
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
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popeyI am getting a timeout when visiting a group in lp - (Error ID: OOPS-843cff6dfa2bfa8aec99953a877ff7e9)09:48
bigjoolspopey: rvba is working on that as we speak, it's a known bug10:40
bigjoolspopey: I can see the page, so ping me if you need anything10:46
popeyI need adding to the team10:46
popeyso i have access to push to a ppa there10:47
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tumbleweedwhy isn't there a link from binary_package_publishing_history back to the source that built it? LP knows that, right?12:54
bigjoolstumbleweed: there is, but you need to do it via the build13:13
tumbleweedbigjools: and how do I get to the build from the binary?13:16
tumbleweedI simply want to find what source builds a binary in a particular release13:17
geserlike it's possible with rmadison but with LP API?13:18
tumbleweedgeser: rmadison doesn't tell you that either13:19
tumbleweedbut DDE does (and apt)13:19
geserah, right, you can limit the output of rmadison to source package names once you know it (e.g. from apt)13:22
* tumbleweed commits a version of pull-lp-source that'll use DDE (until bug 597041 is fixed)13:24
ubot5Launchpad bug 597041 in Launchpad itself "No way to get from binary package to source package" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/59704113:24
geserit was "apt-cache madison" which also lists the source package(s) (if one has a deb-src line)13:25
tumbleweedgeser: aah13:26
dobeyi seem to be having some trouble building a recipe that has some patches. it seems quilt wants to apply the final patch, but then just simply exits without the patch being applied, and so fails later when patches are unapplied during debuild -S14:27
dobeyanyone know why that would be? building a source package locally works fine with debuild -S -sa, and bzr dailydeb recipe doesn't seem to work locally for another reason (it apparently wants the source tree to be a bzr builddeb compatible one with all the upstream-foo tags)14:28
=== HOHOHaney is now known as Laney
kirklandhowdy all!  question about email settings in launchpad....14:44
kirklandI see how I can select which email address of mine registered with Launchpad would receive mail from a given mailing list14:45
kirklandbut can I do that on a project-by-project, or team-by-team basis?14:45
kirklandfor instance, let's say I want to receive any mail about Ubuntu package/distribution bugs at kirkland@ubuntu14:45
kirklandbut I want to receive any mail about my upstream projects @gmail?14:46
kirklandis this possible?14:46
Rewt`hey all, am having the "failed to fetch" 404 errors. I don't see any ppa.launchpad.net urls in sources.list . Any suggestions?14:53
tumbleweeddobey: are the patch's line-numbers current? I seem to recall dpkg-source being picky about that14:54
dobeytumbleweed: yes :-/14:56
tumbleweeddobey: that's all I can think of, then14:57
dobeyhttps://launchpadlibrarian.net/86377740/buildlog.txt.gz is one of the build logs14:59
tumbleweeddobey: patch 4 is commented out in your daily packaging branch15:04
tumbleweedI suspect nesting on a UDD branch with patches already applied isn't going to work that well15:05
dobeytumbleweed: it is now; it wasn't when that recipe ran15:05
dobeyi'm not nesting on a UDD branch with patches already applied15:05
dobeyi'm nesting on the upstream git import15:05
tumbleweedoh, right it's no tUDD15:06
dobeyand even if i comment out all the patches except for one, which is a one line change, it's still failing with the same error on that one patch :(15:06
tumbleweeddobey: you can reproduce it locally by passing --allow-fallback-to-native15:18
dobeybut that doesn't really tell me anything15:19
dobeybzr-builder removing the tmp directory after it fails, is very unhelpful :(15:19
tumbleweedif you specify the builddir, it leaves it behind15:20
dobeytumbleweed: it seems debian/patches got removed for some reason15:28
tumbleweedyeah, I see that too15:29
* tumbleweed wonders if falling back to native is responsible for that15:29
tumbleweedyes, it is15:30
tumbleweedjust put 3.0 (native) in your debian/source/format15:30
dobeyseems to fix it; thanks15:35
Rewt`hey all, am having the "failed to fetch" 404 errors. I don't see any ppa.launchpad.net urls in sources.list . Any suggestions?15:52
dobeyRewt`: probably not a launchpad issue then? you'll have to be more specific on what is failing exactly15:54
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Rewt`Err http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main Sources                                      404  Not Found16:23
bigjoolsRewt`: look in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/16:24
Rewt`hmm. googling that shows promise.16:24
Rewt`k, now down to Err http://ppa.launchpad.net oneiric/main amd64 Packages                               404  Not Found16:26
bigjoolsdid you look where I asked?16:27
Rewt`took out the uneeded stuff16:28
bigjoolsone of the lines is trying to access a nonexistent PPA - you need to remove/comment anything with ppa.launchpad.net in it and add them back in one by one to see which is failing16:29
bigjoolsalternatively look in the archives using a web browser16:29
Rewt`yep, took care fo it16:29
Rewt`just didn't think of sources.list.d for some reason this morning16:29
dobeysoftware-properties-gtk is a nice place to look for that :)16:32
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
komputesSPAM found here - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/575186/comments/2418:10
ubot5Ubuntu bug 575186 in xserver-xorg-video-intel (Ubuntu) "X locks up on Thinkpad X201 i5 Laptop" [Undecided,Confirmed]18:10
tgm4883Is there a way that I can download something that is in a bzr branch on LP via a python program? What I mean is, if I try through the browser, I get a link with what looks to be randomly generated and I'm unsure if that link will persist over time18:21
tgm4883I get a link like  http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-repos/download/head:/mythbunturepos.db-20110701013326-zkyc2b8dxf072vof-2/mythbuntu-repos.db18:21
dobeybzr is a python program18:24
dobeythat is a link to a specific file at a specific revision in the code browser; so it will be there, unless somoene deletes the revision, or the branch18:25
tgm4883dobey, well I don't want it to be a specific revision18:28
tgm4883it does reference head:, so perhaps it is always the latest version?18:28
tgm4883what worries me is this mythbunturepos.db-20110701013326-zkyc2b8dxf072vof-218:29
tgm4883which looks to me randomly generated18:29
dobeyno, that is the revision id18:29
dobeywhy don't you just do bzr branch lp:~mythbuntu/mythbuntu/mythbuntu-repos ?18:30
tgm4883dobey, because then my program needs to depend on bzr18:30
tgm4883let me clarify18:30
tgm4883this would be downloaded when users click a "refresh" button in order to find the latest repos we have for their particular version18:31
tgm4883it would be much easier for me to have them pull it from the bzr branch rather than having to manually stick that file on our website every time we update it18:32
dobeyhmm; i don't have an answer for you that doesn't involve putting it on the mythbuntu web site instead18:37
tgm4883dobey, yea thats how it's done right now :/18:37
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=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
shnatselhello everyone20:47
shnatseldescription of https://launchpad.net/~papercuts-ninja says that only bugs reaching "triaged" status reach the mailing list of the team20:47
shnatselI'm setting up a similar team at https://launchpad.net/~elementary-driveby20:48
shnatselI wonder if I can do a similar thing there20:48
shnatselI'd prefer to post only assignment/unassignment messages to it, though20:48
shnatselI mean, when this team is assigned or un-assigned from a particular bug20:48
flacosteshnatsel: have you look at custom subscription?20:57
flacosteshnatsel: http://blog.launchpad.net/cool-new-stuff/better-bug-subscriptions20:58
flacosteyou can subscribe to bugs on your project matching certain Status/Importance20:58
flacostenot possible to select only when an assignment occur though20:58
shnatselflacoste: ah... I actually have LOTS of projects, ruled by one project group, and I'd like only the assignment messages to make it into the mailing list of this team... not even for a project, but when bugs are assigned to this team.21:00
shnatselflacoste: but it's not critical, and I think I have a very narrow use case.21:00
shnatselflacoste: thanks for your help!21:00
flacosteshnatsel: well, you will be emailed whenever you are assigned to a bug21:01
flacostebut you'll get all emails from that point on21:01
flacostewhich is probably not what you want21:01
shnatseleven when the team is un-assigned from the bug?21:01
flacosteno, at that point you will get one email saying you were unassigned21:01
flacosteand nothing beyond that21:01
shnatselah, great21:04
shnatselthat's almost what I need21:04
shnatselcomments are probably OK in my case21:04
shnatselthanks again!21:04
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