
greg-gyeah, twas my favorite00:00
JanCisn't that the one with the highly configurable UI ?00:00
JanCright, looking at the package description, that must have been it  ☺00:01
JanCgreg-g: what I find disturbing is that quod libet (which is pure interpreted python, including the library that parses media files for tags *and* the database storage implementation) is faster than most music players written in C or GIT-compiled C#...00:04
greg-gJanC: yeah, I'm not sure what to make of it, honestly :)00:05
mhall119akgraner: I miss those guys too, I guess they're doing well with their venture there in Atlanta though00:07
akgranerthe goal for SELF (hence the Southeast name) is that it's moveable00:07
mhall119oh right, I'm thinking ALF, that's what nick and josh were involved in00:08
akgranerwait are you talking SELF folks or Nick and Josh?00:08
mhall119and you00:08
mhall119I was confused, ignore me00:08
akgranerno worries00:08
akgraneryeah they are doing well - Run Level Media00:08
mhall119I miss watching their podcast00:10
cjohnstonakgraner: where is self this year?00:23
nigelbmhall119: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RuIQskGD3u004:46
dholbachgood morning08:07
dpmgood morning everyone08:46
MooDoomorning all08:55
dpmhi MooDoo08:59
MooDooit's a bit cold this morning09:00
czajkowskihmmm I wonder if I upgrade to P will that fix my login issue. kinda dont want to go any further till I figure out how to log in normally11:39
scott-workgood morning community12:49
Joeb454czajkowski: I just approved your email :)13:09
Joeb454I meant to do it yesterday, sorry13:10
head_victimHah, sorry, wrong window. It was meant for the terminal over there ----------------------------->13:11
akgranercjohnston, SELF 2012 June 8-10, Charlotte (NC) Blake Hotel13:22
* popey tickles jcastro with https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-uk/2011-December/032293.html13:44
czajkowskipopey: nice13:46
AlanBellthat is a great video popey13:50
* AlanBell says patronisingly13:50
popeyGee. Thanks.13:51
cjohnstonakgraner: sweet.. putting it in calendar13:55
akgranerpopey the video master :-)13:59
nigelbpopey: If you have some time later, figure out if you can increase the volume of that video :)14:01
popeyturn your speakers up14:01
nigelbIts at full :)14:02
* AlanBell points nigelb to his volume control14:02
nigelbI've put the gnome thing beyond 100%.14:02
popeyI will endeavour to fix the volume onmy next video14:02
AlanBellnigelb: the levels are fine14:02
popeythanks for the feedback ☺14:02
nigelbAlanBell: I've heard louder videos on thse speakers. So it was a comparison :)14:02
nigelb*I usually hear louder14:02
nigelbok, I need dinner, drinks, and sleep.14:03
nigelbIts been a nightmare of a day today.14:03
nigelbdidn't get a chance for much in the way of lunch.14:03
* dpm posts popey's video on the app developers page14:09
dpmnice one14:09
popeyi can make bettr videos, honest ☺  that was done in a hurry ☺14:12
cjohnstoncprofitt: ping14:20
cprofittcjohnston: pong -- have to be in meeting in nine minutes14:21
cjohnstonI have a couple of easy summit things for you if you want to do some more learning.. ping me when you have time14:21
cprofittyes, if you want email me the quick details and then I can ping you when I have time14:22
cprofittthanks for feeding me this stuff14:22
cjohnstonwe need help... so if we can get people willing, its worth our effort to teach :-)14:22
* cprofitt smiles14:23
cprofittI am willing and eager to learn14:23
akgranerjcastro - charm school is rocking it seems!  Go you all!15:19
technovikingtalking about metal in my History of Rock and Roll class today15:42
czajkowskiJoeb454: thank you15:44
scott-worktechnoviking: that should be taught in all schools in every class IMO15:47
czajkowskianyone here running fifox 715:52
czajkowskior any version of FF which isn't 8 ?15:52
nigelb11 & 10 here.15:52
nigelblet me see if I still have the system one around15:52
czajkowskinigelb: what happens if you go to http://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/42600615:52
nigelbczajkowski: works fine15:53
nigelbOn 10.15:53
czajkowskiok so just FF 8 is the issue15:53
czajkowskihmm interesting15:53
czajkowskiok back to testing15:53
czajkowskithank you15:53
nigelbnp :)15:53
nigelbczajkowski: I love this picture :D http://pix.ie/czajkowski/2618914/in/album/42600615:54
czajkowskiahh yes15:54
czajkowskimost folks got a grin  with that15:54
popeywhole site is broken czajkowski15:57
AlanBellyou broke pix.ie15:57
czajkowskinope it works fron on chrome15:57
czajkowskiand now have the developers "fixing" it15:57
popeyno, i mean, not just that picture15:58
popeyi cant even get to the home page15:58
czajkowskioh dear15:58
AlanBellit does work in chromium15:58
AlanBellthe content type is wrong15:58
JanCczajkowski: the "application/vnd.wap.xhtml+xml" thing?15:58
Pendulumdoesn't work in FF15:58
mhall119popey shut it down?15:58
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye works frin in chrome15:58
czajkowskithey're going to do a fix for FF 815:58
czajkowskibut not very many Ubuntu users so he usually has to get me to check my issues with other folks to be sure15:59
Pendulumworks in FF on MacOS15:59
czajkowskiYes, FF8 changed the user agent on Ububtu and a 3rd party mobile detection library we are using is getting it wrong! We should have a workaround in place shortly.16:00
czajkowskifrom pixie dev16:00
JanCah, right, I think I saw a bug report about that16:02
JanCczajkowski: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/89779416:02
ubot2Launchpad bug 897794 in firefox "Firefox 8 User Agent String "Ubuntu;" addition causes attempt to download rather than display" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:02
czajkowskiJanC: thank you16:03
JanChm, where are Mozilla's rules for user agent strings again?16:07
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
JanChttps://developer.mozilla.org/En/Firefox_User_Agent_String_Reference --> has no info about how to add a distro name without losing the "X11" that identifies linux desktops...16:36
bkerensadholbach: Dev Update looks good16:50
jcastro<-- EOD (holiday)16:55
dholbachjcastro, nice - enjoy!16:55
dholbachbkerensa, great, thanks - reviewing all the notes of the teams took AGES16:56
dholbachbkerensa, let's do interviews soon again ;-)16:56
dholbachjono, hey17:01
dholbachjono, how's precise working out for you?17:01
jonodholbach, working great17:01
dholbachsame here and for my 2 kernel problems there might be a fix up soon17:02
bkerensadholbach: Yeah I'm going to reachout to the LP team today and start getting ready for the next release17:02
dholbachbkerensa, thanks a lot!17:02
=== dholbach changed the topic of #ubuntu-community-team to: "Work Items: http://status.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-precise/canonical-community.html || Community Trello: http://goo.gl/n4or5 (experiment) || Things to work on (in order): work items || dpm's channel: http://goo.gl/o2IR5"
dholbachhave a great weekend everyone!17:30
* popey hugs dholbach 17:30
* dholbach hugs you all17:30
bkerensadholbach: Are you fone for the weekend? I noticed one thing on the update17:36
greg-g12:31              <   dholbach!~daniel@ubuntu/member/dholbach [Quit: Ex-Chat]17:50
greg-g12:36 <  bkerensa> dholbach: Are you fone for the weekend? I noticed one thing on the update17:50
greg-g12:36 <  bkerensa> gone*17:50
greg-gbkerensa: ^^ he's not online :)17:50
bkerensaoh :D17:50
bkerensaok then :P17:50
greg-gyou tab complete worked with him not being connected?17:50
technovikingWifey lost her phone, gave her my old one and got a 4s. :)20:39
bkerensaI feel sorry for you technoviking20:40
bkerensaI hear people say the 3GS is still the best20:41
technovikingI never had problems with my 4.20:41
popeyI love my 4S20:51
nigelbpopey: Does it work fine pairing with Ubuntu or do you have a Windows PC for that?21:06
popeyfor what?21:06
nigelboh right.21:06
popeyicloud doesnt need a computer21:07
popeythats kinda the point of it :D21:07
nigelbYeah, I realized that now :P21:07
bkerensaI wish I could put Ubuntu on my iphone21:12
cjohnstontell popey ;-)21:12
bkerensaI wonder if Ubuntu Members will get discounts on Ubuntu Phones :P21:12
* popey hides his ubuntu phone21:13
bkerensawell off for Sushi and Cocktails to discuss the logistics of this sunday's ubuntu/debian jam :D21:13
akgranerAlanBell, can meetingology be used in any freenode channel?22:25
* AlanBell wonders why akgraner would ask such a question22:26
akgranerCurious minds would like to know - I want to show it to some other people :-)22:27
AlanBellit can go in any channel for which you wouldn't mind the meeting logs ending up on ubottu.com22:28
AlanBellwhere do you want it akgraner?22:29
akgranerwell  - I haven't gotten the go ahead yet - I need to ask my boss if we can use it22:30
AlanBellok, sure22:30
AlanBellthere are no doubt some channels on freenode I wouldn't send it to, but I am sure your channel isn't one of them :)22:31
akgranerLet's hope not - but it's opensource so one could take that and run it on their own server right?22:32

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