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mfischstgraber: you around this evening?03:38
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mfischIf I want to link a bug in LP to a yet-to-be-filed gnome bug, what's the procedure to link them?04:17
mfischnm, /me found the right wiki page finally04:19
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pedro_om26er, jibel hello ! could you check bug 833397 and give some feedback?12:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 833397 in unity-2d (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 6 other projects) "indicator power displayed twice on panel (affects: 113) (dups: 8) (heat: 523)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83339712:54
om26erpedro_, sure, doing it right now.12:55
jibelpedro_, for me it's fixed, but I haven't been able to reproduce for a while. So it needs confirmation from someone else12:55
pedro_jibel, awesome, thanks12:55
jibelpedro_, and good morning :)12:55
pedro_om26er, thanks!12:56
pedro_jibel, good morning ! :-)12:56
pedro_actually afternoon for you12:56
dholbachwhere is the current linux upstream bug tracker? is http://bugzilla.kernel.org/ still down because of the security issues?14:05
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brendanddholbach - i don't know for sure, but i just did a bit of research and it seem the answer is there is no alternative14:16
brendanddholbach - supposedly you should use the mailing lists if you need to raise issues14:17
dholbachthanks brendand - that's what it looked like to me14:17
brendanddholbach - maybe the ubuntu-kernel guys know better14:17
dholbachyep, I just asked in there as well14:18
pabelangerhow can I add 'Also affects lucid or maverick, etc' for a bug?  I don't see it on bug 61581014:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 615810 in nagios3 (Ubuntu) "nagios3-common and nagios3-core : grep: /etc/nagios3/cgi.cfg: No such file or directory (affects: 2) (heat: 11)" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/61581014:42
hggdhpabelanger: the bug comments state it is resolved on Maverick; I can see it being SRU-ed to lucid, though15:02
hggdhpabelanger: can you please add a comment asking for it, and stating your reasons of why it should be done?15:02
hggdhI will then open the SRU request for Lucid15:02
pabelangerhggdh: will do, thanks15:03
hggdhpabelanger: you should follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates?action=show&redirect=MOTU%2FSRU15:10
hggdhjibel: are you using alkaid, rukbah, tarf, or phact? Can I go ahead and destroy them?15:18
bdmurrayjibel: can you give me some more information regarding the statuses of bug 898787?15:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 898787 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "kubuntu 11.10 failed to install with error in install_misc.py assert cache._depcache.broken_count == 0 (affects: 6) (dups: 3) (heat: 38)" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89878715:37
jibelbdmurray, it's been reported 4 times in a row yesterday but I've been unable to reproduce. It affects kubuntu non-english installation.15:40
jibelbdmurray, critical is a bit too much I think and should be lowered15:40
jibelbdmurray, no new report today15:41
bdmurrayjibel: and why won't fix for precise?15:42
jibelbdmurray, the reports were all during a fresh install of oneiric15:54
jibelbdmurray, it looks like something wrong with oneiric archive.15:55
bdmurrayjibel: and it doesn't happen in precise or what?15:55
jibelbdmurray, and it doesn't happen in precise15:55
bdmurraywell, then invalid seems more appropriate to me than won't fix15:55
jibelbdmurray, right15:56
bdmurrayokay, thanks15:57
bdmurrayjibel: do you have any way to get screenshots of your installer testing?16:55
jibelbdmurray, it's not implemented yet, we could take screenshot of the display. Why would you like to do ?16:59
bdmurrayjibel: I'd just like to have pictures of each step of the installer to help with triaging.  That way when somebody is mentioning a menu, which is sometimes down poorly, we'd have a cheat sheet to look at.17:01
bdmurrayjibel: Does that make sense?17:01
jibelbdmurray, that makes sense. But the current smoketest uses preseeding and skips the UI.17:07
bdmurrayjibel: ah, okay then17:08
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ashamshggdh, Hi, do you think this is related to unity? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/87348223:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 873482 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "elantech: Touchpad always reports 3 finger tap as 1 finger tap (affects: 18) (heat: 98)" [Medium,Confirmed]23:16
nethusis bugs.launchpad.net the right place to what i believe is a bug towards the included version of 3rd party software in apt?23:23
nethusto report*23:23
greg-gnethus: what do you mean by 3rd party software in apt? can you give an example?23:25
greg-g(explicit examples/references are better than general questions :) )23:25
nethuswell: there was a bug in mrtg that was fixed some months ago23:26
nethusbut apt still refers to an older version23:27
nethusubuntu 11.1023:30
greg-gnethus: So, right, if a package is included in Ubuntu (eg: available to be installed via apt-get without enabling any non-Ubuntu apt servers) then yes, Launchpad is the right place to report bugs against that software23:31
greg-gnethus: you can even, from the command line, do "ubuntu-bug mrtg" (without the quotes, obvs)23:31
greg-gnethus: but, in this case, since you say it has been fixed in mrtg upstream (the original developers of the software) I would check to see what version is available in Debian (where Ubuntu gets most of the software from, unchanged). If Debian Unstable has a fixed version, then the next version of Ubuntu will also have that fixed version.23:33
greg-gnethus: with that said, if the bug is severe enough, it might be able to be fixed in Ubuntu 11.10 via the SRU process (Stable Release Update)23:34
nethusgreg-g: thanks for the advice, i'll check it23:38
greg-gnethus: you're welcome23:39
nethusthe fixed version is not even in debian's unstable packages23:40
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