
=== sdx24 is now known as sdx23
k1l`-`: wtf?12:42
=== Guest69788 is now known as Zic
=== Guest52012 is now known as Zic
tumbleweedhowdy. Anything special I should do if I'm setting up a private IRC channel? (for the developer-membership-board)17:33
popeyjust make sure the name doesn't clash with other channels that might be needed in the future, and ensure plenty of people have control over it so you don't get locked out I guess ☺17:42
tumbleweedyay for less bureaucracy17:42
Fuchstumbleweed: also have a look at http://blog.freenode.net/2008/04/registering-a-channel-on-freenode/17:43
Fuchstumbleweed: and the help regarding flags and set (mainly mlock and guard) of chanserv.17:43
tumbleweedyeah, must still do that17:44
Fuchsyou're welcome17:44
FuchsI assume it will be in the #ubuntu* namespace, then?  That would reduce the amount of action needed a bit :)17:44
tumbleweedyeah, #ubuntu-dmb17:45
tumbleweedI'm not very familiar with freenode's services18:06
tumbleweedI can't get chanserv to let me change channel modes18:06
Fuchsmaybe mlock is on?18:08
Fuchsdo you have a specific error message, or could you tell me what you try to set?18:08
tumbleweedit won't let me change mlock18:08
Fuchswhat channel?18:09
Fuchssorry, stupid question18:09
tumbleweedah, I just turn it off18:09
* tumbleweed was trying to set new modes with it18:09
tumbleweedand getting "You are not authorized to perform this command."18:09
Fuchstumbleweed: that works as well, e.g. /msg chanserv set #ubuntu-dmb -t+cn18:09
Fuchstumbleweed: I unfortunately don't have access to the access list of the channel18:10
tumbleweednaah, think I'm sorted now18:10
Fuchstumbleweed: have a look at /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-dmb list18:10
tumbleweedwhat do other teams do for private channels? password? op-only? or just clear out the lurkers when they want to discuss something sensitive?18:12
Fuchspassword doesn't help that well and might fail in cases of netsplits18:13
Fuchsyou can set it on invite only and maintain a list, if there are not many users18:13
tumbleweedyup, not that many18:13
tumbleweedI was just wondering what the ubuntu-norms are18:13
Fuchstumbleweed: in that case:  /quote help cmode18:14
Fuchstumbleweed: you might be interested in +i and +I18:14
Fuchstumbleweed: I have seen several, in one team we use +k  (password) which I don't like, in another we have +i18:15
tumbleweedok, I'll go with invite-only18:15
Fuchstumbleweed: then I would actually recommend to mlock +I and to set guard on18:19
Nafalloubot2 will disappear for a little server maintenance. should be back momentarily.21:27
ubot2Nafallo: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:27
cjohnstonI know that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines exists, however, is there an ettiquete type page somewhere for the general ubuntu namespace?23:18
Unit193There is the !etiquette factoid, and the CoC covers some of that too23:20
Nafallooh. ubot2 is back btw.23:20
Nafallojust fyi23:20
cjohnstonUnit193: I wonder if maybe the guidelines above should be made a little more general, since it only mentions #ubuntu that I see23:22
Myrttithat is one of the bugs that are assigned to IRCC in launchpad, IIRC23:23
Myrttitopyli probably confirms or denies my recollection23:24
cjohnstonMyrtti: was that directed to me?23:24
Myrttiyeah I suppose23:24
Unit193cjohnston: http://notes.kde.org/ubuntuguidelines23:25
Myrttibug 78850323:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 788503 in ubuntu-community "IRC Guidelines too #ubuntu centric" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/78850323:26
Myrttithere is a new sketch somewhere but I can't remember the URL23:26
cjohnstonThanks to both of you23:27
Unit193Glad I was a little help, the bug is exactly what you were looking for23:28
topylicjohnston: yes we would prefer to fix that bug than create more documents :)23:38
topylis/prefer to/rather/23:39
topylistupid language23:39

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