
RoAkSoAxdobey: still downloading the tar.gz00:03
dobeyRoAkSoAx: i need to get dinner, but let me know if you find anything; thanks00:32
RoAkSoAxdobey: will sure do... though, is the dsc in launchpad somewhere as this seems will take for ever00:33
dobeyRoAkSoAx: no; i am trying to set up daily builds of rhythmbox to test with for precise development, while trying to preserve the ubuntu patches to it; the error happens when building the source package in the recipe builder, but doesn't happen locally. so i'm not even sure a dsc will help really00:36
dobeyRoAkSoAx: you can bzr branch lp:rhythmbox, then inside the rhythmbox dir "bzr branch lp:~ubuntuone-control-tower/rhythmbox/packaging-dailies debian" and debuild -S to get one00:36
dobeythe only difference between that and the dsc i built, is the version number in debian/changelog.00:37
dobeymaybe it's a launchpad issue, but it doesn't immediately strike me as one.00:42
dobeyanyway, need to get some food00:42
RoAkSoAxdobey: cool, will take a look as soon as I get back00:53
micahgbdmurray: kerneloops is up for adoption in Debian if you have an interest in it00:55
micahgor anyone else so inclined :)00:56
RAOFdobey: You're aware that you can do the recipie build locally, right?  Install bzr-builder and you get a ‘bzr dailydeb $RECIPIE’ command, which does the same thing as launchpad does.01:00
RAOF@pilot out01:17
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
RAOF...for lunch.01:17
=== Ursinha-lunch is now known as Ursinha
adam_gare there any d-i tricks to redirect syslog to serial console?02:05
dobeyRoAkSoAx: oh, hrmm; i see something else in the log now, that might be why; it appears that maybe quilt is crashing when applying the patch for some reason?02:11
dobeyand so when it tries to un-apply, it fails because it's not actually applied02:11
dobeyNow at patch 05_hide_on_quit.patch02:12
dobey(2.2881429999999998, 0.56403499999999995, 0, 0, 0, 0, 62025, 30, 0, 8280, 68960, 0, 0, 0, 5806, 174)02:12
dobeyi don't know what all those numbers mean, but surely not good02:12
broderslangasek: http://lintian.ubuntuwire.org/tags/data.tar.xz-member-without-dpkg-pre-depends.html02:17
broder"This tag has not been emitted in any package tested by Lintian"02:17
RoAkSoAxadam_g: what seems to be the problem02:25
RoAkSoAxdobey: just got back gonna look at it now02:25
slangasekbroder: hmm, that's the one we have an archive accept-time check for; did we get signals crossed somewhere?  The one we're missing info on is use of dpkg-maintscript-helper in preinst without pre-depends02:25
broderok, i see02:26
broderyeah, lintian isn't checking for that currently02:27
broderthat'll take writing a new check. i'll look into it02:29
dobeyRoAkSoAx: i refreshed some more of the patches again, and am trying another build now.02:31
slangasekbroder: cool, thanks :)02:31
RoAkSoAxdobey: ok, i;m building here too02:34
dobeyRoAkSoAx: ok, thanks02:34
RoAkSoAxdobey: its building just fine in a PPA for oneiric02:38
RoAkSoAxdobey: didn't even refreshed the patches02:39
dobeyRoAkSoAx: right; the problem isn't that. the problem is that building the source package is failing, and refreshing the patches didn't seem to help me either :(02:42
RoAkSoAxdobey: in my case the source package builds on my pbuilder02:43
RoAkSoAxdobey: i didn't have to refresh the patches02:43
RoAkSoAxfor it to build02:43
dobeyRoAkSoAx: yes, here too. i don't mean build in that sense though. i mean dpkg -S is what's failing in the recipe builder on the server02:45
RoAkSoAxdobey: I'll upload to my PPA02:47
dobeyi guess those numbers are meaningless, and are actually coming from bzr-builder plug-in02:48
dobeybut why oh why is quilt applying-but-not-applying the patch :(02:49
RoAkSoAxdobey: ok, so in my cause, it seems to be building  https://launchpad.net/~andreserl/+archive/ppa/+build/297689203:07
RoAkSoAxdobey: though, since I did everything manually, that might be it. Maybe there's something wrong in your recipe for the daily builds03:08
RoAkSoAxdobey:there are the steps I followed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/756702/03:09
dobeyno, it's not the recipe. it's quilt03:09
dobeyyes, debuild -S -sa works fine here03:10
RoAkSoAxanyways, I gotta go sorry I could not be of further sassitance03:15
RoAkSoAxmaybe tomorrow that I'm fresh I could help more03:15
dobeythanks anyway03:15
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hallynif debian/rules has override_dh_install with a line 'dh_install -pXYZ', and debian/control lists XYZ as only for i386.  Will that line be ignored on an arm build?04:11
infinityapw: linux fails the same way, BTW.  kernel-wedge dies.04:12
ScottKSpamapS: Around?04:12
ScottKSpamapS: It looks like language-pack-kde-en got copied to oneiric-updates, but language-pack-kde-en-base didn't, so language-pack-kde-en is now uninstallable.04:12
ScottKI don't know if any other languages are affected.04:13
ScottK(or any other ubuntu-sru person)04:13
ScottKOK, we'll do it this way ...04:14
ubottucjwatson, jdong, pitti, skaet, ScottK, kees, Daviey, pgraner: reporting regression in a stable release update; investigate severity, start an incident report, perhaps have the package blacklisted from the archive04:14
ScottKRegression is above the alert ....04:15
ScottKNothing needs to be blacklisted, just need to copy over language-pack-kde-en-base to oneiric-updates.04:15
ScottKIt would also be good if someone could check if other languages are affected (I'm on an airplane that's 20 minutes from landing, so I'll have to shut down shortly)04:17
lifelessStevenK: ^ do you have the perms ?04:21
keesslangasek: around? can you fix the langpack issue above?04:23
StevenKI can look. pitti probably can too.04:23
StevenKScottK, lifeless: Copied.04:31
pittiGood morning04:50
pittilool: ah, probably just copy&paste error from a previous merge04:51
pittiScottK, StevenK: uh, we didn't mean to do a -base refresh; I'll check the other ones, thanks for pointing out04:54
pittiaah, this was still from the previous round04:54
StevenKpitti: So I've copied the wrong thing, or it's okay?04:55
pittiStevenK: no, it's fine04:55
pittiStevenK: it just explains why -base was needed04:55
pittiin the previous update round we did do a -base refresh, but not in this  one04:55
pittiDaviey: thanks for moving over the milestone bugs05:19
pittijamespage, wendar: FYI, fixed current software-center/ubuntu-desktop uninstallability and CD build failure, needed a binNEW05:31
pittijamespage, wendar: now looking at edubuntu uninstallability due to nautilus-python05:32
wendarpitti: I had one merge proposal and one archive admin task from my work today (dropped you an email)05:33
pittiwendar: saw it, thank you! will get to it05:35
pittibut I'll work on the uninstallability first, as this is our first "red alert" priority05:35
wendarpitti: very much so05:36
pittiwendar: how did your first day go?05:36
pittion our TODO list for tools improvements: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html05:36
pitti"pretty please say WHY the package isn't installable"05:36
wendarpitti: good, it was great to focus05:37
pittiwendar: yeah, I find that as well; there's so many things I always wanted to get around to, like component-mismatches etc.05:37
wendarhah, yes that would be useful :)05:37
pittiand now there's theh time05:37
wendarthe more information the better05:38
pittigr_vmcircbuf_createfilemapping: createfilemapping is not available05:38
pittiwendar: our buildds run the lucid kernel, so maybe it's relying on some kernel features that only newer versions provide05:39
pittiwendar: other differences are: no network, building with DEB_BUILD_OPTIONS=parallel=405:39
pittiwendar: you could try tossing the package in a PPA and see whether it makes a difference05:39
pittiwendar: as a next step I'd try to upload a no-change rebuild to see whether the failure reproduces05:40
pittiwendar: we have two FTBFS in main on armel, do you want to look into these, too?05:41
wendarpitti: ruby and telepathy? sure I can break out the pandaboard tomorrow05:42
pittiwendar: we have porter boxes05:42
wendarpitti: I can try those too05:42
pittiwendar: but yeah, it might be an opportunity to set them up and get them running; yay for new toys :)05:42
wendarpitti: actually, I'll try logging in now, in case I need UK support before my day tomorrow05:43
pittiinfinity: oh, look! http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/precise/main/binary-armhf/Packages05:44
micahgwendar: did you join the +1 team?05:44
infinitypitti: Oooo.05:44
micahg* +1 maintenance05:44
pittiinfinity: now, if we actually had a retracer running on arm :)05:44
infinitypitti: They're still valuable for local debugging.05:45
wendarpitti: I get "Permission denied (publickey)." so I must not be set up for the porter boxes05:45
pittiinfinity: it's actually rather easy to set it up, just waiting for that RT ticket to give me a real psql db for duplicates05:45
infinitypitti: (Which was our original use-case before the magical retracer happened)05:45
wendarmicahg: yah, I'm a December +1-er05:45
pittiinfinity: right, if you install apport-retrace, the crash notifications will grow an "examine locally" button05:45
pittiwhich will give you a fancy stack trace or toss you into a gdb session with full symbols05:46
pittiwendar: ah, that sounds worth an RT; you can CC: me so that I can send my +1 (also for powerpc)05:46
micahgwendar: awesome, is there a list somewhere of the current members?05:46
pittimicahg: jamespage, wendar, me05:46
pittimicahg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PlusOneMaintenanceTeam05:47
pittihas the roster05:47
micahgpitti: cool, thanks for the info, is that channel worth idling in?05:48
pittimicahg: TBH, I'm not planning to use it much; I can't follow another channel, so rely on getting pinged there; and most issues should be fine to discuss here or in /msg05:49
pittibut let's see how much it actually gets used05:50
infinitypitti: I'm kinda hoping the channel can die.05:59
infinitypitti: Given that -devel is +1-centric, almost by definition, I hate having conversations about problems/solutions split over channels.05:59
infinitypitti: (And I really hate duplicating work because I didn't see the conversation about someone else working on it)06:00
pittiinfinity: that's my feeling06:00
* infinity realises the irony of the above statement, where most of his armhf conversations have been happening in linaro-armhf and debian-arm, but...06:00
pittiwendar, jamespage: opinions? ^ shall we try using #u-devel until people complain?06:00
wendarpitti: works for me06:01
ScottKStevenK: Thanks.  All better now.06:18
pittiwendar: hm, just followed up to your RT. Your user account exists, and you are in porting_team06:46
pittiwendar: so maybe ssh after all? not sure06:46
pittiwendar: but I guess IS will figure it out06:47
wendarpitti: yup, not sure. It could be that they don't have all the right ssh keys propagated over06:48
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tkamppeterpitti, hi07:36
micahginfinity: out of curiosity are there any new tricks for armhf porting vs armel porting for FTBFS fixes?07:36
infinitymicahg: Not really.  There's the general "watch out for upstream thinking they know better than us about default compiler flags", but that's true for every arch.07:37
infinitymicahg: Mostly, it's business as usual.07:38
micahgsounds good07:38
infinitymicahg: Care to figure out why libicudata appears to not be a valid shared object on armhf? :P07:40
micahginfinity: nah, I've got my own build failures to figure out over the weekend :)07:41
micahgI got 2 so far07:41
infinityHrm.  icu is build with -O0 on armel for entirely unrelated reasons.  I wonder if that also makes the library not broken. :P07:46
* infinity settles in for some testing.07:46
dholbachgood morning08:07
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pittijibel: we got a bunch of server failures this morning, like https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-server-amd64_dns-server/lastBuild/08:31
pittijibel: the previous ones were marked as "pass", but I can't see an obvious difference in the log files08:31
pittijibel: for example, the four DNS resolution tests at https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-server-amd64_dns-server/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/2/test-results/dns-server.stderr already failed before08:32
pittijibel: oh, perhaps they have just been yellow yesterday?08:35
pittiso far I interpreted yellow as "last build succeeded, but some previous ones didn't"08:35
pittioh, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-server-amd64_lvm/lastBuild/console says "No test report files were found. Configuration error?08:36
pittiis that the reason for the failure?08:36
jibelpitti, yellow is 'tests partly failed'08:37
jibelpitti, no the reason is that the installation didn't finish08:37
jibelsome package failed to install and the installation hanged at some point. I'm on it08:37
pittijibel: ah, red == installation failed, yellow == install succeeded, but post-install tests failed?08:38
pittijibel: where do you see that a package failed to install?08:38
jibelpitti, right08:38
jibelpitti, from syslog, the installation didn't reach the end08:38
pittiI really hate to ping you about all these, I'd like to learn where to get that info from myself08:38
jibelpitti, we are working on this doc https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/AutomatedTesting/UnderstandingJenkins08:39
pittiNov 29 08:06:39 grub-installer: Installation finished. No error reported.08:39
pittiand then a bunch of more debconf08:40
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jibelpitti, I'll rerun a server job, there's nothing obvious in the log it just stops at "Dec  2 07:00:58 debootstrap: Setting up libc6 (2.13-20ubuntu8) ..."08:43
pittijibel: which syslog are you looking at in particular?08:45
jibelpitti, https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/view/Precise/job/precise-server-amd64_default/lastFailedBuild/08:45
pittijibel: ah, I was looking at the lvm/dns ones08:46
jibelattachment d-i-syslog.log08:46
pittijibel: ah, thanks08:47
jibelpitti, same error for all, you were looking at the log from Nov 2908:47
jibelpitti, jenkins' UI is confusing because when you click on a job it shows the artefacts of the last successful build, not the last build08:48
pittijibel: another question (sorry), there are no desktop/alternate tests for today's dailies in the "planned builds" queue08:48
pittijibel: right, I guess that tricked me a couple of times08:49
jibelpitti, they are running, I'll see with patrickmw how we can keep the list of running jobs between the private and public instance of jenkins in sync.08:50
pittijibel: ah, good to know, thanks!08:50
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pittirickspencer3: ^ FYI08:51
dokoinfinity: what went wrong with qt4-x11?08:56
jibelpitti, the VMs don't reboot after install, that sounds bad.09:00
pittijibel: that's the desktop ones?09:05
jibelpitti, nope, server. desktop are still queued09:06
pittiah, ok09:06
infinitydoko: I killed it to move it to a Panda.  11 hour build time versus a day and a half.09:13
jibelpitti, jamespage that's interesting, the VM reboots in the middle of the installation. That's why the logs are truncated and hard to understand.09:18
jamespagejibel: that was my guess09:19
infinitydoko: Did you give-back pyicu?09:19
infinitydoko: It's just going to fail again.  As will several other icu-related failures.  Trying to figure out why everything hates libicudata.so.48 so much.09:19
pittijibel: urgh; invalidly triggered reboot by our test code, or happening "by itself"?09:20
jibelpitti, by itself09:20
jibeljust after setting up libc609:20
jibelI'll mount the image and try to find more information.09:21
pittikern.log might have some bits09:21
infinitydoko: Also, is that lsb-release change the beginning of a python3 transition?09:28
rickspencer3pitti, jibel am I surmising correctly that the problems seem to be with the test rig, and not the ISOs themselves, or have you not determined that yet?09:32
dokoinfinity, pyicu, yes. lsb-release: as in oneiric, to get it on the CD first09:32
jibelrickspencer3, the problem seems to be with the ISO.09:33
infinitydoko: Yeah, ICU is being misbuilt somehow.  Nothing can link/load the libraries.09:33
infinitydoko: I'm going to look more in the morning.09:34
pittiah, that explains why today's images are still oversized09:34
rickspencer3so, "daily quality" kick in :)09:34
rickspencer3thanks jibe09:34
pittilibicu44 was removed (-7.1 MB), but python3.2 was added (+5.9 MB)09:34
rickspencer3thanks jibel09:34
pitticjwatson: what generates http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/testing/precise_probs.html ?09:39
jibeljamespage, nothing in the log. on the console is displays 'setting up debconf' and reboots09:40
infinitypitti: britney.09:41
pittiinfinity: ah, thanks; I was getting confused because bin/run-britney just outputs to www/precise_outdate_all.txt09:47
pittiI now see the testing/www output dir09:48
pittilots of uncommitted changes in testing/ bzr, hmm09:49
pitticjwatson: is that something we can hack on, or do we need to keep it in sync with Debian somehow?09:49
pitticjwatson: I'd love to integrate (1) links to pending builds (which explain most of the current problems) and (2) the reason _why_ the package is uninstallable09:50
infinitycjwatson: We're not even remotely in sync with Debian.  Our britney is an 8-year-old fork.09:50
pittiah, ok09:50
pittiso that at least resolves that question09:50
infinitycjwatson: Disregard my poor tab-completion. :P09:51
pittiI refuse getting cjwatson replaced with me09:51
pittiwe so much need him!09:51
jamespagejibel: I just re-produced as well - rebooted during install of base system09:53
pittijamespage: that's with today's server ISO?09:54
jamespagepitti: yep - thats the symptom see in the automated testing as well09:54
jibeljamespage, ack. I'm filing a bug09:54
pittijamespage: I'm now downloading the desktop alternate to see whether it happens there as well09:54
pittiseems jenkins didn't get to alternate/desktop testing yet09:55
jamespagejibel, pitti; I'm going to manually terminate the precise-server tests currently running - they are just spinning and holding up the desktop and alternate tests.09:56
jibeljamespage, bug 899049, could you please confirm it ?09:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899049 in debian-installer (Ubuntu Precise) "Ubuntu Server reboots during installation" [Critical,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89904909:57
jamespagejibel: confirmed09:58
jamespage@pilot in09:59
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots: jamespage
jibeljamespage, pitti there is this error during install09:59
jibelDec  2 07:00:46 base-installer: chroot: can't execute 'debconf-set-selections': No such file or directory09:59
jibelDec  2 07:00:46 base-installer: warning: /usr/lib/base-installer.d/20console-setup returned error code 12709:59
dokoinfinity, so just linux-libc-dev is missing for the buildd variant?10:00
jamespagejibel: it looks like a requested reboot; normal Sending SIGTERM message stuff10:00
jibeljamespage, could it be that it doesn't set the debconf values and after the base install it reboots because there's nothing left to do ?10:02
infinitydoko: Should be just that.  I think.10:02
cjwatsonpitti: it's in ~ubuntu-archive/testing/ on lillypilly10:03
cjwatsonpitti: also ~ubuntu-archive/testing-ports/ (sorry, code kept in sync rather than common)10:03
cjwatsonpitti: there might be a few outstanding uncommitted changes, mainly from the cocoplum->lillypilly move10:03
jamespagejibel: those server jobs have now cleared through10:04
cjwatsonpitti: if you can figure out how to add that kind of information to its output, be my guest :-)10:04
jamespagepitti: the alternate automated test is currently running10:04
pitticjwatson: ok, so ok for hacking on it10:04
cjwatsonpitti: how about I go through and sort out uncommitted stuff first10:04
pitticjwatson: there's also changes to update_out/dpkg.c, the rest of bzr diff is just config diff; it doesn't get in my way, I'd like to touch different files10:05
pitticjwatson: thanks!10:05
jamespagejibel, pitti: think alternate is doing the same10:06
pitti6 minutes to go for downloading10:07
pittijamespage: do you want to look into this? I'm also looking at bug 897680, so maybe better if we don't overlap there10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 897680 in ubiquity (Ubuntu Precise) "Precise Desktop 64Bit: libc6 fails to install if "install 3rd party software" is selected" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89768010:07
jibeljamespage, yes, you can cancel the jobs10:07
jamespagepitti: sure10:07
cjwatsonjibel,jamespage: so this is reproducible outside jenkins?10:08
jamespagecjwatson: yes10:09
cjwatsonjamespage: OK, I'll look at it then10:09
jamespagecjwatson: thanks10:09
pitti. o O { yay for daily automatic tests! }10:09
jamespagecjwatson, jibel; I'm struggling to see an specific step causing this looking at the d-i logs in jenkins10:15
cjwatsonjamespage: I have a guess based on prior experience but I'd rather see it for myself first10:15
cjwatsonpitti: all merged up now10:19
pitticjwatson: thanks!10:21
* cjwatson videos the installer to try to track this down10:31
jamespagejibel, pitti, cjwatson: all of the alternate installs failed with the same issue10:33
cjwatsonjamespage: yeah, they would have done10:36
cjwatsonthere's no room for anything flavour-specific here10:36
cjwatsonjibel,jamespage: fix uploaded10:58
cjwatsonI would suggest a rebuild of all d-i images after libselinux has built everywhere10:59
pittithanks cjwatson10:59
pittiI need to catch a train this afternoon, but I should have enough bandwidth to trigger new builds; unless someone else can do that11:00
cjwatsonI probably can11:00
pittiI'll be online at 1300 UTC (in 2 hours), I'll check IRC/nusakan then11:00
pitticjwatson: ah, upstart is now working too well in a chroot?11:01
cjwatsonpitti: not a new class of problem; see my reference to the eglibc change, which was in natty11:04
cjwatsonsysvinit telinit u sends SIGHUP to pid 1, upstart telinit u sends SIGTERM to pid 111:05
cjwatsonthe latter causes busybox init to reboot11:05
cjwatsonit's a semantic difference we need to account for11:05
cjwatsonI knew I'd seen this kind of thing before :)11:06
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pittidholbach: sorry, missed my patch pilot shift today; I'll do that on Monday instead11:09
dholbachpitti, no worries11:09
dholbachwhatever suits you better - you should also be able to just move the events in the google cal11:10
* dholbach hugs pitti11:10
pittidholbach: nevermind, I just can't read my mobile; it already _is_ on Monday :)11:12
dholbachdiwic, hello. I just upgraded to 12.04 - so far so good, the only problem I get is http://paste.ubuntu.com/756958/ - did you see anything similar somewhere else already?11:46
ogra_dholbach, your production machine ?11:46
dholbachogra_, yep11:46
ogra_wow, brave11:46
diwicdholbach, hmm, not recognising11:50
diwicdholbach, does it happen every time you plug it in?11:50
dholbachdiwic, it looks like it - I tried twice, but I can try again if you like11:50
dholbachdiwic, yes, just tried again11:51
diwicdholbach, my gut feeling is that this is a generic USB problem rather than a sound card problem, does it happen to other usb devices as well?11:51
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diwicdholbach, given that the first sign of trouble is "usb 1-1.2: string descriptor 0 malformed (err = -61), defaulting to 0x0409" from the USB driver rather than the sound card driver11:52
dholbachdiwic, usb-storage seems to work11:52
dholbachlet me see how it works with the scanner11:53
dholbachdiwic, uvcvideo: Failed to submit URB 0 (-28). - that's for the webcam, but it's not USB - just thought I'd test it as well11:54
diwic"URB 0" sounds very much like USB11:55
diwicwebcams are often connected with USB internally11:55
dholbachah ok11:55
* ogra_ always thought uvd even means Usb Video Connector11:56
dholbachdiwic, the scanner seems to be happy AFAICS11:57
diwicdholbach, so, my gut feeling says "USB driver failure" rather than "sound driver failure", so see if you can find an USB expert, if (s)he tells you that it's a sound driver problem, I guess I'll have to take a deeper look. Makes sense? :-)11:59
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dholbachdiwic, I think I can try the oneiric kernel to see if that makes it work again and then file a bug on linux?11:59
diwicyou can also try oneiric kernel + alsa dkms packages to further try to rule out (or in) ALSA12:00
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diwicdholbach,  you can also try oneiric kernel + alsa dkms packages to further try to rule out (or in) ALSA12:04
diwicor rather12:05
diwicalsa backports12:05
diwicdkms is for snd-hda-intel only12:05
dholbachdiwic, just going back to the oneiric kernel worked: http://paste.ubuntu.com/756964/12:05
diwichmm ok12:05
sorenOnce upon a time, there would be a popup when my mouse was running out of battery. /me misses that thing12:06
diwic#define ENOSPC      28  /* No space left on device */12:07
dholbachdiwic, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/89909912:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899099 in linux (Ubuntu) "snd-usb-caiaq fails to load" [Undecided,New]12:10
dholbachdiwic, who could be close to being the "USB expert" you mentioned? :)12:12
diwicdholbach, guess why I wrote "USB expert" instead of a specific name? :-)12:14
diwicat least I've found the line where your error message comes from12:14
dholbachdiwic, I know this is going to sound vague - mostly because I have little idea of the internals, but if the string descriptor is malformed, is the device still being brought up? (can anything be read at all?)12:17
diwicdholbach, I think you should try to talk to Daniel Mack, (zonque on freenode) he wrote that caiaq driver and seems to know quite a bit about USB audio drivers12:19
dholbachok, will do12:20
gesercjwatson: do you plan to sync reiser4progs (you're TIL for it) for precise? see also bug #88999112:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 889991 in reiser4progs (Ubuntu) "reiser4progs (main) should be synced from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/88999112:21
* Daviey wonders why NEW sync's from Debian require AA approval.12:22
geserdo they? that's new to me12:22
Davieygeser: source NEW.12:23
geserI know that AA have to accept them, but not that AA need to approve before it can be synced (uploaded)12:24
ogra_Daviey, license review etc12:24
quadrisprotumbleweed, thank you!12:24
cjwatsongeser: yes, although it requires a fakesync12:24
Davieyogra_: right, but if it got into Debian, the licence is probably good :)12:25
cjwatsonDaviey: because in some cases we blacklist classes of packages from Ubuntu (e.g. all xul extensions)12:25
cjwatsonor freebsd packages, or ...12:25
int_uazyga_: ping12:25
cjwatsonalthough that's a post-hoc justification; the real reason is that the condition on NEW is simply "haven't seen this before"12:25
Davieycjwatson: Ah, makes sense12:25
zyga_int_ua, pong12:25
zyga_how can I help you12:26
tumbleweedtalking of AA syncs, can we have the sync request bugs processed, please12:26
int_uazyga_: I'm from https://bugs.launchpad.net/command-not-found/+bug/880616 :)12:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 880616 in command-not-found "Add an option to install the package right away ( + draft patch )" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:26
tumbleweedquadrispro: np12:26
zyga_int_ua, hi, welcome :)12:27
zyga_int_ua, so how can I help you with c-n-f work? :-)12:27
int_uazyga_: I did't have experience with merges yet, so I wanted to ask you some questions. I need to create a new branch, yes?12:27
zyga_int_ua, ok, I'll walk you through this12:28
zyga_int_ua, I assume you branched lp:command-not-found, did your patch there12:28
zyga_int_ua, did you commit your change yet?12:28
int_uazyga_: yes, commited12:29
int_uazyga_: locally12:29
zyga_int_ua, excellent, since you have a launchpad account that part is also done, do you have any ssh keys registered on launchpad? You will need that to put your branch up in the system12:29
int_uazyga_: (I'd like to do some additional work, but it's tested now)12:29
int_uazyga_: yes, I have two 8-)12:30
zyga_then just do something like that12:30
zyga_bzr push lp:~yourlaunchpadusername/command-not-found/add-install-support12:30
zyga_where the last part is anything you like obviously, it does not matter that much for a short lived branch12:31
int_uaDon't i need to create a new branch in the web interface?12:31
zyga_int_ua, nope12:32
int_uaok, doing it :)12:32
int_uazyga_: Done. https://code.launchpad.net/~xintx-ua/command-not-found/add-install-support12:34
int_uabut I want to add root installation too before submitting12:35
zyga_int_ua, ok, from the same directory do this: bzr lp-propose-merge12:35
zyga_int_ua, that's okay, you can commit more changes12:35
zyga_int_ua, and just push them again12:35
zyga_int_ua, the branch and the merge request will automatically update12:35
int_uazyga_: Ok, what should I write to the log file that has just opened? What is it for?12:37
zyga_int_ua, it's the description of the merge request, you don't need to write anything but I usually write a short description of what the branch is about, if the branch is very small (few patches) I just ask people to look at the patches instead12:38
`-`#ubuntu ops are nazi fags. please remember to use your brain not that other bit of the anatomy the #ubuntu team appears to think is best.12:38
int_uazyga_: and should I change bug status to "In Progress" if I'm working on it?12:39
zyga_int_ua, if you want, go for it :-)12:39
zyga_int_ua, much of the tools are defined by how we use them, if you like a particular way of working just work like that12:39
int_uaok, looks like submitted from here :) https://code.launchpad.net/~xintx-ua/command-not-found/add-install-support/+merge/8425712:40
zyga_int_ua, the good thing about this is that anyone can easily see the diff as both your branch and trunk change and anyone can easily take your branch without having to fiddle with the patch12:41
int_uazyga_: great :)12:41
dholbachdiwic, ignore my question about the malformed string descriptor - I got the same message with oneiric and it didn't matter :)12:41
int_uazyga_: And now I have to link this branch to bug, am I?12:42
zyga_int_ua, there's a button for that in the sidebar12:42
zyga_(of the bug actually12:42
int_uazyga_: yeah, got it12:42
int_uaBut "Loading suggestions..." is all that it does12:43
zyga_int_ua, you need to give the name of your branch12:43
zyga_just paste lp:~xintx-ua/command-not-found/add-install-support12:43
zyga_I added some comments there12:44
int_ua~xintx-ua/command-not-found/add-install-support worked too :)12:44
zyga_int_ua, you are using some cyrlic-based locale, correct?12:44
int_uayes, uk_UA12:45
zyga_int_ua, I've seen a ton of bugs about c-n-f crashing on various non-ansi characters. I'm pretty sure that is not happening when you are using .UTF-8 encoding (LC_MESSAGES and LC_CTYPE end in .UTF-8)12:45
zyga_int_ua, have you seen any of those crashes yourself?12:45
int_uano, but mine is .UTF-812:46
int_uaalso, the regexp doesn't work as expected in uk12:46
zyga_I suspect that's CJK12:46
int_uabut that's another problem12:46
zyga_btw, I'm dumb12:47
zyga_forgive my question about LC_ALL, ''12:47
zyga_locale is such a mess in the stdlib I rarely use it directly12:47
zyga_I know what you meant now12:47
int_uazyga_: it matches only cyrillic а12:47
int_uawhile it has to match "так"12:48
zyga_int_ua, I guess that's locale bug then12:48
int_uaone moment12:48
zyga_int_ua, in my opinion the locale is hopeless (insane separation, insane encoding options, oddball cases) and I usually use other tools for that12:48
zyga_int_ua, I'd just allow users to answer.tolower() in (_("yes"), _("y"))12:49
zyga_int_ua, then each translator can ensure the response is sane and works as expected for the user of that language/region12:49
zyga_int_ua, anyway12:50
int_ua^([Yy+]|[Тт][Аа][Кк]?)$ is the regexp12:50
zyga_int_ua, it looks good to me12:50
zyga_it matches 'tak'12:50
zyga_but you said it was broken for you?12:50
int_uabut not in practice12:50
zyga_encoding issues!12:50
int_uait matches only "а" for me12:50
zyga_this is the same problem I had with the input12:50
zyga_input depends on LC_CTYPE12:51
zyga_the stuff you get on command line12:51
zyga_currently I assume it's utf812:51
zyga_which is broken12:51
zyga_but everything else is more broken so that's a compromise until I get better ideas12:51
zyga_try this12:51
zyga_match on unicode12:51
zyga_not on bytestrings12:51
zyga_I suspect the pattern is equally at fault12:52
zyga_what is the return type of locale.YESEXPR for you?12:52
zyga_unicode or str?12:52
zyga_for me it's str12:52
zyga_and that's just not good12:52
zyga_because it matches each byte of the (probably) utf-8 encoded value, I bet that cyrlic 'k' and 't' use multibyte strings for their representation12:53
zyga_try to decode both the input and the pattern as a single encoding12:53
zyga_and then match both12:53
zyga_it ought to work12:53
zyga_and you only reduced the problem to knowing what the right encoding is12:53
zyga_(which we currently have so it's not worse)12:53
int_uazyga_: hey, that worked :)12:55
zyga_another comment then12:55
int_uacleaning prints12:55
zyga_try moving the locale initialization to the common place where we do that (I don't remember, early before starting main)12:55
zyga_is there a historic locale that was used in ukraine before each distro switched to utf8?12:56
int_uazyga_: I'm not sure, because there was a lot of influence from KOI8-R, but when I started using linux four years ago it was UTF-8 everywhere IIRC12:58
zyga_I was hoping you could help me fix the grand locale bug :)12:58
zyga_anyway awesome, commit your changes and push them back to the branch12:58
pitticjwatson: libselinux is published everywhere except arm; I can trigger new builds now unless you already did?13:00
int_uazyga_: but I'm not sure where to put locale init. Is line 17 ok?13:00
zyga_int_ua, w8, let me chcek13:00
cjwatsonpitti: I haven't yet - go ahead if you like13:00
cjwatsonzyga_: /usr/share/i18n/SUPPORTED indicates it was uk_UA which had KOI8-U encoding13:01
zyga_cjwatson, thanks for the tip!13:01
zyga_cjwatson, is there any way a default ubuntu install ends up with something else than utf8?13:01
zyga_cjwatson, china perhaps/13:01
cjwatsonshouldn't be, not for several years13:01
cjwatsonmaybe one upgraded from warty ...13:02
zyga_hmm, ok13:02
zyga_int_ua, try in enable_i18n13:02
zyga_(which should be called enable l10n but anyway)13:02
ogra_better :wq13:02
* pitti uses :x13:03
int_uazyga_: after cnf.install(unicode=True) ?13:03
zyga_int_ua, yeah, just see if that works as well as before :)13:04
int_uaBTW, what if I replace all added import * with from * import ?13:04
int_uawould anyone mind?13:04
zyga_int_ua, huh?13:05
int_uazyga_: I mean13:05
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int_uazyga_: What if I replace "import subprocess" with "from subprocess import call"? And others that I've just added13:06
zyga_int_ua, ah, that13:06
zyga_int_ua, as long as it's not from xxx import * I don't care much13:07
zyga_I usually do subprocess.call13:07
zyga_but I import using from when the thing is a nested module13:07
zyga_or when I'm using it a lot13:07
zyga_anyway, up to you13:07
int_uazyga_:  ok, thanks13:08
int_ua"from __future__ import absolute_import" import *everyting* or what?13:09
zyga_int_ua, are you asking about what this does?13:10
zyga_int_ua, it enables absolute imports http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0328/13:11
zyga_int_ua, it's there to ensure the code does not break if there is a package module and a global module with the same name13:11
zyga_int_ua, think inside foo package you have an utils module, import utils gets that in certain versions of python, with the future import you always get the global module unless you say from foo import utils13:12
int_uazyga_: ok, got it, thanks a lot :)13:13
int_uazyga_: another question: What is the best way to test it? I just made links to edited branch from actual locations, but I don't feel it's the right way13:17
int_uaok, works13:19
zyga_int_ua, don't do that, it can mess up your system13:23
zyga_int_ua, the best way is to just call the new program and see how it works13:23
zyga_int_ua, or13:23
zyga_int_ua, you can do what I typically do while hacking on this13:23
zyga_int_ua, I extend my path to include ~/.local/bin13:23
zyga_int_ua, and I install it in development mode for my user13:24
zyga_int_ua, try setup.py develop --user13:24
zyga_(hmm, come to think of it, it's still using distutils so that might not work)13:24
zyga_I should fix that one day, I really don't maintain it much anymore13:24
int_ua zyga_: ok, I've pushed new revision and now have to leave for hour or two. Will finish root installation later :)13:26
zyga_int_ua, don't do root installs :)13:27
zyga_int_ua, ok, talk to you later13:27
dantticnd: hi, I've finally managed to build that thing, did you see my mail? if you can test your devices would be nice :)13:27
int_uazyga_: I'm still here :)13:28
int_uazyga_: what about root install?13:28
zyga_int_ua, it's best not to do it, there is no need, it's better to test in isolation13:29
int_uaoh, ok13:29
int_uazyga_: Then I think that the branch is ready to do some tests :)13:29
int_uazyga_: How can I mark it as ready for review? Do I need to?13:30
zyga_int_ua, I'm reviewing it now13:31
int_uazyga_: merging request _is_ the mark. Got it :)13:32
* int_ua going out13:32
=== Guest69788 is now known as Zic
dholbachdiwic, I filed a separate bug about the webcam too14:00
seb128slangasek, mvo, cjwatson: do we need a pre-depends on dpkg (>= for packages using dpkg-maintscript-helper in precise for the lucid->precise upgrades? or will dpkg be updated first by the dist-upgrader?14:03
dholbachdiwic, interestingly enough the error message for the webcam also has -28 in there, hum14:04
pittirickspencer3, jamespage: so the server tests are happy again, alternates failed again, looking14:05
zulcan someone from the techboard let my email go through to the techboard ml it seems to be stuck in the moderation queue14:06
pittizul: looking14:08
zulpitti: thank14:08
zulthanks even14:08
mvoseb128: I have not done a backport for dpkg yet, I would like to hear the opinion of cjwatson or slangasek first. its not required as such, but I think it would make our life easier and we need to backport apt/python-apt too (mostly done now)14:09
mvoseb128: I guess you saw the bug I reported ;) ?14:09
seb128mvo, yeah ;-)14:10
mvojibel: hrm, the apt-clone lucid backport blocks currently on the dh-python2 backport that iirc barry was working on14:10
seb128mvo, I've been reading http://lists.debian.org/debian-devel/2011/03/msg00290.html as well14:11
jamespagepitti: looks like something weird happened when d-i tried to install the packages for the test framework14:11
seb128mvo, so I'm a bit not sure if adding one is correct or is just going to make the resolver job harder if we are sure dpkg is updated first by other means anyway14:11
pittijamespage, jibel: so the alternates failed due to python-{couchdb,subunit,junitxml} missing14:11
pittijamespage, jibel: that's not reflected on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20111202.1/report.html though, that's clean14:12
zyga_dh_python2 work for lucid will not be needed much once precise ships, I guess the whole point was LTS targetting server people14:12
pittijamespage, jibel: are these three installed as part of the preseeding or so? python-junitxml isn't even in main14:12
jamespagepitti: those packages are overlaid by the test framework14:12
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pittijamespage: ok, that's what I figured14:15
pittijamespage: subunit was promoted from universe to main yesterday, I wonder whether that's related14:16
jamespagepitti: quite possibly - however the -server test do the same thing14:16
* jamespage scratches his head14:17
pittijamespage, jibel: could it be that this is missing universe apt sources?14:17
pittibut couchdb has been in main all along14:17
pittijamespage: oh, so that's just noise?14:17
pittiDec  2 13:42:46 main-menu[1723]: WARNING **: Configuring 'pkgsel' failed with error code 10014:17
pittiI had assumed that this was the result from those four package install failures14:18
jamespagepitti: I think that you are right - looking at why it failed on alternate but worked on server14:19
jibeljamespage, pitti Dec  2 13:35:02 in-target: W: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise_universe_binary-i386_Packages  Hash Sum mismatch14:26
jamespagejibel: that will be it14:26
pittiso, just bad timing14:26
pittithat seems to happen quite often also in CD builds14:26
jamespageI'm just re-running one14:26
jamespageonce that competed I'll submit the rest14:27
pittiis there any chance that we could grep for that in logs and abort/ignore the test then?14:27
pittijamespage: universe is added only as part of the test rig, right?14:28
pittijamespage: which means that these tests won't actually catch uninstallability due to main dependencies to universe packages14:28
pittiwe already would know from the report.html, but it still skews the results a bit14:29
pittiI wonder if we should aim for having all packages that we need there to be in main14:29
* jamespage goes to look how it works14:29
cjwatsonseb128: I think we should have a pre-depends regardless; it will reduce confusion for people who need to fall back to apt for whatever reason14:30
seb128cjwatson, ok, is something adding the pre-depends for me if I use a .maintscript?14:31
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cjwatsonseb128: it isn't going to make the resolver's job harder if it's already satisfied :-)14:31
seb128cjwatson, I was trying to figure that but I'm not sure where to look14:31
seb128(I guess not)14:31
cjwatsonseb128: Pre-Depends: ${misc:Pre-Depends} and then dh_installdeb will do it14:31
seb128cjwatson, thanks14:32
cjwatsonbut you do have to have that substvar in debian/control, it won't do it otherwise14:32
seb128right, what I just figured when I asked, we usually have the Depends: equivalent but not the Pre-Depends one ;-)14:32
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jamespagepitti, jibel: all alternates are now re-running14:37
jamespagefirst completed OK14:37
pittijamespage: ah, good, amd64 default completed14:38
pittiI'm happy that it's not yet another regression14:38
pittijamespage: thanks14:38
jamespagepitti: I can't see that universe is added explicitly in the preseeds14:44
cjwatsonuniverse is used by default during installation14:45
cjwatsonjust not for CD builds and the like14:45
pittiah, it's available within d-i already? I didn't know that, thanks14:52
barrymvo: actually doko was working on that, but i'm not sure what the status is14:52
mvoaha, ok14:53
mvoI guess I could change it to use pycentral14:53
barrymvo: or pysupport?  that might be minimally  better than pycentral14:56
slangasekseb128, mvo: I think *not* having to backport dpkg for the upgrader would be a win, and there are always some who don't use the upgrader; please use the versioned dpkg pre-depends when using dpkg-maintscript-helper, it's per se correct14:57
seb128slangasek, thanks, that's what cjwatson said as well and what I'm doing ;-)14:57
=== Guest52012 is now known as Zic
* int_ua back15:02
pittijamespage: hm, wasn't precise-server-ec2 the one you added a few hours ago? I thought that succeeded back then, now it's fail at unknown time15:06
pittijamespage: could you please restart precise-desktop-i386? I suppose it was just a victim of the EINVAL bug again15:06
jibelpitti, done15:10
pittijibel: merci15:11
jibelpitti, I've an i386 VM ready with the pieces of ubiquity that trigger the EINVAL bug. 2 loops copying files with this code are enough to get the bug.15:12
pittijibel: excellent! does apw have access to that one?15:15
int_uazyga_: ping :)15:17
* pitti waves good night and nice weekend everyone!15:17
zyga_pitti, have a nice weekend!15:17
jibelpitti, not sure he can reach this machine, I'll check with him on Monday.15:18
int_uazyga_: I just read emails. About "if return_code not in (0,256)": I'm not sure that I understood you correctly. If user answers "no" to apt-get install we don't need to say him that there was an error, do we?15:20
zyga_int_ua, sure I understand that now, I just don't like the syntax15:20
zyga_int_ua, if 0 < return_code < 256: ...15:21
zyga_int_ua, or explicit check against 0 and 256 with else section15:21
int_uazyga_: Is 256 the maximum possible value?15:21
zyga_int_ua, I don't know, check process exist status macro in wait(2)15:22
zyga_int_ua, I think it's actually smaller but I did not check15:22
int_uazyga_:  "if return_code != 0 or return_code != 256:" ?15:22
zyga_              returns the exit status of the  child.   This  consists  of  the15:23
zyga_              least  significant  8 bits of the status argument that the child15:23
zyga_              specified in a call to exit(3) or _exit(2) or  as  the  argument15:23
zyga_              for  a  return  statement  in main().15:23
zyga_int_ua, TBH I'd just remove that part all together15:23
zyga_int_ua, the user will have enought indication that installation has already failed from apt, right?15:23
int_uazyga_: I wanted to add option to execute desired command after installation15:24
zyga_int_ua, I see... hmm15:24
zyga_int_ua, I'd start with this, let it land15:25
zyga_int_ua, then work on subsequent features15:25
int_uazyga_: so, I'll remove these lines for now?15:25
int_uazyga_: Should I add fallback to utf-8 if getlocale fails?15:30
zyga_int_ua, hmm, not sure, how can it fail?15:30
zyga_int_ua, (you could try unsetting all LC_xxx LOCALE and LANG and checking)15:31
int_uaIf setlocale was not executed15:31
zyga_int_ua, in that case enable_i18n should abort with pure ascii error message15:31
zyga_int_ua, well let's make sure we did execute setlocale early then15:31
jamespagepitti: I added precise-server-ec2 was the alpha1 milestone test15:35
jamespagesorry I added == the15:35
int_uazyga_: ok, pyflakes returned 0 and pep8 showed only one my error and two present before. And it worked with cyrillic answer. So I guess it's ready.15:48
zyga_int_ua, did you push all your changes?15:48
int_uazyga_: yes15:49
zyga_int_ua, what is the TODO line for?15:52
int_uazyga_: sorry, forgot it :)15:53
int_uazyga_: done15:59
zyga_int_ua, I'm looking at it now15:59
zyga_int_ua, I don't like one thing, the pattern displayed is not the one matched, I'm checking if there is a way to get a human-readable equivalent15:59
int_uazyga_: I think it should be done in translation16:01
hallynslangasek: so if qemu-kvm-spice comes from qemu-linaro, do i need to first push a new empty qemu-kvm-spice source package?  or will that binary package get cleanly obsoleted?16:01
zyga_int_ua, well it cannot be, the translator has no way to know what is expected without technical knowledge about the pattern that is coming from the locale system16:02
int_uazyga_: that's true and I already noticed this problem in uk translation of apt-get.16:04
int_uazyga_: But I've never noticed other options before.16:06
zyga_int_ua, we can either try to be smart and parse it, be safe and not use it at all, or be correct by using something that provides the same pattern as a normal non-regexp string, I just don't think there is a safe option16:07
cnddantti, great! I'll check it out today16:08
int_uazyga_: Thinking about parsing result: "y(так)/n"?16:09
zyga_int_ua, no, about parsing the pattern to match16:09
zyga_[yY][tT][aA][kK]... etc16:09
int_uazyga_: I meant s/parsing result/parsing result, shoud it be like this/16:10
zyga_int_ua, well I'm just saying that right now it's confusing and does not work, what if the locale says that 'y' is "no" :) ?16:11
int_uazyga_: Actually it's exactly the case for [some] cyrillic locales. I think that was the reason why one-letter option was not added to regexp.16:12
int_uazyga_: Not that 'y' means 'no'16:13
zyga_ah, I see16:14
int_uazyga_: But 'н' for 'ні' that means 'no' is places on the latin 'y'16:14
int_uaint_ua: And (the most interesting) vice versa16:15
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int_uazyga_: ^ 'т'/'n'16:16
zyga_int_ua, ok, this  is hopeless16:19
zyga_int_ua, let's not use locale for that16:19
zyga_int_ua, IMHO locale is utterly broken historic mess16:20
* slangasek squints :)16:20
zyga_int_ua, let's match against translatable parts16:20
zyga_slangasek, ?16:21
int_uazyga_: how exactly do you want to do this? I mean current approach works and will not take 'y' in another locale for 'yes'. And it will match latin options correctly.16:22
zyga_int_ua, let me show you16:23
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
zyga_int_ua, current approach works but is confusing16:23
jmlhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebootstrapChroot looks like something that someone might have already automated16:28
jmlis it?16:28
int_uazyga_: I agree that it's not perfect, but it says 'y/N' and will take 'y' for 'yes' and Enter/'n'/'N' for 'no'. It just has undocumented feature to recognize native 'yes' as a word. Why 'confusing'?16:31
zyga_int_ua, exactly because of that, I really don't like the fact that it cannot be fixed16:31
zyga_int_ua, just one more moment16:31
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zyga_int_ua, it will crash if the answer is empty, python returns None in that case16:33
int_uazyga_: wait, it doesn't crash for me16:35
zyga_int_ua, hmm? w816:35
zyga_sorry, my mistake16:37
int_uazyga_: it just skips whole 'if re.match(pattern, answer):' thread16:37
zyga_I got input_encoding to be None somehow16:37
int_uazyga_: that means enable_i18n() was not executed, does it?16:38
zyga_yeah, likely16:38
zyga_I was messing around16:39
zyga_let me recheck16:39
int_uazyga_: what if I add ' encoding = (locale.getlocale(locale.LC_CTYPE)[1] or "utf-8" '?16:41
zyga_I did something similar16:41
zyga_w8, I'm adding a few things16:41
zyga_the crash handler16:41
* int_ua afk for 30 minutes16:44
hallynSpamapS: pitti: AFAICS SRUs for libvirt-bin in lucid..natty have all been verified.  Can they be moved to -updates?  (So I can push new SRUs :-)16:45
jamespage@pilot out16:45
=== udevbot changed the topic of #ubuntu-devel to: Archive: open | Development of Ubuntu (not support, not app development) | build failures -> http://bit.ly/or6CHJ | #ubuntu for support and general discussion for hardy -> oneiric | #ubuntu-app-devel for app development on Ubuntu | http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment | See #ubuntu-bugs for http://bit.ly/lv8soi | Patch Pilots:
zyga_int_ua, ok, I'll merge this with the y/n change16:53
zyga_int_ua, sorry to have kept you waiting16:53
zyga_int_ua, ok, I'll merge this with the y/n change16:54
SpamapShallyn: heh, verification-done-natty means nothing to the SRU tracking report17:16
SpamapShallyn: its just something we use to track half-verified stuff. If the bug is actually verified, just 'verification-done'17:16
SpamapShallyn: so the libvirt bugs weren't showing up as being done17:17
hallynSpamapS: I only just this morning verified the natty one for the tty bug17:17
SpamapShallyn: the partial verifiers from before should have added the 'verification-done' tag..17:18
SpamapShallyn: anyway, moving to -updates now17:18
hallynSpamapS: sweet, thx17:18
* SpamapS waits patiently for sru-release to return.. hoping that there is no timeout. :p17:20
Dominichi folks, I'm looking into #796296 from an upstream perspective.  We see it's needed on Ubuntu kernels at least, but not on Fedora.  Does anybody know if the readlink change is local to Ubuntu's kernel, or where I can pull a patch list to look?  (Daviey?)17:24
int_uazyga_: ok, so I can change bug status to 'Fix committed'?17:28
int_uazyga_: P.S. I have to leave soon17:29
SpamapShallyn: launchpad doesn't seem to want this to succeed.. has timed out twice already17:29
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hallynSpamapS: i guess it's kidn of a big one - several bugs over many releases.18:00
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DavieyDominic: hey, still around?18:08
DominicDaviey: yes, hi18:09
DavieyDominic: hey, sorry for the slow RTT18:09
DavieyDominic: I believe that is an an upstream kernel change18:10
DavieyDominic: IDebian is also carrying the patch btw18:10
SpamapShallyn: all that reall matters is the binary package sizes IIRC18:10
DominicDaviey: ok, have you seen something similar in other packages?  It's part of gnulib which is a portability library, so we should probably have that updated to provide the portability if anything :)  I haven't found any kernel changes yet that point to it, wondering if it might be libc related instead.18:11
cjwatsonDominic: the problem is probably that many of the Ubuntu builders run an old kernel - they build for multiple releases18:12
cjwatsonoh, wait, now I actually read the bug that probably isn't it18:12
Dominicno, it's a newer issue18:12
cjwatsonsorry, I'll go back to what I was doing :-)18:12
Dominicthe oddity is that I don't see it on Fedora, so trying to work out what's different18:12
DavieyDominic: Hmm, how odd18:16
DavieyDominic: I'll re-research it :)18:17
Dominicthanks :)18:17
Daviey... if i wasn't on rubbish 3g.18:19
dokoapw, ogasawara: any chance to fix the linux-3.0 build failure on armhf before the weekend?18:19
DavieyDominic: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/bug-gnulib/2011-03/msg00308.html18:21
DavieyDominic: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/81718718:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 817187 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "change in readlink() errno in 2.6.39 and later kernels causes FTBFS for packages with older gnulib" [Undecided,In progress]18:22
DavieyDominic: The change moght have been reverted upstream, but seems apw might know more.18:23
DominicDaviey: ah those thread are handy, thanks very much18:24
slangaseksigh, why does submittodebian now prompt for a message body before checking the bts?18:53
tumbleweedslangasek: because people were sending bug reports without a body19:00
tumbleweedI didn't think of the "before checking the bts" bit19:00
tumbleweedI suppose that's best fixed by using --query-only before editing the report19:03
slangasektumbleweed: well, it would still have the problem of wanting me to compose the message first and the subject last, and it opens the editor twice?19:04
tumbleweedthe query doesn't require a subject19:05
tumbleweedand I can add an expert flag, if you don't want it to make you edit the report before calling reportbug19:06
slangasekwhy is this "expert"?19:08
slangasekthe current workflow is backwards - you should check for existing bugs before composing a new one19:08
tumbleweedslangasek: that's easy to solve (doing it now)19:09
tumbleweedbut we can't enforce the user replacing the "<<< EDIT HERE >>>" bit with something more useful, unless we open an editor outside of reportbug19:09
brodertumbleweed: you could...override $EDITOR to something of your own choosing :)19:10
* tumbleweed think that'd actually work, though19:11
brodersomething like ORIGINAL_EDITOR=$EDITOR EDITOR=/usr/lib/ubuntu-dev-tools/loop-until-user-writes-a-frickin-bug-report reportbug :)19:12
tumbleweedsimply using --query-only before doing anything gets us most of the way there (and lets you check for existing reports before you edit the debdiff)19:14
slangasekbroder: oh, so wrapping the editor, I see19:15
slangasekyeah, that would work19:15
tumbleweedyeah, even in reportbug's mutt mode19:16
l3onHi all :) ... someone of you know why I cannot download some packages here (1) using grab-merge ?19:21
l3onThe output error is:19:21
l3onPackage not found on merges.ubuntu.com.19:21
l3onSo question is: why they are not in mu.com ? :)19:22
tumbleweedthey're possibly sync-blacklisted19:22
tumbleweedwhich packages?19:22
l3oncalibre for example19:22
micahgl3on: we have no diff for it19:23
tumbleweedrcbugs is showing oneiric19:23
micahgthere's a link for precise19:23
tumbleweedyou want http://qa.ubuntuwire.com/bugs/rcbugs/precise19:23
l3onahhh ok :)19:23
l3onthanks :P19:23
micahgl3on: by the way, I'm sure you're asking, but just want to remind you that touched-it-last rules apply for rc-bugs at this point in the cycle as well (even later, it usually good to get a quick ACK from someone in IRC if possible)19:24
l3onok micahg :)19:25
l3onthanks for info...19:25
micahgl3on: BTW, you've been doing a lot of good work lately, thanks!19:32
tumbleweedmicahg: I see his security bug hasn't landed in Ubuntu yet (poke poke)19:33
tumbleweedslangasek, broder: Just committed the easy approach (not messing with EDITOR) to u-d-t trunk. Is that enough?19:34
slangasektumbleweed: IMHO no, I'm also annoyed by having the editor opened twice to edit a single message :)19:38
tumbleweedhrm, how about EDITOR=true for reportbug19:38
slangasekstill means drafting the message and setting the subject afterwards?  Why is it hard to wrap the editor?19:40
tumbleweedit's not that hard, just extra effort (and needs to handle running out of . correctly)19:41
tumbleweedactually, trivial to pass the subject to reportbug19:43
slangasekand then how do you handle the case when you want to follow up to an existing bug and send a patch, instead of reporting a new one?19:45
micahgtumbleweed: Friday afternoon is an unlikely time for a security fix to get in, but I can try to have someone look at it on Monday19:45
tumbleweedmicahg: I can't see the security bugs, anyway, so I don't know what the progress is, just idly prodding19:46
micahgok :)19:46
tumbleweedslangasek: fair enough19:46
brodertumbleweed: for the record, i have no investment in this problem; i just occasionally enjoy seeing how crazy of an idea i can get somebody else to take seriously :)20:09
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
fetovaI've proposed a branch for merging, but i just changed one line on a file, and the changelog adding my fix, but.. i see a lot of changes maded by the previous revision...21:03
fetovaI want to ask: is that a problem?21:03
fetovaThe proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~fetova/ubuntu/oneiric/app-install-data-ubuntu/fix-for-886680/+merge/8432821:03
cjwatsonfetova: looks like you branched from precise but proposed it for merging into oneiric21:04
cjwatsonthe branch you start from and the branch you propose for merging into should be the same21:04
fetovacjwatson: oh, i see... so i have another related question:21:06
fetovathis bug might be on some ubuntu versions (i should investigate).21:07
fetovaWhat branch i should get, and how i should submit this? cjwatson :)21:07
infinityfetova: If the bug exists in precise, you should get it fixed there first, and then propose SRUs to any previous releases that you think legitimately need the fix.21:09
fetovaok, i will :)21:10
fetovaNow... how i propose SRU? (a wiki link is fine)21:10
infinityfetova: Also, I'm pretty sure that app-install-data is mostly just auto-generated from .desktop files yanked from packages (I could be wrong), so this perhaps needs to be fixed in dia-common as well.21:10
cjwatsonthe correct branch to start with would be lp:~ubuntu-core-dev/app-install-data-ubuntu/ubuntu, as indicated in the package's Vcs-Bzr field21:11
infinityfetova: And if it gets fixed in dia-common, that may just magically fix it the next time app-install-data is refreshed (you probably want to confirm this suspicion with mvo)21:11
cjwatsonthat's certainly true in lots of cases.  there are a few artifacts that are just in a-i-d-u21:11
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cjwatsonSRU> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates21:12
fetovai think the same, and i really want to see why dia-common.desktop points to dia-gnome... how can confirm the idea?21:13
fetovacjwatson: thanks, reading :)21:13
mvofetova: this maybe a override in this particular case21:19
mvofetova: hm, actually that looks like a bug in the extraction code, doing a SRU with that is a good idea, but it would be interessting to see if more apps are affected or if its just this one issue21:20
fetovamvo: im really interested on finding if your fear is right :)21:21
fetovaeventually, i want to try MOTU, i hope not in far future, but i'm doing the baby steps :)21:22
fetovait's not the end of this story but i want to say thanks, infinity :)21:23
mvofetova: please keep me updated on this, but I need to call it a day, its late in my timezone !21:28
* mvo waves21:28
fetovaok! :)21:30
tumbleweedbroder: well, slangasek persuaded me that it wasn't a terrible idea, so I did it :)21:42
slangasek\o/ :)21:42
tumbleweedbleh, now you gave me another bug21:43
slangasekminor one though :)21:43
tumbleweedstill, the curse of green code21:44
tumbleweeddoesn't actually seem to work with reportbug's mutt mode. But we can assume some sanity in mutt users ;P21:46
slangasekwhat doesn't work in mutt mode?21:48
tumbleweeddoesn't look like mutt is using $EDITOR21:48
slangasekoh, really?21:48
slangasekmaybe it's using $VISUAL?21:48
slangasekyou probably ought to divert both21:48
tumbleweedsounds sensible21:48
slangasekthen for the real editor invocation, you should do 'EDITOR=$real_editor_variable VISUAL=$real_visual_variable sensible-editor'21:50
slangasek(if that wasn't obvious)21:50
tumbleweed(it was)21:50
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
fetovaa cuestion: how is generated the menu-data-(date).tar.gz on http://rookery.canonical.com/~mvo/gnome-app-install/ ?22:38
fetovai should ask mvo?22:38
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broderslangasek (or anyone): sorry, i lost track of my example package that's missing the dpkg-maintscript-helper pre-depends. anybody know of one that i could test my lintian code on? (grabbing the bianry from debian is fine)23:14
broderthe only one i could find by searching precise-changes was asound and it doesn't actually need it23:14
slangasekbroder: usb-modeswitch?23:15
slangasek(just doing a grep -l dpkg-maintscript-helper /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.prerm here)23:15
slangasekalternatively: nautilus, kbd, gnome-screensaver23:16
broderoh, sure. i guess i can just edit the control file easily enough23:17
slangasekoh, these all have the pre-dep in unstable?  sorry :)23:18
broderi only checked one23:19
broderthen realized that i had no reason to be afraid of dpkg-deb --build23:19
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broderok, i appear to have a functioning check23:25
broderi'm starting to become deeply concerned that maintaining lintian.uw.o will cause me to learn perl23:26
slangasekoccupational hazard23:32
infinitybroder: What have you got against Perl? :P23:37
broderinfinity: you almost got me, but i prefer to protect my so-far perfect record of not starting flame wars in #ubuntu-devel :-P23:38
infinitybroder: Spoil sport.23:38
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