
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
therussianjigis the OMAP4 build optimimized for an ARMv7 arch?02:17
lilstevietherussianjig: ubuntu-arm is only built for the v7 arch02:19
twbubuntu only provides armv7 binaries AFAIK02:19
therussianjigkk ty02:19
twblilstevie: btw you still ship ext[234] rootfs images, right?02:31
twblilstevie: if you run zerofree(8) on them they will compress better02:31
twbhttp://paste.debian.net/147769/ -- dunno what the numbers mean, but I think it's saying that it *did* make your image more compressible :-)02:31
lilstevieyes, ext4 images02:32
lilstevieI will keep that in mind02:32
lilstevieanything that brings the size down further makes my life easier02:33
twbIf you have just created a fresh image with e.g. genextimage it won't help much, but if you've an ext that has been lying around and have >>0 edits to it, then it should help02:33
twb(I'm doing it now because I'm out of disk on my netbook so zerofree + xz -9e on the rootfs.ext's to save some space :-)02:33
lilsteviewell it is the omap image from ubuntus servers02:33
lilsteviewith some edits02:34
twbAh, I didn't know that, interesting02:34
twbIt'd be cool if you could just ship it as a .mod for a union filesystem, like morphos used to do :-)02:34
twbi.e. you say "go download ubuntu's image, then apply my copy-on-write union"02:35
twbOr even sexier, a bootloader than can access a /boot on .sq, because then you can just ship an xz-compressed .squashfs and DD it directly onto the disk.02:37
lilstevieheh union is a pain02:37
lilstevieand it isn't the bootloader that prevents access to boot02:38
lilstevieit is the partition layout02:38
twbYes that too02:38
lilsteviethe other day you said about the 360 s being loud?02:39
twbThe new ones, yes02:39
lilstevieI got one yesterday02:39
lilsteviewhisper quiet02:39
twblilstevie: the PSU fan?02:40
twbThat is, the power brick02:40
lilstevieyeah, whole thing02:40
lilsteviebarely makes a sound02:40
lilstevieit is a corona board though02:40
lilstevienot trinity02:40
twbIt probably doesn't help that I play games with the sound off/down, and my desk is basically designed to act as a sounding box for any speakers on it02:40
twblilstevie: dunno about corona/trinity business02:41
lilstevietrinity is the 360 S initial revision02:41
twbI use a 360 because its turnkey, i.e. I don't have to care about that02:41
lilsteviecorona is the newer lower power one02:41
twbIs there a 1:1 correspondence between corona and having the newer kinect power doodad?02:42
lilstevieno idea02:42
twbAh, no I think 360 S is that line, and within that is your two mobo models02:42
lilsteviethe corona has only been in production for the last 2 or 3 months02:42
lilstevieit is going to be my only unhacked console :p02:43
twb  7.5 %        93.8 MiB / 158.7 MiB = 0.591   224 KiB/s      12:04   2 h 30 min02:44
twb^^ xz -9e is chugging away on my image still :-)02:45
twbWell, the actual command was "nice ionice -c3 xz -v9eM75%"02:46
twbWhich translates to be as slow and compressy as possible02:46
twbProbably be faster to scp it to the buildd, compress it, scp it back :P02:47
twbIncidentally you can also make a disk image sparse again using zum(1) from the perforate package02:48
lilstevieand you can make it deceptively attractive with rum(1)?02:57
twblilstevie.geek.nz/ports/ubuntu.img (1/2)04:43
twb  100 %     334.5 MiB / 2,048.0 MiB = 0.163   503 KiB/s    1:09:3004:43
twbThat's using plain xz, i.e. -6 or so not -9e04:43
twbThe other thing you could do, of course, is simply resize2fs -M it (reducing its actual size to its used size), and instruct users to do "resize2fs foo.img 2G" or whatever to grow it back out prior to use04:45
lilstevietwb: seriously there is like <60MB extra in that image06:51
lilstevieand I grow it on first boot06:51
twbI'm just brainstorming here, you don't have to do what I say obviously06:52
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fisukumm.. anyone else have this kind of behaviour when playing HD video https://groups.google.com/d/msg/pandaboard/HxKHj_n0d0g/b78ZmXhI6cMJ ?12:34
fisuk(i'm not the same guy as the poster, but I too have that problem)12:35
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suihkulokkiwho was the one here asking about chromium and arm?16:02
ogra_suihkulokki, micahg maintains it in ubuntu if you mean that16:06
ogra_(and is still urgently looking for help to build it on arm)16:06
suihkulokkimicahg: if you want to try cross-compiling chromium, see: https://wiki.linaro.org/Platform/DevPlatform/CrossCompile/ChromiumCrossCompile16:14
ogra_i think he rather wants it to not FTBS in natvie builds first :)16:14
suihkulokkiyes, and with native builds it will take him 27h per build ;)16:15
ogra_which is fine gievn that the binary didnt build since two releases now16:19
ogra_would be good to have something more recent than 13.0.xx16:20
micahgogra_: I was hoping to cross compile in an attempt to fix the native builds faster than a +20hr iteration as suihkulokki pointed out :), my goal is that native builds should work though16:34
ogra_i guess both is good16:35
micahgyeah, if there's an arm person interested in keeping it building, I'll take patches that look sane16:35
ogra_given that firefox still takes munites to start from SD ...16:35
micahgotherwise, it's best effort on my part for ARM16:35
ogra_vs seconds for chromium ...16:35
micahgogra_: hmm...I would've thought omnijar fixed that, I guess we would need PGO to really make that happen16:36
ogra_well, to be honest i havent touched FF since mid oneiric cycle anymore16:36
micahgdoes the imx51 smartbook support armhf and would that make it perform faster?16:36
ogra_at least for my day to day work on my ac10016:36
micahgogra_: ah, well, speedup is a focus of theirs now16:37
ogra_all cortex-a8 and upwards should support armhf16:37
micahgcool, will that speed build times though and performance?16:37
ogra_the speedup you gain with hf is purely floating point stuff ... it wont improve i.e. disk IO16:37
ogra_but things like pango and cairo should render lots faster16:38
ogra_i heard something about 30% in best case scenarios16:38
dmartJavaScript numeric data is mostly floating-point16:38
ogra_yeah, that will speed up as well16:38
ogra_its like 486DX vs 486SX :)16:38
ogra_in case you still remember the difference16:39
dmartI *had* an SX (and felt suitably cheated) ;)16:39
tarutiany idea what could cause black areas form around letters in firefox and after a while X becoming unresponsive?16:41
tarution pandaboard that is16:42
dmartaccelerated graphics drivers would be the most likely cause16:42
tarutiso uninstalling those could help, will try16:43
dmartYou could try the most recent linaro LEB and see whether it makes a difference -- http://releases.linaro.org/11.11/ubuntu/leb-panda/panda-ubuntu-desktop.img.gz16:43
dmartMaybe there are some issues which have been fixed in the meantime (depending on what you're using)16:43
ogra_there surely are issues with 4460 boards and oneiric ... but i dont think many of these have been distributed yet16:44
ogra_thermal issues ... not sure they would influence the graphics16:44
dmartI'm not familiar with all the different OMAP4 variants -- is this a newer rev Panda, or a different board entirely?16:45
ogra_newer panda ... next gen SoC16:45
ogra_up to 1.2GHz (or was it 1.4 ...) etc16:46
dmartah, right16:46
ogra_i know for the temp issues there are fixes in linaro ubuntu doesnt have yet16:47
ogra_we'll get them with the next drop into precise16:47
ogra_if you dont have a 4460 (which is likely) then that doesnt affect you though16:48
tarutithe older revision16:50
suihkulokkimicahg: the chromium 15 linked from the instrutions compiles both natively and cross (cross needs some libraries from the linaro staging).16:51
ogra_awesome !16:52
ogra_micahg, upload upload upload !!!!16:52
suihkulokkimicahg: so only thing needing fixing is reverting from system libvpx to the bundled one16:52
* ogra_ jumps up and down16:52
tarutiany idea whether two displays work simultaneously at the moment (dualhead)?16:53
ogra_i dont think so16:53
ogra_iirc the kernel only drives one of HDMI or DVI at once16:54
ogra_though my info might be outdated16:54
tarutigoogling reveals only people having problems16:54
micahgsuihkulokki: great, thanks, unfortunately, I had a new build failure with .121 on amd64 that I have to fix first, but it's awesome that you got it working16:57
suihkulokkimicahg: I'll head asleep in few hours, email me if you bump into problems17:04
micahgsuihkulokki: thanks, I probably won't get to it until next week (cross compiling that is), but will let you know if I run into any issues17:05
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ogra_infinity, monday ... :)18:46
* ogra_ grins18:46
infinityogra_: Hrm?18:47
infinityogra_: Oh, it would have been last night, but lamont kinda screwed up the setup on the buildd. ;)18:47
ogra_ah, k *g*18:47
MrCuriousanyone know of a way to get pandaboard to run ubuntu11.10 at 1ghz instead of 800mhz?19:03
prpplagueMrCurious: should be able to force it to 920MHz as part of the frequency scaling19:04
MrCuriousi thought i read that it was disabled and locked at 800mhz in ubuntu11.1019:05
MrCuriousand the auto scaling was not yet working in 3.0 linux19:05
MrCuriousi am trying to catch up after a hiatus19:07
infinityMrCurious: Where are you seeing it set to 800?19:15
MrCuriousread on a blog post19:16
MrCuriousbogomips on 11.10 is ~ 150019:16
MrCuriouson 10.10 ~200019:16
MrCuriousthe blog post reasoned it to be 800mhz19:17
MrCuriousgetting the url19:17
infinityOh, we seem to be lacking scaling in 3.0, so it gets stuck low.  Or some such unpleasantness.19:17
MrCuriousbit.ly/unRZt3 of fb.me/1bAMqhwYc19:18
infinityThat blog has the answer.19:20
infinityBasically, wait for smartflex support.19:20
MrCuriousi have active cooling for my board though, so was checking if it was a easy config to kick it up to 1ghz19:22
infinityNot at runtime, since runtime support for changing the frequency is, well, not there.19:37
infinityI suspect it wouldn't be much trouble to change it at the source level.19:37

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