
m_3crazy how many times I write config-git instead of config-get... need a new vim alias00:31
SpamapSbtw, charm-tools is in precise now, woot. :)00:51
m_3negronjl: ping01:04
negronjlm_3: pong01:05
m_3hey man01:05
negronjlm_3: what's happening01:05
m_3ok, so I finally got a bunch of node apps in front of mongo01:05
m_3adding extra mongo nodes winds up with _everything_ bound to the last mongo node that comes up01:06
negronjlm_3: hmm ...01:06
m_3I guess it's re-firing relation hooks... which it should01:06
m_3but how can you tell that the last node up isn't what you wanna bind to?01:07
negronjlm_3:  your app should connect to the output of relation-list01:07
negronjlm_3: not the output of relation-get <>01:07
m_3replset isn't enough info along01:07
m_3so pull the whole set at once01:07
negronjlm_3:  the mongo driver takes care of the rest ... just pass all of the mongodb nodes to your app01:08
negronjlm_3:  which app did you use ( a charm ? ) if so, which one so I can re-create01:08
m_3but it's gotta put it into facter or something to get all the ip addrs... otherwise I just get names01:08
negronjlm_3: names is fine01:08
m_3sorry, 'relation' names, not dns01:08
negronjlm_3:  can you email me the description of your test so I can re-create and try to fix what I can ?01:09
m_3it's just hitting one db instance at a time... I can refactor that01:09
m_3but it'll prob need something like facter01:09
m_3no biggie01:09
negronjlm_3:  let me try and recreate and I'll report back.01:09
m_3what are you using to test the frontend?01:09
negronjlm_3: ^^01:09
m_3a charm? or just an external app?01:10
negronjlm_3: manual testing using javascript ( mongo has a javascript interface )01:10
negronjlm_3:  Let me create a simple web-app that is DB intensive and I'll get back to you to test and such01:10
m_3gotcha... ok, well I'll just plan on refactoring the app01:10
negronjlm_3:  cool .. the more tests ( and diff. kinds of test ) the better.01:11
m_3I didn't get the replicated data when hitting the last node joining though... but there're too many things that went wrong with the test to say so reliably :)01:11
negronjlm_3:  no worries ... I'll try and make a better test01:12
m_3there's an outdated blog post about the app itself http://markmims.com/cloud/2011/09/07/node-mongo-ubuntu.html01:12
m_3might explain the app quickly01:12
negronjlm_3: I am thinking of combining a test of mapreduce and take the output and put it into mongo or, do a mapreduce job within mongo itself to test.01:12
m_3simple though01:12
m_3cool, yeah two birds with one stone01:13
negronjlm_3:  exactly :)01:13
m_3ok, maybe half dozen birds with one stone01:13
negronjlm_3: I hope :)01:13
negronjlm_3:  gotta jet out for a bit.  email me if you have anything else01:13
m_3later man... emailing stack script now01:13
negronjlm_3:  cool .. thx01:13
negronjlm_3: ping01:35
m_3negronjl: ^01:53
* m_3 dinner bell01:59
george_eI'm reading this page: https://juju.ubuntu.com/docs/getting-started.html05:33
george_e...and it mentions something about control-bucket and admin-secret in environments.yaml.05:33
george_eWhat are those two fields and what do they mean?05:33
* SpamapS is on his way to give a juju presentation to the ventura county linux users group :)18:39
marcoceppiSpamapS: good luck!18:39
george_eIn environments.yaml, if the key 'default' is missing, which deploy environment is chosen as the default? The first?22:54
marcoceppigeorge_e: I believe so23:09
marcoceppiEither that or it throws an error23:09
george_eAh, okay.23:10
marcoceppigeorge_e: http://paste.ubuntu.com/758722/23:11
george_eAh, thanks.23:11

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