
dholbachgood morning08:07
micahgmorning dholbach08:09
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`-`#ubuntu ops are nazi fags. please remember to use your brain not that other bit of the anatomy the #ubuntu team appears to think is best.12:38
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Q-FUNKany m4 guru here? :)13:52
HOHOHaneyI need something to alert me to forgotten CCs / attachments13:53
Q-FUNKI'm trying to tweak debian/rules and I seem to be misunderstanding how to use "ifequ" in http://paste.debian.net/147813/  - I need to make the part in install be skipped in VIDEOABI is empty.13:54
tumbleweedQ-FUNK: you mean ifeq13:57
geserdebian/rules is a simple Makefile, not a m4 macro file13:57
geserhave you tried to add "ifeq ($(VIDEOABI),)" before the "echo" call + "endif" after the "echo"?14:01
Q-FUNKtumbleweed: erm, yes :)14:01
Q-FUNKgeser: http://paste.debian.net/147814/   like this?14:02
RhondaHOHOHaney: mako did some sendmail wrapper that checks for the words "attached" and similar in mails and rejects unless there is either an attachment or a special header in the mail.14:02
HOHOHaneyyeah, something like that14:03
RhondaHOHOHaney: http://projects.mako.cc/source/attachcheck/14:03
HOHOHaneyi'll look for it, t14:03
HOHOHaneyoh :-)14:03
* Rhonda . o O ( git )14:03
Rhondagit clone git://projects.mako.cc/attachcheck14:03
geserQ-FUNK: yes, is it intended that you moved it also to the xdepends target? (although it probably doesn't make a difference in this case)14:04
ockham_hi, anyone feel like reviewing http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/unity-lens-bliss ?14:09
Q-FUNKgeser: it seems to me that I might as well group all those Depends generations there.14:10
ockham_btw i'm using Standards-Version 3.9.2 in it, about which REVU's linitian complains. should i really downgrade to 3.9.1?14:10
geserockham_: no, keep 3.9.2, it's just that REVU's lintian doesn't know of 3.9.2 yet (didn't get updated)14:11
ockham_geser: thx, i figured. it's just a bit annoying as it kinda suggests my package isn't lintian clean. hopefully doesn't scare off reviewers...14:11
Q-FUNKgeser: ok.  this was a lot simpler than I thought.  thanks for the help!14:11
geserockham_: have you tried if someone from #ubuntu-desktop (or anyone from unity with upload rights) is willing to review it?14:14
ockham_geser: no, not yet. good idea, though. might try #ayatana, too.14:14
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tumbleweedLaney, stgraber, cjwatson: Useful? lp:~stefanor/ubuntu-dev-tools/who-can-upload-876554 (e.g. http://paste.ubuntu.com/757271/ )17:02
micahgtumbleweed: there's a lot of redundency in the output17:07
tumbleweedmicahg: there'd be even more if I wasn't filtering duplicate packageset permissions (don't know why those exist)17:08
cjwatsonit's an LP bug when opening new distroseries17:09
tumbleweedmicahg: one could expand teams in an area at the bottom (or say [already expanded, see above])17:09
tumbleweedbut tbh, I don't tihnk people will use -t much17:09
micahgtumbleweed: right, but under Ubuntu Kernel Uploaders you have core-devs, then the core-dev team as a member with the list again under it17:09
Laneywhat's the point of the tool?17:09
Laneythe discussion in the bug was for release team / freeze stuff17:10
Joe_CoThey, looking for people on the Security team. are there plans to update ffmpeg in the releases to address the new security fix point releases?17:10
Laneythe security team live in #ubuntu-hardened17:10
Laneybut micahg can help you ;-)17:10
jdstrandJoe_CoT: mdeslaur is working on it17:11
tumbleweedLaney: well it doubles as a 'what packageset is this in, without remembering how to use edit_acl tool' :)17:11
tumbleweedLaney: but yes, that's why I'm asking17:11
LaneyI would like should-i-upload which links into some service that knows about soft freezes / freeze policies17:12
tumbleweedLaney: btw, 8 / 15 releases imported17:12
Joe_CoTjdstrand, cool, thanks. Do you know if there's an ETA, or a launchpad bug I can track?17:12
tumbleweedsoft freezes aren't visible in lp17:12
jdstrandJoe_CoT: I think soonish, but you'd have to ask mdeslaur.17:13
jdstrandmdeslaur: ^17:13
Laneythat is why 'some service' and not launchpad17:13
Laney(or fixing launchpad)17:13
mdeslaurJoe_CoT: I'm awaiting on an answer from siretart about some libav fixes17:13
Joe_CoTok, thanks. My company's security guy is bugging me about it, so I was asking to see if I can wait for the package update or need to compile it17:14
Joe_CoTanyway, thanks for being on it :)17:15
mdeslaurJoe_CoT: can't really give an ETA without the answer, but I could guess we'll have a fix out in the next 2-3 weeks17:16
tumbleweedLaney: so, you don't think there's any value in listing PPUs and packagesets outside of edit_acl? or you don't think this is relevant for the bug17:16
LaneyI think the bug title and description ask for different things17:16
Laneyand personally I don't find it that useful as people generally know what they can upload and there is one interface for sponsors (modulo security) these days17:16
Laneybut that may be me17:17
tumbleweedwell, we know that LP needs to display packageset membership a little more clearly17:17
tumbleweedbut yes, for freezes, it doesn't tell you anything that apt-cache show | grep Task doesn't17:18
Joe_CoTmdeslaur, so you have an idea of what you're updating to? like for Lucid, are you going to 5.5, or going up to one of the later releases. I think I'm going to get pushed into compiling it, but I want to go with the same version you guys are going to package17:18
Joe_CoTmdeslaur, nevermind, we're waiting, since that'll be within the disclosure date, and no one seems to be exploiting the bug yet. thanks!17:22
Laneytumbleweed: There might be value in can-i-upload foo if it either says "Yes you can" or a some condensed output (with --verbose)17:23
Laney"No, since you do not have upload access to component main or packagesets foo bar baz (--verbose to see who does)"17:24
tumbleweedwe already have a lpapicache function for that17:24
tumbleweedah, if you want the reason for not being able to, we don't17:24
Laneywell you just wrote it :P17:24
Laneyit could even indicate yes or no with exit status for use in scripts (but I cannot imagine any usecases for that atm)17:26
tumbleweedyou mean I'm going to have to write a manpage for this now? :)17:27
Laneybdrung would let you merge it otherwise?!17:27
tumbleweedI think he's got bored of reviewing every commit I make :P17:27
bdrungtumbleweed: a new script without a man page?17:27
bdrungts ts ts17:27
broderright on cue!17:27
* Laney is off to the climbing competition: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150503191911756&set=a.10150503187896756.428884.38579036755&type=3&theater — enjoy writing documentation :-)17:28
tumbleweedenjoy. /me hasn't climbed in ages :/17:29
broderoh yeah, speaking of docs, i'm planning to push out my new backports docs this weekend of anybody has last minute feedback17:29
broderScottK, micahg, Laney, tumbleweed: ^17:29
bdrungLaney: isn't climbing with a ladder easy?17:29
ScottKbroder: I gave it a quick read and it seems good.17:29
micahgbroder: sorry, will try again this weekend to review17:29
bdrungbroder: where can i read it?17:30
broderwe *can* always change these after the fact :)17:30
ScottKYeah, I'm fine with pushing it.17:30
broderbdrung: http://bit.ly/rNEOWc17:30
bdrungbroder: "new version of OS"17:31
bdrungshouldn't that be written out?17:31
broderi don't think so; we don't in the current docs17:31
broderbut there is a missing possessive there, which i've added :)17:32
Laneytumbleweed: I just noticed that the branch for LP API sponsoring (yay) overrides .creator but doesn't seem to give any way to get sponsor through PAI17:33
Laneycan you ping bigjools?17:33
Laneybye o/17:33
* tumbleweed assumes he can17:34
LaneyI would have done it but I don't have any time to get into a discussion17:34
micahgbroder: typo in the second to last line, says cna should be can17:35
micahgbroder: also, I thought we determined that -backports is enforced with the same archive upload permissions as the rest of the pockets(except -security)17:35
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micahgooh, google docs shows live editing :)17:36
bdrungbroder: second page: "(lucid-backports)" -> user should be informed that "lucid" is different on each release17:36
brodermicahg: ah yes, so we did. /me makes a note17:36
tumbleweedbroder: doesn't this need to cover the pre-release backports?17:37
broder:-/ yeah, probably17:37
broderi was hoping to have these up before that got approved so i could let the docs get stale again for a while before dealing :17:37
tumbleweedeven more reason to do it now :)17:38
broderactually, i think i'd rather hold off on updating the docs until we have the infrastructure in place for pre-release backports17:38
broderbecause i suspect that we will discover policy questions in the process of making the tools work17:38
tumbleweedLaney: his merge-proposal says "UI changes will happen in a future branch" I think the API is UI17:39
bdrungbroder: can you highlight "unsupported updates" so that it's obvious that this is the text of the gui?17:39
broderthe formatting will probably look slightly different when i translate everything to wikispeak17:40
bdrungbroder: "If the backport does require source changes, it should go through the normal sponsorship process once it has been approved by the backports team." -> ubuntu devs can upload directly after an ACK?17:47
broderbdrung: yes, but only if there are source changes required17:48
broderif it's no-change, it should be done by an AA17:48
broder(for now - if we can get queue permission granularity from LP, we might be able to change that)17:48
bdrungbroder: that should be more clear (direct upload for non-no-change backports)17:48
broderbdrung: ok. re-worked the text - better?17:50
bdrungbroder: yes, better17:51
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jtayloropinions on wether this is SRU'able? bug 87751920:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 877519 in matplotlib (Ubuntu) "svg engine broken: fails with default tick labels on colorbar" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87751920:25
jtaylorups wrong bug20:25
jtaylorthis one: bug 87117620:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 871176 in matplotlib (Ubuntu) "KnownFailure should not be registered as a global nose plugin" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/87117620:25
jtaylorfix is simple but it also is not really such a grave bug for the regular user20:26
broderseems mostly reasonable to me, but it's not my call20:27
broderwouldn't this affect anything using nose, though?20:27
broder(if so, i think limiting the discussion to its impact on ipython understates the problem)20:27
jtaylorI assume nothing should get broken by fixing it20:29
jtaylormatplotlib has nothing to do with defining global test macros20:29
jtayloronly things relying on accidentally getting matplotlibs version would break and that should not be the case20:29
broderfor simple patches like that, the regression concern is usually not about the fix itself, but about random, unpredictable other things happening in the process of rebuilding the package20:30
=== EvilJackyAlcine is now known as JackyAlcine
broderi'm kind of excited about discovering that i can do `s=$(schroot -bc natty-amd64); mk-build-deps -i -r -s "schroot -rc $s -u root --" `20:33
jtaylorhm what is this error about: http://paste.ubuntu.com/757463/20:34
EvilResistanceany of ya able to point me at what i need to do to create a source package from actual source that comes with its own ./configure script?20:37
jtaylorcheckinstall can do that to some extent20:39
broderEvilResistance: http://developer.ubuntu.com/packaging/html/packaging-new-software.html ?20:39
EvilResistancebroder, ah cool...20:42
EvilResistancedidnt know that existed :P20:42
* arand is guessing "dh $@"20:48
broderwell, yes, but the rules file isn't the hard part of creating a package these days :-P20:50
broder(personally, i find i spend as much time writing the description as everything else put together)20:50
jtaylorthe copyright is the worst ._.20:50
arandIndeed, 1200 lines is my record so far for d/copyright20:54
jtaylormy worst has 9 different licenses20:54
jtaylorbut lgpl gpl and apache are in common making the file short :)20:55
arandBah, that's peanuts, I've got about 10 custom written, plus: by, by-sa, mit, zlib, ofl..20:56
brodergah. string processing in C sucks20:56
arand(granted, the custom one's are mostly attempts at cc-by or cc-0)20:57
tumbleweedbroder: that's definitly something to have as a function in my bashrc, thanks21:09
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broder...huh, impressive. update-notifier pops up telling me to upgrade to oneiric when i'm running off a natty live cd22:30
keesbroder: if you've got enough RAM.... :P22:34
broderi wonder what would happen if i went through with the install after taking the upgrade...22:34
broderactually, i guess it probably explicitly just unpacks the squashfs22:34
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