
dpmgood morning all08:46
PWFhi all11:07
PWFgood day11:07
noodles775Hi PWF11:07
PWFnoodles775: I downloaded your application 4 days, 11 hours ago his status is still Pending review. What am I doing wrong? need for a long time to wait in line? as usual for the next status?11:09
PWF* i load my app..  sorry my english11:10
noodles775PWF: Sorry - I don't know how many reviewers we have currently. You are not doing anything wrong. You will receive an email as soon as a reviewer starts.11:10
noodles775Sorry it is taking so long to get feedback.11:11
noodles775PWF: I just had a look at the queue, and yes, there are lots currently Pending Review.11:12
noodles775dpm: do you know how many reviewers we have for paid apps in myapps? There's currently quite a queue.11:14
PWFI was just wondering. soon the weekend. a little bit more and my application will wait in line for a week. I did not notice that the ubuntu store, new applications with great speed, so you can judge the extent to which people are busy. applications in the store is very small, there is rarely, but at the same time, my application has been waiting for 5 days just to get to the review11:14
dpmnoodles775, I think we've got one reviewer right now, but zoopster can confirm when he's online later on11:16
dpmPWF, our apologies for the delay, we recently lost our main reviewer and we're still trying to adjust. We'll try to look at your app as soon as possible. What's your app's name?11:17
PWFdpm: I apologize in any way and I thank you for your support. My application - is a decoration for the holidays. So I wanted to catch, because holidays are almost there. My application is XmasLights. I got it. I can not believe that all big. Just as new applications appear rarely. One week maximum as far as I can see. Therefore, the impression that the queue is small.11:22
dpmPWF, thanks for your understanding. The queue of new apps is currently quite big, but we'll do our best to go through it.11:26
PWFdpm: very very thanks.11:27
PWFmaybe I can be your reviewer, then it will go faster (=12:09
PWFI live in a very poor country and can work for peanuts -(12:11
dpmPWF, regardless of wages, the requirements to be a reviewer are excellent technical skills on Debian packaging. If you've got these, we can talk about it, but I'm not sure we're specifically recruiting people at the moment12:16
PWFdpm: I do not know what exactly mean "technical skills on Debian packaging". I've been using Debian for 8 years on its servers, stations, everywhere. Correspondingly, I am familiar with the package, but as with any highly specialized business for finding the missing skills sufficient to read the documentation, if a person is certainly not stupid imho.12:24
dpmPWF, sorry, I should have been clearer. With excellent technical skills on Debian packaging I meant that reviewing apps in the queue means the reviewer must have the ability to both create Debian packages (i.e. package incoming apps) and assess the quality and spot any problems with submitted packages12:27
PWFdpm: I uploaded my application for review in the final debian package .. I've done wrong, I have to give the unpacked files?12:34
jmljames_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/pkgme/helpers-using-pkg-resources/+merge/83361 is good to merge, btw12:46
dpmPWF, if your app is commercial and you uploaded either the binary files or the sources, you should be fine12:55
james_wjml, thanks for the reminder14:04
jmljames_w: np.14:04
jmljames_w: you might want to review the #ca-internal conversation mthaddon & I just had about deploying lp:udd14:04
jmljames_w: I don't have lp:udd commit access, fwiw.14:18
james_wshould I add you to the team?14:21
jmljames_w: why not!14:31
jmljames_w: thanks.14:31
jmljames_w: I think we should backport, rather than remove the dependency14:51
jmljames_w: because it's a test dep anyway, so having it means that our test env is closer to prod env14:51
james_wI can do that if you like?14:51
jmljames_w: actually, ideally, I'd like you to help me do it.14:52
jmljames_w: because I don't actually know how, but it sounds fairly easy14:52
jmljames_w: should we mumble up?14:52
jmluno momento14:54
jml syntax error: unknown group 'postdrop' in statoverride file15:02
jmljames_w: also, would I be able to submit this to the official backports?15:13
james_wjml, I believe so15:13
jmljames_w: that might be a fun thing to try15:13
jmljames_w: whenever you're ready15:32
dpmnoodles775, <lfaraone> highvoltage: I'm pretty sure a PDF is not an app.15:51
dpm Do we have other magazines in the Software Centre currently?15:51
dpm Grrr... I can't download https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/site_media/packages/2011/11/Duplicati_1.3_beta_r1022.tgz because of «Either you have not been granted access to this resource or your entitlement has timed out. Please try again.»15:51
dpmthat's lfaraone from the ARB, is there any known problem with permissions in the ARB queue?15:52
lfaraone dpm: reported as https://bugs.launchpad.net/developer-portal/+bug/88636615:52
ubot2Launchpad bug 886366 in developer-portal "Cannot download some arb apps during review" [Medium,Fix committed]15:52
dpmok, I see it's already taken care of, excellent :)15:53
zoopsterto answer the earlier question...we do have mags in the Software Center...a pdf is an app in that case.17:28
zoopsterdpm lfaraone ^^17:29
dpmthanks zoopster, I tried to answer the question on #ubuntu-arb as well earlier on, does that make sense? : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/757295/17:33
zoopsterdpm: heh...that needs to be sent back over17:40
zoopsterit's not "open source"17:40
zoopsterhighvoltage: ^^17:40
zoopsterdpm:  seems there may be a bug in the arb processing17:41
zoopsteror it may be submitted as open source, but we already have packaging for it and can get it out quick17:42
dpmzoopster, I think it's not a bug, it's because now submissions go automatically to the ARB queue if the price is set to 0$ and the licence is free17:43
dpmbut I see that that does not cover special cases such as this one17:43
zoopsterdpm: yea...I'll bet that's what happened.17:43
zoopsterhighvoltage: send those Full Circle Mags back over to the commercial queue...I already have packaging setup for them and can dump them in quick17:44
dpmzoopster, I'm not sure highvoltage has got permissions to do that, but wendar and stgraber might17:44
zoopsterdpm: maybe I should jump on #ubuntu-arb?17:45
dpmyeah, perhaps, although I think almost all of us might be in both channels already17:45
zoopsterheh...yea just noticed that17:48
zoopsteroh well...it's noted on both channels for backscroll when they come back17:48
wendardpm,zoopster: I have permissions in both queues, but we don't have an interface to move an app from the ARB queue to the regular queue19:40
zoopsteroh crap...i thought we did19:40
wendardpm,zoopster: (there is an interface in the other direction, to move from the regular queue to the ARB queue)19:40
zoopsterregardless we can ask achuni to do it for us when he returns19:41
wendaryes, that's what I've been doing19:41
zoopsterheh...need to inform them to not submit with a open license...19:41
wendarzoopster, well, it does have an open license and zero cost19:48
wendarwe need to refine our categories19:48
zoopsterhence the reason it automatically "jumped" queues19:49
wendarthe ARB can only review applications, we don't accept documentation, media files, etc19:49
wendarso, if we had a checkbox for what kind of submission it was, we could filter more accurately19:49
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=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
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YokoZarHmm, got a package that builds locally but not on the build daemon...23:41
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=== Tenach_ is now known as tenach_
=== tenach_ is now known as JackyAlcine

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