
phillwDragonEyes: how are you today?01:59
DragonEyesphillw: I am functioning within normal parameters.01:59
phillw;part #lubuntu01:59
rxMokkahowdy fellows, does lubuntu ship with python on the livecd?03:27
wizonesolutionsI installed Lubuntu on a box I was using as kind of a mix between a development workstation and server, but I want to go clean and not have a window manager on it...what's the easiest way to go about this?03:56
wizonesolutionsCan I just apt-get install ubuntu-server? It's already 10.04. But metapackages usually don't uninstall stuff, so wondering what I have to remove03:56
wizonesolutionsOr if there is a way to figure out everything window manager-related.03:56
Unit193!purelxde | Just remove all the LXDE stuff, and don't install the *-desktop package (won't remove it all, not made for that)03:57
ubot5Just remove all the LXDE stuff, and don't install the *-desktop package (won't remove it all, not made for that): If you want to remove all !KDE, !GNOME and !XFCE packages and have a default !Lubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde »03:57
Unit193Errr... Better try !purexfce of such as that doesn't remove LXDE :P03:58
rxMokkawizonesolutions: uninstalling xorg will pull off ALOT of stuff that depends on it03:59
wizonesolutionsUnit193: Thanks! I only see instructions for 10.10, no earlier. http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxdemaverick04:00
wizonesolutionsI want to remove LXDE in this case :)04:00
wizonesolutionsrxMokka: Thanks, will keep that in mind04:01
rxMokkawizonesolutions: do you want to remove lxde for space conservation reasons or what?04:02
Unit193rxMokka: Try it, just don't confirm ;)04:02
rxMokkawizonesolutions: if you have plenty room, leave it ;) you might want to VNC in one day and use a GUI file manager to quickly browse through some complex directory structure04:03
Unit193wizonesolutions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfcemaverick that has the line to remove LXDE, just don't install xubuntu-desktop (It's not quite what you want, but it doesn't have one for LXDE on Lucid)04:03
wizonesolutionsrxMokka Unit193 Nah, I'm running a Web server and should never really have been running a window manager. Plus the box only has a gig, so I would rather free up more memory and access it with SSH from my newly set up workstation, which is more appropriate.04:03
wizonesolutionsrxMokka: With SSHFS I will be able to accomplish that :)04:03
Unit193If that's really what you want, I recommend you backup and fresh install (Or wait it out 'til the next LTS, it's not too far now)04:05
rxMokkawizonesolutions: that's true about sshfs. however if you boot to text-only mode you won't have any concerns of ram-memory with leaving lxde in place. it'll only eat up some of your hard drive space04:05
wizonesolutionsUnit193 rxMokka True, it might be more hassle than it's worth. How can I change my default session to text-only? Do I do that in my GRUB configuration?04:06
wizonesolutionsi.e. skip the graphical login prompt04:06
rxMokkawizonesolutions: I can't speak for recent ubuntu releases, but in most distros you can append the number "2" to the end of your grub kernel options line to boot into runlevel 204:08
wizonesolutionsrxMokka: Ah, start in runlevel 2 essentially.04:08
rxMokkawizonesolutions: many distros let you select runlevel in /etc/inittab, such as changing the 4 to 2 in a line like id:4:initdefault:04:09
wizonesolutionsFor the curious, http://andrew.org/index.php/archives/2010/05/07/ubuntu-10-04-lucid-lynx-boot-in-text-mode/ :)04:14
faLUCE Hi. I installed lubuntu 11.10 on a Intel BOXDG41AN mini-itx mobo (with Pentium dual core E5700). Then I installed few programs and created my own live distro, lubuntu 11.10 based, with Remastersys. Then I booted on another pc (Intel DH67CF LGA-1155 mini itx mobo, with cpu i5 2400) with this distro but the graphic card does not work. I can make it work only at low resolution with nomodeset. The rest is ok  How can I solve? Where can be the problem?07:48
bioterrorfaLUCE, if graphics card doesnt work, you should consider replacing it08:07
faLUCEbioterror: it works. I tested it with another live distro and it works08:08
bioterrorfaLUCE, so is it lubuntu specific?08:56
faLUCEbioterror: no, it's generc08:56
bioterrorfaLUCE, did disabling kms help?09:03
faLUCEbioterror: I used nomodeset at boot09:03
faLUCEand it worked09:03
head_victimfaLUCE: the problem is likely to stem from the process of creating your own livecd based upon different hardware. I'm not an expert on the topic but I'd suggest looking into that avenue.09:29
head_victimfaLUCE: the real question I guess is, was the purpose of the livecd just to "back up" the other computer or is it intended for mass distribution?09:30
=== bioterror is now known as noooooooo
=== noooooooo is now known as bioterror
Newkhi.. on lubuntu website it states "desktop" on the ISO's does that mean there not the ones to use for laptops?11:26
bioterrorNewk, it means it will be "desktop" as in graphical interface11:26
Newkdoh, i feel a bit stupid now.. haha11:27
faLUCEhow can I backup xorg configuration? I don't have xorg.conf13:07
head_victimxorg configs are generally not required anymore13:08
DanielSenatHi, I can't run my lubuntu program central13:35
DanielSenathttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxdenatty followed this guide to change from xubuntu to lubuntu13:37
DanielSenatI am on 10.0413:37
faLUCE I don't see the screen. here's dmesg:   http://pastebin.com/NEX8aPnD  and xorg's log:  http://pastebin.com/a2EY0mf9 where can be the problem ?14:31
head_victimfaLUCE: it's hard to say without knowing what it was you changed when you "created your own live distro" in remastersys. Is there any reason you don't just install Lubuntu on the other computer and install the programs again?14:46
faLUCEhead_victim: I did not change anything. just installed two programs (vlc and kate)14:47
head_victimCopying a system from one set of hardware to another is complicating matters is all. To me the easiest solution is install Lubuntu and then install vlc and kate. Who knows what sort of driver issues you are having due to the hardware changes.14:48
head_victimIf you can install normal Lubuntu on the machine without any problems but the livecd you created doesn't work then really your only option is to ask the people who make remastersys why it didn't work.14:50
faLUCEhead_victim: can I install software on the live cd and then use the modified live cd ?14:50
head_victimYou can install to USB and use persistent mode14:51
faLUCEyes, I used wrong expression "live cd"14:51
faLUCEwhat is persistent mode?14:51
head_victimIt means you can make changes and it will save them14:52
faLUCEhow can I activate it?14:52
faLUCEhead_victim: if I only install user space programs, and configure the desktop, should the new live usb work on all the machines where a non-modified live usb does work?14:55
faLUCEwith the persistent mode14:55
head_victimfaLUCE: In my experience, yes.14:55
head_victimBut the hardware I've tested it on is all very similar so I'm not 100% certain how it goes on completely different hardware. Let us know how it goes though14:56
head_victimDanielSenat: What do you mean by "Lubuntu program central"?14:56
DanielSenatsoftware central..̈́14:56
head_victimAh I don't think 10.04 has the lubuntu software centre14:57
DanielSenatok that's why14:57
faLUCEhead_victim: sorry if I insist, but I need to know if it works for "live" or for an installation too?   I mean: if I boot with modified live usb, then I see modifications on the live mode. Then, is still available the "install" applications which installs the modifications too ?14:57
head_victimDanielSenat: I'm just double checking but I think that's it14:57
DanielSenatI did install ubuntu software central and my computer went crazy14:58
DanielSenatgoing from 130 cold start to over 20014:58
DanielSenatI deleted it and did autoremove, but still my computer is working a bit more14:59
head_victimIf DanielSenat comes back let him know that according to https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa the Lubuntu software centre is only available for natty, oneiric and precise.15:01
head_victimIf DanielSenat comes back let him know that according to https://launchpad.net/~lubuntu-desktop/+archive/ppa the Lubuntu software centre is only available for natty, oneiric and precise.15:02
DanielSenathead_victim, restarted my computer and now back om 127 MB at the beginning :)15:02
head_victimfaLUCE: it should work, that link I gave you should have a definitive answer though15:02
DanielSenatI have natty15:02
DanielSenatSo it should be..15:02
head_victimYou probably need to add the lubuntu ppa then15:03
DanielSenatWell i guess I have15:03
DanielSenatBut I am not sure15:03
holsteinDanielSenat: 10.04 is lucid15:03
head_victimAnd on that note, I was meant to go to bed hours ago15:04
head_victim(It's 1am here)15:04
DanielSenatI was on lucid until yesterday ( xubuntu) but i changed over to lubuntu. following this guide http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxdenatty15:04
head_victimIf you're stuck and no one is around to help just send the mailing list and email and I'm sure osmeone will help out15:04
head_victimDanielSenat: purelxde is not lubuntu though15:05
DanielSenatbut i have lubuntu desktop15:05
head_victimlubuntu uses lxde as well setting up other parts of the system15:05
head_victimholstein might be able to give you more help if needed15:05
DanielSenatGood night!15:05
holsteinhead_victim: o/15:06
head_victimfaLUCE: I hope it works out for you15:06
DanielSenatI hope everything got right yesterday, it seems so15:06
holsteinDanielSenat: 10.04 is lucid, and you have LXDE or whatever, but the base is still 10.04 lucid15:06
faLUCEhead_victim: let's try15:06
DanielSenatIt seems so anyway15:07
DanielSenatI mean 11.0415:07
DanielSenatI am on natty15:07
DanielSenatuntil yesterday I had xubuntu15:08
DanielSenatBut followed the guide  from http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxdenatty15:08
DanielSenatI got some problem with gdm but i sorted it out15:09
holsteinDanielSenat: what are you wanting?15:09
DanielSenatI can't use lubuntu software center15:09
DanielSenatDoesn't start15:09
holsteinDanielSenat: whats the error?15:09
holsteinwhat is the lubuntu software center?15:09
faLUCEhead_victim: your link says "erase the disk and set the degree of persistence " and usb-creator-gtk has this option "when starting up from this disk, docs and setting will be 1) stored in reserved extra space 2) discarded in shutdown"  .... is 1) the option to set the degree of persistence?15:09
holsteinyou mean, the normal software center?15:09
holsteinif you want to manager packages, i would try synaptic15:10
DanielSenatsynaptic works fine15:10
holsteinif you open a terminal, and try running the software center from there, gksudo whatever, then you should get some feedback as to what the issue is15:11
DanielSenati will pastebinit15:11
holsteinpersonally, i dont do persistent USB's.. i just install to the USB drive as a target, and put grub on there, making it where when i select the USB to boot from the bios or whatever, i end up with a full normal install with a regular user account15:12
holsteini dont know what the 'lubuntu-software-center' is actually, but if synaptic is working, i would go for that15:14
DanielSenatAnd the terminal15:14
holsteinat least go in somewhere and make sure you have no broken packages, or missing unconfigured whatevers15:15
DanielSenatSo I guess i won't bother then15:15
holsteini would try reinstalling it15:15
DanielSenatTried million times15:15
holsteini would try making another user account, and see if all is well there15:15
DanielSenat5 times ;)15:15
DanielSenatMy user account was made in xubuntu15:15
holsteinDanielSenat: right, im proposing a new one15:16
DanielSenatusers and groups15:16
holsteinyou can delete it afterwards15:16
DanielSenatthe old one?15:16
holsteinDanielSenat: ?15:16
DanielSenatWill the passwords work correctly and everything?15:17
holsteinif the new one works, you'll have an idea about how to fix the old one15:17
DanielSenatI guess you have, I don't ;)15:17
holsteinyou'll konw its a user config file in /home somewhere... or at least thats a good place to start15:17
holsteinDanielSenat: all you can do here is troubleshoot15:17
DanielSenatholstein, Thank's, i will try15:18
holsteini usually just add users like... sudo adduser whoever15:18
holsteinDanielSenat: theres also...15:19
holsteinholstein@atlas:~$ apt-cache search canberra-gtk-module15:19
holsteinlibcanberra-gtk-module - translates Gtk+ widgets signals to event sounds15:19
DanielSenatshould i run those?15:20
holstein^^ could be as easy as installing that, if im interpretting that error message correctly15:20
DanielSenatI have libcanberra-gtk-module installed15:24
* holstein high-fives DanielSenat 15:24
DanielSenatthere is one for gtk3 also, not installed15:25
holsteini would like to say something like 'it wont hurt to install that to'... but...15:25
DanielSenatand there is a libcanberra-gtk-module-dbg15:26
holsteinDanielSenat: its not going to hurt to install one, and test15:26
holsteinthen, decide from there if you want to install another15:26
DanielSenatI am trying15:26
DanielSenatdoesn't work but maybe it changed something15:30
holsteinRepositoryError: Requiring namespace 'Gtk' version '2.0', but '3.0' is already loaded15:33
DanielSenatok so I should uninstall libcanberra-gtk3-module15:35
DanielSenatI guess15:35
holsteinDanielSenat: also, you should try the lubuntu live CD15:36
DanielSenatI don't have it15:36
holsteinits free to download :)15:36
DanielSenatBut I can get it ofcourse15:37
DanielSenatDo I have to reinstall?15:37
holsteinDanielSenat: to try it LIVE?15:37
holsteinyou dont have to do anything15:37
holsteinyou have a repository error15:41
holsteinRepositoryError: Requiring namespace 'Gtk' version '2.0', but '3.0' is already loaded15:41
holsteinseem to me that lubuntu-software-center is gtk2? and you have 3?15:42
holsteinnot sure, but if you run lubuntu live from CD, you should be able to see what is supposed to be happening15:42
holsteinyou can decide from there what you would like to do about it15:43
holsteinpersonally, i wouldnt lose sleep over the software center15:43
DanielSenatOK thank's maybe I can install gtk 2.0 only15:43
DanielSenatBut I get the point :)15:43
holsteinDanielSenat: if you had come to me yesterday or whenever, i would have said.. install lubuntu-desktop15:45
DanielSenatWell i did, and then i deleted a buch of stuff following the guide i posted15:45
DanielSenatAnd, my computer uses less memory now15:46
holsteinthis http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxdenatty is not a guide for changing xubuntu to lubuntu15:46
DanielSenatfrom 150 MB to 120-130 MB15:46
DanielSenatI did install lubuntu desktop first15:46
DanielSenatI see, but a guide non the less ;)15:47
holsteinDanielSenat: and you plan on filling up those saved 20-30 MB's with the software center :)15:47
DanielSenatIts a good point15:48
holsteinstock lubuntu is quite lean15:48
holsteinlike, right out of the box, installed lubuntu15:49
holsteinif you are worried about 20mb's of ram, you might want to try puppy linux15:49
holsteinthere are leaner OS's than lubuntu, but few as well balanced15:50
holsteini find it lean, and elegant15:50
DanielSenatok, i like it the way it is now15:51
holsteinyou can take lubuntu and add things to it though, and make it hog like the normal buntu's15:51
holsteinnot that the buntu's are hogs... im just saying...15:51
DanielSenatDo i have lubuntu now? fully?15:52
DanielSenatCan i see that somehow?15:52
ikoniayou'll stuggle to find something as usable and lightweight as lubuntu15:52
holsteinDanielSenat: you are the only one that knows... if you have the lubuntu-desktop metapackage installed, that *should* be all of it15:52
DanielSenatthen i am hehe15:53
DanielSenatI have15:53
DanielSenati mean..15:53
holsteinif it were me, and i run sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop, and it returns something like "all that is installed" then thats lubuntu15:53
DanielSenatlubuntu-desktop är redan den senaste versionen.15:54
DanielSenatlubuntu-desktop is already the latest version15:54
holsteinthere *should* be nothing left to do15:54
DanielSenatWell internet works so :)15:55
holsteinyou might still have extra things installed from xubuntu or whatever, but i wouldnt expect that stuff to load15:55
DanielSenatAnd everything else but software...15:55
holsteini wouldnt expect cleaning pacakges to really help with memory15:55
holsteini would expect that to help with hard drive space15:55
DanielSenatHow do i see all the things loaded?15:56
DanielSenatas -M or something?15:56
DanielSenatit doesn't show everything15:58
holsteinps aux15:58
holsteinDanielSenat: top is showing everything15:58
DanielSenatbut it changes continously so i can't pastebin it15:59
DanielSenatholstein, does it look good?16:06
faLUCEhead_victim: I followed your guid, but it's very obscure. It's not clear how to set the persistent space with usb-creator-gtk. In addition, I saved some files and I see them on the usb live, but if I install the systems, they are not included. why?16:06
DanielSenatnow i am only using 90 MB total :)16:07
DanielSenatfrom the command top i can see xorg is always a bit busy16:13
faLUCE I'm using a live usb ubuntu, created with persistent additional space. Now, If I add files, modify configuration etc., all is persistent in the usb live mode, but If I try to install this "snapshot", all these modifications are not installed. why?16:15
DanielSenatholstein, http://pastebin.com/i9gBUZ9D16:40
DanielSenatlooks ok?16:40
kristian-aalborgfor a laptop w/ 2GHZ and 3 gigs of memory, which is the recommended iso?16:47
kristian-aalborg... of the 10.4 variants16:49
holsteinshould be fine with any having those specs16:50
holsteinand.. hello, by the way :)16:51
kristian-aalborghey holstein16:51
kristian-aalborgdid not know you were in here as well, or maybe I forgot16:51
kristian-aalborgI'm getting the regular one at http://lubuntu.lafibre.info/10.04/lubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso16:52
kristian-aalborgphillw, btw - the link to your page at the Ubuntu wiki is dead16:52
kristian-aalborgalso, hi :)16:52
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
Folklorewhat does this use as GUi21:32
Folklorecause it rocks21:32
bioterrorOpenbox + LXDE21:32
wxlwhat he said21:32
* wxl is slow on the draw21:32
wxllxde + compiz: http://www.mermaid-productions.com/miscjunk/linux/lxde_screenshot1_091709.png21:33
FolklorePeppermint OS is apparently a fork of lubuntu21:48
Folklorewonder why they'd do that21:49
Folkloreoh cloud focused21:50
phillwFolklore: because that is the way F/OSS is. We are free to use anything GPL licencesd and make our own version :)21:51
FolkloreI’ve liked Peppermint OS from the beginning. Lubuntu is a light, clean OS, but to me it is just a framework. For those who like a base OS and nothing else, then Lubuntu is pretty good, but for those who want something pre-packaged and ready to go, Peppermint OS is just that.21:52
FolkloreBuilt nicely on top of Lubuntu, it demonstrates that Lubuntu makes a solid foundation upon which to build your system.21:53
bioterrorFolklore, seems like you've missed the point of peppermint21:54
bioterrorit's a light weight os that provides cloud computing software21:54
bioterrorlike google docs and things like that21:54
phillwFolklore: the whole raison de etre for Lubuntu is that it is a minimalist install?21:54
* phillw bites tongue21:55
Folklorebioterror yeah and I can't image it runs anything lubuntu could?21:55
Folklorecouldn't rather21:55
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
=== JackyAlcine is now known as tenahc
=== tenahc is now known as tenach
=== tenach is now known as JackyAlcine
Newkis there some program like alacarte that doesnt use gnome?22:59
* wxl sighs23:00
Unit193My menu editor is called nano...23:01
wxlin adding myself to a group i removed myself from sudoers and probably any other group. what are the default groups?23:01
Newkwxl: wel i like more something GUI like then nano23:05
wxldon't tell me Newk .. you mean Unit19323:05
wxlnano's pretty gui compared to vi ;)23:05
Newkwxl.. why do you use X at all?23:06
Unit193unit193 : unit193 adm dialout fax cdrom floppy tape audio dip video plugdev fuse lpadmin netdev admin sambashare x2gousers23:06
wxlthx Unit19323:06
Unit193groups unit19323:07
Unit193wxl: Sure23:07
wxlNewk: there's plenty of things it's really useful for23:07
wxland there are some things that are a pita without a gui23:07
wxli'd consider jack amongst them23:07
wxland i use jacka lot23:07
Newki want to use lubuntu for audio stuff too.. so jack is really usefull for me aswell.. but i dont like to look in all the systemfolders just to edit the menu23:09
wxlwtf recovery mounts read only?23:09
wxlmount says it's nr23:10
wxlmakes no sense23:10
wxlNewk: everything is in /usr/share/applications23:11
wxlif you open that in pcmanfm then you can, say, copy one of the .desktop files there, rename it, and edit it with leafpad23:11
wxlso there you go23:11
wxlsame thing only gui23:11
Newki try to remember that for next time23:12
Newkthanx wxl23:13
Unit193wxl: Where is it mounted to? You may need sudo23:15
Newkmm.. just read that xfce have something like alacarte.. i wonder what it is23:15
wxlit's actually in there phillw23:15
wxli just went over there to remind me ;)23:15
Unit193Newk: LXDE isn't Xfce23:15
Newki know.. duh23:16
Newki go ask in xfce channel23:16
Unit193It's a menu editing program though23:16
wxl/dev/sda1 on /23:18
wxlno luck with sudo23:18
wxloh had to remount23:19
wxli'm ok now23:19
wxlthat sucked23:20
wxlok all better now :)23:21
* wxl goes back to preparing to test precise23:21
wxli'm here 24/723:23
wxli'm just not HERE 24/7 ;)23:23
Unit193Silly wxl, but there is no !monologue ;)23:26
phillwUnit193: how did get  bodhi_zazen to leave?23:28
Unit193phillw: He's off work23:28
=== JackyAlcine is now known as Tenach_
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