
almoxarifethe lightdm login screen needs to be updated, I am guessing someone figured it out?00:23
FernandoMiguelno art work yet00:26
FernandoMiguelso says 11.10 lol00:26
FernandoMiguelI was tripped by it once LOL00:26
almoxarifeI thought I have just installed 11.10 for a sec00:26
PiciI believe I saw a bug about that on the iso tracker00:27
almoxarifeI don't see the network but I am not sure if it's the os or the vm00:33
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anadonI'm having major problems with 12.04 and getting it to a GUI04:07
anadonit kinda looks like the video driver is gone...04:12
treskHi, how can I install the Precise Kernel in Oneiric (power consumption problems)06:28
treskSince I installed the mainline 3.2rc4 kernel my WiFI isn't working anymore. I would like to help fixing this but how can I contact the Precise kernel devs?06:36
iceroottresk: also hapenning on the ubuntu-kernel?07:08
iceroottresk: if so, use "ubuntu-bug linux" if not, use the Linux Kernel Mailing List07:08
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BluesKajHiyas all13:01
gnomefreakare we in a freeze? for the last few weeks/month i have only been getting updates from PPAs anyone else seeing this?13:09
gnomefreaksince the start of UDS iirc13:10
gnomefreakhi BluesKaj13:10
gnomefreakwell shit i dont have the repos13:12
jtayloralpha soft freeze was shortly but I think its over13:13
gnomefreakjtaylor: i dont have any of the repos except partner for some reason i had them before UDS but it seems they are gone13:14
gnomefreakchromium nighties havent been updated for 12.04 :(13:21
edgyI installed precise and expected to find calligra-suite, any one knows when it would be available?13:29
BluesKajHi gnomefreak13:30
yofeledgy: soon I hope13:32
gnomefreakedgy: its not installed yet.13:33
* gnomefreak not even sure what it is. 13:33
yofelkoffice successor13:33
gnomefreakok im out. have games to play :)13:34
yofelheh, have fun ^^13:34
=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj-busy
penguin42hmm now which of these two to PP-a1 first....13:48
* penguin42 does the do-release-upgrade -d dance13:53
=== BluesKaj-busy is now known as BluesKaj
penguin42hmm, always the way on this one - another 600MB of free space required14:24
jtaylorlvextend /dev... -L+1G :)14:35
penguin42not on this one unfortunately14:36
penguin42right, that's better - 2.5G free14:37
* yofel wonders why you don't see the output from dkms anymore on a kernel update14:47
penguin42you still using dkms'd modules?14:47
yofelwell, nvidia14:47
yofeland tp-smapi14:48
penguin42what's that?14:48
yofelupdated thinkpad modules14:48
edgyany update on the hybrid graphics support?15:11
edgywonder till when so many crucial vendors ignores linux15:12
htorquehi all! ia32-libs-multiarch:i386 has been kept back for a couple of weeks now - are you seeing this too or is my system screwed up? :)15:20
edgyhtorque: I haven't installed it but can you remind me why we still need it?15:30
BluesKajhtorque, if multiarch support is installed then you probly won't be needing it15:33
BluesKajia32 that is15:33
htorqueBluesKaj: i have wine1.3 and google-earth installed. they depend on ia32-libs, which seems to depend on ia32-libs-multiarch15:37
htorqueedgy: afaik it's a package that depends on the i386 versions of the packages that were removed from ia32-libs. so if an old application depends on the new ia32-libs, those libs get still installed via that ia32-libs-multiarch package.15:39
htorquei want 64-bit wine, flash, adobe reader, and google earth. problem solved. :P15:40
BluesKajhtorque, multiarch-support is supposed to make ia32-libs redundant , afaik and apps like google-earth which used to need ia32 should run without ia32..but it's somewhat confusing to me too since I can't get google earth to run15:56
penguin42righty, this machine is now on PP16:02
BluesKajhtorque, which google earth version are you running?16:04
htorquei'm not exactly sure. installed it a couple of months ago after trying tons of packages that failed to install or run.16:05
htorqueBluesKaj: it's likely from this ppa http://www.ubuntuupdates.org/ppas/8016:07
htorquesame version string, works fine in pp amd64 with intel graphics.16:07
BluesKajhtorque, ok thanks , I'll give that one a try ... haven't had any luck with google -earth since 11.04 , altho google-maps is a good substitute , I'd still like to have GE ./16:11
* penguin42 finds himself issuing the command locate earth16:21
* FernandoMiguel stares at penguin4216:29
* penguin42 stares back16:29
penguin42yeh, ia32-libs won't install and the current google-earth package won't install16:32
htorqueso i can stop installing pp in virtualbox? :P16:32
htorquethanks anyways :)16:32
johnjohn101when will unity changes be coming into this release and will we be notified?16:39
penguin42odd, anyone have on the 'battery icon' button on the panel at the top a 'show time on menu bar' option?16:46
BluesKajpenguin42, yup, depenedency hell for me since I'm on a 64 bit system here ...google-maps ftw in my case :)16:46
penguin42BluesKaj: So I can see for example liborc won't install its 32bit version without nuking the 64bit stuff, but I don't know if that's liborc's fault or not16:47
yofelhaven't tried to install g-e, but I can't install wine:16:47
yofel wine : Depends: wine1.3 but it is not going to be installed16:47
yofel        Depends: ia32-libs (>= 1.6) but it is not going to be installed16:47
htorqueseems i was lucky with my upgrade from oneiric :P16:48
penguin42yofel: Yeh, I'm seeing ia32-libs -> ia32-libs-multiarch->gstreamer0.10-plugins-base:i386->liborc-0.4-0:i386 (and a load of other things)16:49
BluesKajpenguin42, I don't expect google or adobe or any of these co, that offer 32 bit versions in a 64 bit wrapper to change their habits until forced to16:49
penguin42BluesKaj: It's not their problem - it's an ubuntu bug16:49
BluesKajpenguin42, are you sure ?16:50
yofeland we already have 64bit flash in partner, so take that off the list16:50
htorquebut that performs rather crappy on many systems16:50
yofelworks prefectly fine here16:50
BluesKajyofel, yeah , I guess flash works ok , except that the audio still needs pulse to work on some systems ,  but that's a different kettle of fish16:51
penguin42yofel: So is this a bug in liborc or in something like apt?16:51
yofelpenguin42: in liborc - it's not multiarch16:54
penguin42ah ok16:54
penguin42yofel: OK, I'll file one on it16:54
penguin42bug 89965017:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 899650 in Ubuntu "liborc-0.4-0 not allowing multiarch install" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/89965017:01
penguin42right, main machine upgrading17:28
edgy_I am using oneiric and installed precise in a kvm but can't use qxl for the display, is it a bug in oneiric or pp?17:53
penguin42edgy_: Oneiric's kvm doesn't have the spice set up for display17:53
penguin42or should I say it's qemu-kvm17:54
edgy_penguin42: nice I found someone who understand the problem ;) can I upgrade it somewho from a ppa to support spice17:54
penguin42edgy_: I think there was one, not tried it though17:55
penguin42edgy_: I *think* it was this one: https://code.launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/ubuntu/precise/qemu-linaro/merge-spice17:57
edgy_penguin42: qemu-linaro? is this qemu-kvm?17:59
penguin42oh hang on, that's not the ppa17:59
penguin42edgy_: I think https://launchpad.net/~serge-hallyn/+archive/spice218:01
edgy_penguin42: beside spice it's written there is a newer version available, what's this?18:03
penguin42ah, I'm not sure what the relationship is between the versions18:04
edgy_penguin42: spice 0.8.1-0ubuntu3 (Newer version available)18:04
edgy_penguin42: the link refers me to another page18:04
edgy_also in my system: I have qemu-kvm                 0.14.1+noroms-0ubuntu6 where on the link you provide qemu-kvm-spice 0.14.0+noroms-0ubuntu818:05
edgy_is it really newer than the one in oneiric?18:06
penguin42edgy_: I think it means he created that before some other updates in oneiric; so it may not be newer but may have stuff enabled18:06
edgy_penguin42: I got your point, let me try ...18:07
edgy_penguin42: I installed qemu-kvm-spice           0.14.0+noroms-0ubuntu8 and launched virt-manager and chose qxl for the display but got black screen18:17
edgy_I think I am missing something obvious,  netstat shows tcp        0      0         ESTABLISHED 28416/kvm18:17
edgy_penguin42: may be I shall install from https://launchpad.net/~bderzhavets/+archive/spice91 ?18:23
penguin42edgy: Not sure, I just rememberd that Sergey had been looking at it18:45
edgy_I tried now to launch kvm -m 2048 -vga qxl my.img and I got kubuntu login screen and put my passowrd but it quickly logged off again!18:45
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* penguin42 giggles - KDE's package updater is saying for my desktop 'It is safer to plug in the power adapter before updating'19:37
AmpelbeinIf you unplug the power adapter you can't update, which means your packages could have security issues... So it's correct - in a certain way.19:39
penguin42hmm, that fooled me - on update my virtual networks weren't started19:49
penguin42hmm, on precise there is a qemu-kvm-spice but I can't quite see how to persuade libvirt to use it19:54
penguin42yofel: Have you got an odd notification in KDE?  I've got a thing listed as 'jobs' and a line of boxes in it - I can stop it but it's not clear to me what it is or how to find out21:56
yofelhaven't seen that yet21:57
penguin42ohoh - radeon error - oneiric had been pleasently free of those23:28

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