
=== jibel_ is now known as jibel
FudgeAlanBell  ping - you tried gdm3?10:05
AlanBellhi Fudge, no, don't think I have, just lightdm10:06
AlanBellwhich doesn't work :(10:06
Fudgegdm is worse it seems10:07
Fudgedo you have somewhere you can try it?10:07
Fudgethe idea was to use gdm for a while till lightdm comes to the party with orca access10:08
Fudgemore to the point so i can select unity2d, the command TheMuso  gave me to do it I am doing something wrong with loL10:08
AlanBellI can try installing it on a precise VM I have here10:09
Fudgesweet thanx10:10
Fudgeshould be the same state I guess10:10
AlanBellto get to unity2d in lightdm it is: tab enter down down enter tab password enter10:11
Fudgeoh AlanBell  i did not realise i can just cheat and edit lighdm.conf10:16
FudgeI went to do your suggestion but I had autologin turned on, so looking for  that config setting found the other one10:16
Fudgewow this is much better in 2d10:20
Fudgequick launcher reads out lots more10:21
Fudgemust be difficult to maintain two desktops in essence10:21
AlanBellthere is a fair bit of common code, I think they were kind of not sure which was the best approach so decided to do both10:25
Fudgei find it strange that 2d works better than 3d10:27
Fudgeim just happy now the workspaces work how i expect them to 10:27
AlanBellI am surprised that 2d ended up working better, I always thought 3d would be the more accessible one, but the Qt stuff actually came together fairly well10:33
Fudgeme too10:36
Fudgethats a neet output module for sd you did, very practical uses10:38
FudgeI imagine it could come in quite handy for docs10:38
AlanBellyes, also means that someone sighted can just use their application and see afterwards what an unsighted user would have heard10:39
AlanBellI guess it also means a deaf person can support a blind person as a niche side effect!10:39
Fudgevoiceover has funtionality built in, actually doesn't orca have something similar?10:39
AlanBellnot really, I asked joanie about it, there is some debug log outputs, but not a clean transcript10:40
Fudgemaybe i am thinking of voiceover, cant recall10:40
Fudgelol imagine an upgrade with  that10:41
Fudge3 percent ... 4 percent ...10:41
FudgeAlanBell  did you have a chance to check gdm out10:50
FudgeI figured as lightdm is not complete for accessibility people will revert to gdm10:51
AlanBelloh, I installed it, let me reboot10:51
AlanBellI hope lightdm will be accessible in precise, they wanted to do it for oneiric but ran out of time and there was a problem starting orca over it or something10:52
AlanBellok, it started, no orca though10:52
AlanBellno bottom panel where the accessibility stuff used to be10:53
AlanBellI can't start orca10:55
joaniewhy not?10:55
AlanBellfrom gdm, there is no bottom panel to start it from, switching to a terminal and DISPLAY=:0 orca does not work either10:57
joanieoh in gdm, not in a session10:57
AlanBellindeed, starts fine when I log in from gdm10:58
Fudgemm must be something here then causing my probs11:02
Fudgewas looking for at-spi-registryd or something similar to that11:02
Fudgea few times ive ran orca from gnome-terminal and gotten the text setup, even though i already have orca configuration files11:03
Fudgehey joanie  how you11:11
joaniefine thanks. you?11:11
Fudgegoing good, sorry i havnt sent that email yet11:11
Fudgeis it beer-o-clock yet11:11
joanieno worries11:11
* joanie is busy working on other stuff11:11
Fudgeno good mate11:12
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=== jbuchanan-lunch is now known as jbuchanan

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