
=== PaulW2U is now known as G4MBY
CiPiHow to update to java from repository ?01:30
xubuntu038валасымае валасы02:57
GridCube!ru | xubuntu03802:57
Unit193xubuntu038: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join  #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.02:58
asterismohi people i need help with something04:32
asterismoim using ubuntu 11.10 with XFCE04:33
asterismoand i do not have the network icon in thunar to see the network04:34
asterismoi have a home network04:34
holsteinasterismo: samba you mean?04:41
holsteini have been using gigolo to connect to ssh shares and other things04:41
holsteini forget who suggested it... Unit193 ? maybe?04:41
holsteini like it anyways...04:41
Unit193Could have been, just remember to install gvfs-backends on new Xubuntu Oneiric install as it isn't in by default04:42
asterismoi installed ubuntu oneiric and then installed XFCE desktop04:49
asterismoand set XFCE by default04:49
asterismobut its wierd, because i have the "network" shortcut in 2 machines but not in another one04:50
Unit193That's not going to be the same as Xubuntu >_>04:50
asterismoanyway i want to set up my public share in my home network and i cannot acces any public of any ubuntu machine04:52
asterismoand i installed samba04:52
holsteini share via ssh these days04:52
holsteinand i use http://www.swish-sftp.org/ when i need to have windows access a linux box like that04:53
asterismoUnit193 > gvfs-backends need to restart?04:54
asterismoand what it does?04:56
asterismoi need to fix this04:56
asterismoi have no network icon in my left side icon shortcut in thunar04:57
asterismoand i do have that icon in my laptop04:57
holsteini use gigolo04:57
holsteinasterismo: is that XFCE ?04:57
Unit193Allows you to use gigolo more easily04:57
asterismoholstein > is a desktop environment04:58
holsteinasterismo: the machine that is 'working', is that XFCE? xubuntu?04:58
asterismoubuntu + XFCE04:59
asterismoand xfdesktop04:59
asterismoalmost xubuntu05:00
holsteinim not sure what you are looking for05:00
asterismoin thunar05:00
asterismothe file manager05:00
holsteinbut, if you want to browse, and connect to a samba share, id try gigolo05:00
asterismothere is network icon05:01
asterismojust like nautilus05:01
asterismobut there is missing in one of my machines05:01
holsteinmabye tis a plugin or something you didnt pull in05:01
Unit193Are you looking for xfce4-places-plugin ?05:01
holsteinthat sounds like it ^^05:01
Unit193(Ubuntu + Xfce != Xubuntu)05:01
n2diyDo Ubuntu FIrefox version numbers correspond with Firefox's version numbers? I'm running version 3.6.24 here on Xubuntu 10.10, and a webmaster is telling me the latest version is 8.x05:01
holsteinits not that far off though n2diy05:02
holsteinthey've been moving fast05:02
Unit193Ubuntu Firefox is the same as normal Firefox versions05:02
holsteinyou can try https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable05:03
asterismoUnit193 > do you use xfce?05:03
Unit193Xubuntu uses Xfce, so yes I do05:03
holsteinasterismo: did you try that plugin?05:03
holsteinthe places plugin?05:03
asterismoi installed but maybe i need to restart05:04
asterismoUnit193 > go to XFCE menu > Settings > Desktop05:04
asterismoicons tab05:04
asterismoi have no network icon there, only file system, and stuff05:04
asterismomaybe the plugin i need to re login05:05
holsteinits in thunar05:05
holsteinthe 'network' icon05:05
n2diyOk, maybe I'm running 10.04 here, but it is Firefox 3.6.24. I'm playing with an interactive Python tutorial at www.learnpython.org, and it isn't working for me here, with Firefox or Xonquer. The webmaster is suggesting I upgrade to Firefox 8.x. Seems to me, he should be supporting as many browsers as possible?05:06
holsteinn2diy: you can add that PPA i linked05:06
asterismoin thunar and in the desktop as well05:06
holsteinn2diy: you can read there.. 'its aimed at lucid....'05:06
asterismoi cannot acces to network folders05:06
holsteinasterismo: im not sure what you have or dont have, but gigolo is quite nice05:07
n2diyholstein, I'll take a look, thanks.05:07
asterismoholstein > in thunar file manager > "Go" menu05:08
asterismoand there should be "network" in there05:08
holsteinasterismo: sure.. but i have it ;)05:08
asterismoyou have thunar?05:08
w30What's that cabbage the Chinese bury in the ground for about a week?05:08
asterismoso i have to reinstall thunar?05:08
holsteini have thunar, running in xubuntu, in XFCE05:08
holsteinasterismo: i have no idea05:09
holsteini think theres a plugin you dont have05:09
holsteini thought the 'places' one sounded promising05:09
asterismobut which one05:09
asterismothere are few thunar-options in apt-get05:09
holsteinapt-cache search thunar turns up a few05:10
holsteinsee if you have those installed05:10
asterismoinstalling everything05:11
holsteinsure, as long as you dont blame me ;)05:12
asterismoi'm a gnome refugee05:12
holsteinyeah, me too05:12
asterismowon't complain05:12
asterismoxfce its been good so far05:12
holsteinand since i found gigolo, i havent bothered with anything else05:12
asterismobut there are this minor details05:12
asterismohow do i set up a public folder in it?05:13
holsteinasterismo: i use ssh05:13
Unit193I'd recommend you install Xubuntu as it will be easier for you to use, and easier for others to help you05:13
asterismoi have my home wireless network and laptop, desktop05:13
holsteini dont do samba anymore05:13
holsteinyou set up samba shares just like before though05:13
n2diyholstein, is upgrading Firefox with Launchpad going to confuse my package/upgrade manager?05:32
Unit193Not at all, just remember to reload the package list05:33
dirtycookiehi, i installed gedit onto my xubuntu OS and wanted to know how to change the font of my embedded terminal. Here is a pix of what I mean. http://picpaste.com/-0DE32bmV.png06:46
dirtycookiehi, i installed gedit onto my xubuntu OS and wanted to know how to change the font of my embedded terminal. Here is a pix of what I mean. http://picpaste.com/-0DE32bmV.png06:59
Sysirepeating doesn't help06:59
Sysigedit is defalult in ubuntu. not xubuntu, you probably have better luck in #ubuntu07:00
dirtycookieSysi: true, i thought that it could be some settin in the os itself07:01
dirtycookiethat is y07:01
dirtycookieand i couldnt know if someone is actually there since there is low activity07:02
Sysithen you should just be patient07:05
dirtycookiei will07:11
vancevephello? i've never used IRC, so excuse my noobness07:44
vancevepi have a question about the sound settings07:45
dirtycookievancevep: lets hear your question07:52
vancevepfor some reason, i have to crank the volume on both my desktop and laptop just to hear videos very well07:53
vancevepI've checked the volume control within the video and they are turned up07:53
vancevepwith Ubuntu, I didn't need to turn the volume up so high, but Xubuntu is a whole different story07:55
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AscavasaionMorning.  Can someone recommend me a lightweight music programme like Rhythmbox for my old AMD Duron machine?08:25
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incorrectdoes anyone know how to get the config options back in vinagre?10:25
bigbrovaranyone able to get bluetooth headset work with xubuntu 11.1010:57
bigbrovarmy issue with blueman on xubuntu 11.10 concerning connecting to headset is related to this bug report https://bugs.launchpad.net/blueman/+bug/89231811:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 892318 in Blueman "cannot turn on PulseAudio module in Blueman" [Undecided,New]11:10
ablomenbigbrovar, not sure it helps but did you try checking "Advanced audio receiver" in the local services window?12:06
ablomen(click on the blueman icon in your system tray, then click local services)12:06
ablomenehm right click on the blueman icon that is12:06
ablomenoh and in plugins there seems to be  a pulseaudio plugin, if you havnt tried that it might be worth checking out12:07
RoadsterGTlocate blacklist12:09
RoadsterGThow can i deactivate and blacklist the OSS module?12:09
xubuntu813hello there12:26
xubuntu813I just want to know couple of things12:26
bigbrovarablomen, I did try that, when I try to enable the pulseaudio plugin I get this http://pastebin.com/QVJLAtUP13:14
bigbrovarseems to be   a blueman bug13:14
ablomenlol i see the problem13:16
ablomenor a problem anyway13:16
bigbrovaryeah a bug has been filed on the issue13:17
ablomenthe plugin just checks if the third number (15 in 0.9.15) is bigger or equal to 15, but it is now version 1.0.0..13:17
ablomenso its just bad coding13:17
ablomenif your up for it, you could try commenting a few lines of code, but ofc this is at your own risk etc13:18
bigbrovarablomen, yeah I think so, too. would let u know how it goes thanks13:29
krautif i want to defince a shortcut for XF86AudioPrev, which command do i need for it?13:35
babblekraut: I dunno if there's an easy way to do it systemwide in Xubuntu, but I enabled editable accelerators and assigned next and prev. track in banshee if that works13:36
krauthmm, ok13:37
krautfrom my understanding i just need to define the global xfce commands for such things but can't find any list for that13:37
babble(it does require switching to your media player, of course, so that may not be ideal)13:37
babbleI don't know for sure that there is a list for it as a system event a la gnome13:38
krautmy understanding comes from gnome, maybe xfce differs in that point13:39
babbleyeah, I went hunting for a global media-key event sort of like the gnome keyboard shortcuts control when I switched, too :)13:42
babbleI don't think it's in Xfce, but don't quote me13:43
krautno prob13:45
krauti do this know with the rhythmbox tools13:45
krautsince gnome3 i don't care about gnome anymore13:45
babbleI keep trying to get into either Unity or Gnome 313:46
babbleI lived in Unity for 11.04, but I'm happy I switched to Xubuntu for 11.1013:46
krauti hated unity from the beginning ;)13:47
babbleApple's doing some of the same stuff to my OS X, too, sigh.13:47
Sysimedia keys usually work if you set gnome-services to be launched at startup13:54
babbleoooh, I hadn't thought about that :)13:55
babblehow much of gnome do I need to install along with?13:55
SysiI think most of it is there already13:56
babblehm, lemme go play. (cool beans!) :)13:56
kora-chanHey guys, I'm using xubuntu 11.10 and was wondering if theres any way to completely turn off the touchpad, since I have a trackpoint, that I mainly use.14:31
krauthrrrrm, how is this volume applet called, if i want to start it by hand?14:38
Sysikora-chan: synclient TouchpadOff=114:53
kora-chanSysi: thanks, worked perfectly14:54
Sysiyou can put that to settings -> sessions and startup -> autostart14:56
Sysi0 instead of 1 enables touchpad, you could set hotkeys for that too14:57
Sysi(theme might be toggle too)14:57
puffI use my laptop by itself at home and at work I plug it into a large monitor.  Every day I have to bring up Applications/Settings/Settings Manager/Display and click "use this monitor" to get video out to start working.  Is there a shortcut key combo, or a way to make a shortcut icon, to do this?14:59
kora-chanSysi: hm true, i could map it to my fn keys, where it belongs anyway, but i think i'll just add it to the startup since this touchpad is too small to use anyway ;)15:00
puffWhen I restart firefox (xubuntu 11.10 oneiric) it comes up with all of the firefox windows in background in the same virtual desktop.  I then spend a while alt-tabbing to them and rearranging them across my virtual desktops.   Every time I drag one, I go back to that window and I'm looking at the wallpaper.  I have to alt-tab to make the next firefox window visible so I can drag it around. Is there a way to bring them all to foreground15:01
puffat once?15:01
Sysipuff: you could maybe get them to open straight to right desktop with devilspie15:02
Sysipuff: you can export script with arandr and put that to hotkey or panel launcher15:03
Sysilatter for display15:03
* puff googles.15:05
puffSysi: thanks.15:05
Sysi!info arandr15:06
ubottuarandr (source: arandr): Simple visual front end for XRandR. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.4-1 (oneiric), package size 48 kB, installed size 376 kB15:06
LantiziaLo, does anyone know a menu editor other than Alacarte that won't depend on 225mb of extra gnome stuff?15:21
Sysiapt-get install --no-install-recommends alacarte15:23
LantiziaSysi, course :P thanks - damn that much depends on it!15:28
Lantiziaor rather is recommended by it15:28
Lantiziarather impressed by the way with xubuntu 11.10 - last time I tried xubuntu i think it was 6.0615:29
Lantiziamust have loads of unity/gnome3 haters coming your way :P15:29
* puff raises his hand.15:30
puffRecent convert... not so much hating but when I jumped from 10.4 to 11.10 and saw the dramatic drop in performance, well...15:30
Lantiziabeen using lxde for a while - but it's very incomplete in parts... however at least pcmanfm has tabs, thunar doesn't by looks of it15:30
SysiI hate tabs on filemanager15:33
LantiziaSysi, right but it wouldn't get in your way if it had the feature - you just wouldn't open a tab15:34
Sysiit would because I couldn't open folders to new windiows sith middleclick15:38
LantiziaSysi, so you'd expect the middle click would become new tab - a default option that could be changed back15:39
urthmoverwhat is the default pdf reader recommended for xfce?15:48
urthmoverevince is heavy I fear15:48
Lantiziaurthmover, i'm on xubuntu 11.10 and it comes with evince15:48
urthmoverok Lantizia15:48
urthmoverI'm gonna try epdfview15:50
urthmover4MB vs 40MB15:51
urthmoverwe'll see if it looks alright15:51
urthmoverawesome epdfview is perfect15:53
urthmoverthanks for speaking up Lantizia15:53
The_LokoHi all, I need help with sharing folders with samba. I have shared a folder in my network, but when i try to open it from other computer, it need a password and user, Where can I disable it??15:58
ergj-does anyone know a wireless usd adapter that would work out of the box with wpa personal also being able to work?16:01
CiPiIs TP-LINK TL-WN422G16:07
CiPiBy Atheros.16:07
ergj-thank you16:07
CiPiIs not expensive also...16:07
CiPiU r welcome.16:07
ergj-i just cant ffind one that will work with wpa under linux16:08
ergj-ive been having hell with it16:08
ergj-thank you thank you16:08
CiPiYou may have problem with the Network manager...16:08
CiPiThat may also be an issue...16:08
ergj-im sure i dont lol16:08
CiPiThan your router may have ASCII instead of HEX password in WPA.16:09
ergj-its aeu16:10
ergj-wpa 2 personal16:10
ergj-aes i mean16:10
The_LokoI have solved my network prolemas, other question is how can I run a .jar file if it doesn't have the option of make it executable? D:16:10
CiPijava -jar filename.jar16:12
CiPiTry that...16:12
The_Lokoit works :D, thanks16:16
CiPiU r welcome 2.16:16
The_Lokoi have to run it with this always?16:17
CiPiYou can link to it...16:18
CiPiln -s <file your want to link> <file you want to link to>16:19
The_Lokoor a "shortcut" in menu with that16:22
CiPiA launcher.16:23
CiPiLeftclink on desktop - Create launcher...16:23
CiPicommand java -jar16:24
CiPiworking directory /dir/yourfile.jar16:24
CiPiIs an official from Xubuntu arround here?16:29
SysiCiPi: how "official" and for what matter?16:40
SysiLantizia: I think I can't configure it on nautilus or dolphin, I think pcmanfm still uss HAL16:40
AlexLovehi 2 all17:33
AlexLoveheed help(17:34
AlexLovemkisofs -D -r -V «$IMAGE_NAME» -cache-inodes -J -l -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/boot.cat -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -o ../myubuntu-10.04.iso             <-I correctly entered? or bug17:35
=== CiPi is now known as Cipi
incorrectwhere have all the options that  vinagre used to have gone?17:57
incorrecti know the ubuntu team thing removing all the features is a good idea, but it is really irritating when you can't set the remote desktop resolution17:58
holsteincould have been upstream17:58
holsteinim not missing anything...17:58
holsteinvinagre --geometry ??17:59
incorrectyou used to be able to set it in the ui, not from the cli18:00
holsteini dont recall that18:01
holsteinbut, i ran the LTS til this cycle mostly, so i could have missed something in 10.10 or 11.0418:02
incorrectit was 11.10 that vinagre changed from a v2 to a v318:21
=== Cipi is now known as CiPi
Benkinoobywhat's the difference between xubuntu and xfce login?19:56
TheSheepBenkinooby: the layout of panels at the first login19:57
TheSheepBenkinooby: xfce one will use the xfce defaults, xubuntu will use defaults that are more similar to ubuntu19:58
=== CiPi is now known as cipi
Benkinoobywould there be a differnec in result when isntalling xubuntu or using ubuntu minimal and the istlal xubuntu-desktop?20:22
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: probably not much difference20:23
Benkinoobycontains xubuntu the ubuntu sftware center too?20:33
Benkinoobyand this ubuntu one stuff?20:33
baizonBenkinooby: yes20:35
Benkinoobybaizon, so if i don't want it i'd have to go for ubuntu minimal and then isntall xubunut-desktop?20:37
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: maybe install xfce not the xubuntu-desktop meta package20:40
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, the packages list says it xubuntu-desktop relies on software center20:44
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: you want the software center?20:45
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, no20:45
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: then you'll need to use something other then xubuntu-desktop20:46
well_laid_lawnlike install xfce + apps you want20:46
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, yep... that's what i'll do20:46
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, but i will start from the ubuntu minimal cd20:46
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: I do that20:47
well_laid_lawnit's a good learning experience20:47
Benkinoobyon this system i use ubuntu minimal and fluxbox20:47
Benkinoobybut i hope that xfce will bring most auto-things (liek auto mount, power management,...) so that i don'T have to add them manually like i had to with fluxbox20:48
well_laid_lawnit should set things up right as it is a desktop environment20:49
well_laid_lawnfluxbox is just a window manager20:49
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, yep... hm, no "make startup disk" doesn'T like minimal iso :(20:49
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: what doesn't like it?20:50
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, i con't choose it as iso in the disk creator20:50
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: checked the iso?20:51
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows20:51
Benkinoobymd5 is ok20:52
Benkinoobywell_laid_lawn, if i want to add it to the isos it won't go20:53
xubuntu551Hi I have a question20:53
well_laid_lawnBenkinooby: maybe the iso isn't ok - check it first20:54
well_laid_lawn!hi | xubuntu55120:54
ubottuxubuntu551: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!20:54
xubuntu551I am currently installing xubuntu as we speak but I am curious, I am installing on a different system then the one I want to run it on because the dvd drive wasnt working on the computer this is meant for20:55
xubuntu551is it like windows where you can't swap it around between computers??20:55
nikolambah, how to disable this awfull nautilus, grabbing desktop from xfdesktop in LTS ?20:58
well_laid_lawnxubuntu551: you can swap the hdd's ok20:58
well_laid_lawnnikolam: use  nautilus --no-desktop20:59
nikolamI guess I would need to make script doing that instead of /usr/bin/nautilus ?21:00
nikolamsince i do not even start it, it is there by himself started21:00
well_laid_lawnprobably is in a saved session21:00
well_laid_lawnuse   exo-preferred-applications   to set up nautilus --no-desktop21:01
nikolamI see it in "session and startup" in xfce settings21:01
well_laid_lawnremove it from there then21:01
nikolamI wish I could. It seems non-editable21:02
nikolambut pstree is saying xfce4-session is starting it. So yes, seems I need to configure some xfce file or logout without remembering session...21:04
well_laid_lawnnikolam: I think you'll have to remove it from sessions and startup21:08
well_laid_lawntry the settings editor21:08
* nikolam would like to understand what in its startup invokes nautilus in first place.21:10
well_laid_lawnat a guess it could be the ubuntu login manager21:13
Benkinoobyhi, is there a way to see the full window content instead of the windows borders only when alt-tabbing. i'd need it to differentiate differente windows of the same program21:28
SysiBenkinooby: with default window manager, no21:33
nikolamI also have multiple (say 7 xfdesktop processes running, too :)21:35
nikolamI can kill them one by one with kill -9 pid but it seems they accumulate somehow. Maybe because I used to get xfce desktop instead of gnome, by kill xfdesktop to restart it.21:36
nikolamI fixed nautilus starting, by turning ON "Display chooser on login" under General>Session Chooser in Session and startup Xfce settings.21:41
nikolamAnd I made/named new session and now nautilus is gone :D21:41
osteocephalicQuestion:  Is it possible to upgrade from a broken 9.04 to 11.10 using the 11.10 cd?21:42
nikolamAfter that I turned it off, saved session on logout and on next loging, in, .. it behaves :)21:43
seanmc98hello, Does compiz work on the xde interface?22:53
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:53
seanmc98hmmmm, its not working for e :-/22:54
seanmc98hello, i have compiz installed on xubuntu and i cant get the desktop cube to work, any ideas?23:13
TheSheep!compiz | seanmc9823:13
ubottuseanmc98: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz23:13
seanmc98everything else works but the desktop cube though23:13
seanmc98just didnt know if there was someone in here willing to help23:13
TheSheepwe generally don't know much about compiz, try at #compiz23:14
seanmc98ok thanks TheSheep23:14
echoJONESwas just wondering: are there supposed to be up/down arrows for the scroll bars in 11.10?  i don't seem to have any23:18
seanmc98hey i have a issue with my workspaces. it says i have 4 but when i try to move to them it is really only 2. any ideas?23:23
echoJONESare you using ctl+alt left/right?23:25
TheSheephe's using compiz, not xubuntu23:25
seanmc98no compiz is disabled23:25
seanmc98for now23:25
echoJONESdo you have 2 rows of workspaces?23:26
echoJONESyou may need to use ct+alt+up/down23:26
echoJONESto reach the other rows23:26
seanmc98i have four boxes up top but only allows me to use 2 of them, if i put the window at the botom left or right that fills up the boxes on the workspace switcher23:27
seanmc98looks like it was a compiz issue, odd though why compiz will only allow mw 2 workspaces23:28
dvanceafternoon ladies and gentlemen23:37
dvanceI was curious if anyone knew how or if it is even possible to configure lightdm to prompt for the username to be typed in23:38
dvanceas opposed to listing them and having you click on them23:38
dvancefound it23:51
Paimundvance do I need to restart lightdm to apply that change?23:56
dvanceI tested it via a full boot23:56
dvancebut I would imagein so23:56
Paimunxubuntu is acting funny for me lately, every time I reboot it just sits at the xubuntu screen and I have to TTY and start lightdm manually23:58
dvanceupdate-rc.d lightdm defaults perhaps?23:59

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