
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
EvilResistanceInHisName, meh00:35
rmg51morning JonathanD11:11
JonathanDhey rmg5111:14
JonathanDhow are ya?11:14
rmg51still a little tired11:15
JonathanDhow was yesterday?11:23
rmg51slept through it :-D11:28
rmg51I got home around 3:30 and went straight to bed11:30
rmg51never ate anything until 10pm11:30
rmg51still want to crawl back into bed11:31
rmg51takes a while for the anesthesia to wear completely off11:32
JonathanDIt's the "nyquil haze" x 10011:33
rmg51it's great if you want to lose a day11:35
rmg51morning waltman11:40
rmg51breakfast time11:40
waltmanJonathanD: Unless I get a lot better between now and tomorrow morning, I don't be geeknicing :(11:50
JonathanDYou shall be better.11:50
JonathanDI have decreed it.11:50
waltmanAt least the fever seems to be mostly gone, and I'm back to just a nasty cough.11:53
* InHisName ponders on subject of going13:09
InHisNamedoes the zoo have bears ?13:17
jedijfrmg51: glad to hear everything went well13:29
jedijfwaltman: keep going, get rid of that cough!13:29
JonathanDand penguins13:44
jacksonJonathanD: how did the washer work out?13:51
JonathanDjackson: waiting for the part. I have it dismembered though.13:53
jacksonwas the coupler bad?13:53
JonathanDlooks to be.13:55
jacksonusually with rubber under the middle on the floor is a bad coupler or when you feel the coupler, there is weak sections where the pins or post are. the holes look like: (0) and abad coupler is like (    0    ) or even the posts are broken13:59
jacksonit is*13:59
jacksonJonathanD: alos when removing the coupler from the pump and motor shaft use a flatbladed screwdriver14:00
jacksonez fix14:01
JonathanDty :)14:02
JonathanDZoo tomorrow.14:35
MutantTurkeysat's tomorrow, just remembered19:39
ChinnoDogSaturday usually comes after Friday20:27
InHisNameMy update mgr keeps closing right after starting it.23:54
InHisNameI noticed when I type upda into unity there is a file:  Update mgr.txt   that has some complex errors captured.23:55
InHisNameapt-get doesn't work either.   Is there a way to fix things without reformatting and starting fresh AGAIN.23:56

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