
micahgjoelesko: can you prepare an oneiric merge for 2.5 as well?  I'll take care of it all when I pilot next week (oneiric will need some testing)05:28
micahgjoelesko: unless you just want to wait another 2 weeks for oneiric and just test 2.605:29
micahgchrisccoulson: for those failing tests, are there any guides or tricks for fixing them?    Are you just hoping to have them fixed by final release or sooner?  Also, do this affect all rapid release versions in stable releases?08:34
chrisccoulsonmicahg, hah :)08:34
chrisccoulsonthe reftest failures will be very difficult for us to fix :(08:34
chrisccoulsonespecially the ones which fail because of a single pixel ;)08:35
micahgwell, if fixing these lowers the chance of regressions in stable updates, I'm sure I can devote a small amount of time to some of it (maybe some easier ones)08:35
chrisccoulsonsome of them are because of the environment (the font related failures most likely are)08:35
micahgchrisccoulson: I guess we have to find the bug in whatever is making the pixel be off :)08:35
chrisccoulsoni haven't finished opening bugs actually08:37
chrisccoulsonthere's still quite a few more ;)08:37
micahgorly? that's scary :(08:37
micahgchrisccoulson: but what's the time frame, best effort before precise release?08:38
chrisccoulsonbut i think that's a challenge ;)08:38
micahgok, so, hopefully after the rally, I can give some time to it08:38
micahgI assume as we fix, we try to upstream patches?08:39
micahgchrisccoulson: also, is there a way to mark them by importance to fix (i.e. stuff that hangs the buildds is high, and so forth)08:41
micahgchrisccoulson: BTW, my langpacks seem to have been disabled on upgrade to 9.0 beta08:54
micahgI think I upgraded the browser before the langpacks though08:58
micahgjoelesko: did you get my messages in scrollback?08:59
chrisccoulsonheh, i never realized i could write so much about how we deliver Firefox updates in Ubuntu15:22
chrisccoulsonhmmm, this is depressing - http://gs.statcounter.com/#browser-ww-monthly-200911-20111116:08
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: clearly mozilla should spy more on their users16:14
Omegachrisccoulson: Well, A lot of firefox users run NoScript and/or Ghostery16:28
Omegachrisccoulson: I accidentally marked it as fix released: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/77958116:59
ubot2Launchpad bug 779581 in firefox "“Close” button in tabs not responding with the keyboard" [Low,Fix released]16:59
OmegaPut it back as triaged please? :)16:59
Omega(Or actually)17:00
OmegaI'm not sure if it already hit precise17:00
JanCchrisccoulson: is that for desktop browsers, or does it include mobile too?17:06
micahgOmega: yeah, that's in 9, so it should've hit precise already17:06
JanChm, actually in Europe Firefox is close to overtaking IE as the #1 browser, because they go down slower  ;)17:12
JanCI guess the fact that Firefox has > 50% of the market in e.g. Germany helps with that...17:14
JanCand in Antarctica Firefox has an 85% share of the market  ☺17:16
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