
ramone_hello people00:00
reisiohi just you00:00
EmiruHow to I get grub back ? Im on a live CD and sudo grub-install /dev/sda says /dev is busy00:00
Emirucant umount either00:00
ramone_it's my first time back in IRC since..like...hum... 15 yeras?! lol00:00
reisioEmiru: --no-floppy ?00:01
reisioramone_: welcome back, suckah00:01
ramone_thank you mate!00:01
hayloxwheres th drive?00:01
Emirureisio: As a parameter ? sudo grub-install --no-floppy /dev/sda ?00:02
=== cyphase_ is now known as cyphase
EmiruI get /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot find a device for /boot/grub (is /dev mounted?).00:04
reisioEmiru: are you chrooted?00:04
ramone_guys, I have a    rtl8781l wireless chipset but, using wireshark, I don't know the difference between capture in promiscuous mode and monitor mode. Monitor Mode means to capture every packet that my wireless card can detect ?00:05
Phr3d13So how come f10 doesn't appear to apply boot edits in the grub configuration option00:05
Emirureisio: chroot ?00:05
reisioEmiru: so no00:06
warfarenchroot means change root, so right now your root is your live cd environment and thats why you need to chroot00:07
Emirulol I guess not00:07
reisioEmiru: try this stuff: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows00:07
Emirureisio: Will do thanks00:07
skypentIf I decide to downgrade, uninstall 11.10 & install 9.04;  Is there a way I can stop the os from updating to later versions?00:08
reisioskypent: it shouldn't on its own00:08
reisioskypent: why 9.04, though00:08
skypentThere's a glitch with drive reading with 9.10 and 11.10 that the forums I'm looking at (the users can't resolve)00:09
skypentSo I'd rather just go down and not deal with it.00:09
lewis1711I keep getting "An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade: E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages." when trying to do 11.04 -> 11.10. I've used computer janitor, disabled my third party sources, and autoremove. halp?00:09
=== infinitasx is now known as Neo500
almoxarifelewis1711: you familiar with synaptic?00:13
lewis1711almoxarife: yes00:14
a_p3rson1can someone help me with mounting another drive (windows) at startup? 10.1000:15
almoxarifelewis1711: look at 'local/obsolete' tab, is part of your system showing up with all ppa's unchecked?00:15
mbeierlhow does one remove all the ppa's on a system in order to prepare for dist-upgrade?00:15
ohzieHey guys.00:15
warfarena_p3rson1: add it to /etc/fstab00:16
ohzieWhen I type "mv *.jpg sort/" I get an error message. "invalid option: -- '1'" <--Which is weird because I checked my aliases and I don't have any aliases, and this command used to work.00:16
reisioohzie: you might have a - in a filename, try mv -- *.jpg sort/00:16
a_p3rson1warfaren: i could use some help on that one.00:16
lewis1711almoxarife: where's that tab? does computer janitor not remove the obsolete ones anyway?00:16
reisioohzie: to be clearer, you might have a file starting with, for example, '--1'00:17
reisioohzie: which the application has trouble discerning as a parameter or not00:17
warfarenok first open fstab in a text editor as root00:17
reisioohzie: -- means 'no more params'00:17
ohziereisio: I have one file that starts with '-'00:17
ohzieit is '-1.jpg'00:17
reisioohzie: that's probably the culprit00:17
warfarenfor example sudo nano /etc/fstab00:17
ohzieis that doing this?00:17
reisioohzie: most likely00:17
ohzieOh man thank you00:17
a_p3rson1ok then working on it00:17
reisioohzie: the program 'detox' I believe takes care of those in filenames, as well as various other things00:18
a_p3rson1warfaren: ready00:18
reisioohzie: personally I tend to just use foo -- bar and ignore it :p or rename on a case-by-case00:18
* reisio is lazy00:18
warfarenwould someone else please help him with the fstab syntax. cant remember it on top of my head and not at my computer now00:18
almoxarifelewis1711: did you load up ppa's on your system?00:18
lewis1711yes. they're gone now00:19
almoxarifelewis1711: gone? how did you gone them?00:19
EmiruIn Boot-Repair, the Grub tab is grey and empty, any one knows what to do?00:19
warfarena_p3rson1: i guess your windows drive is ntfs?00:19
mbeierlyes... I'm curious as I'd like to gone mine too :)00:19
a_p3rson1this is true, yes.00:19
bsmith093whens the next lts release?00:20
lewis1711almoxarife: synaptic->settings->repositories, removed them from "Ubuntu software" and "authentification"00:20
reisioprobably 'round about the same time of year the last one was00:20
Xenethhow do I add personalized commands?00:20
mbeierlbsmith093: I think it's 12.0400:20
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)00:20
reisioXeneth: you can use 'alias' (help alias) or functions with Bash00:20
warfarenalright so if no1 else can help you with that just google add ntfs to fstab00:20
reisioXeneth: talk to #bash to learn more, or man bash00:21
a_p3rson1warfaren: is there any specific syntax to only do auto-mount?00:21
Xenethhelp alias00:21
warfarenand it should be clear probably. you need to know your device name for your ntfs partition. and no, anything in fstab will be automounted00:22
reisioXeneth: in a terminal00:22
robin0800bsmith093: yes 04 12 as we say here00:22
almoxarifembeierl: to rid them safely ( and its still not safe 100%) requires a 'ppa purge' then if you are lucky you might have a virgin ubuntu system, and that is not what usually happens00:22
Xenethreisio, yea, just had wrong window active00:22
reisio'help' is Bash's built-in command for information on its built-in commands00:22
reisioah :p00:22
a_p3rson1warfaren: got it, found a page on the ubuntu wiki on automounting, shows all the syntax needed.00:22
a_p3rson1thank you,00:22
warfarenyoull have to choose and set a permanent mount point tno00:22
Xenethreisio, thanks00:22
warfarensweet :)00:22
reisioXeneth: somewhat more simply, alias foo="bar" in ~/.bashrc00:22
mbeierlalmoxarife: ah.  Thanks!00:22
reisioXeneth: and source ~/.bashrc if you want to use the new alias in the existing session00:23
reisioXeneth: there are probably some in there already you can use as examples00:23
almoxarifelewis1711: you unchecked the ppa, and that is where you left it?00:24
Xenethreisio, May make it a bit more clear if I explain.  I want to use minicom with 4 serial ports to network devices.  Want to make a simple command in place of typing out the command with all the augments.  Example:  "R1 = minicom -s ttyS1"  (I know that's not exactly right, but not on my server right now.00:26
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Phr3d13Finally got my Ubuntu to boot, thanks to all that got me started00:28
reisioXeneth: oh00:28
reisioXeneth: you can just dump all the commands on separate lines into a file00:28
reisioXeneth: and run sh filename in the future00:28
Phr3d13Apparently f10 doesn't do the same as ctrl - x00:32
reisioPhr3d13: really?00:32
reisiodoesn't it say use either?00:32
reisiomore GRUB2 fun...00:32
reisiogj trying both00:32
faroalgum brasileiro ai00:32
xangua!pt | faro00:32
ubottufaro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:32
Phr3d13Shame on me for wanting to be lazy and only hit one button I guess00:32
ActionParsnipPhr3d13: np man :)00:32
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Xenethreisio, Thank, that's what I was looking for.  I assume that it will not stay through reboot so should I make a script to run at start that redoes it?00:32
a_p3rson1how would i include spaces in a drive label in fstab? the wiki says uses \04000:32
reisioXeneth: if you want, I don't know what you're doing00:33
ActionParsnipa_p3rson1: I'd change the label00:33
reisioXeneth: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RcLocalHowto00:33
a_p3rson1ActionParsnip: really? any limitation to it?00:33
ActionParsnipa_p3rson1: just keep it short and without spaces00:33
a_p3rson1and, thats also the preset drive label ("Windows 7")00:33
Xenethreisio, Basicly trying to simplify connection through multiple serial ports.00:33
ActionParsnipa_p3rson1: I beleieve you can escape spaes in fstab, or you may be able to use quotes00:33
Emirureisio: Boot-repair's grub tab are grey and nothing is on them, any idea ?00:33
a_p3rson1it says escape spaces by using \040   does that mean replace the spaces with that?00:33
reisioXeneth: more simply without calling 'sh' you can put #!/bin/bash at the top of the file, and chmod +x it00:33
warfarena_p3rson1: maybe you should consider relabelling the drive tho? it wont affect windows in any wah00:33
reisioXeneth: then just ./file would work00:33
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reisioEmiru: what's the problem, again?00:33
zacariaspdf viewer and editor (drag and drop pages, etc.), any suggestion?00:33
reisiothere is one just for page reordering00:34
reisioI've forgotten the name00:34
Emirureisio: oh nvm ill google it :P00:34
reisiozacarias: pdfshuffler00:34
web1109places -> connect to server. why does it not have a tick for "reconnect when system starts up"00:34
zacariasreisio: tx, I'll look for it00:35
reisioas just a viewer my favie is evince, it inverts on its own00:35
reisio(xcalib -i -a can invert your whole session)00:35
albertIs there a way to amplify the master volume beyond 100% (like in vlc)?00:40
albert(ubuntu 11.10)00:41
ActionParsnipalbert: there is the option in the sound icon on the panel00:41
reisioalbert: with Pulse there should be, yes00:41
albertah, using fluxbox, do you know the command?00:42
albertfor the systemtray icon i guess00:43
zacariasand a software for pdf annotating?00:44
albertWhere are the gnome2 autostarts stored?00:47
almoxarifealbert: sound settings gui allows over 100%00:48
albertyeah, searching for the command to start the systemtray icon for the fluxbox startup00:49
albertthanks though!00:49
Akiyama-sanhow can i apply this patch into my system -> https://lkml.org/lkml/2007/9/5/289 ?00:49
Akiyama-sancan someone please help me/00:49
reisioAkiyama-san: it's from 2007, so if it was worth having at all, it's already applied00:50
reisioAkiyama-san: otherwise you would need a copy of the kernel from 2007, which is not the sanest approach00:50
Akiyama-sanwell, anyway, how can i apply patches like this one?00:50
reisiookay like this one00:50
reisioalso for a patch that simple it's a no brainer to do it manually00:51
Akiyama-santhx reisio00:51
reisiofind line 1371, remove the line with a -, add the lines with +00:51
ActionParsnipIs there an app that connects to the remote app in VLC which isn't the web browser?00:52
reisiolost me00:53
YawningAngelHighly random question: anyone know if, in French "de hauteur" abbreviates to "d'hauteur" or not?00:57
mbeierlActionParsnip: note sure I understand your question...00:57
Pici!ot | YawningAngel00:57
ubottuYawningAngel: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!00:57
ActionParsnipmbeierl: I run vlc on a server and I connect to it using vlc remote on my android phone and control it remotely, I can also do the same on my laptop but I use the web interface00:58
ActionParsnipmbeierl: was curious if there was an application, kinda like transgui is to transmission00:59
YawningAngelOh please, it's a one-line question with a simple yes/no answer00:59
YawningAngelI'm quite sure that the policies will manage00:59
mbeierlActionParsnip: ah, understood now.  And for a moment had read VNC, not VLC.  I'm not familiar with the remote in VLC, so sorry to get your hopes up...00:59
ActionParsnipYawningAngel: yes it will as far as I recall01:00
ActionParsnipmbeierl: vncis nasty01:00
YawningAngelThanks very much, thought so ;p01:00
mbeierlActionParsnip: yes. which is why I started piping up :)01:00
ActionParsnipmbeierl: you can enable the remote http console in advanced settings, then edit the .hosts file to allow your network subnet, you can then control VNC with a remote app or web interface rather than slow VNC01:01
mbeierlActionParsnip: ... wait ... I'm getting confused between the N and L again.  Are you really referring to VLC in the last statement, or the desktop control software?01:02
ActionParsnipmbeierl: yes, I do not use and hate VNC01:03
ActionParsnipmbeierl: http://hobbyistsoftware.com/images/VLCImages/win-prefs.png01:03
ActionParsnipmbeierl: http://blog.npike.net/wp-content/uploads/2007/11/vlc-http.JPG01:03
mbeierlActionParsnip: ok.  because that last statement sounded quite off for a VNC server.  Yes, I have turned that on before, back in my days of trying to do cheap monitoring via a webcam.  Had it stream the cam over vlc01:04
mbeierlActionParsnip: but I gave that up in favour of an auto-answer skype session.  it just worked better :)01:04
ActionParsnipmbeierl: I use it to control VNC, I have an app on my phone, but was curious if an app existed01:04
mbeierlActionParsnip: you mean VLC, not N, correct?01:05
ActionParsnipmbeierl: always L, VLC by videoLan01:05
mbeierlSorry :)01:05
mbeierlActionParsnip: and now that we've generated enough traffic, I'm hoping someone else might be able to chime in ... ?  Bueller?01:06
ActionParsnipmbeierl: I agree01:07
a_p3rsonI noticed that when I turn my machine on, at the plymouth splash screen, I now get an "Errors were found while checking the drive for /" message, with options to fix, recover, ignore and skip...ignoring works, but is there any fix to this?01:07
mbeierla_p3rson: don't ignore?  tell it to fix/recovery01:09
robin0800a_p3rson: think that is an error in fstab when something called is not mounting01:09
infektedanyone know how to change expo to not have the gap when you move unity launcher to bottom of screen?01:09
a_p3rsonrobin0800: it works fine if I hit ignore01:09
balistic22is there a mac osx lion channel?01:09
robin0800a_p3rson: maybe it just needs extra time!01:10
ghufranhi. is it possible to create an NTFS partition while installing ubuntu?01:10
a_p3rsonany idea how to give it more? its not really a problem, but i cant push "i" automagically...01:11
xangua!apple | balistic2201:11
ubottubalistic22: For PPC discussion, join #ubuntu-powerpc. For discussion on Mac software, or help with same, please visit ##apple.01:11
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reisioghufran: probably01:11
a_p3rsonrobin0800: any idea on how to do that?01:12
ghufrani am in the middle of the install process. i am changing the partitions. i only see option to make fat32 partition which is supported by windows ..01:12
balistic22thank you ubotto01:13
ActionParsnipghufran: what do you desire?01:13
ghufranActionParsnip: NTFS01:13
ActionParsnipghufran: I'd only make that in windows personally, it is proprietary to Microsoft01:13
ActionParsnipghufran: you can install ntfsprogs and can format NTFS though01:14
reisioeven if it isn't simple from the install media, you can post-install, yes01:14
mbeierlghufran: just leave the space (an empty partition) for it during the install, then like ActionParsnip says, after the install is complete, you may choose to use ntfsprogs to make an NTFS filesystem for you01:14
ghufranActionParsnip: hmm .. okay. but i dont have internet access on the laptop i am trying to install it on ..01:15
robin0800a_p3rson: no not really and not sure what fix/repair does either perhaps worth a try01:15
ghufranah.. ok01:15
mbeierlghufran: but, be forewarned: the support for file ownership/acls is limited in Linux, so once NTFS is mounted, it treats all files as being owned by the UID which did the mounting.01:15
ghufranmbeierl: that's okay. i dont really care about file permissions. i just don't want the 4GB / file limitation of fat3201:16
mbeierla_p3rson: I am pretty sure that error message is from the fsck disk check on boot, and it is telling you there are problems on the file system.  it will wait for your input on EVERY boot until you get the file system corrected01:16
mbeierlghufran: it's not there anymore :)01:16
warfarena_p3rson: can you pate your entire line in fstab that mounts your ntfs drive?01:16
a_p3rsonegh...let me look01:17
a_p3rsonwas gonna say, pate is a delicious treat, not something you can do on IRC.01:17
ghufranmbeierl: what do you mean? :S i get errors on one of my far32 disks01:17
hsmodhey all.  is there an app i can use to transfer mp3s ON to my iphone4?01:17
ghufranalso. is it possible to change the language of ubuntu after the install?01:18
reisiohsmod: bluetooth would probably be simplest01:18
mbeierlghufran: most of the portable USB disks that you get (like 1TB ones from WD) are formatted using FAT so they can be used in Windows, Mac and Linux.  They are definitely not NTFS01:18
xanguahsmod: rhythmbox, banshee, gtkpod01:18
a_p3rsonwarfaren: mbeierl: the full line is:                UUID=9e0e836c-d89c-46c3-b95f-f5f58a7d3be9/ext4errors=remount-ro0101:18
hsmodReisio i can do bluetooth mp3 transfer ?01:18
reisioI have only seen NTFS formatted ones01:18
ActionParsnipghufran: sure you can run language support01:18
warfarenyeah sorry im typing on my smartphone, not the best keyboard01:18
reisiohsmod: bluetooth can transfer anything01:18
a_p3rsonwarfaren: know the feeling.01:18
mbeierlghufran: same with USB sticks.  they are not limited to 4GB for a single filesystem either, yet that are FA01:18
ghufranActionParsnip: ok thanks!01:19
warfarenit says ext4.. u sure thats the right line?01:19
hsmodxangua, which is the best?01:19
mbeierlreisio: NTFS for usb sticks?  Not usually.01:19
reisiooh sorry, I read external for some reason01:19
reisiooh right01:19
reisiobecause you said 'like 1TB from WD'01:19
warfareni use NTFS on one of my USB sticks but performance is horrible and safe removal in windows is bitching a lot so not recommended01:20
ghufranActionParsnip, mbeierl : what is the significance of the mount point for partitions that are not '/'01:20
mbeierlreisio: and then also USB sticks :)  For camera cards too.01:20
reisiobut a "1TB WD" is probably going to be NTFS, or nothing at all01:20
abstrakthow do I know if a file is 1080i or 1080p? Here's the output of `ffmpeg -i clip.avi` Stream #0.0: Video: h264 (Main), yuv420p, 1920x1080 [PAR 1:1 DAR 16:9]01:20
ghufrani mean.. will setting the mount point make it auto mount on that location always?01:20
ActionParsnipghufran: its how you interface with block devices01:20
mbeierlghufran: the mount point is where in the directory structure the file system is going to be shown to you the user01:21
reisioabstrakt: the aspect ratio would suggest i01:21
ActionParsnipghufran: if you define it in /etc/fstab it wil mount to where you say01:21
reisioabstrakt: #ffmpeg might know more01:21
warfarena_p3rson: did you paste thr right line from fstab? it said ext4 not ntfs01:21
a_p3rsonabstrakt: 1920x1080 i believe is 1080p01:21
mbeierlghufran: there can be only one "/", which represents the start of the entire file system.  On MS Windows, that is in a way synonymous with "My Computer" (except in Windows, that is not the real root of the filesystem)01:22
a_p3rsonwarfaren: different problem now, got the one with the ntfs drive fixed, automounts perfectly01:22
reisioactually they're both that aspect ration :p01:22
ghufranActionParsnip, mbeierl : so i am making three partitions. one is mounted to '/'. one for swap area. and the last one for data and if i set the mount point to /home/Data it will mount it there?01:22
warfarenu sure? i think 1080i would be considered 1920x1080 too01:22
ActionParsnipghufran: yes, with the options you set, it will mount at boot01:23
JusticeZeroOne: If I were to install xubuntu-desktop, would/could that disrupt anything and makethe computer not work right till fixed? Two: Why won't it let me download it?01:23
warfarenwell maybe the error you have now is because of the automount of ntfs?01:23
reisioabstrakt: does it mention 'interlace/ing'?01:23
mbeierlghufran: yes.  The "/" partition will have /home and then /home/Data and the contents of /home/Data will be the contents of the partition01:23
ghufranActionParsnip: so i won't have to put it in fstab?01:23
warfarenor did you have it before too?01:23
abstraktreisio, no that's the only data it has for the video part01:23
abstraktthat's why i ask01:23
a_p3rsonwarfaren: abstrakt: 1080i is 2 frames of 1920x580, 1080p is 1 frame of 1920x1080.01:24
a_p3rsonand, this problem was before the other one.01:24
ghufranmbeierl: so thats the right 'convention' ?01:24
eigarub 11.10. When I disable mouse polling in "copmiz config settings manager" teh manager crashes and closes. Is thre other processes that depends on this then those listed here: http://wiki.compiz.org/Plugins/Mousepoll ? (I use none of them)01:24
eigarThe mousepoll is enabled by default01:24
a_p3rsonntfs automounting is fixed, this is not.01:24
reisioabstrakt: how about mplayer -v01:24
aeon-ltdJusticeZero: first one, no xfce is relatively stable - nothing will happen (besides saving and moving files) until you log out then log into a xfce session01:24
ActionParsnipghufran: yes you will have to put it in fstab if you want it to mount in a specific folder01:25
warfarenyes i know how interlacing kinda halves it but.. would it really change the res showing?01:25
mbeierlghufran: yes.  it is a different way of thinking about partitions than Microsoft, but yes, that is the idea01:25
aeon-ltdJusticeZero: two, lots of reasons - tell the channel more details01:25
warfarenalright well you said it gave you the option to fix during fsck right? what happens if you do?01:26
eigarI am trying to get rid of some pointer mess. Sometimes the pointer jumps01:26
a_p3rsoni dont know, should i try it?01:27
JusticeZeroOK, I just don't want any risk of it dislodging any of unity's quirky touchiness. I went to the software center and put in 'xubuntu-desktop' and tried to install it. I get two error dialogs within seconds: "Failed to download package files", then "Requires installation of untrusted packages".01:27
abstraktreisio, ok so what would I be looking for in this output01:28
zorbaAnyone here use radeon HD 6000 series? Does it work with gnome 3 or does it artifact?01:29
abstraktreisio, does this "MainAVIHeader.dwFlags: (272) HAS_INDEX IS_INTERLEAVED" mean that it's 1080i or is interleaved different than interlaced?01:29
JusticeZeroI don't know what is giving me those two errors when it has my password, permission, and a passable connection.01:33
dewannahello i need help01:35
gizmobayhow do you use the find command to find a file with an extension? find / -name vmdk -print doesn't find files with .vmdk01:35
urlin2uJusticeZero,  "Requires installation of untrusted packages" means 3rd party stuff basically the other explains itself look in software sources as to what repos are open, and maybe change the mirror.01:35
dewannacan anyone help with my wireless connection01:36
urlin2udewanna, you have to describe what the problem is first.01:36
urlin2uin detail01:36
trismgizmobay: find / -name '*.vmdk' -print01:36
=== Akiyama-san is now known as Akiyama-san|Away
dewannain the panel it shows the internet bars with a"!" beside it when i click to connect it just sys wired connect and it just did this randomly one day and i cant seem to figure it out01:38
arvuthi. I have a question about tunneling (yes, using ubuntu atm)01:40
warfarenwell go on01:42
_jasonarvut: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)01:42
arvutif I would like to reroute all the irc traffic from pc 1 thru router A to router B and then out in the internet, but both routers being on different wan ips (yes I do have full access to them both), as in ipsec or vpn but without need to reach the other lan01:42
arvut_jason: =)01:42
arvutbeen here before, a lot in the past =)01:43
ubottuDo you like to hug alot? - http://bit.ly/aVDMTo01:43
dewannawell you guys are alot of help thanks01:43
warfarenwell personally i use ssh tunnels and tsocks to soksify irssi but im sure theres a better way01:44
arvutthe general idea is to just reroute irc traffic from PC 1 on router 1's lan to router 2 and then from router 2 out on the www01:44
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arvutwarfaren: the routers doesnt have ssh servers installed :/01:45
arvutcheap home equipment01:45
arvutif I could then I would have a real serverbox behind each lan to handle everything via ssh and whatnot01:46
warfarenoh.. sorry i was thinking of a machine behind the router.. oh well01:46
arvutyeah, would be much easier01:46
warfarenperhaps if you can install dd-wrt or tomato on the router you could run an ssh server on them tho?01:47
warfareni hear it will let you do tons of cool stufd01:47
arvutnot opensource routers, so cant do01:47
warfareni see :/01:47
=== chosn_ is now known as chosn
warfarenok sorry cant help you then. hope someone else can01:48
arvutcommon dlinks actually, they support some stuff but never enough01:48
pokpongi just installed Xorg onto a fresh install of Ubuntu Server 11.10 but after startx the keyboard is not even workin ?!? can someone help me please?01:49
lowkiearvut, is this for a specific protocol?  irc? http?01:49
arvutlowkie: yes, I want to tunnel my irc traffic01:49
arvutcan it be encapsulated in ipsec?01:49
BernSamsonhow do you terminate a program?01:50
arvutor kill01:50
BernSamsonpkill in terminal?01:50
BernSamsonpkill 'app'01:50
lowkiearvut, there used to be a program called bounce.  You run it on a server and force it to one irc server.  You use your client to connect to the bounce server and it will "proxy" you to the irc server01:50
reisioabstrakt: sounds like a question for the internet, or #mplayer01:51
pokpongwhy does the keyboard works in tty but not in xorg??01:51
BernSamsondidn't work01:52
BernSamsonstill up01:52
lowkiearvut, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BNC_(software)01:52
tf_enyacan I use Realtek ALC883 codec in Ubuntu 10.10?01:52
arvutlowkie: yeah, but as I mentioned, these routers are only cheap home equipment for setting up a small lan. can't install bouncers on them01:53
Tech-1try pkill -901:53
arvutbut ty anyway01:53
warfarentry ps aux | grep -i appname to find the exact processname01:53
warfarenor pgrep to get the pid01:53
Tech-1BernSamson,  + u may have to use proper name01:53
lowkiearvut, can you setup a tunnel between them?01:53
lowkiearvut, and use a system behind the 2nd router?01:54
arvutlowkie: I hope so01:54
arvutno, the lan on router2 is to be untouched01:54
BernSamsonis it safe to do a restart when an app is hung?01:55
arvuti go thru router 1, to router 2's wanport, then out again from router201:55
reisioBernSamson: safe enough01:55
warfarenwell you shouldnt need to01:55
arvutkill app first BernSamson01:55
lowkiearvut, then your only option is if the routers support VPN…you can route ALL traffic over the vpn tunnel01:56
pokponganyone knows about configuring Xorg?01:56
BernSamsonI've tried all kindsa ways...I even tried kill --help and it said there was no such thing as --help01:56
reisiopokpong: what about it01:56
gizmobaytrism: thanks!01:57
x_what program runs the on screen display?01:57
pokpongreisio, when I do xstart I get stuck in a terminal but I cant type anything!01:57
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arvutlowkie: hmm, doubt they do. I'm gonna investigate ipsec a bit more tho (and pptp)01:58
almostrootI'm attempting to do an "apt-get build-dep sage" on 12 machines, but they all return an error about dependencies. (http://pastebin.com/Ev2vWUxs) When I try to install the dependencies, it returns an error about broken packages. (http://pastebin.com/btsT79Zu) I'm used to yum, so any help would be appreciated.01:58
willwhhi folks - anyone use screen & irssi? seems there is a bug somewhere - after some indeterminable time, my irssi starts spewning, "can write to away.log (or any log) - file not found" - if I open a new terminal inside screen, I wind up at, willwh@web~$(unreachable) - but, if I do an 'ls' - I am in /home/willwh....... any ideas how on earth I go about debugging this?01:59
reisiopokpong: is it all black?01:59
reisiowillwh: #screen or #irssi might know better01:59
_jasonwillwh: are you confident the issue does not exist with irssi outside screen?01:59
willwh_jason: 100%02:00
ReikokuAnyone else having issues with Empathy connecting to MSN?02:00
willwhI will try #screen tho - good call reisio :)02:00
_jasonwillwh: how did you start irssi and screen exactly?02:00
pokpongreisio, yes and i was even able to startx -e x-terminal-emulator which brought me into a white terminal instead but still no keyboard working02:01
maheanuuI have some very large files that I have downloaded (larger than 6 gigs) and I want to transfer them to a portable external drive so that I can share them with others and not have to carry my computer to do so, is there any way that I can do this without splitting the file into smaller sections?02:01
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x_isn'ty notify notify-osd but how can I manually start it. I can't find an executable02:01
x_I want to run it w/ fluxbox.02:01
_jasonmaheanuu: sure, don't use vfat02:02
willwh_jason: screen -S irc && irssi02:03
willwhI've also tried with byobu02:03
willwhI just ssh in to the box and it connects to my running session02:03
_jasonwillwh: what did you run in your terminal before that?02:03
willwhthis is with all fresh terms02:03
willwhI gtg for dinner02:03
willwhback in a bit - I'll pm ya _jason02:03
maheanuu_jason,  what should I use, I was thinking of using NTFS but I have had a lot of probs on corruption of the drive between Ubuntu and NTFS02:03
_jasonmediat0r: ntfs if you need to deal with windows users.  What exactly does "corruption of the drive" mean?02:04
maheanuuI have to deal with windows users (family) and the drives become unreadable I have 3 at present that have all my photography files on them and I am trying to save 15 years of photos on those02:06
maheanuu_jason, they all worked wonderfully then slowly became unreadable02:06
dr_willismaheanuu:  ddrescue the drives to a image file, and try to recover from the image file. is what i did the other day for a failing 1 TB hd.02:06
_jasonmaheanuu: how do they *slowly* become unreadable?02:08
maheanuu_jason, I was getting read errors intermittently then they quit02:08
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bagelshi guys.  I just bought a Dell Inspiron Duo, and want to know how to install drivers for the touchscreen and screen rotation?02:09
Lizard_Aww man02:10
Lizard_Lizard is already in use :'(02:10
Lizard_By the way, I'm new to the community02:10
Lizard_Nice to meet you all02:10
reisiopokpong: is there some reason you're not using a login manager (lightdm, gdm)?02:10
Tech-1crawl over to a new nic02:10
maheanuudr-willis,I have a 1t and a 1.5t along with a 500 gig that are not readable02:10
reisiobagels: got a model number?02:10
x_can someone tell me where to find / how to start notify-osd manually ( I have it installed but can't find how to start it lolz)02:11
=== Lizard_ is now known as Dr_Azil
dr_willismaheanuu:  if you are lucky ddrescue will recover them.. and/or photorec..  it took me a week to recovery my 1tb.. but i got like 99% of the files from it.02:11
dr_willisx_:  what are you wanting to do to it? its installed/used by the default gnome..02:11
x_dr_willis, im on fluxbox checking it out, can I run notify-osd on fluxbox ?02:12
pokpongreisio, i have installed Xorg on ubuntu server and only want to startx when I want to watch a movie02:12
eigarub 11.10. When I disable mouse polling in "copmiz config settings manager" the manager crashes and closes. The polling does not get disabled either. Where is the config file for this?02:12
leonardo-goisque comando posso usar para tira o convidado?????????02:12
bagelsreisio As far as I know, "Inspiron Duo" is the model, i couldn't find one on the bottom of the computer.02:12
dr_willisx_:  cant say ive really tried. its a service startred by the gnome/ubuntu desktop. theres some notify-osd command that lets you create custom notificatoons. Its most likely started as part of the gnome system services.02:13
x_dr_willis, info on the ubuntu website says it should be notify-osd but I can't find that anywhere and I know it's installed....02:13
reisiopokpong: okay, did you install a window manager?02:13
reisiopokpong: are you sure you wouldn't prefer just using framebuffer?02:14
dr_willisx_:  i only have a 'notify-send' here as a command.02:14
reisiobagels: can you pastebin what's in /dev/input/by-id/02:14
Dr_AzilI just made the mistake of checking how many channels there were...02:15
pokpongreisio, i did not install a window manager since i just want to display one application output, my movie player02:15
x_dr_willis, me too ;\02:15
pokpongreisio, framebuffer??02:15
reisiopokpong: okay02:15
dr_willisx_:  i think those docs may be outdated.02:15
reisiopokpong: mplayer can play to the framebuffer02:15
reisiopokpong: you don't need X02:15
dr_willispokpong:  even in such a case. ive always used a minimal window manager.02:15
pokpongreisio, ill check that!02:15
SuperNoeManhey what kernel version is ubuntu 11.1002:15
reisiopokpong: I don't know what particulars there might be for Ubuntu Server; here are the details for Gentoo some of which will remain relevant: http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Mplayer_on_Framebuffer02:16
dr_willislast i looked mplayer in the framebuffer had limitiations in some res's and other features. but it may be better now.02:16
reisionever had a problem with it02:16
reisioI've played widescreen, not widescreen, subtitled02:16
reisioanyways, beats having X on a server02:16
yeats!info linux | SuperNoeMan02:16
ubottuSuperNoeMan: linux (source: linux-meta): Generic complete Linux kernel.. In component main, is optional. Version (oneiric), package size 1 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 all armel powerpc)02:16
dr_willisthe geexbox disrto moved from using mplayer in framebuffer to usingit in a minimal X server setup. but this was 2 yrs ago they switched.02:16
Tech-1huh, mandrivia just came out w/a new player which is inbetween mplayer and smplayer02:17
PeDorhi, someone knows a equalizer that works with ubuntu 11.10?02:17
reisiothat's their problem :p02:17
reisioTech-1: yeah, what?02:17
Tech-1i aint tried it yet tho02:17
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pokpongreisio, thanks a lot02:18
=== infinitasx is now known as ii8ii
x_dr_willis, actually I just ended up using xfe4-volumed since thats all I needed anyway :-D02:20
reisioTech-1: ...does it have a name?02:20
Tech-1do a search, it was dayviewed on linux-today about 3 days ago02:21
almostrootOkay, so I've narrowed my issue down to the system won't update. It looks like it is getting the repo information, and not returning any error codes, but an apt-get update returns 0 packages to be updated, yet I am seeing outdated packages.02:22
dr_willisalmostroot:  how are you seeing outdated packages?02:23
noahk11I got free time to help so just holler :)02:23
almostrootdr_willis: Dependency issues and I'm using kernel version 2.6.32-28-generic on 10.04 when I know the current is 2.6.32-35-generic.02:24
dr_willisalmostroot:  tried a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and see what it suggests?02:25
reisiobagels: ?02:25
almostroot0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.02:25
pokpongreisio, will play only as root....and no sound02:26
dr_williswork time for me.. bbl.02:26
x_so, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop restarts X leaving me at login screen. But how would I go about killing x, completely and going to a text terminal in the same tty.02:26
Black19I need some help with Banshee, some one?02:27
gunfire007Black19: what help ?02:28
kantxxanyone here have issues w/ ubuntu 11.10 as a virtualbox guest? i cant install vboxsf modules02:28
Black19Thanks gunfire007, I cant add an Itunes podcast,02:28
PeeOnYouoh my god02:28
PeeOnYoui reinstalled ubuntu a few weeks back because i lost the unity stuff02:28
reisiopokpong: mplayer -ao help02:29
PeeOnYouand couldn't for the life of me figure out how to get it back02:29
reisiopokpong: also I've no idea if the server edition comes with ALSA setup02:29
PeeOnYoujust did it again and found the most simple solution02:29
* PeeOnYou facepalms02:29
gunfire007Black19: try converting the format of the podcast or use Amarok which has a good support02:29
reisioPeeOnYou: ask next time :p02:29
PeeOnYouwell at that time i didn't have any irc clients02:29
gunfire007reisio: :)02:29
PeeOnYouand i didn't know what to google02:30
Black19ok, let me see gunfire00702:30
reisioPeeOnYou: google webchat.freenode.net02:30
gunfire007Black19: :) have fun02:30
PeeOnYouill remember that02:30
a111does canada still use miles for distance?02:30
almostrootSo both aptitude and apt-get report zero packages to be upgraded, but the whole system is outdated.02:31
pokpongalll: no02:31
reisioa111: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avoirdupois02:31
LittleLostcan somebody help with easycap (video capture card) failure after upgrade to 10.04 2.6.32-35 kernel.02:31
almostrootIt is a fresh 10.04.2 Xubuntu install.02:32
pokpongalll: no, official unit is km02:33
pokpong!pin g02:33
bagelshow do I use a touchscreen in ubuntu?02:33
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...02:33
neil_ubuntuGood day to all02:34
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neil_ubuntuGood day02:34
neil_adroid!seen anc02:36
ubottuI have no seen command02:36
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...02:37
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=== hannibal is now known as Guest89514
milamberalmostroot: what do you mean whole system is outdated?02:38
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:38
almostrootmilamber: It is a fresh install. No updates have run.02:39
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Guest95867Pessoal. Novato na area. Como eu uso isso aqui?02:41
milamberalmostroot: what is the output of uname -v?02:42
almostrootmilamber: "#55-Ubuntu SMP Mon Jan 10 23:42:43 UTC 2011"02:43
Guest95867Anyone there?02:43
milamberalmostroot: sorry, uname -r02:43
jjjrmyHow can I open up the file explorer as sudo?02:44
almostrootmilamber: 2.6.32-28-generic02:44
Tech-1Its the holiday season, help may or not be found on an immediate basis, please be patient.02:44
mmfeisudo nautilus02:44
milamberjjjrmy: you shouldn't run any graphical applications w/ sudo, run: gksu nautilus02:44
willwhyou should not use sudo nautilus02:44
willwhgksudo if you are opening GUI stuff as root.02:44
reisioalthough I hardly see the difference02:45
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)02:45
reisio"Why is it an issue?\nWell, to be perfectly honest, most of the time it isn't." :p02:47
jjjrmymilamber: I just downloaded a .deb file, how do I install it?02:47
Tech-1click on it02:47
Guest89514dpkg -i a.deb02:48
ii8iiNewbie to Ubuntu for about a few months now.  Ditched Windows....out the window.02:48
=== Guest89514 is now known as flowingfirefly
e75how do i restart alsa on ubuntu? my microphone isn't working. sometimes it will work on ubuntu, other times it won't02:48
sausagesquatchwhy cant i get ubuntu to boot i used wubi to download and install whats the prob02:49
reisiojjjrmy: a deb file of what?02:49
reisiosausagesquatch: what happens when you try to have it boot?02:49
reisioii8ii: fun?02:49
reisioflowingfirefly: what's that02:50
* reisio goes back to work02:50
sausagesquatchwindows starts it doesent ask whitch os to start and i looked on the os choices menu and its not present02:50
willwhsausagesquatch: grub got hosed02:52
willwhor windows overwrote your MBR02:52
jerothQuestion: I have set my power settings to never Hibernate. Where do I change the option to Not turn off my monitor? My computer still goes black and wont recover? Thanks!02:52
reisiowillwh: he used wubi02:52
reisiojeroth: somewhere around the same pref area I would think02:52
reisiosausagesquatch: ignore that02:52
sausagesquatchwell i looked in the grub folder and it is empty02:52
sausagesquatchso is the boot folder02:53
reisiosausagesquatch: I imagine the manual way to fix that would utilize EasyBCD02:53
jerothreisio: Power options under system settings only has two options. Suspend and Hibernate. Which are both off. I cant find the option for monitors?02:53
sausagesquatchwhats easy bcd02:53
sausagesquatchreisio: what is easy bcd02:56
meshuggahheya everyone02:57
meshuggahis there any ubuntu application to control webcam?02:57
meshuggahfocus, sharpness, this kind of things?02:57
sausagesquatchso what shall i do02:57
boxbeatsyhi all, i just installed ubuntu 10.04 on a fresh system, and i have no internet connection.  i've found a thread on the forums that addresses my problem.  however, they're asking me to install build-essentials from my install CD, but when i enabled the CD in Software Sources, i got a unable to download error and when i try to apt-get install build-essentials, the terminal showed some errors and was not installed02:57
boxbeatsydoes anyone know why i can't instal build-essentials from my install cd?02:58
reisiosausagesquatch: it's a Windows app for managing boot loading02:58
reisiosausagesquatch: 'fraid I don't know anything about broken Wubi installs02:58
sausagesquatchohh ok02:58
reisioboxbeatsy: how're you trying to?02:59
reisiomeshuggah: guvcview?02:59
rypervenche`/b 102:59
boxbeatsyreisio: well i enabled the cd as a software source via synaptic02:59
meshuggahreisio, thank u i will try02:59
boxbeatsyreisio: and then i installed build-essentials with apt-get02:59
boxbeatsyboth yielded errors though02:59
LinuxRantsDoes anybody know of any good video conversion applications for ubuntu?02:59
sausagesquatchwhere do i get easy bcd for free03:01
rypervencheLinuxRants: ffmpeg03:03
willwhLinuxRants: handbrake.fr03:03
willwhit's awesome if you want something with a gui etc etc03:03
boxbeatsywhen i try to apt-get install build-essentials, i get a series of error messages starting with "failed to fetch cdrom: [Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS ...]03:04
willwhother than that though - ffmpeg ftw (but always build from source) :)03:04
willwhboxbeatsy: open up your Software Sources03:04
flowingfireflyI can't find Chinese chanel, 杯具啊!03:04
CarlFKboxbeatsy: i doubt build-essentials is on the cd03:04
litheumhow can i cause an upstart job to depend on a SystemV script?03:04
willwhflowingfirefly: #ubuntu-cn03:05
willwhI believe03:05
MirxCan any1 direct me to a channel on IRC newbies03:05
=== Nicolus is now known as c_nick
willwhubottu: irc?03:05
ubottuwillwh: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:05
willwhMirx: feel free to pm me with IRC questions... :]03:06
willwhMirx: also, type, /topic - and check out the links ;)03:06
flowingfireflybot, can you teach me how to creat a bot?03:06
boxbeatsywillwh: i've got sofware sources open, and the CD option selected03:07
CarlFKirc! | Mirx03:07
willwhboxbeatsy: so deselect03:07
MirxCarlFK:  irc!03:07
boxbeatsywillwh: but, i dont' have internet connection, so i have no other source to get build-essentials from03:07
willwhand then, refresh your sources / run sudo apt-get update from a terminal03:07
milamber!cn | flowingfirefly03:07
FloodBot1willwh: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.03:07
ubottuflowingfirefly: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw03:07
=== ObsidianCraft is now known as Nach0z
boxbeatsythis thread addresses my issue, and it seems corroborated that the live cd is supposd to have build-essentials on it http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=150569703:08
willwhit should, but I think you can also create CDs/DVDs of current packages03:08
milamber!irc > Mirx03:08
ubottuMirx, please see my private message03:08
willwhboxbeatsy: how are you on IRC without internet access? ;)03:08
boxbeatsywillwh: primray computer, i bought a new laptop today and i'm trying to move over :P03:09
Gaijinhello - trying to compile something but getting error asking me to specify locations of 3 items, where would these be on a 64 bit build? GMP 4.2+, MPFR 2.3.1+ and MPC 0.8.0+.03:09
Mirxubottu: irc03:09
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines03:09
boxbeatsywillwh: is there a tutorial somewhere tha twill show me how to create a CD of build-essentiasl?03:09
Mirxmilamber: irc03:09
willwhboxbeatsy: I would just plug your lappy in to the router and install :)03:09
CarlFKboxbeatsy: where do you see build-essentials on that ubuntuforums page?03:09
meshuggahis there any ubuntu application to control webcam, focus, sharpness, this kind of thing?03:10
milamberboxbeatsy: you just have to edit your sources list and comment out the cd03:10
boxbeatsyCarlFK: #603:10
quixotedondear all, how to delete a program you have installed through wine?? the fact is i used wine on 11.04 after upgrading to 11.10, wine is gone/removed but the programs i installed are still there in the app list03:10
boxbeatsymilamber: the CD is the source I need to get build-essential from though.  or, is there another?03:11
milambermeshuggah: try the program cheese?03:11
boxbeatsywillwh: the problem im fixing is that i have a disabled network card so that's not anoption03:11
willwhon a brand new laptop?03:11
pist0l-fishgcc is giving me errors about ANY library i try to link to the program i'm compiling. for example, -lpthread gives me things like, "undefined reference to `pthread_create`"03:11
pist0l-fishis anyone else experiencing this? i'm on 11.1003:12
willwhboxbeatsy: it's probably just disabled in the bios03:12
willwhenable it and save yourself the pain03:12
milamberboxbeatsy: can you be more specific about what errors you were getting?03:12
boxbeatsywillwh: it works when i boot into windows though03:12
CarlFKboxbeatsy: I am pretty sure build-essential is not on the cd.  but don't give up.. you can use a usb stick... just a sec03:12
willwhboxbeatsy: you're talking about the wireless?03:13
boxbeatsyboth wired/wireless dont work03:13
CarlFKboxbeatsy: actually it is kinda odd that wired doesn't work.   might want to invistigate that03:13
MirxAny other information about IRC for a beginner03:13
willwhMirx: google it.03:13
Mirxubottu didn't tell me much03:14
ubottuMirx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:14
willwhthe #ubuntu channel is not really the place to ask for basic IRC stuff03:14
the_cyber_guyi have somehow messed up with ubuntu network drivers for the wifi and mobile broadband devices, how can they be repaired ?03:14
boxbeatsyCarlFK: according to the forum thread, my ethernet hardware is new and doesn't have driver support in Ubuntu 10.0403:14
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boxbeatsyCarlFK: however, there's a driver included in the compat-wireless stack that i can use03:14
almoxarife!info build-essentials03:14
ubottuPackage build-essentials does not exist in oneiric03:14
Mirxwillwh:  i know and am trying to find where to go03:14
boxbeatsyCarlFK: problem is, to install it i need build-essential03:14
Dr_AzilHaving difficulty downloading Ubuntu03:15
willwhMirx: http://lmgtfy.com/?q=IRC+basics03:15
Mirxwillwh:  I willl check that out now.  Thx03:15
boxbeatsymilamber: when i tried to enable the CD as a software source via synaptic, it tried to dl some repository related files but failed to do so.  and then when i tried to apt-get install build-essential it spits out a series of errors all starting with "failed to fetch cdrom:[Ubuntu 10.04.2 LTS]....03:15
* willwh facepalms03:15
pist0l-fishcan anyone help with the linker errors?03:15
willwhpist0l-fish: I haven't had an issue like that (running 11.10)03:16
Mirxubottu: hacking03:16
ubottuA hacker is a person who delights in having an intimate understanding of the internal workings of a system, computers and computer networks in particular, as defined by Request for Comments (RFC) 1392 - i.e. a good programmer  -- crackers on the other hand break systems, see also !piracy03:16
pist0l-fishwillwh: where is your pthread library located, out of curiosity03:16
CarlFKboxbeatsy: weird.  so in syaptic, File, "generate download script" which will let you download all the .deb files you need for build-essential.  put them on a usb sitck, stick in laptop.. and.. ummmm pray :)03:16
willwhMirx: if you are interested about learning more about security etc - check out backtrack.03:16
Mirxubottu: backtrack03:17
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition03:17
Mirxwillwh:  Backtrack?  Where03:17
MirxA channel?03:17
willwhMirx: stop trolling03:17
reisiounless it comes with a manual, Backtrack won't learn you any more than Ubuntu, anyways03:17
Mirxwillwh:  What's trolling03:17
willwhMirx: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Troll_(Internet)03:17
Mirxubottu: trolling03:17
pist0l-fishi think my installation is missing all libraries...03:18
CarlFKMirx: you are posting too much that is off topic.03:18
pist0l-fishwillwh: can you just tell me where the path is to your libraries?03:18
CarlFKboxbeatsy: I don't suppose the laptop has firewire?  and you have cables...03:19
milamberboxbeatsy: here is the answer to you question: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptMoveHowto/simple03:19
MirxCarlFk, Sorry03:19
willwhpist0l-fish: yes, sorry03:19
milamberboxbeatsy: if you are getting that many other errors, you may have something else going on03:19
Mirxubottu: troll03:19
willwhbut that box is only 32bit03:19
willwhI am assuming you're running x64?03:19
pist0l-fishwillwh: yes03:20
boxbeatsymilamber: ok, i will try that03:20
the_cyber_guyhow can i get back the default ubuntu drivers for wifi and mobile broadband ?03:20
boxbeatsyCarlFK: nope03:20
pist0l-fishi seem to have both... grumble.03:21
pist0l-fishscrew developing on ubuntu, i don't have the time nor the patience to figure this out03:21
milamberpist0l-fish: can you pastebin the compile command you are using and the errors? you haven't really provided specific enough info for anyone to be able to help03:22
yeatspist0l-fish: this isn't really a developer channel... more straight up system support03:22
pist0l-fishmilamber: http://codepad.org/Cbtg8Jil03:22
pist0l-fishalso, i couldn't find where apt-get put libsqlite3's library files, although i did find the header file03:23
willwhpist0l-fish: sudo updatedb && locate whateveryouarelookingfor03:24
sodanican i install ruby 1.9.2 on ubuntu with apt-get?03:24
yeats!info ruby03:24
ubotturuby (source: ruby-defaults): Transitional package for ruby1.8. In component main, is optional. Version 4.8 (oneiric), package size 4 kB, installed size 36 kB03:24
CarlFKboxbeatsy: oh, once you have that script, you run it on a box with net access, then put it back in laptop and run the option right under it "add downloaded packages"03:24
yeats!info ruby1.903:24
ubottuPackage ruby1.9 does not exist in oneiric03:24
pist0l-fishwillwh: oooo file indexing, i am not used to such luxuries. this is way better than using `find`03:25
willwhpist0l-fish: don't write ubuntu off just yet ;]03:25
pist0l-fishwillwh: haha okay i will not03:26
milamberpist0l-fish: did you find your missing library?03:26
pist0l-fishso it seems like everything is in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu03:26
willwhpist0l-fish: what have you been developing on prior? :]03:26
pist0l-fishwillwh: arch linux, i installed ubuntu on this system because i already had a bootcamp'd imac, and was lazy03:27
pist0l-fish(used wubi)03:27
willwhah :)03:27
willwhyeah arch is nice, but, tbh, I don't have the time03:27
willwhgive me something with a vibrant community & precompiled packages03:27
willwhto be fair - a few things I do compile from source (eggdrop / ffmpeg etc)03:27
pist0l-fishyou'd be surprised- there's very little compilation in arch, and the community is pretty big. most people get the popular packages as binaries03:28
willwhI guess that is Arch though - it's been a long time since I've touched it03:28
willwhit's pacman right?03:28
willwhthe arch package manager03:28
pist0l-fishyeah... i love pacman03:28
pist0l-fishso i wonder why the appropriate env variables do not get set on gcc to use the path i just wrote down. should i report this as a bug for x64?03:28
willwhI'd certainly take a look at launchpad03:29
willwhfor existing bugs03:29
willwhlaunchpad? > pist0l-fish03:29
willwhis that the righ syntax for ubottu?03:29
ubottuLaunchpad is a collection of development services for Open Source projects. It's Ubuntu's bug tracker, and much more; see https://launchpad.net/03:30
willwhthx milamber :)03:31
milamberwillwh: factoids are preceded with the exclamation point. a | will send it to the user on the channel and a > will send a pm03:31
kookykookieHi, i compiled and installed a lucid kernel on maverick. The new kernel is missing build from lib/module03:31
pist0l-fishhmm, i added that to my library paths and it still gives me linker errors. actually, that makes sense, because it would have failed before the linker had it not found the right libraries03:31
milamber!ubottu | willwh03:31
ubottuwillwh: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots03:31
willwhmilamber: is he an eggdrop or what? totally custom? :)03:32
kookykookieis there a workaround to get the kernel-dev?03:32
yeatswillwh: supybot with custom plugins03:32
milamberwillwh: she's actually a she :)03:32
milamberwillwh: supybot i think03:33
kookykookiedo i make sense?03:33
milamber!compilekernel | kookykookie03:34
ubottukookykookie: The core of Ubuntu is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, and if you need to troubleshoot issues, you can try a !Mainline kernel instead, but if you insist, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile (see also !Stages)03:34
PeeOnYoujeez anytime i make a change in ccsm it crashes03:34
PeeOnYouand i have to do unity --reset03:34
willwhI'm out o/03:34
kookykookielol Thanks03:34
threoninewhat program creates an iso for a DVD avi,mkv etc file?03:35
* pist0l-fish gives up on ubuntu03:35
milamberkookykookie: wish i could be more help, but custom compiling the kernel is not something i am familiar with. if you come back later there may be someone more comfortable to help03:35
milamberthreonine: do you have a file you want to turn in to an iso or do you have a dvd you want to make a backup of?03:36
e75how can i restart alsa?03:37
kookykookieThats ok. I found some packages i can try installing on that wiki page03:37
threoninemilamber, i am trying to make DVD movies03:37
Northwoodshow can i open /home/extra/ with all rights to change it03:38
Northwoodsalthough i'm logged in as root03:38
milamberthreonine: i believe you can do it w/ avidemux03:38
Northwoodsit doesn't let me manipulate folders03:38
Northwoodsi did nautilius03:38
milamberNorthwoods: how did you open nautilus?03:38
Northwoodssimply typed this in terminal03:39
milamberNorthwoods: try: gksudo nautilus03:39
Northwoodsyes worked , thanks03:40
milamberNorthwoods: np03:40
threoninemilamber, avidemux doesn't let you create a DVD that you can play on your dvd player03:41
Tech-1threonine,  devede03:41
=== skr is now known as Guest40649
Tech-1threonine,  if you do use it, and are in the usa, make sure its set to ntsc03:42
threonineTech-1, thanks but Devede has bad quality compared to ConvertXtoDVD thats the only reason i need it.03:44
Tech-1i c03:45
kookykookiecan i use dpkg to fetch dependencies for a .deb?03:46
tensorpuddingapt-get build-dep03:47
kookykookiethe .deb package isnt listed in apt-get03:48
emmeteawhat command would i use if i wanted to add other operating systems to grubs menu since installation didn't notice them?03:48
Tech-1sudo update-grub03:49
Tech-1then u may have to reboot03:49
hilarieHey you guys are smart.. I am install znc on my server, and its asking for an ident03:49
hilarieWhats that?03:49
emmeteaTech-1, but when i do that it only find the linux partitions03:49
Tech-1huh, u got windoze on it 2 ??03:50
emmeteawell and the memtest image03:50
emmeteayeah, two flavours03:50
Tech-1huh, you may have to go and redo the mbr in win03:50
Tech-1ive only done it once and got lucky03:51
brewsterwhat is up with brasero and all of the other disk writing programs03:51
brewsterthey all think that dvd's are 1gb03:52
e75know how i can restart alsa?03:52
brewsterlast time i checked that wasn't the case03:52
Tech-1 /etc/init.d start alsa ?03:52
Tech-1brewster,  k3b is awesome03:53
brewstertried it03:53
brewsterit said i didn't have all the video files03:54
brewsterand i was writing movie files to a dvd03:54
brewsterthen it closed03:54
Tech-1ya, it can be buggy the first time around, but it catches on03:54
CaptAnonHelp: I downloaded the source of that game airstrike and now I want to learn how to compile(install?) it03:54
CaptAnonCan anyone help me with this?03:55
brewsterCaptAnon: usually ./configure; make; sudo make install03:55
brewstergiven you have all the requirements03:55
CaptAnonbrewster,  brb testing03:56
brewsteror you can just download it from the software center03:56
Loshkibrewster: I've always found brasero to be particularly bug-ridden. How about burning from the command line?03:56
brewsterthat always works for me03:56
brewsteruhh not my favorite thing to do03:57
Tech-1brewster,  do you have libdvdread4  and libdvdcss2 installed ?03:57
CaptAnonbrewster, I can do that but I'm learning how to compile and better myself03:57
boxbeatsymilamber: hi, after getting to step 4 of the tutorial you sent me, i'm getting an error saying that the Packages.gz file does not exist.  it seems like apt-move update isn't actually creating the Packages file.  do you know what my problem might be?03:57
brewsterCaptAnon: you should google c tutorial if you want to learn that sort of thing03:58
hilariesooo, lets say you don't have access to the server and you get this while sshing :'( Agent admitted failure to sign using the key.03:58
CaptAnonok but how do you know it is c?03:58
brewsteryou learn the most from figuring it out ;]03:58
brewsteror c++03:58
brewsterif you have to compile it then it's typically java c or c++03:59
brewsteror C#03:59
brewsterTech-1: must they be the -dev's03:59
almostrootSo I've yet to resolve my issue, but inside of /var/lib/apt/lists, the files reflect the current versions. For some reason, apt is refusing to compare the installed packages with the new ones. Is there some hidden option that would prevent updates from being processed?03:59
Tech-1its in medibuntu repos03:59
edgyHi, how can I create a qcow2 image from virt-manager to install on it? I couldn't find the option in the wizard!03:59
CaptAnonbrewster,  ok the install file in the source( i think its the source) says I need a c compiler, does this mean c or could it be one of those variants of c you mentioned?04:00
brewsterCaptAnon: ubuntu usually comes with a c compiler04:01
CaptAnonyes I have gcc04:01
brewsterjust use those above commands04:01
Tech-1its all there04:01
brewsteroh you were talking to me then04:01
CaptAnonbash: ./configure: No such file or directory04:02
brewsterare there any .sh files?04:02
brewsterthey'll typically say something like automake or autoconf or something similar if i'm remembering correctly04:03
CaptAnonin the utils folder there is04:03
htmlhow do i fix the login mangers ?04:03
CaptAnonI'm going to be too much work, I will just find a tutorial04:03
brewsterCaptAnon: hold on04:04
CaptAnonHow much practise with programming will it take for me to be able to produce something useful?04:05
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest43213
Guest43213hello, I'm using ubuntu 11.10, is there a way to replace the kernel 3.0 by the kernel 2.604:05
brewsterCaptAnon: i find that taking a class is a good place to get comfortable with programming04:05
brewsteralthough some people learn better by teaching themselves04:06
threoninehow do I get wine to notice my DVD/CD drive?04:06
brewsterif i were to teach someone how to program i would teach them python or java04:06
Tech-1Guest43213,  if its in the official repos you x=can, if not, i wouldnt04:06
CaptAnonbrewster, Hahaha I'm trapped on a farm in australia04:06
brewsterbut i wouldn't start with c04:07
brewsterbut you do have internet ;]04:07
CaptAnonwell I would like to play with that game, just mess with the code04:07
brewster^go there04:07
dr_willispython gets my vote.04:07
brewsterhellz yeah04:07
CaptAnonI would like to change the physics of the aircraft04:07
brewsterpython ftw04:07
CaptAnonYeah I heard python is good04:07
dr_willisbut i know more perl and rexx then i do python04:08
htmlGuest43213,  please for the sake of all, and and the comfort of knowing who ,or which "guest "we are talking to ...so please change your name and in the end it is more productive this way04:08
Dr_AzilMy download for Ubuntu has just sped up :)04:08
htmlhi doc04:08
htmlhi all04:08
CaptAnonHis name was Jacob_ but he changed it04:08
Dr_AzilMy name?04:09
htmlwait we have 2 doctors in here?04:09
Dr_AzilSomeone was already using my normal name, Lizard, so I just used Lizard backwards04:09
klaeither C or lua. python schmython </ot>04:09
brewsterCaptAnon: for now install from the software center. Go learn some python if you're interested in programming. Then build your way up to the c's with java then c++ then c04:09
Dr_AzilOne of the rare moments I show some wit04:10
Tech-1cool, well done04:10
hot2trotI virtualize ubuntu 11.10 through vmware fusion, and when I un-suspend an instance of ubuntu, and if I had a sshfs mounted, and I try to ls that directory, it just infinitely hangs... any ideas?04:10
CaptAnonbrewster,  That will take years04:11
brewsterit took me a month to learn python04:11
CaptAnonmy attention span will only give me a few hours04:11
CaptAnonfrom scratch?04:11
htmldoes any one know about logon mangers? cuz im stepped in it really deep this time..04:11
brewstermaybe 2 to learn c++04:11
almostrootI recommend against python, as per my professor. I agree with him that it makes you lazy and teaches you bad habits.04:11
brewsterthe same for c04:11
CaptAnonok and how many hours a day, and what could you do at the end of that month?04:12
reisioalmostroot: what does he recommend?04:12
* brewster glares at almostroot04:12
almostrootreisio: He jumped straight into C, then Fortran. All in a semester.04:12
reisioah, can't argue with that04:12
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:12
reisioC is where they're all derived, no better place to start; though you _can_ start from anywhere and come back04:13
reisioalmostroot: what school is this, if you don't mind saying?04:13
brewsterCaptAnon: maybe a couple of hours a day no more than 2. by the end of the month you should know all the basics including networking and maybe threading04:13
almostrootreisio: He no longer teaches here, but a two-year technical school with a specialized programming degree.04:13
CaptAnonHow did I start a debate about programming languages all I wanted was to compile some source???04:13
tensorpuddingfortran is a useless language to teach people as their first experience04:14
tensorpuddingespecially if it's the old, outdated fortran04:14
SkummelIs fortran still used?04:14
brewstertensorpudding: thank you04:14
tensorpuddingit's significantly popular in high-performance computing04:14
brewsterfortan and c are for more experienced programmers04:14
brewsterfor they are very old04:15
tensorpuddingbut mainly because it's tailored for speed and easy parallelism and has decades-old libraries for everything04:15
klafortran never seemed more than programming language snobbery to me04:15
brewsterthey say you can never fully know fortran04:15
almostrootIt is a great programming langue for implementing complex algorithms. I use Fortran 2003 right now. Supercomuting is almost all C and Fortran for the serious science.04:15
brewsterbecause of how big it is04:15
htmlCaptAnon,  we your lucky, cuz most of the time people with thoughs kind of skills dont come around much04:15
tensorpuddingit's too specialized04:16
almostroottensorpudding: The course is focused in high-performance computing. In that world, C and Fortran reign.04:16
* dr_willis misses 'Can Do' on his amiga04:16
brewsterCaptAnon: if you can program in your area you can make the benjamins later in life04:16
htmlCaptAnon,  so learn all you can , next ubuntu release they'll be back....04:16
l0nFor really high performance stuff, assembler is the way to go :)04:16
dr_williscomal! ;)04:17
almostrootl0n: Speed vs time is not comparable. Also, by using a higher-level language, you can port it to other machines, where assembler requires a complete rewrite.04:17
CaptAnonProgramming will never be more then a hobby for me, flying is my thing04:17
tensorpuddingthere's plenty of books which cover python from a total beginner's perspective04:17
CaptAnonbut I wanted to change the physics in the game to be more realistic, and make it more fun for multiplayer04:18
=== oobie is now known as oobiloz
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brewsterwell if it's just a hobby use languages like python or java04:18
htmlalmostroot,  that is a good point, and for a nob like me rewrites are bad04:18
brewsteri hear ruby is fun too ;]04:18
tensorpuddingchanging the game physics can be terribly involved04:19
oobilozhelp, ubuntu won't show pics from my fuji finepix when i plug it in04:19
oobilozit shows when i do lsusb though04:19
reisiooobiloz: libgphoto2?04:19
almostroothtml: Even worse in the HPC world, where most machines have a 5 year maximum life span. There are physics simulation programs that have been around for decades, and could never be ported.04:19
kantlivelonganyone here able to use ubuntu 12.04 as an ubuntu guest w/ vboxsf module?04:20
oobilozit's there...04:20
brewster12.04 is out 0.004:20
htmlalmostroot, hpc world? means?04:20
almostroothtml: High-performance computers. Supercomputers.04:21
Tech-1run linux04:21
brewsterCaptAnon: if you learn the programming basics, changing the game physics would be as easy as changing a couple of numbers04:21
CaptAnonI played I little bit with ruby, the language seems fun to write04:21
CaptAnonchomp gets puts04:21
CaptAnonchomp.gets I think04:22
CaptAnoncan't remember its like input but a quote, or a string or somthing04:22
brewsteroh is that perl?04:22
jjjrmyfortune | cowsay04:22
almostrootSo I installed using pxebooting with kickstart to direct the install to grab packages via a web server and pre seeding to answer the questions. Could that be part of the reason why my system refuses to see new packages?04:23
htmlhow about program a simple  kids card matching game?04:23
sausagesquatchhello can anyone help i used wubi to download and install ubuntu and it wont boot it does not exist in the os choices menu what should i do04:23
brewsterwhat are we talking about XD04:23
brewsterinstall it again04:24
almostrootReinstall the system?04:24
sausagesquatchi did 3 times still the same result04:24
brewstersausagesquatch: try it from the boot disk04:24
sausagesquatchi have no cd04:25
This_nickname_issausagesquatch use LIVECD04:25
brewstersausagesquatch: flash drive?04:25
captanonI had xchat running in a terminal and I closed it04:25
sausagesquatchno flashdrive04:25
captanondid not know it would kill xchat04:25
sausagesquatchwhats live cd04:25
brewsterwhy do the best nicks have to do with food?04:25
This_nickname_issausagesquatch: you can write the iso img to a usb04:25
captanonLive cd is a bootable cd I think04:26
htmlsausagesquatch,  first comfirm its there http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/ , this will do everything you need and more, so boot in to live check , or delete the bad install04:26
sausagesquatchno usb04:26
brewsteris cornonthecob here?04:26
=== brewster is now known as CornOnTheCob
This_nickname_issausagesquatch: then reboot and reinstall from that04:26
kantlivelongubuntu is gonna be dead soon :)04:26
Dr_AzilUbuntu takes forever to download...04:26
captanonyou trying to make a bootable usb?04:27
almostrootDr_Azil: Try a torrent.04:27
htmlkantlivelong,  what are you taking about?04:27
Dr_AzilWould a torrent be as reliable?04:27
CornOnTheCobkantlivelong: i'm offended04:27
captanonyeah torrents are good04:27
kantlivelonghtml: its being butchered to the most dumbed down OS out there04:27
htmlDr_Azil,  there are some REALLY fast torrats04:27
kantlivelongit even has +1 on MS right now.. (until windows 8)04:27
almostrootDr_Azil: It checkpoints as it downloads, and you can always check the md5 sum afterwards.04:27
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This_nickname_iscaptanon: ya,sometimes it,s much easy than wubi04:28
captanonTorrents are the nuts!!04:28
kantlivelongCornOnTheCob: srry but ive used alot of distros.. n i was happy w/ ubuntu for awhile.. its crap now04:28
Dr_AzilAlrighty. Thanks all04:28
=== CornOnTheCob is now known as Brewster
htmlkantlivelong,  where are you reading your news?04:28
Dr_AzilHad Ubuntu downloaded and installed at one point. Can't remember why I got rid of it04:28
kantlivelonghtml: nowhere.. just my prediction04:29
captanonI made a bootable usb before, worked fine.04:29
jjjrmyHow do I make Ubuntu look like I'm a hacker?04:29
kantlivelonghtml: you seriously think unity is good for multitasking/development?04:29
captanongo into terminal04:29
Brewsterkantlivelong: why in the world would you come to #ubuntu and spread such negativity04:29
oobilozi've hte library right enough, but it just won't let me see the photos04:29
kantlivelongjjjrmy: sudo rm -rf /04:29
jjjrmyYeah, but I want everything green and black04:29
jjjrmykantlivelong: sorry, no. I'm not THAT stupid04:29
kantlivelongjjjrmy: i tried lol04:30
captanonjjjrmy,  now I want that too04:30
htmlDr_Azil,  just MAKE sure its ubuntu 10.04  or 10.10,  anything else you run into extra problems?04:30
htmlDr_Azil,  just MAKE sure its ubuntu 10.04  or 10.10,  anything else you run into extra problems04:30
kantlivelongjjjrmy: install fluxbox + rxvt + conky04:30
jjjrmyalso, how do I get rid of this Unity shit?04:30
kantlivelongjjjrmy: ^04:30
Brewsterjjjrmy: kde plasma ftw04:31
captanonjjjrmy,  just get used to it.04:31
captanonits too hard to fight04:31
Brewsterfight the power04:31
kantlivelonglol get used to unity?04:31
almostrootkantlivelong: rm has a preserve root flag enabled by default. Read the man pages for how to override it.04:31
pangolin!language | jjjrmy04:31
ubottujjjrmy: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.04:31
captanonthe biggest problem with unity is i cant let anybody use my computer04:31
kantlivelongalmostroot: the heck u talkin about?04:31
Brewsterjjjrmy: kde plasma is a good alternative to unity04:31
klaplasma ftw04:31
almostrootkantlivelong: rm will refuse to remove the root of the filesystem by default.04:32
almostrootkantlivelong: Look at the man pages for rm04:32
=== Apple is now known as VinylScratch
Brewsteralmostroot: the command was funny though XD04:32
kantlivelongalmostroot: is this new?04:32
almostrootkantlivelong: Not really.04:32
Brewsterimagine if you got someone to do that XD04:32
=== VinylScratch is now known as [NLR]VinylScratc
almostrootBrewster: As I said, it won't work without an additional option.04:32
Monsantoif you sudo rm -rf / you're eff'd04:32
almostrootMonsanto: Untrue. Read the man pages.04:33
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!04:33
MonsantoDo it.04:33
Brewsterubottu XD04:33
MonsantoRun it04:33
sausagesquatchi have no cds or usbs i need a intelligent answer please everyones answer involves buying somthing04:33
=== [NLR]VinylScratc is now known as [NLR]Apple
almostrootpangolin: It is not a dangerous command.04:33
almostrootpangolin: Since it will not work.04:33
captanonHey how do I change the colour on the terminal, I do like the idea of that hacker mode04:33
jjjrmycaptanon: I found a theme to do it :p04:34
jjjrmyAlso, how do I get rid of the Unity Sidebar?04:34
klacaptanon: kernel options maybe?04:35
milamberjjjrmy: just change the profile in the terminal?04:35
=== Lizard_ is now known as Dr_Azil
almostrootjjjrmy: Do you mean the terminal, as in text-only, or the terminal as in the application that you can open that emulates the terminal?04:35
captanonfound it04:35
almostroot^That was misdirected. Sorry.04:36
htmlkantlivelong,  agreed, and as linux MUST have a os as a big seller , then use our name to bluid more,better faster ,.... but all the linux fans know it takes money, and some how to feed there family for those that make it. also  ubuntu is betteeer then kde, in ,less broken packages and the new .deb manager is making it a favorite among new users which we all know we need...04:36
klasausagesquatch: would you please describe your problem in more detail. Apologies if you've already done so.04:36
tucemiux_mobhow do you disable the virus that constantly tries to configure networking upon startup?04:36
captanonAlso if there is another computer running on my home network can I open stuff up on it from the terminal on another computer04:37
milambercaptanon: yes.04:37
tucemiux_mobcaptanon,  openssh04:37
captanonkla,  by kernel is that another word for terminal04:37
captanonthanks tucemiux_mob04:37
klacaptanon: nope, I just thought you were talking about  the virtual consoles04:38
klatucemiux_mob: you sound pretty sure it is indeed a virus04:38
captanonis that ssh as good as it sounds?04:38
tucemiux_mobkla, it sure acts like a virus04:39
htmltucemiux_mob,  try this, but this to scan it whith out the pc on ,"live mode"04:39
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:39
sausagesquatchi used wubi to download and install ubuntu and it will not boot it does not appear in the os choices menu and i have no cd's or flash drives04:39
tucemiux_mobhtml, my real question is, how do I boot up ubuntu without it forcibly wanting to have an IP?04:39
sausagesquatchand no money please help04:39
=== Timic_ is now known as Timic
reisiosausagesquatch: you could try running the installer again04:40
captanonhow did you use wubi without a cd or flash?04:40
sausagesquatchdid it 3 times04:40
reisiocaptanon: virtual mount04:40
sausagesquatchstill no boot04:40
dr_willissausagesquatch: id just use virtualbox. i dont like wubi04:40
htmltucemiux_mob,  dont connect to the net?04:40
captanondid you put it onto a partition?04:40
reisiosausagesquatch: there's not much we can do if you don't have any media and the installer isn't working from a virtual mount04:40
sausagesquatchis the boot and grub folders supposed to be empty04:40
OerHekssausagesquatch, maybe your antivirus protection is too tight04:40
reisiosausagesquatch: ideally you'd install from a live CD/DVD/USB after resizing your Windows partition04:41
klatucemiux_mob: update-rc.d networking disable ?04:41
sausagesquatchwell i cannot do that reisio04:41
klatucemiux_mob: then you can ifup/ifdown interfaces at will04:41
htmlsausagesquatch, did you burn the os  to a cd? and what are you spec of your computer?04:42
captanonHold on with putty I can control a windows pc from my linux computer???04:42
klacaptanon: if the windows PC is running an SSH server04:42
tucemiux_mobhtml, im not connected to the net but ubuntu keeps forcibly waiting to get an IP upon startup04:42
milambercaptanon: other way around04:42
sausagesquatchno cd's i used wubi04:42
klacaptanon: "control" is an overstatement though04:42
klaor a dramatization04:42
htmltucemiux_mob,  which one ? outbound or in bound?04:43
tucemiux_mobkla, so ubuntu will forcibly ask for an IP even though you have no internet connection?  That's a BUG or a virus04:43
milambercaptanon: windows does not come with ssh installed. putty is an ssh client for windows04:43
sausagesquatch1.78 ghz processor 1.5 gb ram 80 gb hdd04:43
Brewstertucemiux_mob: no such thing as linux virus04:43
tucemiux_mobhtml, sideways o.O04:43
=== root_ is now known as tomato_c
klatucemiux_mob: neither I'd say.04:43
htmltucemiux_  smartypants04:44
tucemiux_mobBrewster, ok time to file a bug reporr then04:44
Brewsteror sudo modprobe -r eth004:44
tucemiux_mobBrewster, yes but I shouldn't have to do that, it should just boot up and work!04:44
sausagesquatchhello mr potato head04:44
htmlsausagesquatch,  and what os are you loading ?04:44
klaBrewster: how come??04:45
captanonDo you have a partition sausagesquatch ?04:45
htmlsausagesquatch,  what version?04:45
Brewsterkla: how come wat?04:45
klaBrewster: modprobe -r eth004:45
sausagesquatchno partition04:45
dr_williscant say ive noticed any ussues with my unnetworked ubuntu machines04:45
Brewsterremoves internet module04:46
sausagesquatchthe one off the ubuntu site04:46
Brewsteryou could put a startup command as gksu modprobe -r eth004:46
captanonI can't remember but I think when I did it from the wubi I put it into a partition04:46
Brewsterthat way it'll happen automatically04:46
klaBrewster: I never thought such usage case was possible. Can anyone else please confirm this??04:46
Brewsteri wouldn't recommend it04:47
sausagesquatchubuntu 11.1004:47
Brewsterwhy would you want to remove your internet04:47
Tech-1why not rid of the virus04:47
Brewsterwhat if you can't put it back?04:47
Brewsterno such thing as ubuntu virus04:47
Tech-1didnt he say he had a virus?, thought he had windoze04:48
klaparanoia (sp?) is quite the motivator04:48
captanonok if I us ssh on an other ubuntu computer, can I log in as root and use my sudo powers04:48
captanonIs that the point of ssh?04:48
captanonI will google ssh04:48
klacaptanon: indeed. you will have the same capabilities and powers as you would otherwise have04:49
sausagesquatchcome on i need some ideas04:49
htmlsausagesquatch,  i take it your new at this, so i will save you the pain (click the 32bit verison) http://releases.ubuntu.com/lucid/04:49
milambercaptanon: ssh is just a way to access your machine. you can log in with your regular credentials, you don't have to use sudo to remote in04:50
dr_willis!ssh | captanon04:50
ubottucaptanon: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)04:50
sausagesquatchvery new to ubuntu04:50
dr_willissausagesquatch: id just use virtualbox. i dont like wubi04:51
dr_willissausagesquatch:  that would let you have both os going at the same time04:52
captanonWow that is cool that is what I've allways wanted04:52
klacaptanon: Be careful though.. with great power comes great... ah just a lot of power :)04:53
captanondoes anyone have a spare computer I can ssh into?04:53
sausagesquatchi cant buy a cd04:53
milambercaptanon: once you install the server (usually: sudo apt-get install openssh-server) you can ssh into your own box04:54
dr_williscaptanon:   ssh localhost         :-)04:54
captanonok I will try that04:54
htmlsausagesquatch,  this one will be of the few that are better for you computer, also puppylinux, and lubuntu ( for slower and older pcs) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu04:55
hilarie_Okay, so my seedboxes default ubuntu image, has only 1 user, and that user is root... how do I get back to what I normally do with ubuntu? like have my own username, and a password, and use sudo, isn't being logged in as root, a bad idea?04:55
=== root is now known as Guest71752
captanonOMG I just hacked into my own computer04:58
htmlsausagesquatch,  the dr_willis  is one of the best mind in here, and is a respected member . we are here to help04:58
hilarie_Anyone, point me in the right direction? there are alot of programs that say they wont run as root :(04:59
captanonsausagesquatch,  Have you tried putting the wubi into a different partition from the windows one?04:59
Monsantocaptanon: How so05:00
Monsanto<captanon> OMG I just hacked into my own computer05:00
captanonhahha ssh05:00
dr_willisi dident thik wubi worked on a different partition.05:00
captanonMaybe its been a long time since I used it.05:00
milamber!details | hilarie_05:01
ubottuhilarie_: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."05:01
dr_willisi cant stand wubi. ;) id vote for its removal from the install cd..05:01
captanonI can't remember quite how I did it when I did it05:01
almostrootSo when I installed via net boot, the system used the server it grabbed the copied ubuntu CD image off of as the default repo. Is that why the machine refuses to see updates?05:01
* milamber would second that removal05:01
oobilozanyone have any ideas so i can see photos from my camera?05:01
oobilozit says camera detected when i plug it in but cannot open divvrectory05:01
klaalmostroot: yep, configure update sources05:02
oobilozit's all greyed out in gthumb and f-spot when i try to import05:02
hilarie_I am running a custom ubuntu 11.10 server edition image, provided by my seedbox host, the only way for me to log in is ssh root@myip and then I am logged in as root, isn't there a way to add a username, give it sudo priviliges, and disable root?05:02
almostrootIn other words, anyone experienced with pre seeding and pxebooting to install?05:02
dr_willisoobiloz:  perhaps its not in usb storge mode. or you need to mount it by hand05:02
htmldr_willis, can i pm you?05:02
milamber!adduser | almostroot05:02
ubottualmostroot: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo05:02
oobilozthe mount it by hand makes me nervous05:03
dr_willishtml:  you can. but im at work so may have to leave at any time to do real work.. ;)05:03
oobilozit says here on grey screen it's on usb mode?05:03
oobilozwell not usb mode but05:03
almostrootmilamber: ... I don't think you read my issue.05:03
oobilozthere is a usb icon and it says usb.....05:03
captanonhow do I keep a program running that I opened in terminal If I want to close the terminal?05:03
dr_willisoobiloz:  learning how mount works is rather fundamental ;)05:03
oobilozdr willis... sorry i did try googling it earlier05:03
oobilozand i've done it before05:03
oobiloza couple of times05:03
almostrootkla: I copied over a known good sources.list to no avail. It's receiving the new lists, but not comparing the local installed to the remote updated.05:04
oobilozi have memory issues05:04
milamberalmostroot: my fault, wrong person05:04
FloodBot1oobiloz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.05:04
dr_williscaptanon:   command &    then 'exit' to close the terminal05:04
dr_willis!mount | oobiloz05:04
ubottuoobiloz: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount05:04
CaptAnonDidn't work.05:05
milamber!adduser | hilarie_05:05
ubottuhilarie_: To add new users to your Ubuntu system, follow the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddUsersHowto - For administrative privileges, users need to be made members of the group "admin" - See !sudo05:05
sausagesquatchhow shall i partition the hdd for free05:06
dr_willis sausagesquatch  gparted from a live cd/usb is how i normally do it05:06
CaptAnonsausagesquatch,  I think you should just buy a flash drive, It will make things so much easyer05:06
CaptAnonforget that05:07
dr_williswindows 7 has some decent resizeing features05:07
sausagesquatchi have o dollars for weeks i want this up now if there is a way i want to find out05:07
dr_willissausagesquatch:  perhaps go back to the beginning and clarify the whole story/problem05:08
sausagesquatchdr willis ok05:08
threoninecan someone help me add my cd/dvd drive to wine?05:08
sausagesquatchi used wubi to download and installed ubuntu and it wont boot it does not show up in os choices menu05:09
sausagesquatchi have no cd no usb no money05:09
milambersausagesquatch: did you run chkdsk /r on your win install?05:09
CaptAnonI'm using ssh on my localhost but when I try to open xeyes it says error; can't open display05:10
dr_willissausagesquatch:  and your system specs and windows version are?05:10
dr_willisCaptAnon:  read up on x forwarding via ssh.05:10
milamberCaptAnon: to enable x forwarding you have to do: ssh -C -X <server>05:11
sausagesquatch1.78 ghz processor 1.5 gb ram 80 g b hdd05:11
dr_willisCaptAnon:  ssh -X remotebox       ;)05:11
sausagesquatchwindows xp professional sp305:11
CaptAnonwilco dr_willis05:11
sausagesquatchdr wilis should the folders grub and boot be empty05:12
dr_willissausagesquatch:  personally, id forget wubi and use virtualbox.  it wont be as fast. but it will work. will work great with lubuntu.05:12
dr_willissausagesquatch:  i dont use wubi any more. its just too problematic05:12
sausagesquatchhow do i get virtualbox for free05:13
almostrootSo frisk is different than what I'm used to. How can I specify the partition type when creating it?05:13
oobilozi'm reading the page... i honeslty don't know what is ii'm supposed to mount here. it shows on lsusb but not in df -h.. how else will i know where tis supposed to be... (i'm not even sure if i'm saying this right, ehehe)05:14
dr_willissausagesquatch:  at the vbox homepage... its free05:14
dr_willisoobiloz:  check sudo fdisk -l05:14
sausagesquatchok will you be on here for a while05:14
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox05:14
oobilozO.O command not found?05:15
oobilozlemme do this again05:15
html"will you be on here for a while" lol   well some of us live on here05:15
htmlcase and point05:16
oobilozwhat is the page for me to post output again?05:16
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:16
oobilozk thanks05:17
sausagesquatchso please give a brief description of how to do this05:17
htmldo you know how to load a dvd ?05:17
dr_willissausagesquatch:  download, install virtualbox. start it.. tell it to boot iso.. follow the wizaed.. it has a manual at its homepage. vbox manual that is..05:18
tomato_csausagesquatch:well, i think you should re-download a iso img file05:18
dr_willisthe wubi installer had the iso file downloaded somewhere. he could use than. but i normally use lubuntu in vbox05:19
htmlsausagesquatch,  what os are you running ? windows 7 ? vista? what?05:19
sausagesquatchyup i used wubi so that means i have the wrong file format?05:19
sausagesquatchhtml win xp professional05:19
dr_williswubi downloaded the iso... somewhere05:19
CaptAnonok on the computer im sshing into do they have to have a user with the same user name that I have?05:20
CaptAnonand password?05:20
milamberCaptAnon: no, but you would have to specify the correct user and pass when you run the ssh command05:20
milamberCaptAnon: for the manual: man ssh05:21
CaptAnonman ssh05:21
CaptAnonin the terminal05:21
CaptAnonthanks milamber05:21
dr_willisoobiloz:  only 1 hd is seen on that system.05:21
CaptAnonjust wondering, how come help ssh does not work?05:21
dr_willisCaptAnon:  clarify what you mean.05:21
dr_willisdont work.. most likely user error...05:22
CaptAnonhow come "help ssh " does not give me help like it usualy does?05:22
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest46799
dr_willisnever noticed a help command...05:22
htmlsausagesquatch,  i can help you out,  or is someone else doing that?05:22
oobilozwell i took a fat leap and did the mount /dev/sdb1 anyway and now i'ts going on about fstab or mtab05:22
sausagesquatchwell html just you and dr wilis05:23
dr_willisoobiloz:  the system sees no sdb.   untill fdisk -l shows the other drives.. you cant mount it.05:23
=== LargePrime_ is now known as LargePrime
dubeymy ubuntu10.04 doesn't recognize inbuilt monitor05:23
=== LargePrime is now known as Guest46741
dubeyand even i didn't find xorg.conf file05:24
icerootCaptAnon: "info ssh" or "man ssh"05:24
CaptAnonlike with "help cd" or "help help"05:24
htmlsausagesquatch,  ok from now on i will be talking to you , without highlighting your name,05:24
sausagesquatchhow do you highlight05:25
oobilozi'm in fstab and my eyes are glazing over05:25
icerootsausagesquatch: just write the nick05:25
CaptAnonIce does info work with most things?05:25
icerootCaptAnon: yes05:25
dr_willisCaptAnon:  cant say ive ever used 'help command' in my 13+ years of linux ussage05:25
CaptAnonThanks iceroot05:26
dubeyanyone pls.05:26
oobilozthanks ... reading mroe into it05:26
icerootCaptAnon: normally you want the manpage with "man command"05:26
dr_willisman is the original 'documentation' system from years and years ago... then there was a push to the 'info' type system.. ;)05:26
=== Guest46741 is now known as LargePrime
htmlsausagesquatch,  when you say my name , that its what i mean,05:27
CaptAnonbut info and man are the same thing and they are here to stay?05:27
icerootCaptAnon: they are not the same05:27
sausagesquatchs o when i type html you see it highlighted05:27
dr_willisCaptAnon:  they are not going away any time soon05:27
htmlsausagesquatch, yes05:28
dr_willisCaptAnon:  man has been aroud for 20+ yes05:28
htmlsausagesquatch, yes and only those that i say those ppls names05:28
iceroothm strange, what viewer is "info" using. its not "less"05:28
fabio_xdcc send 3605:28
sausagesquatchive got 4 min on the virtualbox download05:29
dr_willisiceroot:  i thought info had its own05:29
icerootdr_willis: yes seems so05:29
dr_willisiceroot:  try info info    ;)05:29
icerootinfo --vi-keys :)05:29
dr_willisthere some gnome-help-viewer app that does man and info in a nicer gui i recall05:30
icerootdr_willis: man info :)05:30
htmlsausagesquatch,  which version?05:30
dr_willistoo many times i see info docs that are just the output of 'command --help'05:30
html32 bit or 64?05:30
sausagesquatchfor x8605:30
sausagesquatchanyone know any good hacking channels05:31
dr_willis'hacking' is a rather vague term these days05:32
LargePrimeyes we know the good hacking channels05:32
sausagesquatchwell to be specific aircrack how do i get a invite05:32
LargePrimewe are not telling you05:33
fabio_xdcc list05:33
tensorpuddingthey're might be some netsec channels on freenode, but read the freenode guidelines, which covers some activities which are offtopic on this network05:33
dr_willissausagesquatch:  it may be regiestered nicks only. register your nick05:33
CaptAnonMost words seem pretty vague these days05:34
sausagesquatchwhat do you mean by nick05:34
htmlsausagesquatch,  that is a toucher subject then then politics  and church combine  in here05:34
LargePrimegoogle it sasuage05:34
LargePrimealso #help05:35
tensorpuddingthere is no aircrack channel here, try somewhere else05:35
mohsinhijazeeHi all05:36
sausagesquatchhtml what is touchy ? hacking?05:37
mohsinhijazeeI have Toshiba L640 with Broadcom wireless network adaptor05:37
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode05:37
mohsinhijazeeInstalled the closed source dirvers but still nothing shows up05:37
htmlsausagesquatch, yes  very touchy05:37
mohsinhijazeethe ifconfig is here http://pastebin.com/7nN3RmZi05:38
mohsinhijazeeCan anyone guide me about it?05:38
mohsinhijazeeIt was previously working :(05:38
htmlsausagesquatch,  what linux os are you running?05:39
sausagesquatchim not05:40
htmlsausagesquatch,  what linux os are you running? or plan to use?05:40
sausagesquatchits xp05:40
sausagesquatchi want ubuntu05:40
htmlwhat linux os are you going to use and version?05:40
LargePrimei want sausages now05:40
sausagesquatchi just had a sausagesquatchinisim05:41
LargePrimeyou are being helpful and crap, so i should shut up05:41
ruslan_osmanovhi. is there a way to add my custom server address to the gui window providing standard mirrors?05:43
ruslan_osmanovin other words, is the list of servers hadrcoded there or it reads some config file?05:46
=== ben_ is now known as utlemming_home
windparadisehello good morning, I have installed ubuntu on vmware, but it boot in a shell mode. how do I launch the graphical mode?05:49
nevynwindparadise: honestly re-install with the non-server version will be quickest.05:50
ruslan_osmanovwindparadise, you should have provided not enough graphics/ram memory for the guest. It should output some warning on startup05:50
nevynhrm that's a possiblity05:51
sausagesquatchdr wilis the virtual box software has not passed windows logo testing should i proceed05:51
windparadise_please I don't get tht part, I was disconnected.05:51
windparadise_do you mean I should reinstall everything? I didn't install ubuntu in server mode.05:51
nevynwindparadise: how much memory did you give the guest?05:51
windparadise_I first 2GB05:51
windparadise_but later changed it to 150005:52
ruslan_osmanov:O do you mean space on hard drive?05:52
windparadise_no, ram, HDD size is 30 GB05:52
ruslan_osmanovwhat about video memory ?\05:53
Ashuhi, I am trying to setup a socks proxy in ubunutu. I set up ssh for port forwarding, but when I try to connect using my rsa key, it complains the key is not is rsa1 format. Which is right, b/c i have an rsa key.  shouldnt be able to recognize that the key is not rsa1?05:53
windparadise_it's set on auto-detect mode05:54
=== windparadise_ is now known as windparadise
windparadiseusing the host settings05:54
windparadisewhat do i do ?05:54
dubeyneed help to set resolution05:55
Braden`How do I tell what runlevel I am in?05:55
dubeyBraden: runleve05:55
dubeyBraden: runlevel05:56
=== kk_yg is now known as kky
Braden`it says /var/run/utmp does not exist05:56
Braden`so I created it05:56
Braden`now it just says "unknown"05:56
windparadiseany answer please05:56
Braden`windparadise:  Repase your question05:57
dubeymy dell 5050 uses vga16fb05:57
windparadiseI was having problem starting ubuntu in GUI  mode, I have installed it on vmware on allocated ram of 1500m, 30G of HDD size05:57
windparadiseafter installation, ubuntu runs on shell mode05:57
dubeyhow can i change  resolution05:57
Braden`What error does it give you?05:57
windparadisei see no error, it starts normally and stay on shell mode05:58
Braden`dubey:  Look up xrandr05:59
Braden`windparadise:  Type:  startx05:59
dubeyBraden: will you help me ?05:59
DoctorlyAm I allowed to ask for help in here?06:00
DoctorlyJust making sure I have the right channel before I upser anyone06:00
Braden`Doctorly:  Do not ask to ask, just ask.06:01
DoctorlyWanted to make sure I had the right channel. How do I load a custome Unity theme in 11.10? All the tuts I have found are pointing me at gnome.06:02
jiltdilIs there any better image editor than gimp in ubuntu?06:03
Braden`Isn't Unity gnome?06:03
DoctorlyYeah, but a gnome theme isnt the same06:03
almostrootDoctorly: I found dozens of themes and how to install it with a quick google search.06:04
nevynjosephliu: better how?06:05
nevynjiltdil: ^^06:05
DoctorlyYes, but I need to install a custom theme for unity specifically. Most will get from the repos and autoload into the settings, but not a custom theme06:05
almostrootDoctorly: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/delta-black-theme-for-gnome-shell-32.html Found using google.06:06
jiltdilnevyn, ??06:06
almostrootA link on the first result.06:06
Doctorlythat isnt it06:06
nevynjiltdil: define better.06:06
DoctorlyThat is gnome shell06:06
josephliunevyn, Hello?06:07
nevynjiltdil: technically more capable, easier to use, easier to learn ...06:07
nevynjosephliu: sorry bad completion06:07
dubeyanyone ?06:07
josephliunevyn, it's okay. :-)06:07
jiltdilNevyn, technically more correct and more features06:08
DoctorlyI need to load a custom Unity theme, and no, unity is benchmarked much faster recently if used properly actually. It was fine in 11.04 but canon actually remvoed the features for custom loading for less confusion. Thanks for answering with exactly what I asked you not to answer with though, I will find the answer elsewhere.06:09
almostrootDoctorly: Try google. Found this: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/pink-theme-for-ubuntu-1110-unity-for.html And this: http://www.noobslab.com/2011/11/transparent-swar-red-unity-theme-for.html And #10 on this page: http://blog.sudobits.com/2011/09/08/10-things-to-do-after-installing-ubuntu-11-10/06:09
almostrootLe sigh.06:09
nevynjiltdil: there's cinepaint which supports greater bitdepth per channel06:09
nevynwhat sorts of features are you after?06:10
jiltdilnevyn,  thanks a lot06:10
jiq98hey can someone exlpain what this EFI Boot is as opposed to having a /boot partition06:10
nevynjiq98: read mjg's blog like everyone else?06:11
geohackerI just did a system update in Natty and seems like metacity has crashed. decorators don't show up.06:11
geohackerany clue?06:11
almostrootSolving my problem by creating a local repo mirror and installing the clients form that as opposed to the ISO.06:13
dubeyxrandr: Configure crtc 0 failed06:13
nevynjiq98: http://mjg59.dreamwidth.org/4125.html06:13
Vivinhow to chat privately?06:15
nevyn/query Vivin06:16
Tech-1 /j #vivin06:16
Sinisterhey was wondering, is it possible to unzip multizip files? I've tried with 7z and unzip but it doesnt seem to work.06:16
Sinisteronly unzip 1 part and asks to overwrite the information already extracted06:17
htmli need help with logon manager , i dont know how to reset the ubuntu 10.1006:17
nevynTech-1: doesn't it need +i  ;)06:17
Tech-1Info:      Processes 168 Uptime 44 min Memory 528.8/4023.2MB Client X-Chat 2.8.8 inxi 1.7.2706:18
=== rymate1234|away is now known as rymate1234
Sinisterhey was wondering, is it possible to unzip multizip files? I've tried with 7z and unzip but it doesnt seem to work.06:21
Sinisteronly unzip 1 part and asks to overwrite the information already extracted06:21
lwizardlI was wondering what was the best way to take a LibreOffice calc sheet and export the fields to a pdf file while having it setup a certain layout ? basically what I am looking to do is take stuff like this www.wizardsarcade.com/example.ods and export the data like this www.wizardsarcade.com/example.pdf I can do it by hand but when I add the checkboxes to a couple of the lists libreoffice hangs due to having so many checkboxes (one l06:25
lwizardlist has over 700 titles, and 4 checkboxes per title = 2800 checkboxes total)06:25
FloodBot1lwizardl: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.06:25
xenhey Sinister06:25
lwizardlwasn't a flood it was a single line for my xchat06:25
Sinisteryup xen06:26
xenlisten try this cmd06:26
xentar -xvf filename.zip filename.txt06:27
xenlet me know if it works for you06:27
xen<Sinister>u may also try unzip filename.zip filename.txt06:28
htmllwizardl,  do it parts06:28
lwizardlhtml, ?06:28
lwizardlhtml, are you saying have like 5-10 pdf files for them ? I would prefer not to do that I would prefer to just have a single pdf file to print off06:29
Sinisterxen: will try when I get home! ty for tips anyhow but the unzip one is already tried. Unzip even writes on their site that it dont support multizip yet.06:30
xen<Sinister>kk try tar -xvf06:30
xen<Sinister>should work for you06:30
htmllwizardl,  do it in such a way that you just put half and half, think of the slower computers? its going to take a good 5 min just to open06:31
xen<lwizardl>u can feed these kind of datas using some kind of IDE like Visual Studio...06:34
xenusing drag and drop u can create tables and then feed in the data as per required06:35
xenhello remexnux06:35
remexnuxcan you help me06:35
xen<remexnux>yea feel free to ask06:36
lwizardlhtml, exactly which is what happens if I just use Writer. So I was looking to have it as a spreadsheet in calc to see if there is a smaller version that is complete. and the PDF files load very quickly just the  ods or odt files that take a long time to open06:36
EvilResistanceremexnux, what do you need help with>06:38
EvilResistancejust ask the channel in general06:38
EvilResistancexen, its not necessary to have the < and > around nicks in order to hilight someone06:39
EvilResistancexen, just sayin is all06:39
remexnuxi need link repository linux06:39
EvilResistanceremexnux, there is no central linux repository for all linuxes.  what specifically are you looking for06:39
xen<EvilResistance> actually its like i just copy the name of the person i am conversing with... and then just paste it everytime i need to refer to him... :D06:40
EvilResistancexen, tabcomplete06:40
EvilResistancexen, type in "evilr" and then hit the "tab" button06:40
remexnuxok thanks,..06:40
remexnuxi try06:41
xenEvilResistance, oh thnxx man...06:41
EvilResistanceremexnux, is there something you specifically need in a repository?06:41
=== [NLR]Apple is now known as Apple
htmllwizardl,  so then go and fine tune it to make it faster06:43
Tech-1jobs is gone06:43
EvilResistanceremexnux, if you need the Ubuntu repositories they're already loaded onto your system, you simply need to know what you're looking for, and we can try to help you find it06:45
remexnuxok wait brow06:45
EvilResistanceremexnux, sorry, it was about 5 minutes since you said anything so ;P06:45
EvilResistanceTech-1, can we help yopu?06:45
Tech-1ya, gimme a loan06:46
EvilResistance!offtopic | Tech-106:46
ubottuTech-1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:46
Tech-1are u an op ?06:47
EvilResistanceTech-1, no, but i can call them if necessary.  and i definitely do not want to do that if i dont have to.06:48
Tech-1then stop bosing people06:48
pangolinTech-1: Please stick to the channel topic.06:48
pangolinI am an op. inb4uask06:48
Tech-1i have no problem w/ that06:48
pangolinthank you.06:49
Tech-1no problem06:49
htmlnew channel op?06:50
EvilResistance!offtopic | Tech-1 and html06:50
ubottuTech-1 and html: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:50
EvilResistancebtw, that's policy06:50
EvilResistancepangolin will likely support that ;P06:50
htmlbtw means?06:50
v_vby the way06:51
Tech-1we know what the policy is, being the room was at a stand still we just decided to create some chatter, no harm meant by it06:51
htmlyes and chattness mean people see it busy so i stick around,, i dont like a ghought channel06:53
Tm_Tplease don't make noise here, this channel is active enough even without offtopic chatter06:53
htmlghouts,,,, like  boo,, holloween?06:54
elkyhtml, i think you mean ghosts06:55
elkyeither way, discuss ghosts in #ubuntu-offtopic :)06:55
EvilResistancei think you mean ghosts.  but as ubottu said, and pangolin and Tm_T have both kindly supported... #ubuntu-offtopic is for the non-support chat.  either that, or #defocus (reenode chat channel)06:55
htmlyeah that06:55
htmlelky,  will i see you there ? lol06:56
elkyhtml, you'll know if you join there06:57
oobilozi joined06:57
jehoshua02Is there a quick way to install RMagick on Ubuntu Server 10.04 LTS?06:57
jehoshua02(or, what is the quickest way?)06:58
benbloomanyone have an idea how i would create an empty mp3 file with lame? I know it's off topic, but i'06:58
abhinav_singhi am confused between dates ..http://pastebin.com/Pi5nLEjh06:58
benbloom've had a long day, and just looking for an easy answer. sorry if that's a pain06:58
jonathonWhat's the command to have GRUB update itself after removing an OS?06:58
ghufranhi. i just installed ubuntu on my laptop. it said "installation complete and restart". i did so and it showed GRUB. but after selecting ubuntu, it doesn't show anything at all .. just the cursor at the start of the screen :S06:59
ghufrancan someone please help?06:59
CaptAnonwhere is python suppose to get these bmp images from http://cs.simpson.edu/?q=bitmapped_graphics.py07:00
klaCaptAnon: #python07:01
jonathonSOmeone know the command to have GRUB update it's boot menu after I remove an OS?07:03
ghufranjonathon: i don't know but i think you can edit you grub menu by hand also. though its a bit risky :P07:04
jonathonYea, But I figured the auto command would be easier07:04
reisiojonathon: update-grub, innit?07:04
klajonathon: update-grub07:04
jonathonThat works I suppose07:05
Tech-1sudo update-grub07:05
=== aidenhong_ is now known as aidenhong
voxany ubuntu devs around? i need to tear someone a new outlet.07:06
reisiovox: Ubuntu dev, what's that07:06
voxreisio: heh07:06
reisiolooking at something that says Canonical had 4500 commits to GNOME07:09
reisioduring some period in 201007:09
voxi just want to strangle someone07:09
reisiowhich is not a lot07:09
reisiovox: why for?07:09
Tm_Tvox: reisio: please take this offtopic discussion to some more suitable place, thanks07:09
adammw111Hi, my sister wants to use the computer, how do I get a guest session in Ubuntu 11.10?07:10
YahosainHi is there any variable that gives me a device label?for example I have a cd named "pictures" in sr0.07:11
Tm_Tadammw111: hmmm, isn't it as an option on the login screen?07:11
voxi'll ask it as question then. How do i stop ubuntu insisting that i cant boot with a degraded raidset, even tho the system lives on a seperate single disk, and the raidset is only used for file storage. ubuntu constantly dropping to busybox is not a solution. any ideas?07:11
reisioTm_T: is it off topic to want to know what problem a user is having?07:11
andynadammw111, Tm_T: there should be an option in the top right corner menu, too, if i am not mistaken07:11
Tm_Treisio: no, but the way he was putting it was offtopic (:07:11
reisioYahosain: variable? for what?07:11
reisioTm_T: mmm07:12
adammw111Tm_T: nope, where would it be? I only see my name and other... Only battery level in top right i think07:12
Yahosainsomething which would tell me the label of sr0 for example07:12
adammw111I was expecting it to be in the user menu like it was in 10.10 but its not there either07:12
reisiovox: couldn't you mount it after boot?07:12
reisioYahosain: oh, it shows as PICTURES in another OS?07:13
reisioYahosain: if you look at it in a file manager (Nautilus, for example), it'd probably show07:13
Yahosainno I want it for a bash script07:13
Yahosainsomething like a terminal command07:14
voxreisio: it will not boot. at all. since 11.10, if it cant start a raidset during boot time, it gives you an option to either a: not start the raidset and drop to busybox(not useful) or start the raidset and boot normally.. and then when the raidset wont start, because it's degraded, it drops to busybox anyway. so you cannot boot. at all.07:14
pacalHello #ubuntu. My friend's unable to choose between the OS's on the list that GRUB gives. His keyboard is unresponsive except for when he pressed alt+ctrl+delete (at which point the computer just restarts, probably due to the BIOS). I've googled the problem, but it yields only solutions we've already tried: He has legacy support enabled on his usb-connected keyboard.07:15
reisioYahosain: ah07:15
reisioYahosain: there's a package for cd info somewhere, with a name something like 'cdinfo'07:16
reisiobut IIRC you can grab a lot of info from /proc/07:16
=== X__ is now known as FreeNET
=== eddie is now known as Guest74915
ghufraninstaller for ubuntu 11.1 is stuck at "saving installed packages". installed earlier but couldn't boot into it due to some disk mounting issues. so now i am installing again.. but it appears it is stuck now .. :S07:18
adammw111I tried also /usr/share/gdm/guest-session/guest-session-launch and my session locks but nothing else happens07:18
reisioYahosain: cdrecord -v 127 -toc ?07:19
klareisio: probably doesn't include such 'high-level' data as labels07:19
htmlghufran,  do back to the good old 10.04 or 10.10  and its well documented if something goes amiss07:20
reisionever be able to find this in my log07:20
Yahosainreisio:wodim: No write mode specified.07:21
Yahosainwodim: Assuming -tao mode.07:21
ghufranhtml: thats much more trouble for me ..! though the power button has an option "Restart to complete updates" in red color .. does that mean its complete?07:21
Yahosainwodim: Future versions of wodim may have different drive dependent defaults.07:21
Yahosainwodim: Badly placed option. Global options must be before any track.07:21
klaYahosain: isoinfo07:21
reisioYahosain: is it just for Ubuntu or any distro?07:21
htmlyes, or its goona comeback and finsih it up07:22
Yahosainno just for ubuntu07:22
reisioYahosain: is the label used for the mount name in /media/ ?07:22
htmlyes, or its goona comeback and finsih it up ghufran07:22
Yahosainno the label is used for sharing a device like DVDRW or USB hdd or any other on public network07:23
Yahosainim gonna mount the devices in public folder07:23
ghufranhtml: its the same thing. still trying to mount /media/Data even though i selected this time not to use that partition..07:23
YahosainI thought it will be nice to put the devices labels on the folders07:23
reisiookay, well07:24
reisioif it's just for Ubuntu, you can just figure out what nautilus uses :P07:24
nowimproved1who likes gnome3 or whatever flavor of bs ubuntu uses?07:24
klaoh darn let me look..07:25
Yahosainif it is complicated i will just use sr0,sda4 ... for the names07:25
reisionowimproved1: some people07:25
reisioYahosain: you catch kla's suggestion?07:26
klaYahosain: isoinfo -i /dev/sr0 -d | awk '/Volume\ id/{ print $3; }'07:26
=== feasty is now known as feastyuk
zoskyhi yall. what is the best (easiest!) way to scrape a <div> tag by name in my BASH script ?07:28
Yahosainisoinfo -i /dev/sr0 -d | awk '/Volume\ id/{ print $3; }' did it thankyou verymuch but the problem is that it will only give me the label for a cd or dvd not a hdd partition07:28
nowimproved1if you ask me they should have expanded on gnome2 and made it cleaner more simple.. win 7 style  people dont want that weird shit although gnome3 is better than unity bs07:28
reisiozosky: you want the info inside the tag?07:28
reisioYahosain: oh07:29
reisioYahosain: mmmm, blkid does that, but I don't recall if you need root07:29
zoskyyes, raw (with all the contained <tables> and all)07:29
klaYahosain: I'm not quite sure I understand your requirements but.. have you tried looking under /dev/disk/by-id/uuid/label ?07:29
nowimproved1ubuntu should ship with e17 def07:30
reisiozosky: there are a couple things in CPAN for doing it properly, otherwise you can use any number of nasty regex07:30
reisionowimproved1: ha, imagine purple/orange/brown e1707:30
nowimproved1it could be good though reisio better than unity .. better than xfce and kde07:31
YahosainI think I can do it by using both blkid and isoinfo07:31
omidocan i install ubuntu and install its grub on its root partition and chainload its grub2 to my other Distro's bootloader?(which is grub legacy)07:31
nowimproved1they should find something and stick with it.. or make their own desktop environment07:32
nowimproved1things need to be more standard07:33
reisiogood luck finding a commercial organization that'll agree with you on that07:33
htmldo what?07:33
reisioomido: chainload grub2 _from_ grub1?07:33
ikonianowimproved1: what are you talking about at all ?07:33
nowimproved1ikonia, i dont even know07:33
ikonianowimproved1: ok, best to stop then07:34
omidoreisio:  yeah .cause for me grub2 has been an unstable piece of crap.(maybe just for me )07:34
ikoniaomido: how is grub2 unstable ?07:34
Yahosainblkid and isoinfo is the way thank you kla and reisio07:34
omidoikonia:  i had pclinuxos 2011 with pae kernel installed and then installed ubuntu 11.10 and choosed to install grub2 on MBR(where pclinuxos's grub was installed). ubuntu showed me pclinuxos in the bootloader selection but faild to boot it .07:35
nowimproved1install gentoo07:36
ikoniaomido: define "failed to boot it"07:36
ikonianowimproved1: again - what are you talking about ?07:36
nowimproved1holy instant. fast typer bubs07:36
ikonianowimproved1: please stop talking nonsnese.07:36
ikonianowimproved1: the channel is for ubuntu support discussion, can you keep to that topic please.07:36
omidoikonia:  i wonder when exactly you wanna stop being just a fan boy and become a real helper. cause you have always been like that07:36
ikoniaomido: I'm asking you to define your problem so I can help you07:37
omidoit faild to boot it showing errors which i dont exactly remember . now my issue is that i want to chainload ubuntu to another distro. isnt that clear enough ?07:37
klaor in canadian English: what are you taking a-boot?07:37
ikoniaomido: I didn't see the question about you wanting to chainload, I just saw you stating grub2 is unstable, which is wrong and was trying to help07:37
ikoniaomido: where is the grub1 bootsector installed on your system ?07:38
omidoikonia:  on MBR07:38
ikoniaomido: ok, where is grub2 boot sector installed ?07:39
omidoikonia:  its not installed yet . i want to make sure if i can chainload it and then do the actual installition . i want to intall ubuntu's bootloader in its root partition07:39
ikoniaomido: sure, you can chain load any other boot loader you want.07:40
omidoi can easily chainload the distros which use grub legacy .i can also edit grub1's files and add other grub1 os. but i'm total noob when it comes to grub2 (seems like its a little diffrent)07:40
ikoniaomido: just keep in mind, that if you install grub2 to the MBR, grub1 will be gone, so you'll need to install grub1 to somewhere else AND update the place it looks for the config files07:40
ikoniaomido: why don't you just use grub1 instead of grub2 then ?07:41
omidoikonia:  thats exactly what i want to do . for me grub1 is better but i want to have ubuntu too .07:41
ikoniaomido: ok - so you don't want to chainload at all then, you just want to install grub107:41
htmlhow do i fix the login mangers ?07:42
omidoikonia:  i have Grub1 installed(i installed PClinuxOS 2011 which uses grub 1 as default bootloader)07:43
ikoniaomido: ok, so all you need to do is configure grub1 to point at the ubuntu boot files07:43
ikoniaomido: don't need to install grub2 at all, and don't need to chain load07:43
omidoikonia:  i suck at command line or editing configuration files .07:44
omidothats why i came here to ask for help07:44
ikoniaomido: if you need help, you'll get better help if you ask the right/proper question, eg: how do I edit grub1 to boot ubuntu, rather than "I want to chainload grub1 from grub2 and grub2 is unstable"07:45
arooni-mobilei have 11.10; i'm plugged in via ethernet.  how do i create a wireless network that allows other devices to connect (and share) my connection?   i have a thinkpad t420; with a Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300 wireless card;   i have already tried 2-3 guides07:45
ikonia!ics | arooni-mobile07:45
ubottuarooni-mobile: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing07:45
adam__any gurus out there07:47
ghufranhow do i edit proxy settings in ubuntu 11.10?? there used to be a global proxy tool earlier. but now there isn't ..07:47
ikoniaomido: do you use a shared /boot partition between the 2 OS's ?07:47
faLUCE Hi. I installed lubuntu 11.10 on a Intel BOXDG41AN mini-itx mobo (with Pentium dual core E5700). Then I installed few programs and created my own live distro, lubuntu 11.10 based, with Remastersys. Then I booted on another pc (Intel DH67CF LGA-1155 mini itx mobo, with cpu i5 2400) with this distro but the graphic card does not work. I can make it work only at low resolution with nomodeset. The rest is ok  How can I solve? Where can be the problem?07:47
ikoniaadam__: just ask the question about the problem you are having07:47
ikoniafaLUCE: we don't support your custom spins07:48
faLUCEikonia: what a stupid answer07:48
ikoniaghufran: that tool should still be there, let me see if I can find the application name to call it,07:48
ikoniafaLUCE: no, it's the factual answer, you are making your own ubuntu spin, we only support the official builds in this channel07:48
faLUCEikonia: in addition, talk for yourself07:48
adam__lol i have a toshiba satellite with a realtek 8176 wireless  and i cant get the on board wireless to work07:48
faLUCEikonia: stupid answer07:48
ikoniafaLUCE: please drop the attitude, I'm just making you aware that your custom spin is something we don't support07:48
faLUCEikonia: ok, I'll simply ignore you07:49
omidoikonia:  no i dont have.  right now the only operating system that i have installed is pclinuxos07:49
htmlyes we do, there parts that are known to be used in ubuntu07:49
adam__i have ubuntu 11.10 installed07:49
ghufranikonia: its strange really. internet is working fine with "system settings". but installing software doesn't work.07:49
=== tfilipczuk is now known as makaka
htmlyes we do, there parts that are known to be used in ubuntu (spins)07:49
=== rymate1234 is now known as rymate1234|away
omidofaLUCE: ikonia is a knowledgable user. you have to respect him07:49
omidoaltough he is too much of an ubuntu fan booy07:50
ikoniaomido: what are you talking about ubuntu fanboy ?07:50
htmladam__,   well i know updating you grub it a must for that brand07:50
=== ericm-Zzz is now known as ericm-afk
omidoikonia: when someone has issues with ubuntu you offend him/her07:51
adam__sorry semi noob and it has been a while07:51
ikoniaomido: no, I don't07:51
adam__but it is fully updated07:51
ikoniaadam__: are you comfortable using the command line at all ?07:51
adam__i am not on that pc atm07:52
adam__what do you have in mine07:52
omidoi believe ubuntu needs something like YaST or Mandriva(mageia) control center ..07:52
ikoniaomido: it has it, it's called software center, synaptic, aptitude, there are many package managers07:53
ikoniaomido: and there are many configuration tools07:53
htmladam__,  plug it in to a lan (wired connection) and see if it works and update it, and put this in07:54
htmlsudo apt-get upgrade grub07:54
ikoniaadam__: just need you to get onto that PC and do "sudo iwconfig" see if any of the cards it sees have "wireless extensions"07:54
omidoikonia:  as a linux guru you know that YaST is a little bit diffrent ..07:54
ikoniaomido: not really, it's just a package managment and configuration editor07:54
RooTSh3LLany one help me07:54
reisioRooTSh3LL: okay07:54
RooTSh3LLany gui php editor creator out there. I need one07:55
adam__ok i dont have wired available but i can use a usb wireless adapter07:55
htmladam did you plug ur latop in?07:55
reisioRooTSh3LL: geany, bluefish, gphpedit07:56
adam__would that be acceptable07:56
ikoniaadam__: are you talking to me ?07:56
RooTSh3LLreisio thanks for reply07:56
adam__hmm how do i specify whom i am talking to07:56
RooTSh3LLWhy you all slow07:57
adam__hmm how do i specify whom i am talking to07:58
qin!tab | adam__07:58
ubottuadam__: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.07:58
htmltype the name and press "tab"  apon entering  you see lettering in red adam07:58
RooTSh3LL '<07:58
adam__html, ok i dont have wired available but i can use a usb wireless adapter07:58
htmltry really hard to get wired in07:59
adam__is there one on one chat?07:59
ikoniaadam__: just say the name first07:59
ikoniaadam__: as I'm doing to you now07:59
adam__lol ok08:00
adam__ikonia,  ok08:00
htmlthanks ikonia08:00
qin!caps | adam__08:01
ubottuadam__: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.08:01
adam__html, sorry08:01
adam__html,  so yes it would be difficult08:02
htmlwithout one it makes helping u hardeer08:02
htmlfine adam__08:03
alkisgin which backported Lucid package can I find /lib/firmware/htc_9271.fw, to use along with linux-image-generic-lts-backport-natty  ?08:03
adam__html,  i see08:03
adam__html: i am sorry08:04
adam__html,  is there a nother way?08:05
abstraktwhat do I need to do to install DVD support on 11.10?08:05
abstrakthttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs only covers up to 11.0408:05
adam__hmm i am still here08:06
=== adam__ is now known as shovell
htmldo you have an andriod?08:07
shovellhtml,  no i do not?08:07
htmli was meaaning that for adam08:08
shovellhtml, sorry name changed from adam to shovell08:08
shovellyes i have a cell08:09
shovellit is nothing special08:09
htmlcan you use that as a hotspot ,preferred wired08:10
buck76how can i make a script that checks MAC address every 5secs and then plays a sound and runs another script if the MAC address is not what it should be?08:10
OneHello, i search a book for learn unix administration. And to learn administer web server, dns server, etc... I search a complet book for learn unix administration. Can you help me ?08:11
shovellhtml,  no i can not i am on a different pc atm can i wire to it?08:11
=== Grue_ is now known as Newb
paradox1One, Google08:11
shovellhtml,  like internet sharing in windows08:12
htmlparadox1,  are u channel op?08:12
HaffeOne: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596003432.do ?08:12
paradox1Server admin08:12
abstraktOne, http://tldp.org/guides.html08:12
Newbwhy am I in here 5 seconds and got DCC spam?!08:12
markskilbeckLinux Mint is the best. Right?08:12
abstraktNewb, cuz... you're... a... noob?08:12
Oneparadox1, Yes i already search, but i would like council08:12
Newbabstrakt: I guess08:13
htmlshovell,  try it  , but back up that os first08:13
NewbI am not a noob... I am a newb08:13
paradox1Linux mint is good08:13
OneHaffe, abstrakt, Thanks08:13
abstraktwhat exactly is Linux Mint08:13
Newbisnt mint ubuntu?08:13
shovellhtml,  huh08:13
abstrakti've read about it once before, but I forgot what it was instantly08:13
paradox1a distro08:13
tycelMint is Linux halftime?:P08:13
abstraktwhat is the purpose/goal?08:13
paradox1its ubuntu08:13
buck76is it even possible to make a script that checks the MAC address every 5 secs? is #!/bash/bin the right format for such an operation?08:13
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org08:14
DanAKAHollywoodbuck76, Yes it is. Use ifconfig and slee08:14
markskilbeckThe goal: not give users shitty Unity.08:14
paradox1buck76: /sbin/ifconfig | grep HWaddr08:14
abstraktOne, specifically you probably want to read http://tldp.org/LDP/sag/html/index.html and http://tldp.org/LDP/nag2/index.html08:14
tycelwanna hack gnome3? oh wait...you did?08:14
heph|winsOPS!!! LANGUAGE!!!08:14
abstraktOne, also you will want to learn bash very well08:14
abstraktOne, /join #bash08:15
Newbis cyanogenmod9 out yet?08:15
Newbanyone got an ETA on that?08:15
heph|winsfor terraria?08:15
shovellhtml, i am confused as to what you arre asking me to do08:15
heph|winshurr hurr08:15
abstraktOne, http://mywiki.wooledge.org/BashGuide08:15
* Newb saw a ninja panda earlier08:15
abstraktOne, read those three documents I just linked you, SAG, NAG and BashGuide, and you'll be a decent Linux administrator08:16
Oneabstrakt, Ok thanks you very much08:16
paradox1buck76: it would be a really small script easy to write08:16
paradox1few lines08:16
abstraktOne, actually I would recommend learning Bash before you learn anything else, personally, because Bash is the centerpiece of all *nix administration08:16
Newbwhat about ash?08:17
Newbcant forget ash08:17
abstraktOne, for your practical purposes this is true, there are other shells than Bash, but Bash is by far the most common and if you learn it, then other shells will make sense as well08:17
abstraktzsh ftw08:17
* Newb is more of a taco shell fan08:17
Oneabstrakt, Thank you for your help08:18
* tycel drinks his tea and waits.08:18
buck76paradox1: i'm on it. thank you, i'll pop back for peer review! ;)08:18
NewbOK, so I am confused...08:18
Newbwhy is there no root account?08:18
paradox1buck76: Paste me your code when your done :)08:18
Newbyou have to activate it?08:18
Newband why to this day, will no one answer this question for me?08:19
auronandace!roroot | Newb08:19
abstraktOne, this may be of interest to you as well https://help.ubuntu.com/community#Getting_to_know_and_work_with_your_system because it is Ubuntu specific08:19
auronandace!noroot | Newb08:19
ubottuNewb: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:19
abstraktNewb, because you don't need it08:20
ikoniaNewb: the sudo permissions model is used for security, that is why the root account is locked by default08:20
abstraktNewb, sudo works fine08:20
tycelbut what about zem z0mg|linux|wizards that use there root for everything?:D08:20
Newbso ubuntu take the apple approach to this?08:20
Oneabstrakt, Ok thanks08:20
ikoniaNewb: no, but the concept is similar08:21
Newbprotect the end user = because they will hurt themselves?08:21
kazuohi folks08:21
DanAKAHollywoodsudo bash and you are root...08:22
DanAKAHollywoodThat simple08:22
ikoniaDanAKAHollywood: no08:22
Newbso why not just leave it and let the end-user make the decision?08:22
ikoniaif you need a root shell use "sudo -i"08:22
=== Arjan is now known as BezNalogov
chervacan someone explain to me that is the status of my mdadm array http://pastebin.com/HVRQEuUu :?08:23
ikoniaNewb: if you are comfortable setting the root password and working as root, good for you, and you should know how to do that, in which case, you are fine. Most people don't so the security decision is taken to protect them08:23
DanAKAHollywoodThen when you are in a root shell type passwd and set a password. That's it08:23
ubuntu|hasrootits really easy to get root access permanently on ubuntu08:23
ubuntu|hasroot1) sudo su -08:23
ikoniacherva: oh dear, that looks bad, it looks like you've split your array08:23
ubuntu|hasroot2) passwd root08:23
ikoniaubuntu|hasroot: no08:23
ubuntu|hasroot3) done08:23
ikoniado not use "sudo su - "08:23
ubuntu|hasrootyes. do use it08:24
ikoniaI have given the correct to get a root shell08:24
ikoniaubuntu|hasroot: please do not suggest that08:24
tycelSo, I heard linux users pwned windows users at the meet?:D08:24
Reikokuubuntu|hasroot: It's easier than that: 1) sudo passwd && su08:24
ubuntu|hasrootyes, lets hold everyone's hands08:24
ubuntu|hasrootlet them make mistakes. :P best way to learn08:24
ikoniacherva: what has happened to put the array in that setup08:24
ikoniaubuntu|hasroot: correct, yes, thats the idea, help them not make mistakes/learn08:24
ikoniaubuntu|hasroot: no, we are not here to push people into mistakes08:24
ubuntu|hasrootyou learn by mistakes. not by having everything working all the time.08:24
ubuntu|hasrootsometimes the best way to learn is to break something :)08:25
ikoniaubuntu|hasroot: YOU do, not everyone, like I said, we are not here to push people into mistakes08:25
htmlwhat the command to find out whats on the os/hardware?08:25
DanAKAHollywoodIf ubuntu users want root by default they can always use ubuntu server...08:25
ikoniahtml: lspci will show you the pci devices, based on your earlier question I assume that's what you want08:25
ikoniaDanAKAHollywood: the server root password is also locked by default08:25
ubuntu|hasrootsudo su -  << gives you $100, a new PC, a new car, and a new girlfriend. try it out!08:25
Newbso did this anti-root attitude come about at the same time that OEMs started shipping ubuntu?08:25
ubuntu|hasrootnewb probably08:26
htmldifferant question08:26
ikoniaNewb: it's not "anti-root" it's a security model as the factoids you've been given show08:26
ikoniaNewb: have a proper read of them08:26
ikoniahtml: ok, what are you looking for ?08:26
ikonia!sudo | Newb08:26
ubottuNewb: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo08:26
ikonia!noroot | Newb08:26
ubottuNewb: We do not support setting a root password. You're free to do it on your own machine, but please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.08:26
ikonia!root | Newb08:27
ubottuNewb: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:27
ikoniaNewb: check out the links there08:27
windparadisehello, pls what are the virtualisation alternatives to ubuntu, such apart from vmware ? which runs perfectly?08:27
DanAKAHollywoodikonia, can you explain why when I installed Ubuntu Server on my six latest servers, it went directly to a root shell when I logged in?08:27
htmlikonia, side note ? why did you kick him?08:27
ikoniaDanAKAHollywood: nope08:27
chervaikonia, I assembled the array everuthing worked ok then restarted before the sync finished and because I forgot to add the array in /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf I had to asamble the drives at boot ... "mdadm --assamble --scan" and here am I .... that array is my /home and a few mail boxes ... one guy called and said that he misses a mail so I thing i realy splitted them up :(08:27
auronandacewindparadise: virtualbox and qemu08:27
ikoniawindparadise: look into "kvm"08:27
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo08:27
itbcn8hi all, quick question. Every time I start my PC the dimness is turned all the way down. It is a Packard Bell OneTwo, running Ubuntu 11.10, and has integrated intel graphics. any ideas?08:27
Reikokuikonia: Some functions need a root password, I had to set one for an install process, I think it was fglrx beta drivers08:27
windparadiseauronandace: can we install windows on them and share the folder with ubuntu ?08:27
kazuohas anyone installed the new kernel yet ??08:28
Newbso wait... you give me help that just gives me a command to make a bad matrix reference?08:28
ikoniacherva: ok, I think you've gotten yourself into a bad situation to be honest,08:28
auronandacewindparadise: yes with virtualbox, i use it a lot08:28
windparadiseok, let me look at it08:28
ikoniaNewb: read the links, not just the factoid08:28
Newbwhat links?08:28
ikoniacherva: you need to mount both devices and look at which one has the data you want, then issue a sync command with that one as the primary08:28
Newball I saw was bad reference scrolls08:28
ikoniacherva: bringing the other one into sync08:29
ikoniaNewb: I'll send them to a pm for you08:29
ikonia!root > Newb08:29
ubottuNewb, please see my private message08:29
ikonia!sudo > Newb08:29
ikonia!noroot > Newb08:29
ikoniaNewb: you should have a private message from the user ubottu08:29
Newbwow, kinda rude to PM without asking aint it?08:29
htmlhow do i fix the login mangers ? or how do i reinstall the default ubuntu 10.10  login screen ? lxde was the one i used , but i took it off and now im in "safe mode "08:29
chervaikonia, can I mount them now or I have to stop the array first08:29
NewbI give up08:29
ikoniacherva: you need them running to mount them08:29
NewbI wont get a solid answer08:29
htmlNewb,  hes the channel op08:29
=== michael is now known as Guest56448
ikoniaNewb: if you read the links that has been sent in a pm to you, you'll find good info08:30
Newbhtml: so?08:30
Newbooooh so ops dont have to follow rules?08:30
=== Guest56448 is now known as bromichael
Newblol I get it08:30
=== bromichael is now known as bromichaelhenry
htmlNewb,  well whats the rules say?08:30
auronandaceNewb: you won't get an answer if your not willing to look for it08:30
ikoniaNewb: what are you talking about ????08:30
ikoniaNewb: the info is waiting for you, have a read through the links ubottu just sent you,08:30
Newbetiquette rather... not rules08:30
Newbyeah I will read08:31
kazuohas anyone had webcam issues with the new ubuntu kernel ???08:31
KNUBBIGHi, I set my Tomcat7 to use Java 7 and now the manager app is in some language (maybe chinese or persian, dunno) and the admin app is in spanish. Any idea why that happens?08:31
ubuntu|hasrootno, i use a HID webcam08:31
ubuntu|hasrootworks on everything.08:31
chervaikonia, let me think for a sec the only thing missing is 1 mail that is beeing resend ... so if I sync one drive to the other no mather which one I'll be ok ?08:31
ikoniacherva: I don't see that as an issue at all08:31
ikoniacherva: infact I think that will bring you to a better place to move forward08:31
Newbnone of those links inlcude the info that I was asking about08:31
ikoniaNewb: apologies, what is the info you are looking for ?08:32
Newbok, I guess I wont get it answered... I will try another distro08:32
kazuohis| any idea why my Logitech C60 webcam suddenly stopped working on but works great on anything before08:32
ubuntu|hasrootits still a better policy to explain to your community the risks and rewards of using administrative access (root), than to just say "DONT USE ROOT" and reply with "JUST DONT OK??" when they ask why. :P08:32
ubuntu|hasrootsudo su - < use it!08:33
auronandacekazuo: checked kernel newbies to see the difference between them?08:33
kazuocouldnt see anyting aimed at cams... was fine08:33
chervaikonia, I'll look for that mail .....08:34
chervaikonia, hmm can't mount /dev/sdb1 i get08:35
buck76paradox1: http://pastebin.com/3E9uk2tj08:35
chervaikonia, hmm can't mount /dev/sdb1 i get "mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'"08:35
buck76paradox1: how's that look?08:36
paradox1ill see08:36
ikoniacherva: probably not synced08:36
buck76that's not my real MAC tho, but the idea is the same.08:36
ccoloradoHi can anyone tell me what is the purpose of /etc/mysql/debian-start and how can i disable it ?  I get a log of log entries saying <DATE> <HOSTNAME> /etc/mysql/debian-start[XXXX]: FATAL ERROR: Upgrade failed08:36
shovellhtml,  did i lose you?08:37
chervaikonia, so i do "rsync -aH /dev/sda1 /dev/sdb1" and I'm good to go having the now active drive synced to sdb1 ?08:38
ikoniacherva: whoaaa now08:38
buck76paradox1: actually, i'll rewrite it. i'll get back in five.08:38
ikoniaI meant start the single array with both drives included so it does a sync within mdadm08:38
shovellok i think i lost html08:39
sattu94shovell: lol.08:39
chervaikonia, not exactly sure how to do that ....08:40
=== ericm-afk is now known as ericm|ubuntu
shovellso i post my question again08:40
ikoniacherva: ok, stop the array md0 and md_d008:40
ikoniacherva: create an array using sda1 (as you know it has good data on it - correct me if I'm wrong)08:40
ikoniacherva: create the array with /dev/sda1 and "missing"08:41
ikoniacherva: then add /dev/sdb1 to the array once it's running, and it will sync the data from sda1 to sdb1 and you'll have a stable array08:41
ikoniathen update the mdadm.conf and you will be fine08:41
chervaikonia, got it :) I just have to find a way to check that i really have good data on sda108:42
windparadiseauronandace: when installed virtualbox on ubuntu, have you been able to run windows programms on virtualbox successfully? or there were errors on some of the programs?08:42
ikoniacherva: cool, any issue just ask08:42
auronandacewindparadise: they run fine08:43
windparadiseok, the second concern is about sharing virtualbox folder with ubuntu, how did you took care of that ?08:43
auronandacewindparadise: open the settings of the vm and check out shared folders, its rather straightforward08:44
windparadisei.e I want to share My DOcument folder on virtualbox to be access in ubuntu08:44
windparadiseah, ok, thanks08:44
KNUBBIGshouldn't localepurge remove locales that are listed via locales -a if I select the right locales to keep?08:45
chervaikonia, mdadm --examine /dev/sda1 says "faulty removed" and sdb1 says "active sync   /dev/sdb1" .......08:45
chervaikonia, maybe sdb1 is the rigth dribe08:46
chervaikonia, maybe sdb1 is the rigth drive*08:47
chervaikonia, one last thing can I do this in init level 1 and then go to level 508:49
ikoniacherva: sorry, 2 minutes just doing 2 things08:51
chervaikonia, no problem08:51
N1Nja_Omg why is it quiet?08:52
KNUBBIGHm the language of tomcat is only incorrect if I connect from a Mac and use Opera, nice :D08:52
ak47_I need to speak with Mark Shuttleworth, is he around? I have some concerns with the future of Ubuntu.08:53
worstadminHow come when two hosts have an iscsi lvm mounted, they dont sync changes in files? I edited the file on one host, after mounting the iscsi disk - and the other host didnt show the change until I remounted08:54
=== makaka is now known as makak
ejvif you don't like ubuntu, fork it ak47_08:55
ejvgreat thing about F/OSS software ;)08:56
ak47_Ok, I'll just use Debian.08:56
llutz_shuttleworth will be sad :(08:57
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KNUBBIGak47_ will be sad I think08:59
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Randolphhi all09:00
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=== Guest29378 is now known as LinuxToWinux
=== windparadise_ is now known as windparadise
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Shovellhelp can not connect with onboard wireless realtek 817609:07
xuser1will ubuntu 12.04 have gnome 3 (no unity)?09:07
Shovelli hope so]09:07
xuser1i hate unity09:07
xuser1can i make a modificated ubuntu cd with other programs ...?09:08
xuser1what software can i use to modify a ubuntu iso image?09:09
Shovellikonia:  are you there?09:09
Fudgehi looking for photobook software for a friend, they just bought something online and the software with it is only for windows/osx09:09
ikoniaShovell: no, sorry I'm not, I'm busy09:09
deej1976!info remastersys | xuser109:09
ubottuxuser1: Package remastersys does not exist in oneiric09:09
deej1976!remastersys | xuser109:10
napsyHello. I'm running Ubuntu 11.10 and getting strange linker problems if I try to compile a simple gtk+2.0 program. With gcc `pkg-config --libs --cflags gtk+-2.0` sample.c ... and I get a bunch of 'undefined reference to ...' errors. Any ideas what's wrong with the linker?09:10
chervaikonia, did this and I think everythink is ok now http://pastebin.com/fEHFPsSi09:10
Fudgedeej1976  you can use older versions of it though on oneiric09:10
deej1976!remaster | xuser109:10
ubottuxuser1: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility09:10
Fudgexuser1  sorry09:10
=== bosman_ is now known as bosman
ikoniacherva: I'm sorry, I can't help at the moment09:10
deej1976!enter | xuser109:11
ubottuxuser1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:11
Fudgedeej1976  having fun09:11
deej1976Fudge: Yes thanks09:11
Fudge:p deej197609:11
xuser1can i use these tools to modify a linux mint 12 image(based onm ubuntu 11.10) ?09:12
researcherhow to know what version is m ubuntu system?09:12
deej1976xuser1: I'd say ask in #mint but theres only 6 nicks active09:13
faLUCE[10:09] <elky> faLUCE, if you boot it up, and the video works, that xorg.conf can be saved to a flash drive, for example, and then you can replace it on your new machine when you use your remastered livecd. i don't know how you'd make this permanent to the remastersys livecd thingie though09:13
oCeanxuser1: this channel cannot help you with mint questions09:13
xuser1but mint is ubuntu based09:13
deej1976researcher: lsb_release -r09:13
llutz_!mint | xuser109:14
ubottuxuser1: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:14
oCeanxuser1: yes, there are actually many derivatives. Mint is not supported09:14
researchergcristian: thanks09:14
Shovellubottu:  are you a computer?09:14
ubottuShovell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:14
faLUCEnow the question becomes: how can I backup the xorg conf on a xorg.conf file?09:15
buck77paradox1: http://pastebin.com/e7HqSuNk09:16
Shovellubottu: thats what i thought09:16
ubottuShovell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:16
xuser1i will try ubuntu customization kit09:16
xuser1is easy to use09:16
ajahi`m running in ubuntu 2d session how can i bind applications in unity different from numeric for example super+z09:16
buck77paradox1: think that works well! only worried if it's a problem to have it running in the background all the time? and also - how to make it start up at boot?09:17
htmlif i have a usb wireless adater , how do i go about posting it to known hardware  on the ubuntu site?09:17
faLUCEpopey: any idea?09:17
xuser1is uck for kde?09:19
deej1976!info uck | xuser109:20
ubottuxuser1: uck (source: uck): Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.4.4+repack0-0ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 195 kB, installed size 684 kB09:20
KNUBBIGIt says official Ubuntu Live CDs09:21
KNUBBIGso it's very possible it will break your mint09:21
KNUBBIGWhy don't you ask them first, saving you a lot of work? :)09:21
is_nullhi all, how to disable "pointer on left edge shows dock" on oneiric ?09:25
deej1976!ccsm | is_null09:26
ubottuis_null: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz09:26
paradox1you might want to get a second opinion09:27
buck77paradox1: ok?09:28
buck77paradox1: it's no good?09:28
paradox1ask someone else09:28
paradox1i dont know programming very well09:28
paradox1i cant say09:28
buck77paradox1: haha. ok! thanks tho! think i nailed it! =)09:28
Fudgexuser1  you can use remastersys like you initially asked though09:29
N1Nja_ 09:29
N1Nja_ 09:29
N1Nja_ 09:29
FloodBot1N1Nja_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:29
Fudgeit is no longer supported, also consider looking at relinux09:29
buck77paradox1: amazing what google can teach you in five mins...09:29
N1Nja_ 09:30
N1Nja_ 09:30
N1Nja_ 09:30
FloodBot1N1Nja_: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:30
oCeanN1Nja_: stop that09:30
keda87anyone, can u help me to enable jack audio in my ubuntu maverick09:30
is_nullthanks deej197609:31
deej1976is_null: No problem09:32
is_nulli've read in the review that it was not compatible with oneiric09:32
paradox1why would your mac address change buck77 ?09:32
N1Nja_What does it mean when this pops up where going backwards?09:32
deej1976!info compizconfig-settings-manager | is_null09:32
ubottuis_null: compizconfig-settings-manager (source: compizconfig-settings-manager): Compiz configuration settings manager. In component universe, is extra. Version (oneiric), package size 1180 kB, installed size 5780 kB09:32
conntrackWhat a nonce09:32
ikoniaconntrack: hey, please tone that sort of comment down09:33
DarsVaedaHi, I can not set my date manually, it always reverts to the current date09:33
DarsVaedahow do I ?09:33
keda87anyone, can u help me to enable jack audio in my ubuntu maverick?09:33
buck77paradox1: i think it might happen when the wifi goes out of bounds, for example, and network manager start trying to take care of business. i don't know, but it happens. i'm pretty sure it's network manager that does it too. sometimes it just resets the MAC.09:34
buck77paradox1: but not anymore!09:34
=== BezNalogov is now known as GabberPiet
Shovelllooking for drivers for a realtek 8176 wireless can any one help i tried the forums09:35
DarsVaedaha works in the shell09:35
deej1976buck77: The mac address of the network/wifi card is hard set and shouldn't change unless you specifiy one.09:35
faLUCEhow can I backup xorg configuration? I don't have xorg.conf09:35
buck77deej1976: i'm spoofing it, but it keeps changing back sometimes.09:35
deej1976faLUCE: find /etc/X11 -name xorg.conf ?09:35
abstrakt_why is rvm broken on ubuntu :(09:36
faLUCEdeej1976: there's not09:36
abstrakt_this used to work fine09:36
DarsVaedabaww now it doesnt revert back to automatic date -.-09:36
abstrakt_i added my user to the rvm group, I logged out and back in09:36
abstrakt_I even rebooted09:36
LjLN1Nja_: how's about you quit it, it's not fun09:36
N1Nja_Quit what?09:37
LjLN1Nja_: i'm sure you know what09:37
N1Nja_Im not doing anything in this channel I stopped09:38
slobrowat. my network interface just broke.09:38
deej1976faLUCE: Yep your right under 11.10, in vmplayer I've not got one either, hmmm09:38
DarsVaedawtf I tried to install the package ntp and it removes linux-headers...09:40
is_nulldeej1976: god you're good ! maybe i can newblyshamelessly plug a question about the keyboard shortcuts dialog: http://askubuntu.com/questions/84282/keyboard-shortcut-editor-does-not-intercept-keypresses and be lucky xD09:40
DarsVaedado I get them back just be reinstalling the linux-headers package?09:40
deej1976faLUCE: Have a look at http://askubuntu.com/questions/67129/how-come-xorg-refuses-to-generate-an-xorg-conf-file-for-me09:41
slobroMy ISP had some problems on their end, and they restarted my connection. now when I start my computer, my conky script tells me that eth0 has no interface. when i put ifconfig eth0 down, and then up, it starts but doesnt connect to my adsl box. theres 2 other computers connected to the same box, and they work just fine..09:42
slobroanyone have any clues? s:09:42
ikoniasolars: possibly wants a new dhcp address09:43
oCeanN1Nja_: Please stop what you are doing with the floodbot now09:43
deej1976slobro: does ifconfig -a show the correct information09:43
deej1976is_null: Sorry, lucked out, haven't set many keyboard shortcuts before09:44
researcherWHY I can update from Synaptic but can not  from Ubuntu software center?09:44
deej1976researcher: Update what?09:44
slobrodeej1976: yeah.. except any IPs.. the lo interface shows inet addr and mask.09:45
researcherdeej1976: updates of application installed09:45
researcherdeej1976: can not install or download a software09:45
hackbert130researcher: maybe u try running both at the same time?09:45
ikoniasolars: so there is no ip on eth0 ?09:45
researcherhackbert130: no09:46
xuser1U.C.K doesnt work http://paste.ubuntu.com/756875/09:47
deej1976is_null: Click the Disabled label, than keypress09:48
slobrohmm.. the adsl box though shows that theres a computer connected to the ethernet port09:48
deej1976is_null: *then09:48
ikoniaslobro: does eth0 have an IP address?09:48
ikoniaslobro: ok, so that is the core issues09:48
ikoniaslobro: simple test, can you reboot, see if your router gives it a new one ?09:49
slobroi tried it a few times, it does the same thing again, and i have to restart the eth0 interface09:49
ikoniaslobro: when you restart the eth0 interface does it get an IP ?09:49
hackbert130slobro: whats in your /etc/network/interfaces?09:50
slobroikonia: now it has an inet6 addr. o.O09:50
ikoniaslobro: are you using ipv6 ?09:50
ikoniaslobro: ok, so lets step back to get some background09:50
slobrohackbert130: auto lo iface lo inet loopback09:51
ikoniaslobro: your machine has how many network cards in it ?09:51
slobrosony vaio laptop with 1 lan and 1 wlan09:51
ikoniaslobro: ok, so your network card is configured by gnome-network-manager I assume (the desktop applet for configuring the network card)09:52
xuser1where can i get remastersys ?09:52
ikoniaslobro: ok, can you just confirm that eth0 is setup and enabled in the application as a dhcp network card ?09:53
ikoniaslobro: (lets remove the basics to find the real problem)09:53
deej1976!info oem-config-remaster | xuser109:53
ubottuxuser1: oem-config-remaster (source: ubiquity): Remaster a CD with additional oem-config functionality. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.8.7 (oneiric), package size 6 kB, installed size 164 kB09:53
deej1976xuser1: Or in a terminal: sudo apt-get install oem-config-remaster09:54
callaghanHello, I just upgraded to Oneiric. When I run htop in the terminal, I have to press F10 to quit. Now however this activates the global menu. Is there a new shortcut to send F10 to a program?09:54
geirharesearcher: It sounds like the policykit isn't running for whatever reason.09:57
un1baiatcan i change language on ubuntu?09:57
AlanBellcallaghan: if you install compizconfig-settings-manager you can disable the F10 key to get to the first panel menu, or set it to something else09:57
researchergeirha: what should I DO09:57
AlanBellcallaghan: it is a setting in the unity plugin in the settings manager09:58
geirharesearcher: If you open a terminal and run:  ps -ef | grep '[p]olkit-gnome'   # does it output anything?09:59
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AlanBellun1baiat: in the settings manager there is a Language Support option, that may prompt you do download language packs for the languages you want10:00
researchergertidon: no10:00
callaghanAlanBell: Thank you, that's good to know.10:01
researchergertidon: it show this sign >10:01
geirharesearcher: In the same terminal, run it manually:  /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-110:01
geirharesearcher: Oh, that means you mistyped the command10:01
AlanBellcallaghan: do let me know if you find another way to do it10:01
geirharesearcher: Hit Ctrl+c and try again10:01
researchergeirha: it show this sign >10:01
geirharesearcher: You probably forgot the ending ' quote10:02
Shovelli need a guru10:02
deej1976!ask | Shovell10:02
ubottuShovell: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:02
researchergeirha: got this output "taran     1344  1266  0 14:24 ?        00:00:00 /usr/lib/policykit-1-gnome/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1 "10:03
Shovelli have a toshiba satellite with a realtek 8176(?) wireless that i cant get to work10:04
geirharesearcher: Ah ok, it's running, then my guess was wrong :/10:04
deej1976!realtek | Shovell10:04
ubottuShovell: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b10:04
BenHurShovell, did you try jockey-gtk?10:04
ShovellBenHur:  no i havent what is it10:05
meadhikariplease help me recover my usb drive, when i insert it, two new files(sdc.sdc1) show up in /dev10:05
meadhikaribut i can not mount them10:05
researchergeirha: yes.its running.But sometime when I try to download and installa software I have problems. Im behind a proxy10:05
Fudgehi i am trying to use gdm in oneiric, anyone had success with making it work?10:05
BenHurShovell, open a terminal an type jockey-gtk10:05
BenHurShovell, jockey is a software the will find closed source drivers for you10:06
geirharesearcher: What type of proxy?10:06
xoverukI used to have a throughput tool for ubuntu but forgot the name of it.10:06
xoverukWhat are good ones?10:06
researcherim in office10:06
researchergeirha: im in office having a firewall10:07
callaghanAlanBell: Well there are two promising checkboxes in the terminal under Edit/Keyboard Shortcuts (Enable Menu Access Keys, Enable the Menu Shortcut Key). But they have no effect as far as i can tell...10:07
geirharesearcher: Well, there shouldn't be any difference in downloading a package with the software center and synaptic10:07
deej1976researcher: What happens if you run: sudo apt-get update ; sudo apt-get upgrade10:07
deej1976researcher: pastebin any errors please10:07
BenHurxoveruk, what's a throughput tool?10:08
ShovellBenHur:  well it found a diffferent problem i didnt know i had yet10:08
researchergeirha: I get this "W: Failed to fetch http://in.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty-updates/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages  407  Proxy Authentication Required "10:08
xoverukinterface throughput.10:08
AlanBellcallaghan: yeah, I should think compiz steals keystrokes before anything else gets a look at them10:08
BenHurShovell, what problem?10:09
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meadhikariplease help me recover my usb drive, when i insert it, two new files(sdc.sdc1) show up in /dev10:09
deej1976researcher: http://askubuntu.com/questions/77449/how-to-configure-proxy-authentication-to-work-with-ubuntu-software-center10:10
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callaghanAlanBell: that explains it... but does that mean when using Unity 2D they should work?10:10
ShovellBenHur:  ati display drivers installing them noe10:10
ShovellBenHur:  that did not find my realtek wireless10:11
Fudgemeadhikari  sdc1 is where the files are sdc is the drive10:11
BenHurShovell,  then follow the link given to you10:11
researchergeirha: thanks.bye10:11
meadhikariFudge, how to get the files?10:11
sanjeev__whois sanjeev10:11
deej1976sanjeev__: you forgot the / in front of whois10:12
AlanBellsanjeev__: you are! or add a /10:12
ShovellBenHur: looking now10:13
AlanBellcallaghan: probably, but I can't tell right now, running unity2d in a VM and F10 doesn't get captured by the VM because unity3d in the host gets it!10:13
omlxhi everybody, how can I share my 3g connection to my phone?10:14
AlanBellomlx: can you clarify the direction you want to share it, and what phone?10:15
ShovellBenHur:  i have tried the link provided before with no sucess10:15
AlanBellShovell: perhaps you could clarify where you exactly you got stuck10:16
omlxAlanBell: I have usb dongle to connect to internet. Now I want using internet into my android phone.10:16
aum___Hello everyone, how to login as root automatically and graphically...10:16
BenHurShovell, hm... i don't think i can help you further then.10:17
AlanBellaum___: that is not a good idea, sorry10:17
AlanBellomlx: probably by installing the android SDK, but it is more of an android question in that direction10:17
Shovelli believe it is not the correct driver ibelieve have a realtek 817610:18
aum___AlanBell, i know but in kiosk system no one is there to start the application manually...10:18
omlxAlanBell: is there any thing like hotspot for 3g connections?10:18
oCeanaum___: we don't support enabling the root account10:18
AlanBellomlx: or, create a new wireless connection10:18
AlanBellaum___: don't run the application as root (even more so as a kiosk)10:19
ShovellAlanBell: i believe it is not the correct driver i believe have a realtek 817610:19
aum___oCean,  i am a software developer and in the technical specification i have to login as root10:20
oCeanaum___: maybe so, but in this channel we cannot support that10:20
AlanBellaum___: what does it do that you think needs root access?10:20
omlxAlanBell: I did but it not appear in the phone.10:21
slobromy problem with not getting any ip works now without problems with wicd10:22
aum___AlanBell, i have some external drivers and their default headers are default to root...10:22
slobroikonia: sorry for the delay, but I just found out that gnome-network-manager doesnt show up in the taskbar anymore.10:23
AlanBellShovell: bug 79577010:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 795770 in linux (Ubuntu) "Realtek Semiconductor Corp. [0bda:8176] not detected" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79577010:23
Fudgeanyone using oneiric watch media over a network and get d/c'd often?10:24
ikoniaslobro: very interesting10:24
AlanBellaum___: I think you need to fix that if you want it to run on Ubuntu. There is no way it is a good idea to run a kiosk application as root10:24
geirhaaum___: Use a regular user and configure sudo to allow that user to run the app as root10:24
slobroIve been using openbox for a long while, logging into gnome now and then10:24
ikoniaslobro: ok, well lets do a test, are you free now ?10:25
ikoniaslobro: ok, can you open a terminal and do "sudo dhclient eth0"10:25
ShovellAlanBell: i guess i dont quite understand10:26
slobroikonia: it says: eth0 ERROR while getting interface flags: no such device10:26
slobro2 times10:26
ikoniaslobro: can you do "sudo ifconfig eth0"10:26
slobroI just restarted my computer10:26
slobroyeah sec10:27
Fudgeslobro  you did use sudo as well?10:27
slobroit doesnt give me any IP addresses, only mac address and some other info.10:27
AlanBellShovell: comment 13 looked quite promising10:28
slobrooh sorry, i didnt notice this: after sudo dhclient eth0, it said also: SIOCSIFADDR: no such device10:28
Fudgeslobro  if the output  for eth0 shows other info but no ip sudo dhclient eth0 should work10:28
ikoniaslobro: try again then "sudo dhclient eth0"10:28
Fudgeikonia  would dhclient try to bring it up if it was down?10:28
ikoniaFudge: who said it's down ?10:29
slobroikonia: now it didnt say anything. waited for a while, and stopped.10:29
Fudgeikonia  just a thought, i dont believe anyone said it was'10:29
ikoniaslobro: now run sudo ifconfig10:29
ikoniaFudge: ahh, it is possible10:29
slobroIP addresses showd up10:30
ikoniaFudge: sorry, I thought I'd missed part of the info10:30
ikoniaslobro: ok, so the issue is the card is not getting an address10:30
aum___AlanBell, Please understand i want only "root" to login automatically no other user (its in the specification) i know some way to auto login graphycally ie. through "mingetty" and then "startx" now tell me is this is the only way...10:30
slobroand i can access the internet now10:30
ikoniaslobro: the most probably reason for this is because you no longer have network-manager on your desktop configuring the card10:30
AlanBellaum___: sorry, the specification is wrong, if you want to use Ubuntu as the platform10:31
Myrttiaum___: that is so against every security principle the Ubuntu developers have decided to go with that it it boggles mind and draws all light from the universe10:31
Fudgeikonia  np mate10:32
deej1976aum___: Who wrote this specification, what software are you trying to use?10:32
Fudgeslobro  perhaps check, dpkg -l | grep network-manager10:33
slobroFudge: weird, "grep: command not found o.O10:34
Fudgeaum___  you're wanting a desktop manager to allow root to login?10:34
slobroand it Is installed10:35
ikoniaslobro: echo $PATH10:35
Fudgeperhaps youre on a UK keyboard layout, did you use the pipe | not "10:35
Shovell AlanBell i tried to download but no luck10:36
slobrofinnish keyboard, grep works by itself, echo $PATH gives /usr/local/sbin:usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin/usr/bin/:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games10:36
pisskidneyHi, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04, which Java Sdk would you recommend for installation if I'm interested in ease of installation / use?10:37
slobrohow did my ubuntu get to messed up..10:37
Fudgeslobro  not a good idea to ask :p10:37
AlanBellShovell: you might be better off getting a cheap USB wifi dongle and waiting for that thing you have to be supported in a later release of the kernel10:37
ShovellAlanBell: nvm10:37
deej1976pisskidney: openjdk-6-jdk10:38
slobrohah.. c:10:38
Shovellgot it going10:38
pisskidneydeej1976: thanks10:38
CaptAnonHI omlx10:38
Tony1Moin :)10:38
CaptAnonwhat exactly are you trying to do?10:38
CaptAnonomlx is your computer connected through a usb dongle10:41
Northwoodshow do i install unity 3D ?10:41
popeyNorthwoods: its installed by default in 11.04 and 11.10.10:42
slobroOkay, now everything works; I found out that gnome-network-manager and network-manager wasnt installed, which was weird because i didnt remove them. I installed them again, restarted the computer and now it works automatically.10:42
slobrothank you all very much for your help. :)10:43
ikoniaslobro: well done10:44
kltrgHi. I've got a webserver problem on my Ubuntu 11.04 server edition. If I point my webbrowser to a certain directory, I get a 403 error. I have to type http://foo/dir/index.php. Then, it works. How come? Why doesn't the webserver automatically redirect the browser to the index.php file?10:45
ikoniakltrg: probably not got options "indexes" enabled on that directory10:46
kltrgikonia, How do I change that?10:46
unannouncedconnected to the internet using p-t-p(modem) on my desktop.want to bridge the connection with the lan so that my ap picks from it.10:46
ikoniakltrg: apache config, look up, Option Indexes10:46
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kltrgikonia, Sorry, but I don't get it10:49
TimmmmHi. I just installed Ubuntu 11.10 and Windows 7 on separate drives. I'm trying to dual-boot, but I can't even get the grub menu to show up! I changed the timeout to 10, but all I see is a single number counting down from 10 on a dark purple background.10:50
ikoniakltrg: there is an options directive called "Indexes" under <Directory>10:50
ikoniakltrg: so, <Directory /usr/share/docs /n option indexes /n </directory>10:51
ikoniakltrg: for example10:51
TimmmmIt feels like the ubuntu splash screen is messing things up, so I tried removing "quiet splash" from the boot options (although now that I think about it, it shouldn't even get that far), and then it wouldn't even start X!10:51
TimmmmThere must be a way to get to the grub menu...10:51
aum___AlanBell, ok tell me how to run a program without entering a sudo password10:52
sanjeev90anhow to start system from initramfs?10:53
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ShovellAlanBell: i have results it did not work10:53
Shovellalanbell:  can i send you term output10:53
deej1976!pastebin : Shovell10:54
ubottudeej1976: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:54
aika hey10:54
deej1976!pastebin | Shovell10:54
ubottuShovell: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:54
oCeanaum___: use the sudo configuration  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Remove_Password_Prompt_For_sudo10:54
sanjeev90anhow to start system from initramfs?10:54
deej1976!patience | sanjeev90an10:55
AlanBellaum___: tell me why it needs root access?10:55
ubottusanjeev90an: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:55
aum___oCean, thank you...10:56
kltrgikonia, I added the line 'Options +Indexes' in the <Directory /usr/share/myfolder/> section in the /etc/apache2/conf.d/myfolder.conf but the 403 error is still there.10:56
oCeankltrg: did you restart/reload apache?10:56
ShovellAlanBell:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/756928/10:56
kltrgoCean, No, I'll do that.10:57
unannouncedikonia: any help?10:57
ikoniaunannounced: what ?10:57
oCeankltrg: if that does not work, see /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf, that's where the various index.* files are specified10:57
aum___AlanBell, i told you earlier proprietary driver and the database both needs root privilege10:58
histoShovell: you need firmware for some of those realtek cards10:58
is_nullthanks deej1976 !!!!10:58
is_nullit's my lucky day after all xD10:58
AlanBellaum___: so the driver makes something in /dev appear?10:58
Shovellhisto: it is internal10:58
ernesto__hi! i've got a server on ubuntu karmic 9.10 and cannot launch "apt-get update" anymore10:59
AlanBelldatabases don't need root access10:59
aum___AlanBell , yes10:59
deej1976is_null: Was sure if you sure my reply here, so posted as well :D10:59
ikoniaernesto__: the OS is end of life, so the repos have been removed and put on the archive server10:59
AlanBellaum___: right, so you need to set it so that that device node can be used by the kiosk user10:59
ikoniaernesto__: http://oldreleases.ubuntu.cpom10:59
Shovellhisto i guess i dont understand10:59
deej1976!eol | ernesto__11:00
ubottuernesto__: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:00
unannouncedneed help on bridging. i pick internet using p-t-p on my desktop and want to connect my wan port to the lan of the desktop so that other pdas pick from the ap.11:00
unannouncedwan port of the ap11:00
is_nulldeej1976: i just accepted the answer there ;)11:00
ernesto__ubottu: i know it is an old release but won't there be any optional sources list for me to keep on installing certain packages?11:01
unannouncedrunning natty11:01
histoShovell: is this a wireless card or wired?11:01
usalabshi all, I have a problem,,, how do I assign separate VNC IP addresses to each vm guest in kvm?,,, they always seem to default to localhost (
deej1976!old | ernesto__11:01
aum___AlanBell, there are lots of other module i cannot check every thing ...11:01
Shovellhisto: wireless onboard a toshiba satellite11:02
unannouncedgot me @ ikonia?11:02
ikoniaunannounced: sorry, I'm not paying attention to what you are saying, you just keep hilighting me11:03
TimmmmAh this is fucking annoying. How can the default be that you can't access the grub menu?!11:03
oCeanTimmmm: control your language here, please11:03
unannouncedread back please11:03
unannouncedwould appreciate11:03
rich3if i have a drop-down menu in ms-windows, the next click outside the menu actuallly does something.  in LXDE, it doesn't do anything.  so i open a menu, then change my mind, and something eats my next click as i click outside the menu.  is it possible to change this to like ms-windows?11:04
AlanBellaum___: if you are doing a kiosk project you should be aiming for a locked down machine, with a minimal set of permissions for the user the app runs as11:04
MyrttiTimmmm: you've tried shift-key?11:04
TimmmmMyrtti: Yep. I basically get a single digit count-down, that only updates when I press a key. I think the menu is there, I just can't see it.11:04
AlanBellTimmmm: hold shift from power on (it is one of the few keys the BIOS doesn't complain about being held down)11:05
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TimmmmAlanBell: I did.11:05
=== root is now known as Guest59163
andi2342346how can i change the system language of ubuntu on commandline (no desktop) ?11:05
Sidewinder1!rootirc | Guest 5916311:06
ubottuGuest 59163: It's not technically our business, but we'd like to tell you that IRC'ing as root is a Very Bad Idea (tm). After all, doing anything as root when root is not needed is bad, and especially bad with software that connects to the Internet.11:06
ikoniaTimmmm: what are you trying to do ?11:06
anony8Anyone knows where can i get free proxy for the IRC?11:06
usalabshow do I use remote VNC to access various VM guests running under a KVM? if each guest display VNC is allocated only the localhost ( IP?, which to me means that I can only access them from the same machine the KVM is running on.11:06
Timmmmìkonia: Get into the grub menu.11:06
ikoniaTimmmm: to do what ?11:07
AlanBellTimmmm: there is no countdown, holding shift gets you to grub.11:07
Timmmmikonia: Dual boot windows.11:07
ikoniaTimmmm: is the dual boot setup ?11:07
TimmmmAlanBell: Ah, in that case I guess it isn't detecting my key presses for some reason...11:07
Timmmmikonia: Not yet.11:07
ikoniaTimmmm: can you boot ubuntu ?11:07
kesgood morning. I'm having a problem with Upstart, when I try to launch my daemon through upstart it gets killed pretty much instantly. however when I execute the script through terminal the daemon launches fine. see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11503571 for more detail11:08
Timmmmikonia: Yep. It does that itself after the timeout.11:08
AlanBellanony8: this isn't the right channel to ask that question11:08
ikoniaTimmmm: as a work around, have you considered putting a menu option and along time out in the grub config, from within ubuntu11:08
kltrgMy apache2 behaves strangely. When I stop it using /etc/init.d/apache2 stop, it is still reacable. Does it restart automatically?11:08
TimmmmAlanBell: I should also say  I added the timeout....11:08
Timmmmikonia: Yeah I added a timeout, but it doesn't display the menu...11:09
ikoniaTimmmm: remove the hidenmenu option11:09
Timmmmikonia: I wanted to add the boot option from the menu since it is a bit easier to find out which hd(x,y) to use there... And update-grub doesn't detect my windows install.11:09
ikoniaTimmmm: (hiddenmenu, or hidemenu, can't remember what it's called)11:09
unannouncedwell thanks for ignoring me ikonia11:09
ikoniaunannounced: what ?11:10
Timmmmikonia: Hmm, I can't find that... where is it?11:10
unannouncedshould i repeat myself?11:10
ikoniaTimmmm: let me see if I have a machine with grub2 on to find the setting11:10
Timmmmikonia: Thanks!11:10
Timmmmikonia:  Did you mean GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT_QUIET? I already set that to false.. :-/11:11
ikoniathat maybe it11:11
ikoniait used to be called hiddenmenu or hidemenu in grub1 - trying to find the same grub2 option11:11
Timmmmikonia: What I can't work out is why the screen is purple before it even gets to the linux boot... Must be something ubuntu have changed to make the boot process seem more seamless.11:12
unannouncedany staff in here to help?11:12
ikoniaTimmmm: it's possibly an incorrect setting on your videocard mode11:12
FreeWillyhey ubuntu community peepz, can anyone suggest a irc chat room for networking issues?11:13
kltrgoCean, index.php is listed in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/dir.conf. I still get the 403 error11:13
ikoniaTimmmm: just to be clear you've tried holding down the shift key during boot?11:13
unannouncedi thought so FreeWilly11:13
Timmmmikonia: Yeah seems like something like that. I might try the GRUB_TERMINAL=console option, although it says it only works for grub-pc. Not sure about that.11:13
ikoniaFreeWilly: ##networking11:13
Timmmmikonia: YEah I have.11:13
harsh343I am trying to run titanium on ubuntu 11.10 but unable to run any idea ?11:13
Timmmmikonia: I will try once more. brb.11:13
ikoniaTimmmm: just double checking11:13
harsh343means unable to install android sdk11:14
oCeankltrg: and you're sure you have something like this http://paste.ubuntu.com/756943/ with "Indexes" specified in your vhost file?11:14
D0minat0rCreative Optia AF and ubuntu 11.10 not working anyone have any ideas why? or has had similar problems?11:14
FreeWillyikonia: thanks11:15
D0minat0rcreative webcam that is...11:15
kltrgoCean, What is my vhost file? I didn't check a file with a such name11:15
FreeWillyunannounced: that was a bot'ish reply11:15
AlanBellunannounced: have you asked a question about Ubuntu?11:16
ikoniaTimmmm: anything ?11:16
Timmmmikonia: Aha! With the console option it not isn't purple, and says "Error: no video mode activated"11:16
oCeankltrg: by default the webroot is located in /var/www, this is specified in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/000-default configuration file (=vhost configuration) If you created a new location (say /var/mydir) then you have to create a new vhost file with the correct specifications11:16
ikoniaTimmmm: ok, so there is a suggesting that your card may need some certain boot options to work11:16
ikoniaTimmmm: FYI: researching I found this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1195275 quite a good source of info11:17
Timmmmikonia: Yeah at least now I have something to google!11:17
oCeankltrg: actually you don't need another vhostfile, you can also add another <Directory> directive in the existing vhost file11:17
airtonixoCean: bad habits are bad11:17
oCeanairtonix: well, yes11:17
unannouncedAlanBell: i am running natty so i bet i am in the right channel11:19
Sidewinder1AlanBell, ^ unannounced said " need help on bridging. i pick internet using p-t-p on my desktop and want to connect my wan port to the lan of the desktop so that other pdas pick from the ap."11:20
Timmmmikonia: I found a bug report with a workaround. Cheers!11:20
ikoniaTimmmm: well done11:20
AlanBellunannounced: OK, I didn't see the question (no question mark) and now I have, I don't understand the question. What is p-t-p, what is the wan port of the lan, what is a pda in this context?11:22
AlanBellunannounced: and what exactly is the question you want answered?11:23
unannounceddesktop picks internet via point to point(modem). clear?11:23
Sidewinder1AlanBell, I'm guessing p-t-p means "Point to point tunneling protocol?11:23
kltrgoCean, I tried to add this but I'm not sure if restarting apache2 works properly since it's still there even if I stop it11:23
kltrgoCean, So perhaps, that's my issue11:24
keswould anyone like to confirm that I am unlikely to get any useful repsonse to my upstart problem at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11503571 , should just accept that it won't work and move on?11:24
unannouncedso i want to bridge the ppp0 interface with my lan eth0 interface s11:24
AlanBellSidewinder1: I was wondering if it was pptp or peer to peer. turns out neither, it is ppp11:25
AlanBellunannounced: so you want to share your internet connection with the local network11:25
unannouncedconnect the AP to the lan port so that other clients pick from the ap11:25
Sidewinder1AlanBell, You're not the only one that's somewhat confused. :-)11:25
AlanBellunannounced: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing11:26
unannouncedSidewinder1: are you confused by the question?11:27
`-`kes never give up11:28
`-`that's failure whispering to you - ignore it11:28
AlanBellunannounced: "how can I share my internet connection with other computers?" would have been a way to phrase the question to get a quicker answer11:28
unannouncedi am sharing the connection with an AP not other computers11:29
Sidewinder1unannounced, I humbly apologize, but yes, I do not fully understand your question; not that i would have an answer even if I did.. :-(11:29
unannouncedits a different scenario11:29
kesthanks mr facenick :-)11:29
AlanBellan AP being a wireless access point. Not very different, might need a crossover cable if it isn't autoswitching11:30
`-`kes your also expecting response too fast.. it may take a few days11:30
`-`so.. instead lets try something different.. how about you look for a guide on how to start a service based on an event11:31
unannouncedwell i apologize for not being straight forward but will look through the link11:31
kes`-` I've tried doing that indeed. if I am not being specific about what I'm looking for there are only windows and bluetooth related hits. if I do get specific, google just spews my own forum posts back at me11:33
kesalso, forums and places like that seem to get snowed under in questions, leaving mine for more than the first 4 hours doesn't seem to result in any more views11:35
kesI do not wish to bump indefinitely11:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyhas anyone tried using gnome terminal as a desktop environment?11:35
AlanBellUs3r_Unfriendly: err, gnome *terminal*?11:36
Us3r_UnfriendlyAlanBell: well, i guess kinda11:37
Us3r_Unfriendlymay i post a link to explane what i mean?11:37
Sidewinder1kes, as `_` said, sometimes it takes a couple of days for response in the forums and I'm sorry I can't answer your question.. :-(11:37
`-` Us3r_Unfriendly sure11:37
faiob1hi, :-D there is peapol know what is tcp6? and how to disabel this ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/756950/11:37
AlanBellfaiob1: that is the IPV6 support, it is normally harmless, why do you want to disable it?11:38
ubottuFor an introduction to IPv6 and information on tunneling IPv6 through IPv4 connections, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IPv6 | To disable IPv6 see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WebBrowsingSlowIPv6IPv411:38
harsh343how to force the program stop in ubuntu11:38
Us3r_Unfriendlychanging/modding ~/.bashrc ...this guy got his desktop to look like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W_W9nM6C7ow&hd=111:39
Us3r_Unfriendly...and I was wondering if anyone has tried it?11:39
kesthen I shall practise meditation for now. thanks for the help people11:39
faiob1because in my computeur, i'have disabel ipv6 in my /etc/sysctl.conf and i'dont went use this ipv611:39
harsh343deej1976, there ?11:40
deej1976harsh343: yes11:40
deej1976harsh343: What program?11:40
`-`you may need to escape the device echo11:40
harsh343titanium studio11:40
`-`why the -option device ?11:41
AlanBellUs3r_Unfriendly: funny! no I haven't tried that11:41
deej1976harsh343: ps -ef | grep titanium11:41
harsh343deej1976, they show me only loging11:41
pietrubensHP: win7, has already 4 partions, want to install ubuntu 11 but it only shows options install over win7 or other11:41
`-`Us3r_Unfriendly - hilarious11:41
harsh343deej1976, volition  2284  2229  0 17:11 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto titanium11:41
Us3r_UnfriendlyAlanBell: I thought it looked awesome...I was actually thinking that was one feature I would like to have permently11:42
`-`pietrubens - you have too many partitions11:42
pietrubenswith other, it shows the partions, but how can i install ubuntu alongside win7?11:42
AlanBellUs3r_Unfriendly: go for it, it is your desktop11:42
`-`you should only have either 2 or 3 by default with 711:42
pietrubenswel, my HP came with 4, and all are necessary :s11:42
Us3r_Unfriendly...on a tablet11:42
`-`2 if you installed it - 100MB and the main partition, and 3 if from an oem that gives you  a recovery partition11:42
deej1976harsh343: kill 228411:42
`-`anyway pietrubens11:42
AlanBellpietrubens: yes, this is a pain, and a known issue11:43
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide for troubleshooting. Please  file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. For Ubuntu Maverick/10.10 http://releases.ubuntu.com/maverick/wubi.exe11:43
harsh343no such process deej197611:43
deej1976harsh343: sorry not that11:43
harsh343deej1976, ok11:43
`-`ps fauxwwe|grep something|grep -v grep11:43
`-`get used to it :)11:43
pietrubensso, i'm a newby, and really scared to create problems with my win7 during install, any easy suggestions?11:44
AlanBellpietrubens: wubi, or rather complicated procedure moving partitions elsewhere, resizing things and moving back into extended partitions.11:44
`-`that's why i say wubi11:44
`-`it runs fine, it can modify the windows bootloader, and it can uninstall11:44
`-`it can install in its own partition or a file on your windows partition11:44
FloodBot1`-`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:44
pietrubenswubi is the installer for ubuntu in win7, is that correct?11:45
`-`shush FloodBot111:45
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`-`pietrubens yes11:45
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`-`bt Us3r_Unfriendly i wouldnt do that11:45
kes`-`: no dice on either using script/end script tags in myservice.conf or using exec myscript.sh11:45
harsh343deej1976, what i can do now they continuous boring me now i want to open new titanium studio11:45
faiob1ubottu: thank you11:45
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)11:45
AlanBellpietrubens: yes, it kind of runs as a windows application then looks like a dual boot11:45
kesI've changed the daemon launch command to output to /dev/null too11:45
`-`kes -- what i'm trying to get at is do you really need that device name?11:46
`-`can you use a friendly name instead?11:46
pietrubenshmmm... to understandcorrectly, I am then not actually installing a complete version, but a version that runs under win, or am i wrong?11:46
deej1976harsh343: ps -fu volition | pastebinit11:46
`-`ps fauxww11:46
saju_mhave any way to specify password in "su" command , like "su smith -p password" ?????11:47
`-`lupigang eh?11:47
ubottu如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw11:47
faiob1ubottu: ok also thank for the man or womane to creat this boot ;-)11:47
ubottufaiob1: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:47
kesavoiding the whole 'grep mydevice' etcetera? or am I making the daemon not output the 'Display name: :0'?11:47
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/LV8WYmi611:47
redlegorenghi ! i'd just like to report a small problem. i was trying to install ubuntu from a flashdrive on my macbook pro, and followed exactly the instructions at http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download ... however, the flashdrive does not seem to be bootable (does not appear on boot drive selection at startup)11:47
`-`can you give an example of what your device should be normally now?11:48
deej1976harsh343: kill 1894 229811:48
`-`what does the grep actually output?11:48
szalredlegoreng: what version?11:48
saju_mi want to avoid  password prompt11:48
redlegorengthe last (11.10 32 bits)11:48
harsh343deej1976, kill: No such process11:48
szalsaju_m: you don't want to use su, you want to use sudo11:49
kescurrently my device is /dev/input/event511:49
pietrubensafter installing wubi, i will have dual-boot and work with ubuntu the normal way?11:49
deej1976harsh343: try: kill 2313 191111:50
histosaju_m: you can disable the password prompt for users in the sudo group by editing the sodoers file using visudo11:50
harsh343deej1976, now works11:50
deej1976These are the parent process of the two Titanium processes11:50
histosaju_m: I would caution against this11:50
harsh343thanks again for helping me11:50
histosaju_m: and to answer your original question no you can't specify the password in the command11:51
histosaju_m: if you are trying to run a command as root as part of a script there are other ways.11:51
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histosaju_m: you could      echo password | sudo -S some_command11:53
saju_mhisto: yes, i want that11:53
saju_mhisto: how run a command as root as part of a script ??11:54
dmtarmeyanyone able to help i installed cairo-doc and then i lost my wireless i un istalled unity and then i tried installing wifi radar and many other network managers but i still can get wireless only cable11:54
aum___how we can reset user account on reboot i mean ( wallpaper change, folder or file creation browser settings etc...)11:54
histosaju_m: Is this script going to be run at a scheduled time?11:54
ubottuLooking to lockdown your users' GNOME environment? Check out http://library.gnome.org/admin/deployment-guide/ - GNOME's Sysadmin guide may also be helpful: http://library.gnome.org/admin/system-admin-guide/stable/11:55
dmtarmeymy wifi keep trying to find my ip address11:55
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:55
`-`it knows lockdown and not harden??11:55
`-`!spam | histo11:56
histoi'm merely pointing out that you shouldn't be querying the bot like that in channel11:56
`-`and i'm pointing out your acting like a twat. please lay off11:56
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.11:57
oCean`-`: such comments are not acceptable here, stop it immediately11:57
`-`yes oCean11:57
`-`but i'd like to point out histo's response was the same action i was taking11:57
`-`also the bot is chan responsive11:57
`-`also i had pingd no flood bot11:57
oCean`-`: no, use /msg ubottu !bot11:57
`-`point being the word i used was a much better one than i wished.11:58
`-`and the bot can be used in chan so i will thx :)11:58
AlanBellhisto: `-`: this channel is for asking questions about Ubuntu, and responding to them, can we stick to that please11:58
histosaju_m: Are you planning on scheduling your script to run at a certain time?11:58
histoAlanBell: I am11:58
goudkovhi guys, is there a difference in apt source lists for repositories between 32-bit and 64-bit systems?11:58
dr_willisgoudkov:  not that i have ever seen.11:58
oCean`-`: you don't understand. For private query of bot factoids use /msg ubottu !factoid. Only use in-channel if addressing someone else11:58
histogoudkov: just that one is 32bit packages and the other is 64 bit11:58
`-`oCean, please use the eyeballs and read up - i was ;)11:59
histogoudkov: sorry miss understood your question. No the sources.list is identical11:59
goudkovhisto: right, but do they have different names?11:59
goudkovok, ok11:59
deej1976aum___: Read up on :http://www.webupd8.org/2010/08/ofris-deep-freeze-like-application-for.html11:59
goudkovhow does it know which packages to pull?11:59
goudkovi was wondering about names specifically11:59
goudkovif "deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu lucid-security main restricted" is for 32-bit11:59
goudkovthen what's for 64?11:59
`-`the apt repo list?11:59
histogoudkov: architecture is defined in several places12:00
`-`that's the same for the most part12:00
harsh343deej1976, again same thing happens12:00
histogoudkov: but not in the sources.list12:00
goudkovhisto: ok, thanks.12:00
harsh343deej1976, output volition  2098  1988  0 17:30 pts/0    00:00:00 grep --color=auto titanium12:00
harsh343 of ps -ef | grep titanium12:00
seb___bash question: I want to list the files in a directory. The ls command lists directories as well and I can't find a way around it. Any suggestions? Ty12:01
goudkovhisto: would you know where is should look for such differences?12:01
deej1976ps -ef | grep Titanium12:01
histosaju_m: if you want to schedule the script you can just add it to root's cron. sudo crontab -e   then you don't need to worry about a password12:01
goudkovis -> I12:01
`-`seb___ investigate find12:01
dr_willisseb___:  find command is very flexiable12:01
AlanBellgoudkov: http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/b/bcmwl/ one will pick the i386 the other amd64 version from the same pool12:01
harsh343deej1976, http://pastebin.com/r9CEek8V12:01
histogoudkov: uname -a     cat /etc/issue12:02
seb___I'll investigate find, ty12:02
saju_mhisto: i want to add an interface "eth0" using script, but that need root prvilege ..12:02
deej1976harsh343: kill 175712:02
seriouslysaju_m: its not possible12:02
histosaju_m: then I would echo password | sudo -S some command blah blah12:02
dr_willisim not sure sudo  can work that way...12:02
histodr_willis: sure it can12:03
harsh343deej1976, yes works thanks12:03
goudkovok, thanks12:03
histosaju_m: I strongly recomend putting the root password in a script though12:03
histodr_willis: that's the point of the -S option12:03
dr_willisive seen people fight with scripting the password into  sudo in the past.. its definatly a security hole.. wonder what the output of ps ax would show in such a case.12:03
`-`histo why would you say that12:03
goudkovwould it be possible to use debootstrap running on a 32-bit system to install 64-bit distro and move everything to root? i did it with 32 on 32, but never 64 on 32.12:04
aum___deej1976, thanks12:04
seriouslygoudkov: no12:04
andynsaju_m: you can allow sudo to run certain commands without password12:04
goudkovseriously: i'm not talking about running it in chroot. but about installing the system on another partition. not possible?12:04
deej1976aum___: also Gofris12:04
deej1976aum___: no 11.10 option12:05
dr_willisgoudkov:  i think you may run into issues.. since debootstrap basically does a chroot if i recall.12:05
`-`deej1976 btw - if your going to bother to kill a process kill -9 it12:05
histo'-' I can't type your name due to a binding issue here. Why would I say what?12:05
deej1976 `-`: to harsh, -9 next option12:06
dr_willisHmm.. -9 should not be  the kill option of first choice...12:06
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goudkovdr_willis: does it have a "-foreign" option? wouldn't that work?12:06
`-`put root pass in a script..12:06
dr_willisgoudkov:  been years since i last tried debootstraping..12:06
andynhah, -KILL should be the last option12:06
histodr_willis: -S will accept password from stdin so i'm not sure12:06
`-`dr_willis i disagree12:06
`-`if your going to kill it kill it12:06
`-`if its not worth doing right, do something else12:06
`-`like, there's top12:07
dr_willishisto:  yea. password needs to end in a newline. :) still  not a good idea.12:07
andynalwaya try HUP and/or TERM first12:07
vjacobhi. my gnome menu suddenly stopped working since yesterday evening. basically it does not respond to clicks with the built-in pointing device. any ideas how to troubleshoot this?12:07
dr_willis`-`:  rather silly  i belive.. theres a reason -9 is not the default.12:07
goudkovdr_willis: my other option it to use pivot_root on a running box. and i don't want to do that.12:07
seriouslyvjacob: dont use gnome12:07
dr_willisgoudkov:  never done that. :)12:07
histodr_willis: nope. then he has to worry about the access to the script. No admin would like the way he wanted to do it.12:07
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal12:07
dr_willishisto:  yep. sudoers is most likely the 'proper' way to do it i guess..12:08
`-`wow, that's a big surprise on the output for that input12:08
histodr_willis: I would just execute the script as root or with sudo would make more sense12:08
goudkovis there any reason to use cdebootstrap instead of debootstrap?12:08
histoYou can make suggestions to the bot if you want to chang eit12:08
BluesKajhi all12:08
`-`the point of sudo is that root doesnt have to HAVE a password anymore12:09
histodr_willis: sudo somescript.foo12:09
`-`this makes your system more secure from a cracking kiddy due to not being able to auth12:09
`-`once you set that pass.. it goes downhill fast12:09
`-`sudo is good.. trust the sudo.. remove the 15minute cache from your sudo..12:09
`-`and in gtk us gksu :)12:10
`-`herrow Sev7en :)12:10
seb___I'm trying to list all files ina directory. This "find . -maxdepth 1 -type f > test.txt" does what I want but puts a "./" before the filename. How can I remove the "./"? ty12:10
`-`find -type file /path/to/dir > output.file12:10
seriously`-`: sudo is bad12:10
`-`find -type file /path/to/dir |cut 2- > output.file12:11
`-`i think 2- outputs char 3 and on but you may need to cut 3-12:11
aum___deej1976, ok thanks.12:11
andynyou could use cut -d/ -c112:11
vjacobthe version of gnome I am using is 2.3012:11
histoseriously: how's that?12:12
`-`ah delimiter - andyn is right12:12
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seriouslylet introduce me, my name is mohammed. I have ms certified for 10 years long you call me liar?12:15
oCeanseriously: ?12:15
dr_willis'vague statements are vague'12:16
`-`seriously youve been certified for 10 yrs on ubuntu? impressive!12:16
dr_willisbut back to support...12:16
`-`especially since its not that old..12:16
dr_willishe said ms cert... but back to support..12:16
seriouslyi dont lie12:16
`-`i know..i couldnt help it.. sorry seriously ;)12:16
llutza troll is a troll is a troll12:17
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dr_willisand 2 trolls...12:17
`-`and yet.. whats your issues seriously? seriously!12:17
seriouslywhat is issue12:17
`-`do you have problem right now?12:18
randy2009Hi, can i use public key autorisation with the user root? I have 2 servers, i did 'ssh-keygen' on server 1 and copied it into the autorizedkey of an specific user on server 2. When i try to connect 'ssh userx@' i have to fill in an password12:18
`-`windows certs teach you to think reboot is health.. linux certs teach you reboot is depreciated mostly :)12:18
oCean`-`: ok, please drop the discussion12:18
_jasonrandy2009: you can if you want to12:18
seriouslyi would make a lamb stew out of linux12:18
ikoniaenough now12:18
`-`oCean does seriously need some help or not12:18
oCean`-`: don't continue. Last warning12:19
randy2009how can i find out what the problem is?12:19
_jasonrandy2009: I don't understand why you asked a question about root and then described some situation not involving root12:20
llutzrandy2009: you shouldn't use ssh logins as root at all (PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only or no). ssh -vvv  to get more details12:20
seb___got there in the end: find . -maxdepth 1 -type f |cut -c 3-12:20
randy2009jason, the user on server 1 is root12:20
`-`Ocean; perhaps you are having trouble comprehending my plain english so lets try a little harder. I am asking if the user seriously needs help with something. this channel is a help channel and i'd appreciate it if you'd quit trolling me. ive stated a few things jokingly and then went back to being serious. you sir, apparently cannot do plain english, so please pm me and explain verbosely12:20
`-`exactly what your issue is. then i will try to help.12:20
randy2009i thought this could be problematic12:20
_jasonrandy2009: what are you doing that requires you to ssh as the root user?12:21
`-`you can definately make any user use ssh key to login bypassing the password prompt - please see my earlier comment12:21
randy2009not verry nessasery12:21
seriously`-`: do not insult12:21
`-`seb___ ah it was cut 3- - noted :)12:21
_jasonrandy2009: if root is not necessary, do not use root :)12:21
`-`seriously i am not insulting. there was a joke in there. and i thought you were saying you were ubuntu certified for 10 yrs -- i missed the ms; i will call anyone if i think they are really lying.12:22
`-`i do not apologize but i was not insulting. the seriously seriously is fun to say out loud. also not as fun to type.12:22
=== juboubuntu is now known as jubo2
randy2009debug3: Could not load "/root/.ssh/id_rsa" as a RSA1 public key, ???? id_rsa is the private key12:22
`-`please consider a humor plugin.12:22
seriously`-`: not funny12:23
llutzrandy2009: you can use rsync as root with passphrase-less key, just use "PermitRootLogin forced-commands-only" in sshd_config12:23
randy2009where is the sshd config in ubuntu?12:23
llutzrandy2009: /etc/ssh12:23
dr_willis randy2009  /etc/ssh/   last i looked12:23
_jasonrandy2009: /etc/ssh/sshd_config, why?12:23
randy2009go ti12:24
seriouslyrandy2009: C:\Windows\System3212:24
`-`seriously seriously?12:24
Myrttiseriously: please be helpful when helping12:24
`-`i thought it was c:\$USER\%appdata%\.ssh\something12:24
seriouslyyou wrong12:24
dancek`-`, please stop flooding non-help12:24
`-`dancek we're on topic.12:25
llutzrandy2009: this is an example how to do that http://troy.jdmz.net/rsync/index.html12:26
randy2009failing also as non root user12:27
randy2009debug3: Incorrect RSA1 identifier12:27
randy2009debug2: key_type_from_name: unknown key type '-----BEGIN'12:27
randy2009debug3: key_read: missing keytype12:27
conntrackopps, "stay on target.."12:28
deej1976!pastebin | randy2009:12:28
ubotturandy2009:: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:28
llutzrandy2009: how did you create those keys? seeem to be gpg not ssh-format12:28
llutzrandy2009: does it start with "-----BEGIN RSA PRIVATE KEY ..."12:29
andynafaik you can export them in so called ascii armored format12:30
andynthere is a command line flag for that12:30
aum___how to install gnome through apt-get not the ubuntu-desktop ...12:30
andynthey look like pgp keys12:30
morningAm trying to install Thinkfan, following directions online. Am asked to issue the command "thinkpad_acpi configure." But this returns "command not found." What to do?12:31
deej1976!notunity | aum___:12:31
ubottuaum___:: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:31
deej1976aum___: sudo apt-get install gnome-shell gnome-tweak-tool12:31
randy2009llutz, yes12:32
`-`wow, i see the ops are still nazis.12:32
propheadwhois -12:34
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aum___deej1976, i think gnome-shell is not in ubuntu 10.0412:35
randy2009ah, i know i think12:35
randy2009something with hostname? see latest pastebin12:35
deej1976aum___: Nope, and gnome should be install by default on desktop. Is this a server?12:35
aum___deej1976, no, i installed command line system through alternate cd12:36
dr_willisit pays to state  Your ubuntu version :)12:37
dr_willisfor 10.04 it would be just 'gnome' wouldent it?12:37
dr_williseasier way would be to install ubuntu-desktop and just select gnome at the login screen.12:38
deej1976aum___: ubuntu-desktop is a meta-package if you look at the contents it will list the packages12:38
aum___deej1976, i know but it installs many other applications which i do not want12:39
aum___and in the login screen its not showing gnome session12:40
deej1976aum___: I said look at the package not install it, it will list all the packages that make ubuntu-desktop including the gnome related packages12:41
deej1976aum___: e.g. gnome-session12:42
aum___deej1976, do you know how to create an icon in a panel of icewm?12:43
deej1976aum___: Nope never used icewm12:43
Sidewinder1aum___, If it's somewhere in your menus, right click on it and "add to panel"?12:44
aum___Sidewinder1, i didn't find "add to panel" like thing in icewm ...12:45
Sidewinder1aum___, Sorry, it was just a thought..12:45
dr_willisicewm has config files yoyu edit for that aum___12:45
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dr_willisaum___:  icewm used to have some gui config tools.. but i dont think they have beenupdated in ages.12:46
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svSinnerгде я ? Х_х12:46
aum___dr_willis, thanks, i am in search of it from last 2 days...12:47
Sidewinder1!ru | svSinner12:47
ubottusvSinner: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.12:47
chambakkahow to ligin with ubuntu classic in 11.1012:48
Sidewinder1!nounity | chambakka12:48
ubottuchambakka: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:48
dr_willisaum___:  the icewm homepage/docs should mention the config files. ive not used icewm much in years. :)12:49
almoxarifein 11.10, what constitutes 'classic' , unity2d?12:50
dr_willis  aum___  /var/lib/doc-base/documents/icewm-faq12:50
ubottuThe default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic". For 11.10, see !notunity12:50
ubottuUbuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic12:51
aum___dr_willis, thanks.12:51
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kishmy ubuntu software center isn't laoding12:52
kishit just shows a grey window but nothing in it!12:53
Gentoo64kish: tried rebooting?12:53
dr_williskish:  close it. try a sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade from terminal, then try it again.. from terminal if you want to see error messages12:53
Sidewinder1kish, Perhaps you currently have another package manager running?12:53
kish34 days on a  laptop uptime12:54
dr_willisyour lap must be tired.12:54
Gentoo64ive never understood why people care about uptime12:54
kishbecause it takes 20 mintues for me to setup my desktop the way i like it12:55
Gentoo64you mean arranging windows? or you on livecd12:55
kishno i mean starting programs, running commands12:55
RaTTuS|BIGthere are such thngs as startup scripts12:56
kishi don't know how to script12:56
RaTTuS|BIGnows as good as time as any ....12:56
almoxarifeRaTTuS|BIG: startup scripts at the user level only require log out/in12:57
insmodkish: kill the pid12:57
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kishthere is this other thing12:58
kishi have spotify for linux running and i'm curious about some aspects of sound reproduction12:59
Andy80hi all12:59
almoxarifekish: software center really is bloated though, consider slimming down to synaptic12:59
kishi tried recording the sound in order to watch the spectrum in audacity12:59
kishbut htat really doesn't work12:59
Andy80a little OT question: does anyone of you know how the 13'' Ubuntu sleeves is ok for a 12'' netbook?12:59
kishaudacity doesn't want to record the sounds i'm hearing12:59
kishalmoxarife, i use aptitude actually12:59
insmod<kish>  use ardour13:00
kishbut i wanted software center this one time because it's easy to find decent programs13:00
kishardour, thanks13:00
kishi will try that insmod13:00
goldenboy87hello, please i need your help, suddenly i get "error: no such partition13:01
goldenboy87grub rescue>"13:01
goldenboy87how can it be, yesterday i used normally my ubuntu 11.1013:02
goldenboy87and today it's gone!13:02
dr_willisany usb thumb drives or other things plugged in goldenboy87 ?13:02
goldenboy87no, it was my first thought, but no :(13:02
dr_willishow many hard drives?13:03
goldenboy87i had also win7 installes13:03
goldenboy871 hdd, laptop13:03
insmod<goldenboy87> does df -u list it?13:03
goldenboy87if i write ls, then i get only hd with msdos13:04
insmoddf -h13:04
goldenboy87no, unknown command :(13:04
dr_willishes in the grub prompt if it says    grub rescue >        i think...13:05
dr_willisso limited commands..13:05
dr_willisgoldenboy87:  you have a live cd handy?13:05
insmod<goldenboy87>  use rescue or the live cd13:05
pisskidneyHi, I just installed openjdk 6. I can compile a foo.java file with "javac foo.java" but when I try to run the bytecode with "java foo", I get an "Could not find the main class: Foo. Program will exit" . Any ideas why?13:05
goldenboy87i tried to reinstall ubuntu and went til the place where i could chose the disk where to install and the partition with ubuntu was just gone!13:05
goldenboy87only one windows paritition and the swaps where there :(13:06
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goldenboy87is rescue or live cd for free?13:07
dr_willisgoldenboy87:  so this is now a new install that seems to have a failed grub13:07
insmod<goldenboy87> how are you installing13:07
dr_willisThe Ubuntu Installer  Desktop cd is a live cd...13:07
Learnerhi, im trying to fint out the supported refresh rate on my monitor on 11.10. ?13:07
faLUCEhow can I backup xorg configuration? I don't have xorg.conf13:07
goldenboy87no, no new install13:07
dr_willisfaLUCE:  if you have none.. then you dont need one. X auto configures13:07
insmod<Learner> you will fint it out soon!13:08
goldenboy87i wanted to see the disks, so i tried to reinstall13:08
svSinnerомг... а чего все молчать?13:08
goldenboy87i think reinstall would work, but i had my ubuntu 11.10 nice configured :(13:08
faLUCEdr_willis: I need one for some special reasons. how can I obtain it?13:08
AlanBell!ru | svSinner13:08
ubottusvSinner: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.13:08
goldenboy87i don't want to lose it :(13:08
insmod<svSinner> ieufrhr jeue jwsuuew ?13:08
pisskidneyHi, I just installed openjdk 6. I can compile a foo.java file with "javac foo.java" but when I try to run the bytecode with "java foo", I get an "Could not find the main class: Foo. Program will exit" . Any ideas why?13:08
dr_willisfaLUCE:  depends on yoru  video chipset/gfx card.13:09
afeijohow to delete files older than 30 days? I try find -atime +30 | ls -laht, but it returns all files13:09
Learnerthast the problem,in ccsm its set at 50 htz but thats imposible, i remember it was 60hz or higher13:09
AlanBellpisskidney: sounds like a bug in your java, or possibly a case sensitivity issue, maybe ask in a java channel13:10
faLUCEdr_willis: I have a live cd. it boots properly. Now, I want to save the associiated xorg configuration. how can I do?13:10
goldenboy87so is everything lost now?13:10
dr_willisfaLUCE:  mount your installed system.  look in its etc/X11/ directory13:10
dr_willisgoldenboy87:  depends on how you did the install.13:10
AlanBellpisskidney: ##java is the channel on freenode that might help13:10
RaTTuS|BIGlearner - have you LCD ? or CRT and where in the world are you13:11
faLUCEdr_willis: I don't have any conf file in /etx/X1113:11
dr_willisfaLUCE:  not /etc/X11  the etc/X11 directiory on your installed system...13:11
dr_willisfaLUCE:  /etc/X11 would be the X11 dir on your live cd...13:11
LearnerLCD and Mexico, but bought it from the USnA13:11
goldenboy87dr_willis, i didn't install it, i did everything til the step, where to chose the disk13:11
AlanBellfaLUCE: why do you think you need to back up your configuration?13:11
llutzfaLUCE: stop X on liveCD, run "sudo Xorg -configure" and backup the created xorg.conf.new file13:11
dr_willisgoldenboy87:  see what partitions and disks  'sudo fdisk -l' show from the live cd.13:12
faLUCEllutz: ok, that's a good tip. how can I stop X ?13:12
RaTTuS|BIGLearner then it should be 60Hz - 50 is UK13:12
goldenboy87ah, ok, thanks13:12
llutzfaLUCE: service gdm stop13:13
andynluckily many switching power supplies support a multitude of voltages13:13
llutzor is ith lighdm now? whatever dm is used, stop it faLUCE13:13
BetArkHi! Can someone help me with a permission problem on the /var partition? I have separate it from the / root partition13:13
BetArkbut I get no 755 errors and so on13:13
goldenboy87anyway i don't understand it, yesterday it was there and today not :(13:13
BetArkNow I read the following thing: for var directories 755, executables 755, files 644. The /tmp dir should be 1777. How did you move then anyway?13:14
insmodbetter if it was from Canada13:14
andynmy electric shaver accepts from 12 to 240 v13:14
faLUCEllutz: I understand. But should I do this op on another non graphic session? (alt+Fx) ?13:14
BetArk*giving by someone at the archlinux channel13:14
llutzfaLUCE: sure13:14
faLUCEok let's try13:14
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xanguagoldenboy87: as i understand, you installed windows yesterday over ubuntu partition13:15
llutzBetArk: mount new /var to lets say "/mnt/var" then "sudo rsync -aux /var /mnt/var"13:15
LiNuX`supwhere are the wallpapers located in ubuntu 11.10?13:15
xanguagoldenboy87: if that is not how happened, then please start to speak Clear13:16
goldenboy87dr_willis, i get only /dev/sdb113:16
BetArkllutz: thanks, I'm booted right now, I read something about single mode?13:16
llutzBetArk: best to be done from livecd, not from running system13:16
BetArkdo I need to chroot?13:16
llutzBetArk: no, just mount the partitions you need13:16
BetArkllutz: thanks, do I need to mount / also?13:17
goldenboy87xangua, no i had windows7, ubuntu 11.10 for a few month. Yesterday i used ubuntu last time, today i start my laptop and everything is gone13:17
goldenboy87with fdisk i get sda1-sda513:17
llutzBetArk: i'd dolike : mount /dev/old-rootfs /media/old,  mount /dev/newvar /media/new, then "rsync -aux /media/old/var /media/new"13:18
BetArkllutz: can you explain what the command does? Sorry for the question.. new at linux13:18
llutzBetArk: just copying and preserving permissions13:18
llutzBetArk: "man rsync" for more info13:19
goldenboy87sda1: hidden ntfs (maybe windows recovery), sda2 and sda3: hpfs/ntfs/exFAT ; sda4: Extended; sda5: Linux swap13:19
BetArkllutz: Oke, I have  a clean installation, so I have doine this at install.. I said that there is a / root, and a /var on my HDD13:19
BetArkllutz: so this isn't afterwards..13:20
dr_willisgoldenboy87:  you may want to pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' for the channel to see.  Was there anything on you rlinux install you wanted to recover?13:20
BetArkllutz: should I do a clean install and afterwards move the /var permission?13:21
bagelshey guys help! I have a netbook and after my update my touchpad doesn't work!13:21
llutzBetArk: sry busy. you could tell the installer to mount /var to a different partition i think. if reinstall is fine for your, why not.13:21
BetArkllutz: I don't want to do a clean install.. I have it installed, also defined in fstab, but I get the errors like not a 755 filesystem13:22
BetArkDo I need to remove /var from fstab?13:22
goldenboy87dr_willis: i would like to know how could it happen, that my ubuntu installation just gone13:23
xanguatried the function keys to enable/disable it BetArk13:23
llutzBetArk: if your old /var still exists13:23
xanguasorry, that was for bagels:  tried the function keys to enable/disable it ¿13:23
BetArkllutz: no, it is a clean install. So yeah cant delete it from fstab.. sorry.. :P..13:23
llutzBetArk: repairing broken ownerships/permissions isn't that easy, because not all files/dirs in /var/ are root:root 644/75513:24
BetArkllutz: yes, I think is better to do a clean install (again), and then move it to a diff partition?13:25
BetArkCould idea?13:25
bagelsxangua I have a function key that disables the touchpad but that didn't do it13:25
goldenboy87that's the output http://pastebin.com/r19BcKEc13:25
llutzBetArk: would be a clean solution and maybe easier for you. backup your $home and changed configs from /etc before13:26
ghufranok so i am here after getting frustrated for hours and searching on the internet.13:27
randy2009llutz, can you see something weird here?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/756987/13:27
BetArkllutz: thanks, could I use this http://embraceubuntu.com/2006/01/29/move-home-to-its-own-partition/ for both the var and home partition?13:27
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llutzBetArk: if you do a fresh install, you can tell the installer to do that. no need to move that later13:28
llutzrandy2009: no13:29
Sidewinder1!ask | ghufran13:29
ubottughufran: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:29
BetArkllutz: I have done that, but it says my permissions are not right and needs to be 75513:29
_calumhey all. Whats the name of programs which take ASM code from a DLL file and show the code?13:29
goldenboy87dr_willis: http://pastebin.com/r19BcKEc can you take a look please?13:30
llutzBetArk: was the partition holding /var now empty before?13:30
BetArkllutz: it was empty, clean format13:31
llutzBetArk: "ls -ld /var" says what?13:31
almightydaemonHow do I install via ehdd?13:31
AlanBellalmightydaemon: what is ehdd?13:32
llutzrandy2009: backup your userx id_rsa, generate a new one using ssh-keygen. "ssh-copy-id userY@host" then and try again from userx: ssh userY@host13:32
_calumsorry, I should reword my question. Is it possible to bring up machine code of a dll file in Ubuntu?13:32
randy2009what is going wrong here?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/756983/ did ssh-keygen and ssh-copy-id user@ip, key is in autorized keys13:32
BetArkllutz: drwxr-xr-t 1 root root 96  2 dec 11:51 /var13:32
almightydaemonAlanBell: external hdd13:33
randy2009llutz, i did it 4 times now13:33
llutzBetArk: sudo chmod 755 /var13:33
llutzrandy2009: everytime same error? reads like a broken id_rsa file13:33
BetArkllutz: I have done that, there is no more error, but I think the permissions are not right anymore :(13:33
AlanBellalmightydaemon: treat it like a USB device (or just use a USB device)13:33
llutzBetArk: you set sticky bit on /var , why?13:34
almightydaemonAlanBell: I have13:34
almightydaemonAlanBell: I get grub loader prompt13:34
almightydaemonI tried to mess around but only command is ls... no help or anythign :(13:34
randy2009yep, same error13:34
BetArkllutz: I don't know? Only the chmod command, chmod 1755 /var13:35
AlanBellalmightydaemon: ah, right grub is probably confused with partitions now you have removed the external drive13:35
randy2009does the public certificate login look @ the hostname?13:35
bagelsHelp! I tried enabling the touchpad through the terminal, with the fn keys, I can't get my touchpad mousee to work!13:35
BetArkllutz: chmod does it for all files and directories, right?13:35
llutzBetArk: sudo chmod 0755 /var        don't use 175513:35
almightydaemonAlanBell: let me rephrase... I'm tryign to use ehdd as if it was simply the iso disk to install on internal hdd13:35
_calumdoes Ubuntu have an equivalent free program to IDA Pro?13:36
AlanBellalmightydaemon: have you installed it and it now won't boot from the internal, or are you trying to boot from the external drive to start the install?13:36
randy2009how can i change hostname? In my bash i see my hostname = hg, but in the certificate my hostname = hg.xx.nl13:37
almightydaemonAlanBell: the latter13:37
randy2009certificate==public cert (ssh-keygen)13:37
AlanBellalmightydaemon: ok, right, how did you create the image on the external drive? unetbootin or something?13:37
llutzrandy2009: user@host in pub-key is ok, its just an info where the key comes from13:37
almightydaemonAlanBell: it's just the iso... copy pasted it13:38
AlanBellalmightydaemon: ok, there is a bit more to it than that13:38
almightydaemonAlanBell: i noticed :)13:38
llutzrandy2009: just use "ssh-keygen -t rsa"13:39
AlanBell!unetbootin | almightydaemon13:39
ubottualmightydaemon: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent13:39
AlanBellalmightydaemon: that should show you how to put the iso on a USB device, I *think* it will work with a USB hard drive but it is written for USB flash devices13:40
dr_willispendrivelinux also has tools for putting an iso on a drive.13:41
almightydaemonIc interesting13:41
cablopquestion: does a swap on top of LVM has a lower performance than a swap on a primary partition?13:42
dr_williscablop:  i wouldent think so.13:42
dr_williscablop:  using swap at all.. is the biggest hit13:43
Sidewinder1almightydaemon, You also might find this helpful: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/usb13:44
door_aUbuntu 10.04 has auto-updated kernel to 2.6.32-36, yet the grub boot menu only gives the option to boot kernels up to 2.6.32-34. Anyone know what's causing this?13:44
_calumAre the programs which translate dll machine code to assembly called assemblers?13:46
door_athey're disassemblers13:46
_calumahh right13:46
_calumdo you know if Ubuntu has disassembler programs?13:47
cablopdr_willis: yes, but i have fw ram now, so willing to cope with that for a time until i get more13:47
chambakkaanybody know how to minimise windows in gnome13:47
chambakkaanybody know how to minimise windows in gnome13:49
cablopbut it seems i have a harder problem now, i was migrating some LVM extents from one physicalvolume to another one, whren the computer rebooted13:49
saltnpepahi, i have a fresh install of 11.10, when trying to install propietary graphics driver it gives me 2 options, the regular one and "post-release updates" what to do? i had issues in the past i dont want to screw up.13:49
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_calumsaltnpepa:Don't install the post release ones, they didn't work on mine I did the same by accident13:50
dr_williscablop:  unity? gnome shell? or what exactly. :)13:50
cablopdr_willis i was on gnome-shell when moving my lvm logical volume to a new physical volume... and... now linux won't boot and i ended with a weird LV called vg-pvmove0... and i don't know what to do now13:52
saltnpepathhank yoou calum!13:53
randy2009i tried to login with pub cert the other way, that works13:53
saltnpepatrying them right now.13:53
_calumno problem. glad to help :)13:53
dario_anyone familar with VW-linux problems13:53
dario_WM-linux problems13:53
deej1976!sk | dario_13:53
ubottudario_: Žiadame slovenských používateľov aby v kanáli #ubuntu hovorili po anglicky. Slovensky a česky sa dohovoríte v #ubuntu-cz.13:53
deej1976!ask | dario_13:53
ubottudario_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:53
dr_willisdario_:  clafiry the problem some more13:54
dario_i installed spoonwep in Ubunto running on VM in win713:54
dario_it wont show the card in the first screen13:55
dario_it shoul show card like wlan0 or something13:55
Picidario_: virtual machines are just that, virtual, they do not have direct access to the hardware that their hosts have.13:56
dario_yes thx i thought so!13:56
intgrHi all! Is there a supported way to prevent a package upgrade from restarting the service? I'd like to upgrade PostgreSQL files on disk first and then perform the restart later manually to minimize downtime.13:57
randy2009llutz, i found something :) Authentication refused: bad ownership or modes for directory /home/userY13:58
JerryNJI need some help _ I just vmotioned an ubuntu image to a new esx host and I need some help with a network issue13:59
deej1976randy2009: check permissions on ~/.ssh should be 70014:00
VPgnome ppp can not connect because of not being root, pl advice14:00
dario_is there any good qt3-4 video-tuts site anyone?14:00
JerryNJI need some help _ I just vmotioned an ubuntu image to a new esx host and I need some help with a network issue14:01
VPgnome ppp can not connect because of not being root, pl advise14:01
_calumwill KVM work OK for running a Windows XP guest? I want to try it, normally I would be using virtualbox but I want a change14:01
Pici_calum: Yes, it will work.14:01
_calumok thanks Pici14:01
=== dabukalamm is now known as dabukalam
VPgnome ppp can not connect the USB modem because of not being root, pl advise:)14:02
llutzVP: pls whats the output of "ls -l $(which pppd)"?14:03
stefanohi, can someone help me about a script?14:06
VPllutz:  ls -l $(which pppd)"?14:06
llutzVP: open a terminal, type               ls -l $(which pppd)    and paste the line it prints out14:07
ranjan_Hi all how to set gdm banner in ubuntu natty?14:08
michaelahello i installed miro and wanted to watch hulu and it says i need to have flash installed but that doesn't make sense becouse i also installed the ubuntu restricted extras14:09
michaelacan any one help14:09
michaelahow do i install flash on miro14:11
michaelai already have ubuntu restricted extras14:11
goldenboy87can anyone tell how to install super grub disk on usb flash drive?14:12
llutzhttp://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/SGD_Howto_make#How_to_make_a_Super_Grub_Disk_USB. goldenboy8714:13
michaelacan anyone tell me how to install flash on miro i already tried to install ubuntu restricted extras14:15
ranjan_anybody on setting banner before GDM 2?14:15
jeroen__ /join mijntestchan14:16
michaelai dont think anyone can see my messages14:17
RaTTuS|BIGmichaela we can14:17
RaTTuS|BIGwhats a miro14:17
lowsmokej ubuntu-no14:18
michaelaits an application that streams media14:18
xanguamichaela: as far as i know, miro uses vlc as backend player, why would it need adobe flashplugin¿14:18
michaelawhen i click to watch hulu ot pbs it says i need flash14:20
goldenboy87llutz:is there other possibility to make iso on flash drive without linux?14:20
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ThinkT510goldenboy87: do it from windows or mac?14:21
goldenboy87yes, how?14:21
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goldenboy87i use windows14:22
llutzgoldenboy87: if you would have read the link i provided, http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:22
sheenobuInteresting: a guy I work with was told during linux training that no one uses ubuntu server in production. FUD or reality?14:22
RaTTuS|BIGgoldenboy87 http://www.pendrivelinux.com/14:22
goldenboy87it was another one14:22
RaTTuS|BIGsheenobu fud14:23
sheenobuI can definitely see it going either way, with my experiences with ubuntu server14:23
llutzsheenobu: #ubuntu-offtopic for that14:23
urthmoversheenobu: we do here14:23
urthmoverhave about 8 postgres runing on ubuntu server14:23
urthmoverdo it for the large community support and current sec updates14:23
sheenobuurthmover, yeah we do here but because it has no 'wizards' the windows people I work with don't like touching it.14:24
sheenobuI'll take it to #ubuntu-offtopic14:24
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urthmoversheenobu: pure debian also has no wizards as do most other distros....oddly enough we have the 8 servers are xserves that I put ubuntu-server on instead14:26
michaeladoes anyone know how to get flash on miro14:26
ThinkT510!flash | michaela14:26
ubottumichaela: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash14:26
dario_and does it work with Pentium dual core2.3Ghz,4GBram windowsXP inside ubuntuVM running also inside Win7 which is also inside Win7VM14:26
sheenobuurthmover, yeah we wouldn't use pure debian over ubuntu, we'd go RPM-based I imagine14:27
ThinkT510dario_: does what work?14:27
dario_the operating system inside those other Virtual Machines14:28
urthmoverI prefer apt/dpkg to rpm14:28
ThinkT510dario_: why wouldn't it?14:29
deej1976dario_: Are you nesting VM's14:29
michaelai already did that im not talking about firefox im talking about the software miro and it needs flash to play hulu an pbs14:29
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michaelai already installed ubuntu restricted extras14:30
xanguamichaela: well miro uses mozilla's code, tried already to play hulu videos on a browser¿14:30
ubottuanother contentless ping... sigh...14:31
dario_Is thre a GUI for netcat14:32
urthmoverhah dario_ you're funny14:32
faLUCE I don't see the screen. here's dmesg:   http://pastebin.com/NEX8aPnD  and xorg's log:  http://pastebin.com/a2EY0mf9 where can be the problem ?14:32
urthmoverguess there is a gtknetcat14:33
deej1976michaela: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1126991 it's old though14:33
michaelayes hulu works on firefox but its kind of onoing to have the option of viewing hulu and pbs and not being able to use it14:34
urthmoverdario_: http://shinnok.com/rants/2011/03/25/say-hello-to-my-little-friend-netcatgui/14:34
urthmoverdario_: google14:34
michaelai already have ubuntu restricted extras14:35
VPtrying to connect Huawei E1550 3G usb modem  with DOCOMO card. one strange thing, it gets connected   thru   network setting  in top panel very well, but not thru ppp (actually ppp shows it connected, but speed is always 0KBps. can not ping to DNS as wel):)14:36
michaeladoes anyone use miro14:36
deej1976michaela: try #miro, from that post it been disabled on linux due to poor performance and crashing14:37
urthmoverdario_: what are you trying to do here?  and does it work with Pentium dual core2.3Ghz,4GBram windowsXP inside ubuntuVM running also inside Win7 which is also inside Win7VM14:37
michaelathat suck ok thanks14:38
urthmovermichaela: only on my ipad14:39
deej1976dario_: Have you got all the VM's setup and running ?14:39
urthmoverI can't possibly think of a logical reason to have more than 2 levels of nested vm's14:40
urthmoverreally you can just utilize the vnetwork and just run all 1st level guests14:40
deej1976dario_: urthmover: I've never got VMware player to run another inside one.14:40
Sidewinder1dario_, I seem to remember reading, somewhere, that in order to get a modem working, you need to disable "Networking;", but I'm not sure, it was a long, long time ago..14:40
llutzthat setup with 4GB RAM makes no sense at all urthmover14:41
urthmoverllutz: I was responding to dario_ ...I was quoting him/her14:41
deej1976michaela: Have you tried the last miro : http://www.unixmen.com/software/1345-miro-35-is-released-enjoy-hd-tva-free-hd-video-player14:41
Sidewinder1dario_, Perhaps this'll help; if you haven't already seen it: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto14:42
researcherwhile accessing this site http://geetnet.com///song/song-play?songId=215 for Karaoke recording I get the message "you must allow flash player access to your mic" what to do?14:42
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VPtrying to connect Huawei E1550 3G usb modem  with DOCOMO card. one strange thing, it gets connected   thru   network setting  in top panel very well, but not thru ppp (actually ppp shows it connected, but speed is always 0KBps. can not ping to DNS as wel):)14:46
researcherwhile accessing this site http://geetnet.com///song/song-play?songId=215 for Karaoke recording I get the message "you must allow flash player access to your mic" what to do?14:47
Sidewinder1!repeat > researcher14:47
ubotturesearcher, please see my private message14:47
deej1976michaela: more research : http://tinyurl.com/bqjswza : Still the same a month ago14:47
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deej1976ranjan_: Try this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-unix-linux-change-gnome-login-banner.html14:49
george_hello. When I sudo alsactl store, I get Home directory/home/user not ours. Help?14:50
researcherhow to allow flash player access to my mic?14:50
llutzresearcher: doesn't flash come with "flash-player-properties"? try it14:51
Sidewinder1researcher, Since no one knows the answer to your issue, have you searched/posted at: http://ubuntuforums.org/ ? Just a suggestion..14:52
researcherllutz: how do I work on it? i am new14:52
Sidewinder1oops; to slow. :-)14:52
Sidewinder1me, not you llutz14:52
researcherllutz: where do I find flash-player-properties?14:53
llutzresearcher: start a terminal and then " flash-player-properties"14:53
mkjacksonhey folks, was looking forward to making an Ubuntu USB drive but it seems that I can't really use it as a "portable drive" as much as a "fast install CD" is there a way to have it behave as a true install (like just put in the CD and put all the partitions on the USB drive)?14:53
Justushi, I have trouble with my nntp access. Since the last update thunderbird does not load message bodys anymore, it frequently asks me for username or password (seldom both at the same time) and throws stupid errors like: "Insert username" "Insert Password" and then "Authentication Error: No Password"14:53
milamber!bug 301140 | researcher14:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 301140 in linux (Ubuntu) "flash can't access microphone" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30114014:54
ThinkT510!usb | mkjackson14:54
ubottumkjackson: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent14:54
Mirxubottu:  ubuntu flash drive14:54
ubottuMirx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:54
Mirxubuttu: usb flash drive14:55
Mirxubottu: usb flash drive14:55
ubottuMirx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:55
ThinkT510Mirx: what do you want to know?14:55
mmmmmrobanyone here running 11.10 as a guest in vmware fusion?14:58
deej1976!ask | mmmmmrob14:58
ubottummmmmrob: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:58
ThinkT510deej1976: i think you were looking for the !anyone factoid14:58
ThinkT510mmmmmrob: why not use virtualbox?14:59
milambermkjackson: the link that ThinkT510 put up is correct - what you are referring to is known as a persistent install14:59
deej1976ThinkT510: Thanks haven't seen that one used to much, will add it to the list15:00
mmmmmrobI have a vmware fusion image downloaded from the marketplace (http://www.vmware.com/appliances/directory/va/1259373/download) it boots and loads the unity desktop and seems to be fine apart from networking. It isn't getting a network connection. I have other VMs that are working fine.15:00
mmmmmrobThinkT510: I have Fusion and it has been working well for me for a few years now15:00
ThinkT510mmmmmrob: fair enough, i prefer open source apps15:01
mmmmmrobThinkT510: me too, on the whole.15:01
Mirxubottu: programming15:02
ThinkT510!bot | Mirx15:02
ubottuMirx: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:02
Guest67345mmmmmrob: So you are trying to solve a networking problem?15:04
mmmmmrobGuest67345: yes, though the vmware fusion networking may also be relevant15:05
HAICKAnyone has installed a cadence daemon on flexlm on ubuntu ?15:06
Guest67345mmmmmrob: I've only used vbox as well.15:06
faiob1hi, i use ubuntu 10.04, gnome x64, today after upgrade, i can't use Xauthority for ssh, there is peapol have idea ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/757129/ :-D15:06
* mmmmmrob tries re-installing the vmware tools15:07
Timewarperi want to run ubuntu as livecd inside virtualbox. Should i add it as a cdrom at the IDE or the SATA controller?15:07
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HAICKi have the error: error while loading shared libraries: libpthread.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or Directory15:08
deej1976mmmmmrob: does ifconfig -a show anything?15:08
apolhi, how can I change the GTK theme in ubuntu?15:08
mmmmmrobdeej1976: shows that it has not been given an ip address from dhcp15:08
Guest67345mmmmmrob: The network options in vbox are nat, Bridged Adapter, internal network, and host-only adapter.  What options do you see in vmware?15:09
deej1976mmmmmrob: So eth0 is there. Is there anything in /etc/network/interfaces15:09
mmmmmrobGuest67345: much the same - currently set to NAT but same effect when set to bridged as well15:09
Guest67345mmmmmrob: try Bridged Adapter15:10
mmmmmrobdeej1976: yes, eth0 is present as is the loopback adapter15:10
glebaronMacbook Pro 7,1: I insert 10.04 install cd and it throws me to a busybox screen and says "not init found. Try passing init= bootarg."15:10
glebaronAny suggestions?15:10
popeyglebaron: i have that laptop15:10
deej1976mmmmmrob: anything in /etc/network/interfaces relating to eth015:10
popeyglebaron: I dont think i ever ran 10.04 on it, only releases after that, and are you booting in BIOS or EFI mode?15:11
glebaronpopey: it would be sweet if I could get ubuntu on it.15:11
popeyglebaron: I have Ubuntu 11.10 on mine15:11
Guest67345mmmmmrob: You might try temporarily setting an IP that is not yet used, and see if you can ping the router or anything else.15:11
glebaronpopey: How do I change the mode?15:11
popeyglebaron: are you planning to dual boot OSX or single install Ubuntu?15:11
Guest67345mmmmmrob: sudo ifconfig eth0 ; ping
glebaronpopey: single install15:12
popeyglebaron: I dont think 10.04 will work in EFI mode out of the box15:12
Timewarperi want to run ubuntu as livecd inside virtualbox. Should i add it as a cdrom at the IDE or the SATA controller?15:12
popeyglebaron: boot the laptop and hold down ALT and it should give you a menu. I think you can choose there whether to boot in EFI or BIOS mode15:13
glebaronpopey: newer versions will?15:13
ubuntuhi just add it a second internal hard drive on my computer i have windows 7 and am trying to install ubuntu on the second harddrive how would i do that doing a replace windows 7 with ubuntu install or install ubuntu alongside windows 7 install15:13
popeyglebaron: yes, 11.10 works15:13
popeyglebaron: I have 11.10 in EFI mode which is a problem because nVidia binary driver doesn't work in EFI mode ☹15:13
Guest67345mmmmmrob:  and toggle back and forth between nat and bridged15:13
Myrttiare there any other wallpapers that change according to the time than the ocelot one on oneiric?15:13
mmmmmrobGuest67345: yes, setting static IP good idea to see what's what15:14
VictorCLtop does show the ram the process is using?15:14
VictorCLis it VIRT?15:14
deej1976Myrtti: wallch?15:15
Timewarperi want to run ubuntu as livecd inside virtualbox. Should i add it as a cdrom at the IDE or the SATA controller?15:15
glebaronpopey: when I hold down option key, it just shows me the boot from cd choice.15:15
Guest67345ubuntu: If you want a DualBoot, leave Win7 as is, install Ubuntu on second HD, write grub to  MBR of first HD and that should do it15:15
glebaronpopey: computer is currently wiped.15:15
popeyglebaron: does it show two cdroms or one on screen when you hold down alt?15:16
oCeanVictorCL: RES is the resident size used in physical ram. VIRT is also shared libs, data and swapped out stuff15:16
glebaronpopey: one.15:16
Guest67345ubuntu: ... but I must admit that I'm not at all sure what your question was.15:17
popeyglebaron: not sure, sorry, i used 11.10 and it pretty much works okay15:19
popeyglebaron: some glitches15:20
Guest67345ubuntu: The only part I understand is that you, "just add it a second internal hard drive on my computer i have windows 7 and am trying to install ubuntu on the second harddrive. How would i do that?"  And the answer to that is that the install program will have pretty clear options for just such a project.15:20
ubuntuthanks Guest67345 what i want is dualboot ubuntu with windows 7 but install ubuntu on the second drive not the one windows is in but there is only one drive showing up there when i try to install ubuntu alongside windows 715:20
glebaronpopey: I had it on my older macbook.15:21
glebaronpopey: guess I will have to try the dual boot.15:21
glebaronpopey: just don't like the newer versions.15:21
alFReD-NSHCan I have a little help here? I'm having CouchDB, Mysql and apache web server all running on startup. How can I remove them from startup and later on when I needed them, just normally run it with command line?15:22
Guest67345ubuntu: Are you sure the BIOS recognized the other drive? Are there jumper settings that need to be changed on the new drive or the old one? (We should eliminate hardware issues first.)15:22
dydguys, when i browse a folder on my external hd with 10 movies nautilus get VERY slow, is it related to some kind of preview icon?15:22
Guest67345ubuntu: Are these ata or sata drives, or scsi or...?15:23
deej1976alFReD-NSH: have a look at update-rc.d15:23
Myrttideej1976: thanks but it doesn't look like what I was looking for15:23
Guest67345ubuntu: And also, are you sure you are seeing all the available options in the screen that shows  partitioning options?15:24
LxndrI purchased a Dell laptop back when they were loading ubuntu on them. Recently, I've had to kill the entire hard drive, and renistall the original Ubuntu (hardy heron 8.04). I am attempting to upgrade to the most recent version being offered by the upgrade manager (10.04) but I am getting errors that cause the upgrade to abort.15:24
alFReD-NSHdeej1976: thanks...15:24
dr_willisLxndr:  it may be easier to just install 10.04 or 11.10 from scratch then to upgrade15:25
mmmmmrobright, giving up on that. Downloading virtualbox and image of ubuntu 11.10 for that15:25
ubuntuGuest67345its a sata ata drive15:25
Guest67345alFReD-NSH: Why not just leave them running?15:25
alFReD-NSHGuest67345: I wanna speed up my startup15:26
Lxndrdr_willis: How can i do that? I have no access to any CD burner, and as far as I'm aware the only way to install 'from scratch' is to have some sort of a removable medium like a burned CD or the like.15:26
alFReD-NSHGuest67345: And I don't usually use them...15:26
Sidewinder1ubuntu, First step, I believe, is to format the second drive to ext3, or ext4..15:26
AlanBellLxndr: what laptop is it exactly?15:28
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dr_willisLxndr:  how did you install  the 8.04?15:28
AlanBellLxndr: you can install using a USB stick, but I want to know if it was one of the atom laptops that ended up with the lpia build which has been dropped (not a problem for a fresh install but will stop your upgrades at some point)15:29
ubuntui got this drive here the drive is recognized buy windows so its working http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Seagate+-+Barracuda+500GB+Internal+Hard+Drive+for+Desktops/8294632.p?id=1172880157923&skuId=829463215:29
LxndrAlanBell, it's a Dell XPS M153015:30
Lxndrdr_willis, I installed the 8.04 from the Dell recovery utility which is auto-installed on the box15:30
AlanBellLxndr: ok, regular CPU in that, you should be fine upgrading (or doing a fresh install), what were the errors?15:31
szalubuntu: no use in typing nicknames and nothing else; either append your message directly to the nickname, or leave it all alone :)15:32
meadhikarihello please help me format a usb drive in /dev/sdb15:32
ThinkT510meadhikari: gparted to the rescue!15:33
Guest67345ubuntu: It is possible that you overlooked it in the partitioning options page.15:33
LxndrAlanBell, all I remember is that the error message started with 'could not commit' and blamed openoffice. Let me see if I can get to it again.15:33
meadhikariThinkT510, Gparted doesnot even shows15:33
Sidewinder1ubuntu, This site should give you step-by-step instructions: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/index Just don't go anywhere near WUBI!15:33
meadhikariThinkT510, I recovered data using testdisk but how do i format15:34
ThinkT510meadhikari: then something is wrong, you sure it isn't in the dropdown list?15:34
Guest67345ubuntu: If you are sill in Windows, just delete what ever partitions are on it and try again.15:34
meadhikariThinkT510, i can not find in the dropbown on gparted15:35
LxndrAlanBell, It says "Eror during commit. Couldn't configure pre-defined openoffice.org common for openoffice.org-vokiko. probably a dependency cycle. Restoring original system state."15:35
meadhikariThinkT510, i get mkdosfs: unable to open /dev/sdb115:36
ThinkT510meadhikari: what is the output of sudo fdisk -l?15:36
AlanBellLxndr: openoffice.org-voikko that is (unless it really said vokiko?) that is the finnish spell checker15:37
meadhikariThinkT510, i get no output15:37
ThinkT510meadhikari: that shouldn't be possible15:37
PeeOnYoumy god.... seriously15:37
Guest67345meadhikari: Maybe it has yet to be partitoned.  What does fdisk say about it?  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb15:38
PeeOnYouhow do i turn off these ridiculous Disk Utility messages?15:38
PeeOnYouanyone? buehler buehler?15:38
AlanBellPeeOnYou: what messages? do you have a failing disk or something?15:38
PeeOnYouthats what it thinks15:38
AlanBellum, maybe you err, have a failing disk?15:39
PeeOnYouits just 1 disk operating outside parameteres15:39
PeeOnYouthat may be15:39
meadhikariGuest67345, the oupput of fdisk -l dev/sdb is also nothing15:39
PeeOnYoubut i dont need 5000000 messages about it15:39
Guest67345meadhikari: If it does not have any partitions, create one:  sudo fdisk /dev/sdb and then p  to see what is really there and then  n  for new partition.  (m for help).15:39
TimewarperI have been hearing that backtrack 5R1 is more integrated with KDE than GNOME (becase KDE has been used a bit longer than GNOME). Is this true? And if so, what are the practical differences?15:39
LxndrAlanBell, Hmm, while I know several Finns, I don't really need a finnish spell-checker. I'm hoping uninstallign it will help.15:39
ThinkT510meadhikari: can you pastebin the output please? you should get something from sudo fdisk -l15:39
Guest67345meadhikari:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb15:39
Guest67345meadhikari: sudo15:39
ikoniaTimewarper: as the guys in #backtrack-linux15:39
szalPeeOnYou: sudo smartctl --all /dev/sdX | pastebinit <- doesn't turn off the messages, but might give an insight into disk health15:40
Guest67345meadhikari:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb  | pastebinit    #Send us the URL and we'll have a look.15:40
PeeOnYouthat's the thing15:40
AlanBellLxndr: worth a shot15:40
PeeOnYoui've done the smartctl15:40
PeeOnYouits an end-to-end error15:40
PeeOnYoui get it.. i've known this for a long long time15:40
meadhikariGuest67345, i really get no output15:41
PeeOnYoui just dont want these messages :(15:41
Guest67345meadhikari: Then do as szal suggests.15:41
ThinkT510meadhikari: are you logged in as root?15:41
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szalGuest67345: please watch who you're mixing up ;)15:41
meadhikariThinkT510, Guest67345 i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/757182/15:42
Guest67345meadhikari: Is it even being recognized by the system as it is plugged in?  (To find out do this:  open a terminal, type tail: -f /var/log/messages Plug it in and see what comes across the screen in that terminal.15:43
ThinkT510meadhikari: so you do get output, its listed there /dev/sdb115:43
LxndrAlanBell, Looks like uninstalling it helped. At least, it's not freezing up at the same place... Wish me luck as it continues the upgrade.15:43
meadhikariGuest67345, ThinkT510 yes it is listed15:43
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ThinkT510meadhikari: why did you say you get no output?15:44
meadhikariThinkT510, I was not getting it before :_15:44
Guest67345meadhikari:  sudo fdisk -l /dev/sdb  | pastebinit    #Send us the URL and we'll have a look.15:44
goldenboy87if i install ubuntu with windows already installed, where will it be installed then?15:44
ThinkT510goldenboy87: on a different partition15:45
Guest67345goldenboy87: That is up to you.15:45
MonkeyDustgoldenboy87  on a partition next to windows15:45
ActionParsnipgoldenboy87: you can use wubi to install to a file on your NTFS, or you can resize NTFS and install to it's own partition15:45
MonkeyDustouch wubi15:45
ThinkT510ActionParsnip: please no wubi15:45
meadhikariGuest67345, ThinkT510 i get http://paste.ubuntu.com/757189/15:45
ThinkT510it makes me cringe15:45
Guest67345goldenboy87: The install program will ask you where to install it, and you will be given options for creating free space for the install.15:46
ActionParsnipThinkT510: its an option, i don't like it either15:46
nerdy_kidwhy is it when I add 'UBUNTU_MENUPROXY="" audacity' to audacity's .desktop file, the desktop file no longer works, but yet if I run the exact command in the shell it works?15:46
ubuntuis installing ubuntu alongside windows a full install or a wubi15:46
MonkeyDustif you want to get used to the GUI, don't use wubi, use a live cd15:46
goldenboy87yes but default what will it be? i accidentally clicked on install with windows, instead of manually install15:46
PeeOnYouis there a way i can overwrite the SMART data ?15:46
PeeOnYouthat way i can shut ubuntu up for good15:46
ThinkT510ubuntu: full15:46
Guest67345meadhikari: So what command did you use to try and format the partition /dev/sdb1 ?15:46
ubuntuok thanks guys15:46
ActionParsnipgoldenboy87: if you boot to the install CD you will more than likely resize NTFS15:47
ActionParsnipPeeOnYou: disable smart in BIOS15:47
deej1976PeeOnYou: have try smartctl -s off /dev/sd##15:47
PeeOnYoudeej1976: i did15:47
PeeOnYouActionParsnip: ill try that15:47
meadhikariGuest67345, i used gparted15:47
PeeOnYouActionParsnip: not sure if i have an option to tho15:47
szalPeeOnYou: I wouldn't trust that disk another minute15:47
ofaurax_boulothello ! I struggle to try to build an update to a package15:47
PeeOnYouszal: it's been this way for like 6 months15:47
ActionParsnipPeeOnYou: true, i'd grab a new disk sooner rather than later15:48
AlanBellPeeOnYou: your system is trying to tell you something important!15:48
meadhikariGuest67345, ThinkT510 Thanks guys it worked :)15:48
PeeOnYouyes well it told me15:48
ActionParsnipPeeOnYou: or just be more vigilant with backups so if it dies, you don't care15:48
Guest67345meadhikari: Well, I don't know... You might just use mkdosfs15:48
PeeOnYouhonestly if it does die15:48
PeeOnYoui dont care15:48
Guest67345meadhikari: Ok, good15:48
ofaurax_boulotdebootstrap fails because I have a custom mirroir which don't have a Release in it15:48
meadhikariGuest67345, ThinkT510 Thanks a lot15:48
szalReallocated_Sector_Ct 0 sounds promising, but as I understand it, End-to-End_Error is more of a defect of the data transmission chain15:49
ofaurax_boulotwhat is the work of debootstrap ?15:49
ofaurax_boulotI removed my repository from the apt config15:49
ofaurax_boulotbut debootstrap tries to find the Release file in it15:49
=== dereck is now known as awsoonn
szalPeeOnYou: "End-to-End error S.M.A.R.T. parameter is a part of HP's SMART IV technology and it means that after transferring through the cache RAM data buffer, the parity data between the host and the hard drive did not match."15:50
ofaurax_boulothow can I make debootstrap ignore my custom repository ?15:50
szalofaurax_boulot: comment it out?15:51
alFReD-NSHDoes any normal program, uses sendmail? I wanna remove it, any problem with it?15:51
Guest67345alFReD-NSH: Shouldn't be a problem.15:51
deej1976PeeOnYou: Start up disk utility, click the disk, view smart data, and tick box at the bottom "Don't Warn if the disk is failing"15:52
PeeOnYoudeej1976: i wish it was that easy15:52
awsoonnI'm having a horrible time with my bluetooth devices after upgrading to 11.10 and need some help. I've had problems with bluetoothd crashign on me and now I'm even gettign daily Kernel panics when using BT devices.15:52
szalalFReD-NSH: sendmail is used internally to send system messages to root and/or other users; the average home user doesn't configure their e-mail client to read system messages though, so you should be able to safely disable/remove it15:53
ActionParsnipPeeOnYou: the ultimate boot cd will have a low level tester for the drive too, from the manufacturer. May tell you more15:53
ofaurax_boulotszal: done in apt.list, but desbootstrap try to find it anyway15:53
deej1976PeeOnYou: Is the option not there?15:53
PeeOnYoudeej1976: for what ever reason disk utility does not have a smart data button15:53
PeeOnYouso then i can't check that box15:53
PeeOnYoujust for that drive15:53
PeeOnYouthe others all have it15:53
ofaurax_boulotszal: I commented it in sources.list and tried apt-get update15:54
deej1976PeeOnYou: Type re-enable smartctl -s on /dev/sd#15:54
ofaurax_boulotszal: then I tried "$ sudo pbuilder create" and it complained15:54
PeeOnYouoh my god15:54
deej1976PeeOnYou: Try*15:54
PeeOnYoui disabled it15:54
PeeOnYouand now it shows up in disk utility15:55
PeeOnYounow i can check it!15:55
FloodBot1PeeOnYou: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:55
* PeeOnYou jumps for joy15:55
PeeOnYoui really really hope that stops the messages15:56
Guest67345we do to15:57
unannouncedfailed to get my ap up.15:57
unannouncedwhat i was trying to do is share my internet connection of my desktop with my AP15:58
Guest67345unannounced: And so, where did you go wrong?15:58
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing15:58
unannouncedmy connection to the internet is via ppp and i have connected the AP to the lan port of the desktop15:59
Guest67345unannounced: That's a good start.15:59
ActionParsnipunannounced: as long as you know the interface names, you are smug15:59
ikoniaunannounced: repeating the question, won't change the teqnique you where given before15:59
ikoniaunannounced: you need to state the problems you had with the ICS technique you where given before15:59
unannouncedikonia: i already read and followed what was on the link but have failed16:00
ikoniaok - so you need to say what's not worked16:00
unannouncedso i have the rights to ask again16:00
ikoniaof course you can ask again16:00
Guest67345unannounced: Then look again.  You more than likely missde a detail or 216:00
unannounceddon't be mean to me then... :P16:01
ikoniaunannounced: however, the way to do it will be the same as before, so you need to fix what went wrong, rather than ask for a different way to do it16:01
ikoniaunannounced: no one is being mean to you,16:01
Guest67345unannounced: You have yet to ask a question.16:01
=== Guest20831 is now known as Plexorr
norwackHey folks16:03
ActionParsniphi norwack16:04
norwackairmon command in terminal, is that a built in our something i need to download?16:04
norwackno help?16:05
ikonianorwack: apt-cache search airmon16:05
ikoniathat will tell you if it's available in the ubuntu repos16:05
Guest67345norwack: I for one, do now know what airmon is.16:05
lalaland1125http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man1/airmon-ng.1.html It is in here16:06
lalaland1125I think16:06
norwackim trying to learn how to jack someones internet, im moving this weekend and we wont get internet there for a couple days16:06
lalaland1125According to the man page, sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng should do it16:06
ikonianorwack: ok, we are not going to help you with that16:06
ThinkT510norwack: you are asking in the wrong place16:06
unannouncednorwack: its illegal but try #aircrack-ng16:07
lalaland1125ikonia, ThinkT510: He is just asking for which package provides airmon.16:07
norwack=> I Dont care about laws :-)16:07
ikonianorwack: we do, so please don't ask for help with it in this channel, thank you16:07
unannouncedwe care telling you howto16:07
norwackikonia: I Did not ask for help on how to do it, i just couldnt get that command to work.16:08
ikonianorwack: no problem.16:08
norwackhow to i find the name of my wireless card?16:08
ikonianorwack: we are not supporting you with this16:08
lalaland1125norwack: Try installing aircrack_ng, sudo apt-get install aircrack-ng16:08
ActionParsnipnorwack: sudo lshw -C network16:08
lalaland1125And you guys, there is nothing wrong with asking which package provides a service.16:09
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ikonialalaland1125: and he's been given the information.16:09
ThinkT510lalaland1125: in some countries that may be called aiding and abetting16:09
norwacklalaland1125: Couldn't locate package location16:09
Guest67345norwack: aircrack-ng - wireless WEP/WPA cracking utilities16:09
aa___hello whats wrong with my conf file http://pastebin.com/wQ3jQ3L3 ?16:11
Guest67345norwack:  lsb_release -a | pastebinit  #Send us resulting URL16:11
MonkeyDustaa___  depends on the error16:11
aa___what you mean?16:12
MonkeyDustaa___  what error do you get?16:12
aa___v Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/mecci.conf.save: <VirtualHost> cannot occur within <VirtualHost> section16:12
andynikonia: there is nothing illegal in aircrack.16:13
unannouncedbut its illegal to dive into someone's metwork without permission16:13
ikoniaandyn: I didn't say there was16:13
* PeeOnYou claps... so far no more disk utility messages :)16:13
PeeOnYouif only i'd known i had to disable smart to actually be able to turn the messages off16:13
ThinkT510andyn: technically you are correct, it's what you intend to do with it that may or may not be illegal16:14
Guest67345andyn: Keep your shirt on, no-one is making any accuasations, but as stated above, this chanel should not be about the business of hacking into networks. It's been said so just drop it.16:14
andynso, there is no reason not to discuss about it16:14
faLUCEI'm using a live usb ubuntu, created with persistent additional space. Now, If I add files, modify configuration etc., all is persistent in the usb live mode, but If I try to install this "snapshot", all these modifications are not installed. why?16:14
ThinkT510andyn: he made his intentions clear, that was why ikonia didn't want to help him16:15
dr_willisfaLUCE:  the persistant save file is a special 'overlay type filesystem'   the installer does not see those changes.16:15
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
faLUCEdr_willis: how can I make the installer see these changes?16:15
dr_willisfaLUCE:  i have done a normal install to usb, installed stuff. then used dd to image that  flash to clone it to several other hd's16:15
dr_willisfaLUCE:  as far as i know.. you dont.16:16
jisaacs1207So... I am trying to run a mincraft server on Ubuntu 11.10. I am getting steady "out of memory" errors despite allocating enough memory and using 64bit. I tried on Centos and it works fine, but I hate centos.16:16
jisaacs1207Any other complaints from people about this?16:16
jisaacs1207I have 16gb on the server, and am using about 2gb of it.16:16
jisaacs1207Ubuntu just doesn't seem to allow java to have this memory.16:16
Guest67345For all we know, norwack's intentions could be perfectly legal and I do not think we should speculate otherwise. nufsaid16:16
dr_willisjisaacs1207:  it could be which java package you have installed..16:17
ikoniaGuest67345: not when he's announced it16:17
ActionParsnipjisaacs1207: which java are you using?16:17
faLUCEdr_willis: in this case, how can I make my own distro (with lot of compiled from scratch programs and desktop configuration) ? I tried remastersys but it doesn't work well16:17
jisaacs1207java 6 hotspot16:17
dr_willisfaLUCE:  no idea. I dont bother making my own.16:17
ActionParsnipjisaacs1207: try 1.716:17
jisaacs1207java version "1.6.0_26"16:17
ubottuInterested in remastering the Ubuntu !LiveCD or !Alternate installer? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallCDCustomization - Or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility16:17
jisaacs1207Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_26-b03)16:18
jisaacs1207Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.1-b02, mixed mode)16:18
Guest67345ikonia: Ok, but what ever norwack was up to, we don't need to discuss/speculate about it any further. IMHO16:18
jisaacs1207I did try 7, with the same issues.16:18
DemonWitchcan i use ubuntu livecd to restore windows bootloader?16:18
szalDemonWitch: no16:18
ikoniaGuest67345: no-one is speculating further, he's using it for hacking someones wifi network, we won't support/help with that, discussion over16:18
DemonWitchszal: can i install grub just to load windows? ( i have no linux in this pc)16:18
jisaacs1207ActionParsnip : I've tried with 6 and 7 on ubuntu, both 64 bit. Both give the thread4 memory error.16:18
jisaacs1207Centos works fine with 6 and 7.16:19
Guest67345ikonia: I think it is enough to say that we do not condone or promote anthying like that here.  Yes, good idea, discussion over.16:19
norwackikonia: Im not asking for help! Im just asking how to get the neccesary information from the computer to do so. Idi.....16:19
jisaacs1207I was just curious what could be limiting ubuntu memory usage.16:19
szalDemonWitch: no, the Grub will chainload Windows, and for that to work a Windows bootblock needs to be present16:19
lalaland1125DemonWitch: If windows is already installed and working, grub can daisy chain the bootloader to run windows16:19
ThinkT510norwack: you think asking for the info to do it isn't asking for help?16:20
ActionParsnipjisaacs1207: are there any options you can set when you run the server to give more ram? Have you tried running it as root to test16:20
lalaland1125norwack: Look on the aircrack-ng site. That is all the advice we will give you here.16:20
unannouncednorwack: go to #aircrack-ng. you will find your coleagues16:21
Guest67345unannounced: lalaland1125 norwack This is OffTopic, plain and simple, it is not a ubuntu support issue.  DROPIT16:22
kubanchow to start terminal from live CD, I would like to use lspci command16:22
norwackTHinkT510: Actually, No. Not when i need help to find out of the wireless card name.16:22
DemonWitchlalaland1125: right now i have only a partition with windows, no linux. can i install grub to run windows from a livecd?16:22
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
paoloqualche italiano?16:23
oCean!it | paolo16:23
ubottupaolo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)16:23
Guest67345kubanc: DO you want a console mode or a gui terminal?16:23
=== norwack is now known as Norwack
Guest67345norwack: iwconfig16:23
NorwackI Know that now.16:23
jisaacs1207ActionParsnip : I do allocate it enough ram.16:23
jisaacs1207ActionParsnip : run as root as in, log in as root to run it?16:24
lalaland1125DemonWitch: When you install ubuntu, and get to the partition format screen, it will show an option to install linux alongside windows.16:24
faiobhi, i use ubuntu 10.04, gnome x64, today after upgrade, i can't use Xauthority for ssh, there is peapol have idea ? http://paste.ubuntu.com/757218/16:24
kubancGuest67345, i would like to use command lspci, and i would like to get the fastest method (graphic terminal or console mode), but i don't thing that console mode supports lspci command?16:24
lalaland1125DemonWitch: Like so http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-nG-oz1TX1R4/TmelsFLMLxI/AAAAAAAAAIQ/a3rLm-PEW8c/s1600/install1.png16:24
MonkeyDustkubanc  ctrl-alt t16:24
ActionParsnipjisaacs1207: no, just run the command with sudo16:24
szalDemonWitch: what do you want?  install Linux?  or simply restore a screwed Windows bootloader?16:25
Guest67345kubanc: Open a terminal and type   lspci   lspci will list all PCI devices16:25
DemonWitchszal: i want to just install grub bootloader, not install linux16:25
DemonWitchszal: so it will be windows + grub16:25
Guest67345kubanc: And yes, console mode supports lscpi command as well as any others that do not envoke GUI applications.16:26
szalDemonWitch: superfluous, and to my knowledge not possible16:26
MonkeyDustDemonWitch  grub is part of linux16:26
ThinkT510DemonWitch: maybe you should look for a different bootloader, grub requires a partition to install onto16:26
jisaacs1207oh. yes.16:26
lalaland1125Which package holds the old pre-unity ubuntu desktop manager?16:26
jisaacs1207ActionParsnip : Yes, I do that.16:26
Sidewinder1DemonWitch, Just out of curiosity, why would you want to do that?16:27
szalDemonWitch: what would you need/want it for anyway if you have only 1 OS and that isn't even Linux?16:27
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: not strictly, but its bundled inn distributions ;)16:27
MonkeyDustActionParsnip  i'd say, for newbees, distro = linux ;)16:28
ActionParsnipjisaacs1207: normally? or did it just work as root?16:28
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: indeed :D;)16:28
DemonWitchFUCK LINUX16:28
Night-hackswhy removing package with aptitude doesn't removes the init scripts ? any good way to do so ?16:28
ThinkT510lalaland1125: you want gnome2?16:28
unannouncedis it sudo iptables-save | sudo tee /etc/iptables.sav?16:28
Night-hacksDemonWitch: Linux <3 !16:29
ikoniaunannounced: to save you rules ?16:29
yanightmareHello there. I've got a serious prob. A friend has a laptop with Xubuntu. But since yesterday, when she boots, There's a poor login manager (very ugly). When she connects, back to the login manager, and again, and again... So i'm on weechat now, talking to you via a tty, and i don't know what to do... Any help ?16:29
kubancGuest67345, Thnx for info16:29
Guest67345unannounced: Sure you don't want to create a firewall script?16:30
unannouncedor sudo iptables-sav | sudo tee /etc/iptables.sav16:30
unannouncedyes to save the rules16:30
Guest67345unannounced: I always  just use a script.16:30
jisaacs1207ActionParsnip : The issue arises for both.16:31
Guest67345unannounced: If you create and maintain a script ofyour own, it is simplier IMHO16:31
ActionParsnipyanightmare: which release?16:31
* szal has a couple of iptables rules saved to a file & restored on boot by an init script16:31
Guest67345unannounced: YOu can use /etc/rc.local if you want.16:32
ActionParsnipjisaacs1207: are there bugs reported, or do others have the same issue online?16:32
Night-hacks why removing package with aptitude doesn't removes related init scripts ? any good way to do so ?16:32
yanightmareActionParsnip: I think it's Natty16:32
deej1976Night-hacks: apt-get purge packagename16:32
llutzunannounced: sudo iptables-save > /etc/iptables.sav16:32
ActionParsnipNight-hacks: are they still present but disabled instead16:32
ActionParsnipyanightmare: lsb_release -sc    will say16:33
Guest67345Norwack: apt-get pruge <package-name-here>16:33
mkjacksonmilamber & ThinkT510: Excuse the delay, thanks for pointing me in the right direction! Linux4Eva! ;-) Have a great weekend16:33
Night-hacksActionParsnip: no they are not disabled16:33
llutzunannounced: sudo iptables-restore < /etc/iptables.sav         to restore later16:33
yanightmareActionParsnip: yep, Natty16:33
Night-hacksActionParsnip: excatly like befor removing16:33
ThinkT510mkjackson: i can't remember how i helped but your welocome :)16:34
NorwackNow i got a issue here, sudo apt-get install php5-cli dont work, nor any others packages, any help?16:34
RaTTuS|BIGNorwack -  what error16:34
ActionParsnipyanightmare: so the only issue is the look of the graphical login screen?16:34
yanightmareActionParsnip: it happened after installing a GUI for R (cmdr)16:34
Norwacknorwack@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install build-essential16:34
Norwack[sudo] password for norwack:16:34
NorwackReading package lists... Done16:34
NorwackBuilding dependency tree16:34
NorwackReading state information... Done16:34
FloodBot1Norwack: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:34
NorwackE: Unable to locate package build-essential16:34
mkjacksonThinkT510: usb persistent install :-)16:34
ActionParsnip!info build-essential16:34
yanightmareActionParsnip: No... when i connect it gives me back on the login screen16:35
Sidewinder1!pastebinit | Norwack16:35
ubottubuild-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.5ubuntu1 (oneiric), package size 5 kB, installed size 48 kB16:35
ubottuNorwack: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com16:35
yanightmareActionParsnip: I can't access anything. I'm on a tty16:35
ActionParsnipyanightmare: what happens if you run:  startx    does it run ok?16:35
NorwackHere is the error i get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/757240/16:36
deej1976Norwack: sudo apt-get update16:36
ActionParsnipNorwack: run:  sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get install build-essential16:36
yanightmareActionParsnip: it says I've already got one server loading. When i kill X (pkill -9 X) it comes back16:37
smaticI set up a ubuntu server with DRBL diskless thin clients for 8, while some will crash or slow client machines16:37
ActionParsnipyanightmare: can you log in as another user?16:38
yanightmareI tried purging and installing fglrx (maybe the ATI driver has problem i thought). No change. I have done "sudo aticonfig --initial" it says "fail to linkg to fglrx-libglx.so"16:38
yanightmareActionParsnip: /\16:39
ActionParsnipyanightmare: can you log in graphically as another user?16:39
yanightmareActionParsnip: there's not another user16:39
ActionParsnipyanightmare: make another to test...16:39
yanightmareActionParsnip: ok16:39
yanightmaresudo adduser blabla16:40
ActionParsnipyanightmare: notice how fast I replied16:40
ActionParsnipyanightmare: because it was pre-typed16:40
yanightmareActionParsnip: :D16:40
ActionParsnipyanightmare: yes, that's the command16:40
ActionParsnipyanightmare: everyone says it, like ubuntu can only hold one local user16:40
yanightmareActionParsnip: same prob with another user16:41
ChickenSoupis this a graphics card/driver issue?16:42
ActionParsnipyanightmare: ok so you know its the system, not the user. How much free space do you have?16:42
ActionParsnipyanightmare: try:   sudo apt-get clean    then try graphically logging on16:42
=== scott_ is now known as Guest24729
* Norwack Got it working, fixed some changes in the package gui thing(dont remember the name) lol16:43
deej1976yanightmare: also sudo apt-get autoclean16:43
yanightmareActionParsnip: :o it worked16:43
yanightmareActionParsnip: I've got many free space, but sudo apt-get clean worked :/16:44
yanightmareActionParsnip: I don't understand but thanks16:44
ActionParsnipyanightmare: you have low system space, free some up16:44
ActionParsnipyanightmare: if you have low free space, things start working16:44
yanightmareActionParsnip: 25 GO free space16:44
ActionParsnipyanightmare: uninstall old kernels may also help16:44
ActionParsnipyanightmare: do you have a separate /home partition?16:45
yanightmareActionParsnip: Nope.16:45
ActionParsnipyanightmare: ok can you give a pastebin of:   df -h16:45
yanightmarewait i reconnect under GUI :)16:46
=== jbuchanan is now known as jbuchanan-lunch
incorrecthow can i stop drm_kms_helper from loading?16:47
yanightmareI'm back16:47
yanightmareSo what did you want me to pastebin you ?16:48
ThinkT510df -h16:48
x0r_Is there a way to roll back to a state before the last apt-get upgrade?16:49
ActionParsnipyanightmare: df -h; lsb_release -a      thanks16:49
ThinkT510x0r_: if you made a backup you can restore it, otherwise i don't think so16:49
yanightmareok you were right, it's a separate partition for the home but no prob with free space : http://pastebin.com/r0vy92Hc16:49
x0r_I though so16:50
x0r_something has changed16:50
x0r_now my vnc sessions listen on tcp616:50
yanightmareActionParsnip, /\16:50
x0r_instead thsy used to listen on tcp(4)16:50
ActionParsnipyanightmare: 124Mb free on /    that's not a lot at all16:50
yanightmareActionParsnip, : http://pastebin.com/nbQh9JqF16:51
ThinkT510yanightmare: no problem with free space? / is 97% used up16:51
ActionParsnipyanightmare: that's why you are getting issues16:51
ActionParsnipyanightmare: can you pastebin the output of:   uname -a; dpkg -l | grep linux-image-             run it as ONE command and pastebin the output please16:51
yanightmareActionParsnip, wow shit i didn't understand it16:52
ThinkT510!language | yanightmare16:52
ubottuyanightmare: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:52
ActionParsnipyanightmare: thats why logging on was an issue, what is the output. I may be able to free space for you16:52
szalyanightmare: no need to understand, just copy & paste; the command is visibly separated16:52
mkjacksonanother quick question, if i got an OLD machine runing 8.04 but I want to "freshen it up", will it work just as well on 11.04 or are the requirements more demanding?16:53
yanightmareActionParsnip, http://pastebin.com/7zH9yRD316:53
mkjacksonI mean, sure, the requirements seem reasonable but what about performance16:53
ThinkT510mkjackson: what are the system specs?16:53
szalobviously Natty16:53
ThinkT510mkjackson: if 8.04 works very well, chances are 11.04 will too16:54
yanightmareActionParsnip, yeah so a "sudo apt-get autoclean" should solve the prob for a while ?16:54
mkjacksoncan't remember the proc so much but I know that it's only got 512 mb16:54
ActionParsnipyanightmare: sudo apt-get --purge remove linux-image-2.6.38-8-generic linux-image-2.6.38-11-generic linux-image-2.6.38-12-generic ; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove16:54
mkjacksoncentrino @ ~1Ghz16:54
ActionParsnipyanightmare: will free you up about 500Mb16:54
yanightmareActionParsnip, ok thanks16:55
=== accolade_ is now known as Guest27854
ThinkT510mkjackson: 512mb ram is a little limiting, i'd run xfce or lxde with that16:55
mkjacksonwhen I moved out a few years back I left my father the laptop but WinWhatever would always get spammed up and die... cautiously I put him on Ubuntu and for the most part I've never had a problem reinstalling since :-)16:55
yanightmarethank you very ActionParsnip :) problem solved16:56
ActionParsnipyanightmare: i suggest you install bleacbit, close as many apps as you can and run it as root then as your user. Watch settings as you will remove settings you want and also avoid options which say that will take a long time or are experimental16:56
ActionParsnipyanightmare: you have a small space for / so you have to be vigilant with space or you'll get issues16:56
mkjacksonThinkT510: ty again, all the love of ubuntu w/o the overhead of gnome/unity16:56
mkjacksonnobody canna cross it16:57
ThinkT510mkjackson: i'd normally run xfce anyway (my favourite)16:57
ThinkT510mkjackson: i've never liked gnome2/3 or unity16:57
ActionParsnipmkjackson: ubuntu-minimal + openbox or fluxbox = fast16:57
szalgo^: we don't sell petroleum here ;)16:58
=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj-busy
mkjacksondo you guys think I should reinstall? I mean, sure it would be nice but as long as he can still update what's the difference to him? it's basically a chromeOS machine from his perspective... :-)16:58
Basti_hi everybody. is there a possibility to get an ip-address per dhcp only if eth0 has a link? i got multiple DHCPDISCOVER messages in my syslog.16:58
ThinkT510mkjackson: a reinstall will be a whole lot easier and trouble free16:59
yanightmareOk thank you ActionParsnip :)16:59
yanightmarebye everyone :)16:59
ActionParsnipyanightmare: np man16:59
mkjacksonThinkT510: what I mean is, should I even bother getting him on the latest rev?16:59
ThinkT510mkjackson: since 8.04 up to 9.10 are no longer supported16:59
ActionParsnipmkjackson: I'd clean reinstall with Oneiric17:00
mkjacksonkk, then I'll just get my hands on xubuntu 11.04 for when I head back down there17:00
ThinkT510mkjackson: go with an lts if you know you're not going to update for a while17:01
ActionParsnipmkjackson: feeling brave, Precise is in Alpha 1 ;)17:01
ThinkT510mkjackson: 10.04 is current lts, 12.04 is the next one17:01
* MonkeyDust tries mini-ubuntu in vbox17:01
dimitrihow can i connect android and ubuntu to sync folders ?17:06
ChickenSoupdimitri: i use the ubuntu one app17:07
dimitrimay i use ubu one with android ?17:07
lalaland1125You can also use dropbox.17:08
ChickenSoupis drop box free?17:08
theadminChickenSoup: Up to 2GB yes17:08
ChickenSoupjust cuious17:08
lalaland1125Dropbox provides very good service for general backup.17:08
ChickenSoupubu one gives you 5gb free17:08
MonkeyDustubuntu one with non-ubuntu systems?17:11
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: yes, there is an app in the market17:11
ChickenSoupworks with windows17:11
tensorpuddingthere's an ubuntu one app for android and ios too17:13
theadminYeah, but not for other Linux systems apparently17:14
omidoikonia:  are you there?17:14
ChickenSoupnot even for debian?17:14
tensorpuddingit might not be dfsg17:14
ActionParsniptheadmin: the specifications are available so its up to the distro maintainers to make their own clients17:14
serega_byHi all. I've got to disk. The first disk is boot default. I've got on second disk, how i can make it for bootloading default?17:15
omidoi have PCLinuxOS 2011 installed(no windows) and installed ubuntu on another partition and told ubuntu to install its bootloader on its root partition . now i need help with adding ubuntu to pclinuxos's grub legacy.17:15
ikoniaomido: what's up ?17:15
theadminWell, I found one for Arch: http://aur.archlinux.org/packages.php?ID=30081 xD17:15
ActionParsnipserega_by: set it i n BIOS17:15
omidoikonia:  i did that . now i need help with adding ubuntu to bootloader17:15
omidoi'm 100% noob in that aspect17:16
ikoniaomido: sorry, did what,17:16
ikoniaomido: I just saw you ask for me17:16
omidoikonia:  few lines above17:16
ghufrani installed 11.1. its connected to the internet but i can cant update/install new software from the software center or the terminal. can someone please tell me how to set the proxy settings for everything to work? also, i don't see the global proxy settings option anymore ..17:16
omidoikonia:  i have PCLinuxOS 2011 installed(no windows) and installed ubuntu on another partition and told ubuntu to install its bootloader on its root partition . now i need help with adding ubuntu to pclinuxos's grub legacy.17:16
ikoniaomido: I don't have logging enabled17:16
ikoniaomido: why did you tell ubuntu to install grub2 - I told you not to use grub217:16
ikoniathen you didn't need to chain load17:16
ActionParsnipghufran: run:  gksudo gedit /etc/apt.conf17:17
omidoikonia:  i didnt know how to install grub117:17
ikoniait's already installed17:17
ikoniaPCOSLinux installed it17:17
ActionParsnipghufran: sorry:   ksudo gedit /etc/apt/apt.conf17:17
omidoi can reinstall17:17
ikoniaomido: doesn't matter17:17
omidoright now pclinuxos 's grub legacy is the default system bootloader and is installed to MBR17:18
ActionParsnipghufran: add this text and change it as needed: http://pastie.org/295585517:18
ikoniaso you need to chainload grub2 from PCOSLinux's setup17:18
ikoniaomido: have you looked up the basic syntax for chainloading ?17:18
omidoikonia:  pclinux has a boot utility in its control center. but i cant understand some parts . here is a shot : http://img.susepaste.org/images/d7d51452.jpeg17:19
ghufranActionParsnip: okay. thanks.17:19
ghufranlet me try17:19
ikoniaomido: that setup is going to boot ubuntu directly from PCOSLinux grub, is that what you want, or are you going to chainload grub2 ?17:19
omidoikonia:  i dont know . if thats easier i'm ok with that . i want pclinuxos's bootloader be the main system bootloader but i want to have ubuntu in its entries too17:20
ActionParsnipghufran: also add: export http_proxy=http://username:password@proxy.thing.com:8080/     to ~/.bashrc        as well as:   export ftp_proxy=http://username:password@proxy.thing.com:8080/17:20
ikoniaomido: I suggest you chainload grub2 then17:21
omidoikonia:  can you help me with that ?17:21
ikoniaomido: I'd suggest using the PCOSLinux support resources as this is their grub and their config17:21
omidoi really like both OS's. both have their good points .17:21
ikoniaomido: the generic chainload options should be enough though17:21
ghufranActionParsnip: where do i add these? to apt.conf?17:21
omidoikonia:  can you please help me with that configuration tool ? i dont know what shoud i enter in image selection and other blank fields17:22
ghufranoh. to .bashrc17:22
ikoniaomido: that configuration tool is not usefult you as you want to setup a chainload entry17:22
ActionParsnipghufran: its a blank file afaik, so just add it17:22
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ikoniaomido: the guys in PCOSLinux support resources should be able to help you set that up17:22
omidoikonia:  i just want to boot ubuntu . no matter if its chainloaded or something17:22
ikoniaomido: it does matter17:22
ikoniaomido: hence why I'm advising you to chainload based on how you've set things up17:23
omidook thnx17:23
ghufranActionParsnip: bashrc is not empty..17:23
szala text editor would be faster for that; Grub1 can be easily edited, in contrast to Grub217:23
ActionParsnipghufran: no but apt.conf is, add the lines wherever you want in bashrc17:24
theadminszal: A vanilla grub2 setup can also be easily edited (just edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg)17:24
theadminszal: Not the case with Ubuntu though17:25
djmitcheI'm having some trouble mapping keyboards into X11 sessions on Lucid.  /lib/udev/keymap -i shows kernel keyboard events on input/event2, but no keyboard or mouse interaction has any onscreen effect in X11.17:26
djmitcheAny pointers on where X11 looks to figure out what keyboard/mouse to use?17:27
djmitcheit doesn't exist, hmm17:28
theadmindjmitche: It doesn't normally exist, xorg autoconfigures itself in case it doesn't17:29
ActionParsnipdjmitche: if one exists, it will be obeyed'17:29
ghufranActionParsnip: do you know if these settings can be managed from an interface? because i am installing ubuntu for someone and they don't know anything about it17:29
Augustuenanyone solved this yet? http://www.canyoucrackit.co.uk/17:29
ActionParsnipghufran: once its setup, you won't need to mess with it again17:29
MonkeyDustAugustuen  wrong channel17:30
Augustuensorry about that17:30
ghufranActionParsnip: yes but the settings keep changing. like at the univ. residence, its different. on campus, its different17:30
gribouilleunder oneiric, when running gvim, I get the following error : "(vim:5458): Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libgail-gnome' which is needed to make this application accessible", "(vim:5458): Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libgail' which is needed to make this application accessible" ERROR:accessible.c:556:spi_accessible_construct: assertion failed: (o)" what does it mean?"17:30
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theadmingribouille: Something accessibility-related17:31
gribouilletheadmin, I know. how can I solve the problem?17:32
teddieinstall oen of the libgail packages ?17:32
gribouilleteddie, I did it already17:32
gribouilleisn't it possible to disable accessibility?17:33
Guest67345gribouille: How did you install gvim?17:33
ubottuSeveral Ubuntu channels prohibit access from open proxies and other anonymous connections due to a high level of abuse. The supported ways to hide your IP address on freenode are to use !Tor or get a !cloak17:33
gribouilleGuest67345, with apt-get17:33
A|i3NI'm trying to ssh into another networked ubuntu box but i think the IP address changed when the router got reset a couple times - how can I find out what IP's are currently on the network?17:36
Shovelli have a toshiba satellite and i can not get my touchpad options17:38
djmitcheA|i3N: nmap can do that17:38
A|i3Nalrighty installing now. :) Thanks17:38
Shovellthe touch pad works but i need a program to adjust  the options17:39
iromlii cant find zlib.so in /usr/lib ... where does oneiric put this file?17:40
ghufrandoes this look okay for mounting a disk? /dev/sda6       /mnt/DataDrive  vfat    users,owner,ro,umask=000 0 017:40
Guest67345grandrew: You installed 11.10 64bit or 32bit?17:40
serega_byI've got A partition that has not enough free space. Which program can increase free space for A part dividing other partition that has more free space?17:41
theadminShovell: nano. Edit xorg.conf correspondently.17:41
theadminserega_by: gparted can do that. But you need to do it from a livecd.17:41
Shovellthat is not what i asked17:42
A|i3NWhat would be the basic usage command for this djmitche? lot of options17:42
gizmobayYou don't need to put sudo infront of commands in the etc/rc.local file?17:43
theadmingizmobay: You don't17:43
haakonnessgizmobay: no17:43
Guest67345I guess gribouille is gone now...17:43
gizmobaywonder why my command stopped starting17:44
dospodcan somebody help me generate a pgp key, I keep getting a couldn't generat pgp key generall error17:44
Guest67345gizmobay: no17:44
homehi all17:44
ghufrani get wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock ... when trying "/dev/sda6       /mnt/DataDrive  vfat    users,owner,rw,umask=000 0 0 " in fstab .. any clues why?17:44
gizmobayIt's worked for years17:44
Guest67345gizmobay: We'd have to see what commands you used.17:45
llutzghufran: pastebin "sudo fdisk -l" please17:45
gizmobayWorks from command line17:45
A|i3NNevermind djmitche, figured it out. :)17:45
gizmobayIt's the No-ip biz script to update the dns17:45
dospodcan somebody help me generate a pgp key, I keep getting a couldn't generat pgp key generall error17:46
Shovelltheadmin: that is not what i asked i think i need the drivers for my touchpad  or something i just want to change how it works17:46
ghufranllutz: http://pastebin.com/d5kM5mZJ17:47
theadminShovell: This is what you want... You can edit the touchpad behaviour via xorg.conf17:47
OerHeks!pgp | dospod17:47
ubottudospod: gpg is the GNU Privacy Guard.  See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto and class #8 on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ClassroomTranscripts17:47
ivelliosHi, I am using Ubuntu 8.04 as a server/router in my network. Yesterday I had an update and now I cannot resolve any names by ping: I get the message: ping: unknown host google.com. Everything in the network works fine (routing too; since I can write with you), but cannot connect from the terminal. Any ideas? DNS are up and fine (from my ISP).17:47
acucan I have different backgrounds wallpapers in each workspace ?17:47
llutzghufran: and pastebin "sudo blkid" please17:47
Guest67345gizmobay: How did you install noip2?17:47
kio_httpHi, I have performance issues with Unity and gnome-shell the UI is a bit laggy e.g drawing menus typing text etc ... KDE performes excellantly on the same machine with all desktop effects17:48
theadminivellios: Can you ping
ivelliosyeah, I tried to change DNS to google's, but ping returns: ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted17:48
ghufranllutz: http://pastebin.com/9KD7WUf917:49
ivelliostheadmin: ping returns: ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted17:49
Shovelltheadmin:  ok maybe i am not asking the right question i would like a GUI program nto change how my touchpad works17:49
llutzghufran: "sudo fsck.vfat /dev/sda6"    seems the fs is somehow broken17:50
theadminShovell: Okay, well, try to find one. I hate GUI setting programs myself.17:50
xpartakahoj>umi nekdo z vas cesky ?17:50
theadmin!czech | xpartak17:50
ubottuxpartak: České uživatele žádáme, aby mluvili v kanále #ubuntu anglicky. Česky je možno se domluvit v #ubuntu-cz. Děkujeme.17:50
kio_httpANy ideas?17:50
ghufranllutz: can i format it? its empty anyway.. i created it while installing ubuntu17:50
Shovelli would not be here if i hadnt tried17:50
llutzghufran: "sudo mkfs.vfat -F32 /dev/sda6"   then17:51
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gizmobayGuest67345: I just downloaded the script from the no ip biz web site. I installed it years ago. It's run for years17:52
llutzghufran: btw: why vfat?17:52
[twisti]hi, i run an ubuntu server, how can i change it so mail to disfgdsjkgkjh@server.com goes to another account (or is deleted) ?17:52
llutztwiringer: check /etc/aliases17:53
ghufranllutz i don't know.. which one should i prefer? btw, it mounted successfully. but it doesn't show up like the "filesystem" does ..17:53
ivelliosSo, any ideas, why I cannot resolve names?17:53
llutzghufran: if you just use linux on that machine, ext4 would be fine17:53
Guest67345gizmobay: So it worked before the upgrade, and now it doesn't?  Is that it? Where are you now? lsb_release -a17:54
gizmobayGuest67345: Release:        11.1017:55
Guest67345gizmobay: sudo apt-get upgrade noip217:55
leandro_rc2010como adionar grupos no ubuntu 11.1017:55
theadmin!it | leandro_rc201017:55
ubottuleandro_rc2010: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)17:56
llutz[twisti]: check /etc/aliases17:56
leandro_rc2010mas em modo grafico17:56
gizmobayokay, I installed manually since there wasn't a package at first. Will this start automatically?17:56
qbert_how can I fix missing images when I alt-tab for third party tools ( Intelli-J ) in the new unity interface, 11.1017:57
acuI want to add a text on the foreground of the desktop - without modifying the wallpaper - something like Annotate in compiz - but I want to TYPE - can anyone help ?17:57
Guest67345gizmobay: Or have you determined if it is running  or  not? ps -A | grep noip217:58
Guest67345gizmobay: Yea, I would suggest installing via apt17:58
ivelliosI will rewrite my question: I am using Ubuntu 8.04 as a server/router in my network. Yesterday I had an update and now I cannot resolve any names by ping: I get the message: ping: unknown host google.com. Everything in the network works fine (routing too; since I can write with you), but cannot connect from the terminal. Any ideas? DNS are up and fine (from my ISP). Ping returns: ping: sendmsg: Operation not permitted.17:59
Guest67345gizmobay: And yes, it should start automatically.  ps -A | grep noip217:59
dospod-_- this whole key thing is making me mad17:59
soj200In "System Info".. what does "Experience:  Standard" mean? Is that the best experience or i should mess around with my unknown driver.17:59
dospodthunderbird won't import my key file and neither will passwords in system tools18:00
leandro_rc2010como adcionar grupos no ubuntu 11.10 em modo grafico ?18:00
Pici!br | leandro_rc201018:00
ubottuleandro_rc2010: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:00
llutzivellios: have you set/changed any iptables-rules?18:01
ivelliosIlutz: no, I havent... everything was running great till yesterday18:02
Guest67345ivellios: It is ok for a gateway to not resolve domain names.18:02
llutzivellios: temporarily  remove any iptables-rules and check ping then18:03
ivelliosBut it was working before, it is also my server and client for irc bots :/18:03
soj200I would be better to have stars to indicate the experience rather than ambiguous terms like "Standard". That way if stars are greyed out, i know i don't have the best experience and need to tweak things. "Standard"  could mean anything18:03
ivelliosIllutz: how to remove "temporarily"18:03
Guest67345ivellios: llutz If it is a nat sever and he unloads iptables rules, it will break the LAN18:04
llutzivellios: save your rules into a file, unset all rules, test, reload rules18:04
gizmobayGuest67345: Thanks!18:04
rekalzjwhois soj20018:04
ivelliosyeah, I think that too... I am working through my LAN18:04
Guest67345ivellios: Are the clients unable to resovlve domain names? Or just the server?18:04
Guest67345gizmobay: NP18:05
ivelliosjust server, I am working on the computer in LAN and everything is fine18:05
Guest67345ivellios: Look at /etc/resov.conf and see what you have there.18:05
ivelliosI looked before: DNS of my ISP18:05
Guest67345ivellios: BUt... does it NEED to resovle domain names  for any particular reason?18:06
Guest67345ivellios: Can you ping that first one?18:06
mallaitheHey guys, I've just installed Ubuntu alongside Windows 7 on my Thinkpad x121e. The installation seemed to go fine, but it doesn't look like the bootloader was installed at all. I'd rather keep the existing WIndows 7 installation and just be able to boot (by default) into Ubuntu. Any suggestions?18:06
ivellioswell... yes, since I am using it as a host for my IRC bots18:06
ivelliosGuest67345: I get Operation not permitted18:07
mallaitheI installed 11.10 and chose the option to install alongside the other operating systems, just can't manage to boot into Ubuntu now =)18:07
ivelliosAFAIK it is good response for DNS18:07
Guest67345Operation not permitted?  ping ?18:08
ivelliosto DNS ? I think so... don't know18:08
Guest67345Doesn't sound like a network problem18:08
llutzsound like ICMP DROP18:08
Guest67345ivellios: What command was that?  ping  ?18:09
ivellioswell... if it were network, why would my computer work fine in the network?18:10
Guest67345ivellios: sudo ufw allow icmp18:10
DeltaEpsilonI am in  love with gnome3 + ubuntu18:10
DeltaEpsilonwhat do I do?18:10
qwebirc25001someone help please!18:11
konayaDeltaEpsilon, counselling.18:11
ivelliosGuest67345: Error: Bad port ?18:11
Guest67345ivellios: Is this server still 8.04 ?  If so, you really need to upgrade it.18:11
ivelliosI know, have no time sadly :/18:11
qwebirc25001I enabled atlantis cube and my unity dock is gone. ctrl alt t not working either18:11
ivelliosI am not expert in administration, so setting everything from basics is... a trouble for me. So tried not to upgrade as long as possible :/18:12
konayaUbuntu Server with a rolling release model would be my dream.18:13
DeltaEpsilonhow do I add a folder to my favo list in nautilus?18:13
llutzkonaya: you don't want rolling releases on servers18:13
konayaDeltaEpsilon, just drag it there.18:13
DeltaEpsilonkonaya, can :\18:13
ivelliossecond problem is... I cannot ping my server from outside :/ don't know why, my services are not available :/18:13
konayallutz, tell that to all the thriving Gentoo and Arch servers :)18:13
konayaAlthough you can't really use Arch on a server without looking like a fool, but yeah18:14
chaz|afkwynocks chewing through the cables?18:14
llutzivellios: pastebin output of "sudo iptables -vL" please18:14
Guest67345ivellios: Actually, if it's ubuntu-server you still have some time yet....18:14
Ferii5on5 on cs 1.618:15
A|i3Nok this is weird - I'm trying to set up an SSH key on my other box. It would appear it worked, I did "ssh-keygen -t rsa" and copied to server with ssh-copy-id but it's not asking me for the password for the key18:15
ivelliosIlutz: http://dpaste.com/665002/18:15
konayaA|i3N, did you supply ssh-keygen with a password when creating the key, then?18:15
A|i3Ni don't think the host is configured to allow key based logins - how do I change it?18:15
konayaOr did you just press enter?18:15
Guest67345ivellios: You may have an iptables rule restricting icmp on the outside nic18:16
ivelliosIlutz: one thing in line 37.18:16
konayaOr did I misunderstand you now?18:16
A|i3NYes I did but like I just said I don't think I set it up to allow key logins18:16
A|i3Nbut I don't know how to change that setting :)18:16
ivelliosI see in 37. line my old IP (it changed yesterday) :/18:16
chaz|afkA|i3N: /etc/sshd/sshd.conf18:16
konayaA|i3N, it's enabled by default.18:16
ivellios(or today)18:16
A|i3Nyea I think I might have turned it off but I don't know lol. Thank you I'll check there18:16
Frogging101I think I broke Unity or some part of the Ubuntu GUI. I was doing something and in the process I (stupidly) ran "sudo killall -9 gnome-session" now the sidebar thing doesn't show up anymore, and all I see at the top of the desktop screen is file, view, bookmarks etc. menus. Alt-tab doesn't work and I have been using the TTY to start programs since I can't get to any useful menus. How do I fix it?18:16
Frogging101I restarted and it didn't fix18:17
chaz|afkreboot three times18:17
ivelliosGuest67345: but it was working fine, why would I have such iptable entry now?18:17
llutzivellios: change that rule, set your actual ip18:17
Frogging101chaz|afk: Would that actually work?18:17
konayaTry starting unity from the command line, see what happens18:17
ivellioshow to change it... i still cannot understand chains (read about it for about 10 times :/ )18:17
chaz|afkor /etc/init.d/gdm restart18:18
Frogging101konaya: I did, it doesn't seem to change anything18:18
Frogging101chaz|afk: I'll try it18:18
Frogging101One sec18:18
konayaFrogging101, but what does it say? Stuff usually spit something out in the console.18:18
chaz|afkand rebooting three times usually only works the first time. :+)18:18
Frogging101konaya: I'll check18:18
ivelliosIlutz: on the line 12. too18:18
ivelliosbut still don't know how to change it18:18
Frogging101konaya: Hmm, it says unity-panel service process is not found. I'll try starting it and report18:19
konayaFrogging101, try making another user account on your computer and log in with that. If it works from that account but not from your usual account, something's messed up in your home directory.18:19
llutzivellios: http://gr8idea.info/os/tutorials/security/iptables9.html   follow this, it should show you the way to change the rules18:21
Frogging101konaya: Apparently... that's not a process :(18:21
Frogging101konaya: I'll try that solution18:21
konayaNo problemo18:21
Frogging101konaya: How do I create a new user account? I don't have access to anything useful, except for the TTY18:21
dluziusneed help going from a dual boot laptop to a triple boot18:21
sstaFrogging101: sudo adduser username18:21
Frogging101ssta: Thanks18:21
Guest67345ivellios: Was working fine until _______________?18:22
elb0wSo my system locks up daily since upgrading to newest ubuntu18:22
dluziusis there a way to install the third OS to a particular partition18:22
threexkhello.  How can you report a bug with Ubuntu packaging?  I am getting errors about packages not being from genuine sources on a vanilla 11.10 install.18:22
zagabarHow can I see where a loaded ELF file searches for a particular .so file? I do have the file on my system but it cannot find it.18:22
Guest67345dluzius: Sure.18:22
ivelliosGuest67345: until yesterday: host restarted itself twice, I have made alle updates and then my dynamic IP has changed :/18:23
dluziusplease tell me how...18:23
Guest67345zagabar: find18:23
ivelliosGuest67345: the change of IP wasnt problem before18:23
Guest67345zagabar: or locate18:23
elb0wanyone else get an issue where all of a sudden their screen starts flickering18:24
ivelliosGuest67345: but self-reseting never happened18:24
zagabarGuest67345: I am not looking for the file itself. I am looking for where the ELF file looks for it.18:24
elb0wand the system becomes unusable until a reboot?18:24
zagabarsomething similar to strace or such.18:24
zagabarTo see where the file tries to load the .so file from.18:24
Picithreexk: That is usually due to an uncompleted apt-get update or a mirror that hasn't synced fully.  Can you try running sudo apt-get update manually and then trying again?18:24
Guest67345ivellios: dynamic IP of the server changed?18:24
sstazagabar: ldd18:25
ivelliosGuest67345: Yes, IP from my ISP18:25
konayathreexk, even better: sudo apt-get -f update18:25
zagabarssta: Thanks.18:26
threexkPici, konaya: thanks much, I am trying18:26
ivelliosIlutz: new iptables: http://dpaste.com/665005/18:26
Timewarperi have a flash usb which i bought 3-4 years ago, it was relatively cheap. is it possible that it has wear-leveling?18:28
dluziushow do I specify the partition when installing a 3rd OS18:28
ivelliosIlutz: but still ping is not working :/18:29
threexkPici, konaya: After running sudo apt-get update I was able to complete the package update without errors.  Thanks.  So I had bad package indexes somehow...18:29
ivelliosllutz: http://dpaste.com/665005/ new iptables, but still not working (I have also deleted old entries)18:30
Guest67345dluzius DO you have any free space?18:30
omidoi just installed ubuntu and i want to install some software but its progressing on "Enabling component of the distribution" and it seems to take for years .18:30
Guest67345omido Patience is a virtue18:31
threexkkonaya, Pici: I still get this error: W: GPG error: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com oneiric Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 40976EAF437D05B5 Ubuntu Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>18:32
threexkkonaya, Pici: that is upon running sudo apt-get update18:32
sskalnikTimewarper, what is the make and model of the drive?18:33
ravenhow to deny complete domains like *.google.com?18:34
Guest67345raven: iptables18:34
sstathreexk: try "apt-key net-update"?18:34
pransaladHi guys. trying to install ubuntu server right now, but booting CD gives me this error: gfxboot.c32: not a COM32R image. The cd works in a different machine. any ideas?18:35
ravenGuest63969, how exactly18:35
threexkssta: tried it, but same error :/  I'll give Google a shot18:35
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sstathreexk: there's a package that autogets missing keys somewhere18:36
konayathreexk, odd. It shouldn't behave like that out of the box.18:36
konayaSure didn't for me.18:36
sstathreexk: umm, ISTR it's in some ppa18:37
sstathreexk: http://www.webupd8.org/2010/12/import-missing-gpg-keys-even-behind.html18:37
sskalnikpransalad, Which version of ubuntu server?18:37
Guest67345raven: iptables -A INPUT -i eth0  -p tcp -s -J DROP  #Or something like that.18:38
pransaladsskalnik: latest. 11.1018:38
sskalnikpransalad, Try typing "live" at the boot prompt.18:38
=== theborger is now known as linus
ghufranwhat exactly happened with the settings of ubuntu? nothing seems to be in place .. can't set default applications in 11.10. the only way to set (a few) of them is through system info and that doesn't work anyway .. does anyone know a solution?18:38
ravenGuest63969, tnx18:38
MeirDI have SSH connection between 2 computers on my network. Is there anyway I can how one computer's folder as a folder in the other computer?18:38
Guest67345ghufran: Unity?18:38
sstaghufran: it's a "feature"18:39
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sskalnikpransalad, Also, is this a literal CD or a USB installer from a Cd image?18:39
pransaladsskalnik: its doing *something*...18:39
ghufranssta: i don't know what is unity and what isn't anymore .. its the default installation one would do.. off of the cd18:39
Guest67345ghufran: sudo apt-get xubuntu-desktop  #If you want to try xfce18:39
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pransaladsskalnik: typing live into boot option seems to just leave it hanging there18:40
Guest67345ghufran: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop18:40
MeirDany ideas?18:40
pransaladill try a reboot and try again though18:40
MeirDI want to use Aptana on one computer to edit files on the other18:40
Guest67345MeirD: nfs18:40
sskalnikpransalad, OK. And this CD works on another machine?18:40
ghufranGuest67345: what will that do? i don't mind the current interface. will it let me see more options? or get back the old way of doing things?18:40
dr_willisor sshfs18:40
Gthothhi, having trouble with my "wacom bamboo pen" sensitivity since 10.10. That was the last version in witch my tablet worked fine. does anone have any clues about it? thanks for your time.18:40
threexkssta: I don't know if it was a good idea, but I moved /var/lib/apt/lists to /var/lib/apt/lists.old, then reran sudo apt-get update, and no errors...18:41
Guest67345ghufran: Would put you back to old way18:41
pransaladsskalnik: yes. works on a typical workstation. it is currently failing on a dell server18:41
MeirDsamba is not enough?18:41
threexkssta: per someone's advice on ubuntuforums.org18:41
dr_willisMeirD: that can work18:41
Guest67345ghufran: xfce is not exactly like gnome2 but similar18:41
MeirDhow? (I already have samba installed)18:41
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:42
ghufranGuest67345: so the new interface is limited in terms of control? or i just can't find it?18:42
MeirDok thnx18:42
* jiltdil gnome2 is better option to use rather than xfce18:42
sstathreexk: hmm, not sure how that would help, but of it works, fine :)18:42
pransaladsskalnik: yea 'live' just makes it hang there with nothing more18:42
dr_willisMeirD: sshfs is more straight foward i find.18:42
Guest67345MeirD:  Are you talking about sharing a directory between two linux PCs?18:42
threexkssta: OK, hopefully I have not subtly messed up something on my system18:42
ghufranGuest67345: like 10.04?18:43
dr_willisMeirD:  sshfs is very handy for that18:43
MeirDthnx, will try that18:43
sstathreexk: doubt it.  If you move the lists, they just get rebuilt the next time you update I think...18:43
Guest67345ghufran: Yes, limited in terms on control or customization. That is the usual complaint - to which the common solution is to switch to xfce18:43
ubottusshfs is a !Fuse based filesystem which allows you to mount a remote system over !SSH - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS for instructions18:43
rodhashHi all... could someone give me some help to pair a bluetooth keyboard ?? (microsoft keyboard 6000)18:43
Guest67345ghufran: Yes, like 10.0418:43
mushydr_willis, you were right using upgrade kept my personal documents!18:43
sskalnikpransalad, Interesting. Only seen that issue on USB sticks, where the "live" or "help" options are a workaround.18:44
mushydr_willis, however since i installed the netbook edition initially it deleted my gnome and xfce install18:44
dr_willismushy: of course it did :-)18:44
Guest67345ghufran: In fact, with a little configuration, xfce can be made to look and feel almost exactly like gnome2.  /join #xfce18:44
sstasshfs is cool unless you're on a really slow system18:44
sskalnikghufran, Yeeees join usssss18:44
mushythe 11.10 netbook gui is def improved but it still hinders my workflow18:44
dr_willismushy: netbook thats old versio?.18:45
ghufranGuest67345: gnome2 is what i am supposed to have right now?18:45
Guest67345I just use nfs18:45
mushydr_willis, it was 10.10 not an old version18:45
qwertzHello, after mounting my laptop with empty battery, it does not boot anymore. It says: http://pastebin.com/LMFfSTe618:45
pransaladsskalnik: any idea where i can go from here to get it working?18:45
mushydr_willis, but it would appear 11.10 has its own netbook version18:45
dr_willismushy: 11.10 is not a netbook edition18:45
Guest67345ghufran: NO.  gnome2 is what 10.04 had.18:45
mushydr_willis, it has one, would you like a screenshot?18:46
dr_willisnetbbok version is same as desktoo18:46
mushyall it is, is a what do you call it18:46
CharminTheMooseWhy are all these weird characters appearing in the save dialog? http://imagebin.org/18667518:46
mushya different gui18:46
ghufranGuest67345: why not install 10.04 instead then! i just installed 11.1 anyway18:47
Guest67345ghufran: it's up to you.18:47
norwackQuestion: How can i make ubuntu 11.10 to look like e.g debian or similar to windows?18:47
Guest67345CharminTheMoose: What weird  characters?18:48
MonkeyDustnorwack  you find themes and tutorials online18:48
=== JoFo_ is now known as JoFo
sstaGuest67345: in the title bar of the dialog I think he means...18:48
dr_willisnorwack: install lubuntu perhaps18:48
norwackMonkeyDust: Can you provide me a link?18:48
teddienorwack, you mean like a taskbar? .. install tint218:48
sskalnikpransalad, I would file a bug report and/or post in the forums. Just to confirm, this is the server installer?18:48
pransaladsskalnik: correct18:49
pransaladubuntu logo has appeared..18:49
MonkeyDustnorwack  there's something chinese, moment18:49
Guest67345CharminTheMoose: You mean battery life and uptime and RAM and all that?18:49
sskalnikpransalad, I suppose you could just delete the gfxboot line in isolinux.cfg18:50
pransaladsskalnik: it might actually be loading now as i see the logo on screen now18:50
MonkeyDustnorwack  http://ylmf.org/18:50
pransaladjust.. 7 minutes with nothing happening is a little long :/18:50
sskalnikpransalad, Interesting. What did you change?18:50
sskalnikpransalad, Also, did you check the disk for errors?18:51
sstayou're getting a logo on the server install?!18:51
sstasomebody needs shooting18:51
ubottuTo start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode18:51
=== jbuchanan-lunch is now known as jbuchanan
sskalnikssta, does that not normally happen?18:51
sstasskalnik: well, it didn't in 10.04server.18:51
sskalnikssta, Because the logo comes up in 12.04. I could swear it did in previous versions too18:52
pransaladsskalnik: my cd burning app had checked after writing, but thats all for error checking goes. i presumed that since it works without issue on other machines that wouldnt be a problem18:52
sskalnikpransalad, Indeed.18:52
* ssta resists the tempation to rant...18:53
pransaladwill see how this goes, seems to be progressing now albeit slowly18:53
sskalnikdr_willis, I totally forgot about 'text'; good call18:53
sodanihello, any suggestions for a free text editor for development purposes?18:53
firefly2442sodani, on Linux?18:54
* sskalnik resists the urge to reply 'vim'18:54
Guest67345sodani: vim18:54
pransaladinb4 flood of editors18:54
threexksodani: vim or emacs18:54
teddievim and emacs are /so/ mainstream18:54
pransalad+1 for vim18:54
threexksodani: and by that I mean vim18:54
sskalnikinb4 holy war18:54
pransaladsodani: console or gui editors?18:55
sodanilooking for gui editor18:55
pransaladsublime text editor18:55
sodaniI already use vim for console18:55
threexksodani:  gvim18:55
pransaladsublime all the way. actually makes things fun again18:55
sodanithanks for the suggestions. i'll check them out18:55
escottsodani, then use gvim. i think its better to be great at one tool than merely proficient at a dozen18:56
Guest67345escott: good point18:56
sskalnikpransalad, Is sublime in an official repo?18:56
pransaladsskalnik: im unsure tbh18:57
uqlevwhat can I use as pastebin client in Ubuntu? in gentoo wgetpaste18:57
firefly2442Anyone run a tomcat6 server? I can't seem to find where the log files are18:57
sskalnikpransalad, I have not heard of it, but am interested in trying it.18:57
sstauqlev: pastebinit?18:57
uqlevssta, is it python's one?18:57
pransaladahh sskalnik: thinking about it, its not an open source app so most likely not in a repo18:57
Scunizi*info* for google searchers.. goosh.org is google search using common unix-shell commands18:58
pransaladhttp://www.sublimetext.com/blog/articles/sublime-text-2-beta   <- if youre interested though18:58
sstauqlev: umm, it's a pythin script.  Not ssure if that makes it "python's one" or not18:58
sskalnikpransalad, A pity. I found it anyway. May give it a go.18:58
uqlevssta, thank you! I will try18:59
sstauqlev: you go: "somecommand | pastebinit" and pit puts the output in a pastebin and tells you the URL18:59
sstauqlev: damn, I can't type today, sorry.  Anyway, I'm not sure if that's what you want or not18:59
uqlevssta, thank you19:00
toomaihi all19:00
pransaladi may start taking bets on this server install soon... still booting19:00
teddieHello toomai19:00
toomaianyone got an idea where the general log files are? /var/log/messages seem to be out of the scope since 11.0419:00
wildc4rdevenin' all19:04
escotttoomai, try /var/log/syslog19:04
cncking2000Is it normal to have to run udhcpc 4 times on a netboot install?19:04
toomaiescott: oh my...might be true....I am getting old...and actually, why chaning it :)19:04
cncking2000I am thinking that this is something worthy of a bug report.19:05
CharminTheMooseGuest67345, I mean the characters in the title bar of the dialog. The stuff at the top of the screen is conky.19:06
cncking2000Is it normal to have to run udhcpc 4 times on a netboot install?19:07
escotttoomai, supposedly it has to do with the category (info,warn,notice,error) passed to syslog. they may have just decided that the categories weren't correct enough to bother having a seperate log file for non-critical messages. im sure you could reenable it by tweaking your syslog.conf19:07
cncking2000Why is it taking 11 minutes to download the kernel on a 100Mbit server today?19:08
cncking2000And again, why is udhcpc releasing the IP address in the middle of the install?19:09
toomaiescott: yes, that is true...but still...RHEL, SuSE, Debian...all do it the same way...I am just wondering19:09
escotttoomai, ill be honest. i dont know the difference so I just have to grep everything. they may have felt that for the target userbase it was just one more file, and one more way to confuse people so that they miss important messages19:10
lauratikais is possible that my cdrom is desconfigurated?19:11
toomaiescott: well, thanks a lot!19:11
escottlauratika, what is the problem?19:12
lauratikaisnert a dvd and it wont play19:13
lauratikadvd works fine in other pc19:13
escott!dvd | lauratika make sure you run the script in /usr/lib/libdvdcss19:14
ubottulauratika make sure you run the script in /usr/lib/libdvdcss: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:14
regeyaanyone here have a firewire dv camera working with 11.10?19:16
ubuntunoobhow do i run .pl file extentions?19:16
lauratikaNo such file or directory19:16
ubuntunoobi get error s when i chmod +x `em and run `em19:16
escottubuntunoob, thats a perl file, you can also run it with perl file.pl19:16
Guido1I'm just changing from windows to linux and I like it.19:16
Guido1there are only some strange things. the only working instalation CD is ubuntu 9.04 (than i upgread to 10.04)19:16
Guido1now i would instal it on another computer, but there i have som problems with displaying it19:16
FloodBot1Guido1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:16
Ampelbeinubuntunoob: Is the interpreter set correctly? (The thing after #! in the first line) It should point to perl.19:17
ubuntunoobdo i need pearl installed on my pc?19:17
escottubuntunoob, it is already installed19:17
ubuntunoobok so what do i do now?19:17
Ampelbeinubuntunoob: no, you need perl.19:17
ubuntunoobsays failed to compile at line 46,47,48 :S19:18
cncking2000Windows 2008 server vs Ubuntu 11.04. Windows 1, Ubuntu 0. Ubuntu 11.04 cant even install on a IBM X335, it seems to release the ip address multiple times during the install, preventing forward progress. Just want to let everyone know this issue. I have tried 4 different servers, no change. The default out of the box config does not work. In the meantime, it seems that 2008 server also handles static web better, with much lower latenc19:18
Ampelbeinubuntunoob: So, it's probably not valid perl.19:18
DD2hey guys, my headphone is not working i did a troubleshoot and here's the result http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=ce23df06d74ba1b2c7d8b181eacfdf7b869eb12a, plz guide me what's wrong, it just stopped working suddenly for no apparent reason19:19
Ampelbeincncking2000: Can you file a bug about that at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/debian-installer/+filebug ?19:19
escottubuntunoob, where did you get this script?19:19
cncking2000How do you change the mirror in 11.04 netinstall?19:20
cncking2000The only option is us.archive.ubuntu.org, which as of right now is being painfully slow for me.19:20
Guido1the problem is that there is no normal monitor conected. I have conected it to my televisie with the yellow video conection19:20
ubuntunoobfrom a website, escott19:20
escottDD2, have you tried the hda_analyzer script?19:21
linux4uI know I have done this before just cant remember the options.  I want to mount an existing directory under another directory. like mount /onedirectory /home/anotherdirectory19:21
ubuntunooba "website" ;)19:21
DD2escott: no, what's that ?19:21
Ampelbeincncking2000: You can input the data by hand if you choose the topmost slection at the language selection screen I think.19:21
Ampelbeincncking2000: Either there or at the country selection is an option to input data manually.19:22
=== petr is now known as Guest11131
bagelsI'm using a Dell Inspiron 1090.  I can't get the touchscreen to calibrate.  The Y axis is always inverted.19:22
bagelsCan anyone help  me calibrate it?19:22
escottDD2, intel hda sound has multiple output pins and every laptop is unique in what those pins are attached to. its likely that your headphones are attached to pin 15 but the default assumption is pin 13 (just making those numbers up) and thats why the headphones dont work. hda_analyzer available at the alsa website will allow you to manually play with what output pins are enabled19:22
escottbagels, you can use xinput to put a transformation matrix on the coordinates19:23
cncking2000Ampelbein: Thanks for the help, is the main mirror just slow?19:23
bagelsescott, you're speaking foreign to me.19:23
cncking2000At least for today?19:23
bagelsescott can you tell me how to do this19:23
rinzaiI've everyone!19:23
Ampelbeincncking2000: Could be a multitude of problems, carrier, load, etc... normally it's reasonably fast.19:24
bagelslol rinzai19:24
rinzai(take 2)19:24
rinzaiHi everyone!19:24
bagelshi Guest1113119:24
Ampelbeinbagels: Is it an Elo touchscreen?19:24
rinzaiI've upgraded to Natty yesterday and just noticed today that gEdit is 3.x19:25
bagelsAmpelbein, I don't know, it's installed in the laptop.  How do I find out?19:25
rinzaihow can I revert back to 2.x?19:25
escottbagels, not entirely, but i can point you in the direction. xinput list; figure out what number is your touchscreen. xinput list-props ##; you will see a coordinate transform matrix. that is the number you want to change19:25
cncking2000Ampelbein: Thank you for the help, Ill submit a bug report on the DHCP thing, and I will try to find this option so that I can change mirrors.19:25
rinzai(There's a plugin which I *really* need and only works with 2.x)19:25
rinzaisorry I mean 11.1019:26
rinzainot Natty -___-19:26
Ampelbeinbagels: 'sudo lshw | grep Elo'19:26
bagelsAmpelbein, it just says ... no wait, it went away.19:27
os1risin an older version of debian is there a command to print all services that will start on boot19:27
Ampelbeinbagels: I looked up the inspiron 1090, seems it's an eGalax touchscreen.19:28
bagelsAmpelbein, escott , here's a pastebin of xinput list-props19:29
bagelsAmpelbein, escott I installed the driver but it refuses to configure.19:29
ThinkT510os1ris: you could ask in #debian19:30
wimaxubuntuanyone know how the Ubuntu 11.10 network manager handles wimax usb cards?19:30
Guido1I'm just changing from windows to linux and I like it.19:31
Guido1there are only some strange things. the only working installation CD is ubuntu 9.04 (than I upgrade to 10.04)19:31
Guido1now I would like to install it on another computer, but there I have some problems with displaying it.19:31
Guido1the problem is that there is no normal monitor connected. I have connected it to my television with the yellow video connection.19:31
Guido1Can I install it or have I to connect it to another monitor? If I try it, it is very long black. longer, than with another monitor. If I connect another monitor I can only see it on the other monitor and the television doesn't get any signal. Can I change the output after installing ubuntu?19:31
FloodBot1Guido1: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:31
Ampelbeinbagels: Is there a file called /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/20thirdparty/50-eGalax.fdi ?19:31
Guido1is that the good link?19:32
bagelsAmpelbein, there isn't even a 20thirdparty folder.19:32
wimaxubuntuGuido1: the link works19:33
ubuntu123 test19:33
ThinkT510!test | ubuntu19:33
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps |19:33
ubottuubuntu: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )19:33
cari_veri_udtest 32119:33
WeemsIf I have lost my top panel in ubuntu classic (11.10) how can I add it back?19:34
Ampelbeinbagels: If you are on 10.10 or newer: /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/ should contain the configuration files.19:34
wimaxubuntuGuido1: you could change terminals through Ctrl+Alt+F1 then back with Ctrl+Alt+F719:34
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps serialsito19:34
bagelsAmpelbein, what do i do with these19:34
Ampelbeinbagels: Look if there is a mention of eGalax in any. If so, please pastebin it.19:34
ThinkT510somebody kick RaTTuS|BIG19:35
wimaxubuntuWeems: http://tombuntu.com/index.php/2011/09/11/install-the-classic-desktop-in-ubuntu-11-10/19:35
Guido1so the output wil automaticly work?19:35
ubuntu!test | ubuntu19:35
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps |19:35
ubottuubuntu, please see my private message19:35
wimaxubuntuGuido1: that is something you can try if it fails to appear on the TV19:35
ThinkT510ubuntu: what are you trying to do?19:36
wimaxubuntuanyone know how the Ubuntu 11.10 network manager handles wimax usb cards? I can't get mine to work.19:36
cari_veri_udis it possible to start unity without compiz?19:36
Guido1okee, thanks :-)19:36
bagelsAmpelbein, http://pastebin.com/NccxkVRd19:36
wimaxubuntucari_veri_ud: before login, select Unity 2D19:36
escottcari_veri_ud, unity-2d19:36
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Weemswimaxubuntu: I have it installed but I cant get to where I can add it19:37
cari_veri_udwimaxubuntu: , escott ok thanks , ill try.19:37
Ampelbeinbagels: Try to add 'Option "InvertY" "1" ' under the line with Driver "evdev"19:38
Ampelbeinbagels: and reboot.19:38
ThinkT510out of interest what window manager does unity2d use?19:38
Guido1is there an option to see it on both screns? the computer has some more outputs. does it depend on wich a screan is conected or do i need more shortcuts to change?19:38
escottThinkT510, metacity19:39
ThinkT510escott: oh19:39
wimaxubuntuWeems: try holding Super-key (Win Key) + Alt and right click19:39
=== Lizard_ is now known as Dr_azil
Dr_azilMay I ask for some help?19:40
ThinkT510!ask | Dr_azil19:40
ubottuDr_azil: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:40
=== Dr_azil is now known as Dr_Azil
Weemswimaxubuntu: doing win+alt right click gives me the same menu as right click19:41
aasimwhat is the system req for ubuntu 11    ( 64 bit )?19:41
Dr_AzilWell now =\19:41
wimaxubuntuWeems: Okay, it worked for me, there are lots of sites explaining how to replace unity with gnome319:41
wimaxubuntuWeems: http://ubuntugenius.wordpress.com/2011/10/23/ubuntu-11-10-fix-how-to-add-the-classic-desktop-and-gnome-3-shell-as-login-options/19:41
WeemsI am using classic19:41
aasimwhat is the system req for ubuntu 11    ( 64 bit )?19:41
aasimwhat is the system req for ubuntu 11    ( 64 bit )?19:42
aasimwhat is the system req for ubuntu 11    ( 64 bit )?19:42
FloodBot1aasim: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:42
bagelsAmpelbein, didn't help19:42
wimaxubuntuanyone know how the Ubuntu 11.10 network manager handles wimax usb cards? I can't get mine to work.19:42
escottbagels, did you restart the X server?19:42
bagelsescott, i rebooted19:43
Weemswimaxubuntu: I have the ubuntu classic environment option19:43
ScorpioHi. I'm running 11.04 on virtualbox and I've been trying to share it's files to the host. Any help ?19:43
Weemswimaxubuntu: I just cant add the top panel19:43
ThinkT510Scorpio: what is the host?19:43
ScorpioThinkT510: win7 x6419:44
wimaxubuntuWeems: When I changed to classic, it had a top and bottom panel, I removed the bottom panel and put the windows at the top, is that what you desire?19:44
ThinkT510Scorpio: ssh maybe?19:44
milen8204Anyone knows  a program which  converts mp4 and fvl files to mp3 files ?19:45
ScorpioThinkT510: isn't there a way for the ubuntu share to show up at my regular network places ?19:45
Ampelbeinbagels: I'm out of ideas then, maybe try asking on askubuntu.com19:45
escott!samba | Scorpio19:45
ubottuScorpio: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:45
=== tommyvyo_ is now known as wtm8
M0TRN_th1why is the window manager in ubuntu 11.10 so suck?!19:45
M0TRN_th1like going from Windows Vista to Windows 3.1119:45
=== wtm8 is now known as wtfm8
ThinkT510Scorpio: not sure, i've never needed to share files from guest to host (only ever been host to guest with me)19:46
M0TRN_th1or bad example but it sucks\19:46
escott!notunity | M0TRN_th119:46
ubottuM0TRN_th1: Ubuntu 11.10 uses GNOME 3 with the !unity shell by default.  To use GNOME Shell instead, install the "gnome-shell" package and investigate "gnome-tweak-tool".  For GNOME Fallback mode, which is similar to GNOME 2, install "gnome-panel". Both packages will place entries in the Sessions dropdown. Using Natty? See !classic19:46
M0TRN_th1escott, I don't care about the unity thing I care about window switching with alt-tab and the like19:46
wimaxubuntuWeems: When you right click the existing panel with SuperKey (WinKey) + Alt, you should get a "New Panel" option19:46
Scorpiowill samba enable me to make a vm ubuntu folder visable to my win7 host ?19:46
bagelsDoes anyone know how to caibrate an egalaxy touch screen?19:47
WeemsI dont have one19:47
M0TRN_th1escott, I just want the normal window manager I can live with the Unity bar and that19:47
Weemsso theres nothing to click19:47
Weemstheres the bottom one where the applications are19:47
Weemsbut not a top one19:47
M0TRN_th1but I dont' like it when I press alt-tab to switch to a console and then it raises ALL the console windows.. how can I get rid of that?19:47
escottM0TRN_th1, your 11.10 unity window manager is unchanged from 11.0419:47
wimaxubuntuWeems: on the bottom one, did you try to right click with the WinKey + Alt?19:47
M0TRN_th1escott, I wasn't using Unity in 11.0419:47
M0TRN_th1how can that be configured to stop doing that particular thing?19:48
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M0TRN_th1if it can I may be able to use it..19:48
escott!ccsm | M0TRN_th119:48
ubottuM0TRN_th1: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' (or 'simple-ccsm' for pre-Oneiric). If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz19:48
Weemswimaxubuntu: I get move and remove from panel19:48
Guido1I just tryed it with my laptop. the monitor gets a signal, but nothing is displayed19:48
wimaxubuntuWeems: try clicking on the bottom panel where there are no open programs (empty space), the options should change then19:49
wimaxubuntuanyone know how the Ubuntu 11.10 network manager handles wimax usb cards?19:49
=== dtriley4 is now known as thomasv
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps PsyTrance19:50
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )19:50
Weemswimaxubuntu: thats where I clicked (on the left before the applications) and got move and remove from panel, the rest I get the same thing as right click19:50
ThinkT510can someone kick RaTTuS|BIG ?19:50
ubuntunoobRaTTuS|BIG , lol19:50
wimaxubuntuWeems: try where you see the open windows but in the empty space there (near middle of bar)19:50
M0TRN_th1thanks escott I have installed it now, but all the window switchers are disabled what is the default one?19:51
Weemsthere is no open space in the middle19:51
shomonhi, how do I diagnose audio not working in ubuntu 10.10?19:51
wimaxubuntuWeems: can you close some programs to make space?19:51
Weemsjust applications the only open space is to the left where there is a separator19:51
Weemsit scales19:51
ThinkT510shomon: check alsamixer in a terminal19:52
kevin2128hey guys. Anyone had any luck getting the plymouth boot screen working with Nouveau 3d drivers?19:52
wimaxubuntuWeems: if you can get down to one program or two, scaling should stop19:52
shomonlevels look normal ThinkT51019:52
Weemsok I get add to panel now19:52
kevin2128I only get black screen on 11.1019:52
M0TRN_th1yikes windows crashed when I closed CCSM19:52
ThinkT510shomon: none muted?19:52
M0TRN_th1I mean Unity19:52
shomonat least first page of them: master, headphone, speaker19:52
wimaxubuntuWeems:there we go, I wish it were easier to find, but that is how you add panels19:52
shomonyay! thanks , speaker was muted ThinkT510 brilliant19:53
wimaxubuntuWeems: i have to go now, do you have any further questions?19:53
ThinkT510shomon: no worries :)19:53
Weemsbut I cant move it to the top..19:53
wimaxubuntuWeems: Sorry, I meant "New Panel" its in the right click drop down19:54
wimaxubuntuWeems: then on the new panel, special right click with properties, and change orientation19:54
M0TRN_th1argh I enabled "Application Switcher" in CCSM and then it came up that Alt-Tab conflicts with Unity Plugin then I said Assign anyway, but then Unity crashed and respawned and its still its crappy switcher on alt-tab19:54
M0TRN_th1how can I get rid of it?19:54
milen8204Anyone knows  a program which  converts mp4 and fvl files to mp3 files ?19:55
M0TRN_th1milamber, mplayer + lame?19:55
wimaxubuntuWeems: Did I lose you somewhere?19:55
Weemswimaxubuntu: got it now. thanks for the help19:56
wimaxubuntuWeems: not a problem, have a great day19:56
ThinkT510milen8204: ffmpeg19:56
=== nathan_ is now known as Guest17839
Guido1I just tryed Ctrl+Alt+F1 then back with Ctrl+Alt+F7 with my laptop. the monitor gets a signal but no picture, the laptop screen appears black. changing back works19:56
gribouillewhen I try to start gvim, I get the following error message : "(gvim:9660): Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libgail-gnome' which is needed to make this application accessible   (gvim:9660): Gnome-WARNING **: Accessibility: failed to find module 'libgail' which is needed to make this application accessible   ERROR:accessible.c:556:spi_accessible_construct: assertion failed: (o)" what does it mean?19:57
ScorpioOk guys I've installed samba and for now created an unsecure share just to test it. but still not visible in my VBOXSVR. Any ideas ? I'm new to networking Ubuntu with Windows19:57
milen8204ThinkT510, does not work for me :(19:57
escottgribouille, it means libgail is not present so the accessibility features will be missing. if you dont need accessibility (screen reading etc) dont worry about it19:58
szalScorpio: is the VM running on the same machine?19:58
gribouilleescott, but gvim crashes, so I worry19:58
Scorpioszal: yes. Virtualbox19:58
gribouilleescott, how can I disable accessibility?19:59
szalScorpio: then why not just use a shared folder as defined in the settings of the VM?19:59
M0TRN_th1every time I try to give Unity a chance it barfs in  my face and makes me frustrated and want to smash my laptop19:59
kevin2128I can't use Unity either on my desktop19:59
ThinkT510szal: he wants to share from guest to host19:59
cleitoni from brazil19:59
kevin2128but it works great on my laptop19:59
cleitonand you?19:59
kevin2128which is strange19:59
kevin2128it's like night and day.19:59
M0TRN_th1kevin2128, it never works "great" :)19:59
escottgribouille, if it is crashing then make sure libgail is installed. it looks like it needs libgail1820:00
szalcleiton: not important here; this is support, if you want to chat, please go to #ubuntu-offtopic20:00
Scorpioszal: because its for the client to view host files and I want it the other way around20:00
kevin2128well, yeah great in comparison20:00
kevin2128I'm using GNOME 3 now.20:00
M0TRN_th1kevin2128, is it better?20:00
bobweaverHi there I am using ubuntu 11.10 and have a bad battery in my machine. with kde and other desktops it gives me like 30 seconds untill it powers off. but with unity it asks if I want to power off or cancel I press cancel and it powers off is there any way to fix this? short of hbuying a new nattery ?20:00
kevin2128yeah it runs better, but it's messy to me.20:00
M0TRN_th1I am thinking of switching to another distro even though I have used Ubuntu for 5 years or so20:00
bobweaveronce unpluged ^^20:00
kevin2128I hate having to click activities every time I want to launch a program.20:00
BoohbahM0TRN_th1: try arch linux, it's awesome20:01
gribouilleescott, libgail18 is installed20:01
kevin2128I installed synapse cause all the window resizing was giving me a migraine20:01
ThinkT510M0TRN_th1: why not switch desktop? xfce is great20:01
kevin2128fonts are always ugly in xfce to me.20:01
M0TRN_th1ThinkT510, I like some of the compiz stuff like Windows-W for show all windows etc.20:01
szalScorpio: you could link what you want to share from the VM to the shared folder20:01
kevin2128I gotta have perdy fonts20:01
Guest67345milen8204: ffmpeg -i file.fvl -map_meta_data 0:0,s0 New.mp320:01
bobweaverkevin2128:  add fonts :>)20:01
cleitonARIANA FROM BRAZIL???20:01
ThinkT510M0TRN_th1: you can use compiz on xfce if you want20:02
Boohbahcleiton: looks like ariana from deutschland20:02
kevin2128i did but there's just something about the way anit-aliasing works on my system20:02
escottgribouille, what does ldd `which gvim` | grep gail say20:02
cekwtf, guys. who knows sudo here?20:02
Scorpioszal: the equivalent of an mlink ?20:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:02
cekuser ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tcpdump -- reuests user for password20:02
Loshkicleiton: you know about this, right? !br20:02
bobweaver!sudo | cek20:02
ubottucek: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo20:02
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:02
CharminTheMooseWhy are all these weird characters appearing in the save dialog? http://imagebin.org/18667520:03
gribouilleescott, libgailutil.so.18 => /usr/lib/i386-linux-gnu/libgailutil.so.18 (0xb5a69000)20:03
cekwhat'sthe correct syntax there?20:03
wendicohello, i have bought a wifi adapter but it is not working by default, how to install? (Ralink 802.11n Wlan)20:03
kevin2128Question: anyone had any luck getting plymouth boot splash working in 11.10 with nouveau 3d drivers???20:03
bobweaverthat looks like suderors file there cek20:03
AlanBellbobweaver: ultimately you need a new battery, but you might be able to recover a bit of life from that one by completely running it down, perhaps by leaving it on the bios screen for as long as possible, then charge it up20:03
ThinkT510cek: why do you want to stop password prompts?20:03
milen8204Guest67345, thanks20:03
kevin2128I'm getting black screen from boot until light dm comes up20:03
bobweaverAlanBell: thanks20:03
VarazirHello Is there a way make a service start if it fails ?20:03
Boohbahcek: s/root/user/20:04
bobweaverVarazir: sudo services <name >  <start stop restart >20:04
Guest67345Varazir: I think you would need to figure out why it fails.20:04
Boohbahcek: http://www.linuxhomenetworking.com/wiki/index.php/Quick_HOWTO_:_Ch09_:_Linux_Users_and_Sudo#Granting_Access_Without_Needing_Passwords20:04
escottgribouille, do you have anything pinned?20:04
Varazirbobweaver: I know how to start it20:04
gribouilleescott, no20:04
gribouilleescott, why?20:04
Guido1what can i do?20:05
bobweaverVarazir:  what service is failing ?>20:05
Guest67345Varazir: sudo services <name> start20:05
wendicohello, how to install my wireless network adapter?20:05
AlanBell!ralink | wendico20:05
ubottuwendico: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs20:05
VarazirGuest67345: I know why it fail. lightdm fail to start due to my amplifier is not on20:05
Guest67345wendico: What do you mean install it?20:05
escottgribouille, it sounds like the version of libgail installed is not compatible with the version of gvim you have installed. i would try and reinstall those versions/make sure you are using the versions in the default ubuntu archives20:05
bobweaverwendico:  please open terminal and type l;spci -nn and use paste.ubuntu.com20:05
cekwell that's exactly what im doing20:06
cek%operator ALL= NOPASSWD: /sbin/20:06
bobweaverlspci -nn20:06
cekin my case ,  user ALL = (root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/tcpdump20:06
gribouilleescott, but that's what I did. I did a fresh install of oneiric20:06
bobweaverwendico: ^^20:06
Guest67345wendico: If it is physically installed already, see what iwconfig says about it first.   iwconfig20:06
LoshkiVarazir:  sudo service <name> start <-- note "service" is singular, not plural...20:06
escottgribouille, and this is a 32bit install?20:06
VarazirGuest67345: I get "no screen found" error and it's true there is no screen connected if the amplifier is noy turned on20:06
gribouilleescott, yes20:06
wendicolooks like installed, but it is not detecting any wifi20:06
bobweaverwendico:  please open terminal and type in lspci -nn    then pastebin it20:07
Guest67345wendico: Don't see it in the network manager?20:07
VarazirLoshki: yes I know how to start it but I don't llike to login to shell and start it every time I forget to turn on the amplifier in time20:07
gribouilleescott, what version of libgail should I be using?20:07
Guest67345Varazir: lspci -nn |pastebinit  #And send us the resulting URL20:08
BoohbahGuido1: that depends, what kind of graphics card do you have? lspci | grep -i vga20:08
Guido1how can i find that out?20:08
Guest67345wendico: lspci -nn |pastebinit  #And send us the resulting URL20:08
bobweaverVarazir:  put it (service) in rc so it starrts on upstart ?20:08
escottgribouille, gvim is still using the old gtk2 libraries and the associated gail library. but it appears you have that installed. can you ldd `which gvim` and make sure that there are no missing libraries. did you install gvim or gnome-vim20:09
Guest67345Varazir: (Sorry wrong nick)20:09
Varazirbobweaver: lightdm starts if I have turned on the amplifier20:09
wendicohttp://pastebin.com/qRCmuxxz note that i should have 3 wifi network20:09
Varazirso there is no problem with the OS20:09
bobweaverwendico:  lsmoid | grep ath5k20:10
gribouilleescott, gvim has all the required libraries.20:10
BoohbahGuido1: also, if your second computer has network then you can install it with the normal monitor and start the sshd, then disconnect the monitor and ssh in from your first computer to continue the install20:10
bobweaverwendico: lsmod | grep ath5k20:10
gribouilleescott, I have installed vim-gnome, vim-gtk, vim-gui-common20:11
VarazirI need to restart lightdm with intervals 1 min 2 min 3 min 4 min and then stop trying to start it20:11
BoohbahGuido1: lspci | grep -i vga20:11
Guido1what is the sshd?20:12
wendicoshould i pastebin ^^ lsmod | grep ath5k  ??20:12
bobweaversis it come up wendico`20:12
bobweaverdid *20:12
escottgribouille, i dont know exactly what is going on, but on my system i have vim-gnome, and vim-gui-common but vim-gtk is NOT installed. i would try removing all vim related packages and then install only vim-gnome in case there is a conflict of some kind20:12
Guest67345wendico: should be just one line20:12
faiobThere is peapol have to do upgrade regular of ubuntu Ubuntu 10.04.3 LTS ?20:12
BoohbahGuido1: Secure Shell Daemon (Server)20:12
escottVarazir, does gdm work? why not just install it20:13
bobweaverwendico:  I have the same card it uses the ath5k modualk20:13
wendico3 lines:20:13
wendicoath5k                 121632  020:13
wendicoath                     7611  1 ath5k20:13
wendicomac80211              205402  4 rt2x00usb,rt2x00lib,rtl8187,ath5k20:13
wendicocfg80211              126112  5 rt2x00lib,rtl8187,ath5k,ath,mac8021120:13
FloodBot1wendico: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
wendicoled_class               2864  3 rt2x00lib,rtl8187,ath5k20:13
Varazirtried with a simple script service lightdm status but it gives true if it's stoped or started20:13
wendicosorry for flod20:13
bobweaverwendico:  sudo rmmod ath5k   && sudo modprobe ath5k20:13
gribouilleescott, I removed vim-gtk, but it doesn't change anything20:13
escottgribouille, reinstall vim-gnome and vim-gui-common20:14
Varazirescott: I guess I could go around the problem if the system wouldn't scan for screens on upstart and just use the last known settings20:14
bobweaverwendico:  what is up woith all the realtek cards ?20:14
wendicobut maybe your helping me with what it is working, my atheros card is working correctly, i have 3 network cards, only one not working wich is new. Ateros working, rtl working20:14
Guido1the computer has internet20:14
Guido1so instal linux, instal this with the software center and ready20:14
wendicothe one not working is ralink20:14
cekПтн Дек  2 22:14:39 EET 201120:14
escottVarazir, you can try to force that behavior by setting an Xorg.conf20:15
bobweaverwendico: ohh20:15
cek    Декабрь 201120:15
cekПн Вт Ср Чт Пт Сб Вс20:15
cek          1  2  3  420:15
cek 5  6  7  8  9 10 1120:15
cek12 13 14 15 16 17 1820:15
FloodBot1cek: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:15
bobweaverlsusb wendico20:15
ThinkT510!ru | cek20:15
ubottucek: Пожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.20:15
bobweaverthey are usb right wendico20:15
Guido1my laptop: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. CN896/VN896/P4M900 [Chrome 9 HC] (rev 01)20:15
wendicoyes, two usb, realtek (working) ralink (not workin) Ahteros built in laptop (workin)20:16
Varazirescott: any idea what I should search for to do that ?20:16
wendicoThis one not working --> Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0bda:8187 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. RTL8187 Wireless Adapter20:16
gribouilleescott, I reinstalled vim-gnome and vim-gui-common, but the problem remains20:17
wendicothis one not working --> Bus 001 Device 004: ID 148f:3070 Ralink Technology, Corp.20:17
bobweaverwendico:  ok lets see lsusb and cat  cat /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf20:17
bobweaverthansk wendico lets see your blacklist20:18
escottgribouille, i guess check and see if there are any bugs on launchpad, but gvim is a fairly commonly installed package. i would think that would be tested. you could also remove/rename your .gvimrc in case it is causing a conflict20:18
escottVarazir, Xorg -configure should generate an Xorg.conf that you can put in your /etc/X11 directory20:18
Varazirescott: I have a file allready ( to get xbmc play correcly )20:19
bobweaverwendico:  lets also see a sudo modprobe rt2800usb   && dmesg | tail  && lsmod | grep rt220:19
wendicohttp://pastebin.com/WJZnmkvW for Isusb20:20
bobweaverwendico:  thanks20:20
Varazirescott: http://pastebin.com/SHFYqPeE20:20
bobweaverwendico: lets also see a sudo modprobe rt2800usb && dmesg | tail && lsmod | grep rt220:20
wendicohttp://pastebin.com/u2j1WJnD this is for cat cat.....20:21
SugitimeWhat command would I use to call http://localhost/keepalive.php via a cron job? I want the script to execute.20:21
sturdHello all.  Can anyone shed any light as to why my Ubuntu install disk wont work?  I select "Install Ubuntu" from the menu selection, then 5 seconds after loading the vmlinuz image and whatever else it does around then.  It hangs.  Around the time of initialising USB services, I think.20:21
sturdI'm already running Ubuntu 11.10 alongside Windows 7 (both x64),  I came to re-install ubuntu because I stupidly chose to format my root partition using 'btrfs' and it's as slow as a snail!  Now it doesn't boot to Ubuntu, or an installer of LinuxMint 11. :(20:21
lwizardlanyone use a Virgin Mobile Ovation MC760 usb mobile broadband card on ubuntu ? google isn't helping for working status20:21
bekksSugitime: Then call the php command line interface. Btw: running php as cron is... dont do it.20:22
SugitimeHow else can I keep hitting keepalive.php then?20:22
wendicohttp://pastebin.com/xen3wq7J this for modprobe20:22
The_LokoHi all, i have a really annoying problem: I have a printer connected to other computer with windows, and i'm trying to print from here with samba, and i have everything  configured. When I print a test page, it says that the printer works and show the progress, but the printer doesn't do anything.20:23
bekksSugitime: Dont run php as cron. There is entirely nothing you would need php for. You could do all that with with a scripting language worth its name.20:23
bobweaverwendico:  sudo rmmod rt2870sta20:23
bobweaverwendico:  then modprobe  rt2800usb20:24
SugitimeMy application is a web app. The cronjob is just to keep the heartbeat of the app20:24
escottVarazir, there is a limited amount you can do. X isn't going to want to send data to uninitialized and powered off devices20:24
wendicobobweaver, done with no echoes20:24
bobweavergood is wireless working now ?20:25
Varazirescott: I guest something like that, that's why I thought of creating a script20:25
wendiconope :(20:25
escottsturd, make sure you dont have lots of extra usb devices installed that you dont need20:25
wendicolets me unplug-plug20:25
bobweaverwendico: if not lets see  dmesg | grep rt220:25
Varazirescott: would be easy to loop just need a way to check20:25
escottVarazir, you could have a cron process that checks if lightdm is running and then tries to start it20:25
wendicoI can see it present in the wireless manager, but it does not detect any wifi20:26
cari__veriHi there, apt-get holds broken packages and wont neither install nor uninstall my display driver :(20:26
sturdescott, I pulled everything out and tried again.  Still failed.  There were somethings about unrecognised partition tables on my hard disk20:26
bobweaverwendico: if not lets see dmesg | grep rt220:26
escottVarazir, well you have /run/lightdm.pid to work with20:26
Varazirescott: true20:26
wendicobobweaver http://pastebin.com/K13pWJTj20:27
escottsturd, how large is the disk20:27
sturdOne is 500, the second is 150 (GiB)20:27
bobweaverwendico:  Error - WPDMA TX/RX busy, aborting.20:27
Varazirescott: there shoudn't be a pid file if it's stoped ?20:27
bobweaverwendico:  you have to pick one20:27
sturd500 is a mix of NTFS, SWAP and Btrfs.  I think the 150 is purely NTFS20:28
escottVarazir, if it exits cleanly it should remove its own pid file. if it segfaults those get left around20:28
bobweaverthe 2 usb are getting confused20:28
bobweaverwendico: ^^20:28
wendicobobweaver pick one?20:28
wendicooh oh20:28
wendicortl+ratlink problem?20:28
escottsturd, did this install disk work earlier?20:28
Varazirescott: it's there even when server status say stop/wating20:28
bobweaverwendico: Yes20:28
Staly_Nickhello, i want to put !seen script with my irssi on my channel. I have seen.pl, ive started it, /listen on, but when someone write !seen <nick> my irssi (script) dont answer.20:29
Varazirservice status20:29
wendicook, lets me unplug both and plug only ralink20:29
bobweaverwendico:  if there are to moduals that colide with each other they are not going to work20:29
sturdIt did.  Though I've installed the 150GiB hard drive since installing Ubuntu.  The installed version boots no problem...20:29
bobweaverwendico:  you will also have to play with mod20:29
VarazirStaly_Nick: ask in #irssi20:29
escottVarazir, the point of the pid file is to give you a pid that you can then search for20:29
Staly_NickVarazir: all dead : /20:29
bobweaverwendico: chilli555 writes something good about this subject here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1378782&highlight=148f:307020:30
VarazirStaly_Nick: not as good as this channel that's true20:30
Varazirescott: ok20:30
escottVarazir, ps -p `cat /run/lightdm.pid`20:30
wendicoups, i forgot im browsing internet with my RTL, nevertheless, unplugin RTL and pluging only the Ralink does not solve the problem, should i run any command with the ralink only card plugged?20:31
Staly_NickVarazir: niebo, a ziemia/himmel und erde/english? i cant soo well : /20:31
escottsturd, maybe unplug the 150GiB. although it sounds strange20:31
Varazirescott: gives me   PID TTY          TIME CMD20:31
escottVarazir, which means its not running20:31
Varazirthere is still a file in /run ... I could maybe check with ps20:32
escottVarazir, you just did check with ps20:32
sturdescott.  will do.  Though I can't promise I won't lay it out on the floor and elbow drop the bugger! haha20:32
Varazirescott: I mean in the script20:32
wendicoshould i rmmod and modprobe just with my ralink card plugged?20:33
VarazirStaly_Nick: swedish/english only20:33
VarazirStaly_Nick: but I don't know the solution to your problem20:34
Staly_NickVarazir: do U know something else, that have function of "last !seen user"?20:35
escottVarazir, this is probably easier to work with20:35
escottVarazir, ps --no-heading -p `cat /run/lightdm.pid` -o comm20:35
Varazirescott: thanks20:36
sharpKso ubuntu autofound some nvidia drivers for me, but is not reading a second monitor, is it suggested to install some other drivers for a geforce card?20:36
bekkssharpK: No. The recommended way is to start nvidia-settings to configure your second monitor.20:37
VarazirStaly_Nick: try google, could be a setting, you could try to use the /help command20:38
sskalniksharpK, what bekks said20:39
Hethriron this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule there is a grammatical error, however there is a request to not change anything, is it safe to change something small (19st to 19th)?20:39
=== eternalulz is now known as komradefoxylady
sharpKbekks and sskalnik, I dont seem to have an nvidia-settings thing, so I guess the drivers did not include that, will check nvidia.com for newer drivers20:39
bekkssharpK: NO.20:39
sharpKbekks ?20:40
sskalniksharpK, I can't recommend that. Did you go to Settings, then nVidia X Server Settings?20:40
bekkssharpK: It is NOT included in the nvidia-driver package. apt-get install nvidia-settings20:40
sharpKsskalnik yes, bekks, k I'll try that20:40
=== komradefoxylady is now known as komradefox
=== komradefox is now known as eternalulz
wendicobobweaver, may my ralink card colide with my internal atheros card? unpluging my other usb card does not solve the problem20:41
dustmanI've changed monitor from an old tube to a new Samsung SyncMaster 740b, but using spec resolution, 1280x1024 results in 2 cm black edge to the right20:41
milen8204how to repair the dummy-message ?20:41
Staly_NickVarazir: its seems like it should work, but when i write !seen <nick> then ive got answer "I'm <nick>!" : / funny. When I wrote chan msg with !seen <nick> from second session, my irssi-bot-script doesnt respond.20:42
Jettismy cd keeps spinning all time. why doesn't it stop? cd is not even mounted20:42
milen8204i cant understand the file which it says, anyone knows it ?20:42
dustmanif I use 1280X960, it results in visual distortion, but fills whole screen area20:42
=== eternalulz is now known as eternaLulz
dustmancan it be fixed?20:43
=== eternaLulz is now known as anon
suzannaI'm having major headaches trying to get NAS access...need help "mapping" the "drives" and setting up for backups...help?20:44
=== anon is now known as anonone
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:45
sharpKhow does one restart the computer from the terminal?20:46
mattgyvershare, sudo shutdown -r now20:46
wendicoor sudo reboot20:46
mattgyversharpK, sorry that was for you20:46
sharpKthanks, though everything crashed so I couldn't access the terminal either20:46
sharpKhad to manually shut down that bad boy20:46
sharpKfor some reason, I thought linux could never crash that way...20:47
escottsuzanna, most NAS out of the box are using samba. you should be able to access them with //server/folder in nautilus, but there are lots of alternatives depending upon the nas you are using20:47
sharpKprolly hype20:47
mattgyverfor some crazy reason compiz is not starting automatically on a reboot, anyone able to advise?20:47
xenteanyone else having trouble with kopete and gtalk?20:48
Hethriron this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseSchedule there is a grammatical error, however there is a request to not change anything, is it safe to change something small (19st to 19th)?20:48
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escott!ot | Hethrir20:48
ubottuHethrir: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!20:48
Coded1Hello all20:48
suzannawell that would be part of the problem....I have samba set up but it usually times out so I can't access anything20:48
Coded1I need to install a cuda driver but when I try it tells me to kill xorg first I'm not sure how though. Running 11.1020:49
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:50
escottCoded1, ctrl-alt-f1; login, service lightdm stop (perhaps service gdm stop) then do your stuff20:50
ExxonCoded1, http://www.r-tutor.com/gpu-computing/cuda-installation/cuda4.0-ubuntu20:51
Guest86058I want to uninstall unity 3d and just use unity 2d. Is there a way to do this?20:54
cari__veriHello , I messed up my apt-get. it cannot update and not install anything, some sources are tried but fail fethcing.20:54
CharlieSuHi all.  thinking about learning a new shell.  Been using bash for years, but i want to try something new..  What do you think the best alternative is?20:54
ThinkT510Guest86058: why uninstall? why not just login as unity2d and keep that as default session?20:55
ViaNocturnaCharlieSu, have you tried Zsh? I personally know nothing about it, but read about it a while back20:55
wendicohelp to make a Ralink usb wireless adapter to work20:55
Guest86058I was hoping to speed up my laptop.20:55
CharlieSuViaNocturna: I have seen it and read a few tutorials..   it is probably what I'm going with..  Just trying to get a few opinios before I head down the learning path20:56
ThinkT510Guest86058: removing unity3d won't speed it up20:56
ExxonGuest86058, this like switching untiy to 2D to 3D..20:56
Guest86058Ubuntu 11.10 is slow on my dell latitude d610. I suppose I'll switch back to 10.04lts.20:57
Exxonwendico, that the module for ralink usb20:58
ThinkT510Guest86058: why not just use a different desktop?20:58
ExxonGuest86058, you should register ..20:59
imarkGuest86058: use lubuntu20:59
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Guest86058I'm wary of putting ubuntu 11.10 on anything really good due to the power regression.21:00
sskalnikGuest86058, I recommend trying Lubuntu or another lightweight desktop21:00
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Guest86058I'll try puppy linux--which is the fastest distro I know.21:01
sskalnikGuest86058, It is indeed fast21:01
Guest86058Lubuntu I've found to be annoyingly buggy.21:02
lolocaustim not changing my netbook to anything with a 3.x kernel owing to the power problems, until its fixed21:02
lolocaustMeeGo ftw!21:03
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crazydiamondHi. If my CPU is 32 bit AMD, which iso file must I download? i386 or amd64?21:03
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escottcrazydiamond, i38621:03
lolocaustcrazydiamond: i38621:03
crazydiamondlolocaust: thanks21:04
Kimblelolocaust: I was just going to ask about that.  I run 3.0.0-13-server on a Dell laptop. Are you saying that this kernel isn't as power-friendly as 2.6?21:04
wendicoexxon, I did rmmod rt2870sta and modprobe rt2800usb, enough? dmesg | frep rt2 has no errors21:04
crazydiamondescott: thanks to you too :)21:04
ExxonGuest86058,  lubuntu is perfect..puppy if want to try go head ..21:04
escottlolocaust, you know that you can add a single line to your rc.local and force the pci power saving mode21:04
lolocaustescott: doesnt work21:04
lolocaustescott: double battery life with 2.621:04
Exxonwendico, yeh! why do you try it..21:04
lolocaustKimble: its a bug, its been recognised and is being worked on, some process leaking power21:05
wendicoexxon, somebody told me to an hour ago, but wifi still not working. nevertheless iwconfig show my wifi card21:05
Kimbleah, ok, thanks for clearing that up for e lolocaust.21:05
wendicowhat can i do21:05
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wendicoI start over, i boot a live ubuntu, plug my rt2800 usb card and is not working, what to do?21:06
lolocaustKimble: probably by 12.10 it will be fixed, doubt it in time for 12.0421:06
Exxonwendico, atleast you know the module driver of the wirelesss21:06
CharminTheMooseWhy are all these weird characters appearing in the save dialog? http://imagebin.org/18667521:06
KimbleI found and have now lost a link that detailed how to use GRUB to boot from an SD Card on laptops that don't allow this from the BIOS?21:07
qdkWhat is the console command for the package selector used under the installation of ubuntu?21:07
Exxonwendico, modprobe rtl280021:07
KimbleAnyone able to help with that?21:08
wendicoexxon, Fatal: Module rtl2800 not found21:08
Exxonwendico, use root21:09
sskalnikqdk, you mean apt-get or aptitude or synaptic?21:09
wendicoi mean i did sudo (im live)21:09
AzoteLogikoCharminTheMoose, it seems the destination/origin unit has a extrange volume name or has a bad format21:09
qdksskalnik: Neither.21:09
Exxonwendico, lsusb -v please paste the output21:09
qdksynaptic is GUI, isnt it?21:09
sskalnikqdk, yes. The other two are command line21:10
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ViaNocturnaqdk, what do you mean by package selector used under installation?21:10
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qdksskalnik: and non of them are used in the installers frontend.21:10
vyadhakahow to change the minimize, max, options to the right in 11.1021:10
sskalnikqdk, I wasn't sure if you meant "command line versions" or "the command to open any of the package selectors"21:11
sskalnikqdk, I am not sure what you mean21:11
qdkViaNocturna: There only option for selection packages to install during the install process.21:11
ExxonCharminTheMoose, what are you using.21:11
qdkIts not like its a multiple option question... There is only one.21:11
sskalnikqdk, Again, not sure what you mean. Are you asking about how to select packages during initial install of the OS?21:12
CharminTheMooseExxon, I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 with LWM, rox, conky and tablaunch.21:12
Guest67345CharminTheMoose: A google search turned up this:  http://www.a110wiki.de/wiki/Booting_from_SD21:12
KimbleGuest67345: did you mean that link for me, not CharminTheMoose ?21:13
CharminTheMooseI'm not booting on a SSD. Just a bog standard 7200 RPM 500 gig sata hdd21:13
qdksskalnik: I know how... its impossible to miss during the install.. I just need the name of that application, so i can start it myself after the install is done.21:13
guntbertqdk: are you talking about tasksel?21:13
ExxonCharminTheMoose, the paste ..show that something else21:13
guntbert!tasksel | qdk21:13
ubottuqdk: Tasksel is a Debian/Ubuntu tool that installs multiple related packages as a co-ordinated "task" onto your system, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Tasksel for more information. Use tasksel only to INSTALL tasks, not to remove them. It will remove every package listed within the removed task! see https://launchpad.net/bugs/57428721:13
qdkguntbert: Bingo, thanks.21:13
CharminTheMooseExxon, what do you mean?21:14
mattgyver(10.10) I've enabled "Extra" desktop effects however when I reboot its reset to none, any ideas?21:14
newbridgehi there could someone explain me how to add x11vnc to the autostart?21:14
guntbertqdk: you're welcome :-)  ... and be careful, read what I sent you ^^^21:14
wendicoExxon, i cant paste, im offline in the affected computer since i cannot make wifis to work, my router is to far, nevertheless with lsusb -v i can see my adapter with much data (some not correct)21:14
qdkguntbert: Yeah, i know the pacakges system... I just never use the tasksel for anything, but its more noob friendly, so I can use it in my guides.21:15
newbridgehi there could someone explain me how to add x11vnc to the autostart21:15
newbridgesry disconnect, thats why i repeated my question.21:15
Exxonwendico, it has nothing to do with you router just paste the output21:16
guntbertqdk: it is fine for installing - but dangerous otherwise21:16
mattgyvernewbridge, here is the guide I always follow, its dated but should still hold true; http://goo.gl/XcOmw21:16
esbenI have high power usage on my thinkpad t420 -- I have tried a couple different thinks, pcie_aspm=force at boot, some kernel that was supposed to have the acpi fix, installing tp_smapi_dkms but still have +20 W power usage...21:16
ExxonCharminTheMoose, it seems to me that you have gmail problems not wired..21:16
qdkguntbert: yeah... it use it for pre-stuff for my guides... on a freshly installed system.21:16
esbenAny ideas? Its a core i521:17
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wendicolol Exxon, i cant paste because the affected computer is not conected to internet21:17
Kimbleesben: have you tried http://www.thinkwiki.org/wiki/ThinkWiki ?21:17
guntbertqdk: it ok with me (I learnt it the semi-hard way (it was only a VM I had to ditch after...)21:18
esbenyeah, but didnt find anything specific21:18
Kimbleah, oh well.21:18
esbenor that I already knew21:18
qdkguntbert: hehe... years ago I learn to use chown -R the hard way. :-D21:18
CharminTheMooseExxon, I'm confused, are you saying that gmail is causing the characters glitching out in the save dialog box?21:18
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Kimbleesben: how about powertop?21:19
esbenthats the one reporting 20 W21:19
wendicobuf i though ubuntu installs automatic the wifi cards21:19
wendicocant i donwload the driver?21:19
esbenBut I can try to use some of the stuff it can do21:19
Kimblewhat does it suggest you do to reduce power?21:19
gribouillewhen I do sudo apt-get update, I get the following error message : "http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found"21:19
mattgyvergribouille, either its a bad ppa or its currently down21:20
mattgyvergribouille, to get around it go to your Software sources and remove that, or you can edit /etc/apt/sources.list21:20
gribouillemattgyver, http://ppa.launchpad.net/mozillateam/firefox-stable/ubuntu/dists/ doesn't have an entry for oneiric21:21
ExxonCharminTheMoose, no ; what ever the content you simply can save it ..there is no glitch stuff21:21
esbenI set all the tuneable to Good21:21
esbenlets see :p21:22
newbridgethanks mattgyver, but it seems as it doesnt work anymore in 11.10 :(21:22
mattgyvernewbridge, :( sorry to hear that man21:22
KimbleI found that Powertop's tuneables didn't always stick - you may have to implement them manually.21:22
newbridgehmm iam already thinking of simply droping by an script, that i simply activate over ssh-connection to the machine i want to support.21:23
gribouillewhen I try to start gtk applications like gvim or audacity, I get the following error message : "ERROR:accessible.c:556:spi_accessible_construct: assertion failed"21:23
mattgyvergribouille, not really sure but the repo is timing out so its preventing you from updating your sources.  If there is no oneiric then its elsewhere or in ubuntus partner repo but thats just a guess on my part21:23
wendicohow to install new wifi card?21:23
mattgyverwendico, a pretty loaded question which requires more information such as make/model.  Some are supported out of the box so maybe you can just plug and play.21:24
EvilResistancewendico, go into SYstem > Administration > Hardware Drivers (i think that's what it is)21:24
EvilResistancewendico, see if there's anything there for that wifi card21:24
Exxongribouille, file the bug :((21:26
Izmaelhttp://tinfoilhat.shmoo.com/ is good21:26
bennygtr34hi i have a question about fedora, i have been using ubuntu and thought i'd try fedora for a while. ctrl+c doesnt give me uppercase c... any ideas why?21:28
wendicomattgyver evilresistance : not supported out the box since i plug and it is not working, nothing in Hardware Drivers for my network, only for drivers. It is a Blueway N9200 USB card (seems to have the rt2800 chipset) what to do to make it work?21:29
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bennygtr34scratch that.... i mean shift+c anyway21:30
wendicoonly graphic drivers in Hardware Drivers* ^^ evilresistance21:30
mattgyverwendico, I have no idea if it will work cuz its a kinda old way of going about things, but you could maybe look into using ndiswrapper.  In the day it was used to basically wrap windows drivers for wireless cards, im poking around though.21:31
mattgyverwendico, likely there is an easier way though but it was just a thought21:31
SugitimeI have some files my app creates. How can I set them so that they get no larger than 100mb?21:31
SugitimeThey arent system logs21:32
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wendicomattgyver: nevertheless i just bought that cards, and im pissed about ubuntu not installing by default, should i just swap and buy a different ones? are my new rt2800 so dificult to make to work in ubuntu?21:32
Exxonwendico, !wireless21:33
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs21:33
esbenI forgot, how is it I do a dist upgrade from oneiric to precise?21:34
mattgyverwendico, http://forum.aircrack-ng.org/index.php?topic=5755.0 take a look at that21:34
Guest67345wendico: You can't take it back and exchange it for one you might like better?21:34
mattgyverwendico, with newer hardware sometimes have to poke and prod but theres generally some way of making it work.21:34
wendicoGuest67345 i do like my card, there is no better for the price , i just dont like ubuntu not knowing how to use this card21:35
wendiconevertheless, thank you very much for your help21:35
Exxonmattgyver, he don't have a internet on that ..how can we probe21:35
wendicoi will just buy a different ones21:35
gzyHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 11.10, but i'm getting severe graphics glitches when i boot the installer. Is it possible that it's running compiz by default?21:36
mattgyverExxon, linked mostly for reference for some general ideas, not so much to follow21:37
esbengzy: maybe try to switch to a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) then: DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace and switch back to the installer (Ctrl+Alt+F7)21:37
Exxonmattgyver, ask him to paste the output of the lsusb and then we can know what to follow indeed21:38
gzyesben:  thanks, I'll try that21:38
wendicoi know it may be offtopic but anyone can help me to choose a new wireless usb-cheap-working out of the box-mode monitor enabled network card?21:38
Guest67345wendico: What card is it?21:39
mattgyverExxon, I think you just did :)21:40
wendicoi bought 2x 150MB rt2800 usb wireless card (2watts), i need something similar but working out of the box with ubuntu and no more than 35euros expensive21:40
gribouillethere is a dependency problem in ubuntu: I had to install ubuntu-desktop to be able to run gvim and audacity21:42
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wendicoi bought this wifi card: http://www.opirata.com/adaptador-wifi-rt3070-15dbi-blueway-n9200-p-7135.html i though it was rt2800 but i may be mistaking, any help to make that card work on ubuntu?21:45
CrackerJackdoes any one knows were i can find a shekk extension for gnome shell that can mute an unmute the sound21:45
CrackerJackdoes any one knows were i can find a shell extension for gnome shell that can mute an unmute the sound21:45
CrackerJackany one21:47
Exxonwendico, modprobe rt307021:48
wendicoexxon, that was my foult right? to use rt2800?21:48
Exxonwendico, np just use the previous one21:49
CrackerJackExxon, were i can find a shell extension for gnome shell that can mute an unmute the sound21:49
ExxonCrackerJack, please ask the session, thanks21:49
CrackerJackdoes any one knows were i can find a shell extension for gnome shell that can mute an unmute the sound?21:50
ubernoobHas anyone else had their keyboard occasionally freeze up, stop working and refuse to respond to anything other than "alt+ctrl+delete"?21:50
ubernoobI've never experienced this before I upgraded to U11.1021:50
BluesKaj!patience > CrackerJack21:50
ubottuCrackerJack, please see my private message21:50
ubernoobI've googled for info on the problem, but don't see any solutions or even much detail as to the potential cause.21:51
DeltaEpsilonI am in  love with gnome3 + ubuntu . what do I do|?21:51
wendicoExxon : rt3070 FATAL: module not found21:51
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ertyiuyanyone ?21:52
wendicobattery critical, another day more! thank you everybody21:52
ertyiuywhat's the default runlevel on ubuntu ?21:52
ubernoobertyiuy, conducting a seance?21:52
DarkStar1I just installed ubuntu 11.10 for the 1st time since 10.10. I have a problem. When I click on the ubuntu logo on the dock. I see nothing21:52
guntbert!runlevel | ertyiuy21:53
ubottuertyiuy: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:53
Exxonwendico, my friend we really require the real module loaded;           type in really no intenet connection reqiured in the pc/laptop just write down and write it down only the usb of the wireless module no.21:53
ertyiuycan you speak english first ? ubuntulog21:53
guntbert!enter | ertyiuy21:53
ubottuertyiuy: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!21:53
FloodBot1timothy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:53
ertyiuywhat is the default run level on ubuntu ?21:53
ertyiuywhen you start the pc21:54
escott!runlevel | ertyiuy21:54
ubottuertyiuy: In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.21:54
ertyiuywould you please stop pollute escott21:54
FloodBot1timothy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:54
escottertyiuy, mine is currently 221:54
ertyiuyvoila that"'s my question21:55
Exxontimothy, let us know what the problem with openbox21:55
ertyiuyi simply want to make sure21:55
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ertyiuyi m also runing on 221:55
ertyiuynow my question is21:55
guntbertertyiuy: it doesn't really matter, they don't make a difference21:56
ubernoobAnyone else had their keyboard stop working in Unity (Ubuntu 11.10) and have to resort to logging out and in again?21:56
ertyiuyhere /etc/rc2.d/ comparing a red heart version21:56
timothyafter a boot up does your mouse freeze for like1-2 minutes?21:56
inashdeenhi, how do i make Open jdk works well with chromium21:57
ertyiuyi can only see start daemon not killing daemon21:57
ertyiuyis that normal ?21:57
Exxonertyiuy, can we have you hardware specification21:57
ertyiuyi mean when you do a shutdown -r now21:57
timothywho here is using debain w/ openbox?21:57
timothy(crunchbox linux)21:58
escottertyiuy, redhat takes a more traditional approach to the runlevels, but that would seem normal for a process you start at runlevel 2 and dont stop until runlevel 621:58
ertyiuythe system shutdown brutally ?21:58
Myrttitimothy: this is Ubuntu channel, not Debian or Crunchbox21:58
ubernoobhmm, do Bash aliases only work within the DE that you created them in?21:58
ertyiuyyeah i know i m simply comparing the red hat runlevel 6 to ubuntu runlevel 221:59
timothycrunchbox linux ftw!21:59
ertyiuywhen you compare both /etc/rc2.d/ folder on red hat you can see21:59
ertyiuyall services start during server startup22:00
Exxonertyiuy, how come the runlevel 6 of red-hat be run level 2 of ubuntu22:01
ertyiuyand also its stop all services properly basing on that file22:01
ertyiuysorry i think i made a mistake22:01
ertyiuyi compare runlevel 2 ubuntu with 5 red hat22:01
Exxonertyiuy, stop wasting your's and our time..please22:02
benbloomis there a way to lock up my xorg settings so that the system doesnt attempt to autodetect/configure monitors with every startup?22:02
ertyiuywhat file this /etc/rc2.d contains ?22:02
sskalnikHow do I kill a telnet session?22:03
nelson777brhello, I'm trying to run apache2 -S but I got the "apache2: bad user name ${APACHE_RUN_USER}" message. Anyone knows how to fix that ?22:03
sskalnikTried ^Z, ^C, ^Q22:03
DarkStar1I'm goingto remove unity and  put gnome 3 on22:04
DarkStar1What's G3 like?22:04
thinker_@ sskalnik sudo killall telnet22:04
projekt26it's kinda like pumpkin pie but slightly less orange22:05
mzazaI just deleted a project files I have been working on for days using rm command!!! Is there a way I can revcover it back????22:05
DarkStar1projekt26: That good eh?22:05
sskalnik thinker_ thanks!22:05
sskalnikAlso, telnet miku.acm.uiuc.edu22:05
Exxonbenbloom, vesa (default) drivers will load always ; if you have installed some other drivers like nvidia it will automatically configure and boot it up if you want to blacklist drivers that you what22:06
mzazainstead of writing rm *~ i wrote rm * ~ ! Anyway to recover files back???22:06
thinker_yeah, no problem22:06
ertyiuyif you don't want to waste your time simply not present here, stop give me advice to passing my time Exxon22:06
ertyiuyto make things clear22:06
mzazathinker_: any ideas? I would really appreciate your help?22:07
benbloomk. i think that helps Exxon22:07
Exxonertyiuy, i really don't want to argue.. i that helps22:07
thinker_what type of filesystem are you formated to?22:07
mzazathinker_: ext422:07
ertyiuyreally appreciate your sence of support Exxon22:08
afidegnumhello, pls I gconf-edit is not available in my startup22:08
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps kaffien22:08
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )22:08
afidegnumwhat do I do?22:08
thinker_i'm really not quite sure with ext422:08
thinker_with ext2 and 3 i used fdisk22:09
auronandacecan someone please kick RaTTuS|BIG (i think he is a bot that responds to !test)22:09
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps someone22:09
mzazathinker_: Can't I try that with ext4?22:09
Emirumy screen goes totally black (luminosity to the very minimum) when I log in, I get the brightness back with a keyboard combination, is there a way to disable that  black screen ?22:09
thinker_i suppose22:09
thinker_i'm googling it for you now22:09
mzazathinker_: OK, what attributes should I pass to fdisk?22:09
thinker_this gets really complicated, you have to go through the disk sectors and "revive" them22:10
thinker_here: http://carlo17.home.xs4all.nl/howto/undelete_ext3.html22:10
mzazathinker_: OK, thanks alot =)22:10
afidegnumhello, what do I do?22:11
thinker_you'll be looking to use a program called dd22:11
chz|baconhey guys. i'm having some software raid issues. anyone here with some experience willing to help me out?22:11
escottmzaza, the most important thing when trying to recover data is to remount the affected partition ro immediately22:11
thinker_afidgnum.... what are you trying to do, again?22:11
thinker_sorry chz dunno much bout RAID22:13
ViaNocturnamzaza, i recovered loads of stuff about 5 days ago with PhotoRec, should look it up, might work for ya22:13
thinker_is photorec opensource?22:14
chz|baconthinker_: no problem. i'm just trying to get grub2 to install, and i must be doing something wrong, because it won't.22:14
rougyWhat's photorec22:14
escottchz|bacon, on what kind of raid are you trying to install grub?22:14
thinker_sweet it is22:14
ViaNocturnathinker_, photorec is a recovery program for linux its cli and opensource22:14
chz|baconescott: software raid22:14
auronandacecan someone please kick RaTTuS|BIG (i think he is a bot that responds to !test)22:15
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps someone22:15
thinker_it's file recovery http://www.cgsecurity.org/wiki/PhotoRec22:15
bazhangRaTTuS|BIG, stop that22:15
escottchz|bacon, which one? mdadm? and what raid level22:15
thinker_the google description threw me off, sounded proprietary22:15
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )22:15
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps DJones22:15
ViaNocturnathinker_, i got to admit, it works like magic, highly recommended22:15
chz|baconescott: 11.04, mdadm (assuming thats what it ships with), raid122:16
chz|baconmy partitions are /boot / and swap22:16
thinker_i'm running it through make right now ;)22:16
chz|baconescott: every time i try to install grub2 it says it can't22:17
thinker_well guys i'm out22:17
escottchz|bacon, that should be fairly easy to setup. what command are you using to install grub?22:17
ViaNocturnathinker_, take care22:17
chz|baconi've tried to install it on /dev/sda /sda1 and /md022:17
jmoironare there any karmic repos mirrors that are still up?22:17
thinker_yeah, you too22:17
chz|baconi'm just using the standard server cd22:17
bazhang!eol | jmoiron22:18
ubottujmoiron: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades22:18
bazhangjmoiron, check the eolupgrades link22:18
inashdeenHi, how do i use open jdk plugin with chromium browser22:18
bf4648Hello....I used ssh to connect to a server and has to entered in a password into the terminal to get connected...I forgot that password...its there a way to view the history of passwords that were entered into the terminal using ubuntu?22:18
escottchz|bacon, /dev/sda or /dev/sdb is where you should be installing it. and you should have /boot mounted at the time. so what error message is it giving you22:18
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escottbf4648, no22:18
jmoironbazhang: thanks but that does not answer my question22:18
jmoironi know karmic is eol but i can't dist-upgrade this machine22:19
bazhangjmoiron, its end of life, so there are none22:19
bf4648why not escott?22:19
MonkeyDustjmoiron  start here http://old-releases.ubuntu.com/releases/22:19
bazhangjmoiron, just to upgrade is all22:19
escottbf4648, would you want to use an os the logged passwords?!22:19
jmoironMonkeyDust: that seems to be just images22:20
bf4648but is there a way?22:20
escottbf4648, no there is not. dont forget your passwords. use authorized_keys if you are prone to forgetting passwords22:20
escottbf4648, you should really be using authorized keys anyways22:20
afidegnumhello, do I need to be in a root mode before running the configuration editor ?22:21
bf4648true but I didn't set up the ssh connection...it requires a password22:21
afidegnumI typed gcong-editor but nothing is launched. what od I do ?22:21
auronandace!root | afidegnum22:21
ubottuafidegnum: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo22:21
ubernoobanyone here using GNOME 3? do you know why aliases defined for terminal, within Unity, don't work within Terminal in Gnome? even though it's the same user/machine etc? does it save a separate profile?22:21
escottafidegnum, no you should not be root when using gconf/dconf-editor. also it is dconf-editor for 11.1022:22
chz|bacon escott error cannot install grub222:22
escottchz|bacon, can you !paste the entire output22:22
escott!paste | chz|bacon22:22
ubottuchz|bacon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:22
afidegnumescott: it s not running22:23
escottubernoob, different window managers22:23
afidegnumis there another method of accessing it ?22:23
chz|baconescott: not sure how i can exactly paste the output it's on a different machine22:23
ubernoobescott, I didn't know the window manager was responsible for that, wow.22:23
escottubernoob, what other application has global access to keystrokes and mouse clicks?22:24
MasterisWho can help for catalyst driver low performance with ati 69xx graphic card ?22:24
escottchz|bacon, if you shell into that server you can copy and paste22:24
chz|baconescott: right, but i can't boot the machine22:24
BadCodSmellHow do I get a shell from tru ubuntu?22:25
ubernoobescott, never really thought of it like that. I just assumed that the aliases I define in bash were stored in profiles somewhere22:25
bazhangwhat is tru ubuntu BadCodSmell22:25
ViaNocturnaBadCodSmell, do you mean the terminal?22:26
BadCodSmellyes the term, try ubuntu22:26
ubernooblike browser favourites.22:26
ViaNocturnaBadCodSmell, just so im right, you want to open a terminal?22:27
BadCodSmellapparently it's installed22:27
BadCodSmellBut the menu is fisherprice TM22:28
ViaNocturnaBadCodSmell, if you have 11.10 you hit the Windows Key, and type terminal and click on the icon22:28
escottubernoob, they are saved in dconf which is where desktop settings are saved22:28
chz|baconBadCodSmell: ctrl+alt+t22:29
chz|baconor what ViaNocturna said22:29
BadCodSmellI don't want to do that, it looks like it will just select trash22:29
BadCodSmellctrlaltt works thanks22:30
escottchz|bacon, the other approach would be to try and install grub to /dev/sda but tell it to use /dev/sda1 as the boot partition (ie remount the underyling device) in essence splitting the raid22:30
auronandacecan someone please kick RaTTuS|BIG (i think he is a bot that responds to !test)22:31
* RaTTuS|BIG Humps someone22:31
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chz|baconi did tell it to use /dev/sda1 and i get the same error escott22:31
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auronandacebazhang: thanks22:31
escottchz|bacon, there are some advantages to do that, in that you can setup the mbr on disk1 to boot off of sda1, and the mbr on disk 2 to boot off of sdb1, and then mirror the boot partition22:31
chz|baconalso i'd like to have grub2 on both disks so if one fails the other will still boot22:31
escottchz|bacon, what is the exact comand you are using22:31
chz|baconescott: i'm not i'm just walking through the installer22:32
chz|baconpart way through the install right now22:32
chz|baconescott: should i save sanity and just get an inexpensive controller card?22:33
the_3f_ruleAnyone want to take a swing at a xubuntu question?22:33
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chz|baconi had this problem way back with 6.10 also22:33
chz|baconended up ditching the software raid idea then22:33
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DarkStar1Gus I hve a problem with my UI. Whenever I click on the ubuntu logo in 10.10 I get nothing. I want to be able to select from installed apps22:34
escottchz|bacon, id like to know exactly what command you are typing. a lot of times people get confused22:34
DarkStar1sorry I meant 11.122:34
msr_اريد تعريف كارت الشاشه هذا22:35
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chz|baconok escott i'll let you know shortly22:35
msr_Intel(R) 82945G Express Chipset Family22:35
rougyWhat exactly is kubuntu22:35
rougyAlso, how do I upgrade to Oneiric Onceloy22:36
rougyAlso, how do I upgrade to Oneiric Oncelot22:36
xangua!kubuntu | rougy22:36
ubotturougy: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde22:36
bazhang!upgrade > rougy22:36
ubotturougy, please see my private message22:36
the_3f_ruleAnyone know an easy way to access a nas from xubuntu22:36
osseI'm trying to compile rxvt-unicode from source. ./configure stops when checking for perl suitability. Does anyone know which package(s) I need? I guess something with both 'perl' and 'dev' in the name, but I've installed all I think sound relevant22:40
DarkStar1Would love to give this unity a try but It's a hindrance at the moment22:42
lazarus_where are gconf strings stored for desktop setting22:42
santonioHi, I've recently sent in my Thinkpad for repairs and got it back (I kept the hard drive so that I wouldn't lose the data on it). But now, when I try to log in, it wouldn't let me. When I tried accessing my home directory through a liveCD, I only see Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and a README.txt telling me to run ecryptfs-mount-private22:43
santonioI've looked up the issue online and many of the first few results said that I should add something about tmpfs to /etc/fstab but that didn't help any22:43
santonioI have no idea what's wrong and how to fix it and I was hoping somebody could help me get access to my data back22:44
santonioThis is on Ubuntu 10.0422:44
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ViaNocturnasantonio, here is a tutorial on it, although its a few versions old it should still be relevant https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory22:45
santonioIn case it matters, when I originally installed Ubuntu 10.04, I didn't check off any /home encryption options so this whole ecryptfs issue is a complete surprise to me22:45
santonioIt's not just the .Private directory within my home but my whole home directory22:45
santonioAnd I just tried the instructions on that page so it didn't do me any good22:46
santonioAll it did was mount a directory containing the two files I listed22:46
santonioI can't even log into my accounts so I'm doing this from a liveCD22:46
ViaNocturnasantonio, let me see what i can find22:48
ViaNocturnasantonio, is this any use at all?: http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2011/04/introducing-ecryptfs-recover-private.html22:49
escottsantonio, did you read the README? and follow the instructions there about running the mount-private command22:49
santonioI did. All it did was give me a directory containing the two aforementioned files22:49
bennygtr34anyone know how to install songbird onto fedora? I know this is a ubuntu site but cant seem to join fedora chat22:49
santonioAnd all these tutorials keep saying that it's for recovering my ~/Private directory, not my whole home22:50
santonioDoes it matter?22:50
escottsantonio, its the same in principle. for the entire home the ~/.Private is loop mounted back on top of /home/username22:50
santonioI guess I'll download the 11.04 ISO to try VN's link22:51
Exxonbennygtr34, i don't use fedora.. http://fedoraunity.org/Members/realz/how-to-install-songbird-on-fedora22:55
santonioI just tried the directions at EncryptedPrivateDirectory again22:55
santonioBecause the first time around, I didn't mount with the .Private directory as the first directory argument22:55
santonioNow I get an error because the /media/whatever/home/santonio/.Private doesn't exist22:56
dalek_Is there any way to find out which "section" of a document you are looking at in Libre Office? I see no indication of current section number anywhere on the status bar or navigator... Anyone know?23:02
Ghostx562Herro, I'm Trying To Make VLC My Default Media Player For Music, Videos, etc. How Can I Accomplish This?23:02
HilarieLinux (2.4.x/2.6.x) does that include ubuntu? (picking a wifi card)23:03
Hilariehere is the link http://www.amazon.com/Alfa-AWUS036H-Upgraded-Wireless-Long-Rang/dp/B000QYGNKQ/ref=pd_cp_pc_323:03
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, click the gears icon at the top right of the screen and then select System Settings, then under System Info go to Default Applications23:03
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, this is if you have Ubuntu 11.1023:03
Hilariethis "* Plug-and-Play Compatible with windows 98SE, 2000, Millennium, XP and Linux"23:03
ExxonHilarie, when you modprobe is it rtl818723:04
Ghostx562Ok I Got It, But Some Videos Still Open Up Under Movie Player, And I Can't See Any Video, Can I Remove The Movie Player Thing?23:04
HilarieExxon looking to buy it, gotta go, pm me and my bnc will save it, if you could23:04
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, you can't see any video, not for VLC either?23:05
ExxonHilarie, can you modeprobe23:05
Ghostx562ViaNocturna, I Can See It On VLC.23:06
ExxonHilarie, modprobe rtl818723:06
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ExxonHilarie, should not return anything if does let me know23:06
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, well thats alright then, I think you are safe to remove the default Movie Player23:07
Ghostx562ViaNocturna, Will I Be Able To Remove It Via Ubuntu Software Center? On 11.10?23:07
ExxonHilarie, stay with with me i can help you23:08
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, yes if you look for Movie Player and the one that has a green tick you can remove23:08
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, inside Ubuntu Software Center23:08
ViaNocturnaGhostx562, but btw, you have restricted-extras?23:09
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santonioViaNocturna: I just tried the long way in the first link you gave me. I got the Mounted eCryptfs message but when I sudo ls /home/santonio, I get a wall of files called ECRYPTFS_FENK_ENCRYPTED.<stuff>23:10
escottsantonio, you will have to be more specific about what is currently in your $HOME and what the README says in the instructions.23:10
santonioErr, FNEK23:10
escottsantonio, if your $HOME has folders like that then just issue the ecryptfs mount command to mount /home/santonio onto /home/santonio23:11
Exxondalek_, do you have to find the document that you have saved in the libere office ..that so23:11
Emiruany way to boot ubuntu automatically unless I hit shift to get Grub menu at the boot ?23:11
furuanyone know the easiest way to set up dlna from ubuntu to my samsung smart tv?23:11
santonioescott: I have Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop and a README.txt that says: THIS DIRECTORY HAS BEEN UNMOUNTED TO PROTECT YOUR DATA. From the command lin, run: ecryptfs-mount-private23:12
MonkeyDustEmiru  hitting shift to get to grub is not the normal way23:12
Ghostx562ViaNocturna, I Think So23:12
santonioescott: What do you mean? Do you mean `mount -t ecryptfs /home/santonio /home/santonio`?23:12
EmiruMonkeyDust: I know, but is there a way, to make it so, and when I dont hit shift ubuntu boots automatically ?23:12
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ExxonMonkeyDust, hey! that's abnormal grub boot itself don't have to hit anything23:13
Ghostx562ViaNocturna, Yes I Have Restricted Extras Installed23:13
MonkeyDustExxon  please explain that to Emiru23:13
EmiruExxon: Right now I dont have to hit anything23:14
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Emirubut there is a ~7 secs. wait if I dont hit enter on ubuntu23:14
dalek_Exxon, is there any way at all to tell which section number I am looking at in a document? I can't see any indicator anywhere. I have a several hundred page Libre Office writer document with multiple sections and it seems to be pure guess work to try and find the section number you want.... surely this can't be right?23:14
escottsantonio, just type ecryptfs-mount-private what does it say23:15
MonkeyDustEmiru  you just want to change the time out?23:15
EmiruMonkeyDust if possible yes23:15
escottEmiru, /etc/default/grub and then rerun update-grub23:15
Emiruescott: Thank you !23:15
EddieBluhhowdy, anyone about who has got their mbp 7,1 up at running with oneiric?23:16
CaptAnonHello, How come kill does not work when I enter the PID? and also how to I bring a command to fg if it has been opened by another terminal?23:16
ExxonEmiru, why do you have to hit shift..23:16
santonioescott: ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly23:16
escott!macbook | EddieBluh23:16
ubottuEddieBluh: For help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages23:16
escottsantonio, before or after asking for the passphrase23:17
EmiruExxon: I dont. But when I did not have grub, after reinstalling Windows, I had to hit shift to choose an OS. But now that everything is ok, I dont hit anything, i get to the boot menu right away, and my question was, can I boot ubuntu without passing through the boot menu23:17
santonioescott: Before23:17
escottsantonio, and what are the folder in $HOME all the encrypted FNEK stuff?23:18
ubottuTesting... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use #test )23:18
santonioI followed the directions on the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering%20Your%20Data%20Manually page under the Live CD method23:19
escottsantonio, in the folder that you are currently in are the filenames encrypted?23:19
CaptAnon!test | CaptAnon23:19
ubottuCaptAnon, please see my private message23:19
santonioDo I redo it with filename encryption set to "n"?23:20
ExxonEmiru, you want to install the grub that what you insist23:20
santonioI wasn't sure what the settings were so I just chose y23:20
EddieBluhIm looking at the 7,1 wiki page and it doesn't have any info on screenbrightness control..other soutions seem outdated23:20
escottsantonio, and you had trouble with this line: sudo mount -t ecryptfs /home/username/.Private /home/username/Private because $HOME/.Private doesn't exist, because $HOME is where the encrypted data lies23:20
santonioescott: I had trouble with /media/<disk>/home/username/.Private as the first dir argument23:21
Dr_AzilI'm about to burn my Ubuntu download onto a CD. Last time I tried this the CD was not booting. I thought maybe I did something wrong. All I did was burn the Ubuntu file onto the disc. Is there anything special I should do?23:21
escottsantonio, so take off the .Private at the end of that. thats all im saying23:21
blzDr_Azil, how exactly are you burning the CD?  You have to burn the image file to the cd, not make a filesystem with the .iso file on it23:21
CaptAnonWell you need to burn it as a disc image, you did that right, Dr_Azil23:22
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santonioescott: I did that the first time. Only got a directory with the two files I mentioned23:22
escottDr_Azil, you should also check the md5sums to make sure what you downloaded wasn't corrupted23:22
bennygtr34dr azil.  i couldnt install from the cd... i got the splash screen but didnt work. i used the alternat install cd23:22
blzCaptAnon, we don't know that he did that right...23:22
escott!md5sum | Dr_Azil23:22
ubottuDr_Azil: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:22
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CaptAnonblz I meant to put a question mark at the end of that sentence.23:23
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* QuackQuacker hugs ubuntu23:23
santonio*sigh* I just tried again without filename encryption23:23
escottsantonio, do you know what your passphrase is23:23
ExxonDr_Azil, may be the vendor of the hardware don't support the cd or you have burned the cd very fast23:23
santonioStill the same wall of files called ECRYPTFS_FNEK_ENCRYPTED.fksjdlfkj23:23
CaptAnonDr_Azil,  What soft ware did you use to burn the disc?23:23
santonioescott: Yes. It's the same as my login so I'm sure I have it right23:24
Dr_AzilI used what ever was built into Windows 723:24
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Dr_AzilAnd when I stuck the CD in, it was giving me the normal installation options23:24
escottsantonio, check if there is a folder /media/disk/home/.ecryptfs23:24
santonioescott: There is23:25
Dr_AzilBut when I reboot the computer it started in Windows.23:25
robin0800Dr_Azil: not sure that can burn iso's23:25
blzDr_Azil, I suspect you built a filesystem and put the .iso on it23:25
CaptAnonOk so that part must be done right23:25
Dr_AzilI unzipped the Ubuntu download onto the CD23:25
escottsantonio, ok. im going off of memory, that might be where the ciphertext is23:25
ExxonDr_Azil, use iso burner instead23:26
CaptAnonDr_Azil,  try using something like deamon tools23:26
robin0800Dr_Azil: wrong you must burn it as an iso23:26
santonioescott: So, what do you want me to do?23:26
QuackQuackerburn the image23:26
Dr_AzilWill come back with you in a sec23:26
blzDr_Azil, do this:  http://windowsteamblog.com/windows/b/windowsexperience/archive/2009/04/13/burn-iso-images-natively-in-windows-7.aspx23:26
escottsantonio, what is the long term plan here?23:26
CaptAnonHello, How come kill does not work when I enter the PID? and also how to I bring a command to fg if it has been opened by another terminal?23:27
blzDr_Azil, do not do this:  http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/Burn-a-CD-or-DVD-in-Windows-Explorer23:27
netboy10Hello. Can someone tell me which version of lubuntu is LTS?23:27
Dr_AzilThat's what I didi xP23:27
santonioI clearly can't log in anymore since something is screwed up, so I just want to scp my files off of the drive and do a reinstall23:27
blznetboy10, google, bro23:27
santonioBut I can't access the files23:27
diegoHi, im having problem with my Brightness in ubunto 11.10, can anyone help?23:27
QuackQuackercaptanon did you use pkill23:27
Myrttinetboy10: AFAIK there is no official LTS release of Lubuntu yet23:27
ViaNocturnadiego, any chance ya got an Intel i5?23:27
netboy10Thank you23:28
magpiiI keep getting this message whenever i try loading the volume control applet ** (gnome-volume-control-applet:4669): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...23:28
CaptAnonQuackQuacker, nope what is that?23:28
magpiianyone help?23:28
escottCaptAnon, you can try a different kill signal, HUP usually works and cant be trapped. you should look into screen for migrating terminals23:28
blznetboy10, oh sorry... I ready "ubuntu" not "lubuntu".  apologies!23:28
ViaNocturnadiego, let me have a look, i know the answer, just a minute23:28
QuackQuackerCaptAnon im not sure if its on Ubuntu23:28
benbloomso i broke the cardinal rule of "if it aint broke don't fix it" and installed nvidia drivers for my multiple display desktop (it was working fine before btw) immediately lost all the nice desktop effects (transparency etc) and then when i uninstalled the drivers the problem persists. help! transparency is crucial to my configuration23:28
QuackQuackerUsage: pkill [-SIGNAL] [-fvx] [-n|-o] [-P PPIDLIST] [-g PGRPLIST] [-s SIDLIST]23:28
QuackQuackertry pkill in your terminal23:28
CaptAnonI just tried it, It did not work23:29
Dr_AzilThe problem is the file isn't a disc image23:29
escottsantonio, well you could scp the ciphertext and as long as you get the wrapped passphrase file you should be ok, but why don't we just try and fix the "i can't login" issue instead of fighting ecryptfs23:29
Dr_AzilI downloaded from the Ubuntu site. How do I have the file turned into a disc image?23:29
escottbenbloom, remove your /etc/X11/Xorg.conf23:29
santonioescott: How do you propose I do that? I can't log into any accounts which is why I'm on a LiveCD23:29
ExxonDr_Azil, did you use ftp, torrent23:29
Dr_AzilI just used my browser23:30
bcuraboygood evening23:30
escottsantonio, can you be more specific about not being able to login. you cannot login to the gui? or to a terminal?23:30
benbloomescott: do i have to restart the computer? or just kdm aftrer that?23:30
escottbenbloom, kdm should be enough23:30
santonioescott: Either. I type in the account name, tried all possible passwords, and can't log in23:30
CaptAnonok I got it, I put "kill -9 PID"23:30
bcuraboytell me something.if i'm using gnome-shell 3.2 why can't i install extensions for it?23:30
ExxonDr_Azil, never use the brower..it can be minipulated with the isp23:30
robin0800Dr_Azil: what's its extension?23:30
QuackQuackerCaptAnon good job23:30
santonioCan't log in through the default GNOME interface, or one of the available TTYs23:30
QuackQuackerhave a nice day23:31
escottsantonio, what message do you get?23:31
santonioJust authentication failed in GNOME, the TTYs gave me something about missing keys w.r.t. ecryptfs23:31
ExxonDr_Azil, you need the ftp..23:31
santonioGoogling the error message is what led me to the fstab editing thing23:31
santonioBut add the tmpfs mounting line to the top of the fstab file didn't do anything23:32
escottsantonio, well that would be problematic. if the base install system cant unwrap the keyfile we definitely arent going to be able to unwrap from the livecd23:32
robin0800Dr_Azil: what's its extension *.iso it should be23:32
CaptAnonThanks QuackQuacker23:32
escottdid you backup the unwrapped passphrase23:32
santonioescott: ?23:33
santonioUnwrapped passphrases being...?23:33
magpiii need help, my sound has just decided to stop working, can someone tell me how i create a log file?23:33
Dr_AzilThis is taking an awful lot more effort than when I last installed Ubuntu23:33
escott santonio, ecryptfs uses a long key to encrypt (longer than you can type), your password only unwraps (unencypts) a file that contains the keyfile. so its a log to a safe that has the key to the door23:34
ExxonDr_Azil, you need the ftp server of ubuntu             i will also give you that23:34
CaptAnonSo Dr_Azil  How is the burning the disc going?23:34
santonioAnd where would I find it? In the /media/disk/home/.ecryptfs directory?23:34
santonioBecause when I installed Ubuntu, I purposely chose not to encrypt anything and let the installer run its course so I didn't get any mount passphrases from it or whatnot23:35
Dr_AzilWhat I downloaded from the Ubuntu site isn't a disc image23:35
Dr_AzilIs there a way I can turn it into one?23:35
shahid_what have u downloaded Dr_Azil ?23:36
ExxonDr_Azil, what ubuntu distro are you trying to download23:36
escottsantonio, evidently something has gone wrong in that process, and your $HOME cannot be decrypted because keys are missing. when you installed it should have asked you to copy the file/write it down somewhere safe23:36
robin0800Dr_Azil: don't think so23:36
santonioI really don't want to lose all my data23:36
shahid_<Dr_Azil> you need to download the .ISO File23:37
Exxonmagpii,   alsamixer23:37
Dr_AzilNo idea how to tell all that, but I got it from here http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download23:37
escottsantonio, you can try some variant of ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase /home/username/.ecryptfs/wrapped-passphrase23:37
escottsantonio, so start looking for that wrapped-passphrase file23:38
Dr_AzilI just selected ubuntu 10.10 64bit and clicked download23:38
Dr_AzilThe finished download was zipped. I unzipped it and it gave me all the files.23:38
santonioI have the wrapped-passphrase file23:38
santonioYou asked for the unwrapped-passphrase file23:38
CaptAnonok Dr_Azil first off don't use 64bit23:38
escottsantonio, you need to unwrap that wrapped passphrase file. that will provide the encyption key which can be used to mount the rest23:39
CaptAnonI could not get it working ether same problem you are describing23:39
Dr_AzilI have a 64 bit machine23:39
CaptAnonMe too23:39
Dr_AzilI've installed this same thing onto this same computer once before though23:39
robin0800Dr_Azil: you don't need to unzip an iso file23:39
Dr_AzilAnd then it worked fine23:39
Dr_AzilOh :o23:39
ExxonDr_Azil,don't unzip it iso image burn to cd , and simply boot it23:39
shahid_burn it using brasero as an image file23:40
Exxonshahid_, i simply use k3b i don't trust brasero23:41
magpiihow do i get alsamixer?23:41
escottsantonio, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedHome gives more info specific to the encrypted home. your keyring is in /home/.ecryptfs and your data is in $HOME/.Private according to this23:41
ViaNocturnamagpii, open a terminal and type alsamixer23:41
shahid_Exxon k3b is a great app, but i've never had any probs using brasero on a low speed burn at perhaps 4 x23:42
magpiiok, i got that up, now what?23:42
santonioI can't seem to unwrap it23:42
santonioI don't know why23:42
Exxonshahid_,  no regrets.. :))23:42
santonioI tried all my passphrase combinations =/23:42
Dr_AzilOH! :D23:42
Dr_AzilMy cigarettes have arrived. Be right back23:42
escottsantonio, if you cannot unwrap then your data is lost23:42
ViaNocturnamagpii, how do the controls look?23:43
TetracommIs anyone aware of the problem that causes sound to turn off when you mute it and you can't turn it back on when I try to unmute it?23:43
santonioescott: Do you know why I can't log in to begin with?23:43
sn00pHOw can I change my video driver in ubuntu?23:43
sn00pis that a gui for it?23:43
TetracommI need sound back23:43
escottsantonio, you can backup what you currently have just make sure to backup everything under /home including that .ecryptfs folder. maybe the correct passphrase for your wrapped-passphrase will come to you later23:43
CaptAnonI don't know if you can change drivers but there is a gui for putting it on23:44
ViaNocturnaTetracomm, no, it doesnt come back after a restart either?23:44
escottsantonio, perhaps its just a really unlucky disk corruption?23:44
magpiimaster front is showing green white and red full bar, same with headphone pcm and front, front mic is empty as well as mic23:44
Exxonsn00p, before you change some thing in the xorg please back up the xorg..23:44
santonioescott: I seriously hope that's not the case23:44
santonioI really really need this data23:45
ViaNocturnamagpii, did this occur after muting aswell?23:45
santonioIt has all my assignments and such on it =/23:45
TetracommViaNocturna: No, it doesn't.23:45
sn00pExxon, right now i'm only working at 800x600 but when I change 1024Xsomething 4:3 it doesn't like it and monitor keeps blanking23:45
CaptAnonsn00p,  use the program additional drivers23:45
sn00pCaptAnon, where do I find them at23:45
CaptAnondo you have gnome do?23:46
CaptAnonor unity23:46
sn00pubuntu 11.1023:46
Exxonsn00p, CaptAnon is right..follow the instructions..23:46
CaptAnonjust type it into gnome do23:46
TetracommThis is Ubuntu 11.1023:46
magpiithere is no volume control on the panel, when i try opening sound in preferences, it gives a message "waiting for sound system to respond", and does nothing, i cannot use the fn keys to raise lower or mute sound either23:46
escottsantonio, since your issue is only with the ability to login and not with the actual install, you can chroot in and create a new user23:47
santonioHow do I do that?23:47
escottsantonio, and that way leave your current system untouched23:47
escottsantonio, in the livecd sudo -i23:47
ViaNocturnaTetracomm, and magpii, can you try this link? http://dharmendralinuxdiary.blogspot.com/2011/10/ubuntu-1110-sound-problem.html23:47
escottsantonio, then chroot /media/disk /bin/bash23:47
magpiiI have been to here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting and gone through all the steps and still nothing, even though my sound card is clearly there23:48
CaptAnonHow is it going for you sn00p ?23:48
ViaNocturnamagpii, well the link i sent seems to be in response to a few people encountering sound issues on Ubuntu 11.1023:48
magpiii will try the steps in your link, brb23:49
sn00pCaptAnon, what do mean type it into gnome?23:49
_katja_Q. why does it take over a second to cat something from /proc/acpi/battery ?23:49
CaptAnonThere is a program called gnome do23:49
gzyHave a funny situation. I have a partition with the ubuntu installer and apart from that some garbage on the disk. i almost installed grub, so i'm getting a grub rescue prompt23:49
CaptAnonI find its the easyest wayt to find things.23:49
gzycan i make it boot the ubuntu installer image?23:49
Exxonmagpii, lspci -v paste the output to paste bin23:49
trinimosesHELP !!!!!!!!23:49
sn00pwhat does that  have to do with my drivers23:49
trinimosesmy ubuntu box i shutdown to do some work on the ups23:50
trinimosesand now my netconnection is not working23:50
santonioescott: Now just run useradd?23:50
Exxon_katja_, that's normal23:50
escottsantonio, you probably want to use adduser, not familiar with its invocation, was trying to look it up. make sure this user is in the admin group23:51
_katja_Exxon: i figure that, i'm just wondering what the underlying reason is23:51
escottsantonio, http://www.debian-administration.org/articles/223:51
magpiiexxon- which output?23:51
colloquialismicherro fellow fanbois23:51
santonioescott: Will I be able to access my home directory from the new admin account then?23:51
_katja_Exxon: cat'ing from the ac_adapter takes around 4ms like anything else23:51
escottsantonio, although that tells you the old way23:51
escottsantonio, no23:51
trinimosesk.. i hve check my /etc/network/interfaces and the settings seem right..23:52
trinimoseseven check the resolv.conf and they all seem right23:52
Exxon_katja_, i rally hate giving bad news to people ..my nature..23:52
santonioThis is exactly why I didn't want home encryption =_=23:52
colloquialismici would like to ask a question. i have recently installed wireshark and all dependencies (sudo aptitude install build-essential automake autoconf libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev libpcap0.8-dev flex bison) on ubuntu 10.04. i have selected "list the available capture interfaces." however, there are 0 listed interfaces. odd,23:53
ViaNocturnacolloquialismic, are you running it with sudo?23:53
colloquialismichow do i run an application as root?23:53
ViaNocturnasudo <name of app>23:53
magpiiok, here is the output for lspci -v http://codepad.org/f6NE7Ulb23:53
Exxoncolloquialismic, sudo -s23:54
santonioI think I'll go cry in a corner now23:54
santonioThanks anyways escott23:54
colloquialismicthere we go :)23:54
_katja_Exxon: it's really not bad news at all, just curious. :) Somewhere along the line is ACPI interfacing with some onboard device that has to take readings and average them over nearly a second or?23:54
colloquialismici'm silly ha23:54
ViaNocturnai thought wireshark was in the repos?23:54
colloquialismicthank you Exxon and ViaNocturna23:54
colloquialismicit is...23:54
colloquialismicwhich is why i found this weird23:54
escottsantonio, sorry. goodluck, and develop a backup plan. if the encryption doesn't bit you a disk failure will23:55
Exxon_katja_, so what the conclusion..23:55
santonioescott: Can't I just reset the password of my account and try to log in that way?23:55
escottsantonio, no because the new password wont be in the keyring for the ecryptfs partition23:55
diegoHi, i cant change my Ubuntu 11.10 brightness. Can anyone help?23:56
ViaNocturnadiego, did it not work?23:56
simon__got to go23:56
_katja_Exxon: i think the conclusion is that i want to go read some more about how ACPI works :)23:56
chz|bacondiego: which laptop do you have?23:57
magpii@ViaNocturna I have run the command in the link you gave, I now have sound through my earphone outlet, but the volume control isnt working, and the fn volume on my keyboard only shows the gui volume control working but makes no difference to the sound volume lol23:57
_katja_thanks :)23:57
Exxondiego, http://wilmor24.wordpress.com/2010/05/11/change-screen-brightness-from-terminal-ubuntu-10-04/23:57
gbear14275If I install the chrome.deb package from the chrome site... will it automatically upgrade with new releases (aka, does install repository info?)23:58
xanguagbear14275: yes23:58
gbear14275xangua, thanks23:58
escottgbear14275, no use chromium-browser23:58
chz|baconyeah gbear1427523:58
xanguagbear14275: it adds google's deb repository23:58
rubyplusplusI have sometimes had to run sudo apt-get -f install after installing chrome23:58
sharpKis it a bad idea to install new drivers (linux) from nvidia for your card?23:58
ViaNocturnamagpii, right ok, give me one moment23:59
xanguagbear14275: there is also chromium browser, it's opensource and is already on the ubuntu repository23:59
rubyplusplusWhy chromium instead of chrome?23:59
gbear14275escott, I'm running into a problem with an unclickable flash settings window... haven't been able to resolve so looking for either a better qa'ed version or something newer.   Was going to install the -dev ppa for chromium and then use chrome when I need something more stable23:59
Exxongbear14275, did yo check for ubuntu rep..23:59
colloquialismicdoes anyone know of an easy way to setup an irc bouncer?23:59
almoxarifesharpK: no, done right23:59
colloquialismicthru ubuntu23:59

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