (as in, which features do we expand to there)18:50
madnicksorry, have to go. Ill be back in the (very) early morning :)19:02
ochosimadnick: ok, let's talk tomorrow then19:11
knomepleia2, sure, but that's not highest priority20:00

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