
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
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ubottuIn den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!00:57
* jmichaelx suddenly felt the need to be overly reactionary and silly00:58
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phdpIf anyone has a nice suggestion, I'm looking for a good laptop for work: 14''-15'', 1800-2500$ range, Intel processor,  and a NVIDIA Quadro 2000 card. The ThinkPad W520 but I don't know anyone with one (all OSX users in the lab).02:31
amasonphdp: i have a thinkpad X series and they are great laptops. if you are interested in using linux with it primarily i would recommend getting an intel card.02:51
amasonthe nvidia drivers aren't fantastic, they don't have proper hotplug support ( for docking with dual displays etc.. ) where as the intel drivers work pretty well for almost everything02:53
amasonlooks like they are gone03:49
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faLUCE Hi. I installed lubuntu 11.10 on a Intel BOXDG41AN mini-itx mobo (with Pentium dual core E5700). Then I installed few programs and created my own live distro, lubuntu 11.10 based, with Remastersys. Then I booted on another pc (Intel DH67CF LGA-1155 mini itx mobo, with cpu i5 2400) with this distro but the graphic card does not work. I can make it work only at low resolution with nomodeset. The rest is ok  How can I solve? Where can be the problem?07:47
lleeCan I show change keyboard layout option on first Horos themed login screen after power up?08:16
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brambleclawhow do i tell which window mannager i am running? i have kubuntu 11.1008:51
folstobrambleclaw: You are probably running kdm.08:54
oxymoronExcuse me, but ((¤")#(%¤#¤%#/¤#)(¤#%/#¤%(¤# happened with desktop since latest updates of Kubuntu. Seriously, hangs all the freaking time. The activity bar is messed up and windows freezes and crashes.08:59
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Aprendiz_hi all10:32
Aprendiz_I have problems with kmail, when I try to open a message appear Recovering the content of the folder10:33
Aprendiz_but doesn't work10:34
vadraoHi all, If I close the Kopete window, after a while, it is not possible to open it anymore from the system tray message indicator. The kopete process still run in the background and it lock any new instance of Kopete. Does any body experience this problem.. I am on 11.1010:36
kio_httpvadrao: Same problem here10:37
vadraoDoes anybody know if it is a bug and has been reported? if not then I am planning to do so10:38
kio_httpvadrao: But a bit different, If I reopen kopete from menu it launches but all my contacts have their pictures greyed out and are all offline10:38
vadraokio_http: Its the same here10:38
kio_httpvadrao: If you report it, I can add myself as also affected10:38
kio_httpvadrao: But KDE plans to phase out kopete and implement kde-telepathy soon I think10:39
vadraokio_http:  I am new to bug reporting. Should I start with kubuntu bug reporting or Kde ?10:39
kio_httpvadrao: Either, if bug needs reassigning the Kubuntu team should handle it ... report it on launchpad10:40
vadraokio_http: Oh ok. Guess until then we don't even have a chat client which works.. great pity10:40
vadraokio_http: heading to launchpad10:40
kio_httpvadrao: Doubt that will be fixed as kopete's development seems to have reached a standstill10:41
vadraokio_http: hmm.. I really dont understand, how can they ship something which does not even have a working chat client. In my opinion it is a absolute neccessity.10:43
vadraokio_http: anyways, I will give it a try and see10:43
vadraokio_http: its looks like some one has already reported it on launchpad.10:44
vadraokio_http: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kopete/+bug/65564610:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 655646 in kopete (Ubuntu) "Kopete's icon not shown in system tray" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:44
kio_httpvadrao: If you disable message indicator applet, or its plugin in kopete settings it works10:45
tamasasus n55sf10:47
jonrob287having trouble with package manager10:50
jonrob287can someone help10:50
vadraokio_http: I disabled the message indicator applet from kopete. Now, opening kopete from systemtray still does not work. But opening it from  kickoff brings back kopete without greying out the contacts. BTW how did you disable the message indicator applet itself.10:50
kio_httpvadrao: Right click on system tray and go in system tray settings10:50
kio_httpthen uncheck it10:51
kio_httpvadrao: I think this issue comes only if there is a connection drop10:51
vadraokio_http: I guess that would just enable/disable the showing the message indicator in systemtray. IT does not disable it. May be I am wrong.10:53
jonrob287Another application seems to be using the package system at this time. You must close all other package managers before you will be able to install or remove any packages.10:54
jonrob287thats the message i get10:54
Torchjonrob287: unless actually some other app is indeed running that accesses the packaging system you probably have a stale lock file10:55
jonrob287what does that mean im new to this...just got kbuntu like last week10:56
Torchjonrob287: well, is there any package management software running?10:57
jonrob287not that i know of, i also have a problem turning off the computer i have to manually press the power button for it to turn off10:58
Torchjonrob287: if not, try running "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/lock" from a konsole window10:59
Torchjonrob287: ok, i see. one problem a a time though ;-)10:59
jonrob287lol alright well lets try that konsole thing real quick10:59
Torchjonrob287: this command will probably ask for your password and then output exactly nothing. that means it worked ;-)11:00
jonrob287lol oh okay i was just gonna say nothing popped up11:00
jonrob287what does that exactly do?11:00
Torchjonrob287: any package manager will look if this file exists and refuse to run if it does11:00
Torchjonrob287: if it does not, the package manager will create that file so no other can interefere with it11:01
Torchjonrob287: if a package manager crashes or otherwise terminates without cleaning up, the file remains11:01
jonrob287hey tried the package manager out still no dice11:01
Torchjonrob287: what's the exact error message?11:03
jonrob287Another application seems to be using the package system at this time. You must close all other package managers before you will be able to install or remove any packages.11:04
Torchjonrob287: which packager are you using?11:05
Torchjonrob287: i may not be the best guy to help here, i don't use kubuntu's graphical packagers at all ;-)11:05
jonrob287muon package manager11:05
jonrob287what do u use?11:06
Torchjonrob287: apt-get on the command line11:06
jonrob287oh i see11:06
Torchjonrob287: the lock file thing i made you go through above is valid for all package managers11:06
Torchjonrob287: but maybe muon has other issues you need to solve now in addition to that11:07
Torchjonrob287: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=9&t=9777611:08
Torchjonrob287: this might give you a clue (just quickly googled for your error message)11:08
Torchjonrob287: you might try installing whatever you wanted to install from konsole and see if you get a helpful error message from apt or dpkg11:10
Torchjonrob287: just run "sudo apt-get install <application>" and see what it says. replacing <application> with the name of whatever you wanted to install11:10
jonrob287k well can u give me some thing to dl  it dont really matter just wanna try it out11:10
Torchjonrob287: anything not installed by default... konversation, for example.11:11
Torchjonrob287: unless you have that already installed manually11:11
jonrob287jonrob287@livingroom:~$ sudo apt-get install konversation11:12
jonrob287E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.11:12
jonrob287thats what i got11:12
Torchjonrob287: right, that is indeed helpful11:12
Torchjonrob287: just run the command it asks you to run11:12
jonrob287k nothing popped up does that mean it worked?11:13
Torchjonrob287: usually, yes ;-)11:13
Torchjonrob287: run the install command again and see if that goes through now to check11:13
jonrob287i PMd u it was to long to put here11:15
Torchjonrob287: good idea, but even better to use pastebin (see topic) for longer output11:15
Torchjonrob287: so anyone else following our little conversation can see it too and help11:16
Torchjonrob287: http://paste.kde.org11:16
jonrob287oh okay sorry want me to post here?11:16
Torchjonrob287: please do, yes.11:16
jonrob287i put it  in there now what11:18
Torchjonrob287: it should have given you a link to post here11:18
jonrob287KDE Paste » ~/paste/15385411:19
Torchjonrob287: ok, that worked well11:20
Torchjonrob287: two issues here. one, the dependencies are broken. you probably should be able to fix that by running "sudo apt-get update"11:21
Torchjonrob287: two, you tried to run apt-get without sudo. that won't work.11:21
Torchjonrob287: so try "sudo apt-get -f install" (which should actually fix the dependencies; ignore my previous comment about that, that was wrong)11:22
Torchjonrob287: note that you always need to be root to run package management software, so it's always necessary to put the "sudo" in front of the command11:22
Torch(there are exceptions to this rule, but we can safely ignore these for now)11:23
jonrob287oh i ran that updat anyways before...11:23
Torchjonrob287: doesn't hurt11:23
jonrob287and then the sudo apt get f install11:23
Torchjonrob287: so what came up?11:24
Torchjonrob287: looking good11:27
jonrob287nothing else came up im assuming its done?11:28
Torchjonrob287: looks like at some point there was an attempt to install the sun JRE and that went wrong and has now been fixed.11:28
Torchjonrob287: if you're back at the command prompt it's done, yes.11:28
Torchjonrob287: see if you can run muon now11:28
jonrob287yea i tried to get java the other day11:28
jonrob287does that mean i have now?11:28
Torchjonrob287: it says it was going to install sun-java6-jre which is some part of java, yes.11:29
jonrob287it workd11:29
Torchjonrob287: please run the apt-get -f install thing once more from a shell (first closing muon, they can't both run at the same time) and see if it comes back doing nothing11:30
Torchjonrob287: i can't quite says why it was first complaining about konversation-data and then not installing it, so we better check that too11:31
jonrob287i ran that comman earlier11:31
Torchjonrob287: and it said it had nothing to do?11:32
jonrob287no earlier it did it ran a bunch of things its on my second link i posted11:33
jonrob287and i ran right now and said 011:33
Torchjonrob287: great, so that should have been it11:34
jonrob287so what is konversation, do i have it now?11:34
Torchjonrob287: you should. it's an irc client ;-)11:34
jonrob287i didnt get it i dont think i searched it11:34
Torchjonrob287: you're probably running quassel (which is great). it's an alternative to quassel.11:34
jonrob287yup got quassel11:35
jonrob287what is sun java 6 webstart?11:35
jonrob287i got it when it installed the java11:35
jonrob287got it now...11:37
jonrob287konversation that is11:37
jonrob287_hey im on konversation now11:40
jonrob287_u think u can help wit the other problem?11:41
jonrob287_the other problem i have been having is i cant turn off computer thru shut down i have to manually turn it off11:43
BluesKajhi all12:08
Torchjonrob287: was afk for a while12:29
jonrob287_was what?12:30
Torchjonrob287: afk == away from keyboard ;-)12:30
jonrob287_lol newbie lol12:30
Torchjonrob287_: i'm also only back for a couple of minutes now, but there are lots of people here to help you12:30
Torchjonrob287_: maybe you should try to explain what exactly happens when you try to shut your machine down12:31
jonrob287_ok, thnx12:31
jonrob287_i click on restart and it just goes to a blank screen then to the kbuntu splash screen and gets stuck on 3 or 4 dot12:32
szaljonrob287_: hit Esc before it stops to see what the issue is12:37
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jonrob287_hit Esc when its restarting? what should pop up?12:37
`-`#ubuntu ops are nazi fags. please remember to use your brain not that other bit of the anatomy the #ubuntu team appears to think is best.12:38
greg__is there a easy way in kde/kubuntu to change the hostname of the computer, or do I have to do it in the command line?12:40
LjL!ops | `-`12:41
ubottu`-`: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Hobbsee, Tm_T, Nalioth, Riddell, seth, imbrandon, gnomefreak, nixternal, ryanakca, mneptok, PriceChild, tsimpson, jussi, Pici, ikonia, genii, Mamarok, claydoh, maco, apachelogger, seele, Nightrose, JontheEnchidna, rgreening, or txwikinger12:41
greg__what was that all about?12:44
BluesKajseem to be more trolls than normal around lately12:45
BluesKajoops , crossposted12:45
BluesKajgreg__, there is but I can't recall the command ..let me search my files12:46
greg__everything I have found so far says the only way to do it is the command line but I cant believe that...this is almost 2012, trivial things like changing the computer name should not require editing files by hand :/12:47
BluesKajgreg__, http://www.tech-recipes.com/rx/2732/ubuntu_how_to_change_computer_name/12:50
greg__thanks BluesKaj12:51
BluesKajit;s still cli , sub the gksudo with kdesudo12:52
jonrob287im back wit the info u asked12:57
=== anubis is now known as anubit
anubitHello, is there a package to install which installs most compilers and programming tools at once? i do not want to install everything myself when i see its not installed (make-tools, compilers, ...)13:00
jonrob287thats what i got when i pressed esp13:02
Torchjonrob287: so it gets to the point where the kernel asks the system to reboot but the hardware doesn't do it. might be some ACPI problem with your hardware...13:08
* Torch wanders off for a few hours now, however.13:08
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aboudreaultdamn.. anyone is using bumblebee nvidia here ?14:06
anubisHow or better WHERE can i deactivate some shortcuts like ctrl+f11 trying to show me some desktops? I need those shortcuts in eclipse in different way14:15
anubisplz anyne?14:22
george_hello. When I sudo alsactl store, I get Home directory/home/user not ours. Help?14:48
BluesKajyes, george_ I get the same , but it still works here.14:51
george_BluesKaj: It does not save my settings...14:52
BluesKajgeorge_, it does for me14:52
dario__does anyone like to yahoogle?14:57
dario__yes yahoogle14:57
BluesKajdario__, this chat for kubuntu support not some search engine15:00
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TimewarperBluesKaj: cry moar15:10
ilovemesomeKubunI've got a touchpad that keeps moving my cursor around.  Is there a way to adjust touchpad sensitivity?15:23
h31Hi all. Can anybody suggest a good, low-memory plasmoid for checking e-mail? :)15:39
=== AD is now known as Guest86370
ilovemesomeKubunI've got a touchpad that keeps moving my cursor around.  Is there a way to adjust touchpad sensitivity?15:43
BluesKajh31, what about a plasmoid email notifier , look in the widgets15:46
BluesKajilovemesomeKubun, try synaptiks15:46
h31BluesKaj: I can't find it. Should I install anything for it?15:50
ilovemesomeKubunBluesKaj, Thanks!15:50
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aboudreaultDoes anyone using bumblebee?16:15
DemonWitchcan i use ubuntu livecd to restore windows bootloader?16:18
BluesKajDemonWitch, you should be able yto add the windows chainloader into the grub menu16:20
BluesKajbummer there used to be a factoid16:21
szal(1) crosspost, (2) wrong advice anyway as I understand it16:21
BluesKajDemonWitch, W7 ? if so look here http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=add%20the%20windows%20chainloader%20into%20the%20grub%20menu&source=web&cd=5&sqi=2&ved=0CD4QFjAE&url=http%3A%2F%2Ferickoo.wordpress.com%2F2009%2F06%2F14%2Fhow-to-add-vista-partition-to-grub-2-ubuntu-9-10-karmic-koala%2F&ei=IPvYTprZBIjE2gWt57WmDg&usg=AFQjCNGhCrOgwVPlS5DWIoMsLkMAsFI3YQ&sig2=5IPDUIIzqHNT7PJYYMNAeg16:24
BluesKajoops , tiny url would have worked there16:24
dwrunkleMay I present a minor problem I have found on my implementation of Kubuntu?16:32
phoenix_firebrdyofel: is kde 4.8 beta available ?16:33
phoenix_firebrdyofel: so i have to use neon16:33
szalphoenix_firebrd: there's better facilities for beta-testing in Fedora and openSUSE16:33
BluesKajError org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoReply .my other pc has been spitting this error for a while16:34
szalbeta-testing KDE, that is16:34
szalBluesKaj: when doing what?16:34
yofelphoenix_firebrd: that and what szal said16:34
phoenix_firebrdszal: we have something called project-neon16:34
phoenix_firebrdyofel: are you saying that?16:34
yofelphoenix_firebrd: if you want the BETA, szal is right, if you just want a recent 4.8 snapshot neon is fine16:35
phoenix_firebrdyofel: i will use project-neon16:35
phoenix_firebrdszal: ty16:35
szaldunno the exact details for Fedora, but w/ openSUSE you can always use the factory unstable repos in the Build Service16:37
szaland what about Precise?  shouldn't that come w/ some development version atm?16:38
yofelszal: it will, but 4.7.80 is far from done16:38
szalthough one might also reckon w/ Precise shipping 4.7.5, as it's an LTS16:39
szalunless 4.8.1 or whatever will be out when 12.04 ships has a tangible advantage over 4.7.516:41
BluesKajSo far 12.04 has had fewer crashes with 4.7.3 than the previous KDEs on 11.10 here.16:43
genii-aroundSame here16:45
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kio_httpHi, I have two problems with kopete. 1) When kopete is in the message indicator sometimes it won't reopen from it, when you reopen it from menu it shows all chat icons of users greyed out and everyone is offline ... only solution is to kill kopete and relaunch17:55
kio_http2) Using Yahoo messenger, Kopete cannot send messages to a Windows Live User, the WLM user does not receive the messages17:56
shadeslayerkio_http: I'm not sure why 2 would even work17:59
szalaren't Yahoo and WLM different protocols?17:59
shadeslayer^^ yeah17:59
kio_httpshadeslayer: Yahoo messenger can normally communicate with WLM users and vice versa18:00
kio_httpshadeslayer: pidgin and WLM on Windows works fine18:00
kio_httpIn any case both bugs have been in KDE and Kubuntu for a very long time18:00
kio_httpshadeslayer: Along with a minor bug in default settings ... on the folder view that is there by default, dragging a menu entry to it does not produce a shortcut. If you remove the folder view and re add it however it works18:02
shadeslayerAs for kopete, I can't gurantee anything, kopete is almost dead18:02
kio_httpshadeslayer: I know any idea when telepathy should get the qt patch18:03
shadeslayeras for folderview, lemme try and reproduce it18:03
shadeslayerkio_http: uh we already have telepathy Qt18:03
shadeslayerkio_http: as well as telepathy KDE :)18:03
rotsyhey guys18:03
kio_httpshadeslayer: Really how can I get it running in KDE 4.7.318:03
rotsyhow do you solve "could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock"18:04
kio_httprotsy: Check running package management processes .. wait for it to finish or kill18:04
kio_httprotsy: Or a simple restart will do as well18:04
rotsykio_http:  how do you check that18:05
kio_httprotsy: run ksysguard18:05
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
kio_httpshadeslayer: I wrote a really big article on tweaking KDE for performance and other important Kubuntu related things on UF http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1889034 However its not getting much attention there as they are all gnome users .. Do you thing its worth putting in the wiki?18:06
rotsykio_http:  thank you for answering my question18:07
rotsyi'll check that18:08
shadeslayerkio_http: one sec18:12
shadeslayerkio_http: https://launchpad.net/~telepathy-kde/+archive/ppa18:13
shadeslayerkio_http: as for icon drag drop, it works just fine on trunk, will try it out on stable later on, got a bug number for me that I can reply back on?18:15
kio_httpshadeslayer: Thanks sorry I wasn't there18:23
shadeslayerNo problem, they also have a IRC Channel #telepathy-kde18:24
kio_httpshadeslayer: No I was going to file the report now18:24
shadeslayerah ok18:24
kio_httpshadeslayer: but there is a youtube kubuntu 11.10 review that mentions it18:25
shadeslayerkio_http: Hmm, fwiw I can't reproduce it on trunk, but this isn't a absolute clean account, so can't say ...18:26
kio_httpshadeslayer: an 11.10 livecd should show you18:26
shadeslayerkio_http: tell that to my macbook pro :P18:27
shadeslayer(bug has been fixed for precise, but now I need to find a re writable DVD )18:27
kio_httpshadeslayer: 7.25 on this vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wk8SkrMBMhE18:28
kio_httpshadeslayer: So no need for the report?18:29
AlexZionhi everyone, I did a full Upgrade from 11.04 and everything seems to be fine , except for the integrated Intel GPU which doesn't work properly anymore ...., it works just without 3D acceleration ..., any idea please ?18:30
kio_httpAlexZion: Which GPU is this?18:32
shadeslayerkio_http: hmm ...18:32
shadeslayerkio_http: Possibly ask plasma people if they know about this issue18:34
AlexZionkio_http:  00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)18:34
shadeslayerI can't reproduce it and they would definitely have a better idea18:34
kio_httpshadeslayer: I'll see I thought it was a kubuntu-default-settings issue18:34
shadeslayerOh .. why would you think that?18:35
AlexZionkio_http: id just the integrated card and than there is a Nvidia card which work perfectly ...., but the desktops tasks are hold by the integrated one so I get I really poor experience of it .. :D18:35
kio_httpshadeslayer: Maybe some funny setting in the default file that causes it... so when you delete it it reverts to kde default18:35
kio_httpAlexZion: Nvidia optimus?18:36
kio_httpLaunchpad is acting weird and giving me errors, I'll put the bug reports later18:39
shadeslayerkio_http: /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/apps/plasma-desktop/init/00-defaultLayout.js tells me nothing fishy is being added18:40
shadeslayerfolderview = activity.addWidget("folderview");18:41
shadeslayerfolderview.writeConfig("url", "desktop:/");18:41
shadeslayerDon't think so that affects anything18:41
kio_httpshadeslayer: The first kopete issue could be comming from the Kubuntu message indicator thing18:43
shadeslayerCan't say anything about that, I have 0 idea about that thing18:43
kio_httpThe folder view thing is really strange, I could never figure out what did it. But most people don't notice it18:43
kio_httpWasn't drag and drop from menu to desktop unsupported in older versions of KDE 4?18:45
shadeslayerDon't really remember that kind of stuff :P18:45
* shadeslayer barely uses that feature18:45
kio_httpshadeslayer: OpenSuSe 12.1 seems fine with the folder view18:53
shadeslayerOh, hmm ... please report a bug against kubuntu-default-settings then, might be problem there18:54
shadeslayer( Make sure you have tested it against the latest bug fix release first )18:54
kio_httpshadeslayer: From Launchpad Kubuntu Default Settings doesn't use Launchpad to track its bugs. If you know this bug has been reported in another bug tracker, you can link to it; Launchpad will keep track of its status for you.18:58
shadeslayererm one sec18:58
toomaihi all18:59
toomaianyone know what now is used instead of /var/log/messages?18:59
toomaiwhere are the general log files?18:59
shadeslayerkio_http: in a terminal : ubuntu-bug kubuntu-default-settings : should work19:00
kio_httpshadeslayer: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kubuntu-default-settings/+bug/89933819:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899338 in kubuntu-default-settings (Ubuntu) "Kubuntu Folder view does not work properly by default icon drag fails" [Undecided,New]19:04
shadeslayerAlright, now someone who knows the inner workings of the folderview configs will have a look at it and reply back :)19:06
kio_httpshadeslayer: Or the bug will just never get fixed :d, its so minor no one really notices it19:08
shadeslayerWell, I can put it in my TODO ... but I won't be able to look at it until another 2 months19:09
kio_httpshadeslayer: Isn't it easier to let KDE use its defaults for most settings and only change the necessary things?19:10
shadeslayerkio_http: that's what we do currently19:10
kio_httpAh ok then19:11
Ripp__Anyone have suggestions about how to get kubuntu to recognize my Vantec SATA/IDE to USB adapter?19:13
Ripp__I was hoping it'd be automatically detected, since it is USB..19:13
kio_httpRipp__: My Jmicron adapter works fine normally they should all work out of the box19:16
Ripp__OK, it briefly showed up, but then stopped19:23
=== blah is now known as xente
xenteis anyone else having problems with kopete and gtalk?20:22
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
argentumhi to all, anyone who tries to use 2 videocards (Intel and Nvidia)in laptop ?21:31
BarkingFish!anyone | argentum21:39
ubottuargentum: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.21:39
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as tenahc
=== tenahc is now known as tenach
=== tenach is now known as JackyAlcine
=== fishwithapipe is now known as f|shy
buzzmandtanyone here that can help me with kde-telepathy?23:44
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Tenach_
=== Tenach_ is now known as tenach_
=== tenach_ is now known as JackyAlcine

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