
AlanBellis there a siri gtk app?00:00
shaunobut most the reason I buy apple is because I want it to work out of the box.  I don't want to be proud of my duct-tape creation anymore00:00
AzelphurAlanBell: dunno, wouldn't be that difficult to make one00:00
HOHOHaneyyeah, it would be cool to reverse engineer it00:00
AlanBellit has been reverse engineered and documented somewhere I think00:00
siyaArgh... Running 11.04 w GNOME3, not able to dist-upgrade to 11.1003:54
siyaSomething about pinned packages (which I don't have) etc. Can't find any reason... :(03:55
siyaAnyone still awake out there w any clue?03:55
siya"sudo aptitude remove nspluginwrapper" (got there by looking at the log files in /var/log/dist-upgrade/)04:05
dauberspopey: You down with the kids now?08:11
DJonesMorning all08:11
danfisha squirrel chewed through a piece of cat5 I've got on the outside of the house :(08:34
danfishcat5 does not look in anyway nut-like08:34
danfishmust have been a myopic squirrel08:35
daubersmaybe it was expecting nuts over TCP?08:36
daubersOr just wanted to steal your interwebs to buy nuts on ebay?08:36
MartijnVdSMetal pipe \o/08:37
danfishdaubers: so if I open up the wifi for them thay should leave the cable alone!08:45
MartijnVdSdanfish: only if you tell them the passwords08:45
MartijnVdSbut you'd be nuts if you did that08:45
daubersdanfish: OR! You could just give them some nuts to go away08:48
daubersMight be cheaper08:49
daubersOr use PoE :D08:49
daubers*nom* *nom* *nom* *BANG*08:49
MartijnVdSPoE is great, I'm going to configure some PoE access points tomorrow :)08:49
MartijnVdSProviding wifi to a camping in a forest08:49
danfishdaubers: haha08:51
MartijnVdSdaubers: too bad PoE is only 48V DC08:51
danfishI wonder what squirrel tastes like?08:51
MartijnVdSdanfish: Nutty08:51
MooDoomorning all08:55
MooDooit's a bit cold this morning :S09:01
danfishcrisp and sunny here :)09:02
MooDoocold on the bike :)09:07
oimoni asked a question in the irc channel for a certain fashionable distro about how to check some settings, and got the fanboy answer, which was essentially, don't worry about it, $distro is $otherdistro done right!09:20
oimoni found out that was certainly not the case09:21
danfishooh, nice. My current fav android ROM are getting their ICS build ready http://t.co/afzWeCfL09:23
* oimon wants ICS on touchpad NOW09:24
* MartijnVdS has ICS on his phone09:27
MartijnVdS\o/ Galaxy Nexus09:27
MooDooMartijnVdS: what phone and cm9?09:28
MartijnVdSMooDoo: Galaxy Nexus and stock firmware :)09:28
oimonMartijnVdS: thoughts?09:33
MartijnVdSIt's huge :)09:36
MartijnVdSbut it's fast09:37
oimonsolves the android on tablet problem?09:39
MartijnVdSoimon: it's a phone, not a tablet09:39
MartijnVdSI don't have ICS on my Xoom yet09:39
MartijnVdSBut honeycomb on Xoom isn't bad either09:40
bigcalmOh sod09:41
bigcalmI missed yesterday's meeting at lunchtime09:41
bigcalmHi peeps :)09:41
bigcalmWhat did I miss?09:42
MartijnVdSbigcalm: you got the taking-over-the-world bit?09:42
=== awilkins_ is now known as awilkins
awilkinsDarn, my phone has been listening to this channel jabber all night09:43
bigcalmI always thought that sabdfl was up to something09:43
awilkinsNew router arrived.... Muahahahaha09:44
awilkinsSoon I will have 30Mbit/s of pulsating power bandwidth09:46
MartijnVdSonly 30? :P09:46
awilkinsI find 10 to be pretty luxurious09:46
awilkinsI got 30 because the download throttling thresholds are getting a bit low09:47
awilkinsAnd because my Mother-in-law doesn't hang round the house all day anymore so I saved money by cancelling the unlimited calling package09:47
awilkinsMore bandwidth for less cash, bargain09:48
awilkinsRight, time to lose carrier09:49
JamesTaitMerry Friday, everyone! :D09:50
daubersOooh, forgot about yesterdays meeting, was with a surveyor looking at a house09:52
JamesTaitMooDoo: That about sums it up, yes. :)09:54
monsterwizardI didn't know Iran calls us Little Satan09:56
monsterwizardit's kinda cute09:56
MooDoomorning czajkowski how are you this fine day?10:10
czajkowskijust relaxing10:11
MooDooyou in IE now or going later, can't remember what you said10:11
czajkowskiplans changed so stayed in London10:11
awilkinsWell, the web UI is very pretty on it10:16
andyloughranawilkins: may I ask what (dont' have the scrollbag ability)10:19
awilkinsVirginMedia superhub10:19
awilkinsHeard mixed reports of it's goodness10:19
awilkinsTBH I'm not sure I want to give up my stalwart Buffalo running OpenWRT10:20
awilkinsI shall definitely need to work out how to keep my SSH server on it working10:20
* BigRedS has trouble believing anything from Virgin to be good10:21
awilkinsMuhahahah, 30Mbit/s down 3Mbit/s up10:21
* awilkins gathers his composure10:21
awilkinsThey did implement a "modem mode"10:22
awilkinsSo you can just turn it into a dumb CM10:22
awilkinsWhich I'm inclined to use from the get-go10:22
brobostigongood morning everyone.10:23
popeyi have mine in modem mode and use a different Wireless access point with mine10:25
awilkinspopey, I'm probably going to do the same, TBH.10:26
awilkinspopey, My existing access point is ancient and only supports ermmm. b?10:26
awilkinsI can't keep track of all these letters10:26
awilkinsBut it runs OpenWRT nicely and gives me a SSH and WOL server10:27
awilkinsSo I can pretty much get into anything on my network remotely from there, even if it's off10:27
awilkinsAnd apparently, my work laptop can't detect either of my access points now.. ?10:28
awilkinsPerhaps this is some unrelated thing10:28
awilkinsOr they are jamming each other10:28
popeyyeah, mine is a netgear wndr3700 running ddwrt10:30
awilkinsHmm, laptop can't detect the neighbours routers either10:33
awilkinsI guess it's soft-borked or something10:33
* bigcalm detects poptarts and ingests10:34
awilkinsAh, unplugging the wire has restored it's ability to see wireless10:34
MyrttiOMG Harry Potter ♥ listening to the last few paragraphs of Deathly Hallows10:35
bigcalmpopey: every day is a slipper day10:35
awilkinsSurvival instinct, I suppose. Or ICT have installed something to stop it bridging our network into a wireless access point10:35
gordi just read an article that EA games has created a "subscription service" for tetris, being part of it you get an "xp booster" so you can "level up" faster... tetris changed from what i played as a kid didn't it.10:35
awilkinsgord, that HAS to be satire, surely?10:36
bigcalmOh my10:36
awilkinsHmm. Superhub network connection 3 times faster than ancient router10:37
awilkinsDecisions, decisions10:37
AlanBellbigcalm: I have slippers on right now10:38
AlanBell(and other stuff, to be clear)10:38
awilkinspopey, Does your redirect DNS requests to a VM server if they fail?10:38
bigcalmawilkins: when the superhub wigs out (and it will), do you want it to stop you from accessing the rest of the LAN at the same time?10:38
awilkinspopey, Or did it, before you put it into modem mode10:38
BigRedSawilkins: that's an opt-out thing with VM AIUI10:38
bigcalmAlanBell: phew10:38
BigRedSAlanBell: Phwoar10:39
daubersgord: I remember playing tetris against my brothers with a cable connecting the two game boys10:39
popeyawilkins: i switched thet off10:39
awilkinspopey, Isn't that what earned Verizon so much ire.... honestly10:40
* popey shrugs10:40
popeyi switched it off and no longer care ☺10:40
bigcalmSame here10:40
awilkinsIf it's mediated by the hub, it goes into modem mode tout suite10:40
popeyit isnt, its a setting at the VM end which you can opt out of10:41
awilkinsWell, doesn't the hub do your DNS reqeusts?10:41
bigcalmYou have to enable/disable it via the VM site10:41
popeyand no, my modem doesnt do my dns requests10:41
bigcalmYou'll get a link to it upon the 1st DNS SNAFU10:41
popeymy desktop has dns servers setup directly10:41
bigcalmI do like DHCP, it means I have to fiddle with the multitude of devices just a little bit less10:43
* awilkins turned it off10:43
Davieyright, but you can put a different dns server in dhcp :)10:43
awilkinsThat's better10:43
awilkinsThat would have totally fubared some of my PAC scripts amongst other things10:44
bigcalmI let my Linksys router handle DNS and DHCP10:44
Davieybigcalm: I thin you'll get crap odds on that bet!10:44
awilkinsYup, all my IP addresses are defined in the hosts file of my router10:44
bigcalmDaviey: its running ddwrt, I'm happy10:45
awilkinsFill up /etc/hosts and /etc/ethers and wake-on-lan works very nicely10:45
Davieybigcalm: Are you using ipv6?10:45
awilkinsDo VM even offer IPv6?10:45
bigcalmDaviey: not yet, no10:45
bigcalmawilkins: no10:45
awilkinsOr do you have to fuddle with tunnels10:45
Davieybigcalm: you used to be cool, not now.10:46
oimonyoutube changed the homepage and doesn't let me remove alan pope's poledancing video from my front page :(10:46
bigcalmComputers are a tool for me these days. My tinkering days are a little behind me10:46
mrevellHey danhg_10:47
awilkinsWell, modem mode, here we go. Back in a mo.10:47
andyloughranI'm upgrading to the VM SuperHub on the 7th Dec.10:48
andyloughranCurrently still using a Surfboard 410010:48
bigcalmandyloughran: and the 1st thing you'll do is switch it into modem only mode? ;)10:48
andyloughranI need to read back through the conversation10:49
* andyloughran doesn't have the benefit of scrollback10:49
andyloughraner - any particular reason why?10:49
* HOHOHaney hasn't felt the need to do that yet10:50
awilkinsIt seems modem-mode involves reflashing the firmware, it's been downloading something for some time now.....11:00
awilkinsThank heavens for 3G11:00
greg__just joined, you referrinf to the superhub?11:00
greg__awilkins I asked to join the beta test  team on the virgin media forums, I have had it for a while11:01
awilkinsModem mode was just there in the options, didn't want to have to reconfigure all my network11:02
awilkins... still downloading11:02
Myrttipopey: how long has it been again since I've last declared my undying love to you? ♥ (re: mailing list)11:02
* Myrtti bows to popey 11:03
MooDoosteady on Myrtti you'll give him a big head11:04
MyrttiMooDoo: I thought his hairdo takes care of that already11:04
Myrttino need for me to do anything11:04
MooDooyou being nice will make it bigger lol11:04
MyrttiMooDoo: he knows me and knows what I mean, I doubt it really has any effect on his head11:05
MooDooMyrtti: i know i'm just teasing :)11:05
bigcalmIndeed, nice post11:05
popeyborders on STFU but hey ho11:06
BigRedSOooh. A mailing list post about Unity. Fancy that :)11:07
davmor2morning funksters11:08
davmor2czajkowski: prod11:08
BigRedSNono, it's Mint this month11:08
czajkowskidavmor2: brat11:08
oimoni'm on using linux munge..new distro - heard of it?11:08
davmor2HOHOHaney: No be a rebel use Ubuntu11:08
MooDoodavmor2: czajkowski do you two need to go on the naughtystep?11:09
MooDooFEDORA ftw!11:09
* HOHOHaney ho ho ho11:09
davmor2MooDoo: I'm already there dude11:09
HOHOHaneyhttp://open.spotify.com/track/5T9bJG4tMNms1fsib8Azvq :3 Christmas song of the day11:09
HOHOHaneynot terrible like yesterday's, promise11:09
davmor2HOHOHaney: I bet it is11:09
* HOHOHaney sulks11:10
daubersOooh, I saw emmy the great live a couple of years ago11:11
Myrttiyou know what's really funny tho11:11
MyrttiI've used Xubuntu for years11:11
MooDooMyrtti: lee evans?11:11
davmor2My xmas pick for the day http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6tNbsQ8eDbA11:11
HOHOHaneyI saw her live a month or so ago11:11
Myrttiwith 11.10 I moved back to Ubuntu :-D11:11
HOHOHaneywas good11:11
bigcalmMyrtti: you don't need multi monitor support then? :)11:11
Myrttibigcalm: no, but on the tablet Unity/GnomeShell are quite nice. Better than Gnome2, but still need work11:12
Myrttiand then Unity grew on me and I decided to have it on the laptop as well11:12
daubersbigcalm: I use unity on multi monitors.....11:12
bigcalmI agree. And I'm looking forward to returning to Unity once I can use it on 3 monitors without it being silly11:12
davmor2bigcalm: I saw the demo of the upcoming multimonitor support trust me it will be AWESOME!11:12
* daubers obviously uses his monitors wrong compared to everyone else11:13
bigcalmdavmor2: goodo :)11:13
bigcalmdaubers: how so?11:13
* HOHOHaney sits atop his xmonad-built ivory tower11:13
HOHOHaneystill figuring out multi-montior support down there?11:13
davmor2czajkowski: by the way you'll like my xmas pick11:13
* HOHOHaney quaffs some port11:13
daubersbigcalm: People complain about multimonitor support, but I've not had an issue.....11:14
bigcalmMy added complication is my 2nd monitor is rotated 90 deg11:14
Myrttidaubers: Intel or AMD?11:14
BigRedSI always think that if X Just Worked it'd take a lot of the fun out of Linux for many people11:14
daubersMyrtti: nvidia11:14
Myrttiooo, you're speshul11:14
bigcalmnvidia is special? I have 2 nvidia gfx cards in this machine to get something close to what I need11:15
gordmultimonitor works pretty well on my nvidia system and intel :(11:15
gordeasier to fix things when they break for you too11:15
daubersgord: We must be doing it wrong or something11:17
gordthe process kind of sucks on everything though, i just want to plug in a second monitor and have everything magically work11:20
daubersif wishes were horses, we'd all be eating steak11:21
oimonanyone else tried the unity launcher on the bottom yet?11:22
oimonhere it is in action http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYH13qQZZe811:25
MooDoothink i quite like it at the bottom11:26
oimonme too11:27
oimonit's the small things that make some people happy :)11:27
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=== WindowLicker is now known as Window_Licker
popeyoimon: what resolution is your screen?11:39
oimonthats my kitchen sink box11:40
oimonprobably 1280x102411:40
oimonit's got every DE going installed on it11:40
popeymine's 1920x1080, makes no sense having the launcher at the bottom11:41
oimonmy other box is 1920x108011:41
oimonmy docky is at the bottom on it11:41
oimoni tried docky on the side and hated it11:42
dwatkinsWhat's a DE, oimon?11:51
dwatkinsdesktop extension?11:51
=== funkyHat2 is now known as funkyHat
oimondesktop environment, e.g. LXDE, Gnome, KDE, etc11:52
dwatkinsah I see11:52
dwatkinsWhat about fvwm, twm, xfce and cde? ;)11:52
oimoni have xfce on there too :)11:53
dwatkinsoh, and 4Dwm...11:53
oimonas we approach 12.04 LTS i am trying to decide which distro and DE i will go forward with on my machines11:53
oimonlucid has served me well11:53
oimonbut i have tons of PPAs11:54
MyrttifunkyHat: fixed the connection yet?11:54
oimongnome shell is about to become usable with the extensions so i am tempted11:54
funkyHatMyrtti: it's not a connection issue, I haven't figured out what it is yet though11:55
Myrttiyou just flooded all my channels so much I lost track on which channel I'm on11:55
funkyHat⢁( sorry11:56
* dwatkins has joins, parts, quits on ignore in most places 11:56
czajkowskiI do also11:56
dwatkinsoccasionally I'm talking to someone and they disappear, reboot etc. but tab-complete is enough to let me check someone's online.11:57
MyrttiI find it difficult to be an op with having them ignored11:57
Myrttiso I don't11:57
gordsame reason11:57
gordplus its not too big of an issue 95% of the time11:57
funkyHatAfter my server reboots irssi seems to go a bit mad. It seems to get started up more than once, then the instances fight each other for my nicks... I guess11:57
czajkowskiMyrtti: per channel might help, unless you're an op in here11:57
dwatkinsMyrtti: what sorts of things do you need them for, and could you have two logins, one you rarely use but that has them enabled?11:57
funkyHatI'm not sure why it gets started up more than once11:57
MyrttiI don't have them showing up in my irssi status bar tho11:58
czajkowskiah ok11:58
Myrtticzajkowski: I'm an op on all the channels we share and he flooded in11:58
Myrttiincluding this11:58
Myrttidwatkins: two logins is too much of a hassle, it's not too bad usually. Need to check for joinfloods, banevasion etc12:00
dwatkinsah I see, yes12:00
dwatkinsI used to keep a 2nd login to a channel I'm an op on in case I needed to check when someone went on/offline12:00
dwatkinsI guess we don't get much ban-evasion there, and when we do it's pretty obvious from the username etc.12:01
gordirc proxies \o/12:01
dwatkinsgord: you mean like running irssi inside a screen session on the other side of the atlantic... *whistles*12:01
gorddwatkins, i mean like running znc or something :) something you connect something else like irssi or xchat or whatever to12:01
gordirssi has a proxy mode itself, its pretty crap though12:02
MyrttiI use the proxy mode to use with a mobile phone client12:02
dwatkinsnot tried that yet12:03
Myrttihaven't for a long time tho, irssi connectbot is such a nice ssh app so it doesn't really matter anymore12:03
dwatkinsI like it when code.google.com pages have a qrcode on them :)12:04
gordis that like an android market link or something?12:04
dwatkinsyeah, like this: http://code.google.com/p/irssi-connectbot/12:05
funkyHatI use the regular connectbot with a saved thing for irssi12:05
dwatkinsstrange, it doesn't actually work, but I like the idea12:05
Myrttioh man, I feel blue now12:07
MartijnVdSda ba dee?12:07
MyrttiHarry Potter ;____;12:07
czajkowskiaye irssi connectbot is excellent12:07
dwatkinsI enjoyed the last HP film, the one before it was rather meh, though.12:08
czajkowskiI'm just glad it's all over tbh12:08
dwatkinsAlso, what's with them touting 3D everywhere?12:08
czajkowskidwatkins: aye why do all films now have to be in £D12:08
dwatkinsczajkowski: yeah, to be honest, I was a little glad of that side of ti too.12:08
czajkowskiI get that its funky and nice to do12:08
czajkowskibut really.... most films dont do it well12:08
dwatkinsczajkowski: I think it's the film industry trying to attract people back to the cinema instead of staying at home watching HD movies on their plasma TV12:09
gordi just bought a bunch of 3d movies :P12:09
gordfor my hd 3d tv!12:09
czajkowskigord: you would12:09
* gord stays at home12:09
dwatkinsgord: do you require glasses to watch them?12:09
MartijnVdSMy TV is 3D-capable, but I don't have 3D glasses12:09
MyrttiI don't think I've seen any of the movies past HP212:09
MartijnVdSSo no 3D for me12:09
MartijnVdSalso, headaches12:09
dwatkinswhat happens if there are more people than glasses?12:09
gordi get that some people don't like glasses, thats fine, whatever, i don't mind :)12:09
czajkowskiMartijnVdS: so why on earth dd you buy one12:09
Myrttihave tried to have read the book before the movie and I just finished 6 and 7 this week12:09
gordthey are damn expensive... stood on one once, whoops, £100 down the drain12:09
czajkowskigord: blame the cat next time12:10
MartijnVdSczajkowski: The TV is fine, it just didn't come with 3D glasses :)12:10
MyrttiI hugely dislike the 3D movies in the cinema12:10
MartijnVdSczajkowski: it just has the option for 3D if you decide to buy  glasses later12:10
MartijnVdSczajkowski: main reason is the built in satellite tuner though :)12:10
czajkowskiAvatar was the best still by far12:10
czajkowskiall others have been a massive let down12:10
gordto be honest movies still aren't that great in 3D, there are a few that are absolutely fantastic, but not many. video games are good with 3d :)12:10
dwatkinsI find 3D tends to be badly adjusted in cinemas so there's bleed-through from one eye's image to the other12:11
MartijnVdSdwatkins: that might explain the headaches12:11
gordmost cinema's will also use regular bulbs instead of the once that are twice as bright, which you need for 3d.. so you get a dim image12:11
Myrttioh dear12:11
Myrttijust had to check how much the audiobooks would be as CDs12:12
Myrttiwhat a ripoff12:12
dwatkinsah that's why it's a bit dim, thanks gord12:13
czajkowskireally hope they don't ruin pirates of the Caribean by doing 3D in the future12:13
* Myrtti spanks gord for a typo12:13
gordczajkowski, 4 was 3D12:14
MartijnVdSMyrtti: But JK Rowling and Stephen Fry have to eat too!12:14
czajkowskigord: ahhh ddidnt notice that12:14
gordones/once. same thing!12:14
MyrttiMartijnVdS: I know, that's why I thought of buying them12:14
Myrttigord: tis not12:14
czajkowskiohh I'd listen to stephen fry tell a story12:14
czajkowskinice soothing voice12:14
gordczajkowski, to be honest... three already ruined pirates of the Caribbean ;) that was a hard movie to make it through...12:14
czajkowskigord: shush or no bickies for you12:15
Myrttiperhaps I'll just save up to get them on Audible12:15
dwatkinsI listen to a lot of audio books driving between Edinburgh and London, you can pay 4 pounds a month for a subscription to audible.co.uk and get one free audio book a month.12:15
awilkinsHmm, the red light and misleading uplink flashing wasn't the modem getting a new firmware.12:15
dwatkinssaves a lot, that12:15
czajkowskiwow ubuntu-uk ml is rather talkative this morning12:15
awilkinsJust needed to reboot my router to get DHCP address12:15
awilkinsGrragh, just sat waiting for an hour for no reason <-- plonker12:16
Myrttidwatkins: yeah, I had that for some time but I've cut my excess spending since - I've got loads of audiobooks still in there that I haven't finished so I'm not terribly worried12:16
dwatkinsMyrtti: yeah, I have about 4 credits yet to use, but am taking the train there tonight, so may get another one for this trip.12:16
Myrttinow the only splurge I allow myself is Spotify, partly because a friend gave me 40EUR as a present on paypal that had nothing else than spotify payments12:17
popeymy tolerance for ubuntu haters is low today ☺12:17
czajkowskipopey: nice replay re trademarks12:17
czajkowskionly issue I have with them is it takes more than a week to get a reply from them. but it is the only place to get a definate reply and ok from12:18
dwatkinsMyrtti: I'm fearful of Spotify, if you stop subscribing don't you lose your music?12:18
popeyyes dwatkins12:19
popeybut it's not your music anyway ☺12:19
popeyno commerical music ever really is12:19
Myrttidwatkins: one of the reasons I keep paying for it, but it doesn't matter to me that much anyway - I know I could get the music cheaper somewhere else - it's the ease of user experience that I pay for12:20
Myrttia) 95% of the time everything I look for is in Spotify and I don't have to look anywhere else 2) it works on my Ubuntu 3) it works on my phone 4) I can make my own playlists and share them12:21
Myrttifor the same reason I've paid for audible, last.fm and other services in the past12:23
dwatkinsI considered investigating Spotify, Sky Music etc. but havn't done so yet.12:24
dwatkinsI bought an album by Feist because of the song 1,2,3,4, then realised I prefer the version she did on Sesame Street ;)12:24
Davieypopey: but it's not free software!11!12:24
Myrttishock horror12:25
Myrttinews at 1112:25
dwatkinsI know I don't own the music on my phone/mp3 player, but I like to be able to listen to it when the label has gone bust or I'm in a tunnel ;)12:25
DJonesAnybody interested in these games? http://marathon.sourceforge.net/12:33
andylock1anhe's back :D12:35
Myrttidwatkins: I happily use Spotify offline12:36
=== andylock1an is now known as andylockran
andylockranwell that was a bit of hassle12:42
Myrttithat was a display of *why* I don't ignore joins and quits and such12:47
andylockranhow come?12:47
gordonjcpMyrtti: ?12:47
Myrtti`-` joined pretty much all the ubuntu channels there are12:48
Myrttiexcess flooded themselves out on the first attempt to announce the world that #ubuntu ops suck, but eventually got k-lined12:49
Myrttiamazing how much excess time and malice people have in the world12:49
davmor2gord: I think it's gonna be cancelled for december we'll sort out a date for January instead12:50
gorddavmor2, no prob, platform rally in early jan though remember12:51
davmor2gord: we can make it latter it was only early to catter for xmas and parties ect12:51
Myrttiis there any kind of clipboard management for Ubuntu 11.10?12:58
Myrttior something that you'd recommend?12:59
gordmy dash tells me that klipper exists, it has 3/5 stars on software centre12:59
Myrttiklipper sounds like a KDE thing12:59
gordit does ;) it is!12:59
gordmaybe glipper?12:59
gordis that a thing?12:59
MyrttiI'll have a look at clipit and glipper then12:59
awilkinsDid you just accidentally post the Pangolin release date?   :-p13:02
gordthats the 26th :P13:04
Myrtticlipit seems to be exactly what I was looking for13:04
=== bigcalm_ is now known as bigcalm
dwatkinsMyrtti: yeah, I meant in terms of the streaming-only alternatives, I appreciate you can use Spotify via the app offline if you still have a subscription :)13:36
popeyhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8k-QuvfednM  I made a video!13:36
dwatkinsyou make it sound so simple, popey :)13:37
dwatkinsdo people ask questions on this?13:37
dwatkinsI'm surprised, although I admit I wasn't aware it actually existed.13:40
gordpopey, might want to use the hd version when linking people to it so its not in blur-o-vision. its mostly static images so the hd version doesn't take up much bandwidth13:41
popeygord: I'd rather let people choose resolution themselves13:42
popeyif they full screen it then yt will auto switch to HD anyway wont it?13:42
popeygood point tho, ta ☺13:42
gorddepends on their settings, some of us (me) disable that because when i switch to fullscreen it goes to a video format that my connection can't handle13:42
popeyi didnt know you could override that13:43
* daubers mqtt-ises a few workshop tools13:53
andylockrangord: you should do a screencast on it - make it recursive!13:53
AlanBelldid youtube just get a lot better?13:53
dwatkinsthey changed the theme13:55
dwatkinsit may also have html5 enabled now13:55
dwatkinsnot sure if that's still in beta13:55
AlanBellresizing stuff and resolutions seem to have some relationship now, and you can select the resolution when fullscreened13:57
dogmatic69i have a dir, that when cd into, crashes my pc. load average hits 50 / 60 and ram shoots right up to 4gigs14:02
dogmatic69any way i can see what is going on in there?14:02
dogmatic69its a git repo14:02
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: I'd force an fsck on the next boot14:06
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: what kind of fs are you using?14:07
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: ext3? ext4?14:07
dogmatic69i done sudo su www-data then cd there and its not as bad, still crashed when i did git status14:07
dogmatic69how could i check that?14:07
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: "mount"14:08
dogmatic69sda1 is ext414:08
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: sudo touch /forcefsck14:10
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: then reboot14:10
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: if it's a separate partition, unmount it and fsck14:10
dogmatic69k, thanks.. brb (if this does not take 5 years)14:10
dogmatic69that was quick, no errors14:15
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: http://i.imgur.com/rc9Ql.png14:20
=== HOHOHaney is now known as Laney
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: what kind of git repo is it?14:38
dogmatic69just some work code, php14:41
dogmatic69with some submodules14:41
Myrttioh man I really really hate Gwibber14:44
oimonMyrtti: does it still suck after the re-write14:44
Myrttiwell it sucks bowling balls on 11.1014:46
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: what happens if you create a fresh clone somewhere?14:46
oimonwow, how sad14:46
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: does that also exhibit that problem?14:46
oimoni'm still using hotot quite happily for my twitter requirements14:46
davmor2Myrtti: so add bugs to improve it14:46
* MartijnVdS uses chrom14:46
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: no, then its fine14:47
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: OK, do that, remove the old tree and replace with fresh clone14:47
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: you did the fsck?14:47
Myrttidavmor2: it doesn't take away the pain of using it *now* though :-<14:47
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: there is a branch on the old one that i need14:47
Myrttiperhaps I'll just ... suffer Tweetdeck on Chrome again14:47
dogmatic69fsck ran fine14:47
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: try it from a live CD, maybe that works.14:47
davmor2Myrtti: agreed but it will make it less painful for 12.04 maybe14:47
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: Different version of Ubuntu (= different version of FS code)14:48
MartijnVdSdogmatic69: I have no idea14:48
dogmatic69fsck from live cd?14:48
dogmatic69or view the repo from a live cd14:48
gordjust had to google for the command to make a tar file... how do i even get anything done on linux15:20
kirrusgord: by googling? :P15:24
Myrttihm, is it possible to make the workspace switcher to wrap around in 11.10?15:24
TheOpenSourcererI have a quick Python query...15:24
TheOpenSourcererI have a string: 12345:0987615:25
TheOpenSourcererI want to return only the bit left of the colon.15:25
dogmatic69MartijnVdS: using git --git-dir=... i was able to see what is going on. just ditched all the unstaged changes and now i can cd in without the system crashing but terminal is hanging still15:25
deej1976Myrtti: not in ubuntu by default http://mein-neues-blog.de/xplanetFX/15:25
dogmatic69memory usage is going up slowly and load average still at 0.515:25
dogmatic69getting there slowly15:26
dogmatic69think i found the issue... http://i.imgur.com/AJ10h.jpg15:34
fwereade_TheOpenSourcerer, s.split(":")[0]15:35
TheOpenSourcererfwereade_: Yeah - Thanks. Just worked it out too :-)15:36
fwereade_TheOpenSourcerer, cool :)15:36
TheOpenSourcererfwereade_: OK - It's a bit more complicated than I thought. ;-) My string could actually look like this "12345:09876 : ABCDEFG"15:47
TheOpenSourcererI want to split and return everything left of the <space:<space> bit.15:48
TheOpenSourcererI just tried split(' : ') but that still split on the first colon15:48
fwereade_TheOpenSourcerer, that's odd:15:49
fwereade_>>> "foo:bar : hcde:jeoi".split(" : ")[0]15:49
AlanBellsplit('abc') splits on a and b and c, not the string 'abc'15:50
AlanBellI think15:50
fwereade_>>> "helloabchello".split("abc")15:50
fwereade_['hello', 'hello']15:50
fwereade_>>> "helloabchello".split("cba")15:50
AlanBellno, I am wong, don't mind me15:51
TheOpenSourcererfwereade_: You are right. Just tried it in a python console and it works.15:51
TheOpenSourcererBetter check my template... Probably typo.15:51
TheOpenSourcererYay! My bad - that works!15:52
daubersThings in the workshop tell me when they're finished now :)16:00
danfishdaubers: mqtt?16:00
mattiTheOpenSourcerer: <ruby lover mode> Try Ruby ;p </ruby lover mode>16:01
daubersdanfish: Indeed :)16:01
TheOpenSourcerermatti: I have to use Python for that one.16:01
mattiTheOpenSourcerer: :)16:01
danfishdaubers: just need a nanode mqtt port now16:02
daubersdanfish: Yeah, that'll take a long while as memory on the chip the nanode uses for ethernet is a bit lacking16:03
danfishah - didn't realise that was the reason16:03
daubersdanfish: Did get my first arduino ethernet today though \o/16:03
danfishexcellent. knolleary's update the client for that one IIRC16:04
daubersdanfish: This was from a discussion I had with someone http://groups.google.com/group/reading-hackspace/msg/ff54bb13cb211c0d states the exact problem16:05
daubersdanfish: He has! It's the same wiznet chip on the arduino ethernet shield, it's more an update for the arduino 1.0 IDE16:05
danfishhmm whether to get a nanode rf....or a raspberry pi?16:10
daubers(raspberry pi)16:10
daubersI really want an Arduino Due as I have a project that will benefit from the extra processing umpf of the ARM chip16:11
daubersbut they're not out yet :(16:11
monsterwizardoooo  Ardunio user16:12
monsterwizardWhat projects have you made?16:12
daubersMostly toys or simple sensor rigs16:12
danfishI missed the announcement about the Due16:12
daubersIt was part of the makerfaire announcements16:13
danfishmonsterwizard: some home automation/monitoting stuff16:13
daubersI might try and through together an MQTT over easyradio library16:14
monsterwizardoh sweet16:20
daubersEasyRadio's are expensive :( But so very very easy to use16:23
monsterwizarddanfish where do you buy your electronics?16:25
MooDooawesome, minecraft mario :D16:37
danfishmonsterwizard: a number of places - rapid, coolcomponents, proto-pic16:37
scoundrel50aok, I am running Ubuntu 11.10 on a Lenovo laptop, and had a problem with an upgrade which caused me to loose the desktop, which was a whilst it was in Beta. I had to create a new User and things are working ok. I log in using the new username and password, but when I go to open Synaptic, it shows my old username on the pop up password box, and wants my old details, even though I no longer have that username and password, would anybody know16:59
scoundrel50a why this is happening.16:59
AlanBellhi scoundrel50a17:06
bigcalmThe old user has the uid of 1000?17:06
bigcalmIs your new user in the sudo list?17:07
AlanBellnew user isn't in sudoers17:07
bigcalm(doubt that'll make a difference though)17:07
AlanBellor isn't in the admin group17:07
bigcalmListen to AlanBell17:07
* bigcalm goes back to stabbing SQL17:07
AlanBellthat will be it, it is like my kids computers want me to log in to do updates because they are not admins17:07
AlanBellscoundrel50a: ok, so if you run the users and groups tool (just type "user" in the dash and it should find it)17:08
AlanBellthen click your new user then click advanced17:09
AlanBellyou will have to log in as the old user at this point17:09
scoundrel50aok, will take a look now, one sec17:10
AlanBellthen on the user priviledges tab click the administer the system checkbox and anything else you feel like ticking there17:10
scoundrel50aok, where do you find that in Ubuntu 11.10. I dont see it anywhere17:11
daubersscoundrel50a: Are you in the users tool?17:13
daubersor trying to find it?17:13
scoundrel50adaubers: no cant find the users tool17:13
daubersscoundrel50a: Ok, if you open the dash (the Unity thing that lets you search) and just type users it should appear in the list17:14
* AlanBell goes to cook sausages, it is there somewhere in the dash scoundrel50a 17:14
AlanBellooh, is it not because you are not an admin??17:14
AlanBellsomeone carry on with this . . .17:14
daubersShould still appear shouldn't it?17:14
scoundrel50athere is user accounts, and it has my name as admin, but I cant do anything with it, I cant do what you said with it, its not like the old version17:15
daubersscoundrel50a: Hang on, let me upload a screenshot to make sure we're looking at the same thing17:16
scoundrel50aI can do that in 10.10.not 11.10 it is different17:16
andylockranlol, I need a guru :p17:17
andylockrana MySQL guru..17:17
andylockranfor hire :D17:17
daubersscoundrel50a: Are you seeing this window?17:17
daubers(if so I think this is the wrong tool.... but we'll get there in a moment)17:18
scoundrel50ayes, but you cant get in any further, it doesnt allow, or at least I cant find a way in17:18
dauberswhen you type users in the dash, there should be another one called "Users and Groups"?17:19
scoundrel50aI enter my log in details but it doesnt give any more options to do what you suggested17:19
daubersrather than user accounts17:19
scoundrel50anot there17:19
scoundrel50anot in my 11.1017:19
czajkowskiscoundrel50a: hmm I'm seeing it here in 11.1017:20
scoundrel50aok I typed users and groups in and nothing comes up,17:21
scoundrel50aso where has Users and Groups gone, and how do I get it back17:23
AlanBellthat is a bit of a puzzle17:23
popeyits called user accounts17:24
popeynot users and groups17:24
dauberspopey: They're different UI's17:24
scoundrel50aok, I have user accounts.....but there are no Privalages options in it17:25
scoundrel50aeven if I enter the password17:25
daubersscoundrel50a: Are you set as an administrator in that UI?17:25
TheOpenSourcererOf course you could just type: sudo usermod -a -G admin username17:26
scoundrel50aok, one sec, I'll see if I can get an image of what I see and show you17:26
daubersThanks :)17:26
AlanBellsu oldname first17:26
daubersAlanBell: We should check he's not in the admin group first17:27
daubersdouble check even17:27
* daubers needs to disappear to a squash game17:30
dauberscan somone carry on with this please?17:30
scoundrel50asorry, can work out in 11.10 how to take screen shot17:31
daubersscoundrel50a: There's a screenshot tool17:31
daubersscoundrel50a: Throw screenshot in the dash and it should popup17:31
scoundrel50aflippin heck, that was hard work, http://imgbin.org/index.php?page=image&id=584917:33
scoundrel50abottom name not locked17:34
daubersscoundrel50a: can you run users-admin from a terminal please?17:34
scoundrel50aok, need to install it, give me a sec17:34
daubersok, that's the users and groups tool me and AlanBell were thinking of17:35
daubersI really have to vanish or I'm going to be late, but hopefully someone else can continue with you if you get stuck in that tool17:35
scoundrel50athank you so much for your help17:35
daubersHope you get it fixed :)17:36
scoundrel50ayay, I got it back17:36
scoundrel50aI have this in 10.1017:36
scoundrel50awhere is Synaptic in Users and Admin, Synaptic is calling my old username and password17:37
scoundrel50aok, I will give it another go, I added my name as admin, see if it works17:38
scoundrel50aneed to reboot, brb17:38
scoundrel50anope, that didnt work, Synaptic is still asking for my old password, it has called my old uesrname17:40
scoundrel50aI cant get into Synaptic because of it17:41
scoundrel50aI can update using the updater, and via the terminal17:42
scoundrel50athe only way I can get into Synaptic is if I open run as root, enter Synaptic into it, and then it accepts my new password17:44
scoundrel50aand then it opens17:45
pr0ph3thi all17:46
pr0ph3twould you be able to advise me about a pdf reader with advanced features such as highlighting bookmarking etc?17:46
scoundrel50aok, it seems I looked in the Users and Groups section, and it seems that both accounts point to the old username and password, even though logging in I can use the new uesrname and password17:48
scoundrel50avery odd17:49
* AlanBell returns with a tummy full of sausages17:50
pr0ph3tany suggestions about the pdf reader of my dreams? possibly for free!17:52
pr0ph3t(it is for Ubuntu if anyone is wondering)17:52
AlanBellpr0ph3t: file bugs against evince17:53
* AlanBell wonders if scoundrel50a had ubuntu-desktop installed17:54
AlanBellcertainly things adrift if user-admin was not installed17:54
pr0ph3tAlanBell, you can't highlight with evince though you can bookmark pages18:01
AlanBellpr0ph3t: so file a bug against evince saying you can't highlight stuff with it18:02
pr0ph3tmy ezPDF reader on my android phone is super18:02
pr0ph3tthat a bug?18:02
AlanBellsure, if it isn't as awesome as you want it to be then it's lack of awesomeness is a fixable bug18:02
AlanBellit is a feature request really, but they all go in as bugs18:02
AlanBellubuntu-bug evince18:03
pr0ph3tplus I'll get karma!18:03
jutnuxMmmmm clotted cream ice cream!18:05
pr0ph3tBug #65636318:12
lubotu3Launchpad bug 656363 in evince (Ubuntu) "missing 2.32 feature: add annotations" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/65636318:12
pr0ph3tI don't see that fix and I'm using Oneric Ocelot18:12
AlanBellpr0ph3t: good question18:33
AlanBellpr0ph3t: works for me!18:36
AlanBellpr0ph3t: ok, so in the help for evince it tells you how to do it, in the sidebar select annotations, then add, then select the thing you want to annotate, it works for me18:37
pr0ph3tAlanBell, that's cool, but how about underlining etc, is that possible?18:40
AlanBelldunno, I have never ever annotated a PDF before, still not quite sure why you would want to!18:42
Myrttihow annoying, on oneiric my laptop resets the display brightness after every time the screen has gone blank19:01
czajkowskidinner has been ordered19:03
* popey goes to obtain curry19:11
czajkowskipr0ph3t: what we ordered also19:12
czajkowski45mins and counting19:12
czajkowskidamn tab completion19:12
pr0ph3tso it's curry tonight19:13
* AlanBell had sausages19:15
davmor2we had pizza19:15
AlanBelland now has beer19:15
* davmor2 is now working again19:16
* jutnux had pot noodle. "luvin lyfe 2k11"19:16
MartijnVdS\o/ proper patch panel installed19:22
davmor2pr0ph3t: for a mere $60 you can install Q PDF Studio from Software Center and it will be able to do anything you need to a pdf :)19:24
* davmor2 waits to hear the thump of pr0ph3t 's jaw hitting the floor19:25
zleapthis wrong direction thread on the list is good19:25
davmor2jutnux: in comparison to Adobe PDF tools at $200+ yeap mere19:25
pr0ph3twhat's that in pounds? 5 quid?19:25
jutnuxMy school has PDF tools19:25
jutnuxI fail to see what it is good for19:25
davmor2pr0ph3t: about £4019:26
jutnuxOther than printing PDFs, which PDFCreator does on Winslows and what you can do on Ubuntu anyway19:26
davmor2jutnux: I know it's aim at professionals rather than you're average user :)19:26
pr0ph3tI see interesting19:26
jutnuxdavmor2: Haha, don't really have a use for PDFs to be honest ;)19:27
pr0ph3t- illegal comments censored -19:27
pr0ph3tonline somewhere19:27
davmor2jutnux: the big advantage for Office users is they can create a pdf form that can be published online the results saved and signed as pdf and therefore a binding contract etc so it does have uses but again I'm guessing more of a pro thing than you're average joe tool :)19:30
jutnuxI'm on Ubuntu so I guess I don't have uses for that ;)19:31
czajkowskijutnux: some offices use Ubuntu and may need it :)19:31
jutnuxProbably, ah well - the wonders of being young and not having a job 'ey?19:33
jutnuxSo how are we all?19:33
AlanBellczajkowski: bastubis tells me that charities need PDF form stuff for grant applications. Can't say I have ever come across a PDF form myself19:33
czajkowskiAlanBell: bastubis19:34
AlanBellgenerally people want PDF to be for output they don't want other people to mess with, like invoices19:34
AlanBellczajkowski: Paula, that is her IRC nick19:34
AlanBellI have no idea why19:35
czajkowskiAlanBell: aye my old place in ie used to have an online form but really it was the back end of a pdf19:35
czajkowskihttp://eprints.lse.ac.uk/39826/  folks might find this an interesting read19:38
AlanBellread it :)19:39
AlanBellfunnily enough19:39
czajkowskiin between all of the emails today19:40
czajkowskihow ever did you find time19:40
AlanBellread it months ago!19:40
* TheOpenSourcerer had fish fingers & mash earlier and will be going out for a curry later :-)19:41
czajkowskigah 15 more mins for dinner to arrive19:43
czajkowskiplease hurry up19:43
AlanBellczajkowski: looks like they lost the argument about stamping "unclassified" on every page!19:44
czajkowskieh ?19:44
AlanBellthe LSE report, the cabinet office lawyers interfered with it19:46
czajkowskioh lovely19:48
AlanBellI think they only did that, plus decided they wanted copyright to HMSO or something, the license is their version of creative commons19:48
AlanBell(c) 2011 Queen's Printer and Controller from HMSO19:48
czajkowskiahh I see19:50
czajkowskihuzzah! dinner has arrived19:50
AlanBelloh /o\ conflicting permissions on that LSE stuff on page 119:50
AlanBelland a typo on the link to the OGL19:52
* AlanBell goes to send an email19:52
MartijnVdSAnd once the next morning!19:53
AlanBellit was all spelled correctly in the draft that was CC licensed19:54
popeyquiet evening ☺21:18
* popey tickles daubers 21:21
* bigcalm scribbles in his journal21:22
* Myrtti considers sleep21:22
* popey considers google hangout21:23
bigcalmI thought your webcam didn't work21:23
popeyi have two21:24
popeythe 12.04 one doesn't21:24
popeylaptop does21:24
bigcalmI haven't taken part in a hangout in all the time that g+ has been around21:25
bigcalmI'm amazed that my webcam works within their thingy21:27
Myrttibigcalm: me neither21:27
jacobwgoogle hangout sounds odd21:27
popeytis fun21:28
jacobwi imagine its like party where no one can touch each other21:30
Myrttitalking of Google Hangouts21:30
Myrttilooks like the inventor of IRC is working for Google on developing Hangouts21:30
jacobwwho is the inventor of irc?21:30
popeya finnish person21:31
MyrttiJarkko Oikarinen21:31
jacobwso the finns invented irc and linux21:32
popeybigcalm: wanna test it?21:32
bigcalmpopey: Sure, let me get an ale21:34
* AlanBell starts a hangout from the ubuntu uk page21:34
popeyFetched 723 kB in 213503982334601d 7h 0min 14s (0 B/s)21:39
popeyhmm, something busted here21:40
popeymight switch to chrome21:40
* AlanBell is hanging out21:42
* daubers considers hot chocolate21:44
* Daviey tucks AlanBell back in21:45
* jacobw is exploring G+21:51
* ubuntu <3 G+21:57
=== ubuntu is now known as ndf
* ndf <3 G+21:58
ndfi do.21:58
ndfyou seem shocked, are you not impressed?21:59
* jacobw <3 G++22:14
jacobwits all about polymorphism22:14
AlanBellthat was fun22:14
monsterwizardis it wrong to listen to audio while programming?22:25
monsterwizardor learning22:25
jacobwmusic is supposed to stimulate your mind22:27
jacobwas long as isn't nirvana22:28
jacobw<newsflash> asimo on qi <newsflash>22:28
MyrttiRupert Grint to depict Eddie "The Eagle" Edwards in a biopic movie? ahhahahahahahahaha22:33
monsterwizardis it wrong to do programming without coffee?22:45
jacobwmonsterwizard: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTVE5iPMKLg22:49
monsterwizarderrr that was a very educational video22:53
AlanBelldanfish: is the pub selection settled yet?22:54
awilkinsHmm. So far the computer has failed to crash. Apparently the solution to my instability problem was to remove the video card and wiggle it a bit.23:05
awilkinsOne can only hope this persists23:05
Myrttioh no...23:20
=== funkyHat_ is now known as funkyHat
monsterwizardwho else is forever alone on a friday night?23:48

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